Showing posts with label Summorum Pontificum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Summorum Pontificum. Show all posts

Friday, February 15, 2013

Papal Electors and the “Old” Mass -- an Initial Preview on the Conclave

(Rome) During the last days of the Pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI. a glance has already been made at the possible successors of Christ’s representative on Earth, successor of the successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Peter and Bishop of Rome.  According to Church law any baptized Catholic man can be elected.  It follows from ecclesiastical praxis that the future Pope in any case is selected from the circle of the Conclave participants.  At this point a glance should be cast on each of the Cardinals, who belong to the Conclave and have already celebrated the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite or have taken part in such a celebration.  Of 117 Cardinals, who will be closed in the Sixtine Chapel, this applies to 22 Cardinals.  Almost every fifth member of the papal voters have had direct contact with the traditional form of the Roman Rite through the Motu proprio Summorum Pontificum.  The longest serving Cardinals among them is the Mexican, Juan Cardinal Sandoval Iniguez, emeritus Archbishop of Guadelajara.  He was already in 1994, accepted in the College of Cardinals. Among the the Cardinals declared in last two extraordinary Consistoriums of the past year there are none, who celebrate the “Old Mass” or have assisted at one.

Further Cardinals, among howm two, are considered “papabili”, Marc Cardinal Ouellet, the emeritus Archbishop of Quebec, the Primate of Canada, and since 2010 Prefect of the Bishops’ Congregation to the Roman Curia (Cardinal since 2003), and Timothy Cardinal Dolan, since 2009 Archbishop of New York and since 2010, the President of the American Bishops’ Conference (Cardinal since 2012), have enacted the Motu proprio Summorum Pontificum in their own areas of jurisdiction.

The following is a list of the Papal electors who have already celebrated the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the traditional, Tridentine Rite or have assisted at such:

Albert Malcolm Kardinal Ranjith Patabendige Don, born 1947, 2005-2009 Secretary of the Kongregation for Liturgy and the Order of the Sacramento, Archbishop of Colombo, Cardinal since 2010

Keith Michael Patrick Cardinal O‘Brien, born 1938, Archbishop of Saint Andrews and Edinburgh and Primate of Scotland, Cardinal since 2003

Franc Cardinal Rodé, Lazarist, born 1934, em. Archbishop of Laibach, em. Prefect of the Congregation for the Institutes Consecrated Life and for Societies of Apostolic Life, Cardinal since 2006

John Cardinal Tong Hon, born 1939, Bishop of Hong Kong, Cardinal since 2012

Antonio Cardinal Cañizares Llovera, Jahrgang 1945, em. Archbishop of Toledo und Primate of Spain, Prefect for the  Congregation for Liturgy and the Order of the Sacraments, Cardinal since 2006

Cardinal Lluís Martínez Sistach i, born in 1937, the Archbishop of Barcelona, ​​Cardinal since 2007

Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, born in 1948, em. Archbishop of Saint Louis, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, Cardinal since 2010

Francis Eugene Cardinal George, Oblate of immaculate Virgin Mary, born in 1937, Archbishop of Chicago, Cardinal since 1998

William Joseph Levada, born in 1936, em. Archbishop of San Francisco, em. Prefect of the CDF, Cardinal since 2006

Sean Patrick Cardinal O'Malley, Capuchin, born in 1947, Archbishop of Boston, Cardinal since 2006

Donald William Cardinal Wuerl, born in 1940, the Archbishop of Washington, Cardinal since 2010

Philippe Xavier Ignace Cardinal Barbarin, born in 1950, Archbishop of Lyon and Primate of the Gauls, Cardinal since 2003

Cardinal Jean-Pierre Ricard, born in 1944, Archbishop of Bordeaux, Cardinal since 2006

André Cardinal Armand Vingt-Trois, born in 1942, archbishop of Paris, and Primate of France, Cardinal from 2007

Ennio Cardinal Antonelli, born in 1936, em. Archbishop of Florence, em. President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Cardinal since 2003

Angelo Cardinal Bagnasco, born in 1943, Archbishop of Genoa, Cardinal since 2007

Carlo Cardinal Caffarra, born in 1938, Archbishop of Bologna, Cardinal since 2006

Velasio Cardinal De Paolis, was born in 1935, the Congregation of the Missionaries of St. Charles Borromeo, em. Prefect for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See, Cardinal since 2010

Angelo Cardinal Scola, born in 1941, em. Patriarch of Venice, archbishop of Milan, Cardinal since 2003

Juan Cardinal Sandoval Iñiguez, born in 1933, em. Archbishop of Gudalajara, Cardinal since 1994

Stanislaw Cardinal Dziwisz, born in 1939, Archbishop of Krakow, Cardinal since 2006

Kazimierez Cardinal Nycz, born in 1950, archbishop of Warsaw, Cardinal since 2010

Link to Katholisches...

Saturday, December 29, 2012

German Trappists Continue Traditional Restoration of Their Community

In 1963 Eberhard Vollberg was born in Frankfurt.  In December of 1986 he entered the Trappist Monastery of Mariawald.  He received the monastic name of Josef and studied theology and philosophy at the Austrian Cistercian Abbey of Heiligenkreuz near Vienna.  In June of 2006, he was ordained a priest and in November of the same year selected to be Abbot by the abbey's chapter. Under his leadership Mariawald undertook the task, in connection with the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum to use the traditional liturgical books.

Four years after this return to Tradition Paix Liturgique held an interview with Abbot Josef about this decision and its effect on the spiritual life of the Abbey.  The interview was in Brief 31 of the German edition of Pax Liturgique.

1) Could you say a few words about your Cloister, its history, its surroundings and its place in the Catholic world of Germany?

