Showing posts with label Cultural Marxism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cultural Marxism. Show all posts

Monday, June 27, 2011

As the West Continues to Decay and Its Cities Die

Editor:  Minneapolis has no shortage of Leftists who will employ the police to enforce their views on political correctness.  Normally, this lends itself to domestic disputes and the legal system which is heavily weighted to an agenda hostile to the family, poisonous to the children and ultimately destructive of the State and your security as a citizen. Maybe some day, your country will be returned to you, but it's unlikely to be returned, you must take it back yourself.  Point being, the GOP isn't going to stop this slide.

After being surrounded by a pack of Leftists in a heated debte, the police are called in because some of these solid citizens feel threatened.   Mostly fed up, Conservative blogger, John Hugh Gilmore goes to the bar where he's arrested by Minneapolis' finest after he refuses to leave the bar.  He was later booked downtown for "being uncooperative during arrest" and "disorderly conduct".   

Not sure why this is a news story, but the local Leftist art rag loves these kinds of stories where the evil white male is hounded by mindless drones and the People's Militia. 

Interestingly enough, he has legitimately praised Minnesota Senator David Hahn for calling Archbishop Nienstedt a Socialist, which he is.

The people who should have been arrrested were the nattering Left-tards surrounding Mr. Gilmore as he tried to point out the evils of multiculturalism and Cultural Marxism.

At best, he'll get a suspended sentence with community service, unless he gets some Marxist judge who hates white males.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Dali Lama Admits He's a Marxist

Usually what we hear from the Dalai Lama is an insistant yet soothing voice for compassion and peace.
So Tsering Namgyal, a journalist based in Minneapolis, was jolted by the Dalai Lama's talk to 150 Chinese students this month at the University of Minnesota. Writing at Religion Dispatches, he says:
Midway through the conversation, His Holiness, much to their surprise, told them "as far as socio-political beliefs are concerned, I consider myself a Marxist ... But not a Leninist," he clarified.
After all, China is constantly pressing to legitimize its takeover of Tibet in world opinion. Meanwhile, the Buddhist spiritual leader is the global symbol of Tibetan opposition and what the opposition considers the obliteration of its independence and religious culture.

Read further, here...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Will Saint Paul's Writings Be Removed From the Bible by the Socialist USCCB?

Editor: Soft Marxism continues its iron-clad rule over the Catholic Church in America as the non-authoritative and feminized Socialist pressure group, the USCCB, declares the Bible to be erroneous and outside of the Catholic Church, and if you hold what's in the Bible, you're outside of It too. This is from Micheal Hoffman's blog:

The Excommunication of St. Paul the Apostle by the Inmates of the Asylum known as the Post-Conciliar Roman Catholic Church

By Michael Hoffman •

Catholics "cannot hold" to St. Paul's declaration in 1 Thessalonians 2: 14-16 "without falling out of communion with the Catholic Church"

For you, brethren, are become followers of the churches of God which are in Judea, in Christ Jesus: for you also have suffered the same things from your own countrymen, even as they have from the Jews, Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and the prophets, and have persecuted us, and please not God, and are adversaries to all men...

From Mike Hoffman, here.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Vatican Objects to Ugly John Paul II Statue

Editor: Most people, including the Vatican, think this thing is ugly.  Finally, someone who can make a decision who has some sense.  Most of the time, such ugly public works of arts are forced upon the population.  Perhaps most taxpayers are too afraid of being called uncultured for calling ugly things ugly?  One Italian lady observes that the "art" may be used by the homeless to sleep in and it will be full of beer cans in no time.

Rome Mayor Gianni Alemanno, asked by APTN in an exclusive interview in his office if the city might take down the statue, said public opinion would be considered.

"There's an ancient saying: 'Vox populi, vox dei' (Latin for voice of the people, voice of God)," Alemanno said. "And from this point of view we cannot help but take into consideration the opinion of the public."

"And if public opinion consolidates around a negative opinion, we'll have to take that into consideration," the mayor said.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Father Pfleger Declares Victory over Cardinal George

Editor: He's declaring victory on his FB Page. He can now return to St. Sabina's to make the same inflammatory statements, perpetrate Liturgical abuses and lead his flock to Hell. Cultural Marxism is indeed a powerful thing.

