Showing posts with label Cardinal Müller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cardinal Müller. Show all posts

Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Catholic Faith Isn't an Easy Feel Good Religion

Marktl (Catholic news / CBA). The prefect of the Roman Congregation of the Faith, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, has involved himself again in the debate over the Church's handling of the divorced and remarried. On a visit to Marktl am Inn on Thursday, he warned against a "timid and spiritless" leap on any train. Before going, one must know in which direction he's going, Müller said. The Catholic faith is not a "feel-good religion" and the comfy is not always the best. In view of marital problems and a desire to divorce, Müller said, a marriage could have known ups and downs. "It isn't an everlasting honeymoon," said the cardinal. A principle should apply: "We have to adapt to what God wants from us." Müller commented at the opening of the special exhibition "Holy Popes and Their Colleague, Joseph Ratzinger" at the birthplace of Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI. The show focuses on the canonizations last Sunday of Popes John XXIII. (1958-1963) and John Paul II (1978-2005) from the perspective of the counciliar theologian and Cardinal Ratzinger. Source: © CBA. All rights reserved Photo: Cardinal Müller - image source: M. citizens, Kath News Link to Kathnews... AMGD

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Is Pope Francis Ignoring Collegiality to Intervene on Behalf of Dissident University in Peru?

Edit: Some may recall that in Chile, there were attempts to overrule the local ordinary were in turn overruled by Cardinal Bertone in February of 2013. This time, in Peru. Why can’t Pope Francis allow collegiality to take its course, particularly when doctrinal orthodoxy is at question, since they have steadfastly refused, like so many other schools, to implement Ex Corde Ecclesiae.

In the confines of the current Vatican intervention, there is no discussion of bringing the University to heel, but only mediating the two parties. One would think there’s nothing to talk about.”

In a protracted dispute over the Catholic University of Peru, Pope Francis now wants to bring about a decision.

Lima ( / CBA) In a protracted dispute over the Catholic University of Peru Pope Francis now wants to bring about a decision. Francis had invoked the Commission of Cardinals to find a "mutually acceptable final solution", the University PUCP announced in Lima on Monday (local time). The committee will be headed by Cardinal Peter Erdo of Budapest.

In July 2012, the Vatican's only Catholic University of Peru had been forbidden to continue calling itself "papal" and “Catholic”. The background is a conflict over the competence of leadership and Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne of Lima. Erdo had already mediated between Cipriani and the Rector in December 2011, but was unsuccessful. Other members of the new Commission are reported as the Canadian Cardinal Gerald Cyprien Lacroix and the Chilean Cardinal familiar to Pope Francis, Ricardo Ezzati Andrello.

The deprivation of the title was the culmination of a dispute of the leadership of the university, founded in 1917. The Vatican Secretariat of State justified this step, among other things, that the University in its activities now follow criteria that are "incompatible with the discipline and morality of the Church." The university did not comply with demands for adapting their statutes. The letter, dated July 11, 2012 was signed by the then Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone.

The prominent University is in conflict with Cardinal Cipriani of Lima, who, in addition to his office as Archbishop of the Peruvian capital, has also been Chancellor of the University since 2007. It's about the right to appoint the rector to lead oversight of the teaching content and to control the considerable real estate assets of the University.

(C) 2014 Catholic News Agency KNA GmbH. All rights reserved

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Cardinal Müller About Cardinal Kasper: “Can only speak for himself"

