Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Bishop Fellay Explains Why He Signed Filial Correction

Bishop Fellay: Why I Signed the Correctio Filialis

After the publication on Sunday, September 24, 2017, of the Correctio Filialis by 62 clerics and lay scholars in which they expose seven heretical propositions contained in the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, FSSPX.News asked Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X, why he signed the document.

FSSPX.News: Why did you support the Correctio Filialis?

Bishop Fellay: This filial approach on the part of clerics and lay scholars, troubled by the heterodox propositions in Amoris Laetitia, is very important. Christ’s teaching on marriage can not be surreptitiously changed on the pretext that the times have changed and that pastoral care should adapt by offering ways to bypass doctrine.

I understand that the authors of the Correctio Filialis are overwhelmed by the division caused by Amoris Laetitia, by the pope’s explanations of this document in recent declarations, and by his statements on Luther. In some countries, the bishops now allow communion for the divorced and civilly remarried, while in others they refuse it. Is Catholic morality variable? Can it be subject to contradictory interpretations?

Since September 2016, four cardinals have been respectfully asking the pope to “clarify” his Exhortation; this year they requested an audience. The only answer they received was silence, but silence is not an answer. On a question this serious and faced with the current divisions, the Holy Father must give a clear answer on the substance of the Exhortation.

In this sad situation of confusion, it is very important that the debate on these important questions grows, in order that the truth may be re-established and error condemned.

That is why I supported this approach, but it is not so much the names of those who signed the Correctio Filialis as the objective value of the arguments presented that must be taken into account.

FSSPX.News: Does this affect the relations between the Society of St. Pius X and Rome?

Bishop Fellay: Our respect for the pope remains intact, and it is precisely out of respect for his office that we ask him as his sons to “confirm his brethren” by publicly rejecting the openly heterodox propositions that are causing so much division in the Church.

I appreciated the answer of Ettore Gotti Tedeschi [1], who also signed the Correctio Filialis. He rightly declared that we are not the enemies of the pope. On the contrary, we do this because we love the Church.

This was Archbishop Lefebvre’s attitude and that of the Society of St. Pius X from the beginning. In his declaration on November 21, 1974, our founder said, “We adhere with all our heart and all our soul to Catholic Rome, guardian of the Catholic Faith and the traditions necessary to maintain it, and to Eternal Rome, mistress of wisdom and truth. On the other hand we refuse and have always refused to follow the Rome of the neo-Modernist and neo-Protestant tendencies”; it is precisely this neo-Modernism and neo-Protestantism that the authors of the Correctio Filialis rightly denounced as the cause of the changes made by Amoris Laetitia in the doctrine and morality of marriage.

We are attached to Rome, Mater et Magistra, with every fiber of our being. We would no longer be Roman if we renounced her two-thousand-year-old doctrine; on the contrary, we would become the artisans of her demolition, with situation ethics dangerously upheld by weak doctrine.

Our fidelity to Tradition is not a way of living in the past, but a guarantee of sustainability for the future. It is on this condition alone we can serve the Church effectively.

FSSPX.News: What are your hopes for this Correctio Filialis?

Bishop Fellay: We must hope it will bring about a clearer realization of the gravity of the situation in the Church, both among the clergy and among the faithful. Indeed, as Benedict XVI admitted, “Peter’s barque is taking water on all sides”. This is no poetic image; it is a tragic reality. In this battle, faith and morals must be defended!

We also hope that others among those who have souls in their care will show their support. In exposing the objectively unorthodox propositions, the signatories of the Correctio Filialis have simply said loudly and clearly what many know in their heart. Is it not time for these pastors to say so, loud and clear? But, again, it is less the number of signatures than the objective value of the arguments that counts. The Truth revealed by Christ is not quantifiable; it is above all immutable.

We must implore God that the Vicar of Christ may restore complete clarity to such an essential area; the divine law of marriage can not be changed without causing serious dissension. If nothing is done, the division that is appearing in the Church will become irreparable. For this reason we pray that Our Lord’s words to St. Peter may truly apply to Pope Francis: “And thou, being once converted, confirm thy brethren” (Luke 22:32).

[1] Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, an economist and president of the Institute for the Works of Religion from 2009 to 2012, granted an interview to the Hispanic website Infovaticana (Sept. 24, 2017), that was republished by Vaticanist Marco Tosatti on his blog – Ed. Note.

Source: FSSPX.News - 09/26/2017

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Bishop Fellay Has Signed the Filial Correction -- Just Released!

Edit: it's here.

[FSSPX] On July 16, 2017, several clerics and lay scholars addressed a correctio filialis, a filial correction, to Pope Francis. They reveal the seven heresies contained in the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia.
A website has been created for the occasion: www.correctiofilialis.org; it offers information on the diffusion of the correctio filialis.
This thoroughly documented critique is a sort of sequel to the Dubia on Amoris Laetitia (September 19, 2016) of Cardinals Walter Brandmüller, Raymond L. Burke, Joachim Meisner, and Carlo Caffarra. (The latter two passed away this year, respectively on July 5 and September 6.) They respectfully requested Pope Francis to “clarify” five unorthodox points in Amoris Laetitia.
The Dubia remained unanswered and were later followed by a request for an audiencefrom the four authors (April 25, 2017). Their request was not granted.
On June 29, 2016, 45 theologians submitted to Cardinal Angelo Sodano, dean of the College of Cardinals, another critical studyof 19 points in Amoris Laetitia. This critique also went unanswered.
In the list of the 62 signatories of the correctio filialis are the names of several persons who already signed the critique of the 45 theologians in 2016, but among the new names is that of Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X, the only bishop who has signed the document so far, although – as the presentation of the correctio filialis explains – the list remains open.


