Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Something to Consider About Pope Francis

[Father Hunwicke] Like most readers, I rarely or never feel quite sure what our Holy Father actually means. Added to this is our natural inclination to treat with respect whatever a Roman Pontiff says (even when he speaks in a low Magisterial register). Accordingly, I am unwilling to join in the widespread criticisms of statements like his homily yesterday (Monday), in which he spoke about accepting new teaching, or 'surprises', from the Holy Spirit, 'new wine', and such things.

But I will remind you of something which we know we are bound to believe because it is the dogmatic teaching of an Ecumenical Council (Vatican I), worded with clarity.

"The Holy Spirit was not promised to the successors of Peter so that, by his revelation, they might reveal new teaching,


Monday, January 18, 2016

Turkish Army Bombards Christian Village in Northern Iraq -- Christians Fleeing

 (Damascus/Ankara) On the night of January 17th, the Turkish air force bombed the Sharanish in Kurdish controlled northern Iraq. The Christians have been on the run since then. They had to flee in the middle of the night  in freezing temperatures 25 kilometers to the city of Zaxo because of the Turkish bombing. 
The news was announced by the Chaldean Patriarchate, which sharply condemned the Turkish military attack. The destructive attack on the Christian village was "unjustifiable".

Turkey is   officially fighting the Islamic State (IS) in Iraq and Syria,   but in reality   especially against the Kurdish Workers' Party PKK.  Critics accuse Turkey of taking the fight against the jihadists as a  "pretext" to perform an illegal campaign against the Kurdish people in the neighboring countries.
The Chaldean Patriarchate is now demanding  autonomous Kurdish government of northern Iraq to take "reasonable measures to protect the citizens."  Louis Raphael I Sako, the Patriarch of Babylon and head of the Chaldean Church united with Rome, comes from Zaxo.

The difficult fate of Christians in the Middle East

As the papal news service Fides reported that the Christian village had been destroyed in the 1980s by the Iraqi army. Then, too, in the course of an anti-Kurdish military operation. The Christians returned and built the place up again. The reason for the return was the increasing persecution of Christians in Baghdad and Mosul.
Since 2014, several dozen Christian families living on the Nineveh plains fled there  before the conquest of the Islamic State had fled (IS). But even in Saharanish they are not sure.
Last fall the Christian villages in the area became an ​​involuntary battleground between the Kurdish army and other Kurdish organizations. Now it is the Turkish army which has expelled  the Christians  from Saharanish.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons / towers of the Mor Gabriel monastery in south Turkey, 130 northwest of Zaxo
Trans; Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Schönborn's Leftist Wormtongue, Fr. Paul Zulehner, Recommends Self-Censoring of the Hemorrhaging in Church Membership

Cardinal Schönborn Effect: Between 2002 and 2015 approximately 220,000 Catholics have left the Conciliar Church  [graphic: Kreuz-net]

The wave of departures continue unabated

The Schönborn-Church with its devotion to the political left deals mainly  with the business of Muslim immigration. Repulsive example is the convert and Caritas CEO Fr. Michael Landau, who was implanted by  Fr. Helmut Schüller into the troupe of Schönborn apparatchiks.
In return, the Conciliar Church under Schönborn has massively neglected  taking care of the Catholics, rather he's offended them by his political agitation (for example, in the period just before the local elections in Vienna, holding a press photo-op with the socialist mayor of Vienna Michael Häupl).

Mass Departures Under Schönborn 

Since Schönborn took over the Vienna Archdiocese, approximately 300,000 Catholics from the church-tax church have departed: in 2015 there were, according to official Church statistics (presented on 12 January 2016) 16,103 people leaving, in 2014 15,897 Catholics have turned their backs on Schönborn, while in the previous year (2013) it was 15,889.
The house sycophants of Kathpress have downplayed that with the strengthening wave of continued exits, "the number of Catholics in Austria [had] remained broadly stable" - "only" 56,365 departures?

The Nazi Church-tax Revenues Are Still Rising

In 2015 the Church had revenues from the church-tax in the amount of 435 million EUR,  8 million EUR more than the year before. As long as the money (the Church-tax) is in order  then the Church-tax apparatchiks are satisfied. Even in Vienna the revenues from the Church tax have risen despite the loss 1.2 million euros because of departures.

Proselytizing the nadir

The factor that is  primarily  responsible for the defections, is the current Church policy of conciliar emasculation which also leads to a decline of proselytizing.
The protestations of Schönborn's spokesman Michael Prüller, that a focal point in Vienna must be missionary, are empty words: The re-entry numbers are negligible, as are activities also. In addition, the Conciliar Church has no missionary efforts among the heretics. [At least not in Austria]
In fact, the missionary must begin with the Vienna clergy and church officials: A replacement of at least half of the functionaries would be necessary,  in Schönborn's immediate circle, a complete overhaul would be a perfect asset for the Church.

