Saturday, October 3, 2015

Pope Names "Transparence Commission" for Bishops' Synod-- Tense Atmosphere in the Vatican

Bishops' Synod: Press Conference of Cardinal
Baldisseri and Speaker Lombardi
(Rome) Behind the walls of the Vatican there is currently an uphill struggle. Pope Francis especially to criticism that there would be little transparency  in the forthcoming Synod of Bishops. To allay fears appropriate that were the Pope several times, argued vociferously most recently  by some cardinals after the bad experiences of the previous year in Santa Marta, today announced the establishment of a transparency commission was announced. It's an unusual step that reveals the tense atmosphere on all sides.
A ten-member commission whose spokesman for the Synod  will be Cardinal Peter Erdo from Hungary, will be  "to ensure full transparency" said Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops today in Rome. The Commission will bring together representatives from all five continents. The Commission's appointment is seen as confirmation of the criticism which was put forward last year by cardinals like Raymond Burke and Gerhard Müller,that the Holy See wished to validate a unilateral information policy in a certain direction. What he meant was the direction set by Cardinal Walter Kasper.

Vatican spokesman: Synod Fathers will have no restrictions in dealing with media

"A  final text  is desired that will be the outcome of the considerations and interventions of various Synod Fathers", said Cardinal Baldisseri that this did not specify whether this is to be a final document of the Synod or a Post-Synodal Letter of the Pope. In recent days, it was reported by well knowns such as Vatcanist Sandro Magister  and Edward Pentin, that there would be no final report of the Synod. The reason for this is, so the supposition, is that the pope did not wish to be bound by it.
The criticism for lack of transparency is also being responded to by Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi SJ, who said at today's press conference, that there were no restrictions on the synod in dealing with journalists. The Synod Fathers could talk "responsibly" with media representatives. The Vatican spokesman did not disclose whether the 2014 practice information blackout on the interventions at the synod, is to be repealed.

Ceremony "50 Years of the Synod of Bishops" the Vatican - Pope appoints Cardinal Schönborn to guest speaker

This coming Sunday, the second and final part of the Synod of Bishops on the family begins. Nearly 300 bishops and 120 experts will discuss three weeks in the presence of Pope Francis on Marriage and Family. Controversial topics are the proposal of Cardinal Walter Kasper to allow divorced and remarried to the sacraments under conditions, and the proposal of Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia to recognize homosexuality factually.
The prelude just before the start of the Synod will be a prayer vigil on Saturday from 6 O'clock on St. Peter's Square.
On October 17th, a ceremony will be held around  the Synod, the Synod of Bishops celebrated 50 years as a Jubilee. The institution of the Synod of Bishops was introduced as an independent, advisory body of the world church at the end of the Second Vatican Council by Pope Paul VI. Pope Francis and the Synod Fathers will participate in the ceremony. For the main speaker, the Pope appointed the Archbishop of Vienna, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, a declared Kasperian.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Mil
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Polish Bishop Suspends Msgr. Krzysztof Charasma

Edit: from Toronto Catholic Witness:

The Bishop of the Diocese of Pelplin, Ryszard Kasyna has issued a canonical admonition to Msgr. Krzysztof Charamsa, who yesterday came out as a practicing homosexual. He has since been removed from active duty in the CDF. 

The original Polish may be read at Polonia Christiana:

Statement on Father Krzysztof Charamsa:

In connection with the communique issued by the Holy See Press Office concerning the declaration of Fr. Krzysztof Charamsa and his statements to the media contrary to the Scriptures and teachings of the Catholic Church, whereas according to the norms of the Code of Canon Law, Fr. Krzysztof Charamsa has been admonished by the Reverend Bishop of Pelplin to return to the way of Christ's priesthood.

At the same time the Bishop of Pelplin asks all priests and the faithful to pray for this intention.


Fr. Ireneusz Smagliński, spokesman for the Bishop of Pelplin

For the Record: Aberrosexual at CDF Dismissed

Edit: I'm sure there are plenty of openings for aberrosexuals in the Polish Catholic Church. With all the hysteria, which is something we can appreciate if not participate in, this is a welcome bit of news. 
The priest in question appears to already have been living a double life. It's a pity he wasn't sent packing sooner, since it's very likely he wasn't the most orthodox priest in his office.
VATICAN CITY (AP) — The Vatican on Saturday fired a monsignor who came out as gay on the eve of a big meeting of the world's bishops to discuss church outreach to gays, divorcees and more traditional Catholic families.
Monsignor Kryzstof Charamsa was a mid-level official in the Vatican's doctrine office. In newspaper interviews published in Italy and Poland on Saturday, Charamsa said he was happy and proud to be a gay priest, and was in love with a man whom he identified as his boyfriend.
"The decision to make such a pointed statement on the eve of the opening of the synod appears very serious and irresponsible, since it aims to subject the synod assembly to undue media pressure," the Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, said in a statement.
As a result, Charamsa could no longer work at the Vatican or its pontifical universities, Lombardi said.
Despite his dismissal, Charamsa remains a priest, although Lombardi hinted that his superiors could take further action.
Charamsa had planned a press conference in Rome for midday on Saturday to discuss his sexual orientation and criticize the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for spreading "pervasive and blind homophobia," but was pre-empted by the Vatican action.

