Showing posts with label Cultural Marxism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cultural Marxism. Show all posts

Friday, December 3, 2010

Swiss Pass Tougher Immigration Law

The ruling against new Minarets was greeted in the world press with horror and the almost universal cry of a return to Hitler and "fascist" from the editorial page of every newspaper in the world.  Now the UDC has voted for the deportation of foreign criminals and that same press is up in arms again, although there is still much talk about the guilt of white victims, it cites the issue from Daoudal blog, here:

The Swiss people approved, by a majority of votes (52.9%) in a majority of cantons (20 out of 26), the UDC's proposition on the automatic expulsion of foreign criminals. 

Here's an analysis at Gallia Watch, here.

Meanwhile, Newt Gingrich has further cemented his contact with Hispanic voters by his own conciliatory approach to immigration, and Catholicism. [He converted to Catholicism recently]

But other politicians aren't so conciliatory.  It's a real problem, especially in dealing with the Muslims as one Austrian politician here vehemently declares:

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Reds at USCCB Continue to Promote "Disarmament"

In a tip of the cheese hat to /Antonio Gramsci, the gathered Catholic Bishops continue to undermine their homeland, their Church and the families they are sworn to protect.  Some people perhaps thought that there would be a major change, how wrong you were. Now Bishop Hubbard of the scandal ridden and heretical Albany Diocese is "peacemaking" in the Bernardinian style. How Bishop Hubbard has a job, much less how he's able to dictate to the United States how it should defend itself simply boggles the mind. So, not only is he running interference for homosexuals, posing as priests so they can prey on the young, but he's trying to prevent your homeland from defending itself from nuclear destruction.  Hey, do you really think it's a good idea to send money to your Archdiocese? 

Archbishop Dolan, Bishop Hubbard Voice Bishops’ Support for Ratification of Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty
WASHINGTON (November 30, 2010)—The new president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and the chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on International Justice and Peace have urged the United States Senate to ratify the New START Treaty. The treaty, signed by President Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on April 8, would reduce the nuclear arsenals of both countries by 30 percent.

“The Church’s concern for nuclear weapons grows out of its commitment to the sanctity of human life,” wrote Bishop Howard J. Hubbard of Albany, New York, in a November 29 letter to the Senate. “Consistent with Catholic teaching, the Holy See and the U.S. bishops have long supported reducing the number of nuclear armaments, preventing their spread to other nations, and securing nuclear materials from terrorists. For decades they have promoted the twin and interrelated policy goals of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation. We understand this is an ideal that will take years to reach, but it is a task which our nation must take up with renewed energy.”

Bishop Hubbard chairs the bishops’ Committee on International Justice and Peace....

Read further, here...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Remove Five Christian Holidays in Belgium?

A "Work Group for Interculturality" from the Belgian Government wants to remove Easter Monday, Pentecost Monday, the Ascension, Assumption and All Saints from the list of National Holidays -- Christimas will remain the only free Christian feast day.

Brussels []  A drastic reduction of the holidays in Belgium has been proposed by a "Work Group for Interculturality" of the Belgian government.  The current ten feast days will be reduced to five is the "'Work Group's" proposal, said the Belgian media on Tuesday.

Accordingly, heneforth there will only be New Year, the 1st of May, the National Holiday on  the 21st of July, the Armistice of  11th of November,  and Christmas, the 25th of December will be days off.

Eastermonday, Pentecostmonday [Whitmonday was also a holiday in Ireland till recently], Christ's Ascension, Assumption and All Saints Day will be removed from the calendar. The "Work Group" proposes, depending on confession, that an employee can take two additional workdays free.

New additions will be International Women's Day on 8. March, the 21st of March as the International Day Against Racism and the 21st  of May as the World Day of Cultural Diversity.

Among other proposals of  the "Work Group"  was also to permit  the wearing of religious symbols such as the Islamic head covering in school for higher forms [grades].  The teacher's preference, however, should determine whether it is allowed at all.

The Belgian Minister for equal opportunity, Joelle Milquet of the Liberal-Christians Democrats of Wallonia, annaounced, that she wants to reinforce the battle against discrimination.  Cultural Diversity is anchored in the heritage of Belgium, she said according to reports from "Le Soir".

Read original in German at

Editor: A fitting video since the Cultural Marxism, antithetical and hostile to Christianity, goes hand in glove with the enemy within:

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Bishop Kung Would Like to Change the Course of 'Aktion Leben' - Austria

"Family" - Bishop Kung: Catholic teaching is not accounted for in the youth prevention [education]-- +Kung was also critical of the hunger strike of a pro-life activist in front of the Nunciature.

