Showing posts with label Spain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spain. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Bishops' Conference: Catholic Media Should not Criticize the Abortion Politics of the Government

General Secretary of the Bishops' Conference
Gil Tamayo
(Madrid) Catholic media should not criticize Spanish government because of their abortion policy. A corresponding statement to the media by the Spanish Bishops' Conference had been granted by the Secretary General and spokesman of the Episcopal Conference, José María Gil Tamayo, as InfoVaticana reported. The Spanish Bishops' Conference includes the COPE radio chain and the TV station 13TV.

Christian Democrats are the Abortion Party, but Catholic Media Should Be Silent

Not to be critical of the government of the Christian Democratic Partido Popular, although they had promised a restriction of the killing of unborn children through abortion and legal strengthening of the right to life in the last election and therefore won the parliamentary elections. The law was actually drafted by the Justice Minister and decided on last fall by the government.  Yet it never arrived in the  Parliament. Just last summer, the Minister of Justice assured that the Parliament will discuss the law in September. Instead, the ruling Christian Democrats caved in fear of a political dispute and withdrew the law. Justice Minister Ruiz Gallardón then resigned in protest. Right to Life organizations and Catholic voters are disappointed to appalled.
The Partido Popular justified the capitulation with a view to the next upcoming 2015 parliamentary elections, for which one would not waste the chances of re-election. Instead, the party of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy is now experiencing an exodus of core voters, for the PP as the abortion party is no longer a legitimate voting choice.
Behind the scenes it seems to agreements between the General Secretariat, the Episcopal Conference and the Partido Popular have  agreed to keep the criticism on the back burner to prevent a return of the Socialist Party to power. The non-negotiable values that were championed Popes John Paul II. and Benedict XVI, were looked past.  That does not seem hard for some bishops' conferences to drop as  they had left the above mentioned popes in the stick in the fight against the barbaric mass murder of innocent children. The reigning Pope Francis facilitates looking away from Innocents, as he explained in an interview to have "never understood non-negotiable values," their formulation.

"On the  Pressure Scale of 0-10" Pressure Exerted is Only 2

As to the "right" to assassinate unborn children in many Western countries, including in the German-speaking world as "social consensus" is alleged that the Episcopal Conferences prefer to prioritize this "consensus".
According Info Vaticana , which relies on informants from the Catholic media COPE and 13TV, the Secretary General of the Episcopal Conference has given the media these instructions which is to largely hold back criticism of the government in matters of abortion. Literally Gil Tamayo said: "On the pressure scale 0-10, pressure 2".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: InfoVaticana
Trans: Tancred

Monday, August 25, 2014

„Doppelgänger“ of the Pope Will be New Archbishop of Madrid

(Madrid / Rome) Archbishop Carlos Sierra Osoro of Valencia will be the new Archbishop of Madrid. This is apparently confirmed by  Spanish government circles, according to Spanish media. An official appointment by Pope Francis has not yet been posted. Will Antonio Cañizares Llovera, who is Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship be appointed as the new Archbishop of Valencia?
Archbishop Osoro, was born in 1945, initially working in parish ministry, was then rector of the seminary of his native diocese of Santander and at the same time vicar general of the same. He was appointed in late 1996 by Pope John Paul II., Bishop of Orense, promoted to bishop of Oviedo in 2002 and 2009 he was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI.  to be Archbishop of Valencia.

"I'm Neither a Conservative Nor a Progressive"

For the Spanish media, Archbishop Osoro because of a certain similarity, is considered to be a "Doppelgänger" of Pope Francis. When asked whether he was a "conservative or progressive,"  the bishop replied: "Neither the one nor the other. It is certain that a man of the Church must be a man of dialogue. If it is progressive, it is to be faithful to the apostolic succession, like Benedict XVI. and before him John Paul II., to be a man of unity with the other bishops, to validly present  Catholic doctrine, and the Catechism, then I am progressive. "Catholic observers describe the archbishop as "sympathetic", "affable", "not partisan." He apparently has with that "all the properties that favor him for a career. A statement on his disposition and performance is thus did not connected," said José Francisco de la Cigoña.

Question of the Rite Must not be "Ideological"

As Archbishop of Valencia Msgr. Osoro has demonstrated particular attention to the poor. The promotion of priestly vocations has led to an increase in the numbers of seminarians. In the last academic year, there were 17 new entrants. Regarding  the traditional rite, the Archbishop of Valencia said: "The extraordinary form of the Roman Rite was the Apporbation of the Pope to the Ordinary form. There is no problem. Where there is a need, you only need to ask. But you can not consider the rite ideologically: Progressive and Conservative. It is important to recognize the doctrine of the Church, which is able to unite Christians of different sensitivity in the same Mass. "

Who Follows as Archbishop of Valencia

Since 2014, Archbishop Osoro has been  Vice President of the Spanish Bishops' Conference . The transfer to Madrid has predestined him in the next term of office for the presidency of the Bishops' Conference. Meanwhile, in Spain there is speculation as to whether Cardinal Antonio Cañizares Llovera, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship is to be appointed as the new Archbishop of Valencia. The speculation about the Spanish Cardinal has been engaged since the recent conclave because of the not very pronounced sensitivity of Pope Francis for the liturgy. It has encouraged them, because the Pope  Cardinal Canizaresas is the only prefect of a Roman Congregation who has not yet been confirmed in his office.  Cardinal Cañizares comes from the Province of Valencia.
The Church thinks over long periods, which is why decisions about appointments  can be corrected with difficulty to move in a certain direction." It took too long to replace the bad Montini-episcopate in Spain. The same would be required in Argentina to get rid of the Bergoglio-episcopate. "
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: antena3 (Screenshot)