The Trappist Cloister of Mariawald is on the edge of the Eifel National Park, a distance of about 50 km south west of Cologne, a lonely place on the heights, surrounded by meadows and woods.  Its history began about the end of the 15th century with the growing interest in an miraculous painting, a Pieta.  In 1486 the Cistercians came here, in 1511 the Cloister church was consecrated.  The confusion of the French Revolution, just as much as the Kulturkampf and the Nazi-terror led to a gradualy dissolution and destruction, but the Mariawalder Cloister always restored itself like new.

Mariawald is the only Trappist Cloister in Germany.  The Trappists are monks of the renewal movement of the Cistercians in the 17th century, named after the Cloister of La Trappe.  The shortening of the order "OCSO" stands for Ordo Cisterciensium Strictoris Observantiae -- Cistercian Order of the Strict Observance.

In the Catholic wold of Germany Mariawald has lately taken a special place since the reform of 2008/09.  By a priviledge of the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI., the Abbey looked to the books of the liturgy in the Rite according to the books which were in use by the Cistercians in 1963.  Mariawald is following the Holy Father's wish when he was Prefect and since then, to protect against the amnesia toward the spiritual roots and the everywhere encroaching self-destruction of the heritage of a more than 1,500 year old tradition.  The way of Mariawald  is so far understood as service to the sanctity of the Church and Christians in the world.

The reaction of the Catholic public corresponds to farflung circles not to the will of the Holy Father;  all too often the reform is dismissed as reactionary and therefore rejected.  On the other side Mariawald is also accompanied by joyful agreement and gratitude, as among others to those faithful who come to the Sunday High Mass and shown by the significant inquiries after guest retreats.  Also mentionable is also the tolerance and respect of certain friendly neighboring relationships of various communities, some of which have honored  and revered the holy image of Mariawald --- a relationship which is unfortunately the exception up until now.

2)  Could you explain your motivations, to address the Motu Proprio "Summorum Pontificum" of 2008 and choose the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite for you Cloister?  How as the situation before?  Has your community suffered in the post-Conciliar crisis?

Fruits following on the Second Vatican Council  were not recognizable:  The Community had became significantly smaller.  Between 1965 and 2011 there were many departures and among the vocations, older men and only two vocations of younger, who proved their worth.  For that reason there was the desire, in stead of the anthorpocentric tendencies of the new orientation, to turn again to put God back in the center.  Just like a tree, which can only live from the power of its roots, so may the monk -- and not only him! -- fill in the wisdom of hundreds of years as a treasure, of himself and the Church again with youthful power.

It is still noticed that the Liturgy Mariawald is not completely identical with the Roman Rite, but has some particularities in its calendar, in the Liturgy of the Holy Mass and especially in the Office.

3) How has the choice changed your religious life?  What are the practical alterations in the Breviary, the Prayers of the Office, the Music education and Liturgical celebration and the Mass service?

The reform has made the spiritual lives of the monks more remarkable and strenuous.  The new "old" Liturgy has to be learned; the singing of Gregorian chant is an art, which requires special schooling; the care of the Latin as the required language of cultus requires eagerness to learn and industry; the prayers of the Breviary is a demand of more time, and the beginning of the hours at night at 3am really needs a preparedness to self denial.  All of the effort finds its own reward  in the experience of the threatened loss of wealth.

The altar service must also be learned, the visitors to the liturgy also must learn. The Latin liturgy versus deum instead of versus populum offers another and truly also deeper way of participatio actuosa.  Similarly, Communion on the tongue leads to the possibility of a conscious awe.  By the way, the Holy Father gives Holy Communion on the tongue according to the Novus Ordo -- and gives an example of his desired "Reform of the Reform".

4) What is the impact this has had on the lives of your community? On the relationship between the monks, on the spiritual life?

Forty years with the reformed liturgy has made a reorientation of course difficult, especially for the older brothers. Initial tensions have subsided, however, the situation has calmed down. The opening for the unabridged tradition, the intensification of the spiritual life, as we fervently hope, has born fruit, not least because of new vocations. This impatience is misplaced. To speak with the image of a friend of the monastery: The Company of the reform of Mariawald is like trying to turn an ocean liner traveling at full speed by 180 °. Both will not succeed immediately. Also Mariawald needs time - and the prayer of many.

5) What  stock can you take from this choice from today's perspective? You have shown an effect on vocations? How many monks have you today, how many were there in 2008?

If you're ask for an appraisal of this decision: I'd do it again - despite a number of  and somtimes subtle difficulties.

There were and are many candidates for admission to Mariawald, since the reform there have been about 40 to 50. But with the specific requirements of the strict rule almost all will leave. This reflects the general social phenomenon of our times. The escape from a lifelong relationship is reflected, too, in all the unmarried people cohabitating and the growing number of divorces. The inability to commit has probably burdened all orders and is not specific to our reform path.

In 2008 twelve monks were part of the convent, and of them, two have died in the meantime. Today, there are thus ten, including a brother who has recently taken perpetual vows - they're still showing the willingness to bond - and a newly recorded novice. Later this year, a postulant will be included, and there are two or three others seriously interested. Not to mention there are three external monks belonging to the monastery to Mariawald.

6) Do you get visited by priests from dioceses and other religious communities, who have the desire to discover the extraordinary form or to learn it?

Inquiries from priests to learn the celebration of the Usus Antiquior from us, are still coming, however, at first they were more common. With its limited manpower Mariawald can not afford this training.

7) It is obvious that at parish level, the "Reform of the Reform" of Benedict XVI, who wants to encourage more kneeling Communion, Gregorian Kyriale, Eucharistic Prayer in Latin, celebration to the East, altar crucifix, etc., is spreading slowly. Do you observe a Motu Proprio effect in your Trappist community?