Vienna []  The Austrian "Family" - Bishop Klaus Kung wants a significant change in course for the advice and education society "Aktion Leben" as reported by the "Presse".   The organization is "taking a direction in some ways, for example in youth prevention [education], that have failed to address significant portions of Catholic teaching,"  said Kung in an interview with the "Presse", Kung explained: "In the near future there will be a discussion with Aktion Leben about it's direction and goals."  The Austrian "Aktion Leben" has been criticized from inner-Church circles,  Kung in any case, directed criticism against an Austrian pro-life activist who is protesting in front of the Nunciature, who insists, that the "Aktion Leben" encourages women to have abortions.  Kung underscores  that this is embarking upon  "the wrong solution" to "Aktion Leben" and that it won't "facilitate but make more difficult", the dialog between the Society and the Church.

Link to the original, here


Catholic Youth Learn the Kamasutra...

Robespierre Alert; Tim Wise Wants All White Conservatives Dead

The irony lies in the fact that Tim Wise would be one of the first to go to the firing squad when and if the left takes power. The Revolution always eats its own.

h/t: Council of Conservative Citizens

Monday, November 8, 2010

Yes We Can: Voter Fraud at University of Minnesota

Minnesota Daily

Members of Students Organizing for America, a group of students aligned with the Democratic Party, may face a criminal investigation and possible felony charges after confrontations with an election judge over voter vouching during Tuesday’s election.

Ginny Gelms, the interim elections director in Minneapolis, said she will submit a report to the Hennepin County attorney’s office and the Minnesota Secretary of State‘s office today. The offices will investigate a possible incident of improper vouching.

Gelms said she was told by the University Lutheran Church precinct’s chair election judge there were two incidents of individuals trying to vouch for people they did not personally know.

Read further.../

Related Article:

Concerns about Voter Fraud in Democratic District

Dayton Announces "Transition" Members

Friday, November 5, 2010

Dysfunction Rules in the CCHD

Editor: Dysfunctional Church bureaucrats need some kind of sensitivity and treatment program to stop abusing people's trust like this. Don't forget that the collection is coming up and it's not a good idea to give money to these folks, they'll only spend your money on things which destroy the Church you love with Alinskeyite boondoggles.

Reform Coalition Finds Radical Group Featured in CCHD Renewal Document;

Urges Delay of Annual Collection

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Reform CCHD Now (RCN) coalition ( has released a report detailing multiple problems with the Coalition of Imokalee Workers (CIW), the first grantee featured in a document intended to outline the review and renewal of the controversial Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD).

“The very idea that the CCHD would praise CIW in a document that apologizes for funding pro-abortion, pro-homosexual organizations in the past and promises to make a stronger effort to avoid doing so in the future undermines their credibility,” said Michael Hichborn, lead researcher for RCN member American Life League. “If CCHD can’t get it right at the beginning of this process, what confidence can we have that it will be able to do so later on.”

RCN’s report outlines in specific detail how CIW participated in the US Social Forum 2010; something the RCN reported on back in June. The US Social Forum ran a collection of workshops, many of which were devoted to abortion rights, homosexual rights, and Marxist Socialism. RCN's report also specifies three of CIW’s coalition and network partnerships that are in and of themselves pro-abortion and pro-homosexual, and whose mission is to encourage cross-issues advocacy of their members. The report can be found on the Reform CCHD Now web site at

Read article, here.

Photo stolen from, RC Blog.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Millionaire Socialist Plunges in the Polls: AOL Hates on Eponymous Flower

National Public Radio
reports this morning that Tom Emmer and Mark Dayton are in a dead heat. Could it be that Mark Dayton's support for gay marriage [voted against ban in June 2006, support for abortion on demand and love affair with socialized medicine have made him an unsavory candidate for many Minnesotans?

Although some blogs were a little slow on the uptake, we're glad that they finally seem to be catching on to the fact that the DFL is your stupid, evil, Marxist party. That's something it will be hard for even AOL to spin. They accuse this blog of being slow to clarify. What's the clarify? This is an anti-Catholic attack ad. Even the Socialist Millionaire has said it was, and he's the DFL's Gubernatorial candidate.

Perhaps Millionaire Socialist Dayton's ten point plunge in the polls might have something to do with his party's sleezy attack ad that we first posted on Monday, too. We were right then, and we're right today. We're not sure how the Dems are doing in the polls in other races, but considering the universal displeasure about this anti-Catholic attack ad, we can't imagine it's good.

Incidentally, it was a similar event which helped precipitate Paul Wellstone's victory over Rudy Boschwitz in 1990 when the latter circulated a letter to Jewish service attendees pointing out that Paul Wellstone wasn't as Jewish as he could be and was in fact, not very religious at all. It certainly galvanized Wellstone's campaign and even caused many of Botschwitz's Jewish constituents to vote for Paul Wellfare.

