Showing posts with label Italy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Italy. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Do Modern Priests Have the Freedom to Do Whatever They Want? -- Liturgical Abuse

(Rome) The traditional website Messa in Latino has reported on the correspondence between a Catholic woman and the Curia of the northern Italian diocese p * of the behavior of a priest incardinated in this diocese. With the following letter, the Catholic turned to the Curia: 
"I do not know if it's the same priest or one of a similar name. I refer to Don DZ, who ought to be incardinated according to my search on the internet, in your diocese. It is important to me to report the invalidity of last Sunday’s Mass celebrated by him on the cruise ship C.M.. When the gospel should have been carried forward, the priest said, 'Let there be but these things'.  Instead, he called - I repeats: during the honoring of the Gospel - four people of whom he was asked questions in this way, 'What do you expect from life’ and other similar incoherent platitudes. I refused to continue to participate, because I was taught that the Holy Mass is Calvary and the sacrifice of the cross and walked away.  On television I could celebrate the Holy Mass  from B.. Friends told me later that Don Z. has invited by the faithful at the end to read the Sunday Gospel at home. I hope that the Church hierarchy is engaged in putting an end to liturgical abuses. I would want a sign of proof of receipt. I beg your pardon, I thank you for your attention. "
The Vicar General of the Diocese P. replied immediately: "Dear Mrs. S., I thank you for the message, it is a really unfortunate incident. I would urge that you contact the priest as soon as possible. Sincerely, Don PD, Vicar General ".
From a comment of Messa in Latino: "Given the fact that many priests, are only a little traditionally friendly, they must pay for their attention and love for the old Mass dearly, we are really excited to see what measures the Diocesan Curia P. will take against serious abuse. "
* Editor all local and personal details are known
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Sursum Corda

Link to katholisches…

Edit: Liturgical abuses are the norm rather than the exception.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Queen Christina of Savoy to be Beatified

Rom, 3.5.13 (Kipa) For the first time after many years the beatification of a queen is imminent. The Vatican Congregation for the causes of saints will recognize the testimony of a miracle worked by Maria Christina of Savoy (1812-1836) on Friday.

Thus the first hurdle for beatification is passed. The last monarch to be beatified was in 2004, the last Emperor of Austria Karl I. (1887-1922). A Queen had not been raised to the altars during the John Paul II. and Benedict XVI..

Maria Christina was born on 14.November 1812 as the youngest daughter of King Victor Emanuel I. of Sardinia-Piedmont and his Queen Maria Theresia of Austria of Austria-Este in Cagliari in Sardinia.

In 1832 she was married to King Ferdinand II. of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and moved to the palace in Naples. She was honored by her subjects for her humility and piety. 15 days after the birth of her first son the Queen died on 31. January 1836.

The cause for the "Queen of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies" was opened more than 150 years ago on 9. July 1859. Pius XII. (1939-1958) had recognized the Queen for the heroic virtue of her life in 1937. In the following decades the process made no further progress. The blessed, however, became honored as a saint in the region of her kingdom.

The Vatican Congregation for the Causes of Saints will additionally recognize the Italian mystic Maria Bolognesi's miracle. The Polish religious foundress Maria Teresa of St. Joseph (1885-1946) and of the Italian religious founder Gioacchino Rossello i Ferra will be affirmed in his heroic virtue for a life worthy of veneration.


Friday, April 12, 2013

New Group for “Summorum Pontificum” in Sorentino Italy

Edit: here is the following report from Missa in Latino with contact information for the local chapter. Young people have responded generously and organized to celebrate the Immemorial Mass of All Ages. Google translate:

Sorrento: formation of a stable group of faithful of "Summorum Pontificum."

Some young people of the beautiful city of Sorrento sent us this news to raise awareness of the future "stable group" of faithful aimed at the celebration of the Traditional Mass in the ancient Roman Rite according to the Motu Proprio "Summorum Pontificum" by Benedict XVI.

We support them with our prayers this holy initiative that demonstrates once again that young people want to approach more and more to the ancient liturgy as a means of personal sanctification.

"Even in Sorrento is reviving interest in the Traditional Mass!

A consensus is forming a group of believers of all ages, but especially young people and up to forty years (and therefore have never seen the Mass 'in Latin' but show a particular interest!) Ready to propose a more authentic faith in application of the Motu Proprio 'Summorum Pontificum' of Pope Benedict XVI, who liberalized the traditional Mass. About the Archdiocese of Sorrento-Castellammare di Stabia is interested in participating in these celebrations, please contact us at e-mail: .

The dates, times and venue of the celebrations are still to be determined.