Schönborn's leftist wormtongues and
the instructions for self-delusion

Of particular usefulness is the statement by the religion sociologist Paul Zulehner (one those mainly responsible  for departures), one should expect the numbers leaving to be small. His "very pragmatic Tip", which he has given to the left at Cologne Domradio in July 2015:
  • "We now figure we are 100 percent different from when we came from a time when religion was fate. In the future, we should rather turn the tables and say we expect from zero percent up, and could then say, oh, it's interesting, in many European countries so many people are very committed Christians. It's almost a miracle that people dial in to the freedom of the gospel. We need to 'benchmark,' as it were,  change, and  not from the top down but from the bottom up. Then we would also stop this whining about the departures. "

"Underground Catholics"

Already in 2009, Erich Leitenberger, the former spokesman of the Archdiocese of Vienna, tried to gloss over the numbers of departures by pointing out "that the official number is yet difficult to estimate since the group of 'underground Catholics' should be added" - well that did not change the continuing progressive Development.

The Haze of Mercy in the Decaying of Faith 

The Church is  "reaping" the undiminished  fruits of failing faith and is even more so unwilling under the current  Pope   to rethink, stressing the need to reflect the beliefs: The haze of mercy currently existent in Rome  does not help against the decay of faith.


Thursday, January 14, 2016

"Neither Penitance Nor Contrition" -- Pope's Press Secretary and Friend's Heretical Theses

(Rome) "Global Prayer Network of the Pope" appears at the end of "The pope's video," which video with the pope's prayer intentions for January 2016 appears with an unprecedented break in the papal proclamation. A Catholic priest then enters, the former press secretary of Jorge Mario Bergoglio. A man with abstruse ideas.

In German-speaking countries the initiativve is called Gebestapostolat and was conceived by French Jesuits. It was founded by the L'Apostolate de la Prière, the Jesuit François-Xavier Gautrelet SJ already in the 1860s. In 1890 it was officially transferred by Pope Leo XIII. to the Jesuit order. Thus began its actual international spread. Since then, the respective Superior General is also responsible for the Apostleship of Prayer, which is currently being conducted on behalf of the Superior General of the French Jesuits, Frederic Fornos SJ.

"Unspeakable video with syncretic message"

The novelty of 2016 lies in the fact that the prayer intentions of the Pope are not only in writing, but also spread by a video. "An unspeakable video with a latent syncretic message," said Messa in Latino.

Was produced the controversial video, under the supervision of the Vatican Television Centre Vatican Television Centre (CTV), the media and advertising agency La Machi Barcelona. The publication was carried out directly on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and other Internet channels.

The pope speaks in his native language, Spanish and tells people what they should pray. The subtitles are in ten different languages.

The first video, which will be followed each month by a new one, was published on January 6, Epiphany. Which sees to promote "inter-religious dialogue" for a minute and a half. The religion of the people is different, but all apparently believe in "love", says the message at its core.

Since then, there has been no lack of strong criticism that accuses the Pope and his communications experts of asserting through a syncretic message the equality of all religions and thus their "equal validity".

Jorge Mario Bergoglio Upon His Raising to Cardinal (2001)
with Guillermo Marco (far right)
Guillermo Marco, the former spokesman for the Archbishop of Buenos Aires

Impetus excite the statement of the Pope, according to which all people, regardless of their creed, "children of God" are. An assertion that is contrary to holy scripture, so the critics. There was clearly told in the name of the Triune God baptized are "children of God". In the Vatican under Pope Francis one seems unstoppable with such "details". The Jesuits appears particularly eager.

The Vatican expert Sandro Magister has meanwhile posed the question, Who is the Catholic priest, who can be seen in the video next to a Buddhist, a Muslim and a Jew. Magister also delivers up the answer. It is Argentina's Guillermo Marco, whom Pope Francis personally knows "very well." Marco was in fact Bergoglio's official spokesman as Archbishop of Buenos Aires for years.

The Argentine "communication range" against Pope Benedict XVI.

At the end of 2006, Cardinal Bergoglio had to separate from him. The reason was a "communication breakdown".

Marco was after interviewwed after the historic Regensburg speech of Benedict XVI. by the news magazine Newsweek. Here, the Bergoglio-speaker made rude suggestions about the German Pope, criticizing his words about Islam. Marco said: "He has destroyed in 20 seconds that which had been built in 20 years with Islam. What he said I do not represent."

That Newsweek interviewed the spokesman for Cardinal Bergoglio suggests that he should have been even the real interlocutor of the Cardinal. This one had previously distanced himself from Pope Benedict XVI. Marco presented in the US magazine, nothing more than the position of his employer. In Buenos Aires, the Cardinal had publicly positioned himself as anti-Ratzinger. It was an operation that did not go unnoticed in other parts of the world. That was all the more remarkable, since Bergoglio was the direct opponent of Benedict XVI. in the conclave of 2005. The public criticism did not go well internally to the church. The Archbishop of Buenos Aires held back from then on.

The Vatican was not pleased with the Argentine shot across the bow. The dismissal by Marcos Bergoglio was the "cleanup" of the matter accordingto the Vatican. The spokesperson had to fall on his sword for the Cardinal.

"But Don Marco did not disappear from the stage," said Magister. His removal as press secretary did not mean the end of his personal connection to Bergoglio which his current appearance in the video at the side of Pope Francis shows.

Pope's friend repentance, remorse, repentance and confession to abolish - or almost

Pope Francis with Guillermo Marco in Santa Marta (2014)

It is not known, says Magister, what Pope Francis thinks about what Marco wrote recently in the supplement Valores Religiosas the largest Argentine newspaper El Clarín.

