AMDGEven the motorcade of our King was attacked in #Brussels
— Based Belgium 🇧🇪 (@based_belgium) January 13, 2021
Showing posts with label Monarchy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monarchy. Show all posts
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Muslim Invaders Attack Belgian King's Motorcade
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Socialists Want to Change Iconic Heldenplatz to Something More Democratic and Therefore Demoralizing
Edit: socialists despise heros.
VIENNA. The city of Vienna is positively inclined to a possible renaming of the Heldenplatz. [Hero's Square] The proposal of Austria's Minister of Culture Thomas Drozda (SPÖ) is "interesting and worthy of discussion", said the office of Culture Councilor Andreas Mailath-Pokorny (SPÖ) on Monday to the news agency APA.
It is useful to devote a special place to the Republic of Austria on the occasion of the Jubilee 2018. In 1918 Austria had abolished the monarchy and declared the country a democratic republic.
Minister of Culture Drozda had previously criticized the current name and expressed his opinion that the Heldenplatz would be renamed. As examples he suggested "place of the republic" or "place of democracy". This seemed more appropriate to him "than the historical, yet uncomfortable current variant," he told the press on Sunday.
Resistance came from the coalition partner. ÖVP chief and vice-chancellor Reinhold Mitterlehner who wrote on Twitter that " Heldenplatz belongs to Austria."
The Heldenplatz had experienced good and bad times and was a fixed part of Austrian history. "It should remain, I see no reason for a renaming."
The Heldenplatz is located in front of the Hofburg [Imperial Palace] in Vienna and has born its name since 1878. It is where the two equestrian statues of Archduke Charles and Prince Eugene stand. (Krk)
Trans: Tancred
VIENNA. The city of Vienna is positively inclined to a possible renaming of the Heldenplatz. [Hero's Square] The proposal of Austria's Minister of Culture Thomas Drozda (SPÖ) is "interesting and worthy of discussion", said the office of Culture Councilor Andreas Mailath-Pokorny (SPÖ) on Monday to the news agency APA.
It is useful to devote a special place to the Republic of Austria on the occasion of the Jubilee 2018. In 1918 Austria had abolished the monarchy and declared the country a democratic republic.
Minister of Culture Drozda had previously criticized the current name and expressed his opinion that the Heldenplatz would be renamed. As examples he suggested "place of the republic" or "place of democracy". This seemed more appropriate to him "than the historical, yet uncomfortable current variant," he told the press on Sunday.
Resistance came from the coalition partner. ÖVP chief and vice-chancellor Reinhold Mitterlehner who wrote on Twitter that " Heldenplatz belongs to Austria."
The Heldenplatz had experienced good and bad times and was a fixed part of Austrian history. "It should remain, I see no reason for a renaming."
The Heldenplatz is located in front of the Hofburg [Imperial Palace] in Vienna and has born its name since 1878. It is where the two equestrian statues of Archduke Charles and Prince Eugene stand. (Krk)
Trans: Tancred
Thursday, April 24, 2014
King, Crusader, Saint and Penitent -- Today, Louis IX. Was Born 800 Years Ago in France
(Paris) "Every period of history has its representative man. Saint Louis IX. summarizes the entire Middle Ages. He was a legislator, a hero and a saint. Marcus Aurelius embodied power united with philosophy, Louis IX. power united with holiness. And it is just the latter that goes to the foreground for him." The words of François-René de Chateaubriand may be slightly frenchified. But worth considering the significance in dealing with history and representing these figures, they are nonetheless.
This coming April 25 is the 800th birthday of a holy king, glory of the Church and of Christendom, a model of a Christian ruler, a real monarch according to the will of God: St. Louis IX. of France (1214-1270). A king who, in the Christian Middle Ages, embodied in his person, that which is referred to as "sweet springtime of faith".
He was the son of Louis VIII of France and Blanche of Castile, daughter, granddaughter, wife, sister and aunt of kings. Blanka was the daughter of King Alfonso IX. of Castile, the stormer of the battlements in the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa (1212) that paved the way for the reconquest of the southern Iberian Peninsula. She was the granddaughter of King Sancho III of Castile, niece of English kings Richard the Lionheart and John Lackland, wife of King Louis VIII of France, sister of King Henry of Castile, aunt of King Sancho II of Portugal and St. Ferdinand III., King of Leon and Castile and mother of King Charles I of Naples and Sicily and of Saint Louis IX., King of France. A high aristocratic, European network, in which, despite the emergence of principalities and kingdoms, possessing a population of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds still a largely intact early medieval Germanic unit was expressed on sovereign level.
