Showing posts with label Abortion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abortion. Show all posts

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Assassination in the Parliament of Luxembourg

No to the abolition of the rights of parents to watch over the health of their children and no to dissipating tension in families.

(  Today at 1400 hrs the Parliament of Luxembourg is to proceed on the legal project, that proposes to modify the criminal abortion legislation.

This was reported by the blog ''.

With the help of an unworthy maneuver, the date for the discussion was not published until the last minute.

The project is dehumanizing.

It leaves the mother the complete impulse to decide over the life of her child.

The legislative proposal suffices, that where the mother ascertains that her pregnancy will put her "In an emergency situation", she may slaughter her innocent child.

Minors may abort against the wishes of their parents.

Only the social service is obligated to convince the minor mother, that she should inform her parents or legal guardian.

Link to

Monday, October 22, 2012

Uruguayan Bishops Consider Excommunication After Abortion Ruling

Montevideo (  The Catholic Church in Uruguay has considered the excommunication of Parliamentarians according to the news daily 'El Observador' (Thursday),  which is being invoked because of the new abortion law.  "The automatic Excommunication succeeds if a person directly supports abortion, and this is direct support",  said the release of the General Secretary of the Uruguayan Bishops' Conference, Bishop Heriberto Bodeant.

The Senate of Uruguay passed a controversial abortion law on Wednesday.  Uruguay is, like Cuba and Guyana the third country in Latin America, which has legalized the termination of pregnancy in the first twelve weeks.  17 of 31 Senate members voted for the new ruling.  The decision was accompanied in the last weeks with a heated social debate.

The Bishops' Conference of the country spoke against the legal initiative of the governing left-leaning Party Frente Amplio.  A statement of the capital Archdiocese of Montevideo spoke of a "sad day for Uruguay" on Thursday.

Link to

Friday, October 12, 2012

Vatican Radio Statement on Joe Biden's False Assertion

Edit: here's a statement from Vatican Radio on the USCCB's statement regarding claims made by Joe Biden in last night's presidential debate. Will they also excommunicate him?
The Bishops of the United States have reacted forcefully to claims made by Vice President Joe Biden in last night’s vice presidential debate.
During the debate, Biden, a Catholic, said that a health insurance mandate issued by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) would not force religious institutions to pay for or provide contraception: “With regard to the assault on the Catholic Church, let me make it absolutely clear. No religious institution—Catholic or otherwise, including Catholic social services, Georgetown hospital, Mercy hospital, any hospital—none has to either refer contraception, none has to pay for contraception, none has to be a vehicle to get contraception in any insurance policy they provide. That is a fact. That is a fact.”
In their statement, the Bishops respond bluntly: “This is not a fact.” The Bishops go on to explain that, even after proposed exemptions, religious organisations would serve as vehicles for contraception “because they will still be forced to provide their employees with health coverage, and that coverage will still have to include sterilization, contraception, and abortifacients.” They will have to pay for these things, the Bishops continue “because the premiums that the organizations (and their employees) are required to pay will still be applied, along with other funds, to cover the cost of these drugs and surgeries.”
The US Bishops have vigorously opposed the Obama administrations’ mandate since it was announced last year, denouncing it as a violation of religious liberty. In their statement, the Bishops urged the Department of Health and human services “in the strongest possible terms, actually to eliminate the various infringements on religious freedom imposed by the mandate.”
Below, please find the complete statement of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Last night, the following statement was made during the Vice Presidential debate regarding the decision of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to force virtually all employers to include sterilization and contraception, including drugs that may cause abortion, in the health insurance coverage they provide their employees:
“With regard to the assault on the Catholic Church, let me make it absolutely clear. No religious institution—Catholic or otherwise, including Catholic social services, Georgetown hospital, Mercy hospital, any hospital—none has to either refer contraception, none has to pay for contraception, none has to be a vehicle to get contraception in any insurance policy they provide. That is a fact. That is a fact.”
This is not a fact. The HHS mandate contains a narrow, four-part exemption for certain “religious employers.” That exemption was made final in February and does not extend to “Catholic social services, Georgetown hospital, Mercy hospital, any hospital,” or any other religious charity that offers its services to all, regardless of the faith of those served.
HHS has proposed an additional “accommodation” for religious organizations like these, which HHS itself describes as “non-exempt.” That proposal does not even potentially relieve these organizations from the obligation “to pay for contraception” and “to be a vehicle to get contraception.” They will have to serve as a vehicle, because they will still be forced to provide their employees with health coverage, and that coverage will still have to include sterilization, contraception, and abortifacients. They will have to pay for these things, because the premiums that the organizations (and their employees) are required to pay will still be applied, along with other funds, to cover the cost of these drugs and surgeries.
USCCB continues to urge HHS, in the strongest possible terms, actually to eliminate the various infringements on religious freedom imposed by the mandate.
Link to Vatican News...