"The Jubilee, a major challenge" is the piece written by Bergoglio's former press secretary, a new version of the parable of the Prodigal Son. This return home was, "not because he repented, but out of necessity." It was sufficient for the father embrace him again in his arms, without requiring conversion.

Marco openly represents in the Holy Year of Charity a mercy theory, which critics also suspect is hidden behind the "New Mercy" of Pope Francis: a mercy without conversion, the abolition of repentance, conversion and penance, ultimately, the abolition of Jesus' adonition "Go and sin no more".

Marco proposes to the Pope, "to revise the sacrament of penance" because for too many centuries, "the Church has threatened sinners threatened with all sorts of punishments in the present and in eternal life, especially for the private sins, more precisely for those which are connected to the free exercise of pleasures and of sexuality."

Should sin therefore be abolished? No, says Don Marco, but it should, as his proposal to the Pope suggests, make confession necessary "only for sins of public scandal." This is what was, at least in the opinion of Don Marco, the practice of the Church till the 12th century. The private behavior, however, should be a matter between the person and God, which he can decide for himiself, because man is capable of distinguishing between good and evil internum forum.

"Impression that something is going the wrong way"

Pope Francis, who just presented a booklet on mercy in an interview with house vaticanista Andrea Tornielli, which is primarily aimed at sinners and confessors, which hardly follow the theses of his former press secretary. Marco nevertheless casts a further shadow on the Argentine pontificate. After all, he was for several years the "voice of his Lord." It is astonishing at least, that such heretical beliefs proliferate abundantly, so narrowly connected to Bergoglio's environs. "Some [of this pontificate] gives the impression that something is going in the wrong way," the Spanish historian, journalist and Catholic blogger Francisco Fernandez de la Cigoña said in the context of the Synod of Bishops in Rome.

Marco was Bergoglio's spokesman, he fell because of an unreasonable and as it was understood in Rome, "shameless" criticism of Pope Benedict XVI., in which Cardinal Bergoglio had also participated. A match in the thinking between Bergoglio and Marco has found in this first video on the Apostleship of Prayer an "unmistakable."

This applies to the adoption of an "equal validity" of all religions, since the peaceful coexistence of people is seen as a greater good. The same applies to the assertion of an autonomous conscience as the highest judge, as Pope Francis represented for Eugenio Scalfari. And it is also a latent understanding of mercy without conversion and remorse. Key concepts such as indulgences, punishment and purgatory have been shunned by Pope Francis in the context of the Jubilee Year of mercy so far.

Pope Francis could scarcely take up the suggestion of his "friend" (Master's), said Magister, "but it's easy to imagine that Don Marco is already implementing it into practice. Without fear and without remorse." Text: Giuseppe Nardi image: The video of the Pope / Youtube / Pinterst / Periodista Digital (Screenshot) Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com Link to Katholisches...


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Like a Boss: Honduran Cardinal Confirms Sodolobby in Vatican

Update: on second glance, this is starting to look suspiciously like an admission of guilt without any remediation.

Edit: as if to lend a further boost of credence to Voris' recent charge. Knowing is half the battle!

[NCR] Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga has confirmed the presence of a homosexual “lobby” in the Vatican and revealed that Pope Francis is trying “little by little to purify it.”

The Honduran Archbishop of Tegucigalpa, who coordinates the Council of Nine cardinals advising the Pope on reform of the Roman Curia and Church governance, was responding to a question from a Honduran newspaper reporter who asked him whether there had been “an attempt to infiltrate the gay community in the Vatican, or a moment when that had actually happened?”

Cardinal Rodriguez replied: “Not only that, also the Pope has said there is even a ‘lobby’ in this sense. Little by little the Pope is trying to purify it.” He added: “One can understand them [members of the lobby] and there is pastoral legislation to attend to them, but what is wrong cannot be truth.”

"Pope Video" Removed: Vatican or Jesuit Whiners?

Screenshot_1[Verrecchio] Apparently, after more than 8,000 views, the masterminds of “The Pope Video” have decided that my rendition offering a more proper translation of the apostasy therein must be suppressed.

I just received the following notice from Vimeo:

“We removed your video because a third party claims that it infringes a copyright that the third party owns or has the right to enforce.”

Read further... 


Berlin Archbishop Visits Center for Aberrosexual Migrants

Lesbian and Gay Association Berlin-Brandenburg: Archbishop wanted to check in a personal conversation about the situation of homosexual and transgender refugees - They are confronted with violence in their lodgings even in Germany.

Berlin (kath.net/KNA) The new German capital's new Catholic bishop, Heiner Koch visited a center for migrants, lesbians and gays (MILES) on Thursday in Berlin-Charlottenburg. Here, the Archbishop wanted to check in with a personal conversation on the situation of homosexual and transgender refugees, said the Lesbian and Gay Association Berlin-Brandenburg (LSVD). They are confronted by violence in their lodgings, even in Germany.

The LSVD Project MILES provides same sex oriented refugees and their families psychosocial counseling, provides first aid in crisis situations and offers others additional counseling facilities. More offerings are free legal advice, lectures and cultural evenings. Moreover, MILES helps to build self-help groups and their networking. Koch has been Archbishop since last September. Even his predecessor Rainer Woelki met four years ago with LSVD representatives, shortly after he took office.