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Galicia Effects Law in Service of Aberrosexual Lobby -- Galician Bishops Are Silent as the Tomb

(Santiago de Compostela) In the autonomous Spanish region of Galicia a new equality law against "discrimination against lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual and intersex people" was effected. The Law 2/2014 cites that regardless of gender, race, religion, opinion or any other personal or social circumstances, Article 14 of the Spanish Constitution affirms the  equality of all people. " In reality, this is a law in the service of gay lobby" says Infovaticana. It was put into  law with the votes of the Christian Democratic, Partido Popular, which holds 41 of 75 seats in the Galician Parliament. Anyone hoping for a condemnation of the new homo-Promotion Act by the Catholic bishops, waited in vain. "The bishops of Galicia were silent," says Infovaticana .
The law expressly recognizes the five sexual special forms as social groups. Companies could be forced to reserve a certain percentage of jobs for members of each of these five groups.

Christian Democrats Impose Homosexualization on the Country

Family shall be subjected by the Christian Democratic majorityn to a complete redefinition. As a family, includes any form of communication between two people or one or both parents with children, whether heterosexual or homosexual, whether married or living together. The new law affects state subsidies, public competitions, job postings, concessions and licenses.
The aim of the competent organs of the Comunidad Autonoma de Galiciais, by law, is to promote the various affective-sexual forms, different family models and the equal rights of LGBTI people, referred to as particularly "vulnerable" and therefore in need of special protection.

No Press Promotion, if Not LBGTI-friendly

Article 28 defines explicitly,  that  the "positive" teaching of "homosexuality, bisexuality, transsexuality and intersexuality" is to be encouraged and promote in the culture.
In Article 31, the press subsidies explicitly coupled in the benevolent promotion of homosexuality and rejection of " sexist vocabulary", to mention only two passages of the new law.

Mention bishops of Galicia

Infovaticana asked all five Galician bishops to give an opinion. 

Archbishop Julian Barrio of Santiago de Conpostela and thus Metropolitan of Galicia refused to give any opinion. His press secretary finally referred, after obstinate demands, on the scheduled for the end of the month meeting of the bishops of the ecclesiastical province. Archbishop Barrio last month allowed the profanation of  the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostola by pagan rituals of Shinto priests and Buddhist monks (see separate report Desecrated Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela by Buddhist and Shinto Rites ).
Bishop Manuel Sanchez-Monge of Mondonedo-Ferrol was completely surprised, "I knew nothing of this law." He assured he would  address the bishops of Galicia at its next meeting with the question: "I assume that we at the first opportunity, when we [the bishops of Galicia] gather a clear position related to the question."
Bishop Alfonso Carrasco-Ruoco of Lugo was also not prepared to comment. Through his press secretary, he sent word that he would not comment before he had not consulted with other bishops.
Bishop Jose Leonardo Lemos of Orense said through his press secretary that it was "on the subject is one of the pending issues to be addressed at the next meeting of the Ecclesiastical Province. Since it is a regional issue, it may be that a joint statement indicating if this is also not safe because they have not yet dealt with the issue. "
Bishop Luis Quinteiro of Tuy-Vigo could not be contacted despite repeated attempts.
As an aside it should be mentioned that the coat of arms of the Autonomous Community of Galicia in contrast to their legislators, is deeply Catholic. It shows a blue shield a golden chalice and above a silver wafer, surrounded by seven silver, Greek crosses.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Wikicommons / Infovaticana
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Francis Reminds Spanish Bishops About Concern for the Education of Priests

Vatican (Catholic news / CBA). Pope Francis has reminded the Spanish bishops to be concerned about the training of candidates for the priesthood. This aspect should be given "absolute precedence" by each bishop, he said Monday during a visit by Spanish diocesan heads at the Vatican. He required them to insist on a precise selection of the candidates and to ensure a good education of students and faculty. The Spanish bishops are at present on so-called ad limina visits to Rome to report on the situation in their dioceses. The Spanish Church is presented some major challenges according to the Pope. "Right now you have the hard experience of the indifference of many baptized and you have to defend yourselves against a secular culture, which wants to displace God in private life and exclude Him from the public space," said Francis. In contrast, the bishops should boldly proclaim the Gospel and find new ways thereby.

 Source: © CBA.

All rights reserved

Source: Kath News

Friday, February 7, 2014

Here We Go: First Time a Cardinal is Charged with “Homophobia” -- Pope-Friend Fernando Sebastián Aguilar Before the Court

(Madrid) Here we go. For the first time in history  a  Cardinal of the Catholic Church is being investigated because of "homophobia". On 6 February the prosecution of Malaga brought charges against the Cardinal appointed by Pope Francis, Archbishop Emeritus of Pamplona, ​​Monsignor Fernando Sebastián Aguilar. The 84 year-old Claretian and friend of the Pope, who will receive the Cardinal’s biretta from his hand in two weeks, had been interviewed shortly after Pope Francis had announced in January his elevation to cardinal status.  On this occasion he was also asked about the journalistic perennial  "homosexuality". The appointed cardinal said here that homosexuality can "be cured by proper treatment".

