Showing posts with label Old Liberals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Old Liberals. Show all posts

Friday, November 2, 2012

Bishop of Chur Strikes Back: Taking Legal Action Against Institutional Old Liberals

Edit: last week, the Bishop sent his Vicar General to talk to 'Adebar' and they ignored him.  Now things are getting real.  This could create a model for dealing with institutional Liberal organizations promoting things hostile to Catholicism throughout the Church.  Bishop Huonder is a courageous pathfinder, despite being attacked and maligned by his own Diocesan paper and subordinates, he's not letting go.


Satan governs:  The association counsels pregnant mothers on the selection of child butchers -- and receives money for that from Church-tax.

( Bishop Vitus Huonder of Chur is taking legal measures against the so-called "Catholic National Church of Cantons" (Katholisches Landeskirche von Graubunden)

This was reported by his Diocesan website today.

Murderous Haste

The Canton "National Church" is a quasi-state institution, which is not administrated independently of the episcopal part of the Church-tax money.

It supports the dehumanizing pregnancy counseling association 'Adebar'.

In which a"National Church" member even occupies the board.

The blood of children flows

The association offers pregnant mothers a selection of child butchers.  It distributes the criminal 'after death pill' and the contraceptive coil.

For mothers under 16, they provide death passes which are required for a child to undergo an abortion in Switzerland.

In the the work of prevention and sexual education it contradicts the moral and ecclesiastical doctrine.

A legal review

For years the Bishop has unsuccessfully protested against the support of child murderers with money from Church-tax.  Now it will be handled publicly.

"That's where the Church has been brought into contact with an organization "Catholic National Church of the Cantons" against Her will, which works in contradiction of the Catholic Church in various regards, the Bishop of Chur has authorized his General Vicar with a concluding legal review"  -- it says in the statement.

There is a question if it will be allowed in Switzerland, that Church-tax bodies may support organizations contradicting its own established goals, which clearly contradict Church teaching.

The legal action related to this finding is being evaluated at this time.

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

News -- Paolo Gabriele Seen at Decadent Suppressed Monastery Santa Croce

Strange Networks -- Alcohol Auxiliar: 160 Hours of Public Service -- With the Homo-Terror in the Sex-totalitarianism -- Against the Old Liberal Wooden Hammer Method -- Socialistic Double Standard

Strange Networks

Vatican.  The Pope-betrayer Paolo Gabriele was connected with the Old Liberal Roman Cistercian Abbey of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme.  That was reported by the US-Blog ''.  The Abbey was suppressed by the Pope after serious allegations of decadence.  The author of the blog explained that Gabriele and his family were personally sighted in the Abbey.

Alcohol Auxiliary:  160 Hours of Community Work

Poland.  The Auxiliary Bishop of Warsaw Piotr Jarecki must serve 160 hours of community service.  The judge condemned him after his alcohol fueled tripe with almost three per parts per thousand into a lamp post. (0.3% ++Codileone's was 0.11%)  The Auxiliary Bishop accepted his punishment.  He will lose his driver's license for four years.

Homo-terror in Sex-totalitarianism

Germany.  Soon, the German convert and writer Gabriele Kuby's book "Die globale sexuelle Revolution" will be published.  In almost five hundred pages she hammers many hot topics.  She shows how the UNO and the EU are puppeteers of sexual decadence.  She warns against sexual equality,  of political manipulation of the language and the plague of pornography.  Finally, Mrs. Kuby revealed the homosexual movement and its dependence on totalitarianism.

Against the Old Liberal Wooden Hammer Method

Germany.  Pastor Benedikt Bunnagel of Ratingen in the Archdiocese of Cologne dismissed the German wooden hammer manner of proceeding toward Church-tax.  This was reported by the 'Rhenische Post'.  AT present the German Church is sending a document to departing members, that informs them of their "serious mistake" against the Church community.  Fr. Bunnagel does not want to sign such a letter.  He announced this in his sermon and earned applause.  The Archdiocese of Cologne will not suffer any shirkers. The letter must be sent without alterations, explained the Press Speaker Nele Harbeke of the Archdiocese.   In matters of -- not demanded in central questions of the faith -- obedience canon there is no choice for the pastor.  A priest may only supplement a personal document.