Stand up, do not be afraid, because as Jesus tells us: "you vos manseritis in sermon meo, real discipuli mei et Eritis cognoscetis veritatem et veritas vos liberabit" (Jn 8:31-32).

The truth set you free! In Jesu et Mariae cordibus! The faithful of the stable group "Summorum Pontificum" Sorrento "

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re is (not) dead -- Dishonorable Role in the Case of Bishop Krenn and Msgr. Wagner?

(Rome)   The father of Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, the Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for Bishops, who had reached the age of 104 has died.  Pope Benedict XVI. has extended to the Cardinal and his family his condolences.  Matteo Re was the eldest of the the older members of the College of Cardinals.  He first saw the light of the world in 1908 in the Italian province of Brescia.

Because of his father's great age of the father, it was assumed that the Pope's consolation note was meant for the Cardinal's death, who celebrates his 79th birthday on January 30th of 2013.

From 2000 to 2010, he was part of the important Dicastry for the naming of Bishops in the so-called Old World.  At the Consistorium of 2001 he was raised to Cardinal by John Paul II.  Til then Re was a Curial Bishop from 1989 as a substitute to the Vatican Secretary of State.  His career was introduced in 1987 with his appointment as Secretary of the Bishops' Congregation.

For ten years Cardinal Re had significant influence in episcopal appointments in the "old" Christian nations.  At the age of 76 years on the end of the second five year time of office, he was replaced by the French Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet,  who was much closer to Ratzinger's way of thinking.

In Austria, Catholics who are true to Rome are stubbornly of the opinion that Cardinal Re played a dishonorable role in the resignation of Bishop Kurt Krenn of St. Pölten, as much as he played in the rejection of Auxiliary Bishop Gerhard Maria Wagner in Linz.  In both cases it was after a smear campaign inspired by the media, that progressive parts of the Church exerted massive pressure on the persons concerned, to reduce the exercise of the episcopal offices for the sake of internal ecclesiastical peace.  While part of the clergy campaigned in conjunction, the other Bishops refused solidarity to those attacked.

The Italian Cardinal Gioanni Battista Re was born in the 30th of January 1934, in Borno like his father.  in 1957, he received his priestly ordination in his home diocese of Brescia.  There is also only one vacant place remaining, which which would be vacant in a conclave.

Link to katholisches...

Friday, December 28, 2012

The Benedictines of Nursia Have Made an Album

(Rome)  The traditional Benedictines of the Cloister of Nursia in central Italy have published a "Christmas Gift" Hymns and Antiphons of the Gregorian Chorale.  The Monks, who have lived just a bit more than twelve years together in the Benedictine Cloister in the home town of the founder of the order, Benedict of Nursia in 480, have made an album with Gregorian music on it.  The 21 pieces may be ordered on the internet site of the Cloister in MP3 and downloaded.  The Prior of the Cloister, Dom Cassiano Folsom OSB, describes it as a "little sign of thanks" for the help of benefactors and friends of the monastic community, which is subject to the Papal Commission Ecclesia Dei.  It was not done like a studio production, but in excerpts of the monks during the liturgical celebrations in the Cloister.

The Benedictines of Nursia celebrate exclusively the Immemorial Mass of All Ages [Which they consistently describe as "extraordinary Form"].  They are also entrusted to other Mass locations in Nursia and beyond in the "Old Rite".

1. Hymnus, Audi Benigne Conditor Nostras
2. Antiphon , Ecce Nunc Tempus Acceptabile
3. Hymnus , Lustris Sex Qui Iam Peractis
4. Antiphon , Scriptum Est Enim
5. Antiphon , Angelus Autem Domini
6. Antiphon , Et Ecce Terræmotus
7. Antiphon , Erat Autem
8. Antiphon , Præ Timore Autem Eius
9. Antiphon , Respondens Autem Angelus
10. Hymnus , Aurora Lucis Rutilat
11. Antiphon , In Illa Die
12. Antiphon , Iucundare filia Sion exsulta
13. Antiphon , Ecce Dominus Noster
14. Antiphon , O Sapientia
15. Hymnus , Conditor Alme Siderum
16. Antiphon , O Admirable Commercio
17. Antiphon , Hodie Cælesti Sponso
18. Hymnus , Æterne Rerum Conditor
19. Hymnus , O Lux Beata Trinitas

Monday, December 10, 2012

Mass Setting for the Transference of the House of Loreto

[, Germany] On the 10th of December the Church celebrates the transference of the House of Loreto. has found the Mass setting:

According to God's resolve the Holy Home of Mary in Nazareth, in which she herself was born in and in which she received the message of the Archangel Gabriel of the Son of God becoming man, was transferred, so that destruction would not befall it.