Friday, October 5, 2012

Newbytes: Archbishop Says Homosexual Politicians Should Stay Away from Communion

Archbishop:  Homosexual Politicians Should Stay Away From Communion

USA.  Catholics and especially Catholic politicians, who support homosexual causes, should not come to Communion.  This was what Archbishop John Myers (71) wrote to the 300,000 population city of Newark in New Jersey in a Pastoral Letter on the Feast of the Holy Cross on the 14th of September.  Msgr Myers finds it dishonest to go to Communion and deny the teaching of the Church.  Christ has strongly condemned people who lead others into error.

Thanks the Inactivity of the Bishops

Germany.  In the Diocese of Munich and Freising, there are 24 priests and deacons who've just established the dissident club "Munich Circle".  This was reported by the German Church-tax agency 'KNA'.  Many of these clergy are inactive.  The ring leader is the Old Liberal Parish Administrator Christoph Nobs of the 20,000 population community of Ottobrunn in the Upper Bavarian suburb of Munich.  The group is made of other dissident socieites from Passau, Limburg or Austria.  Fr. Nobs favors a less "bitter" approach than other Old Liberals.

Navy Against Abortion Ship

Morocco.  A Moroccan warship has intercepted the abortion ship 'Women on Waves' and blocked its path.  The ship was sent by progressive countries, which claim to save human life actually murder children.  A Moroccan police order is preventing on land  monstrous Moroccan abortion propagandists from coming to the ship.

Cardinal: Anti-Catholic Charity Society Rebuffed

Canada.  Catholic aid organizations may directly or indirectly support abortion and contraception in developing countries.  This was explained by Cardinal Peter Turkson, the President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, at a meeting of the Canadian Bishops' Conference.  It is yet to be seen if the words of he Cardinal will not have some effect.  The Canadian Catholic aid organization 'Development and Peace', which belongs to the international 'Caritas', finances the murder of children in the Third World.

Council of Catastrophe: Decline Without End

"The lower birth rate has manifested itself in a decline of the number of priests. In 1990 there were 19,707 priests, in 2011 there were 14,800.  In this time frame the number of church members has also shrunk from 28.2 million to 24.2 millions, still not at the same rate as the priesthood.  In the year 2010 126 young men in German wanted to become Catholic priests.  Ten years previously there were almost twice as many.  In the Archdiocese of Berlin there wasn't a single priest ordained."

From an article in the anti-Church Berlin news, 'Tagesspiegel'.

Link to

Monday, September 24, 2012

Will German Bishops Now Demand Pro-Life Ethic from German Politicos?

Edit: now that the German Bishops have assured themselves of a relatively easy income by threatening to effectively excommunicate anyone who doesn't pay the German Church-tax, will they be putting their collective feet down in other areas as well?

How about divorced and remarried, or Catholic politicians who support abortion?

For example, there is the Socialist Vice President Wolfgang Thierse, who had the umbrage to receive Communion in the hand encouraged disobedience to John Paul II's wishes about abortion:

The German newspaper "Frankfurter Allgemeine" and public radio station "WDR" have published extracts of a stern letter in which the Pope orders the German bishops to decree an end to the service of public advisers who help women who want an abortion. "It is right to put an end to complicity in the granting of licenses to kill," Archbishop Johannes Dyba of Fulda said.
The revelations have elicited an immediate reaction from political quarters. Social Democrat Wolfgang Thierse, president of the Bundestag, criticized the Pope's decision and expressed the implicit hope that the bishops will have the courage to disobey.
This is not the first time John Paul II has expressed strong criticism of German legislation on abortion. The interruption of pregnancy is free and unrestricted in Germany during the first three months, but the woman who wants to abort must consult a visit a pregnancy consultation center, that is, a place with social workers, psychologists, doctors and religious experts, where the woman is offered material and social aid to raise and educate the child, should she decide to carry the pregnancy to term
. Link to Zenit article...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Why Does the Media Despise Breast Cancer Awareness?

