Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò calls on his fellow bishops to celebrate in the Traditional Rite.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the former Apostolic Nuncio in the USA and a prominent critic of the Pope, calls on the bishops to celebrate Holy Mass in the rite of St. Pius V in an interview he gave to Paix Liturgique.
Paix Liturgique: Monseigneur, why has the liturgical issue been so burning since Vatican II?
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: The liturgical question is of great importance because the ordinance summarizes the doctrine, morality, spirituality, and discipline of the ecclesial body that performs it. Just as the Catholic Mass is a perfect and coherent expression of the Catholic Magisterium, the Reformed liturgy is an expression of the conciliar deviations, indeed it reveals and confirms, without the ambiguities and ramblings of the texts of Vatican II, its heterodox nature. One could say, to use a parable, that the healthy blood of the Gospel flows in the veins of the Tridentine Mass, while in the veins of the New Rite flows the polluted blood of heresy and the spirit of the world.
Edit: Catholic Snooze Agency doesn't know what to make of Archbishop Carlo Viganò or Trump's praise of him.
[CNA] President Trump on Wednesday tweeted that he was honored by a letter written to him by former apostolic nuncio Archbishop Carlo Viganò, which warned the president against secular and ecclesiastical agents of an atheistic globalist new world order.
The president's tweet is the latest in a series of events that have kept the archbishop in the headlines for much of the last two years, a period in which he has become a polarizing figure in the Catholic Church, and morphed in the public eye from a whistleblowing diplomat to a prognosticator of impending doom amid a spiritual and political battle for world domination.
“So honored by Archbishop Viganò’s incredible letter to me. I hope everyone, religious or not, reads it,” Trump tweeted June 10, linking to Vigano’s recent open letter addressed to the president.
Edit: here we have more evidence that Francis is promoting evil Cardinals loyal to him, stacking the deck for further leftist destruction of the Church's structure in future, and the promotion to a key post, of a man who was part of the suite of Secretary of State Cardinal Sodano. What will Spiritual AIDS and his Budghie say? Who cares.
by Archbishop Viganò
WE HAVE JUST been through one of the most disgraceful episodes in which we have seen the prince of lies at work to discredit the book of Pope Benedict XVI and Cardinal Robert Sarah by covering them with vile insults and vulgar insinuations, and the Pope’s jailer, as a judas, now also acting as a hitman.
And once again we find ourselves dealing with another masterpiece of deception: the confirmation by the Pope of the elections of the new Dean and Vice-Dean of the College of Cardinals by the Cardinal-Bishops. This has gone almost unnoticed and yet conceals a devious strategy. It should be borne in mind, in fact, that in June 2018 Pope Francis increased the number of Cardinal-Bishops, which had remained unchanged for centuries, promoting four new ones in one fell swoop. In this way he secured a majority in favor of him, as he has always done with the creation of new members of the College of Cardinals.
To Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, appointed Dean of the College at the age of 86 and therefore excluded from the next conclave, I wish an even longer life than that of his father. But his appointment is a cover for that other more effective appointment — of Cardinal Sandri — which has been prepared ad hoc to pilot the next conclavesecundum Franciscum, that is, according to an updated and augmented edition of the St. Gallen Mafia.
Edit: usually, the Catholic Church has gatekeepers who attack those voices who challenge the present regime who want to use the fame of the Catholic Church to bring their New World Order into being.
In a new interview, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano criticizes the fact that a connubium of modernists and Freemasonry wants to create a "neo-church".
(Rome) Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has been one of the most internationally renowned Church representatives since his sharp criticism of Pope Francis in the McCarrick case.In an interview published yesterday, he spoke about the attempt to replace the Church of Jesus Christ with a "neo-church" and about the Third Mystery of Fatima.
Cardinal McCarrick had risen to become the most influential cardinal in the United States under Pope Francis. Although in June 2013, in his capacity as Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Vigano had informed the Pope in detail about Cardinal McCarrick's homosexual double life and his corruption of priests and seminarians, Francis remained inactive.
