Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Cardinal Marx Gorges on Sumptuous Meal --- Enjoys 9 Million Euro Palace

Edit: Cardinal Reinhold Marx is the classic, bloated, gluttonous, greedy, oozing metaphor for the typical churchman, but his leftist politics keep him and his German Tax-Church mostly above all criticism by the world press.

Edward Pentin and NCR used to link to us. We'd also like to think he's indebted to us, but he's one of the few professional journalists in the English speaking world who points these hypocritical lapses out, so we won't cry too much.

Cardinal Marx is clearly intouchhable.

[NCR] Cardinal Reinhard Marx, who is attending the Synod on the Family as president of the German bishops’ conference, is allegedly holding extravagant dinners for synod fathers at a multi-million euro villa in Rome owned by the archdiocese of Munich.

Around 20 bishops from a number of countries attended a lavish dinner at an archdiocesan-owned guesthouse located on Via delle Medaglia d’Oro last Sunday.

According to an informed and reliable source, there was such an abundance of food “the bishops’ stomachs were hardly able to take a break.” Another similar banquet is planned tomorrow.


Evil Thomas Reese Laments End of Synod

Edit: so much for the Bergoglian Teach-in and the Consensus .

Ht to our friend Rick DeLano


With time running out, the synodal fathers appear no closer to resolving their conflicts over issues facing the family than they were a year ago. One of the principal sticking points is over Communion for divorced and remarried Catholics who do not have an annulment. Another controversy is over the language to be used in speaking about homosexuals.

The Synod of Bishops concludes this Sunday after meeting in Rome since Oct. 4. The synod has been discussing issues facing families, the same issues discussed at a similar gathering of bishops last October.

The pope and the bishops argue that the synod is about the family and decry the media’s focus on homosexuality and divorce, but there is no question that these are the topics around which the bishops have conflict. There is little disagreement over other issues.


Synod: "Overwhelming Majority Are Against Communion for the Remarried Divorced"

(Rome) Matteo Matzuzzi, the Vatican expert of the daily newspaper Il Foglio wrote to 14:52 on Twitter: "++ Overwhelming majority against Communion for remarried divorcees, according to sources in the Synod ++"
Just a few minutes earlier Sebastien Maillard, the Vatican expert of the daily newspaper La Croix, had tweeted the French Bishops' Conference:
"Overwhelming majority against the Communion for remarried divorcees, according to observers in the Synod Hall"
In another Tweet Matzuzzi wrote at 3 o'clock: "In the end everything is a matter of numbers. One begins to  count  ... "
Voters during the Synod as they also took place in the past year,  were not provided  for by Pope Francis for this Synod. That was a point which the thirteen Synodal Cardinals criticized  in their complaint letter to the Pope. The intermediate votes before the final vote on the Relatio finalis at the end of the Synod serve an orientation of the Synod, to which direction to go to see the positions on an issue.
Should the vote be confirmed, this would mean that the Synod Fathers were able to free themselves from the Synod Director. Today's vote was all just an orientation that, however, anticipates the final vote on  the topic. The final vote is scheduled for next Saturday, 24 October.
It has long been  unclear how the final vote will be held. The Cardinals complaining expressed concern that the Pope let the Synod vote only in the block, and not on the individual sections. The Synod General, Cardinal Baldisseri assured Cardinal Pell last week, that the paragraph will be voted on by paragraph. Still, there is no certainty as of yet. 
Overall, there is a lack of clarity in the air, as to whether the Synod will end at all. It was the closest confidants of the Pope,  Cardinals Baldisseri and Tagle, who wished for ambiguity. Will the Relatio finalis be published? Will there be a Post-Synodal Letter? The speech of Pope Francis last Saturday at the ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of the introduction of the Synod of Bishops, and an interview published yesterday of Cardinal Walter Kasper certainly provides for new uncertainty.
Cardinal Kasper indicated that a Post-synodal letter may be long in coming, but it should announce the admission of remarried divorcees to Communion in a statement by the Pope. Since Kasper  is one of the closest confidants of the pope in the matter, his statement could be less of an invitation to the pope, and rather more of  an announcement of what the pope has intended all along. At least this option can not be ruled out  in view of the recent course of the Synod.
The same applies to the Pope's appeal of wanting to decentralize the Church. Roberto de Mattei drew attention to the fact that decentralization could serve as a "way out" of the impasse in which the progressive camp sits when the Synod majority pronouncess itself against "new Mercy." Then, instead of the synodality being stressed,  decentralization would be entered into. In other words, Africa could then retain the Catholic teaching on marriage, while the western episcopal conferences practice a liberal openness?

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Twitter/Matteo Matzuzzi

Sunday, October 18, 2015

President of Polish Bishops' Conference Sounds the Alarm

Stanisław Gądecki, Archbishop of Posen and President of the Polish Bishops' Conference has spoken of an attack against Catholic teaching on marriage and sexuality on October 17, 2015 in the Synod Hall.  

Some said that they do not wish to change doctrine, but that is indeed exactly what they are trying to do.

