Showing posts with label Immemorial Mass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Immemorial Mass. Show all posts

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Traditional Rite Codified for the First time in the Constitution by the Roman Curia


March 22, 2022 

Yesterday was the presentation of the new Constitution of the Roman Curia, which had already been published last Saturday, much to the annoyance of accredited journalists.  

(Rome) The Association of Journalists Accredited to the Holy See expressed their "amazement" at the manner in which the Apostolic Constitution Praedicate Evangelium "on the Roman Curia and its service to the Church in the world" was published.

The association complained that the new constitution was promulgated "without prior notice".

The new constitution regulates the work of the Roman Curia. It will come into force next June 5th, Whit Sunday. Up until now, Pope John Paul II's Apostolic Constitution Pastor Bonus from 1988 has been in force. The new constitution Praedicate Evangelium will replace the previous one in June. The new constitution incorporates a number of changes made by Pope Francis over the past nine years.

Traditional Rite Anchored in the New Constitution

For the first time, the traditional form of the Roman Rite, and thus indirectly tradition, was codified in a constitution of the Roman Curia. Specifically, this happened in Article 93, which regulates the tasks of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments:

"Art. 93 The Dicastery is concerned with the regulation and discipline of the sacred liturgy as regards the use, according to the norms in force, of the liturgical books of the period before the reform of the Second Vatican Council.”

The previous Constitution, Pastor Bonus contained no such codification. It was promulgated by John Paul on June 28, 1988, while the establishment of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei by the motu proprio of the same name did not take place until four days later, on July 2, 1988. It showed that the granting of Ecclesia Dei was improvised on the one hand due to the events (consecration of bishops by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre on June 30th, which the Pope did not allow) and that the Holy See at the same time had not yet wanted to commit to anchoring the traditional Rite in the Constitution for the Roman Curia.

This is what Pope Francis did now, almost 34 years later, at a moment when he was severely affecting tradition, the traditional Rite and the communities connected to it with the motu proprio Traditionis Custodes. In Traditionis Custodes he determined the transfer of responsibilities to the Congregation of Worship, which are enshrined in the new constitution. The English Archbishop Arthur Roche, who is openly hostile to the traditional Rite, leads the congregation as Prefect.

In the original version, which had already been published on Saturday, the "extraordinary form of the Roman Rite" was expressly mentioned, as Pope Benedict XVI. in the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of 2007.

"Art. 93 The Dicastery deals with the regulation and discipline of the sacred liturgy in relation to the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite.”

The existence of such an extraordinary form is denied by Pope Francis with the motu poprio Traditionis Custodes. The new constitution was thus in open contradiction to Traditionis Custodes. On Monday, therefore, Article 93 was amended by Msgr. Marco Mellino, the secretary of the Council of Cardinals, who advises Francis on curial reform. The unofficial reason given was that a typographical error had to be corrected. An official notification that a change has been made has not yet been made. In Monday's press conference, Monsignor Mellino stated:

"In the Editio Typica, which will be the original and fundamental text, you will find the wording as it is. Also because of the whole question of the Society of Peter. We have to find the best formulation so that everything is well taken into account".

The first version of March 19 and the corrected version of March 22 on the Holy See website. On the other hand, there is no specific reference to the institutes of tradition, the so-called former Ecclesia Dei communities, in the articles of the new Constitution which regulate the work of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and for Societies of Apostolic Life. With Traditionis Custodes, Pope Francis had transfered all competences not related to the liturgy for the former Ecclesia Dei communities of the Congregation of  Religious.  It follows that the communities of tradition are treated in the same way as any other religious community. The top leadership of this congregation, under the leadership of Cardinal João Bráz de Aviz, is also not considered to be tradition-friendly.

Excitement among the Vaticanists

The excitement among the Vaticanists is understandable: Yesterday (March 22nd) the press conference to present the new Apostolic Constitution took place. Loup Besmond, a correspondent for La Croix, was the first journalist to address it, and expressed the "surprise" of the Association of Journalists Accredited by the Holy See at the communication policy of the Holy See. The press conference on a document that had already been published on Saturday and took place on Monday. The publication took place without prior notice and only in Italian. Normally, the Vatican documents are made available to journalists in advance but are subject to a blocking period. This gives journalists the opportunity to prepare themselves, read the document and possibly translate parts before they are supposed to report on it at the time of publication.

Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni, director of the Vatican press office, justified the unusual procedure with reference to the "reason of state" and the feast of St. Joseph, which the Church celebrated last Saturday. This is an important date for Pope Francis, Bruni said, as it marks the anniversary of his pontificate.

Of course, this is not an explanation for the actions of the Vatican press office.