LGBT Activists Want the Cardinal in prison: Prosecutor “Obeys" Immediately

Cardinal Sebastián Aguilar is called because of his name "the eagle", as his "student" Pope Francis called him, he never had a reputation for as a "conservative". But that does not matter: neither this fact nor his past merits or his age are to protect him from persecution by the gay lobby.
The LGBT activists want to see the old Cardinal in prison. "The prosecution of Malaga obeyed 'immediately  the demands of the homosexual lobby, supported therein by a unanimous decision of the municipal council of Malaga, in which the Christian Democrats of the Partido Popular voted against the old Archbishop,” said the religious sociologist Massimo Introvigne. The Neo-cardinal will be officially ruled against. He faces a prison sentence for breach of the Spanish Anti-Homophobia Law.

Cardinal Gave an Interview to Diario Sur

But what has Archbishop Sebastian perpetrated that is so terrible? In an interview with Diario Sur, the daily newspaper of Malaga, the newly appointed Cardinal was asked on 20  January to comment on the statements of Pope Francis on homosexuality. Specifically, it was about the controversial statement about homosexuals: "Who am I to judge him" Archbishop Sebastian said:
"The Pope accentuates the gestures of respect and appreciation towards all people, but he betrays neither the traditional teaching of the Church nor does  he modify it. It is one thing  to manifest towards a gay man acceptance and affection, it is another to morally justify the exercise of homosexuality. "
He continued: "To a man I can say that he has a deficiency, but that does not mean that I do not appreciate this person or help him. I think this is the position of the Pope. "

"Fix Homosexuality Through Therapy and Normalize"

The journalist asked if the archbishop had brought the word "deficit" of "moral point of view". The neo-Cardinal replied: "Yes. Many get upset about it and do not tolerate it, but with all due respect I say that homosexuality is a deficient form to bring their own sexuality to expression, as this  depends in its structure and purpose to establish reproduction. The homosexuality does not fulfill this purpose, it is false. To say this, is by no means an insult. In our body we have many weaknesses. For example, I have high blood pressure: Should I be upset if you tell me that? This is a deficit that I try to correct as much as possible through its own therapy. Making a homosexual aware of his deficiency  is not an insult, it's a help, because many cases of homosexuality can be remedied and normalized by appropriate treatment. That's not an insult, but appreciation. If a person has a defect, then is the one who tells him that is a true friend. "

Anti-Homophobia Law: Legacy of the Zapatero Government

The gay activists saw the course differently and were immediately angry that the new Cardinal had called homosexuality "a disease", a term which is punishable in the Spanish courts due to the anti-homophobia law. The law against "homophobia" is part of the legacy of Spain, which was left by the Socialist Zapatero government (2004-2011).
The Emeritus Archbishop of Pamplona may be old, but he is not naive. He weighed his words carefully and was careful not to use the word "disease." Literally, the Cardinal spoke not from the fact that a homosexual is "cured", but the fact that he can be "restored".

Since When are Dissidents in  Jail?

It was also explained in a broadcast of the Archdiocese of Malaga, which, rightly points to the Catechism of the Catholic Church. “It might have added,  why someone who holds a different opinion on the difficult issue on  the origin of homosexuality, should go to jail, even if  the word  “healing” were avoided, which anyway possesses a variety meanings,“ said Introvigne.
Anyway, the climate has become rough and the opinion police seem omnipresent.  So the Cardinal took advantage in the careful choice of words  of nothing. In Spain the enemy of the Church, Zapatero, no longer rules.  There govern the Christian Democrats of the Partido Popular . But whoever thought that at least where Catholics govern, "homophobia laws against bishops and cardinals are wouldn’t be used  in any case," which is why you can safely leave the Leftists their ideological playing fields when they have such fun with it already, which has now been definitively refuted by the prosecution of Malaga. For the first time  charges have been brought against a Cardinal of the Church, because he has said what the Catholic Church has always taught  on homosexuality and what is part of the truth of faith, which they can not change.

Christian Resistance Should be Organized Before  Dictatorship of Opinion is Established

Perhaps it's the comfortable Christians who think it would already not so bad, should wake up and start with the resistance in the countries where there is no homophobia Act, before they too need to weigh with care every word, and because of a Catholic thought crime, stand trial.
Text: NBQ / Giuseppe Nardi
image: Nuova Bussola Quotidiana
Trans: Tancred

Monday, January 13, 2014

Anonymous Attacks Website of Madrid

You can read phrases like "not submissive and devout. I love free, cute and crazy" and it includes all kinds of videos and satirical images.

Edit: this just in from David with some google translating and editing to augment our rudimentary Spanish.

[Madrid] A series of emails sent this morning to very first time that include your email address in the word 'debian', an operating system and a distribution of free software widely used by computer 'hackers' known in Internet parlance as 'hackerese', warned that the web site of the Archdiocese of Granada had just been 'hacked'.

A page is 'hacked' when hackers manage to bypass all security checks and write what they see fit and remove the content provided.

This computer attack is claimed by #Anonymous, a movement to engage and counter, in his own words, certain behaviors of governments, administrations, or in this case, the Archdiocese of Granada.

In the case of Granada, and the publication of the book archifamoso criticizes entitled 'Marry and be Submissive' [ ‘Cásate y sé sumisa’]. "Although they currently still have not managed to compromise the homepage, they have done so in several sub-navigation menus. For example, they have posted a video entitled 'Compulsory Motherhood', the author is known as Fulminant Red.

There are also several satirical images in which the Archbishop of Granada is ridiculed in his greeting of parishioners. And in other menus # Anonymous salutes invites you to record that you have entered 'into the kitchen' from the website of the Archdiocese of Granada.

Link to ...

