Showing posts with label Modernism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Modernism. Show all posts

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Mind Bending Psycho-Confessionals: Jesuits Introduce Lay Psychologists to Confessionals in Linz

In Hitler's "hometown"  the modernist faction introductes an un-Catholic approach to Confession.
Waiting for the first victims: Pastoral shrinks in the confessional of the old Cathedral in Linz - whether they both play the role of the priest is not apparent [screen capture Kirchenzeitung Linz]


Despite  the desperation for  novelty,  Linz  remains the same: one just wants to suck up to the large heap of the consumers of Church contributions who have  little faith and make the Catholic faith unstable. Nevertheless, the reasons for the countless innovations (to innovations, etc.) are proven futile.
In a report  by "Linzer Church Newspaper" the designated secular newspaper of the Diocese of Linz says:
"In the new confessional in the old Cathedral   there aren't only priests are there to talk to  ... for consultation. There is also a psychologist inside offering advice."

The Psycho-Confessional

In the future, a person can not only chat with the priest in the so-called "confessional" of the old cathedral in Linz, but shrinks dig into the depths of souls there as well, if one  becomes consumed by earthly fears and desires. The existence of the soul in eternity would not be in the foreground of this modernist caricature.

The Jesuits Once Carried the Faith 

Under Emperor Ferdinand II, the Jesuits were still mainly a guarantee of the strengthening of the Catholic Faith, model vehicles of the beneficent Counter-Reformation in the inner-Austrian lands.
This has changed fundamentally: Large parts of the Jesuit Order have now the prescribed the neo-Protestant Zeitgeist "church"  and are the bearers of the Modernist movement within the Church.

The Modernist-Jesuits Mock the Sacrament of Confession

"If the sacrament of reconciliation is  to have a future, it needs new spaces and new forms," ​​said the European plain clothes Jesuit of the Old Cathedral in Linz, Fr. P. Michael Messner, whose psycho-confessional doesn't even include a minibar stocked with alcohol.
Also the obligatory couch, on which a patient can make himself comfortable  has been omitted. Despite or  really because of these innovations  the penitent can be hastened down the path to damnation more freely.

Uselessness of Plain Clothes Jesuits

These new forms of the "sacrament of reconciliation" apparently mean that  the priest is forced out of the confessional and a sunshine psychologist gives his two cents where he does not belong.
The priest's role, who for good reasons is subject to the Sacrament of Penance for the forgiveness of (repented) sins, will be laicized and  a signal for the uselessness of the clergy is established.
That God is degraded in psychology to the creation of the mortal soul, is probably the main reason why the shrink may give their two cents in the confessional in Linz.

"Psychologists are the Disease, 
 Whose Cure They Conceal"

These changes are  the expression of boundless hubris, which exactly causes  apostasy, which one then tries to cure with  still more innovations and waste.
This innovation always has  one thing in common: the believers (in this case, the confessional clients) would be removed from the influence of the heavenly.
Despite desperate attempts at innovation in the Tax Church in the land of Austria, everything remains the same: Faith "in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth" is not renewed, but is significantly flattened.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Symbolic Demolition of a Church in the "Year of Faith"

(Paris) "The church was destroyed, as the terrible photo shows," said the Association Mémoire Vivante du patrimoine gestois (MVPG) that had been campaigning for the salvation of the Church. In France, the demolition of churches continues. After the church of Saint Jacques in Abbeville ( see separate report ), the church of Saint Pierre aux Liens Gesté was demolished in the western Anjou (Maine-et-Loire departments).

The renovation of the Church of Abbeville was too expensive. If the buildings are dilapidated, the mayor recently, called for the "deconstruction" as the "cheaper" means the termination. Or, as in the case of Gesté, to make a new building in place of the old church.

Gesté is located just six kilometers from the Brittany. On the 5th of February 1794, the place was burned down by the Colonnes Infernales , the "Hell Brigade" of the French Revolution. 300 Chouans, Royalist Catholics, were massacred. "The dead should be our duty to fight for our heritage," goes the call to protest against the demolition. The current church was built in 1800 and is now being demolished on the ruins of the church destroyed in 1794 and initially expanded in subsequent phases in the classical, then in neo-Gothic style.

The cost of the demolition amounts to 200,000 euros. The new church at one million euros. What for?, ask the critics and point to the waste of money and destruction of cultural heritage.

The Bishop of Angers rejects disapproval of the demolition action. The pastor responsible resides not in Gesté, but in the nearby town of Avrillé where the old Gothic church of Saint Gilles was replaced in 1983 by a modern elliptical construction.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: L'Observatoire de la Christianophobia Trans: Tancred

Link to katholisches...

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Cardinal Husar's Views on Aberromarriage

Edit: the retired  Lubomyr Cardinal Husar was born in Lviv on February 26th 1933.  He resigned in 2011 due to ill health and is currently Archeparch Emeritus.   To the credit of the Holy See he was ordained a Bishop in 1977 by Major Archbishop Josyf Slipyj without papal permission.  There were no excommunications. 

He was made apostolic administrator of the Ukrainian Greek Major-Archeparchy of Lviv in December of 2000.  In January of 2001, the Ukrainian Greek synod elected him Major Archbishop.  On February 21st Pope John Paul II created and proclaimed Husar Cardinal-Priest of Santa Sofia a Via Boccea.    He participated in the papal conclave of 2005.