Born by an angel's hand, it came on the 10th of May in 1291 to Tersato near Rijeka in Dalmatia, where it remained three years and seven months.  On the 10th of December 1294 it was brought by the service of an angel of God in the area of what is today,  Loreto. The tradition of the miracle of the transfer of the Holy House is testified by old documents, by investigations of the past as also through such in more recent and the most recent time, through the statements of Saints and mystically gifted persons and through the prolific miracles which have happened there.

Many Popes have spoken in favor of Loreto, not a few of them have visited Loreto.  The feast of Mary's birth (8 September) is celebrated yearly as its main festival, and the feast of the moving of the Holy House is celebrated on the 10th of December. --

The Mass text addresses the great Holiness of this place (Introitus etc.),  including the birth of the Most Holy Virgin (Reading), on the Incarnation of God (Evangelium) and on the miraculous moving of the Holy House to the former Land of the Popes, the Church State.

Link to Mass settings for the Feast...

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Record Number of New Entrants in the Seminary of the Old Rite Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest

(Gricigliano)  The Institute of Christ the King and Sovereign Priest has shown a record number of new entrants to the institute's own seminary.  The new year shows 20 candidates, who will begin their academic year 2012/2013.  Msgr Micheal Schmitz offered this in the November Letter of the Institute.

The Institute of Christ the King and Sovereign Priest, canonically instituted in 1990 is a society of Apostolic and Papal right.  The founder is the Champagne, France born priest Gilles Wach.  He was responsible for clerical professions of the priestly society Opus Sacerdotal founded in Lourdes in 1964, who during the confused post-Conciliar period seeked to strengthen an unabbreviated continuation of the faith under the motto Doctrina, Fortitudo, Pietas.

The Way of Traditional Priestly Formation -- Once to Africa and Back

In the 80s of the previous century Msgr Gilles Wach found himself incardinated in the Archdiocese of then Archbishop of Genoa, Giuseppe Cardinal Siri in Italy, as the situation in French seminaries was no longer satisfactory to ensure a priestly formation with the significance of Catholic Tradition.  After a call for help to the former Prefect of the Congregation of Faith, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, and the then emeritus Prefect of the Congregation of Clergy, Silvio Cardinal Oddi, it came to the founding of a new society which was obligated to offer the Tridentine Mass in 1988.

The canonical recognition of the Society of Apostolic Life followed in 1990 through the then Bishop of Moil in Gabun, because of the difficulties then for communities connected to Tradition.  Msgr Cyraique-Simeon Obama had been a student of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in Libreville.  Since then, Msgr Wach became General Prior of the Institute.

Establishment of the General House of the Priestly Seminary in Gricigliano

With the help of Augustinus Cardinal Mayer OSB structures were found in Tuscany which were lent by the Benedictine Abbey of Fontgambault.  In 1991 the then Archbishop of Florence, Silvano Cardinal Piovanelli published the necessary decree for the foundation of a General House and a priestly seminary for the Institute.  Thus the new society could come from Africa to Europe and settle in the small town of Pontassieve in the Archdiocese of Florence.  In Gricigliano, a part of the city is located the Gernal House and the Seminary of St. Philipp Neri of the Institute.  Since then the Institute has experienced enormous growth.

The Institute numbers 61 priests, six deacons and more than 80 seminarians.  Msgr Wach found important support in the building of a community which brings the Institute to the German speaking areas.  The settlement of the German District of the Institute is located in Bavarian, Gmain.  The Institute follows the form of Choirmasters and Monastic Scholars.

The 2008 Recognition of the Soceity of Apostolic and Papal Right

In 2006 the Institute established the Heart of Jesus Society as a lay association of the faithful for the spiritual support of the Institute.  In 2008 the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest was recognized by the Papal Commission Ecclesia Dei as a Society of Apostolic Life and Papal Right.  The Institute celebrated the Holy Mass and cared for the Liturgy of the Hours completely in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite.  A female branch of contemplative sisters also belongs to the community.

The Mission of the Institute of Christ the King and Sovereign Priest  " is the honor of God and the sanctification of priests in the service of the Church and souls. Its specific aim is missionary: to spread the reign of our Lord Jesus Christ in all spheres of human life. Our work is carried out under the patronage of the Immaculate Conception, to Whom the Institute is consecrated."

Link to Katholisches...

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Diocesan Conference Hosts SSPX Italian Superior to Talk on Vatican II

Edit: Don Secci Alberto is a Diocesan Priest in Novara, Italy invites a surprise guest who held everyone enraptured by the clarity of his discourse and the Apostolic fire of his zeal.  Here's a brief stab at some google translate with some editing for the ever dependable Messa in Latino blog.  The following is an account of the Third Conference of Tradition in Verbania in the region of Piedmont, Italy:

We have received and published in the common perspective of "thinking with the Church". We thank the author for sending to us the article. AC 

"To deny the very serious crisis in which we find the Church is to deny the evidence ... as a result, those who say things as they really are, is considered an enemy of the Church."

