Showing posts with label Abortion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abortion. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bishop McCormack Defends Life

Editor:  If this Bishop is allowed to campaign against the slaughter of babies, it's likely he's allowed to do so only because he supported Obamacare.  

This time when New Hampshire’s Catholic bishop got involved in a political issue, there was no outcry.
The last time he got involved, the GOP leadership in the New Hampshire House got hot under the collar.
This time the issue was HB 329, a bill from the Republican-controlled Legislature that requires a teen to notify her parents about her intention to get an abortion.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Russia to Pass Strict Anti-Abortion Law

Editor: Liberalism has been weighed in Russia and found wanting.

H/t: Pete Frey

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rainbow Ron Flip-Flops on Abortion

Here's an apologia and critique of the Pro-Life movement on his behalf by Lew Rockwell, here.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hungarian Constitution Invokes St. Stephen, Abolishes Abortion

Editor: Of course the EU will want to look into this, ehem. Forget about sovereignty. With a special h/t to Alaric who also posted this on FE.

In Hungary the powers of progress have had the political upper hand. They used the opportunity of the hour to renew the land. By Lajos Weberstein
The Crown of St. Stephen

( The decadent EU does everything to destroy Marriage and Europe and capitulate to the stone age.

Actually, it's not everywhere that Europe is being laid flat by progress.

So the Hungarian Parliament has ratified this Tuesday a new Constitution.

The Constitution was adopted by a two-thirds majority of the national government party 'Fidesz'.

'Fidesz' are the representatives of the anti-Democratic, old and ex-communist Hungary -- and their accomplices in decadent Europe -- they are a thorn in their sides.

It is also the case that this party took part in the fall of the Communist Dictatorship.

After the introduction of the new constitution, the stone age opposition of the Left seethed.

Because the text is such a clear rejection of political masochism, it begins with the words:

God, Save Hungary

National Commitment

We, the members of the Hungary Nation, assert our responsibility to say the following for all Hungary at the beginning of the millennium:

We are proud of the fact that our King Stephen, the Saintly Patron of the Hungarian State for a thousand years had built a secure foundation and placed our Fatherland in the line of Christian Europe.

We are proud of our forebears, who persisted for that, who have fought for the freedom and independence of our Land.

We are proud of the great spiritual accomplishments of the Hungarian people.

We are proud that our people had defended Europe for a thousand years and whose common values were enriched by their talents and enriched its industry.

We recognize the role of Christianity in the persistence of the Nation.

The Constitution protects the institution of marriage as a life in common between a man and a woman as well as the family as the foundation of the nations progress.

The constitution promotes the decision for to have a child.

The defense of the family was the ruling concerning the main focus of the law.

The anti-child opponents wanted to put forward their opposition to unlimited respect for human life.

Actually the new Constitution said:

"The value of human life is unfathomable. Every person has the right to life and human value; the life of the foetus is protected from conception to birth."

The new Hungarian constitution contains also a debt limit, unlike any other European constitution has.

Translated from

Spanish Lavender Priest Excused by +Levada's CDF

Editor: This must be the +Levada CDF we've heard about. Previously, we'd thought that +Levada was a figurehead. Apparently that's not that case. Hopefully this ruling will be overturned upstairs.

Obviously, someone at the CDF is not all there.

Oh well, it's not like they tried to say the Immemorial Mass, or preach on the evils of modernity or anything.

BARCELONA, April 19, 2011 ( - A Catholic priest who financed the abortion of two young girls in his care will not be excommunicated nor otherwise punished, the Archdiocese of Barcelona declared yesterday on behalf of Cardinal Archbishop Lluís Martínez Sistach.

The archdiocese also claims that it has support for its decision from the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which it says ruled in favor of the priest in 2009.

Fr. Manel Pousa, who boasts that he has paid for abortions and has blessed homosexual unions, was tried last month to determine if he had earned an automatic or “latae sententiae” excommunication from the Catholic Church.

According to the law of the Church, canon 1398, anyone “who actually procures an abortion incurs a latae sententiae (automatic) excommunication.” Pope John Paul II added that “The excommunication applies to all of those who commit this crime knowing the penalty, including those accomplices without whose cooperation the crime would not have been produced,” in his encyclical letter “The Gospel of Life,” in 1995.

Read further, here.

