Showing posts with label Jesuits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesuits. Show all posts

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Marquette Administration Shuts Down Novus Ordo "Latin" Mass

Editor:  The Jesuits hate the Mass of All Ages and the fruits it produces so much that they'll even shut down a Mass that just looks like it.

Recommendation:  since you don't need the approval of an Ordinary, just go ahead and use the 1962 Missal.

Here's the report from Marquette Warrior:

We have heard for several days that the French Honor Society would be sponsoring a mass tomorrow night. It would be the “Latin Mass” we were told, but with parts in French.

It was to be led by Rev. Canon Olivier Meney, who is the “go to” guy for the Latin Mass in southeastern Wisconsin.

Indeed, just a few minutes ago we got the flyer for the event.

But now it has been cancelled. We confirmed that with Rev. Meney’s secretary, and with Emily Schumacher-Novak in Campus Ministry.

H/t to Badger Catholic.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Bandaids on Sucking Chest Wounds: Boston College

It's a lot like throwing starfish

The New Liturgical Society of Marxist Boston College at New Liturgical Movement

Una Voce BC was founded by students for the purpose of fostering the use of Latin in Liturgy here at Boston College. We encourage the reverent celebration of both the Ordinary Form and Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. We also encourage and promote Sacred Art and Sacred Music on campus. With the support of Campus Ministry, and the support of several Jesuits at BC, it is our hope to develop a greater appreciation for the traditions of the Catholic Church in the Boston College community.

H/t: Pewsitter.

Picture: from Wanderlust

Friday, April 1, 2011

Marquette Celebrates Diversity, But Not For Catholickes

Oh, the Irony
Editor: Leftist professors can drag the Church in the mud, insult their superiors and generally give a very bad report of themselves in the most petulant and insolent of ways, while this employee is facing disciplinary action for criticizing his superiors for being less than Catholic in a very responsible and mature fashion.  We just got this story from Badger Catholic in Wisconsin about a deplorable situation at Marquette "Jesuit" University.   As if the Jesuits in the Middle west weren't in enough trouble already. Academic Freedom, anyone? 
Perhaps it was the blogger/employees criticism of the all-holy "Queer Studies" program in place, viz:
The other issue raised was the fact that we had mentioned a student’s research paper, and were accused of “criticizing” it. In reality, we did not mention the student’s name, and the point of the blog post was that “‘gender studies’ has been added to ‘women’s studies’ signals a move toward a homosexual emphasis, as shown by one of the papers completed by a WGST fellow this summer . . . .” The blog post was, quite simply, a comment on the fact that the Women’s and Gender Studies program has begun to slip “queer studies” into the university.
Link to Marquette Warrior...

 Order those t-shirts here.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Careful: The Abuse-Hoax is a Diversionary Tactic

A German homosexual-ideologue is using the the timeliness of the hour in order to strike more homopolitical capital from the abuse-hoax.  A Commentary, translated from
More homosexuality means, necessarily, more abuse.

( The Jesuit, homosexual-ideologue [are there any others?] and striking Rector of the Berlin Cansisius College, Father Klaus Mertes is once again the homo-propagandist underway in German lands.  This, according to the 'Frankfurter Allgemein Zeitung' today.

On Sunday he indoctrinated the participants of an event at the Jesuit-led Old Liberal Philosophy-Theology faculty of the University of St. George in Frankfurt am Main.

Father Mertes is known for covering up the real reason for the very infrequent cases of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.

This consists in over eighty percent of the cases of abuse, homosexual perpetrators of sexually mature boys.

With preemptive complaint about the supposed discrimination against homosexual perps finds Fr. Mertes usually insisting that this problem has been made a taboo by German society.

At the same time he insults the Church because it is the only institution in the West that has the courage to condemn homosexual depravity.

With his attacks on the Church, the priest diverts attention from the homosexual problem.

In the case of the Berlin Canisius College the then supervisor categorically declared, since which -- as it was later exposed -- not having any information about the abuses at the school.

Actually the homo-ideological Jesuits aren't concerned about the protection of minors from homosexual perpetrators.  He wants to revile the Church.

So, he portrays one aggrieved of homosexual abuse as a "victim of a church pastor".

During his attack on the Church, the German priest imitates the national-masochism of his homeland.

This rages from a sexually morbid self-depreciation.  Example?

The Church never offered to approach the victims once in a "therapeutic manner" -- as the Jesuit waltzed into the slime.

Or:  It won't do, "to instrumentalize the victims as learning experiences for the Church".