The heretical pastor was prepared to leave the Catholic Church at one point and considering his boss' strong statement, it's easy to see that a significant turn around was made without Pfleger making any recantations at all:
The cardinal ended the letter by saying, "This conflict is not between you and me; it's between you and the Church that ordained you a priest, between you and the faith that introduced you to Christ and gives you the right to preach and pastor in his name. If you now formally leave the Catholic Church and her priesthood, it's your choice and no one else's. You are not a victim of anyone or anything other than your own statements."

So much for those hard words. Pfleger now says:

Thank you to all who prayed and stood with me in the FIRE, God is so FAITHFUL. I am grateful to friends and stangers [sic] who lifted St. Sabina and Myself before the Throne of God! Although we have very HOT days and very COLD days we neither BURN nor FREEZE, because God is in CONTROL, so it is with life. No matter how it looks or feels GOD is in control and will not let life Destroy us! To GOD be the GLORY!!!

Here's the article from the local Chicago paper:

Ending a weeks-long standoff, Cardinal Francis George lifted his suspension of the Rev. Michael Pfleger on Friday after the two men met and Pfleger apologized for statements the cardinal took as a threat to leave the priesthood.

Both men issued simultaneous statements, with Pfleger saying he would deliver a transition plan by Dec. 1 for St. Sabina Catholic Church, the South Side parish he has served for nearly 30 years.

But neither statement clarified how long Pfleger might remain at the parish. For now, he'll be back in the pulpit for the 11:15 a.m. Mass on Sunday.

Link further...

h/t AQ, E

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cardinal Schönborn to Announce "Restructuring" of Vienna Parishes

Now the Church has to be stuffed together, even in Vienna. Even the celebratory vocabulary can't wash away the sad reality.

( Christoph Cardinal Schönborn of Vienna won't be naming any more priests "till further notice" to parishes.

The was covered by the newspaper 'Die Presse' yesterday in connection to insider information.

The reason for the measure: The pastor has rights against his Bishop, which the latter must respect.

It is primarily through the respect of these rights that priests are protected from the arbitrariness of their Old Liberal Bishops.

In the lead on the way down

This step will prepare the way for the coalescence of 660 parishes and for "new forms of community leadership".

The newspaper calls the measures a "blow for freedom".

"The announcement is the kernel of an unpublished pastoral letter, which will be read in all the churches of the Archdiocese of Vienna" -- says the anti-Church newspaper.

With this the Cardinal is opening the next chapter, "to makes his church fit for the future" -- gushed 'Die Presse' in the high estimation of the leftist Cardinal.

Nowhere else in Austria is the ecclesiastical decline greater than in the Archdiocese of Vienna.

The number of Catholics in the city of Vienna are estimated at about less than forty percent.

The left led Archdiocese is also in the lead for people leaving the Church throughout Austria.

Just before the End

The upcoming measures will lead to the situation where numerous parish churchs are transformed into filial churches.

"All alternations will serve a large number of living communities in their place" -- was the Cardinal's euphemistic way of putting it.

In any wise, he also describes the actual condition of the Diocese, destroyed by Old Liberal officials:

"There are fewer Church members, and even that number who participate in their parish, is even less."

And: "In most parishes children and young people are absent. Our financial and personnel resources are thin."

And with the Old Liberal Ideology in the Future?

Cardinal Schönborn is supposedly to direct the renewal under the motto, "mission first".

For that reason the three last Old Liberal Diocesan Assemblies have been implemented in the Stepensdom.

Actually, the Old Liberal Ideology is the opposite of an outwardly oriented, missionary Church.

They limit themselves to playing solitaire, inner-Church trench warfare and ecclesiastical solipsism.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Archbishop Gomez Snubs Communist Mayday Parade

“Members of a socialist or communist group”

Archbishop Gomez forgoes appearance at annual May Day rally in Los Angeles

Los Angeles Archbishop José Gomez snubbed the leftist organizers of the annual May Day Rally in Los Angeles this year and did not attend – unlike his predecessor, Cardinal Roger Mahony, who always went out of his way to participate.

