Saturday, October 23, 2010

Vienna: 500 Poles Are Opposed to Giving Church Away

The Archdiocese of Vienna would like to give a church to the Serbian-Orthodox Community of Vienna. Now the blossoming Catholic Polish Community of the Parish is circulating a petition -- and a demonstration is also possible.

Vienna [] In the Archdiocese of Vienna there is upset over the planned giving of a church in the Parish of Neulerchenfeld to the Serbian Orthodox Community as reported by "Krone". The Parish has been for years the establishment of a Polish Community, which has grown considerably and are now opposing the handing over of their church. The Polish Community is in contrast to other "normal Parishes" with more than 500 Faithful, full every Sunday.

A massive opposition to the decision of the Archdiocese is promised. In addition to a petition is being considered an active demonstration. The Polish pastor: "There is a deeply rooted community here, which can't just be replanted wherever."

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Russia Must Pay Gay Fine: Lifesite

Moscow Must Permit Gay Parades: European Court of Human Rights



By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman

October 22, 2010 ( - The European Court of Human Rights this week ruled that the city of Moscow must allow homosexuals to hold "gay parades," and ordered Russia to pay a fine of $41,300 for previous refusals to do so, according to international press reports.

Since 2006, the Moscow city government has refused to issue a permit for such parades on the grounds that sodomy spreads diseases, is unnatural, and offends the morals of Russians. He has received the vocal support of Christian, Muslim, and Jewish religious leaders.

Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov has consistently defended the government's position over the years despite massive opposition from unsympathetic European politicians and international homosexual groups, even going so far as to call gay parades "satanic."

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Bishop Fellay Sees Prophesies: Cardinal Against Cardinal

All Against All -- That is the Common-Theology of the Second Vatican Council

The General Superior of the Society of Pius X: "We find ourselves in a time, which was unforseen, that Cardinal will stand against Cardinal and Bishop against Bishop."

[] The crisis in the Church is like a wandering through the desert.

Bishop Fellay, the General Superior of the Society of Pius X said this in an interview with the periodical "Noucelles de Chrétienté"

Really in contrast to the wandering of the Israelites in the desert is that Mana is very difficult to find.

The Bishop see really "encouraging signals" from Rome. To be sure they are mixed along with many problems. It is comparable to "a blade of grass in the desert."

Msgr Fellay explained that the Society is only of negligible size: "But we represent living Tradition."

Even a high-ranking Prelate in Rome considers the good fruits of the Society of Pius X as a work of the Holy Ghost -- says Msgr Fellay.

This is the reason, why the Roman authorities have take notice of the Society: "In the midst of the desert, fresh fruit has ripened."

Even in the Vatican Minds Bump into Each Other

The Bishop explained that the Old Mass expresses the Catholic mind, just as the New Mass expresses the Mind of the Second Vatican Council.

Both Rites embody two mental dispositions which do not suit one another.

The question if the tear in the Church also runs through Rome, met with agreement from Msgr Fellay:

"We find ourselves in times, which were foretold, that Cardinal will strive against Cardinal and Bishop against Bishop."

This conflict will be carried out discretely. It is withdrawn from the sight of the faithful.

Actually in the last time the conflict will become open and public. As an example Bishop Fellay mentioned the "baseless attack" of Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna against the Cardinal Emeritus Angelo Sodano.

"It is no secret that the opposing tendencies collide with each other even in Rome."

Bishop Fellay has concrete facts, but he does not believe, that their publication will help the faithful.

The Council Allows Various Interpretations

Concerning Ecumenism Msgr Fellay remembered then that the Church regarded other Christian Confessions when Pius XII. (+1958) had inclusively condemned them as "false religions".

He criticized even the manner of interpreting the Second Vatican Council after a so-called Hermenutic of Continuity.

Thus one introduces a "new Council".

Such a centrist Council will be defined by the Modernist as as traditional and by the Society as not traditional enough.

Bishop Fellay infers from this the divergence of interpretations of which there are no lack in the Council documents themselves.

Rebuilding Will be Difficult

Discussing the Church crisis, he explained, that a quick solution will only be accomplished by God and a miracle: "Usually, God leads His Church otherwise -- bu cooperating with his creatures with holiness."

The Bishop described the way to the rebuilding of the Church as, "long, the work immeasurable.":

"If the politics of the naming of Bishops changes, then we could hope."

