Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Dutch Bishop Puts Hammer Down on False Ecumenism

Edit: as usual Father Gero Weishaupt is a great source for things happening in the old country.  He presents the following story about a priest being disciplined for liturgical abuses with a just penalty and the cancellation of an Ecumenical service involving "intercommunion".

Not Ecumenism in Feeling, But in Faith

(kathnews)  's-Hertogenbosch (NL).  In an open letter to the parish communities of the Dutch villages of Someren and Lierp, to which belong the Diocese's-Hertogenbosch laying in the Province of Brabant, the Diocesan Vicar General has taken a position on the importance and the manner ecumenical celebrations should take.  The Bishop reacted to it immediately and spoke out in a letter to the Pastor of serious Liturgical abuses and offenses against Ecumenism in its Catholic sense.  The Pastor concerned was informed of penal consequences.  After that the Pastor cancelled the event.  Many parish members showed a lack of understanding of the manner of the Bishop's proceeding.

Letter of the General Vicar

Now the General Vicar of the Diocese, Dr. R van de Hout, briefly laid out the position of the Catholic

Church on Ecumenism in a letter.  Here is the basic text of the letter in an English translation:

"Dear parishioners of Someren and Lierop and all interested believers elsewhere in the diocese!"

 Concern for the catholicity of the parishes in the diocese 

From the reactions of many of them it is clear that it will be difficult to understand why the bishop at a recently proposed ecumenical ceremony in Someren and Lierop must intervene. The confusion seemed to be still larger basis of statements of the Pastor, the non-Catholic minister and the parish council of Lierop, in which, according to the Bishop was accused illicit action. The Bishop must awaken people to the Catholic faith and take care that the Catholic parishes in his diocese to remain in communion with the universal Church. Only then can our faith and the Church have their importance to the people and their happiness.

 Commonality and Boundaries

The Catholic Church promotes ecumenical contacts with Protestant communities. We need to get to know one another, to develop active common social ties. Together we can listen to God's Word and pray together. But it is not permissible to celebrate the Eucharist / Communion. This prohibition has been repeated by the Pope, but always by the Dutch bishops as well.

Different faith 

Why such celebrations are unlawful? Because Supper and Eucharist, although reference is made to both the creation and the command of the Lord, are not the same. The Roman Catholic Church believes that in the Eucharist the sacrifice of Christ is sacramentally preset at the cross and that the bread and wine are transformed and really substantial in the Body and Blood of Christ. The Eucharist is - in the words of the Second Vatican Council - the source and summit of ecclesial life. According to the Catholic view, only a valid ordained priest transform the Eucharist. Protestants have no validly ordained priests. Protestants do not believe in the real transformation of bread and wine and have a more symbolic understanding of this sacrament. [It can't be a sacrament at all, actually] That is the reason why the Church does not allow a joint celebration. The Church also prohibits that non-Catholics receive the Eucharistic Communion or that Catholics participate in Protestant communion. Thus confusion is with regard to this sacrament, for us Catholics, the heart of the faith, to be avoided. 

Harmful to Unity

Superficial ecumenical acts like the common celebration of the Eucharist / Communion Service are harmful to the unity and don't bring ecumenism even a step further. On the contrary, the unity is only then no unity in the faith, but a unity in feeling. It's about discovering that we as a church or religious community and not as a single parish or community through common reflection, discussion and study to learn what the Lord wanted it with his church and with his sacrament of unity.

 Prayer for Unity

 Meanwhile, we pray in the parishes and communities for the assistance of the Holy Spirit. He alone can bring about real unity step by step. Moreover, ecumenism is much wider than the unity between the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant ecclesial communities. It also relates to our relationship with the Orthodox Churches of the East. ... "(Translation: Gero P. Weishaupt)

What does canon law say?

Concelebrated (intercelebration) with ministers of ecclesial communities which are not in full communion with the Catholic Church, according to canon law, one of the very serious offenses in the sacramental-liturgical field, the - is treated by the Glaubenkongreation (see - such as sexual abuse of minors . Liturgical Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum, No. 172 c).

The Code of the Catholic Church (CIC/1983) reads:

 "Catholic priests are forbidden, together with priests or ministers of Churches or ecclesial communities which are not in full communion with the Catholic Church to concelebrate the Eucharist"

(Canon 908). "Who is guilty of illicitly worshiping in community is to be punished with a just penalty"

(Canon 1365). By law, the bishop or the professor for sanctioning. In the diocese of 's-Hertogenbosch, the bishop could refrain from sanctioning because the responsible minister had taken after a canonical warning from his plan distance.

Link to kathnews... 

Bildquelle: nl.wikipedia.org, user Karrow

Ahh, The Creatures of Vatican II, What Music They Make

Edit: Father Ladislas Orsy is a Jesuit who teaches Canon Law at Georgetown University, who declared a legitimate excommunication of a dissident nun "null and void".  He must be a Cardinal, or a vampire in peccatore, because that doesn't seem possible.   She was previously excommunicated by Bishop Olmestead for cooperating in the sin of abortion.

Here he is for 'America Magazine', enthusiastically talking about the "faith tsunami" which swept and shook the world, leaving thousands of churches, religious orders and countries completely devoid of Catholic belief and practice.  Ironically, he finishes with a diversion on St. Francis of Assisi.  He built things, he didn't blow them away, or suck their blood.

Photo of the great Bella Lugosi stolen from Nate's non-sense...

Speaking of heresy, Bishop Trautman's reign has been brought to a definitive close today in Erie Penssylvania as a new Bishop, Lawrence T. Persico, is brought in.  Catholic Snooze Network thinks Erie is "thrilled" with him, but we're not sure why.  Although he is a canon lawyer, and has shown interest in handling "sex abuse", we don't know much about him.

On commenter posts an appropriate youtube farewell dedication for the Bishop Emeritus of Erie:

In the Big Cities in Europe, the Churches Are Empty

Philippe Cardinal Barbarin
Philippe Kardinal Barbarin
© JaHoVil, Flickr, CC-BY-SA

A French magazine is concerned that a French Cardinal has been ungently awakened from the Conciliar madness.