“Only a few thousand people showed up for the nine-block march that started early and ended quickly,” the Los Angeles Times reported. “Los Angeles police declined to issue a crowd estimate, but marchers didn't even fill the intersection of Broadway and 1st Street, where the demonstration ended.”

Most of the marchers, said the Times “were union members -- particularly from the Service Employees International Union, which turned out hundreds of people -- or members of a socialist or communist group.”

That compares to a crowd estimate of 60,000 at last year’s march, from which pro-abortion, pro-same-sex marriage Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa tweeted, “At the May Day rally downtown with Cardinal Roger Mahony and 100k other supporters of comprehensive immigration reform.”

Cardinal Mahony even wrote about last year’s event in a May 2, 2010 entry on his blog: “Downtown Los Angeles became a sea of joyous and hopeful people on May Day this year. In a stunning turnout of people of all backgrounds, ages, and affiliations Broadway Street from Temple to Olympic resounded with song, chants, and spirited encouragement for all immigrants in our country.”

Newspapers featured photos of Cardinal Mahony, smiling as he worked his way through last year’s crowds.

According to an account published on the website of a group calling itself Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER), participants in this year’s rally included, among others, the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, the Full Rights for Immigrants Coalition, the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles, the Multi-ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, the Party for Socialism and Liberation, and “LGBT rights organizations.”

Among those interviewed for the Times story on this year’s rally was Carlos Escorcia, “a member of the Nicaraguan socialist Sandinista National Liberation Front.”

In the past, the LA archdiocesan Office of Justice and Peace had been instrumental in promoting a "Catholic" presence at the event. This year, the Office of Peace and Justice included mention of the May Day rally in an April 28 “News Blast.”

“On May 1, hundreds of thousands of immigrant workers and supporters will march in cities across the country for immigrant workers' rights,” said the item, published on the archdiocesan website. “In L.A., we will march for comprehensive immigration reform, and against racist and anti-immigrant state laws like in Arizona and Georgia. Join the L.A. Labor contingent on May 1. March side-by-side with our sisters and brothers: hotel workers, port truck drivers, carwasheros, sanitation workers, homecare workers, students, and all immigrant workers who need federal immigration reform now. Bring your union banners, signs and flags.”

Taken from CDL of MN by Stella Borealis.

There's also an article by the California Catholic Daily.

New CCHD Youth Campaign to Fight Poverty

It's an art contest where boundless self-expression will lead you to understand and help others understand the poverty of modern artistic expression.
Abstract "Art" is a poor way to express concepts or ideas

Maybe the Bishops and the Reds at CCHD are onto something?  You can find out more about the presentation at the USCCB site, here.

Possible "Poverty" Art Subject?

It doesn't matter in this contest what sort of Art you decide to do.  It doesn't even have to be art, but you should learn about where you can learn about the causes of poverty: Here.

Does holiness cause poverty?

Holiness Causes Poverty: It's a cycleFoto: REUTERS

Here's a pertinent excerpt from the New Advent Catholic Encyclpedia:

Jesus Christ did not condemn the possession of worldly goods, or even of great wealth; for He himself had rich friends. Patristic tradition condemns the opponents of private property; the texts on which such persons rely, when taken in connexion with their context and the historical circumstances, are capable of a natural explanation which does not at all support their contention (cf. Vermeersch, "Quæst. de justitia", n. 210). Nevertheless it is true that Christ constantly pointed out the danger of riches, which, He says, are the thorns that choke up the good seed of the word (Matthew 13:22). Because of His poverty as well as of His constant journeying, necessitated by persecution, He could say: "The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air nests: but the son of man hath not where to lay his head" (Matthew 8:20), and to the young man who came to ask Him what he should do that he might have life everlasting, He gave the counsel, "If thou wilt be perfect, go sell what thou hast, and give to the poor" (Matthew 19:16-21). The renunciation of worldly possessions has long been a part of the practice of Christian asceticism; the Christian community of Jerusalem in their first fervour sold their goods "and divided them to all, according as every one had need" (Acts 2:45), and those who embraced the state of perfection understood from the first that they must choose poverty. [Link}

Picture taken from Imagination.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Shadows Lengthen on Cardinal Bernardin's Legacy

Editor: Whenever people defend Cardinal Bernardin, it's time to appreciate that the person you're speaking to, whomever they may be, is probably not a Catholic but some sort of impostor, especially if they have some kind of official standing in the Church. The following individual shared a rectory with Cardinal Bernardin while some of the abuse he is accused of was taking place.