The Cardinal has been known for years as an Old Liberal with controversial positions on various issues and so we've decided to feature some of his writings in a series without a lot of comment.  We feel they speak for themselves. It's interesting that the current Patriarch has distanced himself somewhat from ++Husar's irenicism. The book is Conversations with Lubomyr Cardinal Husar: Towards a Post-confessional Christianity by Antoine Arjakovsky, Ukrainian Catholic University Press, 2007.

He might be surprised to learn he agrees with a certain depraved American pop star.

Much has been said about the recognition of homosexual

Homosexuality to my mind is nothing new. The only problem is
that it has become very vocal, out of proportion, to my mind. Nobody
is responsible for one’s homosexuality. They simply are born that way.
And they have to face this reality, unfortunately, as it is. I feel very
sorry for these people because they are unable to experience conjugal
love, which is love that is fruitful. God created men and women for
them to have children together. Homosexuals cannot accomplish that;
in this sense their love remains sterile. If they insist on living together,
fine. But they cannot pretend that this is marriage. I also have serious
doubts about their capacity to raise children, because then a child will
grow up with homosexual tendencies. But the problem has become
terribly noisy as if half of the world consisted of homosexuals. They
are a tiny minority in humanity. And we should recognize their suf-
fering, their rights, and that’s it.

Link to source...

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Cues of History -- Cardinal Siri About the Congruence of Progressivism and Relativism

(Genoa) In 1975  Giuseppe Cardinal Siri, Archbishop of Genoa (1946-1987) published in the  his diocese newspaper some thoughts on church development. The then 52-year old cardinal was in 1958 considered as the favorite and preferred successor of Pius XII. to the papal throne. In the conclave of 1963 he was the victim of Cardinal Montini, the future Pope Paul VI.
"[...] You read magazines and books that openly contradict what has defined the Council of Trent; accepted forms of thought that were explicitly condemned in the encyclical Pascendi of St. Pius X., condemned as much in his decree Lamentabili; rehabilitated Loisy; draws the historical value of the history books of the Scriptures in doubt, raises the destructive theories of Protestants like Bultman to a standard; listens indifferently to sets of authors beyond the Alps even if they attack the center of divine revelation, the divinity of Christ. If one rampantly circumvents the  principles, one naturally gets the ecclesiastical morals and discipline that one wants. Considered under this general perspective that progressivism is to treat the revealed truth as relative, to change it as soon as possible and to give man a freedom with which in a short time he knows not what he should do, and in the face of the Absolute. Once arrived on this line, “progressivism” is congruent with  "relativism" and nothing is left to the “adored" man, not even his hopes! Of course, not all people who are considered progressive, share these contexts. But they do accept the consequences and the logical conclusions of them, which they know nothing. If they have a fault - God will judge! - then it consists in not by asking why its what they fanatically take sides."
Cardinal Giuseppe Siri in the Rivista Diocesana Genovese January 1975.
Text: Cordialiter / Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Cordialiter
Trans: Tancred

Link to katholisches…

George Weigel’s writeup on Cardinal Siri strikes me as condescending. Frankly, I have a hard time reading anything this man writes.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

From the “Egomenical” Council to the Homosexualization of the Church -- Ariel Levi di Gualdos

 (Rome) He is young and combative, his life was a struggle between Judaism and Christianity, he decided for Jesus Christ and became a Catholic priest. The talk is of Ariel Gualdo di Stefano Levi, born in 1963. He is a student of the Jesuit Peter Gumpel, a priest of the Diocese of Rome and has the fire of a convert. He is the author of several books and editor of the theological journal series Fides Quaerens Intelletcum. In 2007 Erbe Amare, il secolo del sionismo (Bitter Herbs: The Zionist Century) appeared, 2009 Nada te turbe, 2011 E Satana si fece Trino relativismo, individualismo, disobbedienza. Analisi sulla Chiesa del terzo millenio (And the devil makes ​​himself triune. Relativism, individualism, disobedience: An Analysis of the Church of the third millennium).

The Priest and Jewish convert's writings to provoke

Each of his works is like a cold shower and a heated provocation at the same time. It is this emotional roller coaster Levi di Gualdo wants to achieve in his readers. A tepid middle ground does not exist for him. The most recent book, The Devil Made Himself Triune is a razor-sharp polemic from the priest and theologian, as it is explained in the subtitle. In order to tap the full meaning of the title, it is necessary to resort to the Church Fathers. St. Jerome and St. Augustine described the devil as a monkey god. A monkey aping God to turn things upside down and create a parallel perception to reality.

The book is divided into three parts. The first part is dedicated to the free loyalty and obedience to the Church. The Second Vatican Council was “deformed by the post-conciliar theologians into a egomaniacal Council" and abused as an instrument of apostasy and rebellion within the Church. The neologism of "ecumenical" and "egomaniacal" gives you an idea of ​​Levi di Gualdos militancy.

An Absolutist Mind at all Times is Characteristic of Apostates

Substantiated without circumlocution and with plenty of buttressing, the author assails the progressives in the Church who pretend to be an army of priest and theologian rebels, who are always have their mouths open and are ready at any time to demand "more collegiality and democracy" but to have built true dictatorships in the church at the same time.  "The hegemonic and absolutist mind is not something typically conservative, but rather of the apostates of all time, who gave rise to the worst forms of the suppression of freedom of thought and made the dominant opinion into a forced unity.”