Msgr Fellay also views the necessity of a thoroughgoing reform of the Teaching Office of the Papal Universities and Priestly formation.

For these aims are needed a long breath. In the moment these are still "dreams": "Everything depends in the first line on the Pope."

Bishop Fellay is posoitive that the Church apparently recognizes the crisis in the Church more clearly.

The Society of St Pius X recognizes for this reason that the Church possesses until today only one valid past.

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Weekly "Gay" Mass Closed Down in San Antonio

San Antonio Catholic leaders have discontinued a long-standing Mass that was offered quietly for more than 15 years to the gay and lesbian community at a near-downtown parish.

The weekly Mass at St. Ann Catholic Church was the subject of periodic complaints to the archdiocese. But until last Sunday, the local hierarchy declined to shut it down. It had been conducted by a handful of local priests sympathetic to the gay and lesbian community.

The decision was made by Auxiliary Bishop Oscar Cantú, who's the interim head of the archdiocese until Chicago Bishop Gustavo García-Siller becomes the new archbishop of San Antonio on Nov. 23.

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Antioch Archbishop Raboula Beylouni: Koran Gives Muslims Right to Kill Christians

Vatican City, 22 Oct. (AKI) - The Koran is a text that encourages Islam to impose itself with force and permits the killing of Christians, said Lebanon's Catholic Patriarch of Antioch Archbishop Raboula Beylouni, addressing a Vatican meeting of Middle East bishops.

"The Koran gives Muslims the right to judge Christians and kill them with Jihad," he said. "It gives orders to impose religion with force, with the sword. For this reason, Muslims don't recognise the freedom of religion among themselves or others."

Pope Benedict XVI on 11 Oct. the opened the two-week-long meeting of 246 Middle East bishops and other religious leaders by lashing out against violence "in God's name".

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The News Just Noticed: "What's a Dancer Doing in the Basilica?"

Actually, completely acceptable: The versatile altar space with the supper table can also be used as a dance floor.

[] Actually, Msgr Konrad Zdarsa was already named as Bishop of Augsburg on July 8th. In reality he will occupy his office on the 23rd of October - much later as prescribed by Catholic canon law.

According to Canon 418, Paragraph 1, the installed Bishop must succeed within two Months.

Meanwhile the mice are dancing in his new Diocese on the graves of its Episcopal patrons.

This was reported by the daily 'Augsburg Allgemeine' on the 4th of October with the title: "What is the Dancer Doing in the Basilica?".

"With her dancer's movements and in the language of pantomime, dancer Gabriele Hofweberin, at the Baslica of Saint Ulrich and Afra, told her story in various organ pieces, reported Peter Bader."

The Basilica is an Augsburg church. With its towers it is a thoroughly visible sign of the southern old city.

There are sarcophagi containing the bones of the Bishop Saints: Ulrich, Afra and Simptertus.

The dancer wandered through the entire table-altar room, over the steps and along the aisles.

They were at first, according to reports from the news daily "understated" with two orange-red robes, then later, only with skimpy, black clad bodies were to be seen.

The reporter went crazy:

"The Admiration and devotion one infers from her figures, girlishly unencumbered joy of life and - to the Toccata of Theodore Dubois - a whole love story with a shy and bashful approach, luck, despair of rejection and finally, new hope and fresh laughter.“

The applause of spellbound audience followed „what was a fleet footed presentation“- and let there be no more doubt that the former Sacred Space had become a concert hall.

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Friday, October 22, 2010

Stalin Icon Venerated in Russia

Controversy in Moscow: Stalin icon revered
by Nina Achmatova
The initiatives of some Russian parishes that exhibit portraits of the Soviet dictator alongside those of proclaimed saints stirs controversy.

Moscow (AsiaNews) - The figure of Stalin continues stir controversy in Russia, where the bloodthirsty dictator has left behind him a confusing tangle of veneration and rejection. Icons of the Red Tsar are still present throughout the country and rumours that some see him as a saint. The latest in a series of sacred representation of the "little father" has appeared in Moscow in the church of Saint Nicholas (Starovagankovsky lane): the icon depicts the life of Matriona, the blind saint, in an alleged meeting between her and Joseph Stalin. The Soviet dictator is not depicted in a religious manner, but he is placed next to the famous ascetic. An aspect that makes the story even more grotesque, is that Matriona (1885-1952) was forced to live in hiding to avoid arrest by communist regime. According to a legend, which was rejected by the Orthodox Church, Stalin visited Matriona in 1941, who predicted victory over the Nazis. In July of that year he is said to have addressed the nation on radio using the traditional greeting of the Orthodox Church "brothers and sisters". Almost a sign of his change of attitude towards Christianity.

