Showing posts with label Modernism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Modernism. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Weakland Appointed Seminary Rector Attacks Church's Teachings

The head rots from the fish down and bad appointments of Bishops yield bad results and this former Seminary rector is now in charge of a parish.  He was appointed by Archbishop Weakland..  Archbishop Weakland himself was a favorite of Paul VI.   Not only does the Seminary rector, Father Victor Capriolo suffer from deficiencies in theology, but he suffers from deficiencies in his knowledge of human nature as well:

  I am aware also that Saint Paul says the various distinctions we use to categorize and divide one another are not appropriate for the Church. “There does not exist among you Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female.” (Galatians 3:28).
 I’m sure women can relate well to their belonging to the Church as the bride of Christ; but, I wonder, how can men do that? As baptized members of the Church, men are part of the Body of Christ; but can they see themselves as the bride of Christ?
If the body of Christ is both male and female, I wonder … if there were both male and female priests as head of the Church, then that spousal image of Christ and his Church would make better sense for both men and women.

Link to article, here

Sunday, December 12, 2010

"Catholic" Blog Defends David Berger's Homosexual Deception

 Homosexual friendly clergy at "Pray, Tell" blog, hosted by some priests at a Modernist Monastery in the Midwest are focused like laser beams on what a dishonest homosexual activist from Germany and former theologian has to say about the Catholic Church and Its legitimate aspirations.  Berger's already accused the Church of hypocrisy about Its position about sodomy, why doesn't he join St. John's Abbey and all the other liberals who pose as Catholics and found their own religion?  It's ironic indeed that one of the largest centers of homosexual predators in the country if not the world also hosts a website concerned about the sexual health of Traditionalist priests.

Speaking of aspirations, Berger is enjoying almost universal praise from the anti-Catholic press.  The bloggers there, after insisting they are very familiar with Berger's work are very defensive of the homosexual charlatan.  If they ever met at St. John's Abbey for a conference, you can be assured there'd be a mutual admiration society set up.  One of the homosexual enabling blog's commenters complained that he didn't know what Berger's "professional" status in the Catholic Church is.  Well, Berger still teaches at a Catholic high school in Germany and like a lot of schools who hire active homosexuals either knowingly or unknowingly often refuse to fire them even after they've proven themselves to be less than honest.

Father Ruff rises to Berger's defense, insisting that he's read the deceptive German sodomite:

 Fr. Allan, if you haven’t read the book by Berger, perhaps you should step back from comparing it with Michael Rose’s book.

Berger is a bright theologian (doctorate in the field). I’m not so sure that Michael Rose even claims to be a theologian. Rose holds that homosexual orientation and homosexual people is the problem. We need “good men” again. Berger, rather, discusses the problematic ways people do or don’t deal with their orientation. I think this is a significant difference. I find the former homophobic, but not the latter.

I wouldn’t lump Berger and Rose together.

Yes, the latter is a lying homosexual poser, a confidence man who admitted to winning over people in Traditionalist circles to earn income while he  was living in a homosexual relationship with hiis "partner".  The former is an honorable man and was very accurate about what was going on at the Louvain, which at the latest had abandoned its Catholic identity and will be closing out in any case, due to a lack of interest in what they have to offer. 

Another blog contributor, Father Cody Unterseher is worried that this histrionic creature's book won't continue being carried by Ave Maria Press, thanks Cody:

One wonders if Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University will be courageous enough to keep Berger’s little book Thomas Aquinas & the Liturgy in print. It’s an very useful contribution, and I’d hate to see it fall victim to unnecessary and unhelpful suppression.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Vienna's Pastoral Office in the Hands of Left Feminist

The old Liberal Cardinal of Vienna is promoting an old Liberal Church functionary, who is associated with the anti-Church group "We Are Church".  The anti-Catholic media bosses will praise her.

Christoph Kardinal Schönborn
Christoph Kardinal Schönborn
(, Wien)Today on the feast of the Immaculate Conception, Christoph Cardinal Schönborn of Vienna has made some of his personal decisions known.

