Showing posts with label Religion of Peace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Religion of Peace. Show all posts

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Libya Introduces Sharia -- The Result of the "Arab Spring"

(Tripoli)  Sharia is the basis and "source" of all law in the North African Mediterranean state Libya. A committee will now consider all applicable laws and regulations to determine whether they are in accordance with Islamic law.Two and a half years after the outbreak of the "Arab Spring", the results are devastating: a torn country in which various islamist groups and clans have controlled  whole regions and now has also saw the introduction of Sharia.The Libyan Parliament decided last Wednesday the introduction of Islamic law. The Sharia have to submit to all laws and regulations of the country. Therefore, the Parliament set up a commission to review all legal standards for compliance with the Sharia. Provisions that are not compliant with Shari'ah must be abolished or replaced.

A country in chaos

Two and a half years after the outbreak of the "Arab Spring" and little more than two years after the assassination of "revolutionary leader" Muammar Gheddafi by the rebels supported by NATO, the oil-rich Mediterranean country is in the depths of chaos. Several armed militias, independent of the State militias  parts of the territory under their control. They fight each other and the state. The real power has the Grand Syrtis in hand.  The transitional government has already declared Sharia as the basis of the entire law after the fall of Gaddafi. Now this has been officially adopted by Parliament.
The new law shows that the Islamists who were suppressed by the old regime, are becoming an ever more dominant factor in Libya. The Islamist militias have forced the Parliament to introduce Sharia  with violence and threats to the government, which can hardly exercise authority in the state, hoping thereby to appease the most extreme groups of Islamists. What is meant is mainly Ansar al-Sharia , the "followers of Islamic law," a Salafist militia  which is connected to Al-Qaeda.  An offshoot of Ansar al-Sharia exists in Tunisia, Yemen, Egypt, Mali, Morocco and Mauritania.

"Sharia is the Law"

Mohammed Al-Zaroug of the Libyan Muslim Brotherhood Party of Justice and Construction declared contentedly: "Sharia is the law. Now no one can say that the Parliament does not work with Shari'ah." Ibrahim Al-Gharyani of the. Alliance of National Forces said: "The law already contains hardly any laws that contradict Islamic law." The Muslim Brotherhood holds 17 of 80 seats in parliament, the Alliance has 39 seats.
Also on Wednesday, the Parliament appointed 60 members of a commission to draft a new constitution for Libyan.Christians, who can hardly move freely in the government-controlled capital of Tripoli in Libya. In the rest of the country they are fair game.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: As Sabhab (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Church and School Are Shelled: 9 Children Killed and 27 Wounded

(Damascus) Islamist rebels have fired two shells into the predominantly Christian district of Al-Qassaa of Damascus. The Christians' Holy Cross Church and St. John's School were struck. Nine children have died, 27 were injured.

As the news agency Sana reported, the children were in a school bus that had just arrived from school in order to bring them to class. The nearby school and the church were also struck.

According to witnesses, the shells fell in the Holy Cross Church and the St. John School. Already on the 7th of October, the Islamists had shelled the church and next to a Christian school. Samaan, a Christian from Al-Qassaa reports that the Islamists "always work this way. They fire shells, then wait a month and then shoot it again."

In kindergarten, there were no casualties in October, because the attack took place on a Sunday. It was apparently the church and potential church visitors. The attack on the school was on a work day this time and caused a bloodbath.

There is still fighting around the Syrian capital, although Assad made a concession to the rebels in order to include all sides in the Geneva II Peace Conference. In Qudsaya is not being fought over presently. The city is located west of Damascus. It is in rebel hands, but is surrounded by government troops. The concession by President Assad to stop the fighting, freed the trapped people from a hopeless situation. The agreement includes that trucks with food such as flour, wheat, water and milk powder may be brought into the city.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Tempi
Link to katholisches...

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Murdered Christians: "Why Does Not the World Raise Their Voice?" -- Islamists Plunder Saint Symeon Monastery

Edit: now we probably begin to understand more of what motivated the men who travelled thousands of miles on foot to fight the Turk.

(Damascus) In the meantime details about the murder of 45 Christians in Sadad are becoming known. A whole family was thrown alive into a well by the Islamists, where they died. Islamist rebels in the north also targeted the "Rock of Symeon" from the 5th Century. The "rock of Simeon" in Arabic, Kalat Siman, is a large monastery with cathedral from the early Byzantine period. It originated as a spiritual center in the place where the saint Symeon the Stylite lived on a column until his death after 37 years. Symeon Stylites died in 459 and became the first pillar saint in Church history.