Related Posts:

Millionaire Socialist Condemns His Party's Anti-Catholic Ad

Democratic Pols Angry with Campaign Staff Over Ad

Even Bill Donahue had Roll up His Sleeves and Join the Fray

Emmer-Dayton Still Tied in Poll, Tribune

Terrorist Bill Ayers Endorses Fellow Reds Colbert and Jon Stewart

Terrorist Ayers Endorses Stewart/Colbert Rallies

By Cliff Kincaid | October 26, 2010

Dohrn griped that they have become “pawns” against their old friend and associate, President Obama, and that critics of Obama have been trying to depict them as “insane” and “murderers.”

When comics Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert announced their rallies on the national mall scheduled for this Saturday, they may not have expected—or wanted—an endorsement from Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers. But Ayers told the Ford Motor Company-sponsored Green Festival in Washington, D.C. last Saturday that the event will be a needed respite from the “Alice in Wonderland” world of military domination of the planet and wars waged by the U.S. “empire.”

Read furtther...

H/t: CFN

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Millionaire Socialist Confirms that Attack Ad Anti-Catholic

[Editor] Mark Dayton tries to put a positive spin on a miscalculation by his staffers that made the Democrats look bad, and desperate.

Dayton has a safe lead against his opponent, and so it comes to him to defuse the controversy being raised about the indisputable attack on the Catholic Church, which as many now suppose, is retaliation against Archbishop Nienstedt's defense of Marriage DVD Campaign.

[Minneapolis Star Tribune] With less than a week before the election, Republicans and Democrats argued Wednesday over whether a DFLer mailer had stirred anti-Catholic sentiment.

As the two sides traded accusations, Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Emmer, DFLer Mark Dayton and the Independence Party's Tom Horner ended the day with a forum that offered one of the last chances for public debate, but yielded no major stumbles or breakthrough moments.

Earlier in the day, Republican leaders called on Dayton to denounce a DFL mailer in a legislative race that some conservatives deemed anti-Catholic.

The mailer, sent by the state DFL Party to thousands of voters in Senate District 40, which includes Burnsville and Bloomington, featured what appears to be a man in a black shirt and clerical collar carrying a black book. On his shirt is a photo-shopped button that says "Ignore the Poor." On the other side, the mailer criticizes Republican candidate Dan Hall, a minister, for remaining silent as Pawlenty imposed budget cuts. He is challenging DFL state Sen. John Doll of Burnsville.

"This is in-your-face anti-Catholicism," said state Sen. Amy Koch, R-Buffalo. "It' a new low in Minnesota."

Dayton quickly tamped down the outrage, agreeing that at least part of the mailer went too far.

"I believe the brochure's picture showing a man of the cloth is inappropriate," Dayton said in a statement. "I believe that it is inappropriate to bring religion into a campaign as this image and others do."

He added, however, that the mailer was right to point out that many leaders of the faith community have disagreed with Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty's cuts to health care programs for low-income residents.

"The facts are that members of Minnesota's faith community have been leaders in the fight to stop Governor Pawlenty from denying health care to the poorest and sickest Minnesotans," Dayton said.

Link to Star and Tribune...

Indiana Democrats Use Bible to Attack Republicans

In another religious gambit to rescue their flailing campaign prospects the Democratic Party is doing nationwide, something reprehensible and guaranteed to backfire. Perhaps they don't want to win? Their circulation of anti-Catholic ads earned their campaign strategy some national attention here.

Read further at Lifesite, news.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Minnesota Democrats Accuse Catholics of Ignoring the Poor

The Democrats are proud of their generosity to the poor, and owing perhaps due to some unclear thinking aren't aware that charitable acts must be of free will, and there's no merit in being generous with other people's money. Hat tip to Ray at Stella Borealis for this item. But with them it's always the same, high crime and higher and higher taxes.

Now there were some that had indignation within themselves, and said: Why was this waste of the ointment made? [5] For this ointment might have been sold for more than three hundred pence, and given to the poor. And they murmured against her [Douay-Rheims] Luke 14: 4-6.

A recent postcard mailed the the MN DFL State Central Committee has a picture of a priest wearing a button that says "Ignore the Poor".

The picture takes up the entire side of the postcard!

How low has the DFL party sunk that they would mail out pictures of a priest urging people to ignore the poor?

In their haste to try to run from the Democrat agenda of Higher Taxes and ever more Inefficient, Ineffective and Expensive Government programs, the DFL has gone too far.