This small army of dilapidated priests in jeans and tie theologians, who have neared to the people of the church, have initiated forms of clericalism, as they had never been before. The consequences were that "after decades of theological and liturgical scurrility, oddities, the churches of the West are half empty, and the crisis of credibility weighs like an executioner's ax on the clergy." The presumption of this modern clericalism was to reduce to the author, God, to an object, which one could impose one's will. "This fact leads to the denial of God as a God who is no longer recognized as the Lord of life and history.”

Bultmann to Ravasi - Is the condemnation of Modernism by Pius X no longer valid?

As an example, the author draws the chapter "From Bultmann to Gianfranco Ravasi," the world of ideas published by Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, president of the Pontifical Council for Culture an "autopsy". Here Levi di Gualdo raises the question of whether the contents of the Encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis, with Pope St. Pius X. Modernism condemning it as a synthesis of all heresies would still be valid today. The question is of crucial importance, since many of the Pius X theses condemned today the basis of numerous published theological writings expected to be learned in the theological faculties and seminaries. "The question that arises is: This happens because of the changing historical circumstances that the validity of those condemnations is extinguished, or is it because the soldiers have risen from the belly of the Trojan horse and now frolic inside the walls?”

Levi di Gualdo maintains that Cardinal Ravasi illustrated in the preface to the first, the Italian edition of the first volume of the work, "Jesus of Nazareth" by Pope Benedict XVI. that the use of “real” instead of “historic” is able to contradict what the Pope says in the book. The author sees this as "the usual word game” used by Bultmann and the thesis of the reality of the myth. "A thesis in the preface to the book of Benedict XVI. hurled like a ripe tomato against a white wall. “

Psychological Homosexualization the Church an Epidemic Evil

The second chapter of the book is devoted to the psychological homosexualization the Church, which accounts for the author and held to be far more serious than the pedophilia scandal. In Church history it was made an unprecedented phenomenon in the last decades. Homosexuals have created an internal Church lobby, which they operate with mafia-like methods. This lobby has created a form of clerical Pornokratie and has a negative effect on the life and institutions of the Church. "The request from the Holy See for years has forcefully imposed, not to ordain candidates with open or latent homosexual tendencies, that is simply ignored by many dioceses in which they act contrary to Roman directives. You can not have peace of mind, when severely limited to strict public statements, while a homosexual priest then increases his, in the same proportion as the bishops increase who march parallel to the ideological advance of homosexualization, proceeding in concert with a latent homosexual psychology. Or to put it more bluntly: some seminarians in the seminaries formed "religious brotherhoods” during in the 70s and 80s are today bishops, and no sooner had it, than they have to be first surrounded with like-minded subjects who systematically are placed in all key positions in the diocese, including seminaries where they mutually protect each other and reproduce.”

Rome must remove Homo-bishops - to Crush the Snake's Head

Ariel Levi di Gualdo assesses the decision "to be moved to concrete action: removal of the bishops from their diocese who promote and propagate homosexuals to the sanctuary.” It means that the Church “is to be cleaned of this dangerous homosexual decadent disease," says the Roman priest. "In various dioceses in which homosexuality has come to power, today the heterosexual candidates are excluded from the ordination. If they are already priests, they are discriminated against and discharged by a homosexual lobby. Appeals and recommendations at this point are no longer sufficient, readiness must be to cut the snake off at the head.” The author himself doesn’t lack a sense of humor in this subject. “In view of a blatant case", but this by no means was even a single case where in a diocese "in the last 20 years, eight of ten ordained priests" had “evident operational errors”, then “it suddenly struck me," and I said to the bishop, "he would have rather been consecrated as the prioress of the Discalced Carmelite nuns, as the Reverend Mother was the last man in the clergy of his diocese.”

The third chapter is devoted to the freedom of free choice of the people for good or evil, will be discussed soon.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Fides et Forma
Translation: Tancred

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Cantalamessa Combines Iconoclasm and Fideism in One Homily

'When we enter ornate and clean Basilicas, adorned with crosses, sacred images, altars and burning lamps, we most easily conceive devotion. But on the other hand, when we enter the temples of the heretics, where there is nothing except a chair for preaching and a table for making a meal, we feel ourselves to be entering a profane hall and not the House of God.’   -St. Robert Bellarmine

Edit: it’s been a while since anyone has paid him much mind.  He’s had some terrible and mostly incoherent sermons in the past with many errors that have a lot in common with the error of religious indifferentism. Coming from the point of view of the laity anyway, it’s difficult to see how the views of Father Cantalamessa square with the views constant in the Church.  It would be nice to have some clarification.

Here, later on in his Good Friday sermon, it’s difficult to see how Father Cantalamessa could be talking about anything else but the destruction of the Catholic Faith and the things of the religion Itself, of course he means also the destruction or the dismissal of its sacramentality.  He wouldn’t be the first wayward religious to have entertained heretical ideas.

Heresy is ugly.

