Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cardinal Lehman Attacks Cardinal Brandmüller's Letter in Defense of Celibacy

Cardinal Lehmann attacked Cardinal Brandmüller in his own paper "Glaube und Leben" and shamed himself with an open letter to the Cardinal -- no critical word for the CDU-Politicians -- see the Survey on Lehman  -- speak out!
The Face of Germany's Bloated Hierarchy

Mainz  ( Cardinal Karl Lehmann, the former President of the German Bishops Conference had sharply attacked the Roman Curial Cardinal Brandmüller, because he had criticized a provocative assertion about celibacy by some CDU-Zdk politicians.  The politicians had made an appeal to the German Bishops advocating for a change in the practice of celibacy.  In this, they posed the question, "how can the growing priest shortage be managed?"

Lehmann spoke in connection with the provacative letter of "eight serving CDU-politicians in the Federal and National level", who recalled "one such inexhaustible theme" that has been discussed in the Church well "over 40years long".  Then the Mainz Bishop spoke of a "climbing priest shortage"  -- a contention, which appeared elsewhere in the last days in "Focus" --which was disproved by editor Alexander Kissler -- if one did not ordain priests "men who've proved themselves in families and occupations".  Lehmann recognized then that he had always took pains so that the Church is also "open to new ways of thinking" with an afterthought about the priesthood, "without that the discussion was already identical with an answer on these difficult questions".  For the Cardinal was also "expectant", that these questions about the "viri probati" [responsible men in families and marriages] would come again in the order of the day, if one were invited to a "Dialog Process" over today's questions.

Then Lehman attacked Cardinal Brandmüller's open letter and opines:  "I'm very ashamed of the tone taken by this open letter, and in all sympathy for the powerful objection of the letter by eight politicians for I have  worked for years as Bishop, active for a long time in Germany.  One must really not compare, if one touches on the subject of 'viri probati', speak of wanting 'another Church',  to put 'the German experience' in play, which 'leads to the path of the schism of a national German church.'"

Beloved by the Media
Lehman showed himself "deeply disappointed", as here for example the sitting Bundespresident, in any case after the Bundespresidents, the second authority in the land, a serving Bundesminister and three highly esteemed Ministerial Presidents are "attacked", who have worked in the Church for decades.  "This is not the style with which we go about our differences of opinion in this country."  For the Mainz Bishop, these opinions are "extreme", and even the opinions of the "Süddeutschen" he regards as "extreme".  "The Dialog Process must seek a new middle, without drifting into lazy compromises.  Hopefully we can come out of this stalled double dialog," he finally concluded.

Parts of Cardinal Brandmuller's letter, Celibacy Originates with the Time of Jesus, here translated from

You can participate in a poll on if you want, make the first selection if you think that Cardinal Lehmann should be ashamed of himself for attacking Cardinal Brandmueller.  Most of the readers of feel that Cardinal Lehman should be ashamed of himself at the bottom of the article, here.

 Thanks to TIA for the photos.

Tudo Bem? The Immemorial Mass in Rio

Father Érico Rodrigues de Mello Falcão, the Paroquial Vicar of the Cathedral of Maceio, says the Immemorial Mass of All Ages every Sunday, here for more photos.  It's fairly significant that a man who's on the Diocesan staff like this is willing to say the Mass of All Ages.  It speaks well of his Bishop

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Brussels Archbishop Celebrates the First Gregorian Mass in Forty Years

The Previous Episcopal Conference speaker says this is a 'false signal'

Brussels ( The Brussels Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard just celebrated a Mass in the Traditional Rite.  The celebration took place in Brussels with about 500 faithful on Sunday for the occasion of the arrival of the "traditionalist" Society of St. Peter in Benelux-Staaten, as reported by the newspaper "De Standaard".

The Society of St. Peter is recognized by Rome.  Their foundation was an offer to those who were then members of the Society of St. Pius X in opposition to the Second Vatican Council.

The "Standard" reported that it is the first time in four decades that a Belgian Archbishop has celebrated the Old Mass.  The Church Historian and earlier Episcopal Conference Speaker Jürgen Mettepenningen, said that the Liturgy in the Old Rite is a "false signal".  It is a sign for a Church that had been understood as a matter between priest and God.

Link to original, 

Related story: at Agneskerk Amsterdam, from Rorate, another Pontifical  Mass celebrated by the Bishop of Coppenhagen and Cardinal Burke in nearby liberal Holland.

Sri Lankan Cathedral Enforces Dress Code

[Rorate] The Catholic National Association of Laity (CNAL) in Sri Lanka has backed calls for people of all faiths to dress modestly in places of worship.

CNAL is worried about the wearing of increasingly revealing clothing during church feasts, weddings and Sunday Masses.In an appeal to worshippers, Victor Silva, secretary of CNAL, noted "with great sadness and dismay the unfortunate trend among some Catholic lay faithful to be dressed in an immodest and most disrespectful manner when participating in liturgical services, with scant attention to the sense of the sacred."

