Sunday, January 17, 2021

Conference Call Leaks Government Officials Planning "Coup" and Discussing Occupying Government Buildings

Edit: Jim Hofft has it here with some of his analysis. What's missing is the part about how one of the panel recommends occuypying government buildings. As you know, that's OK for Communists like these, but not ordinary Americans.



Friday, January 15, 2021

To The President: We Need All Our Troops Here at Home

Mr. President:

Please do not allow China to taunt you into sending troops abroad to fight in some Indo-Pacific skirmish since this will leave our country wide open for the attack that the Communists have planned for our country. It's been a long many years in the works.  

This plan has been formulated from Central America, to go up into Mexico, and thereupon into the United States. There are Chinese / Russian troops in no small number lurking south of the border, and also in Canada, so we need all our troops here to guard our homeland at this critical time; National Guard and DHS are not enough. Our true homeland security is Army, Navy, Airforce, and Marines.,

Russia Our No. 1 Enemy 

As Commander in Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces it is imperative that you know who your enemy is, and your No. 1 enemy is Vladimir Putin and Russia. This is why the Russians have worked so hard and so successfully to dupe America into thinking that Soviet Communism collapsed. It was to put us to sleep concerning their plan to invade the United States. Russia plans to enter our country on the heels of a coming revolutiona revolution that troops could effectively hold off.  

China is only Russia's assistant. You will note that the sickle and hammer flaunted by Antifa is strictly a Russian emblem, not a Chinese one. Russia is at the head of this insidious plot to bring down America, just as it was Russia that orchestrated the plot to steal the election through fraud. The ‘more than foot-high stack of Russiagate documents’ that Washington insider John Solomon says you are about to declassify no doubt reveals this plot against your administration. 

There is no denying that our country is entrenched with deep-state KGB agents. Antifa and BLM are just mini-pawns at their finger-tips, they're just giving us some of the hors d'oeuvres, but the major beef will be a direct confrontation with the Russians and Chinese if we don't quickly secure our homeland with troops.  

What will especially empower this plan for a red invasion is if Biden is inaugurated, since Biden will hand this country over to the Russians and one-worlders, so military action should be taken immediately to arrest Biden, Pelosi, and all the culprits that conspired to steal the 2020 election. You have enough evidence so you should take the offensive now. This is what will embolden the patriots and what will knock the wind out of the deep-state enemy.


David Martin




Poles Celebrate Their Oppressors

 CNA Staff, Jan 15, 2021 / 12:00 pm (CNA).- The Chief Rabbi of Poland on Thursday described the Catholic Church’s annual Day of Judaism as a “holy day.”

Speaking at a livestreamed press conference on Jan. 14, Rabbi Michael Schudrich expressed gratitude for the annual commemoration observed by Polish Catholics since 1998.

“The Day of Judaism in the Church for me, a Rabbi, is a holy day,” he said at the press conference, which unveiled the theme for this year’s commemoration on Sunday, Jan. 17.


Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Muslim Invaders Attack Belgian King's Motorcade


Muslim Invaders Burn Down Police Station in Brussels

Edit: this is similar to the burning down of the Minneapolis 5th Precinct, although from a different wing of Globohomo.\





Monday, January 11, 2021

President Trump Takes A Hit for the Team


By Jack Cashill 

“The Republican nominee for president will be that candidate who best learns that there is no future in apologizing,” I wrote in a June 10, 2015, column. Six days later Donald Trump descended the escalator at Trump Tower and, in so doing, launched the most volatile period in American history since the Civil War.


Evil Jesuit to Deliver Invocation for Biden

Edit: who is it this Jesuit will be invoking?  Will he invoke womenkind, GLBT people and other tortured victim classes and divinize them, or will he turn to darker forces as Jesuits often do?

+++Cushing offered the invocation for Kennedy's inauguration, and that was evil too.  Cushing set the stage for a lot of bad stuff and promoted and inflicted aberrosexual predators on the people of Boston.  

[Southern Cross] By Carol Zimmermann – Jesuit Father Leo O’Donovan, former president of Georgetown University, will deliver the invocation at the presidential inauguration of Joe Biden Jan. 20.

 The priest, a friend of the Biden family, was the main celebrant at the funeral Mass for Biden’s son Beau in 2015 at St. Anthony of Padua Parish in Wilmington, Delaware. 

 He confirmed with National Catholic Reporter Jan. 6 that he would be delivering the invocation, saying Biden had personally called him and invited him, which he accepted.


Bergoglio Continuing “Renewal” Towards Women’s Ordination

 Edit: opening the office of Reader to women has been in the works for a while. It was quietly announced by Benedict XVI in 2010. Now Bergoglio is pushing it in a new Mandate. This is just another step in the overall agenda of women’s ordination. 

[Vatican News] With a Motu proprio released on Monday, Pope Francis established that from now on the ministries of Lector and Acolyte are to be open to women, in a stable and institutionalized form through a specific mandate. 

