Tuesday, May 6, 2014

US Ambassador & Former University of St. John’s “Theology” Instructor Accused of Lewd Conduct

Edit: along with a few others, we bemoaned the US President’s appointment of a seething Marxist to be the Ambassador to the Vatican. This Cuban born son of “humble origins”  has taught at the theologically and morally debased Benedictine University of Collegeville, Minnesota which has a long gone unchallenged in its promotion of a culture that runs counter to Catholic teaching.

Diaz has been credibly accused of sexually harassing a husband and wife couple who teaches at  the University of Dayton where he, until recently, worked.  It’s certainly possible there were others who found Diaz’s behavior appalling.  At least the Jesuits are keeping him on their team at University of Chicago Loyola. [Loyola University Chicago]

A relativist in ethics will probably be a relativist in practice. Here’s from an article in the Star and Tribune, which addressed the issue of Diaz’s reticence to take a position on abortion, or at least express the one he has. In typically Modernist vocabulary, he responded:

Asked about reconciling the church's "pro-life" theology with Obama's "pro-choice" politics, Diaz ... suggested that a media interview is not the forum for straightforward ethical statements on abortion.

"In order for me to formulate what I would like to formulate, it would take me more than a simple answer," Diaz said. "So I resist categories of either/or, in terms of arguing this or that. Unfortunately, it does not allow me the time to be able to explain in a thorough and satisfactory way what I mean by whatever I would say I am," he said.
Diaz’s curriculum vitae is interesting.  From wikipedia:

Prior to his service as ambassador, Miguel Diaz was a professor of theology at the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University in Minnesota. Díaz is the co-editor of the book From the Heart of Our People: Explorations in Catholic Systematic Theology and author of On Being Human: U.S. Hispanic and Rahnerian Perspectives, named "Best Book of the Year" by the Hispanic Theological Initiative at Princeton Theological Seminary. Díaz has taught religious studies and theology at Barry University, the University of Dayton and the University of Notre Dame. From 2001 to 2003, he taught and served as academic dean at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach, Florida. He is a board member of the Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA) and past president of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States (ACHTUS).

And from the news story:

A theology professor who is a former U.S. ambassador to the Vatican is moving from one Roman Catholic university to another after an investigation found it likely that he sexually harassed a married couple where he now works.

Miguel H. Díaz, who was President Obama’s representative to the Holy See from 2009 to 2012, was found to have likely engaged in “unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature” toward a married couple who were his colleagues at the University of Dayton, according to a confidential letter written by Dayton’s provost.

The married couple – husband and wife professors who teach in the humanities – accused Diaz of making various sexual requests and references to sexually explicit feelings. The suggestion that a Catholic theologian suggested an adulterous encounter involving both another man and another woman and that he made unwelcome requests of fellow academics could be problematic for Diaz, a Catholic theologian, who is a married father of four.

Inside Higher Ed

Monday, May 5, 2014

Anti-Kasper Front: From Brandmüller and Caffara Come De Paolis and Bassetti

(Vatican)  Kasper has been slowly forming resistance behind the lines.  This is according to Archbishop Carlo Cardinal Caffarra of Bologna in the newspaper Il Foglio and Cardinal Walter Brandmüller in the daily newspaper The Daily Mail, a third wearer of the Purple  has publicly and thoroughly taken a position on the issue of remarried divorcees. And he opposes himself against the theses of Cardinal Walter Kasper, who was the only speaker at the recent Cardinal consistory of February 20 and 21 at the request of the Pope. Kasper was therefore able to give his opinion from a privileged position.
A position that secured him a considerable advantage in the public debate.  Or would have had at least, if the historian Roberto de Mattei had not immediately countered him with a profound contradiction. Not coincidentally, it was the German Cardinal Brandmüller who publicly disagreed with the German Cardinal Kasper first among the purple hats. Everyone knows this and is disillusioned.

De Paolis' Detailed Polemic Against Walter Kasper

Now Cardinal Velasio De Paolis has taken up a feather to cross blades  with Kasper in the dispute. The well-known canon is Prefect Emeritus of the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See and was from the beginning, an apostolic delegate of the Legionaries of Christ.  The cardinal has expressed on several occasions his appreciation for Pope Francis.
De Paolis took advantage of this past March 27, the opening of the new judicial year at the church court of Umbria, to  challenge  Cardinal Kasper in the ring. The title of his speech was: "The Remarried Divorcees and the Sacraments of the Eucharist and of Penance" .
De Paolis counter reply is more extensive than   Kasper's paper  before the Cardinals. 40 pages  have been published in full by the church court on the Internet, the intention of the Cardinal of the Order of the Missionaries of St. Charles Borromeo (CS)  also called the Calabrians,  is trying to set his brother back on track.

Support for De Paolis of Neocardinal Bassetti

"Moderator" of the church law of Umbria  is Archbishop Gualtiero Bassetti of Perugia, whom Pope Francis has made ​​Deputy President of the Italian Bishops' Conference and a cardinal.  Archbishop Bassetti was not only the only resident Italian who has been created cardinal by Pope Francis. As Archbishop of Perugia he stands in front of a diocese whose bishop's throne is not connected in accordance with the Concordat, to  the dignity of Cardinal, like Venice and Turin, whose occupants,  however, have come up empty-handed.
It was Neocardinal Bassetti, whom De Paolis invited to give the opening speech. It was also Bassetti, in the ceremony gave the floor on March 27, De Paolis in advance and said that  De Paolis'  introductions, "are valuable, and very current  as well as very enriching for us."

"What is to be Said on the Question of Cardinal Kasper?"