With these sorrowful words  Don Secci Alberto opened the Third Conference of the tradition that took place, as planned, at the hotel "The Cloister" of Verbania. The conference room was packed with an audience and so the same Don Albert celebrated Holy Mass in the chapel at 17.30.

"While we deny the evidence" - continued the courageous priest of Ossola - "it often leads us to be astonished at the face we see in the mirror.

Coming to Verbania they listened to, for example, a radio interview with a Roman prelate. He went so far as to declare that ... this crisis has enabled the Church to provide, as always, the right medicine."

This medicine is called the Second Vatican Council. ... How do you get to this point?"

Shortly after he was presented, then the keynote speaker of the event was announced. A surprise came to the table and it was Don Pierpaolo Petrucci, the top guy of the Italian District of the SSPX: "We invited the Society of St. Pius X" - said Don Alberto - "because no one has in more than forty years of study and sacrifice, has been able to further investigate the reasons and meaning of this frightful crisis. The same Roman authorities, agreeing to discuss formally with the SSPX, have implicitly admitted that their positions are important and worthy of attention." [WOW!]

Don Pierpaolo Petrucci's summary then, in his clear speech about the historical reasons that led to the current situation: "The cause of all the troubles of the Church, throughout its history, is obviously Satan.

He, to act, however, needs of employees and always human, unfortunately, has found in the course of the centuries. "

He then summed up the history of heresies, and especially those that have plagued Christianity humanism forward.

"Luther, in practice, said: Christ yes, the Church no.

Then came the French Revolution and Liberalism have gone a step further: God yes, Christ no.

Finally, the atheistic Marxism: God is dead. "

Until the mid-nineteenth century all these heresies were rife in the world but the Church opposed it vigorously.

Then began a slow penetration, subtle and creeping into the Bride of Christ. St. Pius X was able to vanquish the modernism, the synthesis of all heresies, but after his death, the process continued slowly, until it explodes during and after the Second Vatican Council.

"Archbishop Lefebvre" - said Don Pierpaolo - "he told us, as indeed also stated, in the opposite perspective Card. Suenens, that the Council had been in 1789 the Church. In it imposed the three revolutionary motto: Liberté ( religious freedom), Fraternity, with ecumenism, Equality with the principle of collegiality. "

At the end of his speech, the Italian Superior of the SSPX has answered many questions presented by the most numerous and attentive audience.

Finally Don Alberto Secci concluded its work inviting everyone to "pray and respond."

"Of course, we pray that every grace comes to us from Heaven, but we also have to respond with clarity: many priests, usually in private, admit many of the considerations that we have done, but then, perhaps for understandable reasons of respect for the authorities, they were not the courage to expose themselves in the first person.

But we have to pray and respond with the proper methods but react! "

-Marco Bongi

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Italian Director: Catholic Influence Prevents the Legalization of Euthanasia in Italy

The Italian director Marco Bellocchio is convinced, that the Catholics of Italy were able to dominate the political landscape so that euthanasia could not be legalized.

 Rome ( / LSN / jg) The influence of the Catholics of Italy is too strong to enable the legalization of euthanasia.

"When the power of Catholics is so great, as in Italy, it is almost impossible to get a secular law through" that authorizes euthanasia, the Italian director Marco Bellocchio told the AFP news agency. Bellocchio was at this year's Venice Film Festival with the film "Bella Addormentata" (Eng. "The Sleeping Beauty") represented.

The film is based on true events. In 2009, the then 38-year-old Eluana Englaro had died after 17 years in a vegetative state after a court had allowed her father to stop the artificial feeding of his daughter. The case had then engaged the Italian public for weeks. He would take no position in the film, but showed the state of Italian society. He could answer the question of whether he was for or against euthanasia, neither with a clear yes or no, said Bellocchio, who described himself as not religious. "I am in any case for life. But what one must decide one's life for himself," he said, according to a report by the "Wiener Zeitung".


