Saturday, June 30, 2018

Bishop Athanasius Schneider Warns Against Mass Immigration

Bishop Athanasius Schneider: Behind the mass immigration stands a "long-prepared plan to exchange European peoples"

(Rome) Behind the mass immigration to Europe is a plan to exchange European peoples. This is what Mgr. Athanasius Schneider, one of the most distinguished bishops of the Catholic Church, said in an interview with the Italian daily Il Giornale on Wednesday. It is also about a "directed" attempt to challenge Christianity in Europe.

Bishop Schneider is a Russo-German. He still knows the Soviet Union and communist totalitarianism from his own experience. This distinguishes him from other German bishops and probably also explains that he speaks a different language in terms of content.

Bishop Schneider is Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Astana in Kazakhstan. In neighboring Kyrgyzstan, he was born in 1961 as the son of Black Sea German parents, who had been deported to Central Asia by the Soviets. In 1973, the family arrived in Baden-Württemberg as a Russo-German resettlers. After his studies and his ordination, he received his doctorate in Rome in Patristics. In 2001 he went to Kazakhstan for his order, the Canons Regular of the Holy Cross. In 2006, Pope Benedict XVI appointed him to be the auxiliary bishop of the diocese of Karaganda, 2011 to the auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of Astana. Bishop Schneider speaks fluent English, Russian, Italian and Portuguese in addition to his German mother tongue and speaks Latin and Greek.

"European Union is a kind of new Soviet Union"

Il Giornale: There is a big discussion on immigration. Has Italy abandoned the European Union? The Church is constantly admonishing our country for the "idea of ​​humanity".

Bishop Schneider: The phenomenon of so-called "immigration" is a plan that has long been prepared by international powers to change the Christian and national identity of European peoples. These powers use the enormous moral potential of the Church and its structures to more effectively achieve its anti-Christian and anti-European goals. For this purpose, the true understanding of humanity and even the Christian commandment of charity are misused.

Il Giornale: What do you think of Italy's Interior Minister Matteo Salvini?

Bishop Schneider: I do not know and do not closely observe the political situation in Italy, so I am not in a position to comment on it. But this is true: if the government of a European country tries to emphasize its own sovereignty and its own historical, cultural and Christian identity against the totalitarianism of a kind of new Soviet Union that today calls itself the European Union and has an unmistakably Masonic ideology, then that is certainly commendable.

Text: Andreas Becker
Image: Il Giornale (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Friday, June 29, 2018

Cardinal Burke Ordains Four New Priests in France

(Paris) Cardinal Raymond Burke has ordained four new priests to the Institut du Bon Pasteur in Bordeaux on 23 June.

The Good Shepherd Institute has been part of the Old Rite Ecclesia Dei communities since 2006. The community was founded by Abbé Philippe Laguérie, who was ordained a priest in 1979 by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and joined the Society of St. Pius X (FSSPX).

Priests and Deacons in 2018

In 2004 he was expelled from the Society because of internal criticism. Then he founded with four other priests the Institut du Bon Pasteur, which returned to unity with Rome and was canonically established as a society of apostolic life. The purpose of the institute is above all "the formation of priests and the defense of the holy traditions of the Church in the liturgy and doctrine, against the modern errors.” For this reason, the Institute strives for a new evangelization in the sense of tradition.

In addition to the four new priests, two deacons were consecrated last week.

The mother house of the community is located in Bordeaux. The seat of the founder and Superior General, Abbé Laguérie, is Courtelain, where the institute's own seminary St. Vincent de Paul is located. There are currently about 40 seminarians preparing for the priesthood.

The Community currently has offices in France, Italy, Poland, Brazil and Colombia.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Evil Jesuit School: “It is Normal and Okay to Have an Abortion”

[TFP Student Action] The Jesuit-run Marquette University is under fire for recognizing a student organization called Marquette Empowerment and its promotion of abortion and homosexuality.
"Abortion is healthcare," MU Empowerment tweeted. "It is normal and okay to have an abortion. You can talk about it publicly if you want to. We support you. We stand with you."

The club also sponsored a pro-homosexual "Pride Prom 2018" on campus.
Young Catholics, however, are urging Marquette to close down the club with an online petition.  "Close it down," said John Ritchie, director of TFP Student Action. "Procured abortion is wrong at every level and there's no reason for a Catholic campus to recognize or fund a club that peddles the killing of the innocent.  You don't need a degree to know that abortion is immoral and ungodly."

Priest Paying €1000 to Stop Abortions

A priest has given money to women who wanted to stop their pregnancy first, but then had their baby. There was praise from the Vatican. But not everywhere the initiative was well received.
Italy | Padua - 28.06.2018

A pastor in Italy has caused a sensation with an unusual initiative for the protection of life: Don Marco Sacattolon gave women, who originally wanted to abort their child, but then decided against it, 1,000 euros. According to Italian media reports, a total of six women have received this financial support, who had previously sought help from the priest from nearby Padua and then carried out such a change of heart.

There was praise for this initiative from the Vatican. "Their behavior is a shining example of the immense value of human life and its support and says more than 1,000 sermons and teachings," says a letter from the papal ambassador in Italy to the clergyman, Archbishop Emil Paul Tscherrig. In it, he conveyed in the name of the Pope "sincere appreciation" for the Italian clergyman.

Criticism came from politicians. The deputy leader of the Democratic Party in Padua, Michela Lorenzato, wrote in an open letter, the only correct position in such a situation, is to inform pregnant women about it and then let them decide for themselves. One has to learn to respect the decisions of women. (Well)

Cardinal Turkson Warns Against Immigration from Africa

Cardinal Turkson has contradicted European bishops in matters of immigration.

(Rome) One topic, two senior Church representatives and two completely contradictory opinions. The topic is mass immigration, and the two statements can help to clarify the message and the controversial role of the Church.