(Rome) The German editors of Vatican Radio streamed an interview on Monday  with Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation of Doctrine and the Faith. In connection with the  Consistory Cardinal Kasper's running discussion on divorced and remarried, Cardinal Müller said that he was the Prefect of the Congregation sharing in the Magisterium of the Pope, "while others who talk here, even if they are of the cardinal rank, simply speak only for themselves personally and do not  make an official statement. "
Vatican Radio: Your Eminence, the Pope wants a debate. He wants it to take place in two synods on marriage and family. How do you see the role of the CDF in this upcoming debate?
Cardinal Müller: The CDF will  participate at  this point, but of course in all matters of Catholic doctrine on the level of the truths of faith. I think it is important for the public perception to overcome the narrowing now to only on one subject, as if that would be the solution of all. There is much about getting back centrally to usher the Church's teaching of marriage and family to the consciousness of the Catholic faith, because only when we talk about the success of  marriage and  family have we contributed to this, can we make a positive difference.
Vatican Radio: In public opinion, they are so often perceived or presented as the brakeman or the naysayers when it comes to the Initiatives of the Pope. Does it touch you personally?
Cardinal Müller: Of course, this is now a propaganda that is made specifically to me to construct a contrast to what the Prefect of the CDF or the congregation as a whole, it is only the primus inter pares, has to do. This is clearly just defined by the statutes. However,  also means that we ensure that the Pope is not appropriated for specific goals. It's just interesting that now the time so many groups rely on the Pope, who previously almost invariably rejected the papacy. In this respect, it comes to us in any case that we serve the Pope and the Church, and we are not  served by the Pope. 
Vatican Radio: The debate I just mentioned which has indeed been initiated  by the Pope,   included your participatition too. There are circles, especially in the Italian media, "Il Foglio", a newspaper even went so far  as to say it, there was a campaign against Cardinal Kasper for several days. What is their stake in the debate? What do you demand in the upcoming debate, which far transcends even  the congregations in the Vatican?
Cardinal Müller: I'm not involved as a private theologian, but it is in this function, the CDF is indeed the only one of the Roman congregations, which immediately has a share in providing the Magisterium of the Pope, while others who register here, even if they are of the cardinal rank,  are simply speaking personally for themselves and not to make an official statement.
Vatican Radio: Let's go one step further. It's not just cardinals, who are  participating but there is still a questionnaire, which has indeed generated an attitude of great expectations. Now once it is asked positively: What can the international involvement and suggestions have in the debate, what can its positive contribution be?
Cardinal Müller: Yes it can be positive, I believe,  in its contribution,  very much in  that  Catholics again deal with their own faith and not simply isolate this or that exception from the liturgy,  or  the Church's teaching. We need to see the relationship of preaching and pastoral care of the teaching of the Church but also Diakonia. Can I choose, am  I very socially engaged  or am I doing charitable works at the church, but the worship of God or the celebration of the Sacraments, which doesn’t matter to  me so personally. But the questionnaire as such is no dogma, which is worth as much and just means  as  much as the quality of the questions and the relationship that is given or is not given.
Vatican Radio: You are a man of clear words, which we have just heard. I think it also goes back far in history. Is this the role of the CDF to speak or rather is it  Gerhard Ludwig Müller who speaks?
Cardinal Müller: The CDF has a clear mandate to promote the Catholic faith, but also to protect.  But that is no other than the task  the Pope himself received from Jesus Christ and here we must mention I do not sit back in  comfort and ease to flirt with public opinion. That’s fine if you have the wind at your back and is inflated to a great size.   But I think this temptation must be resisted by every bishop and every priest, whether there is a desire to  hear it or not.
Text: Vatican Radio
Image: Il Foglio

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Thursday, March 6, 2014

"With Love" From Freiburg -- Zollitsch Attacks Müller!

 In the Case of Tebartz van Elst Zollitsch  Cardinal Zollitsch addressed what was sad said by  Curial Cardinal Müller: "It amazes me that the old saying of Wittgenstein, 'Whereof one can not speak, thereof one should remain silent' is ignored"

Mannheim ( / CBA / red) The outgoing chairman of the German Bishops' Conference, Archbishop Robert Zollitsch, regrets overlooking the Limburg Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz van Elst, "that this particular case has become a central theme and overshadowed the really important questions. " In an interview with the "Mannheimer Morgen" (Thursday) Zollitsch said,  the test report issued by the Episcopal Conference was, "a good foundation, so that the Congregation for Bishops may decide fairly in agreement with the Pope." That   Zollitsch could as he says  "discuss in Rome in detail with the Congregation."