Edit: Also, the Vatican has released a statement about the Pope's meeting with Yayo Grassi and his fellow deviant companion. 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Dissident Catholics Input Sought to Replace Neoconservative Archbishop

Edit: in keeping with the spirit of today's church, and the primitive Church as it is imagined by fogey Old Liberal university professors at St. Thomas University,  the apostolic administrator, Archbishop Bernard Hebda, has decided to poll the most evil parishes and fake Catholic  Universities in the Archdiocese about what qualities they seek in a successor for the unjustly pilloried Archbishop John Nienstedt. 

God forbid that they'd actually poll real Catholics.

  • 1-3 p.m. Oct. 5 at St. Catherine’s University (Promotes gender ideology.)
  • 7-9 p.m. Oct. 5 at St. Stephen in Anoka
  • 7-9 p.m. Oct. 6 at Pax Christi in Eden Prairie (Dissenting elderly suburbanites)
  • 7-9 p.m. Nov. 2 at St. Peter in Forest Lake
  • 7-9 p.m. Nov. 3 at Divine Mercy in Faribault
  • 7-9 p.m. Nov. 4 at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul (The children of evil, dissenting Catholics spend large piles of cash to be "educated" here.)
  • 1-3 p.m. Oct. 6 at the Carondelet Center in St. Paul: This is will be for consecrated men and women. [This includes the ossified, zombified religious of the state.]

Naturally, the KSTP article has to mention sex abuse.  If they were so worried about sex abuse and coverup a, why aren't they focusing on Saint John's Abbey at Collegeville, which probably has the largest population of unchained sexual predators of any religious community in the world.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Did the Evil Puppet Masters of the World Financial Powers Shut Down Vatican Bank to Obtain Benedict's Resignation?

Edit: stripped wholesale from Orwell's Picnic. Let's not underestimate the effects of Vatileaks, which was certainly part of a multi-level attack against Pope Benedict that is decidedly anti-American, perhaps even more so than Pope Francis himself.

It wasn't enough that the exonerated Ettore Gotti-Tadeschi was under suspicion of corruption.

Indeed, if these details are confirmed, the ensuing scandal will cast a longer shadow on the Franciscan Papacy and the powers and principalities who now appear, with Cardinal Daneel's admissions which we touched on last year, bent on making the papacy a vehicle to create public consensus for social engineering on a global scale.  Man, if they could unmake a pope, they could certainly make one.

The journalist, Maurizio Blondet, who has broken this story is himself a Traditionalist Catholic, according to Italian Wiki.  

Thanks to JEFF KLUMP who initially drew our attention to this interesting story.  Here's OP's contribution:

Ratzinger non poté “né vendere né comprare”
Ratzinger he could “neither sell nor buy”
Maurizio Blondet
Roughly translated by Google:
“Few know what SWIFT (the acronym stands for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) is: in theory, is a global “clearing house”, uniting 10,500 banks in 215 countries. In fact, is the most occult and sole center of American-globalist financial power, a bastion of blackmail on which the hegemony of the dollar, the most powerful means of political and economic espionage (to the detriment especially for us Europeans) and the means by which the most feared global finance breaks the legs of states that do not obey. …
“‘When a bank or territory is excluded from the system, as it did in the case of the Vatican in the days before the resignation of Benedict XVI in February 2013, all transactions are blocked. Without waiting for the election of Pope Bergoglio, the Swift system has been unlocked the announcement of the resignation of Benedict XVI.
“‘There was a blackmail come from who knows where, through SWIFT, exercised on Benedict XVI.The underlying reasons for this story have not been clarified, but it is clear that SWIFT has intervened directly in the management of affairs of the Church.’
This explains and justifies the unprecedented resignation of Ratzinger, that many of us have been able to exchange for an act of cowardice; the Church was treated as a state ‘terrorist’, but worse — because note that the dozen banks falling into the hands of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria ‘are not excluded from SWIFT’ and continue to be able to make international transactions — and the Vatican finances could no longer pay the nunciature, to convey transport missions — in fact, the same ATM of Vatican City had been blocked.
The Church of Benedict could not ‘neither sell nor buy'; its own economic life was counted in hours.”