(kreuz.net) On the 27th of September Philippe Cardinal Barbarin of Lyon was suddenly seized by an attack of Conciliar derangement for the magazine 'Paris Match'.

Inner-Church Civil War

When he was asked for a summation of the Second Vatican Council, the Neoconservative Prelate fell into a delirium:

"This renewal was really necessary:  the Liturgy, the inclusion of the laity, the life and the role of priests  and Bishops, our method of working together -- that has deeply transformed everything."

Or:  "The Council had also asked, for the unity of Chrisians and to work for dialog with other religions -- which demanded progress for this."

Everyone Reads and Follows the Bible

The Catholics are to have finally found a taste for the Word of God -- mythologized the Cardinal.

"The Bible appeared to them not long ago as something not comprehensible:  now it's open for all and has awakened our faith."

The Caning 

A well earned caning is followed by the boot:

"Are you avoiding the  Cardinal Martini's testament, for the Church has fallen behind two hundred years" -- said 'Paris Match' said to the exultant Cardinal, trying to draw him back to the Old Liberal reality.

He then quickly noted that he is to have conferred extensively with Cardinal Martini at the Conclave in 2005:

"He spoke to me for a long time about the Church and the Vatican."

And: "He had wished that the Church would awake."

Carinal Barbarin continued: "In Milan and in our large cities, Europe's churches are empty."

What?  Is that the result of the Second Vatican Council?

Link to kreuz.net...

Monday, October 1, 2012

These Politics Will Lead Unavoidably to the Social Downfall

To the Bitter End

We will experience a Europe which will be under dictatorial rule -- and the Democratic politicians will explain to us that there are no alternatives.
(kreuz.net)  "How does it work like this that the political class will attempt to save the Euro down to the bitter end."

Albrecht Schachtschneider (72) said this in an interview, which was highly praised by users of 'Epochenwechsel'.

Soon, Germany Will be there

The desire is -- says Schachtschneider -- with the Euro and saving the Euro "to force the cause of the European state."

The constitutional lawyer insists that this political maneuver will lead "unavoidably to the  economic decline of all peoples":

"In the south it is already clearly detectable:  The recession and deflation -- and eventually then inflation."

And:  "That effects France also more and more and will soon draw Germany into the abyss."

The German must deliver the state of its assets

Schachtschneider predicts a climb in interest for Germany:  "The debt will become unserviceable in Germany."

He sees "fatal consequences" for everyone:  "One will make claims in every way of the citizens, to deliver up their assets."

It happens like this:  "The short term deposits in the region of two billion will be frozen by account blocks."

The immoveable assets will be seized by a forced loan.

Gold will be confiscated:  "There will be a ban on trading gold."

Schachtschneider recalled then that the private assets of the German people's assets have already been exhausted by incoming obligations.

It might be taken by the state only in title.

Rebellions will be put down

The past bankruptcy politics will in Schachtschneider's estimation result in a serious political crisis:  "The population may possibly rebel."

Actually: "This rebellion will be put down with all the resources and probably by foreign police power.  The troops have already been prepared."

The constitutional attorney expressed the foreseeable:  "We will experience a Europe, that will be despotic, i.e. dictatorially ruled."

Link to original...

Two German Bishops Resign

Bischof Joachim Wanke
© Th1979, Wikipedia, CC
One official resignation after the other followed unexpectedly -- by reason of a "labile health situation". German Catholics should not expect reforming Bishops to be appointed by the current pontificate.

(kreuz.net)  Today Pope Benedict XVI has accepted the resignation of two German Bishops.

As of today Bishop Joachim Wanke (71) and Bishop Wilhelm Schraml (77) of Passau are on leave.

Because of poor health

Msgr. Wanke resigned his office by reason of Canon Law 401 § 2

In this case a resignation follows by reason of poor health or another serious reason.

The Bishop resigned in the former case because of a "labile health situation".

The diocese of Erfurt will be immediately directed by a provisional Diocesan Administrator.

Msgr. Wanke was first established as Bishop of Erfurt in 1994. Previously he was an Auxiliary Bishop as the former Apostolic Administrator of Erfurt-Meinigen.

Resignation because of Age

Bishop Schraml had already reached his age of resignation by 2010 -- at the completion of his 75th birthday.

Msgr Schraml was a priest of the Diocese of Regensburg. In 1996 he was named by Pope John Paul II as the Auxiliary Bishop of Regensburg.

By 2001 till today he was Bishop of Passau.

Link to kreuz.net...

Sunday, September 30, 2012

US Catholic Media Distorts German State-tax Situation

Catholic Media at Work
Edit:  While a lot of Americans now understand that the German Church-tax is a system which essentially compels German Catholics to pay their Church tithes from their income tax at 8% thanks to the Catholic media, that's where their understanding pretty much ends.

This coverage in the American Catholic media on the German news is generally unsatisfactory.  Whether James Akin is trying to cover for Cardinal Schonborn, or what not.  In the current furor over the German Church-tax, predictably, Catholic media has sided exclusively with the German Bishops, while ignoring the actual condition of the German Catholic World, which has sunk very low indeed. It's almost as if they don't want American Catholics to draw obvious parallels between the corrupt bureaucracies which dominate both churches.

It's therefore tragic that we have to go to the usually unreliable American secular press to get a clearer picture of what's going on.  This was the case with 'International Business Times', which described the Bishops' Decree as, "Pay up or Die Without Absolution", which is what it is if you bother to read the Decree, which Father Boyle admits he has not.  We were the first, and only American news commenter, to report on this issue and we did so by simply translating the story from the German District of the SSPX, which describing the deplorable situation in very clinical terms indeed.

We also noted that the German Bishops had made no mention of refusing the Sacraments to the numerous dissidents employed in Catholic Counseling Services recommending abortion services, for example, in parishes or on University Faculties simply teaming with non-conformist intellectuals who are capable of doing everything but teaching the Catholic Faith.