Edit:  It's interesting to see the government news media monopoly go into full swing in defense of what is a criminal organization with a Nazi past and present.

Apparently, some of the zealous defenders of Planned Parenthood have also seen fit to hack Komen's website as well.

There are now numerous articles that have been written attacking Komen's Breast Cancer Awareness organization with Planned Parenthood.  What do they have against breast cancer awareness and women's health?  What is taking place has all the earmarks of an orchestrated state media campaign designed to defend the principles of revolution and attack any departure from party orthodoxy.

What's interesting about all of these articles is that they all associated Planned Parenthood with women's health.

What's more interesting is how they are attempting to link women's health in terms of breast cancer with women's health in general by defending a mendacious and criminal organization, [like when Kathleen Sebelius destroyed evidence] like Planned Parenthood with its own National Socialist past and present?

According to Jeff Goldberg, concerned citizens have rallied behind the criminal organization with Nazi ties to replace the money Komen would have given.

Well, that's less money that can go to fund other things that Liberals love besides abortion and National Socialism.

Rachel Madow...

Huffington Post... gloating about Komen losing support in wake of decision.

NPR... describing the feeding frenzy.

Top Komen Official Resigns....

Friday, December 16, 2011

Holy Father's Brother Intervenes in Austria

Msgr Ratzinger and the Author

The silent cry of the abortion victims reach God -- but not on the ears of the Catholic Bishops.

by Dr. Josef Preßlmayer

( Georg Ratzinger could end the cooperation of the Church in Austria with the mass murder of unborn children.

This was from a talk which took place on Monday on 5. December, in Regensburg with the brother of the Pope.

The Prelate will make his annual visit to see is brother from the 28th of December to the 10th.

This will be an opportunity for him to report to the Pope, that the Austrian Diocese collaborate with the "abominable crime of abortion"(Gaudium et spes, 61).

It do this with the openly deadly counsel of 'Aktion Leben', which  employ the  final solution deadline and are massively supported by the Bishops materially and financially.

Even Prelate Gänswein will be present

Prelate Ratzinger will also talk with the Papal Secretary, Prelate George Gänswein.  I have also sent my information about the scandal.

From this, the Holy Father will learn that this is a petition from "Catholics who are pro-life in stead of pro-choice" with exhaustive documentation.

The Infamous Law

The 'Aktion Leben  Österreich' is supporting the final solution deadline in contradiction to Catholic teaching.

This allows the slaughter of children up to the   14th week of life.

If it is suspected that a child is handicapped or if the mother has valid health reason or when she is not 14 years old, then the child can be murdered..

John Paul II. demanded Resistance

 In his Encyclical 'Evangelium Vitae', 73, Pope John Paul II († 2005) called for resistance against the final solution deadline:

Abortion and euthanasia are thus crimes which no human law can claim to legitimize. There is no obligation in conscience to obey such laws; instead there is a grave and clear obligation to oppose them by conscientious objection. From the very beginnings of the Church, the apostolic preaching reminded Christians of their duty to obey legitimately constituted public authorities (cf. Rom 13:1-7; 1 Pet 2:13-14), but at the same time it firmly warned that "we must obey God rather than men"(Acts 5:29).
 Austria's 'Aktion Leben' recommends the the killing pill RU 486. They refer to the child slaughterhouse of abortionist Christian Fiala in Salzburg or they point to the Fleischmarkt slaughterhouse in Vienna in the following words: "In Vienna, it's known, there is a butcher who can do the job." The Diocese supports these consultants for these slaughterhouses with ten thousand euros every year.

'Aktion Leben' insults abortion victims

'Aktion Leben' challenges the scientifically known and noted in the "Documented Patient Brochure" that there are physical and psychological effects of abortion

This spearhead of Catholic child murder ridicules the mothers, who must suffer an abortion, with the supposition on their website, that such effects are the "fabrications of radical groups".

These business fronts for Satan discredit  themselves.

Otherwise, they don't even fulfill the criteria which are required for pregnancy conflict counselors.  

Fasting For 100 Tagen

After the return of Prelate Ratzinger from Rome I will visit him again.