Cardinal Peter Turkson is prefect of the Dicastry for theHolistic  Development of Man, established by Francis in 2016. Previously, since 2009 he has been President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. Above all, he comes from Ghana in Africa.

Cardinal Turkson: hearing Africa's voice in Europe

As an African, Cardinal Turkson has something to say about the mass migration to Europe, which is currently giving European politicians a headache. Several waves of migration have already taken place, new ones should be on the way. The politicians of the "open doors" have awakened a spirit they can not get rid of. In the meantime, new politicians, as in Italy and Austria, have to deal with the legacy of their predecessors.

At a development aid conference in Albenga, Italy, the cardinal encouraged the international community to take action in the countries of origin in view of the migration problem. The suggestion sounds different from that of Pope Francis, who for years has been the spokesman for a boundless immigration into the western states.

Cardinal Turkson did not explicitly say so, but opposed attempts to use the Christian message in certain political directions.

Paradox: Church in Africa says the opposite of that in Europe

The Church is now experiencing a veritable paradox in this question. While Western Church representatives can scarcely have enough immigration, demand even more immigration, and deny dissenters, even in the Church, their Christianity as it were, the African Church representatives receive a completely different message.

Africa's bishops are against the emigration of their compatriots. They preach to their compatriots against such an "adventure" and warn against a "false paradise" promised to them. They see a great danger in the emigration that the African states will lose the most important capital: their youth. The bishops preach against human trafficking on a grand scale. There is nothing else about the migration wave that was not initiated by Africans. If European institutions do nothing to increase the birth rate in Europe, but do everything to reduce it through abortion, contraception and homosexualization, but then want to "fix" this indebted demographic aberration through immigration - as if there were no peoples, languages ​​and Cultures, but only arbitrarily displaceable (by whom?) masses of individuals.

Africa's bishops are calling for Western aid, that is a given, on the ground, but not population shifts. Thirty years ago, emigration was not yet an issue for black Africans. So why today, when the living conditions in Africa have become much better?

Voice of the Bishops of Africa is concealed in Europe

But the voices of African bishops are hijacked in Europe, at best ridiculed, but not heard - even in the church.

Cardinal Turkson in Albenga with the local bishop, some priests and nuns

Cardinal Turkson spoke a year ago of "turning the tap". Turkson was also the one who a few years ago released the video, when he was under Pope Benedict XVI, in the Vatican, “Muslim Demographics,” which warned against the Islamic conquest of Europe by immigration. He was sharply attacked for that. Today he turns against the "demographic shock". Europe can not shift its demographic problems to Africa.

He described it as a mistake to focus only on immigration, like the aspect of receiving migrants. Rather, the focus should be on emigration and measures should be taken in the home countries to prevent emigration.

It is important, according to the cardinal, that the "good Samaritan helps those who are in trouble". This is one of the most expressive parables of the Gospel. That does not mean, therefore, that it meant a certain form of help, let alone politics.

The parable of the Good Samaritan is a personal challenge. It was not a political call on the government of Judea or the Roman authorities to take care of the needy man. The Samaritan did not call for government and authorities. He had not exerted any political pressure or attacked others who did not act like him. He also did not organize collective help, but personally took care of himself as far as he could. He helped the destitute where he met him. There was no political migration agenda associated with this.

Bishop Galantino: "I do not take in any immigrants in my house"

Cardinal Turkson opposed the politicization of the Christian message. He also indirectly contradicted the Italian Episcopal Conference, which attacked the new Italian government aggressively on the immigration course because of their stance against illegal immigration.

The Italian Bishops' Conference has spent incredible energy in recent weeks to attack the new government, raising a political question to a religious question. Cardinal Turkson made it clear in Savona that the immigration question was not a question of faith.

The bishops recently called on the Italians to accept illegal immigrants into their private homes. Quite a few Italians asked how many illegal immigrants the bishops had accepted in their residences.

So questioned, Bishop Nunzio Galantino gave a revealing answer:

"I do not accept any in my house because it would be irresponsible to think that in my house, I could solve the problem of each of these people."

That sounds "hypocritical," according to InfoVaticana, as they simultaneously make political demands on the state and help divide society over a political issue.

Christ did not speak of "solving" any problem, rather he said there would be "always" poor. There should be a distinction between a personal request and a political demand.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Diocesi Albenga / MiL (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred

Cardinal Müller Contradicts the Evil Cardinal Marx

[] German Bishops led by Munich Cardinal Reinhard Marx see themselves as trendsetters of a Church on the march into "modernity", Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller said to (June 26).

Müller stated that Marx and his accomplices want to change the doctrines of the Faith which contradict the “mainstream”.

To reach their goals they are willing to accept division among bishops and to push Catholic faithful out of the Church, “We are dealing with a blatant process of Protestantizing”, Müller added.

He confirmed that Protestants may only receive Holy Communion when in danger of death, “No bishop has the authority to administer Holy Communion to Christians who are not in full communion with the Catholic Church.”


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

And Now! Surfing, Bikini Mass!

Edit: did Brian Wilson compose the Credo?

(Rome) Since the liturgical reform there have been two forms of Communion reception: the orderly form of the kneeling Communion on the tongue and the exception of the standing hand communion. It is well-known that the exception has long since been promoted by the majority of bishops and the clergy, at least in the German-speaking world, almost the sole form. But that does not exhaust the repertoire. Lately, there is also the floating bikini communion.

Mass at the quay with miniature altar

Last Sunday, the Feast of St. John the Baptist, a Holy Mass was celebrated on the beach in Portonovo in the Marche. Portonovo is a district of Ancona and officially has only one inhabitant, but several hotels and holiday homes. On the beautiful Adriatic beaches at the foot of Monte Cornero, hundreds of holidaymakers arrive in summer.