It wasn't until the New York Times published McCarrick's legacy in July 2018 that Francis stripped him of cardinalship. But when the head of the church declared that he knew nothing of all that he had otherwise acted earlier, it was too much for Archbishop Vigano. He accused Francis of in fact covering up McCarrick's machinations for more than five years and making him his adviser. The archbishop accused Francis not only of cover-up and omission, but also of lying, and called on him to resign. Francis declined to comment.
Archbishop Vigano, on the other hand, has been living in secret "for fear of retribution" ever since and only goes public in writing. An exception was the Acies ordinataagainst the "Synodal Way" of the German Episcopal Conference, which took place in Munich last January. Archbishop Vigano surprisingly mingled with the participants.
Yesterday he gave an interview to the Portuguese newspaper Dies Iraein which he also commented on the Third Secret of Fatima.
DIes Irae: Excellency, thank you for giving us this interview. We are in the midst of the COVID-19 epidemic that has affected the lives of millions of people in recent months and has even caused the deaths of many of them. In view of this situation, the Church, through the Episcopal Conferences, has decided to close virtually all churches and to deprive the faithful of access to the sacraments. On March 27, In front of an empty St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis led a hypothetical prayer for humanity in an apparently media-friendly manner. There have been many reactions to the way in which the Pope carried out this moment, one of which tried to link the lonely presence of Francis with the message of Fatima, that is, with the Third Mystery. Do you agree?
Archbishop Vigano: First of all, allow me to say that it is a pleasure for me to give this interview to the faithful of Portugal, to whom the Blessed Virgin has promised to keep it in the Faith even in these times of great trial. You are a people with great responsibility, because you may soon have to preserve the holy fire of religion, while other nations refuse to recognize Christ as their king and the blessed Mary as their queen.
The third part of the message, which Our Lady entrusted to the shepherd children of Fatima so that they may deliver it to the Holy Father, is still secret. Our Lady asked for it to be revealed in 1960, but John XXIII issued a press release on 8 February of that year declaring that the Church "does not want to assume the responsibility of guaranteeing the truthfulness of the words which the shepherd children say the Virgin Mary addressed to them." With this distancing from the message of the Queen of Heaven, a cover-up operation began, apparently because the content of the message would have revealed the terrible conspiracy against the Church of Christ by its enemies. Until a few decades ago, it would have seemed unthinkable that one would go so far as to silence even Our Lady. In recent years, however, we have even experienced attempts to censor the Gospel, the word of her divine Son.
In 2000, during the pontificate of John Paul II, the Secretary of State, Cardinal Sodano [1990–2006], presented his own version as the Third Secret, which, due to some elements, clearly seemed incomplete. It is not surprising that the new Secretary of State, Cardinal Bertone [2006–2013], tried to draw attention to an event from the past, only to make the people of God believe that the words of the Virgin had nothing to do with the Church crisis and with the interaction of modernists and Freemasonry behind the scenes of the Second Vatican Council. Antonio Socci, who has carefully examined the Third Secret, exposed this deliberate behaviour of Cardinal Bertone. At the same time, it was Bertone himself who strongly discredited and censored the tears of Tears of Our Lady of Civitavecchia, whose message perfectly matches what she had said in Fatima.
Let us not forget the unnoticed appeal of Our Lady to the Pope encouraging all bishops to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart in order to defeat Communism and atheist materialism: not to consecrate "the world, not that nation that you want us to consecrate to you ", but "Russia". Did it cost too much to do that?
Obviously yes for those who have no view of the supernatural. One preferred the path of détente with the Soviet regime that Roncalli had taken, without understanding that peace is not possible without God.
Today, with a President of the Russian Federation who is certainly a Christian, this request of the Virgin could be fulfilled in order to avert further catastrophes for the Church and the world.
Benedict XVI also confirmed the topicality of the message of the Virgin Mary, although according to the interpretation spread by the Vatican, it is to be regarded as complete. Those who have read the Third Secret said in all clarity that it concerns the apostasy of the Church, which began at the very beginning of the 1960s and has now reached such an obvious stage that it is recognized even by inexperienced observers. This almost compulsive insistence on issues that the Church has always condemned, such as relativism and religious indifferentism, false ecumenism, Malthusian ecology, homoheresy and mass immigration, has found in the Abu Dhabi Declarationthe fulfilment of a plan conceived by secret sects for more than two centuries.