"Homosexuals Go to Hell," Says President of the Ghanian Bishops' Conference

Bishop Osei Bonsu With Bishops of Ghana
(Accra) Bishop Joseph Osei Bonsu of Konongo-Mampong in Ghana disagreed with the notion that aberrosexuals could go to heaven. The President of the Ghanaian Bishops' Conference, who is descended from the ancient royal family of the Ashanti, is quite a different opinion.
Homosexuality, said Bishop Osei Bonsu  was "not natural."  The assertion  that some could already be born as homosexuals, was placed  by the Ghanaian prelate in the realm of "political myth-making". They had been invented to agitate for "gay rights" and to justify one's actions.
"The Bible tells us in the Letter to the Romans, chapter one, clearly, that those who practice homosexuality and those who  support gay marriage political, religious or not, will be guilty before God."
"Gays, lesbians, liars and child molesters and others do not get into heaven, and the Bible says that very clearly.There is not a man who says, and not a bishop, that they do not go to heaven, but the Bible. It is the Holy Scriptures that says that they do not go to heaven," said Msgr. Osei-Bonsu on Monday to host of Morning Starr-Moderator Nii Arday Clegg on Radio 103.5 FM Starr  in Ghana.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: Ghana Netline
Trans: Tancred

Arson Attack Against Maronite Monastery of St. Charbel in Bethlehem -- Islamic Perpetrators Suspected

Arson Has Devastated This Monastery of Saint
Charbel in Bethlehem
(Bethlehem) An arson attack was committed against the Maronite Monastery of St. Scharbel in Bethlehem last weekend."These are targeted arson attacks. The attack includes sectarian graffiti and is the work of a group or of individual perpetrators of radical Islam," said Sobhy Makhoul, the Chancellor of the Maronite Patriarchate of Jerusalem to AsiaNews.
No one was harmed in the arson attack, because the monastery is currently uninhabited for comprehensive renovations. However, the damage is great. Other forms of anti-Christian violence are especially feared by the Christian community of Bethlehem, which is experiencing a progressive Islamization of the city.
The perpetrators "broke into a room of the convent, which was filled with furniture," said the Maronite Chancellor. "They seem to have set there the fire that quickly spread throughout the convent."

Police suspect perpetrators from extremist Muslim circles

According to the investigating police, perpetrators could be extremist Muslim groups that are active in the area. According to unconfirmed information, the perpetrators had already been identified and would "soon be arrested."
"The handwriting is clearly religious. It is the apparent attempt to strike at Christians. The Middle East is unfortunately full of such incidents. In the area there are extremist cells of Hamas and loner who let their ideology run wild," says Chancellor Sobhy Makhoul.
The monastery of the Saint Scharbel of the Maronites united with Rome is located in Wadi Maali, a suburb of Bethlehem, which is predominantly inhabited by Muslims. The fire broke out in the basement and then seized the entire monastery and the monastery church.
"Last month, the Palestinian Authority had provided $100,000 for the renovation of the monastery. It was a gesture of appreciation to the Patriarch and a sign of willingness to participate in the renovation of the monastery," said the Chancellor of the Maronite Patriarchate.

Christians concerned about anti-Christian violence Muslim and Jewish extremists

The incident had frightened the Christian community, "but we must look forward," said the Chancellor. "We are part of this country. We have to live with moments of tension."  The Palestinian Authority "must ensure justice and arrest the perpetrators, as the Israeli authorities need to do regarding the arson attack on the Church of the Multiplication in Tabgha. Any form of extremism, whether of Jews or Muslims must stop," said Chancellor Makhoul.
"We, as a Church, condemn these acts of violence. It takes a great effort to change the sermons in some mosques, where people are incited to hatred. This  preaching of hatred,  fuels this hatred and concludes in this violence against the Christians!",  explains the Maronite Church representative.

Saint Scharbel, Maronite monk and hermit

Saint Charbel Makhluf (1828-1898) was a Maronite monk in Lebanon. At the age of 23 years entered the convent of Our Lady of Mayfouk. In 1859 he received the sacrament of Holy Orders. In 1875 he retired to a hermit's life in the Peter and Paul hermitage in Annaya, where he died on Christmas Eve in 1898.
His body is incorrupt and still contains bodily fluid such as multiple reburials confirmed. During his lifetime he was revered as a saint and miracles had been  wrought  through his intercession. Since his death are those have been confirmed. In 1965 Charbel Makhluf was beatified by Pope Paul VI., and his canonization followed in 1977. 
Text: Asianews / Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Asianews
Trans: Tancred

Pope Names Cardinals Burke and Caffarra as Members of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints

Cardinals Burke and Caffarra
(Rome) Pope Francis appointed the Archbishop Carlo Cardinal Caffarra of Bologna and Cardinal Raymond Burke Patron of the Order of Malta last Saturday during his US visit as  members of the Congregation of Saints.
Both cardinals are considered enemies of the "New Mercy" and have come forward with a view to the upcoming Synod of Bishops on the family to speak in active  defense of Catholic marriage and morality.
Both belong to the five cardinals, who caused a sensation in the past year throughout the Church with the book "Remain in the Truth of Christ."
Cardinal Burke was recognized as the de facto spokesman in the Synod of Bishops 2014   against the proposal by Cardinal Walter Kasper, who wanted to allow so-called remarried divorcees to the sacraments. The same applies to the attempt to recognize aberrosexuality.
After the election of Pope Francis, the US Cardinal had become among the most outspoken critics of the reigning pope, who publicly voiced his  respectful and relevant opposition.

