Showing posts with label Cardinal Burke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cardinal Burke. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

It's Very Possible Cardinal Burke Will Be Sent Into Exile

Edit: grave news continues, sorry.  Things are starting to take a very medieval cast indeed, what with saintly figures exiled, suspended a divinis, silenced and even murdered for their witness.  

VATICAN CITY, September 17, 2014 – The “revolution” of Pope Francis in ecclesiastical governance is not losing its driving thrust. And so, as happens in every self-respecting revolution, the heads continue to roll for churchmen seen as deserving this metaphorical guillotine.

In his first months as bishop of Rome, pope Bergoglio immediately provided for the transfer to lower-ranking positions of three prominent curial figures: Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, Archbishop Guido Pozzo, and Bishop Giuseppe Sciacca, considered for their theological and liturgical sensibilities among the most “Ratzingerian” of the Roman curia.

Another whose fate appears to be sealed is the Spanish archbishop of Opus Dei Celso Morga Iruzubieta, secretary of the congregation for the clergy, destined to leave Rome for an Iberian diocese not of the first rank.

Link to 

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Three Cardinals at the Third Pilgrimage of Tradition to Rome

(Rome)  On the coming 23-25th of October in Rome, theThird International Pilgrimage of Tradition will be held. It was organized by the Coetus Summorum Pontificum Internationalis, an international federation of communities and faithful in the Old Rite, which is the implementation of the Motu Proprio, Summorum Pontificum, which  Benedict XVI endeavored and  thus allowed all priests the celebration of the Mass in effect till 1965/1969 in 2007.
The still provisional program provides for the participation of two bishops and three cardinals. The bishops are the Frenchman Francois Bacque, a retired Apostolic Nuncio,  and Archbishop Guido Pozzo, Secretary of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei , who is responsible for the communities of tradition.

Three Cardinals Take Place at Pilgrimage

Among the cardinals is Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke the American, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura. He will be celebrating  Pontifical Mass in St. Peter's Basilica on Saturday, October 25, which is the culmination of the pilgrimage. In 2013 Cardinal Antonio Cañizares Llovera, the Spaniard,  Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship, celebrated the Mass. In 2012 it was the Colombian Cardinal Darío Castrillón Hoyos, Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy from 1996 to 2006 and from 2000 to 2009, Chairman of Ecclesia Dei . Under Pope Francis, Cardinal Burke is among the degraded. The American Cardinal  has been removed from all the congregations to which he belonged. Burke  under Benedict XVI. made sure that good bishops were appointed in the United States. It's an influence that has eluded him Pope Francis.
The second is the German Cardinal Walter Brandmüller, who is on Sunday, October 26, to celebrate the feast of Christ the King witb the Traditional Benedictines of Norcia. Cardinal Brandmüller was, from 1998-2009, President of the Pontifical Committee for Historical Science, casually known as the "chief historian" of the Vatican. In 2010, Cardinal Brandmüller was named to cardinal because of his personal services, who was the first since the liturgical reforms of 1969/1970 to celebrate the Immemorial Mass of All Ages again at the Altar of the Chair of Peter  in 2011 on one of the two main altars of St. Peter's Basilica.
The third cardinal is the Australian, George Pell. As the cardinal deacon, Jean-Louis Tauran announced the new pope on the loggia of St. Peter's Basilica at March 13, 2013, some had thought at the mention of the name Georgium, for a fraction of a second to be the then Archbishop of Sydney. Cardinal Pell may celebrate a Pontifical Mass in the Roman church of the Fraternity of St. Peter SS Trinità dei Pellegrini on Friday, October 24. He is the only Cardinal of the fifth continent who has been close to traditional circles  for many years. 

Cardinal George Pell

During the pontificate of Benedict XVI. Cardinal Pell was in talks twice, to take over the management of a Congregation of the Roman Curia. In 2005 he was one of the three candidates to succeed the chosen pope. Joseph Ratzinger, as Prefect of the CDF.  The American, William Cardinal Levada was selected, while the third as stated was Tarcisio Cardinal Bertone, whom Benedict XVI.  made a Cardinal Secretary of State.
2010 was already fixed as Pell's appointment as Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops. A campaign was launched against him in anticlerical circles with the accusation that he may have covered cases of sexual abuse, so Rome decided at the last moment for the French-Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet.
The allegations against Cardinal Pell proved to be baseless smear campaign. [?] So it happened that the Australian cardinal has made unexpectedly rapid career under Pope Francis. Under a Pope who is not suspected to be tradition-friendly. The first promotion was inevitable. A representative in the C8 Cardinal Advisory was selected from each continent to advise the Pope on the reform of the Curia and the Church leadership,  for America for each of the three sub-continents. George Pell is the only Cardinal of Oceania, which is why he had a secure place among the cardinals.
Once in Rome, Pope Francis entrusted him with other leading tasks at the Curia. However, with those in which the Australian may be more expected to put his organizational talents to the test than his liturgical sensibility and enforcing his understanding of the church.
Pope Francis even made him the prefect of a Roman Congregation. On 24 February,  the Pontiff created  a new "Ministry" as an economic secretariat, in which the entire economic and financial affairs of the Holy See were pooled, and made  Pell the first Cardinal Prefect.
The promotion  under the liturgically uninvolved Argentine Pope seem to have done nothing to change the attitude of the Cardinal, as the appointment of Father Mark Withoos as his personal secretary shows. Withoos previously worked for the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei . Another clue is his willingness to celebrate a Pontifical Mass in the traditional rite at the Third International pilgrimage tradition. A willingness, among the number of cardinals who do not condescend due to an internal distance.