The proposal for a change in the order of the sacraments is in reality an attempt to change the doctrine by the back door.

The intervention of the Archbishop is of great significance, because these attacks had been carefully planned afore time. Additionally the polish delegates can count on the support of other East European synod participants. 

The proposal of the German delegation, to give more autonomy to the "local churches" (what's meant are Bishops' Conferences), was sharply criticized by Cardinal Raymond Burke for  LifesitenewsKirche. The Church must declare the truth and this is not dependent upon the time and place, says the Cardinal, who is not a Synod Father.

In view of the desolate situation of German Catholicismleads directly to the formation of national churches. 

Changes in the teaching on marriage and the new role of the "local churches" are presently the most heatedly debated themes in the synod. Both poles in the synod --  conservatives and progressives -- are becoming increasingly augmented, as they attempt to promote their viewpoints. 

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Magister: A Letter From the Apostle Paul to the Synod

Edit: it will probably appear soon enough in English, but sometimes the practice is good.  Besides, Magister's observation about the readings at the Synod are cutting, if not prophetic.

(Rome) Currently, the Synod Fathers are discussing the divorced and remarried, and homosexuality.   Sandro Magister points out how the readings of Holy Mass gives an answer to the controversial questions posed by the  Synod Fathers.  This happened in relation to homosexuality the past few days. 

The Word of Apostle Paul --- without Censure  

By Sandro Magister

Since the Synod Fathers have begun with the discussion of the third part of Instrumentum laboris, that one with the controversial statements, the Masses for each day contain a section from the Letter to the Romans, the theological masterpiece by the Apostle Paul.  

Also here, as it so happens, was on Sunday, the 4th of October with the opening Mass, as it is in all the churches throughout the world, the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark were heard: "What God hath joined together, let no man put asunder. " (See Erste Rede bei Bischofssynode hält der Heilige Geist – Exklusiv der vollständige Wortlaut ) 

What a Coincidence: Holy Scripture Gives the Answer to Homosexuality 

However, the coincidence between Synod and order of readings had nothing to do with the indissolubility of marriage, but with another hot topic: the homosexuality.

On Tuesday, the 13th of October, the first chapter of the Letter to the Romans included a reading if verses16-25. 

Paulus says therein: "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and injustice of those men that detain the truth of God in injustice:  Because that which is known of God is manifest in them. For God hath manifested it unto them. For the invisible things of him, from the creation of the world, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made; his eternal power also, and divinity: so that they are inexcusable."

And further: " Because that, when they knew God, they have not glorified him as God, or given thanks; but became vain in their thoughts, and their foolish heart was darkened. For professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. And they changed the glory of the incorruptible God into the likeness of the image of a corruptible man, and of birds, and of fourfooted beasts, and of creeping things. Wherefore God gave them up to the desires of their heart, unto uncleanness, to dishonour their own bodies among themselves. Who changed the truth of God into a lie; and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen."

The Reading Itself Ended Here But Not Paul's Letter 

In the Mass of the 13th of October the reading ended at this point and continued the next day with the second chapter of the letter to the Romans. 

Indeed, the first chapter of the letter of Paul to the Romans did not end  at this point. The reading bashfully omitted this passage, of which the Synod Fathers themselves can't be ignorant.

Paul continued and clearly said what he meant with this reference by "impurity,"   „to dishonor their bodies among themselves."

It is there with the unsettling completion of the first chapter in the Letter to the Romans: 

  For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error.  And as they liked not to have God in their knowledge, God delivered them up to a reprobate sense, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all iniquity, malice, fornication, avarice, wickedness, full of envy, murder, contention, deceit, malignity, whisperers, Detractors, hateful to God, contumelious, proud, haughty, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Foolish, dissolute, without affection, without fidelity, without mercy. Who, having known the justice of God, did not understand that they who do such things, are worthy of death; and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them.

Catechism of 1997: Homosexuality is a sin that "cries to heaven."  

If Paul says that, then it is clear that the Synod Fathers, who are aiming to alter the doctrinal and pastoral paradigms of the Church in matters of homosexuality, will surely have some difficulties to bring their proposals into agreement with the "Word of the living God", as it shows at the end of a reading in Holy Mass.

It is even more increasingly clear that in substantial parts of the Church that the portrayal of practicing homosexuality as a sin is disappearing as a relic of the past. And although the Catechism of the Catholic Church, not that of the celebrated Pius X of 1905, but the "new" one of 1992 in the Editio typica of  1997,  just as before, "the sin of homosexuality" is among the "sins crying to heaven," together with murder, oppression of the poor and withholding the payment of just wages. 

Those who wish to endorse  homosexuality can be contradicted  with the argument that it would be praeter Scripturum,   that it's not only outside of scripture, but would even be  against Holy Scripture. This is what Waldensian pastor  Paolo Ricca  did in 2011 and countered his Protestant confreres who were endorsing homosexuality.

Even in the Catholic world there are no lack of Catholic theologians and bishops who are prepared to maintain, that Saint Paul is not to be taken literally, but in the  historical "context" of his time, which had been heavily prejudiced, "patriarchal", and full of "ethno-religious condemnation," which today would be unacceptable. 

