Saturday, July 2, 2016

Communion for All, Even for Protestants

Edit: For the record.

In addition to the divorced and remarried, for Luther’s followers as well there are those who are giving the go-ahead for the Eucharist. Here is how “La Civiltà Cattolica” interprets the pope’s enigmatic words on intercommunion.

by Sandro Magister

ROME, July 1, 2016 – In his way, after encouraging communion for the divorced and remarried, in that it “is not a prize for the perfect, but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak,” Pope Francis is now also encouraging Protestants and Catholics to receive communion together at their respective Masses.

He is doing so, as always, in a discursive, allusive way, not definitional, leaving the ultimate decision to the individual conscience.

Still emblematic is the answer he gave on November 15, 2015, on a visit to the Christuskirche, the church of the Lutherans in Rome (see photo), to a Protestant who asked him if she could receive communion together with her Catholic husband.

The answer from Francis was a stupefying pinwheel of yes, no, I don’t know, you figure it out. Which it is indispensable to reread in its entirety, in the official transcription:

“Thank you, Ma’am. Regarding the question on sharing the Lord’s Supper, it is not easy for me to answer you, especially in front of a theologian like Cardinal Kasper! I’m afraid! I think the Lord gave us [the answer] when he gave us this command: 'Do this in memory of me'. And when we share in, remember and emulate the Lord’s Supper, we do the same thing that the Lord Jesus did. And the Lord’s Supper will be, the final banquet will there be in the New Jerusalem, but this will be the last. Instead on the journey, I wonder – and I don’t know how to answer, but I am making your question my own – I ask myself: “Is sharing the Lord’s Supper the end of a journey or is it the viaticum for walking together? I leave the question to the theologians, to those who understand. It is true that in a certain sense sharing is saying that there are no differences between us, that we have the same doctrine – I underline the word, a difficult word to understand – but I ask myself: don’t we have the same Baptism? And if we have the same Baptism, we have to walk together. You are a witness to an even profound journey because it is a conjugal journey, truly a family journey, of human love and of shared faith. We have the same Baptism. When you feel you are a sinner – I too feel I am quite a sinner – when your husband feels he is a sinner, you go before the Lord and ask forgiveness; your husband does the same and goes to the priest and requests absolution. They are ways of keeping Baptism alive. When you pray together, that Baptism grows, it becomes strong; when you teach your children who Jesus is, why Jesus came, what Jesus did, you do the same, whether in Lutheran or Catholic terms, but it is the same. The question: and the Supper? There are questions to which only if one is honest with oneself and with the few theological lights that I have, one must respond the same, you see. 'This is my Body, this is my Blood', said the Lord, 'do this in memory of me', and this is a viaticum which helps us to journey. I had a great friendship with an Episcopalian bishop, 48 years old, married with two children, and he had this concern: a Catholic wife, Catholic children, and he a bishop. He accompanied his wife and children to Mass on Sundays and then went to worship with his community. It was a step of participating in the Lord’s Supper. Then he passed on, the Lord called him, a just man. I respond to your question only with a question: how can I participate with my husband, so that the Lord’s Supper may accompany me on my path? It is a problem to which each person must respond. A pastor friend of mine said to me: 'We believe that the Lord is present there. He is present. You believe that the Lord is present. So what is the difference?' – 'Well, there are explanations, interpretations…'. Life is greater than explanations and interpretations. Always refer to Baptism: “One faith, one baptism, one Lord”, as Paul tells us, and take the outcome from there. I would never dare give permission to do this because I do not have the authority. One Baptism, one Lord, one faith. Speak with the Lord and go forward. I do not dare say more.”

Link to Chiesa... AMDG

Friday, July 1, 2016

Cardinal Napier Slams Cardinal Marx: "Political Correctness is the Main Heresy of Today"

Update: he quickly backpedaled when Skojek tweeted him and returned to his 2004 self.

The Archbishop of Durban rejects Cardinal Marx's claim, the Church should apologize to homosexuals and regard same-sex unions positively.

Durban ( With a pithy remark Cardinal Wilfrid Napier, Archbishop of Durban (South Africa), rejected Cardinal Reinhard Marx's demand that the Church should ask for the "forgiveness of homosexuals."

Cardinal Marx had said at a conference in Dublin, that the Catholic Church had "till a very short time ago" had a "very negative" disposition toward homosexual people. This is allegedly "scandalous and horrible". The Archbishop of Munich and Freising had demanded that the Church should apologize to homosexuals.

A same-sex partnership can not be "worthless" if it has continued over a number of years and both partners are faithful to each other. The Church must "respect" the decisions of people and it is for the state to recognize homosexual unions and giving them similar rights as married couples, Marx had said.