A positive response to the request of the Holy Father, to bring tradition in the Novus Ordo is not visible. Rather, there is, as it seems a rigid denial and continued discrimination against the Holy Father and a clear disregard of such statements as the Council for Liturgy. Obedience and humility don't seem to be ideals.

In our monastic community, to respond briefly to your last question, in the course of the reform efforts, there is, if not an unconditional love of all tradition, acceptance has still grown. They really do love them, wanting no longer to do without them.

Link to source...

Monday, September 17, 2012

Will the Pope Celebrate the Immemorial Mass of All Ages?

Edit: For this not to be a fairly high profile event, it is certainly being covered by a lot of high-profile news organs.

The apparent "Reform of the Reform" of Pope Benedict XVI. has been a paper tiger for over seven years of this pontificate.  Will the Pope seek a new impulse?

( On November 3rd thousands of Traditionalists from throughout the world are coming to a Mass in the Old Rite in St. Peter's.

On the 10th of September the organizers from the Roman parish Trinità dei Pellegrini, which is directed by the Priestly Society of St. Peter,  made the event public.

Widely promoted

The organizer of the pilgrimage is the site "Coetus Internationalis Pro Summorum Pontificum'.  It operates as a collaboration of various Catholic organizations.

The clerical assistant of the pilgrimage is a well-known French priest, Fr. Claude Barthe.

From Germany there's a group pilgrimaging from the lay organization 'Pro Missa Tridentina'.

Who Will Celebrate?

At the press conference it wasn't revealed who would celebrate the Mass.

That was a sentence from the well-informed blog '' left open for speculation.

It read there that the pilgrimage would go down in Church history, if the rumors about who the celebrant is to be were valid.

This will be read by observers as proof that Pope Benedict XVI. -- whose "Reform of the Reform" has long been stalled out -- will use this opportunity to say his first Pontifical High Mass in the Old Rite.

Many television news have reported

The pilgrimage is being held in thanksgiving for the promulgation of the Motu Proprio 'Summorum Pontificum'.

Additionally, it is a true announcement for the Pope in view of the Church's current decline.

There are several international television organizations present -- among them 'EWTN', 'CNN', 'Fox News', 'BBC', 'RAI', and even the Arabic broadcaster 'Al Jazeera'.

Advertising Video for the Pilgrimage

On September 12th the organizers published a short advertisement of the pilgrimage with the Titel 'Una cum Papa nostro".

Friday, September 14, 2012

Monsignor Angelo Amodeo, Canon of Milan Cathedral is No More, RIP

Edit: there isn't much we can add but only that it's fitting that he died so close to the birth of the legislation he did so much to bring about.  God grant him rest and pardon.  Let us not fail him in death who did so much as a shepherd of souls and always carried a generous heart and pray for the repose of his immortal soul.  Here's a slightly edited google translation from the wonderful, Messa in Latino:
We have just been informed by telephone that recently fell asleep in the Lord at the age of 80 years, after a period of illness, Monsignor Angelo Amodeo, minor canon of the Chapter of the Cathedral of Milan, was a great lover of Tradition Ambrosian Liturgy and Roman.
He was ordained in 1957 by Cardinal Montini of Milan, and was priest of great humility. He always wanted to come to the aid generously to all those who needed him, in different parts of Italy (Rome to Imperia, from Venice to Meda) to celebrate Mass in the ancient rite of the Church or to play the role of assistant priest. always remember with immense gratitude that Monsignor Amodeo its September 14, 2007, the day he came into force the long-awaited Motu Proprio " Summorum Pontificum "of the reigning Pope, took a long journey to Loreto to play the role of assistant priest at the Pontifical celebrated by Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos in the Basilica (bottom) of the Holy House.
Hurry, expiate his human faults, his soul will be received into heaven to sing with the angels for divine liturgies.
Link to Messa in Latino...

Today is the Anniversary of Summorum Pontificum and The Feast of the Holy Cross

Edit: Those of us who are Traditionalists wish to thank the Holy Father for the generous Motu Proprio related to the Immemorial Mass of All Ages. Today is not only the great feast of the Holy Cross, but it's also the anniversary of Summorum Pontificum:

Quaecumque vero a Nobis hisce Litteris Apostolicis Motu proprio datis decreta sunt, ea omnia firma ac rata esse et a die decima quarta Septembris huius anni, in festo Exaltationis Sanctae Crucis, servari iubemus, contrariis quibuslibet rebus non obstantibus 
We order that everything We have established with these Apostolic Letters issued as Motu Proprio be considered as "established and decreed", and to be observed from 14 September of this year, Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, whatever there may be to the contrary.
A h/t goes to the Messa in Latino blog for the information... It clarifies that this legislation is superior to all others related to the Liturgy surrounding the Novus Ordo and would forbid such Calvinistic practices as Communion in the hand.

The Mass of All Ages:

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Disciple of +Lefebvre: Benedict's Liturgical Renewal is Tridentine

(Paris)  In the French publisher Godfroy de Bouillon is a book about Pope Benedict XVI's changes in the Liturgy reform since the beginning of his pontificate.  The author of the book it he priest Paul Aulangier.  The book contains more of his preliminary steps to put the theme together and serves as a knowledgeable synopsis of the last seven years of liturgical renewal.   The basic starting point of the introduction is the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of 2007, which had reintroduced the classical form of the Roman Rite as the "extraordinary form" in the Church and had set it next to the "ordinary form".  Aulagnier showed the steps leading to how the "Old Mass" had experienced its return in the Church since its implementation through the Motu Proprio.

The author did not only deal with the question as to how Summorum Pontificum was implemented, rather also the previous history as to how it became the Motu Proprio.  Already in 1986 a commission of Cardinals appointed by the Pope then expressed itself for the return of the Tridentine Mass and also that the Pope did not stand against it.  Some Bishops Conferences wanted therefore to prevent the entire enterprise with all of their resistance.   So the Church had to wait till 2007 when the recognition of the Mass of All Ages was possible.