A church is a strange place to find Stalin, who, despite his education at a seminary in Georgia, was responsible for a brutal religious repression in the USSR.

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Saint Benedict Center Reconciled

Link to WDTPRS...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Church of England Pederast Vicars to Work

Collin Pritchard was sentenced to five years in prison for abusing two boys Two vicars were allowed to work at churches in East Sussex following serious sex abuse allegations, a BBC South East investigation has revealed.

Roy Cotton, who died in 2006, worked as a parish priest in Brede near Rye in the 1990s despite being convicted of a sexual offence against a boy in 1954.

Collin Pritchard served as the vicar of St Barnabas, Bexhill, until 2007 after being arrested over sex abuse claims.

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A Demon Haunted Place?

They say the devil lurks in the shadows of a church, but what if the church in question is the Basilica of St. Mary's.

It's analogous to the treatment given by William Blatty to the character of Damien Karras SJ in the sensationalist film, Exorcist III, who was preternaturally kept alive by the devil and used by him to perpetrate terrible deeds against the Priest's will. Somehow, the appearances of the church, Her ministers, and Her name have been usurped by something wicked and alien. They contradict everything the Church teaches and inspire doubt in the credibility of the Church founded by Christ.

Sri Lankans are Joyous about New Appointment of their Catholic Prelate

Colombo (AsiaNews) – Mgr Malcolm Ranjith, archbishop of Colombo, is the only prelate from Asia among the 24 new cardinals Pope Benedict XVI will nominate on 20 November. The announcement came at the end of today’s general audience. In Sri Lanka, people welcomed the news, including President Mahinda Rajapaksa who offered his congratulations to the new cardinal. AsiaNews spoke to a number of people to see their reaction, Christians and Buddhists as well as Sinhalese and Tamil, in the archdiocese of Colombo.

“I am happy about the appointment of Mgr Ranjith as cardinal,” said Fr Reginald Saparamadu, director of Pontifical Mission Society. “In recent years, he has supported the Pope in defending the faith and the Church.”

For Clifford David, a Christian Tamil who runs a travel agency, the Catholic and other communities in Sri Lanka must continue to pray God that he may guide the archbishop on his path as cardinal and in his ministry as a priest.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Benedictine Sophist Undermines Archbishop's Authority at Modernist Abbey

[Collegeville] Dad disciplines the children with a sound lesson in the significance of obedience, and dirty old uncle Rene gives the kids candy behind his back. We're starting a count-down to see when this "philosopher" is disciplined.

For a philosophy professor, Father McGraw has a very hard time telling the difference between truth and error, and presenting something one knows is false as the truth is a lie.

Father McGraw must know about the existing directive in canon law about giving Holy Communion to manifest heretics and public sinners, but he's too busy singing a Newchurch into being.

“It’s a symbol of the GLBT movement en masse, and it was intended as a protest,” McGrath told MPR. “It was pretty obvious.”

Rev. Rene McGraw, a philosophy professor at St. John’s, said that he celebrated a small Mass later that evening and gave all the members of the group communion. “My understanding of church law is that one is not to deny communion to anyone unless he or she is a public sinner, and that has traditionally been interpreted very narrowly,” said McGraw, according to the AP. “My instinct was these are people who were in need, I’m supportive of them, therefore I’m happy to say mass for them.”

However, the Vatican has confirmed that Rainbow Sashers cannot receive communion while publicly standing in opposition to Church teaching on sexuality, as stated by Cardinal Francis Arinze, the Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, in 2005.

Link to entire article, here...

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Collegeville: NON SERVIAM

Catholic Culture Discusses Decadent Benedictine Abbey.

St. John's Abbey Continues to Sandbag.

This Alone Could have Cost the Munich Bishop the Cardinal's Hat

Editor: He was supposed to have gotten his hat, according to Vaticanist Paolo Rodari, but this story, persecuting Bishop Mixa and attacking the Prior and Abbot of Ettal (who were later exoherated) for alleged child abuse, probably explain why. Here's why he probably didn't, and might not get, the Cardinal's hat.