Monsignor Brunero Gherardini Has Died

Monsignor Brunero Gherardini died yesterday at the age of 92. The distinguished theologian regarded the Second Vatican Council as an open question and, with a view to the church crisis, called for the "pending" discussion to be held.

(Rome) Yesterday the famous theologian Brunero Gherardini died at the age of 92. The former Dean of the Theological Faculty of the Pontifical Lateran University is considered one of the most important contemporary theologians.

Msgr. Gherardini was born on February 10, 1925, in Prato near Florence. After his high school studies, he entered the seminary of the Salesian Order "Cardinale Cagliero" in Ivrea. He was ordained priest in Pistoia on June 25, 1948, and was incardinated by Bishop Giuseppe De Bernardi in his home diocese and employed in parish work.

As a pupil of Monsignor Pietro Parente, he was awarded with his doctorate for the thesis, "The Word of God in the Theology of Karl Barth" (1955) with distinction at the Lateran University in Theology in 1952.

He was then a lecturer at the seminary of the diocese of Prato and diocesan assistant of Catholic Action and the Association of Catholic Students FUCI. In 1959, he was appointed to the Holy See as an official of the Sacred Congregation of the Sacred Congregation of Studies and Studiorum Universitatibus and responsible for the diocesan and regional seminaries of Italy.

Gherardini: Second Vaticanum: root of a misunderstanding

After several years of teaching, he was also appointed to the Chair of Ecclesiology of the Pontifical Lateran University in 1969, where he was also to become Dean of the Faculty of Theology.

In 1994, Pope John Paul II appointed him as a canon at the patriarchal basilica of Saint Peter the Vatican and the Apostolic Protonotary. In 2000, he succeeded Msgr. Piolanti as the head of the theological journal Divinitas.

He was a member of the Pontifical Academy of Saint Thomas Aquinas and secretary of the Pontifical Academy of Theology.

For more than 30 years, he has been the consultor of the Congregation for the Causes and Saints. For ten years he was the postulator of the beatification process for Pius IX. and head of the journal Pio IX.

Msgr. Gherardini is the author of more than 80 books and hundreds of other publications. Among his principal works are: Concilio Ecumenico Vaticano II. Un discorso da fare (Second Vatican Council: An open question) Casa Mariana Editrice, Frigento 2009; Quod et tradidi vobis. La tradizione, vita e giovinezza della Chiesa (tradition, life and youth of the church), Casa Mariana Editrice, Frigento 2010; Concilio Vaticano II. Il discorso mancato (Second Vatican Council: A pending discussion), Lindau, Torino 2011; Credo in Gesù Cristo (I believe in Jesus Christ), VivereIn, Monopoli 2012; Il Vaticano II. All radici d'un equivoco (Second Vatican Council: The Roots of a Misunderstanding). Lindau, Torino 2012. Contrappunto conciliare (counterpoint in terms of the Council), Lindau Torino 2013.

"In these books, he provides valuable tools to interpret the religious drama of our time. The death of Monsignor Gherardini, renowned theologian and teacher of numerous priests, is a serious loss for the Catholic world. His last writings are a must read for all who want to recognize and understand the roots of the crisis in which the Catholic Church is situated," Corrispondenza Romana said.

Above all, his work on the Second Vatican Council, published in 2009, "The Open Question," was translated into several languages, including French and Spanish. A German translation with consideration of the successor works on the subject would be an urgent desideratum.

Euge serve bone and fidelis intra in gaudium domini tui (Mt 25:21).

Requiescat in Pace.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi

Image: Corrispondenza Romana

Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com


Friday, September 22, 2017

Archbishop Chaput Defending Wolf-Jesuit -- Not Much Love for the Sheep

Edit: thanks to Susan for this. Worst Things is probabaly worse than America Magazine. Controlled oppositions, pretending to be a voice or reason, like the Neconservative Archbishop Chaput, who, rather than be worried about the honor of the Catholic Faith and the absurdity of having a Jesuit like Martin floating around, is more worried about the tone of his critics. It reminds us of the time when he was upset with Diogenes from the Mail of Olde, chastising him for allowing a Mass to he said for his pro-Abort governor, the evil Bill Ritter. Chaput's thin-skinned response through his mouthpiece was as telling as it was pathetic. Diogenes disappeared from public circulation not long after that, and he's been missed...

Chaput might not be the prelate we want, but is he the one we deserve? How long?