These revelations throw further shadows on the reputation of a Cardinal who promoted Marxist agendas and was one of the founding members of the USCCB.

Ex-priest Ellis Harsham 'returns'
By Matt C. Abbott

Former Catholic priest-turned-Protestant (or so it seems) Ellis Harsham, who was accused of sexual abuse in the 1990s and subsequently left the priesthood, is back in the news. According to a story on, "there are rumors he will be preaching at Living Beatitudes Church in Oakwood [Ohio]."

What the WDTN story doesn't mention is that Harsham was accused of abuse by Steven Cook, who also accused Cardinal Joseph Bernardin of abuse. Harsham was thrown under the bus, so to speak (according to this report, Harsham did admit to having a sexual relationship with an adult seminarian as well as a "close friendship" with Cook — "and had engaged in 'much casual sexual banter' with him" — but denied having sexual contact with Cook) while Cook mysteriously announced that he couldn't trust his memory about Bernardin. Bernardin was subsequently dropped from Cook's lawsuit and, to this day, not a few people believe that he was completely exonerated.

Below is an excerpt from Paul Likoudis' book AmChurch Comes Out regarding the Bernardin saga. (Likoudis is news editor of The Wanderer, a Catholic newspaper.)

From Matt C. Abbott at Renew America...

H/t: AQ

Friday, April 1, 2011

Marquette Celebrates Diversity, But Not For Catholickes

Oh, the Irony
Editor: Leftist professors can drag the Church in the mud, insult their superiors and generally give a very bad report of themselves in the most petulant and insolent of ways, while this employee is facing disciplinary action for criticizing his superiors for being less than Catholic in a very responsible and mature fashion.  We just got this story from Badger Catholic in Wisconsin about a deplorable situation at Marquette "Jesuit" University.   As if the Jesuits in the Middle west weren't in enough trouble already. Academic Freedom, anyone? 
Perhaps it was the blogger/employees criticism of the all-holy "Queer Studies" program in place, viz:
The other issue raised was the fact that we had mentioned a student’s research paper, and were accused of “criticizing” it. In reality, we did not mention the student’s name, and the point of the blog post was that “‘gender studies’ has been added to ‘women’s studies’ signals a move toward a homosexual emphasis, as shown by one of the papers completed by a WGST fellow this summer . . . .” The blog post was, quite simply, a comment on the fact that the Women’s and Gender Studies program has begun to slip “queer studies” into the university.
Link to Marquette Warrior...

 Order those t-shirts here.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Target Is Suing Desperate Homosexual Group Lurking Outside its Stores

Gay rights for everyone whether they want them or not. We're wondering of the government is helping these pests out with funding? Homosexual pressure groups have been fact finding and canvassing on behalf of the normalization of the things they like to do. They've even gotten the White House involved in their antics by creating a false flag operation to convince Latin American countries, cynically to vote for their UN Resolution.

Now their aggressive proselytizing has gotten them in legal trouble. That's probably the last thing anyone wants to be thinking about when they've got to go to Target to purchase an item. Of course, homosexuals are vindictive as a group and they will undoubtedly retaliate by refusing to shop at Target.

Target is making some nasty headlines for itself once again in its apparent attempt to embrace a policy of indiscriminate discrimination. In recent years the big box superstore has settled multiple discrimination lawsuits with former employees (racial and/or disability discrimination) to make it seem as though the company just hates all people. Perhaps Target is meant to be pronounced with a French accent after all.