Socialistic Double Standard

"Peer Steinbruck has collected at least 698,000 euros since 2009 through lectures and board activities.  There is data from the Bundestag, but also business reports with details of the compensation for a board of director's chair were accounted for."

From the online edition of the German boulevard magazine 'Bild' on 8 October.  Comrade Steinbruck is number one in the list of the best paid among German Budestag representatives.

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Saturday, October 6, 2012

German Federal Court tries to protect outdated Church-tax-system

Regensburg Cathedral

Edit: Excommunicating someone for not paying the Church-tax means nothing to people who go to church for purely cultural reasons, or aren't really concerned about being married or buried with a Catholic ceremony.  Apparently, you don't even really need to be Catholic to be truly honored in German-speaking parts like Vienna, you just have to be a famous Communist "artist" who ridicules the Catholic faith.  For those people who are loyal Catholics, it means a lot, and they're willing to expend a lot of time and money to ensure their Catholic names, even though those in charge are working against them.

Doctor Andreas Janker is a Regensburg, Germany born Engineer. He's also, for the time being, a Catholic in good standing with some serious concerns about the way the Catholic Church in Germany does business.

We'll get back to him in a moment. You see, like the United States and the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops, the German Bishops also support abortion, the use of birth control and other forms of non-transparent activities, they hope no one really will question. The Catholic Church in the United States, like the German Church, also receives substantial Government largesse in the form of Student Loans and Grants. Catholic Charities alone receives over $2.9 billion dollars a year from the Federal Government, which accounts for about 70% of its revenue.

While America's Bishops receive substantial amounts of money from the American Government just like the German Bishops do, American citizens are selectively taxed for these gracious offerings as they are in Germany. Each German Catholic , who pays income tax (i.e. of all catholics only every third catholic) has to pay about 8% of his income tax on a Church-tax, which the German Government collects on behalf of the Church and itself keeps a 3-5% fee for managing it.

Many people object to what both the Catholic Bishops in Germany and the US do with the money, and with good reason too, since they both support programs which in various ways, violate Catholic moral tenets and even honest business practices. But while a few American Catholics opt out of Catholic systems by refusing to give money to their Diocese, (Unfortunately, they have to continue paying taxes which support Catholic organizations who misbehave), they don't have to worry at this point about being excommunicated as faithful German Catholics do who try to buck the system.

There should be nothing wrong with the government supporting the Church. It's an ancient practice probably going back to the days of the Apostles. (Since the Apostles had wealthy Roman patrons and benefitted from Roman Law in various ways too.) But what happens when the individuals running the Church and the government start working against the Church's favor, and even continued existence? Should individuals be dragooned into supporting this auto-leisionistic (self-destructive) system?

People are probably familiar with the situation where the German Catholic Bishops have produced a document effectively excommunicating Catholics who opt out of the German Church-tax for any reason. They do not specify special cases, like those involving Zapp or Janker, as the famous Canonist Father Gero Weishaupt explains .

At present, this document threatens to alienate some of the only people in Germany who actually have Catholic belief and are courageous enough to want to see it lived out in its institutions. One such man, we've already talked about is Canon Lawyer Prof. Harmut Zapp, who, counter to the way it's been reported in the official German Catholic media, at KNA for example, just won his case against the German Bishops. Strangely enough, the National Catholic Reporter has accurately reported on his case, here. Zapp's Diocese, Friburg, has sued his town of Staufen-im-Breisgau and lost its case.