Obviously, in order to reach them, a priest celebrated Mass on the wharf beside the main beach. A small table served as an improvised altar from the guest garden of the adjoining bar. Some of the bathers attended the Mass in the water or on surfboards. Communion was also given by the priest to those in the water. Of course he had to squat down on the edge of the quay. Comfort must be - for the faithful.

Just one kilometer from the quay stands on a small hill directly above the beach, the church of Santa Maria di Portonovo, a jewel of church architecture. It is considered a masterpiece of Romanesque architecture in Italy and is even mentioned by Dante in Cantus XXI of his Divine Comedy.

Santa Maria di Pontenovo on Monte Cornero

A thousand years ago Benedictines, probably of Norman origin, settled in this once isolated place. They built the church, first mentioned in 1034, and a monastery.

In the monastery, St. Gaudentius (1018-1042), Bishop of Osor on the Croatian island of Cres, found refuge, who had to flee from local potentates for his defense of the marriage Sacrament. Osor, today a small village with only 73 inhabitants, was an important city in the Middle Ages before malaria forced its decline. The former diocese is now part of the diocese of Krk. Gaudentius was received into the Benedictine Order by the great Doctor of the Church, Peter Damiani and entered the monastery on Monte Cornero.

After an earthquake and the risk of falling rocks, the Benedictines gave up the monastery in 1320, which was subsequently inhabited by hermits. A bloody raid by Muslim pirates in 1518 gave this place of religious life the coup de grace.

Santa Maria di Portonovo seen from the mountain

The remains of the ruined monastery buildings were used by the French in 1811 as building material for the construction of a coastal fort against the Royal Navy.

In 1837, the monk and later founder of the Benedictine Congregation of Subiaco, Pietro Francesco Casaretto, took over the still existing church. He retired for some time as a hermit to Santa Maria di Pontenovo. He had renovations carried out, which ensured the existence of the church. At the same time the tomb of St. Gaudentius was found.

Is it too much to ask that the faithful to come to Church for three quarters of an hour, or is the beach more important to them on Sunday?

New form of communion reception: swimming bikini communion.

Masterpiece of Romanesque church architecture

Inside of Santa Maria di Pontenovo
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Corriere Adriatico / Wikicommons (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred

Neo-Cardinal Ladaria on His Achievements and Honor: "Covering Up Tends to Favor Abuse"

(Rome) Faith Prefect Luis Ladaria SJ will be created a cardinal on Saturday by Pope Francis. In a press briefing at the Vatican, he emphasized the Church's strict line against sexual abuse.
"The facts of each case are to be deliberated, tried, and duly punished for those who have committed these crimes. We are also interested in this because of prevention, and thus we see that we have an awareness of the problem and cover nothing."
The future cardinal acknowledged that it was "once different when one tended to cover up." However, this attitude must be eradicated, "because it favors that this abuse continues."
He sees the cardinal dignity he is about to receive as a "responsibility" but also as a "sign of trust" that the Pope offers him.
"I suppose the Pope will have thought that my work in nine years as secretary of the Congregation was not so bad, and has appointed me prefect."
His work will thereby "not change in substance," but it will be done in a different way, "with greater responsibility." The duties and responsibilities of the Prefect of a Congregation, however, were not directly related to the cardinal dignity.
Only recently had Ladaria made it clear that the decision of Pope John Paul II of 1994 that the priesthood for women is definitely impossible. He disagreed with Church voices, who wanted to see only a provisional decision. But the Church is "so rich" and diverse that the question of the role of women in the Church should not be "reduced" to the sacrament of Holy Orders. That would be a "impoverishment."
For example, in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith there are three women who work as consultors . There are six women in the International Theological Commission and three in the Bible Commission , according to the prefect of faith.
As of next week, Ladaria will be one of 125 cardinals who could attend a conclave and elect the Pope.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Revista Ecclesia (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Masonic Grandmaster Says Pope is “Prototype of Enlightened Despot of the World”

Freemasonry, the mafia and Pope Francis as a prototype of the "enlightened despot" who was supposed to rule the "global society" because democracy was "not suitable".

(Rome) What does a Grand Master of Freemasonry say about Pope Francis? A few days ago, the official website of the Grand Lodge of Italy (GLRI) published some Thoughts by Grandmaster Fabio Venzi. Even more enlightening seem to be words of his predecessor in the office of grandmaster.

The main concern of Grand Master Venzi is to correct on 28 pages "enormous inaccuracies, contradictions and misstatements" in the recent report of the Anti-Mafia Committee of Inquiry of the Italian Parliament. The Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry had submitted it on 21 December 2017.

Rosy Bindi as Chairwoman of the Anti-Mafia Committee of Inquiry of the Italian Parliament

Rosy Bindi as Chairwoman of the Anti-Mafia Committee of Inquiry of the Italian Parliament
The committee, which was in office until the parliamentary elections last March, was chaired by former Christian Democrat politician and Minister of Health, Rosy Bindi.

In the Bindi report, among other things, is the revelation of the infiltration of some Masonic organizations by the mafia. On page 155 there is a brief paragraph on the incompatibility of the Catholic Church and Freemasonry, without giving the reasons for this incompatibility. It wasn’t the allegations of infiltration by the mafia, but this paragraph of eleven lines, that was addressed by Grand Master Vanzi. "This is undoubtedly the most troubling part" of the report (page 2).

In his reply, the Grand Master claims a perfect compatibility between Church and lodge. Freemasonry is not plotting, the anti-masonry critics are absurd and slanderous in their statements (p.2ff) and probably suffer from a "dysphoria of personality" (p.26).

Grandmaster Creates Confusion

Grandmaster Fabio Venzi

Venzi, a sociologist, tries to confuse the average reader himself in apparent trivialities. So he writes:

"As I have already suggested, we know that hostility to Masonry was born before Freemasonry" (p. 25f).