Born in 1214 in the Fateful Battle of France Bouvines
St. Louis was born at Castle Poissy about 30 kilometers from Paris on 25 April 1214. At that time his grandfather King Philip II Augustus of France still lived, the winner in the decisive Battle of Bouvines for France (1214) against the Anglo-German coalition in which he saved the fate of France, stopped the expansion of England on the continent and the Empire let go from the Guelphs on to the Staufer.
The Childhood of St. Louis was a mirror image of honesty and wisdom. His father, who also combined chivalrous courage with the zeal for religion, was honored with the nickname "the Lion". He took pains in a special way for the education of his son and gave him excellent teachers and educators, says Matthias II of Montmorency, the Constable of France, and thus was the highest-ranking nobleman in the service of the king; William of Barres, the Count of Rochefort, who was honored after the Battle of Bouvines as the "Bravest of the bravest" and Clement of Metz. All three had been commanders of his grandfather and father. But they were also educated men and educated the Crown Prince in the humanistic disciplines and mediated the King above all by a love for the Church.
His mother, Blanche of Castile spared no effort to bring him to a Godly life and to be a wise king. Tradition has her sentence: "My son, I wish you would prefer the grave, than be stained with a single mortal sin." Towards the end of her life, Blanka moved back to the Cistercian Abbey of Maubuisson she founded, where she led a life of prayer and penance until her death in 1252.
Anointing and Coronation at the Age of Twelve
With the early death of his father, who died at the age of 40 in Montpellier on the way back from the crusade against the heretical Albigenses, the young saint came to the throne still a minor. The regency was led by his mother. It was due to the loyalty of Matthias II of Montmorency, the commander of the army, that the throne was not lost at this critical stage to rebellious nobles who instigated internal conflicts to exploit the youth of the king for their aggrandizement.
On November 30, 1226 Louis IX was anointed in Reims at the age of twelve years as king and crowned. Louis went from the internal struggles to victory and quickly earned respect with his courage and prudence.
Happy Marriage with Margaret of Provence
On May 27, 1235 he married Margaret of Provence (1221-1295), the daughter of Raymond Berengar V, Count of Provence and grandson of King Alfonso II of Aragon. Her mother was Beatrice of Savoy, the daughter of Count Thomas I of Savoy and Beatrice of Geneva. "The grace of God and nature," as it is called in contemporary sources, had gifted the Queen in every respect with perfection. Throughout a long and harmonious married life the royal couple received eleven children, six sons and five daughters.
Margaret accompanied her young man on his first expedition to Africa to the Sixth Crusade, according to the German reckoning. After the death of her husband, the queen in 1270 moved back to a Poor Clare Monastery of their native Provence, where she died on December 20, 1295 in the odor of sanctity. She became known as the "mother of the poor". Her funeral procession to the Abbey Daint Denis, where lay the graves of the Kings, where she was buried at her husband's side, was accompanied by a large crowd of beggars and poor, whom she honored.
Education of Children in the Faith
St. Louis raised his children personally together with Margaret. At the heart of his educational activity was the contempt of worldly vanities and love for "Beau Sire Dieu".The royal family took part in the daily Mass and praying the Marian hours of prayer. After dinner, at Compline they were in the chapel praying together, then the king gathered the family in his room and gave a spiritual direction. Every Friday the royal family kept the law of fasting and abstinence from meat and alcohol. On Fridays the King never wore his crown, because Jesus Christ had to wear the crown of thorns to ridicule.
A series of spiritual writings of the king have been preserved, including instructions to his daughter Isabella, Queen of Navarre. These texts are considered as exemplary spiritual teachings that are incorporated into some manuals of moral theology.
Wise Ruler
Louis was not only a wise educator of his children, but also an admirable ruler who led government affairs with great prudence. During his reign, France experienced a long period of peace and prosperity. He managed provide for the moral renewal of his country by trying to lift its way of life and customs. He punished misconduct by severely, especially cursing. The penalties for this were so severe that Pope Clement IV requested the king to mitigate them. He tried to eliminate the bad habit of the duel, which cost much senseless blood because of vanity and other trifles. The same he tried against the gambling, the whole family fell into the worst trouble, against the brothels and other evils by which he saw poisoned the souls of his sub-aunts.