Traditional Rite More Visibility

The International Pilgrimage of the tradition took place in 2012 with the declared aim of the traditional rite to gain greater visibility and return it to St. Peter's Cathedral, the main church in Christendom for the first time. 2012  also had a certain hope that Pope Benedict XVI. could even celebrate the Pontifical Mass or at least  attend. It was a hope that did not come true.
The General Delegate of the pilgrimage is the Italian prosecutor, Giuseppe Capoccia of Lecce (head of the Association Summorum Pontificum in Puglia, Campania and Basilicata. Pilgrimage chaplain is a French priest Claude Barthe, Secretary General is the French layman Guillaume Ferluc. The program  can be viewed in English, French and Italian on the website
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Summorum Pontificum Populus / Una cum Papa nostro (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

50,000 at March for Life in Rome -- Dedicated to Mario Palmaro

(Rome) Last Sunday, the 4th of May, the fourth March for Life was held in Rome. Within a few years it became the largest  right to life action in Italy and one of the largest in Europe. On the first march on May 28, 2011 in Desenzano on Lake Garda, 600 people took part. Since 2012, the March for Life will take place in Rome. Last Sunday, 50,000 people for the right to life marched through the streets of Rome to protest against the murder of innocent children by abortion. The fourth march was dedicated to  the recently deceased legal philosopher Mario Palmaro, who was one of the founders of the Italian March for Life.

March for Life has "Revolutionized" the Pro-Life Movement in Italy

The initiative led to a radical change of the right to life scene in Italy. For many years this was coupled in a kind of  alibi for   the ruling Christian Democrats, although here and there in relation to reassure the electorate's anti-abortion position, but took no action against child murders. The March for Life originated in the United States. Its adoption in Italy provided a powerful break from the  political party embrace. Since then, the pro-life movement on the Apennine peninsula is independent and since then, her voice has become audible in the public debate. All major media reported on the extraordinary feed on the right to life march, which coursed on Sunday through the streets of Rome and ended in St. Peter's Square. The success was expected neither by pro-abortion nor opponents, was invited four years ago for the first time to a "march". The march is not an organization but an event and sees itself as a platform for the protection of life. All groups and organizations may participate in it on the basis of a clear common denominator: an uncompromising NO to abortion and the injury of innocent life.

Initiative Traditional Catholics

Relevant initiators of the march are Catholics who could no longer endure the suffocating situation of the pro-life movement in Italy. Among them is mentioned in the first place the historian Roberto de Mattei, as ever, he has  discovered traditional Catholics to play   a central role in the March for Life  in the city of the pope. With this addition to members of various other orders,  the Franciscans of the Immaculate were there from the outset.  Many brothers and sisters took part in the march, but above all they recruited at all their branches and involved churches and places of pilgrimage for the march.
As early as 2012 and 2013, led the march for life again after a two-hour course on St. Peter's Square, where they  participated in the Regina Coeli, as the   Pope concluded. Unlike previous years, this time thousands of Pro-Lifers went immediately to St. Peter's Square. By their banners, the burning issue of the mass murder of unborn children to the media was made ​​even more visible.
Pope Francis, who greeted the participants in the past year and to petition the European citizen petition One of Use - was only evident in Italy, although it was an EU-wide action,   last Sunday stressed yet more the international character, the the initiative March for Life has now. Coming from the U.S. such marches take place as found today in several European cities such marches, including in September, also in Berlin and Zurich.

In Memoriam of Mario Palmaro

In front of  the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli and the Martyrs, the chairman of the initiative March for Life, Virginia Coda  Nunziante said in her speech: "We show that there is a movement for life, that it is alive and that it has not resigned in the face a widespread indifference and the daily killing of innocent children in the womb."
One of the most poignant moments of this year's march was when the Chairman called for a minute of silence for the deceased last March, legal philosopher Mario Palmaro: "This year we have a painful gap in our ranks:  of Mario Palmaro. He was a teacher in thought and life for us. To him we want to dedicate this fourth March for Life ". A banner was to read: "Thank you Mario Palmaro".
Mario Palmaro, who was only 45 years old, died on March 9, from an incurable disease, one of the initiators of the Italian edition of the March for Life. The  convinced life defender  was among the most intellectually fierce critics of Pope Francis and the conduct of his office in his last months of life.  A year ago he had taken yet on the third march for life. In the morning before the march Bishop Marco Agostini celebrated a memorial Mass in the Immemorial Rite in the crowded Carmelite church of Santa Maria della Vittoria for Mario Palmaro. Another Mass in the Immemorial   Roman Rite was celebrated after the march in the equally crowded church of the Fraternity of St. Peter in Rome, SS Trinità dei Pellegrini.

Cardinal Burke held Eucharistic Adoration and Marched Again

14 cardinals supported this year's march. Previously, it was only Cardinal Raymond Burke, who moved especially demonstratively through the streets of Rome and invited the bishops and cardinals  to go anywhere in the world on the road for the right to life and against abortion and euthanasia.
As in past years Cardinal Burke led Eucharistic Adoration on the eve of the March in the Basilica of S. Andrea della Valle. And again  the traditional Cardinal demoted by  Pope Francis walked along all the way from Piazza della Repubblica to the railway station to St. Peter's Square.

Rome Life Forum: Appeal to Bishops, no Communion for Abortion Politicians

On Saturday Cardinal Burke took part in   an international right to life meeting, which took place in Via della Conciliazione in the hall of Pius X.. In his speech, the cardinal affirmed the prohibition of the Catholic Church against giving  Holy Communion to public sinners. The Cardinal thus supported by the presence of 52 leading Pro-Life  advocates from around the world who appealed on the same day to the Catholic bishops, "in a spirit of love and mercy" to refuse Catholic politicians who are for abortion Communion. The appeal was supported by the Rome Life Forum organized by  LifeSiteNews, Human Life International and Family Life International. From the German-speaking countries, Jugend für Leben joined in the appeal next to the offshoots of Human Life International.  The March for Life in Rome was supported by 107 Italian organizations, associations, initiatives, groups, and even parishes.
The next March for Life will take place on May 10, 2015.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Cardinal Raymond Burke: "We Need Catholics Without Compromise"