In his latest book "The Last Heresy" (L'ultima eresia) he says:

"Hostility to Freemasonry goes with Freemasonry" (p. 11).

At his hearing before the Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry on 24 January 2017, he stated (see Stenographic Minutes of the Committee of Inquiry):

"Freemasonry was created in 1717. The first anti-Masonite document dates from 1652."

And further:

"The problems of free masonry are problems that arise along with Freemasonry.”
 Not "Satanic", just a Luciferian component

"Lucifer" by Franz von Stuck (1890)

So what !? There is considerable confusion in the statements of the Grand Master. When was the hostility to Freemasonry really born? Even he doesn't seem to be able to believe that it could have existed even before the founding of the Masons. The statements of the Grand Master, however, help to better understand the incompatibility between Church and lodge. In his remarks, the Grand Master clearly shows that Freemasonry is a "mystery school" with an "initiation rite", "one of the many esoteric movements" (p. 4).

The Grand master, however, resolutely defends himself against the assertion of a "'Satanic' component of Freemasonry" (p. 5). On the other hand, he does not reject an initiatory, esoteric, gnostic and Luciferian component. The title page of his already mentioned, most recent book "The Last Heresy" is at least adorned with the picture of the painting "Lucifer" by the German painter Franz von Stuck (1890).

Conspiracy against the church? "Ridiculous…"

Freemasonry has conspired against the Church?

Impossible, ridiculous, absurd, says Grand Master Venzi. He also describes it as "ridiculous" that he is supposed to have "important, clerical allies" and "contacts with high-ranking representatives in the Vatican" (page 3f). In the book "Masonic Vatican. Lodges, money and occult power: The secret side of the Church of Pope Francis" (Vaticano Massone), published by the Vaticanist Giacomo Galeazzi in 2013 with his colleague Ferruccio Pinotti, sounds quite different. The two journalists also spoke with Grand Master Venzi.

Masonic Vatican (2013)

He "revealed to us that in his obedience, the only one recognized by the Grand Lodge of England, there are many priests. Venzi is in a sober and discreet way to begin a dialogue with representatives of the Vatican "(p. 54).

Galeazzi and Pinotti wrote:

"It is suggested by many that behind the recent and revolutionary events in the Vatican, especially the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, is the hand of the lodges. In the corridors of the Sacri Palazzi it is whispered that even the election of the new Pope is their work. After a pontificate of closure like that of Ratzinger, it is probable that many among the lodge brothers hope, with the help of the Jesuit Bergoglio, to re-establish the old sympathies between the Society of Jesus and the Freemasons "(see also The Jesuit on the Pope's throne).
"Do you know the 'Santa'?"

Venzi denies in his "Thoughts" that the Masonic rituals are secret because "they are easy to find on numerous websites" (p. 13). However, he does not name such a website that could serve as a reliable source. If the rituals of Freemasonry, its obedience or any other obedience are not secret, then why not publish them on the official site of the Grand Lodge?

"The Last Heresy" by Grandmaster Fabio Venzi (2017)

Rather, the Grand Master blames the chairman of the parliamentary committee of inquiry Bindi for asking him a "provocative" question at the hearing (p. 23). In fact, the question to the Grand Master was directly related to the mission of the Anti-Mafia Committee:

"Do you know the 'Santa', the leader of the` Ndrangheta, who smuggle their men into the Masonic lodges? "1)

"Freemasonry can survive in the underground"

Grand Master Venzi is astonished that the Bindi report mentions a possible "dissolution of the societies" (p. 25) by the state.

Cryptically, the Grand Master indicates that the Masons are capable of working in the underground in such a case.

He says:

"Even if Italy forbade Freemasonry, it would still exist abroad, which could infiltrate it and rebuild it in Italy" (p. 25).
In other words, the Grand Master indicates that a state ban can not shake a secret society with so much experience.

The Bindi report also mentions Pope Francis, who in 2017 refused accreditation to the Holy See for a designated ambassador because of his membership in the lodge. Apparently, the Grand Master is concerned that the Italian State could follow suit and remove the Freemasons from its diplomatic service among its ambassadors. But this danger does not seem to exist, for Bindi emphasized in her report that the Anti-Mafia Committee of Inquiry had "nothing to do with the phenomenon of Freemasonry itself", not even with Italian Freemasonry as a whole, but only with four obediences including the Grand Lodge (p. 91f).

The Grand Master does not have to worry. The Italian state will not ban Freemasonry because every government would fear a massive national and international reaction from Freemasonry. In view of the Grandmaster's suggestion of contacts with high-ranking Church representatives, it would not be excluded that even there someone could tune into the choir in defense of the lodge brothers.

Ex-grandmaster Di Bernardo

Ex-grandmaster Di Bernardo

Venzi also criticizes his predecessor, Grand Master Giuliano Di Bernardo (p. 24). Di Bernardo was Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy (1990-1993). As the Italian party system of the post-war period imploded under corruption charges (Christian Democracy, Socialist Party) and the collapse of the Eastern Bloc (Communist Party), and the Great Orient and its networking came into the spotlight, Di Bernardo sought safety, resigned and founded the Grand Lodge of Italy, whose grandmaster he became. The Grand Lodge was, in contrast to the Great Orient, recognized by the Grand Lodge of England. It was Di Bernardo who in 1999 brought the Mason Venzi into the Grand Lodge and presented him as his successor. Since 2001 Venzi is Grandmaster.

In a radio interview for Border Nights, Di Bernardo said last April:

"The Grand Lodge of Italy, according to the report of the anti-mafia commission on the Great Orient, is most contaminated by infiltrations of the mafia and the 'Ndrangheta" (Min. 31: 50-32: 13) .2).
Di Bernardo added:

"The Grand Lodge of Italy, which was the showpiece of Italian and English Freemasonry, was reduced to rubble by Fabio Venzi. I wonder how the Grand Lodge of England can continue to recognize her as the only Masonic obedience on Italian soil. Why does not Venzi come back? If Venzi leaves, perhaps someone else could return a minimum of dignity to what I call my Masonic creation "(Min 33: 23-34: 20).

