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Thug Bros. with Budgie Niles |
Showing posts with label Homosexual Bullying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homosexual Bullying. Show all posts
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Monday, July 27, 2020
Thug Gordon wanted to appear professional?


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What brand of lipgloss does Thug use? |
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Scottish Priest Being Bullied for Writing Book About Gomorrist Bullying

Edit: Father Mathew Despard has been suspended for only putting in writing what so many of us already know. The book, available on Amazon, is in part about homosexual bullying in the Catholic Church. Father was outside the parish church before a Mass in which the Bishop announced his decision to bully the priest. The People of God expressed their opinion of this injustice by walking out of the church.
The book has been removed from Amazon in the UK.
Of course, we've been talking about homosexual bullying for a while now here on this blog.
Imgage and story...
The furious congregation of a church has walked out in protest after the suspension of their parish priest.
Only a handful of parishioners remained yesterday to take mass at St John Ogilvie's Church in High Blantyre with Archdiocese of Motherwell acting Bishop Joseph Toal after Father Matthew Despard was removed from his ministry the night before.
Before they went into church, people signed a petition calling for the reinstatement of Father Despard, suspended for writing a controversial memoir that claimed there is a culture of homosexual bullying in the Catholic Church.
When Bishop Toal, accompanied by Father William Nolan, tried to take mass, Geraldine Penches said she wanted to make a statement, and received a roar of applause from the congregation in a packed church.
Her short statement referred to Father Despard as "a very honest man" and said: "This is more scandal to rock the Catholic Church which has to be hushed up.
"Because Father tells the truth he is removed from his priestly duties. We the people are the church, not the bishops. When people said on Saturday night they wouldn't return, the Bishop said we'll close the church. I don't think Pope Francis would be very pleased with that."
Order book on Amazon.com...
Also read
[Scottish News] “The Catholic Church here in Scotland, and I am ashamed to admit this, has justified itself to Catholic papers by telling lie after lie, denying charges that are true, and claiming they have been defamed when the facts reported in the press are quite simply true.”
The priest’s shocking revelations will be another blow to the Church hierarchy, already reeling from the claims that Cardinal O’Brien tried to seduce a number of trainee priests.
The 74-year-old quit as Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh after the accusations by former and serving priests emerged.
Fr Despard says in his book that he was the victim of inappropriate approaches during his time as a seminarian.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Media Blitz Against Boy Scouts of America Has Raised Tempo
The most effective way of intimidating private organizations which don't yield to official narratives about human sexuality, science, politics and so on, will be systematically attacked.
Edit: there's a significant amount of media pressure being applied to the Boy Scouts of America which has policies against homosexuals. It's a standard pattern that anyone can detect as various organizations and blogs which don't toe the line with respect to accepted sexual and social norms, can face public humiliation and even criminal charges as is the case with the German Catholic site 'Kreuz.net' who is being accused of "inciting hatred" under German law. But it's not just religious organizations which refuse to conform like the Catholic Church but civic youth organizations like the Boy Scouts. Neither Scoutmasters, the Scouts themselves, may be homosexual, for as the oath which Scouts take insists a Scout is "morally straight."
This amount of hysteria directed at a private, voluntary organization like this causes one to wonder about the rate of abuse in organizations which enjoy the approval of the media complex. (Girl Scouts, Brownies, Gay Straight Alliance, etc...)
Despite this welcome intransigence from the Boy Scouts, there is more than media pressure that can be brought to bear, as it was used recently to such great effect in the case of Father Guarnizo . Even Catholic resources were brought to bear on a Catholic priest who had a legitimate cause and in fact, an obligation, to refuse a public sinner Holy Communion. The local ordinary, Cardinal Wuerl, even came down on the side of the public sinner and feelings. Some might say that it shows that the Catholic Church is divided, but others, more well informed, should say that there are those in charge who have opposing agendas.
As is the case, the media is playing its usual manipulative cards invoking false charity in the name of an all-inclusive relativism. It's similar to the accusations leveled against Father Guarnizo above, that he wasn't pastorally sensitive or acting beyond his authority. It may be that Cardinal Wuerl would refuse Communion to Bill Clinton if he presented himself for the Sacrament, but we feel that not only is the Cardinal far afield in his understanding of the Sacrament, although for perfucntory reasons he may be willing to follow rubrics and canons, a special interest victim group will always trump Catholic practice.
But this isn't the case with the Boy Scouts of America, and given that they are unwilling to bend to media pressure. Other weapons are being brought to bear upon the somewhat isolated boys' organization, and it is incidentally, the abuse -hoax, which has also been very effective at intimidating, humiliating and even destroying Catholic authorities who try to resist the status quo. Cardinal Law comes to mind. As we're eager to point out, Cardinal Law was very outspoken about pro-life and insulted the Clintons during a politically charged homily at St. Patrick's Cathedral during the funeral of Joseph Cardinal O'Connor. It's true that the Cardinal of Boston was not an ideally orthodox shepherd, but the damage claims and sex abuse accusations against his Diocese were not significantly larger than those faced by Cardinal Mahony of Los Angeles. The only discernable difference is the fact that Cardinal Mahony was an Old Liberal, who favored homosexual causes and very much a darling not only of the media, but the Hollywood elites themselves.