To read articles by James Akin or Father John Boyle, you would think that the German Bishops are simply tightening up the reigns and drawing Catholics to greater fidelity.  Actually, most Germans leaving the Church aren't concerned in the slightest about whether or not they are excommunicated, but there are many Catholics who are faithful to the Church's teachings, so faithful in fact, that they have no desire to be a material contributor to Diocesan programs and efforts which they can't in good conscience support.

While Father Boyle does acknowledge that opting out of the Catholic Church as a "body of legal right", can be dealt with as a case by case basis, not all German Bishops are concerned by the moral reservations of many faithful Catholics.

This was the case with a German canonist, Doctor Harmut Zapp who recently won a legal case against the Diocese of Freiburg headed by the head of the German Bishops' Conference Archbishop Zollitsch (One of German's most dissident and disobedient Old Liberal Bishops). The ruling was inaccurately reported by First Things as a victory for the Archdiocese.  This was not the case as the German Court ruled in favor of the good Catholic Doctor Zapp, whom First Things described as a "tax dodger" or a man of low integrity.

While these sorts of inaccuracies aren't necessarily the result of bad will, they are frequent and persistent enough where it becomes easier to accuse those harboring them persistently without recantation or apologies, of being a very bad set of characters indeed.

Let's not assume, as the Catholic media USA does, that the German Bishops aren't the problematic, often encouraging heresy and disobedience to Rome, while continuing projects harmful to their flocks and harboring enemies of the Church at the expense of the laity who support it with their blood, sweat and tears.  Germans work hard, but they also want to see their money spent well.

There was one ray of light, however, on Father Boyle's blog, where a commenter brought up the point we've been trying to make that faithful Catholics shouldn't be forced under threat of excommunication to support anti-Catholic policies and individuals.  As noted above this situation has obvious parallels in how the USCCB has been working with CCHD and CHS to promote programs and individuals not only working contrary to Catholic belief, but often hostile to it.  While our own situation in the USA has improved slightly,  let's hope that with the help of faithful Catholics everywhere, a stop can be put to this horrible misappropriation of spiritual and financial capital.

Photo credit, thanks.

Legal Complaint: Organ Donors Aren't Even Dead Before They're Chopped UP

Edit: the Church has expressed reservations about this, as on Lifesite News.  This story is terribly gruesome, and it's hard to believe that anyone could suspend their disgust and horror long enough to contemplate doing something like this, no matter how much money he was being paid.

Patrick McMahon (50) is a former employee of the organization 'New York Organ Donor Network', which manages organ transplants.

On Tuesday he arrived in a court in Manhattan and filed suit against the organization.  This was reported in "New York Post" on September 26th.

McMahon's accusation:  The organization is supposed to have been put under massive pressure to prematurely pronounce patients as "brain dead", in order to take out their organs.

The organization has also trained hospital employees in the tactics of conferring with relatives to facilitate the organ donations.

Diagnosis over the telephone

McMahon gave some examples:

In Septemer 2011 the New York Clinic at Nassau University Medical Center designated a boy of 19 as an organ donor although he was still trying to breathe and still had brain activity.

Michael Goldstein -- the medical director of 'New York Organ Donor Network' -- had become involved in the case on the telephone and shouted: "This boy is dead, do you understand that?"

McMahon was active in the US Airforce in Iraq and Afghanistan as a medical technician.  He explained:  "I have seen worse cases than this which were successfully operated on."  There were people with serious brain injuries and every possible kind of trauma which he was able to help save, and in some of the cases he's seen, they're being designated as donors.

Extortion of the next of kin

In any case there was a woman in St. Barnabas Hospital in the New York city portion, the Bronx, who was offered up.  She also showed life signs.

Actually, the employee of the 'New York Organ Donor Network' used the fact, that she had received a kidney a few years old, in order to extort her daughter."

Whoever protests is a troublemaker 

In October 2011 in Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn a man was dismembered although he had shown brain activity.

A month later McMahon saw, how a woman with an overdose was delivered to the Staten Island University Hospital,  received anesthesia before the removal of her organs, because he body flinched.

As McMahon protested, a colleague from 'New York Organ Donor Network' explained that he is a "uneducated troublemaker".

Every fifth

McMahon explained in his complaint that every fifth designated organ donor shows brain activity.

Lutheran Church Closed to Host Freemasonic Rituals

Edit: this is from the German district web-page on the historic meeting of Freemasons, for the first time taking place in a church.

[piusbruderschaft.de] Yesterday the main Protestant church in Hamburg, "St. Michealis Kirche", held a Freemasonic convent with ceremony.

Even though the "brothers" were strenuously advised that only limited press photos were allowed, one pius-info reader took some private photos.

Normally the church holds a Feastday protestant Liturgy, but clearly those responsible for church of St. Michaelis find the Freemasonic convent more important than their own community, which was in any case excluded from the event. (see photo)

It was the first time that such a Freemasonic ritual has taken place in a church in Germany.

The pius-info photography shows:  "The ceremony of light with the giving of the candles follows the ritual wall conducted with much tapping and clapping three times to greet the brothers from abroad,  alltogether very comical and middle-class, but deadly serious."

The following press release was to be read in the news "Die Welt":

1,500 Freemasons from all over the world conducted a solemn Masonic ritual in Hamburg's main church ST. Micehalis (Micheal).   It was the high point of the celebration of the 275 year existence of German Freemasons -- in Hamburg, the first Masonic Lodge, "Absalom zu den drei Nesseln" (Absolom of the three Nettles) was founded.

It was the first time that so large a meeting of Freemasons took place in a Church, and the first time that the press could be present on Saturday during this important event.  With this step, the Freemasons want to open themselves to more strongly to society.

(Die Welt, 9/29/12)
Interior of the Protestant church:  Everything is Adapted to the Masonic Ritual

Freemasonry has been condemned by the Church for centuries.

