Thursday, April 27, 2017

Manif pour tous: "We say no to Macron" -- Rothschild, Grand Orient Freemasons and Grand Mosque

"Manif pour tous" say "No to Macron".  "His politics are
anti-family, the exact continuation of the politics of the last five years."
(Paris) France is preparing for the presidential elections. Last Sunday, the electorate succeeded in what the opinion research institutes had already said in the weeks before. In four months the establishment, with the help of the mass media, succeeded in catapulting a former socialist baggage carrier, the Rothschild banker and minister of the outgoing president François Hollande as a "wonder worker" in a few months.The civil rights movement Manif pour tous warns against Macron and has published an denunciation: "We say no to Emmanuel Macron on 7 May."
While the government of Hollande lost all citizens' credibility and their official candidate Hamon could barely earn more than a disastrous six percent of the vote, Emmanuel Macron seems to be bursting with reliability.

Storybook career und stroke of genius: Who can, he does

Macron would be the eighth President of the Fifth Republic, but he would already be the second employee of the Rothschild Bank in the highest state office. The other was Georges Pompidou, who on 3 January 1973 prohibited the Banque de France by law from lending money to the state. Since then, the latter has had to squeeze money from private banks at high rates of interest and interest rates, including the Rothschild Bank. The four-year interim  at Rothschild made Macron a millionaire. Hollande took him as an advisor to the presidential chancery after his election victory, while Macron "qualified" among the "Young Leaders" of the 2012 Graduate Class of the French-American Foundation as a Euro-Atlantic lobbyist for higher offices. In 2014 he took part in the Bilderberg meeting in Copenhagen and was promoted shortly thereafter as Minister of Economic Affairs.
The stroke of genius by the French establishment with Macron, captivating sociologists and political scientists, if they are left free and uninhibited, will continue. The masterpiece shows the importance of PR agencies, programmed image campaigns that have been thoroughly studied. It also shows how helplessly large parts of the population are at the mercy of the media manipulation of those who control the opinion-forming media. When even provincial papers from other countries, uncritically celebrated Macron after the Sunday election as a "young high flyer" of politics, they only repeat that which they themselves are fed by others. The election campaigns have long had nothing to do with reality. As a clever head said, "If elections were to change something against the will of the establishment, they would be forbidden."
Macron has a picture book career behind him, his work history reads impressively, but can not, on closer inspection, conceal the fact that he was a protege during his lifetime. And precisely as such, he is now standing as a candidate for the Elysée Palace for others who have held their protective hand over him.

Representatives of the voted out socialist establishment

On the evening of the election, the representatives of the establishment had tended to assure Macron of their vote. The citizens movement Manif pour tous , however, warns of Macron's voice, because "it is openly anti-family."
The citizens' movement had arisen from the resistance to the socialist social policy which Hollande began to enforce with uncompromising harshness after his election victory in 2012. Whether promoting abortion, legalization of gay marriage, legalizing euthanasia and  "surrogacy", introduction of adoption rights for aberrosexuals and gender ideology, to kindergartens and schools, whether the criminalization of the pro-life movement or Manif pour tous, whether the open declaration of war against the Catholic Church by Socialist Ministers, Macron had never heard a word of contradiction. As a socialist party soldier, president, and minister, he was unconditionally involved in the campaign against the natural order of the family and the state.

Grand Orient of France: "We choose Macron"

So maybe a look at those who support Macron? This is yet again the freemasonic Grand Orient of France. The Grand Master of the Grand Orient, Christophe Habas, who has been influential in France, left no doubt. On Monday he declared:
"We choose Macron."
On June 21, 2016, Macron, at that time still a socialist party member and an economic and industrial minister, had presented himself at the headquarters of the Grand Orient of France. Before the fraternal brothers, he was allowed to give a lecture on "Is globalization compatible with progress?" This was a non-public event. There can hardly be any doubt that it in fact involved his bid as a potential candidate for presidential elections. Two months later, he resigned party membership and ministry.

Manif pour tous: "Macron is the continuation of the policy of the past five years"

Manif pour tous, the movement which gathered millions of Frenchmen to rallies in opposition to the anti-family policy of the Hollande government, published the statement "No to Macron!" For the families, for the children, for the upcoming election. The future we will say no to Macron on 7 May," said Ludovine de la Rochére, the chairman of the movement.
"The Emmanuel Macron program is a continuation of the anti-family policy that has been imposed on France for five years."
A victory Macron means the "destruction of civilization" with "new injustices and inequalities for women and children." Politicians are bound to the general good. Macron's program represents "other" interests, "which is why we call upon all to go to the polls and vote against Macron."