Or: "What does the institution recongize, when they look from the perspective of the victim, when they see themselves in the mirror held for them by the victim?"

His answer: "The Church is also a sinner".

Naturally -- the tabooization undertaken by the Jesuits of the homosexual perpetrator only functions when the guilt can be pushed onto another -- on the Church.

After this cheap diversionary maneuver, Father Mertes published his own concern.

He can't get around, "to declare that from the perspective of the victim the fundamental question is placed in the context of Church sexual morality and the definition of spiritual power."

All clear?

Translated from

Friday, February 4, 2011

Modernist Monastery Attacks New Translation of Missal: Homosexual Culture Promotes Abuse

Big surprise, homosexual super-culture promotes dissent.  Never mind that the whole thing could be solved by simply returning to the pre-54 Missal.  Father Ruff has, after much soul-searching, to be sure, has decided to call it quits. Maybe he should quit pretending to be a Catholic and a Benedictine? Why doesn't he just join the Unitarians?  Well, Pro-homosexual "America" has published his open letter.  Birds of a feather, etc...

Remember, this is the guy who recently lent an uncritical ear to the yammering of Germany's homosexual enthusiast David Berger, who recently got fired from a seminary faculty in Rome after he was shown as a promoter and practitioner of homosexuality. C'mon people, St. John's is the haunt of predatory homosexual vampires who want to destroy the Church as much as they want to corrupt and destroy young minds.  The only reason this dump still puts out a shingle with the word Catholic on it is because of lazy, good-for-nothing, laymen who turn a blind eye.  This place really deserves to be shut down by competent Church authorities.  Still, nothing heard about any disciplining for an evil Benedictine there who promotes homosexuality on your dime, [If you're stupid enough to give money to Collegeville that is]. 

You know it's got to be bad when Jeff Mirus at Catholic Culture catches on.

So, this should come as a surprise to no one, especially not the homosexual super-culture of the Modernist Monastery in the Midwest, surely the most ugly brutalist, Mies Van Der Rohe inspired pile of concrete in the world....
With a heavy heart, I have recently made a difficult decision concerning the new English missal. I have decided to withdraw from all my upcoming speaking engagements on the Roman Missal in dioceses across the United States. After talking with my confessor and much prayer, I have concluded that I cannot promote the new missal translation with integrity [You're worried about integrity now?]. I’m sure bishops want a speaker who can put the new missal in a positive light, and that would require me to say things I do not believe.[Knowing the Bishops, some of them would, at least, prefer a Catholic speaker]

I love the Church, [With caveats and qualifications] I love the sacred liturgy [You love defacing the liturgy], I love chant in Latin and English, [An artistic conceit?] and I treasure being involved with all these as a monk and priest. It has been an honor to serve until recently as chairman of the music committee of the International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL) that prepared all the chants for the new missal. But my involvement in that process, as well as my observation of the Holy See’s handling of scandal, has gradually opened my eyes to the deep problems in the structures of authority of our church. [Yes, the practice of your community of continuing to ordain and tonsure homosexuals is a problem with authority, we suppose.]

The forthcoming missal is but a part of a larger pattern of top-down impositions by a central authority that does not consider itself accountable to the larger church. [Join a pro-homosexual, pro-anarchist "church" then, if you don't like top down arrangements.  It's not like there aren't other ecclesial arrangements more suitable to your predilections.]   When I think of how secretive the translation process was, how little consultation was done with priests or laity, how the Holy See allowed a small group to hijack [Probably that's what happened at St. John's in the thirties when Liturgical Abuses became the norm, among other kinds of abuses, to be sure] the translation at the final stage, how unsatisfactory the final text is, how this text was imposed on national conferences of bishops in violation of their legitimate episcopal authority, how much deception and mischief have marked this process—and then when I think of Our Lord’s teachings on service and love and unity…I weep. [Bullcrap]

I see a good deal of disillusionment with the Catholic Church among my friends and acquaintances. [Good, then leave.] Some leave the Catholic Church out of conviction, some gradually drift away, some join other denominations, some remain Catholic with difficulty. My response is to stay in this church for life and do my best to serve her. This I hope to do by stating the truth as I see it, with charity and respect. I would be ready to participate in future liturgical projects under more favorable conditions.

I am sorry for the difficulties I am causing others by withdrawing, but I know this is the right thing to do. I will be praying for you and all leaders in our church.

Pax in Christo,

Fr. Anthony Ruff, O.S.B.