Basically, the Federal Administrative Court in Germany has decided that for the GERMAN state the Church as "community of believers" and the "Church as a Statutory Body" is the same thing. But it has also decided that his declaration only to leave the Statutory body of the Church is valid because it makes a declaration not invalid if somebody declares he wants to leave the statutory body. It can only be the task of the Church to decide about the consequences of doing so. So the Church who fought 5 years against this kind of declaration has now been lost and has to pay the bill, while Zapp won his revision and is now able to conduct this discussion, being at the same point he was five years ago, within the Church this time.  Which is actually what  he wanted a long 5 years before.
Zapp's case is also vitally important for another courageous Catholic, the aforementioned, and widely discussed, Dr. Andreas Janker. Janker, like Zapp, wants to opt out of the Church-tax system. He currently gives money to Catholic and charitable causes he trusts, so it's not about making the sacrifice.  He also has no desire to leave the Catholic Church and believes in God, certainly he believes in God more than he does the German Bishops.
Not wanting to see the money he's worked so hard to earn misspent, he's decided to opt out of what he regards as a "non-transparent" system. He does not want 8% of his yearly income tax to go to unworthy causes that lack transparancy and whose incompetence he's witnessed first hand, like the Lutheran-Catholic medical insurance organization 'Ecclesia', for example . In Germany, both "churches" (the Evangelical and the Catholic Church) are owners of one of the largest insurance brokers in Europe, the 'Ecclesia GmbH', which also settles liability claim cases for non-church companies. The cases can have nothing to do at all with any, any Church affairs! And they understand the protection of the financial assets of their clients - which are big insurance companies - as Christian value! With such a business goal they operate against legitimate claimants - which Janker has personally experienced with his helpless mother, who was treated very badly in a state hospital. [Note also a kind of parallel, between this situation and the 'Weltbild' scandal, which has the German Bishops profiting directly from the sales of pornographic literature, for very large amounts of money.]
Doctor Janker, His Wife Karin with his Mother

At present, Doctor Janker has not paid Church-tax since December 17, 2009 and is currently back in the Church after various legal paths over years up to the the highest court in the Catholic Church, the Apostolic Signatura and to Monsignor Francesco Coccopalmerio, the current President of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts begging for help according Art. 158 PASTOR BONUS. As it was mentioned in the German Catholic news that his case is already at the Apostolic Signatura, then in Germany, in the city of Regensburg the entry in his baptism register was removed only to make his cause in Rome "without grounds", and to keep the ball in the German field.
Ordinarily, the situation had been settled but the General Vicar of the current Archbishop Mueller of the CDF, who was his Bishop, intervened in turn to (vindictively in our opinion) put Dr. Janker back on the Church-tax rolls at the Civil Registration Office, urging via the Bavarian State that the civil-registration office has - after nearly 2 years - to withdraw his declaration of 2009. Dr. Janker has to sue against this withdrawal of the declaration, that it will not become valid and that his old declaration will become invalid,  and Janker has also argued successfully for a stay in order to await the decision of the highest court in Leipzig (Zapp´s identical case).
Consequently, the Civil Registration Office has been waiting  for the related case of Harmut Zapp to be ruled upon in the Federal Administrative Court at Leipzig. Now that the Federal court case has been decided in Harmut Zapp's favor, it should have a favorable result in that now Janker's case will be treated the same way, but very probably Janker and maybe Zapp also will be very soon "excommunicated" (again) by the German Bishops, i.e. the same punishments as before but described as "this is NO excommunication, that's just how you feel!"

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

San Antonio Priest Endorses Two Pro-Abort Candidates?

Edit: in the mayoral and state congressional race in San Antonio, Texas, Catholic incumbent Mayor Julian Castro and Representative Joaquin Castro are running on a pro-abort Obama-style platform. It's unlikely that these two brothers were chastised about their pro-abort positions.

Enter center stage is what looks and claims to be a Catholic priest of the Archdiocese of San Antonio. So far, the sleepy Catholic electorate of the city hasn't paid much attention to an apparent endorsement being given to this man by Zeitgeist-Priest Father Jimmy Drennan. At this point, it also appears as though the local ordinary, Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller tacitly approves of this endorsement.