Sri Lankan authorities have already ordered the pulling down of billboards featuring women showing extra cleavage or exposing thighs to advertise products or services.The call by CNAL comes as part of a drive to have churchgoers dress appropriately during religious ceremonies.
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Chick Fellah Crumbles to Homosexual Pressure

The privately owned chain, famous for closing on Sundays in deference to its founder's evangelical Christian values, donates to many Christian causes, scholarships, and organizations through its charitable arm. But when a Pennsylvania restaurant donated sandwiches and brownies to a Harrisburg meeting of The Pennsylvania Family Group, a group that works to outlaw gay marriage, pro-gay marriage bloggers and gay rights organizations went on the offensive. The news quickly trickled into the mainstream. Celebrity blogger Perez Hilton wrote about it, and so did the food blog Grub Street, with the headline "Chick-fil-A is anti-gay." President Dan Cathy posted a video response to the company's Facebook page in early January, no doubt hoping to quell the controversy. "Chick-fil-A serves all people and values all people," Cathy said, adding that the donation did not serve as a political endorsement.

UPDATE: Cathy now says Chick-fil-A will no longer donate to any organizations that take a political stand on marriage. Thousands of people chimed in on Chick-fil-A's Facebook page, many of whom said they would support the chain even more because of the donation and the controversy around it.

"You have nothing to expain to your customers, we support your family values, and know that you mean no ill-will to those with other opinions," John Joyner wrote. Others wrote that they would give up their favorite chicken with heavy hearts.

"I've eaten and loved chick all my life. I am sad that me and my entire family must denounce the Chick until you publicly apologize and make an equal and opposite donation to the Human Rights Campaign or other civil rights group," Rob Augino commented.
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EWTN Acquires National Catholic Register

The National Catholic Register-- not to be confused with the National Catholic Reporter, another weekly publication with a very different editorial outlook-- has been owned since 1995 by the Legionaries of Christ. With the Legionaries experiencing financial difficulties in the wake of revelations about their founder, the late Father Marcial Maciel, the newspaper was placed on the market. The sale to EWTN will not involve any cash payment; EWTN will assume the paper's subscription liabilities.

Michael Warsaw, the president of EWTN, said that the network planned no major immediate changes in the paper's operations. Over time, he said, EWTN would expand the newspaper's online presence. EWTN has already taken a major step into online delivery of news, entering into a partnership in 2010 with the Catholic News Agency.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Monday, January 31, 2011

Coptic Pope Shenouda III. Supports Mubarek's Government

Shenouda III. will not take part in the public protests against Mubarak -- IGFM disappointed.

Cairo --  Frankfurt am Main ( The Coptic Pope Shenouda III. yesterday, Sunday, on the 30th of January in a public statement to Copts declared that he would not participate in the protests against the government of Mubarak.  Shenouda III. is the ecclesiastical head of the Coptic-Orthodox  Church and also the spiritual head of most Christian Egyptians.

The International Society for Human Rights [IGFM] was disappointed over the news of Shenouda's statement.  Actually, most Coptic human rights advocates in Egypt are secular.  For a large minority, the Egyptian Christians, the decisions of the head of the Cotpic Church have enormous weight, said the IGFM, also important was the statement of the Coptic Pope on State Controlled Egyptian television which was repeated a number of times.

Since the outburst of the protests against the almost thirty year old government of former General Husni Mubarak,  there has been no overlap against the religious minorities. The IGFM reported in the spect of human rights advocates in Egypt that the demonstrators are in no way motivated by religious scandals, rather, they seek the resignation of the Mubarak government.

According to estimates of the IGFM the Islamic brothers and some opposition politicians have appropriated the protests for themselves.  Actually the protesters themselves are seeking freedom and are not initiated by the Islamic Brotherhood or funded by them.  The IGFM reports that the Egyptian human rights advocates have interpreted the situation as a "war of normal Egyptians against the Internal Ministry".

Link to original...

Pope Hemmed in by Negative Forces

Yesterday and today as well, there are those who would like to reduce the Mass to the “social realm.” Mons. Negri makes this point in regard to the “reform of the reform.” 

DOMAGNANO - “It is in relation to the Liturgy that the destiny of the Faith and of the Church is decided”: thus spoke Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI in the first volume of his opera omnia, Theology of the Liturgy. (This book is known in the English-speaking world as "The Spirit of the Liturgy" -- CAP) On November 27th at Vespers for the beginning of Advent, the Pope also defined the Liturgy as “the place where we live the truth and where the truth lives among us.” Let us confront these themes in a one-on-one with the bishop of San Marino-Montefeltro, His Excellency Luigi Negri, who is preparing for the Pope’s visit in 2011.
Read further...Rorate

New Website of the Institute of the Good Shepherd in English

The workers are few but the harvest is rich.

Link, here.

H/t: Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus, here.

Japanese Anglican Priest Plans on Entering the Catholic Church

On the heels of yesterday's story about Dean Sellers of Fargo, is carrying the story of another Anglican Communion priest who will be entering the Catholic Church:
By special correspondent, Tokyo

Father Satoru Kato, 56, until recently an Anglican priest working in England, is set to enter full communion with the Catholic Church and be ordained a Catholic priest.

According to Father Hiroshi Oka of the Saitama diocese, who has been helping coordinate the convert’s entry into that diocese, once he is ordained Kato will work at a welfare institute and parishes as an assistant priest in Gunma Prefecture. Since Christmas, he has been doing interim work in Gunma.

Read further at The Epiphany of Our Lord, here.

Seven Habits of Highly Orthodox People: New Popular Book

This article is being co-published by Brigid Strait in her blog, Nineteenth Century Russia. AR: We are fortunate to have with us today Father Vasiliy Vasileivich, Pastor of Saints Boris and Gleb and Vladimir and Olga Russian Orthodox Church in Sydney, Austalia, and spokesman for the Church Overseas of Russian Orthodox Christians or COROC. Father Vasiliy has just published a new book, and has graciously agreed to an interview.
VV: Whatever is selling books.
AR: First let me say how good it is to see you after more than a year’s separation.
VV: Is good to being back.
AR: So I see you have a new book coming out next month through Anaxios Press: Seven Habits of Highly Orthodox People.