Chief Justice and Fair Administrator
Saint Louis IX. placed special emphasis on honesty in the administration of the state and the application of laws.The judges appointed by him and officials prohibited the acquisition of state owned enterprises and the employment of children and close relatives. The king created a new Court of judges selected by him, whose task was to examine judgments of the ordinary courts in order to avoid injustice. If an error or an abuse happened, he gave himself at first a penance as chief judge of the kingdom, and then punished the culprits. He forced a possible res furtiva refund or a restoration for those damages that had been wrongly convicted. Guilt was for the king always a personal guilt. If a judge or an official hired impeccable behavior in his office to prove he was reciprocated well and rewarded by the king.
When he came to an area, it happened more than once that the king himself sat in judgment, to show his judges what a just and wise judge is.
Zeal for the True Faith
The king tried not just to fix a moral breakdown, but also to eradicate heresy and to defend the faith. Louis was a great friend and supporter of the young Order of the Dominicans and the Franciscans, he looked for an instrument of Providence to save the soul of the people from apostasy. He joined the Franciscan Order as a Tertiary. In secret without showing outward visibility, he wore under the royal robes up to his death, the gross habit of Saint Francis of Assisi. Frequently and happily he invited great theologians and saints for dinner like St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Bonaventure.
He acquired by Emperor Baldwin II of Constantinople the relic of the Crown of Thorns. In Paris he had the Sainte Chapelle built for their dignified storage. It is a jewel of Gothic architecture.
The Sixth Crusade (Seventh)
In 1245 Ludwig was so severely ill that his speedy death was already considered certain. Throughout France prayers were intoned for the king. With Holy Mass, prayer vigils, processions and other spiritual exercises assailed heaven for the king's health. The king himself lived to swear a vow to break into the Holy Land and liberate the Holy Sepulcher. In fact, he experienced his unexpected recovery and set out for Lyons on 1248, where he met Pope Innocent IV and received his Apostolic Blessing. From Aigues-Mortes he drove with his crusade army in the direction Lake Orient. It was the 25th of August.
His wife Margaret accompanied Louis IX. in 1249 and his two brothers, Robert of Artois and Charles of Anjou. In 1249 he succeeded in conquering the important Egyptian port city of Damietta in the Nile Delta. However, 1250 was followed by the defeat in al-Mansura, which had been caused by an awkward maneuver by his brother Robert of Artois.The king suffered humiliating captivity. After 31 days he was released by payment of 200,000 gold ducats, favored by the unexpected death of Sultan Turan Shah, who had been murdered by his Mamluk bodyguard. King Louis IX.remained another four years in the Orient, where he also won the Muslim's high esteem due to his wisdom and his incomparable bearing. Some Muslim parties even wanted to raise him to Sultan. His wife Margaret was always at his side. Because of the birth of a son and the news of his mother Blanka's death, the King and Queen returned from Acre to France, where they arrived on September 5, 1254. In the Holy Land his crusade had not changed the status quo in favor of the Christians.
Seventh Crusade and death of the King [Eighth]
In July 1270 Louis struck out again from Aigues-Mortes on a crusade that led him to Tunis. However, plague and dysentery decimated the Christian army before it could be used properly. On August 25, the king also fell victim. Before his brother Charles of Anjou led back the remains of the Crusader army to Sicily, he concluded a treaty with the Muslim Caliph of Tunis that secured him the possession of Malta and the island of Pantelleria located off the Tunisian coast.
The Relics of St. Louis IX.
The mortal remains of the king were brought from Sicily to France and ready to collect there by his son Philip III. His heart, however, remained in Sicily and was buried at Palermo in the Cathedral of Monreale. In 1297 Louis IX was canonized by Pope Boniface VIII. the difference was made primarily by the testimony of John of Joinville, Seneschal of Normandy. Johann was a confidant and companion in arms of Louis. In 1299 he published at the request of Louis's great-niece, Queen Joan of Navarre, a biography of the holy King, considered the first French-language biography in the modern sense.
While Chateaubriand looked at the connection of sovereign power and philosophy in Marcus Aurelius, he wrote that Louis IX. had a combination of sovereign power and holiness. This makes for Louis the emblematic figure of the Middle Ages. Pope Leo XIII. said that at that time "the philosophy of the Gospel governed the States." The inserts Hélio Viana in his life image of St. Louis added: "Never was the state greater than when it is at the service of the Church. Never so much does the Church complete its mission, as when it forms a culture."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Wikicommons / Ars Cristiana
image: Wikicommons / Ars Cristiana
Trans: Tancred
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Romanian Monarchists Call For Demonstrations
Romanians are being called Via the Internet to go on the road and call emphatically for the restoration of the monarchy:
On Saturday, 5th April 2014 4:30 pm Romanians, regardless of their political beliefs again will gather with monarchic flags and portraits of members of the royal family to march for a KING in several cities across the country!