Cardinal De Paolis  combined these theses of Kasper together to refute them: "What's to say about the question posed by Cardinal Kasper on February 21, 2014 in the Consistory?" According to Kasper the way of the Church is to balance between rigor and laxity, a way of repentance, which flows first in the sacrament of penance, and then in the sacrament of the Eucharist. Kasper had wondered if this way is feasible also for remarried divorcees and described conditions under which in his opinion it was possible. Kasper listed five conditions and formed them into questions  on whether the remarried divorcees communion even then could be refused if they fulfill these conditions. Whereat Kasper had clearly allowed to keep the admission to communion possible and desired.
Kasper posed his "opening",  as an exception that should not be a general rule. One limitation, however, seems to serve more for the enforcement of its goal to open to remarried divorcees access to communion. As an argument  the German Cardinal also claimed, again in the form of a question, whether the worst case could be averted, such as the loss of an entire generation, namely, the children of remarried divorcees. "Life is not just black and white, but many shades," said Kasper with a less original, but trendy commonplace.

"No Positive Response Possible"

Then Cardinal De Paolis rebutted: "Apart from  good intentions, it does not seem to be possible to answer positively  to this question. Apart from the various situations in which there are  remarried divorcees, all these situations, but the same problem is common: the inadmissibility of cohabitation, "more uxorio" between two people who are not connected to each other by a real marriage bond. The civil marriage is no marriage bond in reality. According to church doctrine, it has not even the semblance of a marriage, which is why the Church speaks of an attack against marriage. Given such a situation it is not clear how one divorced  could receive sacramental absolution to get access to the Eucharist. In order to justify access to the Eucharist for remarried divorcees, reasons are often cited, which have more the appearance of good nature and legitimacy."

Kasper's "Aberration" - "Misunderstood" Pastoral and Mercy

Among these "justifications"  Cardinal De Paolis described "pastoral" and "mercy." Against the   "misunderstandings"  associated with this, the cardinal takes his position ending with a pointed reference with the infamous comment by  Pope Francis, "who am I to judge".
"Often and with justification it is said  that we are not called to condemn the people. The judgement is in fact God's.  It's another thing though, to order to evaluate a completely different situation morally, to distinguish what is good and what is evil; to check whether or not something corresponds to the plan of God for man. This review is imperative. Given the different life situations, such as that of remarried divorcees, can and must say that we do not condemn, but to help. However, we can not confine ourselves not to condemn. We are called to assess the situation in the light of faith and the divine plan, the well-being of the family, the persons concerned and especially the law of God and His love. Otherwise, we run the risk of no longer being able to appreciate the law of God. What's more, almost to consider it an evil, since we put the blame for all evil in a law. Due to a certain representation of things it just seems as if it would make us feel better, if it were not for the law of the indissolubility of marriage. An aberration  that we can recognize in the mistakes in the way we think and argue."  This goes an excerpt from Cardinal De Paolis' rejection of Kasper's theses.
It is generally expected in Italy so that Pope Francis is going to appoint Cardinal Bassetti  soon as the new President of the Italian Episcopal Conference. Even his appointment as deputy chairman was seen as the disempowerment of the Chairman in Office of Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco.
 The Vatican expert Sandro Magister is not presently of this opinion.  He assumes that Cardinal Bagnasco remains in office until the end of the regular term of office in 2017. Magister, says it is also that Bassetti  is aligned  in the group  resisting  Cardinal Kasper, because he called Cardinal De Paolis to Perugia and who already knew in advance his unambiguous rejection of Kasper-theses and approved of them, as is clear from his words in greeting and announcement of De Paolis.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Anarcho-Leftists Damage Famous Karlskirche in Vienna

(Vienna) Attacks and vandalism against churches have been mounting in Austria are piling up for several years. On Saturday night, the famous Karlskirche was show with paint pellets and daubed with slogans by left-wing extremists in Vienna. "Police said the damage was enormous," as the ORF reported. The perpetrators damaged several statues with their paint on the outside walls of the church. Anarchist symbols and a dripping font "from repression follows resistance" point to the extreme left-wing "autonomous" way. It is assumed that there are multiple perpetrators. The official line is that there is "currently" no evidence of the perpetrators. However, the left-wing extremist scene in Vienna is very well known to the police.

Arson Attack Against Mary Our Lady Church in Bregenz

Arson against Mariahilf heroes thanks church Bregenz

In Bregenz on Lake Constance unidentified perpetrators engaged on Saturday night in an arson attack on the Mariahilf Church. At about 1:20 AM, a 52-year-old woman discovered the fire. With the help of a a 62-year-old man, she tried to extinguish the fire. She had to be treated for suspected smoke inhalation in the State Hospital. The perpetrators had doused the church door with chemicals and set it on fire.

A canister was secured near the church door. The police are asking the community for evidence in both cases.

In March, several churches of Vienna had been damaged. A 37 year old man was detained and confessed to six acts he is alleged to have done on a "divine mission". The police suspect a single perpetrator in this case. The situation is different in the attack on the Karlskirche, which carries clear political handwriting and reveals hate for the Church.

The Karlskirche (St. Charles Church) was build by Emperor Charles VI. who took a vow during the last plague back in 1713. Its patron is Saint Charles Borromeo. The church was built from 1716-1739 by Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach and completed after his death by his son Joseph Emanuel Fischer von Erlach. The church was under Imperial patronage until 1918. The church has been looked after since its construction by the Order the Cross with the Red Star from Prague. (A Lay association founded by St. Agnes of Bohemia) On November 4, 2013 Bishop Vitus Huonder of Chur celebrated a Pontifical High Mass in the Karlskirche in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite.