H/t: from Intrepid Editor at, Outrage! where you can read the rest.

Vatican rejects suit over Milwaukee priest’s abuse - The Daily Cardinal - News

They need to send these jackals running in terror. These ACLU associated attacks coupled with the NYTs schmear  need to be faced squarely and denounced.

The really sad thing is that many of the Church's sons can't see through this Marxist bit of homosexual non-sense.

Vatican rejects suit over Milwaukee priest’s abuse - The Daily Cardinal - News

From Village Boy to Soldier, Martyr and, Many Say, Saint

Published: November 21, 2003

KURILOVO, Russia — Shoulders back, chest out, the young soldier stands as if on parade in his camouflage fatigues — his boots polished, his rifle at his shoulder, a halo around his head.
His face is the blank mask of a man for whom duty is life. It is not easy being a soldier, or a saint.
Portraits of this young man, Yevgeny Rodionov, are spreading around Russia — sometimes in uniform, sometimes in a robe, sometimes armed, sometimes holding a cross, but always with his halo.

 Related article and photo, here... Except he hasn't been canonized by the Orthodox Church yet.

New York Times Article further, here...

H/t: JonB

German Media Outlet Founded by a Child Abuser

Will the left-leaning German 'taz' lay claim to its dark past and offer damage payments?  No trace, only the German capitulation Bishops can be so stupid.
Fawning Obit for Child Abuser

( In the 70s the left-leaning Berlin daily 'taz was one of the leading mouthpieces [In German about the left wall of silence about their attempts to legalize sex with children]  for the legalization of child sexual abuse.  Original citation: "Pedophilia is a crime without a victim."

With a continuing series the paper attempted to legitimize child sex abuse.  Pederasts were able there to openly promote immoral conduct with children.  The paper sympathized with child abuse groups.

Today the paper attempted to work out its past with the Church, where cases of abuse were seldom reported and always sharply condemned.

Actually, last week the 'taz' was in the struddle of successive events over the abuse-scandal in the Odenwaldschule. [Editor: As Peggy Noonan describes this degenerate arrangement]:

Many have heard of the sexual abuse by clergy in Catholic schools in Germany. However, at the time these reports were surfacing, it was learned that a prestigious private boarding school had an unspeakable record of abuse of its own. The Odenwaldschule is a UNESCO model school whose administration would arrange to have students provide "entertainment" for visitors and whose male students were having sexual relations with the wives of teachers. A music teacher had numerous pupils living with him in his apartment. The administrator of the school was an advisor to the German Ministry of Education. Where were the headlines proclaiming that a UNESCO model school was engaged in the systematic molestation of children? In fact, when the report of the Odenwaldschule first appeared it was under a headline decrying abuse in Catholic schools! [Peggy Noonan, American Spectator, here

According reports from the 'Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zonntagzeitung', Dietrich Willier († 2009) [Affectionately known as "Didi"], belonged to one of the founders of 'taz'.

He was active as the art teacher from 1969 to 1972 at the famous abuse-school in the South Hessian town of Heppenheim.

Willier sexually overpowered at least nine boys who have come forward so far.  In reality there are more victims coming forth.

The perpetrator had an enormous child pornography collection, according to the testimony of former students.  There were even portrayals of three year old children.

Finally, Willier was one of the founding members of 'taz' and also as a Stuttgart correspondent till 1989.

At the end of  2009 he died, where the 'taz' published a sanitized obituary.  There was no mention that Willier had been an instructor at the Odenwaldschule.

Therefore, you can read things like: "People like Didi were like those, who the 'taz' brought to success and gave it its incomparable color and above all, forged its internal independence."

It was mentioned that Willier was active with the weekly 'Zeit' and for the German boulevard magazine 'Stern'.

His relationship to children came in any case to the fore.  He worked with the children's television  program "Tigrente" to organize a meeting of children and Nobel Prize winners on the island of Mainau.

That encouraged him to suggest a Kinderunversity:  "Children from everywhere belong to its life".

Last Saturday 'taz' had to stick.  Actually to cover up again.  The paper described the child abuser euphemistically as "pedosexual".

Besides being later "disavowed of pedosexuality". The "attractive man" had relationships only with women -- even described as feminist.

Actually everyone knows, who is well informed about the theme of "pedo-criminal":  whoever has once begun to abuse children, does not stop.  He is then, only when nabbed and locked away.

But that is only valid, naturally, so long as the perpetrator is not a leftist.

Link to original

Sunday, January 30, 2011

"Black Widow" Bomber Blows up Self, Moscow

"Black Widow" suicide bomber planned a terrorist attack in central Moscow on New Year's Eve but was killed when an unexpected text message set off her bomb too early, according to Russian security sources.

The unnamed woman, who is thought to be part of the same group that struck Moscow's Domodedovo airport on Monday, intended to detonate a suicide belt near Red Square on New Year's Eve in an attack that could have killed hundreds.