Link to piusbruderschaft.de...

1567 September 30th and 29th: Protestants Massacre Catholics in the Michelade

Edit: Like any other Revolutionary movement, Protestantism took up the sword to obtain its illegitimate supremacy wherever it came to power.  It is not remembered, conveniently, outside of France especially in discussions about St. Bartholomew's Day for which it served as a justification.

The Michelade is the name given to the massacre of 80-90 Catholics, including 24 Catholic priests and monks, by Protestant butchers in Nîmes and Languedoc on Michaelmas (29th and 30th of September) 1567, following their failure to abduct the king and queen mother in the so-called, Surprise of Meaux the previous day and in retaliation for the suppression of their Huguenot beliefs.  The name is taken after the feast on which the massacre occurred, after the Archangels.

The September 29, 1567 is the Feast of the Michelade, where a fair was held on the day of the Saint-Michel in Nîmes . Passing near the city, a Protestant merchant of vegetables was insulted by some soldiers and vegetables his trampled. This incident lead to a crowd of protestant peasants and soldiers training companies. Insults and threats were exchanged and turned this crowd into a riot.

The First Consul Guy Rochette, a Catholic, tried in vain to pacify the mob, and was forced to take refuge with Bishop Bernard Elbene. The vicar general and twenty of monks or clerics , were incarcerated. On September 30, 1567, they were kidnapped, killed and thrown into a well in the courtyard of the palace . Men working three centuries later,found the bodies that were piled up at the bottom of the well.

The Rioters also looted Catholic churches in the city, and attempted to demolish the tower of the cathedral by undermining its base. The First Consul stopped this. The Bishop escaped and went overnight at Tarascon , with a Protestant soldier, Jacques Coussinal.

Link to French wiki... H/t: Francisco de Marooned

News Bytes: Divorce Taught at Linz Seminary

Divorce in Linz Seminary -- The Comrades Want More Children's Blood -- Postnatal Multiple Abortion -- Now the Homosexual-Media Has its Revenge -- Not a Party of Idealists

Divorce in the Linz Seminary

Austria.  On the 2nd of October an event was propagated 'Pro Oriente -- Sektion Linz' in the dying Linz Seminary on Divorce.   This was reported by the Austrian Church-tax news agency 'kathpress'.  It is described as a "thought provocation"  from the scandalous and immoral praxis of separation by Orthodox schismatics.  These will wed adulterers without scruple.   As lecturers, two schismatics were invited:  Anargyros Anapliotis, Orthodox Canon Lawyer from Munich, and Sorin Bugner, Pastor of teh Romanian Orthodox community in Linz.

The Comrades Want the Blood of More Children

France.   The child slaughter will be financed next in France completely at the hospital.   The so-called Health Minister, Comrade Marisol Touraine, announced this.  The French President, Comrade Francis Holande, had made a campaign promise that he would approve the costs for killing children.   Till now 80 percent of abortions were already paid from the health fund.

Postnatal Multiple Abortions

Germany.  A 28 year old from Schleswig-Holstein has killed five new born babies since 2006.  This was reported by NS-journalist founded maganizine 'spiegel.de',  that the slaughter of children can be done to the day of birth.  The child murderer bore two of the murdered children at home and three in the woods and subsequently killed her children.  The criminal is married and has two living children (8.10).

Now the Homo-media Takes its Revenge

USA.  The US- Scouting organization "Boy Scouts"  is supposed to have covered hundreds of alleged cases of abuse.  This is what the abuse-media says.  In five hundred cases the organization is supposed to have ignored evidence. The news daily 'Los Angeles Times' has looked at over 1,600 confidential documents.  In 80 percent of the cases they are said to have ignored them.  The back ground for the witch hunt:  In July the organization had made it clear that they weren't going to accept any homosexually disturbed individuals,  from whom comes the greatest danger of abuse.

It's not a Party of Idealists

"The Greens are not a Party of idealists.  Their secret consists in this:  >>To create structured speech, that  permits the combination of the criticism of society with the use of its privileges.<<"

Comrade Manfred Gullner (71) -- founder and business leader of the 'Forsa-Meinungsforschungsinstitutes' during a lecture on the 1st of September in Duisburg.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Protestants Excommunicate Critics of Homosexuality

© Miebner, Wikipedia, CC
Who says that Protestants don't believe in anything any more?  Whoever doesn't agree with protestantic homosexual disorder may not come to the Lord's Supper.

(kreuz.net)  Ute Brause (51)  is the wife of the Protestant Preacher Gerald Brause.  He is active in Ossling and Grossgrabe in the Church district of Bautzen.  The couple has been married for 28 years.

Because of the decision of Saxony's Protestants allow homosexual couplings in their parish residences, Frau Brause left the Protestant community.

It had become clear to her that she had to obey God rather than men -- she explained this on August 28th at the Protestant site 'idea.de'.

She lost her job

After her departure Frau Brause informed her employer -- that the Protestant "Diakonische Werk" in the 17,000 population city Kamenz -- about the step

Within one and a half weeks later she was given notice.

The work hires associations who are not members of the Protestant community also.

The Protestant Lay-Bishop Had No Understanding

At the same time the Brauses received an invitation to a talk with the Saxon Homosexual Lay-Bishop Jochen Bohl in Dresden.

"He made it clear that he didn't understand  act of conscience, which brought me to leave the church" --  Frau Brause told 'idea.de'.

Bohl wrote a letter to her husband that his wife may no longer approach the Lord's Table.

The Protestagay-Lay Bishop Threatened

The homosexual Lay-Bishop openly threatens:  Should Frau Brause thereon participate in the Lord's Table,  this could create a "difficult situation" for her husband.

Pastor Brause was ordained still in the DDR [The old Communist East Germany].

"Even the atheistic State itself respected that Christians held to the Bible" -- he told 'idea.de'.

Link to kreuz.net....

Church-tax: Archdiocese of Freiburg Loses Against Loyal Catholic

Attorneys:  "Just because of an unsuccessful complaint by the Archdiocese of Freiburg there will begin a discussion within the Church now more than ever with a five year postponement."