During his lifetime he was sought by thousands of pilgrims, seeking advice and assistance, as Symeon was not had a reputation for holiness, but God worked many miracles through him. Even Emperor Theodosius II (401-450) climbed up the column in order to ask him for advice. The rush of pilgrims was also so great after his death, that the Byzantine Emperor Zeno (425-491) established the Symeon Cloister on the road to Antioch, 35 km to the north west of Aleppo. During his reign the mighty cathedral and the monastery was built as a pilgrimage center. At the center of the great crossroads is the 15-18 meter high pillar on which according to tradition the saint had lived on a wooden platform.

Saint Symeon the Stylite Islamic conquest in 1164

After the conquest of Islam had rolled over it several times , the monastery was near the border between the Byzantine Empire and the Islamic sphere. In the 10th Century, the monastery was fortified because of the increasing Islamic pressure. 1164 saw the conquest by the Seljuk Turks and the Muslim decline.

The jihadists of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant control part of the city of Aleppo have recently put the Cathedral of Saint Symeon the Stylite in the crosshairs. They destroyed what was left to destroy that was recognizably Christian and dragged away what was more valuable, reported Le veilleur de Nineveh. The impressive ruins are a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

"How Can You Commit Such Inhuman and Brutal Acts?"

The area of ​​Aleppo near the Turkish border is in a dramatic situation, as the Christian Claude Z. says: "The situation is critical: we have had no electricity for ten days, there is a lack of food, rebels and army are fighting and the Islamist terrorists have introduced Sharia law in the areas they where they control part of the city. "

As Kirche in Not [The Catholic relief organization in German Zone] has reported, 30 of the 45 CHristians killed in Sadad were found in two mass graves. Many of the dead showed signs of abuse. Among them were old people, women and the disabled. Six members of a family, including a 90-year-old woman were thrown alive into a well by the Islamists , where they perished miserably.

The Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch of Antioch, Gregory III. Laham said, "How can one commit such inhuman and bestial acts to older people and their families? I do not understand: Why does not the world raise their voice against such brutality. Extremism and fanaticism have overtaken Syria. What has happened in Sadad exemplifies what experience of all Christians in Syria is."

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Wikicommons

Link to Katholisches...


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Imam Destroys Marian Statue -- "We Tolerate None But Allah"

(Damascus) Islamist rebels have destroyed a statue of Mary in Syria. "Only God can be worshiped in this country." A video shows Imam Omar Gharba how he destroyed a statue of the Mother of God in Idlib province, a city under the control of Islamist militias. "We will not tolerate anyone except Allah."

Wahhabi Imam Destroyed Statue

A Wahabi Imam (Wahabism is the most radical form of Islam and is regarded officially as state doctrine in Saudi Arabia) let himself be filmed in the act with the cry Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest) destroying a statue of the Virgin Mary. The incident occurred in the city Yaaqoubiya in the Syrian province of Idlib, near the border with Turkey.

"Only Allah"

The city is Yaaqoubiya in the Levant is controlled by the Islamist militia Islamic State of Iraq and is associated with Al-Qaeda. The militia is responsible for the destruction of many churches in Syria. The video was released on Monday on the Internet. Omar Gharba includes a statement that "only Allah is worshiped in the land of the Levant, and only the law of Allah is allowed." That Christianity alone worships God, the Mother of God but worshiped, is a distinction of the Wahabit does not seem to know.

The Destruction

During his statement, the Islamist held the statue constantly in his hand: "We accept nothing but Allah's religion and the Sunnah of the Prophet of Allah, Muhammad." Then he smashed the statue of Mary to the cheers of enthusiastic Islamist bystanders.

 Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Screenshot
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches....


Sunday, September 15, 2013

330 Years Since the Relief of Vienna

In 1683 the Christian Alliance Defeated the Turks Before Vienna and Led the Liberation of Southeast Europe from the Turkish yolk.

Vienna 1683, the armies of the Holy League attacking the Ottoman
besieging forces.  Since 1400, Turkish troops began attacking
the Empire, a Fresco in the Graz Cathedral by Thomas von Villach
counts them among the seven menaces. [The Previous Picture: was of
Hatschi Bratschi's hot air balloon, just as politically incorrect
as this one.]

The Christian relief force

In early September 1683, the armies mediated by Pope Innocent XI. into the Holy League gathered for the attack on the Turkish siege forces under the Ottoman Grand Vizier Kara Mustafa in front of Vienna.

The French King Louis XIV., was committed to neutrality by Pope Innocent XI., was previously connected to the Sultan. France tried in vain to hold the Polish king from a merger with the army of Emperor Leopold I..

The formal leadership of the relief army, the Emperor Leopold I left to Poland's King Jan III. Sobieski. The individual parts of the army, however, remained under the suzerainty of the respective commanders.

Duke Charles of Lorraine led the imperial troops (among them, the troops provided by the Pope), supported by the Bavarians and Franks under Max Emanuel and the Saxons under Elector Johann Georg III.

The financing of the relief force was paid for to a substantial degree by the Holy Church under Pope Innocent XI., who fell back again on the income and wealth of ecclesiastical rule, the abbeys and monasteries.

