Showing posts with label Cardinal Kasper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cardinal Kasper. Show all posts

Monday, March 3, 2014

Cardinal Kasper Encourages Increased Laicization of the Curia

Edit: laicism has ever and always been a vice condemned by the Church in previous days, identified with materialism and atheism. From Divini Redemptoris:
If we would explain the blind acceptance of Communism by so many thousands of workmen, we must remember that the way had been already prepared for it by the religious and moral destitution in which wage-earners had been left by liberal economics. Even on Sundays and holy days, labor-shifts were given no time to attend to their essential religious duties. No one thought of building churches within convenient distance of factories, nor of facilitating the work of the priest. On the contrary, laicism was actively and persistently promoted, with the result that we are now reaping the fruits of the errors so often denounced by Our Predecessors and by Ourselves. It can surprise no one that the Communistic fallacy should be spreading in a world already to a large extent de-Christianized.
(Rome) Cardinal Walter Kasper has moved through his  intended Pope Francis speech to the College of Cardinals to put remarried divorcees in the center of attention.  Now, the cardinal has said, in an interview with the Italian Catholic daily Avvenire, that he is in favor of transferring the management of the Pontifical Councils to women: "At the Curia there are too many bishops," said the cardinal, who thus clears the path for  a "reconstruction" of the Church with enthusiastic applause. Is Cardinal Walter Kasper one of the stooges for Pope Francis or one of the mouthpieces of Pope Francis for new ideas? Kasper, who verbally pleaded before the Cardinals for  the indissolubility of the marriage sacrament, but at the same time actually encourages its softening,  worries in an Avvenire interview  about the  "abuse of the sacraments”  because the bishops are  engaged with their administrative tasks to the Roman Curia. The Cardinal seems to permit nothing  else to be included in the keyword abuse of the sacraments.

The “Role of Women" and the “Synodal Dynamics" of the Church Under Pope Francis

"The role of women in the Church is to rethink and integrate them into the perspective of the dynamics and the synodical missionary orientation which was commissioned by the Pope," said the German cardinal. Women could occupy leading positions in the Pontifical Councils and the future Congregation for the Laity. At the Roman Curia there are too many bishops. In order to curb the phenomenon of careerism, could,  such is Kasper’s excitement, award temporary contracts and call priests  to bring their experience in pastoral care.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Cardinal Kasper's Speech and "Die Zeit" -- Impressions of Strategic Planning

(Hamburg), the German weekly Die Zeit, which has little appreciation for Catholicity but excels as a  Journal for food and interior decorating, with its concern for gender-correct world order, published in its exclusive edition  excerpts from the speech by Cardinal Walter Kasper on the Thursday of the week just before the College of Cardinals gathered on the topic of remarried divorcees   (see separate report Cardinal Kasper to Remarried Divorcees: "New Ways" Work Like The Council - Pope Francis: "Thank you Thank you." ). The Cardinal knows just where to find influential allies and to whom he has to pay tribute.

Actually, the Cardinal should talk about family, because he was mentioned at the Consistory and he said it should also be discussed at the Synod of Bishops in the fall. However, in reality,  everything turned exclusively to one aspect of the overall question about sacrament of marriage, and then only to remarried divorcees.

Cardinal Kasper's exclusive: "Yes, but ..."

The 81 year old Cardinal urged the retention of Catholic doctrine, but for a change in Catholic practice and thus, yet again,  change of doctrine. A dialectical form of wanting to pull a fast one. Thus Kasper's speech  was a big "Yes, but ...".

"The German cardinal is quoted as saying:" Mercy is not a cheap grace that dispenses of repentance. But the sacraments are not a reward for good behavior and  for an elite, which excludes  those most in  need of the sacraments. "

"If a divorced re-married man regrets that he has failed in his first marriage, when he was struggling for strength, to live the second civil marriage   by faith,  can we then deny him the Sacrament of Penance and Holy Communion?"

"Fear has nothing to do with Christianity. We believe indeed in the forgiveness of sins. On the possibility to start anew. "

Cardinal Marx and Cardinal Schönborn "Excited" by Kasper-speech

Archbishop of Munich, Cardinal Marx was impressed by Kasper's speech. The speech was the "overture" to a discussion that will not end soon. Cardinal Marx was  the one whom Prefect  Müller had publicly challenged as he recalled the Catholic doctrine. According to the indissolubility of marriage,  it is  therefore impossible for the approval of remarried divorcees to receive Communion. 

It made Archbishop of Vienna, Cardinal Schönborn, "Impressed." In the current issue of the Vienna Archdiocesan newspaper, he calls Kasper's speech "dazzlingly formulated" and "excellent." It therefore speaks to "just where the familys'  shoe pinches,"  said Cardinal Schönborn. But it was only that Cardinal Kasper, had just focused on the overall question of "family" on a single topic, which also primarily affects only the West.

Strategic Planning and Capitulation

There the signs are showing that at least give the impression, as though the successes were according to  strategic planning. Such  was the case with the convocation of the Synod of Bishops,  the questionnaire to the Bishops and now the consistory were part of a deliberate mislabeling. It said "family" on it, but  from the beginning on it related to the unhinging of Catholic teaching on marriage in favor of a particular group of remarried divorcees. By  29 June 2013, Pope Francis called the Synod of Bishops, on 8 October 2013, he called for an October 2014 Extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the topic of "family ministry." It is guessed now  by various quarters in Rome  that  the theme of divorced and remarried was part of a secret ballot surrender  for Jorge Mario Bergoglio  in conclave, which for the time being remains speculation. Whether he has obligations towards the main promoters of his election is actually valid  can not be claimed for certain. It is known in any case that Cardinal Bergoglio would not have agreed to anything he does not share himself.