H/t: Tom at AQ.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Ambulence Arrives at Planned Parenthood Clinic to Carry Away "Patient"

Just received this from Stella Borealis.  It looks very much like a woman who was having an abortion met with calamity. The footage was caught by one of the counselors.  The Planned Parenthood types use blue umbrellas to attempt to block the counselors from handing out literature.

Here's the ambulence pulling into a planned parenthood being paid for by your tax dollars, and here's who donates to Planned Parenthood.

Here's the Planned Parenthood counsellor trying to block the camera from seeing the patient being wheeled out to the ambulance.

Here's it's being pulled away.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Gloria Thurm und Taxis Exhorts the Bishops to be Courageous

Princess Gloria asks, what everyone is thinking: "Where are the courageous Bishops, who dare, to go against the Zeitgeist and defend unborn lives?" A quiet protest scribble won't do: "Opposition is the duty of a Christian."

( Every year about 100,000 children die from abortion -- "if one believes the official figures".

The Regensburg Princess, Gloria von Thurm und Taxis wrote this in an article for the German magazine 'Focus'.

Death instead of Help

The Princess is angry about the numbers, about "which we have unfortunately grown accustomed to."

"Will we really just look on, as we kill our own children?"

She asks, as many Einsteins, Goethes or Manns about death.

That the State supports "this mass genocide", supporting the cost in over ninety percent of the cases, makes this a perfect scandal .

Mothers, who don't desire their children, can give them up for adoption -- continued the Princess.

It's an objection that a mother will not be able to give her own child away once she's given birth.

But: "It is madness, to kill your own life's blood, rather than to give entrust it to another pair."

Not merely, rather, but because of Birth Control

Princess Gloria insists that most are exposed to condoms at twelve years of age.

For that reason every fifth child in Germany is slaughtered:

"For over forty percent of the mothers, it would have been her first child."

Hence ,insists the Princess, don't learn a responsible approach to sexuality:

"Here, there needs to be a revision of thinking -- also on the part of the State."

The schools and "the entire public propaganda machine" must reestablish the value of an unborn person again -- she insists.

Every child is a wonder of nature.

Today they would have aborted Beethoven

Princes Gloria argues, using the German composure Ludwig van Beehtoven († 1827).

He had nine siblings. Several of them were handicapped.

The brutal reality:

"Ludwig van Beethoven would have been prophylacticly aborted, no one would want to take the risk of bringing a handicapped child into the world."

The Princess bluntly insists that almost every mother willing to have an abortion could be persuaded by money not to kill her child:

As far as that goes, she insists that the State would profit when the number of births climb:

"We should promote our human capital, instead of liquidating it."

All of the Union Parties [supposedly pro-life] are Falsely Labeled

Since the introduction of abortion it has been the case that "all of the Union Parties are falsely labeled" -- stated Princess Gloria.

For her it is "only consequent" that now the Christian Democratic politicians should set themselves against the pre-implantation diagnostic for the selection and killing of artificially implanted children.

Bishops are Cowards

For the Princess it is "absolutely inconceivable", why the Church is not causing a decisive storm against this situation:

"Where are the courageous Bishops, who dare, to go against the Zeitgeist to defend unborn life?"

The Princess knows no one among the Bishops, "Who has made an ongoing outcry against this injustice which cries to heaven."

Hopeless initiatives against the mass slaughter were quickly silenced by the media:

"Then Bishops lose the courage, alone of all the concerns, to become unloved."

The Princess holds the mirror before the irresponsible senior Bishops: The cowardice of the Bishops will still be bitterly avenged -- she reckons.

Chemical Club against Minors

Princess Gloria offers a hard judgement against the "Green" extremists.

She exponsed this as "horribly inconsequential":

"One can not on one side promote sustainable thinking and a back to nature while on the other side proclaiming the right to an abortion."

The anti-child pill she described as "a pure chemical club", which is already prescribed to adolescent girls.

Euthanasia hits old and poor

Finally, the Princess turned against the growing threat in Germany of the euthanasia of lives considered to be unworthy of life.

This is dangerous for the poor and the wealthy -- she continued with her analysis:

"Whoever is poor, must consider, that they will be given a fatal injection, because perhaps the room of the elder home is in need of being used and is too expensive."

And: "Whoever is wealthy, has to deal with an inheritance, who hope for a quicker death."

Princess Gloria recalled on this that there are sufficient elderly from Belgium and the Netherlands who are coming to Germany, because they fear to be killed in their own homelands.