The Mary Our Lady Church in Bregenz is the parish church of the Vorkloster-Rieden district. It was built in 1925-1931 according to the plans of the architect Clemens Holzmeister. The parish church is also dedicated to heroes for the fallen soldiers in the First World War.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Catholic Faith Isn't an Easy Feel Good Religion

Marktl (Catholic news / CBA). The prefect of the Roman Congregation of the Faith, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, has involved himself again in the debate over the Church's handling of the divorced and remarried. On a visit to Marktl am Inn on Thursday, he warned against a "timid and spiritless" leap on any train. Before going, one must know in which direction he's going, Müller said. The Catholic faith is not a "feel-good religion" and the comfy is not always the best. In view of marital problems and a desire to divorce, Müller said, a marriage could have known ups and downs. "It isn't an everlasting honeymoon," said the cardinal. A principle should apply: "We have to adapt to what God wants from us." Müller commented at the opening of the special exhibition "Holy Popes and Their Colleague, Joseph Ratzinger" at the birthplace of Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI. The show focuses on the canonizations last Sunday of Popes John XXIII. (1958-1963) and John Paul II (1978-2005) from the perspective of the counciliar theologian and Cardinal Ratzinger. Source: © CBA. All rights reserved Photo: Cardinal Müller - image source: M. citizens, Kath News Link to Kathnews... AMGD

Friday, May 2, 2014

Pope Francis and Vatican Speaker Lombardi: "I'm Running Behind and Trying Not to Wreck Anything"

Deny Everything!
(Vatican) Pope Francis' controversial call to  an Argentine who is civilly married  to a man  already married in the Church, continues to provide for discussions. Officially, the phone call was not confirmed with Jaqueline Lisboa Sabetta until today, but was also not denied.  Indirectly, it has been confirmed by Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi on April 24. To the content of the conversation, which was only made public by Lisboa Sabetta's husband - straightway -  the Vatican did not want to take a position.  [We translated the bottom one.]

Pope a "Great Communicator": If He Wants Someone to Say Something, he Picks up the Phone

Now Vatican spokesman Lombardi has remarked yet again about the "new papal telephone ministry" (Dom Ariel Levi di Gualdo).At the end of a communication seminar of the Pontifical University of Santa Croce was held in Rome, Lombardi took a position. Pope Francis was "a great communicator". He has some spontaneity in communication, which "breaks barriers," said Father Lombardi. The Pope was "a person who has no boxes that isolate. He doesn't have them whether he is on and off a train in a jeep and drives around the place, or if he takes children into his arms or prompts others to approach. And he doesn't have them in daily life: If he wants to tell someone something, then he picks up the phone and tells him. That is what is therefore a very characteristic aspect. "

Suggested Treating With "Caution": No "Implications for  Church Teachings"

However, the Vatican spokesman Lombardi warned: "One  can now and then make necessary clarifications. We say: Warning, what can only really be said of these things is they are to be treated with caution, because who knows if what someone says who has received a phone call, or is sufficiently trustworthy. Therefore, it should be taken with great caution, without drawing conclusions that go beyond those confidential, personal cases, so there can not be conclusions concerning the teaching of the Church. "

"I'm Running Behind and Trying Not to Wreck Anything"

In his role as Vatican spokesman Father Lombardi said that he was "on duty"'m the person for whom he is to communicate. He had the presence of Pope Francis already for Pope Benedict XVI. made. To the needs of this person he had to adapt. Pope Francis "is a great communicator" and "I run after him and try not to wreck," which he communicates not only with words but also with gestures.

"Frequent Short" Encounters - "Have Not Seen Everything From Pope Francis"

The collaboration between Father Lombardi and the Pope consists of "frequent, but short, quick" encounters.  Compared to earlier  direct contact is not always necessary with the Secretary of State now. In some cases there is also the need for "direct contact".  "In the afternoon, he meets many people in Santa Marta, there are personal and private meetings," which often take place past the State Secretariat and the Prefecture of the Papal Household. To know then what happens, the Vatican's spokesman has  direct contact with the Pope then.
"We have not yet seen all of the communication of Pope Francis," said Father Lombardi, referring particularly to the upcoming visits by the Pope in the Holy Land and to South Korea. The Vatican spokesman speaks in this context of "new stages in the communication of the Holy Father's message to the world." There is therefore, says Lombardi, probably still "many things that we need, I think, to learn and see."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Vatican Inside
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Last Pope-King -- Pope Bergolio’s “New Course” is Not Yet Deciphered

(Rome) "With Francis the papacy came into the shade. The light is all alone for him, the Pope. Not for the institution, but Sfor the person.” With these words, the Vatican expert Sandro Magister begins his recent article in the weekly magazine L'Espresso , the Italian Mirror for Double Saints last Sunday.
"From the Church canons he feels free. He feels himself free from the canonical norms. In just one year he has already suspended six times the ironclad rule that demands a new miracle before a blessed may be proclaimed a saint. John XXIII is the last of the six. Francis wanted at all costs that John Paul II should be canonized not on his own but balanced by another pope with a different profile, less combative, more merciful. "

Francis Wanted to Avoid the  Exclusive Canonization of John Paul II at all Costs

Last Sunday the double canonization was intended by Francis  because he ascended the Chair of Peter too late to slow down the canonization of John Paul II.  "The Congregation for the Causes of Saints, bent its knees his will and pretended it had asked Francis for an exception that was benevolnetly  granted immediately."
A simulated perversion of facts, which was accepted, thus, because the Pope demanded. "In addition Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, who still figures as president of the Italian episcopal conference, has asked Francis that it be he, the pope, who delivers the inaugural discourse to the plenary assembly of the bishops to be held in May, something no pontiff has ever done."