A number of journalists took to Twitter to echo Besmond's expression of astonishment to send a signal of disapproval.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image : MiL/ (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Cardinal Sarah Reassures TLM Community as Busybody Complains to Paris Archdiocese About Traditional Chapel's Scamdemic Procedures


Cardinal Robert Sarah encourages the priests arrested in Paris. The picture shows the cardinal in the church in March 2015 when he was talking about the new evangelization and the liturgy.

From a Catholic.

[Katholisches] Robert Cardinal Sarah assured Abbé Marc Guelfucci, his chaplain Abbé Gabriel Grodziski and the parish of Saint-Eugène-Sainte-Cécile in Paris of his support and wished the priests courage and trust in God. On Sunday, April 11th, Abbé Guelfucci read the letter to the congregation and conveyed the cardinal's blessing.

"I will kill the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered" (Mt 26:31).

What Jesus said to his disciples the evening before his death came to his mind spontaneously when he was reading the reports about this year's Easter Vigil in the congregation, writes Cardinal Sarah.


“I wish to express my support and condolences to you and Abbé Gabriel Grodziski in this test which meets you as pastor and pastor of souls, and I want to encourage you, the parishioners of Saint-Eugène-Sainte-Cécile, to pray deeply, especially during the Holy Mass."

Cardinal Sarah remembers with joy and gratitude of his successful visit in March 2015, during which he was received by a congregation whose piety touched him.


"I bless you all with all my heart and entrust you to Our Lady of Consolation and Saint Joseph, Protector of the whole Church."  --Robert Cardinal Sarah

Saint-Eugène-Sainte-Cécile, chancel

The two Parisian priests of tradition had celebrated the Easter Vigil in the traditional Rite in their community and are now under investigation for endangering the lives of others and confronted by Archbishop Auppetit with a canonical  investigation.


The Mass was public and on broadcast on the YouTube, followed by the community. The whole thing only turned into a media scandal after a non-Catholic brother of one of the people baptized had turned to the press indignantly because the hygiene regulations had been disregarded in the Mass. Abbé Guelfucci has now made a clear statement at Sunday Mass on April 11th. He emphasizes that short fragments were deliberately selected from the four-hour video material, which mainly show the procession and the baptisms of adults, in order to give the impression that the hygiene regulations are being disregarded. It was also completely wrongly commented that the faces were dipped in the same water during the baptism without disinfection with prepared towels. Abbé Guelfucci speaks of "Slander and defamation campaign intended to harm the Catholic Church, the diocese and the community" .  He reminds that Catholics have implemented all hygiene measures in a particularly disciplined manner, even before the first lockdown in March 2020. At no time did the community become a source of infection. “We trust Christ and the Virgin Mary to make the truth visible."

Archbishop Aupetit has meanwhile written to the parish on April 10th. At his request, this letter was read out to the congregation. According to the Archbishop, the video material shows irresponsible violations of the hygiene regulations (especially distance rules and mask requirements), even if the comments are exaggerated in places. He calls for a full implementation of the hygiene rules so that he is not forced to close the church.

In view of this positioning and such a threatening tone, it is to be hoped that Archbishop Aupetit will not allow himself to be instrumentalized in a war of the republic against the Church and sacrifice the pastor of Saint-Eugène to appease the anti-church republic.

Image: Le Salon beige / author

Trans: Tancred


Saturday, October 17, 2020

The Young Yearn for the Immemorial Mass of All Ages

by Young Catholic Girl 

Whenever I find an “petition book” in a church, I like to leaf through it. Then my gaze may get caught on a clumsy children's handwriting that simply tells us that the child went on a nice excursion with their parents and wants to share this joy. There is the elderly lady who prays for her grandchildren or people who pray for their sick parents. There is a lot of thanks to our Lord, sometimes a little cross or a few little hearts from the hands of children for God. But there is also a lot of worry and sorrow that is brought before the Lord in a few words.

I read how people tried to deal with life with the virus and the required restrictions in faith by writing and bringing their concerns to God. And in a pilgrimage church I found a very special testimony of great clarity that speaks for itself:

Sad that…

... there is hardly any trust in God (therefore such measures as no epidemic or war have ever seen before)

... people are dominated by fear (this does not come from God, but from the other one)

... even in such a holy and beautiful place there is not even a Latin Mass in the traditional Rite on Sacred Heart Fridays (quote from Pope Benedict XVI: which has never been abolished).

All God's blessings and healing in their hearts

PS I am not old. The Latin mass is sought after by young people


Trans: Tancred


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Sydney Bishop Assigns Immemorial Mass to Under-30 Demographic

Auxiliary Bishop of Sydney sees the future of the liturgy in the Immemorial Mass of All Ages. The older the faithful, the more infantile the liturgy must be.

(Sydney) An unusual statement on the sacred liturgy has been made by an Australian bishop.

Msgr. Richard Umber is Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Sydney. As the Sydney Archbishop Dominic Anthony Fisher joins the Synod at the Synod of the Youth in Rome, his Auxiliary Bishop sent an unusual tweet at home about the liturgy and the future of the Church. A hard judgment on the so-called post-conciliar believers is easy: the older, the more infantile the liturgy must be for them.