Aulagnier has published and analyzed all of the important documents  and came to the conclusion that Pope Benedict XVI, with his reform of the reform, envisioned in the future on the other hand only a single form of the Roman Rite one next to each other.   The Pope wrote already in the Motu Proprio about the "mutual enrichment".  In the concepts themselves which were still recognized by the hierarchy, there is a deferment taking place, which shows a shift in language toward appreciation for the "Old Mass".   Benedict XVI's goal is that he wants that both forms intermix and become one and do this from Tradition.  Where Pope Benedict has persistently since the beginning of his pontificate taken the steps of liturgical renewal, this is Tridentine, says Aulagnier.

The author shows that Benedict XVI would have undertaken the renewal more quickly with more steps, but there was strong resistance from the ranks of the Bishops, those of the French and the German episcopate before the publication of the Motu Proprior Summorum Pontificum, and this resistance is still there, although it is weaker.  The Pope had slowed his pace, because he wanted to win and convince.

Perhaps more importantly, said Aulagnier, as the papal documents are the Pope's  model for the practical implementation of the reform. There is an "educational" approach of the Pope by his example, that would be slow, but it has an extension throughout the world. The number of  sites where the Old Rite is offered take place everywhere. Nevertheless, during this pontificate no substantial change in the Missal of Paul VI was accomplished., from which you can see from the new translation of the Missal into English from. Aulagnier closes with a reference to a speech by Bishop Athanasius Schneider in Paris over the five wounds of the liturgy. The author says that it was long difficult to imagine that two Missal would co-exist equally, it still needs many steps to overcome this situation.

A book that understands itself as "an inventory", will be  much discussed. The author, Paul Aulangier was one of those seminarians in the French Seminary in Rome, who turned for help in the post-conciliar period to Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and followed him. Consecrated in 1971 by Archbishop Lefebvre as a priest, he was among the founding members of the Society of St. Pius X. From 1976 to 1994 he was the District Superior of France and was involved instrumentally in building the Brotherhood in their "home country".  In 2004 he was expelled from the SSPX because he supported the unification of the Apostolic Personal administration of St. John Vianney in Brazil with the Holy See. Father Aulagnier founded the Institut du Bon-Pasteur, a new home which Pope Benedict XVI been established as an institute of pontifical right.

Link to katholisches original...

Monday, July 30, 2012

Neo-Conservative French Bishop More Eager to Accomodate Ecumenism Than Catholicism

Edit: despite great demand, Bishop d'Ornellas refuses to supply the people with access to a Traditional Latin Mass as prescribed by Summorum Pontificum.  Yet the decadent Diocese is ready to do their best to accommodate halal and kosher meals for non-Catholics in the name of inter-religious dialog. 

We received the following report from and a thoughtful reader which we translated with google. 