Francis Sets Will Through

At the Cardinal's request is what was said in the official press release, it  then came to the prompt readiness of the Holy Father, who announced to have harbored the same intention’. Really. For over a month we knew that Francis had already decided to make the speech.
Since he is pope, which is Italian Episcopal Conference solidifies and falls silent. Francis asked the Italian bishops that they notify him whether they want to continue to have the Pope as nominal president of the Bishops Conference or would like to choose these freely from their ranks, as in the other countries. In reality,  the Pope’s engagement  of the Italian Bishops' Conference is the living contradiction of the decentralization and “democratization” of the Church allegedly pursued by Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

Francis Holds the Italian Episcopal Conference More Firmly Than Previous Popes

Pope Francis has the Italian Bishops Conference more  firmly in his grasp  than all the popes before him. The real authority in the bishops' conference is now its general secretary Bishop Nunzio Galatino Cassano all'Jonio. But the real authority behind this is Pope Francis, who raised Galatino into office and monitors each of his decisions.
The Galatino's first official act after his audience with Pope Francis was the dismissal of the former media officer of the Italian Bishops' Conference , Dino Boffo, who  had been hired by Cardinal Camillo Ruini. Boffo was chief editor of the daily newspaper of the Episcopal Conference "Avvenire" and for three years editor of TV2000, the television station of the bishops with a significantly increasing number of spectators. [Sorry, you’re too successful.?]

Media Work of the Bishops' Conference for Months without Leadership

That was on the 14th of February, so for more than two months. Since then, the entire communication channel of the Episcopal Conference was not controlled without giving word for  a reason for the dismissal of Boffo.
If on instead focuses attention within the Vatican walls, one finds there are still figures with full honors in the saddle that would have been sealed in every  other company long ago.

Advisor to the Pope and the Vatican Bank

These include the members of the Supervisory Board of the Vatican Bank IOR, in other words, the Gang of Four, which brutally sacked the then President of the Vatican Bank, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi  on 24 May 2012.
Not only that Pope Francis followed the advice of the four and ensured the continued existence of the Vatican Bank, although he had repeatedly indicated its dissolution in the previous months. The Pope leaves the Vatican Bank to work as the four want.
The new course of Pope Bergoglio is still not deciphered yet.
Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Settimo Cielo
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The "Luxury Residence" of Cardinal Bertone -- One of the Media Campaigns Against Pope Benedict's Secretary of State?

(Vatican) Catholic  media itself  has been grazing  in the field of moral sanctimony against the former Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone. He has created a "luxury apartment" of 600 or 700 square meters through extensive renovations. Pope Francis disapproves this luxury. And many Catholics believe  the media at the touch of the button whatever is put before them.
Now the Salesian Bertone could actually make one a lot better. But that was  not for the years of scolding that made hardly any good to say about the son of Don Bosco. Almost always, when there were attacks anywhere from within the Church against Bertone, it  was mostly mean for Pope Benedict XVI.. Calling him by name was avoided for reasons of expediency.    It was directed to the Cardinal Secretary of State, if only because he also synonymous with the  long odious Roman Curia, led to the  bashing being more uninhibited. It was not always wrong, but in the sum highly disproportionate.

The Jacobin flail it Afflicts Those Representatives of the Church,  That Didn't Dance in the Rio  Flash Mob 

The Jacobin flail was not put away after the resignation of Benedict.  More than a year after the election of Pope Francis Bertone himself is being called upon to contrast between a supposedly "dark" past and now a radiant present of the papacy and the Church in memory. A kind of perpetuation of the same propaganda. Here Pope Francis made known the dismissal of Bertone last year by the Vatican diplomat  Archbishop Pietro Parolin. According to the methods of the Jacobi only certain high church officials are neatly pelted with dirt. Amazingly, it was precisely those that were not ready in Rio de Janeiro to dance the bishop flash mob dance  and thus presented proof, nor to sell their priestly and episcopal dignity in such a clownish way for the amusement of the world.

Scandal Headlines: 600 m² "Luxury Apartment" for Cardinal Bertone

Now Bertone has been  placed in the  pillory for the last few weeks because of an alleged "luxury residence". The former Cardinal Secretary of State had put together several existing apartments in the Vatican in order to make an  extensive, costly reconstruction work. 600 square meters of living space and 100 square meters of terrace. This is a scandal and in addition, a provocation, because Bertone has his new "palace" refers directly next to the guesthouse Santa Marta, where Pope Francis occupies an apartment of less than 100 square meters. The press is underlining the stark contrast between the luxury of pre-Francis-time and the sober modesty of Pope Francis.
The "scandal" was unleased by  the Italian anti-Catholic tabloid Il Fatto Quotidiano . It  drew attention to no less anti-clerical newspaper than La Repubblica last April 20, for international attention.  Cardinal Bertone's reaction was even more late. Which again, is, however, not entirely his fault. Such delays unfortunately were several times a feature of his tenure as Cardinal Secretary of State to the detriment of Pope Benedict XVI. What  Pope Francis  makes too much of in the way of public relations today in their own right, was completely lacked both Pope Benedict XVI. and Bertone. 

Assigned Apartment is Actually Half the Size

The "luxury residence" is quite a canard, in reality. Bertone occupies a space assigned according to his age in office within the Vatican walls. It is a part of one floor in the old Palazzo San Carlo. The rooms are by today's standards  particularly  large, but also not a number of rooms. This all sounds great, but is not very practical. Overall, the former Secretary of State lives in a apartment that is just half as large as that claimed by media, namely 300 square meters. There, he and four members of staff, a secretary and three nuns are housed. In the apartment there is also the study of the Cardinal. The financing of the renovation work organized by the Cardinal himself.   He owns nothing as a religious.