[Zenit] We must do everything possible so that the Church may never look like that complicated and cluttered castle described by Kafka, and the message may come out of it as free and joyous as when the messenger began his run. We know what the impediments are that can restrain the messenger: dividing walls, starting with those that separate the various Christian churches from one another, the excess of bureaucracy, the residue of past ceremonials, laws and disputes, now only debris. 
In Revelation, Jesus says that He stands at the door and knocks (Rev 3:20). Sometimes, as noted by our Pope Francis, he does not knock to enter, but knocks from within to go out. To reach out to the "existential suburbs of sin, suffering, injustice, religious ignorance and indifference, and of all forms of misery." 
As happens with certain old buildings. Over the centuries, to adapt to the needs of the moment, they become filled with partitions, staircases, rooms and closets. The time comes when we realize that all these adjustments no longer meet the current needs, but rather are an obstacle, so we must have the courage to knock them down and return the building to the simplicity and linearity of its origins. This was the mission that was received one day by a man who prayed before the Crucifix of San Damiano: "Go, Francis, and repair my Church".

Link to Fiore’s Circles... 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Cardinal Kasper Pushes For Women Deacons

 Edit: he’s been quiet since being reprimanded and sidelined by Pope Benedict during the creation of the Ordinariate.  Now he’s feeling his oats, and his time is short.  Here’s an article from the anti-Catholic, Nazi continuations magazine, Spiegel:

[Spiegel] Trier - At the spring meeting of the German Bishops' Conference, Cardinal Walter Kasper has proposed a new diaconal Office for Women. He spoke of a Church deacon who undertakes pastoral, charitable, catechetical and certain liturgical services. Such an office is different from the post of male deacon, said Kasper. The church deacon will be commissioned by blessing, not by a sacramental consecration.

"I think if there is such a position that is not easily attached to the classic office of deacon, it would have a lot more flexibility," the retired Cardinal said on Wednesday in Trier. The occasion was a study day in which the bishops discussed how they could incorporate women in the Catholic Church more thoroughly.

They committed themselves to "the proportion of women in leadership positions that require ordination to increase significantly," said Bishop Franz-Josef Bode. Currently, women in the Catholic Church at the top management level make up 13 percent. At the central level, this may be 19 percent. The figures show: "Women are still under-represented." After five years, the bishops wanted to examine how their intent had been implemented, said Bodo.

Women in the priesthood earn a rejection from Kasper. "I think that it changes nothing that women can not be ordained to the priesthood." This was "the unbroken tradition of the Eastern Church as in the Western Church." Women are however, employed in all other parts of the Church with honor full time. "Every German parish would collapse if the women would not cooperate.”

The Movement We are Church called on the margins of the Spring Plenary for women priests again. "Are the key positions in the Church only through the Office," said Annegret Laakmann Officer. "We want to be priests, bishops and Popes." According to the view of the movement, there need to be more positions for women in the administration of the Church are not being addressed. "It's a matter of course, that women with similar qualifications get these positions," said Laakmann. The talks had been "a placebo”.

wit / dpa

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Pope Francis’ Aesthetic Tastes Are Revealing

Edit: another feature of Pope Francis that might provide an indication of what his approach to the Liturgy and sacred art will be, are the things he likes.  According to Nick Squires, the Pope’s favorite “painting” is Marc Chagall’s Crucifiction:

His favorite film is Babette’s Feast:

A Review on Rotten Tomatoes:

The Danish/French Babette's Feast is based on a story by Isak Dinesen, also the source of the very different Out of Africa (1985). Stephane Audran plays Babette, a 19th century Parisian political refugee who seeks shelter in a rough Danish coastal town. Philippa (Bodil Kjer) and Martina (Birgitte Federspiel), the elderly daughters of the town's long-dead minister, take Babette in. As revealed in flashback, Philippa and Martina were once beautiful young women (played by Hanne Stensgaard and Vibeke Hastrup), who'd forsaken their chances at romance and fame, taking hollow refuge in religion. Babette holds a secret that may very well allow the older ladies to have a second chance at life. This is one of the great movies about food, but there are way too many surprises in Babette's Feast to allow us to reveal anything else at this point (except that Ingmar Bergman "regulars" Bibi Andersson and Jarl Kulle have significant cameo roles).. ~ Hal Erickson, Rovi

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Gary Wills Denies Infallible Dogma on Colbert

Edit: Gary Wills might be a Unitarian posing as a Catholic to sell books, but his claims are as absurd as are his claims to categorically absurd. He denies several points of Catholic Dogma during the interview: inerrancy of scripture, the priesthood, and very notably, the dogma of transubstantiation. He even speciously accuses St. Augustine of not believing in it, which is manifestly false.

 A patheos blogger does some groundwork below the video:

I’ve never read any of Wills’ works, but I’ve read enough of St. Augustine to know that his assertion rings hollow. A quick search on the interwebs reveals a treasure trove of quotes from Augustine’s oeuvre to make Joe Six-Pack pretty comfortable in deciding that I’ll stick with Augustine (and Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Cyril of Jerusalem, etc.) and ignore the self-deceiving sophistry of Wills. Take a gander at the Augustine citations found on Early Christians on the Holy Eucharist, from the Apologetics Toolkit hosted by a website out of Columbia University. Here is the thought that Wills centered his comments around Augustine upon, assuming the rest of us are ignorant of the breadth of commentary on the subject written by the Doctor of Grace, St. Augustine, Explanations on the Psalms, A.D. 392-418, [98, 9]:

`Unless he shall have eaten My flesh he shall not have eternal life. [John 6:54-55]‘ [Some] understood this foolishly, and thought of it carnally, and supposed that the Lord was going to cut off some parts of His Body to give them … But He instructed them, and said to them: `It is the spirit that gives life; but the flesh profits nothing: the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life’ [John 6:64]. Understand spiritually what I said. You are not to eat this Body which you see, nor to drink that Blood which which will be poured out by those who will crucify Me. I have commended to you a certain Sacrament; spiritually understood, it will give you life. And even if it is necessary that this be celebrated visibly, it must still be understood invisibly.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Frontal Attack: "Dominus Jesus" is "Unfortunately Formulated"

Kardinal Kurt Koch
© +ecumenix, Flickr, CC BY-NC
Cardinal Kurt Koch

Fidelity to the Pope and to the Conciliar Magisterium is only expected of the Society of St Pius X -- not Old Liberal Curial Cardinals, who are undermining the Faith.