As I write these words I’m looking at an untitled cartoon from the National Catholic Reporter in the Wojtyla-era 1980s. It’s an image of an elaborate canopy with praying angels draped over a Chair of Peter—in this case, a toilet with the papal insignia. It’s tied to a column that argues, among other things, that the “Catholic church is uncomfortable with two things. Sex and bowel movements.”
The humor is childish. It’s lightweight snarkiness compared to much of the Reporter’s caustic fare for the past few decades. It pales next to the savage anti-Roman woodcuts of early Lutheran polemics. But the cartoon’s message is nonetheless—how to say it?—not one of filial esteem. Or even Christian civility.
I remembered the cartoon, and its source, while reading Massimo Faggioli’s recent (Sept. 18) thoughts in La Croix’s online international edition. In “Catholic Cyber-Militias and the New Censorship,” Faggioli rightly worries about the river of vitriol now “profoundly changing the communion of the Catholic Church.” He also generously mentions my own public repudiation of the tactics of groups like the Lepanto Institute and Church Militant during our 2015 ramp-up for the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia and the visit of Pope Francis.



Abbé Claude Barthe: "The Restoration  Begun by Summorum Pontificum is Irreversible"

"We can say today that the restoration of the liturgy begun in the Church by Summorum Pontificum is irreversible."

Abbé Claude Barthe, spiritual assistant to the international pilgrimage, Populus Summorum Pontificum, said this in his greeting to Archbishop of Curia, Georg Gänswein, who celebrated the Vespers at the feast of the Crucifixion in the traditional form of the Roman Rite on the evening of 14 September 2017 in the Roman church of San Marco al Campidoglio.

Pope Francis had also used the word "irreversible" (irreversible). Without mentioning him, Abbé Barthe answered the Pope, who had said on 24 August, "We can safely and with dumb authority confirm that the liturgical form is irreversible."

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Riposte Catholique

Deviants Rule the Vatican Under Francis' Papacy

ROME, July 11, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) -- Not only are gay-orgies happening in the Vatican, but the extent of homosexual activity in the Vatican under Pope Francis’ watch has “never been worse,” a reliable senior member of the Curia told National Catholic Register’s Ed Pentin. 
Pentin wrote earlier this week that this Vatican Curia member confirmed to him that “multiple sources” within the Vatican, including another senior curial figure, say that the report of a drug-fueled gay orgy right next to St. Peter’s is true. 
“He said the extent of homosexual practice in the Vatican has ‘never been worse,’ despite efforts begun by Benedict XVI to root out sexual deviancy from the curia after the Vatileaks scandal of 2012,” Pentin wrote in his report. 

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Correction to Amoris Laetitua Imminent

Edit: who will the other signatories be?

Anonimi della Croce wrote on September 16 that Cardinal Raymond Burke disclosed in a private setting during the recent Congress on Summorum Pontificum in Rome, that a "correction" of the controversial Amoris Laetitia is imminent.

It will not openly confront Francis but will take the form of letter or document signed by Cardinal Burke and other prelates, who in a magisterial way will correct those parts of Amoris Laetitia that contradict the Catholic Faith.


Bishop Defends Decadent Jesuit

Edit: here is Bishop McElroy trying to finesse degeneracy.
[America] Father James Martin is a distinguished Jesuit author who has spent his life building bridges within the Catholic Church and between the church and the wider world. He has been particularly effective in bringing the Gospel message to the millennial generation. When we survey the vast gulf that exists between young adults and the church in the United States, it is clear that there could be no more compelling missionary outreach for the future of Catholicism than the terrain that Father Martin has passionately and eloquently pursued over the past two decades. There are few evangelizers who have engaged that terrain with more heart and skill and devotion.

Last year Father Martin undertook a particularly perilous project in this work of evangelization: building bridges between the church and the L.G.B.T. community in the United States. He entered it knowing that the theological issues pertaining to homosexuality constituted perhaps the most volatile element of ecclesial life in U.S. culture.

It was this very volatility that spurred Father Martin to write his new book Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the L.G.B.T. Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion and Sensitivity. Using a methodology that is fully consonant with Catholic teaching, employing Scripture, the rich pastoral heritage of the church and an unadulterated realism that makes clear both the difficulty and the imperative for establishing deeper dialogue, Father Martin opens a door for proclaiming that Jesus Christ and his church seek to embrace fully and immediately men and women in the L.G.B.T. community.