The other side of the postcard talks about Government Health Care. Government run health care means the end of Catholic Hospitals. I guess the Democrats have to demonize Catholics in order to justify their stand on Government Run Health Care

Friday, October 8, 2010

Jesuit Revolutionary: Incense Was Enemy Number 1

When the readings of the Old Testament are replaced by readings of Karl Marx. Jesuit Father Edmund Runggaldier has now brought to light background information about Jesuit Education of the 68-Generation

Munich-Innsbruck ( The Jesuit priest Edmund Runggaldier has illustrated the 68 Generation, for the benefit of the official news of the Jesuits of the German Province. Edmund Rundggaldier, the current professor at the Theological Faculty of the University of Innsbruck currently, was from 1966 to 1968, a novice in St. Andra in Austria. Then he studied philosophy in Pullach near Munich till 1970. There he experienced, according to his own report, a kind of cultural revolution and the awakening of a "delayed inner-Catholic revolution". He avowed himself that sometimes there were excesses among the Novices and Scholastics and he was fully involved. "I was an active, almost a fanatical participant in that revolution: we have formally destroyed Iconography with Nazarene Style", wrote Runggaldier.

Especially explosive are his thoughts on liturgy. "We were combative and missionary especially in the 'renewal' of the Liturgy, that means in the dumping of things that were in our eyes impeding ballast. Incense was enemy number 1," he openly acknowledged. Then he explained that experiments were undertaken in the Jesuit College in Innsbruck in "authentic" Eucharistic Celebrations in the setting of a mirror. These celebrations were, in any event forbidden by the superior. Although, the readings from the Old Testament and the Letters of Paul were replaced by those of Marx or the philosophy of Existentialism. "I was thrilled as the classical Codices which were then still studied in the Scholastic sense critically degraded." Self-critically Ruggaldier then asked how he had come from "Novice" to "Iconoclast" and why one with such an enthusiasm and with such a fanaticism throw overboard a Philosophy tried over centuries, or to be won over by modern Existentialism and a one sided political philosophy.

The Jesuit professor explained then, that one encouraged the oversimplification and use of a fundamental biblical message. "What counted, was -- completely in the sense of the Reformation -- the origins, the ipsissima vox des Herrn." According to his opinion of what took place then was a philosophic approach between the Catholic students -- and Student Camps (Like Highland or Catholic Youth Camps) and the Marxism. For Runggaldier combined extensively the roots and the driving force. "We were especially convinced by the necessity of protecting persistent renewal i.e., permanent revolution, against untruth and alienation.," he wrote in illustration.

For his enemy image was "true Christendom" which belonged to consumer and capitalist liberalism. Things that were alienating were valued then as "subjective forms" an "internalized spirituality." "It was not the subjective well-being that counted, rather the reality itself, the pure original message of the Gospel, the expression of the motives of political affairs, finally the restructuring of Church and Society. Questions like: How do you feel? were strange to us." Some Jesuits left the order or resigned who were under the "pressure of the high ideals". Finally, explained Runggaldier, that he does not want to distance himself from the fundamental motivations of the movement. "The careful abolition of all that, what was held to be secondary in the Rite, which were in any case mistakes. Man needs sustenance for his senses in liturgical execution. The word and nature alone can be hard for a man to taste. Ignatius knew that we ignored it back then", so concluded the Jesuit Father.

Link to

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What Do the GLBT Agenda, Pro-Abortion Politics, and Marxism Have to Do With Boston Social Justice Conference?

Revelations about the featured speakers at the
Boston Archdiocese’s Social Justice conference this coming Saturday are getting worse every day, and more and more Catholics from across the country are sounding the alarm bells as part of our “Boston Catholic Tea Party” protest. Today we hear more about support for gay activism and Marxism by the two featured speakers, Fr. James Massaro and Fr. Bryan Hehir, respectively. Yes, we said Marxism. Read on to see details of Fr. Hehir’s infamous talk in the “Matthew, Marx, Luke, and John” series at the left-leaning, Marxist-oriented Institute for Policy Studies. Could the Boston Archdiocese possibly pick two worse speakers to place on the speaking podium? Click on the FedUp button now to sign out letter of complaint to the Holy See.

Read further...Hehir Exposed

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Obama's faith assertion called 'politically driven' 'Too many black 'community organizers' gained power through churches'

President Obama's statement that he is a "Christian by choice" drew strong reaction on the Web, largely dividing responders into two camps: one supporting him and urging that he focus on programs that better the nation and another contending that asserting he is a Christian doesn't necessarily make him one.

"I wonder if our president believes God created the heavens and the earth in 7 days or if he thinks the Bible was fibbing," wrote griffin 76 on a Minneapolis Star-Tribune forum page. "I think I already know his answer based on his stances on abortion and homosexuality."

Added ceegee, "You can call me skeptical and a cynic, but too many black 'community organizers' gained their political power through the inner city churches. The church is a means to an end for people like Obama, Jackson Sharpton et al. Attending church is a convenience and seen as a way to network into the community. And one still has to ask why [Obama] attend[ed] Rev. Wright's fiery church for 20 years? I assert Obama's motivations for faith are selfish and political driven."

Monday, September 27, 2010

Jesuit School, LMU establishes Office for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Student Services

[California Catholic Daily] It’s official. The Division of Student Affairs at Jesuit-run Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles has added an Office for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Student Services in what the student newspaper calls “a milestone in LMU’s history -- and the history of Jesuit universities.”