The old Liberal Vienna Regent, Secular Priest Nikolaus Krasa will be the new General Vicar.

Fr. Krasa is a passionate mountain climber. [sounds dangerous]

He proceeded to terminated his position in 'Press Service of the Archdiocese of Vienna", to continue on in the old Liberal line of his predecessors.

The old liberal Viennese Subregent, Fr. Richard Tatzreiter, follows Father Krasa as Regent.  

Fr. Tatzreiter was recently promoted as the supposed result of "collegiality" of priests.

Finally the Cardinal named the old Liberal Pastoral Theologian Veronika Prüller-Jagenteufel as the new director of the Pastoral Office.

The current old Liberal director, Fr. Michael Scharf, will be the Spiritual Assistant to the Pastoral Office.

Everything is on a Course in the Direction of Decline

With the naming of Mrs Prüller-Jagenteufel, Cardinal Schönborn has established a decisive course to put women in positions of responsibility normally held by clerics.

Already, women head the Financial Office, the Office of Schools, the Business and Accounting Departments of the Archdiocese of Vienna in the old Liberal decline.

Mrs. Prüller-Jagenteufel worked as Assistent and received her credentials studying under the anti-Church Viennese Pastoral Theologian, Fr. Paul Micheal Zulehner.

She was decisively involved with the preparation and execution of the Cardinal's anti-Church penance and protest liturgy with anti-Catholic Society, "We Are Church" in the Spring of 2009.

The event served to play up the infrequent homosexual abuses of children in the ecclesiastical area.

Initially, Mrs. Prüller-Jagenteufel's wished for proposal "a 'date of foundation' in the Church":

"We could confront the necessary institutional deconstruction anti-cyclically with many initiatives, experiments, community foundings and departures"  -- the Pastoral Theologian varnishes the the destruction of parishes.

Read further,

Jesuit: "I Am a Religious Atheist"

Austria. Christendom must become "atheistic and religionless".  This was said by the old Liberal Jesuit, Father Roger Charles Lenaers (85), at a lecture in Vienna according to a report of the Linz commerce website, ''.   The old man is active in the parish of Vorderhornbach in the Diocese of Innsbruck.  Religion consists in a thin flow of experience for the Jesuit that the human intellect can't grasp entirely and is hidden behind an experiential "something":  "Because of this I am a deeply religious atheist."

Read further... original,

Monday, December 6, 2010

No SSPX Priests Allowed in Vienna's Cathedral Book Store

The New Book About "Hetzendorf" by Publisher 'Facultas'
Today a book was ordered in Vienna, that didn't just bring the local Archdiocese to snort.  The first drops of sweat are flowing.

(, Wien) This evening Heidemarie Seblatnig presented her new book "Hetzendorf and the Iconoclasim of the Second Half of the 20th Century" in Vienna according to neo-Conservative videosite ''.

Mrs Seblating has been a university lecturer at the Institute for Architectural Science at Technischen Universität Wien.

 Her book contains selections from nine authors.  Within the most recent iconoclastic attack on the Catholic Church is dealt with, which has raged since the 50s.

 The seminarian Michael Wimmer addressed the Iconoclasm as the rejection of ecclesiastical identity.

The Italian architect Ciro Lomonte asserted in his selection that the forms of expression in modern architecture do not work with Catholic Liturgy.

The aesthetic and institutional back ground of the late historical church building has been dealt with by Viennese Art Historian Inge Scheidl.

Under the provocative title "Altar Lights on the Firewood Crate" the Art Historian Mario Schwarz is also included in the volume.

The German Historian, Publisher and Luther researcher Gerhard Scuder writes about Martin Luther and his one of the causes of modern Iconoclasm.

Other authors are from the German Oratorian Father Uwe Michael Lang of the Congregation for Liturgy and the new Bavarian Cardinal Walter Brandmüller.

I Had to Wait Outside

Already the pre-history of this relevant and captivating book shows its explosive force.