The march is organized by the National Alliance for the Restoration of the Monarchy (ANRM). This will be the second march of the alliance, after the first of 10 November 2013 ( Corona reported in issue 122 ).
The protesters will march through the streets with three demands for the government and Parliament:
- Re-acquisition of the right to choose the form of government - monarchy or republic
- Restore the monarchical flag of the country (ie, the true flag of Romania, as it existed before the Soviet invasion of 1944)
- Celebration of the 10th of May of independence and sovereignty as a national holiday (as it was until 1947)
Link to Corona Monarchie Blog...
Link to Corona Monarchie Blog...
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Catholic King Albert II to Abdicate in Belgium
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König Albert II.
(Foto: AFP) |
Belgium's King Albert II will abdicate. Newspapers and the news agency Belga consistently reports that Albert's abdication will be announced for 6 this evening, in a television address. The effective date is said to be the 21th July, the Belgian National Holiday.
By 3pm, the first breaking news was released by news agencies. The 79-year-old Albert had unexpectedly received key ministers of the country (kernkabinet) at the royal palace, say Le Soir and De Standaard in their online editions. At 5:30 the entire cabinet concluded, and by 6 O'clock, the King would abdicate on the four major TV channels and their radio stations to the public. After this, Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo, should address the public. Philippe Albert's eldest son is heir apparent.
Albert's abdication is really not surprising. In recent months there had been repeated speculation about it. Albert II succeeded his older brother Baudouin in 1993 after his death, to the throne.
Compared with the glamorous royal families from Scandinavia and Britain, the public interest in Belgian monarchy is limited. This was true at least until a few weeks ago. Recently, however, a furor has been caused by the paternity suit of the 45-year-old artist Delphine Boël. She wishes to force the monarch by court proceedings to a DNA test. A first date being set for last week was postponed until the autumn.
The royal family is considered an important staple in the unstable country, at risk of dividing.
Link to Süddeutsche Zeitung...
Trans: Tancred AMGD
Friday, June 7, 2013
Prominent Lutheran Pastor Thinks Germany Needs the Moral Guidance of a King
Edit: could Prince Philip be slated to head the Lutheran Ordinariate's German District? Will there be a German Ordinariate? We'd like to think such an obviously traditionally minded, man of Prussia would be at home in no other place than the Catholic Church. He cites the "feel good" factor of reinstating the Monarchy.
Of course, cousin Crown Prince Wilhelm has married a Catholic.
Germans might not know it, but they desperately need the moral guidance of a re-instated royal family, the great-great grandson of the last Kaiser, Prince Philip Kiril of Prussia, told The Local's Jessica Ware in an exclusive interview.
“Subconsciously, I think young Germans wants something they can orientate towards,” said Prince Philip. The 45-year-old father of six may work as a Protestant vicar, but he has become one of the loudest voices out of those who want to see Germany revive its monarchy.
Since Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated in 1918, the country has been without a monarchy. But Prince Philip believes that a royal family with divine right conferred by God could offer Germany what it is missing.
“When a leader answers to himself, and not God, an atheist-led country ends in disaster. Look at Hitler, Pol Pot and Stalin,” he told The Local. Religion, “tames the selfishness naturally present in all of us.”
For the prince, a country guided by politicians and a ceremonial president means not only is there no strong family to look up to, nor is there anyone to rally up enthusiasm for family life. “A presidential head of state is not enough...what Germany needs is moral guidance and a friendlier face,” which, he added, “people do not get, and shouldn't expect, from politicians.”
Indeed, this appears to be what increasing amount of young Germans want, after a survey for news agency DPA revealed last month that as many as one in three 18-24-year-olds would like the Kaiser back on the throne. Jump to the over-50s, and this figure dropped to one in six.
“Looking up to a king or queen would be much better for Germany's young people than to pop stars or football players,” Prince Philip said. He lamented that people were putting too much value on consumerism and material goods instead of having children – something desperately needed as Germany faces a demographic implosion.
“I am astonished that so many young people said they would be in favour,” he admitted, acknowledging that general public opinion towards the monarchy in Germany was not that positive.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Today is The Feast of Christ the King Against the Errors of Laicism
The last Sunday in October was declared according to the will of Pope Pius XI. as the Mystery of the Kingship of Jesus Christ. This feast is no "eschatological" one -- Christ will rule at the end of times --, but today is a memorial directed against the "social errors". This error is laicism.