The Franco-German "shadow synod," which took place last May in the Gregoriana, whose main actors sit in the real synod, themselves maintain exactly this modern "reading" of Holy Scripture in the light of predominant modern thought.  

Translation to German: Giuseppe Nardi

Photo: Settimo Cielo

Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com


Minnesota Bible Scholar Calls for Resistance to Synod

Edit: Father Echert is the pastor of the parish of St. Augustine's in South Saint Paul, saying the Immemorial Mass of All Ages and doing the work of a pastor.

He has taken a courageous stand here, from the Remnant:


Friday, October 16, 2015

Sower of Doubts?

Edit: interesting thought by Father Ray:

Francis effect: In the last couple of weeks, since the publication of "Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus" I have had five people asking me about the validity of their marriage, it very occasionally happened before. My concern is these are good practising Catholics, and the marriages are perfectly valid. This isn't a large parish and there are far fewer families than in most parishes.
Is this the experience of other priests?

Cardinal Burke Challenges the Febronianism of the Synod

Edit: Febronianism is an old heresy that never really seems to go away.  Cardinal Burke doesn't know where it comes from? Surely he does and is just being polite!

Oct. 15, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) - On Thursday morning, LifeSiteNews had an opportunity to sit down with Cardinal Raymond Burke in Rome, after a press conference he attended hosted by Voice of the Family. LifeSiteNews spoke with the Cardinal about the ongoing Synod on the Family, and in particular a controversial proposal, promoted by a participant in a recent Vatican press conference, to allow local bishops make decisions on how to deal with issues like homosexuality and divorce.  

Cardinal Burke also critiqued the so-called "Kasper Proposal," saying that it is based upon the false idea "that somehow doctrine and pastoral practice are in conflict with one another." 

The following is a transcript of this interview:

LSN: What do you make of the idea of “regional diversity” in the Church? Should local bishops have the authority on a pastoral level to deal with questions pertaining to the “social acceptance of homosexuality” and with “divorced and remarried persons?”


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Pope's Intimate: "Feels Revulsion" for the Publication of the Letterof Complaint

(Rome) Bishop of Albano, Marcello Semeraro, secretary of the  C9-Cardinal Advisors, expressed his disquiet that the complaint letter was published by 13 Cardinals.  I sense a feeling of revulsion about the publishing of the letter," said the Bishop.  He then corrected himself and spoke for the entire synod. "That is the general opinion." 
Bishop Semeraro belongs to a circle of confidants around the Pope. His outburst is difficult to separate from his job in the Synod. He belongs to that group of whom the Cardinals had been directly critical. Semeraro is a member of the ten member editing committee of the  Relatio finalis, whom Pope  Franziskus named publicly on the 2nd of October.
The Cardinals had criticized in their letter  that the membership of the committees gave a "decisive majority" to the  partisans of the "new mercy", as  Vaticanista  Sandro Magister noted. Cardinal  Napier, one of the signatories of the letter said, "We preferred not to see the same kind of person there, who had already caused us pain previously.“ What was meant were the passages on remarried divorced and homosexuality in the middle report and in the final report of the Synod of 2014.
Semeraro's  provided  evidence that the  Cardinal's criticism was understood. The bishop chose offense as the best defense and was encouraged to downplay the significance of the critique.  By showing disapproval of form and procedure, he  distracted from the vital content. 

Semeraros condemnation, really: "I don't understand this letter"

To make the complaint letter public had  "not been  proper," and did not "serve a noble purpose,"  says Semeraro. It really looked like a, "disruptive action." The critic pointed his finger at the Vaticanista  Sandro Magister, without naming him, but he really meant the signer of the complaint letter, no less than  Gerhard Müller, the Prefect of the CDF.  Despite the apodoctic condemnation, the bishop clarified himself in the next sentence. "I don't understand this letter." 
The composition of the editing committee he explained that the Pope intended it not be "too Eurocentric."  As to the onsidedly progressive composition of the editing committee, Semeraro had nothing to say.  Initially he disregarded the charge of onesidedness, just reintroduced  yesterday by  South African Cardinal Napier. The question if it were "Eurocentric" or not, was not addressed in the critique. Yet the Archbishop of South Africa expressed the fear that the voice of Africa should not be misaligned with a progressive inclination.  

Question of the Remarried Divorced "Open"

As to the question of Communion for the remarried divorced  Bishop  Semeraro considers it "open," but "there is really still no  answer yet."  A onesided party of papal intimates, for which the signers of the complaint letter is not an open question, because the changing of doctrines "is impossible."   It is a new question and the life of the Church will not be handled on a theoretical basis.  In the direction of the critics, he said: "Above all it is to be avoided to portray those, who don't think as I do, heretics." 
Finally he said: "There has to be more time to deepen the questions. The Church discussed for several centuries of the mother of God was conceived without sin […]. Moreover, there are dogmas, like the Immaculate Conception which are not as important to the concrete lives of people, about which we are talking in the Synod. This should make us more reluctant and concerned, if we take a position."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Vatican Insider
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

SSPX Clergy Invited to Help in Ravenna Archdiocese by Archbishop

(Rome) As auxiliary bishop of  Reggio Emilia-Guastalla (2006-2012)  Msgr. Lorenzo Ghizzoni was a bitter opponent of those faithful who sought to celebrate the Holy Mass in the Immemorial Rite of All Ages.   It was an opposition which undermined the Motu Proprio  Summorum Pontificum.