The soldiers in the city were paid from ecclesiastical property, especially from the depot of the Primate of Hungary, Bishop Kollonitsch, experienced in fighting the Turk, who cambe back into the besieged city.

12th September 1683

The city of Vienna was under the command of Ernst Rüdiger Graf Starhemberg just was barely holding backthe attacks of the Ottomans, who had besieged the city with around 100,000 men.

These build trenches around the city ditches and dug underground blasting chambers which were set off undermine the walls defending the city. In addition, the city was under constant artillery fire.

The armies of the Holy Alliance took advantage of the Kara Mustafa poorly defended positions in Vienna Woods to the west of the city, as a staging area.

According to estimates by the troops under the leadership of Lorraine, they comprised about 40,000 men, with 20,000 additional soldiers by Jan Sobieski.

The attack took place from the Kahler and Leopold mountain and by midday the Alliance troops established a front from Heilgenstadt to Grinzing and Sievering.

"The Giauren [unbelievers = Christians] appeared with their detachments on the slopes on like storm clouds, gathering around the Erz Mountains. The other wing was opposed on the banks of the Danube composed of Walachians and Moldovans and over-reaching with the other wing to the extreme divisions of the Tartars, covered the mountains and fields while formed up in crescent order of battle. They were like a flood of wallowing black pitch pouring downhill, everything that opposed them was crushed, and burned," is how Mehmet, the Ottoman chronicler, describes the relieving army.

General Attack

The general attack on the main line of defense of the Ottomans took place at three twenty pm, the attack apparently exerted overwhelming pressure, so that even Kara Mustafa's camp had to be evacuated in great haste.

Just as Kara Mustafa was surprised by the strength of the defenders of Vienna, it also apparently the strength of the Christian troops.

At five thirty in just over two hours, the battle was over.

Cowardice of the Turks

An Irish officer who witnessed the combat action, "If the victory was not as extensive as we had set out to do, this is only due to the cowardice of the enemies whom we have driven before us from morning to night, who had not the courage to look us in the face as we displaced them from position to position, and pursued to narrow passes, which we never would have succeeded had they have had even a trace of courage. The battle lasted with the troops of the King of Poland for the longest time, but that only increased his fame, because the losses of the enemy's soldiers and cannons were greatest there, the enemy had left us practically his whole camp, with tents, bags and luggage."


With the relief of Vienna, the dislodging of the Ottomans from Eastern Europe was launched. Among the officers of the Imperial Army then, was the young Prince Eugene, as a lieutenant-colonel.

According to estimates, the death toll of the areas in which the Turks had ravaged, murdered and enslaved, were twice as high as in the Second World War.

Book Recommendation via Kreuznet

Siege of Vienna by John Stoye

 Trans: Tancred AMGD

The Human Kindness of Bishop Kollonitsch

[] Bishop Leopold Karl Kollinitsch traveled to besieged Vienna in 1683 and helped organize the defense. After the victory over the Turks he worried about hundreds of orphans.

Bishop Kollonitsch, who drove to strengthen the defense of morality on the approach of the Turkish hordes to Vienna, gathers his "war booty" from the Turkish camp: 500 orphans, whom he at his own expense a new home and comfort are [Photo:]Battle Hardened Knight of Malta

The son of Count Ernst von Kollonitsch, who was the commander of the fortress Kormorn - in contrast to most of today's bishops - was a man of courageous deeds.

As a member of the Order of Malta, he was tested by the turks: He fought in 1651 in Candia (Crete), and four years later at the Dardanelles against Turkish invaders.

Since 1670 the Bishop of Wiener Neustadt, previously Prior of the Order of the branch Commende Mailberg and subsequently of Eger.

Defensive struggle in Vienna

When the Turks besieged Vienna in 1683, he traveled to the city, while others fled from her.

He organized jointly with Starhemberg the defense of the city, provided for the pay of soldiers and set up medical care.In addition, he was responsible for the spiritual care of the besieged.

When Kara Mustafa Pasha, the besieger of Vienna, who learned of his presence in the city, he announced that the courageous bishop's head would be led through the city on a pole after the hoped for taking of the city.

It was not to be: Kara Mustafa's skull was found after the conquest of Belgrade, on the road to Vienna.

In 1685 Count Kollonitsch became Bishop of Raab in Hungary, Archbishop of Esztergom, Primate of Hungary.

His work was honored by the Church with the appointment of a cardinal.

After the victory over the Turks in Vienna, he collected several hundred orphans from the suburbs and provided for their advancement and education. The following is recounted in history and poetry.

Rescue of orphans after the liberation of Vienna

"While the whole army was "grabbing loot in the camp, the worthy Bishop Kollonitsch seeked out those helpless children whose-parents had fallen, were among the unfortunate prisoners as the victim of hostile rage, to find them foster parents and to represent them.