An "enlightened despot" is supposed to rule the world

Far more interesting than these internal-lodge animosities is another statement by Di Bernardo, who was, after all, the grand master of Italy's two biggest obediences and internationally well-connected. Di Bernardo is convinced that "global society" can not be governed democratically, but only through "a community of wise men who embody the One, the enlightened tyrant" (Min. 40: 00-40: 47).

Pope Francis with Cardinal Secretary of State Parolin

But was it not Freemasonry, which in the 18th.-- 20th Centuries fought with particular determination against the ancien regime and against the monarchies (except the English) and for democracy? Did democracy serve only as an intermediate step to get rid of the old order?

In an interview with the daily Libero on 22 February 2016, the former Grand Master praised Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, the Vatican diplomat whom Pope Francis sent to the Vatican Secretariat of State in the Summer of 2013. Parolin attended an annnual convention of the Bilderbergers at the beginning of June as the first Secretary of State with the consent of Pope Francis.

And what does a Grand Master praise a Cardinal Secretary of State for? Because Parolin, according to Di Bernardo, has "no negative and hostile attitude towards the freemasonry and the esoteric." This then resulted in the following question and answer in the Libero interview:

Libero: What is your prototype of an enlightened tyrant?

Di Bernardo: If I really should name one, I would say: Pope Francis.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Corrispondenza Romana / MiL / Wikicommons / IxR (screenshots
Trans: Tancred

1. `Ndrangheta is called the Calabrian mafia, which consists of different clans (` Ndrine), which territorially divide Calabria, Italy and the foreign countries. The structure of ` Ndrangheta is very similar to Freemasonry. The membership is acquired through an initiation rite. At the top stands the 'Santa ', in which the memberships are again only possible under certain, already passed stages and according to hierarchical regulations. Similarly, there are degrees and special lodges in the lodges. The ' Santisti ', members of the ' Santa ', ritually call three "patron saints": Giuseppe Garibaldi, Giuseppe Mazzini and Alfonso La Marmora. All three were high-grade freemasons, Garibaldi even Grand Master of the Great Orient of Italy.
Second Abroad, every form of organized crime is often mistakenly called a mafia . In reality, only the Sicilian is called that. That of Naples and Campania is the Camorra , that of Calabria the ' Ndrangheta , that of Apulia the Sacra Corona Unita


Sunday, June 24, 2018

Saint John Cantius Priest Exonerated But Won’t Return

Edit: our instinct for this was correct. Father Zuhlsdorf has reported on the echo station of Father Frank Phillips.  The local ordinary does mean to chip away at this brodgehead of tradition after all. Meanwhile, Father Michael Pfleger at St. Sabina’s blathers heresy incessantly from his pulpit with impunity in a kind of ecclesiastical minstrel show.

Yesterday I posted that Fr. Frank Phillips who founded the Canons of St. John Cantius in Chicago, who had been accused of immoral behavior and suspended pended an investigation by a board, had been exonerated of all charges.The board issued a letter.

I wrote, in an update to that post, that people in the Chicago would not make a mistake to attend Sunday Masses this weekend.


Saturday, June 23, 2018

Ferrara‘s Cathedral Ad Orientem Liturgy is Over

The "people’s table" in the Sacred Heart Chapel of the Cathedral of Ferrara. Change of the direction of celebration as an expression of the change of direction.

(Ferrara) On February 15, 2017, Pope Francis retired Archbishop Luigi Negri of Ferrara, a change with some, sometimes amazing consequences.

Archbishop Negri, as a diocesan bishop, stood out from among his confreres, and not just in Italy. Nevertheless, he was immediately retired by Francis, although in good health, upon reaching the age limit. Negri's opponents wanted to chase him out of his office much earlier. Nevertheless, he also raises his voice as emeritus bishop: as co-editor of the Nuova Bussola Quotidiana, whose founding he supported, as a pastor, speaker and author. In his latest book, The Challenge, published in March, he writes that there is a "climate of confusion" and a "climate of retribution" in the Church under Pope Francis.

Cathedral of Ferrara

Next to the presbytery of his former episcopal church is the Sacred Heart Chapel. There has been no free-standing altar in it so far. Under Archbishop Negri, this chapel was to be the starting point for a liturgical renewal through the restoration of sacral understanding. Here, not only the Holy Mass was celebrated again in the traditional rite, but celebrated at the request of the retired archbishop in the New Rite versus Deum. Because of the parallel location to the presbytery and the chapel is also facing to the east, which is why the celebration direction on the high altar was actually ad orientem.

On the instructions of his successor, Archbishop Giancarlo Perego, a "people’s altar” has also been set up, says the traditional site Messa in Latino.

The provisional "people’s altar" in use since 1970 has now been largely replaced by fixed, consecrated altars. The "altar table" was replaced by a cube, usually black, dark gray or dark brown, and more recently by all sorts of other designs. In Ferrara, they first resorted to the "altar table" in order to obscure the high altar and to implement a main aspect of the liturgical reform of 1969: the turning of the direction of celebration towards the people. (So they could worship themselves)

One of the leading promoters of the liturgical reform - 55 years ago, in which  Rome seemed to become a city on the Rhine and not on the Tiber,  has been due to German influence for several years - the archbishop of Cologne, Josef Cardinal Frings, who explainsx the central rationale of Folk altar and the changed direction of celebration: "It corresponds to the democratic course of our days".

In Ferrara, too, this view has taken hold again.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: MiL / Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

Mexican Bishops Respond to Dangers to their Clergy

Edit: as Mexican Bishops decry US policy aimed at criminals pouring across the border,  they take steps to safeguard their own priests against rampant crime and disorder in their own back yard.