We don't know if this Bishop is the kind who sues his faithful priests for teaching the Catholic Faith or whether he's one of the growing number of Bishops who are reigning in dissenters and scandalmongers. He certainly loves at least one Liturgical abuse and appears below in a +Mahonyesque setting with carafes. He did in fact receive theology training in Los Angeles in the early 70s, according to Whispers in the Loggia.
Here's the source for the photos and the prayer service where Father Drennan blesses this pro-abort Mayor's campaign.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

"Throw All That Baroque Junk Away!"

Edit: Neoconservative bloggers in the United States aren't the only people who ruthlessly and demoniacally attack Catholic priests.  It's behavior you'd expect from the Bolsheviks, but well-paid Catholic apologists, well... At least these people are more clearly aligned with the enemy and that's at  least a tiny consolation.

Everything which isn't hammered into place by the fake holy "We are all lovey --dovey, dovey", is brutally opposed by the Old Liberal.
Baroque Vestments Belong,
in Museums  © caribb, Flickr, CC 

(  A chaplain in a south German Diocese was invited by parish members to dinner.

Unbeknownst to him, the meal became a show trial that lasted over two hours.

Only no religion

His hosts were an Old Liberal clique, who had sworn to play the Neoconservative chaplain like a violin.

His liturgies are too solemn and too rote  --  they told him.

There are too many ministers.  The constant chanting is too much.

The length of the Liturgy on Sunday is unbearable.  Upon the timid objection of the chaplain, that he had never seen his hosts there, it was explained to him that the mere existence of such things is enough to reject them.

In generaly he has -- like the others -- kindly worn the alb and is to throw away his vestments and all of that "baroque dreck".

Priests Alone Are Serene

With the interjection of the chaplain, if one had with regards to the subject, theologically or even in human terms to criticize him with, the answer was:  "We just can't stand you and that's enough already."

This incident shows three things:

1. The modernistic limitations, to crucify priests, sinks to new lows.

2. In the meantime even harmless Neoconservative priests are attacked, who have represented no definitive Catholic positions.

3.  Everything which isn't hammered into place by the fake holy "We are all lovey --dovey, dovey", is brutally opposed by the Old Liberal.

Conclusion:  One priest after another withdraws with inner resignation.

They can't expect anything from the Pope or from the Bishops.

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Monday, September 3, 2012

USCCB Retires Evil Counselor John Carr

“I’m just so used to John being our leader,” Rabbi David Saperstein, the Reform Jewish movement’s longtime D.C. representative, said last week after describing what he called Carr’s role in convincing a major senator of the impact of climate change on the world’s poor. Carr, it turned out, wasn’t actually at that meeting. But that’s the way it is with Carr — he’s been so influential for so long that sometimes Hill faith lobbyists just assume his involvement in key events. -California Catholic Daily

Edit: after a generation of influencing the Catholic Church, helping to run it into the ground, he's retiring early, at 62'.

We shouldn't have to look too far to find reasons for why this man's influence has been destructive.  He established the debate supporting Obamacare in the first place, and then tried to play a rearguard action against Obama when what anyone with any sense knew would happen, that he was going to expect Catholic institutions to fund birth control.

He came under fire for being responsible for supporting homosexuality and abortion through the CCHD, and he was a polarizing figure, giving the impression that a Catholic could disagree about Catholic doctrines regarding abortion and homosexuality and yet still remain Catholic.  Maybe someone in charge is finally listening to those who've identified this man's corrosive policies and active promotion of moral evil?

Carr, whose work with the CCC goes back at least as far as 1983, was hired by the USCCB in 1987 as the next secretary for social development and world peace.  Annual reports from the CCC reveal that Carr was on the CCC’s board of directors in 1999200020012002200320042005, and 2006, serving on the executive committee from 1999-2001.  Given his cozy relationship with the CCC, it’s no wonder the CCHD never responded to our concern over grantee membership with this radical group.
Many readers over at California Catholic Daily are relieved he's going, but who will replace him?  Will it be someone who lives and breathes the Catholic Faith, or one who is bent on continuing the American Church's downward spiral into social irrelevance?