On October 7, Auxiliary Bishop Umber wrote:

A priest should consider the pastoral needs of the Church when choosing between different options for the Mass:

Under 30: 1962 Missal
Over 50 years: youth Mass
Over 70 years and a child are present: Kiddie Liturgy


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Benedictines of the Strict Observance Consecrated in Albenga-Imperia

Bishop Olivieri celebrating the Immemorial Mass of All Ages with his successor, Bishop Borghetti to the left.

(Genoa) Bishop Mario Oliveri conferred the Subdiaconate on one and a lower order on two traditional Benedictines of the Immaculate.

The fledgling order was founded in 2008 by two monks of the traditional Benedictine Abbey of Le Barroux as a Benedictine order of the strict observance. They had settled at the request of Bishop Oliveri in the diocese of Albenga-Imperia. Bishop Oliveri was the chief shepherd of this diocese from 1990-2016.

Exactly one year ago, on March 21, 2017, the Order of the Benedictines of the Immaculata was canonically recognized as an Order of Diocesan Right. Its charisms include ecclesiastical tradition, the traditional form of the RomanRite  and Benedictine spirituality.

March 21 is the Dies natalis, the day of the death of St. Benedict of Nursia. Yesterday, numerous clergy gathered at the Monastery of St. Catherine of Siena in Villatella, Liguria, to celebrate, together with the Benedictines of the Immaculate Conception, the day dedicated to the Order's founder and father of monasticism in the West. It was also a joyous feast for the young community because Bishop Oliveri conferee the Subdiaconate on two monks and another to a lower rank.

Also present was Msgr. Guglielmo Borghetti, the successor to Msgr. Oliveri as Diocesan Bishop.

The vocation ministry and the spiritual direction of the monastery under Prior P. Jehan de Belleville fall on fertile ground. He was the first companion who joined Dom Gerard Calvet, the founder of Le Barroux in 1970 when he retired to the mountains in 1969, loving as a hermit because of the New Rite, which had been introduced into the Benedictine order.

"The monastic and the liturgical faithfulness", says P. Jehan, are the "irrevocable" basis of the Benedictines of the Immaculate.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: MiL
Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Urban San Francisco Priest Revitalizes Parish With Immemorial Mass

SAN FRANCISCO - On the solemnity of the Annunciation this past spring, San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone dedicated the Star of the Sea Church’s renovated St. Joseph Adoration Chapel, calling it “a pivotal moment in the history of the parish.”
“We want to base the renewal of our parish around the holy Eucharist,” said Father Joseph Illo. “Our mission statement is to evangelize God’s people beginning with the gift of the holy Eucharist. That means putting a lot of energy into our music, our preaching, our Sunday Mass.”
Three years after Illo was appointed parish administrator in August 2014, bringing his powerful commitment to traditional Catholic practices to the famously progressive city, Mass attendance and number of parishioners registered have increased about 10 percent each year.
Father Illo's Blog...

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Consecration of Corsica to Mary with Traditional Mass

Notre Dame de la Serra  Mary Queen of
(Ajaccio) Bishop Olivier de Germay Ajaccio celebrated High Mass on Sunday, the 7th September, at the pilgrimage  Notre Dame de la Serra to Upper Calvi. The Marian shrine located high above the city on a cliff with a magnificent view. There has been a miraculous image of the Blessed Virgin Mary there for more than 500 years, showing her Assumption. This year there is a renewal of a consecration   of the island to the "Queen of Corsica". A Holy Mass was celebrated in the Immemorial Rite.
Every year on the first Sunday in September, a pilgrimage to Notre Dame de la Serra takes place. The walls around the church bear witness to the turbulent events, to which the Mediterranean island was exposed.  Through a donation from the Frankish king Pippin III., the father of Charlemagne, Corsica has belonged since 750 to the Papal States until the island was annexed in 1347 by the Republic of Genoa. The island was often the victims of Muslim pirates from North Africa. In 1553 Corsica  was  even occupied by the unholy Franco-Ottoman alliance. As the Corsicans in the 18th century wanted to shake off the Genoese rule, there were  several uprisings, and Genoa  sold the island to France, which annexed Corsica in 1770.

Mary "Queen of Corsica"

On the hill above Calvi  until the late 18th century there was a hermitage, where the hermit lived intermittently by the miraculous image of grace. In 1735, Corsica still belonged at that time  to Genoa, but aspired to independence, under the protection of Our Lady, when she was made the "Queen of Corsica".  In 1794, during a brief English occupation in the turmoil of the French Revolution, the church was badly damaged, but rebuilt again after the end of the Napoleonic era. On 18 May 1935, the then Bishop of Ajaccio, Rodié undertook the renewal of the consecration to Mary.
Bishop de Germay decided to renew the consecration of Corsica one more time in 2014  to the Virgin Mary in all parishes of the island. The novena began last August 30.   From the 6th-8th September  it took place on the pilgrimage to the Marian mountain of Calvi. 
Fearing a theft, the miraculous image is now in the parish church of Saint Marie Majeure of Calvi. From there, it is annually brought up on the mountain to the traditional pilgrimage.