The encounter took place in the Archbishop's Chancery, the administrative headquarters of the Archdiocese of Berlin. Subjects were then, the employment of homosexual staff in the service of the church and the demonstration critical of the Church, taking place shortly after Pope Benedict XVI's Berlin arrival on 22 September 2011. The LSVD was one of the organizers of the anti-Pope demonstration.

Link to Kath.net...


Austrian Bishop: "Even Jesus Struggled at First Learning Diversity"

Edit: Bishop Schwarz is an advocate for married clergy as a solution to the "abuse crisis" and We Are Church, among others.
(Vienna) The crisis of the Church is not least described as a crisis of the bishops. This includes the pandering to the Zeitgeist and political power. Currently, the especially unconditional support of mass immigration, including concomitant Islamization of Europe is at a premium. Any means seems acceptable to justify it, even the degradation of Jesus Christ, true God and true man, to an arbitrarily bendable decal. 
A  bonmot in new speak and Episcopal confusion, which is a "delicacy" in Austria, was recently uttered by the Austrian Bishop of Gurk- Klagenfurt, Msgr. Alois Schwarz.
On January 7, he gave the opening speech at the Pastoral Conference 2016 Austrian Pastoral Institute (ÖPI) in Salzburg. "Pluralism in Society and the Church" was the politically correct topic.
As Kathpress, the news agency of the Austrian Bishops' Conference and the website of the Diocese of Gurk-Klagenfurt reported, the bishop addressed some 300 people with: "Even Jesus struggled at first  learning diversity." 
Jesus supposedly was obliged  "to learn" what "was   beyond the borders of the chosen people of Israel,  'to open up to and acknowledge strangers for their approach to salvation," said the bishop. "God strengthened in fact, 'abided diversity,'" quoted Kathpress. Bishop Schwarz  described a "learning process" of Jesus. Jesus is supposed to have [...] "learned, 'to be available to everyone' and to allow diversity',  said  Schwarz.."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi 
Image: kath-kirche-kaernten.at (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

De Mattei on Francis' Syncretistic Video: "It's Not Only Heresy That Offends the Catholic Faith"

[Rorate] In a long interview published on December 30th in the German weekly Die Zeit, Cardinal Ludwig Müller, Prefect for the Congregation of the Faith, raised a question of crucial relevance today. When the interviewer asked the Prefect what he thought of those Catholics who attack the Pope defining him “a heretic”, he replied: “Not only because of my office, but from personal conviction, I must disagree. A heretic in the theological definition, is a Catholic who denies obstinately a revealed truth proposed by the Church that they are obliged to believe. It’s another thing when those who are officially charged to teach the faith express themselves in a somewhat inappropriate, misleading or vague way. The teachings of the Pope and bishops are not above the Word of God, but serve it. (…) Moreover, papal pronouncements have a different binding nature – ranging from a definitive decision pronounced ex-cathedra to a homily which is used rather for spiritual analysis.”

Today there is a tendency to fall into a simplistic dichotomy between heresy and orthodoxy. Cardinal Muller’s words remind us that between black (open heresy) and white (complete orthodoxy) there is a grey area which theologians have explored with precision. [Emphasis ours]

There are doctrinal propositions, even if they are not explicitly heretical, that are condemned by the Church with theological qualifications proportional to their gravity and in their contrast to Catholic doctrine. Opposition to the truth in fact, presents diverse levels, according to whether it is direct or indirect, immediate or remote, open or hidden, and so on. The “theological censures” (not to be confused with ecclesiastical censures or punishments) express, as Father Sisto Cartechini explains in his classical study, the negative judgment of the Church on an expression, an opinion or an entire theological doctrine (Dall’opinione al domma. Valore delle note teologiche (From Opinion to Dogma. The Value of Theological Notes) “La Civiltà Cattolica” Edition, Rome, 1953). This judgment can be private, if given by one or more theologians independently, or public and official, if promulgated by the ecclesiastical authority. 


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Archbishop Léonard: "Final Report of the Synod is Ambiguous" -- "Clear Word" from Pope Francis Expected

A Picture That Defined the Time in Office of Msgr. Leonard: Prostitutes
Attack Praying Archbishop 

(Rome)  On his departure as Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels and Primate of Belgium,  Archbishop André-Joseph Léonard has criticized the final report of the Synod on the Family which remains "ambiguous in the delicate points". With an appeal, he called Francis to exercise his Petrine ministry in unity and continuity with tradition, and to speak in terms of marriage and family in a "clear statement".
"Among others, one of the most unaccountable, barely comprehensible torpedoes that were fired during the reign of Pope Francis, had hit the Archbishop of Malines-Brussels, Msgr. André-Joseph Léonard," said the Vatican expert Marco Tosatti in today's issue of the daily newspaper La Stampa , Archbishop Léonard was unceremoniously retired after only five years at the helm of the European "capital" with the completion of his 75th year of life without having received the cardinal's hat, which   all of his predecessors got since the creation of the Kingdom of Belgium.