Friday, August 31, 2012

Old Liberal Cardinal Martini Goes to His Judgement

Edit: Eternal rest grant upon him ... 

 Fox news coverage got most of the details. It's not to be liked that Fox insists on perpetuating this false notion that Pope Benedict's hierarchy is highly conservative. They must have a nefarious agenda, no doubt.

[Fox] Italian Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, a rare liberal [sic] within the highly conservative Catholic Church hierarchy who was nevertheless long considered a papal contender in the last conclave, died Friday. He was 85.

Martini, a Jesuit and former archbishop of the important archdiocese of Milan, had been battling Parkinson's disease for several years. His death was announced by the Milan archdiocese, which said his condition had worsened Thursday evening.

Martini frequently voiced openness to divisive issues for the church, such as using condoms to fight HIV/AIDS, priestly celibacy and homosexuality, which, while not at odds with church teaching, nevertheless showed his progressive bent. He was an intellectual and a noted biblical scholar, yet he nevertheless was warm and personable and seemed to connect with his flock like few high-ranking prelates.
Read more:

Friday, August 3, 2012

Detroit Archbishop Lauds Priest Trampling the Faith

 The Late Cardinal Bernardin to Windy City Gay Men's Chorus

Edit: In case it was thought +Vigneron was an improvement over his hapless predecessor,  perhaps it was a bit naive to have entertained the thought that at last, after many years, the dry desert of Detroit, which truly is a post-modern wasteland by the way, was passing by.  Not so.

One of his priests is campaigning for a local Pro-Abort Democrat. He's ok with that.

Archbishop Vigneron is also an exponent of the "seamless garment" like his spiritual masters, like the late Cardinals Bernardin and  Cushing.

If you want to trample on the Church's teachings, that's ok, but just don't try and put on a priest hat and try and do-it-yourself like Micheal Voris did, or there'll be trouble.   As reported from the American Dream Talkshow:
Detroit archbishop OK with priest’s radio endorsement of liberal candidate

By Jay Mcnally on July 31, 2012

For long-time Detroit Catholics it is barely news that Detroit Archbishop Allen Vigneron is permitting a prominent left-leaning pastor, Fr. Norman Thomas, to publicly endorse a liberal candidate for Congress in advertisements on a major radio station. 
The new page in the continuing saga of the archdiocese’s participation in the Culture of Death — even as it simultaneously panders to the pro-life movement – is the public endorsement of pro-abortion candidate for Congress, Hansen Clarke. He is running in Michigan’s 13th District, which covers a large swath of the city of Detroit. Fr. Thomas is pastor of Sacred Heart Church, which is located in Detroit. 
I discussed this scandal on my radio talk show last Saturday, on WAAM 1600.While I normally broadcast live from the plush WAAM studios in Ann Arbor, I called in to my radio sidekick and fill-in, attorney Chip Kleinbrook. To hear my commentaryclick here on these links. The commentary is in two parts, the first two minutes of the first link are about the swelting Kansas heat, then Chip and I discuss the scandal of the political endorsements.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Benedict XVI Fires Another Old Liberal Bishop

Yet again there is another Old Liberal Bishop of the rundown Post-Conciliar Church --- named by Benedict XVI -- who has been removed. 

 ( Pope Benedict XVI has accepted the surprising resignation of Archbishop Vincenzo Di Mauro (61).

The reason for the resignation is not known.

Vigevano is a 64,000 population city 35 km southwest of Milan.


Msgr De Mauro was the Secretary of the Vatican Prefecture for Economic Affairs.

His dismissal after only three years in an unimportant Italian diocese was widely interpreted as a demotion.

The Italian news agency '' spoke of the dissmissal of the Archbishop.