Then I will learn which measures the Holy Father will take, so that the Church will no longer be soiled by the blood of unborn children.

I am certtain that I can then break my prayer fast in front of Vienna's Nunciature. At the present moment I have gone from 71 to 49 kilos after 100 days.

 The Collaboration Must Cease

I also ask for more prayers and if possible fasting, that this butchery and collaboration of the Church with these hired executioners can be ended.

I do this in the name of the name of the children martyred in their mother's wombs.

This silent cry goes to God's ear, but not to the ear of the Catholic bishops.

The Church is deceiving mothers of abortion

The murder of the unborn is euphemized by the Vienna church paper, 'Der Sontag'.

They wrote on 13. September 2009: "A goal for the introduction of the deadline ruling was to give pregnant women in an emergency a medically safe way to abort."

Such formulations cloud the truly criminal character of such an act.

The Church is opening the gates of Hell to those mothers who choose abortion.

Three Million Victims

In Austria there are 84,000 abortions conducted every year.

That amounts to over three million unborn children lost to abortion in thirty six years.

Through this our land and all of Europe will be handed over to Islam by way of this Auschwitz ramp of multi-million baby-selection according to the criteria of usefulness.

Please support the Pope-petition at '', if you still haven't done so.

The author has been a school psychologist and is also a Clinical Psychologist. He is the curator of the "1st European Pro-Life Museum“

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Liechtenstein Votes Against Proposed Abortion Law

Bern ( In Liechtenstein abortion remains illegal even for the future. At a popular vote on Sunday about 52 percent of the 36,000 citizens voted against the legalization of pregnancy termination, 47.7 percent voted to allow abortion within the first twelve weeks.

In Liechtenstein, abortion is illegal is punishable with up to a year of confinement, if it is undertaken abroad.

Archprince Alois von Liechtenstein had shown himself to be explicitly against the initiative and promised to cast his veto and refused to sign it into law. The reason for his opposition lay in that the proposed form did not merely address fetuses in the first twelve weeks, but could allow for it in cases of handicapped children all the way up to the point of birth.

Even the goevrnment and parliament of Liechtenstein had spoken out against the text of the poll.

Various political parties proposed a further challenge in the text in the event that it were rewritten. Abortion is still punishable in any case, even if only, it is undertaken by Lietchtenstein.

Link to original...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Prince of Liechtenstein Will Block Proposed Abortion Law

Prince Alois von Liechstenstein will reject the law for abortion in the first trimester himself, in case it is adopted by popular vote.

Vaduz ( Prince Alois von Liechtenstein will reject the law for abortion in the first trimester himself, in case it is adopted by popular vote. The Prince made this clear as part of his role as Liechtenstein's head of state in a speech at for the national holiday. The present bill under proposal will not come into effect. The proposed law foresees an allowance for early abortion in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, and abortion may be allowed up to the moment of birth in cases where a fetus is handicapped. At present abortion is illegal in the Principality of Liechtenstein where about fifty female citizens of Liechtenstein have abortions abroad every year illegally.

The Liechtenstein National Assembly had defeated the controversial proposal at the end of June, while the plebiscite will follow in September. One of the grounds for the rejection of the bill is that it must be presented to the Prince first who has reservations which are in his words that "it is problematic that the proposal aims to abort children with disabilities". The Prince said: "Till now we were very proud to support children with disabilities in our country."

Link to original..

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Oslo Butcher is For Abortion: Satanism

For a time Anders Breivik wanted to be Catholic.  Actually he remarked that Benedict XVI is a "cowardly, incompetent, corrupt and illegitimate Pope".

( It is "thoroughly tedious" that the police continuously and immediately describe the Oslo Butcher, Anders Behring Breivik (32) as a "Christian Fundamentalist".

This revelation comes from the famous Italian specialist in cults and sects Massimo Introvigne (56) on the 25th of July.

According to Introvigne, who studied at the Vienna Observatory for Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians, insists that the concept "fundamentalism" can be a tool of anti-Christian discrimination.

Introvigne insists that the concept has a precise definition. It describes a very anti-Catholic current in protestantism.

Actually Brevik must be understood according to the following sources:

-his profile on the social networking site ''
-sixty site posting on an anti-Islamic, Norwegian website
-his 1500 page book "2083, A European Declaration of Independence", which he sent a few hours before the massacre to friends and the media.