Candidate of Islam

Macron is not only the candidate of the Rothschild Bank and the Grand Orient of France, but also of Islam.The Grand Mosque of Paris called on the Muslims of the country to elect Macron at the election on Tuesday. Macron stands for a policy of "openness," which primarily means "open borders" for the Muslim umbrella association for mass immigration.
Text: Andreas Becker
Photo: Manif pour tous (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
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Adoptive Children of Perverts Baptized in Rio Cathedral -- Church Collapses Before Zeitgeist

Church caves to the Zeitgeist
(Rio de Janeiro) Last Sunday, the adoptive children of two perverts were baptized in the Cathedral of the Brazilian Archbishopric of Curitiba. In contrast to other ecclesiastical events, the baptism found great media interest. The media gave overall impression that the Church had changed its attitude to homosexuality (tacitly).There was no contradiction or a critical word about the life of the "parents" from the Church leaders obliged to say something.

Ecclesiastical surrender before the Zeitgeist

Unusual media interest for a baptism

The sacrament of baptism applies to the infant, but the oblique tones in the case of Curitiba can not be overthrown. As in a similar case in Argentina, aberrosexual "parents" lack all insight from living in a state of serious sin. This is not a reason to deny children the baptism, but should be a warning signal, not to allow the instrumentalization of the baptism. As was already the case in the Argentine case of Cordoba, the opposite was the case. The baptism drew water on the mills of the gay lobby, while the Church leaders responsible did nothing to prevent the erroneous impression that the Church had changed its doctrine of homosexuality.
The local media gave the event a lot of space. The reason for this offered no increased interest in the baptismal sacrament, but only the aberrosexual "parents". The free newspaper Metro put a large picture of the baptism on the title page: "Baptism in the cathedral. Children of married gay boys receive the sacrament of baptism." The report was printed on page 3. A daily newspaper could not do more. The sensation for the media was not baptism, but that the Church decently accepted the aberrosexual context, and thus the rejection of essential parts of the Catholic doctrine of morality, sacraments, and human beings.
Church representatives surrender before the Zeitgeist. Some know, but are ignorant of fear, others sympathize openly with the Zeitgeist that is currently whistling a pervertophile song.

Known aberro activists

The two homosexuals Toni Reis and David Harrad are aberrosexual activists known in Brazil. They were the ones who won the "historic judgment" (Metro) before the Supreme Court in 2011 to allow aberrosexuals to adopt children. Since then they have adopted three children at the age of 12, 14 and 16 years. Alyson was adopted by them in 2012, the physical siblings, Jessica and Felipe in 2014.
According to Metro, Reis and Harrad had "difficulties" with the priests of some parishes. So all the more "happy" they were about the "sensitivity" of Archbishop Jose Antonio Peruzzo. They also thanked Cathedral Rector Elio Jose Dall'Agnol and Deacon Miguel Fernando Rigoni.
The Church leaders were able to foresee the slaughter of the event by homosexuals and the media, but the baptism did not take place with discretion, without the media and in a remote chapel, but in the bishop's church and without a critical word on the life of the "parents."

"I have no problem with that, because Pope Francis calls ..."

Metro quoted Don Luciano Tokarski, the head of the Biblical-Catechetical Commission of the Archdiocese. He said succinctly: "There have already been cases in other parishes, including children of married [lesbian] women. I have no problem with that." And further: "If you want baptism, you go to church. It comes not only because of a social event. They want Catholic life, wish to follow religion, and the Church is open to them.The task of the Church is not to condemn but to accept all. Pope Francis has demanded an attitude of acceptance."
As Metro announced, the "Catholic family" wants to visit Europe in July. The first stage was the Vatican, where they wanted to "get to know and greet" Pope Francis. Then they go on to England, where David Harrod comes from, who is Anglican.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: Metro (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred

Deviant Marxist Group Publicly Profanes Site of Our Lady of Montserrat

Marian Pilgrimage Site Montserrat: Aberrosexual Provocation,
Blasphemous and Profaning by the Marxist-Feminist extreme Left
of Catalonia
(Madrid) Homosexuality is regarded as a sexual identity disorder and is thus attributed to the area of ​​mental illness. This is confirmed by the penetrating, not infrequently morbid display of one's own sexuality. One of the opportunities to preach public shamelessness in Spain is the "Dia de la Visibilidad lesbica" (Day of Lesbian Visibility), which has been engaged in by aberrosexual organizations since 26 April.
Yesterday, the youth organization Arran, of the Catalan extreme left, spread a video showing two women kissing in front of the image of Our Lady of Montserrat, the Catalan National Shrine. The video, whose title is not quoted, shows a demonstrative, blasphemous attack against Our Lady, the sanctuary, and an insult to the Christian religion. The homo-lobby, which is constantly seen as a "victim", demonstrated its boundless hatred of Christianity.
The profiling of the pilgrimage church "serves the struggle against the lesbophobia of the institutions as well as the church" and "destroys a family type that destroys us", said the radical left in a press release.
A year ago the Homo group Endevant had published a "lesbian kiss" in front of the Mother of God of Montserrat and the Mother of God of the Defenseless, on the same occasion as the photo montage, which is especially venerated in Valencia.
This year, the homo activists went a step further, and invaded the Shrine of Monserrat to abuse it for their blasphemous-clownish political activism. Arran describes itself as Marxist, Socialist, Feminist, Ecological, Anti-Fascist and advocates the secession of the Països Catalans, the Catalan countries (Catalonia, Balearic Islands, Valencia) from Spain.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: Youtube (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The Pope Stacks the Deck for the New Election of the Grand Master of the Maltese Order

 Villa Malta on the Aventine
(Rome) On the following Saturday, 29 April, the Grand Council of Sovereigns of the Sovereign Order of Malta will gather in Rome to form the "conclave", to elect a new Grand Master and Prince of the  Order -- the 80th. The election becomes necessary because Pope Francis, with a blatant act, forced the resignation of the reigning Grand Master without naming reasons and now intervenes massively in the election of the successor.

Pope has dismissed the Grand Master and now wishes a successor of his choosing

Maltese Order Distributing Birth Control in the Congo

Background to internal Maltese decisions, condom distribution, the "pills after" with nidation-inhibiting effect

Rome (  The Maltese and condom distribution. This story has caused the last few months of media attention and led to violent discussions within the Maltese Order. While various Maltese want to give the impression in the media that these stories were a few regrettable individual cases in the distant past that were immediately corrected, internal Maltese documents reveal that the story can still be assessed critically.

For example, on 12 December 2013 a board meeting was held by Maltese-International (MI). The audit shows Albrecht v. Boeselager and Ingo Radtke, the Secretary General of MI as participants. One of the agenda items was "reproductive health" and the distribution of condoms in Myanmar and southern Sudan. The board meeting clearly stated that a "red line" had been crossed here in connection with the teaching of the Church. It was decided that the whole thing should be further discussed in a working group with Bishop Stenger, the spiritual advisor of MI. The aim of the working group was to have clear guidelines on the subject (the editor's observation, which, however, has already been explained through the teaching of the Church).

Anyone who had thought that the meeting would in principle have clarified the issue among the Maltese would learn a few days later that not even the participants in the meeting had obviously taken this agenda item particularly seriously. Already a few days later, as in the Maltese Report "Commission of Inquiry", on 19 December 2013 an MI project, which included the distribution of condoms, was reintroduced and blessed by persons who had previously been present at the above meeting. The next project followed almost ten months later. Again, Myanmar has been conspicuous with condom distribution as explicitly outlined in the project description. The project was approved by the end of October 2014 for the project period January 2015 until the end of December 2016 (!).

The Maltese Order doesn't just only have a "condom problem" but also problems with the distribution of pills with "nidation-inhibiting effect". This is the result of an affidavit by Albrecht von Boeselager, which is available at In the context of the problem of the distribution of the anti-baby pill in the Congo by Maltese International, Boeselager says: "In part, these women received a drug which, according to the general medical knowledge at the time, helped to rule out a conception and thus an unwanted pregnancy after rape (Levonogestrel) according to the latest findings ... The fact that this drug was used in East Congo was not known to me and was not caused by me."

Pills with a nidation-inhibiting effect do not actually prevent the conception, but the implantation of already begotten, human life into the uterus. This effect is therefore equivalent to an early abortion.This is confirmed, for example, by the Imabe-Institute of the Austrian Bishops' Conference on its homepage. 

Interesting in this respect is a prominent Maltese from Belgium, who is at the same time a high-ranking employee of a pharmaceutical company that produces pills with the aforementioned active ingredient Levonorgestrel and other contraceptives.

Editor's note: It is undisputed that the Maltese International is doing incredibly valuable work for the poorest of the poor. [So are the Masons] At the very least, it is important for a Catholic organization to witness the faith and to adhere to the teachings of the Church. In the areas mentioned, this "red line" was clearly exceeded several times and the necessary responsibility for this has not been accepted. 