The books should have been introduced in the Viennese Cathedral book store -- in the immediate vicinity of the Cathedral of St. Stephen.

Mrs. Seblatnig had won the Dogmatic Theologian of the Society of Pius X., Father Matthias Gaudron, as a consultant  for the book's presentation
Actually, then the Cathedral book store scrubbed the entire book presentation. Because of the Christmas business it basically can't give any more book presentations.

According to '' the old Liberal Viennese Auxiliary Bishiop Helmut Krätzl is presenting his new hate book against the Church in the Cathedral bookstore.

Mrs Seblating was forced then to give the book presentation in the Schottenstift in the City Center.

Note: Hetzendorf was once the hunting lodge of the Hapsburgs.  It's now being used by a fashion school.

Friday, December 3, 2010

David Berger -- Will Homosexual be Fired as Religion Instructor?

The homosexual theologian has been fulminating for days against the teaching of the Church and is also attempting to justify his "homosexual-life" -- A speaker for the Archdiocese offers that matter at this point being arranged "is still in process".

Cologne (  Will the contentious Cologne theologian David Berger leave his job as Catholic religion instructure, after he has been outed for months now as a practicing homosexual and having lived a double life for years?  In the Archdiocese of Cologne at this time a inquiry has been informed, "the entire matter at point being arranged "is still in process", exlained a speaker to kath,.net.

Berger has been publishing for some days his obscure theses to the media.  A very unfounded thesis for example was told to "Spiegel":  "It must be made known that a large number of Catholic priests and seminarians in Europe and the United States are homosexually inclined."  Berger is to this date still the religion teacher and German teacher at Ville-Gymnasium in Efstadt. then offers the Catechism and several citations from Holy Scripture: [Genesis 19, 1-29, Romans 1,24-27; 1 Corinthians 6,10; 1 Timothy 1,10]  They repudiate the natural law, because the propagation of life is closed to such a sex act.  They do not have a true and affective sexual maturity.  They are not in any case to be sanctioned.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Reds at USCCB Continue to Promote "Disarmament"

In a tip of the cheese hat to /Antonio Gramsci, the gathered Catholic Bishops continue to undermine their homeland, their Church and the families they are sworn to protect.  Some people perhaps thought that there would be a major change, how wrong you were. Now Bishop Hubbard of the scandal ridden and heretical Albany Diocese is "peacemaking" in the Bernardinian style. How Bishop Hubbard has a job, much less how he's able to dictate to the United States how it should defend itself simply boggles the mind. So, not only is he running interference for homosexuals, posing as priests so they can prey on the young, but he's trying to prevent your homeland from defending itself from nuclear destruction.  Hey, do you really think it's a good idea to send money to your Archdiocese? 

Archbishop Dolan, Bishop Hubbard Voice Bishops’ Support for Ratification of Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty
WASHINGTON (November 30, 2010)—The new president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and the chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on International Justice and Peace have urged the United States Senate to ratify the New START Treaty. The treaty, signed by President Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on April 8, would reduce the nuclear arsenals of both countries by 30 percent.

“The Church’s concern for nuclear weapons grows out of its commitment to the sanctity of human life,” wrote Bishop Howard J. Hubbard of Albany, New York, in a November 29 letter to the Senate. “Consistent with Catholic teaching, the Holy See and the U.S. bishops have long supported reducing the number of nuclear armaments, preventing their spread to other nations, and securing nuclear materials from terrorists. For decades they have promoted the twin and interrelated policy goals of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation. We understand this is an ideal that will take years to reach, but it is a task which our nation must take up with renewed energy.”

Bishop Hubbard chairs the bishops’ Committee on International Justice and Peace....

Read further, here...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Father Altier is Back on Line After Imposed Exile

He didn't learn to preach like this at Saint Paul Seminary
Father Altier's sermons can be heard here.  He's finally back on line after being silenced by the old Liberal Archbishop Harry Flynn for speaking out against the Diocesan indemnification program, "Talking About Touching".