“Interim Director of LGBTSS Anthony Garrison-Engbrecht conducted a preliminary inquiry of what other Jesuit universities offer LGBT students on their campuses,” reported the Sept. 20 edition of the campus newspaper, the Los Angeles Loyolan. “Out of the 19 schools he surveyed, only two – Georgetown and Gonzaga – have LGBT centers with professional staff. While some schools have different support systems for LGBT students – such as the Gay Straight Alliance (GSA), a student club also present at LMU – or are considering the addition, most other Jesuit universities do not have a dedicated space for a center.”

The LGBT office has scheduled an open house on Oct. 6 at 4 p.m. in Room 403 of the Malone Student Center, according to the Loyolan.

Read further at California Catholic Daily...

And in a related story, Jesuit Canisius College Bans books, but not in a good way, here. Actually, it would be nice if they'd stop ignoring the perennial tradition of the Church's teachers, but that's not happening.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Italian Communist Daily Supports Priests Returning to the Cassock

Editor: We found this in the German Paper, and it's about an article translated from the Italian into German. Well, you guessed right, a Communist Daily in Italy is supporting Clerics. Better count your fingers before you shake that hand.

The former mouthpiece of the Communist Party of Italy has made a special contribution to the sexual scandal of Catholic priests, which has occupied the attention of the media. It happens in the actual sense as a wounding of the vow of chastity, if through Pedophiles, sexual intercourse or concubinage. The magazine founded by Antonio Gramsci daily 'L'Unita' reported in an article by Vincenzo Cerami (8/16/2010) a direct relationship between the sexual failings of Catholic Priests and the laying aside of clerical clothing. If priest wear civilian clothing, then what the author calls "trust" and a loss of "respect" for the Catholic believers. He indicated that the priest should throw his civilian clothes in the nettles and must return to the the duty of the robe. Here's a translation of a German translation from the Italian:

[Rome] For some time the Church has had to fight against a campaign, which has been directing the spotlight on the phenomenon of the erotic activities and obliquity of the Clergy. It doesn't merely devolve upon the horror of pedophilia, rather also in the red light district, orgies and forbidden transgressions of every kind.

AS soon as the robe was done away with and civilian clothing taken up, many priests turned with lightning speed from holy to profane. For this reason I asked my friend, who writes in this paper, Don Filippo Di Giacomo, if it wouldn't be advisable, for him and his close colleagues, if they would get rid of their civilian clothes and take up again the long dress of the priest.

It is to report, there is no need to be confused, quite the contrary, it would be a sign of respect for the Catholic society and would have the power to also avoid ambiguity. In his pullover or shirt it is difficult to recognize a priest: we withhold trust, at least at the semiological level.

Friend Di Giacomo must throw his "Layics" - clothing in the grill and start an appeal, till all priests in the whole world are forbidden, to own anything else except for two robes, one of wool for the winter and the other of cotton for the summer.

It will not do, for the die-hard Eros-befuddled to be horrified. It works as a line of defense against the thousand little daily occasions of failure. Generally one says, "The dress does not make the Monk", indeed for the Church, it is not so: the dress must make the Monk. The catholic Faith, like other religions, lives on symbols, rites, chastity, of fundamental and unchangeable values, from the fidelity to the Doctrine, to the strict obedience and the content of priestly regulations.

The robe arranges all that at the first glance: a lot of spirituality and little flesh. A priest, who exchanges the robe with the various common clothing, is, as if he relinquished his spirituality.

Giuseppe Nardi

Friday, August 6, 2010

Christopher Hitchens Thinks Che Guevarra is GREAT: New Book by Cuban Exile

A lot of you probably think Che Guevarra was the equal of the legend that surrounds him, others of your probably think Christopher Hitchens is a rational and honest broker, able to deal successfully with various pious frauds and other hucksters, but we'd bet that you probably didn't know that Christopher Hitchens, as irrational as the most pentecostal theist, worships at the altar of St. Che.

Christopher Hitchens may think God is not great, but Che Guevara is his hero. Not surprising that this enfant terrible and supposed former Trotskeyite should embrace a murdering Argentinian Bolschevik who thought of himself as Stalin II, but it should be a surprise to those conservatives who are swooned by the tones of Hitchen's posh accent and dithering, cancerous sneer.

Liberals idolize Che Guevara, the Argentinian n'er-do-well who hacked and murdered his way through the 60s and became an inspiration for Radicals of all kinds, whether clerical radicals destroying Churches, or schoolmarms engaged in dismantling the American education system, they all adored "Che" and sported his image and myth for all to see.

The Cuban-American who wrote this book has reason to hate Che, and his experience with Communism should give us reason to despise it as much as he does, for it aims to do here in the United States and elsewhere, precisely what it accomplished in Cuba at the hands of Che, the Soviet Union and their cronies.