Edit: Coupled with more militant films like Spain's "The Sea Inside", there is a film with a similar aim, with a more subtle and ponderous approach to changing hearts and minds.  For if you can't fight something head on, it's better to chew on the edges with a film which panders to people's emotions while showing tremendous respect for the deep-seated Catholic sensibilities you face.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Grand Orient Mason Praises Departed Old Liberal Cardinal

Edit:  The Grand Orient Masonic Lodge is a symbol of the most vicious anti-Catholicism.  Their goal to eliminate the Catholic Church persists to this day, and their leader hails a man who in many of his public statements and actions, reflected their aims. These two men weren't just cordial acquaintances, but close associates and even collaborators with a common cause.    This is a Google translation from Cerca Nel Sito:

"A man of dialogue and deep culture, which has been able to speak to young people and was always open to discussion and change. A strong spirituality, great expression of the church-Word, that is, the 'kerygma' that is beyond structure and Convention " . Gustavo Raffi, Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy, looking back at the Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, who died today at the age of 85 years. 
 "He believed in ecumenism and dialogue with civil society and with other religions starting from 'Judaism - Raffi continues - and will be missed by believers and non-believers his great humanity and an example of a reflection that addressed the major themes of human life. every occasion - said the Grand Master - has always been able to look at the other eyes, looking along the truth " .

Rome, the Villa Vascello August 31, 2012

  Link to original...

H/t: T.A.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Bologna Has no Latin Mass

The picture shows how the false prophet Mohammed is exposed on a rock and tortured by a devil.  by Konstantin von Hemptin

(  In Bologna --  the burial place of St. Dominick -- there is not one single public Holy Mass in the Latin language.

The 380,000 population city of Bologna is 220 kilometers south east of Milan.

Bologna is the city where St. Thomas of Aquinas (+1274) had studied and taught.

In the triduum of the Dominican feast there was no liturgy provided for in Latin .   That is, as it was made clear to me by friendly guardians of the church, has not been in use since the Second Vatican Council.

There was nothing

In the seven-fold church of St. Stephen of the Benedictines of the Mount of Olives there was no Latin Mass.

In God's house there is a reproduction of the grave of Areal, as well as the grave of St. Petronius Bishop.

The critically acclaimed participatio actuosa

Even in St. Petronius, the greatest parish church in the world, in the Piazza Maggiore there is no Latin.

In the midst of an area formerly enclosed by communion rails, a modern Eucharist took place in Italian.

The critically acclaimed participatio was taken all too seriously by a nun.

She sang the ordinary alone in the highest notes.  The rest struggled to keep up.

A memorable painting

Here and there wandered astonished tourists in the fourth chapel left of the most recent court of the master of Modena.

The painting shows, how the false prophet Mohammed is in an exposed position on a rock and tortured by a devil.

This was previously described by the Italian prince of poets, Dante Aligheri (+1321) in his Divine Comedy.

\Link to

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Benedict XVI Fires Another Old Liberal Bishop

Yet again there is another Old Liberal Bishop of the rundown Post-Conciliar Church --- named by Benedict XVI -- who has been removed. 

 ( Pope Benedict XVI has accepted the surprising resignation of Archbishop Vincenzo Di Mauro (61).

The reason for the resignation is not known.

Vigevano is a 64,000 population city 35 km southwest of Milan.


Msgr De Mauro was the Secretary of the Vatican Prefecture for Economic Affairs.

His dismissal after only three years in an unimportant Italian diocese was widely interpreted as a demotion.

The Italian news agency '' spoke of the dissmissal of the Archbishop.

A broad education

Msgr Di Mauro was ordained a priest by the Old Liberal Archbishop of Milan, Giovanni Cardinal Colombo (+1992) in June of 1976.

Along with theology, he studied Literature, Journalism and Economics.

He was active in the Archdiocese of Milan as a chaplain in various parishes.

Roman Career with Interruption

From 1994-1998 he worked for the first time in the Vatican with the Papal Office of Laity.

Then he came back as a pastor from Milan.

Career Jump Under Benedict XVI

In January 2004 he was named as a Delegate to the Ordinary Section of the "Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See".

In September 2007 the Pope raised him to Secretary of the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See.

For this administrative post, Benedict XVI consecrated him Bishop on the 29th of September.

Co-Consecrator Was Secretary of State, Tarcisio Cardinal Bertone.

Transfer with Consolation Prize

On the 22nd of November 2010 Msgr Di Mauro was surprised to be named as Coadjutor-Bishop of the small Diocese Vigevano -- 35 km south west of Milan.

As a consolation prize, he was granted the personal title of Archbishop by the Pope.

Msgr Di Mauro published various catechetical works.  He wrote text and composed also downright horrible church music.

The Reason

There are two possible reason for the resignation of the Archbishop: one -- a possible -- entanglement in the disappearance of documents from the Vatican or -- more likely -- sexual indiscretions.