"He found about 500 abandoned orphans. They were in indescribable misery in some which he met.

Some were near the bodies of their murdered mothers, and suckling, near death from hunger, blood instead of milk from her breasts.

"Others were rooting around in the soil, and could scarcely breathe more from hunger and exhaustion.

The worthy priest clasped them in his arms, paid people so that they were carried in the city, provided with costs for board and lodging, and afterwards he also educated many of them to become useful citizens of the state.

Emperor Leopold was touched by the philanthropic self-sacrifice of this bishop so that he procured him the Cardinal's dignity as a reward from the pope."

Thus, were the descriptions of the actions of Bishop Kollonitsch in the "Patriotic Conversations" by Leopold Chimani, Vienna, 1815, He was also praised in the figure below poem by Johann N. Vogl [Another stab at translating poetry by the editor from the German]

"None Wanted From My Spoils of War ..."

It sits in Vienna in the Imperial Hall The princes and heroes richer withal You have horrified the town anxious Lusted after by the Turks.

.And now to the end of the hearty repast and happily emptied of victories, one Speaks: "Enough now with song and sound! Now tell who won the best booty abound?"

"Have I got myself Sultan's God, out of his tent," said the Pole bold.Then a Lorrainer: "I took his proud banner with my my bloody sword."

A Viennese then: " A rich robe I wrung
with this hand from one retreating". Another shouted: "Weapon helm, spear won I and more such gear"

A fifth: "I ran with all with art
Arab horses then for my part. "
All knew of his kind what to say,
what for him was his prey.

Only one victor sat silent in reverie
all else forgot his story
"How silent but the bishop. Confess your deeds! Methinks thou hast most poor!"

Herr Kollonitsch, who also bishop, replied with smile: "One thing certain: gained you whatever by the Turks flight, none
has looked after my loot.

"And yet it is the more dear in fact, than any has taken from the battlefield. "

He waved his servants, to unlatch door whence came a throng, an army of children poor.

From boy and maid so tender and hold,
Her cheeks like Rose, the curls as gold.

They fell on their knees before man
of God, and clung weeping to him
"This is my prize!" the bishop says,
"Not one of you sought such as these.

I found them left in harm and dread,
their mothers strangled their fathers dead.

I led them all to storied Vienna's gables.
And I will be a father to the fatherless!"

And as he told them these words, the others were to shamed
 to silence, for what they all brought home, for none compared.

Link to

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Christians in Maalula Are Fleeing Muslims -- Jihadists Tear Crosses from Domes

Edit: what would have inspired men from all over Europe to take up the sword in one hand and a cross in another, today inspires Leftist politicos to join in on the looting and the day of  reckoning for Christians living in the Middle East.

(Damascus) The Christians of Maalula are on the run. From the only village in the world in which Aramaic, the language of Jesus, is spoken, the vast majority of Christians have fled. The town was devastated by the attack of Islamists. The jihadists began the systematic destruction of the building on behalf of the Free Syrian Army, which wants to move the U.S. President Barack Obama to bring the U.S. into the war. Of the 3,000 inhabitants only a few hundred have returned to the place of the attack to protect the homes from looters. The majority of Christians remain hidden. For great is the fear of the Islamist militias.

A priest of Maalula is quoted by Asianews quoted as saying: "This morning, the terrorists have torn the crosses from the domes of the St Sergius Monastery. This is an open declaration of war against the Christians. By the removal of the crosses they want to send an unmistakable message: Now you Christians get your turn, now anything can happen."

The priest reported that the Islamists wanted to penetrate some quarters on Thursday evening, but then withdrew again. "Our youth have defended the monasteries, churches and our homes. But they are not warriors, they are not trained, these are contrary to peace. That left only the flight. All flee Maalula, because there is no life here with Islamists. "

The priest criticized the Free Syrian Army. While these have always denied links to Al-Qaeda and even released on videos on Youtube that allegedly show their fighters in the defense of Christian churches. "These videos are just propaganda," said the priest. The only "free" in this army is the word in the name. "In reality, they threaten us Christians. You have always told us that your hour comes, we'll take care of you. And now they say your hour has come."

Maalula is a World Heritage Site according to Unesco. The town is located some 40 kilometers north of Damascus. The monasteries of the place are the destination of numerous pilgrims.

Text: Paix Liturgique / Giuseppe Nardi Image: Una Fides

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Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Arab Revolt Continues in Egypt as Christian Churches Are Burning

So much for the “Arab Spring”.  We predicted an Arab Revolt long before this happened, when the various media organs were rhapsodizing about the wonders of Democracy.