(Rome) The Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura spoke with unmistakable clarity : "It takes uncompromising Catholics" to oppose the killing of unborn children, artificial insemination and the gender ideology. In an exceptional and very long interview with the monthly magazine Radici Cristiane by Roberto de Mattei, the Cardinal treated in a  Catholic manner, the burning and controversial issues of the current debate over which, anti-Church circles exercise an increasingly radical   cultural hegemony and how  the thinking of Europeans is veritably brainwashed, which  begins in kindergarten. There is no more time to watch idly or to talk about compromise.  Nor is it legitimate to resign.[!] The tacit resignation in the face of a psychological, moral and spiritual destruction thus constitutes a form of compromise with evil, says the Cardinal.
The traditional Cardinal from the U.S. calls on the parents and teachers to decide to act against things  included in the school programs and curricula, which means the "injured innocence of children". These include programs that already want to teach four or five year old children that marriage could have "different forms".
Catholics Should Stand up Against Perversions of Relativism
An end to the silence, an end to the anxiety, an end to the  cowardice. It is necessary to bear witness to the truth of Christ to affirm the natural right to call the healthy Catholic doctrine into memory and stand up to the rampant perversions of relativism and secularism against the Church, against life and against the family, the cardinal said.
A certain laxity in the past decades have fostered the emergence and enforcement of false ideas. The fight against truth, beauty and goodness is in its present severity would have been unthinkable, if the half-heartedness had not come  into the Church, the cardinal said. "A real Catholic believes  entirely in every truth taught by the Church without compromise. The term  of , 'partial catholicity' and 'part catholic' is a contradiction in terms, " said Cardinal Burke.
"Confident No" to Abortion More Necessary Than Ever
Today it is   more than ever necessary   "to confidently say no to abortion and the contraceptive mentality".  In this sense,it was even more so a " resounding no to Communion for politicians, who act against the moral law,  in order, to prevent sacrilege through consistent action  and to protect the faithful from a public scandal."
The schools and the families should have no hesitation to "fight against the dictatorship of decadent gender theory. Parents need to watch over the education of their children so that they are educated regarding human sexuality to the truth and to be protected from false messages that are to be implemented by schools and the media," said Burke.  Parents should avoid having their children participate in classes and extracurricular activities that  undermine the truth about the nature of man as man and wife. "
Resist "Decadent Gender Theory"
The Cardinal treated  the problem of genetic manipulation in the interview: "It is important to emphasize that the resistance of the Church against in-vitro techniques is based on the conception of the natural law and not to a specific Catholic doctrine. Right reason protects the inviolability of human dignity and the procreation of man. "
Against abortion and "gay marriage" the Cardinal  urged the raising of  "the loud voice of protest" and to take to the streets against those governments that violate the natural law. The March for Life in different countries is a very useful tool for it.
Obama Accelerated Spread Perverse Theories
The Obama administration has, said Cardinal Burke, "brought an acceleration of  perverse theories". The policy of "U.S. presidents have become progressively more hostile to  Christian civilization. Many faithful Catholics have responded to the ever more increasing persecution. Unfortunately, there is still  the impression that a considerable part of the population is not really aware  of what is happening at present. "
In France, the population has responded most clearly: "The logo of Manif pour tous is very strong. It aims at the truth. What   the French have implemented  is a model for other countries. The citizens must be ready to act," said Cardinal Burke.
The complete eight-page interview can be obtained from the magazine Radici Cristiane, in Italian.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Radici Cristiane
Trans: Tancred

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Cardinal Burke Will Celebrate Mass of All Ages in Colombia for Catholic Lawyers

At the Catholic University of Bogota, Colombia, there will be a celebration sponsored by the World Congress of Catholic Lawyers.  On Friday, the 7th of February, at 6:30pm, His Eminence, Cardinal Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura will celebrate Holy Mass in the Immemorial Roman Rite. 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Not only Burke -- Brotherly Purge of Francis the Merciful

(Rome) The Vaticanist Matteo Matzuzzi analyzed the reasons that led to the removal of Cardinal Burke from two Roman Congregations within a few days for the daily newspaper Il FoglioHe sees the main reason in a "completely opposite" understanding of the Church. An interview with Cardinal Burke, published on 12 December  by EWTN finally led  to the fracture. Cardinal Burke expresses  doubt as to whether the Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium could be regarded as part of the papal magisterium at all. The background is also the great influence that the cardinal wielded under Pope Benedict XVI.  on the appointment of bishops in the United States. Part of the American Church saw the opportunity to get rid of this influence under Pope Francis, and to assist them accordingly. Obviously, they met with success. Matzuzzi speaks of a "purge" against the clergy, who are closely related to  Pope Benedict's understanding  of the  Church.  Because of the inflationary celebration of Pope Francis as a "reincarnation" of the "benevolent" Pope John XXIII.,  Matzuzzi writes  of the connection not without a finer, deeper significance between the "cleansing" and the "benevolent Francis". And once again  this signifies the dislike of the new Pontiff against tradition.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Preliminary Result of Papal Reconstruction of the Curia -- Nine Members of the Congregation for Education Dismissed

(Vatican) The conversion of the Roman Curia continues. In the Congregation for Catholic Education, there was even a small earthquake. Pope Francis dismissed the same nine cardinals who were members of the Congregation. "It is certain that the reform of the Roman Curia by Pope Francis will go in depth and therefore  their time is up," commented the Vatican expert Sandro Magister. Cardinal Maradiaga, coordinator of the C8-Cardinal Council said after the second three-day meeting last week that it needed "patience,"  cryptically adding: "Great things can not be improvised. The Church brings major problems along that affect many people. The participation of the world is so large that you have to discuss in order to arrive at a synthesis ".