A broad education

Msgr Di Mauro was ordained a priest by the Old Liberal Archbishop of Milan, Giovanni Cardinal Colombo (+1992) in June of 1976.

Along with theology, he studied Literature, Journalism and Economics.

He was active in the Archdiocese of Milan as a chaplain in various parishes.

Roman Career with Interruption

From 1994-1998 he worked for the first time in the Vatican with the Papal Office of Laity.

Then he came back as a pastor from Milan.

Career Jump Under Benedict XVI

In January 2004 he was named as a Delegate to the Ordinary Section of the "Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See".

In September 2007 the Pope raised him to Secretary of the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See.

For this administrative post, Benedict XVI consecrated him Bishop on the 29th of September.

Co-Consecrator Was Secretary of State, Tarcisio Cardinal Bertone.

Transfer with Consolation Prize

On the 22nd of November 2010 Msgr Di Mauro was surprised to be named as Coadjutor-Bishop of the small Diocese Vigevano -- 35 km south west of Milan.

As a consolation prize, he was granted the personal title of Archbishop by the Pope.

Msgr Di Mauro published various catechetical works.  He wrote text and composed also downright horrible church music.

The Reason

There are two possible reason for the resignation of the Archbishop: one -- a possible -- entanglement in the disappearance of documents from the Vatican or -- more likely -- sexual indiscretions.

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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Civil War in the Conciliar Church

Since the Second Vatican Council the Communio-Ecclesiology has contrived that everyone in the Church fights against everyone else.  Because:  whoever rejects the primacy of reality,  lands in chaos.
Chance another departure.

(, Mannheim)  Already, at the beginning of the Mannheim anti-Catholic meeting on Thursday the president of the German President "Central Committee of Germany Catholics',  Alois Gluck, demanded the establishment of a diaconate for women.

Gluck is very impatiently wishing for women's ordination.

At the end of his address he gave an honor to Europe's largest Catholic website, ''.

He criticized "groups" which defend the Western Christian values, but deny at the same time the "worth" to some Gomorrists -- which are be tramped themselves by the homosexuals' own feet.

Gluck thanked the weather vane Old Catholic Bishops for their distancing from ''.

 A Bishop Says It's So

On Tuesday, the Hamburger Bishop Hans-Jochen Jaschke enthused about the deaconess propaganda.

He said in an article for "Christ und Welt' in the newspaper "Zeit":  "The question regarding the women's diaconate is not decided."

Another Bishop Says Otherwise

Bishop Franz-Josef Overback (47) of Essen criticized the women's ordination propaganda in the newspaper 'Rhenische Post'.

Pope John Paul II has clearly stated, "that the Church has no power, to include women in the priestly office."

Women's ordination is also viewed in the same connection.

It is a  a little beneficial that 'Central Committee' always proposes this theme.

Msgr Overbeck  would rather address problems which are solvable now.

"Very Important", but if only it were otherwise

Archbishop Ludwig Schick of Bamberg desired more influence from women at Katholikentag.

There won't be any ordination of women.  That has been allegedly "so affirmed" by Pope John Paul II.

The women should be department heads in Diocese:  "That would be very important".

Kindergarten teacher more important than a Kindergarten Liturgy --- Presider?

The Archbishop asked a question, "if  the service of a nun or the kindergarten teacher is more important for the kingdom of God than what a pastor does."

Msgr Schick said of the reconciliation with the SSPX that unification with "splintergroups" is a requirement for every Christian.

But that could not happen against the catastrophic Council and its abandonment.

Link to original

Monday, March 5, 2012

Diocese of Aachen Distributes Birth Control Financing

Old Liberal Bishop of Aachen,
Msgr Heinrich Mussinghoff
© iba, Pressefoto Bistum Aachen
The inhuman Aachen 'Caritas' has set itself against morality.  In that they mirror in any case, the opinion of the Bishop and in essence, the entire compromised Bishops' Conference.

(, Aachen) The city area of Aachen has set aside a cost subsidy for birth control.