Screenshot: Excerpt from the board meeting - 2013 Screenshot: Decisions of projects with condom distribution / 2013 and 2014 - duration until end 2016


Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Pope Francis Throws Ex-Superior General of the Mercedarians out of the Priesthood and the Order

Announcement of the Mercedarian Province of Chile:
Pope Francis Acknowledges Dismissal of the Former
Superior General from the Priesthood and Order
(Rome / Santiago de Chile) On April 20, the Chilean Mercedarian Province published the scarcely noticed news that the most severe Church punishments have been imposed by Pope Francis upon the former Superior General of the Order, Mariano Labarca Araja. The Vatican has not given any opinion on this.

The message of the Order, the silence of the Vatican

The Chilean Mariano Labarca was from 2004-2010 the 86th Superior General of the Order of Our Lady of Mercy for the Ransom of Prisoners (Ordo Beatae Mariae de Mercede redemptionis captivorum) founded in 1218, better known as Mercedarian Order. Since 1574, the General Magister has been elected for six years.
The Chilean Province said:
"Father Pedro MLA (ex-General Superior) was dismissed from the priesthood and the Order by decree of HH Francis, so he is no longer a priest and no longer a religious. This decision, which is irrevocable, has been taken after careful examination of the case brought to light in 2013, because of the serious damage to the priestly dignity and religious vows."

Labarca in "better" times

According to Spanish and Latin sources, the "reported case" appears to have involved sexual abuse. The case started in May 2013. The extent to which Pope Francis himself has been personally interested in the matter or has routinely signed the laicization decree is not known.
It is more astonishing that "there are cases of priests who are broadly and publicly treated and accused, and others, of whom we hear nothing, or just as good as nothing, as is the case here. The Spanish Catholic columnist, Francisco Fernandez de la Cigoña, is an attentive observer of the Church's developments in Latin America.
Mariano Labarca, for six years as a Superior General, led this Order rich in tradition, which included numerous Saints, including the founder and first General Magister Petrus Nolascus, Raimund of Peñafort, Raimund Nonnatus, Petrus Armengol and Seraprion, the first martyr of the Order. All these saints lived in the first 100 years of the Order, which at that time developed a very extraordinary charism.

The Mercedarian Order - For the Ransom of Enslaved Christians

The Holy Founder Petrus Nolascus

The Mother of God had appeared to the Occitan nobility, Petrus Nolascus, in 1218, who asked him to found an order to buy Christians, who were in Islamic captivity. Even then the south of Spain was still under Islamic rule. Until the eighteenth century, Islamic princes, army leaders and pirates sailed all over the Mediterranean and the European coasts. They attacked ships and Europe's coastal areas and, according to recent estimates, carried at least two million Christians as slaves to North Africa and the Middle East.
The Mercedarian Order collected money to buy the enslaved Christians in the south of Iberia, as well as in North Africa, which, because of the great hardship caused by the slaving of the Muslims in Iberia, also a few other Orders. When no money was available, the Mercedarians offered themselves as pledge to obtain the release of other Christians. Their actions were a "triumph of mercy" in the history of the Church.
Because of this original charism, the Order is still active in the prison system.
During the period when the Habsburgs also ruled over Spain, a Mercedarian monastery was established in Vienna, but in 1782 it fell victim to the Josephine sack of the monasteries.

Determined defense by the progressive side

Today, the Order is only a shadow of its former greatness. Today, however, little is known about the names of the great saints from the beginning of the Order. In 2015 it counted 581 members, but in large part this is over aged. The Mercedarian Order is responsible for the most important place of pilgrimage in Sardinia, the Basilica of Our Lady of Bonaria, named after the Argentine capital of Buenos Aires.
While the Labarca case is hardly to be read in the media, the former priest and former Mercedarian, the Basque Xabier Pikaza Ibarrondo, published on the progressive Spanish news site Periodista Digital an unconditional defense of the former Superior General. The contentious, progressive theologian Pikaza was not laicized punitively, but gave up his priesthood and left the Order to marry.
Pikaza criticizes the "zero tolerance" as unchristian. It contradicts the commandment of repentance and reconciliation. Labarca, who until a few years ago played a considerable role in the Church of Chile and was described as a possible bishop, had not been condemned by any secular court. His ecclesiastical condemnation had taken place in the silent chamber. The possibility of defense was doubtful, no one knew with what he was being charged. He, Pikaza, had tried to contact his old religious brother during the proceedings, which was not possible. He had only been informed by the Order that the ex-Superior General should not be in contact with the outside world on the instructions of the Vatican.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Mercedarian Chiles / Wikicommons (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
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Turkey Nationalizes All Christian Churches

[Express UK] President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has taken control of six churches in the war-torn southeastern city of Diyarbakir in his latest move to squash freedom of speech and religious movement. 
The state-sanctioned seizure is just the latest in a number of worrying developments to come out of increasingly hardline Turkey, which is in advanced talks with the EU over visa-free travel for its 80 million citizens.
Included in the seizures are Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox churches, one of which is over 1,700 years old.