Adversary of the "Nw Mercy" and an imprecise, ambiguous language

The clash took place mainly at the "non-negotiable values" (Benedict XVI.). The Cardinal,  well-known for his precise thinking  also came into conflict with Pope Francis because of vague and ambiguous formulations. 
It's an attitude that did not sit well with Pope Francis. Shortly after the conclusion of the Synod of Bishops, the Argentine Pope removed the renowned canon lawyer as prefect of the Apostolic Signatura and removed him from the Roman Curia.
Cardinal Burke will, therefore, not participate in the beginning on 4 October Synod of Bishops.
Previously, the Pope had not confirmed   Burke's membership in the Congregation for Bishops and the Congregation for Divine Worship.
The situation is different for Cardinal Caffarra. The profiled Italian shepherd enjoys the confidence of Pope Francis, so it is said in Rome. Like last year, Cardinal Francis had  named Caffara personally to synod. Caffarra is one of the weightiest voices against  gender ideology.
For Cardinal Caffarra this is the first appointment to the General Assembly of a Roman Congregation. Previously, he was already a member of the Pontifical Family Council.
Congregation is not the same as Congregation. Each has its tasks, which have some weighty influence on the management of world church than others. The reassignment from one congregation to another, as in the case of Cardinal Burke, can therefore be seen as diesempowering, while maintaining integration.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi 
Image: synodonfamilyes

Monday, September 28, 2015

Enzo Bianchi: "Christ Didn't Say Anything About Homosexuality, Therefore the Church Should Remain Silent"

 (Rome) Enzo Bianchi, the "false prophet" (Msgr Antonio Livi), appointed by Pope Francis as Consultor of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity never misses an opportunity under media attention to make "dissenting statements" from Catholic teaching.  The Archdiocese of Trent invited him as a speaker to the meeting of the diocesan pastoral council. Bianchi exorted  the Church, "to be silent" on aberrosexuality.  The Archbishop of Trento obeyed promptly and implored his diocese not to participate in the dispute over gender ideology. Since Pope Francis appointed him Pontifical Consultant, the layman Bianchi unfolded frenetic activities whose hallmark is criticism of the Church and the call for a "change of course". The closer to the Synod of Bishops, the shorter the distance between one of Bianchi's unorthodox remarks and the next.

"Maria is no role model for women in the Church" - "The natural family does not exist"

Last September 9, Bianchi accused the Catholic Church of having "unrealistic" expectations of  women. "The model of Maria, Virgin and Mother, can not be the reference point for the advancement of women in the church. The fashionable, subliminally alleged idea that Mary was more important than St. Peter, is a stupid idea, just as if the wheels of a car would be more important than the steering wheel."
In mid-August Bianchi claimed family was an invention of society and could therefore also be modified anytime.   Bianchi said: "The family is a form that is given by society. The natural family does not exist ".

"Christ said nothing about homosexuality, therefore the Church should silent"

Enzo Bianchi
Last Sunday, 20 September, Enzo Bianchi explained to  the Pastoral Council of the Archdiocese of Trent, Christ did not say anything about homosexuality, therefore the Church should remain silent. "And the Archbishop of Trent obeyed," said the Catholic monthly magazine Il Timone in its online edition.
"When two people of the same sex love each other and are willing to help each other and support each other, it is true that the state provides a legal regulation of their relationship," said the "Prior" of  the "monastic community" from Bose.
According to L'Adige, Bianchi dedicated his "Lectio magistralis" says the newspaper, "completely to the Christian values ​​of charity". The "Prior" is to have made use of  questions from the audience to address "large current issues," including "family and divorce, homosexuality and connections of same-sex couples."

The Church has "to apologize" for its  previous teaching on Marriage and Family

Thus Bianchi demanded that the Church should apologize for its previous attitude towards marriage, family and homosexuality. "We need to ask the family for forgiveness, because of the alleged superiority, which was shown by the Church leaders in the past: the life of couples is very difficult and we must be able to recognize the great merit of those who opt for founding a family. But in a reality in which everything is precarious, from work to relationships, we can not expect that it is not love or family. That's why  we must in no way allow judgement and do not exclude a fortiori."
The same applies to Enzo Bianchi on homosexuality. The Church should neither judge nor condemn. "If Christ spoke of the indissoluble union of marriage in the Gospel, he says nothing about homosexuality. Honesty compels us therefore admit the mystery and to leave the question unanswered. On this point, I would like the Church  that prefers to remain silent because it can not say anything."
According to Bianchi, the Church could no longer proclaim its teaching on homosexuality, since he has removed its right to speak, because it's said more than enough on the subject. So  the "Prior" declared before the pastoral council, his very clear ideas in favor of "gay marriage", which the state should legalize, all the better today than tomorrow.  Bianchi justified his call for a civil "gay marriage" with "of mercy, as the Gospel calls for it, not as we want it."