There are a lot of other places you could go, Tony, and be an effeminate social worker with a decent salary.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Father Reese SJ wants More Lay Involvement in Church

Editor:  Better be careful Father Reese.  You guys engage in a lot of special pleading here.  We thought Jesuits were supposed to be logical.  These radicals are all about "lay leadership" until the laity starts asking for more authoritative statements against homosexuals in the priesthood and the occasional Latin Mass to be said.  One thing you can say about NCR and Jesuits in general is that they are respecters of persons, even if they have no respect for the truth. Father Reese should join the Episcopagans, we understand that they have lots of openings.  It is indeed comical how leftist clergy becomes the caricature of the shrill old-school Msgr when the laity acts like Catholics.

Panelists at a recent Woodstock forum in Philadelphia urged lay Catholics to grab the reins and set the course for the church’s future.

“We are becoming a do-it-yourself church” for the laity, said Jesuit Fr. Thomas J. Reese, one of three senior fellows of the Woodstock Theological Center in Washington who spoke at “The Future of the Church: A Woodstock Forum on Sources of Hope,” held at St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia Dec. 5.

The U.S. Catholic hierarchy today is fearful and defensive, a far cry from the collaborative, pastorally transformed hierarchy that emerged during and after the Second Vatican Council, said Dolores R. Leckey, former longtime head of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Secretariat for Laity, Family, Women and Youth, and a noted writer on spirituality.

Read further at NCR...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Jesuit-like Diocesan Priest Worships the God Shiva with Ravi Shankar

Jefath Gaspar Raj Crazy Like a Jesuit
Remember when the 60s were fun? Father Jegath Gaspar Raj, who is not a Jesuit as we first were informed, has had a lot of interesting connections, playing an intermediary in the peace talks between Tamil Tigers and the government of Tamil Nadu, running businesses and then becoming implicated in running the 2G Spectrum Scam.   Working in collaboration with Jesuits, he's working to destroy the Catholic Faith by breaking the First and Second Commandments, and he's doing it by  worshiping Shiva to promote his musical endeavor and get himself and the local Archdiocese out of a financial jam.  Some people seem to think that the Jesuits in India are pretty good.  We're inclined to think they might be even worse than the ones in the West.  Has anyone warned Father that he's committing one of the worst crimes a Christian can commit?

Not to be outdone in his many other adventures, this ambitious priest is featuring a musical production .  The production will cost about 15,000,000 Rupees which is about $135,000US, funds of the Archdiocese and some of which they are borrowing with the Blessing of the Archbishop himself.  More astounding than the cost of the production of the album will be part of the stated purpose which is to Praise the god Shiva.  The website Layitudity avers that this is because the enterprising  Father Gaspar needs the money and relies on the support of his Hindu fans in Sri Lanka:

The priest, with the blessings of Most Rev. Antony Devotta, Bishop of Tiruchirappalli, and the support of other Catholic priests, Fr. Vincent Chinnadurai, Fr. Lourdu Anandam, Fr. M.A. Joe Antony S.J. [Editor of the New Leader], Fr. Joe Arun S.J. [Director of the Institute of Dialogue with Cultures and Religions, Loyola College campus, Chennai], and the full knowledge of Archbishop Most Rev. Malayappan Chinnappa SDB and Auxiliary Bishop Most Rev. Lawrence Pius Dorairaj of Madras-Mylapore, uses the studios, offices, communications systems, infrastructure, personnel, time [over 3 years] and money of the Church in the pursuit of his goal, with a projected budget of Rs. 1.5 crore [Rs. 15 million] towards which he has made borrowings of at least Rs. 1 crore [Rs. 10 million], much of it at an interest rate of 20%.
Ravi Shankar's Music Made Me Cry

What's even more interesting than a dancing Jesuit doing Yoga, which the program also promotes, in addition to pagan worship, is the appearance of Ravi Shankar who is famed for teaching George Harrison of the Beatles to play the Sitar.  He will be part of this extravaganza that promises itself as some kind of Mozart thing.

Dance like the Wind
Can't get over these Indian Jesuits.  Anthony de Mello SJ and now this guy.  It's too good. Where Anthony de Mello SJ tries to be aloof from these moneymaking things, this Jesuit is almost shamelessly dipping his mits into the cookie jar. 

Dancing Jesuit stolen from, Catholic Caveman.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Pope Plans to Allow Women to the Office of Lector

Editor: It's just a matter of time?

Assignments since 1972 already no longer required ordination.