It's Not About Facts, but About Moral Discrediting

The comparison with Pope Francis in Santa Marta is lagging in several ways, starting with the smaller space layout of the guest house. The comparison was made by certain media only to stage a contrived contrast between luxury and modesty, between rich and poor, between good and evil, between Benedict XVI. and Francis. While Il Fatto Quotidiano  still insisted after its first report knew to  present Bertone's higher "luxury" "angering" Pope Francis,  to present the Cardinal  now in a letter to two church newspapers that he had been called by Pope Francis to explain this to him in solidarity. The Pope has shown his disappointment over the media campaign against the former Cardinal Secretary of State.

Vatican Spokesman Asked Unsuccessfully for Official Correction

However, it goes for  Bertone's part also that the Cardinal had asked the Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi several times in vain for an official correction of the incorrect media reports.
The appointment of the Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone has never been accepted by his predecessor, Cardinal Angelo Sodano. In protest, that the German Pope did not assign one of his diplomats to the highest Curia Office, Cardinal Sodano  did not leave his residence until the end of 2007, more than a year after being replaced by Bertone, the official residence of the Cardinal Secretary of State at the Vatican. For that reason Bertone was only able to move  in much later.  This affront, who was made by  the elegant but relentless opponent Bertone Sodano, was the real reason for the ever-changing public attacks on Bertone through the targeted dissemination of true, half-true and false information.
One reason why the public relations during the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI. never really worked well. If there was trouble, as in the Williamson case, where there is a persistent rumor in Rome that some Church circles that they intentionally let the German pope  run into the knife, ultimately Bertone was held responsible. But now  others are  throwing a wrench in the gears.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: screenshot of Google Infovaticana

Taiwan's VP Receives Sacrilegious Communion

Edit:  Taiwan's Vice President, Wu Den-yih (吳敦義), has committed an act of sacrilege by consuming the Host and the Precious Blood at the Canonization Mass, despite warnings given previously by the Taiwanese diplomatic corp.

Even the Taiwan Bishops' Conference had a clear statement.

It's hard to see how, given the readiness with which it was given in the past to other world leaders, or the ecumenical atmosphere and informality which now seems to rule in the Vatican, how he would have been worried about offending such a protocol at all.  There have been no comments from the Vatican yet.  Do they even care?  Still, there has been a lot of criticism of the VP by people who seem to be quite ashamed of him, as Taiwan News reports:
A secretary for Taiwan’s Catholic Bishops’ Conference confirmed that the Eucharist should be only for Catholics who have undergone baptism by an ordained priest. 
“Take this case involving Vice President Wu. It may be that he joined in because others nearby in the diplomatic group were doing so, and nobody reminded Wu about the rules,” the secretary, surnamed Liao (廖), said. 
“Actually, I think this case was not too serious. Unless Wu had known about the restriction and breached it on purpose, which would be very disrespectful,” he said.
A number of netizens criticized Wu over the Eucharist incident. 
One person surnamed Lin (林) accused Wu of “lacking understanding of diplomatic protocols,” while another netizen wrote: “Wu has shamed himself at the Vatican.”
Another posted under the name Chou: “Wu is an ignoramus. This shows that someone with a high education may not have wisdom or common sense.”

Remember this?

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

“The Pope Organizes His Life Himself” -- He has “A lot of Imagination” and Works “Methodically"

Edit: especially when it comes to those he studiously ignores, and to those he lavishes special consideration, like a dissident Irish priest whose cause he championed today.

(Vatican) Monsignor Guillermo Karcher, one of Papal ceremonialists spoke recently in an interview about his daily work with Pope Francis. The interview was conducted by the Internet TV channel of the Argentine news site Infobae . The Argentine Karcher has belonged for several years at the Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Pope. He is incardinated in the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires and has known Pope Francis for 20 years. He works at the State Secretariat and is one of the ceremonialists of the Pope. As such, he was on duty during the conclave. In the evening, when Pope Francis was presented to the world, he held onto the loggia of St. Peter's Basilica the microphone (see picture). In the Bild interview he gives a little insight into the life and work of the Pope.

Monsignor Karcher is a ceremonialist who belongs to those collaborators of the Roman Curia, who work closely with Pope Francis and see him most often. The Pope leads a "very regular life," said Msgr Karcher. "He rises between 4.30 und 5 clock and goes fill 10 to 11pm to bed." The Pope from Argentina "receives a lot of people every day and maintains close contacts with the Roman Curia.” After morning Mass in the chapel of the guest house Santa Marta he goes to "Breakfast, then we bring him the news from around the world, we chat with each other ... and then begins his day.” Karcher said: "He handles his appointments himself, Bergoglio organized his own life. “

"He has learned to be Pope In less than a year"

For handling of the Pope with the people and their expectations in Argentina and the politicians with whom he maintained contact, said the ceremonialist: "He has a lot of imagination. He maintains the contact with the people, that hasn’t changed.”

Among the postures and gestures of the Pope said Karcher: "In less than a year he has learned to be Pope.”

As early as last March, Msgr Karcher said in an interview with Vatican insider , Pope Francis has "a sixth sense". The Pope was able "to recognize a sick or needy person amid the crowd. This is a special grace, he can feel it in the heart.“

The pope goes "very methodically", saying it is "a characteristic of his Jesuit character. In his daily routine is a place for everything and everyone." Prior to morning Mass Francis he prepares his sermon.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 image: Infovaticana
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

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Is Pope Francis Ignoring Collegiality to Intervene on Behalf of Dissident University in Peru?