There is nothing new about women proclaiming the Word of God during liturgical celebrations or carrying out a service at the altar as altar servers or as Eucharistic ministers. In many communities throughout the world these practices are already authorized by local bishops. 

However, up to this point, this has occurred without a true and proper institutional mandate, as an exception to what Pope St Paul VI had established when, in 1972, even while abolishing the so-called “minor orders”, he decided to maintain that access to these ministries be granted only to men because they were considered to be preparatory to the eventual admission to holy orders.



Italian Company Employees Detail Switching Votes in US Presidential Race



Senior IT Expert at Global Defense Contractor Testifies in Italian Federal Court; He and Others Switched Votes throughout America in the U.S. Presidential Race

Rome, Italy (January 5, 2021) – An employee of the 8th largest global defense contractor, Leonardo SpA, provided a shocking deposition detailing his role in the most elaborate criminal act affecting a US election. Corroborating the DNI Ratcliff’s report of international intrusion, Arturo D’elio outlined the scheme that proved successful in using Leonardo computer systems and military satellites located in Pescara, Italy. Recent reports 

of a hack at Leonardo now appear to have been an orchestrated cover to mitigate blowback on the corporation which is partially owned by the Italian government.

Nations In Action, a government transparency organization, partnered with the Institute of Good Governance to thoroughly investigate and research the election irregularities which yielded the long- awaited proof that a flawless plot to take down America was executed with extraordinary resources and global involvement. Americans and elected officials now have proof that the election was indeed stolen. This provides the mechanism for each state to recall their slate of electors immediately or face lawsuits and request all federal government agencies to lock down all internal communications, equipment and documentation from the Rome Embassy. “Make no mistake, this is a coup d’etat that we will stop in the name of justice and free and fair elections,” stated Maria Strollo Zack, Chairman of Nations in Action.



Sunday, January 10, 2021

Military Raids White House, Confiscates Pelosi's Laptop

By David Martin 

It’s official. For the past week we've been hearing how the military went into the White House on January 6 and raided the offices of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other treasonous officials and confiscated their computers. Below is a brief video report from Lt. General Thomas Mclnerney relaying how these special forces went in and took Nancy Pelosi's laptop. 

Among the things discovered on Pelosi's computer is a letter to Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler on August 27 in which she incites him to commit acts of treason against America and President Trump. The following letter, which appeared on Twitter on January 9, is Pelosi's correspondence to Wheeler wherein she advises him how to fuel a riot and use it to tear down the President.


Mr. Ted Wheeler

1221 SW 4th Ave 340

Portland OR, 97204


Dear. Mr. Wheeler:


I have seen your response to the riots in your city and I am urging you to stick to the proven Democratic Playbook. I would like to review this with you now. 


1. Deny there is a problem. (Press will support this)


2. Refer to everything as peaceful and calm. (Press will help here also)


3. When all hell breaks loose, go on camera and show your support for anyone breaking the law. (Press will praise you for this, you will be a new hero, trust me)


4. When you can no longer keep any order "BLAME TRUMP!" (I cannot overemphasize #4. This has worked every time we have used it and again the Press has told me they will support and fast check any claim we can make!! THIS IS POLITICAL GOLD!!)


5. Go on television and condemn Trump and refuse any assistance! We CANNOT give TRUMP any victory before the election!!!


best wishes,



Speaker of the House


The Criminal “Democratic Playbook” Exposed 

Note Pelosi's criminal advice in item 4 about blaming Trump for anarchy: "This has worked every time we have used it." Herein Pelosi confesses that she and her deep-state minions have been engaged in an ongoing effort to smear Trump's reputation through lies. Note also the opening paragraph in which she confesses that the “Democratic Playbook” is one of lies and criminal maneuvers. 

According to reports, the traitors “scurried to the tunnels” when the special forces arrived at the White House. Many of their devices show they were online in real time with Chinese operatives.  This is treasonous, just as the signing and certification of the fake electoral vote on January 6 was treasonous. Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and many others are now in trouble. 

Frantic Pelosi Attempting to Immobilize Trump 

In her desperation, Nancy Pelosi on Sunday called on Vice President Mike Pence "to convene and mobilize the Cabinet to activate the 25th Amendment to declare the President incapable of executing the duties of his office." 

Pelosi knows that she and the Democrats have now moved from "conspiracy to commit treason" to treason and that Trump is now able to take legal action against them. In the next 7-10 days attorney Sidney Powell will be coming out with her special prosecutors report, so Pelosi is doing everything in her power to try to immobilize President Trump. Is it any wonder that Pelosi is trying to get Trump impeached before January 20?   

The Media Controlled 

We can expect that the media will do everything in their power to assist Pelosi. Do not heed media reports that the "Trump mobs" broke into the White House and "committed theft" on Jan. 6 because the media is working overtime with their fake narrative to keep the public divided and in the dark. The media is controlled by the Illuminati, a satanic internationalist network committed to destroying America and enslaving it under a communistic one-world government.  