It would be nice to hear Father back on Relevant Radio again since while he was on it, it actually sounded like a Catholic radio station as it somewhat misleadingly represents itself to be.

Back in 2006, Father Altier was indeed unjustly silenced and relegated to a funeral home assignment, despite the very liberal Dennis McGrath's claims to the contrary:

Father had indeed frequently and inappropriately (if not disobediently) criticized the archbishop and archdiocesan leaders (and not simply on the VIRTUS child protection/education program). The archbishop responded to that request by Father Altier with a kind and non-confrontational letter directing him to take a break from his radio and web site commentaries to concentrate on his pastoral work. There was no 'silencing' or 'censuring' involved.

Aside: Meanwhile, Pro-Homosexual priests like Father Tibesar, Father Tegeder and Fr. John Bauer are priests in good standing in the Archdiocese to this very day.  There have been no apparent attempts to discipline them. In fact Fr. John Bauer was even entrusted to close down the Traditional Latin Mass Center of St. Augustine's without much adieu from the comfort of his Soho digs near the Purple Basilica where the parish officially promotes the normalization of homosexuality at Gay Pride every year.

If it is true that as the Church teaches that it is a disgrace for a man to lie with a man and that sodomy is a "sin which cries out to heaven for justice", why is it that one of the Archdiocese few orthodoxy priests who meekly submits to the authority of his wicked Bishop, isn't more forcefully reproved, but is indeed tolerated and even encouraged?

H/t to Terry Nelson for this,

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Pope's New Bishop in Basel is a Disaster

This is what happens to you when you study Wittgenstein, you turn into an eternal graduate student, then you make ridiculous and inflammatory statements to the press that aren't Catholic like the new Bishop designate of Basel just did.

The drama continues, as the new Bishop of Basel says some wacky things, on rorate, here.

h/t: Ray from Minnesota at Stella Borealis.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Josh Guimond, Disappeared Eight Years and the Tragedy of "Catholic" Education and Gay Teenager Newspaper Editor at Catholic Highschool

Missing for Eight Long Years
It's obvious that the corruption of the young continues to this day in allegedly Catholic schools, obvious that is to many, but not the boards, the Religious Orders once entrusted to educate the young, the Chanceries, the parents who unwisely send their children to these schools and thereby participate in the corruption, and ultimately a surrounding debased society which has no culture, no sense of shame, no fear of God.  We know this tragic story is almost a decade long, but how long must these ecclesiastical charlatans receive the approbation and trust to educate the young with their imposture of Catholicism?

 Benilde-St. Margaret's with the hyphenated name of a prosperous divorcee, is a combined, and unfortunately, co-ed school founded by the Christian Brothers and Sisters of St. Joseph Carondolet with strong "Benedictine" influences while it receives spiritual and intellectual support from the Modernist Monastery which was recently so rude and disobedient to Archbishop Nienstedt in their "Rainbow Sashes", but now, the student newspaper has decided to publish its views on the Archbishop's DVD and deny that he has any right to teach.  To the credit of the posh but culturally debased, suburban school, the offending and poorly written editorial was removed.  Unlike the editor of this blog, we don't feel that the piece was particularly well-written, but it is cause for concern about what kind of job is being done to educate the young and who might be encouraging this young man to express himself in this way.

Do these leftist termites have any business educating children?  It's been eight years since Josh Guimond disappeared, and the deception at St. John's Abbey continues.

One of the suspects and a homosexual predator himself, Father Bruce Wollmering, dies a traumatic and violent death on Abbey grounds.

Editor:  We erred.  Benilde St. Margret's is a school which is an insalubrious combination of a boy's academy run by the "Christan Brothers" known as Benilde and St. Margret's, its counterpart, which was an all-girls school run by the now almost completely extinct and heretical Sisters of St. Joseph Crandolet.  We thank you for your kind solicitation and patience.