This was reported by Stefan Rehder yesterday in the Catholic newspaper 'Tagespost'.

His report appeared under the cynical title: "Now Everything is OK"

Subtitle: "In the Diocese of Aachen citizens of the region even in Catholic helpline offer support for sterilizations and long-term birth control protection."

Multi-lingual:  The Muslims are Target Groups

The advertising for the birth control assistance appears in German, English, French, Arabic and Turkish.

The birth control fund has given 30,000 Euro this year.

The things requested were long-term birth control like contraceptive coils, hormone implants or sterilizations.

In some circumstances the fond even pays for abortifacients. [anti-child pills]

Birth Control Advertisements in Kindergarten

Information pamphlets for these inhuman actions were even distributed in the schools of Aachen and in kindergartens.

That isn't enough.

On the back side of the pamphlet there is contact information for the collaborating help lines.

It is presented as an advice line of the 'Caritas Organization for the Diocese of Aachen', of the 'Caritas Organization for the Region of Eifel' and the 'Catholic Womens' Social Services".

Interested persons could make an application at all the listed help lines.

Sterilization?  No Problem!

Rehder gave a sample of an inquiry.

He called the Counselor "Advice and Help" of the 'Catholic Womens' Social Services" about a sterilization.

The answer on the telephone:  "We can set up a simple appointment, at that we can then get a picture of your  earning capacity."

If he were qualified, then the rest would be no problem.

Artificial Birth Control:  Something for everyone

After that Rehder confronted the supposedly Catholic 'Caritas Organization for the Diocese of Aachen' with the results of his research.

The social service made a statement without shame, to work with a procedure.

It didn't result, however, in a "distribution of contraceptives".

The people were passed into a situation, through the mediation of the contraceptive-subsidy to come to a supposedly informed decision.

The prevention of  children is a mortal sin, which every informed conscience detests.

Knowledge and ignorance is the same here

At that point the statement, that the Church's moral teaching is discretionary "to the use of chosen methods for the knowledge of those concerned."

"Knowledge" is meant in the same connection with ignorance.

Rehder found the statement "more than questionable".

He cited the 'Catechism of the Catholic Church', which the inhuman sterilization and artificial birth control are strenuously condemned.

The Bishop of Aachen also hides under this cover

A colleague of the contraception campaign said to Rehder, that it was "generally not" difficult, to get the Catholic help lines to cooperate.

The crowning of the scandal was published by Rehder at the end of the article.

He asked the press speaker of the Diocese of Aachen, Franz Kretschmann, for a clarification.

Kretschmann explained:

"Assume that the opinion of 'Caritas' also reflects the attitude of the Diocese."

Link to original...

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

German Catholicism -- the Old Liberals of Yesteryear

The object is derived from the same pattern:  One talks about "reform" -- and really wants to ditch religion.  The end result is dissolution.
Silesian Apostasy-Priest and Nationalist
Johannes Ronge (+1887)

(kreuznet)  German Catholicism was a phenomenon of the 19th century.  It was also called the German Catholic movement.

Since the middle of the 1840s the movement was active in the German Federation.

"Rigid and Reactionary"
The German Catholics did not want to follow the faith of the Church any longer.

They considered these to be "rigid and reactionary".

The initial event of their rise was a protest against the display of the Holy Robe by Bishop Wilhelm Arnoldi (+1864) in Trier.

This happened in 1844.

Nationalism Instead of Religion

The German Catholic Movement was affected by the ideology of Social Liberalism and German Nationalism.

After the collapse of the nationalistic March Revolution in 1848/49, they were initially thrown in the crate by the anti-nationalistic Principalities.

German Catholicism formed itself together with the originally protestant Lichtfreunden [Friends of Light] in a "Free Religion Movement".  This finally disintegrated.

The Back Ground

After the coronation of King Friedrich Wilhelm IV. (+1861) in Prussia, the Kulturkamp [cultural war against Catholicism] and the persecution of Catholics ceased.