Archbishop Léonard Took Over an Empty Seminary, Leaving a House with 55 Seminarians

The political mercenaries [indeed, prostitutes] of FEMEN attacked the Archbishop twice in front of cameras. Since then, the rumor  stubbornly remains, that someone in Belgium  had spent a lot of money  to publicly expose the Archbishop publicly to humiliation. As Archbishop Léonard took over his archdiocese in 2010, there were only four seminarians in the seminary. Now he hands over to his successor a seminary with 55 seminarians preparing for the priesthood.
Léonard was 20 years a professor at the Catholic University of Leuven and thirteen years Bishop of Namur before  Pope Benedict XVI. summoned him to Brussels. He was to sacrificed in five years as Primate of Belgium. The situation was already difficult in the liberal climate of the country  for the church. Léonard was also a victim of his predecessor, Godfried Cardinal Danneels, who made ​​no secret of the aversion to the successor who  replaced him. In sum, Léonard remained largely isolated among the  Belgian bishops. Léonard, then still bishop of Namur, was the only bishop in the country who defended Benedict XVI., when the Belgian parliament attacked the Catholic Church leader because of the Church's teaching on contraception.

The reluctance of his predecessor

The 2010 appointment of Léonard had been seen as an attempt to initiate a change of course in the church in Belgium. With the resignation of Benedict XVI. and the election of Pope Francis the approach turned out to be an illusion. Cardinal Danneels saw the opportunity for revenge. While Leonard was demonstratively ignored by Pope Francis, Danneels, who is one of the Francis electors went  to Rome.  Despite his dubious role in homo-clerical milieu of Flanders, Danneels was appointed by Pope Francis personally and in the first place in the Synod of the two Synods on the Family. His direct   access to the Pope continued unaltered, despite last year's publication of an authorized Danneels biography wherein the cardinal revealed that since the 1990s, he was part of a secret circle which included individuals at the highest level in the Church among cardinals and bishops named for its  meeting locale "The Sankt Gallen Group." Among themselves, the members of the secret circle would be described as "mafia". The aim of the progressively minded circle's highest dignitaries was the "reconciliation" of the Church with liberty, equality and fraternity, and, though unsuccessful, preventing the election of Pope Benedict XVI. With the election of Pope Francis both had been caught up, which was mediated by Cardinal Danneel's assessment, which leaves no room for doubt.

Expected "clear statement" of the Pope - the final report of the Synod of Bishops was "ambiguous"

Shortly after his retirement, Léonard answered some questions at the French weekly magazine Famille Chretienne.
First, Léonard declared himself to be "disappointed" by the final report of the Synod. He did give a positive report of the final editing. Ironically,in  the most delicate points it remained an ambiguous document."Some bishops have told me that the texts were deliberately formulated ambiguously, so that they can be interpreted  in different directions," said the archbishop .
For this reason, Monsignor Léonard  directed an appeal to Pope Francis:. "I therefore hope that we will get a nuanced and sympathetic but clear word about teaching and discipline of the Catholic Church in matters of marriage and family. It is the moment for him to exercise his Petrine mission for the unity and continuity in the tradition, as he has announced it in his speech upon the completion of the first family Synod."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Monday, January 11, 2016

Cardinal Ravasi Gives Laudatory Farewell to Lifelong Occultist

Edit:  Just in time for Voris' recent accusation comes this.  Cardinal Ravasi has enjoyed the uncritical patronage of Pope Francis, and  has also been in a significant position for a while, notably as the head of the Pontifical Council of Culture and President of the Synod of Bishops where he undermined the sacrament of marriage.   He is also a bit of an occultist himself.

Now he's made this tweet on behalf of the late David Jones aka David Bowie:

The late darling of Cardinal Ravasi's idolatry had a long history of practicing occultism, black magic, Crowleyism, advocate of gender ideology and was a self-described Gnostic.  He believed that magic led to his fortune and fame.

He scandalized the public by making a similar tweet, quoting Lou Reed's tribute to heroin when the nihilistic pop star died at the age of 71.

Of course you'd expect a positive reaction from the aberrosexual enabling, Old Liberal Jesuit, James Martin who described he Cardinal's tweet as "elegant" on his Facebook page.

The Church is Dominated by an Aberrosexual Clergy

Edit: We know people don't like Michael Voris and his Catholic Network TV, and there are legitimate reasons for that, but he and his people continues to be truly brave and say things and attack figures in the hierarchy that many of his detractors don't do. What's more, he AT LEAST is effective.  To many of you, this headline and story isn't news, but many of the actors haven't yet been named, and haven't been called to account for their frankly criminal malfeasance and misrepresentation.

We touched briefly upon this last week with respect to St. John's Abbey in Collegeville, where grieving parents called upon an evil Monastery to change its ways, and we also pointed out that the story didn't get a lot of traction, especially in the kosher Catholic Press.   A few years back when we broke the story that the Abbey was hosting a naked retreat.  The response was pretty impressive from Lifesite, ChurchMilitant and a large number of other bloggers around and about.  As a result, the retreat was cancelled, and the one who planned it, Father Bob Pierson  went on a one year sabbatical to an Anglican Monastery.  [Since then, this aberrosexual enabler has been relocated to another "Benedictine" institution, which underscores the problem in miniature which troubles the Church as a whole throughout the world going up to the very top, including the Pope himself.]