Archbishop Bressan conjures exhorts his diocese not to participate in the dispute over gender ideology

In Catholic circles such as Il Timone, expressed their astonishment that Enzo Bianchi was ever invited to Trento and even became  a driving force for the diocesan pastoral council. The words of the archbishop present, Msgr. Luigi Bressan, made the  convergence of ideas ​​visible.
A native of Veneto,  the archbishop, who was actually working as a Vatican diplomat internationally, was appointed in 1999 by John Paul II. as Archbishop of Trento, whose appointment was made to avoid internal conflicts.
After Bianchi's remarks, the archbishop urged that  "the Catholic community of Trentino," itself should not participate in the conflict over the gender ideology. "For six years, the Province of Trento runs a campaign in schools for equality between men and women. This has nothing to do with the so-called gender theory. Let us beware of becoming involved in disputes between parties. "
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Il Timone / Adige (Screenshot)
Trans Tancred

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Pope Calls For Cultural Revolution

Edit: Like the Gang of Four?

Pope Re-Gifts Congress A St. John's Bible

Edit: will it be the boxed deluxe edition set?   Here's the story from Bringmethenews.
When Pope Francis speaks to Congress on Thursday, he’ll come to Capitol Hill bearing a gift. And it’ll be a return to the U.S. for one of the rare editions of the St. John’s Bible. 
The Pope will bestow an Apostles Edition of the Bible, which was commissioned by St. John’s Abbey and University in Collegeville, Christian Post reports.  
The St. John’s Bible is believed to be the only hand-written and illuminated Bible produced since the printing press was invented.
They can probably sell it at a flea market for a few bucks to help pay the expenses for the Pope visit's security.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Polish Bishops' Conference Rejects Communion for Divorced and Remarried

Polish bishops warn that the praxis of annulment could lead to a divorce mentality.

Warsaw ( Holy Communion can not be  given to divorced and remarried Catholics, "this is the unchangeable teaching of the Catholic Church". Because "what God has joined together, let no man separate, teaches Christ (Mk 10.9)". This is what the Polish Catholic Bishops' Conference said in a press statement. "Marriage is a divine as well as both human reality that has been raised by Christ to the dignity of a sacrament." This is a matter of extreme importance because it concerns  Catholic doctrine.

Catholics should be concerned that Catholic annulment praxis could lead to the "divorce mentality."

The bishops cited Pope Francis who had explained in the Angelus on 8/16/2015, the Eucharist "is not a private prayer or a beautiful spiritual experience, it is not a simple reminder of what Jesus did at the Last Supper". To be fed the living bread means rather, to enter into harmony with the heart of Christ, to accept his decisions, his thoughts, his behavior, reports.

In the survey before the Synod of Bishops, many Polish Catholics had emphasized the value of family. The Polish bishops expressly thanked "God for the fact that there are many healthy families in our country who show 'in good and bad days'  fidelity to their vocation."

At the same time the Polish bishops have recalled that those whose families who are broken have need of pastoral care. Moreover,  the bishops warned against infertility through artificial insemination that is not allowed Catholics  and that stillborn children have the "full right to a  Catholic funeral".

In their text, the Polish bishops did not address  homosexuality and gender issues, which they had already taken a stand on several occasions according to the Catholic doctrine on this point.

Link to

Trans: Tancred

Litigious Basilian Priest Seethes That Anyone Would Question Obama's Guests to Meet Pope

Edit, a litigious Basilian priest from Canada, Father Thomas Rosica, who is CEO of the organ of untruth, Salt and Light Network, has been given an important post managing the press presence of the Holy Father's visit to the USA.

During a recent interview with Fox News, Rosica bristled at the suggestion that the Vatican objected to the appearance of dissidents and promoters of gender ideology as it appeared in the Wall Street Journal.  The Vatican Official and enabler of sexual deviancy, wanted to know who the representative  was, and that they, "should come forward and give their name" as the story appeared in the Examiner.

How dare they object to a disordered condition and override me!

Rosica was unaware and perhaps indifferent to whether or not there were Pro-Life representatives at the White House.  The murder of innocent unborn children was clearly not on his agenda.

H/T Barnum

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Dozens of Cuban Dissidents Detained During Pope Visit

Pope Francis and Raoul Castro
(Havana) They have asked for a meeting with Pope Francis. Emphatically. However, the communist Castro regime was not  prepared to make concessions. During the stay of Pope Francis on the Caribbean island,  dozens of Cuban dissidents were arrested.
Two of them are Marta Beatriz Roque, a former political prisoner, and Miriam Leiva, an independent journalist. The aim of their detention was to prevent them from participating in public events surrounding the Pope, for example,  Vespers in the Cathedral of Havana, at which  both Roque and Leiva wanted to participate. Both dissidents could produce personal invitations from the apostolic nunciature. Yet the Cuban security agencies were not impressed.