As Archbishop of Ravenna-Cervia,  Msgr. Ghizzoni is allowing, on the first and second Sundays in October, a priest of the Society of Saint Pius X (FSSPX) to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. 

The celebration will take place in the parish of Saint Maria del Torrione and follows from the formation of a stable group of  the faithful desiring the Traditional Rite, who've asked the Archbishop for it. 

The celebrant was Father  Enrico Doria of the priory of  “Madonna di Loreto” in Rimini.

The online edition of the paper „Prima Pagina Reggio“ described it: “It seems that Pope Francis' recognition of the legitimacy of the sacrament of reconciliation given by lefebvrian priests has also quickly led to a new course in the Italian Episcopate.  This, what was unthinkable yesterday, (the opening of parish property to Lefevrians, who had previously been regarded as lepers), are today not only tolerated but welcome.  Those of the faithful community close to Econe will celebrate, but also all other faithful of the Catholic Church, we are convinced, will make use of this." 

Msgr. Lorenzo Ghizzoni was named in Dezember 2012 by Pope Benedict  XVI. as Archbishop of Ravennaand enthroned in January 2013. 

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: MiL

trans: Tancred vekeon99@hotmail.com


Monday, October 12, 2015

Archbishop FÜLÖP KOCSIS: The Synod Must Name Satan as the Chief Adversary of the Family

Edit: this translation is from VOTF.

[Voice of the Family] I am focusing my observation on paragraph 8 of chapter 1, but in truth I sense a general deficiency in the text as a whole, the lack of something that should penetrate our vision regarding these themes. For this reason, I could still indicate all of the paragraphs that, analyzing the contemporary situation, speak of a changed society and epoch, calling these difficulties which have appeared in recent times “challenges.”

It appears to me that the text misses a clarification which is more precise from its inception, from the root of these changes: from where do they come? The great part of these are not compatible with the plan of God; they do not come from Him. If it is thus, then it must be said: From where do these changes, these difficulties, derive?

We must say with clarity that in our very spoilt world the family and the man of good will with good intentions is under attack, under a ferocious and enormous attack. And this attack is of the Devil. We must call these diabolic forces which have a role to play with these phenomena by name because this way we can find some indications even for the research of possible solutions.


13 Cardinals Intervening at Synod Against Kasperians

[Damian Thompson, Spectator] Thirteen cardinals – including many of the most powerful figures in the Catholic Church – have written to Pope Francis telling him that his Synod on the Family, now meeting in Rome, has gone badly off the rails and could cause the church to collapse.

Astonishingly, they include Cardinal Péter Erdö, the ‘general relator’ of the three-week gathering of the world’s bishops, who delivered its opening address a week ago.

Their leaked letter, written as the synod started, presumably explains why a few days ago the Pope suddenly warned against ‘conspiracy‘ and reminded the cardinals that he, and only he, will decide the outcome of the synod.

This is the gravest crisis he has faced, worse than anything that happened to Benedict XVI, and he knows it.


Sunday, October 11, 2015

Fired CDF Mole Insists There's no "Homosexual Lobby"

Edit: considering that he's been dishonest his entire career, not unlike the infamous David Berger, a Thomist Scholar from Cologne who was exposed not long before Vatileaks, and eventually himself fired from teaching positions including at Holy Cross himself, and the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, it's easy to see that Krysztof Charasma is lying.

Even Pope Francis has pointed to it as a "lobby."

[the Local] Krzysztof Charamsa told a private Italian television channel that he has "never met a gay lobby in the Vatican", referring to rumours of a network of homosexual priests.

"I met homosexual priests, often isolated like me... but no gay lobby," said Charamsa, adding that he also met gay priests who were "homophobes" and had "hatred for themselves and others".

"But I also met several fantastic homosexuals who are some of the best ministers in the Church," he said in an interview due to be broadcast Sunday.


Saturday, October 10, 2015

Aberrosexuals Are Furious With This Pope

Edit: despite efforts to make them happy, and to protect them from their lesser selves, the Church can never satisfy such malevolent souls as represent this lobby at one of their chief propaganda organs, Pink News:

“It would be desirable that diocesan pastoral projects reserve a specific attention to the accompanying of families with persons of homosexual tendencies, and of the persons themselves.”

Despite a recent PR blitz attempting to bolster his gay-friendly image, the Pope is yet to lift any of the actively homophobic and transphobic policies of his predecessors.

He has also rallied against same-sex marriage, inviting representatives from listed hate groups to a ‘traditional marriage’ conference last year, and recently urged Slovakians to vote against equal marriage

The Catholic leader has also compared transgender people to nuclear weapons.