Freiburg (kath.net)  Freiburg lawyers of canon lawyer Harmut Zapp have published a press clarification about the judgment of the Federal Court's instruction about leaving the Church,  in which they make it clear that, contrary to some media reports of the Archdiocese of Freiburg with its legal opinions, where Helmut Zapp is explained to have left the "Roman Catholic Church, as a corporate body of public law" has not left the Roman Catholic Church, has lost.

Kath.net recently documented the explanation in text [with our translation]:

The Federal Administrative Court has, with its judgement of 26.09.2012 (-6 C 7.12), has finally rejected the complaint of the Archdiocese of Freiburg against Harmut Zapp declared leaving of the Church to the registry office in July of 2007.  The Archdiocese of Freiburg is thereon completely subject whereupon Hartmut Zapp with his declared exit from the "Roman Catholic Church as a body of public right" does not constitute leaving the Roman Catholic Church.

Much more it was certified that Hartmut Zapp with his declaration is effectively, "without any ifs and buts"  is outside of the Catholic Church.  Hartmut Zapp has indicated with his declaration of exit.  It went to him-- against the media reportage --  that he was  at no point,  throwing aside his duties as a member of the Roman Catholic Church corresponding to its internal norms.

The Federal Administrative Court had further clarified in substantiating its ruling that the consequences of declaring exit of Hartmut Zapp only bears upon the State's area.   Among other things, the state may no longer levy Church-tax on Hartmut Zapp.  That is only the consequence of the declaration of leaving the Church in the secular area among  others, albeit it is also in the public consciousness probably the most important.

Against that there remains according to the Federal Administrative Court finally the question of the Roman Catholic Church itself, as it addresses the exit of Hartmut Zapp within the Church.  The Federal Administrative Court can and may not address the specifications of the basic law on articles creeping over from Weimar's Reich Constitution.  If Hartmut Zapp respective of internal Church norms therefore  is or not a member of the Roman Catholic Church, the Church must itself decide on these norms.  Which importance in connection with the German Bishop Conference's recently published "General Decree on Leaving the Church", remain foreseeably to be clarified by internal Church processes. 

Hartmut Zapp wants exactly these internal Church conflicts already in 2007 to be adjoined with his declaration of leaving the Church.  Just because of the most recent unsuccessful complaint of the Archdiocese of Freiburg, there begins an internal Church discussion now more than ever after a five year postponement.

A Site Dedicated to Abbé Michel in Thieberville and His Apostolic Work

Edit: we found this on the Messa in Latino site and got an approximate google translation. The sites below are in French but boast beautiful photos and show the continuing work of this great priest. Thanks be to God!

 [MIL] Do you remember the heroic priest who opposed Thiberville with recourse to Rome (unfortunately lost in both instances) to his bishop Nouricchard that, under the pretext of uniting several parishes, also suppressed in that, with the double Rite (NO and EO) was the most popular and loved by the faithful and pious Catholics? Well, the good priest, who no longer has a parish but is one of the group related to the Parish of Thiberville, it has not been abandoned by his followers. Here you can find links to the site support Abbé Michel packed with news and photos of initiatives, including the Church of Folleville that has been "restored" and brought to the honor of the Catholic Rite by the indefatigable Abbé Michel, who in spite of everything, continues its defense of the rite of the Church, to celebrate coram Deo, and always wears cassock (which is very rare in France!).

 Thanks to a reader for the reporting of the site.

 And thanks to Abbé!

Modernist Abbey Still Defies Archbishop Nienstedt

Edit: St. John's Abbey has recently come out in favor of the Marriage Amendment, but not really. Archbishop Nienstedt has been courageously encouraging all Minnesotans to defend Marriage, while some of his own clergy and professed Monks in Collegeville are undercutting his authority and insulting the Catholic Faith. While they insist that they support Marriage, they don't explicitly advocate a vote for "yes" and undercut the message by wingding about how different types of people have different struggles.

Of course, they mean Father Bob Pierson, among others, who was asked to lie low but continues to speak against the Archbishop's witness in defense of marriage. The Abbey refuses to discipline him or any of the others like him who make a mockery of the Church's teachings by their support for sodomy.

We'd written earlier this month about Father Piersn's continuing defiance of the Archbishop's defense of marriage.

Here's the Abbey's passive aggressive non-statement. It's actually worse than if they'd said nothing at all:

Marriage amendment in Minnesota
As a Catholic institution we take the proposed amendment to the Minnesota constitution as an opportunity "to witness to our conviction that marriage is a vital part of the social fabric" that needs support and attention. By doing this we hope to put the marriage amendment into a larger context that acknowledges the challenges that people face in reconciling their faith commitments with a variety of other positions in the culture.
Individual members of the monastic community do have individual opinions regarding this and other political, social and even moral issues under discussion in our society. Individual monks may express their personal views on such issues based on their own freedom of conscience, though in doing so, they do not necessarily represent the opinion or view of the abbey. In this situation, the individual speaks for himself only.
As an institution we strive to ensure that whatever takes place under our auspices be consistent with the integrity of the Church's teaching on marriage. We wish to witness to unity, respect, and peace, even in the midst of challenging emotions and differing ideas on this matter.

News Bytes --- Case for the Beatification of Pope John Paul I is Begun

Is it possible to canonize all the Conciliar Popes automatically?

Vatican. [kreuzIn the course of a General Audience this Wednesday, Bishop Giuseppe Andrich (72)  of Belluno-Feltre presented the Pope with the case for a Beatification for John Paul I. (1978).  John Paul I was born in Belluno on the 17th of October he would have celebrated his 100th birthday.  For the occasion of this day, Msgr Andrich presented the Congregation for the Causes of Beatification and Saints with a file of the allegedly heroic virtue of John Paul I.

