Showing posts with label Homosexuality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homosexuality. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Father Altier is Back on Line After Imposed Exile

He didn't learn to preach like this at Saint Paul Seminary
Father Altier's sermons can be heard here.  He's finally back on line after being silenced by the old Liberal Archbishop Harry Flynn for speaking out against the Diocesan indemnification program, "Talking About Touching".

It would be nice to hear Father back on Relevant Radio again since while he was on it, it actually sounded like a Catholic radio station as it somewhat misleadingly represents itself to be.

Back in 2006, Father Altier was indeed unjustly silenced and relegated to a funeral home assignment, despite the very liberal Dennis McGrath's claims to the contrary:

Father had indeed frequently and inappropriately (if not disobediently) criticized the archbishop and archdiocesan leaders (and not simply on the VIRTUS child protection/education program). The archbishop responded to that request by Father Altier with a kind and non-confrontational letter directing him to take a break from his radio and web site commentaries to concentrate on his pastoral work. There was no 'silencing' or 'censuring' involved.

Aside: Meanwhile, Pro-Homosexual priests like Father Tibesar, Father Tegeder and Fr. John Bauer are priests in good standing in the Archdiocese to this very day.  There have been no apparent attempts to discipline them. In fact Fr. John Bauer was even entrusted to close down the Traditional Latin Mass Center of St. Augustine's without much adieu from the comfort of his Soho digs near the Purple Basilica where the parish officially promotes the normalization of homosexuality at Gay Pride every year.

If it is true that as the Church teaches that it is a disgrace for a man to lie with a man and that sodomy is a "sin which cries out to heaven for justice", why is it that one of the Archdiocese few orthodoxy priests who meekly submits to the authority of his wicked Bishop, isn't more forcefully reproved, but is indeed tolerated and even encouraged?

H/t to Terry Nelson for this,

A Lübeck Priest is Suspended from Ministry: Homosexual Clergy and Lay Professionals are Being Phased Out

Edit: No one is being forced to become a priest here.  There are rules and as it turns out, there are good reasons for them. In any event, things are being done to deal with this obvious problem.  As with the case of David Berger, if you think you're going to get a pass on your behavior because you're witty and know about how to match the tea set with the drapes, you're sadly mistaken.  Laughably, the Lutheran Communion is being cited as an example.  If you want to fade into irrelevance, the way of multi-Culturalism is the way to go.

Lubeck -- The Catholic Church put a cleric on leave because of "priestly lapse".  Critics speak of hypocrisy.[They can't speak about much else besides sex, so it's a slight reprieve]

The Catholic Church in Lubeck removed a homosexual Pastor from further service. [Good.] The 40-year old churchman had made his inclination known in a corresponding internet-forum.

The Masses in the little St. Vecelin Community had been since that point read by Provost Franz Mecklenfeld,  because the Church had a personell problem there.  Since the summer Matthias T. aged 40 has been absent..  The priest had been put on leave by Archbishop Werner Thissen.  The Church does not want to hang its personell issue from the clock tower for everyone to see.  The parishoners however are firing the wildest rumours into the air.  "No one has been harmed, neither physically nor materially", explained the community spokesman Werner Schroeder.  He would not give further information.

Matthias T. is homosexual. [Allegedly]  That is in no way punishable in the Catholic Church -- so long as it remained his private affair. [Nor is this true] Homosexuals are not supposed to be priests in any case, as the Vatican has most recently declared.  If their inclination, however, is discovered at first, the Church passes it over in silence-- so long as the person concerned isn't "outed". T, however was traveling a corresponding internet-forum [], and had made his homosexuality known and probably  cemented some contacts in the homosexual scene.  On the "ultraconservative" site the controversy was discussed on the net.  Critics spoke of the "prostitution of a cleric".

"It was handled like a priestly lapse", came the monosyllabic reply from the Archdiocese of Hamburg.  "Our personell department is occupied with the case," said the Diocesan speaker Manfred Nielen.  Since 6. Juli the cleric has been deprived of full faculties.  The punitive and relevant proceedings as being speculated by the community, were not weighed against the 40 year old.

The Pastor had left Lubeck in the meantime, because he had to leave his home.  Pikant:  Matthias T. was employed by the Hamburger Archbishop of Lubeck as a student chaplain.  The position is vacant to date.  T. was also active in the confession and communion ministry for children.