 Zollitsch criticized the German Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller. Accoding to the Assessment, The Report Showed no Wrongdoing by Tebartz van Elst. Zollitsch expressed this: "It amazes me that the old saying of Wittgenstein, 'Whereof one can not speak, thereof one should remain silent' is ignored."  On the question of the influence he had on the decision on Tebartz, Zollitsch said: "The Holy Father knows my opinion. I have full confidence in him that he will make the right decision. "Zollitsch had handed over the report on Carnival Monday on the controversial construction projects in the diocese of Limburg to the Prefect of the Congregation of Bishops in the Vatican, Cardinal Marc Ouellet.

 The Emeritus Archbishop of Freiburg also commented to another question, in which he has fallen out with   Prefect Müller.  Asked about the "contradiction" and others of the Curial Cardinal on the  admission of married divorcees to the Sacraments, Zollitsch said:" The manual of our pastoral ministry is trying to rewrite the practice in most German dioceses in Austria and Alsace. It's also about how we look into each individual case according to how we can serve the whole community. Cardinal Kasper thinks  similarly in this direction and represents the theological perspectives. For that I am grateful to him." Zollitsch concluded with the comment: "I was told Francis had praised Cardinal Kasper's presentation highly. " 

(C) 2013 Catholic News Agency KNA GmbH. All rights reserved.

Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Cardinal Müller: "Remarried Divorced? The Teaching of the Church is Clear -- There Will be no Division Among the Cardinals"

(Rome)   The Church proclaims what has been entrusted to her by Christ, the indissolubility of marriage. New Ways? But it is not against the word of Jesus Christ.  The problem is not the issue of remarried divorcees, the problem is the divorce. Many Catholics do not adhere to the Magisterium? That is reprehensible. Briefly summarized here are the statements of Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, as he made them in his recent interview, a few days after the speech by Cardinal Walter Kasper on "new ways" for remarried divorcees before the College of Cardinals. Here is the full interview of the Prefect of the CDF.
Last Saturday Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig  Müller of the CDF, raised by Pope Francis to the cardinalate,  presented in Rome his most recent book "Poor for the Poor. The Mission of the Church " (original title Povera per i poveri ). Published in the Vatican publishing house it was addressed by Pope Francis in the foreword. The volume contained several articles of the German Cardinal, and not least by the "father" of liberation theology, Gustavo Gutierrez, a personal friend of the Prefect of the Faith.
The book was presented by Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga and Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi.The Archbishop of Tegucigalpa and coordinator of the C8-Cardinal Council recommended recently Müller via the German media to be "flexible" in terms of the sacrament of marriage. Therefore, the book launch presented an interesting combination.
In the context of the book presentation  Cardinal Müller answered some questions for Vatican Insider about the current discussion on the family and the sacrament of marriage. These issues will be the focus of the upcoming Synod of Bishops in October and were the focus of the ordinary cardinal consistory on Thursday and Friday last week. There, another  German Cardinal Walter Kasper held the only lecture on the discussion and formulated a yes to Catholic teaching on marriage, but. The doctrine entrusted by Christ would not change in the Church and the Church could not change, but ... And this "but" that had previously inspired and demanded by German bishops, now the whole discussion revolves around this. Can there ever be a "but", there should be such, if so, what content should this "but" have. Cardinal Kasper spoke of a second marriage being impossible in the Church, because the indissolubility of marriage according to Jesus, is considered. But he could but imagine the re-admission to Communion for the divorced and civilly remarried after a season of penance.  In contrast, this already excited pages of other strong objections at the Consistory of Cardinals, starting with the observation that for the Church "remarried divorcees" do not exist. The criticism prompted Pope Francis on the morning of the second day Consistory to pronounce unusual praise for Cardinal Kasper. The head of the Church was not bending to Kasper's points, but described it as fundamentally a "theology on its knees" and thus signaled special benevolence.
Can this happen to grant remarried divorcees Communion?
The divorce is not a way for the Church. The Church is for the indissolubility of marriage. I have written a lot, and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has written many documents, the Second Vatican Council has said a lot about marriage and the teaching of the Church is very clear.
So you conclude from that that remarried divorcees can be readmitted to Communion?
It's not about my opinion. We have the teaching of the Church, which is also expressed in the Catechism, in the Council of Trent, in the Vatican Council, in other explanations of our Congregation. Pastoral care can not have a different orientation than  doctrine. Doctrine and pastoral are one and the same. Jesus Christ as Shepherd and Jesus Christ as Master with His Word are not different people.
The Pope spoke of an intelligent, creative family ministry full of love: Can there be new ways?
New ways yes, but not against the will of Jesus. The mercy of God is in no way contrary to the righteousness of God. Marriage is a sacrament that creates an indissoluble bond between the two spouses. New ways need to deepen the knowledge of doctrine. Many  do not know this and think that marriage is a festival only celebrated in the Church. However, the spouses give their word, to live completely  together, in body, sexuality, in spirit, in Faith and God's Grace. We need to help those people who are in a very difficult situation, but if the marriage is indissoluble, we can not dissolve the marriage. Divorce is not a solution, because the dogma of the Church is not any theory of some theologian, but the teaching of the Church is nothing other than the word of Jesus Christ, which is very clear. I can not change the Church's teaching.
The questionnaire prepared by the Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops has been sent to all dioceses of the world, which brought to light that many Catholics in various countries, do not follow the Magisterium of the Church in many things: birth control, marriage ...
It is reprehensible that they do not know the teachings of the Church. We can not reduce the revelation and words of Jesus Christ not  because Catholics, and were there many, who do not know the reality. There are many who do not participate in Sunday Mass because they do not know what value it has for their lives and often do not know that there  is even a duty. But we can not say that  for that reason the Mass is less important! It would be paradoxical if the Church would say, because many do not know the truth, that in the future, the truth is no longer binding.
Can it come  to a split among the cardinals on these themes?
No, the Church's teaching is clear. We must strive to provide pastoral care for marriage, but not just for the divorced and remarried, but for those who live in matrimony. We can not always focus on this single question ourselves whether they are allowed to receive communion or not. The problems and the wounds are the divorce, the children who no longer have their parents but have to live with other than their biological parents: these are the problems.
Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Concilio e-mail Concilio
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Cardinal Müller Celebrates Mass in St. Peter's Basilica -- With the Bishops Tebartz-van Elst and Mixa