DIes Irae: In the middle of Holy Week and after the Synod of Amazons, the Pope decided to set up a commission to discuss and study the women's diaconate in the Catholic Church. Do you think that this has the purpose of paving the way for the clericalization of women, or, in other words, an attempt to manipulate the priesthood that our Lord Jesus Christ instituted on Holy Thursday?
Archbishop Vigano: The Sacrament of Holy Orders can and will never be changed in its nature. The attack on the priesthood has always been at the heart of the actions of the heretics and their inspirer, and it is understandable that attacking the priesthood means destroying Holy Mass and the Most holy Eucharist, as well as the entire sacramental structure. Among the conspiratorial enemies of the Sacrament of Holy Orders, there was, of course, no shortage of modernists who, since the 19th century, have theorized a Church without priests or with priests and priestesses. These delusions, anticipated by some representatives of modernism in France, subtly resurfaced at the Second Vatican Council in an attempt to imply a certain equivalence between the official priesthood resulting from the Sacrament of Holy Orders and the general priesthood of the faithful emerging from baptism. It is significant that it is precisely through the play with this deliberate misunderstanding, the reformed liturgy [Novus Ordo] is also affected by the doctrinal error of Lumen gentium, going so far as to reduce the consecration to mere presiding in a meeting of [general] priests. The priest is in reality an old Christ, not because the people appoint him, but through the ontological alignment with the high priest Jesus Christ, whom he has to imitate in the holiness of life and in the absolute devotion, which is also represented by celibacy.
The next step therefore had to be necessarily followed, if not by the extinguishing of the priesthood, then at least by making it ineffective by extending it to women who cannot be consecrated. It is precisely what has happened in the Protestant and Anglican sects, which today are also experiencing the embarrassing situation of having lesbian bishops in the so-called Church of England. It is obvious that the ecumenical "pretext" – that is, the approach to deviating communities, even by accepting the latest errors – is based on Satan's hatred of the priesthood and would inevitably ruin the Church of Christ. At the same time, ecclesiastical celibacy is also the target of the same attacks, because it belongs unmistakably to the Catholic Church and is a valuable protection for the priesthood, which tradition it has kept vigorously throughout the centuries.
The attempt to introduce a form of consecrated women's ministry in the Church, despite the repeated declarations of the Magisterium, is not new. John Paul II, too, clearly defined, with all the canonical requirements of an infallible ex-Cathedra declaration, that it is absolutely impossible to question the doctrine on this subject. But just as one has put one's hand on the Catechism to declare the death penalty "not in conformity with the Gospel", which is unprecedented and heretical, so today one tries ex novo to invent some form of female diaconate – propaedeutic, of course, for the future introduction of the women's priesthood.
The first Commission set up by Bergoglio years ago issued a negative opinion and confirmed what could not even have been discussed. Because a commission was unwilling to obey Francis' wishes, this does not mean that another commission whose members he chooses could not be more "docile" and more willing to destroy another pillar of the Catholic faith. I have no doubt that Bergoglio has convincing methods and that he can put pressure on the Theological Commission. But I am equally sure that in the unfortunate event that this consultative body should give a favourable opinion, it will not necessarily need an official statement by the Pope to see the introduction of deaconesses in the dioceses of Germany or Holland – while Rome is silent on this. This method is well known and makes it possible, on the one hand, to attack the priesthood and, on the other hand, to provide a pleasant alibi for those within the ecclesial structures who thus claim at all times that "the Pope has not allowed anything new". This is exactly what they have done by authorizing the Episcopal Conferences to allow autonomous hand-Communion, which was enacted by abuse and has now become a worldwide practice.
We should remember that this approach to the dogmas of the Church confirms an undeniable fact: Bergoglio has adopted the so-called situation theology, whose loci theologici, theological places, random facts or themes are: the world, nature, the feminine, young people... This is a theology which does not focus on the immutable and eternal truth of God, but on the contrary starts from observing the imperative urgency of phenomena in order to give answers that correspond to the expectations of today's world.
Dies Irae: According to renowned historians, the Second Vatican Council was a break between the Church and tradition. Hence the appearance of ways of thinking, which they want to transform into a mere humanitarian association that embraces the world and embraces its globalist utopia. How do you see this serious problem?