"We must be responsible", explained Provost Mecklenfeld, Christian Weisner, presiding member of the people's movement "We Are Church", said in contrast: "Increasingly more gays don't want to live a double life any more, are tired of the secrecy".  The double standard [sic] of the Catholic Church puts those concerned under tremendous pressure.  Many clerics break down. [Lots of jobs out there besides being a priest that are better paying]

Homosexuality remains for the Catholic Church a red hankerchief. In the book just now presented in Rome the Pope is cited as saying this sentence: "It [the homosexuality] remains something, that is against whose nature is placed, what God had originally  desired."  According to appraisals from "We Are Church"  there are at least 20 percent of all Catholic Priests who are homosexual.  In the Roman Catholic Church the priests promise an unmarried state (Celibacy).

In the North Elba Evangelical Lutheran Church [NEK] homosexuality is not a hindrance  either for ordination or for the carrying out of its spiritual office.  Already in 1986 the NEK-Synod had spoken out against the discrimination of homosexual persons.  "In the meantime there has been a number of Pastors and Pastorettes who are also living in homosexual partnerships", explained Vice Church Spokesperson, Thomas Kärst [But Lutheranism is effectively dead in Germany anyway, so why does it matter?]

By Curd  Tönnemann

Link, here...

Monday, November 29, 2010

Progressive Insurance Company Promotes Sodomy

Boasts of 100% ranking with (anti-Christian) homosexual lobby group Human Rights Campaign

The above is taken from the Progressive Insurance Company website marketing outreach to "proud" homosexuals. Progressive's "Faces of Pride" ad campaign features old photos and paintings like the above positively depicting homosexuality, coupled with commentary bemoaning that people once had to hide their homosexuality. Progressive is wrong to promote homosexual lifestyles, which are immoral, often unhealthy, and condemned by God. Contact Progressive at 1-800-PROGRESSIVE (800-776-4737; hit '0" for operator

Link to site...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Case David Berger: Homosexually Disturbed Braggart

Now he has finally had his short lived media fame, about which he can only dream as the writing director of the dust covered magazine he rode into the ground, 'Theologisches'.

( The fallen Catholic and self-adulating sodomite, David Berger, is once again on tour.

Presently, he's let himself be passed off from gossip magazine to gossip magazine.  This week, he was celebrated by the German church-hate magazine 'Spiegel".

The homosexually disturbed man named his price, as he explained for the hate-magazine that the old Mass had been the "gateway drug" to the Church:  "At 17 I was with the Society of Pius X in Lower Bavaria."

His present public problem with theological and spiritual superficiality was already by then a big problem: "What I experienced there, was the fascinatingly aesthetic baroque dream with gold leaf and pillow lace."

He wasn't able to figure himself out for a long time: "first it later became clear to me, what I had to do there, and the dream became more and more a nightmare."

Berger insinuated with this revelation to his homo-decadent double life.

Homo-neurotics are psychologically very consumed by self-pity, victim rolls and attended by projections.
Berger is no exception.

As a theological double agent he given stick  "much more" being put in a supposedly inhuman position -- he laid in with a round of wailing.

Then he played on the German heartstrings telling about the most famous politician of the land: "So, Hitler was praised in that he interned homosexuals in concentration camps where they died."

The dramatic climax:  "At some point, I just couldn't stay silent any more."

The scandal journalist who was following all of this took it all in.

Berger portrayed himself before the clueless public of the mass media as a despised primadona.

"Whoever wants to make a career in the Catholic Church must lately, since the entrance of Pope Benedict XVI be anti-modern"  --- is his misleading supposition.

He is said to have criticized the "rather progressive and left" church politics of Father Karl Rahner († 1984:  "So I could make myself noticeable."

Berger left no doubt then that he was from the beginning a liar and crook, and his double life went with a double moral.

Then he poured himself in a stream of braggadocio: that he portrayed himself as an "expert" in the medieval thinker Thomas of Aquinas and was invited by almost all "extreme right-wing groups:

"I had contact with the Sedevacantists, the Society of St. Peter, the TFP, Una Voce, Opus Dei and the Servants of Jesus and Mary."

These groups were very careful, who they invited -- said Berger and stands as living proof for this assertion:

"They have very noble accomodations, sometimes they stay in former castles put at their disposal, or they meet in fancy hotels."

Old men will then smoke thick cigars, drink expensive red wines and good food:  "It is a parallel world, in which one will deplore the modern."