Security sources believe a message from her mobile phone operator wishing her a happy new year received just hours before the planned attack triggered her suicide belt, killing her at a safe house.
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Global Muslim population will continue to grow in next 20 years

Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, January 27, 2011
The world's Muslim population will grow at double the rate of non-Muslims over the next 20 years, according to a broad new demographic analysis that is likely to spark controversy in Europe and the United States.
If current trends continue, the study found, the number of Muslims in the United States will more than double, from 2.6 million in 2010 to 6.2 million in 2030. The percentage of native-born Muslims in the U.S. is projected to rise from 35 percent today to 45 percent in 2030.
The Future of the Global Muslim Population may be the first to attempt to map the Muslim population of most of the world's countries. The analysis was conducted by two giant nonprofit groups interested in religion: the Pew Research Center and the John Templeton Foundation.

The Fate of the Abbey Remains Uncertain: More German Cloisters Closing

The cloister was founded in order to inform the soul of the way to life.   Will their walls receive the dark consecration to serve the cult of the body?

( It is unclear if the Abbey Michealsberg can continue as the spiritual center of the city of Siegburg. The Bonn paper, the 'General-Anzeiger' said on January 26th.

Only one thing is sure:  the monks must leave the cloister after 946years.  The one or the other of them apparently had the interest to align themselves with the Steyler Missionaries.

According to the paper investors for hotels or wellness-spas have been contacted.

A speaker for the Archdiocese of Cologne explained, however, that an ecclesiastical use of the people "will have the highest priority".

 An important date is 5. April.

Then  a summit meeting will take place about the future of the Abbey.

The participants:  members of the Archdiocese, the Abbey and of the Benedictine Order as well as the city Dean Peter Weiffen, the business office of the Abbey and the Siegburger Mayor.

Included, the Abbey swept the fate of the Redemptorist-Cloister in Hennef-Geistingen.

There the condominums are in place.  The landmark cloister church will become a convocation hall for corporate events and similar affairs.

A similar fate awaits the once famous Dominican Friary of Walberg in Bornheim.

It was purchased two years ago by the company 'Summit Partners' from Cologne for five million Euros.

Now there is a restaurant, a Catholic kindergarten and homes for the employees of the amusement park.

The 'General-Anzeiger' cited the Cologne Realestate-Firm 'Pro Secur', that specializes in the purchasing of ecclesiastical properties.

The firm has been buying cloisters for about twenty years.

"Presently the company has had a series of closing cloisters in offer" -- says the 'General-Anzeiger'":

The friary of the Dominicans of Neusatzeck with  89 rooms in northern Black Forest was sold for 2,5 Million Euro.

Currently for sale is also the idyllic Cloister of Maria Engelportder Hünfelder Oblates nearby the associated municipalities of Treis-Karden-Rheinland-Pfalz for 2.25 Million Euros or the Cloister "St. Joseph House" in Sunder in Sauerland for 800.000 Euro.

These properties are highly prized by hotels and culinary establishments.


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Kohat bombing kills 5

By Adnan Adil

KOHAT – Five people, including two women, died and 14 others were injured when militants attacked a tunnel in Kohat January 28 late night, media reported.

The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) claimed responsibility for the attacks, BBC Urdu reported, quoting a TTP spokesman.

Two trucks exploded in and near the tunnel on the Indus Highway, a Dara Adamkhel official told media. One truck packed with at least 500kg of explosives entered the tunnel and exploded, damaging another truck behind it.

Security forces cordoned off the tunnel immediately and closed it to traffic.

Read More:

Catholic schools add 20 days in LA

Catholic K-8 schools in Los Angeles will add 20 days to the school year for a total of 200 days of instruction. Los Angeles’ public school year has been cut to 175 days to save money, notes the LA Times.

With 210 elementary schools spread across Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara counties, the archdiocese runs one of the largest school systems in California, larger than the public school districts in San Francisco or Sacramento. It has earned accolades for operating well-run, academically rigorous schools that serve many low-income students.

Parents will pay an extra month’s tuition. Charges range from $200 a month in low-income areas to $800 a month in affluent areas. The archdiocese will try to offer aid to parents who can’t afford the extra cost.

Teachers will receive a 10 percent raise for the extra month of work.

Catholic high schools set their own schedules.


Louisville couple claims retaliation from former church

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB Fox 41) -- A Louisville couple says they've been the victims of retaliation just days after filing a lawsuit against the Archdiocese of Louisville.

Gary and Margie Weiter say they've been banned from helping their church after they complained the parish was hiding a priest accused of sexual abuse.

"It was horrible. It was horrible. He cried all night. Some people don't understand it but we've devoted our life to the church, to those people," said Gary and Margie Weiter, plaintiffs.

Gary and Margie Weiter claim they were fired from volunteering at St. Therese Church where Gary has run bingo for years.

Both said they received a hand-delivered letter Friday from Father Tony Olges.

"He said you are no longer allowed to volunteer or run the bingo at St. Therese," said Gary Weiter.

"I just want to know why? Why me? What did I do to deserve this? To hurt the people of the parish I just don't know why?" asked Margie Weiter.

"I've never seen retaliation like this, as long as I've been practicing law and that's been over 30 years," said Mikell Grafton, attorney.

Attorney Grafton represents the couple.

The notice came just one day after the couple sued the Archdiocese of Louisville and Father Olges, accusing them of hiding Father James Schook, a priest accused of sexual abuse, who had been removed from his previous parish.

The lawsuit claims Margie was fired from her bookkeeping job at the church after complaining that Schook was allowed to live in St. Therese's rectory, and was often left unsupervised.

The Weiters became uncomfortable with Schook's presence because Gary had been a victim of priest abuse in 1960s.

"Why was our church chosen to harbor out a sex abuser? I don't understand and no one has given me an answer," said Gary Weiter.