A report from Pro Christanis’ Facebook group reveals:

Update - Egypt - 14.08.2013
24 churches burnt down today15 orthodox7 catholic and 2 protestant churchesCopts' houses attacked in Cairo, Alexandria, Sohag, Minya and SuezChristians' shops and Bible publishing houses also attacked A priest and his wife were kidnapped and hold captive by Muslim Brotherhood

And the atrocities continue, link.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

For 1500 Days on Death Row -- Asia Bibi Refuses to Convert to Islam

(Islamabad) The now 42-year old Catholic mother has been unjustly accused, since 2009, of insulting Islam. It is a triviality to charge someone and put them in jail for this offense. It may lead to harsh prison sentences. Asia Bibi was sentenced, however, in the first instance by a court, to death. Since then, she is waiting on death row for her appeal.

For 1,500 days Asia Bibi is innocent and in prison. A "wrong" word, refusing to convert to Islam and the trap has snapped shut. Asia Bibi was reported by Muslim women, work colleagues, who were supposed to be friends. But Asia Bibi faces a stigma: she is Christian. The police arrested, allegedly to protect her, because Muslims want to practice their hangman's justice. A more accurate legal review of the indictment did not take place.

The scandal ensures worldwide attention. The Catholic minority minister Shahbaz Bhatti of Pakistan campaigned for her release and was assassinated by Islamists. The Muslim governor of the home province of Asia Bibi, Salmaan Taseer, who fought for the mother and her family, was brutally murdered by Islamists. The murderer was enthusiastically celebrated as a hero of Islam.

A fatwa was issued against Asia Bibi, that requires every Muslim to murder the Catholic. Therefore, the necessary safety precautions make life in prison for the "condemned" even more unbearable. Pope Benedict XVI. appealed to the government and the Pakistani people. Vatican diplomacy tried to reach for extradition for Asia Bibi. This is so that she would be removed as a "bone of contention" from the country, but bringing her to safety. But the Islamists have created a death zone of scorched earth for the Christian. No Pakistani politician dares after the murders to unleash the Islamist "people's anger" on earth. Western governments have kept up with symbolic "pressure" on the government of Pakistan. Pakistan is an important and historic U.S. ally in the region. The neighboring country of Afghanistan could fall into the hands of the Islamists by way of the Asia Bibi case. Thus is the fear in the Western state offices. The strategy is: peace before justice. Asia Bibi has thus become a symbol for hostages, for a country where power is not exercised by the Islamists.

In the first half of June, Asia Bibi was shifted from the high-security prison in Sheikhupura in the women's prison in Multan. For the family members, the trip also means twelve hours for each visit. Rides that always are always made by the family with special precautions to avoid detection, or falling into the hands of Islamists. "It sounds absurd, but the family members are currently living almost a more dangerous life than Asia Bibi behind the terrible prison walls," says a Christian family lawyer. Whoever was able to visit Asia Bibi in the past few months, got to hear the same words: "Please, do everything possible for my freedom. I am strong, but I'm going weaker day by day."

Asia Bibi is far from the only recent case of the tragic Islamist hounding of Christians. The list of persecuted Christians is long and the number of Christians killed grows from year to year. The young Christian Rimsha Masih was eventually acquitted because it could not be proven that the Imam falsified incriminating evidence. A rare stroke of luck, where justice came before Islam. A return to her life was still no longer available for the young girl in Pakistan yet. Islamists do not think much of the state courts. Your judgment is sure, with or without a judge. Rimsha Masih received political asylum in Canada and lives with her family recently in the North American country. However, they are there under false names and with new documents, because Islamists are present almost everywhere.

The fate of Asia Bibi might also threaten two other Christian women and their families. In one place, the southern province of Sindh, a rich Muslim landlord has tried to abduct the Catholic Nazia Masih, to marry her after the forced conversion to Islam. Her family was able to prevent the worst appealing to the local bishop. But Nazia and her aunt, the Catholic nun, Sister Marie Khurshid's lives are in danger. The Islamists have vowed revenge.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Tempi
Trans: Tancred

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Kidnapped Bishops: Three Months and No Word

Edit: just a word from Notes on Orthodoxy:

by Claire Lesegretain

In the absence of proof of their death, it is not possible to confirm that they were killed by their kidnappers.

But we can wonder why international authorities, who are in contact with the Syrian rebels, are not demanding proof that they are alive or evidence that negotiations are ongoing.

This past Monday, July 22, made three months that we are without any news of Bishop Paul Yazigi, Greek Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, and Bishop John Ibrahim, Syriac Orthodox bishop of the same city. “We have no information,” confirms Mgr Pascal Gollnisch, director of Œuvre d’Orient, who emphasizes the urgency and seriousness of this question. “Since seizing bishops demonstrates that priests and faithful are no longer safe in Syria, it threatens all the Christians of this country,” he says.

Notes on Arab Orthodoxy: The Kidnapped Bishops: Three Months and No Word

Friday, July 19, 2013

Muslim "Youth" Derail Paris Train, Loot the Corpses and Throw Rocks at Rescue Workers

District Attorney Opens Investigation of Gang Violence

Edit: in light of the Pope's recent statements in Lampedusa  , this story is not going away.