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Abortion Fanatics Attack Midnight Mass in Spain

(Madrid) Leftist abortionists and feminists disrupted a Midnight Mass in Spain on Christmas night to demand "full and free abortion". The incident took place in the parish church of San Felix in Sabadell near Barcelona.
The abortion fanatics wanted to act as Herodians and chose therefore targeted the Creche, in which the birth of Jesus is celebrated. As the antithesis of the happy birth of a child, and specifically of the Redeemer, they demanded "full and free abortion". They interrupted the Sacred Liturgy with a banner and chant. The church vandals and anti-Catholic "action" was videotaped and posted on the Internet. The sacrilege was conducted by  the "Anti-Sexist collective of Sabadell."  The video was published  on the website "Justa Revolta". About 50 pro-abortion invaded the church during the Mass, shouting slogans for abortion and against the Church. The "action" was described by the attackers as a "reaction" to the "capitalist, patriarchal and Catholic offensive."
The Mass was interrupted by the  disruption for fifteen minutes. Even before the arrival of the police the Mass attendees urged the vandals with their placards out of the church. Outside the church, abortion advocates continued with their chants.

Trans: Tancred

Friday, December 27, 2013

Baroque Pilgrimage Church on the Santiago de la Compostela Struck by Lightning and Burnt to the Ground

Edit: here's a paraphrase of the burning of a pilgrimage church in the town of Muxía in the provnice of A Coruña, called "Nosa Senora de Barca". The town was earlier destroyed by the rampaging of Napoleon.

A fire reported Wednesday has left  the shrine to the Virgin of da Barca, Muxia, La Coruna almost completely destroyed, which has burned the roof and the interior and  damaged stones with which it was built. The flames began, according to early indications, due to a lightning strike on a transformer next to the church, which caught fire and the fire passed through the wires to the sacristy.
The 112 (911) received notice at 8:30 am this Christmas day. The fire brigade said there was fire in the sanctuary, an emblematic place of worship and pilgrimage in the Costa da Morte.

The area firefighters and effective voluntary groups in the area,  worked until 1pm to extinguish the flames, which were fanned by strong winds blowing in Muxia, and to the recover some figures and religious objects inside the church, which were damaged. "There would have been no human way to stop the fire. It was physically impossible," said the mayor of Muxia, Felix Porto to Cadena SER. Councilman making a statement about the "unrecoverable" the shrine.
Firefighters explained that the shrine has been "almost completely" burned and now the main risk is the collapse of part of the structure. They  stone walls and dome remains standing, but its structure is badly damaged and in danger of collapse.
The church's interior is completely burned and the central altarpiece has disappeared from the effect of fire. The side altars have been burned, though not in their entirety, and the only things saved from the flames were the pews or confessional areas of lesser cultural value.
The wind blowing in the area caused the fire would spread quickly and left the church almost completely engulfed in flames. The site has been handed to Heritage Technicians to assess the damage and the Judicial Police, in order to investigate the origin of the fire.
The shrine to the Virgin of da Barca is influenced by Baroque classicism.  The first surviving written document from it is dated from the year 1544. The chapel was rebuilt several times, until the early eighteenth century, in 1719 to  the present. Its austerity and simplicity is broken by the rich ornamentation of its altarpieces. The altarpiece, 1717, is the work of artist Miguel de Compostela Romay, Baroque and is dedicated to the Virgen de la Barca.

Link to El Pais....

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Priest Celebrates Vigil of Marian Feast as Transvestite

(Madrid) In the Archdiocese of Santiago de Compostela a diocesan youth meeting was held on the eve of the Solemnity of Mary Immaculate Conception a diocesan youth meeting. A priest appeared here as a transvestite.

It was widely reported on the website Pastoral Santiago in the Archdiocese. Spanish historian and Catholic blogger, Francisco de la Cigoña described it as "tasteless" that a priest would dress as a woman, as you would expect from homosexual transvestites. "It may even be that the priest had the best intentions and sought access to the youth. But why is it either necessary or appropriate to dress as a woman. And certainly not for the Vigil of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception," said de la Cigoña. "Obviously, in the Diocese, some are of the opinion that this kind of Catholic youth care, is funny.... But what about the dignity of the priesthood?" Says the historian.

After de la Cigoña published his criticism and had asked the Archbishop to put the website into other hands, the images were still deleted from the Diocesan page.

You can see the slideshow here at Katholisches...

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Cardinal Rouco Appoints Eight New Exorcists for Archdiocese of Madrid

(Madrid), Cardinal Antonio María Rouco Varela, Archbishop of Madrid, has appointed eight new exorcists for his diocese, which also includes Spain's capital. The decision "is a precedent for the whole of Spain", something it had not yet seen in history, said the Spanish Catholic website Religion y Libertad.

The appointment was linked to an increased demand in the archdiocese, but also with increased requests for help from other Diocese that have no exorcist. The number of victims of esoteric and occult ritual practices has grown significantly as a result of de-Christianization. The symptoms of "demonic contagion" were evident as RYL on the reasons for the decision of the archbishop. The eight exorcists already are in the introductory phases of training to prepare them for the new task. The coordination was transferred to Bishop Cesar Franco, one of the three auxiliary bishops of Madrid. The basis of education is the approved exorcism ritual Pope John Paul II in 1998. In addition, the future exorcists study also that of Pope Paul V of 1614 and especially that of Pope Pius XII of 1952, referred to by Don Gabriele Amorth as "much more efficient than the current" and that it, as the doyen of Exorcists says, "is still valid." The new ritual does not abrogate the the previous, and can be used after an appropriate application to the diocesan bishop and the Holy See, said Don Amorth.

Shortly after his appointment as Archbishop of Milan, Cardinal Angelo Scola, the former Patriarch of Venice, doubled the number of exorcists for his diocese from six to twelve.