Monday, April 24, 2017

"The Bishops Abducted in 2013 Live" -- Marian Appearances of Mousseitbé

Syrian-Orthodox Bishop Daniel Kourie: "Abducted Bishops are
still alive" - 47th Annivesary of the Apparition of  Mousseitbé
(Beirut) The two bishops who were abducted in Aleppo in 2013, "are still alive". This was from the Syrian Orthodox Bishop, Daniel Kourié, on the 47th anniversary of the Marian apparition above the cupola of the Peter and Paul Cathedral of Mousseitbé, a suburb of Beirut.
The memorial of the apparition of the Virgin Mary is always on the first Sunday after Easter. This year, the anniversary coincided with the fourth anniversary of the abduction of two bishops in Aleppo. On April 22, 2013, the Syrian Orthodox Bishop of Aleppo, Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim, and the Greek Orthodox Archbishop of the city, Boulos Yazigi, were abducted.
Bishop Daniel Kourié is the representative of his church for the abduction case. The Commission, led by him, had "knocked at every possible door", in Syria and Lebanon, to find traces of the two bishops.

"Religious and ethnic cleansing in the Middle East"

Bishop Kourié called on the Lebanese state to make the abduction case a "national cause". At the same time, the bishop complained about "religious and ethnic cleansing in the Middle East, especially in Syria, Iraq and Egypt." He criticized the states, which supported these purges under various forms "with men, weapons and money".
The miracles of Mousseitbé have been recognized as genuine by the Syrian Orthodox Church. The other churches in the country took little notice of them "because they were all still fixed on themselves, even to such phenomena as a warning and an appeal to unity, in the face of the first forebodings of the Islamic danger," said Fady Noun , A leading Maronite publicist of Lebanon.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: Asianews
Trans: Tancred

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Mark Twain Recounts Islamic Brutality in Syria

Edit: there are quite a few people who suggest that Islamic terrorism is the result of American Imperialism.  Only someone who has no idea of his own history would say that, or they're liars. The Mohamedan has always visited depredations upon the Christian world.  This is a timely blog entry from Bill Federer of "American Minute" with some excerpts of Mark Twain from his book, Innocents Abroad:

In Innocents Abroad, 1869, which established his reputation as a writer, Mark Twain described Syria under the Ottoman Turkish Empire:

"Then we called at the tomb of Mahomet's children and at...the mausoleum of the five thousand Christians who were massacred in Damascus in 1861 by the Turks.

They say those narrow streets ran blood for several days, and that men, women and children were butchered indiscriminately and left to rot by hundreds all through the Christian quarter; they say, further, that the stench was dreadful.

All the Christians who could get away fled from the city, and the Mohammedans would not defile their hands by burying the 'infidel dogs.'

The thirst for blood extended to the high lands of Hermon and Anti-Lebanon, and in a short time twenty-five thousand more Christians were massacred and their possessions laid waste..."

Link ...

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

"Happy Easter" -- An Unusual Telephone Call Between Pope Francis and the Maltese Order

Pilgrimage Site of the Madonna delle Grazie in Alife (Campania)
A phone call from the pope reached Msgr. Sapienza there.
(Rome) Some telephone calla from Pope Francis are puzzling. Telephone contact recordings are certainly a hallmark of this pontificate which date back to the evening of March 13, 2013, when Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected Pope in the Sistine Chapel. On the same evening, the new Catholic Church's chief spoke to various persons who were close to him. A sensation for a pope.
In the past four years, the faithful and the media have become accustomed to the fact that the Pope is always on the phone or mobile phone. This was also the case on Easter Monday. The addressee of the call was unusual, it was Monsignor Leonardo Sapienza, the head of the Papal House. The mission of Monsignor Sapienza corresponds to that of a secretary of the Roman dicasteries. He is the number two in the Pontifical Household, after his Prefect, Archbishop Georg Gänswein.