Vatican City ( Benedict XVI is evidently planning to allow women to act as lectors at services. This was confirmed by the new prefect of the Vatican Bishops Congregation, Cardinal Marc Ouellet, this Thursday afternoon.  Ouellet outlined this in the context of the post-synodal document "Verbum Domini" by Pope Benedict XVI., which dealt with "The word of God in life and in the mission of the Church".

In the 220 page document on the structure of the recommendations of the Bishops Synod 2008 dealt with the necessity of a "rediscovery" of the Bible for the life of the Church, for the engagement in society and for inter-religious dialogue.

The Pope recalled among other things the liturgical rules of the Mass in the document: "As is well known, the Gospel is announced by the Priest or Deacon, the first and second reading in the Latin tradition, however, can be assigned to a man or a woman."

Lectoresses will now no longer be the exception.

Till now it has only been men who've been assigned to read the first and second reading, even though in many parishes in the German-speaking world it has turned out otherwise.  That either men or women could be assigned in the lector role was actually foreseen as an exception.

 From the outset on, lectors -- consistently men -- were authorized by the local bishop in the majority of cases.  Besides these lectors assigned as needed by the Bishop, baptised women and men were assigned the  role of reader in the Mass out of necessity.

Till 1972 the lector and acolyte (Altarservers) were assignments reserved for "lower ordinands".  Since 1972 both assignments are no longer tied to one who is ordained.

By the presentation on Thursday afternoon Cardinal Ouellet pointed out that the Pope  seized upon this indirectly from "Proposal 17" of the Bishops Synod on the Bible of  2008: "The Synod Fathers desired that the office of lector should be open also to women -- that therefore ought to take place. And the Holy Father studied this matter intently."

The German edition of Radio Vatican speculated that with the preparedness of the Pope to allow women as lectors, this could also open the way for discussing allowance of women in the office of the diaconate. The possible renewal, of which Cardinal Ouellet speaks, does not mean altogether a step toward the direction of lay preachers, says the broadcaster.

The French Catholic newspaper "La Croix" also took a look on Friday at the expressions of the new papal document with regard to Judaism.  As the paper recalled, it happened two years ago for the first time that there was a Jew who was invited -- a head rabbi from Haifa, Shear-Yashuv Cohen -- to be a lecturer at the Bishops Synod.  And Benedict XVI had explained in his writing, how valuable the dialog with Judaism is for the Church. "We are close together as we share the same spiritual roots.  We encounger one another as brothers -- brothers, who in certain moments of their history have had a tense relationship, but who've now decided to take pains, to build bridges of understanding and friendship", it was said among other things.

Link to original at

Mr. Taylor's photo, from here .

Wymyn Priestess photos, here.

Related Articles:

Stealth Deaconess, already in play, here.

Lay Investiture, here.

Linz Bishop, "concelebrates", here.

Stephen Kiechle SJ,will applaud too, here.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Three Jesuit Presidents Support Pro-Abort Politicians

Editor: It's not that we're surprised, we're just surprised that people still send their children, almost criminally in our opinion, to these schools. Parents want to send their children to receive the best education, but it's hard to believe that they want their children to learn and hold the Catholic Faith when they so credulously entrust their children to men who've time and again proved their dishonesty, duplicity, and frankly, wickedness.

[From AQ] Three laymen recently named presidents of Jesuit universities have contributed to candidates who favor legalized abortion, according to federal election records.

David W. Burcham, the new president of Loyola Marymount University, donated $500 to the presidential campaign of John Edwards in 2003 and $250 to the campaign of Rep. Maxine Waters in 2009.

John Hurley, the new president of Canisius College, has donated $4,500 to the campaign of Rep. Brian Higgins since 2004.

Thayne McCulloh, the new president of Gonzaga University, donated $1,500 to Obama for America and the Obama Victory Fund in 2008.

»The Catholic Review Online | Catholic newspaper, Archdiocese of Baltimore, world and national Archdiocese news, CNS

LGBT at Boston College....

Gay Marriage Promoted at BC...

Sodomite Drag Show at Jesuit College...

Notoriously Liberal Boston College Accused...

Mary Daly, infamous feminist at Boston College, Obituary...

We could go on for a long time and even with the inexhaustible amount of credible stories, people keep sending their lucre, and worse still, their sons, to these frauds. It's really astounding.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Liberal Inbreeding at Vienese Diocesan Gathering: Pro-Homosexual Jesuit Praises Vienna's Cardinal

It's all so sad: The old Liberals have a new Hobby -- they've discovered that they really love the complaining and ado of victims.