But in the past year, Target has gone on the offensive. Last July, the Minneapolis-based company made a 6-figure contribution to purchase campaign ads for anti-gay Minnesota gubernatorial candidate Tom Emmer. Following an uproar from employees and the media, Target CEO Gregg Steinhafel apologized. The company struck a deal with Lady Gaga to sell a deluxe limited edition run of her upcoming album, , due out in May. But Gaga backed out earlier this month citing Target's insensitivity to the LGBT community, having no assurances that Target wouldn't continue funding political candidates with anti-gay agendas.

Now Target is suing a group San Diego pro-gay marriage activists to stop them from canvassing -- or talking to patrons about gay marriage -- outside its stores, specifically the Poway location. The lawsuit was filed on March 8. Target was denied a temporary restraining order against between Target and Canvass for a Cause by the San Diego County Superior Court judge. The trial was set to begin today. But, once again, it's not an anti-gay thing, Target assures.

Monday, March 21, 2011

It's Even Funnier Now

Editor: In light of the current crisis in Libya, this photo from a few years back came to mind. Hope you like it.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Evil Nun to Receive Award from Fake Jews

Editor: If St. Patrick could chase all the snakes out of Ireland, can he chase all the Modernists out of Minnesota? No sooner have we been talking about the Visitation which is supposed to straighten dysfunctional elderly Nuns than this pops up. Also prominent is part of the "theology" department at the University run by the Modernist Monastery and the heretical Fr. Micheal O'Connell. It's a love fest involving all of the evil forces in the Midwest. Be sure to contact the number below and the Archdiocese of St. Paul to let them know how much you appreciate the fact that they've made a comfortable zone for evil and Modernism.

Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis

Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis
226 Summit Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55102

Map & Driving Directions

Phone: (651) 291-4400
Fax: (651) 290-1629

Sister Marge Boyle to receive interfaith award from Temple Israel

By Larry Etkin
Free Speech Zone
March 17, 2011

On March 25, 2011, Minneapolis Reform Jewish congregation Temple Israel will bestow its 2011 Interfaith Award to Sister Marge Boyle, Minneapolis. The award is given to exceptional leaders who have worked to build bridges and facilitate dialogue and interfaith understanding with the Jewish community.

Created in 1990, during the tenure of the late Rabbi Max Shapiro, the award recognizes individuals in other faiths who have worked tirelessly toward interfaith understanding. It's symbol is a "shofar," a ram's horn, given to award recipients. The shofar is used to symbolize the Jewish call to listen to the voices of others.

"In her Catholic community Marge is an incredible advocate for the Jewish people," said Temple Israel Senior Rabbi Marcia Zimmerman. "She is devoted to the study of Judaism and has been a part of our Temple family for many years." Sister Boyle has been heavily involved with Catholic-Jewish reconciliation activities for more than 30 years.

She will blow the Shofar Horn

Past award recipients have included Father Michael O'Connell, current pastor of the Church of the Ascension in North Minneapolis, College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University professor of theology John C. Merkle, and most recently, in 2009, Reverend James Gertmenian of Plymouth Congregational Church, Minneapolis.

The award will be presented by Rabbi Zimmerman during the Friday evening Shabbat service, which begins at 6 p.m. Sister Boyle will deliver the evening's sermon. The service will be followed by a Congregational Dinner, requiring reservations and for which there will be a charge, and that will be followed by a discussion session with Sister Boyle which will begin at 8:15 p.m. Contact Temple Israel for more information: 612-377-8680.

Sister Boyle is a graduate of Stanford University, and earned a Master's Degree from the University of California at Berkeley, where she was involved in various social justice issues and interfaith activities, particularly Christian-Jewish activities.

In 1982, while in Israel, Marge encountered the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion, a small Roman Catholic international congregation. The primary work of the Sisters of Sion is Catholic-Jewish reconciliation.

Known formally as The Congregation of the Religious of Our Lady of Sion, the order was founded in 1843 by an Austrian convert from Judaism. Their principles, notes their website, include "a particular responsibility to promote understanding and justice for the Jewish community, and to keep alive in the Church the consciousness that, in some mysterious way, Christianity is linked to Judaism from its origin to its final destiny."

Sister Boyle's passion for interfaith work includes regular participation in interfaith and adult learning activities at Temple Israel, such as the weekly Saturday morning Torah Study. She also contributes her time an energies to broadly working for justice and equality in many arenas of society. She actively supports worker rights to collectively bargain and society's need to assist the disadvantaged.