 Exclusive Role of Kaspers and the Formation of His Opinion the Pope

So far, the Pope is silent on the "hot" topic. In the Tornielli interview last December he addressed German interpretations of his Apostolic Exhortation Gospel Gaudium, weakly, where Zollitsch is to have spoken of "new ways" for the remarried divorced.  About which he addressed nothing to the Pope. and  what he thought about it, the Pope did not say. Now he has written a short letter to "all the families" of the world from the Synod of Bishops, without, however,  saying anything substantial.  Not even  though he had already exclusively commissioned Cardinal Kasper as the only speaker for the Cardinal Consistory at that time. An assignment that gives an above-average importance and visibility to a certain opinion. Addressing the Cardinals, but also to the public. It's an assignment that has the smell of a preliminary decision. On 10 March the full text of Kasper's speech will be published   from the publisher Herder. One must already accept translations into other languages. Kaspers  speech is also presented as only direct opinion from the College of Cardinals to the public. The more than 70 speeches of other cardinals remain unknown. And this, even though it was "heated" as it is called in Rome,  were reactions to Kasper's foray. Die Zeit published excerpts for the German-speaking world. Comparable media caliber will follow tomorrow in other language areas. The soil is prepared. The danger of an actual or constructive schism of the German Church is  off the table. Their interests have arrived by Cardinal Kasper in Rome. Exclusively. "German" wishes in terms of remarried divorcees are well on the way to prevail. Pope Francis is silent. He sets the stage, provides the choreography and staging, without even himself saying a meaningful  word.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Radio Cristianidad
Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Cardinal Müller: "Remarried Divorced? The Teaching of the Church is Clear -- There Will be no Division Among the Cardinals"

(Rome)   The Church proclaims what has been entrusted to her by Christ, the indissolubility of marriage. New Ways? But it is not against the word of Jesus Christ.  The problem is not the issue of remarried divorcees, the problem is the divorce. Many Catholics do not adhere to the Magisterium? That is reprehensible. Briefly summarized here are the statements of Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, as he made them in his recent interview, a few days after the speech by Cardinal Walter Kasper on "new ways" for remarried divorcees before the College of Cardinals. Here is the full interview of the Prefect of the CDF.
Last Saturday Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig  Müller of the CDF, raised by Pope Francis to the cardinalate,  presented in Rome his most recent book "Poor for the Poor. The Mission of the Church " (original title Povera per i poveri ). Published in the Vatican publishing house it was addressed by Pope Francis in the foreword. The volume contained several articles of the German Cardinal, and not least by the "father" of liberation theology, Gustavo Gutierrez, a personal friend of the Prefect of the Faith.
The book was presented by Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga and Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi.The Archbishop of Tegucigalpa and coordinator of the C8-Cardinal Council recommended recently Müller via the German media to be "flexible" in terms of the sacrament of marriage. Therefore, the book launch presented an interesting combination.
In the context of the book presentation  Cardinal Müller answered some questions for Vatican Insider about the current discussion on the family and the sacrament of marriage. These issues will be the focus of the upcoming Synod of Bishops in October and were the focus of the ordinary cardinal consistory on Thursday and Friday last week. There, another  German Cardinal Walter Kasper held the only lecture on the discussion and formulated a yes to Catholic teaching on marriage, but. The doctrine entrusted by Christ would not change in the Church and the Church could not change, but ... And this "but" that had previously inspired and demanded by German bishops, now the whole discussion revolves around this. Can there ever be a "but", there should be such, if so, what content should this "but" have. Cardinal Kasper spoke of a second marriage being impossible in the Church, because the indissolubility of marriage according to Jesus, is considered. But he could but imagine the re-admission to Communion for the divorced and civilly remarried after a season of penance.  In contrast, this already excited pages of other strong objections at the Consistory of Cardinals, starting with the observation that for the Church "remarried divorcees" do not exist. The criticism prompted Pope Francis on the morning of the second day Consistory to pronounce unusual praise for Cardinal Kasper. The head of the Church was not bending to Kasper's points, but described it as fundamentally a "theology on its knees" and thus signaled special benevolence.
Can this happen to grant remarried divorcees Communion?
The divorce is not a way for the Church. The Church is for the indissolubility of marriage. I have written a lot, and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has written many documents, the Second Vatican Council has said a lot about marriage and the teaching of the Church is very clear.
So you conclude from that that remarried divorcees can be readmitted to Communion?
It's not about my opinion. We have the teaching of the Church, which is also expressed in the Catechism, in the Council of Trent, in the Vatican Council, in other explanations of our Congregation. Pastoral care can not have a different orientation than  doctrine. Doctrine and pastoral are one and the same. Jesus Christ as Shepherd and Jesus Christ as Master with His Word are not different people.
The Pope spoke of an intelligent, creative family ministry full of love: Can there be new ways?
New ways yes, but not against the will of Jesus. The mercy of God is in no way contrary to the righteousness of God. Marriage is a sacrament that creates an indissoluble bond between the two spouses. New ways need to deepen the knowledge of doctrine. Many  do not know this and think that marriage is a festival only celebrated in the Church. However, the spouses give their word, to live completely  together, in body, sexuality, in spirit, in Faith and God's Grace. We need to help those people who are in a very difficult situation, but if the marriage is indissoluble, we can not dissolve the marriage. Divorce is not a solution, because the dogma of the Church is not any theory of some theologian, but the teaching of the Church is nothing other than the word of Jesus Christ, which is very clear. I can not change the Church's teaching.
The questionnaire prepared by the Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops has been sent to all dioceses of the world, which brought to light that many Catholics in various countries, do not follow the Magisterium of the Church in many things: birth control, marriage ...
It is reprehensible that they do not know the teachings of the Church. We can not reduce the revelation and words of Jesus Christ not  because Catholics, and were there many, who do not know the reality. There are many who do not participate in Sunday Mass because they do not know what value it has for their lives and often do not know that there  is even a duty. But we can not say that  for that reason the Mass is less important! It would be paradoxical if the Church would say, because many do not know the truth, that in the future, the truth is no longer binding.
Can it come  to a split among the cardinals on these themes?
No, the Church's teaching is clear. We must strive to provide pastoral care for marriage, but not just for the divorced and remarried, but for those who live in matrimony. We can not always focus on this single question ourselves whether they are allowed to receive communion or not. The problems and the wounds are the divorce, the children who no longer have their parents but have to live with other than their biological parents: these are the problems.
Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Concilio e-mail Concilio
Trans: Tancred

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Cardinal Kasper's Mental Gymnastics and the Media Catholic With a Drained Battery

(Vienna / Berlin) Austrian Radio broadcast on Thursday about the subject of religion, two separate reports on its the website. They are a perfect cross-section of how newsrooms in secular media, including those that are subject to special public order, thinks about religion and especially about the Catholic Church. The selection of topics and their treatment reveal what kind of person is attracted to the opinion threads. In this specific case it comes to Cardinal Kasper's panning for the camp of the rebels within the Church on the subject of remarried divorcees. The Cardinal offers mental acrobatics while talking about the church that can amaze you. Add to that the comment of a Catholic Women's Representative, which belongs to those quotable Catholics tolerated in the secular media who wished to express themselves as "critical of the CHurch" and especially anti-Catholic.