[] Now it's clear, why the old liberal Vienese Cardinal has invited the old liberal Headmaster of the Berlin Jesuit School, Father Klaus Mertes, as as the speaker for the old liberal Vienese Diocesan Gathering. Father Mertes is a pope reviler and an apologist for homosexual fornication.

In Vienna he has the task of praising highly Christoph Cardinal Schönborn.

"For us in Germany, Vienna's outlook looks very encouraging" -- as he assigned himself as the speaker for an entire nation in his speech.

Germany has almost 82 Million inhabitants. According to information from the Germany Bishops' Conference there are 25 Million Catholics on paper.

With the sensitivity and respect of "one" who's been pursued from Germany, like "especially Cardinal Schönborn" in this -- anti=Catholic -- we "handled the storm", said the priest to about himself.

[As expected] His hymn of praise for the Cardinal, intoned agreement with the homosexual ideology in front of the 1,400 delegates from all Vienna parishes.

With an old liberal "communal penance" in the Stepensdom (St. Stephen's Cathedral), he explained the mechanism of the victim protection commission, the rapid disbursement of therapy- and damage payments and the the revision of Church guidelines were allegedly establishing "important accents" thanks to Cardinal Schönborn.

Critics accuse the Cardinal for not having the alleged abuses judged as criminal offenses, in accordance to the laws of the country.

In the supposed Victim Protection Commission, established by the Bishops there is a line of representatives are themselves enmeshed in actual child abuse cases.

But Father Mertes unperturbedly continued to discuss the Cardinal: "For that reason I'd like to thank you from my heart."[For putting possible sexual predators on these boards.]

The anti-Church media propaganda earlier this year was described by the naive Priest as "storm and cleaning".

The real problems, which the German conciliar Church in the past, which has led to bitter divides, the priest whisked under the table.

In place of this he directed people's attention to his favorite topic, the abuse cash cow, and promised the crowd to take this as a a real "opportunity".

He whipped up the cult of self-pity with sentimentality and promoted the "option for the poor" to transform into a "credible option for the victims"

Link to the

Friday, October 1, 2010

Archdiocese of Vienna: Jesuit Priest Gets Platform for Pro-Homosexual Views

The "in good standing", not uncontroversial Jesuit priest in the periphery of "Apostle History 2010" gets an open mike - Mertes described Pope Benedict as "hard of hearing" and said that the Church suffers from homophobia.

Wien ( The "in good standing", but not uncontroversial Jesuit Klaus Mertes will receive an open mike in the last days of the event organized by the Archdiocese of Vienna 'Apostelgeschichte 2010" (Apostle History 2010) and intends to hold his impulsive lecture on the theme "But you will receive the power of the Holy Ghost". Mertes has been increasingly concerned over the media's revelations in the last months. That being said, he's mentioned Pope Benedict in an interview: "I have great respect for Benedict XVI., because he has no fear in the face of the truth of what has been revealed in the sexual abuse crisis. I wish that he could find in critics of the Church more love for the Church". Then the Jesuit stated that the Pope is "hard of hearing" and that God also speaks through the "secular world" to the Church.

At the end of January 2010 he became concerned with revelations of homosexuality. Mertes had criticized the Church's handling of homosexuality in connection with the abuse scandal at his own Berlin Canisius College (he's its Rector)as the abuse scandal then got the ball rolling in the Church and then he claimed: "The Church suffers from Homophobia. Homosexuality is silenced. Clerics with this inclination are uncertain if they will receive a fair hearing and still be accepted."

Mertes was especially critical also of the foundation of the "Work Group of Engaged Catholics in Union" (AEK). It is inconceivable to him how one can as a Catholic in the CDU, express <> in such confessional-political fury publicly and continually, wrote Mertes in an article for the Berlin "Tagesspiegel". His opinion about the corresponding is not the spirit of the C in the CDU, so said the Publizist and Rector of the Berlin Jesuit Gymnasium (Preparatory High School) of Berlin's Canisius College. The Jesuit priest is a son of the CDU Politician and State Minister in the Foreign Ministry Office, Alois Mertes (1921-1985). The meeting is set to take place at St. Stephens Cathedral from the 14th to the 16th of October.

Link to original,

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Boston College Dean Says Faith, "stance in history"

This Jesuit, Boston College educator is stuck in the radical past and still talks of the Church in outdated terms which emphasize "messiness" and "change". Scabrous and decrepit old dinosaurs like this are really out of touch with the Church of today, tomorrow and always.