Catholic University of Chile Flies Flag at Half-Mast After Abortion Ruling

(Santiago de Chile) At the Catholic University of Chile the flag was lowered to half-mast because of the legalization of abortion.
Rector Ignacio Sanchez declared that the day when the law on the decriminalization of the killing of unborn children "will be remembered with grief for many years."
Last Thursday, at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile lowered the University's flag to half-mast to mark this grief over the legalization of abortion in three cases.
Since 14 September, Chile has ceased to be one of the countries where the life of unborn children is unconditionally protected. State President Michelle Bachelet announced on this day that the law is in force, which allows the killing of the unborn child at the risk of a mother's life, in the case of malformation of the fetus and rape.
According to the daily newspaper El Mercurio, the rector of the Catholic University of the country declared that the entry into force of the law was "a sad day for the university". This is also expressed by the flag at half-mast.
"Our university does not regard this law as progress in our country," says Sanchez. At the same time, he announced that there would be "no abortions" at the university hospital and the hospitals connected with the university. "We stand for the right to life from birth to natural death."
In this sense, the university and its institutions "will always work for the unborn life as well as the mother".
As the law came into effect, a prayer vigil for the unborn children took place before the episcopal residence of Villarica. "We want to show our support for the unborn children to our country. We also testify to our refusal to comply with this law and the will to fight until this law will be abolished," said Francisco Javier Stegmeier, Bishop of Villarica, according to a press release from the Chilean Episcopal Conference.
The Socialist Michelle Bachelet, who has been in office since March 2014, has been leading the fight for "homosexual marriage," the adoption of minors by aberrosexuals and abortion in Chile since 2015.  Nevertheless, the Chilean President will be present as a speaker at the Vatican on 2 November.  Bachelet will be lecturing on climate change during a meeting chaired by  Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo  who heads Pope Francis' political arm in the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi 
Photo: InfoVatican
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Miracle of the Blood of Saint Januarius Takes Place Again

Cardinal Sepe: congealed blood of the martyr who was beheaded in 305 has liquefied

Naples (kath.net/KAP) The blood miracle of St. Januarius in Naples arrived on time. On the day of the death of the patron saint of the city, early Tuesday, the blood of the relic liquified in the cathedral. At the beginning of Mass, Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe announced the blood miracle ("O miracolo"). For Neapolitans, the event is considered a good omen for their city at the foot of Mount Vesuvius. Believers on the cathedral square welcome the good news with fireworks.
The "blood miracle of San Gennaro" (Italian for Januarius) liquefy the otherwise congealed blood of the saint, which is kept in the cathedral in two ampules in a silver monstrance. On the days of the Annunciation, on the first weekend in May, September 19, and on the 16th of December, the relic is presented in the ampules in the cathedral, shaken vigorously, and the contents are then temporarily liquefied. There are scientific explanations for the phenomenon of liquefaction, but they have not found any general recognition.

September 19 is the date of the death of Januarius, who was beheaded in Pozzuoli, near Naples, under the Roman Emperor Diocletian.

Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Monday, September 18, 2017

Francis Names New Undersecretary of the CDF

(Rome) Pope Francis appointed a new Undersecretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the FaithAfter the upheavals at the head of the Congregation at the beginning of the summer, which reinforced the renovation the end of the summer.
As announced yesterday in the Daily Bulletin of the Vatican Press Office, Francis appointed the Italian priest Matteo Visioli as secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine for the Faith.
Visioli, born in Parma on July 20, 1966, was ordained a priest for his homeland. After studying theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University, he earned a degree in theology in 1994 and canon law in 1996. In 1999, he completed his specialization in church law with a doctorate.
From 1999 to 2008, he was a diocesan Vicar for Relations Between Church and World, and from 2001 to 2008 he was also a member of the Committee for the Church Property of the Italian Bishops' ConferenceAs a priest he worked in Collecchio and San Martino Sinzano.
Most recently, he was president of the non-profit organization Caritas Children, Episcopal Vicar for Pastoral Care, director and lecturer of the Interdiocesan Higher Institute of Religious Studies of San Hilario de Poitiers and lecturer for Church Law at the Gregoriana and at the Generalities Marcianum of Venice. He is the author of numerous scientific publications in the field of church law.
Don Visioli assumes the position of Monsignor Giacomo Morandi, who Pope Francis had appointed in October 2015  to be the Undersecretary of the Congregation for the Faith. The dismissal of Cardinal Gerhard Müller as Prefect of the Congregation of Doctrine on this last 30th of June resulted in a personal shuffle with several promotions. The then secretary of the Congregation, Jesuit Luis Ladaria Ferrer, was appointed Prefect by Francis, and Msgr. Morandi has been appointed Secretary. At the same time Francis raised him to be the titular archbishop of Caere.
There has been no change for the traditional Dominican, Father of the Archbishop, Father Augustine Di Noia. Pope Benedict XVI had appointed him deputy of the Pontifical Commission, Ecclesia Dei , in June 2012, after the failed talks with the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. From there, Pope Francis withdrew him a few months after his election, and appointed him to be the associate secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. From 2002 - 2009 Father Di Noia had already been the undersecretary of this congregation.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi 
Photo: Youtube (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Vatican Has Detained Diplomat Because of the Possession of Child Pornography

(Rome) The Vatican press office yesterday announced that the Holy See had arrested a member of its own diplomatic service on suspicion of possession of child pornography.
On August 21, the US Department of Foreign Affairs informed the Vatican by diplomatic means that the suspicion of infringement of the legal protection clause against child pornography could have been violated. The violation, according to the note, could have been made by a representative of the Washington-accredited Diplomatic Corps of the Vatican.
As is the case with diplomatic practices, the suspected diplomat was immediately withdrawn and is currently awaiting further investigations in the Vatican.
The information from the US was handed over to the Vatican's judicial authorities, which initiated investigations. The Vatican promoter iustitiae, comparable to a public prosecutor, has now turned in an international appeal for assistance to the US.
The Vatican press office has recalled that all investigations are subject to the presumption of innocence.
"The former apostolic nuncio for the Dominican Republic, Monsignor Jozef Wesolowski, was the first prisoner in the Vatican because of the possession of hundreds of child pornography pictures", said Europa PressThe former Vatican diplomat, who denied the allegations, was removed from office by Pope Francis in 2013 and charged. In 2014, he was laicized according to surveys of the Congregation of Doctrine for the Faith. He was not arrested due to his health, but he was placed under house arrest in the Vatican. The trial was discontinued because Wesolowski died in August 2015 at the age of 67.
Text: Andreas Becker 
Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Auxiliary Bishop Dick: "The Aversion to the Old Rite is so Strong That it Can Not be Celebrated at All"