No sooner did the train crash after the rails had been sabotaged, but then some of the local youth descended upon the train to rob the dead and wounded.  This report, which was made by the CRS (riot police), an official police source, is being somewhat contradicted higher up, by the Red Cross and Emergency administration.  During the riots in 2005, there were also arson attacks in the neighborhood of this suburb by Muslims.  This from Galliawatch:

The article goes on to say that the District Attorney of Évry has opened a preliminary investigation of gang theft with violence. Five persons were arrested, then released when searches of their homes came up empty.

Le Point concludes by saying that these revelations will no doubt create a controversy. Especially since the Alliance police union described scenes of pillage. Even though these declarations were virulently denied by numerous Socialist leaders, the summary by the DCCRS seems to vindicate Alliance's accusations.

Many Le Point readers thank the journal for having the courage to print this information.

Below, another view of the sabotaged track. That piece lodged in between the rails is what caused the "accident". It could not have become unscrewed (note the holes where the bolts were removed) on its own.

Other reports here, here, Looting Corpses,

Thursday, July 18, 2013

SSPX Italy Critical of Pope's Take on European Immigration

Edit: some people have friends who think you can make an orderly society where the rule of law out of any culture.  We suspect pecuniary motives for ignoring the problem, among more diabolical ones. Earlier popes were convinced Islamic immigration to Europe was a bad idea.  What's changed?  Certainly, Muslims are as hostile as they ever have been?

(Rome) The SSPX is sharply critical of the visit by Pope Francis on the island of Lampedusa off the Tunisian coast. The Italian District of the Society speaks of a "distorted progressive simplification" of a complex question, like the mass immigration of Muslims and especially to Europe.

"Since the 9th Century the popes, among them saints, have undertaken to equip fleets and preparations to ward off the (armed, of course) advance of the Muslims in the desire to preserve the Catholic faith where it had not been destroyed by the Mohammedan invasion. Pope Bergoglio wanted with his trip to Lampedusa, to reduce the question to a simple formula: There are the destitute, who are appealing to rich egoists, but they allow them to die at sea, and we rich are all guilty," said the Italian district of SSPX in a comment on his website.

"Even if this message should contain a small truth, so that it might be represented without serious complications as a problem. It is also true that no one should be refused necessary assistance in danger, but at the same time the Masonic plan for the creation of a multi-cultural society can not be underestimated, especially when one is Pope, and therefore is responsible for the defense of the Faith," says the SSPX.

Therefore, "the gestures and words of Pope Francis have been characterized by distorted progressive simplification from the celebration of Mass on a boat with sacred objects made of scrap. Gestures, aimed at rapid popularity for a particular audience and especially in the media," it says in the concluding comments of the Italian District of the SSPX.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Mapsfor
Translation: Tancred

Link to katholisches...

Friday, June 7, 2013

Muslims Attack Catholic Seminary: Rector and Seminarians Wounded

Edit: we're straining to recall when Catholics have visited violence on a Muslim seminary.

(Dhaka) Several dozen Islamists attacked a Catholic seminary in northern Bangladesh. The Rector, Father Uzzal and several seminarians were injured. The incident took place yesterday, Thursday, in Bolakipur in the Diocese of Dinajpur.

Previously, Muslims had already attacked the majority Catholic village of Tivipara-Bagja. They plundered the village and robbed the cattle. They also threatened this past May to burn the village down. Women and children of the area have taken flight to nearby Catholic mission stations.

Since the beginning of the month, attacks by Muslims against Christians have increased. On the 5th of June the parish of Tumilia had been the object of an attack in which the Pastor, Abel, together with the religious, were injured and robbed. Link to katholisches...

Comments to Tancred:

Monday, May 20, 2013

Egypt: More Attacks on Coptic Orthodox Community. Two Churches Set on Fire

Cairo (AsiaNews / Agencies) - The Egyptian Coptic community faces a new escalation of attacks by Islamists. On 17 May, two churches were attacked with Molotov cocktails in the district of Dakhela, west of Alexandria, Egypt, and Menpal in Upper Egypt.

In Alexandria over 20 thousand Muslims attacked the church of St. Mary setting fire to the entrance of the building and shattering windows. A man died of a heart attack in the attack. In response to the violence, hundreds of Copts left their homes to create a human wall around the building. According to witnesses some Islamists armed with pistols and knives fired on the crowd, causing some injuries.

At the origin of the clashes is a dispute between two neighbors. Basem Ramzy Michael, a Coptic Christian, is reported to have behaved inappropriately towards the sister of Alloshy Hamada, a Muslim with a criminal record. In a short time the dispute between the two erupted into a sectarian clash.