The of Nigerian Pro-Lifer Obianuju Ekeocha had twitted the report by the Irish Times about Cardinal Marx. Cardinal Napier then responded via Twitter: "God help us! Next, we should apologize that we call adultery a sin! Political Correctness is the main heresy today!"

Link to

Trans: Tancred

Edit: We wonder if he's changed since recent years, as he was in 2004, very much in denial of the problem of aberrosexual clergy in his own conference and hostile to the Latin Mass, from Christian Order.  Vox Cantor also noted a twitter slapdown.  Perhaps he has been revising himself and revisiting the Gospels?


Priestly Ordinations in France 2016: A New Low Point

Priestly Ordinations in 2016 in Traditional Rite:
FSSP, Bordeaux

Amand Timmermans

The ordinations in France take place mostly around June, near the Feast of St.. Peter and Paul (June 29)  who are regarded as two pillars of the Holy Church.
The Bishops' Conference of France (CEF) announced a few days ago that about a hundred new priests this year were consecrated for the Catholic Church: 79 diocesan for pastoral ministry - a little more than 2015 (68), but less than in 2014, where 82 diocesan ordinations already hit an absolute low for some centuries.
Particularly sad is the low ordination number of religious priests, whether connected to an order or a new community: one expects about twenty.
For comparison: in 2016 the Episcopal Conference expects about 100 ordinations; in 2015 there were around 120, in 2014 to around 140; 2002 was around 200.
The decline in vocations has seriously strained the age pyramid.
The number of priests in France has almost halved in the last twenty years: from 29,000 (diocesan and religious priests together) in 1995 to about 15,000 in the year 2015.
10,000 of them are older than 65 years, 7,000 are more than 75 years old.
It is estimated that every year about 800 French priests die.
This means that the number of priests will be halved again within less than 15 years. In the long term about 3,000-4,000 priests are expected in France.
The ordinations are distributed very irregularly over the diocese: the Archdiocese of Paris with 11 ordinations is, of course, in the lead; However, it is closely followed by the dioceses of Vannes (7) and Fréjus-Toulon (6), the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Bordeaux (5) and four in Lucon en Vendée, Saint-Denis and Versailles. There are also five ordinations of the Communauté Saint-Martin in Évron (Mayenne). This priestly community was once in talks to take over the monastery abandoned by Benedictines, Abbey Weingarten (Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart). The project was of course very quickly discarded because of the expected "lack of acculturation".
The other dioceses in western France follow the sad country trend: two new priests in Quimper, one each in Bayeux, in Rennes, Nantes and in Laval.
In the diocese of Coutances, Séez, Saint-Brieux, Angers and Le Mans there are no ordinations this year.

Ordinations in traditional rite 2016: Institute of the Good Shepherd, Bordeaux

It is striking that there are those diocese best known as traditional friendly diocese, have the most vocations: Fréjus-Toulon, Vannes, Lucon and  the more conservative communities such as the Communauté de Saint-Martin in Évron (Mayenne).
In addition,  the communities of tradition are brought in, including the Fraternity of St. Peter , the Institute of the Good Shepherd (Institute of the Good Shepherd) and the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, whose new priests are to be ordained in the traditional form of the Roman Rite.
"The seminarians reflect the sociology of practicing Catholics."
This dynamic development as pleasing also, at the moment is rather limited; and it will not be enough to reverse the negative trend.
This slight optimistic situation seems not to be of interest to Church leadership anyway. In particular, there is no re-evaluation of recent modernist practice up for debate.
Some Catholic journalists are of a mind that only a complete zero would be reached before it can lead to profound reforms.
As the Belgian example shows that is very doubtful:
The number of priestly ordinations had fallen to zero in the four northern Belgian dioceses (except Bruges) years ago without  bringing any reaction from Cardinal Danneels.
At the same time, Danneels issued a decree by which the Flemish seminarians who were studying in neighboring countries (diocese 's-Hertogenbosch in the Netherlands), - in spite of the shortage of priests returning to northern Belgium, was banned. The Dutch were incidentally very grateful for these Flemish priest exiles.
Danneels' successor, Archbishop DeKesel, is acting in the same spirit.
Although there is a shortage of priests in Belgium and particularly in Brussels, with the pending closure of churches in the coming autumn, Dekesel has expelled the Priestly Fraternity of the Holy Apostle established by his predecessor, Archbishop Msgr. Léonard, in Brussels  (with currently seven priests and 21 seminarians) on 30 June 2016 from the Archdiocese, ​​on the grounds that the majority are French.
They don't just want bankruptcy, they  want naked, yes a stark naked collapse.
Text: Amand Timmermans (adapted from an article on v 06.25.2016.)
Picture: IBP / FSSP (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Thursday, June 30, 2016