Msgr. Sapienza

Pope Benedict XVI Had appointed Sapienza to the Apostolic Protonotary two days before his unexpected resignation was announced. The award of this pontifical title was suspended by his successor, Pope Francis, shortly afterwards indefinitely. In any case, the reigning pope has a special appreciation for the head of the papal household, as yesterday's telephone call shows.
The telephone call was made by the local bishop of Alife-Caiazzo, Monsignor Valentino Di Cerbo. On Easter Monday, Sapienza, together with a group of Maltese Knights, had taken a trip to Campania. Mariano-Hugo Prince of Windisch-Graetz, Head of the Younger Line of the Austrian Princes, who had possessions in the area, had given the invitation to this effect. Prince Windisch-Graetz is Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Sovereign Order of Malta in Slovakia and Slovenia as well as Knights of the Order of the Golden Fleece.
When the knights visited the diocesan prayer site of the Madonna delle Grazie in Alife, Monsignor Sapienza received the telephone call from Pope Francis. That was a few minutes before he turned to the Regina Coelito the faithful on St. Peter's Square. Monsignor Sapienza told the Pope where he was, describing the chapel and landscape in the hinterland of Caserta. Monsignor Sapienza passed the mobile phone to the local bishop, whom the Pope also briefly greeted. The Pope wished Monsignor Sapienza to have a happy Easter, and he extended the same wishes to all the knights, the knights and the church rector. A sympathetic gesture, which was also recorded and published accordingly.
He was astonished that the Pope was calling a staff member on Easter Monday, who had just left the Vatican for a one-day trip, and whom he just had in his vicinity -- just to describe the landscape. In Rome it is speculated that the call would have had more to do with the Maltese knights who accompanied Monsignor Sapienza, and to whom papal closeness was to be demonstrated.
In the Sovereign of Malta, there was a violent dispute at the beginning of December 2016, which led to the resignation of the Grandmaster Fra Matthew Festing at the end of January by a direct papal command . Festing is also a Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece. The Order has been under the supervision of a papal commissioner. A new Grand Master will be elected at the end of April. In the context of the conflict, the choice of a directional decision is the same. The Italian knights have a not insignificant role. Behind the scenes, it's about candidates and voices.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: MiL / Diocese Cremona (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
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If Macron is Elected France is Over

Edit: this from Galliawatch and Salon Beige:

Three tweets from Emmanuel Macron on immigration, subsidized housing, and naturalization:

1 - I want to create a highway of freedom and responsibility that crosses Africa into Europe.

2 - From the beginning of my five-year mandate, I want to create very social housing on a massive scale using simplified procedures.

3 - I will not promise foreigners the right to vote. The correct answer to the right to vote is access to nationality.


Pope Benedict Was Elected on April 19th, 2005

Edit: he was elected on the fourth ballot with the required majority.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Evil Austrian Cardinal: He Who Doesn't Accept Invasion Should Not Receive Communion

The Viennese archbishop washed feet during the feast of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday - "Nobody leaves his homeland voluntarily!"

Vienna ( KAP) The concern for the poor and the distressed is a prerequisite for believers to receive the Communion. Cardinal Christoph Schönborn recalled the feast of the Lord's Supper in the St. Stephen's Cathedral on Holy Thursday. "We meet Jesus when we help the poor and when we receive Him in the Communion - but both are inseparable," stressed the Cardial. What Catholics perform with receiving Communion, they must also prove in their lives.

"If we do not serve one another, the Communion is unworthy," said Schönborn, in the context of the ritual of washing the feet, which is part of the Liturgy of Holy Thursday in memory of Christ's humiliation at the Last Supper. Jesus had given an example to all Christians with foot washing. "If we do not serve one another, bow down to each other as Jesus has bowed down to his disciples, when we meet one another arrogantly, despise each other, how shall we receive the Eucharist?" Asked the Cardinal.

The washing of the feet illustrates the inner attitude of believers to the altar. If those who went to the Communion refused to serve the poor or the suffering, or if the forms of contempt, separation, and injustice were well received, they could not receive the Communion in a worthy manner, said the Cardinal quoting Pope Francis.

Footwashing was once slavery

The Viennese Archbishop washed the feet twelve young women and men at the worship service. Among them were four members of the family, as well as eight people who came to Austria as refugees and were "already baptized or on their way to baptism," as Schönborn explained.

The washing of the feet in the Orient at the time of Jesus was slavery, said the Cardinal in his homily, recalling that even today people are enslaved. Explicitly, Schönborn mentioned refugees from Africa "who are fleeing from hunger and then slavery." In Vienna, slavery and human trafficking were also carried out, the Cardinal pointed out. Women would be forced to prostitution and then held as slaves. "This is happening with us," the cardinal said, not to hide this reality.

"Thinking of refugees on Good Friday"

"On Good Friday, it is good to think of the many who have to leave their homes today." To this end, Cardinal Schönborn called for this in his free-time newspaper "Heute" in his Friday column. Their need should not leave us indifferent, "even if we can not alleviate all their need." We should at least remember this," wrote the Archbishop of Vienna.