"When we go on holiday in Britain, usually we go to Mass at the very welcoming Chapel of St. Anne (St. Malo). This place of worship is served by the Society of St. Pius X to which we have only sympathy. 
The climate a little heavy around the SSPX recently led us to seek yet another traditional place of worship. It's simple, outside of the apostolate of the Institute of Christ the King, in Rennes, there is nothing! Yet I can assure you there, especially in the Rance estuary, between Dinard / St Briac Saint-Malo/Cancale and a potential supply of faithful of the SSPX (in Rennes, Saint Malo and St. Mary's School of the Holy Father, not to mention Lanvallay in the neighboring diocese of Saint-Brieuc) is not enough to satisfy, especially in the summer. 
In short, we chose to do some sightseeing and liturgical masses alternating holidays with the apostolate of ICRSP in Rennes, the Mass in Gregorian chant of the Cathedral of Saint-Malo, a legacy of the wonderful canon Orhant who led control of the cathedral for many years, and probably the SSPX August 15. 
Our first choice was there and Rennes, what a shock! A chapel in a neighborhood eccentric, in a sorry state and packed even though friends told us that during the school year, there are still more people. 
I know you have already repeatedly addressed the issue Rennes in your letters but I think you should come back. Would not that because the faithful with whom I discussed at the exit of the Mass have taught me that the mayor of Rennes had announced the construction of a subway station near the chapel and they not know what would happen to them during this project due to start in September and could last two years. 
Before the ad limina visits, I think a letter explaining liturgical Peace that ultimately the Motu Proprio of Benedict XVI is still lacking in an honest application as important as the Archdiocese of Rennes could do good to the followers of Archbishop d'Ornellas as those of other dioceses where Catholics are still traditional sensitivity and always treated as second-class Catholics. ". 
It is with pleasure, alas! we respond to the request of our readers and carry back our attention to the diocese entrusted to Bishop d'Ornellas. In fact, we could take almost verbatim our 287 Letter of June 17, 2011 as the situation is frozen. 
1) Our drive begins by pointing out the existence of a high potential of faithful attached to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman rite between Dinard and Saint-Malo, especially in summer. This is so true that a request for implementation of the Motu Proprio was made ​​pastor of Dinard in ... 2009. Without success, since the priest had wished to seek a petition Episcopal - yet canonically useless - which never came. 
In fact, the reigning Archbishop d'Ornellas, there is no more possibility of regular celebration of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite in Dinard that there has to Redon, Vitre or Châteaubourg, even , as was the case for the latter parish, the application file ends up being sent to Rome. From the mold of Paris, Mgr d'Ornellas is on principle opposed to any initiative, as well as liturgical or doctrinal spiritual, traditional color. Italian Vatican expert Sandro Magister also recently associated the name of Bishop d'Ornellas to that of Cardinal Vingt-Trois to evoke the French prelates refused to consider, unlike the Pope, "the traditionalist world - very much alive in France, there component not included in its Lefebvrist - more as a resource than a problem. " 
If we add to this that Monsignor d'Ornellas is renowned in all areas, and to everyone, just the opposite of dialogue, to put it lightly (1), few faithful dare to ask for hearing ... Hence the judgment of applications (formally expressed) in the diocese. Anyway, as he says and rehearsed by a clergy submitted more than an accomplice, the Episcopal line is that demand is satisfied since there is the chapel of St. Francis. 
2) The Chapel of St. Francis is the historic site of the application of the Motu Proprio Ecclesia Dei of 1988 in the diocese of Rennes. For a dozen years, one of the celebrants were Father Anthony Perrero, La Salette missionary called to God in 2010. It is he who has gradually passed the torch to the Institute of Christ the King, establishing over time a close relationship with the Institute. 
In his will, Father Perrero had expressed his wish that his funeral be celebrated at St. Francis according to the traditional liturgy. A vow which Mgr d'Ornellas replied with a bad grace, celebrating a Mass in Latin, Paul VI, awkward - especially reading sections aloud - and preaching against the extraordinary form that would deprive the faithful recitation of the Our ​​Father ... A hurtful attitude and shocking not only for the faithful of St. Francis but also for pilgrims who discovered thanks to La Salette Father Perrero, often foreign to the extraordinary form, and his brother priests who came with him in his final resting place. 
3) Meanwhile, as noted by our colleague Riposte Catholic Diocese of Rennes practice interreligious dialogue at a level rarely seen. From 17 to 22 July, a session devoted to Judaism interdiocesan was organized in order to "discover the Christians inexhaustible spiritual wealth" of it. Yes, you read well, the target of these days were primarily Christians, "young and old, priests, seminarians, catechists, Catholic school teachers, lay responsibility in the Church." It is well beyond what is usually done in the dioceses on behalf of the declaration Nostra Aetate,especially as the registration form states that "all meals will be kosher" (and why the Halal meat was it not foreseen?). 
Even without considering the merit of such an initiative, we can only frown upon reading the key words for this event - "Distinguish not separate and unite without confounding" - as they are in glaring contrast with the ostracism are victims, in the diocese of Rennes, Catholics attached to the traditional liturgy. [It's ok to ostracize traditionalists, but you must accommodate other religions even if you compromise your own]
In his letter to the bishops of 7 July 2007 accompanying the promulgation of Summorum Pontificum, Pope Benedict does not he called all his brother bishops, including Bishop d'Ornellas therefore, to "make every effort to ensure that all those who truly desire unity have the opportunity to remain in that unity "and to let them into their heart" everything that the faith itself made ​​up "? 
4) To return to our reader mail, we can confirm, from reading the website of the city of Rennes, in 2019, at least if the work knows no time, the station Mabilais of line B local subway will open right in front of the court of St. Francis. According to documents available online, the early work of structural work should not occur before 2013. There is not yet an emergency but it is legitimate that we ask ourselves the question of continuity of worship at St. Francis during this long project. This question of the place of worship is not a problem in itself, all the churches of Rennes, once very Catholic, are far from being met (hence the result: this year there has been no ordained priest in the diocese, the clergy is endangered) but could be complicated in a global context episcopal opposition to the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum. This is not the first time we'd see the enemies of peace enjoy problematic material to break what has developed in sometimes heroic ... 
5) However, the underground work or not, the issue of implementation of the Motu Proprio in the diocese of Rennes exceeds, by far the simplest case of the faithful of the Saint-François. The survey (see our letter 289 ) made ​​for us by JLM Studies Institute in May 2011 has revealed two of three practitioners of the diocese attend at least monthly in the Extraordinary Form of the Mass if it was proposed in their parish. To meet this demand there is still only one place of mass Summorum Pontificum and not a single priest in the whole diocese of Rennes does not apply (however timidly: a mass or a mass per month per week) or can implement the Motu Proprio ... 
The SSPX has, meanwhile, three places of worship, and also the priory of Lanvallay shining over the diocese. And evidence of a situation decidedly far from pacified, Rennes is home to the largest center sedevacantist of France: three Sunday services are offered in a chapel that can hold up to 400 people. 
Obviously, there are many sheep in the diocese of Rennes, the question is: is there a pastor willing to accommodate them? 
(1) In our Letter 287 , "No progress in the diocese of Rennes," we said about the Archbishop: The intellectual Pierre d'Ornellas, belonging - as other senior clerics in Paris, as Antoine Guggenheim - at the Institute of Our Lady of Life, Venasque, was one of several private secretaries who succeeded to Cardinal Lustiger. He was then director of the Cathedral School, a position of extreme confidence, and finally auxiliary bishop in 1997. In politics Parisian "refocusing" of the time, he was one of the most powerful arm, especially the more careful to preserve the young clerics in the capital of any fundamentalist virus. The priests formed by Archbishop d'Ornellas were destined to become an exemplary, like Cardinal Lustiger was fond of telling them, "the first generation that would finally understood the Council." 
He thus became, with Archbishop Vingt-Trois, the closest collaborator of the Archbishop, but in a very different style, forcefully, to the point of succeeding to achieve unanimity, which is rare among the clergy, but against ... him. Its importance in the high clergy of France she will be appointed directly to a metropolitan see, Rennes. 
In his honor, should be noted that Bishop d'Ornellas took strong moral and public positions, which constitute a substantial improvement over the strategy of "burying" that prevailed in the 1970s and who made ​​that the Veil law could pass without any mobilization Episcopal. 
In total, a man of strong (and bad) character, Bishop of Rennes Ornellas intends to make, at a time when the Church is emerging in an indispensable reconciliation built on a true charity and pragmatic, a division of militant and combative 'third way', neither progressive nor -, ever! - Traditionalist. 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Cardinal Burke Complains of Resistance to Summorum Pontificum

Edit: does this mean that Bishops who do this will be disobedient and "extra ecclesiam"?