Kaspers Mental Gymnastics that Henry VIII wa Made a Victim of Church "discrimination" ...

In the German-speaking world, there are voices being raised that want to let it get into open confrontation in the Church. Due to the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI. and the election of Pope Francis a climate was created that have given the aging Progressives a whiff of morning breeze. It seems like they wish to gather for a final battle in which it is all or nothing. After a first groping on various topics such as women priests, female Cardinals, lifting celibacy, the struggle is now focused on the question of admitting remarried divorcees to the sacraments. The entire progressive agenda is trying to put itself through the breach.

After the Cardinals Marx and Lehmann and the bishops Zollitsch, Ackermann and Purst, Cardina Walter Kasper now stands on the side of the rebels. The already retired, over 80 years of age and former of Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, said, according to the Hamburg weekly newspaper, Die Zeit, on the subject of remarried divorcees: "I think that changes and openings have become necessary." The paper presents the former German Cardinal as a "confidant" of Pope Francis (see also the warning to Benedict XVI about a ... Kasper -. Anti-Ratzinger Papacy in Planning ).

.... and the execution of Saint Thomas More for self-defense

The Cardinal gave to understand that he was also expecting and wishes for a "change of course" in Rome, because it must be possible for remarried divorcees, says the Cardinal to "participate fully in the Christian and ecclesial life again." The Cardinal addressed the radical intervention in the Catholic doctrine of marriage was concealed with a regard to "mercy": "What is possible with God, namely forgiveness, that should succeed even in the Church." The doctrine must not be misused to "discriminate" against individuals Österreichische Rundfunk quoted the Cardinal.

The Cardinal also played the tune, weighting Jesus' mandate against God's mercy, the mercy canceling the command as such. A new slip of the tongue, to the Pope Francis himself is not innocent in his "pastoral approach" with its focus. If you follow the thinking of Cardinal Kasper, then the Catholic Church has "discriminated" for 2000 years against the people with the sacrament of marriage. King Henry VIII was, therefore, no dissenter and the executed Thomas More and John Fisher are neither martyrs and nor saints. Henry VIII was rather the victim of a "discriminatory" Church, resisted in self-defense against his Lord Chancellor and the Cardinal, of the faithful who wanted to discriminate against him further.

Media Catholics with Batteries Drained of Catholicism

Thus, there is the second message: undereducated and mere label Catholics appear on behalf of the Catholic Church and largely determine the "Catholic" image in the secular media. Christine Haiden, the chief editor of the Church tax-financed World of Women [Welt der Frau], published by the Catholic women's movement in Austria, has once again given proof. Haiden asked in a commentary for a daily newspaper, for the "equality of men and women in all areas of the Church." This hasn't happened, so her condescending admonition with which she rose up at the same against the Pope, that all "attempts at reform" of Pope Francis would remain "superficial". "Many structural problems of the current Church - even those like rampant clericalism, of which the Pope takes note - are related to the separation of the sexes", Haiden claims to know.

In secular daily newspapers, weekly magazines and on public broadcasting only the "usual suspects" appear as guest commentators to speak on the subject of Church, except for rare exceptions. Self-declared Catholic "experts" appearing on behalf of the Church, whose testimony is mainly characterized as comprising that their Catholic battery seems to be empty all the time. So also with Haiden, who invites you to one of the usual, mindless "thought experiments": "What if a woman were Pope of a church ...". At least at this point a still reasonable Catholic has the healthy Catholic sense that to go any further is a waste of time. The author advocates for all sorts of things, just not for the Catholic faith and the Catholic Church.

Got Uppity "thought experiments" She Approaches the Apostles as a Know-It-All

The rest is just Haiden's boldly pretentious lecturing with the ever-tearful outraged, demanding, arrogant tone. And you can well imagine the many Jewish, pagan, sectarian know-it-alls during the time of Jesus and the apostles, even then, yet wanted to explain to him and to his disciples that it was all very different. How it ended for Jesus and for almost all the Apostles, we also know: And if you're not willing, then I'll use force.

Each day that such a chief editor stays longer in office with church funds and such a newspaper is published, is a day lost for Christ and a loss for the Church.

Intellectually Honest Decision Necessary: ​​Those Who do not Want to be Catholic, Should Leave

Pseudo-Catholics like Christine Haiden would do well to summon the bishop and to present a clear, accurate and above all intellectually honest alternative: either they want to be Catholic, then they have become a believer to submit to the Church's teaching, which should presented to them by the bishop with generosity and with patience, because maybe they really do not know them; or they do not want to be Catholic, then you should let them go their own free will according to their ways Le Loi, c'est moi may be a household word of the powerful, yet there are no La foi, c'est moi, neither for Haiden, nor for theologians a là Paul Zulehner or Hans Küng, nor for Cardinals as Marx, Lehmann and Kasper, not even for a pope. How to make Haiden sail under false colors to spread a poisoned propaganda to non-Catholics, is a crime before God and the faithful. It helps no wife and no family to be Catholic and to gain eternal life.

Where the contents fade and will is is obviously no longer even believed what Mother Church has taught for 2000 years, as handed to her by Christ, "structural reforms" come in the foreground and dominate the scene. But the first and only "structural" reform, which urgently addresses the misery of the Church, is to ensure that all are Catholic within who says they are "Catholic", who are in diocesan offices, associations, media, schools, seminars. Where this is not possible, the corresponding organization should be dissolved. In other words, the biggest mislabeling of all times is preparing an end, that has crept in all levels in the Catholic world. Here follows no remedy, no one should be surprised when at last competent diocesan bishops, who are in the greatest of confusion about what actually is Catholic and why the Catholic voice in the world is to weak or distorted to be heard.

Text: Martha Weinzl / Giuseppe Nardi
 image: Messa in Latino / Diocese of Linz
Trans: Tancred

Link to Katholisches...