Eight dead after suicide bombing in northwest Pakistan

PESHAWAR, PAKISTAN: A car bomb exploded in a tunnel in northwest Pakistan on Saturday, killing eight people and wounding 14 others, The Nation newspaper reported.

The newspaper said a suicide bomber detonated his explosive-laden truck in Kohat tunnel, which connects the northwestern cities of Peshawar and Kohat, forcing authorities to close it to traffic. The attack happened just after midnight local time.

Read More:

Turkish President Gul Criticizes the Discrimination of Christians

"Every Turkish Citizen should have the same chances for employment and advancement regardless of their religion" -- The reporter's question:  Why has Turkey hindered the hiring of a Turk of Armenian descent?

Strassburg ( The Turkish President Abdullah Gul publicly denounced the discrimination of Christians by government authorities. That is a "shame", said Gul for visiting journalists during his visit in Strassburg, reported the paper "Milliyet" on Thursday.  Gul reacted following a suggestion by Reporters that the Turkish administrative courts had prevented the hiring of an Armenian of Turkish descent  from working for the authorities at the EU-Mission to Turkey.

Already upon the visit of Bundespresident Christian Wulff last October Gul has made it publicly known that he is also the president of non-Muslim Turks.  Now it's been reported that he's told journalists that, soon every Turkish citizen independently of his religious background will have the same chances for employment and advancement.  He didn't mention any particulars, however.

Members of non-Muslim minorities have long complained that the employment in government are closed to them.  In Turkey there are no high-ranking politicians, military or in the judiciary who don't belong to Muslim groups.  First on Wednesday minorities were encouraged to apply for posts at the Turkish foreign ministry .

Read further...original at

Of course, some will remember the blistering attack leveled by the Austrian, Ewald Stadler in December last year:

Thursday, January 27, 2011

St. Petersburg bishop refuses to meet parents with complaints about priest - St. Petersburg Times

Editor: More fallout from the sex abuse hoax. It's acceptable for a priest to ask questions about various sins in the confessional to help the penitent with an examination of conscience. The people who are demanding this audience with the Bishop are presumptuous, stupid and probably evil.

Either they need to be brought up to speed about the Sacrament of Penance, or sent speeding out the door to the nearest protestant/universalist/muslim sect where objectivity and clarity aren't held in as much esteem.

ST. PETERSBURG — The head of the Roman Catholic Diocese of St. Petersburg has rejected a request by parochial school parents for a meeting to discuss questions they say their children were asked during confession.

The Cathedral School of St. Jude parents accuse Father Joseph L. Waters, 49, of asking at least eight children questions they consider inappropriate regarding what the children looked up on the internet and whether they masturbated.

They say Waters, head priest at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle in St. Petersburg, asked the questions during confessions a few weeks before Christmas.

St. Petersburg bishop refuses to meet parents with complaints about priest - St. Petersburg Times

Maltese causes commotion at Vatican

Maltese causes commotion at Vatican

Pope Receives Vestments for Old Mass from Institute of Christ the King at General Audience

 Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI invited yesterday the superior of the traditional 'Institute of Christ the King and Sovereign Priest' to the general audience.   They gave an album with photographs of priestly ordinations taken in their taken in their mother house in Grigigliano in Florence,  a CD produced by the Gregorian Choir and complete set --- WITH MANIPLE -- of newly fashioned vestments for saying the Mass from Bavarian.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Justice for Abbot Joachim Angerer

Its true, he was an Old Liberal.  But that is only one side of the coin.  German translation of Jurg-Werner Oberlasser.

( The site '' reported something hard last November about the Old Lineral Abbot Joachim Angerer (76).

The Prelate was from   1986 till his defacto ouster the leader of the Premonstratensian Cloister Geras.

The Stift is located in the Diocese of St. Polten.

I know from my own experience that Abbot Angerer isn't only just Old Liberal.  He was also Liberal.

So he allowed without any ifs and buts the Latin Mass, Latin prayers and many ancient usages which the young men then wanted.

I am very convinced and can recall a corresponding discussion with him that he allowed the old Mass in his Cloister and in the incorporated parishes by implication. 

Yes, he is Old Liberal, sometimes in a strange manner.  But he is also a good man, who imposed no limitations against his conservative fellow brothers and perhaps also from conviction.

Those who supported him, either left following his resignation -- and that -- or wanted themselves to be abbot.

In order to support the abbot, they used the lever of money.

The odd acolyte service of those priests now condemned for abuse had often criticized Abbot Angerer.

But he remained powerless against his fellow brothers.

One had to hold these dubious priests in the Priory of Fritzlar closed in the meantime.  For in the priory -- why indeed? -- that too many had gone.

About the former Bishop Krenn of St. Polten, who attempted, to outwit him, one can only shake one's head in the face of such hindsight.

The idea that Msgr Krenn had been really conservative, no one could seriously maintain.

Celibacy Originates From the Time of Jesus and the Apostles: Cardinal Brandmuller

Cardinal Brandmuller: "It is a secure fact of science that at the beginning priests and Bishops were orained, but these from the day of consecration on family life continued, but not, however, the bond of marriage."
Photo of Cardinal Walter Brandmuller from the site ''

(, Vatikan) The Bavarian Church historian and Cardinal, Walter Brandmuller has challenged Anti-Celibacy politicians of the German CDU.

"What makes them legitimate as politicians, to take positions on internal-Church themes, when they have neither the office nor the knowledge?"

This question was put by the Cardinal in an open letter which appeared in the 'Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung'.