( The statement in 'Dominus Jesus" that Protestants are not churches in the proper sense, is a stumbling block and an "unfortunate formulation".

This is what Old Liberal Cardinal Kurt Koch -- President of the Pontifical Office for Unity said at an event of the Old Liberal 'Focolare Movement' in Bern according to reports by the Swiss weekly 'Reformierte Press'.

'Dominus Jesus' is a declaration by the Congregation of Doctrine and the Faith in August of 2000.  It was signed by then Cardinal Ratzinger.

A Piece of Bread

Cardinal Koch answered in the negative, if he found it correct to refuse Reformed Christians Communion.

"I would never refuse this to anyone who came to Communion.  I've never personally done this."

For the Reformed their Supper is a piece of bread, that recalls Holy Thursday.

A Charter for Hocus Pocus Communion?

Cardinal Koch only wants to "speak" to the Reformed Christians who snap up Communion.

The 'Reformed Press" asked if this statement by the Cardinal is a "charter for Swiss priests", to give their hocus pocus Communion to people who don't believe in it?

Link to

Friday, August 31, 2012

Old Liberal Cardinal Martini Goes to His Judgement

Edit: Eternal rest grant upon him ... 

 Fox news coverage got most of the details. It's not to be liked that Fox insists on perpetuating this false notion that Pope Benedict's hierarchy is highly conservative. They must have a nefarious agenda, no doubt.

[Fox] Italian Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, a rare liberal [sic] within the highly conservative Catholic Church hierarchy who was nevertheless long considered a papal contender in the last conclave, died Friday. He was 85.

Martini, a Jesuit and former archbishop of the important archdiocese of Milan, had been battling Parkinson's disease for several years. His death was announced by the Milan archdiocese, which said his condition had worsened Thursday evening.

Martini frequently voiced openness to divisive issues for the church, such as using condoms to fight HIV/AIDS, priestly celibacy and homosexuality, which, while not at odds with church teaching, nevertheless showed his progressive bent. He was an intellectual and a noted biblical scholar, yet he nevertheless was warm and personable and seemed to connect with his flock like few high-ranking prelates.
Read more:

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Revised Traditional Missal Planned for Next Summer in Rome?

This is a translation from the usually well-informed German, who says that their own well-informed source has some information about the new Missal, which was coupled with their announcement of the good news of the formal recognition of Papa Stronsay at the Diocese of Aberdeen in Scottland.

The less good news is that the work on "a new edition of the Old Missal" has so far progressed enough that it will be published next summer so that it can be used in 2013.  The key points of alteration:

-  Allowance of the usage of new prefaces for all feasts, which correspond to the Novus Ordo prefaces;

- General allowance of the Traditional Mass to be celebrated "versus populum";

- Permission to say the Liturgy of the Word in the language of the people [which facilitates the use of the Cramner table];

The desire for "liturgical engineering" in the appropriate Vatican authorities therefore seems unchanged -- at least in so far as it relates to a direction "away from Tradition".

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Modernist Monks Strong-arming the Elderly?

Modernist Abbey Church Interior 

Edit: the Collegeville saga develops as reality closes in and the truth comes out.  Many of the monks lead very comfortable lives.  Even the ones who've been credibly accused of preying on children get to take vacations to Europe.
In an effort that reeks of desperation, the Modernists at Collegeville are trying to strong arm elderly donors in what appear to be immoral ways.
This is what comes of frittering away spiritual capital that you not only did nothing to build up, but have done everything to tear down.   These men are surely like the ravening wolves of the Gospel, or the man who ought to have a millstone tied around his neck.
Sure, the law might not be too worried about the students who attended a private school in the 80s and 90s, but they're not going to be happy about taking advantage of the elderly.

If you look below, some of those men accused of preying on the elderly are also credibly accused sex offenders.

From the Pine Curtain:
Saint John’s is party to legal battles in both the California and Minnesota court systems.
It has been alleged that employees of the Order of Saint Benedict (including St. John’s University and Saint John’s Abbey) engaged in “financial elder abuse” and “predatory fundraising”. 
According to legal documents, Saint John’s is accused of:
1. Liability of Gratuitous Tranferee of Trust Property
2. Liability of Gratuitous Tranferee of Personal Property
3. Constructive Fraud
4. Participation in Breach of Trust
5. Breach of Fiduciary Duty
6. Financial Elder Abuse 
Among the alleged participants:
Mr. Jim Dwyer
Fr. Benedict Leuthner
Br. Dietrich Reinhardt
Mr. Dan Whalen
Fr. Eric Hollas
Fr. Robert Koopmann
Ms. Denise Holstad Photo Mr. Rob Culligan
Mr. John Young
Mr. Gary Stoos
Mr. Mark Brown

Friday, August 3, 2012

Detroit Archbishop Lauds Priest Trampling the Faith

 The Late Cardinal Bernardin to Windy City Gay Men's Chorus

Edit: In case it was thought +Vigneron was an improvement over his hapless predecessor,  perhaps it was a bit naive to have entertained the thought that at last, after many years, the dry desert of Detroit, which truly is a post-modern wasteland by the way, was passing by.  Not so.