Within the Church there is still resistance to the Mass in the extraordinary Rite [Immemorial], said Cardinal Raymond Burke.  The both Rites should enrich each other.

Rome (  Five years after the publication of the papal letter "Summorum Pontificum", there is still ongoing resistance against the Extraordinary Rite of the Mass by Pope Benedict XVI., said Raymond Cardinal Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura.

There is stil much to do so that the Traditional Liturgy can be available to the faithful, said the Carinal in an interview with Catholic News Service (CNS).  Resistance comes from within the Church, he said.  Some are of the view that the Extraordinary Rite damages the Church.  Others which to express their protest against the Holy Father with that.

In an accompanying letter to "Summorum Pontificum" the Pope had written, he hopes, that both forms of the Liturgy might enrich one another.  The readings in the national language is a "great gift", said Burke.  They could also be built into the Tridentine Mass.  The prayers at the foot of the altar and the prologue of the Gospel of St. John at the end of the Traditional Mass are elements which the Ordinary Rite could be enriched by, said the Cardinal.

Link to

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Traditionalist Group Spreads Catholic Faith in Moscow

Summorum Pontificum

A German Cleans up Moscow

Even in the capital city of Russia the little plants of the Old Mass are showing themselves to a greater and more powerful tree. --

(  Since January 2011 there has been a website ''.

In the sign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The web title page is published by the "Society of the Most Precious Heart of Jesus".

The society was founded in 2010 on All Hallows by Moscow Catholics.

Huber was born in the 30,000 population city Buhl -- about 10km south west of Baden-Baden in the immediate vicinity of the Elsace border.

For 10 years he has lived and worked in Moscow.

Destructive and sinful

"It wasn't until 2008 that I visited Holy Mass in the ancient Roman Rite for the first time in Moscow."

For him it is clear, "that this Liturgy is the complete unabridged Catholic Faith celebrated to the honor of God".

At the same time he was surprised that this Liturgy has been so significantly criticized in the Catholic Church:

"That appears to me completely senseless -- even destructive and sinful".

Maintain Permanently

The founding of the "Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus" was for Huber a consequential step back to Tradition:

"We experience much joy and gratitude in this work for the Catholic Faith."

Huber's society would like to organize and permanently maintain the worthy celebration of the Old Mass in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary in Moscow.

Additionally they promote the spiritual lives of members through Eucharistic adoration, the Holy Office, the ember days, the Rosary and spiritual exercises.

The Society is also taking pains to promote the Old Mass in all Russian regions.

Invitation to Priests

Huber invites priests, who celebrate the Old Mass, to celebrate it in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary.

The Old Mass will be celebrated there every Sunday at 5pm in the large chapel of the Cathedral.

translated from: Link to

Thursday, December 29, 2011

French Auxiliary Bishop Offers Pontifical High Mass on Christmas

A Courageous Auxiliary Bishop

Msgr Nicolas Brouwet
[Paris, France] On the feast of Christmas, Msgr Nicolas Brouwet, the Auxiliary Bishop of the French Diocese of Nanterre, celebrated a Pontifical High Mass in the Immemorial Mass of All Ages.

The holy sacrifice of the Mass was celebrated in the Parish of Saint John the Baptist of Plessis-Robinson.  Auxiliary Bishop Brouwet follows the Motu Proprio, Summorum Pontificum, with which Pope Benedict desires to promote the celebration of the so-called Tridentine Rite.

Msgr Nicolas Brouwet was named Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Nanterre in 2008.  The Diocese is in the immediate vicinity of Paris.  His decision to celebrate the Holy Mass on Christmas Day is in no way self-evident.   The Diocesan Bishop of Nanterre, Msgr Gérard Daucour is not tradition friendly. Archbishop Brouwet has taken part in the yearly Pentecost Pilgrimage of Tradition from Paris to Chartres.  Despite the
disapproval of his Diocesan Bishop, Msgr Brouwet celebrated the Old Rite at the conclusion of the Pilgrimage in 2011.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Risposte Catholique

Link to Katholisches... 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

In Liturgy It's Only the Right of the Powerful

How can it be that in the Church where "Tolerance" has long been the Superdogma, such intolerance exists? Answer: Because tolerance is only valid for the devil.

( The German Bishops invite to dialog. They are, however, "not immediately dialog-ready" about the Old Mass.

Pastor Hendrick Jolie from the Diocese of Mainz said in the middle of this May on his website.

This is how he sees the Bishops' Offer of Dialog

There interest in the Old Mass is small -- cited Fr. Jolie the Bishops. That has a diverse number of causes said Father Jolie.

He says there's a "steadily growing indifference of many Christians for Faith and Liturgy".

Fr. Jolie sees a second cause in the "open secret that in many Seminaries, the interest in the Old Mass alone can be dangerous."

The clergyman knows seminarians who are hesitant to participate in the Old Rite, because they fear the consequences.

He cites a Seminarist with the words: "I just want to get ordained."

That cause Fr. Jolie to comment: "Is this how the Bishops see dialog?"

In the Diocese of Mainz there are priests who are open to the Old Liturgy, but are under pressure.

On that point he recalled the word of then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger from the year 2000:

"Whoever today is inclined to this Liturgy or participates in it, will be dealt with as an outsider; here all tolerance comes to an end."

Fr. Jolie put the question: "How can it be that in our Church where "Tolerance" has long been spoken of as the Superdogma, can such intolerance rule?"