And yet useful idiots from Johnny Depp to Christopher Hitchens hold him as a hero.

Review by David Forsmark of the book, 'Exposing the Real Che Guevara and the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him', By Humberto Fontova

Time magazine recently made the ludicrous decision to exclude President George W. Bush from its list of the "world’s 100 most influential people. Adding to the insult was the inclusion of such figures as Sacha Baron Cohen and America Ferrara, whom even fans of their characters -- Borat and Ugly Betty, respectively -- probably would not recognize in their real life personas.

But that’s not the first time Time has included essentially fictional characters on a similar list. In its list of the 100 most important people of the 20th Century, under "Heroes and Icons", the magazine’s editors included the fictional creation known as Che Guevara.

Wait, you argue, Ernesto "Che" Guevara was a real person. True enough, as the thousands of his murdered victims would attest. However, as journalist Humberto Fontova shows in Exposing the Real Che Guevara and the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him, Time magazine didn't come close to including the real Che Guevara on its list.

The Che portrayed by Ariel Dorfman on Time’s list was a concoction whom the magazine helped to invent in the 1950s and '60s. In fact, almost nothing in Dorfman’s 1999 wallowing in messianic hero worship in the century list article is true.

Basically, everything most people think they know about Che Guevara is wrong. Okay, maybe not everything, since Frontpage readers at least, who have seen Fontova’s work, are likely to include "bloodthirsty, Communist thug" in their description. But most of the details are wrong, as the story perpetuated by The New York Times, CBS News and Time are drawn from propaganda put out by the Castro organization, much of it made up from whole cloth — including everything Time said about him in its century-end profile.

In fact, Dorfman’s gushy ode to his vicious hero serves as a perfect outline for the myths of Che and the dose of reality Fontova deals to each of them.

Time: "(T)he story of the obscure Argentine doctor who abandoned his profession and his native land to pursue the emancipation of the poor…"

Fontova: There is no proof that Guevara ever actually earned a medical degree, much less had a profession to abandon. As we will see later, Guevara’s only effective military campaign was against poor campesinos in the Cuban countryside.

Time: "After a guerrilla campaign in which Guevara displayed such outrageous bravery and skill that he was named commandante, the insurgents entered Havana and launched what was to become the first and only victorious socialist revolution in the Americas."

Fontova: Che had a particular talent for being nowhere around when any skirmish broke out. In fact, many of the pitched battles trumpeted in The New York Times and other MSM outlets of the time never took place. In one battle that the NYT proclaimed deaths of over a thousand, Fontova writes convincingly that total casualties on both sides probably numbered around five. Talk about creative math.

Fontova shows that Che was responsible for more deaths of non-communist anti-Batista fighters than of soldiers fighting for the regime — most of whom were bribed to flee. After the revolution, Che oversaw not only the executions of tens of thousands of innocents, but he also was in charge of forcibly collectivizing thousands of small farms. In fact, Che Guevara conducted the longest counter-revolutionary campaign in the Americas, with a brutal 6-year war against Cuban peasant farmers.

Time: "Che the moral guru proclaiming that a New Man, no ego and all ferocious love for the other, had to be forcibly created out of the ruins of the old one."

Fontova: When mothers or wives came to plead for the life of their loved one, he would show his "ferocious love for the other" by picking up the phone and ordering that man or boy’s immediate execution in front of the sobbing woman.

As Fontova points out, the 14,000 executions by firing squad and other Cuban deaths attributed to the Castroites are dwarfed by the numbers killed by Stalin, Mao, Hitler and Pol Pot, but, as a percentage of the population, the Cuban communists are right up there with the other moral gurus who were also trying to create a "New Man."

Time: "Che the romantic mysteriously leaving the revolution to continue…, the struggle against oppression and tyranny."

Fontova: Che was run out of Cuba by Castro who tired of the competing cult of personality, and was a spectacular failure in Africa and South America where he rallied no one to his cause and was ignored-- or mocked—by guerillas on the ground there.

Time: "His execution in Vallegrande at the age of 39 only enhanced Guevara's mythical stature. That Christ-like figure laid out on a bed of death with his uncanny eyes almost about to open; those fearless last words ('Shoot, coward, you're only going to kill a man') somebody invented or reported;"

Fontova: "Invented," indeed. The only place Che’s defiant last words appear are in Cuban accounts. Every eyewitness tells a different tale — of a Che Guevara trying to ingratiate himself to every guard, officer or CIA agent at the scene, spinning the notion constantly that he would be "worth more alive."

But radical Duke professor Dorfman is not the only purveyor of the Che Guevara myth that Fontova deconstructs. Herbert Matthews of the New York Times was among the useful idiots who most helped Castro come to power.

