Showing posts with label New Mercy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Mercy. Show all posts

Monday, January 18, 2016

Schönborn's Leftist Wormtongue, Fr. Paul Zulehner, Recommends Self-Censoring of the Hemorrhaging in Church Membership

Cardinal Schönborn Effect: Between 2002 and 2015 approximately 220,000 Catholics have left the Conciliar Church  [graphic: Kreuz-net]

The wave of departures continue unabated

The Schönborn-Church with its devotion to the political left deals mainly  with the business of Muslim immigration. Repulsive example is the convert and Caritas CEO Fr. Michael Landau, who was implanted by  Fr. Helmut Schüller into the troupe of Schönborn apparatchiks.
In return, the Conciliar Church under Schönborn has massively neglected  taking care of the Catholics, rather he's offended them by his political agitation (for example, in the period just before the local elections in Vienna, holding a press photo-op with the socialist mayor of Vienna Michael Häupl).

Mass Departures Under Schönborn 

Since Schönborn took over the Vienna Archdiocese, approximately 300,000 Catholics from the church-tax church have departed: in 2015 there were, according to official Church statistics (presented on 12 January 2016) 16,103 people leaving, in 2014 15,897 Catholics have turned their backs on Schönborn, while in the previous year (2013) it was 15,889.
The house sycophants of Kathpress have downplayed that with the strengthening wave of continued exits, "the number of Catholics in Austria [had] remained broadly stable" - "only" 56,365 departures?

The Nazi Church-tax Revenues Are Still Rising

In 2015 the Church had revenues from the church-tax in the amount of 435 million EUR,  8 million EUR more than the year before. As long as the money (the Church-tax) is in order  then the Church-tax apparatchiks are satisfied. Even in Vienna the revenues from the Church tax have risen despite the loss 1.2 million euros because of departures.

Proselytizing the nadir

The factor that is  primarily  responsible for the defections, is the current Church policy of conciliar emasculation which also leads to a decline of proselytizing.
The protestations of Schönborn's spokesman Michael Prüller, that a focal point in Vienna must be missionary, are empty words: The re-entry numbers are negligible, as are activities also. In addition, the Conciliar Church has no missionary efforts among the heretics. [At least not in Austria]
In fact, the missionary must begin with the Vienna clergy and church officials: A replacement of at least half of the functionaries would be necessary,  in Schönborn's immediate circle, a complete overhaul would be a perfect asset for the Church.

Schönborn's leftist wormtongues and
the instructions for self-delusion

Of particular usefulness is the statement by the religion sociologist Paul Zulehner (one those mainly responsible  for departures), one should expect the numbers leaving to be small. His "very pragmatic Tip", which he has given to the left at Cologne Domradio in July 2015:
  • "We now figure we are 100 percent different from when we came from a time when religion was fate. In the future, we should rather turn the tables and say we expect from zero percent up, and could then say, oh, it's interesting, in many European countries so many people are very committed Christians. It's almost a miracle that people dial in to the freedom of the gospel. We need to 'benchmark,' as it were,  change, and  not from the top down but from the bottom up. Then we would also stop this whining about the departures. "

"Underground Catholics"

Already in 2009, Erich Leitenberger, the former spokesman of the Archdiocese of Vienna, tried to gloss over the numbers of departures by pointing out "that the official number is yet difficult to estimate since the group of 'underground Catholics' should be added" - well that did not change the continuing progressive Development.

The Haze of Mercy in the Decaying of Faith 

The Church is  "reaping" the undiminished  fruits of failing faith and is even more so unwilling under the current  Pope   to rethink, stressing the need to reflect the beliefs: The haze of mercy currently existent in Rome  does not help against the decay of faith.


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Polish Bishops' Conference Rejects Communion for Divorced and Remarried

Polish bishops warn that the praxis of annulment could lead to a divorce mentality.

Warsaw ( Holy Communion can not be  given to divorced and remarried Catholics, "this is the unchangeable teaching of the Catholic Church". Because "what God has joined together, let no man separate, teaches Christ (Mk 10.9)". This is what the Polish Catholic Bishops' Conference said in a press statement. "Marriage is a divine as well as both human reality that has been raised by Christ to the dignity of a sacrament." This is a matter of extreme importance because it concerns  Catholic doctrine.

Catholics should be concerned that Catholic annulment praxis could lead to the "divorce mentality."

The bishops cited Pope Francis who had explained in the Angelus on 8/16/2015, the Eucharist "is not a private prayer or a beautiful spiritual experience, it is not a simple reminder of what Jesus did at the Last Supper". To be fed the living bread means rather, to enter into harmony with the heart of Christ, to accept his decisions, his thoughts, his behavior, reports.

In the survey before the Synod of Bishops, many Polish Catholics had emphasized the value of family. The Polish bishops expressly thanked "God for the fact that there are many healthy families in our country who show 'in good and bad days'  fidelity to their vocation."

At the same time the Polish bishops have recalled that those whose families who are broken have need of pastoral care. Moreover,  the bishops warned against infertility through artificial insemination that is not allowed Catholics  and that stillborn children have the "full right to a  Catholic funeral".

In their text, the Polish bishops did not address  homosexuality and gender issues, which they had already taken a stand on several occasions according to the Catholic doctrine on this point.

Link to

Trans: Tancred

Sunday, September 20, 2015

In Case the Synod Takes a "Strange Turn"? "Remain True!"

Cardinal Burke
(Washington) This past September 13, Cardinal Rayond Burke, who was removed by Pope Francis from the Roman Curia for being the spokesman of Kasper's critics, spoke in St. Louis about "the truth of Christ in marriage."  The  Cardinal Patronus of the Sovereign Order of Malta addressed the spiritual, social, doctrinal and canonical aspects of the crisis, in which marriage and the family in Western culture find themselves. The cardinal spoke of a great confusion and rebellion inside the Church.
Cardinal Burke stressed that in "our" increasingly secularized and a hostile world the greater responsibility lays on the shoulders of parents to mold the children by word and example, and to teach them the true meaning of Christian marriage. Along with the authentic, always valid teaching of the Church, the healthy family formation for children and young people will prove to be the main source for their guidance, as a key means by which   Christian truth will be passed to the next generation.