Cardinal Brandmuller commented on a writing which was published last friday by eight politicans of the German homosexual and abortion CDU party.

Within there were arguments for the allowance of priestly marriage.

The Faith has failed, Not the Priest

In their writing these politicians made a connection between the priest shortage to the lifting of priestly celibacy worldwide.

Actually Cardinal Brandmuller refuted them.

He pointed to "the increasingly lower number of Mass goers and faithful, who receive the Sacraments."

The Union politicians were made to look like fools because for them "it wasn't only   celibacy, but the first steps back to an 'other Church'".

The German National Church is Shattered

The promotion for the German special way may lead to schism -- warned Cardinal Brandmuller:

"Are you aware that you are only part of a campaign that has been engaged since the beginning of the 19th Century -- and which is failed today.?" -- the Cardinal asks the politicians.

The CDU-functionaries have put a way of life in question, "those who are the overwhelming number of priests who are convinced and are living truthfully of their own free will."

Cardinal Brandmuller also informed these Union politicians that they are insulting Jesus Christ with this campaign:

"Priests who are living unmarried like the young Jesus do nothing else, besides making their manner of life like that of the Master."

The Priests of the Early Church Were Already Living Celibate Lives

Furthermore, the Prince of the Church explained to the anti-Celibacy politicians that the priestly celibacy is an apostolic tradition:

"It is surely scientifically proven that in the beginning married men were certainly ordained as priests and bishops, but from the day of consecration on, probably the family life continued, but not, however, the married bond."

That also goes for the researchers that even  an ecumenical Council itself couldn't ignore:

"It is therefore urgent  to express that this discussion, which we have already exhausted to tedium and  harmed and thoroughly multiplied the confusion of the faithful, be brought to an end."

The Bishop of Nice Visits the Society of Pius X

Bishop without a hard head:  He wanted to strengthen his herd in the Faith.  For that reason he went for some days personally to the homes of the Faithful, unbelievers and traditionalists.

(, Nizza)Bishop Louis Albert Sankalé (64) of Nice visited the priory of St. Pius X in his Diocese.  This was at the website of the Diocese of Nice on 17th of January with photos.

The 350.0000 population city Nice is on the Sea in south east France.

The meeting was part of an evangelization and pastoral visit, which Msgr Sankalé undertook from 11. to15. in the parish of the apparently Bl. John XXIII (+) in the old town of Nice.

At this opportunity the Bishop was missioning together with the Vicar General, Fr. Jean-Louis Balsa and the administrator of the old town parish, the black secular priest, Léon Pape Gnacadja.

Msgr  Sankalé visited with both priests, various cloisters, chapels and centers of so-called renewal movments left over from the 80s.

The three went to businessmen, barmen, market stands, artists and craftsmen.

They spoke otherwise to passersby on the street.

On the program there was a cemetary, a barracks of the Foreign Legion as well as a Priory of the Society of Pius X, that is located in the vicinity of the old city parish.

The current prior -- Fr. Charles Moulin -- opened the door to his guests and greeted them with hospitality.

The Bishop -- in suit, collar and pectoral cross -- visited the chapel of the Society, which is consecrated to St. Clare of Assisi, for the first time.

Original, kreuznet...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Moscow jihadist shouted "I will kill you all" before setting off his bomb

World leaders issue their usual expressions of sorrow and outrage (not reproduced below; why bother?) -- but what will they end up doing to try to prevent another attack like this? Not much in the way of actual focus on the real perpetrators. "'I will kill you all': at least 35 die in Moscow airport bombing," by Maria Antonova and Stuart Williams for AFP, January 25:

H/t: Jihad Watch

GalliaWatch: Marine Le Pen Opposed to Gay Marriage

GalliaWatch: Marine Le Pen Opposed to Gay Marriage

The Last Papist Standing: The Unstoppable Cleanup...Holy Father Sends Shockwaves to Northern California With Seismic Diocesan Shift

The Last Papist Standing: The Unstoppable Cleanup...Holy Father Sends Shockwaves to Northern California With Seismic Diocesan Shift

Medjugorje: The Pope Desires a Final Decision

There are a thousand contradictions that point to the fact that in Medjugorje there hasn't been an appearance of the Mother of God.  For that reason there should be a "much longer" investigation process to postpone it.

False Apparition Site Medjugorje

(, Vatikan)The Vatican investigation of the false apparition site of Medjugorje in Bosnia Herzegowina has just begun.

This is according to Marian Priest Salvatore Perella of the news service of the US-Bishops Conference, 'Catholic News Service'.

Father Perrella teaches at the Old Liberal theological faculty of the Marianum in Rome.  He is a member of the Vatican Investigative Commission, which is occupied with Medjugorje.

The Church has only made a few judgments on the appearances -- explained the priest.  It is supposedly not always possible to ascertain if an appearance is true or false:  "For the phenomena are greater than us."

In truth God works exactly according to the criteria of truth and falsity. Everything else comes -- according to the criteria of the discernment of spirits -- from the Devil.

Judgment on Saint Till the Cows Come Home?

Father Perrella explained that the Pope wants to make a final judgment on Medjugorje.

The spiritual  is validated  -- despite the easily verifiable facts, which speak against reality -- with a "very long process".

The case is "very complex",  but not impossible to solve.

The duration of the daily appearances create mistrust--  took the Mariologist into consideration.

He compared these phenomena with the  -- not daily unlike Medjugorje -- appearances of our Lady in Laus in south east France.