One of his priests is campaigning for a local Pro-Abort Democrat. He's ok with that.

Archbishop Vigneron is also an exponent of the "seamless garment" like his spiritual masters, like the late Cardinals Bernardin and  Cushing.

If you want to trample on the Church's teachings, that's ok, but just don't try and put on a priest hat and try and do-it-yourself like Micheal Voris did, or there'll be trouble.   As reported from the American Dream Talkshow:
Detroit archbishop OK with priest’s radio endorsement of liberal candidate

By Jay Mcnally on July 31, 2012

For long-time Detroit Catholics it is barely news that Detroit Archbishop Allen Vigneron is permitting a prominent left-leaning pastor, Fr. Norman Thomas, to publicly endorse a liberal candidate for Congress in advertisements on a major radio station. 
The new page in the continuing saga of the archdiocese’s participation in the Culture of Death — even as it simultaneously panders to the pro-life movement – is the public endorsement of pro-abortion candidate for Congress, Hansen Clarke. He is running in Michigan’s 13th District, which covers a large swath of the city of Detroit. Fr. Thomas is pastor of Sacred Heart Church, which is located in Detroit. 
I discussed this scandal on my radio talk show last Saturday, on WAAM 1600.While I normally broadcast live from the plush WAAM studios in Ann Arbor, I called in to my radio sidekick and fill-in, attorney Chip Kleinbrook. To hear my commentaryclick here on these links. The commentary is in two parts, the first two minutes of the first link are about the swelting Kansas heat, then Chip and I discuss the scandal of the political endorsements.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sun is Setting on Modernist Abbey

Looking more like the inside of a masonic lodge or the set of a dystopic  zombie movie, the term modernist is more than a convention, it's an accurate theological appellation as well when it comes to describing the vandalism of these Cassinese "monks".  Keen observers of the Catholic Faith will note that modernism is a heresy condemned by the sainted Pope Pius X and quickly come to the conclusion that the connection between the artistic term and the theological one is more than coincidental.  In fact, Collegeville's modernist Abbey is conceived around Liturgical approaches condemned until the seventies, despite being conceived and built even before the Vatican Council met in 1961.

The Abbey does not allow for easy identification of the Blessed Sacrament, and has virtually absented any distinction between the sanctuary and the nave.  It is a thoroughly revolutionary structure which has subtracted almost all distinctively Catholic dimensions, including beauty.

A Profane House

Amid the almost universal acclaim for the admittedly modernist design of the Abbey church at a decaying American monastery, there is a moment of truth where authors describe the architectural design conceived by Jewish architect, Marcel Breuer, as modernist.

There are no professional criticisms for this attempt to render a church in any professional architectural digest, paper or publication.   The silence is a reminder of the unpopulated if unpopular, courts, surrounded by brutal Courbousier tenements like out of a novel by Anthony Burgess .  You will find no detailed criticisms of it anywhere, in fact, at least nothing direct.   Perhaps nothing direct is necessary, for like the designs of Courboursier and Gropius, they seem to repel the people they were intended to house.  .

Despite the current almost uncritical praise for the design, at least the critics were honest enough to describe it accurately as modernist.

As the contemporary silence upon the dubious achievement of the modernist church endures, an increasing silence grows around the Abbey church as the monks it was intended to serve decay and wither away without much hope of replacement.  The church itself was conceived even before the Pastoral Council and its subsequent ravages as if a landscape was prepared for national emulation to poison the well of devotion which once inspired truly great works of art and lives spent in piety and gravitas.

If there are no direct criticisms of the Abbey, there are others less direct, but just as devastating when we turn across the Atlantic to the fashionable Hamsted neighborhood where the literary Catholic, Evelyn Waugh was inspired   as much as he was amused by Hungarian modernist architects of Jewish extraction from the Bauhaus school.

Marcel Breuer was a designer of Ikea-like furniture for a UK based company called Isokon in the 30s.  He even lived in hideous modernist flats of the same name, designed by the company in posh Hamsted not too far from Evelyn Waugh whose satirical portrait, Otto Silenius, must have been a composite of Breuer himself and his mentor, Gropius, and other sinister architects in 'Handful of Dust'.