Monday, November 11, 2013

Cardinal Kasper Advocates More Apologies and Pretended Unity for 500th Anniversary of Protestant Revolt

500 years schism: Cardinal Kasper hopes 2017 "common worship and confession of guilt"

(Mainz) In 2017 the Lutherans are to celebrate  Reformation 500 years of schism initiated in 1517.  [If any are left.] The former president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity , Cardinal Walter Kasper, is encouraging  that the Lutheran churches and the Catholic Church "should celebrate common worship" in 2017.  In this "worship" both sides should put aside their doctrinal commitments. Cardinal Kasper said on Friday in Münster: "In this we should take a confession of guilt that we have not met the requirement of unity." The "two churches" should "thank the  ecumenical movement and promise" to decide to continue along those  lines.  A proposal has already been submitted by the Cardinal in the summer of 2012 as part of Ratzinger Student Circle at Castel Gandolfo. The two sides are put at the same level and suggested to share in the same "fault", without any discussion of substantive differences and questions.

Link to Katholisches...

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Kasper: “No Synodal Form of Church Leadership"

Edit: now that there’s been a change of management. Cardinal Kasper feels free reign to speak his mind.
“The world Church can’t be led in a Eurocentric way any more.” This is what the German Curial Cardinal Walter Kasper said in an interview with “Corriere della Sera”, that was published this Sunday. In a “globalized and complex world collegiality is the right direction”, said the former leader of Vatican Ecumenism. It is also important for the Pope, that he governs and has the last word. “But it is important that he has well informed advisors about him, who represent the entire world.” The Curia needs reform, “in order to become more efficient” [Less Catholic, he means.] That Pope Francis has chosen eight Cardinals to advice means “no synodal form of government as it is understood by the Orthodox”, specified Cardinal Kasper.

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Is Cardinal Kasper Excommunicated?

[] The Cardinals were sworn under oath, during the Conclave, and thereafter to keep absolute silence, both in terms of the course of the conclave and the voting.

Cardinal Kasper seems to see it differently: The Swabian newspaper addressed the prelate who talks out of school and  openly declared that he had already chosen Jorge Bergoglio  in the first round of voting.

Does the Swabian Cardinal now merit an ecclesiastical punishment?
SZ: Your Eminence, when you came out of the conclave. How did you feel about the new Pope Francis?
Kasper: Cardinal Bergoglio from the beginning was my candidate, I voted for him from the beginning of the conclave. It represents a new beginning in the church, for a humble and fraternal church that is there for people who return to their source, the Gospel. His name as Pope, Francis, is a program, it is reminiscent of the St. Francis of Assisi, who has heard the call of Christ: "Build my church again!” [Not to tear it down as Cardinal Kasper has done for practically his entire career.]
Source: Schwä
The grotesque of the situation is the fact that the newspaper he never asks. Sua sponte Schwabe never asked who he has personally voting for. The question: "What do you think of the Pope?" can be answered fully satisfactorily without this indiscretion.
When the cardinal made any such,  he then left off to reconstruct the course of events of the conclave in a striking fashion.
Unlike the Archbishop of Vienna Cardinal Kasper Schoenborn stressed for example, at a press conference immediately after the election, that he could only answer questions that relate to things after the election of the new Pope.
In addition, the response of Cardinal Kasper has another - like the Schwabe says - “flavor”.  Does that not sound as having a bit of panache? I, Cardinal Kasper, have made the right choice from the beginning. He has been "my" candidate.
The fact is that Cardinal Kasper has made a statement, which is illegal according to the promise given under oath. One should not think that this oath was unknown to people around the world. Even the Spiegel focuses on the secrecy sworn on the Bible in its own article: swearing on the Bible against secret treachery . It says: "In case of breach of the oath those guilty are threatened with excommunication."
Must  a Prince of the Church call this kind of secrecy into question: If your Eminence treat an oath on the Bible like this, how will your Eminence handle it in confession?

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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Cardinal Kasper Pushes For Women Deacons

 Edit: he’s been quiet since being reprimanded and sidelined by Pope Benedict during the creation of the Ordinariate.  Now he’s feeling his oats, and his time is short.  Here’s an article from the anti-Catholic, Nazi continuations magazine, Spiegel:

[Spiegel] Trier - At the spring meeting of the German Bishops' Conference, Cardinal Walter Kasper has proposed a new diaconal Office for Women. He spoke of a Church deacon who undertakes pastoral, charitable, catechetical and certain liturgical services. Such an office is different from the post of male deacon, said Kasper. The church deacon will be commissioned by blessing, not by a sacramental consecration.

"I think if there is such a position that is not easily attached to the classic office of deacon, it would have a lot more flexibility," the retired Cardinal said on Wednesday in Trier. The occasion was a study day in which the bishops discussed how they could incorporate women in the Catholic Church more thoroughly.

They committed themselves to "the proportion of women in leadership positions that require ordination to increase significantly," said Bishop Franz-Josef Bode. Currently, women in the Catholic Church at the top management level make up 13 percent. At the central level, this may be 19 percent. The figures show: "Women are still under-represented." After five years, the bishops wanted to examine how their intent had been implemented, said Bodo.

Women in the priesthood earn a rejection from Kasper. "I think that it changes nothing that women can not be ordained to the priesthood." This was "the unbroken tradition of the Eastern Church as in the Western Church." Women are however, employed in all other parts of the Church with honor full time. "Every German parish would collapse if the women would not cooperate.”

The Movement We are Church called on the margins of the Spring Plenary for women priests again. "Are the key positions in the Church only through the Office," said Annegret Laakmann Officer. "We want to be priests, bishops and Popes." According to the view of the movement, there need to be more positions for women in the administration of the Church are not being addressed. "It's a matter of course, that women with similar qualifications get these positions," said Laakmann. The talks had been "a placebo”.

wit / dpa

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Cardinal Kasper Leads a Progressive Coalition to Elect a Weak Pope

Edit: we were reporting earlier that wed hoped that Cardinal Kasper had turned away from his Old Liberal ways as a protege of the dissident Hans Kung.  He not only kept mostly silent, but moderated many of his former opinions, even encouraging his fellow Germans to obey the Holy Father at one point.
Now the wily Conciliarist smells blood in the water and is leading the progressive bloc in the Council to elect at least a man they can manipulate to further their agenda.  Here’s the translation from Giuseppi Nardi and his interpretation, which is very perceptive:

(Rome) Cardinal Walter Kasper, will participate in the conclave, though he is 80 years old, in two days. He will thus be the oldest papal elector. The German Cardinal, the most weighty representative of the progressive cardinals, is spinning the threads of an anti-Ratzinger Pontificate.
The former assistant to Hans Küng was removed in 1999 by John Paul II as the Bishop of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart and transferred to Rome, where he was until 2010,  the President of the Pontifical Council on Promoting Christian Unity. The promotion was part of a smooth reconstruction of the German episcopate by repression of the progressive influence. As a "minister" of the Holy See, Kasper moderated his attitude, although he had not abandoned it. Within the Roman Curia, he was theologically the real opponent of Benedict XVI. Since his resignation announcement, it was difficult not to see the Cardinal as the most important representative of the progressive camp to advance amid the Conclave participants. It is a direction that is no longer numerically  great among the electors, but looks for allies.