This is the other side of the Pope's visit to Cuba

Yet this shady side of the Pope's visit will not be reported by the mainstream media.
The reports of Roque and Leiva are largely identical. The actions of the State Security were carried out according to the same pattern. Both were surrounded on the open street by several police officers, put into a car and taken to an unknown place. There they were detained for hours   together with other persons.
Also, Berta Soler, the President of the Damas de Blanco, the Ladies in White, was temporarily arrested when she wanted to visit the Apostolic Nunciature in Havana to greet the Pope.

At least 50 dissidents arrested

Arrested dissident who wanted to get too close - according to the regime - to Pope Francis.
According to information from dissident circles, several dozen people were arrested during the Pope's visit. Some were jailed, others placed under house arrest, while others - like Roque and Leiva -  were detained without explanation for several hours. The detention lasted as long as the pope's public events lasted. The total  affected by the police action were at least 50 people.
Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi had - according to the correspondent of the Spanish daily El Pais - refused to comment on the news. "I have nothing to say", said the director of the Vatican Press Office, said El Pais.   Father Lombardi made ​​it clear that according to the program   a meeting with  Cuban dissidents was provided for. But he did not know why they did not appear on the agreed date. The Vatican spokesman also confirmed that the opposition had tried to greet the Pope "in passing." It's an experiment which has obviously failed. The communist regime was victorious once again.
For the dissidents there only remained the words that the Catholic Church leader uttered on his arrival in Cuba: "I would also like that my greeting reach especially those that I would not be able to meet for various reasons, and all scattered throughout the Cuban world" The statement has been interpreted that the pope meant the political prisoners and dissidents and the Cuban exiles.  Although many, too many, acted as if it applied neither to one nor the other, for them the Pope's visit ended before it had begun,"  said Corrispondenza Romana.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred

Monday, September 21, 2015

Words of Consecration: "For All" in Cuba, "For Many" in the USA -- Pope Francis and Both-And

Edit: maybe the First World doesn't deserve as much of the new mercy?
(Havana / Washington) Did Christ shed his blood "for all" or  "for many"? Pope Francis celebrated the first Mass of his pastoral visit to America on Sunday at the Plaza de la Revolucion in Havana, and demonstrated there  that he takes a both-and   on the issue of the words of consecration. With that he doesn't exactly reverse the efforts of his predecessor, Benedict XVI. for a liturgical renewal, but freezes halfway.
Overall, the Pope will celebrate seven Masses in Cuba and in the United States. The words of consecration are, however, not to be identical.
The celebrations take place in Spanish and English as well - at least partially - and the Eucharistic Prayer in the language of the Church, Latin.

Words of consecration are not identical

"If you look at the words of consecration at all these Masses, you will find that you are not the same," said the Vatican expert Sandro Magister.
The first Mass in Revolution Square with the oversized Che Guevara-representation in the back, is something the Castro regime places such great importance during Pope's Visit. Pope Francis celebrated the Mass on Sunday entirely in Spanish. Before half a million faithful, the Pope at the consecration of the wine into the blood of Christ, spoke the words "por vosotros y por todos los hombres para el Perdón de los pecados", literally, "for you and for all men for the forgiveness of sins."
The Mass   Francis celebrated also on Monday, 21 September in Holguin and on Tuesday in Santiago de Cuba, were also completely in Spanish.The words of consecration, however, vary somewhat. Instead of "por vosotros" the Church leader used "por ustedes" (polite form) will tell, while the remaining words of consecration were said as in Havana.

Another Country, same language, other words of consecration

Then Pope Francis travels from the Caribbean island to the American mainland and will celebrate his first Mass in the US federal capital Washington. Despite the change of states he will celebrate this Sacrifice of the Mass in Spanish, the native language of a rapidly growing number of US citizens. The words of consecration were spoken - unlike Cuba - not  "por todos los hombres" but "por muchos" for many.
So it will be the case with the three other Holy Masses in the US, where the Pope will address the Eucharistic Prayer in Latin: "pro vobis et pro multis effundetur in remissionem peccatorum" for you and for many. In the US,  "for all" is not to be heard.

"What can be made of this vacillation between 'for all' and, for many'?"

Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
"What can be made of this wavering between the" "close to the words of consecration in the US?" For all "in Cuba and" for many, wondered last Saturday Sandro Magister.
"It can be concluded that the long-standing question that Benedict XVI. finally concluded in  2012  making a definitive and unified worldwide solution is left in limbo by Pope Francis," said the Vatican expert.
The original words of consecration by Benedict XVI., the faithfully arranged transmission of the words of consecration in the vernacular languages, ​​is based directly on the official Latin formula. Because of persistent resistance of some bishops' conferences Benedict XVI. wrote on 14 April 2012 in order to overcome it, a letter to all the bishops. The "pro multis" of the Roman canon should be uniformly applied instead of the hasty translations in the course of the liturgical reform 1965/1969 in the vernaculars. Thus, the German pope wanted to counteract a misleading teaching of  universal salvation that was gaining ground among Catholics.He wrote the letter in German, with which he made it clear where the greatest resistance was situated.