Isokon was also the name of some ugly flats which was the nest of Doctor Deutsch, a Central European Communist, who recruited the Cambridge  5.
Isokon Flats from the 30s

It's not just the literary world which offers criticisms of Breuer's handful of concrete and dust, but it's nature herself an the hierarchy of the Church.  The first Mass said at the Abbey church, and the building itself was not without controversy.  Indeed, if one of the late monks can be believed, a former Olympic wrestler who abandoned his dreams of gold medals to become a priest, said that a crack opened up during the first Mass and that "I was afraid of what was going to come up out of that crack."  As one Bishop Brady of Sioux Falls once prophetically remarked, " will not get by with the building of that church you are planning.”   [cf. Commonweal, The Monks and the Modernism]

Truth be told, like the company founded by Gropius and Brueuer, as well as the dilapidated Isokon flats themselves, is defunct and desolate, a fate which will soon be shared by the modernist  St. John's Abbey which seems destined to become as desolate and lifeless as the bottom of the Dead Sea.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

How Benedict XV Dealt With Czech Dissidents in 1919

About a hundred years ago there was a "Pastor's Initiative" of about 1200 priests against celibacy.  Rome reacted quickly and with great effectiveness.
The Main Church of the
Neo-Hussites in Prague

(  Calls from clerics, who are disobedient to the hierarchy, is nothing new.

This was revealed by the Bavaria born Church historian, Cardinal Walter Brandmuller (83), in an article for the Catholic newspaer 'Tagespost'.

The Cardinal recalled a revolt of clerics which took place in Bohemia at the beginning of the twentieth century and spread to Slovakia.

Without Jews, without Rome, we'll build the German Cathedral.

Cardinal Brandmuller explained about how the turn of the nineteenth century there was a "Break Away from Rome Movement" present in Austria.

The initiator was Georg Ritter von Schönerer († 1921).

He used anti-clerical and antisemitic ideas: "Without Jews, without Rome, we'll build a German Cathedral home."

This was the genesis of the National Socialists.

After a decade the propaganda persuaded then around a hundred thousand Austrian Catholics.

This movement found a sequel a half-century later -- said Cardinal Brandmuller: "in the turbulent time after the Second Vatican Council by the adherents of "We Are Church", "Church From Below" and the circles around the "Kirchenvolkbegehren [Church People Seeking Reform].

The Demand Was Changed After the Council

A similar parallel to the Austrian one man show 'Pastor Initiative' is what Cardinal Brandmuller sees in the "Czech-Hussite National Church".  They existed in the years after the First World War.

Czech clerics revolted after the collapse of the Habsburg Monarchy firstly against the Episcopate.

After that they demanded a supposedly democratized and Rome-independent National Church.

The movement called itself 'Jednota'.  They wanted a Liturgy in the national language, a shortened Breviary and married priests.

Additionally they demanded to elect their own Bishops by the clergy and the people, a democratization of the Church constitution and the abolition of clerical clothing.

Rome Reacts

At the end of February 1919 the Viennese Nuncio Teodoro Valfre di Bonzo (+1922) traveled to Prague, in order to form a picture of the situation.

In June 1919 delegates of 'Jednota' were invited by the Pope to Rome.

In the mean time, the Nuncio informed the Vatican State Secretary, Pietro Cardinal Gasparri (+1934).

The Nuncio promoted  an unmistakable and decisive  position against 'Jednota'.

The rebels were not won over by concessions.  Giving away would have only further disturbed the faithful.

The 'Jednota' -- demands -- especially for married priests -- were decisively rejected.

The sending of a 'Jednota'-delegation to Rome led, according to Cardinal Brandmuller, to a division of  minds.

For example, the theological faculty of the University of Prague had distanced itself from its Dean, who had participated in the 'Jednota' delegation.

1,200 Want End to Priestly Celibacy

As the next development was completed, a radicalization of the group took place, said the Cardinal.  These named themselves from then on as 'Ohnisko' -- for burn point.

Their members were already decided even before the trip of 'Jednota'- Delegation to Rome,  were prepared to transact their demands in case of a Roman rejection.

In August 1919 'Ohnisko' called upon Catholic Priests to marry civilly.

As one of the first steps, fallen priest Bohumil Zahradnik acted.   In any case he was already living in concubinage for ten years.

The 'Ohnisko'- priests were addressed by the State authorities and compensated.

In September 1919 they attempted to get a dispensation for a very large number, 1,200 priests from celibacy.

The National Church was Proclaimed

On January 8th of 1920 the anti-clerical Czech government declared a "Czechoslovakian Church".

As Patriarch, the lapsed priest, a certain Karel Farsky (+1927) was elected.

This National Church represented Modernism.

A Catechism by Farksy maintained that Jesus was only a son of God in the same sense that all men were sons of God.

Christ is only the greatest of prophets.

For Cardinal Brandmuller it was thoroughly clear that the roots of the problem lay deeper than in the area of practical, disciplinary changes:

"A large part of the clergy were in a shattering crisis of their Catholic Faith."

Rome Came with a Heavy Hand

A week after the founding of the State Church -- on the 15th of January 1920-- the Holy See condemned the schismatic coalition and anathematized them.

Priests who belonged to the National Church, were in any case in excommunicated automatically in all senses.

Benedict XV. insisted in a letter of the 29th of January 1920, that there was never an agreement on priestly marriage.

The Czech Bishops had shown themselves equal to the situation -- and he was grateful for the decisive shepherds.

The Church's Censure Showed Itself as the Right Way

In an address at the end of the year in 1920, Pope Benedict XV stressed that Rome would not endeavor making the rule regarding celibacy any less stringent.

Any deviating assertions are misleading.

It is clear that the Church has priestly celibacy to thank for a great part of Her power.

It must be wholely and entirely unaltered.

That  is " never before has it been more necessary in these times of moral degredation and unchecked vice" -- said the Pope on the eve of National Socialism and Fascism.

It will never happen that "this Holy Apostolic See will enfeeble or abolish this most holy law of priestly celibacy in any manner."