The 'Spiegel' is only modestly interested: "And what isdiscussed?" --- the journalist asked, driving the discussion on.

Berger continued his conspiracy theory: "one talks about the supposed Jewish world domination".

Then he became interested in " the question, how the Church can allow woman's libbers, Freemasons and homosexuals."

Again, this homosexually insane man continued to contradict himself:  So he set aside his previous role as the poor homosexual victim and insisted as if for the first, that his perversion had been "career enhancing".

In any event he never made an ecclesiastical career as a little teacher of religion.

Actually, that wasn't what impeded the ne'er do well to lag in moist, homosexual daydreams:  "In clerical circles one can always who by making pointed glances, hugs, caresses on the arm and excessively long holding of the hands that one doesn't only treasure my work" -- he projected.

He laments his unfulfilled desires: "and insists that many prelates are homosexually inclined, and have surely offered their assistance to help with new positions of employment and assistance."

But in reality the religion teacher Berger will never occupy any other ecclesiastical office.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Aggressive Homosexual Ideology Attacking the Church

ROME, November 18, 2010 ( – An “aggressive ideology,” a behavioral theory of “complete debauchery,” is loose in the world, and appears to be winning against the traditional Christian culture of the west, said Cardinal Giacomo Biffi.
The cleric made the remarks in a book of memoirs, titled “The Inconvenient Memoirs,” which has been republished and launched today in Rome with an additional section on the dangers of the homosexualist ideology.
In these “shattered” times, the cardinal said, the new ideologies have resulted in an “intellectual blindness” and in the silencing of Christians who are intimidated by persecution by homosexuals and their ideological accomplices.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Is There a Safe Environment for Catholicism in Catholic Schools: Benilde-St. Margaret, Minnesota

Editor: A local story about a poorly written editorial in a school newspaper has gone national.  The whys and the wherefores of the newsworthiness of this piece are an open question, a sort of cognitive disease of the nation, but because someone in the school administration decided that it was unacceptable to continue airing an editorial attacking Archbishop Nienstedt and the Church's teaching about homosexuality,  attacking the leadership of the Catholic Church over a prudential decision to send out an educational DVD known as Preserving Marriage in Minnesota, hence, the "discussion" about "free-speech" and why it's so amazing to so many intelligent commentators that a Catholic Church institution would object to a student newspaper attacking it..  

Many of the editorials and coverage are concerned about "free speech", while at the same time condemning the Archbishop for exercising his own free speech.   One editorial asks if a safe environment is being created for homosexuals in Catholic schools.  A better question to ask is, "is a safe environment being created for Catholicism in Catholic schools?"   Archbishop Nienstedt and the school administration of this allegedly Catholic school seem to think that public opposition in defense for moral depravity on the part of its students to the Church's teachings and a safe environment for Catholicism  are mutually exclusive. 

This event even made the Washington Post:
ST. LOUIS PARK, Minn. -- Editorials in a Catholic prep school's student newspaper about same-sex marriage and gay teenagers are sparking debate about free speech in Minnesota.
Student-written opinion pieces in the newspaper at Benilde-St.
Margaret in suburban St. Louis defended gay teenagers and criticized a DVD by Minnesota's Catholic bishops that denounced same-sex marriage.

The editorials and the nearly 100 comments they generated were deleted from the newspaper's website over the weekend. The principal says they created confusion about church teaching and an intensity that made an unsafe environment for students.  [An unsafe environment for Catholicism]
 Link to Washington Post 

WTOL, Toledo, Ohio

National Public Radio

"There's so many suicides in the news. And I felt very frustrated that my voice couldn't be heard, and that there were all these things that I see as injustices all the time that I didn't feel like anyone else was recognizing," said Simonson.

The essay reads in part:

"You fear looking the wrong way in the locker room and offending someone," he continued. "Politicians are allowed to debate your right to marry the person you love, or your right to be protected from hate crimes under the law. Your faith preaches your exclusion -- or damnation. And no one does anything to stop it."

 Chicago Examiner

Sexuality is one of the most complicated aspects of human life. Let’s not further denigrate it, justifying it by a book written, sorted and edited, by males, in a cultural context worlds from our present cultural context. It’s just not an honest comparison. Who are we to judge?

[ David Thorsen, the author, says celibacy is too hard, all of those things related to sexuality just happen, why try to control it?  Indeed, according to his argument, why bother with prosecuting  any offense listed in the criminal code at all, since they're so common?  Why not just legalize pederasty?]