Ugly Architecture and Faux Catholicism Combine to Deform Minds in St. Louis Park

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Pope Plans to Allow Women to the Office of Lector

Editor: It's just a matter of time?

Assignments since 1972 already no longer required ordination.

Vatican City ( Benedict XVI is evidently planning to allow women to act as lectors at services. This was confirmed by the new prefect of the Vatican Bishops Congregation, Cardinal Marc Ouellet, this Thursday afternoon.  Ouellet outlined this in the context of the post-synodal document "Verbum Domini" by Pope Benedict XVI., which dealt with "The word of God in life and in the mission of the Church".

In the 220 page document on the structure of the recommendations of the Bishops Synod 2008 dealt with the necessity of a "rediscovery" of the Bible for the life of the Church, for the engagement in society and for inter-religious dialogue.

The Pope recalled among other things the liturgical rules of the Mass in the document: "As is well known, the Gospel is announced by the Priest or Deacon, the first and second reading in the Latin tradition, however, can be assigned to a man or a woman."

Lectoresses will now no longer be the exception.

Till now it has only been men who've been assigned to read the first and second reading, even though in many parishes in the German-speaking world it has turned out otherwise.  That either men or women could be assigned in the lector role was actually foreseen as an exception.

 From the outset on, lectors -- consistently men -- were authorized by the local bishop in the majority of cases.  Besides these lectors assigned as needed by the Bishop, baptised women and men were assigned the  role of reader in the Mass out of necessity.

Till 1972 the lector and acolyte (Altarservers) were assignments reserved for "lower ordinands".  Since 1972 both assignments are no longer tied to one who is ordained.

By the presentation on Thursday afternoon Cardinal Ouellet pointed out that the Pope  seized upon this indirectly from "Proposal 17" of the Bishops Synod on the Bible of  2008: "The Synod Fathers desired that the office of lector should be open also to women -- that therefore ought to take place. And the Holy Father studied this matter intently."

The German edition of Radio Vatican speculated that with the preparedness of the Pope to allow women as lectors, this could also open the way for discussing allowance of women in the office of the diaconate. The possible renewal, of which Cardinal Ouellet speaks, does not mean altogether a step toward the direction of lay preachers, says the broadcaster.

The French Catholic newspaper "La Croix" also took a look on Friday at the expressions of the new papal document with regard to Judaism.  As the paper recalled, it happened two years ago for the first time that there was a Jew who was invited -- a head rabbi from Haifa, Shear-Yashuv Cohen -- to be a lecturer at the Bishops Synod.  And Benedict XVI had explained in his writing, how valuable the dialog with Judaism is for the Church. "We are close together as we share the same spiritual roots.  We encounger one another as brothers -- brothers, who in certain moments of their history have had a tense relationship, but who've now decided to take pains, to build bridges of understanding and friendship", it was said among other things.

Link to original at

Mr. Taylor's photo, from here .

Wymyn Priestess photos, here.

Related Articles:

Stealth Deaconess, already in play, here.

Lay Investiture, here.

Linz Bishop, "concelebrates", here.

Stephen Kiechle SJ,will applaud too, here.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

In the Protestant Church: Catholic Diocese Praises Womens' Ordination in Children's Story

Editor: Reminds us of the old saying, "we'll get to you through your children", or the Jesuit adage, "give us a boy till seven, and I'll show you the man" The following was translated from the website, "The Catholic Church in Germany" put out by the German Bishops, thank you very little. It's a children's book which features a visit by two friends of different confessional backgrounds to each others churches.

Lena is protestant. She and Laura are good friends. Last Sunday Lena asked: "Would you like to go with me to Protestant Service?" And Laura said yes.

There was a lady pastor here

Laura and Lena sit in the first bench. The organ began and a woman in a long black robe entered the church. "Is that a nun?", whispered Laura. "No, that is our Pastoress", answered Lena. Laura was astonished and wanted to know: "May women be Pastoresses with you?" "Yes", said Lena, "and they may also mary and have children."