The Boy Scouts aren't perfect, but they oppose the agenda by "discriminating" against those afflicted with the disorder of homosexuality. as Canon 4358 of the Catholic Church reads is a "disordered state". If the Boy Scouts fell in lockstep, does anyone believe that they would be facing the barrage of articles now appearing in the media, accusing them of covering up child abuse.
The media has been abusing children for years and the silence is almost deafening.
In any event, if an organization refuses to bend to media pressure, then it will have to be systematically discredited, and what better way of discrediting an organization than by showing how it is harmful to children and is less than responsible about how it handles sex-abuse. (Of course, ignoring the complicity of a certain unhealthy sexual "orientation" in all of this.)
Now, they're calling this attack "the perversion files", here, Psychology Today, here, coverups, here, more coverups, 5,000 expelled from Boy Scouts in Palm Beach since 1958, Telegraph, Fox, Overwhelming interest in abuse crashes website, Disturbing Instances of Abuse, even Al Jazeera is gloating, and so on.
The data is forthcoming, but it's a pretty safe bet that your children are safer with a Scoutmaster than they are with the teachers in public schools.
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photo: www.BoyScouts-NCAC.org |
Edit: there's a significant amount of media pressure being applied to the Boy Scouts of America which has policies against homosexuals. It's a standard pattern that anyone can detect as various organizations and blogs which don't toe the line with respect to accepted sexual and social norms, can face public humiliation and even criminal charges as is the case with the German Catholic site 'Kreuz.net' who is being accused of "inciting hatred" under German law. But it's not just religious organizations which refuse to conform like the Catholic Church but civic youth organizations like the Boy Scouts. Neither Scoutmasters, the Scouts themselves, may be homosexual, for as the oath which Scouts take insists a Scout is "morally straight."
This amount of hysteria directed at a private, voluntary organization like this causes one to wonder about the rate of abuse in organizations which enjoy the approval of the media complex. (Girl Scouts, Brownies, Gay Straight Alliance, etc...)
Despite this welcome intransigence from the Boy Scouts, there is more than media pressure that can be brought to bear, as it was used recently to such great effect in the case of Father Guarnizo . Even Catholic resources were brought to bear on a Catholic priest who had a legitimate cause and in fact, an obligation, to refuse a public sinner Holy Communion. The local ordinary, Cardinal Wuerl, even came down on the side of the public sinner and feelings. Some might say that it shows that the Catholic Church is divided, but others, more well informed, should say that there are those in charge who have opposing agendas.
As is the case, the media is playing its usual manipulative cards invoking false charity in the name of an all-inclusive relativism. It's similar to the accusations leveled against Father Guarnizo above, that he wasn't pastorally sensitive or acting beyond his authority. It may be that Cardinal Wuerl would refuse Communion to Bill Clinton if he presented himself for the Sacrament, but we feel that not only is the Cardinal far afield in his understanding of the Sacrament, although for perfucntory reasons he may be willing to follow rubrics and canons, a special interest victim group will always trump Catholic practice.
But this isn't the case with the Boy Scouts of America, and given that they are unwilling to bend to media pressure. Other weapons are being brought to bear upon the somewhat isolated boys' organization, and it is incidentally, the abuse -hoax, which has also been very effective at intimidating, humiliating and even destroying Catholic authorities who try to resist the status quo. Cardinal Law comes to mind. As we're eager to point out, Cardinal Law was very outspoken about pro-life and insulted the Clintons during a politically charged homily at St. Patrick's Cathedral during the funeral of Joseph Cardinal O'Connor. It's true that the Cardinal of Boston was not an ideally orthodox shepherd, but the damage claims and sex abuse accusations against his Diocese were not significantly larger than those faced by Cardinal Mahony of Los Angeles. The only discernable difference is the fact that Cardinal Mahony was an Old Liberal, who favored homosexual causes and very much a darling not only of the media, but the Hollywood elites themselves.
The Boy Scouts aren't perfect, but they oppose the agenda by "discriminating" against those afflicted with the disorder of homosexuality. as Canon 4358 of the Catholic Church reads is a "disordered state". If the Boy Scouts fell in lockstep, does anyone believe that they would be facing the barrage of articles now appearing in the media, accusing them of covering up child abuse.
The media has been abusing children for years and the silence is almost deafening.
In any event, if an organization refuses to bend to media pressure, then it will have to be systematically discredited, and what better way of discrediting an organization than by showing how it is harmful to children and is less than responsible about how it handles sex-abuse. (Of course, ignoring the complicity of a certain unhealthy sexual "orientation" in all of this.)