Even the social media is coming more and more under this deep-state control. They suspended President Trump's Facebook and Twitter accounts last week, but this now enables him to communicate through the Emergency Broadcast System that was set up and tested to our cell phones in October 2018. 

Better times are ahead for America if America will simply pray and fan the good flame. The transition could be rough, but a united campaign of prayer for the life of America and its president promises to reap a glorious victory. 

Report: Nancy Pelosi letter to Ted Wheeler – a leak from Pelosi’s laptop? | From the Trenches World Report 



Francis Doesn’t Believe in Infallible Dogma


Italian PM Arrested? -- Katholisches.Info is Down -- Trump in Texas?

EditL I've tried to look up the Italian Prime Minister and it's all about Trump. Apparently, he's been arrested. Giuseppe Nardi's site, Katholisches, has been down since Friday. I looked up Italian Primte Minister arrested and found this at Free Republic from Duckgo. I don't even bother to use Google any more.

Here's another video from Simon Parkes:



Sorry, Francis Hasn't Been Arrested by the Caribinieri After Blackout

Edit: I would love it if they arrested Bergoglio as Lin Wood is claiming right now, but it appears to be false. It's not the first time a secular authority has arrested a pope.  Remember Philip the Fair having Boniface VIII arrested in 1303?  A lot of current historians suggest that Boniface had overstepped his bounds.  They don't seem to have been fond of his infallible Bull, Unam Sanctam, once again defining the ancient dogma, No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church.  But this is Bergoglio we're talking about, is he even a pope?  He often goes out of his way to indicate he rejects the essence of the papacy and all that office is supposed to defend, and that's why the world loves him and despises Boniface VIII.

I received so many links to videos and articles about how a huge sting was underway. There was a gunfight. The Vatican was surrounded by military and police. And the pope was arrested and being held in an Italian prison waiting for the FBI to arrive. 

Now, I love a good conspiracy as much as everyone. You might remember when I posted the video of smoke rising over the Vatican.

That video was shown in newscasts all over the world. It was actually a fire at a nearby tire shop. I’m in Snopes now thanks to that one. But a gunfight at the Vatican and the pope being held by the FBI.. what?
Bergoglio getting ready to "pray" the Angelus:

Sean Atwood Talks About Huge Information Dump From Lin Wood -- Horrific Sexual Crimes by Political Figures -- Blackmail

Edit: Sean Atwood was a major dealer of club drugs in Arizona, but gave it up to pursue higher education and went to prison anyway. The long arm of the law. Anyway, he hosts a lot of interesting people including the questionable Lin Wood who now claims to have access to a large amount of information, including what Isaac Kappy tried to pass on to Donald Trump.  See also Lizard Squad.


Friday, January 8, 2021

E. Michael Jones on the Capitol Hill Riot

Lying Ted joins a growing list of cowards. (take note Thug)

Massive Purge of Trump Supporters on the Internet -- Even Rush Limbaugh is Down

These same companies showed absolutely no concern when Black Lives Matter domestic terrorists were plotting their next attacks on their platforms, often with the endorsement of Democrat politicians.

[Gateway Pundit] Parler Chief Executive John Matze responded to the threat by posting; “Apparently they believe Parler is responsible for ALL user generated content on Parler. By the same logic, Apple must be responsible for ALL actions taken by their phones. Every car bomb, every illegal cell phone conversation, every illegal crime committed on an iPhone, Apple must also be responsible for.”

By 7 p.m. EST, it was reported that President Trump had officially joined Parler. It is currently unclear if big tech pulled the trigger early, if the site crashed from the rush of new users hoping to hear from the president, or if it was something more sinister.


ADL Calls For Banning of Trump from Twitter and It Happens

 Edit: here's the boilerplate statement about hate, bla, bla, bla... by Jonathan Greenblat.


Pelosi Worried About the Nuclear Codes on Her Lost Computer

Edit: if Nancy is this negligent with something this important, should she really be entrusted with them? 

By the bye, my boy Parkes came through!  Let's hope Trump is in possession of these things!

(NEWSER) – The Pentagon has assured House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that there are barriers to President Trump ordering a nuclear strike before he leaves office, reports USA Today. Pelosi told House Democrats in a letter Friday that she'd spoken to "Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley to discuss available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike." A spokesman for the general confirmed the conversation, saying Pelosi called Milley. "He answered her questions regarding the process of nuclear command authority," the spokesman said. The White House issued no immediate comment.

 "The situation of this unhinged President could not be more dangerous, and we must do everything that we can to protect the American people from his unbalanced assault on our country and our democracy," Pelosi wrote, per ABC News. Before the election, Milley offered reassurance that the military would stay out of any dispute involving the presidential election. "I will not follow an unlawful order," Milley told Congress. Pelosi, who has called on Vice President Mike Pence and Trump's Cabinet to remove the president, called on Republicans to follow the example their predecessors set a half-century ago, per CNN. "After years of enabling their rogue President, Republicans in Congress finally told President Nixon that it was time to go," she wrote. (Read more Nancy Pelosi stories.)