Bishop Attacked in the Open Street

Mexico:  On Wednesday armed robbers attacked the Mexican Bishop Alonso Gerardo Garza Trevino (64) of Piedras Negras in the northern Mexican 50,000 population city of Sabinas while he was in his car.  The perpetrators forced the Bishop as well as his companion to get out.  Then they stole the auto and drove on.  The police found the car some hours later.  The personal property of the Bishop was found still in the car.

The Courage to Pray

UK On the 24th of September Bishop Philip Anthony Egan (56) of Portsmouth in southern England was consecrated.  In his address he asked for prayers that he will be a holy, faithful and courageous Bishop.  A Bishop must give his life as did the Master for his flock.

The Green Comrades Are A Clientele Party

"The Greens are a clientele party today for the minority of pampered post-materialists in the orbit of public service (40 percent of the ofoficials in higher services are hangers on of the Greens).  The average household incomoe of the Greens is higher than that of FDP-adherents.

Comrade Manfred Gullner (71) -- founder and business manager of the 'Forsa'- Institute for Public Opinion in a lecture on the 1st of September in Duisburg.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Old Liberal Gold Instead of Catholic Faith

Matthias Matussek
© Christliches Medienmagazin pro,
Flickr, CC
Perhaps the Pope and Bishops are finally coming to the conclusion that the Church is supported by the people who form it -- the Catholic Faithful.

(kreuz.net) "How distrustful must the German Catholic Church be to tie the Sacraments to membership fees?"

This question was put by journalist Matthias Matussek yesterday in the former Nazi-Journaist founded with the help of his SS-Friends Germany Church-hate magazine 'Spiegel".

Matussek commented on the most recent Leipzig Church-tax judgment in which the Bishops most recently lost their senses.

The Journalist prophesied:  "So the Church will sink in on itself:  the old will die, the young will stay away.  The Church will be built voluntarily."

"No Sacraments Without Church-tax"

The last Dogma of the Old Liberal Bishops sounds like this to Matussek:  "No Sacraments without Church-tax."

Or: "Pay first, then to the Communion rail and the Confessional."

Interior Empty

Matussek sees the in the fact of a Church-tax a "hair raising, but for the time being, tolerable alliance  in which all participate."

The Church secures to itself a yearly intake of 4.8 Billion Euro -- and the state collects a two percent fee.

At the same time the German official Church is, according to Matussek, "sturdy on the outside, but empty on the interior."

They keep out of a conflict with the Zeitgeist

The Journalist referred to a new 'Allensbach' study:  Only 47 percent of so-called Catholics in Germany believe in the Holy Trinity.

With this not even one half in this case pray the Creed.

This scandal should, according to Matussek, disquiet the Bishops -- "not the fact that the Zeitgeist takes offense at celibacy."

Actually the German official Church "keeps out of conflict with the Zeitgeist."

A Pitiful Picture

For Matussek the German Bishops offer the explanation that the tax rebellion was a "serious transgression" against the Church Community, a "pathetic picture".

Even the Old Liberal magazine "Christ in der Gegenwart' (Christ Today) takes note that the Bishops are concerned not "for those leaving, but to save their Church finances."

Matussek compared the situation with a "present day scandalous form of indulgence in the word where everything is only for sale."

In the End the Catholics Remain

He knows, that "our Church will soon sink."

Because: "The Old will die, while the young stay away."

Too late will the Church recognize that those who support it are the ones who form it: the Catholic faithful.

Link to kreuz.net....

Reconstruction of "Ecclesia Dei" Continues -- Secretary Guido Pozzo as New Almoner of the Pope?

(Vatican) On the head of the Papal Commission of Ecclesia Dei there is still another shakeup.  On the 2nd of July Pope Benedict XVI named the German Bishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller as new Prefect of the CDF and also as President of Ecclesia Dei.  Already on the 26th of June the American Curial Bishop Joseph Augustine Di Noia OP was named Vice President of the Papal Commission, responsible for the communities attached to tradition and the continuing discussions of reconciliation for the Society of St. Pius X.  Presently the secretary of the Commission till now, Msgr. Guido Pozzo will be called to be the new Papal Almoner.

Since 2009, Msgr. Pozzo has been the Coordinator of Traditional Communities

Msgr. Pozzo was, since July 8th 2009, the number two in the Papal Commission Ecclesia Dei. On the same day Pope Benedict aligned the Commission with the Motu Proprio Ecclesiae unitatem, to the CDF.   Since then the Prefect of the Congregation of Doctrine and the Faith is automatically also the Ecclesia Dei Commission.  The structure of 2009 succeeded already with a view to the foreseeable reconciliation talks with the Society which began in October of the same year.

Within a few Months there will be a complete change in the leadership of Ecclesia Dei Commission 

If the current structure of the Commission signals the end of a chapter or a further attempt at a settlement with the Society founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre is still not foreseen.  Within a few months the entire leadership of Ecclesia Dei Commission will be exchanged.  Curial Bishop Di Noia will thus be the leader in charge of Curial offices of  Tradition.  His appointment in early summer was hailed by several as an outspoken declaration and gesture toward the Society and those attached to Tradition.  Then the summer break began with concrete work in his new office.  On his writing desk there has been, since June, the running  situation on the talks with the Society.  He is also, however, the first point of contact for all traditional communities in canonical union with Rome.

The Current Almoner, Archbishop de Blanco Prieto Requests Delivery From Benedict XVI.

The Spanish Curial Bishop and the current Director of the Apostolic Almoner Authority, the Eleemosynaria Apostolica, Msgr. Felix del Blanco Prieto, asked the Pope at the completion of his 75th year to be delivered from his office, which he has occupied since 2007.  The request may be accepted by Pope Benedict in the coming days, as Andrea Tonrielli reports.  In this position will step the Italian, Pozzo, who in the last three years has coordinated the dialog between the Holy See and the Society will little success.