"New Mercy" versus Words of Consecration?

The statement of Benedict XVI. is valid for the whole Church. As Pope Benedict resigned, some of the Bishops' Conferences, including the Italian and German, were yet delinquent and had not made a new edition of the Missal. The correction of the formula "for all", which had been naturalized after the Second Vatican Council, through the faithful rendering "for many" is seen by many as a "restriction" of "mercy".
"With the inauguration of Francis, the idea has spread that this diction [for all] corresponds more to the universal expansion of compassion, which is constantly being preached by the new pope," said Magister.
As it seems,  the Argentine Pope is representing on this point "no strict position" (Magister) and also does not seem interested in trying to enforce a certain position. His position is rather a both-and, by using both the one and the other diction "even with this trip to Cuba and the United States."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Nuova Bussola Quotidiana
Trans: Tancred

Sunday, September 20, 2015

In Case the Synod Takes a "Strange Turn"? "Remain True!"

Cardinal Burke
(Washington) This past September 13, Cardinal Rayond Burke, who was removed by Pope Francis from the Roman Curia for being the spokesman of Kasper's critics, spoke in St. Louis about "the truth of Christ in marriage."  The  Cardinal Patronus of the Sovereign Order of Malta addressed the spiritual, social, doctrinal and canonical aspects of the crisis, in which marriage and the family in Western culture find themselves. The cardinal spoke of a great confusion and rebellion inside the Church.
Cardinal Burke stressed that in "our" increasingly secularized and a hostile world the greater responsibility lays on the shoulders of parents to mold the children by word and example, and to teach them the true meaning of Christian marriage. Along with the authentic, always valid teaching of the Church, the healthy family formation for children and young people will prove to be the main source for their guidance, as a key means by which   Christian truth will be passed to the next generation.

Resistance to Kasper Proposal - New Nullity of Marriage "Could Cause Problems" "

The cardinal suggested the book was published in 2014 shortly before the Synod of Bishops "Remaining  in the Truth of Christ" of five cardinals, including Burke, for reading. In Saint Louis, he reaffirmed his categorical opposition to the proposal by Cardinal Walter Kasper, allow divorced and remarried to the sacraments.
The Cardinal Patron, an excellent canonist, also expressed that there could be some problems because of the new provisions announced on September 8  by Pope Francis on the nullity of marriage. The new rules, says the cardinal, would require a lot of caution and a particularly attentive interpretation in the light of the long canonical and doctrinal tradition of the Church.
A negative example   Cardinal Burke mention the  suspension of the double judgment for the nullity of marriage in the United States during the period of 1971 to 1983. The American "experiment" of "rationalization" [Streamlining] of the marriage annulment process has led in practice to general laxity that had become perceived as a "Catholic divorce". That was one reason why the Code of Canon Law of 1983 had restored the duty of appeal in the second instance, as it had been introduced in 1740 by Benedict XIV..

Divine law will be, "only more Ideal"

To spread "confusion," says the cardinal, it is also put in effect that today the divine law would put marriage and chastity down as mere "ideals", that  demand a need  for heroic holiness in ordinary Catholics. Such an attitude, in turn, leads to false ideas about "mercy", as well as the admission of Catholics to the sacraments, who are  in the state of mortal sin, because the ideal is unattainable anyway.
Cardinal Burke stressed however, that the teaching of Scripture and the Church says that God's gift of grace are always sufficient to resist any temptation and to obey His commandments. For this, however, there is a condition: The faithful must turn in humility, with trusting faith and unceasing prayer to Him.
At the end of his speech he replied to the question of what Catholics should do if it should come to a "strange twist" at the upcoming Synod. Cardinal Burke's prompt response consisted of only two words: "Remain true!"
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Mil
Trans: Tancred

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Pope's Visit to Cuba: Widow of Oswaldo Payá Criticizes Castro Regime and Cardinal Ortega