Now, they're calling this attack "the perversion files", here, Psychology Today, here, coverups, here, more coverups, 5,000 expelled from Boy Scouts in Palm Beach since 1958, Telegraph, Fox, Overwhelming interest in abuse crashes website, Disturbing Instances of Abuse, even Al Jazeera is gloating, and so on.
The data is forthcoming, but it's a pretty safe bet that your children are safer with a Scoutmaster than they are with the teachers in public schools.
Monday, October 15, 2012
News Bytes -- Cardinal Lehman Refuses to Obey Rome
Cardinal Karl Lehmann makes joke -- 27 Pro-Lifers on the Abortion-Pillory -- Miracle Recognized -- Scotland: Homosexuals Insult Children -- That's What Americans Want
Cardinal Lehman's Little Joke
Germany. The Old Liberal Cardinal Karl Lehman of Mainz says he would like to see a "Reform" of the Vatican, to the anti-Catholic 'Deutschlandfunk': "The governing style must be changed." The Vatican apparently takes too much influence from the local church. As an example he criticized that the Vatican is "censuring pettily" the German Missal and the work of the hymnal "Gotteslob" [Divine Praise]. That is an "incursion in Liturgical law", which Cardinal Lehmann himself "isn't going to take".
27 Pro-Lifers on the Abortion-Pillory
Belgium. A combine of anti-life EU-Parliamentarians have published a list of Pro-Lifers. This was according to the Protestant news agency 'idea'. The Comrade Community self-importantly describes itself as "European Parliamentarian Forum for People and Development". It operates as a network, which is based upon the US-Slaughterhouse concern 'Planned Parenthood'. The list of those from the German-speaking world include Johanna Gräfin von Westphalen, Sophia Kuby, Tobias Teuscher, Gudrun Kugler, Paul Herzog von Oldenburg, Matthias von Gersdorff und Ewald Stadler.
Miracle Recognized
France. A healing, which took place in the year 1965 in the Marian pilgrimage shrine Lourdes, has been recognized as a miracle. It was then that the Mother of God healed a lame Salesian, Sister Luigina Traverso, from the Diocese of Monferrato in Northern Italy. The cloistered nun, born in 1934, suffered from a lame left leg. In Lourdes, she received a spontaneous healing. The international Commission of Physicians of Lourdes described the healing in November 2011 as unexplainable. Bishop Alceste Catella of Monferrato confirmed the miracle.
Scotland: Homosexuals Insult Children
Scotland. In Scotland even children are insulted as being "Nazis" or "fanatics", if they criticized homosexual liaisons. This was explained by a representative of the Scottish Bishops' Conference, John Deighan, recently in Brussels to the site 'lifesitenews.com' . Deighan's own 12 year old child was called a "Nazi". The inhuman homosexual network want for a very high level of antagonism against every critic, observes Deighan. Politicians in Scotland in fear of their careers do not dare to say any more against the homo-lobby.
That's What US Wants
"High ranking political members, the Syrian-Orthodox Archbishop of Aleppo, Mar Gregorios, knows that the government, party and military will remain as a guarantee for stability and order. Only President Assad and his family must go. The Egyptian solution: the president goes, the military will govern and the old power structure will remain."
From an article on the 25th of September from the online-edition of 'Springer' news 'Welt' about the foreign terrorists being spun into a Syrian civil war.
Miracle Recognized
France. A healing, which took place in the year 1965 in the Marian pilgrimage shrine Lourdes, has been recognized as a miracle. It was then that the Mother of God healed a lame Salesian, Sister Luigina Traverso, from the Diocese of Monferrato in Northern Italy. The cloistered nun, born in 1934, suffered from a lame left leg. In Lourdes, she received a spontaneous healing. The international Commission of Physicians of Lourdes described the healing in November 2011 as unexplainable. Bishop Alceste Catella of Monferrato confirmed the miracle.
Scotland: Homosexuals Insult Children
Scotland. In Scotland even children are insulted as being "Nazis" or "fanatics", if they criticized homosexual liaisons. This was explained by a representative of the Scottish Bishops' Conference, John Deighan, recently in Brussels to the site 'lifesitenews.com' . Deighan's own 12 year old child was called a "Nazi". The inhuman homosexual network want for a very high level of antagonism against every critic, observes Deighan. Politicians in Scotland in fear of their careers do not dare to say any more against the homo-lobby.
That's What US Wants
"High ranking political members, the Syrian-Orthodox Archbishop of Aleppo, Mar Gregorios, knows that the government, party and military will remain as a guarantee for stability and order. Only President Assad and his family must go. The Egyptian solution: the president goes, the military will govern and the old power structure will remain."
From an article on the 25th of September from the online-edition of 'Springer' news 'Welt' about the foreign terrorists being spun into a Syrian civil war.
News Bytes: The Rotten Fruits of the Council -- Will the Church Become a Mosque?