We're  familiar with the story Voris helped circulate about an aberrosexual in the New York Diocese who was living with a similarly afflicted man to the outrage of the laymen of that parish who eventually drove the parasite out of their parish, with Voris' help.

Now this story is taking on broader dimensions as Voris is moving to take on the entire Archdiocese, calling Cardinal Dolan to task:
Here’s the headline: As much as half of priests and bishops in the U.S. may homosexual. Now the details. 
Back in 2000, just as news of the homosexual priest sex abuse crisis was beginning to break, the  Kansas City Star did an in-depth exposé on a horrible topic: the large number of  homosexual priests dying of AIDS. The newspaper's reporting brought to public light, for the first time on this kind of scale, the issue of homosexuality in the priesthood — albeit through the tragic lens of AIDS. 
The newspaper conducted extensive research into the related issues of AIDS and homosexuality within clerical ranks and religious communities. Far from denying the paper's stories, the bishop of Kansas City at the time, Raymond Boland, admitted the findings were true and said, "Much as we would regret it, it shows that human nature is human nature." 
The issue of the AIDS death aside (God rest their souls), it reveals the reality of homosexuality in the ranks of the ordained — and not just its presence, but its overwhelming presence.


Torquemada on Schismatic Popes

Edit: yes, he was the uncle of Tomas Torquemada O.P..  He was no Conciliarist, either.

Further "the Pope could, without doubt, fall into Schism . . . Especially is this true with regard to the divine liturgy, as for example, if he did not wish personally to follow the universal customs and rites of the Church. . . . Thus it is that Innocent states (De Consuetudine) that, it is necessary to obey a Pope in all things as long as he does not himself go against the universal customs of the Church, but should he go against the universal customs of the Church, he need not be followed . . ." - Cardinal Juan de Torqumada O.P; Commentarii in Decretum Gratiani (1519) and Summa de Ecclesia (1489).

Img; wikicommons


Saturday, January 9, 2016

Papal Trips and "Cancelled" Events -- Marian Appearances of 2017: 300 Years of Aparacida, 100 Years of Fatima

Francis in Paraguay: Will the Pope Visit His Homeland in Argentina?

(Rome) From the 12th to the 18th of February Pope Francis will visit Mexico. Currently, there is speculation about further destinations of the Pope. This is due to the publication of the calendar of papal celebrations for the first half of 2016. The publication was carried out by the Pontifical House. Of note is the "canceled" anniversary.

Popal travels serve to the "strengthen brothers." They are also opportunities to bring particular Churches on track and to garner support. The latter was the case in the trip to Africa that most defies the "new mercy" when it comes to marriage and morality.

Armenia - the oldest Christian state

On the flight back from Africa, Francis had expressed the wish last November to visit Armenia. The Angelus on Sunday, 22 May was "canceled" in the calendar. It is therefore believed that the pope would undertake a shorter trip in the period between May 18th and 25th. Armenia was described then as a possible destination in this regard. More "canceled" dates are the general audience of the 22nd of June and the Angelus of the 26th of June. Between the 18th and 29th of June no activities are planned. Therefore, it is speculated there will be an intercontinental trip overseas. Where will the trip go? World Religion News identified Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay as potential targets. According to past practice, the Pope has never visited more than three states during a pastoral visit. But first things first:

Pastoral Visits 2016: Argentina, Chile, Uruguay?

On December 27th, Infobae reported that the newly elected Argentine President Mauricio Macri will be first received on coming January 22nd in audience by the Pope. It can be assumed that Macri will invite the Catholic Church leader on this occasion, after nearly three years in office, to also visit his homeland. It is an open secret that Francis didn't support Macri, but his leftist challenger during the election campaign of 2015. The first encounter between the two is therefore awaited with excitement in Argentina.

In an interview with the broadcasting network RCN the President of the Colombian Bishops' Conference, Archbishop Luis Augusto Casto, said that Pope Francis had failed to grant an audience for 23 January. He added: "It is certain that he will come [to Colombia] and we will take this opportunity to agree on the appointment."

Yesterday La Tercera of Chile reported that of the Chilean Bishops' Conference requested an audience which will be granted shortly and scheduled for today. The President of the Bishops' Conference, Cardinal Ricardo Ezzati, and his deputy, Archbishop Alejandro Goic have hurried on to Rome. The topics to be discussed are numerous. Among other things considered, according to La Tercera, is a visit of the Pope to Chile.

The main issue is the case of the now 85 year old priest, Fernando Karadima. In 2010 cases of sexual abuse of minors had become known. In 2011 Karadima was suspended by the Church for life. He may no longer exercise his priesthood, and must lead a life of silence and penance. A victim consortium is now demanding through US Attorneys around half a billion dollars for pain and suffering. There is nothing to gain from Karadima, yet it is hoped to earn a fortune in the Catholic Church. The claim is justified by "negligence".

The case of Karadima is being used by the ruling left-wing coalition in Chile under President Michelle Bachelet to legalize the killing of unborn children. The resistance of the Catholic Church is the biggest obstacle against the legalization of abortion.

A visit in 2016 in Peru with Cardinal Cipriani Thorne, the only representative of Opus Dei with cardinal rank and one of the highest representatives of the rapidly shrinking group of Opus Dei bishops under Francis, was excluded last year by Msgr. Karcher, the Argentine master of ceremonies of the Pope.