Traditional Rite in Notre Dame de la Serra

On Saturday, in the church built in 1479,  Notre Dame de la Serra is open all day for the pilgrims. A  procession was lead up the mountain, where Holy Mass was celebrated, which was lit by torchlight.
On Sunday, a Holy Mass was said at 8 o'clock on the mountain  in the traditional Rite, then, a Pontifical Mass was said at 10:30    in the New Rite by Bishop Olivier de Germay. By 4 o'clock there was a Eucharistic blessing with a procession around the sanctuary and the opportunity to gain an indulgence.
On Monday, the Feast of the Nativity of Mary, ,  the consecration renewal of Corsica to the Virgin Mary took place during Holy Mass at 10:30.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Riposte Catholique
Trans: Tancred

Friday, September 14, 2012

Diocese of Helsinki: No TLM for A Whole Year

How Innocent is the Pope

The Pope says some beautiful words about the reform of the reform.  Then he goes back and names Bishops who do the opposite. by Sari Hiltunen

(  In the Diocese of Helsinki there hasn't been an Old Mass celebrated for over a year.

It's too expensive a Mass?

For the past few years, the Diocese was regularly visited by priests from the Society of St. Peter from abroad.

Then the Diocesan administration explained that the Catholic laity ought to finance these visits.

Actually, among the Traditionalists are mostly young families with many children.  They don't have the financial means.

The Old Mass as a Magnet 

For the spiritual formation this situation is a catastrophe.

Till now the Traditionalist of the Diocese have even produced vocations.

Many converts have found their way to the Church through the Old Mass.

The unbeneficial influence of Opus Dei

Bishop Teemu Sippo (65) rules the Diocese of Helsinki.

He runs a hard Old Liberal course.

It is no contradiction that his General Vicar is a priest of the Personal Prelature of Opus Dei.

He is the Spanish born Fr. Ramon Goyarrola (43).

Opus Dei has no potential for reform

Priests of Opus Dei are also active in the Diocesan administration.

It is a publicly stated goal of Opus Dei to succeed Bishop Sippo's Diocese.

With the introduction of the Personal Prelature into the Diocese things haven't improved in the least.

English Instead of Latin

The most recent step:  The Diocesan administration want to cancel the only Novus Ordo Eucharistic Celebration in the Latin Language, which has been held every Sunday in the Cathedral since the end of the Pastoral Council.

The service is well attended.  It takes place at 9:45.

In its place there will be an English Eucharistic Celebration, although there is already an English Mass on Sundays in Helsinki.

Everything upside down

Since the appointment of the Bishop and General Vicar, female ministers have been introduced.

The interior of a parish church in Helsinki was destroyed under the pretext of restoration.

New order children -- and youth -- were sent on a summer camp with the homosexual friendly Lutherans.

Even the Diocesan festival took place this year -- even on the Feast of the Assumption -- in a protestantic "church" building.

The Problem is in Rome

The Diocese of Helsinki finds itself in a difficult financial situation.  It doesn't receive the privilege of state taxes like the German church does.

Otherwise, it is stuck on the course with the Old Liberals, who are not know  to engage themselves for the Church.

Because of the financial need Msgr Sippo has to have his residence moved to the former retreat house "Stella Maris" outside of Helsinki.

From there he can indulge himself in his interest in a mindless ecumenism.

The current Pope has clearly authorized it.

Because he has named countless Bishops in the mean time, who think and operate similarly.

Link to

Monday, April 2, 2012

Young Bishop Calls Benedictines of Nursia for Old Mass

This is what the future looks like.
(Foligno)  The Bishop of the central Italian Diocese of Foligno asked the Benedictines of Nursia to celebrate a series of solemn Masses in the Immemorial Rite.  The invitation followed in the context of an initiative of the Bishop to bring the faithful of his Diocese closer to the Old Mass.  The Bishop participates himself, as much as possible, in the Holy Mass, in order to give through his personal presence, a sense of the importance of this "treasure of the Church", as Pope Benedict XVI called the Old Mass.

The Diocese of Foligno is in Umbria, the home of St. Francis of Assisi.  Msgr Signismondi, born in 1961 is one of the youngest Bishops of Italy.  He studied at the Papal University of the Gregorian in Rome and was ordained in 1986 to the priesthood.  After several years in pastoral work he became the Rector of a seminary and undertook a period of teaching as a Dogmatic Theologian.  In 2008, Pope Benedict XVI named him to the Diocese of Foligno.