The Feast of Christ the King proclaims the right of Jesus Christ over the hearts of individuals, families and the social life. and the commonwealth.
Pope Pius XI. introduced the feast with the Encyclical "Quas Primas".
Why a Liturgical Feast to honor Christ the King? Pius XI wrote in his circular letter:
IN THE FIRST ENCYCLICAL LETTER which We addressed at the beginning of Our Pontificate to the Bishops of the universal Church, We referred to the chief causes of the difficulties under which mankind was laboring. And We remember saying that these manifold evils in the world were due to the fact that the majority of men had thrust Jesus Christ and his holy law out of their lives; that these had no place either in private affairs or in politics: and we said further, that as long as individuals and states refused to submit to the rule of our Savior, there would be no really hopeful prospect of a lasting peace among nations. Men must look for the peace of Christ in the Kingdom of Christ; and that We promised to do as far as lay in Our power. In the Kingdom of Christ, that is, it seemed to Us that peace could not be more effectually restored nor fixed upon a firmer basis than through the restoration of the Empire of Our Lord. We were led in the meantime to indulge the hope of a brighter future at the sight of a more widespread and keener interest evinced in Christ and his Church, the one Source of Salvation, a sign that men who had formerly spurned the rule of our Redeemer and had exiled themselves from his kingdom were preparing, and even hastening, to return to the duty of obedience.
Link to New Advent for the Encyclical...
The Feast of Christ the King proclaims the right of Jesus Christ over the hearts of individuals, families and the social life. and the commonwealth.
Pope Pius XI. introduced the feast with the Encyclical "Quas Primas".
Why a Liturgical Feast to honor Christ the King? Pius XI wrote in his circular letter:
IN THE FIRST ENCYCLICAL LETTER which We addressed at the beginning of Our Pontificate to the Bishops of the universal Church, We referred to the chief causes of the difficulties under which mankind was laboring. And We remember saying that these manifold evils in the world were due to the fact that the majority of men had thrust Jesus Christ and his holy law out of their lives; that these had no place either in private affairs or in politics: and we said further, that as long as individuals and states refused to submit to the rule of our Savior, there would be no really hopeful prospect of a lasting peace among nations. Men must look for the peace of Christ in the Kingdom of Christ; and that We promised to do as far as lay in Our power. In the Kingdom of Christ, that is, it seemed to Us that peace could not be more effectually restored nor fixed upon a firmer basis than through the restoration of the Empire of Our Lord. We were led in the meantime to indulge the hope of a brighter future at the sight of a more widespread and keener interest evinced in Christ and his Church, the one Source of Salvation, a sign that men who had formerly spurned the rule of our Redeemer and had exiled themselves from his kingdom were preparing, and even hastening, to return to the duty of obedience.
Link to New Advent for the Encyclical...
Friday, July 27, 2012
Descendant of Saxon Kings Has Died
A promoter of the Old Mass
He saw to it that through his example and engagement that Catholic tradition should take root again in his homeland after Communism and Council.

( Maria Emanuel Prinz von Sachsen, Duke of Saxony (86) died on July 23rd.
He was the head of the former royal house of Saxony, Wettin's Albertian line and called himself the Markgraf of Meissen.
His grandfather was Friederich August III (+1932) and was the last Saxon King.
Armed with the Sacraments
The Prince died on Monday at the age of 86 in his house in the 11,000 population community of La Tour de Peitz on the shores of the Genfersee in west Switerland.
He was well provided with the Last Rites of the Church to step before the judgement seat of God.
Childless Marriage
The Markgraf was the recipient of numerous distinctions.
He bore the grand cross of the Sovereign Order of Malta as well as a Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece.
The deceased is survived by his bride, Anastasia-Louise Markgraf of Meissen. Her marriage was childless.
The Successor
The new head of the House of Wettin will be the adopted son Alexander Prince of Saxony -- Duke of Saxony.
He lives in Germany and Mexico.
Prince Alexander is the son of the deceased's sister.
Visitation in Tyrol
The viewing of the Markgraf will be in the new Saxon Royal Chapel in Imst-Brennbichl in the Tyrolean highlands with close family members.
The crypt is on the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela, where the grave of the Apostle James is located.
Closely Bound to Saxony
The Prince remained true to his homeland in Saxony.
He visited the residential city of the House of Wetting in Dresden, so often as his health allowed.
There he regularly arranged a Holy Mass in the Tridentine Liturgy for his relatives.