Archbishop Vigano: A church that presents itself as new in contrast to the Church of Christ is simply not the Church of Christ! The Mosaic religion, that is, the "Church of the Old Law", which was wanted by God to lead His people to the coming of the Messiah, has found its fulfillment and completion in the New Covenant and was finally revoked on Calvary by the sacrifice of Christ. From his open side came the New and Eternal Covenant, which replaced the synagogue. It seems that the post-Conciliar, modernist and Freemason Church also aims to transform, overcome, and replace the Church of Christ with a "neo-church", a disfigured and monstrous creature that does not come from God.
The purpose of this neo-church is not to get the chosen people to recognize the Messiah, just as it is not the purpose for the synagogue to convert and save all peoples from the second coming of Christ, which is the purpose of the Catholic Church. Its purpose is rather to constitute itself as the spiritual arm of the New World Order and to promote the One World Religion. In this sense, the Council Revolution first had to destroy the heritage of the Church, its thousand-year-old tradition from which it drew its vitality and authority as the mystical body of Christ. Then it was a matter of getting rid of the representative of the old hierarchy, and only recently she began to show herself to be what she wants to be, without pretense or camouflage.
What you call utopia is in fact a dystopia, because it represents the concreteization of the plan of Freemasonry and prepares the appearance of the Antichrist.
I am also convinced that the majority of my confreres, and especially almost all priests and believers, are not fully aware of this hellish plan, and that recent events have opened the eyes of many. Their faith will enable our Lord to gather the pusillus grex, the small flock, before the final confrontation around the true shepherd.
Dies Irae: In order to restore the ancient splendour of the Church, it will be necessary to question many aspects of the Council's teaching. What points of the Second Vatican Council would you question?
Archbishop Vigano: I believe that there is no shortage of important personalities who have already expressed the critical points of the Council better than I have. There are those who believe that it would be less complicated and certainly wiser to follow the practice of the Church and the Popes as it was used in the Synod of Pistoia. It also contained good things, but the errors it claimed were considered sufficient to make them forgotten.
This Irae: Is the current pontificate the culmination of a process that begins with the Second Vatican Council and was longed for in the so-called "Catacomb Pact", or is it still an intermediate phase?
Archbishop Vigano: As with any revolution, the heroes of the first hour often fall victim to their own system, as was the case with Robespierre. Those who were regarded yesterday as the flag bearers of the Council Spirit now appear almost as conservatives: the examples of this are visible before all eyes. There are already those who, in the intellectual circles of progressivism (such as those frequented by a haughty Massimo Faggioli), begin to dispel doubts here and there about Bergoglio's real abilities, to make "courageous decisions" – for example, to abolish celibacy, to allow women to the priesthood, or to legitimize the Communicatio in sacris with heretics – almost as if he were hoping that he would step down in order to elect a pope who was even more obedient to the elites who had their most unscrupulous and determined followers in the Catacomb Pact and in the Mafia of St. Gallen.
This Irae: Our Excellency, we Catholics today often feel isolated from the Church and almost abandoned by our shepherds. What can you say to the hierarchs and believers who, despite the confusion and error that are spreading in the Church, are trying to persevere in this tough struggle to maintain the integrity of our faith?
Archbishop Vigano: My words would certainly be inadequate. I confine myself to repeating the words of our Lord, the eternal word of the Father: "Be sure, I am with you all the days until the end of the world." Of course, we feel isolated: but did the Apostles not feel that way, and all Christians? Didn't even Our Lord feel abandoned in Gethsemane? These are times of trial, perhaps of the last trial: we must drink the bitter cup, and even if it is human emanating from the Lord to let him pass by us, we must repeat with confidence: "But not as I will, but as you will" and remember His words of consolation: "In the world you are in affliction; but have courage: I have conquered the world."
After trial, however hard and painful it may be, the eternal reward will be prepared for us that no one can take away from us. The Church will once again radiate the glory of her Lord after this terrible and long-lasting Easter triduum.