The Benedictine Cloister of Nursia, the home town of the Father of Monasticism, Benedict, has been  re-colonized in the last ten years by American monks, who are bound to tradition and celebrate the Holy Liturgy in the Immemorial Rite.

Holy Mass in the Immemorial Rite is celebrated by the monks of Nursia once a month at the church of Santa Maria Infraportas at 10 am.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Benediktinerkloster Nursia

Monday, March 26, 2012

Recent News: Court Victories and Immemorial Masses in Italy

New School -- New Latin Mass --  Court Victory Against Homosexual Activism -- Exorcism

New School

Germany.  The traditional Dominicans of Fanjeaux in south west France will start a new grade school in the Fall.  This was reported by the District Superior of the Society of St. Pius X, Franz Schmidberger, in the most recent edition of the "newsletter".  The nuns will begin their school at  St. Micheal's Priory in Rheinhausen in southern  Baden.

The Old Mass Makes everything New

Italy. Last week Bishop Gualtiero visited Sigismondi of Foligno near the Benedictines of Nursia at a High Mass in the Old Rite.  The site '' wrote about this.  Msgr Sigismondi has entrusted the monks with a new apostolate.  They may celebrate the Immemorial once a month in his Diocesan city in the church of St. Maria Infraportas.  The faithful should grow accustomed to this form again.  Msgr Sigismondi will participate at the old Mass himself in the choir, to underline its importance.  Clearly the Bishop sees this as a contribution to the New Evangelization.

Evil Has no Rights

France.  State privileges for homosexuals are not human rights.  This was the final ruling of the judge of the 'European Court for Human Rights' in Strassburg. It refused two homosexual women.  They had complained to the French court, because  it had banned them from adoption as married couples.

The Germans Think They are Smarter

"Despite the global boom, Germany will continue its taboo against exorcists. [Father] Urluch Niemann (+2008), a Frankfurt Jesuit physician, considers it impossible that this country will ever again have an exorcism sanctioned by a senior pastor. For obsession, the correct way is to accompany spiritual counseling with therapy."

From an article from Markus Brauer in the 'Stuttgarter Nachrichten'


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Local Bishop Supports SSPX Prior

Edit: This Prior seems bent on joining the local Diocese and leaving the SSPX.  Things may become clearer.

It appears as though the Society of St. Pius X Prior wants to turn to the local Diocese.   The opportunity has clearly been concluded.

( Last Sunday morning Msgr Jean-Marie Bonfils (82) of Ajaccio on the Island of Corsica  has made an unusual gesture.

'' reported this on Monday.

The Diocesan Bishop is Confirming at the St. Pius X Priory

The Bishop was at the church of the Society of St. Pius X in Ajaccio.

There he confirmed 19 candidates in the Immemorial Rite.  At the end he celebrated a Pontifical High Mass.

The Bishop has clearly held the confirmation at the priory of his own initiative.

One De Facto General Superior

Msgr Bonfils was ordained as a priest for the ‘Societé des Missions Africaines’ in December of 1954.

He was an instructor in Lyon and in Benin, West Africa, as a theology professor.

In March 2005 Msgr Bonfils retired as Bishop to Nizza.

In September 2011, he was named as the Apstolic Administrator of the crisis-stricken Diocese of Ajaccio on the isle of Corsica.

He will conduct the business of Administrator till April 14.

Then his successor, Msgr Olivier de Germay (51) will be consecrated as Bishop.

Presently, Msgr Bonfils is also the Papal Commissar for the Contemplative Sisters of St. John and also the de facto General Superior.

The Background

The action of Msgr Bonfils appears to have been done in conjunction with Father Herve Mercury -- the Society Prior of Ajaccio.

He is presently in consultation with Msgr Bonfils to become incadinated in the Diocese.

The most recent confirmation in Ajaccio was not the result of an arrangement with the General Council of the Society.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Fontgambault: Holy Father Loves Traditional Benedictines

As Pope Bendict XVI. saw the new Abbot and his predecessor a few months ago, he shouted out: "Fontgambault!"

The Traditional Benedictine Abbey of Fontambault is located by a 270 population village of the same name in the Departement of Indre in central France.

It has a stormy development behind it.

With the Old Faith, it Survived the Conciliar Collapse

In 1948, 22 monks from the Abbey of Solesmes setted from Fontgambault.

Today with over a hundred monks it is one of the largest cloisters of the Congregation.  Since 1971 -- in the midst of the Conciliar night -- the cloister formed four new foundations.

On October 7th the new director of the cloister, Abbot Jean Pateau was consecrated.

Meeting with the Pope

On the 9th of March the website '' reported some recent events at the cloister.

The webiste reported that the new Abbot and his predecessor, Abbot Antoine Forgeot, had travelled to Rome on November 23rd.

They were even invited by Pope Benedict XVI.  The meeting was not known about until today.

As soon as the Holy Father saw the two monks, he called out:  "Fontgambaul!"