"Communion of Saint Catherine of Sienna" by Domenico Beccafumi (1520)

"In practice, however, the aversion to the form of the old rite is so strong that it can not be celebrated at all. Here the Pope's intention was not taken up."
Msgr. Klaus Dick, auxiliary bishop of Cologne, in an interview of the Tagespost for the 10th anniversary of the Motu proprio Summorum Pontificum and its implementation in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Study Warns Against Growing Influence of Islamic Brotherhood in Austria

Austrian Ministry of the Interior: The aim is "the gradual Islamization of society"

Vienna (kath.net) In Austria, there are "considerable connections" to the Muslim Brotherhood. This is according to "Kurier," citing a study by the George Washington University, which even expressly warns against activities of the Muslim Islamic Muslim Federation in Austria. The Muslim Brotherhood has "considerable connections and influence" and the close association of persons and organizations would occupy key positions for the life of Muslim immigrants in Austria. As a source for the report "The Muslim Brotherhood in Austria," which was created with the help of the University of Vienna, the Federal Office for Constitutional Protection and Counter-Terrorism (BVT) and the Austrian Integration Fund (ÖIF), existing publications, newspaper articles, social media articles and court records were used.

The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Egypt in 1928 and has spread since the late 1950s and early 1960s in many Western countries. The goal is "the gradual Islamization of society", stated the Austrian Ministry of the Interior. "The Muslim Brotherhood is aimed at a division of society and a strengthening of the influence of political Islam," says the study. A Criticism is that a critical confrontation with Islam would be prevented by "islamophobia." "This goes all the way to the justification of violence - an attitude that is a stimulating environment for radicalization," says Vidino.

Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Steubenville Fires Evil Leftist English Prof

Edit: another USCCB- friendly blogger and leftist barnacle.

Update: The Franciscan University of Steubenville has assured LifeSiteNews that Rebecca Bratten Weiss is no longer teaching at the university.
Update 2, 5:45 PM Eastern: Franciscan University's Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Daniel Kempton, sent a statement that is reproduced in full at the bottom of the article.
September 14, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – One of the greatest threats to the prolife movement in the past 40 years has been the “Seamless Garment.” It’s a strategy and a slogan aimed at dissolving prolife sentiment like a pinch of salt in a vast swimming pool of almost unrelated issues. The heart of the life issue is simple: Should the government let individuals take human lives in pursuit of their sexual freedom? That’s what abortion is. It was foisted on America by unelected judges, and dangled out of the reach of citizens and voters. So laymen rose up, with a little assistance from clergy, and chose to fight. In much the same way, 150 years ago, Christians looked at the unjust laws permitting slavery, and formed the abolitionist movement.
And today as in 1830, many chose not to fight. They were too addicted to a cozy relationship with liberal politicians, who promised to take the burden of the corporal works of mercy away from Christians—handing them over to the government and the taxpayer. So they wouldn’t do the obvious thing—and reject those politicians. Instead they developed the elaborate, tortured rationalization that we call the Seamless Garment. As Jason Jones wrote at LifeSiteNews in 2015:


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Catholic Traditionalist Rapper Attacked With Hammers at Paris Cafe

Edit: the following is a report from a music journalist who took note of the event and is concerned by the thuggery, and well he should be.  The event took place last year in March.

We've known about this entertainer for a while. It looks like he's continued to be active in the years since his big hit celebrating France's tradition and religion.

Being hit in the head by a hammer is always a life changing experience. He seems to have been very quiet in the year since this happened:

Publié le 15 mai 2016 - par Kevin Morvan - 29 commentaires - 8 912 vues

While all the media were bashing us with "Black M" [He is a French rapper of African background.], that the politicians of the left (Taubira, Cambadélis, Lang ...) and the pseudo-philosopher but real cosmopolitan Bernard Henri-Lévy were whining about the cancellation of the concert planned in Verdun in the context of the commemoration of the centenary of the war of 14-18 and shouting at the return of a fascist fantasy, a rapper called "Goldofaf" (mixture of Goldorak and faf) was brutally assaulted on May 13 in the evening at the terrace of a cafe in the 15th arrondissement of Paris by individuals armed with hammers and truncheons who left him covered in blood.


What is the difference between "Black M" and "Goldofaf"?