Describing the people he characterizes as Catholics of yesteryear, he makes this statement:

But faith is a stance in history; it doesn’t preserve us from messiness, or from change, including to religious institutions

What kind of man uses the word, "messiness"?

(RNS) For generations, thousands of Catholics—from archbishops to people in the pews—saw the Catholic Church as eternal, timeless, and unmoved by the tides of history.

But the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s unleashed a sea of changes—none more significant than the recognition that Catholicism has, and continues to be, shaped by historical events, argues the Rev. Mark Massa in a new book.

Massa’s intellectual history, “The American Catholic Revolution: How the `60s Changed the Church Forever,” describes how celebrating the Mass in English, butting heads with the pope on birth control, and priests protesting the Vietnam War opened new possibilities—and controversies—in the church.

Link to the past at RNS...

Monday, September 27, 2010

Jesuit School, LMU establishes Office for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Student Services

[California Catholic Daily] It’s official. The Division of Student Affairs at Jesuit-run Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles has added an Office for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Student Services in what the student newspaper calls “a milestone in LMU’s history -- and the history of Jesuit universities.”

“Interim Director of LGBTSS Anthony Garrison-Engbrecht conducted a preliminary inquiry of what other Jesuit universities offer LGBT students on their campuses,” reported the Sept. 20 edition of the campus newspaper, the Los Angeles Loyolan. “Out of the 19 schools he surveyed, only two – Georgetown and Gonzaga – have LGBT centers with professional staff. While some schools have different support systems for LGBT students – such as the Gay Straight Alliance (GSA), a student club also present at LMU – or are considering the addition, most other Jesuit universities do not have a dedicated space for a center.”

The LGBT office has scheduled an open house on Oct. 6 at 4 p.m. in Room 403 of the Malone Student Center, according to the Loyolan.

Read further at California Catholic Daily...

And in a related story, Jesuit Canisius College Bans books, but not in a good way, here. Actually, it would be nice if they'd stop ignoring the perennial tradition of the Church's teachers, but that's not happening.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Jesuit School Slammed by Bishops for Promoting Homosexuality

This looks like a case of praising with faint damning, but it's a start.

September 22, 2010 ( – The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on Wednesday issued a sharply worded rebuke of a book co-authored by two Creighton University theologians.

"The Sexual Person: Toward a Renewed Catholic Anthropology" was published in 2008 and written by Todd A. Salzman, chairman of the Creighton University Department of Theology, and Michael G. Lawler, the department’s professor emeritus. The book attempts to provide moral justification for contemporary sexual behaviors that consistently have been held to be immoral by the Catholic Church.

The 23-page statement is titled "Inadequacies in the Theological Methodology and Conclusions of The Sexual Person: Toward a Renewed Catholic Anthropology." Drafted by the USCCB’s Committee on Doctrine, it calls the authors’ conclusions “a radical departure from the Catholic theological tradition,” erroneous, and “harmful to one’s moral and spiritual life.” Moreover, the statement said, “the book proposes ways of living a Christian life that do not accord with the teaching of the Church and Christian tradition.”

Link to read further at Lifesite...

Friday, September 17, 2010

New Jesuit-Provincial Stefan Kiechle Bets Against Rome

Editor: He had previously this week offered to pay out settlements to compensate victims. He had also, as Novice Master, spoken of the pernicious homosexual culture in seminaries.

And he maintains: Appointments in the Church Hierarchy are reminiscent almost of "corruption" -- Almost half of Catholics are today continuously closed off from the Sacraments.

The new Provincial of the German Jesuits, P. Stefan Kiechle SJ, spoke this week for the abolition of celibacy. Kiechle spoke this Wednesday in the auspices of the "Cardinal-Höffner-Circle" Catholic CDU-member for the release of married men for the priesthood and for the consideration also of the ordination of women. Along these lines, Kiechle criticized the practice of appointments in the hierarchy of the Church. They are arranged by connections and are almost reminiscent of "corruption".

Kiechle speaks for another contact of the Church with the theme of mercy. He references the praxis of the Eastern Church, which has a conservative doctrine and in which it never the less has married priests. "That works", he insists. Surely, the abolition of celibacy will not solve all problems. Kiechle took over the administration of the Jesuit Province on the first of September.

The provincial speaks of a massive crisis in the Church, which is partly the result of a quantitative and qualitative shortage of priests. This crisis will not be solved first through the awareness of abuse cases. Firstly, the priest shortage hits "throughout". The Jesuit was concerned about the "selection, education and formation" of priests. Many clerics today are hardly in a position to take a leading role.