Only the Right of the Strong

The clergyman is appealing to the consciences of the Old Liberal Bishops:

"Experience teaches that unresolved injustice in the Church can have fatal consequences."

Because: "Through silence, ignorance and the "right of the strong" solves no problems in the Kingdom of God."

Fr. Jolie recalled then that the Pope in 2007 had described the de facto prohibition against the Old Mass a "profound injustice".

Then he asked the question:

"Is it not indisputable, that on the one hand in our Church ecumenism is written of highly, while at the same time even Catholics, who are, very directly addressed and given permission from the Pope, are still punished with marginalization?"

Link to kreuz...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Old Mass: Some Will Force Hand Communion

Editor: refers to hand Communion as being sacrilegious, we don't.

As expected the German Bishops are attempting to construe the generous allowance for the Old Mass with "arbitrarily and restrictively".

( "Even in the community there have been those set apart, because faithful -- who apparently have come with the purpose -- to force communion in the hand on the Old Rite."

This is according to the famous Paster Henrick Jolie from the Diocese of Mainz on the 20th of May in an interview with the German website ''.

The horror of Communion in the Hand at the Old Mass

Fr. Jolie would have liked that the Pope would have introduced the question of hand Communion in the recent instruction on the Motu Proprio 'Summorum Pntificum'.

Because: "There are Diocese in which hand Communion is given at the Old Mass".

Individual Bishops had even instructed their priests -- in contravention to the Liturgical norms--, not to refuse the sacrilegious communion in the hand.

Bishops react with Arbitrariness

Fr. Jolie is pleased that the Instruction insisted that the stable groups, which can request the Old Mass, don't have to come from the same Diocese or Parish.

That is for him an indirect criticism on diverse Diocesan "implementation regulations", which have been published in the wake of 'Summorum Pontificum':

"Here is where completely arbitrary restrictions are decreed."

They have attempted to define "narrowly and as expected, restrictively" the size or the composition of these groups of believers.

There's no relying on Rome

Fr. Jolie views has skepticism that the faithful have been offered the possibility of appealing their right with respect to the Old Mass to Rome:

"We know, how the Roman Community have dealt with the court of appeals over liturgical abuses."

Because: "The Canons have changed nothing."

[another article follows this one, soon]\

Link to original...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cardinal Burke's latest interview dealing with Summorum Pontificum

Editor: Heads up to the Bishops. You can't expect obedience on the part of your laity if you're unwilling to be obedient yourselves.

by Pete Frey on Thursday, May 5, 2011 at 12:00pm
In its application, I have ascertained an always increasing interest and appreciation for the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite, for the faithful in general and for young Catholics in particular. Excellent initiatives have taken place in order to promote acquaintance with the motu proprio and its objective, foreseen by the Holy Father when he promulgated it. I think of numerous individual talks as well as conferences on sacred liturgy, which have granted particular attention to the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite and to its relationship with the ordinary form. Additionally, several books and articles have been published, having as their aim a deep study of the motu proprio.

It is evident that the application of Summorum Pontificum has not taken place in a uniform fashion in the Church universal. In some places, its application has even faced resistence by the part of those who claim not to understand its goals and who defend that the motu proprio cannot be applied before the publication of the Instruction related to its application. I hope that the Instruction will be published shortly, so that the motu proprio may be applied in a more universal and more uniform way, according to the profound pastoral solicitude of our Holy Father for the sacred liturgy. To those who claim not to understand the intentions of Summorum Pontificum, I suggest a re-reading of the Letter to the Bishops, written by our Holy Father when it was promulgated, as well as the numerous writings of the Holy Father on sacred liturgy, published before and after his election to the Chair of Peter. I think, for instance, of his masterpiece: The Spirit of the Liturgy.

As far as I am concerned, the application of the motu proprio has allowed me to greatly develop and deepen my knowledge and love for the sacred liturgy, the highest expression of the faith and of the life of the Church. By re-reading the apostolic letter itself, as well as the accompanying Letter to Bishops of the Pope, I see how the Holy Father was inspired when grating to the universal Church this new liturgical discipline. I have myself been a personal witness to the good fruits of this new discipline

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Pope May Offer the Society a Personal Ordinariate

Msgr Galarreta leads Rome Talks for SSPX
Editor: More speculation arising, surrounding Bishop Williamson's statement last year about the possibility of a Motu Propio.

The Holy see is ascertaining the possibility of the unifying of the Society of St. Pius X by erecting a Personal Ordinariat.

As far as concerns the question of a form in church law for the Society founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre,  the Vatican appears to be considering the erection of a Personal Ordinariat.  since Autumn 2010 Canon lawyers have been studying this idea.  One such canonical solution for the Society put in a quasischismatic situation by the 1988 Episcopal consecrations will be proposed by the summer.  This was reported on the French site Summorum Pontificum observatus.

In the French rea of Catholic traditionalism it is presently an exchange of blows taking place.  The page Disputationes Theologicae, which is made up of members affiliated with  the Institute of the Good Shepherd is driven to view the talks between the Holy See and the Society of St. Pius X as "abortive".  Similarly, American Vaticanist John Allen understands from explanations from Abbé de Caquera and Bishop Williamson, one of the four Bishops of the Society.

Summorum Pontificum observatus sees behind the voices, which have attempted to put the discussions in a negative light, "an active minority of French priests of the Pius Society" at work, "who dismiss canonical reognition".  These critics are internal to the society to which belong the French District Superior, Bishops Tissier de Mallerais as well, who have described Pope Benedict XVI earlier this year as "supermodernistic", according to Messsa in latino.

Summorum Pontificum observatus reports also the voices which speak of a failure of the talks between Rome and the Society being "unfounded".   The emerging  offer of the Holy See, to erect for the Society a Personal Ordinaria as a canonical structure within the Church, is a "treat opportunity".  They would secure the independence of the Society from the Diocesan Bishops.  It is a particular concern of the Pope to offer the Society a solution which is canonically reliable.