Although prayer is undoubtedly indispensable, we must not relent on fighting the good struggle, but should make everyone witnesses of a courageous spirit of struggle under the banner of the Cross of Christ. Let us not allow the finger to be pointed at us, as the maid did in the court of the high priest with Saint Peter: "You also were one of his disciples," and then he denied Christ. Let us not be intimidated! Let us not allow the gag of tolerance to be applied to those who wish to proclaim the truth! Let us ask the Blessed Virgin and Our Lady Mary that our tongue can courageously proclaim the kingdom of God and Hs righteousness. May the miracle of Lapa be renewed, where the blessed Mary gave back the voice to little Joana, who was born dumb. May she also give us a voice, her children, who have remained silent for too long.
Our Lady of Fatima, Queen of Victories, ora pro nobis.
Introduction/translation: Giuseppe
Nardi Picture: Corrispondenza Romana
ROME, May 28, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — For what appears to be the first time, Pope Francis has openly denied that he knew anything of former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick’s immoral activities, directly contradicting Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s account of their conversation on the subject.
“I didn’t know anything ... nothing, nothing,” Pope Francis said in a new interview published on Tuesday in Vatican News.
In response, the former apostolic nuncio to the United States has directly accused Pope Francis of lying.
A reader just posted an article from the Daily Fail. Feel free to help them in their comments section. We have translated some of the grievous misrepresentations and lies this publications is liable to when reporting in Church affairs:
The Vatican ambassador who has caught Pope Francis attempting to rehabilitate a disgraced ex-American cardinal is renewing his call to penance, correctly pointing out that the 'scourge of homosexuality' in the priesthood is responsible for sex abuse and that the Vatican is being hypocritical in refusing to acknowledge it. [Most of Bergoglio’s closest advisors are guilty of it, or at least credibly accused of covering for it.]
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has issued a third installment Friday in the war of words over Bergoglio’s the cover-up of evil ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick with help from the great journalist, Marco Tosatti who assisted him in penning the original 11-page dossier.
Speaking Truth to Power
Vigano has accused Francis of rehabilitating McCarrick, 88, from restrictions imposed during Pope Benedict XVI's papacy because he pressured seminarians to sleep with him.
He has called for Francis to resign over the McCarrick scandal, which has sparked a crisis of confidence in the U.S. and Vatican hierarchy.
Francis has responded to the McCarrick allegations by removing him as a cardinal, over an allegation he molested a minor, and by ordering a Vatican investigation into its archives to determine how McCarrick rose through the ranks despite allegations he also molested adults.
Pre-empting the outcome, Cardinal Marc Oullet, who heads the Vatican's bishops' office, penned a letter on October 4 saying he had gone through his archives and found no evidence of any formal canonical sanctions signed by any pope.
In his new missive, Vigano accurately noted that Ouellet actually confirmed the core of his allegations: that McCarrick was placed under some form of restriction - not necessarily formal sanctions - because of alleged sexual misconduct.
Showing how Ouellet was either lying or misinformed in his claim that the Vatican only had heard rumors about McCarrick, Vigano has revealed all the letters that had reached the Vatican starting in 2000, when a priest from a New Jersey seminary first wrote relaying concerns from seminarians invited to McCarrick's beach house and into his bed. [I think we know that Ouellete is a liar. What does Bergoglio have on him?]
Vigano said he was shocked that Ouellet omitted any reference in his letter to McCarrick's victims, or to what he said was the 'principal cause of so many sexual abuses: homosexuality.'
'It's hypocrisy to refuse to admit that this scourge is due to a grave crisis in the spiritual life of clergy, and to not take measures to remedy it,' he wrote.
While the McCarrick scandal has exposed how seminarians can be vulnerable to sexual abuses by their gay superiors, studies have shown that aberrosexuals in general are far more likely per capita to abuse than heterosexuals. In fact, about 90% of self-identified aberrrosexuals have been abused by an adult or someone older or more experienced than themselves.
Vigano, who was Vatican ambassador to the U.S. from 2011-2016, was not allied with the conservative culture warriors among U.S. bishops, particularly in articulating the Catholic Church's opposition to gay marriage. In fact, we were critical of him as it seemed at the time of Vatileaks that he was openly hostile to Benedict XVI.