Personnel Decisions of the Pope

In anticipation of the great reform of the Curia,  Pope Francis began since last August on a personal level with interventions in the Roman dicasteries. Since taking office, all Curia offices are occupied only temporarily. The prelude to the personnel decisions for the congregations were made on 31 August, the dismissal of Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone and his replacement by Archbishop Pietro Parolin in the Curia. The other leading positions in the Secretariat of State, Curial Archbishop Angelo Becciu  and substitute "Foreign Minister" Archbishop Dominique Mamberti were confirmed.
Since then, Pope Francis has made  some transfers and new appointments, the heads of three of the nine Roman Congregations. This was confirmed on 21 September, the head of the Congregation of the Faith and the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples , as well as on 30 November, the Congregation for Education.  On 21 September, however, Mauro Cardinal Piacenza was dismissed as prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy , who was replaced by Archbishop Beniamino Stella.
So far only the heads of two of the eleven Pontifical Councils have been confirmed at the moment, namely the Lay Council and of Justice and Peace . Both decisions were announced on 24 September.

Confirmations, Layoffs, Promotions

Thus, the leading heads of five Congregations and nine Pontifical Councils, and thus the bulk of the Roman Curia, are only "donec aliter providetur" and thus continue provisionally in office. This applies to the Congregation for Liturgy, the Congregation for Bishops, Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Congregation for the Eastern Churches and the Congregation for Religious. Both for the Congregation for Bishops, with the Brazilian Bishop Ilson de Jesus Montanari and the Congregation for Religious with the Spaniard Archbishop Jose Rodriguez Carballo  the Pope appointed new Secretaries, however, replacing the number two for these dicasteries. In addition, personnel cuts, layoffs, transfers and new appointments in the Vatican Bank, the economic administration of the Holy See, including the construction of new commissions, the Diplomatic Academy, the Consultants for  the liturgical office of the Pope and of the Pontifical Commission, Ecclesia Dei .

Differentiated Intervention in Congregation of Education

In particular, the  Pope has dedicated his special attention to the Congregation for Catholic Education.  As, then, the Argentine journalist Elisabetta Pique documented in her recently published book, "Francis Life and Revolution," Archbishop Bergoglio had some difficulties in 2009 with the Congregation for obtaining the approval of the appointment of Bishop Victor Manuel Fernandez, Rector of the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina. Exactly two months after his election as Pope, he promoted Fernandez to Titular Archbishop. A clear message to the Church in Argentina, who stands close to the Pope and now has weight there.
In 2012 Rector Fernandez was awarded at the suggestion of Archbishop Bergoglio, an honorary doctorate from the university for his friend Rabbi Abraham Skorka. The uncontradicted statements at Skorka's  ceremony sparked criticism. (See separate report decisions in Argentina -  Bergoglio's Silence and Fernandez on Jewish Libel of the Church ).
While Pope Francis confirmed the CDF and the Propaganda Fide , the entire Pontifical Council and yet, however, no one was confirmed for the Congregation of the Clergy,  the intervention in the Congregation for Education happened differently. Some members of the Congregation were confirmed, appointed anew, others  dismissed.
The Polish Prefect, Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski,  who will turn 75 on October 2014, will be confirmed. Likewise, as secretary, the Italian Archbishop Angelo Vincenzo Zani, the French Dominican Jean-Louis Brugues were only replaced only in November 2012 by the Pope Benedict XVI. yet appointed archivist and librarian of the Holy Roman Church and as such is on the waiting list for the award of the dignity of Cardinal. At the end of February 2014, Pope Francis will appoint his first appoint cardinals.

The Newly Appointed Members: Cardinal Koch

The pope confirmed 23 members of the Congregation for Education , but dismissed eleven members and appointed eleven new. Among the newly appointed cardinals include the Brazilian Odilo Scherer of San Paolo, the American Timothy Dolan of New York, the Filipino Luis Tagle of Manila, the Swiss Kirt Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, is the Kenyan John Njue of Nairobi, the Lebanese Bechara Boutros Rai, Patriarch of the Maronites and the Chinese John Tong Hon of Hong Kong. These four archbishops: the Italian Beniamino Stella, the new prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy and probably soon cardinal, the Mexican Jorge Carlos Patron Wong, new  n charge of seminaries Secretary of this Congregation, Archbishop Riccardo Ezzati Andrello of Santiago del Chile, also aspiring to the dignity of Cardinal and the Polish Marek Jedraszewski of Lodz.

The Confirmed Members: Cardinal Schönborn and Cardinal Marx

Among the confirmed members include Vienna's archbishop, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, the Honduran Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga of Tegucigalpa, who is also coordinator of the new C8 Cardinal Council,   Canadian Marc Ouellet, not yet confirmed Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, the Indian Oswald Cardinal Gracias and Archbishop of Munich and Freising, Cardinal Reinhard Marx, both also members of the C8 Council. Among them are still the Italian, Leonardo Sandri, Cardinal and the Brazilian Joao Braz de Aviz, both also not yet confirmed Prefect of the Congregation for the Eastern Church or of the Congregation of Religious. Among the confirmed members of the Congregation for Education can be found Prefect Gerhard Müller of the CDF also an archbishop, and with the Swiss Bishop Charles Morerod of Lausanne-Geneva-Fribourg a diocesan bishop.

The Dismissed Members: Cardinal Woelki

Among the eleven unconfirmed members include the Cardinals, who are over 80: Belgian Godfried Danneels, the Mexican Juan Sandoval Iñiguez and the Italian, Raffaele Farina, but also the Archbishop Emeritus of Milan, Dionigi Cardinal Tettamanzi, who  is 80 only on March 2014. The Cardinals Levada and Piacenza have not been confirmed by Pope Francis. Both were replaced by their successors. The resignation of Cardinal Levada as Prefect of the CDF was still under Pope Benedict XVI., the Bishop of Regensburg, Gerhard Müller, was appointed in his place. Cardinal Piacenza was replaced by Pope Francis as Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy by Archbishop Stella.
However, the Cardinals Stanislaw Dziwisz of Krakow and former personal secretary of Pope John Paul II, Rainer Maria Woelki of Berlin and Giuseppe Betori of Florence were not confirmed. The latter two were appointed just a year ago, after Pope Benedict XVI. had made them cardinals in February 2012.