The most visible expression of this was the allowance of Trier's pilgrimage to the "Holy Robe".

It was an indescribable success.

Within fifty days, half a million pilgrims drew near the reliquary.

A Luther too Late

The Silesian apostasy-priest and Nationalist, Johannes Ronge (+1887), protested with a public outcry against this "charade".

That was an opportunity for him to turn against the allegedly "tyrannical power of the Roman hierarchy."

Ronge fell into the role of a second Martin Luther in the eyes of Catholics.  He found, none the less, an echo chamber in the anti-Church media.

Modern to the Death

The movement initiated by Ronge contrived to make the overwrought Protestantism new.

It subjected Biblical exegesis to a rationalist ideology, which it asserted absolutistically as the only norm.

He rejected the Catholic Magisterium and Papal Primacy.

Naturally he disparaged the language of the Church, the veneration of Saints, Penance [Confession], and above all, celibacy and the traditional form of the Liturgy.

It was merely baptism and the "Meal" which he recognized as Sacraments.

He also opposed the Church's practice regarding mixed marriages.

A New Morality

Under Ronges' leadership the last German Catholic Council too place in Leipzig in 1845.

It was organized  by the soon to be hung Nationalist, Robert Blum (+1848) from Vienna.

Blum was a media boss and a skirt chaser, who impregnated many women and left them in the lurch.

And then the Spirit Left

The center of German Catholicism were the industrial regions in Silesia and Saxony as well as in Rhineland.

In 1847 there were around 250 communities with about 60,000 members, a quarter of whom were former protestants.

The German Catholic Movement was not religiously oriented, rather it was a religious breakaway movement.  It would only last for a few years.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bishop of Linz Continues Persecution of Priest

Edit: Father Skoblicki, a very conservative, Polish Pastor in Linz, Austria, was unjustly driven from his parish, only to be reinstated briefly. Subsequent to that, he announced that he would not be returning owing to his spent health. Well, as it turns out, he was forced to leave by the Bishop. It's on again, it's off again. It seems to us that the Bishop waited for the furor to calm down and reasserted his unjust treatment of the Polish priest. This isn't over. Remember Father Wagner?

Skoblicki tells KATH.NET:  He was forced to resign.  There was no evidence for the case raised against him.  Andreas Skoblicki wrote this in a letter.

Kopfing ( The well known Polish priest, Andreas Skoblicki, did not leave the Diocese of Linz willingly.  This is from a letter received by KATH.NET from the priest.  He was more "forced into this decision".

He had a meeting with Bishop Ludwig Schwarz last year on December 14th. At that time the Bishop had said, "that the Diocesan staff that I not return to Kopfing, or otherwise expressed: it would be better that I not return".  Further on the letter continues: "Today this evening I notified by Bishop Ludwig what was expected of me and said that I am being forced into this decision."

The Diocese of Linz had announced the resignation of Skoblicki as parish administrator of Kopfing.  In a press release the situation was represented as though Skoblicki had resigned on his own.  He had used his sick leave in order to consider the situation in the Parish and to observe recent developments from a distance, wrote the Diocese.  "On the 16th of December 2011 he had written Bishop Dr. Ludwig Schwarz his decision in writing, to no longer continue in his position up until now and resign his position as parish administrator of Kopfing on the 31st of December 2011.",  is how it appeared in the press release.  Bishop Schwarz, it continued, followed intently the priest's arguments and thanked him for his work in the parish of Kopfing and accepted his resignation.

KATH.NET has contacted the Diocese of Linz for a statement of a public explanation of Skoblicki's letter and the Diocese representation of the events.  The Diocese acknoweldged in its answer only the press release of December 16th without going into Skoblicki's statements.

He also  reported the situation with charges, which were directed against him, wrote Skoblicki.  Neither the ordinary nor the activists have given him evidence for the accusations.  He had not made the alleged statements.  "These are perverse lies, untruths, half truths, all kinds of manipulations and contortions," the priest wrote.

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