Church enemies organizsed in the name of the Archdiocese of Munich-Freising, for the promotion of more AIDS, more Mortal Sin, more Divorce and more Child abuse.

[, Mühldorf] In the coming Saturday, the alleged 'Catholic Jouth Center Mühldorf" have organized a workshop against the Sixth Commandment.

The horrible occasion was held under the title "For me or for you? Themes between Bed and Confessional".

Mühldorf am Inn is around 80km to the northeast of Munich.

The Catholic Youth Center in rural Mühldorf is an outpost of the 'Archdiocesan Youth Office of Munich and Freising'.

The promotional day with conference portrayed itself -- says the advertisement -- "in the background of life realities of the youth and Catholic sexual morality".

A particular focus of the promotional day was the theme sodomy, child sexual abuse and extra-marital sexual activity.

The participants in the discussion event in the afternoon, presented their position on the website of the 'Youth Center Mühldorf".

Much Sex, Little Love, No Marriage

One of the is Christian Agi (24). He is the President of the Diocesan Committee in the 'Organization of German Catholic Youth':

"Sex as the composed decision and interaction of two mature people can never injure human worth" -- he preached on a Jungle Moral learned in 'Bravo'.[1]

Agi speaks about an Ape Congress: "Sex is as natural as breathing or eating, nnd there is no difference between sex either before or after marriage."

The only thing immoral is only morality: "Sex is sex -- and the prohibition against pre-marital sex is much more a "heavy infringement against the worth of the person".

Julia Dotzauer (20) is a youth delegate of the 'Organization of German Catholic Youth' in the Archdiocese of Munich.

For her, "homosexuality is neither sinful nor a sickness!".

Then the impure girl became the schoolmarm and said: "Even the Catholic Church will see that gradually."

Priests speak with pubescents

The secular priest Fr. Martin Garmaier of Waldkraiburg stepped in for the non-pruductive marriage act:

"With their one sided statement of a general prohibition of artificial birth control makes the Catholic Church increasingly unbelievable, which incapacitates the associated responsibility of the parents." -- he stuttered.

Next to other functions of the decadent old Liberal establishment the occasion will permit members of the homosexual organization 'Lesbians and Gays in the SPD' slavering against the truth of Catholic teaching.


[1] Bravo is a German Teen Magazine which features nude photos of adolescents.

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Catholics Get Church in Smolensk

Catholic church in Smolensk to be handed to Catholics

Smolensk, October 20, Interfax - Smolensk officials are ready to discuss with Poland a plan for the restoration of the local Catholic church after the archives are removed from it.

"After we are through with the construction of a new building for the state archives next year we will be ready to discuss with Poland a plan to restore or repair the Catholic church," Smolensk Governor Sergey Antufyev said.

Poland has said on many occasions that it wants to take part in the restoration of the Catholic cathedral at any moment, he said.

The future of the Catholic cathedral was discussed among other issues during the Smolensk governor's talks with managers of the regional fund for supporting entrepreneurship and of small companies that want to join the preparations for the 1150th anniversary of Smolensk.

The neo-Gothic Catholic cathedral was built in 1894-97 on parishioners and clergy's donations, under a project by the local architect Maisher. Services had been conducted in this church until the 1930s, when the regional archives department was accommodated in it.

Link to Interfax...

ACLU Decries Debtors' Prisons

What would we do without the ACLU to lobby for our conscience? In a further sign that the table is turning against the liberal reforms of the safety net since the 1840 Social Revolutuion, Debtor's prisons are back.

[New America Media] Poor men and women exit America's prisons and jails, believing that they have paid their debts to society, but a new prison study by the ACLU revealed that many are being locked up or threatened because they cannot afford to pay their legal fines.

After a year long investigation into the assessment and collection of fees associated with criminal sentences in Louisiana, Michigan, Ohio, Georgia, and Washington, the ACLU reported in “In for a Penny: The Rise of America's New Debtors' Prisons,” that courts across the U.S. were profiting from debtors' prisons by violating a Supreme Court decision ordering courts to investigate a person's inability to pay before returning them to prison.

“In some cases the courts are making decisions to incarcerate someone and the courts are not bearing the costs of having to incarcerate them, so they can make decisions based upon what they feel is appropriate in the circumstances of a defendant without having to bear the consequences of that decision,” said Eric Balaban, Senior Staff Counsel for the National Prison Project of the ACLU.