He visited the grave sites of his predecessors, who were interned in the local church in the crypt of the Wettin family.
49 members of the Albertian line of the House of Wettin as well as their marriage partners and children found their last resting place, among others the King of Saxony, Friedrich August I. (+1827), Friedrich August II. (+1854), Albert of Saxony (+1902) and finally Friedrich August III., the grandfather of the deceased.
A Promoter of the Old Mass
Through his example and engagement, he saw to it that the Catholic Tradition in his homeland would set down roots again.
Through his influence the Immemorial Rite of the Mass was celebrated again in various locales.
Link to
He saw to it that through his example and engagement that Catholic tradition should take root again in his homeland after Communism and Council.

( Maria Emanuel Prinz von Sachsen, Duke of Saxony (86) died on July 23rd.
He was the head of the former royal house of Saxony, Wettin's Albertian line and called himself the Markgraf of Meissen.
His grandfather was Friederich August III (+1932) and was the last Saxon King.
Armed with the Sacraments
The Prince died on Monday at the age of 86 in his house in the 11,000 population community of La Tour de Peitz on the shores of the Genfersee in west Switerland.
He was well provided with the Last Rites of the Church to step before the judgement seat of God.
Childless Marriage
The Markgraf was the recipient of numerous distinctions.
He bore the grand cross of the Sovereign Order of Malta as well as a Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece.
The deceased is survived by his bride, Anastasia-Louise Markgraf of Meissen. Her marriage was childless.
The Successor
The new head of the House of Wettin will be the adopted son Alexander Prince of Saxony -- Duke of Saxony.
He lives in Germany and Mexico.
Prince Alexander is the son of the deceased's sister.
Visitation in Tyrol
The viewing of the Markgraf will be in the new Saxon Royal Chapel in Imst-Brennbichl in the Tyrolean highlands with close family members.
The crypt is on the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela, where the grave of the Apostle James is located.
Closely Bound to Saxony
The Prince remained true to his homeland in Saxony.
He visited the residential city of the House of Wetting in Dresden, so often as his health allowed.
There he regularly arranged a Holy Mass in the Tridentine Liturgy for his relatives.
He visited the grave sites of his predecessors, who were interned in the local church in the crypt of the Wettin family.
49 members of the Albertian line of the House of Wettin as well as their marriage partners and children found their last resting place, among others the King of Saxony, Friedrich August I. (+1827), Friedrich August II. (+1854), Albert of Saxony (+1902) and finally Friedrich August III., the grandfather of the deceased.
A Promoter of the Old Mass
Maria Emanuel was a supporter of the traditional Liturgy and tradition of the Church, according to reports from the website ''.
Through his example and engagement, he saw to it that the Catholic Tradition in his homeland would set down roots again.
Through his influence the Immemorial Rite of the Mass was celebrated again in various locales.
Link to
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria-Hungary, washes the feet of the poor on Holy Thursday
In 1850, Franz Joseph participated for the first time as emperor in the second of the traditional Habsburg expressions of dynastic piety: the Holy Thursday foot-washing ceremony, part of the four-day court observance of Easter. The master of the staff and the court prelates chose twelve poor elderly men, transported them to the Hofburg, and positioned them in the ceremonial hall on a raised dais. There, before an invited audience observing the scene from tribunes, the emperor served the men a symbolic meal and archdukes cleared the dishes. As a priest read aloud in Latin the words of the New Testament (John 3:15), “And he began to wash the feet of the disciples,” Franz Joseph knelt and, without rising from his knees, washed the feet of the twelve old men in imitation of Christ. Finally, the emperor placed a bag of twenty silver coins around the necks of each before the men were led away and returned to their homes in imperial coaches.
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Monday, July 11, 2011
Death of An Imperial Pen Pal
by Charles Coulombe
[Takimag]The San Fernando Valley in the 1970s was a very dull place. Hot and dusty, filled with lackluster architectural construction thrown together during the postwar housing boom, it was the last place I wanted to be.
Back in those far-off days, the LA Archdiocese’s paper, The Tidings, ran a column by the Archduke Otto von Habsburg, son of Austria-Hungary’s last Emperor-King.
My family was historically minded, and my upbringing gave me a hatred of the French Revolution and a love of the Habsburgs, Bourbons, and Stuarts. In high school in the 1970s, I became a monarchist. In the LA Central Library lurked such volumes as The Purple or the Red, Kings Without Thrones, and Monarchs-in-Waiting. I resolved to write to the Archduke Otto concerning issues political and religious. Off my note went into the post.
Link to original, here...
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