Edit: Cardinal Marx Ouellet confirms Archbishop Carlo Vignanò’s principle charge and accuses himself. His description of the pope as merciful doesn’t coincide with his treatment of faithful bishops, notably Bishop Livieres Plano who called out the homosexual Redemptorist Archbishop Eustaquio Pastor Cuquejo Verga and earned himself a summary dismissal without a hearing. When he went to Rome, he found the Pope’s mercy in a door slammed in his face.
While it’s encouraging to see Ouellet confirm Vignanò’s primary contention about McCarrick’s impunity, it’s disappointing to see how poor his judgement is. It’s hard not to say that his (and the Pope’s) benign indifference towards McCarrick’s degeneracy, turning a blind eye to McCarrick’s public and hypocritical witness as a very liberal Cardinal (no doubt as a payoff thanks to his support of the St. Galen Mafia and Bergoglio’s illegal connivance at the Papal throne), is criminally negligent. This is the kind of malfeasance and hypocrisy that the press and overfed false brethren at Patheos love to sink their teeth onto, while it’s the true witness of the Church’s moral teachings and legitimate authority that are blamed, as everyone, including those who should know better, cry “clericalism”.
“OPEN LETTER FROM THE PREFECT OF THE CONGREGATION FOR BISHOPS, CARDINAL MARC OUELLET, ON THE RECENT ACCUSATIONS AGAINST THE HOLY SEE Dear brother Carlo Maria Viganò, In your last message to the press, in which you make accusations against Pope Francis and against the Roman Curia, you invite me to tell the truth about certain facts that you interpret as signs of an endemic corruption that has infiltrated the hierarchy of the Church up to its highest levels. With pontifical permission, and in my capacity as Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, I offer my testimony about matters concerning the Archbishop emeritus of Washington, Theodore McCarrick, and his presumed links to Pope Francis, matters that are at the center of your public accusations and your demand that the Holy Father resign. I write my testimony based on my personal contacts and on documents in the archives of the Congregation, currently the object of study to clarify this sad case.
Out of consideration for the good, collaborative relation we had when you were Apostolic Nuncio in Washington, allow me to say, in all honesty, that I find your current attitude incomprehensible and extremely troubling, not only because of the confusion it sows among the People of God, but because your public accusations gravely harm the reputation of the bishops, successors of the Apostles. I recall a time when I enjoyed your esteem and your trust, but now I see that I have been stripped in your eyes of the respect that was accorded to me, for the only reason I have remained faithful to the Holy Father’s guidance in exercising the service he has entrusted to me in the Church. Is not communion with the Successor of Peter an expression of our obedience to Christ who chose him and sustains him with his grace? My interpretation of Amoris Laetitia, which you criticize, is grounded in this fidelity to the living tradition, which Francis has given us another example of by recently modifying the Catechism of the Catholic Church on the question of the death penalty. Let us address the facts. You said that on June 23, 2013, you provided Pope Francis with information about McCarrick in an audience he granted to you, as he also did for many pontifical representatives with whom he met for the first time that day. I can only imagine the amount of verbal and written information that was provided to the Holy Father on that occasion about so many persons and situations. I strongly doubt that the Pope had such interest in McCarrick, as you would like us to believe, given the fact that by then he was an 82-year-old Archbishop emeritus who had been without a role for seven years. Moreover, the written instructions given to you by the Congregation for Bishops at the beginning of your mission in 2001 did not say anything about McCarrick, except for what I mentioned to you verbally about his situation as Bishop emeritus and certain conditions and restrictions that he had to follow on account of some rumors about his past conduct. AMDG
Did Pope Francis stop investigations against the English Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor? - The former prefect of the Congregation of the Faith gives (k) an answer that is explosive. Youth Synod has no teaching authority!
Rome ( Gerhard Müller, the former Prefect of the Congregation for the
Doctrine of the Faith, in an interview with the television station
EWTN, called on Pope Francis to seek a reconciliation with his critic,
Archbishop Viganò. Müller also called on the pope to give answers to questions from the former US nuncio. "The people of God have a right to know what happened."