Resistance to Kasper Proposal - New Nullity of Marriage "Could Cause Problems" "

The cardinal suggested the book was published in 2014 shortly before the Synod of Bishops "Remaining  in the Truth of Christ" of five cardinals, including Burke, for reading. In Saint Louis, he reaffirmed his categorical opposition to the proposal by Cardinal Walter Kasper, allow divorced and remarried to the sacraments.
The Cardinal Patron, an excellent canonist, also expressed that there could be some problems because of the new provisions announced on September 8  by Pope Francis on the nullity of marriage. The new rules, says the cardinal, would require a lot of caution and a particularly attentive interpretation in the light of the long canonical and doctrinal tradition of the Church.
A negative example   Cardinal Burke mention the  suspension of the double judgment for the nullity of marriage in the United States during the period of 1971 to 1983. The American "experiment" of "rationalization" [Streamlining] of the marriage annulment process has led in practice to general laxity that had become perceived as a "Catholic divorce". That was one reason why the Code of Canon Law of 1983 had restored the duty of appeal in the second instance, as it had been introduced in 1740 by Benedict XIV..

Divine law will be, "only more Ideal"

To spread "confusion," says the cardinal, it is also put in effect that today the divine law would put marriage and chastity down as mere "ideals", that  demand a need  for heroic holiness in ordinary Catholics. Such an attitude, in turn, leads to false ideas about "mercy", as well as the admission of Catholics to the sacraments, who are  in the state of mortal sin, because the ideal is unattainable anyway.
Cardinal Burke stressed however, that the teaching of Scripture and the Church says that God's gift of grace are always sufficient to resist any temptation and to obey His commandments. For this, however, there is a condition: The faithful must turn in humility, with trusting faith and unceasing prayer to Him.
At the end of his speech he replied to the question of what Catholics should do if it should come to a "strange twist" at the upcoming Synod. Cardinal Burke's prompt response consisted of only two words: "Remain true!"
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Mil
Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Neo-Cardinal: At the End of the Synod There Will Be "A New Flexibility"

(Rome) African Bishops have mobilized for months against the Kasperians in the forthcoming Synod of Bishops and seek possible unity. In the coming weeks, two books in defense of the Catholic marriage and morality will appear. One comes exclusively from cardinals and archbishops of Africa, the other is with the participation of an African cardinal from Nigeria.  At the same time a voice spoke up, which seems to step to the front in Africa.
The Archbishop of Accra in Ghana, Gabriel Charles Palmer-Buckle, had spoken out in the spring for Kasper's "opening" and has since been eagerly passed around as "evidence" in progressive Church media in Europe  that Africa doesn't just have "conservative" bishops.
Subsequently a meeting of all the African Episcopal Conferences was held in Accra, in which the line has been staked out in defense of  Catholic marriage and morality at the Synod of Bishops to win over Archbishop Palmer-Buckle (see Cardinal Sarah: "Whether You Want to Hear it or Not, We will Speak "- Africa Makes Front Against "Strategy of the Germans " ).

Confirmed last February as Cardinal

Now the Archbishop of Addis Ababa, Msgr. Berhanyesus Souraphiel, seems to step out of the African front. He was raised by Pope Francis to the cardinalatial state  last February. Archbishop Berhanyesus Souraphiel belongs to the Lazarist Order and is head of the Ethiopian Catholic Church.
Berhanyesus Souraphiel is a staunch opponent of special rights for homosexuals, and was interviewed by the National Catholic Register. The statements appear contradictory and therefore differ from the statements of the great majority of African church leaders. The Metropolitan, who will not attend the present state of the Synod of Bishops, on the one hand said, "The Bishops' Conferences are not called to the Synod to replace or change the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Church."

At the end of the Synod there "will be a new flexibility" 

On the other hand, he was convinced that at the end of the Synod "a new flexibility" would be introduced. "Flexibility" is a term, the Cardinal Maradiaga replied  in 2013 to  the prefect of the CDF, Cardinal Gerhard Müller. Berhanyesus Souraphiel meant a "flexibility", to take into account the specific cultural, economic and political context of the various parts of the world. "The Catholic Church is a universal, human and divine institution. There is not a European church, there is no Canadian or American church. It is something else. The problems faced by the families confronted in some parts of the world may be different than in other areas."
"Our biggest problem, for example, is poverty," said the Cardinal facing the situation in Ethiopia and Eritrea. "If one does not have the necessary economic foundation, a situation could arise in which the man works in one place, the woman at another. This separates the family and the children suffer. "
According Berhanyesus Souraphiel "the episcopal conferences" should "play an important role in order to adapt the teachings of the Synod to the specific situations of their own countries or regions."

"Bishops' Conferences should be able to adapt teaching to the situation of their countries"

The Ethiopian Metropolitan emphasized on the one hand the position of the other African bishops. With his statement that ultimately the doctrine of the Church no longer have universal validity, but could be interpreted differently in different countries and regions of the world, it supports the position of Cardinal Kasper. The proposal would strengthen the much-vaunted collegiality, though concretely the Episcopal Conferences and the individual bishops do not. If Kasper's "opening" could not be enforced worldwide, they could at least be implemented in accordance with the "flexibility" suggested by the Archbishop of Addis Ababa  in Europe.
Ultimately, Cardinal Marx, Archbishop of Munich-Freising, at the end of the Spring Assembly of the German Bishops' Conference said nothing different,  as he let Rome know that they are not a branch of the Roman Curia.
Msgr. Berhanyesus Souraphiel could perhaps be called as a Synod participant to Rome. Pope Francis has not yet announced the list of the Synod participants that he is appointing himself. Certainly, among the Synod participants in Rome, however, the presence of Archbishop Palmer-Buckle is least volatile.