Edit: Some may recall that in Chile, there were attempts to overrule the local ordinary were in turn overruled by Cardinal Bertone in February of 2013. This time, in Peru. Why can’t Pope Francis allow collegiality to take its course, particularly when doctrinal orthodoxy is at question, since they have steadfastly refused, like so many other schools, to implement Ex Corde Ecclesiae.

In the confines of the current Vatican intervention, there is no discussion of bringing the University to heel, but only mediating the two parties. One would think there’s nothing to talk about.”

In a protracted dispute over the Catholic University of Peru, Pope Francis now wants to bring about a decision.

Lima (kath.net / CBA) In a protracted dispute over the Catholic University of Peru Pope Francis now wants to bring about a decision. Francis had invoked the Commission of Cardinals to find a "mutually acceptable final solution", the University PUCP announced in Lima on Monday (local time). The committee will be headed by Cardinal Peter Erdo of Budapest.

In July 2012, the Vatican's only Catholic University of Peru had been forbidden to continue calling itself "papal" and “Catholic”. The background is a conflict over the competence of leadership and Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne of Lima. Erdo had already mediated between Cipriani and the Rector in December 2011, but was unsuccessful. Other members of the new Commission are reported as the Canadian Cardinal Gerald Cyprien Lacroix and the Chilean Cardinal familiar to Pope Francis, Ricardo Ezzati Andrello.

The deprivation of the title was the culmination of a dispute of the leadership of the university, founded in 1917. The Vatican Secretariat of State justified this step, among other things, that the University in its activities now follow criteria that are "incompatible with the discipline and morality of the Church." The university did not comply with demands for adapting their statutes. The letter, dated July 11, 2012 was signed by the then Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone.

The prominent University is in conflict with Cardinal Cipriani of Lima, who, in addition to his office as Archbishop of the Peruvian capital, has also been Chancellor of the University since 2007. It's about the right to appoint the rector to lead oversight of the teaching content and to control the considerable real estate assets of the University.

(C) 2014 Catholic News Agency KNA GmbH. All rights reserved

A New Blow Against the Franciscans of the Immaculata --- Pilgrimage Church Refused Them

(Rome), a new blow by  the Commission  set upon  the  Franciscans of the Immaculate by the Congregation for Religious. The lay association Mission of the Immaculate Mediatrix (MIM) was denied the Marian Sanctuary of Pompeii.  Since the year 2004, MM brought believers together to  take a pilgrimage from Naples and Campania  to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary in Pompeii, the most famous Marian shrine in this part of southern Italy. Yesterday, on Divine Mercy Sunday, however, the faithful were denied  access to the holy image

Prohibition of Commissar Volpi Led Prelate of Pompeii to Ban

On 10 April, when everything was already organized, the faithful were informed by the rector of the Basilica, Monsignor Salvatore Acampora,  the use and access ban without notice. Pilgrimage, Holy Mass, Rosary and Marian songs had to be canceled. On request of the disappointed believers, Msgr Acampora declared the following day that the Church has the status of a Pontifical Basilica Cathedral and was erected as a Territorial Prelature in 1926. So it stands under papal law, which is why the responsible Prelate and Pontifical Delegate for the Shrine, Titular Archbishop Tommaso Caputo currently could not ignore the measures of the Apostolic Commissar of the Franciscans of the Immaculate,  Fr Fidenzio Volpi.

"Tell us What We Have Done Wrong?"

Commissioner Volpi had in the course of the destruction of  the Franciscan Order, which the Congregation of Religious calls "normalization", forbid on 27 November, 2013, the ecclesiastically recognized lay association from any activity.  "A radical intervention, which took place without any justification. Tell us what we've done wrong: If it is a sin, an act against the Gospel or a violation of canon law" demanded Claudio Circelli, one of MIM leaders of Naples, for the last ten years, who organized the annual pilgrimage to the Queen of the Rosary.

Unfounded Prohibitions: "So They Don't Apply to Believers"

The ban on the pilgrimage's access at the basilica of Pompeii can be justified formally,  with the activity ban on the MIM.  "A ban in reference to the unjustified ban of the Commissioner, and one washes the other's hands. That's arbitrariness. So it doesn't apply to  the faithful," wrote the newspaper which quoted Il Mattino di Napoli, an  indignant member of the MIM. In fact, a Commissioner Volpi has not justified that the prohibition will result in further bans after themselves without ever explaining in order to punish the lay organization.

Old Mass, Promoting Tradition, Criticism of the Second Vatican Council - For Some Unbearable

The provisional administration of the Franciscans of the Immaculate was arranged by the prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, João de Aviz Cardinal Bráz in July 2013.   A step that also took place with the express approval of Pope Francis in a form that the Order took every opportunity to appeal.
The crackdown is connected with that of the hitherto flourishing religious order under Benedict XVI. which changed internally to the  old rite and intellectually took a  very active part in the debate initiated by the German theologian Pope   on the interpretation of the Second Vatican Council. It undertook a defense of Catholic tradition against modernist tendencies in the Church and especially in the training of theologians and priests,  which to some was unbearable in the Church, but under Benedict XVI. they could not take action against the Order. However, due to the pontificate change to Pope Francis, they were active immediately and with the utmost severity against the Order. The arbitrary act against the Order has overshadowed the current pontificate.