Translated from

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New Clarifications Make Immemorial Mass Required Reading in Seminaries

Wow, when you're right you/re right.  Paulo Rodari was right about Summorum Pontificum not being anything for "Traditionalists" to fear, as reported here by Rorate Caeli., and Messa in Ladino.

The Immemorial Mass of All Ages, founded and celebrated by the Pope Gregory the Great, will now be required reading for Modern Seminarians as reported in Messa in Latino and translated by Hans Coessens.

All seminaries will have to celebrate the extraordinary form according to a future Motu Proprio to be released by the Curia and all dioceses will have to acknowledge any regulations on Summorum Pontificum as null and void.

This will mean that Seminary Rectors won't be technically able to undercut the Immemorial with petty concerns and dissembling.  It's an explicit order and it starts to make Cardinal Ranjith's ominous prediction more encouraging, prophetic and even clear.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Seminarians: Summorum Pontificum to extend to the Ambrosian Rite -- Call for the Old Rite

(Mailand)A group of seminarians of the ecclesiastical province of Milan have asked Pope Benedict to extend the Motu Prorprio Summorum Pontificum with the generous reinstatement of the Tridentine Rite as the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite, to the Ambrosian Rite as well.  This was reported by the Italian blog, Messa in latino.  The seminarians are asking that in the upcoming rules of implementation for the Motu Proprio that it be specifically mentioned that it is valid for all Latin Rites, and not just forthe Roman.  The Ambrosian Rite, like the Braga [once celebrated in Portugal] or the independent "old" Rites of the various religious orders, as they were celebrated up until the Liturgical reform.

The Ambrosian Rite, which dates from St. Ambrose (339-397), Bishop of Milan and some neighboring areas, as also in parts of the Diocese of Lugano in the Swiss Canton of Tessin.  The Archbishop of Milan is numerically the largest Diocese in the world.  Only some parishes of the Diocese celebrate in the Roman Rite.

The reigning Archbishop, Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi, has refused up until now the implementation of the Motu Propio Summorum Pontificum with the reason that the Ambrosian Rite isn't effected by it.

The same position  has been used by the Bishops of other Rites in the Latin Church,, like the Archdiocese of Braga in Portugal.

Because of this various internet blogs of Tradition have expressed the "concern" that the rules of implementation for the Motu Proprio will not bring the hoped for spread of the use of the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite.  Much worse, it will bring feared "limitations" .  For this reason the call "Request for the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, [English] in the event of the Instruction/Clarification of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum" has been called to life.  The text is in seven languages (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese und Dutch) and published on the internet for signatures.

 (Giuseppe Nardi, Bild: The Pope Benedict Forum)

Link to

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Coming Decree on the Liturgy is Authentic [Not Watered Down]

Editor: Basically, Paulo Rodari is contradicting some of the big boys in town. Some editing with google-translate:

It is writen here , here and here that the Vatican is trying to water down the implementing decree of the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum.
In essence, the blogs mentioned above [Rorate, Messalatino, Summorum Pontificum]  instead of giving a greater impetus to the decree Motu Proprio, showing how it will explain the implementation of the Old Mass to the bishops in the best way; they are saying instead that the Old Liturgy is just a concession to the "traditionalists" in recognition of their particular sensitivity. Even still the bloggers write that the originator of this dilution would be Monsignor Charles Scicluna, promoter for  justice in Malta under the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and Cardinal Antonio Canizares Llovera, prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship.
 I have personally made the necessary checks and I can say that, according to sources inside the Vatican, the information given above "is entirely without foundation." The implementation of the decree is not being watered down. Cardinals Canizares and Scicluna among others  are not working in that direction.
The Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, which is now chaired by the prefect of the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal William Joseph Levada, has already prepared the text of the decree, is waiting for the difficult work of translation to finish, and expects to publish all (provided that the translations do not suffer delays) before Easter.
Original at Apostolic 

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cardinal Ranjith is Talking about the "Elimination" of the New Mass

In Old Liberal Vienna, a Pius-Priest may not enter any ecclesiastical buildings. Thirty Diocesan Priests from Catholic Italy have spoken against this.

(kreuz, Paris) Dated, 13. January 2011: A very large part of the post-Conciliar love-Church "hates" the Society of Pius X.  The Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X., Msgr Bernard Fellay, said this the Sunday before last in Paris.

He explained that in the current discussions with Rome, discretion is very important.

The Society will go very intelligently with the negotiations.  They must make no false concessions.

The Bishop is pleased that Rome is generally prepared to discuss the non-dogmatic Pastoral Council.

Longing for the Catholic Teaching

In the lecture he mentioned that he was able to speak with almost thirty Italian Diocesan priests in the Diocese of Albano near Rome.

He is said to have asked the priests what they expect from the SSPX and figured they would say "the Mass".

Actually, the priests wanted "the Doctrine" from the Society.

Msgr Fellay is convinced that priests  who return to the Immemorial Mass of All Ages, will also come back to the Catholic doctrine -- but "from far away".

For they knew despite years of academic study nothing of God.

The "New Mass" has Outlived Itself

In Rome Bishop Fellay also met "very good people" -- priests, even Bishops and apparently Cardinals.

The Bishop named none.

Msgr Fellay cited however a word from Cardinal Malcom Ranjith of Sri Lanka.  He said to him: "one can not eliminate the New Mass with one stroke."

It takes more levels and will require twenty years, a whole generation.

As a step in the direction of improvement Bishop Fellay indicated the Motu Proprio, 'Summorum Pontificum'.

Not all is good with that, already: "But, a beginning has been made."