The Princess's Fatal Conclusion:

"As soon as human life is not seen any longer as a gift fromm God, the intent will climb to find methods to end it quickly -- freely or not."

For her it would be high ime that the Church should loudly rebel.

Because: "A quiet scribble of protest won't do. Resistance is the duty of the Christian." auf Deutsch.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Rick Santorum Says Abortion Makes Problems for Social Security

Editor: Interesting. it was never a good investment anyway. Sounds like someone wants to be President.

CONCORD, N.H. — In his latest trip to New Hampshire, Republican Rick Santorum says the Social Security system would be in much better shape if there were fewer abortions.

The former Pennsylvania senator and potential presidential candidate was asked about Social Security during an interview on WESZ-AM radio in Laconia on Tuesday morning.

He says the system has design flaws, but the reason it is in big trouble is that there aren't enough workers to support retirees. He blamed that on what he called the nation's abortion culture. He says that culture, coupled with policies that do not support families, deny America what it needs – more people.

Link to huffpost...

Santorum has been a frequent visitor to New Hampshire, which holds the earliest presidential primary.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Man Sentenced to Ten Years of Prison for an Abortion

Editor: someone's going to suggest that the Doctor wasn't actually sentenced for murdering his child but for endangering the life of his illicit sex partner, presumably to keep the information from his wife and colleagues. So be it.

This in from another poster on another forum:
Actually, abortion is illegal in Germany, even if many people (including Germans) don't know this.
The German Constitutional Court has decided (in a "reverse" Roe vs. Wade ruling), that legal abortion is unconstitutional. Unfortunately, after that ruling, German politicians have invented a system of "crime without punishment", meaning that abortion is still illegal, but (under certain circumstances) not persecuted. In this case the abortion would have been punishable, because the conditions of non-persecution were not existing. However the court obviously decided to go for an attempted murder ruling.

Germany in 2007 a married German Doctor 41 wanted to abort his child with a another woman at home. He mixed blood thinner in her tea, in order to induce a premature birth. Because of nasal and bleeding gums the mother went into the hospital. There the doctors noticed the life threatening low blood pressure and managed to save the her but not her child. On Monday the Court of Coburg condemned the Doctor to ten years of prison and 20,000 Euros damages, for attempted murder. The condemned man has challenged the deed to the last and will appeal the case.

Link to original,

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Will the Pope Allow King Juan Carlos to Sign the Abortion Law?

Apparently, there are reports that the King of Spain is being given permission by the Pope to sign this thing into law. This will be very interesting, indeed. In any event, so far, this is only one person, Alfonso Ussia, saying that this is what happened. It would be hard to believe indeed if the Pope were to have said this.

It also brings to mind article by Dr. Thomas Drolesky about Cardinal Cushing of Boston, who once told a radio audience when he was interviewed about how a Catholic politician should vote about allowing contraception to be sold in his district, that the politician has to represent his constituency before he is true to his Catholic Faith, so the Church teachings need to take a back seat to Americanism.

This is a strikingly similar pattern.

A google translation from Christinidad reads:

Little presaged in the early hours of Saturday, the information would be heard in the last moments of "Tears in The Rain", the film program and discussion of Juan Manuel de Prada on Intereconomía TV, that deals with the always hot Friday dilemma between monarchy and republic.

He had shown the film My Street (1960), Edgar Neville, and along with the show's hosts, Prada and Maria Carcaba, had discussed the issue with Miguel Ayuso, Professor of Constitutional Law, Dalmacio Black, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Peter González-Trevijano, rector of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, and Alfonso Ussía writer.

In the final minutes a point was raised of different moral issues that may arise in a Constitutional Monarchy in the case of Catholic kings. The most famous were those of Henry of Luxembourg (which in 2008 refused to sanction the legalization of euthanasia), Baudouin (who in 1990 refused to enact the law on abortion) or Don Juan Carlos (who passed twice, in 1985 and 2010).

But it was when he took the floor and launched Alfonso Ussía's informative bombshell of the night: "The king went to see the Pope and ten days ago, the Pope said, 'you meet your obligation. Their duty is to obey the Constitution' The King personally went to see the Pope to request some relief."

Link to intercommunia, here

Christianidad, here., here.

H/t: fisheaters

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Abortionist Uses Forceps to Kill Babies, Says Austrian Radio

Socialism with a human face?  Today the "Austrian Red Radio" had an unexpected bout of humanity.