Schoenborn quoted his 97-year-old mother (her birthday this time on Good Friday), who had been forced herself to flee during the war - for many, "Nobody leaves his home voluntarily". From her home in Bohemia, Eleonore Schönborn had fled with her four young children, who at that time had to start a new life in Vorarlberg as a single-parent and single-mother. The Cardinal in retrospect: "We found ourselves in a poor Austria after the war. I understand that my mother is thinking differently about refugee issues than many people in our country today."

Trans: Tancred

Essen: Arabic Man Causes Panic at Good Friday Service

Massive police presence when a suspicious man triggered a mass panic in Catholic during Good Friday Mass - arrest of a 33-year-old - UPDATE: criminal charges against the suspect

Essen ( "During a church service, with almost 500 people were in the church, a man entered, behaved very suspiciously, said some things. As a result, a panic broke out among the faithful, who wanted to get out of the church building as quickly as possible. A woman and a six - year - old boy had been injured as a result. "The police officer Peter Elke describes the incidents during the Good Friday Mass in the Essen district of Vogelheim (North Rhine-Westphalia). It was the Good Friday liturgy of the Croatian Catholic Church of St. Thomas More. According to the police, after the emergency call was received, responded with th "standard" strong force.

The "Rheinische Post" reported that the stranger had "walked through the rows of people," according to some church visitors, "apparently frightening some visitors." After a popping noise, there was a panic, with hundreds of people pushing to the exits," accirding to the presentation of the "Rheinische Post".

The "Bild" quoted an eye-witness: "In the middle of the Mass came an Arab-looking man, who behaved strangely. He ran along the pews. "When the priest and the ministries wanted to carry the cross through the nave, the man had gone forward to the first pew row." Another witness said, 'I was sitting with my children and my husband just half a meter away from him. He stared at us with an irrational glance and scratched the wooden benches. There were already more and more people leaving the church."

Then a loud bang sounded, then panic ensued. Another witness reported the "picture": "I do not think it was a shot. I rather assume the cross had fallen to the ground."

Some of the worshipers overwhelmed the man and held him until the police arrived, who were summoned by an emergency call. The police searched the 33-year-old and arrested him, he was then interrogated, reports the "Bild". Apparently there is the suspicion that the "33-year-old Essen man" is mentally ill.

The "Bild" remarked explicitly: "But the pastor remained firm, remained until the end in the church."

According to the newspaper "Westfälische Allgemeine Zeitung" (WAZ), "most of the 500 faithful" had rushed to the exit, "two women aged 56 and 18 were slightly injured". Some of the elderly worshipers were "externally uninjured," but the excitement had evidently grown too much. Outside the church, they had to be "supported by others; some of them went to medical treatment later because of circulatory problems." According to the WAZ, the police confirmed that the suspect "has Arabic roots" due to his name.

The online portal "Der Westen" reported that the suspect had been released again, that the Essen police had confirmed what the online portal belonging to the radio group had said. The man was probably mentally ill, explaindd the "Westen" further, now he was facing a charge because of disturbance of the worship. It was also planned that the police will show more presence in Vogelheim on Saturday evening than usual.


Benedictine University Hosts Aberrosexual Play

Edit: Collegeville has one of the largest concentrations of unpunished sexual predators in the world. Is it any wonder that it's also one of the centers behind promoting the normalization of deviancy and thought crimes legislation that would punish anyone who challenges it?

This supposed Catholic, Benedictine institution, ( the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University) is hosting an evil play called "Stop Kiss" promoting sodomy. (They already host a play that promotes pederasty called the Vagina Monologues.)  Are there any readers who are alums? Please reconsider supporting this nexus of evil and hypocrisy if you are.  This is a review of the play, as it appeared:

People are people. Love is love. That’s where it should end. No matter a person’s sex, gender or sexual orientation, each individual deserves respect and dignity.
This is one of the main messages that comes to life on stage in the CSB/SJU Theater Department’s adaptation of “Stop Kiss” by Diana Son.
The Director for the play is Kaarin Johnston. The two lead roles are played by CSB senior Beth Cassidy (Callie) and CSB junior Breana Burggraff (Sara).