Assistant to Hans Küng as head of the progressive cardinals

Little surprise, then, that the Left-Liberal Italian daily La Repubblica [They also do Vatican Insider] asked the Cardinal for an interview. That paper, which published the dubious rumor  by an allegedly scandalous shocking content of Vatileaks-final report, which allegedly prompted Pope Benedict to resign. The unproven sex-crime-and-Vatican rumor was spread worldwide. La Repubblica is currently one of those papers of similar political alignment that try to significantly influence the conclave from the outside.
The newspaper asked Cardinal Kasper what he would say to  Benedict XVI,  when he visits him after the conclave. The Cardinal did not  too shy to announce through the media today what he would eventually intend to say in person to the former Pope, but in any case, still Pope.  It’s hard to imagine less respect. Kasper's remarks reveal a certain nervousness that in Benedict XVI. the Cardinals could recognize maybe a preferred candidate to succeed him, or at least to prescribe and influence the  who his successor will be.

“Advice" as a warning - Kasper’s revolutionary plans

Kasper's response thus acts more on the conclave, then an imaginary conversation with Benedict XVI. after the conclave disguised as a "piece of advice" which corresponds to more of a warning. So what would the Cardinal tell his German compatriot?
"Many things. The first is a piece of advice. I would recommend him to let himself be used by anyone.The danger is too great that the church leadership suffers his influence. This must not happen. He has made his clear decision that requires a step back. He must, therefore, impose restraint. He must avoid to relate questions that church leaders and church politics to interfere. Then I would still be friendly with him, talk about what we both care about the most, theology. "
The newspaper stressed then that the German Pope, especially in the local church, sees an authoritarian figure who dictates from above, which is why in Germany particular worth is put on independence from Rome. As to the question of whether Kasper also sees it this way, the Cardinal contradicts, but rather calls for an unspecified democratization of the Catholic Church to Protestant model:
"It takes a new form of exercise of church leadership. This form is called collegiality, a more horizontal government. The collegiality of the bishops must extend through forms of representation to all parts of God's people. Such collegiality would go in the direction of the Second Vatican Council of the unity in diversity among all who believe in the gospel and greater dialogue with other religions. It is necessary to get away from the dryness of Roman centralism by the conviction that the center does not mean centralization.
The reform of the curia is a priority. At the same time it is also a big problem, because today there is a lack of internal dialogue in the Roman Curia. The departments of not talking to each other, there is no communication. This situation is changing.
In the General Congregations, we have not talked about Vatileaks. I think that the Curia should be revolutionized, and generally independent of Vatileaks. I believe that next to the word reform is a second word: transparency. The Curia must begin to stop fearing transparency. "

"Celibacy, women priests, homosexuality" and Kasper’s silence

According to La Repubblica move "celibacy, women priests, homosexuality [...]" the conscience of many believers back "issues" with emphasis in the public debate. " Cardinal Kasper also contradicts not a word in this case, if it is received in its response on another keyword:
“The banning of remarried divorcees from communion is a wound. I will not pretend to the previous track, but one thing is certain: there needs to be serious rethinking on this issue. It takes humility to approach the argument from case to case. The determination can be changed according to the diversity of the situation. "
Cardinal Kasper expresses no preferred candidate as the next pope: "I wish that there is no objection to anyone. We have to be open to everything, for every nationality and every geographical origin. "

Brazilian bishops have called on the progressive media, to create the right atmosphere for Cardinal Schemer

Meanwhile, it was revealed that large movements are in progress, the Archbishop of Sao Paulo, Cardinal Odilo Scherer is being brought in camp as a candidate of the “Left" position. Movements, in which the progressive classical types as Lehmann and Kasper, are connected. As at the largest Brazilian newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo reported on the  5th of March, the Brazilian Bishops' Conference has not only called the cardinals of the largest Latin American country to vote for Scherer, but also specifically asked the progressive mass media to create the right atmosphere for the election Scherer.
It is not only the ten percent of the old progressives who gather around Scherer in the conclave, but all “Liberal" cardinals who believe that the reconstruction of the church by Pope Benedict XVI went too far. Thus  an anti-Ratzinger successor is  secured to cancel the pontificate of Benedict XVI  in its "restorative" parts.  The alliance, which also includes parts of the Roman Curia. Those Curia who were, under Pope Paul VI and John Paul II, were greatly enhanced by a number of new councils, academies and commissions. The heads of some departments want to live a life of their own as much as possible, which is why they are traditionally interested with the progressives for a weak pope, which Cardinal Kasper indirectly expressed. Those who know him are convinced that Cardinal Kasper thinks there is a plan B  next to Scherer.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Screenshot Romereporters

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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Cardinal Bertone is Camerlengo: The 117 Cardinals Who Will Elect the 266th Pope