The Colorado Independent, here

Thursday, November 4, 2010

False Catholic Congressman Defeated

Despite being eager to help the Democrats on homosexual issues like Don't Ask... .., and Hate Crimes Legislation, Congressman Cao has been also a supporter of Healthcare Reform. How a Catholic could lament this purported Pro-life, Catholic Democrat as a legitimate candidate for Catholic voters, or lament his defeat is beyond us. Did we mention that Congressman Cao was another Jesuit star?

However much we are fond of Vietnamese Catholics and their fervor, good riddance to Congressman Ahn.

It seems to us that the late President Ngo Diem would be disappointed in his fellow Catholic for supporting the kinds of men and policies that are oppressing Vietnamese today.

Pro Ecclesia * Pro Familia * Pro Civitate: Why Is the Left Hostile to Vietnamese-Americans?

Eduardo Verástegui Puts himself Behind Cardinal Burke

Mexican actor supports the pro-life message of future Cardinal Burke. The abortion opponent said this on his website for Hispanic US-Citizens that they should seriously consider the words of the Cardinal designate.

Los Angeles ( The Mexican actor and Pro-Life-Activist Edwardo Verástegui has two sensational videos on his website which supports the points made by Archbishop Raymond Burke. The star, famous among Spanish speakers and known Catholic supports the message of the Archbishop, who will be appointed a Cardinal in the next Consistorium.

The Cardinal designate had spoken out clearly against abortion and homosexual "marriage" when he was named. +Burke, the Prefect of the highest court in the Vatican, had explained that Catholics must take into account the ethical considerations of the candidates as main criteria.

Auf Deutsch: Read original...

Here's the video on Gloria, of his film Bella.

Link to his site, here., in English and Spanish, and to the videos, called "hard truth"...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Archbishop Mutien of Belgium Threatened by Rabid Homosexuals and the Media

After Archbishop Mutien made some non-controversial statements reflecting Catholic teaching about natural law and the result of sin, a local Attorney, Jean-Marie De Meester, in Belgium accused the Archbishop of "slander" and said he might be under charges for "homophobia". Homosexual radicals have already filed charges against him and it came to nothing earlier this year; talk about bullying. Additionally, the Archbishop's spokesman Juergen Mettepenningen, had a hissy fit and stormed out. This piece of work is already on record for supporting same-sex marriage, so it's not big deal that he's left. Indeed, it's a good thing.

Apparently, Catholic teaching doesn't sell well with the brokers of information in the leftist media, but this man was appointed to the job in July first as the Archbishop's spokesmen. He was an instructor of Systematic Theology at the disgraced University of Louvain, which hasn't been Catholic for years, but has now finally admitted this fact.

The rather mild and neo-conservative Prelate is described as ultra-conservative, haughty and abrasive. It is to be supposed that when your world is defined by Sodomy, you're bound to have poor judgment and leave yourself prone to rash resignations and statements like the following from the Archbishop's "spokesman":

“Archbishop Léonard does not take his leadership duties seriously [i.e, he doesn't agree with you that homosexuals should be able to marry] ,” Mettepenningen added. “But it is above all his surrealist attitude regarding the turmoil stirred up by his remarks that I take too seriously to still support this.”

Photo: from Faith World: here.

We hope that the Lion of Belgium likes a fight.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Three Jesuit Presidents Support Pro-Abort Politicians

Editor: It's not that we're surprised, we're just surprised that people still send their children, almost criminally in our opinion, to these schools. Parents want to send their children to receive the best education, but it's hard to believe that they want their children to learn and hold the Catholic Faith when they so credulously entrust their children to men who've time and again proved their dishonesty, duplicity, and frankly, wickedness.

[From AQ] Three laymen recently named presidents of Jesuit universities have contributed to candidates who favor legalized abortion, according to federal election records.

David W. Burcham, the new president of Loyola Marymount University, donated $500 to the presidential campaign of John Edwards in 2003 and $250 to the campaign of Rep. Maxine Waters in 2009.

John Hurley, the new president of Canisius College, has donated $4,500 to the campaign of Rep. Brian Higgins since 2004.

Thayne McCulloh, the new president of Gonzaga University, donated $1,500 to Obama for America and the Obama Victory Fund in 2008.

»The Catholic Review Online | Catholic newspaper, Archdiocese of Baltimore, world and national Archdiocese news, CNS

LGBT at Boston College....