It’s a wonder how the Bishops of Mexico can’t have a little charity for the people of America, who also have to suffer from the murder and mayhem slopping over the border, since they too suffer from it.

[Catholic Standard] Mexico's bishops have published security protocols, hoping to keep priests and religious safe -- along with church property and shrines -- as crime and violence increasingly impacts churchmen and consumes previously peaceful corners of the country.

"The protocol is in response to what's happened the last two years, the increase in murders, not only of priests, (but) there's also a surge in this pain that is impacting our country," Auxiliary Bishop Alfonso Miranda Guardiola of Monterrey, the Mexican bishops' conference secretary-general, told reporters June 19.

"This protocol is meant to be a strong prevention tool."

Mexico suffered its most murderous year in memory in 2017, recording more than 29,000 homicides, as the country's crackdown on drug cartels and organized crime showed few signs of success. Crimes such as kidnap, extortion and robbery with violence have harmed ordinary Mexicans and, increasingly, priests. 



Thursday, June 21, 2018

Italy’s Bishops’ Conference Mouthpiece Libels Cardinal Burke

Edit: libel is a criminal offense in Italy. 

[Gloria.TV] In April, Avvenire, the daily of the Italian bishops, published a nasty piece against Cardinal Raymond Burke, written by Gianni Gennari, a former priest known for his attacks against Benedict XVI and John Paul II.

Without checking the facts, Gennari falsely accused the cardinal of having called Pope Francis an antichrist during a talk in Rome.

Only in June Avvenire published an abbreviated version of Burke’s reply in which he pointed out that Gennari’s claims where in no way related to what he had said during his talk. He asked Avvenire for a public rectification and excuse.

Marco Tarquinio, Avvenire’s editor-in-chief, commented Burke’s letter defending Gennari’s calumnies. He added more insults and lies by referring to other alleged statements of Burke for which he did not even indicate the source.

The Catholic outlet commented on Tarquinio’s behaviour like this, “A newspaper set up on the model of the Pravda of Soviet memory, cannot but handle those it perceives as 'enemies of the revolution' in a Soviet way.”


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Cardinal McCarrick is an Evil Sexual Predator

Edit: now that someone has publicly accused McCarrick, it’s interesting that Richard Sipe is on record very publicly warning Benedict XVI about the evils of Collegeville on TIA way back in 2008. Rod Dreher just wrote an explosive “told ya so” piece wherein he says: 

I never wrote the story about McCarrick, because I could not get anybody to go on the record. That spring, I fielded more than a few calls from Catholic priests from the New Jersey area who had direct personal knowledge of McCarrick’s sexual derring-do with seminarians. They would phone me, tell me what they knew, and then beg me to “do something”! I would tell them that I could do nothing until and unless they provided documents, and/or were willing to put their name to public accusations.

Taking a look at Richard Sipe’s piece will show you just how slippery this McCormick is, but also how negligent McCarrick’s superiors were, since they were already well-informed about his sexual depravity before they appointed him to one of ththe Church’s most important Sees. Dreher says there was a well-known conservative priest had intervened to defend McCarrick. Wonder who that was? 

However much we might deplore Dreher’s apostasy, he certainly was aware of a lot of dirt in the hierarchy that no one, including Benedict XVI and “Saint” John Paul II., effectively addressed.

Here’s Sipe:

[TIA] Your Holiness, I, Richard Sipe, approach you reluctantly to speak about the problem of sexual abuse by priests and bishops in the United States, but I am encouraged and prompted by the directive of Vatican II, Lumen Gentium,Chapter IV, No. 37. “By reason of knowledge, competence…the laity are empowered—indeed sometimes obliged—to manifest their opinion on those things that pertain to the good of the Church.” And also moved by your heartfelt demonstration of concern for victims on your recent visit to the United States I bring to your attention a dimension of the crisis not yet addressed. It is closer to the systemic center of the problem and one most difficult for you to address.

Card. McCarrick gives an appearance of holiness

Card. McCarrick, right, under the appearance of holiness...
As the crisis of sexual abuse of our children and vulnerable adults by priests and bishops in the United States is unfolding, the dynamics of this dysfunction are becoming painfully clear. 

This sexual aberration is not generated from the bottom up - that is only from unsuitable candidates - but from the top down - that is from the sexual behaviors of superiors, even bishops and cardinals. 

The problem facing us in the American church is systemic. I will present Your Holiness with only a few examples: 

Bishop Thomas Lyons, now deceased, who was an Auxiliary in the Archdiocese of Washington D.C. groomed, seduced, and sexually abused a boy from the time he was seven years old until he was 17. When that boy grew into manhood he in turn abused his own child and young relatives. When I asked him about his actions he said to me, “I thought it was natural. Father (Lyons) told me a priest showed him this when he was growing up.” A pattern was perpetuated for at least four generations. 

Abbot John Eidenschink of St. John’s Abbey, Collegeville, Minnesota sexually abused some of his young monks during confession and spiritual direction. He admitted this behavior in regard to two of the monks I interviewed. They described the behavior in disturbingly graphic detail. Older monks that I interviewed told me that they knew that John’s Novice Master was inappropriately affectionate with him during his two years as a novice. More than a dozen of the monks of this monastery have been credibly accused of abuse of minors while Abbot Eidenschink was promoted to President of his Monastic Congregation, the American Cassinese. 

While I was Adjunct Professor at a Pontifical Seminary, St. Mary’s Baltimore (1972-1984) a number of seminarians came to me with concerns about the behavior of Theodore E. McCarrick, then bishop of Metuchen, New Jersey. It has been widely known for several decades that Bishop/Archbishop now Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick took seminarians and young priests to a shore home in New Jersey, sites in New York, and other places and slept with some of them. He established 
a coterie of young seminarians and priests that he encouraged to call him “Uncle Ted.” I have his correspondence where he referred to these men as being “cousins” with each other.