A Fundamentalist Looks Differently

Breiviks membership in the anti-Catholic Masonic Lodge was made known by an entry in his ''.

Introvigne explains that his present Lodge practices the Swedish Rite. This "Christian belief" is explained by his membership.

Fundamentalism is very ill-disposed to Freemasonry according to Introvigne.

Otherwise it comes from Breviks 'Facebook' profile that he has a friendship with the operator of the largest Norwegian porn-site -- "despite his decrpit morality" -- added Breivik.

It is also the case that Breivik had sent his book to an ordained minister of "The Church of Satan".

He published the botch job on the 23rd of July on the Internet. The "Church of Satan" is very widespread in Scandinavia.

He dreamt of a prostitute

The tone which Breivik struck reminded Introvigne of the Dutch Homosexual, Pim Fortuyn († 2002).

Fortuyn founded an anti-Islamic party in his country.

Still more, Breivik indicated in his book that abortion is acceptable.

The supposed fundamentalist reported additionally that he laid down two million Euros on the site.

He wanted to pay the money for the execution of his "mission" with a prostitute "of high quality, a real top-model".

The great hierarchy-free Oecumene

According Introvigne's assessment, Breivik's biggest concern isn't religion, rather the 'war against Islam', which in his mind threatens to overwhelm Europe.

Breivig wrote that he had received baptism and confirmation at the age of fiteen.

He himself comes from a wealthy and Godless family, who allowed him "free choice".

Some years after veering into Protestantism Breivik came to the view that the Protestant community was dead and that it had fallen to multi-culturalism and philo-Islamic ideology.

For a time Breivig desired to become a Catholic, according to his own admission.

Actually, in his opinion the Church was sold to Islam, as the Pope then had decided, to engage in so-called inter-religious dialogue with the Moslems.

About Benedict XVI, he said, that he had lost "Christendom and the European Christians".

He must be termed as a "cowardly, incompetent, corrupt and illegitimate Pope".

For that reason Breivik wanted to eliminate the protestants and the Church, and a "Christian Congress of Europe".

From that he expected a completely new "European Church" to arise.

Link to

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Cardinal Schönborn Makes Heavy Statements -- Abortion is Murder -- There is no Homosexual Marriage

The Viennese Cardinal has served his neo-Conservative public yet again. His words will be taken so seriously, that none of the media bosses will report them.

(, Pöllau) Child slaughter "is murder".

This is what the Viennese Cardinal Christoph Count Schönborn said for a neo-Conservative youth gathering at the village of Pollau with a population of 2000 about 150 km south of Vienna -- according to reports from the neo-Conservative site, ''

The sensational comments of the Cardinal have brought forth no media echo.

An Innocent is Killed

During a child murder "an innocent living being, a guilty person in the womb of its own mother is killed" -- said Cardinal von Schönborn.

In the past the same Cardinal had frequently explained that he doesn't desire any change in the murderous abortion laws in Austria.

In June 2008 he hung the Papal Gregorian Order around the neck of the Viennese Abortion politician, Comrade Renate Brauner.

In Sept 2009 he forbid the Salzburg Auxiliary Bishop Andreas Laun from participating in a pro-Life demonstration in Vienna

There is no such thing as Homosexual Marriage

The Cardinal expressed himself about homosexual depravity.

He insists that "there is no homosexual marriage".

Marriage is between man an woman who are open to children: "everything else is a false advertising".

The Church isn't going to address itself "against homosexual marriage, because it doesn't exist".

He is a son of divorced parents.

In regards to divorce the Cardinal said that he was "truly angry" about the reproaches against the Church.

The Church is the only institution, which defends marriage:

"Is it merciful to separate children between mother and father and make them into a play ball for the parents?"

The Cardinal, who comes from a divorced family, recalled the pain of many women after divorce.

In conclusion the Cardinal wished the youth and "also the Bishop the courage to speak out on such things."

Because only the truth will make you free.

Link to the Original, kreuz...