MIM - Marian and Missionary

The MIM was established in 1990 by the founder of the Franciscans of the Immaculate   in 2013, the deposed   Superior General Father Stefano Maria Manelli in the Marian shrine of Loreto. The MIM align themselves with lay people who try to live in their respective state of the charism of the Order. They vow  to be Marian and missionary and to promote the devotion to Mary and to promote the mission ad gentes, particularly "where the struggle for the salvation of souls and the edification of the Church is particularly fierce."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Wikicommons

Conflicting Attempts to Explain: One Time It’s Pope Francis, Another Time it’s Jorge Mario Bergolio? -- Yet Again, The Difficult Interaction of Catholic Media With This Pontificate

(Rome) Jewish convert Ariel Levi di Gualdo , who became a Catholic priest, the chief editor of a well-known Catholic website has penned  a letter. The occasion was the phone call from Pope Francis to an Argentinian who thereby made ​ statements he allegedly made. The reason is the manner in which controversial actions,  played down, minimized, hidden, and reinterpreted   were justified by certain Catholic.
Since the beginning of the pontificate of Pope Francis, some  faithful Catholic media are in an unenviable predicament. How to deal with the pontificate of Pope Francis? The coordinates of the previous years under Pope Benedict XVI. no longer apply. An unconditional ostrich-like attitude to the motto: "Everything the Pope does is great" can only hold out at a high and especially bitter price.
It needs critical thinking, and also a rejection of any of the various  requests for lese majeste. It must be a painful emission, suddenly to find yourself with the same choir that yesterday criticized some of the victims, because they themselves are responsible for serious abuses in the local churches or tolerate them  at least. This must impose the question if you do not sit in the wrong boat. Really?
Some seem quite resistant. When Pope Francis has made a "Bergogliade”, as  he seems to forget again and again to be the Pope,  thus the Vicar of Christ and successor of Peter and not  an appealing, unfailingly idiomatic,  casual,  quasi anonymous priest somewhere,  there are those who remain true to the Church,  but  increasingly critical Catholics and truly  acrobatic masters making feats into every conceivable variant for the critical inquirer to insist that everything is fine and the rest are merely “misunderstandings”, that someone always has otherwise misunderstood something and it’s always someone else's fault .
This includes variants of schizophrenic explanation, such as the distinction of "official" Pope and a "private" Pope, as  the actor in certain cases is Pope Francis, in others,  Jorge Mario Bergoglio. You can not get past the controversial "Bergogliades" because they usually  put the pope’s  actions   to public attention in the shadows and are known in no time in the far corners of the world. Avoid it but frantically to get to the heart of the question: Bergoglio.
The Catholic priest Ariel Levi Stefano di Gualdo has written to the editor of a Catholic website that is faithfully Catholic and pious, also presenting many questions, but the key question to show this tense contradiction at work.  Here is a translation. We do this  refraining to mention the name of the chief editor and his website. Instead, anyone can include the name himself. There are also candidates for this  throughout the world. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Cardinal Dolan Has New York’s Traditional Latin Heritage in the Crosshairs

Eugene O’Neill’s Birth Parish Headed for Destruction?
Edit: We’ve just been informed that Cardinal Dolan is probably going to close down the Latin Mass center of Holy Innocents and the Padre Pio Shrine.  Holy Innocents is also known as the “actor’s church”.  Strange choice to base your Traditional Community, but it might help preserve it.

Maybe more thespians need to start having children and going regularly to Mass?
Among the locations being considered for closure by the committee, which is scheduled to issue its final blueprint to archbishop Cardinal Timothy Dolan in June, are the Church of St. John the Baptist and the Church of the Holy Innocents in Midtown Manhattan, according to internal documents obtained by Capital New York. Both would be consolidated into nearby St. Francis of Assisi on West 31st Street, which could take a new name.

St. John the Baptist, also on West 31st Street, is directly across from of Pennsylvania Station and a well known parish. It is run by the religious order of the Capuchin Franciscans and is home to the Saint Padre Pio Shrine, which attracts devotees to the 20th century saint. Holy Innocents on West 37th Street, the oldest building in the Fashion Center, was once known as the “actor's church.” Playwright Eugene O'Neill was baptized there in 1888. Some Masses are still celebrated there in Latin.
There’s no word as to what plans there are for St. Francis Xavier parish and its amazing outreach programs, and "loyal opposition” to the Archbishop and Catholic teaching.   At this point, the Cardinal seems enthusiastic about what’s happening there, and less so about what’s happening elsewhere, if these closures are any indication.

As usual, we invite those who live in NYC to comment on this.

Here he is being wildly enthusiastic about sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance…  or so it appears.

Link to Capital...

Lightning Strikes Saint Paul Cathedral During Canonizations

Edit: this is the historic Cathedral overlooking St. Paul from the heights, across the street from the James J. Hill Mansion. The photo was taken yesterday as the canonizations were taking place in Rome.

Statue of John Paul II Crushes Young Man in Italy.

Photo Credit: KARE ”Rainy Sunday” Reader Photos… 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Canonization of a Missionary, And Rejection of Mission?

(Rome) Pope Francis celebrated on Thursday in the Roman Jesuit church of St Ignatius of Loyola in Campo Marzio, a Mass of Thanksgiving for the Canonization of the Jesuit missionary José de Anchieta (1534-1597). The new saint is venerated as the "Apostle of Brazil". His canonization was "pro gratia" without a regular canonization process, because such would be impracticable because of the large temporal distance. The missionary and founder of Sao Paulo in Brazil has a reputation for holiness and is venerated in the Portuguese-speaking country in Latin America by the faithful people as "national saint".