Marian shrines 2017: 300 Aparecida - 100 Years of Fatima

There a trip to Argentina, Chile and Uruguay could take place  in 2016. While 2017 could be followed by a visit to Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil. 2017 marks the 300th anniversary of the Marian apparition in the Brazilian State of Aparecida in Sao Paulo. Pope Francis has visited the Marian shrine already on July 24, 2013 when he came for to Brazil for World Youth Day. Back then he finished an impromptu speech at the Basilica de Nossa Senhora Aparecida with the words: "And goodbye till 2017 when I will come back ..."

In April and again in September 2015, Pope Francis expressed his desire to want to come in 2017 for the 100th anniversary celebration of the apparitions of Mary to Fatima.

As long as official confirmations is outstanding, all things are only speculation at this moment.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi

Image: Viarosario (Screenshot)

Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Link to Katholisches....


There is Absolutely No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church

Edit: this is a dogma that needs to be stated more than anything else today!

This is a brilliant restatement and an important aspect of this debate about evangelization. Most of your average Catholics don't believe in real presence much less the Great Commission:

Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation?

  Yes, Baptism is required for salvation, no ifs, ands, or buts. I’m not going to get in to the entire teaching on Baptism except to remind the faithful, especially priests and bishops, that Jesus has revealed through HIS Church that Baptism is absolutely necessary to be saved. Never mind the legalistic so-called mercy loopholes that are trying to be exploited by these mercy-lawyers of the Church. We need to know the Truth and share it with the fullness of clarity and charity. Why would anyone in their right mind turn down Baptism if they were promised eternal salvation? How can this possibly offend someone? Maybe the GMOs are truly starting to emasculate some men, or maybe we have way to many priests and bishops that don’t have any faith left at all. It’s up to us folks!

 I’m just going to give the official, Dogmatic teaching straight from the Catechism of the Council of Trent. Remember, if it’s a teaching directly from the Council of Trent, which this is, then it is binding on ALL the faithful. Here it is straight outta Trent:

Definition Of Baptism
With regard to the definition of Baptism although many can be given from sacred writers, nevertheless that which may be gathered from the words of our Lord recorded in John, and of the Apostle to the Ephesians, appears the most appropriate and suitable. Unless, says our Lord, a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God; and, speaking of the Church, the Apostle says, cleansing it by the laver of water in the word of life. Thus it follows that Baptism may be rightly and accurately defined: The Sacrament of regeneration by water in the word. By nature we are born from Adam children of wrath, but by Baptism we are regenerated in Christ, children of mercy. For He gave power to men to be made the sons of God, to them that believe in his name, who are born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. (my emphasis added)

The Immemorial Mass of All Ages is Probably the Only Place Anyone Evangelizes in the Modern Church Any More

Note: someone just wrote complaining on behalf of RCIA programs. While they exist officially to bring people into the Catholic Church, the laity entrusted to operate these programs are woefully underformed, often malformed and heretical, as is typical of most diocesan parishes.

Edit: URGENT -- Bugninine Liturgy in trouble and in decline in Western world due to religious indifferentism, and it doesn't matter how many Gospel/Folk/Easy Listening 70s Power Pop you include. If there isn't enough evangelization going on in places where the Immemorial Mass of All Ages is being said, it's actually forbidden or frowned upon in diocesan parishes. Why evangelize when your liturgy resembles that of the Methodists and Lutherans down the street? And if the Mass crowd stuck in the 60s with St. Louis Jesuits are indifferent to evangelization, hasn't the Pope himself spoken out against proselytism and made statements which frustrate evangelism in the first place? If evangelization is a dirty word anywhere, it's in the run-of-the-mill ho-hum diocesan parish.

Here's an excellent response to Msgr. Charles Pope's urgent call for more evangelization (As if traditionalist Catholics don't). Actually, traditionalists are most likely to be the only people in the Church who bother.

SEVERAL YEARS AGO, Msgr. Charles Pope made headlines when an Archdiocesan blog published his defense of Gospel music for the Roman Catholic liturgy. While I appreciate the genre of Gospel music—and some pieces are lovely—I was troubled by his assertions with respect to music history. 1 On 7 January, Msgr. Pope wrote a piece for the NATIONAL CATHOLIC REGISTER with a sensational title:

“Urgent Warning About the Future of the Traditional Latin Mass”

Throughout his article, Msgr. Pope says things like: “The Traditional Latin Mass appeals to a certain niche group of Catholics, but the number in that group appears to have reached its maximum.” He keeps referring to a “ceiling” that’s been reached, making inexplicable references to “20 years ago, when the Solemn Mass was thriving.” His description of the EF early years does not match my recollection of the 1990s, nor accounts by pioneers like Fr. Michael Irwin (one of the first FSSP priests assigned to the USA).

Msgr. Pope seems to be unaware of charts like this one:

Link to ... AMDG

Friday, January 8, 2016

The Conversion of 1,000 Jews: What Does the Neocatechumenal Way on the End of Times and What Isn't It Saying?