Archbishop Viganò accused Pope Francis of lifting sanctions on former US Cardinal McCarrick in August. For Müller it is clear that one can always make mistakes. "But we have to learn from these mistakes and we need to get better at abuse cases in the Church." According to Müller, Francis must preserve the unity of the Church and overcome the division of the faithful. "We are a Church united in faith, not a Church with a conservative or liberal ideology."
Poignant are also statements by Cardinal Müller about the English Cardinal
Cormac Murphy - O'Connor, who is also accused of abuse cover-up and
where Francis is accused of having stopped a corresponding investigations by the Congregation of the Faith.
Asked by EWTN if Francis had forced him to stop the investigations,
Müller only stated that he was not allowed to speak here because of papal secrecy.
At the same time he emphasized that the Congregation of the Doctrine of
the Faith needed more independence here, as the Congregation
still needed a special permission from the Pope for cardinals and
bishops: "I can not go into detail because I am bound by the papal secret, but I can say that every trial of bishops or cardinals in the Congregation requires the permission of the pope. That's a problem, we should change that point.
The Congregation must begin its investigation, and there is no need for
interference by the pope or the pope's friends, who say that the
Congregation is dogmatic, that there are hardliners that Müller is
German, that it is too heavy; All this has to be put outside. There must be a normal process and only in the end must the Pope be informed, and his is the final decision. But we can not be hindered in the process. We need the independence of the ecclesiastical courts in the canonical process.
"The big problem of this pontificate are the so-called friends of the pope.
And we, his true friends, are called enemies of the
pope by the mass media, but the category of friendship or hostility is not useful in this
case. It requires proper management of the issues of faith, discipline and morality and not this system of personal relationships.
Every time there is a group of Cardinals with the Pope, everything
happens because some of them personally ask the Pope: I like the Bishop
for personal reasons, not because he is the most suitable person, and so
on, then the Bishops' Congregation is bypassed."
The cardinal said: "It is not good that the Pope here has the right to stop a necessary investigation."
The cardinal also made it clear that the problem of abuse in the Church
is not clericalism or pedophilia, but aggressive homosexuality: "The
vast majority of clerical abuse victims are not children, but teenagers
and the mature. Any attack against the sixth commandment is a mortal sin. 80 percent and more of the victims are boys aged 14 and over; they are homosexual attacks, not pedophiles. It's not about kids, it's about teens and older people."
When asked about the Youth Synod, Müller said that they did not have a special teaching authority. He does not understand where this idea comes from, that synods should have a teaching authority.
"A synod of bishops is not an ecumenical council, so it has no teaching
authority, nor can the pope change the basic constitution of the Church."
(Rome) There was an incident at today's general audience in St. Peter's Square. A group of the faithful called out, "Viganò, Viganò". The leftist Italian daily Il Fatto Quotidiano reported the episode and documented the incident with a video. The report was written by journalist Francesco Antonio Grana, a Bergoglian:
"At the end of the general audience today, Wednesday, a group of faithful joined the chorus, Viganò, Viganò '. A clear tribute to the former Apostolic Nuncio in Washington, Msgr. Carlo Maria Viganò, who recently called for Bergoglio's resignation."
Certain media, notably the New York Times, attempted to downplay the implications of the Viganò memorandum and
cast doubt on the credibility of the former top diplomat of the Holy
See, speaking of an intrigue of "ultra-conservative" circles against the
"good" pope. In the same style an attempt was made to reinterpret the protest of the faithful in St. Peter's Square.
The believers called not "Viganò" but "Italo," referring to Bishop
Italo Castellani of Lucca in Tuscany, who had attended the general
audience with the names of his diocese.
The reality in Rome is so different now that the dossier of the former
nuncio in the US has rocked Santa Marta like no other document in the
past five years.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Trans: Tancred AMDG
(Rome) In order to gain greater attention for the monthly women's supplement of the Osservatore Romano, "no less than Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin was employed," said the Vatican expert Sandro Magister. The question is, how is the Vatican's daily newspaper to go ahead? It is unclear who has the say at the Pope's daily newspaper. The result is reflected in articles, which are the expression of a generally broadening confusion.
What future for the Osservatore Romano ?
On May 3, the chief editor of the semi-official Vatican newspaper, Giovanni Maria Vian, and the coordinator of the women's supplement, Donne Chiesa Modo (Women Church World), Lucetta Scaraffia, entered into the Film Library at Palazzo San Carlo, directly adjacent to the guest house Santa Marta, next to the cardinal."