Link to

Thursday, July 19, 2012

First Old Mass For Tarento Brotherhood in 40 Years

Edit: Taranto is the third largest city in Italy.
(Taranto)  Last Sunday, the 15th of July, Msgr Marco Gerardo, vintage 1975, the director of the Liturgical Office and spiritual assistent of the Arch Brotherhood of our Beloved Lady of Carmel offered the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Immemorial Mass of all Ages.  The Mass was at the central Piazza Giovanni XIII before the church Maria Santissima del Monte Carmelo.  Before the beginning of the Mass the new members were formally admitted to the brotherhood and made their vows pubicly.

The Immemorial Rite was celebrated for the first time at confirmation in Taranto in 2010, at the church of St. Augustine, then in the church of Santa Maria del Carmine, where Monsignor Gerardo has been pastor since 2010 and implements the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of Pope Benedict XVI. The Brotherhood of Our Lady of Mount Carmel under the baton of Antonello Prior Papalia has a Choral schola.

Monsignor Gerardo received his philosophy and theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome and then earned a degree in liturgy at the University of Sant'Anselmo in Rome. Next to his duties as a pastor and in the Archdiocesan Ordinariate, he is professor of liturgy at the Institute for Religious Studies "Romano Guardini," Taranto and chaplain of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher in the Archdiocese. By 2010 he was secretary of the Archbishop of Taranto, Monsignor Luigi Benigno Papa, OFM Cap.

Taranto has a strong community of tradition which has formed in the course of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum. After 40 years, the Old Mass was celebrated again on Sunday for the first time as part of the festivities celebrating the brotherhood. The Brotherhood has more than 1,800 members and is a prayer alliance. Already established in the 16th Century, they reached their present form in 1675.

Text: Accion Liturgica/Giuseppe Nardi Bild: Don Walter Astorino
Link to katholisches...

Monday, July 9, 2012

Archbishop Refuses Burial to Mafia Boss

In Agrigent in Sicily, the local Bishop has refused Church burial to a known mafia boss.  For the "number two" of the Cosa Nostra in the area of Agrigent provincial city of Siculiana, Giuseppe Lo Mascolo (73), whose memory has been kept by the Archbishop of Francesco Mongtenegro to prayers for the dead, only according to the Roman newspaper "Il Messaggero" on Thursday.  Mafia figures were refused Church burial for the first time in Agrigent said "Il Messaggero".  Lo Mascolo who'd died three days earlier had been in the custody of Italian Police the previous week.  Shortly thereafter he was brought to a hospital for a heart arrhythmia.

 In Agrigent Pope John Paul II had spoken 19 years earlier on the 9th of May in 1993 in a stirring speech condemned the crimes of the Mafia and called for resistance against organized crime.


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Cardinal Says: Communion in the Hand Increases Risk of Sacrilege

Edit: High ranking clergy are now saying things that certain Catholics have been attacking for years.

Italy's Churches Are Confronted With a Rash of Eucharist Theft

Rome ( The Catholic Church in Italy has been confronted for months with the theft of Holy Eucharist.  It involves broken tabernacles, pilfered ciboria filled with consecrated Hosts as well as the abuse of communion in the hand, in which some put the Holy Eucharist in a handbag for unknown purposes.  The motives of the perpetrators are discussed:  deliberate sacrileges by Muslims?  Or for use by Satanic cults in black Masses?  This was reported by "Vatican Insider".

The Catholic community foresees itself as being forced to take countermeasures.   In some areas the tabernacle is emptied  and left open, in order to guard against theft. The almighty Himself will be kept in a more secure place, so in the meantime He must be stored in a safe, offers "Vatican Insider."  Salvatore Di Cristina, Archbishop of Monreale,. Sizily, has already favored a "hard line" against the criminals.

The Cardinal and canon lawyer Velasio De Paolis explained that sacrileges against the Eucharist are among the most serious of offenses and that these crimes receive the condemnation of excommunication "latae sententiae",  which can only be lifted by the Holy See.  De Paolis holds that even communion in the hand offers an increased risk that the Eucharist can be taken away, profaned or kept for a sacrilegious purpose.

The list of offenses is long.  Two Muslims received the Eucharist from a priest in Sondrio, but they didn't consume it, rather put it in their hand bags.  According to information from police reports, there is a boom in satanic cults.  Filled pyxes, for example, have been stolen in San Giovanni in Bosco/Vasto, filled ciboria in San Vio/ paestum, consecrated Hosts disappeared from the hospital Church of Biancavilla/Katania, the community of Santa Caterina dello Ionia was the target of a night-time attack.  Here and in many other Eucharistic thefts, empty tabernacles, which have been violently forced open with burglar's tools, is the order of the day.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Young Bishop Calls Benedictines of Nursia for Old Mass

This is what the future looks like.
(Foligno)  The Bishop of the central Italian Diocese of Foligno asked the Benedictines of Nursia to celebrate a series of solemn Masses in the Immemorial Rite.  The invitation followed in the context of an initiative of the Bishop to bring the faithful of his Diocese closer to the Old Mass.  The Bishop participates himself, as much as possible, in the Holy Mass, in order to give through his personal presence, a sense of the importance of this "treasure of the Church", as Pope Benedict XVI called the Old Mass.