The Pope enjoined the new Abbot, to hold fast to the line of his predecessors.

He had militated very strenuously against introducing any kind of concelebration.

Falling Back From the High Level

According to reports from '' vocations are also not falling back.

In the last year they haven't had any entrants.

Recently there were five monks in the Novitiate.

Last August two monks had made their simple and another monk made his solemn vows.

Presently, the Cloister is expecting numerous new entrants in the near future.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

254 Cardinals and Bishops Have Celebrated the Immemorial Since Summorum Pontificum

Edit: I know for a fact that Archbishop Nienstedt doesn't know how to say the Immemorial Mass of All Ages, but he has "celebrated" at them and shown his support on at least one occasion by being present in choir.   Some commenters have pointed this out.  Well, it depends on what you mean by "celebrates" Mass.  Technically, anyone can "celebrate" Mass. 

Since the Motu Proprio, Summorum Pontificum of Pope Benedict XVI was put into effect in 2007 the following Bishops and Cardinals have celebrated the Immemorial Mass of All Ages.  The Spanish blog Acción Litúrgica has compiled the following list.
GERMANY: Cardinal Walter Brandmüller (President of the Papal Historical Commission), Dick (Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Cologne), Hanke (Bishop of Eichstätt), Mixa (Bishop Emeritus  of Augsburg), Ostermann (Auxiliary Bishop von Münster), Overbeck (Bishop of Essen)
AUSTRIA: Cardinal Stickler (+2007), Laun (Auxiliary Bishop of Salzburg)
SWITZERLAND: Farine (Auxiliary bishop of Lausanne, Freiburg and Genf), Genoud (Bishop von Lausanne, Freiburg and Genf, +2010), Huonder (Bishop von Chur), Perisset (Apostolic Nuncio in the Federal Republic of Germany)
LIECHTENSTEIN: Haas (Archbishop von Vaduz)
ARGENTINA: Baseotto ( Bishop Emeritus  Castrense de  Argentina), Laise ( Bishop Emeritus  of San Luis), Sánchez Sorondo (Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy de Ciencias)
AUSTRALIA: Cardinal Pell (Archbishop of Sydney), Coleridge (Archbishop of Canberra), Hart (Archbishop  of Melbourne), Hickey (Archbishop of  Perth), Elliot (Auxiliary Bishop of  Melbourne), Grech (Bishop of Sandhurst, +2010), Jarret (Bishop of  Lismore), Porteus (Archbishop of  Sydney), Prowse (Bishop of  Sale)
BELGIUM: Leonard (Archbishop of Brussels, Primate of Belgium), Harpigny (Bishop of Tournai)
BENIN: N´Koue (Bishop of Natitingou)
BRAZIL: Pena (Archbishop of  Niterói), Taveira Correa (Archbishop of Belem do Pará), Tempesta (Archbishop of Río de Janeiro), Areas Rifán (Bishop of the Apostolic Administration of San Juan Marían Vianney), Bergamin (Bishop of Nova Iguaçu), Canindé Palhano (Bishop of Senhor do Bomfim), Da Silva (em. Auxiliary Bishop  von Fortaleza), Fontes de Matos (Bishop of Palmira dos Indios), Guimaraes (Bishop of Garanhuns), Lopes de Faria (em. Bishop  of Diamantina,+2009), Paixao (Auxiliary Bishop  of Salvador-Bahía), Pestana Filho (em. Bishop of Anápolis,+2011), Romer (em. Auxiliary Bishop of Río de  Janeiro), Silva Matthes (em. Bishop of  Franca), Sivieri (Bishop of Propriá-Sergipe), Soares da Costa (Auxiliary Bishop  of  Aracaju), Stringhini (Bishop of Franca)
CHILE: Cardinal Medina Estévez (em. Prefect of the Congregation for  Doctrine and the Faith), Piñera Carvallo (em. Archbishop  of La Serena). Bishop González Errázuriz (Bishop of San Bernardo)
CHINA: Cardinal Zen (em. Archbishop of  Hong Kong)
DENMARK: Kozon (Bishop of Kopenhagen)