(Rome) Cardinal Müller knows as a longtime bishop of Regensburg in Bavaria, that you belong to God and to the gregariousness of  life. For this reason he planned a Holy Mass of thanksgiving for the occasion of his receiving the Cardinal's hat  on Monday  in St. Peter's Basilica and then to a festive gathering in the CDF.

 Last Saturday, Pope Francis had officially admitted him to the College of Cardinals. On Sunday, he concelebrated with 18 other new cardinals, at the Pontifical Mass of the Pope in St. Peter's Basilica. On Monday morning, the new Cardinal and Prefect of faith celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving on the second high altar of St. Peter's, called the cathedra altar under the gigantic Bernini wood reliquary of the papal throne. Present among the cardinals and bishops, there was also Müller's successor as Bishop of Regensburg, Gerhard Vorderholzer.

 There were also concelebrants  next to  Vorderholzer two victims of the anti-Church party: Bishop Emeritus of Augsburg Walter Mixa, and the almost-retired Bishop of Limburg, Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst. The Cardinal gave proof, that he does not share the reservations of some German Church circles. While Bishop Mixa, has been prohibited from public activity for  a long time, now operates as an Internet pastor, Bishop Tebartz van Elst has been for almost half a year in quarantine in the Lower Bavarian Metten Abbey. In his homily, Cardinal Müller, said that it was his first task as Prefect of the Congregation of the Faith, to defend and spread the faith of the Catholic Church. Among the many faithful who attended the Thanksgiving Mass and celebrations which followed, were close family members, among others Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis, Federal Health Minister Hermann Gröhe, president of the Vatican bank IOR, Ernst von Freiyberg, former Bavarian Finance Minister Georg Fahrenschon. Numerous other representatives of the Church, politics, economy and culture, especially from Germany, including numerous prelates and former students of the former professor of Dogmatic Theology (1986-2002).
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Trans: Tancred
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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Pope Writes Forward to Cardinal Designat Müller's Book on the Topic of Poverty

Francis writes among other things: Yet when an economic power only produces value ​​for individuals and it deprives others, it creates inequality

Rome / Milan ( / CBA) Pope Francis has contributed a preface to  a new book by the Curia Cardinal-designate Gerhard Ludwig Müller. The work of the Prefect of the Congregation is entitled "Arm for the Poor" which will be presented on Tuesday in Rome.