The Bishop of Gap recognized the sporadic appearances of the shepherdess Bnoite Rencurel († 1718) during fifty four years in 2008.

 The Church proceeds in any case with "maximum prudence"  -- continued Father Perrella further.

The Mother of God Appears as Black, Mexican or French

Finally the Mariologist allowed a pious fauxpas.

He said that the Mother of God could physically appear to men on earth because she is the only one brought body and soul into heaven.

Other departed Saints could appear incorporealy.

In reality there have been various appearances of Saints in the past.  In the Irish apparition site of Knock St. Joseph and St. John the Evangelist appeared next to the Mother of God.

The Mother of God appears at various locations even in different forms.

Read further...German at

Editor's Note:  An "Old Liberal" is a term used at kreuznet to describe a certain kind of personality or institutions that is part of the graying and sterile generation of sixty eight, not simply because they are old enough to have been of age in that revolutionary time but chiefly because they share those values, which are typified by multi-Culturalism and the neo-Marxism of the noxious and intellectually cancerous Frankfuhrt School.  Some examples of "Old Liberal" include: Franz Kung, Cardinal Mahoney of Los Angeles, Cardinal Bernardine of Chicago, Archbishop Rembert Weakland and Sister Joan Chiddister OSB to name but a few to include most of the Jesuit Order.

Monday, January 24, 2011

270 Seminarians Huddle in Tents: Haiti

It is like back then in Postwar Germany:  "Those remaining alive, the completely impoverished people of the city, live in this single bunker.  Thousands are huddled here together.  There was a dominating and pestilent stench."

Seminary inn Haiti
( The Church in Haiti finds itself still in a state of exceptional circumstance after the disastrous  earthquake of January 2010.

This report is from the Latin American correspondent of the international Catholic aid association, "Kirche in Not', Rafael D'Aqui.

After the outbreak of cholera and the escalation of violence after the last election, the future is continually uncertain.

Priestly Seminary Under the Palms

"In the national seminary of Lillavoi there are at present 270 seminarians in tents learning philosophy and theology under the palms."

The earthquake destroyed the seminary of Port-au-Prince.  Many seminarians were then buried beneath the ruins.

"We have helped purchase land for a new seminary" -- explained D'Aqui.

The Nuncio hopes to be able to lay the cornerstone in January.

Till the building is complete, the seminarians must remain in tents.

A car should be dispatched to ease the supplying with sustenance and to bring the upcoming priests to the people.

Poor Sisters Help the Poor

The Little Sisters of St Theresa work in the small suburb Rivere Froid -- not far from the capital of Port au Prince.

They care for the residents in severe poverty in the impassable mountains of Haiti.

Through the earthquake the sisters had lost virtually all of their homes.  150 of their students and four sisters gave up their lives in the collapse of the buildings.

Since then the five surviving sisters are perched all together in a severely earthquake damaged house.

Some of them are old and frail.

Like in Bombed Germany

The report of their national correspondents are said to remind them "of the situation in Postwar Germany" -- said the business directoer of 'Kirche in Not', Karin Maria Fenbert.

Then Father Werenfried van Straatem -- the founder of the aid association -- wrote about the bombed city:

"There is almost nothing left of it, only a giant bunker, like the ones built throughout Germany, to protect the population from bombs.

"Those remaining behind, completely impoverished people of the city, house themselves in a single bunker. Thousands huddle here together.  There was a dominant and pestilent stench."

Then Father continued:  "It is Christmas again and Christ longs to be taken up Himself."

He wanders about our streets unseen.

Don't be like the predatory animals of Bethlehem, like the indifferent innkeepers, like the prosperous burgers in the chambers of their provincial self-satisfaction.

Open your doors and your hearts to everyone in need, which need is also Christ's."

Hit-and-Run: Media Slams Vatican With Bogus 'Smoking Gun' Story

Heads up yellow press, Regensburg Diocese Wins Suit Against 'Spiegel'.

Hit-and-Run: Media Slams Vatican With Bogus 'Smoking Gun' Story


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Colombo cathedral enforces dress code

Colombo cathedral enforces dress code

H/T: Pewsitter

Briefs: Germany won't send drug for executions

Germany won't send drug for executions

Germany's health minister is urging the nation's leading drug companies and distributors to ignore requests from the United States for sodium thiopental, used to anesthetize inmates being executed.

Supplies of the drug are growing short in the United States after the sole U.S. manufacturer ceased production.

Pope says marriage not an absolute right

Pope Benedict XVI told priests Saturday to do a better job counseling would-be spouses to ensure their marriages last and said no one has an absolute right to a wedding.

Benedict made the comments in his annual speech to the Roman Rota, the Vatican tribunal that decides marriage annulments. He said the right to a church wedding requires that the bride and groom intend to celebrate and live the marriage truthfully and authentically.

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Should pope be made a saint after sex abuse scandals?

Editor: He seems to have given ammunition to those who've benefited the most from the process both financially and politically.

Who could ignore the irony of “John Paul II to be beatified in May” (AC-T, Jan. 15) followed by “Vatican told church not to report Irish abuse” (AC-T Jan. 19) in this paper, and in reports internationally? I would greet that juxtaposition with wry humor if not for the knowledge that behind the report of the Vatican's (under Pope John Paul II) now-proven order to its bishops not to turn pedophile priests over to law enforcement, are countless injured kids, now teens and adults, living with unspeakable memories and trauma. ...