No Sign of the Cross

The Pastoress announced what was new in the church community. Then the organ began to play the entrance hymn: "Where two or three gather in my name, then I am among them." "I know that!", exclaimed Laura. And she sang enthusiastically along. Laura wondered to herself. For the differences of the Services in the Protestant church didn't differ much with the Catholic Church. Actually, she liked some of the differences.

The Profession of Faith [sic]

The community stood up and prayed the Profession of Faith. Laura prayed with. Except for one single word, everything was the same. Catholics pray: "I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Holy Catholic Church..." in the Protestant church it goes "...the holy christian church..."

The Lord's Supper

.Laura learned that the Protestant Christians like those in the Catholic Church go to the altar and receive a Host. Lena exlained:"For us it isn't called Communion, rather The Lord's Supper. And we don't only receive the bread, rather we drink the win or juice from the chalice." Laura was careful to notice, as the Pastoress said the words of institution that Jesus had spoken at the last supper: "This is my body..." - "This is my blood...". "Just like us", thought Laura. Actually, at the consecration the Pastoress didn't raise the chalice and bread up. And there was no bell.

The Differences

After the Service the Pastoress stood at the church door. She gave everyone leaving a warm shake of the hand and wished them a beautiful Sunday. Laura smiled to her. The Pastoress spoke to her: "I don't think I know you." "I am really Catholic," answered Laura. "But today I'm with Lena here. She is actually my friend." Then Laura asked the Pastoress about the differences between Communion and the Lord's Supper. The Pastoress explained: "Bread and Wine are for us really the body and blood of Christ. But first then, only when someone has eaten the bread and drunk the wine or grape juice. And also only then, when he believes in it." Finally the bread is really ordinary bread. And the chalice has also normal wine or grapjuice. In the Catholic Church bread and wine are really the body and blood of Christ. And when consecrated Hosts are remaining, they are placed in a tabernacle." "I knew that", said Laura. "It is completely gold and looks like a treasure chest." "You may gladly return, if you still have questions", said the Pastoress. "Great", said Laura and departed. But on the next Sunday Lena will come for the first time to the Catholic Church. And then she can meet the Catholic Pastor, Locher, and pester him with questions. That pleased Laura and Lena very much. "

Illustration: Susanne Mix
Von Margret Nußbaum

H/t: Where the above was given as an example of Protestantic relativism in connection with Father Finnegan of the Hermeutic of Continuity sojourn to Rome where he writes the following in his report on October 29th :

Yesterday I was given the altar of St Michael the Archangel for Mass at St Peters, and this morning I was pleased to be able to use the altar of St Pius X. Things have changed a lot since Summorum Pontificum there are now plenty of young priests around the Basilica first thing in the morning celebrating according to the usus antiquior. I like to go around a little before saying Mass and attend the consecration of various other Masses before saying my own.

So, the protestant relativism hiding out in German children's lit wasn't a lost cause after all.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Collegeville: NON SERVIAM

One of the Monks at this venerable institution once said, quoting Milton, "Better to rule in Hell than to serve in heaven." In another professor's mouth, it might have been a case of dramatic posing to capture the attention of the class, but you always got the sense he was rooting for the bad guys, and as subsequent events would have it, he was.

Father Ruff, OSB wrote,

Humility and complete dependence upon God are very good things. Jesus spoke often of them. The problem is that kneeling for Communion suggests, rather, complete dependence upon a clergyman who feeds you like a child. There is nothing in the teachings of Jesus to even hint that Christians should have this childish attitude toward ordained authorities in their community.

Link to Kneeling Catholic, here.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

More News From Modernist Abbey & Friends

Home of the World's Ugliest and Most Expensive Bible

Following a rebuke from Archbishop Nienstedt, a Pro-Homosexual monk held a Mass for those school and abbey sponsored miscreants and publicity seekers. Insightful comments about priest who held Mass at Modernist Abbey "on a cold day in Hell" and his friends "down in da cities at other allegedly Catholic locales", here and here.