"Shock Statement" by Bishop Fellay? -- Rome: Talks With SSPX Will Continue After the Summer

Internet site of the Belgian Bishops' Conference Reported a
"Shock Statement" by Bishop Fellay, but in Rome the situation is
being downplayed

(Rome / Menzingen) The publication yesterday of a press release by the Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X led the media to various speculations.  It's the case especially for official media: the more dismissive the attitudes towards the SSPX the more hysterical the reporting. In the Vatican, however, one who is directly involved has downplayed this and strove for reassurance.
From the Church media, who are less than friendly to the SSPX, criticism of Pope Francis was placed in the foreground, for example, by the [very aberrosexual] German section of Vatican Radio. The Internet platform Cathobel of the Belgian Bishops' Conference, which is comparable to of the German Bishops Conference, even reported a "shock statement" by the Superior General.
This was made with respect to  the following sentence:
"In the great and painful confusion that prevails currently in the Church, the proclamation of Catholic doctrine requires the opposition to errors which - fatally favored by a large number of shepherds, and even the Pope himself -  have penetrated even into her heart"
Other media stressed the statement that the acquisition of a canonical recognition was "not" the primary objective. Thus, the media's tenor is that the SSPX had  "slammed the door  in the face" of Rome and "slammed the door to Rome."
However, the Superior General of the SSPX had also said that this, as a "Catholic work", is a "right" of [official] recognition. 

Archbishop Pozzo: my critique is probably the "quite controversial" Post-Synodal Letter Amoris laetitia

A very different reaction took place in Rome with Curial Archbishop Guido Pozzo.  As secretary of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, it is he who is among those who are directly involved in the talks between the Holy See and the Society founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.

Curial Archbishop Guido Pozzo

Msgr. Pozzo sees the declaration as no cause for alarm. The allegations of the SSPX are largely "already known". The Curial Archbishop also expressed his [own] conviction that is sharply critical of Pope Francis referring to  the Post-Synodal Letter Amoris laetitia, particularly on the issue of remarried divorcees that indeed is "quite controversial."
With regard to canonical recognition, so Pozzo, to  the French-speaking news agency I.Media, Bishop Fellay has only brought a "wait and see" attitude.
The declaration is therefore not to be considered as "negative act", which  the French daily La Croix also printed, citing Msgr.Pozzo. However, you'll realize that an imminent solution to the problems is not to be expected.
According I.Media and the Internet platform of the Swiss Bishops' Conference,  talks between Rome and the SSPX will continue after the summer.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Cathobel / Vatican Insider (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Society -- Vatican - Signals of Approach by Both Sides, But no Decision

Priestly Ordination of SSPX in Zaitzkofen

(Menzingen / Rome) Recently, the signals, which seemed to indicate that the talks between the traditionalist Society of St. Pius X and the Holy See have reached  an understanding. The superiors of the SSPX have met since last weekend to exchange ideas. It should also consider the talks with Rome. They also didn't come to any concrete decisions. The conversation with Rome will continue.

"The aim" of  the SSPX "consists mainly in the formation of priests", according to an official statement of the Superior General of the SSPX, Bishop Bernard Fellay. This is "an essential condition for the renewal of the Church and the restoration of society".
Specifically, the positioning is defined in four points, the canonical recognition is "not" identified as the priority target, because the Brotherhood "as a Catholic work" has a "claim" to this.
The Catholic Church is ruled by a "great and painful confusion", which is encouraged by a "large number of shepherds", "up to the pope himself."
Subsequently, the four points in the text.
    1. In the great and painful confusion that currently reigns in the Church, the proclamation of Catholic doctrine requires the denunciation of errors that have made their way into it and are unfortunately encouraged by a large number of pastors, including the Pope himself.
  1. The Society of Saint Pius X, in the present state of grave necessity which gives it the right and duty to administer spiritual aid to the souls that turn to it, does not seek primarily a canonical recognition, to which it has a right as a Catholic work. It has only one desire: faithfully to bring the light of the bi-millennial Tradition which shows the only route to follow in this age of darkness in which the cult of man replaces the worship of God, in society as in the Church.
  2. The “restoration of all things in Christ” intended by Saint Pius X, following Saint Paul (cf. Ep.h 1:10), cannot happen without the support of a Pope who concretely favors the return to Sacred Tradition. While waiting for that blessed day, the Society of Saint Pius X intends to redouble its efforts to establish and to spread, with the means that Divine Providence gives to it, the social reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
  3. The Society of Saint Pius X prays and does penance for the Pope, that he might have the strength to proclaim Catholic faith and morals in their entirety. In this way he will hasten the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary that we earnestly desire as we approach the centennial of the apparitions in Fatima.
Subsequently, the communiqué of the Superior General as an audio file in French
The current state of talks with Rome was described by Bishop Fellay recently in the June 12 National Catholic Register published interview.  June 29th Register. [Pentin thinks it's off.]
He said at the time:
"With the new Pope, Pope Francis, we have now entered a new phase, a new situation, which is very interesting, but even more confusing indeed. I call it a paradoxical situation, because - if one wants to say so - it just aggravate the problems, which we condemn, in the Church. At the same time begin, especially in Rome, some voices are loud and acknowledging that something must be done. "
The recently signals were emitted by both sides, nevertheless, that gave rise to suspicions that a canonical recognition of the Fraternity could be imminent by Rome.