The Interfaith Award Program is supported by the Knelman Family Fund for Interfaith Relations at Temple Israel.

H/t: Tom at AQ

Article Source, here...

Monday, January 31, 2011

Vatican rejects suit over Milwaukee priest’s abuse - The Daily Cardinal - News

They need to send these jackals running in terror. These ACLU associated attacks coupled with the NYTs schmear  need to be faced squarely and denounced.

The really sad thing is that many of the Church's sons can't see through this Marxist bit of homosexual non-sense.

Vatican rejects suit over Milwaukee priest’s abuse - The Daily Cardinal - News

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Gun control: Church firmly, quietly opposes firearms for civilians

Editor: once again, the USCCB is showing its color, RED.  Interesting in light of neo-Con George Weigel's admission of a few days ago that Communists had indeed infiltrated the Church.

By Carol Glatz
Catholic News Service

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The Catholic Church's position on gun control is not easy to find; there are dozens of speeches and talks and a few documents that call for much tighter regulation of the global arms trade, but what about private gun ownership?

The answer is resoundingly clear: Firearms in the hands of civilians should be strictly limited and eventually completely eliminated.

But you won't find that statement in a headline or a document subheading. It's almost hidden in a footnote in a document on crime by the U.S. bishops' conference and it's mentioned in passing in dozens of official Vatican texts on the global arms trade.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Pope's Appointments Committed to Orthodoxy?

“Benedict’s new curia”

Vatican observer analyzes Pope Benedict XVI’s high-level appointments: all committed to orthodoxy, most are intellectuals

  Editor: We were spot on when it came to the Cardinatial appointments,  because we cited Paolo Rodari, and although we'd hoped that Cardinal Marx would have his hat yanked at the last minute, we were not wrong to put our trust in the Italian Vaticanista and defender of the Holy Father. We'd also like to think that's analysis is spot on when it comes to the flavor of Cardinals we have.  Most of them are Old Liberals with only two that are devoted, unreserved Catholics. Like Cardinal Wuerl, Cardinal Marx doesn't belong in the College of Cardinals.  

Anyhow, Remember, this is John L Allen Jr., over at the National Catholic Reefer.  Careful, the paper they use is made from hemp and if you wrap your fish in it, it could cause a contact high with the THC content in their fish-wrap.

(The following are excerpts from an article by John L. Allen Jr. published by The National Catholic Reporter. While the Reporter is widely known as a left-leaning, heterodox publication, Mr. Allen has developed a well-earned reputation as a knowledgeable and even-handed reporter on Church matters, and especially on the Vatican.)

Speculation about Vatican jobs is always a favorite pastime in Rome, and these days the spotlight is on the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, popularly known as the Congregation for Religious, where the incumbent, Slovenian Cardinal Franc Rodé, is past the retirement age of 75.

Sometime after Christmas, Pope Benedict XVI is expected to name a successor. That choice will be watched especially closely in the United States, since it’s the office in charge of the current, and highly controversial, apostolic visitation of American nuns…

The bigger picture, however, arguably is this: Once that job is filled, Benedict will have named 21 of the 25 most senior officials of the Roman curia (a list that includes the secretary of state, prefects of nine congregations, presidents of 12 pontifical councils, and heads of three canonical courts). Benedict’s “new curia” has therefore come into focus -- and since personnel is policy, these appointments say much about where he’s taking the church. 

Cited from California Catholic Daily...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Cardinal Daneels: Belgian Church must renounce self-centered mentality in response to abuse :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

That's what we need more of; A man who was criminally negligent an remains unpunished making moral prescriptions for others.  If anyone's being self-centered, it's he.  He's not too ashamed to stand up there and talk about a "class mentality" in the Church.  Sure, it's clear that leftists are the most class conscious people in history,  but how about a little shame?

Cardinal Daneels presided over the worst destruction in the Church, he's actively and passively tried to undermine his more conservative successor, and it's quite clear that from his own activity, the Belgian church is practically dead.