Campaign against Cardinal Burke: "Too Conservative and Traditionalist"

The Congregation for Education after Pope Francis is therefore less Italian (minus three) and less European (minus four), but more Latin (Plus two) and Asian (plus three).
How it proceeds to the other Departments, is likely to show in the coming months. Meanwhile, the progressive National Catholic Reporter has launched a campaign with the Pope Francis, for the dismissal of the American Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke as Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, the reason being because he is "too conservative and traditionalist".So far, Pope Francis has proved very resistant to campaigns. The final decision on the confirmation or removal from office of the Bishop of Limburg Tebartz van Elst will give a final answer.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Settimo Cielo
Trans: Tancred

Monday, November 25, 2013

From a Sermon by Cardinal Leo Burke

(Rome) On St. Stephen's Day, the 26th of December, 2010, Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke celebrated a Pontifical High Mass in the Roman parish of Santa Maria di Nazareth in the suburbs. Monsignor Gino Reali, Bishop of the diocese of Porto-Santa Rufina, had invited him. Some statements in the Cardinal's sermon ought to be recalled:

"After the Ecumenical Second Vatican Council, but not because of the council, the nature of the reform of the Rite of Mass has significantly darkened in a sense, the divine action in the Holy Mass which is the union of heaven and earth, has led some to mistakenly thinking that the Holy Liturgy is an action that we have fabricated in a certain way and with which we can therefore experiment.

The truth of the Divine Liturgy is but entirely different. The Sacred Liturgy is in fact the action of His mystical body living through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ. It is His gift to us, which we must we accept, appreciate and preserve according to the instructions of our pastors and especially the Holy Father, the Vicar of Christ on earth, and therefore, the shepherd of the universal Church. We are called to assume in our time in the doctrine and order which our Holy Father Benedict XVI. has given us in his Apostolic Letter Summorum Pontificum, which he wanted to restore the shape of the rite to bring to expression the complete and efficient the truth of the Divine Liturgy.

[...] By following the teaching of the Holy Father, we celebrate the Roman Rite correctly in the Extraordinary Form to help us perfectly penetrate into the knowledge of the Mystery of faith, the mystery of God's love for us, and by pure and to respond to this mystery by unselfish love for God and neighbor. "

Text: Cordialiter / Giuseppe Nardi

Image: Cordialiter

Trans: Tancred

Link to katholisches... AMGD

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

"Creeping Apostasy Among Christians" -- Cardinal Sarah Criticizes "Financially Powerful Groups"

(Trieste) Cardinal Robert Sarah raises the alarm. Among the believers a "creeping apostasy" is in progress. The wake up call comes from the president of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, at a meeting of European Bishops' Conferences COMECE in Trieste.

"Even among the baptized and the disciples of Christ, there is now a sort of creeping apostasty', a rejection of God and the Christian faith in politics, in business, in the ethical and moral realm and in the post-modern Western culture." These words were submitted by Cardinal Robert Sarah, president of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, who spoke on Tuesday at a meeting of the Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the European Community in Trieste on charity.

"We involuntarily breathe in fully teachings, which are against the people, and produce a new politics, which has an effect of erosion, obliteration, destruction and serious aggression, slowly but constant, especially on the person, his life, his family, his work and interpersonal relationships. We do not even have the time to live, love and worship. This is an extraordinary challenge for the Church and the ministry of charity. The Church also speaks out against the various forms of suffering, of which the victims is man," said the cardinal.

"A humanism without God coupled with a heightened subjectivity, which are ideologies that are now promoted by the media and extremely influential and financially powerful groups, who hide behind the guise of international aid and even operate in the Church and in our charitable organizations" said the Cardinal.

For the Church, says the President of Cor Unum, "the Christian values ​​that guide it, and the identity of charitable Church activity are not negotiable. Any ideology that is contrary to the divine teaching is rejected, any economic or cultural support, which is linked to ideological constraints which contradicts the Christian image of humanity is to be rejected," said the cardinal, with a view to international organizations like the United Nations and specialized agencies in the International Monetary Fund, but also the EU, individual government and government-related humanitarian organizations.

Last June, another Cardinal, Raymond Leo Burke, already held a remarkable speech in which he touched on the dictatorship of relativism and its encroachment, and even criticized organizations within the Catholic Church .

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Vatican Insider Trans: Tancred

Link to Katholisches... AMGD

Monday, October 14, 2013

Scandal: Cardinal Burke and Archbishop Pozzo Leave Hall During Sandro Magister Lecture

(Rome) to a scandal occurred in Rome during the presentation of the conference proceedings on the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum on the 10th of October at the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) during proceedings of the presentation of collected papers of the Third Conference on Summorum Pontificum, which had taken place in 2011. Raymond Cardinal Burke, Professor Giovanni Turco and the Vaticanist Sandro Magister three speakers were present.

Cardinal Burke recalled in his address to the "real reasons" why Pope Benedict XVI. in 2007, issued the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum: "to guarantee the right of all believers for this Rite, and for mutual enrichment between the new and the old." We could understand the comments as a criticism of Pope Francis, in his Civilta Cattolica interview of the motives of Benedict XVI. downplaying the granting of Summorum Pontificum and trying to reinterpret it.

The Cardinal also recalled Benedict's suffering, which he expressed in his letter to all the bishops, with the declared purpose and meaning of the Motu Proprio. A condition that was related to the liturgy and with the changes. An affliction that I witnessed and felt even in small and large seminar on the cardinal.

Cardinal Burke Recalled the "Real Reasons" for Summorum Pontificum

Giovanni Turco, Professor of Political Philosophy talked about the importance of Summorum Pontificum as the right of every believer "to have the non-suppression of the traditional rite." He also spoke about the over hasty and sloppy abolition of Latin and its translation into the national languages, pointing to translation errors corresponding in real doctrinal error.