Pope Francis: List of those personally appointed by him to the synod not yet known

Anyway, whatever Archbishop Berhanyesus Souraphiel exactly has meant with his reference to  "flexibility": The keyword will trigger great joy in some European and North American church circles. Especially because it comes from an African churchman, that continent  can make Europe pale with envy with its growth of Catholics and vocations. Of paleness of course there can be no question, pale, because this old Europe is too smug and condescending. Finally, it was Cardinal Kasper, on the margins of the Synod of Bishops in 2014, when things were not run so much as he  planned,  was struck by a racist gaffe he made against Africa.
According to Archbishop Berhanyesus Souraphiel the message of Africa at the Synod would be that "the family is  life". Many things would change, "but it takes values ​​that must remain: The love between husband and wife, the respect between parents and children and encourage respect for the elderly."
At the choice of words of the Archbishop of Addis Ababa is noticeable that he. For his statement that they will be a "new flexibility" at the end of the Synod, by which he means Pope Francis, since he makes his decisions alone, did  not use the subjunctive. Does he know more than everyone else?
Whether the interjection of the Ethiopian Cardinal will play a role in the Synod, depends above all on Pope Francis, who has completed the last of his personal appointments to the list of  Synod participants.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Eleven Cardinals Climb into the Ring Against the Kasperians -- The Voice of Africa Will Also be Heard

(Rome) "Remain in the truth of Christ" The publication of the book was accompanied in 2014 by heated polemics. Back then  five cardinals and several theologians worked on   the anthology. The initiator of the relevant publication and spokesman for the defense of Catholic moral teaching on marriage and the Synod was US Cardinal Raymond Burke. He was subsequently relieved of his duties of Dicastery head by Pope Francis and removed from the Roman Curia. It was a clear signal of what is tolerated and what is not desirable, though it was not necessarily with the desired effect. Now comes another book with the same concerns. This time  it will be even eleven cardinals who step into the ring. If their book gets same fate as its predecessor, which had been so unwelcome in Rome that it never reached the synod?

Kasper's "Conspiracy"

In 2014 even the publishers who produced the book in different languages, were accused of participating in a "conspiracy against the Pope". Cardinal Walter Kasper said openly it in an interview on September 18, 2014: "The aim of the polemic is not me, but the Pope". It may be that this is a question of a defense strategy: It involves securing one higher than himself for  his protection and by his authority bring critics to silence.  The conspiracy thesis caused considerable outrage among other high dignitaries of the Church, which was a  means of discrediting the former Bishop of Rottenburg-Stuttgart.
The German cardinal was, however, not far wrong by referring to Pope Francis. Without the participation of the Argentine Pope, it would not come  that the Kasperians  got such a global platform. Cardinal De Paolis, one of the five involved in the former book, reiterated this, without naming Kasper. In the daily newspaper La Repubblica he said: "There are even some who speak of a conspiracy. There is no conspiracy; bring only the will a position to expression."

In 2014 Non-Kasperians were silenced - 2015?

Someone wanted in any case bring the dissenting voices to silence because they disturbed a path that was  already clearly laid down, even though the pope had called for a "free" discussion.  This "openness" was only valid in only one direction, while calls for "free" discussion on the other side an admonition? Or are there those under the Pope around Cardinal  working autonomously  and using only the large gates that the reigning Pope has opened? After all, all important positions   of the Synod of Church representatives are held by those  who have themselves known through their statements and actions as Kasperians.
As La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana reported yesterday, the script could be repeated. It is true that a group of cardinals has worked on a new text that is to be opposed to opposing Kasper Group in the Synod of Bishops. The new book is likely the to bear the title "Marriage and Family"  with the subtitle: "Pastoral Prospects of Eleven Cardinals." The group of Cardinals who are actively opposing has increased markedly over the previous year. Moreover, considering the considerable number of eleven cardinals, and that those churchmen witch most insight, see the possibility of a real threat of the Catholic marriage and morality, so there is thus not a "pipe dream" concerning anxious or even extravagant Catholics somewhere off in the wide world.

Eleven Cardinals Defend "Marriage and Family" against Kasper with new book

Among the eleven cardinals, however, there are to be found - unlike rumor claims - neither Burke nor Cardinal Cardinal Brandmüller but Archbishop Cardinal Carlo Caffarra of Bologna, Major Archbishop Cardinal Baselios Cleemis of the Syro-Malankara Catholic Church and president of the Indian Bishops' Conference; Paul Josef Cardinal Cordes, Chairman Emeritus of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum ; Archbishop Dominik Duka of Prague, Cardinal, Primate of Bohemia and President of the Czech Bishops' Conference; Archbishop Willem Jacobus Eijk of Utrecht, Cardinal; Cardinal Joachim Meisner, Archbishop Emeritus of Cologne; Archbishop John Cardinal Olorunfemi Onaiyekan of Abuja, former President of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar; Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, Archbishop Emeritus of Madrid and former president of the Spanish Bishops' Conference; Camillo Cardinal Ruini, Vicar of Rome, Cardinal emeritus and former President of the Italian Bishops' Conference; Robert Cardinal Sarah, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments; Archbishop Jorge Liberato Urosa Savino of Caracas, Cardinal and Primate of Venezuela.

"In Times of Increasing arbitrariness, the Church Must Speak More Clearly"

The editor of the book is the German canon lawyer, Winfried Ayman from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. Last June, Aymans wrote in L'Osservatore Romano, "in times when civil law increasingly tends to expose the marriage contract to arbitrariness, in any event  increases in every way, the preaching of the Church must be all the more clear."
Also in this case, again all are accused of obstructing the debate or - worse - to oppose the Pope or even plotting against this? Someone there will certainly try. However, the number of cardinals who were already in the ring in 2014 has increased   and those who have now followed seem unwilling to vacate the field. Their very large number should be food for thought. With so many Cardinals seeing the need to publicly defend the Church's teaching, then that can mean only one thing: someone is trying to  attack this doctrine. Cardinals from Burke to Brandmüller, and Caffarra onward to Onaiyekan and Sarah will attempt to frustrate them.

Beat Kasper on His Own Field: Pastoral

The eleven cardinals want, as far as it is known, to beat Kasper on the battlefield chosen by him, the pastoral. The German cardinal asserted and continues assert that he will not touch  doctrine, but is "only" trying to change the Pastoral approach.  Meanwhile, this thesis has been widely refuted as a fundamental intervention in the pastoral, will be automatically chang the teaching by the general practice. [That's how Vatican II was "won"]  The eleven Cardinals deal with issues such as those who can be helped, like those who have been abandoned by their spouse and yet remain faithful to their marriage. A key issue of the new publication should be that   marriage preparation can be improved,  since it  has proven to be obviously inadequate. It is also about the question of how the marriage preparation can respond to the situation only slightly or hardly,  when the religiously instructed young people are also strongly influenced by a secularized culture.
The publication of the book is scheduled for the second half of September. In Italy it is, as foreseen, to be released by the heavily besieged  publisher Cantagalli. There are, again, planned translations into different languages. We can only hope that the attempt to get the book of eleven Cardinals to all synod participants, will be successful this time.  The Book of Five Cardinals never came last year to  the synod. The fault  must belong to the post office, insists Cardinal Baldisseri,   the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops. Others suspect rather that the Synod Director prevented the delivery, in plain text, Baldisseri himself.

Nova Patria Christ Africa

Just as before,  the issue in the room, is who is the great director in the background. Quite a few tap Pope Francis himself, who has not yet officially commented on the question of communion for the divorced and remarried. However, a long series of indirect statements, gestures and actions show him as a supporter of Cardinal Kasper and its thesis.
Another book will be released to the Synod of Bishops, which also has eleven cardinals and bishops for authors. All are from Africa and want to make the voice of Africa heard with the publication of the book.  It is a continent that is determined to fight for Catholic marriage and morality and is showing itself  a "nova patria Christ Africa".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Nuova Bussola Quotidiana
Trans: Tancred
link to Katholisches...

Saturday, July 25, 2015

"Via discretionis": New "Solutions" for the Synod of Bishops -- Communion "Only at Easter"

(Rome) The Pontifical Family Council headed by Curial Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia  organized last February and March, a three-day international seminar behind closed doors on the question of remarried divorcees. Many invited theologians defended the sacrament of marriage. The seminar should, so say Roman voices, especially provide a platform for a certain thesis: the "Via discretionis", a refined and concretized variant of the Kasper-proposal.
The event took place in view of the forthcoming Synod of Bishops in October and was Top Secret. The theme was "Family and Church. An inextricable link." As it says in the conference proceedings, which has now been released by the Vatican publishing.

International Seminar Behind Closed Doors

At the seminar, no bishops were invited, only "experts". The focus was on the controversial topics of the Synod. The opinions of the speakers were  very heterogeneous. Many defended the indissolubility of marriage.
The left-leaning daily La Repubblica , the only newspaper that Pope Francis reads daily, unfailingly  fished out a  paper that is close to Cardinal Kasper's "New Mercy." The key words are "heal wounds", and "diminish suffering," of those who "have failed". This corresponds quite, so La Repubblica ,  with  "Pope Francis' desire for completion of the extraordinary session of the Synod in last October, calling to find concrete solutions to many difficulties and countless challenges that  families have to face.''
The proposals of the Paglia seminar "While committed to nothing," says the newspaper, "but to show the will of some theologians, that nothing can remain on the pastoral level, as it is". It's to make  "possible a new beginning for the divorced and remarried."

Via discretionis: symbiosis of the theses of Xavier Lacroix and Paul De Clerck

Proceedings "Family and Church"
The proposal is to introduce a "Via discretionis." This involves  a symbiosis of the texts by the theologians Xavier Lacroix and Paul De Clerck. Lacroix in favor of the admission to communion, but not for the recognition of the second marriage. De Clerck also represents the recognition of the second marriage after the model of the Orthodox Church.
The Via discretionis provides that each diocese should appoint a priest who only cares for the divorced and remarried. If necessary, these priests could be supported by a "team of experts". Its mission is to examine the intentions of the couple and to request the reasons that they are asking for re-admission to communion. The priest has first to consider the nullity of marriage and to refer the couple to the Church court. Because, according to the thesis, the cause of many separations is that marriages are in fact invalid. If the path of invalidity  is not possible, the authorized priest leads the couple to begin a penitential journey. It will not be short and will consist of several stages. "The motive is understanding what led to the failure of the marriage; be conscious of having betrayed a commandment of God; to go on in reconciliation with their own past,"  says a direct quote from the conference proceedings.

"In Some Cases Admission to Communion only at Easter"

This way "would also require a public character of penance to show the general consciousness of Christians, that the reconciliation of man whose marriage has broken down, means no frivolity of the Church in provision for the interpretation  of the Gospel, but  will  concretely  prove the actual obedience to this provision." In concrete terms,  the re-admission to the sacraments could "be full or partial." In some cases, admission to the Eucharist could be limited to a one-time annual Communion at Easter.
For the problem of how second marriages could be recognized, there was also a proposal. Most were in agreement that it could  not be called a sacrament in a second marriage. The sacrament of marriage remains unique. This could recognize  "the high human and spiritual value of the new union." Exactly what Cardinal Kasper has written: Where the faith today and the love at work and penance for the guilt for the failure of the first marriage are felt, it will also have a second marriage as  part of the spiritual dimension of Church life.
 La Repubblica : "Sure, in October the Synod has the last word and then the Pope. There are now at least within the Vatican Walls   new solutions which are on   terms of a Church of acceptance and puts  mercy in black and white on paper."

The Authors of the "New Solutions"

Xavier Lacroix and Paul De Clerck
The Belgian liturgist Paul De Clerck, born in 1939, is a priest of the Archdiocese of Mechelen-Brussels. He was from 1970-1998 director of the Centre d'études et théologiques pastoral de Bruxelles. De Clerck is professor emeritus of the Institut supérieur de Liturgy at the Catholic University of Paris. From 1986-2001 he was Director of the Institute.
The French moral theologian Xavier Lacroix, born in 1947, has taught ethics and moral theology since 1986 at the Université catholique de Lyon . From 1986-1994 he was director of the Institut des sciences de la famille at the Faculty of Theology, which he was dean from 1997 to 2003. From 1987-2004 he was a member of the National Council for Family Pastoral. Lacroix is an advisor of the French Bishops' Conference and the Pontifical Family Council in matters of family. Since 2008 he has belonged at the proposal of the President, to the 39 head National Ethics Council of France.
Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, the organizer of the international seminar has  been noted mainly for statements encouraging the recognition of homosexuality since 2013. When his ticket was stamped for the Community of Sant'Egidio  by the Roman Curia, he left his diocese of Terni with a debt of 24 million euros.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Mil / UCL / ISL (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred

Thursday, July 16, 2015

"Brotherly Visit" -- Pope Francis Offers "Ultra-Progressive" Clique Another Victim

Pope Francis Fascinated by Archbishop Altieri's Pectoral
Cross in June 2013
(Rome) "The Holy Father Francis has accepted the resignation of pastoral governance of the Archdiocese of Passo Fundo (Brazil) submitted by His Ecc Msgr. Antonio Carlos Altieri SDB, adopted in accordance with Canon 401 § 2 of the Code of Canon Law."  This news was published in the daily bulletin of the Holy See yesterday.
One might assume Archbishop Altieri from the Salesian Order is seriously ill and therefore prevented from continuing the leadership of his diocese. "The truth is that his 'resignation' followed on what would be called today, a fraternal visit," said Secretum meum mihi . In fact, it refers to an Apostolic Visitation. In this specific case, Pope Francis had sent the Brazilian Cardinal Claudio Hummes as Visitor to the Archdiocese Passo Fundo. That same Cardinal Hummes, Jorge Mario Bergoglio allegedly recommended after his election, to call Francis and the new Pope, and had shown the Pope the way by saying:  "Do not forget the poor."

"Bishop who does not behave the way  ultra-progressive clergy wants, has numbered days"

What the local Brazilian media reported is reminiscent of similar cases in the past year. "The direction of 'mercy' against bishops whose  whose inclinations do not fit the Franciscan era: A more or less conservative bishop who does not behave as   the ultra-progressive part of his clergy wants, has numbered days," so says the Brazilian site Fratres in Unum . "The liberal clique is well organized, knows what it wants and knows especially which way it has to tread."
In Passo Fundo there is a Theological Institute, which is in the hands of liberation theologians. They complained to the Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Antonio Carlos Altieri, is said to   have spent $ 600,000 for the renovation of the bishop's residence, the Seminary, the Archdiocese and a retreat house. [That's cheap.]
In another complaint Archbishop Altieri was charged with  pursuing "rubricismus" and "ritualism" pursuing, say, in the sacred liturgy focusing too much on compliance with the rubrics and a worthy celebration. In addition, the group of priests criticized his willingness of the bishop to accept seminarians who have been rejected by other dioceses.
In fact, the seminary of Passo Fundo counts itself as having, in relation to its population, an above average number of seminarians. In the Archdiocese which is however different reasons: "One focus of Archbishop Altieri is the pastoral care of vocations, therefore, is also the renovation of the seminary. It shows what is important for the diocese. And it was necessary because of the many seminarians," said the deputy rector shortly after the start of the visit. Only  unofficially was was it confirmed today in the diocese that "appropriate seminarians were taken that were too 'conservative' who were rejected in other dioceses." With the addition: "You know, many bishops are fairly liberal."

Bishop was "at least a ray of hope"

Archbishop Altieri was dubbed by the media as a "conservative" in the Brazilian episcopate. He was not closely connected to tradition. In 2014 he turned against the state efforts to equate homosexual relationships to marriage.  "Society can not simply turn a blind eye to the equality of homosexuals". In the Diocese of Passo Fundo, "concubinage among the clergy is widespread, Archbishop Altieri was at least a ray of hope," said Fratres in Unum. In Archbishop Altieri, Catholics hoped  for a suppression of the influence of liberation theology in Passo Fundo.
At the beginning of the visitation, Archbishop Altieri informed the whole diocese about it and urged all to "full" and "constructive" cooperation with the Visitor, "so that we participate in it  through our prayer and reflection on the importance of this moment, which Providence gives us." The fact that the visitation would end with his removal from office, the Archbishop had not considered possible.
Msgr. Paulo De Conto, Bishop of Montenegro, will initially carry out the task  as Apostolic Administrator the Archdiocese Passo Fundo until Pope Francis will have appointed a successor to Archbishop Altieri.
Archbishop Altieri was born in 1951, ordained a priest in 1978 and 2006 appointed by Pope Benedict XVI.  as Bishop of Caraguatatuba. In 2012 he was appointed, also by Benedict XVI., as Archbishop of Passo Fundo. At the age of 63 years, he has now been put out of service.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Secretum meum mihi / Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

Monday, June 29, 2015

Cardinal Kasper and His Unrealistic "Realistic Theology of Marriage"

(Freiburg im Breisgau) Walter Cardinal Kasper, spokesman of the "new Mercy" is striving to keep his followers on course, because there is considerable internal Church opposition to its "opening course". Once again the Jesuits prove to be his accomplices. His new 'plea for individual solutions',  the cardinal is spreading with in the Jesuit magazine "Voices of Time" throughout the world. The title of his essay is: "Admission of Remarried Divorcees to the Sacraments? A Thorny and Complex Issue ".
He had written the new text, says Kasper, to clarify "numerous misunderstandings" which arose after his presentation before the Cardinal Consistory in February 2014. At that time Pope Francis had given him a monopoly in order to promote    the admission "of remarried divorcees", and  those cohabiting in adulterous unions against Church teaching, to Communion.

If the arsonists shouts  "fire" 

Since then, the whole Church has been shocked by this fire, that Kasper  has set with the approval of the Pope. While some will try to extinguish it, others like Kasper blow, in order to arouse it even more. Kasper writes in modesty: "It was to be expected therefore that the issue has been newly flared up before and during the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops in 2014". A rather daring, if not cynical remark from the mouth of the arsonist.
The German cardinal stressed in his plea in the "Voices of Time" for the "individual solution". At the same time makes the claim  to represent a "realistic theology of marriage", which he  shall recommend to the whole Church. Such must take into account failure as well as forgiveness.
After a time of penance those affected should be granted admission to Communion under clear conditions. As conditions  Kasper calls for "an honest judgment of the person concerned about his personal situation" and a positive opinion of the minister. The respective local bishop should have the overall supervision of these penitential period.

Kaspers Solution as "Higher Justice"?

Walter Kasper in the "Voices of Time"
Kasper emphasized that he demanded no derogations from canon law, but "a reasonable and compassionate application of the law". The Cardinal speaks in this context of his proposal even of a "higher justice" which it attains to in the application. In other words, he attests that the current practice is neither "mercy" nor "reasonable", although the right would permit such. Blame for the non-admission of remarried divorcees to communion thusly was the hard-heartedness of the Church, according to the former President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity .
Audacity can certainly not be denied of the German Cardinal as  he writes, despite the "pleading"  in the same breath: "It is essential in word of Jesus, that man must not separate what God has joined. It is found in all three Synoptic Gospels (Mt 5,32; 19,9; Mk 10.9; Luke 16:18).There is also the testimony of the Apostle Paul  (1 Cor 7,10 f.) [...]   Now just as ever we must now disarm the words of Jesus by adapting to the situation."

Master of Dialectics

But as a master of dialectics Kasper knows a way out, because the word of Jesus should be "Not be read as fundamentalist". In one sentence the cardinal dismantled and refashioned the  as authentic mission of Jesus and accused his opponents, the defenders of the marriage sacrament, of fundamentalism, some of the worst vocabulary that is used by  political correctness as an instrument of homicide.
The same thought experiment is revisited by the cardinal, when he praises the Catholic understanding of covenant: "As God's covenant in Jesus Christ is final and inextricably linked to the church,  the marriage covenant is as a real symbol of this covenant." However,  the next sentence is reworked beyond recognition into perspective by saying, "That's a great and compelling design. However, they must not lead an idealization that his hostile to life. "

"Flexible pastoral practice of some local Churches of the early church"

Each case should be checked with "understanding, discretion  and tact". A "general solution to the problem" can not exist, but only "individual solutions". Kasper justified this by claiming that the Church could even "really not speak of an objective situation of sin, without considering the situation of the sinner, each in their each unique personal dignity" for remarried divorcees. The cardinal then breezily asserts the alleged "flexible pastoral practice of some local churches of the early church." On this point, he has become more modest in comparison to the initial allegations, but without correcting its premise.
Thus the cardinal tried to allay widespread fears of a fundamental change in practice which would inevitably entail a change of doctrine in itself. But what is new behind Kasper's modesty with its emphasis on "individual solutions" is hidden in the final analysis, and despite the many words about "conditions", "narrow conditions", "votum of the confessor" and "supervision of the local bishop." After all, whoever knows the practice in the parishes, knows how unrealistic Kaspers "realistic theology of marriage" is. So unrealistic that within a short time, at least in our latitudes, a general laissez-faire  practice   would prevail among the clergy, in turn, which would inevitably have a negative influence on the doctrine of the Faith.

Kasper's Unrealistic "Realistic Theology of Marriage"

How many priests want to be confronted with  remarried divorcees and otherwise irregular cohabitants to put it bluntly,  be the "party pooper" and be saddled with preprogrammed conflicts in the parish. Not even to speak of the "oversight" by the local bishops. They would bureaucratize  their "supervision"  in no time at all by allocating to any office of their Ordinariate, which is the opposite of pastoral care.
Perhaps we should recommend Cardinal Kasper takes a  "realistic theology of sin" instead of a "realistic theology of marriage"   which is actually lacking in our dioceses and parishes.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons / voices of the time (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Kasper's Evil Proposal Included in Synod

Edit: here is the report from CFN:

[Catholic Family News] And after a second round of global consultation, here it is – at Roman Noon, the instrumentum laboris(baseline text) for October's climactic Synod on the Family was released... for now, however – much like last year's first volume – the full sequel is only available in Italian.

Stacking out at 147 paragraphs – some 20,000 words – the text is arranged around three pillars: the challenges families face, the "discernment of the family's vocation," and "the mission of the family today," each of them slated to take up a week of the discussions at the 4-25 October assembly.

Among other highlights, the final portion of the framework deals with the proposed changes of practice cited by their supporters as necessary for the church to better respond to families in challenging situations amid current pastoral practice.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Pleading For Sandro Magister and Against the Poison of the New Courtiers of the Pope

Sandro Magister
(Rome) The expulsion of Sandro Magister after 41 years as an accredited journalist of the Holy See has  led to diverse reactions, between unbridled glee and states of shock. The withdrawal of accreditation "is the worst thing for a Vaticanist" gleefully wrote wrote Magister's  opponent Francesca Chaouqui who is one of the "new courtiers" of this pontificate. The statement hits the point and explains the state of shock of those who afford themselves an independent view outside the jubilee choir for the Argentine pontiff. It's an attitude that is increasingly becoming a dangerous luxury when even when one as veterate and renowned as Sandro Magister Vaticanist must be put to the sword without mercy. While the courtiers have erupted in loud jubilation over the slaying of their "enemy", the voices among Vaticanists  can be counted on one hand, who dare to take sides for their previously highly respected colleagues, to move some things into perspective.
One who has done so publicly is Riccardo Cascioli, the chief editor of the Catholic  Internet newspaper La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana (NBQ). Here is plea for Sandro Magister and against the "new courtiers" in the Catholic Church.

No mercy for Magister

by Riccardo Cascioli
The premature announcement of documents is never a pleasant thing, but it is difficult to understand why the pre-publication of the Pope's encyclical Laudato si  two full days has brought the Holy See to the brink of a nervous breakdown and some Vaticanists laughably losing even their sense, are claiming the incident as a conspiracy to damage from Pope Francis.
What kind of a conspiracy could depend on the contents of the encyclical being unveiled two days early? On the contrary, the initiative of the Espresso appears to have heightened the attention of the official press conference to present the Encyclical  on 18 June at 11 O'clock. And it was only in order to determine any differences between the already known version and the final version.

The Public Pillory and Toxic Malice for Magister

Yet the advance publication has been treated like a conspiracy, so that the Vatican press office even took the drastic measure and indefinitely suspended the accreditation of longtime Vaticanist Sandro Magister, who is believed to be the culprit of the incident. Not only that: The letter by which Magister's sanction was announced  was publicly posted in the press service of the Vatican and published with great luridness on the semi-official news blog Il sismografo.That's not all: as if it were not already enough punishment to publicly pillory Magister without any process, there appeared tons of poisonous comments on the internet  by colleagues and Vatican representatives against Magister.
Magister is a very famous Vatican expert. His official website chiesa.espresso and his blog Settimo Cielo are much read and at the international level. For many Catholics, but also journalists, Magister is an important reference point in order to be informed about developments in the Catholic Church and the Vatican, which go beyond the official statements. It is obvious that he has made some enemies ​​over time. The way he is now treated, in any case, raises a number of questions.

Nothing like that at Vatileaks - did not violate any embargo period

Eugenio Scalfari took the place of the Pope and formulated its own answers  of the same - impunity
Mainly because there were no comparable penalties in connection with the Vatileaks scandal, as numerous personal and confidential documents from the desk of Benedict XVI. were stolen and published and caused a scandal. By comparison, the preliminary publication of a public encyclical is ridiculous. In addition, Magister can at best be only indirectly responsible for the publication, then the copy of the encyclical-draft - as has been said from the very beginning - was landed on the table of the Espresso  -Chief Editors who decided the publishing and asked Magister to write a short introduction.
Ultimately, you can not even speak of a violation of the embargo period, as the American Vatican expert John Allen remarked. An embargo period is there when a document shall be made in available in advance to  journalists to give them time to read it and to prepare for the publication. In practice, this means: I give you a document in advance  and you commit yourself to not speaking about it before a specified time. In this specific case, the Holy See, however, had decided, which is unusual and not very pleasant, to present the Encyclical only a few hours before the press conference. No journalist had thus officially received it and was therefore bound to a fixed vesting period. A moral obligation of the Espresso chief editor would only be given if the invisible hand that has leaked him the text  would require experts to comply with the embargo period on June 18., but that seems highly unlikely.
Nevertheless, the wrath of the Vatican erupted over Magister: no extenuating circumstances, no mercy, only public disgrace and expulsion from the Olympus the Vaticanists.

No Mercy for Magister - a Reward for Eugenio Scalfari

One behaved quite differently  with the old fox Eugenio Scalfari, as in the two interviews published with Pope Francis. One in October, 2013, the other in July 2014. Both caused no small stir in the Church. Then it became known that the first interview statements were put in the mouth of the Pope by  Scalfari, which he had never said. And that the second interview was supposed to never be released because Scalfari had committed, not to speak publicly about this private conversation with the Pope. The only measure against Scalfari was a public statement by the Holy See. But on the contrary. Scalfari was even rewarded for the two interviews. Both were printed a few months ago in an official book by  the Lev Vatican Publishing house.

Reckoning With one Who did not Join in the Chorus of Adulation

The gloating of the papal Commissioner Chaouqui about Magisters expulsion
One can reasonably assume, therefore, that Magister, is rather than paying for the advance publication of the encyclical, but instead for his constant informational activities with which he strives to brighten backgrounds and illuminate decisions and statements in a way that does not correspond to the chorus of adulation which surrounds and damages this pontificate. The incident with the encyclical is just a pretext to settle accounts with a leading journalist, but is considered as a reference point for the opposition. A precise signal that is being emitted by the new courtiers and to all who dare to question, and according to an old strategy: to teach one hundred strike one.
It is therefore no coincidence that those who spread the poison against Magister, are among the enthusiastic supporters of the new charity. This includes those who should of their own volition and on the basis of their institutional position, employ a certain lack of self control. There is the s PR expert hired for a Pontifical Commission, Francesca Immacolata Chaouqui who has never forgiven Magister that he publicized her  tendency to too great loquacity, wrote immediately after becoming aware of  Magisters punishment on Facebook:
The entry ends with the words: "Happy Sandro, Ex-Vatican expert". Any further comment is superfluous. Law has Chaouqui was only correct in stating that the withdrawal of accreditation is "the worst thing for a Vaticanist."