Signal of the SSPX

On June 21, the published Salzburger Nachrichten an interview with the Superior General of the SSPX, Bishop Bernard Fellay. Here the bishop sent remarkable signals in Rome: "No bishop shall be entitled to participate rise to the leadership of the Church, if he is not with the Pope and under the Pope." Likewise Bishop Fellay said, the SSPX "has always recognized the primacy of the Pope" and "did not want a separation from Rome for anything in the world."
The valid but illicit episcopal ordinations of 1988, was responded to by  Rome with excommunication, said the General Superior,  that the founder of the Brotherhood, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre,  that the consecrations might have "appeared from the outside" as "an act of disobedience,"  yet they were, however, seen as a "self-defense". Therefore, says Fellay, for the SSPX to affirm: "We are not schismatics, we are not separated from the Church."
Here, the SSPX and the reigning Pope and his immediate circle are not close. Both sides have made no bones about it in the past three years.

Signal of Regensburg Bishop Voderholzer

On June 22, Bishop Rudolf Voderholzer of Regensburg made a public statement on this year's ordinations by the SSPX in Zaitzkofen. It is in his diocese where  the international seminary of the Fraternity for the German-speaking countries and Central Europe resides. Bishop Voderholzer designated in the ordinations of the SSPX as "harmless". He signaled the fact that the ordinations are officially "tolerated".
In the past, there was a different sound. The incumbent Cardinal Prefect of the CDF, Gerhard Müller had criticized the annual ordinations as Bishop of Regensburg and Voderholzer's predecessor, as an "act of schism" and "provocation".
Since then, things have changed.

Signals from Rome

In early May the Catholic Internet newspaper Nuova Bussola Quotidiana wrote that Rome and the SSPX  that things " have never been so close."  It's an assessment that seemed to find indirect confirmation in May in reports from the German media, including the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitungand and the Spiegel , whose evident intention of it seemed to be to torpedo any agreement.
On April 1,  Bishop Fellay surprised the public when he was  received by Pope Francis. The conversation was "good," it was said, coming from both sides. As the Bishop reported a few days later in a sermon, the Pope had recognized the SSPX without limitation as "Catholic" and encouraged the Society  to establish a seminary in Italy.
Curial Archbishop Guido Pozzo, Secretary of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei , who is responsible for the traditional communities, had told the SSPX that it could proceed without problems on this year's ordinations. The Ecclesia Dei Commission reports directly to Cardinal Müller. It can therefore be assumed that the new course is also represented in its meaning.

2012 has been agreement already within reach

In 2012 the reconciliation between Rome and the Fraternity seemed well within close reach. The Superior General Fellay had then traveled to Rome in June in the conviction that they had reached an agreement that would lead to canonical recognition of the SSPX.  At the last moment the agreement fell apart, for reasons still not exactly clarified: a chronicle of events .
Since then, there  is still the persistent rumor, that this "failure" of the multi-year discussions had ripened  Benedict XVI's intention to resign. He had been barely elected pope in 2005, and invited Hans Küng from the modernist side and Bishop Fellay of the traditionalist side for a personal interview to Rome. While he had no further steps with Küng, he began detailed theological talks with the SSPX.
Under Pope Benedict XVI. the SSPX was asked to the sign a "Doctrinal Preamble" that was highly controversial in the Society. It was sometimes even regarded as an affront because it demanded much more than was demanded from other Catholics as a commitment.

In September 2014 Cardinal Müller began the talks new

While after the failure in 2012 began a standstill, an unexpected sign of relaxation followed two years later by Pope Francis. It was initiated by Cardinal Prefect Müller, the end of September 2014. Bishop Fellay was received in Rome, wherewith the talks were resumed, although parallel, a confidant of the Pope to the faithful who receive the sacraments at the SSPX priests, even threatened with excommunication .
Late 2014 and early 2015 endowed Cardinal Walter Brandmüller and Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider from institutions of SSPX visits. Then Rome recommended the recognition of the community founded in 1970, " as it is ".