Edit: unless something else unprecedented happens.  Cardinal Kasper will also vote. 
(Vatican) after the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI.  on the evening of February 28th, the next Conclave will be convened. This must be in accordance with current electoral rules must meet between the 15th and 20th day from the time at which the Holy See becomes vacant, to elect the new pontiff.
The Dean of the College of Cardinals will celebrate Holy Mass with the assembled cardinals in St. Peter's Basilica.  The Cardinal Dean since 2005, Cardinal Angelo Sodano,  is no longer eligible to vote because of his age. In 2005 Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger was Dean of the College of Cardinals. After Mass, the voting cardinals will make an invocation of the Holy Spirit in the Sistine Chapel, where they are sequestered until the election of the new Pope.
In the coming conclave 117 cardinals will be eligible to vote, which will be the highest-ranking official will be Tarcisio Cardinal Pietro Bertone Evasio. Since neither the Dean nor his deputy are members retired from the conclave, they will head the oldest and most senior among the elected cardinals of the conclave, which will be Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, the emeritus Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops,  the eldest among the Cardinals of the conclave who is among the eldest of the member bishops of the conclave. The College of Cardinals is divided into three grades, into cardinal-bishops, cardinal-priests and cardinal-deacons.
The conclave will be between the 15th and 20th Begin March. According to Article 33 of the Apostolic Constitution  Universi Domici Gregis of Pope John Paul II in 1996 it allows the German Cardinal Walter Kasper, the oldest of the electors to still participate in the conclave. According to the original rules of order by Pope Paul VI., only those cardinals are eligible to vote who have  not completed their 80th year at the beginning of the conclave. Cardinal Kasper is 80 on 5 March.
From the German-speaking countries, there are seven Cardinals attending the conclave, Cardinal Kasper (President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity), Cardinal Meisner (archbishop of Cologne), Cardinal Lehmann (Bishop of Mainz), Cardinal Schönborn (Archbishop of Vienna ), Cardinal Koch (President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity), Cardinal Marx (Archbishop of Munich-Freising), Woelki Cardinal (Archbishop of Berlin).
67 of the 116 voting cardinals were elevated by Pope Benedict XVI. to the rank of Cardinal. 24 of them in 2012 alone, with two extraordinary consistories.