Except that:  http://www.onepeterfive.com/report-homosexual-propaganda-being-circulated-at-the-synod/

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Conflicts at Synod are Being Downplayed by Most of the Press and the Vatican

Edit: the press has been virtually silent about the pederast enabling Cardinal Daneels.  Damian Thompson is looking past the synod toward younger and more sensible management.

Despite efforts to stifle any public revelation of what's actually going on, a Melkite Patriarch, Gregory Laham spoke up in the face of the heretical musings of the President of the Panamanian Bishops' Conference, according to Toronto Catholic Witness, who translates from the blog of Archbishop Stanislas Gadecki of Poland  

"One should always speak of the "sacrament of matrimony" and not "marriage".  To show the spiritual beauty of marriage. To assist spouses one must show them the unchangeable, spiritual vision of matrimony. Many times we are not united with the positive vision of marriage and the family. Jesus corrected Moses. Dissoluble marriage is against its nature".

Even the Old Liberal Archbishop Coleridge states that an overwhelming majority of the Bishops are opposed to Communion for the remarried and divorced as reported by the evil John Allen at the Old Liberal, Crux from Boston Globe:

It’s very early, but based on your sense of where the synod stands right now, if the Kasper proposal for the divorced and remarried were put to a straight up or down vote, how would it go?I think it’s about 65-35 against, and it’s been clarified over the last year. I think there would certainly be a majority of bishops – this is a guess, but an informed guess – who would not favor the Kasper proposal.
Because they see it as touching the indissolubility of marriage?Not only that, but also the understanding of the Eucharist and of the Church. That’s a kind of Trinity, and if you touch one, you touch the lot. That said, there are all kinds of positions along the spectrum within that 65 percent who are against.
I’ll quote one bishop, and this scandalized me, who said, “This synod basically has to choose between the way of Jesus and the way of Walter Kasper.” [He's right.] It wasn’t in the public session, but it was said. I don’t scandalize easily, but that did it.

Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, Pray For Us!

Edit: this is also the 444th anniversary of the victory of Catholic forces over the Turk at Lepanto in 1571. 

Then as now, the Church and the remnant of Christendom is under assault, but this time the foes within are as threatening as the enemies without.

Perhaps it is this virtual eclipse of the only Church founded by Jesus Christ, that His  power will manifest to us, for it is only through Him that we will be victorious. 

Now is a good day for everyone to petition His Mother for the graces our leaders need to guide the Church. 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Cardinal Erdo: Synod 2014 Did Not Wish to Alter the Practice of Communion

Relator General recalls situation of discussion  - Church is called to "mercifully accompany" divorced and remarried," but also "to witness consistently" to Catholic doctrine 

Vatican City (kath.net/KAP) The Relator General Synod of Bishops, Cardinal Peter Erdo (Esztergom-Budapest) has made it clear on Monday in the Vatican, that he defends  the indissolubility of marriage and  the current teaching of the Church. The majority of the Synod participants from 2014 have shared the view that remarriage after the failure of a bond formed by the Church  is contrary to the message of Jesus Christ  and excludes those affected from receiving Communion, he said in his opening speech. Erdo referred in his remarks to the working document (Instrumentum Laboris) from the Synod. This is based on the Extraordinary Synod from October 2014.

The Church is called pastorally "to mercifully accompany" the divorced and remarried, but "to witness consistently" at the same time the Catholic doctrine, said the Primate of Hungary. To accomplish this, however, deeper reflection it needed a deeper reflection, Erdo conceded looking forward to the forthcoming three-week deliberations of the bishops. 

As General Relator, Erdo is the  correspondent of the Episcopal Assembly and has important influence on the formulation of the synod results. He pointed out that there are many ways for the divorced and remarried to share in community life, without allowing for the Eucharist.   Erdö was critical about the ways of the Orthodox Churches that permit remarriage after a divorce under certain guidelines. These practices are not comparable with the case law based of the Catholic Church. 

Erdö also rejected the idea of "gradualism" in the assessment of sexual relations outside of marriage. Objectively between true and false, and between good and evil, there is no gradualness, he stressed. However, there might be for the individual a subjective, gradual approach to good and truth. The subjective fault is less serious if the sin is not recognized.

On the subject of homosexuality Erdo recalled the existing Church doctrine, according to which there are "not even distant analogies or similarities"  between homosexual partnerships and God's plan for marriage and family. Copyright 2015 Catholic press agency Kathpress, Vienna, Austria VIDEO from lecture: (C) 2015 Catholic News Agency KNA GmbH.All rights reserved.

Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Pope Francis Denounces "Lefties" Defending Episcopal Appointment

Edit: in the case of two conservative bishops, Finn and Nienstedt, it was enough for them to resign. What's good for the goose? 

Poor Francis refers to lefties here. Isn't Juan Barros, the newly appointed bishop of Osorno himself a lefty?

Santiago (AFP) - Pope Francis called critics protesting the appointment of a new bishop in Chile, who has been accused of covering up sexual abuse crimes committed by priests, "lefties" in a video message Saturday.

The installation of Juan Barros earlier this year as the Bishop of Osorno, in southern Chile, was heavily protested by those accusing him of having protected Fernando Karadima, a priest the Vatican in 2011 found guilty of child sex abuse, committed in the 1980s.

Barros has denied the allegations against him. But 51 members of the Chilean Congress sent a letter protesting his appointment to the Vatican.


Sunday, October 4, 2015

Evil Communist Organization Attacks Catholic Hospitals

Edit: we've already talked about how the most prolific litigator against the Catholic Church, Jeff Anderson, gives substantial sums to the ACLU.  

Now we see their other prong being employed here:

[Fox]The American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit last week against Trinity Health Corporation, one of the nation’s largest Catholic health care groups, for refusing to provide emergency abortions.

The formal complaint is based on the health system’s “repeated and systematic failure to provide women suffering pregnancy complications with appropriate emergency abortions as required by federal law,” according to an ACLU press release.

Fox News religion correspondent Father John Morris said this is another example of religious institutions being forced to do things against their beliefs.


Saturday, October 3, 2015

Pope Names "Transparence Commission" for Bishops' Synod-- Tense Atmosphere in the Vatican

Bishops' Synod: Press Conference of Cardinal
Baldisseri and Speaker Lombardi
(Rome) Behind the walls of the Vatican there is currently an uphill struggle. Pope Francis especially to criticism that there would be little transparency  in the forthcoming Synod of Bishops. To allay fears appropriate that were the Pope several times, argued vociferously most recently  by some cardinals after the bad experiences of the previous year in Santa Marta, today announced the establishment of a transparency commission was announced. It's an unusual step that reveals the tense atmosphere on all sides.
A ten-member commission whose spokesman for the Synod  will be Cardinal Peter Erdo from Hungary, will be  "to ensure full transparency" said Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops today in Rome. The Commission will bring together representatives from all five continents. The Commission's appointment is seen as confirmation of the criticism which was put forward last year by cardinals like Raymond Burke and Gerhard Müller,that the Holy See wished to validate a unilateral information policy in a certain direction. What he meant was the direction set by Cardinal Walter Kasper.

Vatican spokesman: Synod Fathers will have no restrictions in dealing with media

"A  final text  is desired that will be the outcome of the considerations and interventions of various Synod Fathers", said Cardinal Baldisseri that this did not specify whether this is to be a final document of the Synod or a Post-Synodal Letter of the Pope. In recent days, it was reported by well knowns such as Vatcanist Sandro Magister  and Edward Pentin, that there would be no final report of the Synod. The reason for this is, so the supposition, is that the pope did not wish to be bound by it.
The criticism for lack of transparency is also being responded to by Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi SJ, who said at today's press conference, that there were no restrictions on the synod in dealing with journalists. The Synod Fathers could talk "responsibly" with media representatives. The Vatican spokesman did not disclose whether the 2014 practice information blackout on the interventions at the synod, is to be repealed.

Ceremony "50 Years of the Synod of Bishops" the Vatican - Pope appoints Cardinal Schönborn to guest speaker

This coming Sunday, the second and final part of the Synod of Bishops on the family begins. Nearly 300 bishops and 120 experts will discuss three weeks in the presence of Pope Francis on Marriage and Family. Controversial topics are the proposal of Cardinal Walter Kasper to allow divorced and remarried to the sacraments under conditions, and the proposal of Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia to recognize homosexuality factually.
The prelude just before the start of the Synod will be a prayer vigil on Saturday from 6 O'clock on St. Peter's Square.
On October 17th, a ceremony will be held around  the Synod, the Synod of Bishops celebrated 50 years as a Jubilee. The institution of the Synod of Bishops was introduced as an independent, advisory body of the world church at the end of the Second Vatican Council by Pope Paul VI. Pope Francis and the Synod Fathers will participate in the ceremony. For the main speaker, the Pope appointed the Archbishop of Vienna, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, a declared Kasperian.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Mil
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotail.com
Link to Katholisches...

Polish Bishop Suspends Msgr. Krzysztof Charasma

Edit: from Toronto Catholic Witness:

The Bishop of the Diocese of Pelplin, Ryszard Kasyna has issued a canonical admonition to Msgr. Krzysztof Charamsa, who yesterday came out as a practicing homosexual. He has since been removed from active duty in the CDF. 

The original Polish may be read at Polonia Christiana:

Statement on Father Krzysztof Charamsa:

In connection with the communique issued by the Holy See Press Office concerning the declaration of Fr. Krzysztof Charamsa and his statements to the media contrary to the Scriptures and teachings of the Catholic Church, whereas according to the norms of the Code of Canon Law, Fr. Krzysztof Charamsa has been admonished by the Reverend Bishop of Pelplin to return to the way of Christ's priesthood.

At the same time the Bishop of Pelplin asks all priests and the faithful to pray for this intention.


Fr. Ireneusz Smagliński, spokesman for the Bishop of Pelplin

For the Record: Aberrosexual at CDF Dismissed

Edit: I'm sure there are plenty of openings for aberrosexuals in the Polish Catholic Church. With all the hysteria, which is something we can appreciate if not participate in, this is a welcome bit of news. 
The priest in question appears to already have been living a double life. It's a pity he wasn't sent packing sooner, since it's very likely he wasn't the most orthodox priest in his office.
VATICAN CITY (AP) — The Vatican on Saturday fired a monsignor who came out as gay on the eve of a big meeting of the world's bishops to discuss church outreach to gays, divorcees and more traditional Catholic families.
Monsignor Kryzstof Charamsa was a mid-level official in the Vatican's doctrine office. In newspaper interviews published in Italy and Poland on Saturday, Charamsa said he was happy and proud to be a gay priest, and was in love with a man whom he identified as his boyfriend.
"The decision to make such a pointed statement on the eve of the opening of the synod appears very serious and irresponsible, since it aims to subject the synod assembly to undue media pressure," the Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, said in a statement.
As a result, Charamsa could no longer work at the Vatican or its pontifical universities, Lombardi said.
Despite his dismissal, Charamsa remains a priest, although Lombardi hinted that his superiors could take further action.
Charamsa had planned a press conference in Rome for midday on Saturday to discuss his sexual orientation and criticize the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for spreading "pervasive and blind homophobia," but was pre-empted by the Vatican action.

Edit: Also, the Vatican has released a statement about the Pope's meeting with Yayo Grassi and his fellow deviant companion. 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Dissident Catholics Input Sought to Replace Neoconservative Archbishop

Edit: in keeping with the spirit of today's church, and the primitive Church as it is imagined by fogey Old Liberal university professors at St. Thomas University,  the apostolic administrator, Archbishop Bernard Hebda, has decided to poll the most evil parishes and fake Catholic  Universities in the Archdiocese about what qualities they seek in a successor for the unjustly pilloried Archbishop John Nienstedt. 

God forbid that they'd actually poll real Catholics.

  • 1-3 p.m. Oct. 5 at St. Catherine’s University (Promotes gender ideology.)
  • 7-9 p.m. Oct. 5 at St. Stephen in Anoka
  • 7-9 p.m. Oct. 6 at Pax Christi in Eden Prairie (Dissenting elderly suburbanites)
  • 7-9 p.m. Nov. 2 at St. Peter in Forest Lake
  • 7-9 p.m. Nov. 3 at Divine Mercy in Faribault
  • 7-9 p.m. Nov. 4 at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul (The children of evil, dissenting Catholics spend large piles of cash to be "educated" here.)
  • 1-3 p.m. Oct. 6 at the Carondelet Center in St. Paul: This is will be for consecrated men and women. [This includes the ossified, zombified religious of the state.]

Naturally, the KSTP article has to mention sex abuse.  If they were so worried about sex abuse and coverup a, why aren't they focusing on Saint John's Abbey at Collegeville, which probably has the largest population of unchained sexual predators of any religious community in the world.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Did the Evil Puppet Masters of the World Financial Powers Shut Down Vatican Bank to Obtain Benedict's Resignation?

Edit: stripped wholesale from Orwell's Picnic. Let's not underestimate the effects of Vatileaks, which was certainly part of a multi-level attack against Pope Benedict that is decidedly anti-American, perhaps even more so than Pope Francis himself.

It wasn't enough that the exonerated Ettore Gotti-Tadeschi was under suspicion of corruption.

Indeed, if these details are confirmed, the ensuing scandal will cast a longer shadow on the Franciscan Papacy and the powers and principalities who now appear, with Cardinal Daneel's admissions which we touched on last year, bent on making the papacy a vehicle to create public consensus for social engineering on a global scale.  Man, if they could unmake a pope, they could certainly make one.

The journalist, Maurizio Blondet, who has broken this story is himself a Traditionalist Catholic, according to Italian Wiki.  

Thanks to JEFF KLUMP who initially drew our attention to this interesting story.  Here's OP's contribution:

Ratzinger non poté “né vendere né comprare”
Ratzinger he could “neither sell nor buy”
Maurizio Blondet
Roughly translated by Google:
“Few know what SWIFT (the acronym stands for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) is: in theory, is a global “clearing house”, uniting 10,500 banks in 215 countries. In fact, is the most occult and sole center of American-globalist financial power, a bastion of blackmail on which the hegemony of the dollar, the most powerful means of political and economic espionage (to the detriment especially for us Europeans) and the means by which the most feared global finance breaks the legs of states that do not obey. …
“‘When a bank or territory is excluded from the system, as it did in the case of the Vatican in the days before the resignation of Benedict XVI in February 2013, all transactions are blocked. Without waiting for the election of Pope Bergoglio, the Swift system has been unlocked the announcement of the resignation of Benedict XVI.
“‘There was a blackmail come from who knows where, through SWIFT, exercised on Benedict XVI.The underlying reasons for this story have not been clarified, but it is clear that SWIFT has intervened directly in the management of affairs of the Church.’
This explains and justifies the unprecedented resignation of Ratzinger, that many of us have been able to exchange for an act of cowardice; the Church was treated as a state ‘terrorist’, but worse — because note that the dozen banks falling into the hands of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria ‘are not excluded from SWIFT’ and continue to be able to make international transactions — and the Vatican finances could no longer pay the nunciature, to convey transport missions — in fact, the same ATM of Vatican City had been blocked.
The Church of Benedict could not ‘neither sell nor buy'; its own economic life was counted in hours.”