FRANCE: Cardinal Barbarin (Archbishop von Lyon), Cardinal Ricard (Archbishop of  Bordeaux), Cardinal Ving-Trois (Archbishop of París, President of the French Council of Bishops), Bacqué (Nuncio to Holland), D´Ornellas (Archbishop of Rennes), Le Gall (Archbishop of Toulouse), Madec (em. Archbishop of  Toulon), Maillard (Archbishop of Bourges), Thomazeau (Archbishop of Montpellier), Aillet (Bishop of Bayonne), Aumonier (Bishop of Versailles), Bagnard (Bishop of Belley-Ars), Batut (Auxiliary Bishop of Lyon), Boivineau (Bishop of Annecy), Brouwet (Auxiliary of Nanterre), Centène (Bishop of Vannes), De Dinechin (Auxiliary of Paris), De lmas (Bishop of Angers), Dubost (Bishop of  Evry), Dufour (Bishop of Limoges), Fikart (em. Auxiliary of  Paris), Fort (Bishop of  Orleans), Fréchard (em. Bishop of Auch), Gaidon (em. Bishop of  Cahors, +2011), Guillaume (em. Bishop of  Saint-Dié), Kalist (Bishop of  Limoges), Kratz (Auxiliary Bishop of  Straßburg), Lebrun (Bishop of Saint-Etienne), Mathieu (Bishop of  Saint-Dié), Pansard (Bishop of  Chartres), Rey (Bishop of Frejus-Toulon), Riocreux (Bishop of Pontoise), Scherrer (Bishop of Laval), Séguy (em. Bishop of  Autun), Wintzer (Auxiliary Bishop of  Poitiers)
GABON: Mvé Engone (Archbishop of  Libreville), Bischof Madega (Bishop of Port-Gentil)
Great Britain: Cardinal O´Brien (Archbishop of Edinburgh, Primate of Schottland), Conti (Archbishop of Glasgow), Kevin (em. Archbishop of Southwark), Longley (Archbishop of  Birmingham), Arnold (Auxiliary Bishop of  Westminster), Cunnigham (Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle), Doyle (Bishop of  Northampton), Gilbert (Bishop of Aberdeen), Hopes (Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster), Kenney (Auxiliary Bishop of Birmingham), McGough (Auxiliary Bishop of Birmingham), McMahon (Bishop of Nottigham), Moran (Bishop of Aberdeen), Sherrington (Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster), Stack (Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster), Williams (Auxiliary Bishop of Liverpool)
HAITI: Gayot (em. Archbishop of Cap-Haitien, +2010)
CANADA: Roussin (Archbishop of Vancouver, em. 2009), Miller (Archbishop of  Vancouver), Prendergast (Archbishop of Ottawa). Blais (Archbishop of Quebec), Lemay (Archbishop of Quebec)
COLOMBIA: Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos (em. President of the Ecclesia Dei Commission)
CROATIAN: Pozaic (Auxiliary Bishop of Zagreb)
ITALY: Cardinal Antonelli (Archbishop of  Florence, em. 2008), Cardinal Bagnasco (Archbishop of Genoa, President of the Italian Bishops' Conference), Cardinal Bartolucci (em. Choir Master of the Sistine Chapel), Cardinal Caffarra (Archbishop of  Bologna), Cardinal De Paolis (Director of the Precture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See), Cardinal Piovanelli (em. Archbishop of Florence), Cardinal Poggi (em. Papal Library, +2010), Cardinal Scola (Archbishop of Milan), Accerbi (Titular Bishop, Prelate of the Sovereign Order of Malta), Appignanesi (em. Archbishop of  Potenza), Bassetti (Archbishop of Perugia), Berloco (Apostolic  Nuncio in Belgium), Betori (Archbishop of Florenz), Boccardo (Archbishop of Spoleto-Norcia), Brugnaro (Archbishop of Camerino-San Severino), De  Magistris (em. Archbishop Pro-Major Penitentiary of Apostolic Penitentiaryr), Molinari (Archbishop of L´Aquila), Ambrosio (Bishop of Piacenza), Cancian (Bishop of Città di Castello), Fisichella (Curial Bishop, President of the Papal Academy for Life), Giovanetti (Bishop von Fiesole), Giusti (Bishop of  Livorno), Lambiasi (Bishop of  Rimini), Miglio (Bishop of  Ivrea), Mistrorigo (em. Bishop of  Treviso), Oliveri (Bishop of Albenga-Imperia), Rabitti (Bischop of  Ferrara), Ravignani (em. Bishop of  Triest), Reali (Bishop of Porto-Santa Rufina), Scanavino (Bishop of   Orvieto), Tardelli (Bishop of San Miniato)
IRELAND: Martin (Archbishop of Dublin), Magee (Bishop of Cobh), Moriarty (em. Bishop of Kildare y Leighlin)
KAZAKHSTAN: Schneider (Auxiliary Bishop of Astana)
LITHUANIA: Bartulis (Bishop of Siauliai)
MEXICO: Suárez Inda (Archbishop of  Morelia)
MONACO: Barsi (Archbishop of  Monaco)
NIGERIA: Cardinal Arinze (em. Prefect for Divine Worship), Ochiagha (em. Bishop of  Orlu), Tochukwu Ukwuoma (Bishop of Orlu)
NEW ZEALAND: Meeking (em. Bishop of Christchurch)
HOLLAND: Punt (Bishop von Amsterdam)
PARAGUAY: Livieres (Bishop of  Ciudad del Este)