Camerlengo : Tarcisio Pietro Evasio Bertone, S.D.B., age : 78.
Cardinal Proto-Deacon: Jean-Louis Pierre Tauran, age: 69.9
The Other Participants of the Conclave:
Giovanni Battista Re, Kardinal-Bischof von Sabina-Poggio Mirteto, age: 79.1
Tarcisio Pietro Evasio Bertone, S.D.B., Cardinal Bishop of Frascati, age: 78.3
Antonios Naguib, emeritierter Patriarch von Alexandria (Copt), Egypt, age: 78.0
Béchara Boutros Raï, O.M.M., Patriarch von Antioch (Maroniten), Lebanon, age: 73.1
Godfried Danneels, emeritus Archbishop of Mechelen-Brüssel, Belgien, Alter: 79.8
Joachim Meisner, Erzbischof Cologne, Deutschland, age: 79.2
Nicolás de Jesús López Rodríguez, Archbishop  of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, age: 76.4
Roger Michael Mahony, emeritus  Archbishop of Los Angeles, California, USA, age: 77.1
Jaime Lucas Ortega y Alamino, Archbishop of San Cristobal de la Havana, Cuba, age: 76.4
Julius Riyadi Darmaatmadja, S.J.,  emeritus Archbishop of Jakarta, Indonesia, age: 78.2
Jean-Claude Turcotte, emeritus Archbishop of Montréal, Québec, Canada, age: 76.7
Vinko Puljic, Archbishop of Vrhbosna (Sarajewo), Bosnia and Herzegovina, age: 67.5
Juan Sandoval Íñiguez, Archbishop of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, age : 80.0
Antonio María Rouco Varela, Archbishop of Madrid, Spain, age: 76.6
Dionigi Tettamanzi, emeritus Archbishop of Milan, Italy, age: 79.0
Polycarp Pengo, Erzbischof  of Dar-es-Salaam, Tansania, age: 68.6
Christoph Schönborn, O.P., Archbishop of Vienna, Austria, age: 68.2
Norberto Rivera Carrera, Archbishop of  México, State, age: 70.8
Francis Eugene George, O.M.I., Archbishop of Chicago, Illinois, USA, age: 76.2
Zenon Grocholewski, Prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education, age: 73.4
Crescenzio Sepe, Archbishop of Naples, Italy, age: 69.8
Ivan Dias, emeritierter Präfekt der Kongregation für die Evangelisierung der Völker, age: 76.9
Geraldo Majella Agnelo, emeritus Archbishop of São Salvador da Bahia, Brazil, age: 79.4
Audrys Juozas Bačkis, Archbishop of Vilnius, Litauen, age: 76.1
Francisco Javier Errázuriz Ossa, emeritus Archbishop of Santiago de Chile, age: 79.5
Julio Terrazas Sandoval, C.SS.R., Archbishop of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, age: 77.0
Wilfrid Fox Napier, O.F.M., Archbishop of Durban, Südafrika, age: 72.0
Oscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga, S.D.B., Archbishop of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, age: 70.2
Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne,  Archbishop of Lima, Peru, age: 69.2
Cláudio Hummes, O.F.M., emeritus Prefect of the Congregation of Clergy, age: 78.6
Jorge Mario Bergoglio, S.J., Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentinien, age: 76.2
José da Cruz Policarpo, Patriarch of Lisbon, Portugal, age: 77.1
Severino Poletto, emeritierter Archbishop of  Turin, Italy, Alter: 80.0
Karl Lehmann, Bishop von Mainz, Deutschland, age: 76.8
Angelo Scola, Archbishop of Milan, Italien, age: 71.4
Anthony Olubunmi Okogie, emeritierter Erzbischof von Lagos, Nigeria, Alter: 76.8
Gabriel Zubeir Wako, Archbishop of Khartum, Sudan, age: 72.1
Carlos Amigo Vallejo, O.F.M., emeritus Archbishop of Sevilla, Spain, age: 78.6
Justin Francis Rigali, emeritus Archbishop of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, age: 77.9
Keith Michael Patrick O’Brien, Archbishop of Saint Andrews and Edinburgh, Schottland, age: 75.0
Ennio Antonelli, emeritus President for the Council on the Family, age: 76.3
Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, President of the Council for Peace and Justice, age: 64.4
Telesphore Placidus Toppo, Erzbischof von Ranchi, Indien, Alter: 73.4
George Pell, Archbishop of Sydney, Australien, age: 71.8
Josip Bozanić, Archbishop of Zagreb, Kroatien, age: 64.0
Jean-Baptiste Pham Minh Mân, Archbishop of Thành-Phô Hô Chí Minh, Vietnam, Alter: 79.0
Philippe Xavier Ignace Barbarin, Archbishop of Lyon, Frankreich, age: 62.4
Péter Erdõ,  Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest, Ungarn, age: 60.7
Marc Ouellet, P.S.S., Prefect of the Bishop’s Congregation, age: 68.8
Agostino Vallini, Vicar General of the Diocese of Rome, Italy, age: 72.9
Jorge Liberato Urosa Savino, Archbishop of Caracas, Venezuela, age: 70.6
Jean-Pierre Bernard Ricard, Archbishop of Bordeaux, Frankreich,age: 68.5
Antonio Cañizares Llovera, Prefect of the Congregation of Liturgy and the Order of the Sacraments, age: 67.4
Sean Patrick O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap.,  Archbishop of Boston, Massachusetts, USA, age: 68.7
Stanisław Dziwisz, Erzbischof von Krakau, Polen, Alter: 73.9
Carlo Caffarra, Archbishop of Bologna, Italien, age: 74.8
Seán Baptist Brady, Archbishop of Armagh, Irland, age: 73.6
Lluís Martínez Sistach, Archbishop of Barcelona, Spain, age: 75.9
André Armand Vingt-Trois, Archbishop of Paris, France, age: 70.4
Angelo Bagnasco, Archbishop Genua, Italy, age: 70.2
Théodore-Adrien Sarr, Archbishop of Dakar, Senegal, age: 76.3
Oswald Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay, India, age: 68.2
José Francisco Robles Ortega, Archibshop of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexiko, age: 64.0
Daniel Nicholas DiNardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston, Texas, USA, age: 63.8
Odilo Pedro Scherer, Archbishop of São Paulo, Brazil, age: 63.5
John Njue, Archbishop of Nairobi, Kenia, Alter: 69.2
Raúl Eduardo Vela Chiriboga, Emeritus Archbishop of Quito, Ecuador, age: 79.2
Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya, Archbishop of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, age: 73.4
Paolo Romeo, Archbishop of Palermo, Italien, age: 75.1
Donald William Wuerl, Archbishop of  Washington, District of Columbia, USA, Alter: 72.3
Raymundo Damasceno Assis, Archbishop of Aparecida, Brazil, age: 76.1
Kazimierz Nycz, Archbishop of Warsaw, Poland, age: 63.1
Albert Malcolm Ranjith Patabendige Don, Erzbischof von Colombo, Sri Lanka, age: 65.3
Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of Munich und Freising, Deutschland, age: 59.5
George Alencherry, Grand Archbishop of Ernakulam-Angamaly (Syro-Malabar), India, age: 67.9
Thomas Christopher Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, age: 66.2
Dominik Jaroslav Duka, O.P.,  Archbishop of Prague, Czech Republic, age: 69.9
Willem Jacobus Eijk, Archbishop of Utrecht, Holland, age: 59.7
Giuseppe Betori, Archbishop of Florence, Italy, age: 66.1
Timothy Michael Dolan, Archbishop of New York, USA, age: 63.1
Rainer Maria Woelki, Archbishop of Berlin, Deutschland, age: 56.6
John Tong Hon, Bishop of Hong Kong, China, age: 73.6
Baselios Cleemis (Isaac) Thottunkal, Grand Archbishop von Trivandrum (Syro-Malankar), India, age: 53.8
John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan, Archbishop of Abuja, Nigeria, age: 69.1
Rubén Salazar Gómez, Archbishop of Bogotá, Colombia, age: 70.5
Luis Antonio Gokim Tagle, Archbishop of Manila, Philippines, age: 55.7
Jean-Louis Pierre Tauran, President of the Council for Interreligious Dialog, age: 69.9
Attilio Nicora, President Emeritus for the Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See, age: 76.0
William Joseph Levada, emeritus Prefect of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith, Alter: 76.8
Franc Rodé, C.M., emeritus Prefect of the Congregation of Bishops, age: 78.5
Leonardo Sandri,Prefect for the Congregation of Oriental Churches, age: 69.3
Giovanni Lajolo, emeritus Prefect for the Governorate of the Holy See, age: 78.2
Paul Josef Cordes, emeritus President of the Papal Council  “Cor Unum”, Alter: 78.5
Angelo Comastri, President for St. Peter’s Chapel , Alter: 69.5
Stanisław Ryłko, President of the Pontifical Council for Laity, age: 67.7
Raffaele Farina, S.D.B., emeritus Archivist for the Secret Pontifical Archive, age: 79.5
Angelo Amato, S.D.B., Prefect for the Congregation of the Causes of Saints, age: 74.8
Robert Sarah, President of the Pontifical Council of "Cor Unum”,  age: 67.8
Francesco Monterisi, emeritus Archpriest of the Pontifical  Basilica San Paolo fuori le mura, Rom, age: 78.8
Raymond Leo Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, age: 64.7
Kurt Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for the Evangelization of Peoples, age: 63.0
Paolo Sardi, emeritus Vice Chamberlain, age: 78.5
Mauro Piacenza, Prefect of the Congregation for Clergy, age: 68.5
Gianfranco Ravasi, President of the Papal Cultural Council, Alter: 70.4
Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, Alter: 66.9
Manuel Monteiro de Castro,  Major Penitentiary of the Apostolic Penitentiary. Cardinal-Deacon of San Domenico di Guzman, age: 75.0
Santos Abril y Castelló, Archpriest of the Papal Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, Rom, age: 77.5
Antonio Maria Vegliò, President of the Papal Council for the Homeless , age: 75.1
Giuseppe Bertello, President of the Governorate of Vatican City, Alter: 70.5
Francesco Coccopalmerio, President for the Papal Council of Legal Texts, age: 75.0
João Bráz de Aviz, Prefect of the Congregation for Clergy, Alter: 65.9
Edwin Frederick O’Brien, Grand Master of the Knights of the Temple of Jerusalemm, Alter: 73.9
Domenico Calcagno, Präsident der Güterverwaltung des Apostolischen Stuhls, Alter: 70.1
Giuseppe Versaldi, Präfekt For the Household of the Holy See, age: 69.6
James Michael Harvey, Archpriest of the Papal Basilica of St. Paul by the Walls, Rom, age: 63.4
Text: Giuseppe Nardi, Zusammengestellt nach Catholic Hierarchy
Bild: Vatican Insider

Also, tears filled the eyes of many Cardinals, including Cardinal Bertone today, as the Holy Father said his last public Mass, according to Rome Reports.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Last Minute Sabotage Attempts --- A Few Days Before Benedict's Decision

(Vatican/Menzigen)  The scenario is known.  There have been attempts of sabotage in the last months as the Society of St. Pius X and the Holy See reconcile.  Attempts which have shown themselves to come from both sides.  One yesterday from the Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung belonged to a public statement by Cardinal Kasper just as much as the deliberate publication of some internal correspondence between the General Superior of the Society, Msgr Fellay, and the other three Bishops of the Society.