There is a fundamental opposition between these two individuals, one spitting on France and the "kouffars", was dubbed and widely promoted by the media system. Less popular, the second poses as an unconditional defender of France and the Catholic tradition. While "Black M" is greeted with open arms everywhere and can give concerts where he wishes (after the Verdun episode, maybe things will change slightly but I doubt it), patriotic rappers such as " Goldofaf "or" Kroc Blanc "can not occur on stage, except in private events whose address will of course be disclosed at the last moment in order to prevent ultra-left nervis from playing the cries of "No pàsaran", "No freedom for the enemies of freedom".

We have the right not to love rap at all, not to be a Catholic and counter-revolutionary like "Goldofaf". However this rapper, and the same goes for the other singers of the movement, disturbs the oligarchy. The aggression he was targeted with is unacceptable (if "Black M" had been beaten, I would have also condemned the act but all the television stations would have spoken of it certainly blaming the occurrence upon the intolerance of the "fachos." This is the silence of the media, and as the saying goes, which does not say consent.) This is enough of the impunity of the ultra-left, of these sectarian groups that behave like real militias and manipulate idle youths and then push them against an imaginary threat. An embrigade that is being done at the moment, including in the lycées, against the backdrop of fighting the El Khomri law. Although I have no illusions, I urge the authorities to react to find the perpetrators as quickly as possible and wish a sound recovery to this artist for this crime committed in behalf of the current ideology.

Here is the famous reprise of "Engraved in the rock" by the anti-French group Sniper, which Goldofaf had released a few years ago and which allowed him to gain notoriety.W




Sunday, September 10, 2017

Communist Revolutionary Begs Pope Francis' Forgiveness

"Timochenko" in letter to the pope: former terrorist group wants to renounce any expression of hatred or violence - Pope trip "will leave a deep impression on Colombia's history"

Bogota (kath.net/KAP) The leader of the Colombian ex-guerrilla FARC, Rodrigo Londono Echeverry, has asked Pope Francis for forgiveness in a letter for the suffering that his organization caused in more than 50 years of civil war. "Your repeated references to God's infinite mercy make me plead for forgiveness for any tears or pain that we have inflicted upon the Columbian people or its citizens," wrote the "Maximo Lider" in a Friday, in the Colombian media, to the Pope, who is still in the South American country until Sunday.

Londono alias "Timochenko" or "Timoleon Jimenez" apologized for not being able to meet the pope personally for health reasons. He assured him, however, that the FARC wanted "to deny any expression of hatred or violence" and had the firm intention to forgive all those who were their enemies so far. "We feel the repentance needed to see our own mistakes and to ask for forgiveness for all the victims of our actions," the opposition politician said.

The basic intention of his grouping was a good one, "Timochenko" emphasized that justice was being sought for the excluded and persecuted of Colombia, as well as the overcoming of inequality and disadvantages. "We are dreaming that you and your father will understand us," the party leader now told Francis. He expressed his happiness and gratitude for the Pope's comments, according to which the exploitation of poor countries by rich people was just as displeasing as the rejection of diversity, or the contempt for human dignity by striving for profit.

Lodino's admiration for Francis was expressed in the most direct terms. "Since you took the first step into my country, I feel that something will finally change," says the Marxist leader. The pope is leaving a deep impression in the country's history, mobilizing all sections of the population and giving them a message, and shows the "tears of the emotion of men, women and children who admire your smile, your goodness and the splendor in your eyes. Only a saint like you does that," wrote Lodono, who also compared the pope with his surname Francis of Assisi and Jesus.

The FARC had agreed to sign the peace treaty with the Colombian government, but some members of the government had refused to ratify their consent by being absent, complained the former Guerrilla. He asked Pope Francis, "with the great power of his prayer," to keep the Colombian people from "frustration" after the negotiations of peace had been an enormous force, Londono wrote. The FARC also prays for it.

The government and FARC had signed the peace treaty in November 2016, after four years of negotiation in Cuba. It was only through the signing that the guerrillas could be disarmed and demobilized, which in the summer became once again an opposition party with the same party leadership as a political force under the leadership of London.

Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Poll: Most Committed Polish Would Attend Immemorial Mass of All Ages If Given the Opportunity

Edit: just received this poll result from Una Voce Miami.

Ten years after the motu proprio, we have decided to complete our 2009-2011 European survey campaign regarding the reception of Pope Benedict XVI's Motu Proprio. This campaign covered the continent's principal Catholic countries, whether in the wake of papal visits (Portugal, United Kingdom, Spain) or at the request of our local partners. However, it had overlooked the highest-ranking country in terms of Church vitality: Poland. We therefore decided that the time had come to survey the country of Pope John Paul II.

Rather than commissioning a survey from a commercial institute, we followed the advice of Una Voce Poland and turned to the Institute for Catholic Church Statistics (ISKK). It was founded in 1972 by the Society of the Catholic Apostolate (the Pallottines) and works for the Polish Bishops’ Conference. The institute’s Catholic character means that the survey was taken directly on a group made up of committed Catholics (1) which gives this poll an original importance since it deals only with practicing Catholics. After gathering over 800 responses, they selected 635 that matched the distribution of committed Catholics in the Polish population.