There has since been no more talk of a doctrinal preamble. In autumn 2015 Rome presented the Society a new proposal. Since then it has been in question.

"Expression of will of the Pope" with personal prelature

Last February Curia Archbishop Pozzo stressed, however, that "the clear expression of will of the Pope was to promote the canonical recognition of the SSPX".
Unchanged are the offer of Rome, the SSPX in the event of an agreement, to be canonically recognized in the form of a personal prelature. It's an offer that is certainly recognized by the SSPX as generous.
So far only Opus Dei has this legal form which ensures the community the greatest possible autonomy and independence from local bishops. With a bishop at the head of a personal prelature it has, unlike the other religious orders and communities, its own bishop.
The Opus Dei was recognized with the status of  a personal prelature in 1982. Since 1994, Msgr. Javier Echevarria is the only prelate of a  personal prelature in  the Catholic Church. He is quite thoroughly opposed to the recognition of the SSPX  as the second personal prelature.
According to Vatican legal experts commissioned by Pope Francis working on the offer for canonical establishment, the SSPX should - reportedly - be granted even more rights  than the Opus Dei has currently.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Seminary of the Sacred Heart (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

"Church Should Apologize to Homosexuals?" -- The Catholic Media Never Cites the Pope Correctly

Cathedral of Orleans "homosexualized": Bishop Blaquart on the 17th of
June lighted the Cathedral in LGBT colors, in or to express his "communion"
with the Homo-Community After the Orlando Attack

The homosexualization is progressing rapidly. Whoever does not shrilly sing along in homophilic choir,  arouses suspicion. Google Maps "pleases" users with a homo-correct street view man. And if the Pope explicitly specified, it means it won't be long before only the Catholic media will also follow him.

A commentary by Martha Burger Weinzl

Pope Francis was questioned on his return from Armenia by the journalist Cindy Wooden of CNS, the news agency of the American Episcopal last Sunday on homosexuality. She wanted to know what the Pope had to say on Cardinal Reinhard Marx's demand that the Church should apologize to the "gay community" because it has marginalized these people.

Orlando assassin was a "soldier of the Caliph" and not a Christian

Absurdly, Wooden added: "In the days after the massacre in Orlando many have said that the Christian community has something to do with the hatred of these people," even though the Orlando-attack on a gay club had been committed by a "soldier of the Caliph" one of the jihadists of the Islamic State (IS). As a journalist she also has long known that the US government had manipulated the confessional identity of Muslims to omit any reference emphasizing  Islam. It must therefore be assumed - if only as a diversionary tactic - that a false accusation of Christians was considered acceptable.

Pope Francis answered as precisely  as he did two years ago on the return flight from Rio de Janeiro, when he took a position on homosexuality for the first time. He stated that the position towards homosexuality and homosexuals is that of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and that homosexuals should be accompanied according to the Catechism. A clear statement. It is only clear for faithful Catholics who know the catechism reasonably well. However, the statement is hardly suitable for non-practicing sham Catholics  and certainly not for non-Catholics. The Pope again avoided explaining the Church's teaching on homosexuality and homosexuals. Another missed opportunity.

Homosexuality: Enlightenment would be necessary, but is not necessary

That's just how this this issue, where a strong lobby supported by numerous Zeitgeist Knights operates a general brainwashing, longs for enlightenment  (Salzburg Auxiliary Bishop Laun recently spoke about "brainwashed" Christians). It's a challenge that Pope Francis rather evades, knowing that he would thus forfeit some sympathy from the media. The pope prefers prefer to remain silent, and he provides the model for many bishops and priests who are silent. But who then proclaims the saving truth and warns of the deadly dangers of sin?

So homosexuals must manage on their own, and just as the Catholics and Christians must orient total on the merits. How many are geared wrong because they do not take the catechism, but the daily press on hand, or can be homosexualisieren own thinking of radio, television and the Internet, will remain an oppressive secret.

What good will the topic of homosexuality to misunderstanding, is to a preceding homo-correct representation or an open Homophilic propaganda showed the coverage of the Pope's statement on Sunday in the German language.

Pope Francis took on the flight back to numerous important questions raised. Among other things, he demanded nothing more and nothing less than a "new EU" and "more independence and more freedom" for the Member States. With a colleague I bet that the mass media, however, would take the issue of homosexuality as a headline, and so it was.