Gay Marriage Promoted at BC...

Sodomite Drag Show at Jesuit College...

Notoriously Liberal Boston College Accused...

Mary Daly, infamous feminist at Boston College, Obituary...

We could go on for a long time and even with the inexhaustible amount of credible stories, people keep sending their lucre, and worse still, their sons, to these frauds. It's really astounding.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Will Anyone Under Sixty be At the Rainbow Sash Protest "Surrounding" St. Paul Cathedral Tomorrow?

This photo was taken a few years ago and some of the people have aged. Let's see what this year's vital movement to make sexual deviance a priority in the lives of Catholics brings in terms of age distribution and raw numbers, and it's fitting that many are celebrating "Reformation Sunday".

They'll be there at 1130 am in time to disrupt the twelve o'clock Mass.

They are most likely angry about the DVD campaign. It's very possible that no one will show up, but just in case, Archbishop Nienstedt is unlikely to give them Holy Communion since he refused to do so when he was at St. John's Abbey at Collegeville and confronted by the same kinds of people.

It's all related in a sense, because not only is it Halloween, a favored day for satanists and homosexuals, but it's also campaign season:

Pro-Homosexual Artist doesn't have enough DVDs for her "Art"

Pro-Homosexual Activist Suspended

Millionaire Socialist Condemns Anti-Catholic Ad

Pastor of Purple Basilica Put in Charge of Parish Reorganization

Friday, October 29, 2010

Lucinda Naylor Finishes her Magnum Opus

The Pro-Homosexual artist had to find an additional thousand DVDs to complete her sculpture made from Archbishop Nienstedt's defense of marriage materials. Like a lot of these dissidents, whether officially within the Church or outside of it, she has to rely on a lot of credulity to support her claims, either that what she's doing is actually art, or that she indeed is a Catholic in good standing with such views as she has.

The Basilica and the Archdiocese now insists that Ms. Naylor was suspended without their coercion.

[Stella Borealis] Lucinda Naylor used almost 2,000 DVDs [.25% of those mailed to Minnesota Catholics; she claims in the story that she had to get have of the DVDs herself as the returns only came to about 1,000] to create the wave-shaped sculpture. It will be on display through the weekend at 2756 Hennepin Av. S. in Minneapolis. Naylor painted one side of the discs light blue while also making cuts and interlocking the DVDs.

Link to Stella Borealis...

Related Links:

Pro-Homosexual Activist Suspended

Millionaire Socialist Condemns Anti-Catholic Ad

Pastor of Purple Basilica Put in Charge of Parish Reorganization

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

This Alone Could have Cost the Munich Bishop the Cardinal's Hat

Editor: He was supposed to have gotten his hat, according to Vaticanist Paolo Rodari, but this story, persecuting Bishop Mixa and attacking the Prior and Abbot of Ettal (who were later exoherated) for alleged child abuse, probably explain why. Here's why he probably didn't, and might not get, the Cardinal's hat.

Church enemies organizsed in the name of the Archdiocese of Munich-Freising, for the promotion of more AIDS, more Mortal Sin, more Divorce and more Child abuse.

[, Mühldorf] In the coming Saturday, the alleged 'Catholic Jouth Center Mühldorf" have organized a workshop against the Sixth Commandment.

The horrible occasion was held under the title "For me or for you? Themes between Bed and Confessional".

Mühldorf am Inn is around 80km to the northeast of Munich.

The Catholic Youth Center in rural Mühldorf is an outpost of the 'Archdiocesan Youth Office of Munich and Freising'.

The promotional day with conference portrayed itself -- says the advertisement -- "in the background of life realities of the youth and Catholic sexual morality".

A particular focus of the promotional day was the theme sodomy, child sexual abuse and extra-marital sexual activity.

The participants in the discussion event in the afternoon, presented their position on the website of the 'Youth Center Mühldorf".

Much Sex, Little Love, No Marriage

One of the is Christian Agi (24). He is the President of the Diocesan Committee in the 'Organization of German Catholic Youth':

"Sex as the composed decision and interaction of two mature people can never injure human worth" -- he preached on a Jungle Moral learned in 'Bravo'.[1]

Agi speaks about an Ape Congress: "Sex is as natural as breathing or eating, nnd there is no difference between sex either before or after marriage."