The Diocese of Foligno is in Umbria, the home of St. Francis of Assisi.  Msgr Signismondi, born in 1961 is one of the youngest Bishops of Italy.  He studied at the Papal University of the Gregorian in Rome and was ordained in 1986 to the priesthood.  After several years in pastoral work he became the Rector of a seminary and undertook a period of teaching as a Dogmatic Theologian.  In 2008, Pope Benedict XVI named him to the Diocese of Foligno.

The Benedictine Cloister of Nursia, the home town of the Father of Monasticism, Benedict, has been  re-colonized in the last ten years by American monks, who are bound to tradition and celebrate the Holy Liturgy in the Immemorial Rite.

Holy Mass in the Immemorial Rite is celebrated by the monks of Nursia once a month at the church of Santa Maria Infraportas at 10 am.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Benediktinerkloster Nursia

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Jesuit Cardinal Defends Homosexual Partnerships

Edit: Some will notice a certain similarity to statements by Cardinal Schoenborn and who defended it using the same argument.  Cardinal Martini just spells things about more explicitly in his new book.  Here's an interesting citation from the Jimmy Akin blog:

Cardinal Schönborn, who like his mentor Pope Benedict is a model of openness and transparency, invited the editors of Austria’s dozen or so major newspapers to a meeting at his residence in Vienna. How many bishops can you name who have extended such an invitation to the press? 

Italian Cardinal Martini breaks a lance for homosexual partnerships.

Rome (  The Italian Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini has spoken out for homosexual partnerships.  Against fleeting contacts it is "not bad, when two people have a certain amount of stability in relationships",   wrote the previous Archbishop of Milan in a book, from the newspaper, "L'Espresso" published in the Friday edition.  "I do not share the position of people in the Church, who agitate themselves about civil partnerships",  confessed the 85 year old Cardinal.

If homsexuals are living in a stable relationship, the state could guide this, Martini thinks.  Surely, the traditional family must be defended because it supports society.  "If, however, people of different or the same sex would like to sign a contract, to give their relationship a certain stability, why should we be unyieldingly against it?", asks Martini, one of the most visible churchmen and theologians in Italy, in the volume >>Credere e conoscere<< (Faith and Understanding).

Moral teaching firmly holds "for good reasons",  that God wanted the difference between  man and woman.  Some people have decided themselves in honest conviction, because of their previous experiences and habits, from psychological reasons and "possibly also from an inborn inclination" to live in a same sex partnership.  This ought "neither be demonized nor outlawed".  A durable and true friendship between two people of the same sex have in their view a value, even if as a sexual relationship it can not be raised as a model of life as the family can.

Martini expressed the understanding, "not unanimous agreement", for street parades of homosexuals.    In that their necessity for self-expression is apparent, even if this appears "excessively provocative".    As far as the use of condoms the Cardinal said, this could be viewed "in certain situations as a lesser evil".  Other morally acceptable means such as abstinence should not be therefore moved into the background.

Link to original....

Articles of Interest

Cardinal Martini says human life doesn't start at conception.

Cardinal Causes High Level Vatican Meeting

Attacks Church Teaching in Book, "Nocturnal Conversations"

Repeated Defiance of Rome

Of course he's a Zionist

Friday, March 23, 2012

The "Colorful Miracle" of a Bishop: Koran Suras Read in a Catholic Church

(L'Aquila)  The Diocesan Bishop of Teramo-Altri, Msgr Michele Seccia is leading a pastoral visit to the community of Silvi in Italian Abruzzo.  For the beginning of spring on the 21st of March he experienced there a "colorful miracle".  As he visited the church entrusted to the Franciscans, The Assumption in the vicinity of Silvi Marina, a resort town on the Adriatic, there were some Muslim children in the church reading suras from the Koran in Arabic.  The unexpected performance, an expression what is in many aspects a psuedo-interreligious and naively charming mentality, took place before the tabernacle.  The Bishop, who took no part in the program, was faced with an accomplished fact, as Messa in Latino reported.

The incident is reminiscent of the severe abuse of children in a Catholic private school in France , who were brought to a "promotion of interreligious understanding" in a mosque, where they were taught Muslim prayer postures.

The Bishop's comment is unknown.

Source, katholisches...