France: The Rotten Fruits of the Council -- Will the Church become a Mosque? -- Homosexual Bullying Bears Fruit -- Went off Quickly Without a Hitch -- Now Come the Clones
France. In 1961 -- a year before the start of the Pastoral Council -- 35% of the French went to the Latin Mass of the Roman Rite every Sunday. Fifty years later, after the start of the Second Vatican Council only 6% of the French -- at least once a month -- attend the New Eucharistic Celebration. This is from a study of the public opinion researcher 'Ifop'. In 1961 over 90% of Frenchmen were Catholic. Now about 80% are baptized. In all, about 30% of those under 35 are approximately 30% heathen.
Will the Church Become a Mosque?
France. One Church in the 27,000 population city of Vierzon in central France may become a Mosque. In the city there are six churches and 300 practicing Catholics. That's why the church, St. Eloi, built in 1955 will be sold. The buyer shows itself to be the "Union of Moroccans". It will transform the church into a Mosque. The Diocese of Bourges explained that it is still not decided to whom the will be sold off for peanuts.
Homosexual Intimidation Bears Fruit
Austria. On Saturday the Salzburg Auxiliary Bishop Andreas Laun celebrates his 70th birthday. On his jubilee, a homosexual website congratulated him. Msgr. Laun has refrained from commenting on the disorder. Recently he even expressed himself in friendly terms to homosexuals and spoke of a "loving interaction" with them.
Trial Went off Quickly Without a Hitch
Vatican. Was there secret fixing involved with the Pope-traitor Paolo Gabrielle? This question came from the anti-Church German weekly 'Zeit'. It is incidental that the actors of State Attorney and defense announced the judgment: "There will possibly be a verdict before the trial's end." Gabriele's attorney has praised the judgment as balanced. Also, there is still the big question if there is another suspect besides Gabriele. The Journalist Marco Ansaldo from the Italian news 'Republica' described the trial as a "fixed trial".
Now comes the Clone
Sweden. In this year there are two stem cell researchers, the Japanese Shinya Yamanaka and the Brit John Gurdon, who will win the Nobel Prize for Medicine. They are to receive the dubious honor for the back development of cells of a grown person from embryonic stem cells. For that it will no longer be necessary to grow and kill more children, in order to experiment with their cells. Archbishop Anton Losinger of Augsburg warned 'Munich Kirchenradio', that this may lead to the technique of making identical clones.
Link to kreuz.net...
France. In 1961 -- a year before the start of the Pastoral Council -- 35% of the French went to the Latin Mass of the Roman Rite every Sunday. Fifty years later, after the start of the Second Vatican Council only 6% of the French -- at least once a month -- attend the New Eucharistic Celebration. This is from a study of the public opinion researcher 'Ifop'. In 1961 over 90% of Frenchmen were Catholic. Now about 80% are baptized. In all, about 30% of those under 35 are approximately 30% heathen.
Will the Church Become a Mosque?
France. One Church in the 27,000 population city of Vierzon in central France may become a Mosque. In the city there are six churches and 300 practicing Catholics. That's why the church, St. Eloi, built in 1955 will be sold. The buyer shows itself to be the "Union of Moroccans". It will transform the church into a Mosque. The Diocese of Bourges explained that it is still not decided to whom the will be sold off for peanuts.
Homosexual Intimidation Bears Fruit
Austria. On Saturday the Salzburg Auxiliary Bishop Andreas Laun celebrates his 70th birthday. On his jubilee, a homosexual website congratulated him. Msgr. Laun has refrained from commenting on the disorder. Recently he even expressed himself in friendly terms to homosexuals and spoke of a "loving interaction" with them.
Trial Went off Quickly Without a Hitch
Vatican. Was there secret fixing involved with the Pope-traitor Paolo Gabrielle? This question came from the anti-Church German weekly 'Zeit'. It is incidental that the actors of State Attorney and defense announced the judgment: "There will possibly be a verdict before the trial's end." Gabriele's attorney has praised the judgment as balanced. Also, there is still the big question if there is another suspect besides Gabriele. The Journalist Marco Ansaldo from the Italian news 'Republica' described the trial as a "fixed trial".
Now comes the Clone
Sweden. In this year there are two stem cell researchers, the Japanese Shinya Yamanaka and the Brit John Gurdon, who will win the Nobel Prize for Medicine. They are to receive the dubious honor for the back development of cells of a grown person from embryonic stem cells. For that it will no longer be necessary to grow and kill more children, in order to experiment with their cells. Archbishop Anton Losinger of Augsburg warned 'Munich Kirchenradio', that this may lead to the technique of making identical clones.
Link to kreuz.net...
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
CSU Politician: The Gay Lobby is "Aggressive and Intolerant"
Attacks against the opponents of marriage being equated with homosexualy disordered relationships show that the sodomists who cry the loudest for tolerance are those who can not bear opinions other than their own.
(kreuz.net) In the debate about marriage equality of homosexual depravity the CSU Bundestag representative, Norbert Geis (72) complains about the "aggressive and intolerant" manner of discussion.
Is it possible to reasonably discuss anything with homosexuals?