Monday, July 11, 2011

Poland Continues Drive to Abolish Abortion

Edit: What you need to get rid of Abortion is a Catholic Government. Cowtowing to the Republicans like the Pro-Life movement does offers no realistic remedies because it is a facile movement with no deep spiritual moorings.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Polish Youth Favor Banning Abortion: Poland Prepares Vote on Abortion

Editor: check out the way the ages are set up in this Life News article. The hippie generation of 68 is less in support of the Catholic position than the younger, better and more promising, generation. Once again, we're seeing that the generation which fell for all the newfangled ideas, the abortion, the draconian family law, the divorce, the contraception and the sodomy is out of step with Poland's Zeigeist.

"...76% of those aged 15 to 24 favor total protection for unborn children."

[Life News] Poland lawmakers cast their initial vote on legislation that would ban all abortions in the European nation — supporting a bid to move ahead with legislation that would tighten the nation’s laws already prohibiting most abortions.

The PRO Foundation has organized a grassroots campaign to lobby MPs to support the legislation and the nation’s Catholic bishops have also played an integral role in advancing the legislation. The legislation is the result of a citizen-led initiative drive in which sponsors collected 100,000 signatures over the course of three months but which resulted in collecting 600,000 petitions in just two weeks.

The bill would remove the rape and incest exceptions from the current federal law in Poland and provide protection for pregnant women and unborn children starting at conception. Also, currently, Polish law allows for abortion in cases related to maternal health, if the pregnancy is the result of “illegal activity,” or if the unborn child is disabled.

Some Polish abortion practitioners have reportedly manipulated the law to do abortions on children with minor problems such as a cleft palate and others are misreporting the fetal age of the unborn baby at the time of the abortion to escape prosecution.

According to an AFP report, members of the Polish parliament turned back an effort by left-wing legislators to stop progress on the bill and, instead, they sent it to a committee for further work. Members of the Sejm voted 254-151 against the communist Democratic Left Alliance’s motion to reject the legislation and, in a subsequent vote, lawmakers sent the bill to committee for finalization.

Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, a former assistant to Pope John Paul II, told Poland’s largest opinion weekly, Gosc Niedzielny, “The Church clearly teaches that it is the obligation of Catholics not to protect the current ‘compromise’ but to aim at complete protection of life. This is a solution, which the Church calls for. I support all efforts aiming at improving the protection of human life.”

The Nazi invasion in World War II brought legalized abortions to Poland and the situation was exacerbated under Communist rule by the Soviet Union. In 1993, a free Poland put the current pro-life laws in place but did not ban all abortions.

A survey conducted earlier this month demonstrates a shift in the population’s attitudes about abortion and showed 65% of Poles agree that the law “should unconditionally protect the life of all children since conception,” and 76% of those aged 15 to 24 favor total protection for unborn children. Some 57 percent of those aged 55 to 70 agree that a ban on abortions is appropriate.

Link to lifesite...

The photo is of Polish Youth, a Catholic patriotic association which would do well to provide a model for similar organizations, which are practically non-existent, in the United States.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Abortion Banned in Poland

EXCLUSIVE: Poland to vote on historic bill banning all abortions after massive grassroots campaign

WARSAW, Poland, June 28, 2011 ( -  After months of shielding the initiative from English media, organizers of a massive pro-life grassroots campaign in Poland have now told that Parliamentarians in the country are preparing to vote this week on an historic bill that would enshrine total protection for children in the womb from the moment of conception.
The organizers told LSN that they were worried that if the news broke in the English-speaking world, pro-abortion foreign powers would have poured money into the country to oppose their popular efforts.

Legislators in Poland's parliament will vote this week on a bill to ban all abortions in the country.
To bring the abortion ban before Parliament under Poland’s political system, the sponsors needed to collect 100,000 signatures within three months.  They got 600,000 in two weeks.
The bill, which comes up for first reading in the ‘Sejm’ (lower house) on Thursday, is the result of a huge nation-wide grassroots initiative launched by Warsaw’s PRO Foundation and supported by the country’s bishops and a newly-formed pro-life parliamentary committee.

Link to Lifesite...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bishop McCormack Defends Life

Editor:  If this Bishop is allowed to campaign against the slaughter of babies, it's likely he's allowed to do so only because he supported Obamacare.  

This time when New Hampshire’s Catholic bishop got involved in a political issue, there was no outcry.
The last time he got involved, the GOP leadership in the New Hampshire House got hot under the collar.
This time the issue was HB 329, a bill from the Republican-controlled Legislature that requires a teen to notify her parents about her intention to get an abortion.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Russia to Pass Strict Anti-Abortion Law

Editor: Liberalism has been weighed in Russia and found wanting.