Friday, April 14, 2017

Pope and Media Silent as Caracas Cathedra Attacked by Reds

[American Thinker] Less than a week after 49 Egyptian Christians were massacred in two bombings in Alexandria and Tanta during Palm Sunday mass, Venezuela's socialist thugs stormed a Wednesday Holy Week mass, assaulting the presiding archbishop of Caracas, the church's worshippers and trashing and looting the church. The attack wasn't on the same level as the terrorist bombing, but it signaled an emboldened and increasingly violent state, which may well have been drawing inspiration from the horror in Egypt. 
As one wag on put it:
Communism: the other religion of peace. 
The archbishop in question, Cardinal Jorge Urosa Sabino, was no ordinary archbishop. For years he has blasted the horrors of Venezuela's chavismo for leaving the poor more impoverished and hungry than ever, even as it purports to speak in its name. He's denounced dictatorship and warned of its ascent in the country. Along with many archbishops, he's tried to warn Pope Francis that materialistic communism is an unmitigated disaster for the country.

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House Vaticanist Puts the Brake on Reconciliation with SSPX

(Rome) Andrea Tornielli, a regular visitor to the Domus Sanctæ Marthæ, where Pope Francis lives, put the brakes in an article by Vatican Insider on the report by another publication, close to Pope Francis, Il Faro di Roma, which had reported on Monday, 10 April, that Pope Francis would announce the recognition of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X as a personal prelature on 13th May in Fatima. Was it only a Vatican test balloon to test the reactions?

This is quite conceivable, but there is still movement behind the scenes. The report by Faro was strengthened by a reference to the website of the Sacred Heart of Jesus' Seminary of the Society in Zaitzkofen. First, it was said:

"Perhaps the Society will be established as a personal prelate until June [June 2018] by Rome."

The sentence was later deleted from the report. Apparently, it had not been published with the consent of the administration, or the publication of such a hypothesis had at the time been regarded as inappropriate.

Tornielli's first-hand information

When the report of a possible announcement of the canonical recognition of the Society, in connection with the 100th anniversary of the first Marian apparition in Fatima, was taken over by numerous media, Andrea Tornielli had hit the brake on the evening of the 12th of April. Tornielli is considered to be a house and court vaticanista of the pope. The content of his report can not be exactly interpreted. The fact of his intervention, on the other hand, is probably due to the wish of Pope Francis.

Tornielli emphasized in his article that "Pope Francis took two important steps in favor of the traditionalist group by thinking in both cases of the faithful who follow the Society."

Tornielli continued:

"Some sources have spoken of a possible acceleration, and the announcement of an imminent action of the granting of a personal prelature during the trip, which the Pope will undertake to Fatima on the 12th and 13th of May, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Marian apparitions, which have influenced the history of the 20th century."

But then the brakeman follows with some background information:

"However, the situation has not changed since a few months ago. The General Assembly of the Society, Bishop Bernard Fellay, has not yet signed the modified and simplified doctrinal statement, which contains a professio fidei, considered by the Congregation of the Faith and the Pontifical Commission, Ecclesia Dei, as a necessary step before the legal process, the full return of the [Priestly Society] St. Pius X to communion. "

Tornielli then provides basic indications of a Vatican roadmap:

"The pope and the Vatican dicasteries are in no hurry and do not want to push Fellay, knowing that he has to make the bill with differences of opinion within the Society. It is also foreseeable that the Holy See, before setting up the Personal Prelature, will adequately inform the affected bishops' conferences of those countries in which the Lefebvrians are present and effective.

"The time is not yet ripe"

Tornielli emphasizes that the "followers of the Society have a special veneration for the Mother of Fatima," and a pilgrimage of the Society to Fatima will take place on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Virgin Mary's apparition.

"But the time, as important sources of Oltretevere [Vatican] inform, is not yet ripe."
A somewhat cryptic piece of information, which is not explained in more detail, why and on what page is "the time not yet ripe". Tornielli explains why in Fatima on 13th May there will be no announcement on the Society with the canonization of the seer children, Francisco and Jacinta Marto, and the centennial of the Marian apparitions, would be "pushed into the background."

The return of the Lefebvrians to the full communion," Tornielli said, "would be a message with a worldwide response since it would finally seal the end of the break-up in 1988." This rupture was already "partially restored," according to the papal house vativanista, in the decision of Pope Benedict XVI, "to abolish the excommunication of those who had received episcopal ordination."

Since 2012, when once - at that time still under Pope Benedict XVI. - after an imminent reconciliation, it is known that there are opposing positions in the Vatican and in the World Church, concerning a reconciliation with the Society. The different reports of media, which are close to the pope, seem to confirm a certain tug-of-war. The fact is that the voice of Andrea Tornielli is doubtless more important than that of Faro di Roma. Tornielli's report, with some concrete details on an intended procedure, confirms that he referred to his information, if not from the first hand, at least from the direct circle around the pope. The fact is that there are also parts in the Vatican, as already in 2012, who are working towards a recognition of the Society.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: MiL
Trans: Tancred