With a view on the ordering of officeholders throughout the Church there is "much about connections" said Kiechle. Some in Germany are interested in knowing someone in Rome, who has influence, or is eager to have dinner in Rome for personal favors. Such were the normal course of appointments, which pass for objectivity, "often evasive". The Provincial says this is dangerous: "In other contexts, one would speak of corruption."

The Superior continued, saying, the Catholic Church should establish centers. In the first place, there is a "reduction to core business", belonging to the "orderly and qualitative" Liturgy and Catechesis; these may also may influence good moods. Further accents must be "with quality" in the formation of schools and religious instruction. What the Church sows with the children, will remain.

Further accents must be mercifulness toward and usefulness of the disenfranchised and people on the edge. "That is the core business of the Church", he said. Almost half of the Catholics today are forbidden from approaching the Sacraments, intoned Kiechele, referring to the existence of cohabiting couples or remarried and divorced people. [More people in Germany seem to be aware of the Church's teaching in these matters.]

The Jesuit Provincial's remarks concerned the 40 participants in the conference for a controversial discussion. Before Kiechle, the leader of the Circle, Family Secretatry Herman Kues (CDU), called those concerns to mind. Cardinal Höffner stood for the opening of the Catholic Church to the modern world," said Kues. Those were the fundamental concerns for Höffner (1906-87), who was for many years the Archbishop of Cologne and the President of the German Bishops Conference, as well as the gathering of the Höffner Circle.


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Gregorian: new Rector takes His Office

Editor: The first commenter on the portal, "palmzweig" complains that none of the Jesuits wear their habits. It's understandable that this should provoke suspicion and distrust. It's amazing that such a superficial thing reveals so much. All in all this is not an encouraging appointment. That this man's specialty is Hannah Arendt is hardly consoling. It may take more time before the people in charge realize that men whose worldly studies may impress secular mentalities, do not serve the Church well.

Yesterday on Wednesday the French philosopher and Jesuit Francoi-Xavier Durmortier (61) begins his job as Rector of the Papal Gregorian University.

Rome [] Yesterday on Wednesday, September 1, the French philosopher and Jesuit Francois-Xavier Dumortier (61) began his new work as Rector of the Papal Gregorian University. P. Dumortier worked previously as a professor of philosophy with the specialization in philosophic ethics at the Centre Sèvres and taught at the Weston Jesuit School of Theology in Cambridge Massachusetts. Dumortier researches the German philosopher Hannah Arendt (d. 1976), who as a young researcher was forced by the National Socialists to exile in the United States. IN 1982 Dumortier was ordained a priest. In 1990 he took solemn vows in the Society of Jesus.

In 2003 Dumortier was selected as the Superior of the Jesuit French Province. Pope Benedict XVI. had named him on April 26th as the new rector to the Gregorian University.

In his first writings to the Professors and Personnel of his new work appointment on the end of April of this year, P. Dumortier had made the the point, how important the presence and work of the Papal Gregorian university is in and for the Church.

Next to the three big state Universities of Rome ("La Sapienza", "Tor Vergata", "Terza Universita") the Papal domain is of some note in the eternal city. Together with six Universities: the Papal Gregorian University (founded 1551; Society of Jesus), Lateran (founded 1773; Vatican, Diocese of Rome), Urbaniara (founded 1933; Propaganda Fidei), Tommaso d'Aquino (founded 1580; Dominicans), Salesiana (founded 1940: Salesians) and Santa Croce (founded 1985: Opus Dei), are of the number of over 20 theologico-philosophical Athanaeums, Institutes, Faculties and Seminaries. These take up a certain area of study or from a special spiritual-scholarly horizon of the organizing bodies and those responsible over the last centuries.

Not from long ago these domains served exclusively for the formation of seminarians, priests and religious or for academic specialists and particular scientific specialties. Initially in the last 25 to 30 years have seen a growing number of lay students. The large part of these are Italians, but there are also many young people who come above all from eastern Europe, the United States and Latin America to study there.

The center of the Papal Universities and Athanaeums are concerned with the study of philosophy, theology and canon law. This necessitates a large bandwidt of special educational directions: Missiology, Spirituality, Patristics, Liturgy, Study of Religion, Church History, Psychology, Education, Art and Music, Sociology and Church social teaching, Bioethics, Old Philology -- just to name a few of the special areas of study.