'Uncle Ted' pursued several seminarians and priests

'Uncle Ted' allegedly used different pretexts to attract seminarians and priests
Catholic journalist Matt C. Abbott already featured the statements of two priests (2005) and one ex-priest (2006) about McCarrick. All three were "in the know" and aware of the Cardinal McCarrick’s activities in the same mode as I had heard at the seminary. None of these reporters, as far as Abbott knew, had sexual contact with the cardinal in the infamous sleepovers, but one had first hand reports from a seminarian/priest who did share a bed and received cards and letters from McCarrick. The modus operendi is similar to the documents and letters I have received from a priest who describes in detail McCarrick’s sexual advances and personal activity. At least one prominent journalist at the Boston Globe was aware of McCarrick from his investigation of another priest, but until now legal documentation has not been available. And even at this point the complete story cannot be published because priest reporters are afraid of reprisals. 

Your Holiness, you must seek out and listen to these stories, as I have from many priests about their seduction by highly placed clerics, and the dire consequences in their lives that does end with personal distress. 

I know the names of at least four priests who have had sexual encounters with Cardinal McCarrick. I have documents and letters that record the first hand testimony and eye witness accounts of McCarrick, then archbishop of Newark, New Jersey actually having sex with a priest, and at other times subjecting a priest to unwanted sexual advances. 

Your Holiness, you must seek out and listen to the stories, as I have from many priests about their seduction by highly placed clerics, and the dire consequences in their lives that does end in their victimization alone. 

Such behavior fosters confusion and makes celibacy problematic for seminarians and priests. This abuse paves the way for them to pass the tradition on — to have sex with each other and even with minors. 

The pattern and practice of priests in positions of responsibility for the training of men for the priesthood — rectors, confessors, spiritual directors, novice masters, and other clergy — who have sexual relations with seminarians and other priests is rampant in the Catholic Church in the United States. I have reviewed hundreds of documents that record just such behavior and interviewed scores of priests who have suffered from this activity. Priests, sexually active in the above manner have frequently been appointed by the Vatican to be ordained bishops or even created cardinals. 

I approach Your Holiness with due reverence, but with the same intensity that motivated Peter Damian to lay out before your predecessor, Pope Leo IX, a description of the condition of the clergy during his time. The problems he spoke of are similar and as great now in the United States as they were then in Rome. If Your Holiness requests I will submit to you personally documentation of that about which I have spoken.

Your Holiness, I submit this to you with urgent concern for our Church, especially for the young and our clergy. 


Afghan Sexually Abuses 12-Year Old Girl

Esslingen - A 21-year-old Afghan  is suspected in Esslingen to have sexually abused a 12-year-old girl.

According to the Stuttgart public prosecutor, the suspect is in custody. He is said to have abused the girl in the night of May 18 in his room at Esslinger asylum facility, as the authority announced on Wednesday. According to this, the child had voluntarily visited the Afghan with a 16-year-old friend, and some other asylum seekers they knew. 

The girls wanted to  stay there after missing the last bus. The man is said to have exploited the situation and sexually abused the twelve-year-old. When the other overnight guests woke up, he let go of the girl.

The prosecutor issued a warrant for the arrest of the Afghan, who only sporadically stayed at the property. Last Friday, he was finally arrested there. The man already sought by police for theft is in custody.

Trans: Tancred


Catholic Herald Lauds SSPX?

Edit: I expect he’s going to show his concern over anti-demotion.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

They Shouted “Allahu Akbar”: Two Cases

(Paris) The terror of the assault in the supermarket Leclerc in Seyne-sur-Mer is still fresh in people’s memories as happened in France already with the next attack. In both, the motive refers to Islam, but the authorities seem to ignore it.

A 24-year-old Muslim woman, who was already on record with the police for other violent crimes, arrived on Sunday dressed in black robes and entered the supermarket shouting "Allahu Akbar: You are all infidels!" Then she rammed the knife she carried into the breast of a female customer and struck a saleswoman in the eye.

Whether because of the delusion called political correctness or out of complete misunderstanding of Islamic reality, in any case, the competent prosecutor's office immediately put the murder in the category of individual cases by the mentally disturbed. The procedure is familiar. The official requirement seems to be: De-escalation at all costs and no connection with Islam.

On the other hand, however l, the dynamics of the act and the vocabulary used by the assassin speaks. Nothing seems to have been left to chance. The investigation continues meanwhile, because many points of the incident are still "unclear" according to investigators.

Meanwhile, the press agencies had already report the next violence with an Islamic background. The rapid succession of the attacks shows that the individual case thesis is an official and media construct in order not to face the political reality, and more importantly, to prevent the population from drawing the necessary conclusions from it.

A few hours after the attack on the supermarket, a 29-year-old Muslim rose in the night hours yesterday with the same dynamic. At 1.50 am he tried to attack two police officers from Nice. He, too, was armed with a knife, and he also shouted to the victims, "You are unbelievers, I will kill you."

The culprit had been surprised by the two police officers, as he filmed the town hall and some streets and alleys. When he was stopped, he immediately wanted to attack. The officers were able to disarm him and arrest him. He was already known to the police, but according to anti-terrorist units with initial reports he was a blank slate.

Both incidents have many similarities. It therefore seems incomprehensible why the authorities classify them as banal individual acts. The fact is that the French feel less and less safe in their own homes, especially on the streets after dark. There is a growing mix of Muslim violent criminals and common criminals. The extent to which both groups are congruent can at best be foreseen in the absence of corresponding police statistics.