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Link to Global Political... nice article about the comeback in debtor prisons

Photo credit Global Political

H/t: Pewsitter

SSWSH Says it Can Swish Ordination of Woman Bishops off the Table

Church of England civil war looms as 'Hinge & Bracket' join forces with hardline Protestants to block women bishops

NCR Blogger thinks Catholic University of America is a "Welcoming Place"

Well, it's probably a good thing that CUA won't get sued by the ACLU because they have created a welcoming environment for Sodomy on their campus, but first, a couple of things. This should inspire you, if you haven't been so inspired already, to cancel your subscription to NCR. Then you should really re-consider paying all that money to send your child to what the authoress below insists is now a "gay-friend" campus called "Catholic" University of America.

Looks like NCR is also going to ride the victimization train in working to legitimize sodomy. The authoress also talks about coming into a world of acceptance after graduation. That's fine, you can have all the acceptance you want in the world, but you're still not happy unless everyone accepts the fact that you want to do what you do. What about all the gay bullying of straight people that goes on in the courts when a homosexual feels they're being persecuted against, they take it to the courts. So if you run a Seminary, a bridal business or what have you, and you don't want to cater to a sodomite's wedding, you can be forced to deal with litigation.

It's just one more piece in the decline of the West.

At the end of my admissions interview for the Catholic University of America (CUA), I asked, “Is this school welcoming for gay and lesbian people?” The interviewer responded simply, “Yes.”

When I walked onto CUA’s campus for the first time as a student, I thought I was walking on to a safe and welcoming campus. Unfortunately, I was wrong.

In my years at CUA, I was called a fag in class. I was constantly reminded about the rules against “homosexual activity” on campus. I was encouraged to live a chaste life by campus ministers. I was asked to resign from leading a women’s prayer group. I was ostracized from campus ministry activities. I was laughed at when I tried to start a support group for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students on campus. The list goes on.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Anti-Roman Course even in the Archdiocese of Munich

Uwe Karrer, the President of the Catholic Council in the Archdiocese of Munich fulminated against celibacy and promoted woman's ordination at the yearly meeting of the Catholic Council of Munich -- Karrer is for this reason praised by SPD- and Green politicians.

Munich [] Even in the Archdiocese of Munich high ranking Church functionaries lead a campaign against celibacy. Last Friday at the yearly meeting of the Catholic Council of the Region of Munich, Catholic Council President Uwe Karre, promoted "woman's ordination" and the "Abolition of celibacy" (see photo); in a more than half an hour speech. Karrer referred also to Archbishop Ludwig Schick of Bamberg, who had put celibacy in perspective for "Spiegel" and also the new Provincial Stefan Kiechle. He had also spoken out about the lifting of the discipline of celibacy and for taking into consideration the ordination of women.

As participants in the eent reported, a discussion over Karrer's proposals were not possible, he had imposed his views in a quasi ex cathedra to the participating Catholics. The Catholic Council President was praised by Munich's second woman mayor, Christine Strobel (SPD), and the District Attorney of Munich, Susanna Tausendschon (Greens). At latter praised Karrer, "for his bureau of change for the future."

Chief Rabbi: my meeting with the Pope was an ‘epiphany’ |

Chief Rabbi: my meeting with the Pope was an ‘epiphany’ |

Middle Eastern Christians Caught Between Jews and Muslims

ROME, October 19, 2010 – The special synod for the Middle East that has been underway at the Vatican for ten days is shedding light on a segment of the Christian world in dramatic movement, in several directions and with an uncertain future.

The exodus of Christians from those lands is an important part of this movement. But it is not a new phenomenon. During the first half of the twentieth century, the extermination and expulsion from Turkey of the Armenians, and then the Greeks, were of colossal proportions. Today the exodus continues from several places, and in different degrees. The fact is that in comparison with the twelve million faithful of the ancient Eastern Churches who today live between Egypt and Iran, there are now about seven million living elsewhere.

For many decades there have been more Armenians in the diaspora than in their native land. The Maronite Lebanese have dioceses for their emigrants in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Australia. The Syriac Orthodox have an eparchy in Sweden. The Iraqis have created a "Chaldean Town" in the city of Detroit. Most of the Christian emigrants from Bethlehem are going to Chile.

Link to Chiesa...