Photo: Abbey-Roads

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Notre Dame Administrator Gets Deposed in Trial Busted!

[World Net Daily] A judge in Indiana has approved a request to depose a key school administrator by lawyers representing the "Notre Dame 88," pro-life activists who were arrested on orders from the Catholic university while they protested the school's speaking invitation to the devoutly pro-abortion President Barack Obama.

The move is key to the Notre Dame 88's defense, because when the famed university cracked down on the Obama critics, Notre Dame President John Jenkins issued a statement that all protesters were treated equally on campus.

However, William Kirk, former Notre Dame associate vice president for residential life who recently was dismissed, may have first-hand knowledge that the university previously allowed "gay" rights and anti-ROTC protesters to operate on campus without a permit and without any charges being filed, according to the Thomas More Society, which is working on the pro-life activists' defense.

Read further...

Friday, September 17, 2010

New Jesuit-Provincial Stefan Kiechle Bets Against Rome

Editor: He had previously this week offered to pay out settlements to compensate victims. He had also, as Novice Master, spoken of the pernicious homosexual culture in seminaries.

And he maintains: Appointments in the Church Hierarchy are reminiscent almost of "corruption" -- Almost half of Catholics are today continuously closed off from the Sacraments.

The new Provincial of the German Jesuits, P. Stefan Kiechle SJ, spoke this week for the abolition of celibacy. Kiechle spoke this Wednesday in the auspices of the "Cardinal-Höffner-Circle" Catholic CDU-member for the release of married men for the priesthood and for the consideration also of the ordination of women. Along these lines, Kiechle criticized the practice of appointments in the hierarchy of the Church. They are arranged by connections and are almost reminiscent of "corruption".

Kiechle speaks for another contact of the Church with the theme of mercy. He references the praxis of the Eastern Church, which has a conservative doctrine and in which it never the less has married priests. "That works", he insists. Surely, the abolition of celibacy will not solve all problems. Kiechle took over the administration of the Jesuit Province on the first of September.

The provincial speaks of a massive crisis in the Church, which is partly the result of a quantitative and qualitative shortage of priests. This crisis will not be solved first through the awareness of abuse cases. Firstly, the priest shortage hits "throughout". The Jesuit was concerned about the "selection, education and formation" of priests. Many clerics today are hardly in a position to take a leading role.

With a view on the ordering of officeholders throughout the Church there is "much about connections" said Kiechle. Some in Germany are interested in knowing someone in Rome, who has influence, or is eager to have dinner in Rome for personal favors. Such were the normal course of appointments, which pass for objectivity, "often evasive". The Provincial says this is dangerous: "In other contexts, one would speak of corruption."

The Superior continued, saying, the Catholic Church should establish centers. In the first place, there is a "reduction to core business", belonging to the "orderly and qualitative" Liturgy and Catechesis; these may also may influence good moods. Further accents must be "with quality" in the formation of schools and religious instruction. What the Church sows with the children, will remain.

Further accents must be mercifulness toward and usefulness of the disenfranchised and people on the edge. "That is the core business of the Church", he said. Almost half of the Catholics today are forbidden from approaching the Sacraments, intoned Kiechele, referring to the existence of cohabiting couples or remarried and divorced people. [More people in Germany seem to be aware of the Church's teaching in these matters.]

The Jesuit Provincial's remarks concerned the 40 participants in the conference for a controversial discussion. Before Kiechle, the leader of the Circle, Family Secretatry Herman Kues (CDU), called those concerns to mind. Cardinal Höffner stood for the opening of the Catholic Church to the modern world," said Kues. Those were the fundamental concerns for Höffner (1906-87), who was for many years the Archbishop of Cologne and the President of the German Bishops Conference, as well as the gathering of the Höffner Circle.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Modernist Benedictines Continue to Die Without Replacements

ST. JOSEPH, Minn. — Sister Mary David Olheiser and Sister Helenette Baltes professed their vows together in 1936 as two of the 21 new sisters to join the Sisters of the Order of St. Benedict that year. At the time, their central Minnesota Roman Catholic monastery was overflowing with youth and energy.