The attacks against the opponents of homosexual marriage often demonstrate, "that precisely those who cry the loudest for tolerance, could not bear opinions other than their own."
This was written by Geis in a commentary for the edition of the Berlin weekly, 'Junge Freiheit' for the coming Thursday.
A factual discussion is not possible for that reason.
The privilege of the family is in the Constitution
The demand that the state has to protect marriage and families in a special way, is in the German Constitution.
This can not be distorted into discrimination against homosexually disturbed couplings.
Then this allows the "small, but vocal homosexual lobby no opportunity, to force equality with marriage and family", criticized the law expert.
This tendency to leveling is unfortunately reinforced by various decisions in the Federal Constitutional Courts.
Link to kreuz.net...
(kreuz.net) In the debate about marriage equality of homosexual depravity the CSU Bundestag representative, Norbert Geis (72) complains about the "aggressive and intolerant" manner of discussion.
Is it possible to reasonably discuss anything with homosexuals?
The attacks against the opponents of homosexual marriage often demonstrate, "that precisely those who cry the loudest for tolerance, could not bear opinions other than their own."
This was written by Geis in a commentary for the edition of the Berlin weekly, 'Junge Freiheit' for the coming Thursday.
A factual discussion is not possible for that reason.
The privilege of the family is in the Constitution
The demand that the state has to protect marriage and families in a special way, is in the German Constitution.
This can not be distorted into discrimination against homosexually disturbed couplings.
Then this allows the "small, but vocal homosexual lobby no opportunity, to force equality with marriage and family", criticized the law expert.
This tendency to leveling is unfortunately reinforced by various decisions in the Federal Constitutional Courts.
Link to kreuz.net...
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Modernist Monastery Perpetuates its Rank Evil
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Father Mel Taylor |
The Modernist Monastery has a long history itself of deception. They present themselves as Benedictines, acting with the approval of the Pope. Despite this, they have refused to support the Archbishop's recent defense of marriage campaign as reported by Lifesite.
A show of docility and obedience to their lawful superiors would go against the agenda of disobedience and depravity they've long established for themselves.
An important dimension of their plan of deception is sending predators to the Bahamas where they can lay low. One of Collegeville's most vicious molesters is Father Alllen Tarlton, who's actually a native of the Bahamas and has been sent there since the 60s for "health reasons".
Father Taylor is one of the last monks to be sent to St. John's Bahamas resort getaway now that it's closing forever.
From the Pine Curtain:
Link to Pine Curtain...
Father Mel Taylor reportedly left the Bahamas on Monday, June 4, 2012, a day after he was confronted during mass by a young man who claimed Father Mel Taylor had pursued him (for a sexual relationship) over a year and a half period. The man used the church’s microphone after communion to make the accusations.
Father Mel Taylor was not scheduled to leave the Bahamas until June 24, 2012 but reportedly left early “for health reasons.”
Father Mel Taylor arrived in the Bahamas in 1980, following allegations of misconduct in Cold Spring, Minnesota. Father Mel Taylor served as associate pastor of St. Francis Xavier Cathedral in Nassau, Bahamas for one year.
The Walls are Closing in on the Golden Monk
This and other revelations from the Modernist Monastery bring the seething and indignant letter by Collegeville's artist in residence, Jerome Tupa, who features statues with phalluses made of gold, who accused the Pine Curtain and the school newspaper of slander.
His remarks actually prompted a former student to write a letter which appears on the Pine Curtain.
I’m very disgusted by the whole thing, especially given that we just went through this recently and we were assured that the place was fixed and in good hands. It is even more disturbing to read of monks who are indignant at people writing articles that try to bring the info out in the open. If I were a monk at St. John’s, I would not be bragging about how long I have been on campus, apparently blind to the … abuse going on under your nose. Try eating a piece of humble pie before getting people fired from their jobs at the Record.Unsurprisingly, Jerome Tupa has been accused credibly of sexual abuse, but is being moved around. When they're caught, they respond and say they're sorry, and then go back to doing what they were doing before with a few modifications. They're still being moved around and protected. What's the common factor in all of this?
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Tupa's "Art" $3500 |
Friday, September 23, 2011
Homosexuals Bullied Former Anglican Archbishop in Catholic Seminary
Edit: One of the accused priests, Monsignor Dempsey, still hasn't been suspended, despite being accused by a very respectable senior Anglican. It's a good thing Msgr. Dempsey wasn't preaching the Catholic faith fearlessly from his pulpit on Sunday or anything, then he'd be in serious trouble.
Tony Wright quotes Catholic politician Senator Xenophon, who asks why the priest couldn't have gone on "vacation" when Archbishop Hepworth brought it to the Church's attention privately.
This caused Catholic Senator Xenophon to name the priest in question, who is receiving quite a few brickbats.
Who's in charge, really?
It will be interesting to note just what Monsignor Dempsey's career has been like. His public statements up to this point would be very revealing.
Link here...
Here's a link with some self-serving commentary, some good commentary at politics.ie.