  In the essay, which is published in advance in the Italian newspaper "Corriere della Sera" (Wednesday), it is said that money is to be a "good way" to enlarge the freedom and capabilities of the people and to allow it toward  good works in the world. However, if an economic power only produces value only ​​for individuals and it deprives others, it creates inequality.
In this case, the money loses its initial positive value, says Francis. It then ultimately turns against the people. Money and economic power would become an instrument that "turns people away from  people and restricts them to a self-centered and selfish horizon. In contrast, solidarity is asked for that it becomes  a "vital virtue to life." 

The Pope urged a new connection between profit and solidarity. There was a "fertile cycle between profit and gift-giving, the attempts to break and occlude sin."  Christians should "rediscover this valuable and original unit of profit and solidarity,to live it and proclaim to all." 

The word poverty spontaneously resolves upon discomfort and refers to something bad, writes Francis. The West identifies poverty with the lack of economic power, but there are is also physical, mental, social and moral poverty. [Liturgical poverty, too] Human life depends not only of goods. 

People should be able to count on each other. It should be clear that each person is valuable.    Rather, social life in which public welfare remains not only an empty and abstract word should be questioned. This could only be achieved through genuine repentance, wrote Pope Francis. 

In the Summer of 2012  Pope Benedict XVI. (2005-2013) brought a native of Mainz, the dogmatist and Regensburg Bishop Müller to Rome and made ​​him his principal theological consultant and head of the central authority of the Curia. Müller knows the Church and Theology in Latin America well, and was one of the first prefects Pope Francis confirmed in office.

 During the World Youth Day Rio 2013 visited Pope Francis at his own request Rios slum Varginha 

(C) 2013 CBA Catholic News Agency. All rights reserved.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Cardinal C8 to Advise Pope Over Curia Reform

Edit: Cardinal Christoph von Schönborn reforming the Church, one balloon at a time.

Topics are twelve Vatican Councils - Subsequent Cardinal surveys to make Consistory "less European"

Vatican City ( / KAP) The Vatican has begun a three-day meeting of the Cardinal Council for the reform of the Curia on Monday. The eight cardinals of the so-called C8 Council, among them the Archbishop of Munich Reinhard Marx [And +++Sean], are consulting together with Pope Francis about a realignment of ecclesiastical government headquarters. The focus this time are the twelve Pontifical Councils.

As the meeting  of the College of Cardinals closes its general meeting on Thursday, Pope Francis' most important advisors will address the course of the reform efforts. In the plenary session, attended by Cardinal Christoph Schonborn , the Pope wants to present his previous initiatives and reform ideas.

 On Saturday Francis will confer office   19 church leaders  from his first consistory to the College of Cardinals, including 16 bishops under 80 years, who may therefore be able to also participate in a papal election. Among the electorate is the prefect of the CDF, Gerhard Ludwig Müller.

 The effect of the future appointments mean that the  Church Senate is to become "less European" and it is geared more to Latin America.   Nearly one-third (6 of 19) of the New comes from the Americas south of the Rio Grande.

In the two previous conferences the C8  focused on the work of the Synod of Bishops and the nine congregations. The C8 Council had already been used by Pope Francis a month after his election, to advise him on Church authorities and to make recommendations for a reform of the Curia to him.