( The website of the left-leaning '‘Österreichischen Rundfunks' [Austrian Radio] is the largest internet medium of the land.

For years they have defended the violence of abortion against unborn people with macabre bitterness.

The reason was the criminal and abortionist Kermit Gosnell (69).

Butcher Gosnell murdered innocent children for years in a abortuary in Pennsylvania, USA, -- completely legally.

The 'Österreichische Rundfunk' called him a "doctor" and his slaughterhouse a "clinic" in any event.

Actually then the broadcaster made a sudden pirouette:  "Abortion doctor kills babies with forceps."

That has gripped the entire Country with "horror".

There, the broadcaster has nothing against the murder of unborn children, the problem for them appears to be the "forceps".

Really, it's how the Red Radio pampered doctors murder their devalued victims.

Perhaps caresses?

Read further...

Monday, December 6, 2010

Salvation Army Pro-Abortion

Got the following e-mail.  Watch out for the Salvation Army.

Before you drop your hard-earned change in the Salvation Army’s red kettles, make sure you know what you are funding.

The Salvation Army devotes a portion of their website to their positions on various social issues, such as human trafficking, euthanasia and abortion. You can find their position statement page here.

On the issue of abortion: “The Salvation Army recognizes tragic and perplexing circumstances that require difficult decisions regarding a pregnancy. Such decisions should be made only after prayerful and thoughtful consideration, with appropriate involvement of the woman’s family and pastoral, medical and other counsel. A woman in these circumstances needs acceptance, love and compassion.”

While that statement may sound understanding and accepting, it is a far cry from the simple position of, “Our organization opposes all abortions, because we believe each human life is sacred and valued before God.” The Salvation Army’s posted statement is, unfortunately, a fancy way of supporting, at the very least, abortions in the exceptions cases – rape, incest, life of the mother and fetal deformity.  Click here to read our position on why abortion is never the answer.

MH - Catholics and the Salvation Army

H/t: Barb Krallis

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bishop Pates of Des Moines is Challenging New Abortionist

COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa, November 30, 2010 ( - Bishop Richard Pates of Des Moines has not taken lightly the news that a notorious late-term abortionist is seeking to move into his backyard.

The Iowa prelate has issued a call-to-arms to local Catholics against plans by abortionist Leroy Carhart to move his business to the area.

Carhart left his longtime abortion location in Bellevue, Nebraska after the state passed a bill banning abortion after 20 weeks’ gestation. He has since aroused widespread indignation from Iowa pro-lifers with his plans to resume aborting late-term children in Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Read further... 

H/t: Stella Borealis

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

If Abortion Were Legal, it Would have been 35,000 More: Thailand

Thailand []  In the mortuary of a Buddhist Temple in the Thai capital of Bangkok were found around  350 bodies of small children, report international media.  They are possibly the bodies of victims of criminal child murderers.  The police found the bodies in plastic sacks and newspapers.  Abortion is still illegal in progressive [but Monarchial] Thailand.

Link to

Photosource, here.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Famous Abortion Doctor Warns Against the Use of Condoms

Christian Fiala, one of the most famous abortion doctors in Austria: Condoms as a preventative aid is only partially effective -- protection only "from some" sexually transmitted diseases.

Vienna [] Surprise, surprise! Of all things Christian Fiala, one of the most famous abortion doctors in Austria, had warned on Wednesday against the use of condoms and in another broadcast he allowed that condoms as a contraceptive method is only partly effective. "They tend to lead unnecessarily to undesired pregnancies and therefore to terminated pregnancies," said Fiala. Actually his Firm Gynmed has noticed an upswing in the number of undesired "condompregnancies". According to an actual Gynmed Study (2009) over a third of all unwanted pregnancies (35 Percent!) occur, despite the use of a condom.

The abortion doctor further maintains that condoms actually protect from some sexually transmitted diseases but according to scientific studies of heterosexual youth there are no risk groups for sexually transmitted infections represented. The main risk group according to Fiala, are adult homosexuals, followed by adult heterosexuals.

Fiala had agreed to the broadcast because of the presentation of a study by a Condom Firm. "The study of the Condom Firm is great as an advertisement, but it is not in the interest of the young and doesn't serve for the improvement of their health" insisted Fiala to the gathered news media. The youth were questioned about their sexual relatinships and fears in the study. Especially erroneous is for Fiala the fact that It. study 27% of the questioned youth from Austria hadn't had any sexual intercourse. In other countries it was even above 40%.