Sister Mary David Olheiser, 92, and Sister Helenette Baltes, 94, were reunited after 62 years. Sixty-two years later, the classmates and old friends are together again. St. Benedict is taking St. Bede back into its fold. The smaller group is facing demographic realities by closing its Wisconsin monastery and moving 29 remaining sisters back to Minnesota.

"It's just a blessing," said Baltes, 94, of her reunion with the 92-year-old Olheiser.

Read further...

Bishop Trautman Endorses the Primacy of Personal Sentiment and Continues to Attack Legitimate Reform

Bishop Trautman reminesces about how wonderful it was to be at the Vatican Council and how much it embodied his vision for the Church. Considering the many things Bishop Trautman believes, contrary to Catholic teaching and practice, perhaps this isn't exactly a ringing endsorsement for Vatican II, but rather a condemnation.

The people who are fighting to go back to Latin, for example, had a wonderful experience when Mass was in that language. They're saying they met the Lord that way, and they're trying to keep that form, not understanding that the form and language of the liturgy is never an absolute. Only God is absolute, and there are different ways we express our love and our prayer.

Link to original...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Jesuit Theology Professor and "Friend of Darwin" says Science and Religion Are Compaitable

In 2008, Haught received a "Friend of Darwin Award" from the National Center for Science Education. Additionally, in 2009, in recognition of his work on theology and science, Haught was awarded the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Louvain. Here.

Participants in dialogue between religion and science must work to dispel the notion that the two disciplines stand in total opposition to each other, said a theologian with the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University in Washington.

"Just like I have been trying to do my entire life, the dialogue should attempt to remove the false obstacles in the way of discussion, namely that religion and science are incompatible opposites," John Haught told Catholic News Service June 18.

The interview was prompted by a panel discussion hosted two days earlier by the Dialogue on Science, Ethics and Religion, which is part of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Moderated by Jennifer Wiseman, the new director of the dialogue, the panel had four speakers who discussed the theme "Re-Envisioning the Science and Religion Dialogue." They reached an agreement on three basic principles: no name-calling, civility and a need to help develop an interest in science among the public.

One crucial viewpoint was missing on the panel: the Catholic perspective.

Haught has written 18 books on the subject, including "The Cosmic Adventure: Science, Religion and the Quest for Purpose," "God After Darwin: A Theology of Evolution" and "Responses to 101 Questions on God and Evolution." He has been involved with religion and science dialogue for many years, teaching a course on the dialogue at Georgetown University.

"Many people still do not have a very deep understanding of the relationship between science and faith," he said, adding that many don't even have much interest in this relationship.

"Look at the numbers: 50 to 60 percent of Christians consider evolution and Christian faith incompatible," he said.

To Haught, most who believe in the conflict model of religion-science dialogue cannot explain why they think the two are irreconcilable.

Catholics who hold this view need "to get over it," he said. "There isn't any controversy about the reality of the evolution in the scientific community, so why in the church?"

As Pope John Paul II said in a message to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on Oct. 22, 1996, Catholics need to construct a theology that shows how divine knowledge, providence and wisdom can be affirmed because of evolution.

Pope Benedict XVI said in 2007 that evolution and the existence of God the creator should not be seen as two ideas in strict opposition to each other.

"Evolution exists, but it is not enough to answer the great questions," such as how human beings came to exist and why human beings have an inherent dignity, he said.

That is why the religion-science dialogue is so important, said Haught.

"If the Catholic Church wishes to remain with an appropriate understanding of God, then it must accept evolution," Haught said.

He suggested that the dialogue should reach out to the seminaries and schools of theology and show the importance of science education.

Even more than that, he said they should reach out to the people sitting in the pews. "It will be important to hold more available conferences and other opportunities for people to meet and discuss the topic."

The dialogue should focus on bringing people into contact with the whole body of theology and science, said Haught.

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