The only thing immoral is only morality: "Sex is sex -- and the prohibition against pre-marital sex is much more a "heavy infringement against the worth of the person".

Julia Dotzauer (20) is a youth delegate of the 'Organization of German Catholic Youth' in the Archdiocese of Munich.

For her, "homosexuality is neither sinful nor a sickness!".

Then the impure girl became the schoolmarm and said: "Even the Catholic Church will see that gradually."

Priests speak with pubescents

The secular priest Fr. Martin Garmaier of Waldkraiburg stepped in for the non-pruductive marriage act:

"With their one sided statement of a general prohibition of artificial birth control makes the Catholic Church increasingly unbelievable, which incapacitates the associated responsibility of the parents." -- he stuttered.

Next to other functions of the decadent old Liberal establishment the occasion will permit members of the homosexual organization 'Lesbians and Gays in the SPD' slavering against the truth of Catholic teaching.


[1] Bravo is a German Teen Magazine which features nude photos of adolescents.

Link to original...

NCR Blogger thinks Catholic University of America is a "Welcoming Place"

Well, it's probably a good thing that CUA won't get sued by the ACLU because they have created a welcoming environment for Sodomy on their campus, but first, a couple of things. This should inspire you, if you haven't been so inspired already, to cancel your subscription to NCR. Then you should really re-consider paying all that money to send your child to what the authoress below insists is now a "gay-friend" campus called "Catholic" University of America.

Looks like NCR is also going to ride the victimization train in working to legitimize sodomy. The authoress also talks about coming into a world of acceptance after graduation. That's fine, you can have all the acceptance you want in the world, but you're still not happy unless everyone accepts the fact that you want to do what you do. What about all the gay bullying of straight people that goes on in the courts when a homosexual feels they're being persecuted against, they take it to the courts. So if you run a Seminary, a bridal business or what have you, and you don't want to cater to a sodomite's wedding, you can be forced to deal with litigation.

It's just one more piece in the decline of the West.

At the end of my admissions interview for the Catholic University of America (CUA), I asked, “Is this school welcoming for gay and lesbian people?” The interviewer responded simply, “Yes.”

When I walked onto CUA’s campus for the first time as a student, I thought I was walking on to a safe and welcoming campus. Unfortunately, I was wrong.

In my years at CUA, I was called a fag in class. I was constantly reminded about the rules against “homosexual activity” on campus. I was encouraged to live a chaste life by campus ministers. I was asked to resign from leading a women’s prayer group. I was ostracized from campus ministry activities. I was laughed at when I tried to start a support group for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students on campus. The list goes on.

Read further...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sending Strange Signals: America's Oldest Basilica

In a fit of urban renewal, this once poorly attended inner-city parish has been brightened and made comfortable for the childless children of the upper-middle class and others.

The pastor insists that this Purple Dinosaur hue, which shares a certain resemblance to his erroneous theological opinions, isn't for any particular feast on the Roman Calendar, it's supposedly for Breast Cancer Awareness month.

We've heard from certain sources that a correction is under way since Saturday. This is clearly a message of being of the world and not in it. The people who run this parish clearly don't have their feet on the ground at all.

The Pastor of this parish insists, amid all of the liturgical abuse and his soft-shoe doctrinal routine that he's against homosexuals being married, but he doesn't want to be quoted. Surely, he was forced to fire his 'artist in residence' who has been visible in the media lately for her "brave" dissent from the Church's teachings. We think the people who attend Mass here and use this facility have a right to know the truth about the Catholic religion, even if it sends them down the street to the Episcopalians.

Photo; taken October 12 of this year.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

More News From Modernist Abbey & Friends

Home of the World's Ugliest and Most Expensive Bible

Following a rebuke from Archbishop Nienstedt, a Pro-Homosexual monk held a Mass for those school and abbey sponsored miscreants and publicity seekers. Insightful comments about priest who held Mass at Modernist Abbey "on a cold day in Hell" and his friends "down in da cities at other allegedly Catholic locales", here and here.

Photo: Abbey-Roads

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What Do the GLBT Agenda, Pro-Abortion Politics, and Marxism Have to Do With Boston Social Justice Conference?