The priest he's accusing, Monsignor Dempsey , is actually denying the charges also here.
Also posted on the aptly named Pinnochio about the Monsignor.
Father Stephen's blog has posted a deffense, here. One of his commenters fumes as follows:
Sick and tired of religious haters on September 16, 2011 at 02:08 said:
Tony Wright quotes Catholic politician Senator Xenophon, who asks why the priest couldn't have gone on "vacation" when Archbishop Hepworth brought it to the Church's attention privately.
This caused Catholic Senator Xenophon to name the priest in question, who is receiving quite a few brickbats.
Who's in charge, really?
It will be interesting to note just what Monsignor Dempsey's career has been like. His public statements up to this point would be very revealing.
[The Australian] He says he was raped repeatedly. Two of his accused abusers are dead; the third, a senior Catholic priest, runs a parish in South Australia.
He reported the abuse to the Archdiocese of Adelaide more than four years ago but the church has not stood the priest down.
Contacted by The Weekend Australian yesterday, the priest laughed and said: "I can't discuss matters that are confidential." Asked if he had read Archbishop Hepworth's allegations against him, he giggled and said: "Good try but I won't say anything."
Link here...
Here's a link with some self-serving commentary, some good commentary at politics.ie.
The priest he's accusing, Monsignor Dempsey , is actually denying the charges also here.
Also posted on the aptly named Pinnochio about the Monsignor.
Father Stephen's blog has posted a deffense, here. One of his commenters fumes as follows:
Sick and tired of religious haters on September 16, 2011 at 02:08 said:
1) Why didnt John Hepworth seek the police in the first instance and why didnt he want the Church to take it up to the police? [That's a stupid question, actually. People who ask these sorts of questions are hedging for some reason.]
2) Why hasnt John Hepworth substantiated his allegations, apparently the Church asked him several times to do this. Even now, he hasnt provided any proof of Monsignor Dempsey’s involvement. [Someone's sayso was enough to get rid of Father Corapi.]
3) Why doesnt the good Senator Xenophon admit Hepworth’s allegations not been formal either through the Police or within the Church? The complaint was only made formal February this year.
4) If the good senator and Hepsworth wanted things to proceed quicker then they would have gone to the Police, just as anyone would. [Most of those who are so treated by clerical homosexuals don't go to the police, actually.]
5) The good senator has said that he is concerned about the kids and parishioners. A total B/S. Dempsey has been priest for 40 or so years, has worked with children and vulnerable adult without a stain in his name. The only thing the good senator has done is disrupt the parishioners. [Perhaps he's put the finger on a clevery predator? We'll see.] The good senator clearly has it in for religion and religious people, [Clear in your mind, perhaps.] no matter how good or how well those people have served the community. [Archbishop Hepworth doesn't have it in for religious people, does he? It's not evident that Senator Xenophon has it in for anyone. If anything, he's probably frustrated by the lack of responsiveness on the part of certain parties when it comes to homosexual predation. In any event, community is a good shiboleth to indicate Liberal.]
6) Notice that the cowardly senator wont accuse Monsignor Dempsey without Parliamentary protection.
7) The good senator is abusing his power to undermine and bypass the police and judiciary. He clearly do not believe in the abilities of the police force or the Australian legal system. He also went against the wishes of Hepworth who apparently disnt want the priest named.[It doesn't sound like the Diocese was moving on this, and so needed some encouragement. So there's no evidence for this claim.]
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Elderly Canadian Priest Suspended for Being Catholic
Edit: It could also mean that the lavender mafia has claimed another victim, and yet, there are quite a few paid hucksters out there who give a pass to the inexcusable statements and actions of Old Liberal Bishops and Priests. Pay close attention to the people who line up in favor of suspending this loyal son of the Church, or ignore, this news story. They know who they are, and so should you.
BATHURST, New Brunswick, September 22, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The Catholic Diocese of Bathurst, New Brunswick has removed an elderly priest from active ministry after he caused a storm of controversy by denouncing homosexuality, cohabitation, and abortion in an August homily.
85-year-old Fr. Donat Gionet had retired to his home town of Caraquet in June to serve palliative care patients, and now laments that in his declining years he is being forced to celebrate Mass “in secret.”
Fr. Wesley Wade, the diocese’s vicar general, told Radio-Canada that Fr. Gionet’s comments were consistent with Church teaching, but lacked the proper “pastoral” sensitivity.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
A Word About Kreuz.net and How Swiss Bishops Imply the Archbishop of Cologne is a Homosexual
Editor: The inveterate and ever steady Tom at AQ has posted the story we translated about how David Berger, a liar and a poseur who's accused the Holy Father of having homosexual tendencies, has been given free run to heap his filth on the Church through the mouthpiece of the Swiss Bishops. How the man conducting the interview who has such a clear allegiance to the Homosexual agenda, enough to give softball questions to Berger and support his agenda, could be a part of what goes on at a Catholic News Service run by the Swiss Bishops is anybody's guess, but will the Bishops make amends for this? The News Service is their bailliwick and what happens there is THEIR responsibility, especially when a known liar and slanderer uses that service to spread his lies and promote his books.