How about a little shame, Lordship?  And slip quietly into the oblivion of retirement and thank your lucky stars you're basically untouchable.  It probably doesn't matter to you if you're actually engaged in concealing  real source of the problem.

Related Stories:

Cardinal Daneels denies coverup.

Cardinal Daneels Disgrace

Cardinal Dannels Admits He Failed

Cardinal Daneels: Belgian Church must renounce self-centered mentality in response to abuse :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Degenerate Art Foundation Threatens Smithsonian With Defunding

The New York Times says that Warhol Foundation wants degenerate art returned to the stalls of the Smithsonian.   Caught between a big mouth and a big pocketbook.  It just might be possible that Smithsonian could be encouraged to do the right thing by helping change people's minds on value.

Part of what makes Warhol's decadent legacy so powerful is the perception of value.  The best way to resist this is to continue make beautiful things, even the simplest things, and to fill them with love.

Please try to remember that one of the  aims of Marxist demoralization is to promote degenerate art in public spaces to degrade people's idea of what beauty is, and therefore truth.
Warhol Foundation Threatens to End Financing of Smithsonian Exhibitions
The Andy Warhol Foundation is threatening to stop its financing of Smithsonian Institution exhibitions if the institution does not restore a work of art that was removed from an exhibition after it drew attacks by the head of the Catholic League and some Republican members of Congress. The Warhol Foundation gave $100,000 to the Smithsonian for the exhibition, “Hide/Seek: Difference and Desire in American Portraiture,” at the National Portrait Gallery, from which the work was removed.

Read NYTs article, here. 

h/t: Pewsitter

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

French Judge Forbids Community to Display a Crèche: And the Son of Man Had Nowhere to Lay His Head

Freethinkers have complained-- Now there are fears that the example will make a school.

Paris ( in the Northern French community of Montiers the Town Council has been forbiden by a judge to display a Crèche.  The judge ruled for the plaintiff, who based his suit on the principle of the separation of Church and State against the display, as the regional paper "Courier Picard" reported this Tuesday.  Commentators fear that this example could be a school for others like it.

Claude Debay, retired teacher and former Mayor of the Community had already decided that the crib would not be displayed in the market area, rather more "hidden" -- namely between the Church and the War Memorial.  That didn't satisfy the freethinker though [See, don't make concessions to these people.]: The judge has agreed with him and decided, the neutrality of the town area, to remove the crib from it completely.

The current Mayor Xavier Deneufbourg strongly voiced his anger in "Courrier Picard", Debaye has also organized Easter Egg Hunts himself during his time in office.  So his action against the Crèche is completely inconceivable.

Read the original, auf Deutsch, here at

Photo stolen, here.  It took us a while to find a decent looking Baby Jesus, because most of them looked ... weird.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Vatican official speaks of a 'strategy of reconciliation' with Pro-Abortion Women Religious | NCR

Why do they always make concessions to these people? Perhaps it's because they have no intention of really addressing the problem. With all the caterwauling from trendy elder religious, you'd think they were being sent packing without bread or crip. But anyway, if history has taught us anything, it's that concessions to such people are always fruitless. If US Women religious want to be infelicitous social workers, they should do that and not pretend to be legitimate Roman Catholic religious.

Once again, heterodoxy, financial mismanagement , material participants in abortion, religious indifferentism, misrepresentation and the like are not the most serious things of which you can be guilty.  This is incredible, really, in light of all of the charges which can be leveled at this collective body of very unfaithful Brides of Christ:

A number of leaders of women’s congregations have said to me that they’ve been surprised by the depth of anger and hurt that exists among the sisters. I think that can’t be ignored. It has to be addressed, it’s a sign of the times

Vatican official speaks of a 'strategy of reconciliation' with women religious | National Catholic Reporter

When they've been pushing for socialism and the murder of innocents as Sister Carol has, you really have to marvel at the gall of these women, and the fact that despite the part they've played in the destruction of the Catholic Church worldwide, if not just in the USA where this visitation is taking place, but here they are crying for preferential treatment as if they're owed something for doing a bad job, doing the exact opposite of the things that they are professed to do and being treated with kid gloves all the while... amazing...