Copyright 2014 Catholic Press Agency, Vienna, Austria

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Catholic Moral Teaching? The German Collision Course Between Bishops and Professors

(Bonn) German moral and pastoral theologians spring to the side of Zollitsch and Marx in their struggle against Catholic moral teaching. In the course of the confrontation of the  German bishops with Rome, the bishops had been defeated. Despite the "wish" of a group of bishops expressed to Pope Francis, not to raise Gerhard Ludwig Müller  Prefect of the Congregation of Doctrine and the Faith to Cardinal, the German Prefect will obtain his biretta on 22  February.
"The church needs to change its stance on sexual morality. The year is 2014 AD.  It's been  years since we entered the third millennium. It's really impossible that Rome still thinks of celibacy and marriage as alternatives that give meaning to life. "In short, old habits are finally halted,  its necessary to turn to the new,  to the moderns, what people want and do anyway.  These and others like them voice  the black and white  opinion of leading representatives of the Association of German Moral Theologians and the Conference of the German-speaking Pastoral Theologians (Use of inclusive language to include women). 
In the first case it is according to its own definition a  congregation of those teaching at German universities and research-and emeritus professors of moral theology. In the second, it includes the same faculty members of the departments of Pastoral Theology from all over German-speaking countries, including the Netherlands.

"Collective Answer" German Moral and Pastoral Theologians Conform in Line with Zollitsch & Marx

"20 moral and pastoral theologians" replied jointly to the Roman questionnaire on the preparatory document of the Synod of Bishops on the topic of family. Involved are moral and pastoral theologians from various universities. emeritus professors of Münster, Mainz, Graz, Benediktbeuren, Tilburg, Dortmund, as well as the promoters of school sex education John Gründel (Munich) and Hans Kramer (Bochum). Among the resources is to be found the Viennese moral theologian Gunter Prüller-Jagenteufel , who is married to the director of the Pastoral Office of the Archdiocese of Vienna, Veronika Prüller-Jagenteufel,  as well as Eberhard Schockenhoff of Freiburg in Breisgau, the Jesuit Josef Schuster of St. Georgen. More surprising in this circle is the pastoral theologian and Cistercian Norbert Stigler of the University of Heiligenkreuz [They're supposed to be good...] near Vienna.

Official Statement by SSPX to Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller's Charge of Schism

Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller, soon to be a cardinal of the Catholic Church and Prefect of the Congregation of the Faith, announced on 22 December 2013 during an interview with the Italian daily Corriere della Sera, in which he claimed that it would a "sacramental de facto excommunication" continues for the SSPX  "due to their schism".
To this false claim, the Society of St. Pius X. clarifies its position:

This statement by Archbishop Müller is nothing new;  it repeats what he already said in October 2012, in the interview that he granted to the German radio network NDR:  “From a pastoral perspective, the door is still open,” while clarifying:  “No compromise is possible on the level of the Catholic faith, in particular as it was correctly formulated by the Second Vatican Council.  Vatican II is not in contradiction with the whole of the Church’s tradition;  strictly speaking it is opposed to certain erroneous interpretations of the Catholic faith.  We cannot negotiate the Catholic faith;  no compromise is possible.”  And he insisted:  “The Society of St Pius X knows the requirements that it must accept.  I think that from now on there will be no new discussions.”  Quite obviously, the Society of St Pius X denies no article of the Creed and professes the entire Catholic faith;  to call this into question is to make a false accusation.  It only opposes all the novelties which have been altering the Catholic faith for the last fifty years.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Did German Bishops Recently Attempt to Prevent Müller's Appointment as Cardinal? German Press Calls him the "New Ottaviani"

One or more German bishops may have until recently tried to sway Francis' sentiment against the appointment of Prefect of the Congregation of the Faith, Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller as cardinal, reports the "Passau Neue Presse"

Vatican ( According to the "Passau Neue Presse" one or more German bishops had last attempted to sway Francis' sentiment against appointing the CDF Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller a cardinal. The "Passau Neue Presse" relies for this proposition on "information from Church circles". Pope Francis had overruled these objections against Archbishop Müller. The elevation to cardinal should, therefore, be taken as a direction decision of the Pope.

The Pope is supposed to have been presented two newspaper publications in which Müller was evaluated rather negatively. On the one hand this was an article in the weekly newspaper "Die Zeit", in which the Archbishop has been called "the most stubborn adversary" of Pope Francis. On the other hand, a contribution by Hans Küng in the "Passau Neue Presse", in which Müller was referred to as a "new Cardinal Ottaviani," who feels called to, "impose his conservative opinion of the faith on the Pope, the Council and to the whole Church."

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