Link to katholisches...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Asturia Will Forbid its Schools From Speaking of Christmas and Easter

Edit: always winter and never Christmas.

[Katholisches] The Principality of Asturias' Government is determined to actively participate in the extermination of the Christian culture of Spain. The current Minister of Education of the Regional Government, Doña Ana González Rodríguez, has prompted all state schools Asturias with a circular, to wipe the words known as "Holy Week" "Christmas" and "Easter" from the school calendar in Spain.

Ana González requires that the previous terms that are reminiscent of the Christian religion, are to be replaced by new terms that are "acceptable to all". Christmas should be replaced by expressions such as "Winter" and by Easter "holiday of the second trimester." Expressions that “recall the ingenuity and poetic vein of a block of wood,” said Tradition Catholica .

Since 2012, the Socialist Party (PSOE) is a minority government in Asturias. The principality on the Atlantic coast has been controlled in the past 30 years, almost continuously by the PSOE. Although the government does not have a majority in the regional parliament, the Ministry of Education will put its anti-Christian decision into effect. She contacted neither the relevant school authorities or their parents, and certainly not the Catholic Church.

The Spanish Observing Office for religion and freedom of conscience OLRC called the Asturian Minister to consider the feelings of the people and respect for traditions. The decision can only be "seen as an ironically brilliant idea of ​​Mrs. Gonzalez, with which she wants to forget the Christian roots of Spain," said Maria Garcia, spokeswoman OLRC.

The Socialist government is justified in hindsight that the decision was made to just "not to offend the sensibility." The sensibility of who asks the ORLC as "getting all of Christmas and Holy Week languages ​​and speak without effecting one's sensibility would have been injured." The OLRC urges the Minister to abandon their "secular aspirations" to suspend the decision to disclose their reasons for the decision and to seek dialogue with all stakeholders.

Critics of Regional Minister indicate that, among other things, the Reconquista of Asturias went out to liberate Spain from the Muslim conquerors. The socialist government of Asturias, is trying to imitate what many socialist governments of Europe attempt to delude: to banish Christianity from public life.

In Belgium, a ministerial circular has prescribed that the use of the word Easter and Easter holidays in a circular letter to the schools. The schools will continue to speak of "spring break". Also, the socialist government justified this by pointing to the secularity of the state, it should not violate the "sensitivity" of non-Christian immigrants. All Saints is to be called in future "Autumn Festival", the Christmas holidays are to be called "winter holiday" and even the carnival is too connected to Christianity for the Belgian Socialists, or at least too much connected with the local culture and identity. It becomes a “Relaxation Festival". From Flanders to Walloonia there is strong criticism for the new attempt to erase the Christian identity of Belgium.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Wikicomnons
Translation: Tancred

Link to katholisches….

Monday, April 29, 2013

Spain: 22 Priests Ordained in Madrid

(Madrid) The 27th of April was a day of rejoicing for Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, Archbishop of Madrid. He  consecrated 22 deacons to the priesthood in the Almudena Cathedral in Spain’s capital city. This is more than in previous years. They all have a solid university education and have an average age of 29 years.
18 new priests come from the seminary of the Archdiocese, two from the Redemptoris Mater Seminary of the Neocatechumenal Way, and two of the Congregation of  Servi Trinitatis.
"On average, there are 15-18 new priests to be ordained, this year 22.  We are very happy, “ said Fr Fausto Calvo from the archbishop's seminary. In Spain currently there are 1,278 seminarians preparing for the priesthood. Which is 2.3 percent more than last year.
This increase is seen in the Church of Spain to be in direct connection with the World Youth Day 2011 with Pope Benedict XVI.,   as  Jose Angel Saiz Meneses, Bishop of Terrassa, insists. "World Youth Day is among many young people a convenient and great breeding ground for vocations that need to be confirmed after the first sign of interest. The growth and clarification of genuine vocations takes time, but the World Youth Days are for many a first hearing,  said the Bishop of Terrassa.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: La cigüeña de la torre

Edit: it is what it is.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Spanish Anarchists Set off Bombs Against Catholics and Bishop

[International Business Times] An anarchist group has targeted prominent Roman Catholics in Spain using bombs hidden in boxes of sex toys.

Two devices were sent by the anti-clerical Pro Sex Toys group, according to Spain's EFE News One agency, concealed amidst vibrators.

They targeted the archbishop of Pamplona, Francisco Perez, and the headteacher of a private school belonging to the ultra-conservative [sic] Legionnaires of Christ movement in Madrid.

One bomb exploded in a postal sorting office, leaving a member of staff with slight injuries.

"Please accept our apologies," the group said in an email sent to an anarchist website at the beginning of last month. "Next time we won't fail.”

The archbishop told EFE that he vaguely recalled receiving a package that contained powder that police removed. "We didn't give it much importance, but later it was said to be a bomb," he said.

The same group is believed to be behind a number of other attempted bombings.

Recently a bomb inside a pressure cooker left outside a public prosecutor's office was detonated by bomb squad officers.

Another bomb containing a gas canister, shrapnel and explosive powder planted in Madrid's Almudena Cathedral also failed to explode.

The anarchists, who use other names such as the Artisans Club for New Uses for Coffee, claimed to have made a bomb out of an espresso coffee machine packed with gunpowder and shrapnel that was planted at a bank branch, though they did not reveal where.

Police in Spain believe the group probably only has five members, but authorities have expressed concern that extremist groups could take advantage of widespread disillusionment as unemployment in the country hits 26 percent.

Link to article...