Young Jesuit Missionary Zeal with Brazil

Only 19 years old, he had set out as a missionary in the New World. There he received the priesthood in 1566. The Holy José de Anchieta worked all his life as a missionary and is worshiped as such. Pope Francis said, literally, that the new saints of such religious zeal was animated, that he "could form a nation", today's Brazil.
All the more surprising that Pope Francis, the words mission, missionary or proselytizing never mentioned in his sermon was. Instead, he reiterated its condemnation of the "proselytism". Literally, the Pope said: "The Church does not grow by proselytizing, but by the charisma and appeal of the witnesses and the joy."  The testimony arising from the "joy" that will to proclaim. "Without this joy without this joy, you can not start a Church. It is an apostolic joy that radiates and spreads. "

"Proselytism" No, Mission: Unspoken, Joy: Yes

In his interview with the atheist Eugenio Scalfari the Pope had said that "proselytism is a huge stupidity". He included not only an aggressive mission form as  some Protestant groups are accused of being, a rejection, but overall of mission, he said to Scalfari "I do not want to convert" (see the Full Interview of Atheist Scalfari with Pope Francis - Is There No Objective Good? ).
We now know that Scalfari formulated the answers of the Pope himself. However,  the atheist doyen of the prevailing left-liberal mainstream is assured to have this content exactly reproduced in summary as the Pope had told him (backgrounds for Pope Interview - Scalfari: "I Formulated The Pope's Answers Myself" ). 

Otherwise he later spoke two weeks later for World Mission Sunday at the General Audience of 16 October 2013 (see No to Conversions, Yes For Mission - The Pope Contradict Himself? ). The Church has a task, and it is called "mission". In this specifically Christian category and related language Pope Francis, however,  strongly criticizes  "proselytism", "poaching" of other faiths, but speaks simultaneously of a "charism" and "spread" by the "joy" of the "testimony"

What is the Message of the Pope?

In the absence of conclusive presented concept the interpretation of the Pope's words remain  uncertain and there are a variety of questions. For example: Is it a general waiver of mission? What does Pope Francis with "proselytism", that  "there is no way for the growth of Church"? If you want the church to wait passively until other faiths or atheists - attracted by the testimony - ask for  inclusion in the Community Church   but isn't active in any way in  missionary work?    The elimination of the Jewish mission is in fact already a fact, the renunciation of the Protestant mission is mostly accomplished: now there follows a general waiver of mission because the other faiths "already"  believe? Or does the Pope simply redeem  the "old" language regime and replace it with a new one? Joy as a synonym for mission? Why doesn't  he say it?
The papal statements confuse especially in connection with the canonization of José de Anchieta, it resulted solely from his mission and zeal for souls in Brazil. He wanted to proclaim Christ and wanted to evangelize. Had he otherwise remained in Europe, would he have joined another Order and led somewhere a contemplative religious and priestly life?
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Link to Katholisches....

Bamberg Pastor Asks Pope Francis for "Release" From Celibacy

(Bamberg) Stefan Hartmann (59), Catholic priest and pastor of Oberhaid in Upper Franconia (Archdiocese of Bamberg) wants to be "released" from celibacy. Yesterday he posted   a letter he sent to Pope Francis on his Facebook page.

He Gave a "Premature" Vow of Celibacy

The priest  explains to   the Catholic Church leader that he had given his promise of celibacy  "prematurely"  in 1981.  Celibacy does not comply with his "constitution". After "long evaluation" of his conscience and in view of his "personal situation" and "consciousness" of his "weakness" and his "mistakes," he is making the request for release from celibacy while maintaining his priesthood. Last January, Hartmann had explained on the television show "Höhe der Zeit" [Up To Date] broadcast all over Germany that he has  a daughter. In 1982 he was ordained a priest.

Relationship with Community Officer

Then he started a relationship with his church officer. Retrieved from "love" he never speaks, as a matter a timeeditor (Christ & the world) noticed. 

 He got a lot of obligatory "praise for his honesty, from the community and from the Facebook community", said Die Zeit  which knew to report it, mixing up honesty and dishonesty.   Hartmann belongs to a kind of  Hardliner.   He did not draw the necessary conclusions from his actions and ought to  be unfrocked. For example, in order to take care of his daughter. Other secularized priests became  external Church opponents. Hartmann wants to stay inside the same and rebuild the Church according to his  weakness. The applause of the media is certainly with him.

"Voluntary" Celibacy Nonsense

The priest breaks the vow of celibacy, leads a double life, does not draw the appropriate conclusions, but wants unapologetic adaptation not only for special treatment for himself, but even the whole ecclesiastical order to his "weakness". Because celibacy is just an "anachronism", which should be abolished thinks Hartmann. He speaks generously about not wanting to abolish celibacy,  but the  introduction of "voluntary"  celibacy, which is admittedly utter nonsense. This would elevate married clergy to a standard, which excludes whomever wants to just live as a  celibate priest, from  marriage. But as is known no one is forced into marriage by the Catholic Church. God had given  love, "not celibacy" which  celibacy opponents bring in their assault on the constitution of the Church as a fairly primitive denominator. That Jesus set aside celibacy for the sake of the Kingdom as a special act of love, is suppressed at all costs.
Jesus added, because He knew the people, even in the 21st century: "The one who can accept this should accept it." [Mathew 19:11] Today, all sorts of people jostling in front of the celibacy debate which  doesn't   affected them.  Were they silent, the quality of the discussion would gain much thereby. The priesthood and the religious life are voluntary acts, only obligatory to  those who are called. And to this appeal is included celibacy and chastity. Anything else would be a form of fraud, to oneself,  to God and to man.
The affected Archdiocese of Bamberg is silent. It sees no need for action, because Pastor Hartmann has only performed this escapade  once 24 years ago.  Hartmann himself knows better whether the Pope will offer a release from his vow of celibacy because of his "weakness" and his "constitution".   Strength of character looks different.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: BR (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com