Msgr. Pozzo was born in 1951, born in harbor city, stamped with a central European feel, Trieste on the upper Adriatic.  He was ordained a Diocesan priest in 1977.  In 1987 he entered in the service of the Rooman Curia, concretely with the Congregation of the Doctrine and the Faith,  which was then headed by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger.  He taught at the Lateran University and was the accompanying Secretary of the International Theological Commission.

The Office of the Almoner Counts as the Oldest in the Church

The exchange in the administration of the Almoner means an elevation of position.  The Almoner of the Pope has the rank of Archbishop.  He is a member of the Papal family and has his place at the side of the Prefect of the Papal House in all ceremonies and audiences.  His offices goes back to the first centuries of the Church, as the Deacono and one or more family members of the Pope cared for the distribution of alms.  The charitable office was substantially mentioned in a Bull of Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) with the note that it had existed since antiquity.  The Apostolic Administration of Alms was then created in the 13th century by Pope Gregory X.  Since the Pontificate of Leo XIII the Almoner also cares for the Apostolic blessings granted by the Pope.  The Curial Archbishop signs the  notification on parchment and forwards it to the addressee.

The current occupant of the office, Msgr Blanco Prieto, is in the service of the Diplomatic Corps.  Following service in various lands in the Nunciature, he was called to service in the Roman Curia and awarded the honorary office.   There are calls for hep from throughout the entire world to the almoner.  Too be considered, they receive endorsement from a parish priest.  The office evaluates the request and grants help.  "We are not there, to promote great works or projects, as noble as they might be.  There are other means it.  We are there to directly help individuals.  It is a small, but concrete help,"  says Msgr. Blanco Prieto to Osservatore Romano.

Text: Vatican Insider/Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Vatican Insider

No Settlement With the SSPX

The stated terms which were personally addressed by Pope Benedict XVI -- as the Pope well knows -- unacceptable to the Society. 
Bishop Tissier de Mallerais

(kreuz.net) On June 30th the Pope sent a personally addressed and signed letter to the Society of St. Pius X.

This is according to Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais on 16 September in the Prior6y of the 1,200 population town Faye-d'Anjoy in the west French Department Maine-et-Loire.

The corresponding points of the report appeared transcribed in the French forum 'lefebvristes.forum-box.com'.

The Terms

The Papal document was addressed to the General Superior of the Society, Bishop Bernard Fellay.

The Pope wrote within that in order for there to be possible a "complete settlement" in the Church, the Second Vatican Council and the post-Conciliar Magisterium must "really" be accepted.

"There won't be any settlement"

For Msgr Tissier the demand to recognize the Second Vatican Council is unacceptable and with it the conclusion of the discussions with the Vatican:

"We could accept it in any case."

The Pastoral Council contains many texts in which one finds good things:

"But that is not the kernel of the Council."

The Society could not sign the current proposal of the Dogmatic Preamble forthwith.

Yet Msgr Tissier believes that the Vatican will also be "stubborn" in the future to make the Pastoral Council toothsome to the Society.

Link to kreuz.net....

Photo: © Jim, the Photographer, Flickr, CC

Modernist Abbey's Football Coach Silent About Sexual Predators

Edit: St. John's Abbey is a decadent religious house of Benedictines, numbering approximately 153 professed monks and belong to the American Cassinese Congregation, founded in 1856 by Abbot Boniface Wimmer, located near the township of Collegeville, and affiliated with one of the oldest Universities in Minnesota.

We'd written something up earlier this year about the winningest coach in football at the most Modernist Monastery in North America if not the world, St. John's Abbey, and how the press contacted John Gagliardi about the Joe Paterno case. They couldn't have asked a better person, since John Gagliardi knows exactly what it's like to cover for sexual predators from his own professional back ground. Here's the article with some links from Pine Curtain:

[Pine Curtain] According to an upcoming report, Saint John’s University football coach John Gagliardi recently admitted that he has been aware of sexual misconduct at Saint John’s since the 1950′s.

In fact, it was Gagliardi’s report to Father Dunstan Tucker which led to a perpetrating faculty member’s swift exit from Saint John’s after a high school recruit (and potentially a minor) from Florida confided in Gagliardi that he had been molested by the faculty member following a tour of the campus.

According to Gagliardi, the perpetrating faculty member later took a job at high school in Saint Paul, Minnesota. It is unclear what steps, if any, Gagliardi took to protect the students at that high school.

Compare this revelation with statements Gagliardi made during an interview regarding the sexual abuse scandal at Penn State that was published on November 9, 2011:

“You don’t want to believe it could happen. Thank God, I’ve never run into that situation. There are some horrible people out there.” [ View]

Gagliardi HAS run into “that situation” before and yet he remains silent, despite his knowledge that at least one of his star football players was a victim of sexual misconduct by a priest at Saint John’s Abbey in the 1980′s. That perpetrating priest remains on campus today and according to the abbey’s web site, is “free to move about campus with some exceptions … free to use the library, the bookstore and to walk the roads and byways on the campus.” [View ]

As this site’s webmaster wrote in January of 2012 [ View ], Gagliardi’s silence regarding misconduct at Saint John’s is a problem — and his comments regarding Penn State scandal, [ View ] Joe Paterno and Jerry Sandusky appear to be even more hypocritical.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Catholic Religious Led Astray by the Occult Enneagram

Germany has its Benedictine Zen master, Willigis Jäger, Spain its Enneagram Jesuit masters. The Jesuit Father Josep Lluís Iriberri and "his team" lead the retreat house Cova de Sant Ignasi in Barcelona in the "Fundamentals of the Enneagram" field. The cross is no longer taught, but "personal development" in the sign of esoteric Enneagram. Symbol and teaching are an essential characteristic of Gnosticism, completely in the dark, or rather, are not aware wrapped in a dark impalpable, to give them the sense of mystery and meaning of a arcane knowledge. In fact, some facts can be observed in its contrivance. The occult symbol was of Greek origin  Russian writers and mystic Georges Gurdjieff (1870 -1947) "introduced", you could probably just as well say, invented.