Oswaldo Paya (1952- 2012)
(Rome / Havana) Prior to the Pope's visit to Cuba, Ticino journalist Giuseppe Rusconi (Rossoporpora) introduced an interview with Ofelia Acevedo, widow of Oswaldo Payá, a leading figure among the Cuban Catholics and President of the Christian civil rights movement Movimiento Cristiano de Liberacion (Christian Liberation Movement), who came his end in  a "very suspicious car accident" on 22 July 2012 (Rusconi). In the accident,  Oswaldo Payá (Founder and President) and Harold Cepero (president of the youth organization) the entire leadership of Christian Liberation Movement was extinguished. Pope Francis, who received the Payá family on 14 May 2014 in a private audience, knows the situation   well. The Widow criticizes Cardinal Jaime Ortega, archbishop of Havana, whom she  accuses of a hostile attitude towards the dissidents and critics of the regime.
Oswaldo Payá founded the Christian Liberation Movement in 1987 which became the authoritative voice of the anti-communist and anti-Castro dissidents. The Catholic Payá was the central figure of the dissident scene. Three years ago he was killed 700 km from Havana in a suspicious car accident. His name is connected with Proyecto Varela for obtaining fundamental rights and freedoms for the Cuban people by a referendum. Payá gathered the necessary 10,000 signatures and handed them over in 2002 to the Cuban Parliament. In 2003 he submitted  it again with 14,000 signatures, although the communist island regime responded with repressive measures. Ofelia Acevedo had to emigrate a year after the death of her husband with her ​​family to Miami (USA) because there was no end to constant police harassment and threats.

"In Cuba there is no freedom of religion"

For Pope's visit to Cuba Ofelia Acevedo said:
"When I found out, I was surprised, I felt great joy. Surprised because three papal visits within 17 years are a privilege, joy because Pope Francis is especially identified with the poor, marginalized and persecuted. These groups apply to the majority of my people. You expect a message of encouragement and hope by Pope Francis, who inspires them to rise up and go a long way to begin to become actors in their own history, to find the strength to do this in Jesus Christ, the great restorer of human dignity. "
The announcement of the Pope's visit has so far, says Acevedo,  brought  no improvements for the Cuban people.  "The lack of freedom keeps Cubans trapped in poverty and injustice." The situation is no much the same: "In Cuba there is no freedom of religion. There is an Office of Religious Affairs of the Central Committee of the Cuban Communist Party (the only legal party on the island), which is connected to  State Security (the Seguridad). It has the task to  monitor every member of the Church,  to search, to persuade, to threaten, anyone who in his opinions or his conduct is displeased with the government of the Castro brothers. They have the power to intervene at any time in any area of ​Church life which does not satisfy the government. The Church has no access to the mass media. Families can offer their children no Christian religious instruction, because there is no such. The current head of the Office for Religious Affairs of the Communist Party has declared in connection with the Pope's visit, that religious instruction was eliminated by the Revolution."

Pope Francis knows the "pathetic" situation of Cubans

The Pope visits between 1998 and 2012 were an important sign of fraternal communion with the Pilgrim Church of Cuba.  The messages of John Paul II. and Benedict XVI. had been gratefully received by those Cubans who could hear it. "The Church hierarchy refers to positive consequences, because the government made it possible after the visits, that some priests could enter the country and purchase certain equipment and vehicles necessary for the pastoral care, as well as the return of some confiscated property including churches and schools in the early years of the revolution, which were then in the best condition. When they were returned, they were empty, dilapidated or or totally destroyed. Other visible positive consequences are not known to me."
The Castro government announced on the occasion of the Pope's visit, the amnesty of 3522 prisoners. "Until now there are himself among these, however, no political prisoners. In fact, so far the amnesty has not been put into effect yet for any prisoners."
The widow of Oswaldo Payá was received with her family by Pope Francis in a private audience. "We talked to him about the deplorable conditions under which the vast majority of Cubans survive. We talked for the pilgrim Church in Cuba to which we belong and whom we dearly love. We also talked about the assassination attempt of 22 July 2012, the car of my husband, which was perpetrated by agents of the Seguridad. On my husband's assassination, Oswaldo Payá and the young Harold Cepero [president of the youth organization of the Christian Liberation Movement] were killed. We have told the Pope that we are calling for an independent investigation in order to clarify the precise course of events. I think that Pope Francis knows the real situation in which Cubans live. He is well informed and involved in different moments linked to the suffering of the Cuban people."

"If the Pope wants it, he can meet Cuban dissidents"

Should the Pope want it, "he will be able to meet Cuban dissidents".
For some time, the negative disposition of Archbishop Jaime Cardinal Ortega y Alamino of Havana toward the dissidents has been criticized not only by the Catholic opposition. This past June 5 Cardinal Ortega, who was a central point of contact for Oswaldo Payá, gave an interview for the Spanish Cadena Ser,  in which he even denied the existence of political prisoners in Cuba.
"Unfortunately, Cardinal Ortega has on several occasion behaved in ways towards dissidents, not only the Catholic, that correspond to those employed by state security: exclude and insult."
Rusconi asked the widow what her husband, Oswaldo Payá, would say if he were still alive to the Pope. "My husband could hardly have had the opportunity to be in the vicinity of the pope during the visit. In the two previous Pope's visit he had asked the Church authorities to be able to meet John Paul II. And Benedict XVI., but it was not possible. We assume that the Cuban government would never have accepted such an encounter. But I'm sure if Oswaldo could speak with the Pope, he would have asked for nothing, but he would have said, 'I want to hear your word with an open heart and full of hope.'
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: InfoVaticana
Trans: Tancred