Also present was the prefect of the newly established Communications Secretariat , Msgr. Dario Edoardo Viganò. Although he was the most senior representative responsible for the media, "he stood strangely, wordlessly at the end of the hall in the middle of the audience."
A month ago, Msgr. Viganò had given an interview to the Swiss Vaticanist Giuseppe Rusconi (Rossoporpora). In this he was very cautious about the future of the Osservatore Romano. He pointed to strong economizing. The emphasis should be shifted to the Internet. The printout should be all set in several languages and the Italian edition is to be reduced to a handout for the Roman Congregations. The free sale of the paper should only be from newsagents around the Vatican.
"For us it is a bit like an official journal", Viganò had outlined the role he assigns to the Osservatore Romano. Background reports and intellectual contributions of different disciplines should appear weekly, as it is currently the case, for example, for the German edition of the Osservatore Romano. "He said not a word he said about the women's supplement, which allegedly for Viganò, would be subject to cuts, considering its cost, rather than being promoted," said Magister.
The "Pastiche" of the Women's Supplement in the Osservatore Romano
Cardinal Secretary of State Parolin was asked at Palazzo San Carlo as to the cost of women's supplement. There is a patron, the Cardinal said, and it was the Italian Post.
The decision on the future of the supplement seems, therefore, not to have been taken. The result of the current situation is that "one does not understand in this uncertain period of transition, who in the media department of the Vatican calls the shots, yet watches over what is published," said Magister.
The women's supplement is especially the best example of the current "pastiche". The March issue emphatically called for The Right of Women to Give Sermons, although the ecclesiastical discipline and tradition neither know nor sanction such things. The women's supplement held forth on this subject despite Pope Francis' ruling out this issue at the beginning of his pontificate.
"One of the culprits is the Prior of Bose, Enzo Bianchi, who was then made to take a step back in Osservatore Romanopublic," said Magister.
"Current State of Confusion"
Marco Vannini, dubious author of the "Osservatore Romano"
An even clearer example of the "current state of confusion," said Magister, is an article of April 26, published in the Osservatore Romano." Il disagio dei monoteismi " (The Discomfort of Monotheisms) was its title, referring to the famous German Egyptologist and religious theorist, Jan Assmann.
"Already the author raises some questions," said the Vatican expert. This is Marco Vannini, a mysticism expert whose positions "are miles away from the Catholic faith."
The Roman Jesuit journal Civilta Cattolica has already issued a damning indictment in 2004 from the pen of Father Giandomenico Mucci SJ of Vannini. Vannini, who "excludes the transcendence, suppresses the fundamental truths of Christianity and ends inevitably along the Neoplatonic way in a modern Gnosis".
Nevertheless, Vannini has appeared increasingly since 2014 as an author in Osservatore Romano. Of all things, the article on Assmann was entrusted to him, a religious theorist, who thinks the monotheistic religions, especially Judaism and Christianity, in contrast to other creeds, were exclusive and violent, while the polytheistic religions of antiquity, by definition, were peaceful.
Scalfari's religious relativism in the pages of L'Osservatore Romano
Vannini does not even distance himself from Assmann in his article the distance to Assmann, but went rather on a thesis of his own.
"At a time of renewed violence in the name of God, a true religious tolerance that is able to recognize relativity without slipping into banality, exists only by overcoming the Mosaic distinction between true and false religion."
This is contrasted with the alleged religious understanding Gandhi "the truth in us, purifies us constantly."
And further:
"In our globalized world, religion can only be a 'religio duplex ', as the religion can accommodate on two levels what has been learned as one understanding among many, and to be seen with the eyes of others, without, however, losing the hidden God from sight, the common, 'transcendental point' of all religions."
In other words, says Magister, Vannini again presents those ideas that Eugenio Scalfari attributes to Pope Francis with the relationship between religions. Scalfari interpreted the pontiff in his own way. However, this interpretation was never really denied by the Vatican. Now it is the Osservatore Romano which creates a space for the same idea of coming from Masonic home of the atheist Scalfari.