Bishop blesses new Catholic church in east Fort Myers

1:10 A.M. — Worshippers packed the chapel of their new church Saturday at Jesus Obrero Catholic Mission, eager for their first Mass in the building.

Bishop Frank Dewane of the Diocese of Venice made his way to the altar through a sea of believers, where he presided over the night’s service.

Arched windows lined the walls of the Colonial Latin American-style building.
“Man, it’s beautiful,” said Daniel Juarez, 42, one of the church’s 3,500 parishioners. “Maybe it’s more than we expected.”

The 16,000-square-foot building on Nuna Avenue in east Fort Myers replaced the 25-year-old, worn-out chapel that sits next door. The new building seats about 1,300, although many had to stand for the Mass,

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Arizona shooting suspect might escape death if convicted


McClatchy Newspapers

Reacting to the Arizona shooting with anger, sadness and shock, a majority of Americans think that suspect Jared Loughner should be sent to death row if he's convicted, according to one poll. But if statistics are any indication, he has a good chance of escaping execution.

Federal prosecutors have had little luck persuading juries to send defendants to death row. Of 467 defendants whom U.S. attorneys general in Washington have authorized to face the federal death penalty since it was instituted in 1988, only 15 percent have received it.

The list of criminals who've escaped federal death row includes high-profile convicted killers: Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, Oklahoma City bomber Terry Nichols and Olympic Park bomber Eric Rudolph.

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5 killed, 22 injured in car bombing attacks in Baghdad

Five people were killed and 22 others were wounded in four car bomb attacks in and near Baghdad on Sunday, an Interior Ministry source said.

A booby-trapped car parked near Dyana Hotel on Abu Nawas Street in central Baghdad detonated and killed a civilian and wounded six others, said the source who asked not to be named.

In a separate incident, another car bomb went off in al-Taji area, some 15 km north of Baghdad, killing two people and wounding four, the source said.

Documentary on The Nashville Dominicans

Salt and Light TV has a documentary on the Nashville Dominicans (The Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia) that looks phenomenal. Here is a promo for the documentary:

More Anglican priests to join Catholic Church

BBC News

Seven Anglican priests and 300 members of six congregations are to join a new section of the Catholic Church, the Catholic Diocese of Brentwood says.

The move involves three parishes in Essex, and three in east London.

It is the largest influx to date into the Ordinariate, which Pope Benedict established for Church of England members unhappy over issues such as the ordination of women.

Three former Anglican bishops have been appointed to lead the Ordinariate.

Ordinariates allow Anglicans opposed to developments including women bishops, gay clergy and same-sex blessings to convert to Rome while maintaining some of their traditions.

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Is The Catholic Church the New Whipping Boy?

Prof. Hudson McLean

Are some writers in LankaWeb running out of material and imagination, and turning to thunder the Catholic Church as a whole, with the presumption of collaborating with the Hindu led LTTE Terrorists to resurrect the Tamil Eelam in North East of Sri Lanka?

Agreed that many of the Tamil Catholic priests and a couple of Tamil Catholic Bishops sympathised with the LTTE. However to assume now HH Pope in Rome has got his hand into the terrorist pot, with the Canadian Catholics using Tamil LTTE, as the “front”, is way, way out.

In my personal opinion, the Sinhala Catholics in Sri Lanka in general, have never ever favoured a partition of the Island. The Sinhala Catholics are as patriotic as any other Buddhist, with the possible exception of some Tamil Christians and Tamil Catholics, who have favoured a LTTE led divided Sri Lanka.

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Mexican Drug Cartels Resort to Jihadist Terror Methodology by Using More Car Bombings

As the savage, largely narco-fueled violence in Mexico escalates, the country’s crime-cartels have resorted to using one of jihadist terrorists’ most lethal weapons – the car bomb.

But while there had been a lull in the cartels’ use of “vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices” (VBIED) since a wave of detonations of these lethal bombs last summer, on the heels of Mexico’s crackdown on the Los Zetas cartel in recent weeks, Mexico’s Secretariat of Public Security (SSP) announced that a car bomb was exploded Tuesday afternoon in front of a muni-police station in Linares, Nuevo León, Mexico.

The car was a white Jetta from Nuevo León and had been parked in the reserved parking space of a high ranking police department official.

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Two killed, 8 injured in Baghdad bombing

BAGHDAD: Iraqi authorities say a roadside bomb has killed two people and wounded eight during Baghdad’s morning rush hour at the start of the local work week.

The bomb exploded at 7am on Sunday in southwest Baghdad as a police patrol was passing by.

A security official said a policeman and a civilian were killed. Another four policemen were injured.

The casualties were confirmed by a medical official at Baghdad's Yarmouk Hospital.

Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to talk with the media.

Associated Press

Bishop Calls for a New Syllabus

"Keeping in mind the now decades-long experience of interpretations that are doctrinally and pastorally mistaken and contrary to the bimillennial continuity of the doctrine and prayer of the faith, there thus arises the necessity and urgency of a specific and authoritative intervention of the pontifical magisterium for an authentic interpretation of the conciliar texts, with supplementation and doctrinal clarifications; a sort of "Syllabus" of the errors in the interpretation of Vatican Council II.

There is the need for a new Syllabus, this time directed not so much against the errors coming from outside of the Church, but against the errors circulated within the Church by supporters of the thesis of discontinuity and rupture, with its doctrinal, liturgical, and pastoral application.
Such a Syllabus should consist of two parts: the part that points out the errors, and the positive part with proposals for clarification, completion, and doctrinal clarification."