The headline read in slight variations: "Church should apologize to homosexuals". This is exactly what the Pope had not said.

"Church to apologize to homosexuals"? - No, because "the" Church "is holy"

The pope agreed to the "Marxist" Cardinal [Reinhard Marx], but stated that, "the" Church "is holy" but that Christians were "sinners." In other words, sin and guilt are always personal. If Christians had therefore been guilty, it's Christians who to apologize, but not "the Church".

The Pope carried out a considerable clarification and thus also corrected the influential [and evil] President of the German Bishops' Conference and his understanding of the Church.

However, the clarification did not help, because not even the Catholic media were able or willing to quote the Pope properly. Kath Press, the news agency of the Austrian Bishops' Conference headlined as assiduously as secular media: "Church Should Apologize to Homosexuals".

The pains to verify what was allegedly printed exactly by whom, should not be made here. Unless it is easy to verify that - to stay with the example of Austria - Kathpress first media spread the hoax. Previously, the AP has been one of the "three big sisters" among press agencies.

In the media sector, it runs known as, and usually at the expense of a comprehensive and in-depth information: If an international and a national press agency write the same thing, there has hardly been  an editorial examination for veracity. Rather, then,   all of the relevant media of a country write the same content exactly. The result is that it is perceived by citizens as an oppressive "standardized opinion" whether from Neusiedl to Bregenz, Kiefersfelden to Flensburg or from Davos to Basel.

One should be able to expect a correct story  from a Catholic news agency. Otherwise, the question arises as to whether they made a deliberate "misunderstanding". Interestingly,  the misunderstanding in the mass media and agencies fell promptly and reliably within the meaning of the mainstream. The subscribers and fee payers are then a herd of cattle fed propaganda, so that it thinks "correctly".

Text: Martha Burger Weinzl
Image: Les Patriotes de Bonnet (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Communique by the Superior of the SSPX

At the conclusion of the meeting of the major superiors of the Society of Saint Pius X that was held in Switzerland, from June 25 to 28, 2016, the Superior General addressed the following communiqué:

The purpose of the Society of Saint Pius X is chiefly the formation of priests, the essential condition for the renewal of the Church and for the restoration of society.

  1. In the great and painful confusion that currently reigns in the Church, the proclamation of Catholic doctrine requires the denunciation of errors that have made their way into it and are unfortunately encouraged by a large number of pastors, including the Pope himself.
  2. The Society of Saint Pius X, in the present state of grave necessity which gives it the right and duty to administer spiritual aid to the souls that turn to it, does not seek primarily a canonical recognition, to which it has a right as a Catholic work. It has only one desire: faithfully to bring the light of the bi-millennial Tradition which shows the only route to follow in this age of darkness in which the cult of man replaces the worship of God, in society as in the Church.
  3. The “restoration of all things in Christ” intended by Saint Pius X, following Saint Paul (cf. Ep.h 1:10), cannot happen without the support of a Pope who concretely favors the return to Sacred Tradition. While waiting for that blessed day, the Society of Saint Pius X intends to redouble its efforts to establish and to spread, with the means that Divine Providence gives to it, the social reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
  4. The Society of Saint Pius X prays and does penance for the Pope, that he might have the strength to proclaim Catholic faith and morals in their entirety. In this way he will hasten the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary that we earnestly desire as we approach the centennial of the apparitions in Fatima.

Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X
Ecône, June 29, 2016
The Feast of Saints Peter and Paul

(Source : FSSPX/MG – DICI dated June 29, 2016)

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

ISIS Bombs Christian Village in Lebanon

BEIRUT/QAA, Lebanon: The Lebanese government warned on Tuesday of a heightened terrorist threat after eight suicide bombers targeted a Christian village at the border with Syria, the latest spillover of its conflict into Lebanon.

The village of Qaa was targeted on Monday in two waves of suicide attacks that killed five people. The first group of bombers attacked before dawn and the second later at night, two of them blowing themselves up near a church.

Security officials believe Islamic State militants were behind the attack. There has been no claim of responsibility. [ Hezbollah is accusing ISIS.]

In reference to the number of attackers, the Lebanese government said the attack and the "unfamiliar way" it was carried out represented a new phase of "confrontation between the Lebanese state and evil terrorism".

Prime Minister Tammam Salam "expressed his fear that what happened in Qaa is the start f a new wave of terrorist operations in different areas of Lebanon," Information Minister Ramzi Jreij said in televised comments after a cabinet meeting.

Sunni Islamist militants have repeatedly struck in Lebanon since the eruption of the war in neighbouring Syria, where the powerful Lebanese Shi'ite group Hezbollah is fighting in support of President Bashar al-Assad.