A similar incident occurred last May 13, in the village of Menbal, Matay district, north of the province of Minya, where a Muslim mob stormed the church called the Tadros el-Mashreki and assaulted one person inside. The assailants threw stones at the building, looted Christian shops nearby and burned cars. The Coptic minority has been threatened with expulsion from the village. Once again the violence was sparked by a trivial quarrel between two young people. Some young Muslims are reported to have made advances to a group of Coptic girls, as they entered the church. Irritated at having been ignored the group waited for the young Christian girls to leave the Church and threw bags filled with urine at them. The young people were rescued by some Christians peers who have started a heated argument with Muslims. As in other cases, the news spread across the village. In a short time a crowd of Islamists rallied in front of the church, forcing young people to take refuge inside.

Ehab Ramzy, a Coptic Christian, prosecutor in the province and former member of parliament, said Menbal has a Muslim majority, while Manshiet Menbal, 10 kilometers away, has Coptic majority. "The Christians of the two villages - he explains - have nothing to do with the fight that took place in Manshiet Menbal. The young people were attacked just because they are Christian." Two young Muslim men were arrested by police in Menbal. In the coming days there will be a reconciliation meeting between the two communities. "Now - he adds - the security forces are trying to arrest some young Copts. They have become a bargaining chip to seek reconciliation."

AsiaNews sources underline that the attacks against the Coptic community are now a daily occurrence and are being ignored by the police, who because of the climate of chaos, let communities resolve disputes among themselves, although this can result in dead or wounded. The most serious incident took place on April 7 in front of the Cathedral of St. Mark in Cairo, where a group of Islamists attacked funerals of four Christians killed in sectarian clashes that took place on April 5 in the district of Khosous, on the outskirts of the capital, with stones and Molotov cocktails. The assault, which took place before the eyes of the police, left two dead and over 80 injured. A church building caught fire.

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Saturday, May 18, 2013

"Hands Off My Church" -- Young Catholics Call for Silent March Against Hostility to Catholics in Avignon

(Avignon) On Monday, the 20th of May a march will take place in the south French city of Avignon against anti-Christianity, The initiative is being planned by a group of young Catholics. They are reacting with it against the increasing violence against priests, religious and ecclesiastical facilities in the city of St. Ruf. The most recent incident was a violent attack of four suspected North African Muslims against a priest of the St. John Society on May 13th.  The four attackers struck the priest unconscious.

The march isn't only directed against the antagonistica and aggressive disposition of parts of the Muslim  inhabitants of the city, rather in general against the anti-Church climate.  In the demonstration, the organizers deplore the scandal "Piss Christ" from April 2011, as a museum in Avignon as an "art work" of a crucifix placed in the urine of the "artist".  Or against the insulting parades through the streets of the "city of the Popes" and the damage of a cemetery of Valréas.  "The anti-Christian hate grows (blasphemous theater pieces, desecrated churches etc...)"  is named in the outcry of the young Catholics.  "We are complaining with emphasis on the lack of a reaction by the authorities and a part of the media, when it comes to the desecration and profanation and we complain with stress on the absence of any reaction against the violent attack on a man of the Church."

The initiators also call out not to tolerate hostility to the Church. "We observe the Cathophobia as an attack against the identity of France of of the French."  The young Catholics are calling upon the "World culture and the homo-lobby".

The young Catholics call upon the  "World Culture and the homo-lobby", in their struggle against homophobia, "to put a stop to our defamation". [Good luck with that.]

"We appeal that the State President and the Interior Minister who are so prompt to condemn the poor situation of Muslims, hostility against Islam and anti-Semitism, to do their duty by Catholics, who have been defamed and injured by anti-Christian attacks.  We are not second class citizens."

With their appeal, the initiators call upon "all people of good will", to "take part in our protest" themselves.  The March begins on Monday, the 20th of May at 2pm at the Place du Palais of the Popes.   "We hope that many French Muslims and Jewish believers will take part in the silent march".   A logo has been created for the demonstration.  A black edged, yellow hand with the slogan:  "Hands off of My Church".  The colors recall on the Identity Movement, a structureless, informal and spontaneous new movement,  which has its origin in France.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Una Fides

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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Religious Priest Attacked in "Arab-Islamic Zone" of Avignon -- Archbishop Denounces Increasing Violence

(Avignon) A priest of the Catholic Community of St. John was assaulted on Monday night on the open road. The attackers, four men of North African origin, presumably Muslims, beat up Father Gregoire,  till two other members of the Communauté de Saint-Jean came to the rescue. Father Gregoire was lying unconscious on the ground. He was taken to hospital, where he stayed overnight for observation. He suffered numerous bruises, bruises and a broken nose.
The incident occurred in the southern French city of Avignon. Father Gregoire was, as is usual for the Community of St. John, on the street in the habit.
Monsignor Jean-Pierre Cattenoz, the Archbishop of Avignon was at a Tuesday morning press conference to publicize the serious aggression. The archbishop called for increased security measures in the district of Saint Ruif. Monsignor Cattenoz complained increasing attacks against Catholic priests and religious Affected were mostly members of the Community of St. John, which are particularly active in the pastoral district.
The neighborhood, named after the saintly founder of the city,  is today the "Arab-Muslim region of Avignon," in which was "Sharia in Action", the Observatoire de l'islamization .
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Observatoire de la Christianophobia