As Fontova puts it, this was not a battle in the Cuban countryside or the streets of Havana but a PR war won on the pages of the mainstream press in Washington and New York.

Fontova also spends a fair amount of time discrediting New Yorker writer Jon Lee Anderson’s hagiography, Che: A Revolutionary Life, which was hailed for its "balance" in the mainstream media and widely considered the ultimate Che biography. Probably all you need to know about this 814 page book is that Anderson writes "I have yet to find a single credible source pointing to a case where Che executed an innocent." Fontova points out that Anderson spends 200 pages on Che’s largely fictional guerilla campaign to oust Batista, but deals with his 5-year slaughter of the farmers in one dismissive sentence.

Exposing the Real Che Guevara and the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him also takes on an ironic tone similar to Peter Schweizer’s Do As I Say, when dealing with fawning American Che worshipers who help keep his glowering face on tee shirts and coffee mugs everywhere.

Guitar hero Carlos Santana provides comic relief with spaced out statements that "Che was all about peace and love, man," or his loopy comment that Che was the first person to allow women in Cuba's casinos. Of course, Che mainly closed the casinos, persecuted anyone who listened to rock and roll — much less performed it —and his big contribution to feminism was granting women equal access to face firing squads.

There was never any excuse for the media to get it wrong. As Fontova points out in the book’s opening, Che came to the UN and shouted his love of executions from the podium in a speech as subtle as Hugo Chavez’s recent visit. That earned him a party at Bobo Rockefeller’s place in an early example of what Tom Wolfe would later call Radical Chic.

Today’s liberals outraged that there is a place in Cuba today where the US holds genocidal thugs, who are not read their Miranda rights. Meanwhile they continue to not only glorify a murderer from four decades ago, but the regime he co-founded where people are still tortured for decades for speaking their minds-- if not put up against a wall so covered in gore that its original color is no longer discernable.

Che a hero? No, he was a monster, a foul beast. To the ash heap of history he goes. Deservedly.

Read further...

Monday, July 5, 2010

Vatican nuncio calls for women's economic empowerment | News | Total Catholic

We've had almost fifty years of women running "ecclesial structures" and churches as parish administrators and various directors of this and that to include the office of de facto acolyte and even Bishop, and isn't it high time that we admit that it hasn't worked so well. There is a correlation between the administrative influence of women and the irrelevance of the Church structures at hand. The more women's suffrage there is, the more dead an ecclesial structure (protestant, Jewish, Muslim, whatever) will be. It is incidentally a byproduct of liberalism to include women in the power structure in the sense that they want it to happen, as a systematic and administratively pre-ordained thing.

Women have always shone while they've acted outside of the normal channels of power, starting from the time when Our Lady interceded at the Wedding of Cana.

In any event, this is the kind of Marxist-Heglian class warfare mongering you'd expect from the higher Anglican clergy, not a Prince of the Roman Catholic Church. Isn't it time that prelates stopped politicizing with social justice, and the mana of the desert and started preaching penance and the salvation of souls?


Vatican nuncio calls for women's economic empowerment | News | Total Catholic

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Profile on the Author of the Milwaukee Schmear Against Pope Benedict

What you have here is a man who has unseen loyalties to powers and principalities, to organizations that have the destruction of the Catholic Church as their fundamental aim. This is the motive force behind the current orchestrated scandal, perhaps it's a part of what Fr. Malachi Martin termed, the "Superforce".

Jeffry Anderson is described as a man, ironically, on a "Crusade" against the Catholic Church. It's not just Jeffrey Anderson who is liable to be described in this way. Certain individuals, indeed, entire nations and political movements in history, have enjoyed and benefitted from their enmity with the Catholic Church, entities like Stalin's Soviet Union and Hitler's Germany. Like the aforementioned regimes, Jeff Anderson has a certain affiliation and kinship to powers of such malevolence, that their hatred of Christ was the scene of mass starvation and some of the greatest untold crimes of the last two centuries. What shouldn't be so startling to anyone is the fact that Communists do use the tactics being employed by Jeff Anderson, here. The erstwhile graduate from the provincial William Mitchel School of Law,  has come to do battle with the Catholic Church, as a member of the American and Minnesota Civil Liberties Unions and also claims a certain spiritual connection with a vague and ambient spirituality reminiscent of Gnosticism, which is fitting since his claims must certainly rely and on occult knowledge of a diabolical nature.

Now, we've mentioned that he is a member of the culturally Marxist, ACLU and Minnesota Civil Liberties Union. Their hostility to Catholicism in particular and religion in general is well-established, so then it follows logically that Mr. Anderson is acting according to his principles in attacking the Catholic Church, since we can hopefully assume that he shares the views and tactics of those antagonists of Religion.

But what of the Pedophile Connection?