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Francisco de la Cigoña on the Worth of the Papal Office

“Must the Pope bless every pizza at a restaurant in Trastevere before running cameras?”

(Madrid/Rome) The Spanish Church Historian Francisco Fernández de la Cigoña, who is the Spanish speaking world famous Catholic, non-Traditionalist blogger, is among the most bitter critics of Jorge Mario Cardinal Bergoglio as Archbhishop of Buenos Aires. That of all things the Argentine Primate had, of all the Cardinals, been considered as the possible successor of Benedict XVI. the fisher of men, a few hours before the election of Pope Francis, while he criticized him in connection with the most recent occupation at the Cathedral of Buenos Aires, must have been quite a shock.

De la Cigoña has commented on the Habemus Papam therefore with as much professional discipline, as Catholic devotion: “Cardinal Bergoglio is dead, long live Pope Francis!”

On multiple occasions he has stressed since that there is little sense in criticizing someone during the first 100 days of their office. Much more, he published several times the statements of the new Pope, which made him “feel very good”. After 20 days of the new Pontificate it seemed that at least at one point the self-imposed threads of patience are torn. On Eastern Monday he published a long commentary under the title The Pope is Neither a Pastor Nor a Bishop. Then he addressed the most striking gestures of the Pontificate in the first weeks, which to give the to the faithful instead of blessing, a media staged, but less religious one with the thumbs up high after which the motto appeared “Everything is super, everything great”. Had anyone had noticed this, that this gesture is not universally hailed as positive throughout the world, like in Turkey, where it is understood as an invitation to homosexual depravity?

We have documented the following commentary by Francisco Fernández de la Cigoña in English from another German translation (since no one has a Spanish one yet):

 The Pope is Neither a Pastor Nor a Bishop

by Fernández de la Cigoña

As always I am opposed to giving you my personal opinions, which should not be shared. It is not the voice of the Church, if I also try to speak of this. Sometimes I am successful, other times not. Not from a lack of will, but from a lack of knowledge.

What is expected of Pope Francis, so to us, at least until now, have been sold this picture of the Pope as pastor or of the Pope as Bishop: he is so simple and so humble, that he doesn’t want to be Pope. And he conceals his Papalness, where only he can. With his shoes as with his ring, with his pectoral cross and with his clothes, with his living quarters and with his bearing… he lives with everyone, he talks with everyone and it seems, as if he wouldn’t know anything else. He has not once been a Primus inter pares. Not to the Cardinals, and not once to the Bishops, to the priests, the gardener…

At the end of his daily Mass he greets the concelebrants and the faithful, who have participated, at the chapel door as a pastor. He calls his friends on the telephone, in order to wish them Happy Easter, he hurries then to pay for his lodging and some days we will see him on television, as he is polishing his already famous black shoes. Some already play the game “Where is the ring?” with the question, if he will wear the ring of the Pope today, of a Bishop or even none.

Nothing of this must be the object of criticism, even when one must not be pleased by them, which not many do. And although he also is still does the opposite of those things, which happened in past pontificates: “He is also good and not Bendict or John Paul”. Even if the wish of Pope Francis may be strange.

We have been moved by a minimalistic Pope in his appearance as Pope. We were not accustomed to it. We normal Catholics, excepting those, who would only rely on our judgements, but dismiss the Church, have such a special respect for the representative of Christ, that all forms of earned respect seem too little. And in the course of the centuries many forms have taken root. Some were already untimely by the turn of the century, like the Sedia Gestatoria and the Tiara. It was time, that they were taken away to become museum pieces. Without that something is passed. I think however, that it is good, that the representative of Christ, should be addressed with respectful love. And that it would not be good for him to be stripped in this respect or that he should strip himself of these things.

In Spain we had a pitiful Bishop “shoe I will call Ramon”, who, though he is still living, will be forgotten by everyone. I will not say that this is the case, but there is already a certain similarity which horrifies me. It is not attractive for all, nor is it however repellent for many. To seek out those nearby is surely good, but without overfamiliarity and tastelessness.

God uses the unexpected ways, so that His Grace can enter the hearts of men. And some of them can without a doubt be the frugality and humility of a Pope. It can be. Surely it is, however, not. Does one receive these assurances when the Pope on one day blesses the pizza in a restaurant on Trastevere? And kisses the lady cook, because she has prepared it so well? And all of this before running cameras? I have the impression, it can be, that I am wrong, that everyone doesn’t like this, completely on the contrary.

The Pope has possession of an office, which ranges far above that of a priest or a bishop. Every one will feel according to his personal inclinations. Yet he must partly order the personal inclinations according to his immense responsibility, which has loaded this office on his person. And because the eyes of the whole World are upon him.

This is my opinion. Right or wrong. And this is how I sum it up as such.