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Saudi Arabia: Woman Becomes Christian and Flees -- 6 Years and 300 Lashes For her Collaborator

(Riyadh) A Saudi court has sentenced two men to several years of imprisonment and additional flogging, because they have helped a woman to become  Christian and to escape from Saudi Arabia. The daily newspaper Al-Hayat has reported this . The criminal division of the city of Al Jabar has sentenced the Lebanese Christians to six years in prison and 300 lashes. The second man, a Saudi citizen, was sentenced to two years in prison and 200 lashes. Both were colleagues of the woman and announced to appeal against the judgment.
The case became known in 2012, as the media reported on the illegal departure of the Saudi woman, "the young woman from Al Jabar" is how she became known. Saudi women can not leave the country without the consent of their fathers, husbands or guardians. The young woman is believed to be currently in an unknown location, probably in Sweden.
The father of former Muslim woman from the area of ​​Al-Khobar, which was converted to Christianity, had identified the two men. The charge was that they had convinced the woman to give up Islam and helped her with a fake passport to escape from Saudi Arabia.
In the Wahhabi Kingdom, one of the strictest Islamic countries of the world, the Sharia is Islamic law is applied in a particularly radical form. Muslims who convert to another religion can be sentenced to death. Therefore, the woman had left the country hastily.
According to press reports, the woman has taken refuge in Sweden, where she is protected by a charity. The young woman appeared last year in a video which was posted on YouTube in which she explained to profess Christ and to have accepted Christianity through baptism. 
The father of the woman called  the Saudi government to return his daughter  in November 2012The Saudi embassy in Sweden has been active in "diplomatic channels".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Asianews

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Shots Disturb Christians in Istanbul, Turkey

(Constantinople) At an Armenian church in Istanbul an unidentified man fired seven shots from his rifle on Sunday. Panic broke out among the believers who were gathered in the church for Easter.

The Turkish press reported that an intimidation campaign took place yesterday against Christian communities of Istanbul which concerns Surp Hovhannes about the Armenian Church. As the Armenian Archbishop Aram Atesyan said, the gunman threatened the Christians in the church, "You are too many!" As the Archbishop said, a young Armenian Christian was beaten on Sunday in front of another church in the nearby district Samatya. Other Christian communities of Istanbul were also victims of assault and intolerance in the past days.

In Atesehir a group of 40 people attacked the New Hope Lutheran Church on 27 April. They pelted the church with stones and smashed the stained glass windows. The next day, a group plundered the Greek Orthodox Church of Burgas Ada. All the incidents took place in Istanbul.

According to Archbishop Atesyan “with these attacks they want to stoke fear among the members of our communities” who in Turkey have been repeatedly victims of violence and discrimination in recent years. In 2006 the Catholic priest Andrea Santoro was murdered in Trabzon, in Malatya three Protestants in 2007 and 2010 in Antioch, the Catholic Bishop Padovese.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Christians in the East

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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Religious Leaders Demand the Release of Syrian Bishops

Edit: earlier it was reported from many different sources that two Bishops who were kidnapped in Syria were to be released.  It turns out that they are still in captivity, and increasingly, the reports of this tragedy have aroused even the major news media.

[charismanews] Religious leaders from around the world have stepped up their pleas for the safe return of two Syrian bishops who were kidnapped April 22 by armed men as they were driving near the war-torn city of Aleppo.

The kidnappers, who have not been identified, abducted Greek Orthodox Metropolitan Boulos Yazigi and Syriac Orthodox Metropolitan Youhanna Ibrahim, both of Aleppo, while they were undertaking a “humanitarian mission” to help Syria’s Christian minority, according to Syrian Christian expatriates in the U.S.

The bishops’ Syrian Orthodox driver was killed in the attack.
Since 2011, more than 70,000 Syrians have died in fighting in the bloody civil war between forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad and rebels seeking to oust Assad’s strong-arm regime.

Cardinal: Christians Have a Tragic Lack of Knowledge About Islam

( Milan Cardinal Angelo Scola: "In Europe and the USA there is a very significant indifference about Islam. We are, in the truest sense of the word, ignorant. If we ask the average Christian about Islam, we get tragic answers." This is what Milan's Angelo Cardinal Scola said according to Radio Vatican. In a society becoming increasingly more international and in the growing religious diversity, Christians need a fundamental understanding of Islam. Scola sees the metropolitan See of Milan also as "a bridge, it is an opportunity, to meet the East and to understand, upon entering in an inter religious dialog.