Interior Minister Nohad Machnouk, speaking from Qaa, said most of the attackers had come from inside Syria, and not refugee camps hosting Syrian refugees who number more than 1 million in Lebanon according to the U.N. refugee agency UNHCR.

Local authorities imposed curfews on Syrian refugees in the area following the attacks. The Lebanese army said it had mounted dawn raids on Syrian refugee camps, detaining 103 people for being illegally present in the country.

The majority of Syrian refugees have no legal status in Lebanon due to the complications and costs of obtaining or renewing residency rights under rules imposed by the Lebanese government, aid agencies say.

(Reporting by Tom Perry, Laila Bassam, Issam Abdullah; Editing by Dominic Evans)

Monday, June 27, 2016

Pope Francis Repeats Kasper's Scandalous Statement: "Luther Was Right"

Edit: more magisterium by aerial press conference.

(Rome) Besides the Brexit, a "new EU", the rejection of deaconesses, Pope Francis spoke on the return flight from Armenia on Martin Luther and the Protestant Revolt.

The Pope was asked in connection with his participation in a "Reformation commemoration" next 31st October in Sweden, if it would not be the "right moment, to commemorate  the mutually inflicted wounds," but "only to recognize the 'gifts' of the Reformation and perhaps consider lifting  the excommunication of Luther."

The Pope repeated in his reply, more or less, that which Cardinal Walter Kasper wrote what appeared in his last 14 March book "Martin Luther. An Ecumenical Perspective "(Patmos),  whose scandalous key message is:  "Luther was right." The reverse conclusion is: The Catholic Church was wrong. Francis indeed did not say this on the return journey, but the message has since been aired, continuing for months a significant drive towards a bow to Lutheranism. Here Pope Francis also includes Calvinism. Pope Francis has mentioned and commended the non-binding Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification of the Lutheran World Federation and the Catholic Church in 1999, while he did not mention one word on the binding Catholic Declaration Dominus Iesus, on the unicity and salvific universality of Jesus Christ and the Church from 2000.

Pope Francis said:

"I believe that the intentions of Luther were not wrong. He was a reformer. Perhaps some methods were not right, but at that time, when we read the story by [Ludwig von] Pastor - a German Lutherans who converted and became a Catholic - we see that the Church was not exactly a worthwhile model: it was corruption, worldliness, attachment to money and power. Therefore, he protested. He was intelligent and took a step forward and justified why he did it. Today we are unified as Protestants and Catholics on the doctrine of justification in agreement, and on this very important point, he was not wrong. He made a medicine for the Church, then he consolidated this medicine to a discipline, ito make it a way, a belief. And then Zwingli, Calvin had these principles behind them: ' cuius regio eius religio.' We must put ourselves in the history of that time. It is not easy to understand. Then things have gone further. This document on justification is one of the richest. There are divisions, even in the Lutheran Church there is a lack of unity. The diversity is what has perhaps been so bad for us, and now we are looking for the way to meet after 500 years. I believe that we need to pray together in the first place. Secondly, we need to work for the poor, the refugees, many people suffering, and finally that the theologians may study together ... That's a long way. I once jokingly said: I know, when the day of full unity will be: The day after the return of the Lord. We do not know when the Holy Spirit will effect this grace. Meanwhile, however, we must work together for peace. "
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: MiL
Trans: Tancred

Friday, June 24, 2016

Archbishop Sacrifices Priest Who Cites Saint Paul to the Homo-Zeitgeist

Don Massimiliano Puscheddu Preaching at a Pilgrimage
(Rome) "Die Bibelfäscher" is one of the most remarkable books of recent literature in the field of religion and theology, written by the leading New Testament scholar Klaus Berger. "Bible Counterfeiters" do not only appear in the field of professional theologians. The Archbishop of Cagliari in Sardinia, Mgr. Arrigo Miglio, issued a priest of his archdiocese a permanent ban on preaching and another such ban, from taking a public position. In addition, the priest must close his YouTube channel with his sermons.
Don Massimliano Pusceddu was found guilty of having quoted the Apostle Paul in a sermon on May 28 in opposition to the "gay marriage" approved by the Italian Parliament.  For this he was lynched verbally by the media. The "Corriere della Sera" wrote of the "Anti-Gay priest" who demands the execution of homosexuals. Numerous media ran the headline: "Priest wants death of homosexuals".

The Apostle Paul on Aberrosexuality, Sin and Death

Don Pusceddu had quoted the letter of Paul to the Romans, here represented by the translation of Klaus Berger:
"As a punishment, God has delivered them to their immoderate desires, so that they mutually desecrate their bodies.
People have traded the reality of God for deceit and structures created, revered and worshiped instead of the Creator. But the Creator will outlast them and be praised.