Übersetzung: Giuseppe Nardi 
Bild: UCCR
Translation: Tancred 
Link to Katholisches…

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Cardinal Herranz, The Pope’s Investigator -- From Medjugorje to the “Bubble” of Vatileaks

(Vatican) Much has been written in recent days about the Vatican Secret Dossier, and even more speculation. It's about the final report of the Commission of Inquiry consisting of three cardinals Pope Benedict XVI. had used to investigate the issue which became known as the "Vatileaks document theft scandal that led to the arrest of the papal chamberlain Paolo Gabriele.
When the Holy See announced that the cardinals will be granted access to the report before the conclave, but this will not continue to be published, the journalists have had an editorial high season. And the more unreliable, the more speculation shot up like a tangle of weeds that Benedict XVI. had resigned because of this report. In a document that is not to be made available in the foreseeable future, anyone can interpret into it what he wants. Even some Catholic journalists could not keep themselves in check, and thought to have to ride the wave that showered the church with garbage.
The head of the pontifical commission, Cardinal Julián Herranz, a member of Opus Dei, canon law expert, physician and psychiatrist had only once previously only taken a position on the matter. He did this in an interview with the Spanish daily El Pais on 19 Published in February. A look at this week utilized to see things beyond contrived media excitement, the right scale.
Julián Herranz was born in 1930 in Andalusia. Ordained a priest in 1955, he has worked since 1960 at the Roman Curia. In 1990 Pope John Paul II appointed him an Archbishop in the  Curia and created him a cardinal in 2003. He is Chairman Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts and the Disciplinary Commission of the Roman Curia. Cardinal Herranz was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI. in the Commission to examine the phenomenon of Medjugorje. Although the final report for church recognition of the Herzegovina as "place of pilgrimage” seems as of yet not ready for the Pope. The Spaniard celebrated the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite after the adoption of the motu proprio Summorum Pontifical, and was a member of the Pontifical Ecclesia Dei commission.
You have led the commission regarding Vatileaks, on the 17th December, the Pope received its final report. There has been much speculation about the contents of this report, which one imagines is extremely serious, to the extent that many are of the opinion that it had been crucial for the resignation of the Pope.
This matter has been enormously inflated. I assure you that in my capacity as Chairman of the Commission of Inquiry that a bubble was constructed from it, the air will soon be out on its own. In the Vatican, it is relatively common, to form committees of this kind. You have the task of examining how things are in a certain area. It goes and talks to people, looks at the things that sees things that go and those who do not, the lights and the shadows, it made notes, and finally the results are reported to the competent authority. It then comes to the competent authority to make the decisions it deems appropriate.
The matter has conveyed a bad impression of the church.
But it's just a soap bubble, an anecdote. The willingness to want to see nests of vipers, mafia groups fighting each other, internal jealousies and hatred, all this is absolutely wrong. I have been working for more than half a century in the Vatican, and I can say that I admire many of my colleagues, for their capacity for devotion and sacrifice. There will be black sheep, as in all families, which I will not argue, but we speak of the least corrupt and most transparent government, there is. More than any international organization and any secular government. I have been following the media attention, I am a hermit, and I read what happens in the world and see that we speak of the least corrupt government that has been exemplary in many respects.
[...] In fact, they created a bubble of mysterious things. It comes with a lot of imagination. It is clear that there is no government, family or organized group that has not even an intimate area that is removed from the public. In any government, there are far more dark areas of intelligence and decisions that a president makes, without making them public, far more than in the Vatican secret areas.
The case of Vatileaks has not really scarred the Pope?
No. I assure you that this is just an anecdote compared to the decisions of the Holy Father and the problems of the Church. The fundamental problem of the church is the need for a new evangelization. The church suffered a terrible persecution. 80 percent of people worldwide who have been persecuted in the past year because of their beliefs were Christians, and other institutions say this, not the Church itself.  So it happens in India, Pakistan, Africa. In other places, they are discriminated against, as if they had wrong, reprehensible opinions. And then there are more toxic forms of persecution.
In the developed countries?
Yes, for example
In Europe, the Church has certainly lost a lot of power.
Anyone looking at the Church as a power monger, is wrong from the outset. The message of the Church is persecuted there, where there is an absolutist stance. Where religious freedom is not granted. It is estimated that last year were around 100,000 Christians persecuted, imprisoned or murdered. For three years, a family of mother, Asia Bibi in Pakistan is in prison and there are only a few secular bodies who raise their voices. Again, these things cause one anguish. And the Pope is aware that the waves of the ocean is in a state of flux and that the ship needs a solid hand control.
What qualities should the man who presents himself as the new Pope to the control?
Two things. In the first place it is necessary that there is a man who loves Christ. That he knows and loves Christ as the founder of the Church.
But this property is met by all the cardinals?
Of course, but not in the same way. All Cardinals can talk, but it is to see who speaks best. There are different degrees of holiness in the people. It is not irrelevant to whether someone has the monastic vocation, as Celestine V, or if another is a friend of Christ in the same way, but aware, is what happens in the world, what ideological and cultural trends in the world waves hit.
And the second property?
That he is prepared to explain his love for God others.
So a good communicator.
Exactly. The carry forward the new evangelization, white publicize Christ in the world.
Is age important?
Yes, these are indeed secondary issues, but of great importance. Age, health, language skills, ability to travel and perhaps nationality.
Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: AciPrensa

Friday, February 8, 2013

Bomb Attack Against Madrid Cathedral Thwarted

Edit: it's refreshing to see enemies now attempting to do in the open what they do from within, behind a Bishop's office or a comfortable University chair.  In Spain a newly minted Anarchist organization, Commando Mateo Morral has claimed responsibility for a failed bomb attack on the Cathedral of La Almudena in Madrid.

Among their targets, the Church, they also wish to attack the Bourbon Monarchy as well.

All their majestic appearance is just the fruit of oppression and will be us the oppressed ones who will finish it through insurrectional revolutionary violence. We won't fall in the trap of awaiting for the historical conditions to come. We believe that the conditions for the attack are propitious as long as State, Capital and even more the rotten fascist Royal Family exist. We are determined. We do not wait. We take action. 
We do not have the wrong idea that with just this kind of actions we will achieve the destruction of all that oppresses us. We do not deceive ourselves. We do not fall into self-complacency. This is propaganda through action, which has existed for more than a century among the seditious and conspirators against Power. It is an appeal to war without limits using all our imagination and energy to end with this rotten reality.