Let's file the following under, "homosexual bullying" for the time being. It's interesting the way the following poster wants to deflect LEGITIMATE criticism away from the Swiss Bishops by accusing kreuz.net of dishonesty and being "obsessed" with homosexuality. It's the self-same tactic employed by Berger and his co-religionists:
Yes, try not to confuse kreuz.net with what's going on under your own nose in your own Church.
Let's file the following under, "homosexual bullying" for the time being. It's interesting the way the following poster wants to deflect LEGITIMATE criticism away from the Swiss Bishops by accusing kreuz.net of dishonesty and being "obsessed" with homosexuality. It's the self-same tactic employed by Berger and his co-religionists:
Swiss bishops do NOT [Their tacit approval is very much in evidence here] insinuate anything like this, but the website KREUZ.NET which is pornographic in most of it's contents is insinuating that Swiss bishops insinuate.......
I would never allow my children (who are teens) to surf on kreuz.net, not for not wanting them to know about catholic tradition, but because the editorial staff of kreuz.net is obsessed with homosexuality and the users of that forum are commenting in the most vulgar and obscene language possible describing all sorts of homosexual perversions. Kreuz.net is not to recommend and I really wonder who is behind this platform. You can find there also serious and good information, but the way it is presented to the public is very strange. A normal, good hearted and pious traditional catholic needs much holiness to not to have go to confession after having used kreuz.net. I have never understood the mechanisms behind it, even if I use it quite often, as I have to confess.
Yes, try not to confuse kreuz.net with what's going on under your own nose in your own Church.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Swiss Bishops Insintuate that the Cardinal of Cologne is a Homosexual
Editor: This is from this last Friday. Of course, some will remember the continuing saga of David Berger and his insinuations about the Holy Father and Traditional Catholics. Now he's lashing out with malice and apparently, the Swiss Bishops' mouthpiece is giving him a court of approval to air his hate for the Church. The article follows:

He covers the Church with homosexual filth and waltzes with himself in self-love. The Old Liberal official Church and the decadent Bishops named by John Paul II are serving him with a homosexual court of approval.
(kreuz.net, Zürich) Incredibly, the Swiss Bishops are offering the German homosexual and enemy of the Church, David Berger, a forum for his tirades and lies.
The scene of the crime was a video interview with the official Church website, 'kath.ch'.
The homepage describes itself -- without any contradiction of the Swiss Bishops -- as "the internet site of the Roman Catholic Church in German Switzerland.".
The Website is operated by an opaque "Catholic Media Service" in Zürich.
For that reason, it will never give a critical Journalistic treatment of the theme of homosexuality.
And still with the old lies
Berger, full of self-adulation, portrays himself as the victim of the scene.
Without cross-examination, he retold his lie that he wasn't the one who had brought his immoral life to public attention.
In reality Berger's immoral homosexual lifestyle alteration was discovered for the first time by Kreuz.net in May of Mai 2007.
His neo-Conservative friends stood by him for another long three years, till his Gommorrism was finally too much even for the periodical 'Theologisches'.
Berger was an author with them at that point.
The publisher of the publication was forced in the face of ever newer revelations to withdraw his position.
Berger presents this indeed as a "voluntary separation" .
He had supposedly had broken the "taboo" of a "conspiracy of silence" in the Church, said the notorious liar, in which he portrayed himself in his shameless homosexual life as the hero.
Naturally, he employs the tired old homo-schtick, to portray every critic of homosexuality as one who is homosexually disturbed.
The Video by 'kath.ch' -- which is the last word for the Swiss Bishops -- superimposed a photo of Joachim Cardinal Meisner of Cologne.
In this infamous way, the Cardinal is insinuated into a degenerate morality.
Stupid Homosexual Propaganda
Berger has to admit that he didn't lose his license to teach because of his wormlike existence.
A letter by Cardinal Meisner only generally indicated that he had "over-strenuously criticized" the Church and had led his life in an irreconcilable way.
The tedious website 'kath.ch' tried to downplay Berger's decadent life with the formulation that he "lives with his partner".
Prayerfully and with folded hands
Bergers hatred for the Church became increasingly uncontrolled during the softball Interview.
To the question if he planned on taking recourse against the decision of the Cardinal within the Church he was quick to say:
"I'm not going to pursue it" -- and:
"I have too much honor to have anything to do with the faux legality of Church law."
The court of approval put the question to the homosexually disturbed if he will ever work again as a religious instructor.
Berger: "Perhaps we will receive at some time after the current Pope, one who publicly says: "I'm a homosexual mysef and that's good so -- even if I don't act on it."
Then Berger proceeded to hack down: "If celibacy is abolished, he can move into the Vatican with his husband."
And: "In case that happens, which naturally no one really believes in the Church, then I think I have a good expectation that I can teach again".