The Papal Gregorian University owes its name to Pope Gregory XIII. who opened the new location of the Collegio Romano in 1584, which had been established by Jesuit founder, St. Ignatius Loyola in 1551.

Today the Gregorian has six faculties (Philosophy, Theology, Canon Law, History and Cultural treasures of the Church, Missiology, Social Science), three Insitutes (Spirituality, Psychology, Interdisciplinary Studies of Religons and Cultures) and for Centers (Interdisciplinary Center for Social Communication, for the Education of Teachers of Priests, Center "Cardinal Bea" for Jewish Studies, Interdisciplinary Center "Laikos").

The Papal Gregorian Univerisity numbers around 3,000 students from more than 130 lands, 821 Diocese and 84 Religious Institutes. The faculty has professors who come from 40 different countries.

The original, here...

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Holy Father Meets With Jesuits and Father Fessio at Schülerkereis

Pope Benedict XVI is meeting with Fr. Joseph Fessio, S.J., and...
... several other former students in his annual Schülerkereis at Castel Gandolfo. The topic for this gathering, which meets tomorrow and Saturday, is the hermeneutics of the Second Vatican Council. From Rome Reports:

From, Ignatius Insight, thanks to Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Jesuit Theology Professor and "Friend of Darwin" says Science and Religion Are Compaitable

In 2008, Haught received a "Friend of Darwin Award" from the National Center for Science Education. Additionally, in 2009, in recognition of his work on theology and science, Haught was awarded the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Louvain. Here.

Participants in dialogue between religion and science must work to dispel the notion that the two disciplines stand in total opposition to each other, said a theologian with the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University in Washington.

"Just like I have been trying to do my entire life, the dialogue should attempt to remove the false obstacles in the way of discussion, namely that religion and science are incompatible opposites," John Haught told Catholic News Service June 18.

The interview was prompted by a panel discussion hosted two days earlier by the Dialogue on Science, Ethics and Religion, which is part of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Moderated by Jennifer Wiseman, the new director of the dialogue, the panel had four speakers who discussed the theme "Re-Envisioning the Science and Religion Dialogue." They reached an agreement on three basic principles: no name-calling, civility and a need to help develop an interest in science among the public.

One crucial viewpoint was missing on the panel: the Catholic perspective.

Haught has written 18 books on the subject, including "The Cosmic Adventure: Science, Religion and the Quest for Purpose," "God After Darwin: A Theology of Evolution" and "Responses to 101 Questions on God and Evolution." He has been involved with religion and science dialogue for many years, teaching a course on the dialogue at Georgetown University.

"Many people still do not have a very deep understanding of the relationship between science and faith," he said, adding that many don't even have much interest in this relationship.

"Look at the numbers: 50 to 60 percent of Christians consider evolution and Christian faith incompatible," he said.

To Haught, most who believe in the conflict model of religion-science dialogue cannot explain why they think the two are irreconcilable.

Catholics who hold this view need "to get over it," he said. "There isn't any controversy about the reality of the evolution in the scientific community, so why in the church?"

As Pope John Paul II said in a message to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on Oct. 22, 1996, Catholics need to construct a theology that shows how divine knowledge, providence and wisdom can be affirmed because of evolution.

Pope Benedict XVI said in 2007 that evolution and the existence of God the creator should not be seen as two ideas in strict opposition to each other.

"Evolution exists, but it is not enough to answer the great questions," such as how human beings came to exist and why human beings have an inherent dignity, he said.

That is why the religion-science dialogue is so important, said Haught.

"If the Catholic Church wishes to remain with an appropriate understanding of God, then it must accept evolution," Haught said.

He suggested that the dialogue should reach out to the seminaries and schools of theology and show the importance of science education.

Even more than that, he said they should reach out to the people sitting in the pews. "It will be important to hold more available conferences and other opportunities for people to meet and discuss the topic."

The dialogue should focus on bringing people into contact with the whole body of theology and science, said Haught.

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Friday, May 28, 2010

Jesuit Parish Hosting Pro-Abort Kennedy Speaker in New York

An evening with Kerry Kennedy author of Being Catholic Now.
Wednesday, June 2nd 7:00 PM Main Church

Her life has been devoted to the vindication of equal justice, to the promotion and protection of basic rights, and to the preservation of the rule of law. At a time of diminished idealism and growing cynicism about public service, her life and lectures are testaments to the commitment to the basic values of human rights.

* For more information: 212.627.2100 x 216
* Suggested Donation $15.00

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