Back then: The Church Oriented Itself on Reality

Cardinal Brandmuller praised Romes decisive proceedings against the Czech rebels:  "There was an understanding that set in that this was something that couldn't be won by negotiations."

The rebels wanted to alter the foundations of the Catholic Faith and of Christendom.

That was shown, among other things, in a popular census in 1921.

According to that 3.2 percent of Czechs belonged to the State sponsored Church.

The other part of Catholics -- about 76.3 percent of the population -- remained Catholic.

Today, the rebel society calls itself the 'Czech-Hussite Church'.

They count on paper around 100,000 demoralized members.

Link to

Photo: © Che, Wikipedia, CC

Friday, January 20, 2012

Modernists Masked Themselves as the Middle Position

Now it's been scientifically proven:  The Pastoral Council was a great misfortune for the Church, if not the greatest misfortune of the Church overall.

Available for  about 35 Euro in German
( In December 2011 the groundbreaking work "The Second Vatican Council. A Till Now Unwritten History" or [The Second Vatican Council: A Story Never Written] by the Italian historian Roberto de Mattei (63) in the "Edition Kirchliche Umschau'.

De Mattei also mentions  the prehistory of the Council as well as the post-Conciliar breakdown.

He explains that the Pastoral Council was "one of the greatests mistfortunes, if not the greatest misfortune of Church history."

Prizewinning Masterwork

De Mattei received the important historical prize "premio Acqui Storia" for the book.

The prize is awarded under the patronage of the Italian President.

The president of the jury, the anti-Church Roman historian Guido Pescosolido, was so outraged about the recognition given to de Mattei, that he resigned as president.

The Emergence of a Third Power

De Mattei demonstrated the theological destabilization of the Church in the first half of the 20th century.

He described the Modernism at the beginning of the 20th century and the heroic struggle against it by St. Pope Pius X. († 1914)

Mattei suggests an ominous third power between the Catholics and Modernists.

These attempted to  take a middle position between "the whole truth and open error".

The Anti-modernism Disintegrated

De Mattei represents how after the death of Pius X the third party won more influence in the 20s- and 30s.

As representatives he named the French philosopher Maurice Blondel († 1949) or the French Bible Scholar, Father Marie-Joseph Lagrange († 1938).

The third party kept Modernism at a distance, but secured its continued existence despite the condemnation. De Matteis writes: "Modernism lived on -- actually Anti-Modernism disintegrated, in the illusion, that the worst had been passed."

There is no Catholic Maccabbees

In the 20s and 30s new heresies developed in all areas of Catholic teaching.

Yet there was no answer to the errors, which spread throughout the Church.

The disappearance of the defenders of the Catholic positions promoted, according to de Mattei, the advent of currents in the 30s, "which gathered in one way or another form of Modernism".

It formed itself in Biblical, Liturgical, the philosophical-theological and the economic movements.
An especially damaging influence was the 'Nouvelle théologie'.

The concealed Modernists raged especially in the area of Exegesis and Liturgy.

Pius XII. Ignored Advice

Indications and calls for alarm have been indicated by De Mattei as "rare and isolated".
They had been under Pius XII († 1958) "ignored as the remnants of 'Integralismus'".

De Mattei described this Pontificate as "much less >>repressive<<", than it is generally represented as being.
Next time: "The Church will be brought to Protestantism in this way" 

Also, we'll translate the interview of de Mattei that appeared in Kreuz.  This book doesn't have an American publisher yet, part of which has already been translated by Rorate Caeli.

Link to Sarto Press, where you can purchase this work...

It's reviewed at Pastor's Corner, here..

Link to original...

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Fourth Accusation Against Modernist Abbot

Edit: Nothing really seems to stick on these faux Benedictines who've prowled around the Church doing all the damage they can over the last half-century or so. This one himself graduated from being an abuser of children to abusing the Liturgy as Abbot. Abbot Eidenschenk was molesting his Novices in the early seventies, so there is a problem with the leadership of the Monastery which continues to this day.

MINNEAPOLIS — A New York man filed a lawsuit Tuesday alleging that he was sexually abused at a Bronx church in the 1960s by a priest who went on to become abbot of a Minnesota monastery and helped found an institute to deal with the problem of clergy sexual abuse.

The federal lawsuit was filed in Minnesota against the Order of St. Benedict and St. John’s Abbey. It alleges that former Abbot Timothy Kelly abused the man when he was an altar boy at St. Anselm’s Church in New York, where Kelly was an associate pastor. The abuse occurred in 1966 and 1967, when the plaintiff was about 15 or 16, according to the lawsuit. Kelly died in October.

Attorney Jeffrey Anderson said the man decided to come forward after reading Kelly’s obituary.


Pine Curtain... And there is still a question as to where Josh Guimond is. He's been missing for almost a decade now, and for some reason the local authorities aren't asking the same hard questions Josh's father has been asking. Questions like, "why was the Abbey incinerator turned on off schedule?" Or why was Josh looking up the statute of limitations for sexual abuse accusations on the college computers before he disappeared?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

At Least it Doesn't Look Catholic

Edit: You'd never know the video below was actually a Catholic Abbey Church of the Benedictine Order.  Apparently the "Prey, Tell Blog" says it is.  Yet, only a discerning eye could tell the difference between this:

And this:

H/t: Stella Borealis