Because people have therefore swapped created and Creator, God has delivered them their desires, with which they do dishonor only themselves. So it was that women became lesbian and have exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural.
Thus it was that men became gay. Instead of following the nature and have sexual relations with women, they burned in their perverse desire for their peers and fornication with other men, which they received at first hand the condign punishment.
Because people had chosen not to know, he abandoned them to their foolish, so that they do evil.
They are brimming  with injustice, malice, greed, corruption, envy, lust for murder, strife, intrigue and wickedness. They play a double game and bearing tales, insulting God, are fully overbearing in swaggering conceit. They have only evil in mind and refuse obedience to their parents.
Intellect, loyalty, love and compassion are alien to them.
They know very well that according to God's statutes, such conduct is punishable by death. Yet they not only act this way, but even clap in applause when others do it." (Rom 1.24 to 32).
Whoever is able to listen and read, recognizes the connection of who is worthy of death in the eyes of God. What God judges in the hereafter, who people defy, even if some do not want to admit it and they do not want that God rules now or in the hereafter.
The focus of the sermon of Don Pusceddu was the importance and beauty of the family, which was being damaged by the legalization of "gay marriage."  In this context, he cited the apostles to reveal the perversity of homosexuality.

Tragedy: Archbishop kneeling down before the "Lord of the World" 

Don Puscheddu during a catechesis for "Apostles of Mary"

The journalists seem, even in a Catholic country, not to know the difference between sin and sinner. The distinction belongs to an essential element of Catholic doctrine. What the media does not know, at least should be understood by the bishop. However, he knelt before the undignified media and homosexual campaign.
Homo representatives held a protest vigil in front of the priest's church and demanded the removal of Don  Pusceddu in a petition to Pope Francis. What does not suit them must be eliminated. Another opinion is not tolerated, not even God's revelation. This was already realized in what St. Paul wrote to the Romans.
Archbishop Miglio was moved after a few days to intervene. To defend his priest? To protect the Church from spurious attacks? To demand the right of Catholics to read, ponder and proclaim the word of God? Not at all!
With a long press conference the Archbishop attacked Don Pusceddu frontally and from the side. Him, he accused of having "distorted the thought of St. Paul," and begged the aberromosexuals "in my name and on behalf of our diocesan Church, pardon."  At the same time he made known the list of punitive measures against the priest of his diocese.
"The spectacle of a bishop who comes running to kneel before, 'Lord of the World,' is really sad," says Riccardo Cascioli, the editor of the Catholic Internet newspaper, Nuova Bussola Quotidiana .

Surrender without fighting

Archbishop Miglio even cited the Apostle Paul himself in his letter to prove that Don Pusceddu had quoted him incorrectly. It could only come out the opposite of what the Archbishop wanted but he did not notice or did not want to notice. In chapter 5, Paul points to the exact relationship between death and sin: "Through one man, Adam, sin found its way into the world and in its wake, death" (Romans 5:12). "But where sin blooms, grace blooms even stronger" (Rom 5:20). Paul Chapter 8 then says that for those who are in Christ Jesus, there is no more condemnation.The key message of the apostles is to cry repentance and to warn of the dangers of doing wrong.
But Archbishop Miglio has preferred to capitulate to the world and to raise the white flag without fighting. He sacrificed his priest to please the spirit of the world. The other priests of the Archdiocese are now careful not to take a position on this issue. Thus, the only remaining warning voice will be silenced. Whoever announces the revealed doctrine of God, will be punished and removed from the pulpit, whoever bends on this issue and twists to please, or proclaims heresies of all kinds for decades, he can continue undisturbed  and is the darling of published opinion.
The bishop has the first obligation to be like a father to his priests, then his faithful. If a bishop can let a priest down  in such a way, the faithful of the whole Church are uncertain. For Archbishop Miglio to punish Don Puscheddu in such a brutal way, ultimately falls upon the movement founded by this priest,  "Apostles of Mary", which is now represented in all of Italy and many other countries and their charism, in the dissemination and promotion of the Rosary in the family. Don Puscheddu, a former boxer, exorcist of the Archdiocese and priest with a charismatic aura, will know the humiliation of being stuffed away. The damage from the Archbishop goes far beyond that.
It was not unnoticed that this sad statement by the Archbishop took place on the eve of the "Sardegna Gay Pride,"  which will take place tomorrow. The archbishop clearly offered up a priest in order to be able to continue to live undisturbed. The archbishop would have only to view the commercial put up by organizers for the aberrosexual-spectacle in which a little boy appears, to recognize who has been subjected since.