Georges Gurdjeff's "Fourth Way"
Gurdjieff claimed that he developed in the teaching of the Fourth Way to have discovered the symbol in the remains of an abidingly unknown monastery of an equally unspecified Sufi brotherhood. Since Gurdjieff publicized the symbol, many other esoteric authors have picked it up and used it in different ways for psychological and spiritual personality typing.
Two Roman dicasteries, the Papal Cultural Council and the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue have with the joint document: Living Jesus Christ, The Water Bearer. Considerations for New Age from a Christian perspective , of 3 February 2003 rejected the underlying also the different Enneagram teaching of character analysis and explicitly warn against the use of these esoteric "tools" that are offered by various groups on the Internet.
Rome's warning of return "of Gnostic ideas" under the guise of New Age
The Roman document reads: "John Paul II warns against, a return of ancient Gnostic ideas under the guise of the so-called New Age: We can not delude ourselves that this would lead to a renewal of religion. It is just a new form of Gnosticism that is practiced on a mentality that, in the name of a profound knowledge of God, results in distorting His Word and replacing it with purely human words. Gnosticism has never completely left the realm of Christianity. Instead, it has always existed side by side with Christianity, sometimes in the shape of a philosophical movement, but more often by assuming the character of a religion or mock religion that stands in appearance or even declared contrary to everything that belongs to the essence of Christianity' (John Paul II, Crossing the Threshold of Hope, 1994, p 90). One example is the Enneagram and its nine types of character analysis, which, when used as a means of spiritual growth, with the result of an ambiguity in the doctrine and life of the Christian faith.
Spanish Jesuit publications in this esoteric doctrine of Enneagram retard personality development. This is of little concert at all to the Catalan Jesuit Lluís Iriberri, who describes his own Enneagram teaching in the same breath as the famous Spiritual Exercises of his order's founder, St. Ignatius of Loyola. But these esoteric teachings of Gurdjieff have as much to do with the simultaneously appearing voelkisch-nationalistic and esoteric teachings of Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels as they have to do with Christianity.
The distribution of the Enneagram by Jesuit teaching since 1971
The Jesuit dissemination of the Enneagram goes back to 1971, when the Chilean psychotherapist Claudio Naranjo, a leading exponent of Gestalt therapy and developers of Gurdjieff's Fourth Way at the Jesuit seminary in Berkeley, California offered an "Introduction". The event was attended by the "medium" Helen Palmer and the Jesuit Robert Ochs, who became the main promoters of this esoteric doctrine. Father Ochs was held exercises for in May 1972 in an eight-day intensive seminar with yoga and oriental exercises a more brothers of his order in the doctrine. Ochs was a student of Father Father Patrick O'Leary, Father Jerry Hair, Father Colin Maloney, Father Tad Dunne and Father Richard Riso. Father O'Leary has spread the Enneagram teaching since then at international level, religious, Father Hair teaches the Enneagram in retreat houses, Father Maloney brought the teachings to the Jesuits in Canada, Father Dunne teaches the Enneagram in connection with the "spiritual life", Fr Riso left the Jesuits and founded the Enneagram Institute, based in New York, Paris, Tokyo and Zurich.
The Jesuits not only belong to the "discipleship" of the Enneagram. A Known representative is American Franciscan Richard Rohr, author of the 1989 published book, The Enneagram. The 9 Faces of the Soul and the American Benedictine Sister Suzanne Zuercher, Secretary General of the Council Benedictine communities in the United States and Director of the St. Scholastica Academy. Both Rohr and Zuercher were "initiated" by Father Ochs in Chicago into the Enneagram theory.
Father Ochs, Father O'Leary and the Dominican Beesing Mary, OP withdrew way back a long time in order to examine the compatibility of the new "method" with the Christian faith. Sister Beesing published a book in 1984, with which she proposed a "Christian" Enneagram theory. The achievement, so it was then called from of the adherents of the Enneagram in the Catholic orders, was to have been the "cleansing" of occult elements.
Jesuit Mitchell Pacwa warns of the dangers of substitute religion
In this context, the Jesuit Father Mitchell Pacwa should be mentioned, who also attended the intensive seminar in 1972 at Chicago, when the Enneagram theory initially spread. He realized the error and the danger of this doctrine. Today he is a recognized expert on as well as one of the most chief cationers against this substitute religion. He thinks it is a contradiction in itself, to say that one can "liberate" the Enneagram theory of its occult roots and "clean" to use them in Christianity. According to his experience it would be "all", who delve into the Enneagram, take the next step to practice Zen, Transcendental Meditation, numerology, tarot, astrology, or other non-Christian practices. The Enneagram does not lead away to a deeper understanding of the Christian faith, but away from it, says Father Pacwa. The Jesuit described the Enneagram teaching as "esoteric Gnostic infiltration" in the Catholic Church. As early as 1997, he warned of the "catastrophe": "No Jesuit in my class, except me, who followed the Enneagram theory is still a Jesuit. They have given up their priesthood." Father Pacwa was also consulted on the preparation of the aforementioned Roman document.
Followers of the Enneagram can be found as well in Protestant circles, including Ecumenical Working Group Enneagram the first chairman of the Protestant pastor and "Enneagram teacher" Andreas Ebert in Munich, who worked together with Rorh to publish the book 'The Enneagram The 9 Faces of the Soul'. The Franciscan, Rohr, is common in German-speaking countries, including at Pentecost 2011 for the Benedictine Abbey Münsterschwarzsach. This closes the circle back to the aforementioned Zen Master Willigis Jäger. The department co-hosted with the World Working Group meeting, the Enneagram "Whit Symposium: God has many names. Pentecost experience with Father Richard Rohr ".
Willigis Jäger incidentally, was issued a speech-writing and performance ban in 2001 by the current Pope Benedict XVI. as Prefect of the CDF. The Abbot and convent community cared so little. They stood behind their "enlightened" Zen Master, who was only restricted to the monastery, but further to the Benedictine convent where he belongs and thus only can indulge his ideas unhindered.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi 
Picture: La cigüeña de la torre

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