H/t: Pete Frey

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rainbow Ron Flip-Flops on Abortion

Here's an apologia and critique of the Pro-Life movement on his behalf by Lew Rockwell, here.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hungarian Constitution Invokes St. Stephen, Abolishes Abortion

Editor: Of course the EU will want to look into this, ehem. Forget about sovereignty. With a special h/t to Alaric who also posted this on FE.

In Hungary the powers of progress have had the political upper hand. They used the opportunity of the hour to renew the land. By Lajos Weberstein
The Crown of St. Stephen

( The decadent EU does everything to destroy Marriage and Europe and capitulate to the stone age.

Actually, it's not everywhere that Europe is being laid flat by progress.

So the Hungarian Parliament has ratified this Tuesday a new Constitution.

The Constitution was adopted by a two-thirds majority of the national government party 'Fidesz'.

'Fidesz' are the representatives of the anti-Democratic, old and ex-communist Hungary -- and their accomplices in decadent Europe -- they are a thorn in their sides.

It is also the case that this party took part in the fall of the Communist Dictatorship.

After the introduction of the new constitution, the stone age opposition of the Left seethed.

Because the text is such a clear rejection of political masochism, it begins with the words:

God, Save Hungary

National Commitment

We, the members of the Hungary Nation, assert our responsibility to say the following for all Hungary at the beginning of the millennium:

We are proud of the fact that our King Stephen, the Saintly Patron of the Hungarian State for a thousand years had built a secure foundation and placed our Fatherland in the line of Christian Europe.

We are proud of our forebears, who persisted for that, who have fought for the freedom and independence of our Land.

We are proud of the great spiritual accomplishments of the Hungarian people.

We are proud that our people had defended Europe for a thousand years and whose common values were enriched by their talents and enriched its industry.

We recognize the role of Christianity in the persistence of the Nation.

The Constitution protects the institution of marriage as a life in common between a man and a woman as well as the family as the foundation of the nations progress.

The constitution promotes the decision for to have a child.

The defense of the family was the ruling concerning the main focus of the law.

The anti-child opponents wanted to put forward their opposition to unlimited respect for human life.

Actually the new Constitution said:

"The value of human life is unfathomable. Every person has the right to life and human value; the life of the foetus is protected from conception to birth."

The new Hungarian constitution contains also a debt limit, unlike any other European constitution has.

Translated from

Spanish Lavender Priest Excused by +Levada's CDF

Editor: This must be the +Levada CDF we've heard about. Previously, we'd thought that +Levada was a figurehead. Apparently that's not that case. Hopefully this ruling will be overturned upstairs.

Obviously, someone at the CDF is not all there.

Oh well, it's not like they tried to say the Immemorial Mass, or preach on the evils of modernity or anything.

BARCELONA, April 19, 2011 ( - A Catholic priest who financed the abortion of two young girls in his care will not be excommunicated nor otherwise punished, the Archdiocese of Barcelona declared yesterday on behalf of Cardinal Archbishop Lluís Martínez Sistach.

The archdiocese also claims that it has support for its decision from the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which it says ruled in favor of the priest in 2009.

Fr. Manel Pousa, who boasts that he has paid for abortions and has blessed homosexual unions, was tried last month to determine if he had earned an automatic or “latae sententiae” excommunication from the Catholic Church.

According to the law of the Church, canon 1398, anyone “who actually procures an abortion incurs a latae sententiae (automatic) excommunication.” Pope John Paul II added that “The excommunication applies to all of those who commit this crime knowing the penalty, including those accomplices without whose cooperation the crime would not have been produced,” in his encyclical letter “The Gospel of Life,” in 1995.

Read further, here.

H/t: Tom at AQ.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Ambulence Arrives at Planned Parenthood Clinic to Carry Away "Patient"

Just received this from Stella Borealis.  It looks very much like a woman who was having an abortion met with calamity. The footage was caught by one of the counselors.  The Planned Parenthood types use blue umbrellas to attempt to block the counselors from handing out literature.

Here's the ambulence pulling into a planned parenthood being paid for by your tax dollars, and here's who donates to Planned Parenthood.

Here's the Planned Parenthood counsellor trying to block the camera from seeing the patient being wheeled out to the ambulance.

Here's it's being pulled away.