Link to original...

Dutch Bishop Advocates Defunding of Abortion to Parliament

By Patrick B. Craine

Roermond, Netherlands, November 4, 2010 ( – A Dutch bishop has made waves in the country after he called on politicians to defund abortion in the face of impending budget restrictions, reports French journalist Jeanne Smits.

Several members of the Dutch House of Representatives have complained after Bishop Everard de Jong, auxiliary for the Roermond diocese, sent a letter earlier this fall to each representative along with a plastic 10-week fetal model.

In the letter, the bishop suggested that the government could save money “on the backs of bloody abortion clinics.” The bishop also suggested that given the Netherland’s aging population, the country will need a younger generation to take care of the elderly; however, he said, there is no younger generation because “we have already ‘cleansed’ them” through abortion.

Eduardo Verástegui Puts himself Behind Cardinal Burke

Mexican actor supports the pro-life message of future Cardinal Burke. The abortion opponent said this on his website for Hispanic US-Citizens that they should seriously consider the words of the Cardinal designate.

Los Angeles ( The Mexican actor and Pro-Life-Activist Edwardo Verástegui has two sensational videos on his website which supports the points made by Archbishop Raymond Burke. The star, famous among Spanish speakers and known Catholic supports the message of the Archbishop, who will be appointed a Cardinal in the next Consistorium.

The Cardinal designate had spoken out clearly against abortion and homosexual "marriage" when he was named. +Burke, the Prefect of the highest court in the Vatican, had explained that Catholics must take into account the ethical considerations of the candidates as main criteria.

Auf Deutsch: Read original...

Here's the video on Gloria, of his film Bella.

Link to his site, here., in English and Spanish, and to the videos, called "hard truth"...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Philosophy Professor Says All Forms of Sexual Immorality Must be Confronted to Oppose Abortion

August 19, 2010 ( - Among advocates of homosexual "marriage," one of the more popular statements from Judge Vaughn Walker's ruling overturning Proposition 8 is that the state is obligated to "treat its citizens equally, not to 'mandate its own moral code." In an interview with, however, writer and philosopher Dr. Edward Feser pointed out that Walker's ruling is not neutral and, in fact, imposes its own moral code. He also called on conservatives to begin defending the whole spectrum of traditional sexual morality in the public sphere.

"If Christians and conservatives are not prepared to defend traditional sexual morality in general, then they are going to lose the battle over 'same-sex marriage,'" he said. "And that means that they are going to have to be prepared to criticize homosexual behavior itself, as well as sex outside of marriage, divorce, pornography, and all the rest."

"The other side is motivated by a moralistic fervor, and they frame the debate in terms of rights, justice, compassion, and so forth. That sort of rhetoric cannot effectively be countered except with equal and opposite moral force."

Read further...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

41 Percent of Russians Against Abortion

Russia. [] 41 percent of the Russians want the inhuman law, that allows abortion in Russia, corrected. This figure is a result of a poll by the public opinion institute 'Levada'. In Russia there are one million registered abortions a year. In the past, the parliament has recommended better legal protection for unborn children.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Osservatore Romano Reporting More Innacuracies

Why is is that divisive and evil liberals are always accusing others of being divisive? Why don't they take their own advice?

Those asking for the resignation of the Archbishop and the editor of Osservator Romano should resign. It's good news that the CDF is backing Archbishop Fisichella on this one.

President of Pontifical Academy for Life should be replaced, 5 members say

[Catholic Culture] Five members of the Pontifical Academy for Life have joined in a rare public call for the resignation of the academy's president, Archbishop Salvatore Fisichella. Their complaint traces back to the dispute that erupted last year when Archbishop Fisichella wrote an essay in L'Osservatore Romano, criticizing Brazilian Archbishop José Cardoso Sobrinho for his handling of a controversial abortion case involving a young girl.

Although the Brazilian prelate complained that the criticism in the Vatican newspaper was inaccurate, and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith eventually sided with Archbishop Cardoso, Archbishop Fisichella has never apologized or retracted his criticism. Following a plenary meeting of the Pontifical Academy for Life earlier this month, which Archbishop Fisichella had described as "serene and calm," five members of the group wrote to say that the archbishop should step down. They argued that Archbishop Fisichella has become a figure of division in the body, and added that it is damaging that the Vatican office dealing with life issues is "being led by an eccelesiastic who does not understand what absolute respect for innocent human lives entails."

Read further...