PHILIPPINES: Lagdameo (Archbishop of  Jaro), Escaler (em. Bishop of Ipil), De Gregorio (Administrator of the Apostolic Prelature of  Batan), Hobayan (em. Bishop of Cazarman), Tobias (Bishop of Novaliches)
POLAND: Cardinal Nycz (Archbishop of Warsaw), Golebiewski (Archbishop of Breslau), Zscysinski (Archbishop of Lublin), Balcerek (Auxiliary Bishop Poznań), Depo (Bishop of Zamosc-Lubaczow), Dziuba (Bishop of Lowicz), Gorny (Bisop of Rzeszów), Malysiak (em. Auxiliary of Krakow), Mizinski (Auxiliary Bishop of  Lublin), Pieronek (em. Auxiliary Bishop of Sosnowitz), Szkodon (Auxiliary Bishop of   Krakau)
PUERTO RICO: Torres Oliveira (em. Bishop of Ponce)
RUSSIA: Pezzi (Archbishop of Moscow)
SLOVAKIA: Bezák (Archbishop of  Trnava)
SLOVENIA: Cardinal Rodé  (Prefect em. for the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life)
SPAIN: Cardinal Cañizares Llovera (Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship), Martínez Sistach (Archbishop of Barcelona), Curial Bishop Herranz Casado, Navarrete Cortés (em. Rector of the Papal University of St. Gregory, +2010), Ureña Pastor (Archbishop of Saragossa), Fernández González (Bishop of  Córdoba), Iceta Gavicagogeascoa (Bishop of Bilbao), Yanguas Sanz (Bishop of Cuenca)
SRI LANKA: Cardinal Ranjith (Archbishop of  Colombo)
CZECH REPUBIC: Baxant (Bishop of  Leitmeritz)
HUNGARY: Farhat (Nuncio to Austria), Varga Lajos (Archishop of  Vácbish)
USA: Cardinal Baum (em. Apostolic Penitentiary), Burke (Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura), Egan (em. Archbishop of  New York), Foley (Grand Master of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, +2011), George (Archbishop of Chicago), Levada (Prefect of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith), O’ Malley (Archbishop of   Boston), Brunett (Archbishop of Seattle), Carlson (Archbishop of  Saint Louis), Di Noia (Secretary for the Congregation of Divine Worship), Hugues (em. Archbishop of New Orleans), Kevin (em. Archbishop of Southwark), Myers (Archbishop of Newark), Nienstedt (Archbishop of  Saint Paul in Minneapolis), Pilarczyk (em. Archbishop of    Cicinnati), Vigneron (Archbishop of  Detroit), Wenski (Archbishop of    Miami), Backer (Bishop of   Birmingham), Boyea (Bishop of   Lansing), Bevard (Bishop of Saint Thomas), Blair (Bishop of   Toledo, Ohio), Bruskewitz (Bishop of Lincoln), Burbidge (Bishop of  Raleigh), Callahan (Bishop of LaCrosse), Conley (Auxiliary Bishop of  Denver), Cordileone (Bishop of Oakland), Corrada (Bischof  von  Tyler), D´Arcy (Bischof  von  Fort Wayne-South Bend), Daniels (Bischof  von  Grand Falls), Dewane (Bishop of   Venice), Di Lorenzo (Bishop  of  Richmond), Di Marzio (Bishop of  Bofrooklynn), Doran (Bishop   Rockford), Etienne (Bishop of Cheyenne), Farrell (Bishop of Dallas), Finn (Bishop of Kansas City), Foley (em. Bishop of   Birmingham), Gainer (Bishop of  Lexington), García (Bishop of    Monterey), Hermann (Auxiliary Bishop of Saint Louis), Hurley (Bishop of Grand Rapids), Keleher (em. Bishop of  Kansas City), Kicanas (Bishop of  Tucson), Madera Uribe (em. Bishop of Fresno), Matano (Bishop of Burlington), McFadden (Bishop of  Harrisburg), McManus (Bishop of    Worcester), Morlino (Bishop of  Madison), Murphy (Bishop of Rockville Centre), Nevares (Auxiliary Bishop of  Phoenix), Olmsted (Bishop of  Phoenix), Perry (Auxiliary Bishop of  Chicago), Provost (Bishop of  Lake Charles), Reiss (Auxilary Bishop of  Detroit), Rhoades (Bishop of   Harrisburg), Ricken (Bishop of Green Bay), Sample (Bishop of Marquette), Serratelli (Bishop of  Paterson), Silva (Bishop of Honolulu), Slattery (Bishop of  Tulsa), Timlin (em. Bishop of  Scranton), Tobin (Bishop of   Providence), Waltersheid (Auxiliary Bishop of   Pittsburg), Van Johnston (Bishop of   Springfield, Missouri).
Finally are still the Bishops of the Society of St. Pius X:  Fellay, De Galarreta, Tissier de Mallerais and Williamson.
Text: Acción Litúrgica /Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Jens Falk/Acción Litúrgica
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