Magister Effected Polite but Harsh Criticism of Decisions in the Liturgy by Pope Francis

Finally, Sandro Magister gave his contribution as a lecture on which already reported (see separate report Pope Francis and the Liturgy - "Pure Functional Access" Reservations to Tradition, weakness in the knees before the Lord ). Master analyzed in a critical manner, the previous decisions of Pope Francis in the Liturgy: The ban for celebration in the old rite by the Franciscans of the Immaculate, the dismissal of all five consultants for the Office of Papal Liturgical Celebrations, who were close to the liturgical understanding of Benedict XVI., the refusal to genuflect in the Holy Mass at the words of consecration, although from papal Mass to papal Mass always newly master of ceremonies Guido Marini always included the two relevant points and finally the halting by CDF, that they no longer check the bizarre special forms in the Mass of the Neocatechumenal Way, as Benedict XVI. had ordered. Magister has also expressed the opinion that the Pope is "friendly" to everyone, "except with the traditionalists."

"Scandal Currently The Dominant Characteristic of Climate in Rome"

The lecture finally came to a scandal. Magister so openly expressed his criticism of Pope Francis, that Cardinal Burke and Archbishop Pozzo had to leave the room. "The response of Cardinal Burke and Archbishop Pozzo is indicative of the currently prevailing climate in Rome," the website Chiesa e Postconcilio (Church and Post-Conciliar). "Was it because of the time for both of them or was it simply a precaution, because of the polite but harsh criticism by Magister of Pope Francis? The withdrawal of a Cardinal during a major event is something glaring. All interpretations are allowed, "said the Spanish Catholic blogger Francisco de la Cigoña.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Giovani e Tradizione
Trans: Tancred

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Cardinal Burke: Catechism of Pius X is Also Today a Sure and Indispensible Reference Point

"St. Pius X saw with clarity how religious ignorance not only leads individual lives, but also to the decay of society and a lack of balanced thinking in the most serious problems," said Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura at event surrounding the Catechism of St. Pius X 100 years after its publication, by the Kulturkreis of John Henry Newman on the 24th of May.  It was organized in Seregno.
In his "extraordinary and brilliant lectio" says Catholic writer Cristina Siccardi,  Cardinal Burke maintains of Saint Pius X (1835-1914) that "ignorance of Christian doctrine is recognized as the main cause of the decline of faith and therefore  sound catechesis is of paramount importance for the restoration of faith. It is not difficult to see how current the observations and conclusions of St. Pius X are. They are really recognizable in the motives that has led Pope Benedict XVI. to proclaim the year of the faith. "
The observations and conclusions of Pope Sarto were the result of his long and deep experience as a shepherd. He described the effects of lack of catechesis in the spiritual life of Christians with a very specific words and also the dangerous consequences for their salvation:
"In fact, the actions that the heart of the Christian people nowadays are very many who need to go live in complete ignorance of the salvation of knowing, and this is generally not unjustified. We understand Christian people not only the quantity or the members of the lower class, the ignorance of this can often be somewhat excused by the fact that the strict and obedient service to their masters can be left them no time for themselves. Also in the circles where it is not lacking in spirit and form, so here most of all, providing you with ample Although secular science, but lives very measured and kenntnislos in religious terms there. "(Encyclical Acerbo nimis of Pius X)
Cardinal Burke recalled  Blessed Cardinal John Henry Newman (1801-1890) in this context, who in his autobiographical masterpiece Apologia pro Vita Sua , in a discussion about the true teachings of the Catholic Church, took up the Eighth Commandment, specifically, mainly on the question of whether it is morally allowed to say the wrong thing:

"And now, if Protestants wish to know what our real teaching is, as on other subjects, as did one of lying, let them look, not at our books of casuistry, but at our catechisms. Works on pathology do not give the best insight into the form and the harmony of the human frame, and, as it is with the body, so is it with the least The Catechism of the Council of Trent that drawn up for the express purpose of providing preachers with subjects for their Sermons, and, as my whole work has been a defense of myself, I may say here I did rarely preach a sermon, but that I would go to this beautiful and complete Catechism to get both my matter and my doctrine. "((Since my German edition of the Apologia pro Vita Sua just is not available, the original quotation from Cardinal Newman's book, as it was presented by Cardinal Burke.))

 The core message of the talk by Cardinal Burke was to emphasize the practical importance of the Catechism published in 1912, which is not merely a religious artifact, which now belongs to the past. The Catechism of St. Pius X, the cardinal said, was a safe and indispensable reference point today. 

Text: CR / Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred

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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Cardinals: Liturgical Abuses Weaken the Faith

If Holy Mass is not celebrated according to the norms of the Church leads to the weakening of the Faith, say Curial Cardinals Raymond Burke and Antonio Canizares Llovera.

Rom ( Liturgical abuses enfeeble faith in God, lead to egoism and make for a decline in Mass attendance. Cardinals Raymond Burke and Antonio Canizares Llovera. They received support from liturgical expert Fr. Nicola Bux. Both Cardinals addressed the presentation of Father Bux's new book.

Unfortunately, many priests and Bishops regard liturgical departures from the prescriptions as unimportant, while they are actually serious abuses, said Cardinal Burke, the Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura.

Cardinal Canizares offered this view: "The participation in a Eucharistic celebration can enfeeble faith, if the Liturgy is not celebrated according to the norms of the Church," he said. This is true for the Ordinary and Extraordinary Forms of the Mass, added the former Prefect for Worship and Order of the Sacraments.

Many modern Catholics are of the view that Holy Mass is something they would do in common. Actually, this is something in which Jesus handles it, says Bux.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Signals of Church Renewal


Msgr Joseph Marianus Punt, the Bishop of Haarlem-Amsterdam has arrected the first Personal Parish in the "Old Rite" at the St. Agnes church in Amsterdam according to the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum. It is the first canonical establishment of this sort in Holland.  The Parish has been entrusted to the Priestly Society of St. Peter, which had been assigned the Mass site in 2006.  Its parish patron is Blessed Karl I of Austria.