"Homosexuals Go to Hell," Says President of the Ghanian Bishops' Conference

Bishop Osei Bonsu With Bishops of Ghana
(Accra) Bishop Joseph Osei Bonsu of Konongo-Mampong in Ghana disagreed with the notion that aberrosexuals could go to heaven. The President of the Ghanaian Bishops' Conference, who is descended from the ancient royal family of the Ashanti, is quite a different opinion.
Homosexuality, said Bishop Osei Bonsu  was "not natural."  The assertion  that some could already be born as homosexuals, was placed  by the Ghanaian prelate in the realm of "political myth-making". They had been invented to agitate for "gay rights" and to justify one's actions.
"The Bible tells us in the Letter to the Romans, chapter one, clearly, that those who practice homosexuality and those who  support gay marriage political, religious or not, will be guilty before God."
"Gays, lesbians, liars and child molesters and others do not get into heaven, and the Bible says that very clearly.There is not a man who says, and not a bishop, that they do not go to heaven, but the Bible. It is the Holy Scriptures that says that they do not go to heaven," said Msgr. Osei-Bonsu on Monday to host of Morning Starr-Moderator Nii Arday Clegg on Radio 103.5 FM Starr  in Ghana.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: Ghana Netline
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Arson Attack Against Maronite Monastery of St. Charbel in Bethlehem -- Islamic Perpetrators Suspected

Arson Has Devastated This Monastery of Saint
Charbel in Bethlehem
(Bethlehem) An arson attack was committed against the Maronite Monastery of St. Scharbel in Bethlehem last weekend."These are targeted arson attacks. The attack includes sectarian graffiti and is the work of a group or of individual perpetrators of radical Islam," said Sobhy Makhoul, the Chancellor of the Maronite Patriarchate of Jerusalem to AsiaNews.
No one was harmed in the arson attack, because the monastery is currently uninhabited for comprehensive renovations. However, the damage is great. Other forms of anti-Christian violence are especially feared by the Christian community of Bethlehem, which is experiencing a progressive Islamization of the city.
The perpetrators "broke into a room of the convent, which was filled with furniture," said the Maronite Chancellor. "They seem to have set there the fire that quickly spread throughout the convent."

Police suspect perpetrators from extremist Muslim circles

According to the investigating police, perpetrators could be extremist Muslim groups that are active in the area. According to unconfirmed information, the perpetrators had already been identified and would "soon be arrested."
"The handwriting is clearly religious. It is the apparent attempt to strike at Christians. The Middle East is unfortunately full of such incidents. In the area there are extremist cells of Hamas and loner who let their ideology run wild," says Chancellor Sobhy Makhoul.
The monastery of the Saint Scharbel of the Maronites united with Rome is located in Wadi Maali, a suburb of Bethlehem, which is predominantly inhabited by Muslims. The fire broke out in the basement and then seized the entire monastery and the monastery church.
"Last month, the Palestinian Authority had provided $100,000 for the renovation of the monastery. It was a gesture of appreciation to the Patriarch and a sign of willingness to participate in the renovation of the monastery," said the Chancellor of the Maronite Patriarchate.

Christians concerned about anti-Christian violence Muslim and Jewish extremists

The incident had frightened the Christian community, "but we must look forward," said the Chancellor. "We are part of this country. We have to live with moments of tension."  The Palestinian Authority "must ensure justice and arrest the perpetrators, as the Israeli authorities need to do regarding the arson attack on the Church of the Multiplication in Tabgha. Any form of extremism, whether of Jews or Muslims must stop," said Chancellor Makhoul.
"We, as a Church, condemn these acts of violence. It takes a great effort to change the sermons in some mosques, where people are incited to hatred. This  preaching of hatred,  fuels this hatred and concludes in this violence against the Christians!",  explains the Maronite Church representative.

Saint Scharbel, Maronite monk and hermit

Saint Charbel Makhluf (1828-1898) was a Maronite monk in Lebanon. At the age of 23 years entered the convent of Our Lady of Mayfouk. In 1859 he received the sacrament of Holy Orders. In 1875 he retired to a hermit's life in the Peter and Paul hermitage in Annaya, where he died on Christmas Eve in 1898.
His body is incorrupt and still contains bodily fluid such as multiple reburials confirmed. During his lifetime he was revered as a saint and miracles had been  wrought  through his intercession. Since his death are those have been confirmed. In 1965 Charbel Makhluf was beatified by Pope Paul VI., and his canonization followed in 1977. 
Text: Asianews / Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Asianews
Trans: Tancred vekronn99@hotmail.com