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Messa in Latino

Friday, March 2, 2012

Kneelers and Communion Rail Ripped From Conciliar Church of Trent

(Trent) The church in which part of the Council of Trent (1545-1563) met, was reopened after extensive archeological excavations in (2007-2010) and renovations.  It surrounds the Marian Church, St. Maria Maggiore of the north Italian city of Trent.  In the course of excavations and rennovations even the pews, kneelers and communion rail was removed from the church, as the Trent internet site Libertà e Pensiero.

In the first Christian centuries, the church was a Bishop's church in the Diocese of Trent.  The Bishop of Trent was from 10-27-1803 also a Prince of the Holy Roman Empire (The German Nation)  and Ecclesial Principality.   Since the 20th century of the previous century, the Diocese was raised to an Archdiocese.  In Saint Maria Maggiore the Council took place in its third period from 1582-1563.  In this church there were various conclusions made, which after the Protestant Revolt and schism led to a phase of renewal and a new blooming.

"The excuse, to remove the kneelers and communion rail is doubly astonishing,  since this after all happens to be a church, in which the Council met, which strengthened the pious knee in the Holy Liturgy and opposed the human conception of the Reformation [Protestant Revolt]," says Libertá e Pensiero..

It reads in the General Instruction to the Missale Romanum of 1975:

Movements And Postures

20. The uniformity in standing, kneeling, or sitting to be observed by all taking part is a sign of the community and the unity of the assembly; it both expresses and fosters the spiritual attitude of those taking part.[28]

21. For the sake of uniformity in movement and posture, the people should follow the directions given during the celebration by the deacon, the priest, or another minister. Unless other provision is made, at every Mass the people should stand from the beginning of the entrance song or when the priest enters until the end of the opening prayer or collect; for the singing of the Alleluia before the gospel; while the gospel is proclaimed; during the profession of faith and the general intercessions; from the prayer over the gifts to the end of the Mass, except at the places indicated later in this paragraph. They should sit during the readings before the gospel and during the responsorial psalm, for the homily and the presentation of the gifts, and, if this seems helpful, during the period of silence after communion. They should kneel at the consecration unless prevented by the lack of space, the number of people present, or some other good reason.

But it is up to the conference of bishops to adapt the actions and postures described in the Order of the Roman Mass to the customs of the people.[29] But the conference must make sure that such adaptations correspond to the meaning and character of each part of the celebration.

Edit: It's not like anyone reads the rules, though.

Translated from, katholisches, which got the story from an Italian site...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Cardinal Cottier Sees the Anger of Satan in Vaticanleaks

As regards self-destructive powers in the Church and in the Vatican:  Satan is angry, because the Church is alive. A further chapter of "Vatican Leaks" turns. by Armin Schwibach

Rome (  "Benedict XVI is the structural pillar":  the newspaper of the Italian Bishops' Conference, "Avvenire" entitled its interview on the 21st of February with the former theologian of the Papal House, George Cardinal Cottier (90).  In his address before the Consistory last week the Cardinal expressed himself on the most recent scandal in the wake of "leaks", through a confidential document from various posts of the Roman Curia were to the outside.

Although it seemed that the problems were solved primarily by the security services of the Vatican, the problem and those responsible have been identified, and the story of "Vatican Leaks" will have a sequen this Wednesday on the 22nd of February.  The TV channel "La7", which three weeks ago had broken the story of a letter with revelations of the former Secretary of the Governorate of the Vatican City State, and today's Nuncio to the United States, Carlo Maria Vigano', and his criticism of "corruptoin", he ascribed in the Vatican, will now interview one of the moles in the Vatican.

As far as this, the mole has also to disclose the motives of the "spies" and their number, which is given  in total about 20. What is clearly brought to the fore is that this is not the result of a "media campaign" but that the colleagues of the Pope in the Curia break their oaths of office and wage their own campaigns in the media.[!]  Why is this happening?  From anger or tedium, this is what the "mole" says in an interview with the show "Gli INtoccabili" (The Untouchables).

Probably it goes perhaps something more of what Cardinal Cottier pointed out in his interview with "Avvenire".  Benedict XVI does not allow himself to be daunted by the thunder storm and flood, which has the intention to shake the Church, because: he knows that the foundation will outlast the superficiality of this aspect.  Cottier had already considered the events of the last weeks during the days of the Consistorium and has contended with other Cardinals about it.

On this he has observed that he had not been the only one to have had these thoughts:  "In the past travails around the Church the work of Satan can be seen.  In the sense:  If the Church were only asleep in mediocrity or only concerned with intrigues and rivalries, the devil would not have much to do with it.  If he is interested in causing much disruption, that means that there is a vitaility in the Church, which Satan wants to oppose.  And this vitality is the power of the Faith, it is the Christian life, which advances all over the world these days."

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