On Sunday on the 20th of January Msgr Johannes Gerardus Maria van Burgsteden, the Bishop emeritus of Haarlem-Amsterdam will celebrate the Tridentine Mass and confer the Sacrament of Confirmation.


On Sunday the 20th of January Msgr. Raymond Centene, the Bishop of Vannes, celebrated a Pontifical Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite.  The High Mass is set to take place at 9am in the Church of the MIlitary Academy of St. Cyr-Coëtquidan.  "There is a small group of Bishops, who are ready and decided, to forsake the sure path of suicide, one of these is Bishop Raymond Cetene of Vannes," says the Spanish Church Historian and Catholic Blogger Francisco de la Cigoña.


On the Feast of the Epiphany, Gabriel Jocher of the order of the Servants of Jesus and Mary (SJM) made his solemn vows. The Order of Jesus and Mary was founded in 1988 by the deceased Father Andreas Hönisch and is since 1994 recognized as a Congregation of Papal Right.  On the same day, three candidates in the Novitiate of SJM were accepted.  The General House of the bi-ritual Order under its General Superior Father Anton Bentlage is located at Schloss Auhof in Lower Austria.


On Friday, the 11th of January, Msgr Edoardo Aldo Cerrato CO, the new Bishop of Ivrea assited at Holy Mass, which was celebrated by the famous Liturgist and consultant of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith and the Office for Papal Celebrations, Don Nicola Bux, in the Immemorial Mass of All Ages.  The celebration took place in the Parish of the Archangel Michael in Rivarolo Canavese in the Diocese of Ivrea and was planned on the initiative of the John Henry Newman Society.


Msgr. Dominique Rey, the Bishop of Frejus-Toulon is proving to be the outstanding bearer of hope for the European Episcopate.  He has consequently made his Diocese biritual.  [This should remind you of a fictional Bishop popularized in the novel "Mitre and Crook"] Although his Diocese only has one million inhabitants, he is assigned in relation by far the largest priestly seminary in France and by far the most new priests.  Now the largest Archdiocese of Paris can measure itself with the tiny Diocese of Frejus-Toulon.  Bishop Rey is considered a pioneer of the New Evangelization.  Pope Benedict XVI. had called the European Bishops to the New Evangelization in the last year, which consequently wasn't mentioned by the French Bishops' Conference.

The Archdiocese of Toledo invited Bishop Rey on the 11th-13th of January to Spain, in order to explain the Program of the New Evangelization to its new priests.  The spiritual program of action consists in 9 doors, 6 establishments and 8 changes.

Msgr Rey also was involved in the International event Sacra Liturgia, which took place from the 25th-28th of June in 2013.  He was a lecturer with Cardinal Antonio Canizares, Malcom Ranjith and Raymond Burke, with other Bishops, Dominique Rey and Marc Aillet, Abbot John Zielinksi OSB as well as the ceremonial minister of the Pope, Msgr Guido Marini and the Consultor of the CDF and the Office for Liturgical Celebrations of the Pope, Don Nicola Bux.  From the German-speaking lands, a prominent lecturers participated like the Oratorian Uwe Michael Lang, the Speaker of the Priest Network Pastor Guido Rodheudt and the Church musician Gabriel Steinschulte.


In Milan a lecture series for the Year of Faith will take place at the Cardinal-Ildefons-Schuster-Center, whose patronage has been undertaken by the new traditional Bishop of Ferrara-Comacchio, Msgr. Luigi Negri.  On Friday, the 25th of January, Don Pietro Cantoni, the Superior of the Priestly Society Opus Mariae Matris Ecclesiae will speak on the theme: "Break or Continuity?" on the magisterial significance of the Second Vatican Council.


According to Paix Liturgique there are between 83 to 95 French Diocese who have Mass locations in the "Old Rite" according to the 2007 Motu Proprio Sumorum Pontificum founded by  Pope Benedict XVI..  The movement of Tradition is young and beats with  dynamism. "They are spreading out and are breaking the last hard resistance of the old, demoralized modernist troops",  says Cordialiter. "The Modernist Maginot Line was broken through" and the further "positive developments" are foreseeable in the priestly ordinations which come from Tradition.

Link to Katholisches...

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Accion Liturgica

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Cardinal Burke Complains of Resistance to Summorum Pontificum

Edit: does this mean that Bishops who do this will be disobedient and "extra ecclesiam"?

Within the Church there is still resistance to the Mass in the extraordinary Rite [Immemorial], said Cardinal Raymond Burke.  The both Rites should enrich each other.

Rome (  Five years after the publication of the papal letter "Summorum Pontificum", there is still ongoing resistance against the Extraordinary Rite of the Mass by Pope Benedict XVI., said Raymond Cardinal Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura.

There is stil much to do so that the Traditional Liturgy can be available to the faithful, said the Carinal in an interview with Catholic News Service (CNS).  Resistance comes from within the Church, he said.  Some are of the view that the Extraordinary Rite damages the Church.  Others which to express their protest against the Holy Father with that.

In an accompanying letter to "Summorum Pontificum" the Pope had written, he hopes, that both forms of the Liturgy might enrich one another.  The readings in the national language is a "great gift", said Burke.  They could also be built into the Tridentine Mass.  The prayers at the foot of the altar and the prologue of the Gospel of St. John at the end of the Traditional Mass are elements which the Ordinary Rite could be enriched by, said the Cardinal.

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Cardinal Burke is in Line for Big Job?

Cardinal Burke as Crown Prince?

 Vatican:[] Pope Benedict XVI may put the Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, Raymond Cardinal Burke (63) into a position of responsibility. According to reports from Roman circles, the Cardinal is in consideration to be the next Prefect of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith, or the new Cardinal Secretary. Photo...Institute of Christ the King.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Cardinal Burke Writes Foreword to New Book by Nicola Bux

(Rome)  In the Italian Lindau Verlag (Turin) the outspoken book on current developments in the Church "The Empty Dance Around the Golden Calf" with the subtitle "Secularized Liturgy and the Law" has appeared.  The 144 page book has been written by the famous Liturgist Don Nicola Bux and the Canon Lawyer Raffaele Coppola, and is concerned with the liturgical questions and legal questions about the Liturgy.   The introduction comes from Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, the Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, to further contributions by experts, who will participate in a seminar at the Juristic Faculty of the University of Bari.