Well, Jeff claims to be attacking the Catholic Church on behalf of the victims. Perhaps they are more of a utility than a heartfelt aspiration on his part to see Justice done. Indeed, he had been taking these cases for 10 years prior to the event of his daughter's alleged molestation, which he maintains was what began his "Crusade" in earnest, at the hands of an ex-priest who was acting as a therapist to deal with emotional issues related to his divorce. Catholicism rejects divorce, but surely, he bears some responsibility for that and sending your daughter to an ex-priest: isn't that res ipse loquitur that the negligence belongs to the nature of the act of sending one's 8 year old daughter to an ex-priest as a result of one's own inability to hold together one's own family?

Lest you think we're being unfair, it has to be said that Mr. Anderson wasn't being terribly fair when he failed to contact any of the key figures in the case beforehand for their account, indeed, when you compare the two stories alongside, Mr. Anderson's suffers from a profound lack of coherence and, well, just plain old truth. Mr. Anderson maintains that the Catholic Church had covered up the abuse and had not done anything about it, and is clumsily attempting to portray Pope Benedict as engaging in a cover up, when the details of the case indicate plainly otherwise, that it was in fact the Vatican that stepped in and dealt with the case in 2005 as Father Thomas Brandage indicates, here calling Jeff Anderson's and the New York Times' work, "sloppy and inaccurate".

Is Archbishop Weakland a Good Source?

Well, he's been caught lying so many times that it's strange that the New York Times would rely on him as a source, as Father Raymond de Souza points out here as he lays out his own timeline of events related to the case, in defense of the Papacy, here.

Father de Souza maintains that +Weakland isn't a good source because he himself is an abuser who stole $450,000 to pay an extortionist, but what of our ACLU and MCLU member and "Crusder" Jeff Anderson whose supposed concern for the poor is far more interwoven with an international effort to discredit the Church, by any means necessary, even resorting to libel.

The Democratic Connection

We made a moment out of Jeff Anderson's supposed concern for the victims of clergy abuse, but what about the potential future victims of Democratic Party Politician abuse as the Democratic party intends on decriminalizing sex with children and wants to count pederasts as a protected class in Hate Crimes Legislation, here, and the vote count, here.

Never mind that, in a strange parallel, it is the German politician, Sabina Leuthesser, who is attacking the Catholic Church in Germany, like the Democratic Party in the United States, a party for the normalization of sex with children. Now you might not think that Jeff Anderson would have anything to do with this, but it was, after all, his party and co-religionists in Germany who are promoting the normalization of sex with children. We say this because Mr. Anderson has given a portion of the millions (according to Bill Donahue), to the various extremely liberal candidates and committees of the Democratic Party, here, as his contributions approach $60,000 in the year 2008.

Mr. Anderson professes a love for "spiritual" things and as a baptized Lutheran who was once married to a Catholic, indeed, he sits amidst what looks like a religious arts and furnishings shop (or pirate's trove) at his St. Paul office, it probably serves him well to soften his image by an appeal to the vague spiritual confessions held by so many people who'll be susceptible to his misleading and frankly mendacious account of the Pope Benedict's involvement in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee with Father Lawrence Murphy who was suspended from priestly duties in 1985 when he was dismissed from the St. John's School for the Deaf about which, he again wrongfully declares, that then Cardinal Ratzinger attempted to cover it up.

Unsatisfactory Results

If the quality of Mr. Anderson's efforts as a public relations man is any reflection on his legal abilities, it would be easy to see why he was outmaneuvered (deliberately?) at St. John's Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota where he stage managed his confrontation with what he called centuries of "secrecy" and abuse of power.

We wonder why Mr. Anderson doesn't do more to chase the pederasts in the party he supports with the money he gains, but what of his effectiveness in dealing with pederasts in the past? Well, at St. John's Abbey in Collegeville where he began, the arrangement he helped forge there is no longer effectively in place and the very liberal Benedictines, who shares many of his political believes and those of the Democratic Party, are no longer in place. The 10 or so credibly accused pederasts at St. John's are free to roam the globe, despite the false claims of "restriction". One of the priests, Father Dunstan Morse, has even appeared in photographs with acclaimed author Kathleen Norris as a consultant to her book, Cloister Walk, here(pdf) and in her more recent book, Acedia and Me, here (pdf). It might be easy to see how those on the outside might view Mr. Anderson's legal work as uninspiring.

Well, the Mexican Government was certainly unimpressed with Mr. Anderson and David Clohessy's efforts, as they were barred for five years from entering Mexico when they attempted to serve the Archbishop of Mexico City.

If it weren't for all of the lawsuits he's filed against them over the years, considering the non-enforceable agreement he made with him and the fact that none of the perpetrators went to jail. It might be easy to see how they were in collusion together; perpetuating the problem, rather than adverse parties as we might suppose if we believed what was in the pages of Pinchy Sulzberger's New York Times.