Domus Galiaeae on the Mountain of Beatitudes in Palestine
(Rome) Among members of the Neocatechumenal Way it is being spread around that after a meeting of Jewish rabbis with Kiko Argüello, founder and president, several rabbis and more than a thousand Jews have come to Christ's message.
The message was made public for the first time on 22 December by an entry on a Spanish-language Facebook page of the Neocatechumenal path "Soy del Camino Neocatecumenal". For a better understanding: Founded in Madrid in 1964, the Neocatechumenal Way is recognized by the Catholic Church as a spiritual community and is canonically established as an independent foundation with a legal personality. The leadership position is for life on an equal footing  between the three founders, the two Spaniards Kiko Argüello and Carmen Hernández and an Italian priest, Don Mario Pezzi.  The Neocatechumenate is understood by its own account, neither as a movement nor as an association, but as an "instrument" of  parishes to lead those who've strayed back to Christ. According to the website, a million Catholics belong to the Neocatechumenal Way worldwide, which maintains almost 100 seminaries and is active with 25,000 communities in 800 dioceses.  A criticism repeatedly directed at the Community are its  "pseudo-Jewish" special rites. The Neocatechumenal Way provides contacts to Judaism as part of its mission. Designed by Kiko Argüello and  finished in 2000 is the branch Domus Galiaeae, on the Sea of Galilee in Israel, has been previously visited, according to their account, by  more than 150,000 Jews.

The message

A certain Elias Bautista wrote on 22 December on his personal Facebook page and the Facebook page "Soy del Camino Neocatecumenal":
"I've discovered that the supreme head of the Neocatechumenal Way (Kiko and Carmen) have just met with an important group of Jewish rabbis: who among other things, (the Jews) have recognized Our Lord Jesus Christ as the true Messiah, and in turn, (the Neocatechumenates) informed that we are living "at the end of time" (not the end of the world), and that we must prepare ourselves, therefore, for what comes. But ... the Neocatechumenal leaders have decided to keep the secret,' and it is only among Kiko's Neocatechumenals ... that it is publicized ... Why? I don't know. This is a very serious sin .... I want them to come to their senses and that Our Lord gave them the distinction with respect to the need to share the information of this important, unique and anticipated event."
Yet Elias Bautista has received no reply. So he wrote on January 2 again on the "Soy del Camino Neocatecumenal" Facebook page:
Domus Galiaeae and the coming of the Lord
"I have just learned that more than a thousand Jews have converted to the Catholic faith and accepted Our Lord as their Messiah after they have met with Kiko and Carmen. That's a great message! These rabbis have alerted the Neocatechumenal leadership that the Parousia is very close:. The return of our Lord is really close  but ... Kiko, Carmen & Co have decided to reserve the message only to the Neocatechumenals. The good news however, should be disseminated and known in every corner of the planet, either among Catholics as well as among non-Catholics! This is a serious omission on the part of the Neocatechumenal leaders. Bad for them!"

Confirmation without denial

Domus Galiaeae: main entrance, domed hall, library with special space for the Torah surrounded by Council seats
The administrator of the Facebook page confirmed in its response on January 3, the prohibition to make the news public. Neither the conversion of a group of Rabbis and the "more than a thousand Jews" nor the supposedly imminent "end of time" has been denied by the administrator. This presupposes that all members have been informed within the Neocatechumenal Way.
"Brother Elias, the peace of the Lord be with you. If you belong to the Neocatechumenal Way, you should have already had   the reason explained by your catechists why this message is not to be used in the social networks and the mass media. Now it is so. I'll explain: Although it's a nice message, and many of us are very pleased and moved, because it is a great mercy of the Lord who has enabled this whole event, the fact is that not all people in the world would accept God's humble and reasonable message.  
In the world there are always people who want to judge and criticize, and not be constructive, and also there are extremist groups that could act in the wrong way. All of this [not to make the message public is the decision of the management of the Neocatechumenal Way] is not something you decide lightly. It is also an inspiration of the Holy Spirit, as Mary at that time had concealed His message. That is why we invite you, do not be discouraged, but rather to uphold your spirits and pray so that at the appropriate moment, this message will be made ​​public in an appropriate manner. 
With best wishes, peace "

What does the Neocatechumenal Way know and conceal from  others?

Domus Galiaeae on the Mount of Beatitudes
But "Brother Elias"  himself was dissatisfied with this answer and wrote again on January 4:
"There's always some excuse for cowardice, inertia and isolation. [...] The world must be prepared for the grave implications which are indicated because this is the greatest message of all time: We know that what comes before this grandiose event, will be horrible and terrible and whoever is not be ready, will fall into the clutches of Satan! I insist, and I repeat: It is a serious omission. The blood of that will be drawn will fall upon all members of the Neocatechumenal Way, I assure you! "
An answer has not yet been written. What does the Neocatechumenal Way know, which all the others, including the Church do not know? Already the construction of the Domus Galiaeae was associated with End Times prophecy, according to which the Neocatechumenal Way is expecting the return of the Lord on the Mount of Beatitudes. An extensive, symbolically charged building complex of an unusual style, which is difficult for the outsider to decipher.
The Community was critical in Osservatorio sul Camino Neocatecumenale doubting the news that a group of rabbis, and more than a thousand Jews have converted to the Catholic Church.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons / Facebook / Domusgalilaeae.org (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com