As long as the sense of security of the citizens is suffering because they no longer feel safe on the streets in their own country, politics, the judiciary and the police do not sufficiently fulfill their tasks. The patrolling military in the French cities does not improve security, but only shows false actionism, which blatantly confirms the perceived loss of security. Above all, the French military on France's roads reveals the helplessness of the political decision-makers, who, locked up in a "multi-cultural” tower have shown themselves "without alternative" to shirk the real questions.

Text: Andreas Becker
Image: Corrispondenza Romana

Saturday, June 16, 2018

30 Years of the FSSP — New Website

30 years of the Society of Saint Peter - new website

(Berne) The General House of the FSSP has a new website.

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of its founding, the Fraternal Society of St. Peter  (FSSP), established in 1988, presents itself on the Internet with a new image. The initiative comes from the General House of the Ecclesia Dei Community, which is located in Friborg, Switzerland. The founding date is July 18, 1988, when twelve priests and seminarians completed the foundation in the Swiss Abbey of Hauterive in the canton of Friborg.

The website provides information about the traditional community, introduces the Superior General and his assistants as well as the various districts.

As a "joint mission" of the Society, the site says:

"This communal mission has a twofold aspect: first, the sanctification and formation of priests in the traditional liturgy commonly called the Extraordinary Form of the Roman rite. Second, the care of souls and the pastoral work of priests in the service of the Church.”

The Superior General is Fr. John Berg. He is assisted by Father José Calvin, Fr. Patrick du Faÿ de Choisinet (at the same time Rector of the Seminary of St. Peter in Wigratzbad) and Fr. Andrzej Komorowski (at the same time General Treasurer), and Fr. John Brancich and Fr. Josef Bisig as counselors. The Office of the Secretary-General currently is exercised by P. Arnaud Evrat. German-speaking district superior is P. Bernhard Gerstle.

The worldwide offices and apostolates of the Brotherhood are listed and should be clearly displayed on an interactive map. The latter does not work, however. With reworks is therefore to be expected

Today, the Brotherhood of St. Peter has 287 priests and 150 seminarians. Its affiliated Confraternity St. Peter  includes almost 6,000 laymen.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Sunday, June 10, 2018

The Collective Image of the Inquisition is Fake News

(Rome) The historian Anna Foa, former Assistant Professor of Modern History at the Roman University of La Sapienza, recently spoke in the media on the subject of Inquisition, including the essay "Inquisition without a Monster" in the business daily Il Sole 24 Ore. The occasion was a historic conference to open the Vatican Secret Archives 20 years ago.
Foa recalled that the latest state of research refutes all "black legends" of the Holy Inquisition. The numerous allegations against the Inquisition have indeed entered into the collective memory, but only in recent times. They have little to do with historical reality.
The charges brought against the Church in connection with the Inquisition are genuine "fake news". The collective memory, which obviously has a very clear idea of ​​what the Inquisition was, does not go back to direct knowledge, but is an anti-Catholic construct whose origins date back to the eighteenth century. Many sides have worked on the caricature.
The problem, Foa says, is, as with much fake news, that false claims can be "louder" than the truth. This has to do mainly with who controls opinion, but also with the fact that some want to believe the fake news.
"Passions and prejudices," Foa said regretfully, "are a myth-factory" that seem to nourish themselves.
So it is in connection with the Inquisition and the Church. The historical facts are now known and researched, but the false stereotypes in people's minds are stronger. The historical reality is so different that it not only is dominated by every form of sensationalism, but suffocates demands for love of truth and intellectual honesty for a fundamental revision of the previous picture of history.
According to Foa, it is appropriate and urgent to revise the extent of the charges against the Church and its condemnation. But above all, the actual role of the Inquisition should distinguish between actual and alleged persecution.
There is a gigantic abyss between scientific certainty and "popular opinion" lay on the subject of Inquisition. The Internet has so far brought no improvement in the situation. Rather the widespread distorted image is widely disseminated further in the global network. It was daunting to see, says Foa, how truthful many people are against the Fake News Inquisition implanted in their minds. It turns out to be very difficult to break up absolutely baseless, but solidified prejudices. Unfortunately, it is difficult to pave the way for the truth while fake news are always new and rapidly spreading.
Anna Foa, graduated in 1968 with distinction at the University La Sapienza, where she later taught herself. She is a great-granddaughter of the anti-Zionist chief rabbi of Turin, Giuseppe Foa (1840-1917) and daughter of a founding father of post-war democratic Italy, the left-wing, atheist party leader and Member of Parliament Vittorio Foa (1910-2008). 1)
His daughter Anna Foa returned to her Jewish faith. Most recently, she was a visiting professor at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Youtube (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Friday, June 8, 2018

Argentine National Football Team Has No Time for Pope

(Rome) Pope Francis and the World Cup. On May 21, the Argentine website Doble Amarilla announced that Pope Francis will receive the Argentine national team on 3 June before moving on to Russia for the World Cup.

Yesterday, Vatican spokesman Greg Burke tweeted:

"Pope Francis receives today at 15.30 clock (Roman time) the Argentine football selection in Santa Marta."

A few hours later he had to correct himself:

"UPDATE: The Pope's audience with the Argentine selection scheduled for today was canceled. We are looking forward to seeing you return with the World Cup! "

Like this?

An earlier visit by the Argentine national team to Pope Francis.

In fact, the Argentine national team, according to the Argentine sports side Olé, had already canceled a visit to Rome at the end of May. The message seems to have been passed in the Sacri Palazzi but not to the Vatican spokesman.

In May, there were concrete negotiations between the Vatican and the football team about a visit to the Pope. The coaches moved away from the idea at the end of the month. A whole training-free day was "too much" for the team. On May 29, Jorge Miadosqui confirmed the cancellation: "We have no time for an audience with the Pope."

The Argentine football team is currently training in Barcelona. Tomorrow it will fly to Israel for a friendly match and finally to Russia for the World Cup on Sunday.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Twitter/ (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred