Thursday, August 14, 2014

Cardinal Schönborn: There Will Be "Signs and Wonders" From the Pope --- "Frightening": Governments Equip Themselves Against Their Own People

(Vienna) Vienna Archbishop Christoph Cardinal Schönborn is "convinced" that if Pope Francis maintains his "pace" that there would be "changes". This was reported by the Rheinische Post in its Tuesday edition. There will be more "signs and wonders" by the current pope.  The Cardinal considers it "frightening" that the Western governments in their defense and military strategies are oriented more and more "inward" against their own people.

"Reforms" of Remarried Divorcees and Against Celibacy ("Maybe")

"Reforms", the magical magic word was actively worked from Vienna's archbishop in this interview. "Changes" and "pace of change" would also  be the "hot potatoes" like the approval of remarried divorcees to Communion and the abolition of priestly celibacy, says the Cardinal. With the only restriction of the little word "perhaps". Schönborn, is so certain of the papal reforms that he spoke of "signs and wonders" that will be  "done" by Pope Francis.

Choice of Francis "Demonstration" for the Cardinals: "The Horizon Must Expand"

The reigning Pope for the last 17 months from Argentina knows "no  prohibitions of discussions," said the chairman of the Austrian Bishops' Conference . But the Pope was concentrating less on "hot potatoes", but mainly on a "Church of the poor for the poor". With the election of Pope Francis  the Cardinals  had wanted to "also demonstrate": "We need to expand our horizons." So far the  Austrian cardinal  has only attributed the election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio as the Catholic Church's leader to the "supernatural character" of the Holy Spirit.
The Pope, says Cardinal Schönborn, is "more prophet than a revolutionary", so he'll make be more concerned about  "sensation and restlessness": "Francis must and will remain authentic" 
The reform program of the Pope is "ultimately" modeled on  St. Francis copied : The general aim was "to put the gospel in the first place" and to make the Church "more Jesus". The "difficulty" is the discernment of spirits, because "who proclaim the gospel, are ready for the reform, or who resist reforms."

Schönborn Contradicts EKD Church President Schneider: No Consent for Euthanasia

In the interview, the Cardinal contradicted the Chairman of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany, Nikolaus Schneider, who had spoken in favor of euthanasia.  Cardinal Schönborn said: "There can be no debate about the absolute no to euthanasia." The Church will never give Her consent. The cardinal reminded here of the word of his pre-predecessor Franz Cardinal König, according to which man should "die holding the hand, but not by the hand of man."

Pope Denounces "Blatant Injustice of Turbo-Capitalism"

The statement by Pope Francis in his Apostolic Letter  Evangelii gaudium  : "This kills the economy. 'A real find' for Vienna's archbishop, expressly  was "not" based on the social market economy, which was influential in the post-war period for the Federal Republic of Germany and Austria. The papal statement was directed against "capitalism and the blatant injustices, which brings the liberal turbo-capitalism with it". The economy stands before a "crossroads", as Pope John Paul II. in his social encyclical in 1991, Laborem exercens had anticipated.

"Concern" for Governments Equipping Against Their Own People

Finally, Cardinal Schönborn warned of negative developments in the western states: "Not enough" is spoken about the fact that the military and defense strategies are increasingly "directed inwards, with a view to possible uprisings in their own countries." This development is "appalling" and the whole drama illustrative of the present situation, because one, the Cardinal does not say who, is preparing to "face a growing discontent among the population." The Church has "only to remember in this situation that there is still time to repent."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: MiL / Cosa resta del giorno
Trans: Tancred

Ismail Tipi: A Vigilant Democracy Must Give Out Red Cards

Edit: in other words, abolish free speech.  Correspondingly, it's easy to see how such laws regarding free speech could be used to silence this politician as it certainly silences other Europeans today.  Recently, the founder of Riposte Laïque has been found guilty for "Islamophobia" as Tiberge at Galliawatch reports.
Turkish Cobby a Turkish born CDU politician warns of the danger of Salafists in Germany: "ISIS already speaks German." Tipi has received death threats for his opinions  and has placed a police report.

Wiesbaden ( "ISIS already speaks German." This was written by Ismail Tipi (photo), CDU politician and Member of the State Parliament of Hesse, on Facebook. He posted a photo of a young man, the poster with the picture of an ISIS warrior held in his hand, which is written in German: "Yesterday Syria, today Iraq, tomorrow Europe". This is the intention and purpose of the Salafists, observes Tipi. Many of the Salafists sympathize with  ISIS and they have been  already out of their backyards for a long time, "they are among us."

Tipi explains to employee about  Koran distribution  and exclaimed, "Lies!": "Lie activists are already in several hundred stalls and  active daily in 9 countries in Europe. A defensive democracy must distribute red cards, without repression, it is not. Operation prohibition for extremist Salafists. "Stop Lies Action! ... ". 

Tipi said, it was "high time that my suggestions to better fight radical Salafists in Germany are finally implemented," he admitted in a statement published on his website. "I support our Federal Minister of the Interior to one hundred percent in his considerations, radical Salafists with German background who come back from the war zones back to Germany to pick up the passport. I can understand the skeptics who are coalition partners of the SPD, who will   not hear, prevent everything, from allowing for stricter laws. It must be possible to remove the Salafists' German identity card -. Even if they have no criminal record."  The CDU politician pointed out that the current laws are inadequate, especially for German Salafists, here there they should probably be changed according to the law.  The increasing connection between Salafists and right-wing radicals who feel united in their anti-Semitism is also disturbing. "Here a sinister connection arises, whose dangers we must not overlook."

On Monday, Tipi had urged the imposition of sanctions against the "men behind the IS." "We need firstly to find opportunities here in Germany, but also in other European countries to freeze accounts and finances of the Salafists or seize them altogether. It is more than obvious that any so-called "charity campaign" by German Salafists only serves to finance the war against religious minorities in Syria and Iraq. We must urgently put an end to this," Tipi demanded on Monday in Wiesbaden. 

He called for a comprehensive review of all business activities of the European states with the Gulf countries, which are regarded as financial backers of the Salafists. It is not excluded that  weapons are delivered via a roundabout way to the IS and would ultimately be used for the expulsion and extermination of Christians and other religious communities. 

Already in 2012 Tipi had declared that  Shariah, in whatever form, should never get into  German courtrooms. Such a possibility would do great harm to the integration of immigrants. Integration was taking place on the floor of the liberal-democratic order of our State, which must be accepted by all.  "We also call for equal rights for men and women. The Shariah is not above the Constitution. Religious freedom belongs to all of us where our democracy and legal system is at risk," said Tipi. 

Tipi is the first Turkish-born CDU representative in the Hesse Landtag. One of the focal points of his political work is integration policy. Prior to his seat in Parliament, he had worked as a journalist for Turkish and German media. Because of his engagement against Salafists, he has received death threats last Saturday via internet, as reported by "Das Westen".   "For about an hour I was reviled, cursed and threatened in the chat". Tipi has "filed a complaint for defamation, coercion and threats." photo Ismail Tipi (c)

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Muslims Attack in Utrecht: "We Will Kill You Christians"

  ( The Press )
The Hague . A Catholic seminary student from Colombia has been threatened and spat upon in Utrecht by radical Muslims: Brother Jaider Chantré Sanchez who upon just leaving  church on the weekend, while walking alone through the park when two Muslims began to pursue him, cursing and spitting . They are supposed to have shouted, "We will  kill all of you Christians." 
"I was so scared. It is the first time something like  that's happened to me,"    Chantré Sannchez recently explained in the newspaper "De Telegraaf ". "I was told in Colombia, the Netherlands is a tolerant country. But this does not seem to be so," continued the student, who was able to escape. The attacker had apparently been traveling to an anti-Israel demonstration.  Yet Sanchez believes he has an explanation as to why they had become so aggressive, however, with this explanation: "I wore a T-shirt with the logo Nasrani. This is used by the IS-terrorist group in Iraq to mark houses of Christians. Many Christians wear those shirts now in solidarity with their fellow Muslims in Iraq. The logo must have seemed to the two Muslims like a red flag."

Heated social climate

The incident causing quite a stir. "When you are wearing a T-shirt and are threatened, anyway, that is unacceptable," said Hans Zuijdwijck, a spokesman for the Archdiocese of Utrecht. The incident shows how heated the social atmosphere is in the Netherlands. So it was in The Hague in the recent days demonstrations, where fans of the IS-terrorists, who murder and pillage in Iraq, as they shouted slogans such as "Death to all Jews". As citizens marched in a counterdemonstration, they were attacked by the Islamists.(Htz)
("Die Presse", print edition, 13/08/2014)
Translated: Tancred

Pope Francis Calls For a Response From the UN

Pope Francis has called the UN General Secretary Ban Ki-moon to reinforce the efforts of the United Nations for the protection of Christians and other religious minorities in Northern Iraq.

Vatican City ( Pope Francis has appealed to the UN General Secretary Ban Ki-moon to reinforce efforts for united national protection of Christians and other minorities in Northern Iraq. He has turned to the UN General Secretary to "Address the fears, suffering, and the cries of despair coming from the hearts of Christians and members of beloved Iraq," it read from a letter published by the Vatican on Wednesday to Ban. The "humanitarian tragedy" in Iraq must be ended.

In view if the tragic experiences of the 20th century, the "international community must do all possible, to prevent further systematic violence against ethnic and religious minorities," continues Francis.
This must be accomplished according to the provisions and mechanisms of human rights.

(C) 2014 KNA Katholische Nachrichten-Agentur GmbH. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Gänswein: Pope Benedict Intends to Stay in Rome This Summer

Emeritus Pope is actively pursuing the religious and political life, "reads newspapers, is informed about the news,  receives visitors." Walking causes him some trouble, "but the head is bright and  the mind completely clear"

Augsburg ( Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI. intends to spend this summer in Rome and not at the papal summer residence of Castel Gandolfo. He had so chosen to do so because  Pope Francis had rejected a rest in the Alban Hills, said the Prefect of the Papal Household,  said Archbishop George Gänswein (photo) in an interview to "Catholic Sunday Newspaper" / "New picture postcard". In August the emeritus pope will also be visited by  his brother Georg Ratzinger from Regensburg.

Gänswein, who is also the private secretary of Pope Emeritus, regretted that the brothers did not go to Castel Gandolfo. There it is a more pleasant summer than in Rome, because the village lies at a height of 450 meters above Lake Albano. "In the late afternoon there is always a slight westerly wind from the sea, which is refreshing and healthy," which is lacking in midsummer Rome.

On the health by Benedict XVI. said the Archbishop, given his age of 87 years,  he is doing relatively well.  Although he had some difficulties with walking, "but the head is bright and  the mind completely clear". The emeritus pope actively pursues the ecclesiastical and political life, says Gänswein. "He reads newspapers, is informed about the news,  receives visitors." He is involved in prayer for his successor and for the whole Church in a special way. Gänswein confirmed at the same time  that the emeritus Pope would no longer come to Bavaria. But that he misses his home was no secret. Because Bavaria is where his roots run: "His heart beats Bavarian, as he describes a beautiful book title." In his thoughts Benedict XVI often goes to his home, stressed Gänswein. It grants him inner joy and consolation. In addition, there still are many connections in the home, such as letters, visits and other contacts that would bring the Bavarian home to him in the Vatican. (C) 2014 CBA Catholic News Agency.

All rights reserved. Photo (c) Lohmann
Trans: Tancred

Link to

Mobile Abortion Clinic in Argentina -- Archbishop of La Plata: "Abortion is Murder"

(Buenos Aires). The province of Buenos Aires wants to promote the killing of unborn children by "mobile abortion clinics". The Argentine province with its capital La Plata is nearly the size of the Federal Republic of Germany.  More than 15 million people live there, nearly a third of all Argentines. The eponymous capital of Argentina is not part of the province. The announcement of the provincial government slogan speaks for itself: "Drifting is easier in the province of Buenos Aires".
The goal that the provincial government is working with the capital, Buenos Aires is   "100 percent safe and guaranteed abortion". To this end, the formation of a mobile abortion unit was announced that should move throughout the province area to ensure the killing of unborn children in all hospitals where  the doctors and hospital staff refuse the murder of innocent children for reasons of conscience.

Mobile Teams Overturn  Conscientious Objection to Abortion

A mobile task force with the mission of murder is to  "liberate" Argentina's women  and more importantly, put the child's father in the background. The killing of unborn children is allowed in Argentina until the 12th week of pregnancy. The Minister of Health of the Province of Buenos Aires, Alessandro Collie, explained the decision: "Although we already have a protocol that governs access to legal abortion according to recent decisions of the Supreme Court, there were contentious issues, delays and doubts among experts about when and how these practices are carried out."  In plain language this means: If in a hospital all doctors refuse to kill an innocent child on grounds of conscience, a "mobile clinic"  will be  used in future. A task force that will consist only of staff who have no qualms about killing the children cruelly.
Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires, Daniel Scioli, is from the Peronist Partido Justicialista (PJ), the party of President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. Scioli has exercised the office since 2010, representing the late former President Nestor Kirchner, the husband of his successor as Acting President.

Bishops of La Plata: "Abortion is Premeditated Murder"

The Archbishop of La Plata, Msgr. Hector Ruben Aguero and his two auxiliary bishops, Msgr. Nicola Baisi and Msgr. Alberto Bochatey  dealt harsh criticism to the initiative of the provincial government. "Abortion is deliberate and direct killing," said the bishops in a joint public statement. "The right to conscientious objection should not be presented as an obstacle,  just as the killing of a human life should not be presented as a medical auxiliary power. The intentional abortion of a human being at the beginning of its existence from conception to birth is, regardless of  what conditions they are ever performed, with no ifs and buts is murder," said the bishops of La Plata.
Archbishop Aguero is known for his commitment to the protection of life, which is highly contentious in the South American country because of liberal government policies. The Archbishop of La Plata raised his voice even when his brother, the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, has been rather silent. Msgr. Aguero was in 2011, even under consideration as the successor of Cardinal William Levada as Prefect of the Congregation  (see separate report The Future of the CDF - News in Persons Carousel? ). The outstanding head of the conservative minority in the Argentine episcopacy was appointed by Benedict XVI. 2012 personally as a member of the Synod of Bishops on The New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith, after he had not been elected by the Bishops' Conference (see separate report , The Synod of Bishops, Papal Appointments and Some of the Background ).
While Archbishop Bergoglio led the "doves" in the Argentine episcopacy in the fight against "gay marriage," Archbishop Aguero was named as the leader of the "hawks". The Archbishop of La Plata is the only one of the three high-ranking church officials,  who are looked upon as "intimate enemies" of the Archbishop Bergoglio  who is still in his office (see separate report "His and Sunk" - Pope Francis and his former critics in Argentina ). {In English]
The doctors who participate in the "new macabre mobile abortion facility, betray the Hippocratic Oath" and constitute a further step in our society into  a "culture of death" to the abyss, says Corrispondenza Romana .
Text: CR / Giuseppe Nardi
image: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred

Monday, August 11, 2014

Pope's Silence on Islamists --- "Someone in the Vatican Has a Reason to be Ashamed Before God"

Persecution of Christians in Iraq
(Rome)  This weekend the journalist Antonio Socci criticized Pope Franci's silence last week in a comment about the suffering Christians in the Middle East in the face of martyrdom. Two years of civil war in Syria have hardly mobilized the West, in spite of persecution, expulsion and murder of Christians. In Iraq, the same scenario. There is (perhaps) something which begins to stir. More since there is, in contrast to Syria and petroleum, much oil. The "Western" interests are aligned differently there.
There was no shortage of criticism of Socci's criticism.  Some Catholics thought they were disrespectful. The usual empty phrases with the word "hate" wasn't lacking. Socci, Director of the College of Journalism in Perugia has held back since the election of Pope Francis until what was for him  the last straw in connection with the suffering of Christians in Iraq.   Also was criticized for publishing Soccis comment. "Finally," Pope Francis has now responded, sent a special envoy to Iraq and called together the nuncios of the Middle East.
"A little late" is not only what Socci thinks, who was not subdued because of the criticism, but vindicated. "Compared to the drama of the persecuted Christians, it  seems some secularists, even an anti-clerical government like that  of France, almost sensitive to react when the Catholic world and the Church line", Chiesa e Postconcilio . Pope Francis and his court have so far reacted to the victims with little sensitivity and are even a bit annoyed as they brush off the executioner with kid gloves. Here is Socci's comment in the daily Libero of 10 August.

Late, Tepid Response - The Walbert Bühlmann Today

The attitude is reminiscent of that unspeakable Swiss Capuchin and Marxist liberation theologian, Father Walbert Bühlmann (1916-2007), who made propaganda for Marxist ruled Third World dictatorships in Europe. The persecution of the Church and Christians by these regimes,  he ignored. If he was forced to take a position on this contradiction, he said cynically: The persecuted Christians were to blame, because the're surely "reactionary" Christians, because the "true" Christians were on the side of progress and revolution.  How Father Bühlmann  responded to  Marxists then, is today represented by other Church officials toward Islam?


"Someone in the Vatican Would Have Reason to be Ashamed before God and Man"

by Antonio Socci
Meanwhile, in Iraq alone,  there are more than 200,000 Christians on the run. Driven by Islamist militias, who have crucified, beheaded, stoned, executed and raped their enemies and enslave their women. The West seems to care more for the other minorities oppressed by the jihadists  such as the Yezidis. The anti-Christ reflex is set so deeply in the state offices of some countries and especially the editors of many media   that have not even Christian victims have  validity. Even now the reports from Iraq, even from bishops, about Islamist crimes against women and children  are hardly played at all. It remains to be seen whether these atrocities are confirmed. The Christians are hunted and killed as lawless "Nazarenes". The churches are burned or converted into Islamist bases. But the voice of the Vatican, the Pope, who is not otherwise taciturn, was previously only a barely intelligible whisper.

No "Shame! Shame!"- Outcry Like on Lampedusa

Not a trace of that plangent, when five or six times in all microphones he cried "Vergogna!"  "Shame,"  "shame" because of the immigrants on the Mediterranean island of Lampedusa.  These who  actually don't belong on the Island, nor  in Italy, nor anywhere else in Europe would have given any  reason to be ashamed.  The immigrants were received with great expense with open arms.  They leave the water and they go out of their own free will. The Christians in Iraq want to live in their homes and are sold against their will. The small difference disappears rapidly. A certain media, cultural and political landscape in the EU was thrilled by the papal Lampedusa denunciation. It was grist to the mill. The same circles at best turn up their nose now at the murdered Christians in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East.  For Christians, not a finger was stirred.

Pope Remains Silent and Lets Vatican Spokesman Lombardi Talk

Giuliano Ferrara, the editor of the daily newspaper Il Foglio wrote that the disaster for Christians in the Nineveh plain was not worth more than a simple explanation in  the Vatican ultimately was charged with culpable delay.  In addition this statement was only in the name of the Pope by the Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi, who plays no role in the official hierarchy. Form and content suggest that the highest ecclesiastical hierarchy in this thing only does the absolute bare minimum, which they can not escape, i.e.,  the minimum in order not to lose face, says Ferrara.
The Pope's statement speaks only of a "humanitarian drama". What is happening in Iraq is but far more. In addition, the statement says nothing about what should be done about it, as Ferrara remarked,  "Nothing is said in the rather cold explanation, about who 'are the persons responsible for these painful events. Not a single reference to the perpetrators and to the reasons why Christians have to flee from their homes and cities."

Where is the Clarity of the Regensburg Speech of Benedict XVI.?

The use of Pope John Paul II. on behalf of persecuted Christians seems to be over and forgotten. A fortiori, the clarity of the historic Regensburg speech by Pope Benedict XVI. with which he extended a hand to Islam shook hands to implore them to reconsider Islam self-critically.
The same pontificate is characterized by a disturbing reluctance to engage with the bloodthirsty criminals, with whom - say  the bishops in Iraq and Syria - such a dialogue is impossible, because the Islamists declare themselves that they have  "only the sword" for Christians.
A restraint that has become a habit in the behavior of Pope Bergoglio, who won't say a single word in defense of the Christian Mothers, who are sentenced to death in Muslim countries because of their faith, as was the case for Meriam in Sudan and is still the case for Asia Bibi in Pakistan. More than that, he refuses to publicly pray for them which is what he was specifically requested to do. And if he is compelled, he refrains from  saying something to the persecuted Christians, he remains vague and general, such as in an interview with Catalan daily La Vanguardia on 13 June: "The persecuted Christians are a concern to me as a shepherd in close contact.  I know many things about the persecution, which to speak of is not wise, so as not to offend anyone. "

Pope Wants not to "Offend" Islamist Executioner?

Insult whom? The bloodthirsty executioner of Jihad, who crucify Christians as "enemies of Islam", shoot, burn alive or behead? How is  that not disturbing? Tens of thousands of Christians, men, women, children, the elderly are at risk of life and limb and Bergoglio is concerned, "not to offend" the executioner?
What is all this consideration against the fanatical Islamists? Why  does he not even dares to call them by name? And why does he call on the international community to prepare an end to  the "humanitarian tragedy"  without saying even begin to like?
Pope Bergoglio had only modeled to follow John Paul II., The energetically raised his voice and called for clear, what to do. That the politicians did not follow him, is another story written and even rudimentarily saying how?
The bishops of Iraq are of the opinion that there seems to be no alternative to a targeted military strike now. This is what Bashar Matti Warda, the Archbishop of Arbil, has said who is in the forefront. Pope John Paul II. also supported this way, if  endangered innocent lives could be saved.

Blame Those Who Talk Nicely Islam in the West

It is also convenient to certain Catholics to raise generalized accusations of inaction against the West, while for years the same circles avoid any criticism of the Islamists, and especially avoid   calling the jihadists by name. The Dark Side of Islam is denied, covered up, played down in an interplay of certain media, certain politicians, certain cultural workers and certain parts of the Christian communities, not only the Catholic Church but also of Protestant state churches. They will never tire of playing with apodictic tone, always same record that everything, that is negative, is "not the true Islam."   How precisely should they so accurately know the "true Islam" is somehow never explained.  Thus the confluence of influential circles and an aversion to Christianity with a courting of Islam is a dangerous mixture. The Christians in the Middle East get to feel the consequences. Today, the Christians in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Egypt. And tomorrow?
But Pope Bergoglio did not even call for a humanitarian relief operation or a solidarity initiative at the international level, at least appealed to the greater Catholic world. The late mobilization of diplomacy, which should have been active at first in the background, is yet another chapter little pleasing.
On the Sunday before, the Pope said no word to the persecuted Christians at the Angelus.  A few days later he made the present declaration through his spokesman. Strictly speaking, the Pope is silent. Why are certain topics and keywords  so difficult for his lips? No word yet on the days of prayer for the persecuted Christians, initiated by Episcopal Conferences, dioceses and religious communities. Does the Pope also believe that to pray for the persecuted Christians is "offensive" to Muslims?

Hymns to "Jihad" from the Vatican Gardens

The Days of Prayer are a serious matter. They will also never recall the Imam,  at the prayer of the peace with Shimon Peres and Abu Mazen those Quranic verses recited at the invitation of Pope Francis on June 8th, with which he implored Allah for "victory over those who disbelieve."   In fact, a hymn was sung on  "Holy War" from the gardens of the Vatican. In fact, an unprecedented "accident" for which there are managers. One especially.
There have been several prayers throughout the   world already. That of the Italian Bishops' Conference will be held on 15 August.  At present, not a few Catholics await. that the Pope is sooner or later will follow these initiatives.

Reversion of the Church to an Ideological Subaltnern in the 70s?

As a Catholic Church leader, the Pope would have the ability to call the Christian to pray and also to aid efforts and to show solidarity with the persecuted brothers and sisters.
As it seems so far there is  nothing of the like in the air from the Vatican. Rather, it seems that the Vatican is reverting  to the dark desolation of the 70s, in which it was an ideological Subaltern position for Christians which would only be broken with the papacy of John Paul II., and overcome.
Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Chiesa e Postconcilio
Trans: Tancred

Austrian Priest: "I Am Ashamed Now For My Church!"

Father Karl Wallner criticized: "On the official Church websites in Austria, I find only condolences for the tragically deceased National President , who has stood diametrically opposed to much of what constitutes the Christian image of man"

Vienna (  Father Karl Wallner, Rector of the Philosophical-Theological College of  Benedict XVI.  Holy Cross [Heiligenkreuz] in Lower Austria, has criticized Austrian Church leaders because they had given unqualified and widespread praise of Barbara Prammer, the late National President. Wallner writes on Facebook: "On the official Church websites in Austria, I find only condolences for the tragically deceased National President, who has been diametrically opposite of MUCH that constitutes the Christian view of man. I am ashamed at the moment - maybe because I'm on vacation among the pagan Saxons - fearful for my Church !!! If we continue like this, it will soon disappear. "

Among other things, President of Caritas Landau,  both Linz bishops,  Scwarz  and Aichern and Catholic Women's Organization of Austria President Haas had expressed grief and appreciation for the deceased. So said the President of Caritas, Michael Landau, with Prammer, Austria loses an important voice for humanity and tolerance.  Linz Bishop Ludwig Schwarz recalled the productive cooperation with Prammer about the relief fund for victims of National Socialism, his predecessor Maximilian Aichern said he was "grateful for their human and democratic action" and the chairman of the Catholic Women's Movement (kfbö), Barbara Haas, praised Prammer as "an ally and advocate". 

"Barbara Prammer always had an open ear and was also a major supporter of Caritas in social issues and in questions of justice," said Landau. He mentioned the petition to implement the UN Children's Convention "Against injustice: children do not belong in jail," the work for people with disabilities, where they promoted the implementation of the UN Convention on the rights of disabled people, the parliamentary observance of World Refugee Day and support campaigns to reduce development aid. Prammer was for many years one of the leading pro-abortion politicians the SPÖ. In various discussions she has advocated repeatedly for comprehensive abortion services in Austria. For years she has called for public awareness campaigns in schools, free contraceptives or "prescriptions" of birth control pills.

 Photo Father Karl Wallner: (c) Diocese of St. Pölten

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Reformation Anniversary: Dialogue Paper Between the Vatican and Evangelicals?

(Washington / Rome) According to reports from U.S. media, the Vatican intends to Reformation 2017 with the Evangelicals to publish a common "dialogue paper". The aim of the declaration is  a "shared commitment to mission" as the Boston Globe reported.
In 2017 the Protestant world will celebrate  500 years of "Reformation" with Martin Luther's theses at Wittenberg. In 2017   the Catholic Charismatics will also celebrate 50 years of "Revival" by the "Spirit Baptism".
According to the Pope's biographers and journalist Austen Ivereigh in the Boston Globe,  it is a joint document on the "Reformation" which will include three priorities: "the Nicean-Constantinople Creed, which Catholics and evangelicals share; the core of the Catholic-Lutheran declaration of 1999 making clear there is no disagreement over justification by faith; as well as a final section asserting that Catholics and evangelicals are now “united in mission because we are declaring the same Gospel,”  as the KAP reported.

Tony Palmer Handed Pope Francis Text Draft

According Ivereigh the recently deceased Anglo-Irish Bishop, Tony Palmer, passed away on the 24th of June, had issued  in Rome at a meeting of the Pope with Evangelical representatives to draft a joint statement. The title of the document reads: "Declaration of Faith in Unity for Mission."   2017 would be an appropriate occasion for publicly signing  a joint declaration, said Palmer and other Evangelical televangelists,  because of the Reformation anniversary year (1517) and   in the same year, the 50-year anniversary of the emergence of the Charismatic Renewal in the Catholic Church (1967 ).
Since the beginning of Pope Francis sent out a number of benevolent signals towards Evangelicals and Pentecostals. These include several informal meetings at the Vatican, a video message and on 28 July the "private visit" the Pope at an evangelical denomination in Caserta. Here, the Catholic Church leader sent a request for forgiveness to 300 invited from all over the world evangelical representatives.

 Relations Between Catholic Church and Evangelicals in Latin America

Observers have put the papal efforts  in the context of the strained relationship between the Catholic Church and the Evangelical Free Churches in Latin America. For several decades Evangelical groups have drawn from the Catholic Church's masses of believers. A movement that is being done in the United States and again is  also associated with the political interests of the United States in its "backyard". Sociologists of religion see in the spread of evangelicalism   among a number of attempts, to export the American Way of Life.

Mission or Cessation of Mission?

Critics accuse the Pope of sacrificing the necessity for salvation of the Catholic Church and indiscriminately recognizing  groups that call themselves Christian or nominally appointed to Christ. Pope Francis was several times to understand that it waives a conversion to the Catholic faith. This raises the question of what a joint statement with the Evangelicals might just mean to the issue of Mission. A shared commitment to evangelization of non-Christians or an official recognition of a mutual  cessation of mission? Along with the one-sided embedding of the "Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification" of 1999, the Catholic-evangelical "dialogue paper" it would  pass over in precedence, the more significant for the Catholic Church and especially more binding declaration Dominus Iesus of the year 2000.
Already in 2013 the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) have published a dialogue paper for the  "Reformation Jubilee",  whose relevance has remained in an almost imperceptible range. From the Lutheran side there were hesitations for the "Luther Year" in 2017, at a mutual recognition several times of  "Lord's Supper".

500 Reformation, 50 years Charismatic Renewal - And 100 years Fatima?

2017 marks not only the 500th year of the "Reformation" and the 50th anniversary of the emergence of the Charismatic Movement in the Catholic Church, but also for the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of Fatima. It's an anniversary that has so far remained unnoticed in Rome.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Holy Father Appeals to "International Community" to Help Persecuted Minorities in Iraq

In a twitter message, Francis wrote: "I ask that the entire international community to protect all of the victims in Iraq." -- Pope Francis otherwise named Cardinal Fernando Filon as a special ambassador for Iraq.

Vatican City ( Pope Francis has called upon the international community to protect Christians, Jezidis, and Shi'ites persecuted by the Islamic State." "I ask the international community to protect all victims of violence in Iraq," it said in a report from the abbreviated news service Twitter on Saturday. On Friday, Pope Francis called for prayer for persecuted Christians in Iraq.

On the se day the previous nuncio to Iraq, Cardinal Fernando Filoni was named to a special diplomatic mission to Iraq. It is determined that Filoni will be dispatched in the coming days to the Kurdistan region in Northern Iraq where most of the Christians are located seeking help. Rome has also said that an emergency meeting of diplomats active in the Middle East which will foreseeable take place in September. Francis had appealed last Thursday on the international community to bring an end to the violence.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Archbishop Nienstedt Refuses to Resign

Edit:  But he caves in a bit. This was on Blog for Dallas Area Catholics recently.  It hasn't gotten much coverage.  What's gotten even less coverage, is the Modernist Monastery which has probably more unsupervised sexual predators per square foot than any place in the world.

One of the Archbishop's chief persecutors,  is a priest who probably knows some sexual predators himself, considering his advocacy for and closeness to the Gomorrhist community.   He graduated from St. John's University in Collegeville and shares their ethos.

Maybe he knows where Josh Guimond is?
“Embattled” Saint Paul-Minneapolis Archbishop Nienstedt has issued a statement declaring in spite of all the accusations directed against him, he will not resign.  While there may have been some failures of prudential judgment – or maybe not – I have not seen any real evidence of a concerted effort to keep abusive priests in circulation or to expose minors to dangerous predators. Archbishop seems to admit to some minor failures of oversight, but completely rejects all the false allegations directed at himself, and also notes that he has been faced with such allegations every since he arrived in St. Paul-Minneapolis 7 years ago.  He is a (relatively, by today’s standards) orthodox prelate who was sent to help clean up a radically heterodox diocese bereft of real leadership for decades and rapidly spinning out of control. He has had many enemies since the get-go and I have been just about fully convinced that the allegations about any personal moral failings on his part have been completely false. 
Having said that, I do sense a bit of surrender in this statement and that is unfortunate.

Islamists Capture the Largest Christian City on the Nineveh Plain: 100,000 Christians in Flight

Jihadis of the Islamic States (IS)
 (Baghdad) The jihadists of the Islamic State (IS) have conquered the largest Christian town in the Nineveh plain in northern Iraq. 100,000 Christians are fleeing. Organizations speak of a "humanitarian catastrophe." How long will the West will still look away? Christian solidarity is really not a category for the "neutral" Western state doctrine ?
This past July 20, the Christians of Bach Dida (Qaraqosh) was still   a haven to the monks of the 1,600 year old Syrian Catholic monastery Mar Behnamr from which they'd been driven.'  The Islamists had  occupied the monastery and offered the monks with the alternative of "conversion" to Islam, escape or death. The Kurdish Perschmerga brought the monks after a flight of several hours to the Christians of Bach Dida. Now the city which is barely 30 kilometers southeast of Mosul has been conquered by the Islamists. The Iraqi army has abandoned the Nineveh plain after the first advance without fighting. The Christians have organized, despite a lack of weapons,  a kind of militia, but were hopelessly inferior to the battle-hardened jihadists, funded by the oil emirates and Washington.

Christians Defenseless - Radical Cleansing

Christians on the Run
Bach Dida, also known under the name Qaraqosh, is the largest Christian town in Iraq. The city is the largest Christian church in the country on the Euphrates and Tigris. The Christians have in their flight, as far as possible, the preserved in the city and taken venerated relics. Others were buried. They fear that the churches be desecrated or destroyed. The Chaldean archbishop of Kirkuk Yousif Thomas Mirkis-Sulaimaniya, a Dominican, speaks of an "unimaginable humanitarian catastrophe" and a "tragic situation". He feared that the largest church in the city could be misused by the Islamists in a command center, as it has already happened in other places. "A show of force," said the Archbishop. "Tens of thousands of people are terrorized and expelled, as we speak. We suffer a disaster that is hard to describe in words."
Not only Bach Dida, but the entire area was conquered by the Islamists, as well as the other Christian places of the valley Kayf, Bart and Ella Karamlesh. The area is "cleaned". Wen the Islamists did not immediately shoot (men) or abducted (women) has only the alternative of "escape or death". Since the Iraqi state power no longer exists in the province of Nineveh, hoped the Christians  to protect the Kurdish Peshmerga. These are ready to offer the Christians in the Kurdish area protection, but do not want to get involved in direct combat due to lack of weapons with the Islamists outside of Kurdistan. This means that the majority Christian area of ​​Qaraqosh is defenseless.

Conquest with the Cry Allahu Akbar  - Mass Executions

"We are witnessing a genocide by cleansing. How long will the world just watch? We called on the UN Security Council to intervene immediately. Here  a disaster of the largest proportions is taking place. Why does nobody help us?
The nearby town of Tal Kayf was conquered by the Islamists: "The Islamists arrived at night. There were shots. Long convoys of armed fighters of the Islamic State invaded the city. WIth the cries of Allhu Akbar they proclaimed their conditions," said a Christian from the valley Kayf, managed to escape in the Kurdish capital of Erbil.
In addition to the Christians, the minority Yazidi were driven as well. Even Muslims took to flight.  About 500 men of the city were executed by the Islamists, hundreds of women, especially Christian women were deported as slaves of the Islamists, says Tempi, citing Iraqi sources.

Patriarch Sako: "People Are Suffering Here Via Crucis "

The Chaldean Patriarch Raphael I Louis Sako of Baghdad, who had directed a desperate cry for help to Pope Francis a few days ago, said: "They create a void, an emptiness. In Syria, there is an intact army fighting against the Islamists. In Iraq, there is no army that can protect anyone. The Kurds withdrew into their territories. They only have light weapons.The Islamists are very well armed. Thousands of people are on the streets on the run. Their goal is uncertain. If no help comes, droit 50,000 of them the death by hunger and thirst. There are women, children, old people. It is necessary to mobilize the conscience of public opinion in all countries. The people on the run, walk, experience their Via Crucis.
Asianews has now started a  concrete relief effort, which will find imitation hopefully also in the  rest of the world.  Donations will be collected under the keywords: "Adopt a Christian from Mosul." With five euros a day a refugee can be helped. The money will be sent to the Patriarchate of Baghdad to coordinate the relief effort for the persecuted Christians.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Asianews / tempos
Trans:; Tancred

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Does Pope Francis Really Say to Persecuted Christians: "See how you get through it."


Antonio Socci: Are Pope Francis, the persecuted Christians in the Middle East no matter how President Obama?
(Rome) The Catholic journalist Antonio Socci, director of the Academy of Television Journalism in Perugia, a joint project of the University of Perugia and  public television RAI, wrote after the Angelus of Pope Francis from last Sunday on his Facebook page a short comment:
Bergoglio says to the persecuted Christians 'See to it how you cope with it'?
At today's Angelus Pope Bergoglio said, 'Looking the other way is an kind of way of saying, see toit how you cope with it'. But that is not Christian. "
But Bergoglio avoided any reference to the persecuted Christians and especially those that are being persecuted in Iraq at this time because of their faith.
Not even a reference to the initiative of the Italian Bishops' Conference, which has   declared a day of prayer for the persecuted Christians for the coming 15th August.
According to his own words, this means that you are being harassed because of your faith and out of your homes? See how you can cope with it.
A tribute to the Italian bishops! Rather, why didn't the prayer not connect with the initiative of  the Society of St. Peter ?
This ends the commentary. The Catholic journalist left the question hang in the air, whether Pope Francis, is indifferent to the persecuted Christians of the Middle East.  Indifferent as the U.S. President Barack Obama and most Western leaders?
The Austrian bishops have proclaimed  an ecumenical day of fasting and prayer  on August 8. With his suggestion that the bishops should have actually aligned their prayer initiative with that of the FSSP  on August 1,  Socci would clearly have overwhelmed the bishops.  A joint initiative of Western European Episcopal Conferences with a community of tradition? That would be the best  imaginable from the U.S. Bishops' Conference.  As  "Western Europeans" we should just enjoy it, that the bishops are active.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Tempi
Trans: Tancred

Is the Lodge Behind the Commissariat Over the Franciscans of the Immaculate?

(Rome)  Is the hand of the Grand Lodge hidden behind  the provisional administration of the Franciscans of the Immaculate (FI)?  Another spotlight on a controversial measure of Roman Congregation for Religious, with the approval of Pope Francis.
Storied Florence, destination of aesthetes and art lovers, is the Italian capital of Freemasonry. In the city on the Arno, there is no quarter and no district in which a Temple  of a lodge can not be found. The late Florentine Father Florido Giant Ulli SJ (1906-1974), one of the foremost Catholic experts on Freemasonry said: "There is no association, whether secular or Catholic, into which the long arm of the Lodge does not reach." The Jesuit wrote, among others, the fundamental work: " L'Essenza della Massoneria italiana: il naturalismo "(The Essence of Italian Freemasonry:  Naturalism), in 1973, shortly before his death, it was published in the same place with  a double imprimatur of the Jesuit Order and the Archbishop of Florence. Father Giantulli paid for his studies on the "Masonic sect" (Pius IX.) with that price which is reserved especially for anti-Masonic authors: After his death he was slandered with the rumor that he was a "secret lodge brother".

Since the 60s, the Church has become quiet on Freemasonry

In the 60s of the last century, the Catholic Church ceased almost entirely from talking about Freemasonry. It seemed suddenly that a secret peace agreement entered into force. A mutual "acceptance" in the sign of pluralism. A few Catholic writers, priests and laity, continued the study and observation of this secret society. In the German speaking world it was Alfons Maria Cardinal Stickler (1910-2007); Bishop Rudolf Graber (1903-1992) of Regensburg; his pupil, the priest Manfred Adler (1928-2005) and the Austrian lay theologian and political scientist Robert Prantner (1931-2010). All four were heavily attacked. The latter two were chosen for their publications and lectures as the targets of violent media campaigns that demanded considerable personal sacrifice. Adler was removed from the Diocese of Speyer schools and removed from  his order, the Missionaries of St. John the Baptist (MSJ). Prantner was deprived of his post in the Department of Ethics and Christian Social Teaching at the Philosophical-Theological College of Heiligenkreuz near Vienna in what has been euphemistically  referred to ever since as retirement. Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger as Faith Prefect  braced himself in November 1983 against the assertion of parts of the Church that the cross and Lodge had become compatible. Quite a few Church leaders ignored the interjection of the Cardinal and later, and the Pope despised by the Lodge. This includes the Vienna Cathedral Rector, Toni Faber, to name just one example.

Fides Catholica , a Magazine Challenging Freemasonry

In other European countries west of the former Iron Curtain, things are no different, so also in Italy. There, the issue was marginalized in its extent  and was surrounded by a media taboo, that the few ecclesiastical writers (not sensational journalists) who still dealt with it, could easily be dismissed as marginal "story tellers". Until 2006, when in that year the new journal was published by the Franciscans of the Immaculate, Fides Catholica . The editors were Father Serafino Lanzetta Maria, a lecturer in moral theology at the convent's Seminary of the Immaculate Mediatrix. Already, in the first issue the  magazine  the point was addressed and published by Father Paolo Maria Siano FI, the recognized experts on Freemasonry in the Order, perhaps even the currently most important Catholic Freemason expert, with the article entitled "A Study on the Incompatibility Between Freemasonry and the Catholic Church."  In it, he pointed out that the "modern Freemasonry, since its inception in 1717,  was characterized by an enlightening and a magical-esoteric component, with the goal to "overcome  dogmatic fundamentalism"  with the reason for division and the absolute, bring out the truth, inn order to bring people together in a broad, natural religion, to leave  the way they realize God left to the subjectivity of the individual, but follows a cultus all the same.
Numerous other publications in Fides Catholica on Freemasonry followed. But Father Siano went beyond mere statements and publicly crossed swords with the Masonic brethren,  as the usual mixture of ridicule and irrationality was  applied to him.

Masonic Satanic Cult and Attacks by the Lodge

Loge Har Tzion Rome
"In the context of a 2009 Conference  held in Florence held by Fides Catholica, my confrere Father Serafino Maria Lanzetta had words with some Masons present in the audience, including Vittorio Vanni from the Lodge Stella del Mattino (No. 1031 -. Florence, Grand Orient of Italy). He accused me in a genteel way of seeing in Freemasonry something that does not exist there, a Masonic satanic cult ... Those responsible for the website of the Roman Lodge Har Tzion Monte Sion (No. 705 -. Rome, Grand Orient of Italy), published on 16 July 2009 an esoteric praise of the Devil,  and one of  his lodge brothers, the psychoanalyst and high degree Freemason, Emilio Servadio (33rd Degree of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite) wrote in 1974: 'The devil is as a friend with whom you can talk.  The devil  is as an instrument that transforms us, perfects us, and  as we reach the one, the liberation of duality ... It is necessary to reconvert Lucifer back into the devil ... '". Thus Father  Siano wrote in his "Handbook" about Freemasonry. There is also the suggestion that Vittorio Vanni published  "an essay on the Devil of the Tarot,"  in which he praised him as, 'principle or positive energy and as a necessary way to get to the light ... good and evil are the only light."

Commissariat Because of the Opposition to Freemasonry?

"In light of recent events, since the beginning of the provisional administration in July 2013, many things seem to confirm what many suspected immediately. The Franciscans of the Immaculate are paying now for their opposition to Freemasonry. This includes the emergence and role of Professor 'Mario Castellano, who is regarded as an instigator of the "rebels" -  to which belongs Brother Alfonso Bruno. Father Bruno has been the new "strong" man since the overthrow in the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, or what's left of it," said Christiana Riscossa . The particularly active convent of Ognissanti, which was heavily involved in exposing Freemasonry, was dissolved and reorganized by the Apostolic Commissioner. Father Lanzetta was exiled to Austria and Father Siano to Africa.
That the provisional administration has had to do with the fact that the Franciscans of Father Manelli hindered the "dialogue" of part of the Church with Freemasonry, of this the historian and former Christian Democrat vice-mayor of Florence, Giovanni Pallanti is convinced. The columnist of the daily newspaper La Nazione wrote recently:
"When, on March 1, 2013 [at the Church of Ognissanti in Florence, managed by the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate] this Order presented two books by Father Paolo Maria Siano  (the " Manual "to Freemasonry and" Freemasonry Between Mysticism, Rituals and Symbolism "), which had appeared in 2012 at the convent's publisher, that is also given by the journal Fides Catholica, I thought that this is an historic event. 
Never yet, so far as I know, was the Freemasonry criticized for their secrecy and their hostility to the Church before so many attendees in Florence. Father Lanzetta chaired. Father Siano spoke.
Could it be a coincidence? After that day, the problems for the Franciscans of the Immaculate and their Florentine monastery of Ognissanti began. It may be a pure coincidence ... Personally, I do not believe in  such coincidences. "

Coincidence or Not: Today "Deathly Quiet" Prevails in the Ognissanti Monastery

The words of former Vice-Mayor originate not from the "usual" circles, the "traditionalists", "Pelagians" and "Crypto-Lefebvrians" or whatever they are  "kindly" entitled with, but by a well-known representative of the Left Wing of the former Christian Democrat party, which one can not be dismissed by  the new Sanhedrin class as "reactionary", without having to enter into a discussion.
"What now of the rescued 'dialogue' between clericals and Freemasons going forward? Can they now sleep peacefully?  In Ognissanti in Florence, peace prevails under the provisional administration  - the peace of the graveyard," said Christiana Riscossa .
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Traditio Catholica
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Christians of Aleppo Plant Olive Tree Where Three Were Killed by Islamists

(Damascus) Last week was the parish of the Holy Trinity in Aleppo was the target of a brutal attack by  Syrian rebels. The parish church was attacked with a rocket that struck just in front of the church. Three Christians were killed, including two nuns. Now the priests and faithful have  planted an olive tree in response  at the point of impact, as a sign of peace and for the future.
"We had just celebrated the Holy Mass. Had the rocket hit the stairs to the church, the number of victims would have been much greater," said Father Joseph Bazouzou to the news agency Fides. Last Sunday, the priests and faithful of the parish gathered after the Sunday Mass, "to give the only answer to the bombs and the violence that for years always claims new lives," said the priest. As a symbol against violence and for the hope in Christ, they planted an olive tree at the point at which the Islamist rocket struck and took three dead. They wrote in Arabic on the pot: "Peace" and "God is love".
Since the outbreak of the civil war,  Christians have been the target of Islamist rebels. Christians are murdered, expelled, or forcibly converted subject to the Islamic dhimmi system. 
While the West is silent or finances the Islamists and equips them with weapons, church organizations engage in concrete help.  Regarding the Prayer of the Fraternity of St. Peter for the persecuted Christians and the fasting and prayer of Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna has already been reported. Help for  needy Christians, who made ​​up 15 percent of the population, according to the Church historian Rudolf Grulich, until the outbreak of the civil war in 2012, comes from the Relief Organization, Church in Need .
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Infovaticana
Trans: Tancred