Revelations about the featured speakers at the
Boston Archdiocese’s Social Justice conference this coming Saturday are getting worse every day, and more and more Catholics from across the country are sounding the alarm bells as part of our “Boston Catholic Tea Party” protest. Today we hear more about support for gay activism and Marxism by the two featured speakers, Fr. James Massaro and Fr. Bryan Hehir, respectively. Yes, we said Marxism. Read on to see details of Fr. Hehir’s infamous talk in the “Matthew, Marx, Luke, and John” series at the left-leaning, Marxist-oriented Institute for Policy Studies. Could the Boston Archdiocese possibly pick two worse speakers to place on the speaking podium? Click on the FedUp button now to sign out letter of complaint to the Holy See.

Read further...Hehir Exposed

Liberal Media Insist Archbishop Nienstedt's DVD Too Political

Editor: Once again demonstrates the weakness of the democratic process. Moral laws should not be subject to a plebiscite.

The following story also covers homosexuals engaging in frankensteinian efforts to have children by surrogate mothers. Homosexuals, generally more well-to-do than most, are willing to pay substantial amounts to have a child, as much as $30,000 for carrying a child to term.

One of the couple insists that opposition to this attempts to deprive his father of grandchildren, but he's depriving his children of a normal family life and a mother. It is against Church teaching for many reasons, not least of which is the injustice to the children that they will have no emotional with their children.

Four weeks before voters head to the polls, Catholic bishops in Minnesota have raised an issue that has largely taken a backseat to the economy and jobs this election season, renewing calls for a state constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.

While such advocacy by religious groups is not uncommon, never before has the message come in the form of a DVD mailed to all Catholic households in the state. And, some say, never before has such a campaign appeared so political.

Because one candidate in the state's three-way race for governor, Republican Tom Emmer, opposes same-sex marriage, the church's message and its timing amount to an unambiguous endorsement, critics say.

The anonymous donation to the archdiocese that funded the production of more than 400,000 DVDs has also stoked questions about the proper role of religious institutions in the political process.

Read further at ABC...

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Acting mayor against gay rallies in Moscow

Moscow, September 29, Interfax - Acting Moscow Mayor Vladimir Resin has said he will continue with Yury Luzhkov's policy of not authorizing gay pride parades in the Russian capital.

"I don't support that. None of them have contacted me," Resin told reporters on Wednesday commenting on the decision made by the prefecture of the Moscow Central District to allow a protest organized by gay activists on October 1.

This is the first protest organized by gay activists to be allowed by the authorities.

The official said the purpose of the protest as stated in the application is to call for a boycott in the use of Swiss Airlines due to an incident that occurred at Moscow Domodedovo airport on September 15, when Nikolay Alexeyev, Russia's most prominent gay rights activist, was seized by men he thinks were special security agents.

Link at Interrfax...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Pro-Homosexual Activist Suspended at St. Mary's Basilica

Archbishop Nienstedt is serious about oppposing this non-sense and explaining the Catholic Faith. There's not much more to the story than what is cited below, but it is interesting that the "artist" who's been adorning the downtown Basilica with her creations for years has compared herself to Galileo.

[Minneapolis, Star Tribune] Lucinda Naylor, a Minneapolis artist and part-time church employee, was suspended from her job over a protest sculpture using antigay marriage DVDs distributed by the Catholic church.

The Catholic church began to mail the DVDs to 400,000 Catholics in Minnesota last week. They argue for a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage in the state.

According to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, the Rev. John Bauer, pastor of the Basilica of St. Mary in Minneapolis, made the decision to suspend Naylor, a 15-year employee.

Read further at Minneapolis Star and Tribune...

Local News Article from KMSP and Video:

[KMSP] Archbishop John Nienstedt announced Monday that every Catholic in the state will be mailed a DVD defending marriage as between one man and one woman, as he hopes to "rally the troops" around the Church's position on the divisive issue just six weeks before Election Day.

Nienstedt appears at the beginning of the eight-minute video, which was prepared by the Knights of Columbus, and will be mailed to the state's Catholics on Wednesday, paid for by a large donation, the archbishop told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS Monday evening. The archdiocesan website lists the state's Catholic population at "approximately 800,000."

"Our target is basically our Catholic people," Archbishop Nienstedt said in an interview. "To remind them of what we believe and why we believe it and why it's so important that they believe it."

With special thanks to the Knights of Columbus who helped make this all possible... although they were earlier justifiably accused of sending mixed messages this year by failing to oust Pro-Abortion and Pro-Homosexual politicians. Will this make it more difficult for such men to associate themselves with the Knights of Columbus? We hope so.

Course, goes without saying that this place has a booth at a "Gay Pride" event.