Survey conducted by the ISKK (Institute for Catholic Church Statistics) from May 13 to June 4, 2017. Online panel method on a cross section of 635 committed Catholics. (1)

> 1: Do you go to Mass? (1)
Every Sunday and holy day: 93.6%
Nearly every Sunday: 5.8%
Once a month: 0.6%

> 2: In July 2007 Pope Benedict XVI said that the Mass could be celebrated both in its modern form, termed “ordina ry” or “of Paul VI”—with the priest facing the people—and also in its traditional form, termed “extraordinary” or “Tridentine”—in Latin, the priest facing the tabernacle. Were you aware of this?
Yes: 89.5%
No: 6.9%
No answer: 3.6%

> 3: What is your opinion of the Mass in the Extraordinary Form (in Latin and facing the tabernacle)? (Note: the total is above 100% because the pollster allowed multiple answers)
It is an expression of fidelity to the Church’s tradition: 49.9%
It is something normal: 37.3%
It does not correspond to contemporary culture: 17.6%
It is a strange practice: 4.2%
Other: 16.7%
Hard to say: 12.1%

> 4: If the older Mass were celebrated (in Latin and facing the tabernacle) in YOUR parish, would you attend?
Weekly: 28.9%
Once in a while: 51.6%

Never: 15.1%
Hard to say: 4.4%


Polish Catholicism, a leaven of victorious resistance to Communist dictatorship, went through a triumphant era in the late 20th century. From a doctrinal and liturgical point of view, it was less exposed to the “Springtime of the Council” and its abuses. Even today, Gregorian chant and Communion on the tongue remain the norm in most of the country’s parishes.

In this rather conservative and isolated context, it is interesting to note that the extraordinary form —so often presented as a reaction to abuse— would draw one worshipper in four every Sunday if it were part and parcel of ordinary parish life. A result that corresponds to the average found in the other countries (19% in France in 2008; 25% i n Germany in 2010; 27.4% in Spain in 2011; etc.).


1) The Poles are aware of the extraordinary form’s legitimacy

In Poland, nine committed Catholics (1) in ten know that the extraordinary form has full citizenship in the Church. This is a very high result. Besides the fact that it seems normal for committed Catholics to be informed on the different aspects of the life of the Church, one may also think that after ten years knowledge of Benedict XVI’s motu proprio has made some headway: in the first place through local word-of-mouth, then through the place that the extraordinary form has on social networks, and also thanks to the work of associations such as Una Voce Poland that organize lectures, ceremonies, and pilgrimages to promote the Latin and Gregorian liturgy.

2) A Catholicism preserved from the liturgical wars

The answer to question #3, which was slightly modified by the ISKK pollsters as compared to our usual item (2), brings out the fact that only one in 25 committed Catholics sees the older liturgy as a “strange practice.” Furthermore, less than one in five (17.6) considers that it does not conform to contemporary culture. In any event one may imagine that for some this answer is not a negative, since it only notes the incapacity of the contemporary world to make room for tradition.

On the other hand, the fact that one committed Catholic in two sees the extraordinary form as “an expression of fidelity to the Church’s tradition” is unambiguous. This survey therefore shows us the face of a church which, while it certainly has suffered along with the whole Church from the break imposed by the liturgical reform, nevertheless has by and large remained immune to a “progressive” opposition against the older liturgy as well as to the rupture that has harmed, and continues to harm, our Western European churches. 

3) 8 Polish Catholics in 10 . . . 

. . . would gladly attend the extraordinary form if it were celebrated in their parish: 28.9% would prefer to do so and 51.6% would do so once in a while. The close to 30% of Massgoers who would attend the traditional Mass every Sunday if it were celebrated conveniently in their parish (19% in France in 2008, 40% in Italy, 25% in Germany, etc.) shows the true weight of the extraordinary form. This again confirms the existence of a vast silent mass (at least one in four Catholics) that aspires to more sacrality and solemnity in its liturgical and spiritual life. Only 15% of practicing Polish Catholics express no attraction to the extraordinary form, which leaves a great field for the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum to make its way, patiently, among that country’s parishes.

4) The scientific confirmation of all our earlier surveys

The fact that, thanks to the ISKK’s specific competency, this Polish survey bears only on practicing Catholics makes it a reliable benchmark for analyzing the results of our earlier national surveys. All of our other surveys targeted Catholics generally, i.e. both Massgoers and non; at our request the polling institutes highlighted the answers specific to practicing Catholics. Because of the dramatic drop in even monthly Mass attendance among West European Catholics, however, the samples of Massgoers might be considered too small to be fully representative.

In reality, scientists are well aware that the more samples are numerous, the more the statistics are reliable. The consistency of the results obtained in the seven countries of our earlier surveys —France, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Great Britain, Switzerland, and Spain— was already a significant statistical element. Their agreement with the results of the Polish survey, obtained from a cross section exclusively made up of practicing Catholics, strongly confirms their validity.


Friday, September 8, 2017

Egyptian Police Interrupt Liturgy -- Arrest Priest 

Egyptian policemen prevented the Holy Mass from being celebrated for the Copts of Al Furnace.

(Cairo) The 400 Coptic Christians of Al Furn in the Middle Egyptian province of al-Minya went to the building which they use for the celebration of Holy Mass. On 20 August, however, they were in for a surprise. Instead of the priest, the police were waiting for them.