Betting that L'Espresso already published the final version

The entry gives testimony that the spurting of venom from the Vatican is far from past. This is evidenced by a further signal: Il Fatto Quotidiano has named  the Secretariat of State Security as a source of the copy that the Espresso leaked. The daily newspaper also claimed, it involves  an alleged act of sabotage by "conservatives" against Pope Francis.  Information that has been properly spread not by chance. Rather, it appears to be a notice that we will soon be informed of things quite differently.
NB: The Vatican spokesman Father Lombardi explained that it told Espresso  that it was  only a draft of the encyclical and not to publish the final version version. He made ​​it clear that the text has undergone further changes. But we are willing to take a bet that the published text already represents the final version. On Thursday we will know it.
Text: Riccardo Cascioli / NBQ
translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: RAI1 / Dagospia / Facebook (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Influential Critic of Pope Francis Shown the Door by the Holy See

(Rome) Sandro Magister has been Vatican expert  of the weekly magazine L'Espresso  since 1974. For 41 years, he has reported on the Holy See and the Catholic Church firsthand. An activity that he has exercised under five popes since Paul VI. He reported with remarkable prudence and background information, including disclosures. Under no Pope he was reprimanded. Under Pope Francis, things have changed, however.
A draft of the eco-Encyclical Laudato Si which was printed a few days ago by the Vatican printing house, but would have been scrapped for revisions, was published by L'Espresso. The Italian newspapers immediately suspected "conservative Pope critics" behind the leak. It's an assertion which was also heard from voices close to  the Pope in the Vatican.  From the Holy See Press Office, the publication of Magister charged and brought against him the most serious of possible sanctions. His accreditation to the Holy See has been suspended "indefinitely". For 41 years  Magister, a veteran Vaticanist, has worked for the Holy See Press Office on and off.  He is still among the long-serving and  the most experienced Vaticanists.
The written notice of the Vatican Press Office:

"I regret very much, your Federico Lombardi"

The letter from the Vatican Press Office, Vatican expert Sandro Magister of the is excluded
"Dear Dr. Magister,
the draft you caused to be released of the encyclical of the Pope, despite a publication ban being declared, is a manifestly incorrect initiative, and the source of great disturbance  for many fellow journalists and is a serious breakdown of the sound functioning of this Press Office.
I therefore wish to inform you that your accreditation is suspended from our press office from tomorrow, indefinitely.
I regret very much, your
Federico Lombadi SJ
NB: Of course, these sanctions must be made known to colleagues of the Press Office.
Dr. Luigi Vicinanza
Chief Editor L'Espresso "
Magister, who studied philosophy, theology and history at the Catholic University of Milan,  was the chief editor and consultant of the television station of the Italian Episcopal Conference TV2000.

Revealing to the Pope unveiling fall from grace of the past of Francis-confidant Battista Ricca

It is known that Magister was among the most well-known  Vaticanists representing a particularly critical position towards the pontificate of Pope Francis. Magister had already fallen out of favor with the Argentine Pope  in June 2013   when he criticized the appointment of Msgr. Battista Ricca, the director of the guesthouse Santa Marta to the house prelates of the Vatican Bank IOR. Magister revealed his homosexual past of the former Vatican diplomat. But Pope Francis did not took his decision back, but on the contrary.
Magister's revelations prompted journalists on the flight back from World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro to ask the Pope about the Ricca case. Pope Francis responded to the infamous question with: "Who am I to judge?" It's a sentence that has since been completely detached from the case Ricca and generally recognized as widespread recognition of homosexuals and other offending behaviors against the Church's moral teaching. Although politicians believe he is saying the legalization of "gay marriage" is justified,  Pope Francis has seen no need to correct the statement in almost two years. 

"To Those Within," a red flag

For Magister it meant that he was cut from certain prelates of the Vatican, particularly the closest familiar circle of Pope Francis since June 2013. Sandro Magister was "to those within," meaning the guest house Santa Marta with the Papal entourage, as a red rag. Many contradictions of the current pontificate were visible through his excellent information and his keen analysis on a broad scale. He revealed the role of a director, whom the pope himself employed in the disputed machinations around the Synod of Bishops in 2014.
He criticized the controversial Pope interviews with atheists Eugenio Scalfari, while other Vaticanists offered them blind applause or "explained" with various contortions. It was a criticism that Magister employed, although Scalfari himself was  from 1963-1968, the editor of Espresso. That was before Magister began to work for the magazine, but Scalfari is to this day the gray eminence in the publishing group. The weekly magazine L'Espresso and the daily newspaper La Repubblica belong to the same media group. Even internally, the professional journalist made ​​no friends with his criticism. 
Conversely, Magister was because of his sober attitude, which absented him from a false apologetic, the addressee for a wealth of information that has been leaked to him by prelates critical of the Pope.
How the sanctions will affect his work must be seen. First will to be seen will be how his employer reacts. In the editorial board or on the publisher and owner level, the opinion could prevail that a Vatican expert without accreditation is a contradiction. In L'Espresso , the Italian equivalent of the German Spiegel such a view is not mandatory.

A Blemish as a Welcome Occasion?

The wrath of the other Vaticanists about Magister alone is remarkable. Nevertheless, some believe that Magister's involvement is inconvenient to someone in the Vatican. Vatican spokesman Lombardi explained the sanction with the objective certainty that  Magister had broken the publication embargo. This is exactly what  Magister denied to Associated Press. The editor of Espresso had decided to publish. He, Master, had only written a short introduction, which seemed necessary to him. It had no effect on the decision to publish it.
Magister is not the first journalist to whom  accreditation has been withdrawn. Nevertheless, sanctions are extremely rare.  All the more intensified is the impression that the incident had offered someone a welcome opportunity to punish the most influential critics of Pope Francis among Vaticanists in front of everyone. That Pope Francis is resentful, is sufficiently well known. The withdrawal of accreditation at the Holy See Press Office removes the ground from under  Vaticanist's work.  A step, that's for sure, which came as a surprise even for Magister.
"The new despotism in Vatican claims another victim" said Chiesa e postconcilio on Magister's ouster, who is described as "incorruptible and really a Catholic." "The new compassion in action in this case,  would be laughable to ridicule, if it wwere not so worrying," said the traditional website.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: InfoVaticana
Trans: Tancred
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