The statements of the Curial Cardinal Kasper seem more of a rear-guard action, which coming to the resigned understanding of what can no longer be prevented, but at least to make some signals to the other side of the Church, which is skeptically disinclined to  a reconciliation which at least he and probably also other high princes of the Church are of the same opinion.

The indiscretions from the series of letters had brought to understanding that there are some intriguing elements at work, which want as much to damage the Society as they do the Catholic Church.  It may be the case that these intentional violations of confidence may be led back to the group which was already criticizing Msgr. Fellay sharply in Autumn of 2011 as he asked Msgr Richard Williamson to cease from abusing him.

The mandate and responsibility for the reconciliation talks with Rome in the Society are the General Superior and his two assistants.  They have accorded a decision and in any case immediately sent Msgr Fellay's answer to Pope Benedict XVI on April 17th.

In the mean time there are only a few days till the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith will deliberate on the most recent modified "Doctrinal Preamble" proposed  by  Msgr Fellay on May 17th .  Then Pope Benedict XVI as generally expected will make known his decision within the course of the month.

Then it will be shown who in the Society will turn from the path of schism to reconciliation with Peter, while for the greater majority of the Society the "bigger task and challenge" will then begin, as Msgr Fellay described it.  That not a few high members of the Church would not be unhappy, if Msgr Richard Williamson remained "outside", is generally known.  It is also known that Pope Benedict XVI, however, doesn't think in political categories.

Link to original katholisches...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Cardinal Kasper Criticizes the "bad style" in the Curia

Vatican City, 13.02.2012 ( as "bad style" and "irresponsible", the German Cardinal Walter Kasper, the leaks in the Roman Curia and the Vatican published secret documents referred to. "I do not know if a power struggle behind it," or if someone wanted to harm the Cardinal Secretary of State, he said in an interview with the daily newspaper "Corriere della Sera" (Monday edition). In any case, it would harm the reputation of the church and pins confusion among the faithful, said Kasper, who was 2001-2010 president of the unit responsible for Ecumenical Vatican Council questions. The operation of a lack of awareness of ecclesial witness.

Whoever is dissatisfied or feels mistreated, ought to inform directly to the person concerned. One can criticize others when they have arguments. "But not so," when information comes anonymously to the media.

In recent days, several confidential documents had surfaced in the Italian media in which the Vatican representative to the Vatican complained about nepotism or talking about an alleged murder plot against the pope.

"I'm very sorry about this for the Pope. It must be sad to see how they try to destroy what he built," said Kasper. He tried in his time in office to do its work and had taken care not to cliques in the Curia, said the cardinal. Similarly, Joseph Ratzinger as Prefect of the Congregation made its service to the Church, and meddled not internal disputes. This is a question of dignity, "said Kasper.
Link to kathnet....

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Cardinal Kasper Promotes a Reform of Our Reforms

Liturgy is worship, not only a community celebration.  The experience of the sublime and of the tremendum mysterium is the curative.
His Grace, Cardinal Kasper

Vallendar ( Cardinal Kasper promotes an "in depth going reform of our Liturgical reforms."  It needs a "renewed liturgical-sacramental culture", said the Curial Cardinal, who was till 2010 the President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, according to '" from a report from KNA about ++Kasper's lecture at the symposium "The Liturgy of the Church" of the "Cardinal Walter Kasper Institute for Theology-Ecumenism-Spirituality" at the Philosophy and Theology Faculty of Vallendar.

Liturgy must not be desacralized and robbed of its sublimity, explained the former Bishop of Rottenburg-Stuttgart, because it is worship, not only a community celebration.  Just as in our civilization, which is leveling,  secular and thoroughly void of meaning, the sublimity and the tremendum mysterium also brings the curative.

Link  to

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Friday, February 25, 2011

Theological Memorandum: Kasper - "Students" Contradict Cardinal Kasper

Editor: Rome is just as disappointed with the Memorandum as Cardinal Kasper, calling it, "provincial".  Really, it seems really infantile and moribund, like the ranks of Old Liberals themselves.

Theologian Hans Kessler, Eberhard Schockenhoff and Peter Walter insist: Cardinal Kasper's "Gotteskrise" serves "not only in society, rather also in the center of the Church itself".

Berlin ( In the debate surrounding the provacative Theology paper three students of the Curial Cardinal Walter Kasper have offered sharp criticisms of their former mentor.   The Casper generated "Gotteskrise" serves "not only in society but also in the center of the Church itself", it was explained by theologians Hans Kessler, Eberhard Schockendoff and Peter Walter, who published a common statement for the "Frankfurter Rundschau" on Friday.

In the Catholic Church there is a "large brewing problem, which is not solved by non-engagement and progressive silence",  so say the three Theologians. It may be hardly challenged "that the Church is in no way defined by a culture of freedom, like other social systems at least present themselves in the ideal".  From "trust in the freedom of the individual" t is only apparent so long , "as it doesn't pull out all the stops".

Kessler is an emeritus Professor for systematic Theology at the Goethe-University Frankfurt:  Schockenhoff [Moraltheologie] and Walter [Dogmatic] are professors at the University of Freiburg.

Kasper was "disappointed" by the Memorandum.

Kasper had turned against the "Mememorandum" of Catholic theologians in the middle of February, in which a list of reforms were proposed.  The Curial Cardinal had explained that the call for another inner-ecclesiastical legal culture is surely right, the past church circle is however in consequence of the divine circle does not arise in the first line of Church law.  The various questions are "the conviction of the Faith in the world of today":  in place of "superficial adjusting parameters of celibacy", requires a "radical renewal" of this belief.

In total Kasper had explained two weeks ago that he was "overly disappointed" in the Memorandum of the Theologians.  He missed in that a substantial contribation of theologians where he'd "expected more".  No sensible person seriously contests that it "makes an acerbic break necessary with the Catholic Church".

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