Before them, their priest, Boutros Aziz, had already been arrested and denied access to the church. Likewise, the police denied access to the building to the faithful. According to the police, Coptic Christians do not have "permission to pray".

The governor al-Minya is known for such and similar incidents against Christians. It is not a single case. The discrimination of Copts has "tradition" here. Last January the Christians of Alkarm were attacked by Muslims. A 70-year-old Coptic Christian woman had her clothes ripped off by attackers and left her in the street.

In this part of Middle Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood, which burned dozens of churches in 2013, destroyed hundreds of houses and businesses of Christians. The Muslim Brotherhood justified the antichristian pogrom as "retaliation" for their followers killed by the Egyptian army after the violent dismissal of President Mohammed Mursi, a Muslim Brother himself.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi

Image: Watani (Screenshot)

Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com


Non Serviam

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Professional Catholic Cancer Bill Donohue Attacks Steve Banon

Edit: professional Catholics are the worst of the worst and anyone who's been around this site for more than a few years knows that we really despise Bill Donohue. Like an inner-city youth leader defending the crimes of local "youth", he's on the scene to defend his constituents, no matter what evil they've perpetuated, he'll jump to their defense. Instead of attacking the people pointing out how the Bishops hate their host nations, despise the West, despise the Catholic Faith, why not defend the Catholic Faith, instead, even though it's not as lucrative...

Steve Banon is absolutely correct about the bishops. They are a political extension of the DNC and like the DNC they see their political power enhanced by the invasion of immigrants. This is manifestly true and it's the mission of Pro-Catholics like Donohue to keep the laity from seeing this obvious fact.

[Catholic League] Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on a remark made by Steve Bannon that will air on “60 Minutes” on Sunday:

There is nothing wrong about criticizing the bishops for any position they take on public policy, though when invidious motives are ascribed to them, such conjecture is unacceptable. That is what Steve Bannon has done with regard to their statements on immigration.

It is certainly true that most of the bishops promote a liberal position on illegal immigration. That is open to fair criticism, but to say that their motive is to “fill the churches” is inaccurate and unfair. Indeed, it feeds the worst impulses of anti-Catholics. The bishops are making their case based on their compassion for the dispossessed.

Link to Pro-Catholic Website... Notice how these leftist journalists are practically jumping to the defense of the Catholic Church. And he's a boomer.


Kreuz.net: Austrian Catholic Site Owner of 'kreuz-net.at' Found Guilty For Incitement

Edit: they haven't gone after him yet for kreuznet of 2012.
Four months for "degrading humiliation of homosexual men" on private website - judgment not legally binding
Vienna (kath.net/KAP) The responsible person of the Internet portal "kreuz-net.at" was convicted on Tuesday of the Viennese regional court for criminal cases for incitement to a four months of imprisonment. The Austria Press Agency (APA) reports this after the end of the trial, which should have taken place already in July and had to be postponed due to the lack of the defendant. The punishment was conditionally reviewed by the operator of the website, with a probationary period of three years. The judgment is not final.

The subject of the proceedings was a contribution to homosexuals published in December 2015. Among other things, it was said that syphilis is "God's punishment" for "homo-unbreeders". The accused pled "not guilty". At the hearing, according to APA, his defender Kurt Kadavy stated that the term "homo-fornicator," was "not a term of pleasantry", but "in the Catholic context, fornication is a theological concept which means a serious sinful behavior, namely, sexual intercourse outside the sacrament Marriage". "Homo" was preceded by the term "only to specify", added the defendant.

"God's punishment", according to Catholic morality, is the consequence of serious sins. Whoever does not do penance for this in his lifetime can not find an entrance into Eternal Life, said the accused. He conceded that the contribution was "pointed, no question". But he is not punishable. Whether the defendant had written the article himself, the operator of the website did not want to answer several questions asked by the judge.

"If you do not see that is detrimental, and if you do not understand that the state needs to protect this group from doing so, then there is nothing left but to condemn it," according to APA, said Gerald Wagner, the negotiating judge. There was undoubtedly a "degrading humiliation of homosexual men." The judge said that in his understanding this is a broad condemnation such as wishing syphilis upon them.

The Internet portal "kreuz-net.at", which can also be accessed under "kreuz-net.info", claims to spread "Catholic news". It is a private website. [It's a lot better than the internet commerce site kathnet.]

Previously, another website with the similar name "kreuz.net" had already been targeted in 2012 for anti-Semitic and homophobic contributions to the Austrian and German constitutional protection. [If you recall, the German Bishops made common cause with Green Volker Beck to destroy anyone associated with it.] The public prosecutor's office in Vienna undertook an investigation against the anonymous site operators. The head of the Media of the Austrian Bishops' Conference, Paul Wuthe, called for the blocking of the page in November 2012. The judiciary is engaged and has an active interest. A few weeks later, at the beginning of December, the site went surprisingly off the net and is still no longer accessible.

Shortly afterwards, a new website called "kreuz-net.info" went online at the beginning of 2013 under the Internet address "kreuz-net.at". As a media owner, editor and site manager, the now convicted person before the Viennese regional court does not appear to be legally convicted.
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com