The bomb was hidden in a trash bag, and was found by the local priest in a confessional, who then evacuated the church and called the police.  The bomb was made of 200 grams of gunpowder in a can of nails with an alarm clock, which they successfully deactivated.

Another interesting detail from a Spanish language blog writing in English is the following note:

Note: Mateo or Mateu Morral was a famous Catalan Anarchist who attempted to kill King Alfonso XII in 1906 with a bomb hidden in a bunch of flowers that he threw against the royal parade in Madrid, killing several but not the monarchs. A historical video can be watched here[es].

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Tragedy of the Sisters of St. John and St.Dominic

A big storm around the contemplative women's branch of the Community of St. John.  In the background there was a struggle about changes in the charism and questions of power.   There are vocations of young women still in the drive way.

Vienna (  The Community of the Sisters of St. John, the de facto women's branch of the Community of St. John, has been stuck in a deep crisis for years.  The Community has recently revealed this information.  The Community of Contemplative Sisters of St. John was founded on the 8th of December 1982 by P. Marie-Donique Philippe.   The Archbishop of Lyon established it as a Congregation of Diocesan Right, among others there is a Cloister in Austria, that after years of preparation, large charitable gifts and yet even now stands empty.

In essence it happened that the responsible Bishop proposed reforms, these which the majority of the sisters refused, because these were considered to be against their fundamental charism. In order to manage this crisis, a Papal delegate was named, which clearly accomplished little.  Affected, according to information from were clearly more than 230 sisters, who in the mean time have even struggled to undertake a new foundation in Spain.  The Institute of "Sisters of St. John and of St. Dominic" was de facto banned.

The reforms, which from reasons not completely clear were imposed from outside, were endorsed only by a minority of the sisters, which led to a tremendous crisis.  Almost all the Austrian sisters of the Community have rejected the "Reforms".  The situation has been so tense and drastic over the years, that many of the younger sisters are now hanging in the air and don't know how they should continue. spoke with a sister concerned, from Austria, who entered the Order with much enthusiasm.  Sr. N.N. explained in the interview that the disunity over the charism began after the death of the founder (2006).  Originally there were many vocations and Bishops around the entire world worked to get them for their Diocese.  According to this sister, who waited years to make her solemn vows, also desired, along with a small minority of the sisters and the men's branch of the Community to "reform" the Contemplative Sisters of St. John. As to the question which "reforms" were meant,  the sister disclosed that the open attitude for interested parties will be limited.  The sisters are contemplative, but not cloistered.  There has always been an openness to receive new people or also to be active outside, for example for perpetual adoration during a youth meeting.  "The youth of today need the witness of sisters, who have given everything to Jesus and are full of joy over it."

According to sister then there were also significant structural issues.  Obviously it was at the wish of the brothers, that the General Prior of the brothers had the highest authority over all three branches of the Johannine family.  Most of the contemplative sisters wanted, however,  to maintain their autonomy and to live the united of the Johannine family on a spiritual level.  The crisis has been growing since 2009 and began concretely with the dismissal of Sr. Alix, the foundress of the contemplative sisters, by Cardinal Barbarin of Lyon.  It was from outside that new leadership was initiated, which in any case was, according to Sr. N.N., not recognized by the majority of the contemplative sisters.

In the Summer of 2012 there were then a lot of sisters, who were not bound by vows (Novices and sisters on the end of their simple vows) who left and founded the sisters of St. John and of St. Dominic, a community, formed under the authority of the Spanish Bishop, Don Demetrio Fernandez and quickly received 150 young sisters between 25 and 30 years of age.  Actually, on the 19th of January 2013 the Institute was suppressed again on the 19th of January, 2013 by Roman authorities, according to Sr. N.N. the sisters there were never party to, visited or asked.  "I would like to make clear, that we love the Church and would like to remain true to the Holy Father.  So we will obey and give up our habits.  We pray, and don't know,  what the future will bring us, but we place our trust in Jesus and it's all we can do now", said Sister N.N. sadly.

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Foto: ©

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Feast of St. James, Slayer of Moors

Edit: he came to Spain on the battlefield and gave aid to the defenders of Christendom in their hour of need. May he ride again and make our enemies tremble with terror!

From the wikipedia:
“ St James the Moorslayer, one of the most valiant saints and knights the world ever had ... has been given by God to Spain for its patron and protection. ” —Cervantes, Don Quixote

Monday, July 16, 2012

Photo of the Week From Society's German District

The picture of the week shows a "Hardrock-Mass"  in the Cathedral of Tarragona (Spain) on the 8th of April 2012.  The celebrant is known as "Padre Jony", such is his stage name.   HIs real name is Joan Enric Reverte, and he is the Pastor of St. Peter Parish in Alcanar.

Why don't the superiors intervene here?  In the Seminary, Padre Jony had already formed his first band, "Seminary Rock".  In 2005, he released his first album.

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Muslims Remove Cross From Popular Football Team Logo

Edit: It's the little things they start to change.
The logo on the left is the typical one used by the massively popular Real Madrid soccer team. It is still the logo seen on the club’s web site. The one on the right is the new, edited version that will be used to promote the new, billion dollar Real Madrid resort island being built in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Did you notice that the small cross atop the crown was removed?
If you are not familiar with the soccer world, Real Madrid is on par with other globally-recognized professional sports franchises like the New York Yankees or the Dallas Cowboys. They are a brand with annual revenues over $500,000 million and an estimated net worth of almost $2 billion dollars.
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