As he continued, Berger droned on with the famous palette of the homosexual's nursery rhyme.
The anonymous homosexual interviewer from 'kath.ch' nodded thoughtfully and folded his hands.
Read original, here...kreuz.net...

He covers the Church with homosexual filth and waltzes with himself in self-love. The Old Liberal official Church and the decadent Bishops named by John Paul II are serving him with a homosexual court of approval.
(kreuz.net, Zürich) Incredibly, the Swiss Bishops are offering the German homosexual and enemy of the Church, David Berger, a forum for his tirades and lies.
The scene of the crime was a video interview with the official Church website, 'kath.ch'.
The homepage describes itself -- without any contradiction of the Swiss Bishops -- as "the internet site of the Roman Catholic Church in German Switzerland.".
The Website is operated by an opaque "Catholic Media Service" in Zürich.
For that reason, it will never give a critical Journalistic treatment of the theme of homosexuality.
And still with the old lies
Berger, full of self-adulation, portrays himself as the victim of the scene.
Without cross-examination, he retold his lie that he wasn't the one who had brought his immoral life to public attention.
In reality Berger's immoral homosexual lifestyle alteration was discovered for the first time by Kreuz.net in May of Mai 2007.
His neo-Conservative friends stood by him for another long three years, till his Gommorrism was finally too much even for the periodical 'Theologisches'.
Berger was an author with them at that point.
The publisher of the publication was forced in the face of ever newer revelations to withdraw his position.
Berger presents this indeed as a "voluntary separation" .
He had supposedly had broken the "taboo" of a "conspiracy of silence" in the Church, said the notorious liar, in which he portrayed himself in his shameless homosexual life as the hero.
Naturally, he employs the tired old homo-schtick, to portray every critic of homosexuality as one who is homosexually disturbed.
The Video by 'kath.ch' -- which is the last word for the Swiss Bishops -- superimposed a photo of Joachim Cardinal Meisner of Cologne.
In this infamous way, the Cardinal is insinuated into a degenerate morality.
Stupid Homosexual Propaganda
Berger has to admit that he didn't lose his license to teach because of his wormlike existence.
A letter by Cardinal Meisner only generally indicated that he had "over-strenuously criticized" the Church and had led his life in an irreconcilable way.
The tedious website 'kath.ch' tried to downplay Berger's decadent life with the formulation that he "lives with his partner".
Prayerfully and with folded hands
Bergers hatred for the Church became increasingly uncontrolled during the softball Interview.
To the question if he planned on taking recourse against the decision of the Cardinal within the Church he was quick to say:
"I'm not going to pursue it" -- and:
"I have too much honor to have anything to do with the faux legality of Church law."
The court of approval put the question to the homosexually disturbed if he will ever work again as a religious instructor.
Berger: "Perhaps we will receive at some time after the current Pope, one who publicly says: "I'm a homosexual mysef and that's good so -- even if I don't act on it."
Then Berger proceeded to hack down: "If celibacy is abolished, he can move into the Vatican with his husband."
And: "In case that happens, which naturally no one really believes in the Church, then I think I have a good expectation that I can teach again".
As he continued, Berger droned on with the famous palette of the homosexual's nursery rhyme.
The anonymous homosexual interviewer from 'kath.ch' nodded thoughtfully and folded his hands.
Read original, here...kreuz.net...
Hippie Pastor Makes Mild Remarks in Minnesota House: Gutless Minnesota Politicians Slither
Editor: The anti-Catholic hate sheet, The Minneapolis Star and Tribune, is attacking a strange and anarchistic looking Protestant Minister, Pastor Bradlee Dean, for a fairly mild message. In fact, it caused many in the house to lash out with their hate-filed Christophobic bullying, some lazily, indolently comparing him to Hitler and others simpering about what they felt was "hateful". It just goes to show you that you really can't make concessions to these people, you have to fight them and confront them without fear in your heart. If you make concessions to the stupidity and error of their position, they will never be pleasee, rather like the anguished souls of the damned in Hell, they will grasp at you to pull you down. Well, this Protestant minister made a very mild statement in the midst of a "controversial" decision to vote on a bill defending "traditional" Marriage. It's hard to see what's so offensive about what he actually said, unless the members are just objecting to things he's said outside of his speech. Actually, his argument is a fairly decent argument, which summarizes a quote from the great African Saint Cyprian in his discussion about the people who purchased a Company from the owner and then got the owner fired from his own company. Actually, it didn't just happen in 2008, it happened in 1775 and it happened at the eve of the Protestant Revolt and it happened every time that the Jews were unfaithful to God Almighty in the times of old.
No one can have God for his. Father, who does not have the Church for his mother
That being said, we acknowledge in a truly ecumenical way, the patriotism and the piety of this strange hippyesque and radical speaker and the basic truth and goodness of his message.
This situation happens in light of the Pro-Homosexual Representative from South St. Paul who attacked a Catholic priest recently without provocation in the most unreasonable way.
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