Whoever reads this book will understand why there is need for a clear and significant seriousness in the area of liturgy.  A necessity, which arises from the Ius divinum (Divine Law) in order to restore the correct relationship between God and his creation inclusive of men, in the only part of earthly creation, which he has formed in His image.  Cardinal Burke then recalled that the Lord spoke of the Law:

 Do not think that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets. I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.  For amen I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot, or one tittle shall not pass of the law, till all be fulfilled. He therefore that shall break one of these least commandments, and shall so teach men, shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven. But he that shall do and teach, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven
The word of God declared the fundamental purpose of the law, to honor and to keep the divine law
and to honor and keep each commandment which God has imposed on the universe.

"All of the provisions aim to the correct relationship on which the salvation of the world depends and so it is God's ordering and it is not to be regarded as an invention of man.  After the fall man corrupted the divine law for human purposes",  says Cardinal Burke.  The latter is certainly the case of functionalism, with with which modern philosophy is saturated, as earlier, then Cardinal Ratzinger once noted.  It is so saturated with this that they have reduced the faith itself and even the divine cultus of the Sacraments to a "function".

Unity, truth, the good, beauty and justice are completely inseparable aspects of the holy reality and the Liturgy.   In this book of collected articles the problems and solutions, in part from a specifically technical view, is shown in order to rediscover the true and immediate nature of the holy cult, which is a direct application of the divine law. The Liturgy is the cult related to God, which is ordered  by the regulations of the Church congruent through the divine law and ordered with art and music.  An extraordinary resource, which teaches the liturgical, artistic, architectonic provisions and  contains the sacral vestments and objects, is the Rationale Diviniorum Officiorum publiced in the middle ages by Bishop Guillaume Durand (1230-1296) in the south of France, which was the standard work for the study of the Liturgy in use until the 17th century.

St. Charles Borromeo used the same method for his Instuctiones fabricae et supplettillis ecclesiasticae (1577), which appeared only 15 years after the Professio fidei tridentiae (1564) and an exemplar of a great number of similar documents which the Bishops of all of Europe were issued for their Diocese.

It is striking that this legal, liturgical and architectonic unity doesn't exist any longer today.  One asks oneself for that reason "if the collapse of the Liturgy and associated arts and previously still the Liturgy itself,  is not a part of the consequence of the separation of knowledge".

In the volume "The Empty Dance Around the Golden Calf" the teaching of the ecclesiastical tradition will be collected and represented, under that Council of Trent and the Catechism of Pope St. Pius X.  The volume combines principles, forms and uses, which repair that nominal order, where the liturgical subjectivism of the post-Conciliar times were spread with its abuses and serious errors among the clergy and the faithful, in which it developed into a cult which was no longer directed to the Lord, rather to dance about a "Gold Calf" or to express it another way, which is directed to man, who celebrates himself.

Text: Corrispondenza Romana/Cristina Siccardi
Übersetzung: Giuseppe Nardi

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Cardinal Burke Urges Catholics to Pray for the Reconciliation of the SSPX

Germany. [Kreuz]  Last Tuesday the Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, Cardinal Raymond Burke, celebrated a Traditional High Mass in the town of Santa Maria di Leuca -- in the south Italian Province of Lecce.  This was reported by the French website, 'Forum Catholique'.  The Cardinal called upon Catholics to pray for the reconciliation with the Society of Saint Pius X.  Cardinal Burke sees the current renewal of the Liturgy not till the beginning of development.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cardinal Burke's latest interview dealing with Summorum Pontificum

Editor: Heads up to the Bishops. You can't expect obedience on the part of your laity if you're unwilling to be obedient yourselves.

by Pete Frey on Thursday, May 5, 2011 at 12:00pm
In its application, I have ascertained an always increasing interest and appreciation for the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite, for the faithful in general and for young Catholics in particular. Excellent initiatives have taken place in order to promote acquaintance with the motu proprio and its objective, foreseen by the Holy Father when he promulgated it. I think of numerous individual talks as well as conferences on sacred liturgy, which have granted particular attention to the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite and to its relationship with the ordinary form. Additionally, several books and articles have been published, having as their aim a deep study of the motu proprio.

It is evident that the application of Summorum Pontificum has not taken place in a uniform fashion in the Church universal. In some places, its application has even faced resistence by the part of those who claim not to understand its goals and who defend that the motu proprio cannot be applied before the publication of the Instruction related to its application. I hope that the Instruction will be published shortly, so that the motu proprio may be applied in a more universal and more uniform way, according to the profound pastoral solicitude of our Holy Father for the sacred liturgy. To those who claim not to understand the intentions of Summorum Pontificum, I suggest a re-reading of the Letter to the Bishops, written by our Holy Father when it was promulgated, as well as the numerous writings of the Holy Father on sacred liturgy, published before and after his election to the Chair of Peter. I think, for instance, of his masterpiece: The Spirit of the Liturgy.

As far as I am concerned, the application of the motu proprio has allowed me to greatly develop and deepen my knowledge and love for the sacred liturgy, the highest expression of the faith and of the life of the Church. By re-reading the apostolic letter itself, as well as the accompanying Letter to Bishops of the Pope, I see how the Holy Father was inspired when grating to the universal Church this new liturgical discipline. I have myself been a personal witness to the good fruits of this new discipline

Monday, November 22, 2010

Cardinal Burke Censures False Ecumenism at Consistory

At the Consistory in Rome behind closed doors, the subject of the implementation of Anglicanorum Coetibus was discussed by the assembled Bishops and new Cardinals.  It deals in part with the return of Anglicans to Communion with the Holy See.  We'd reported earlier that Cardinal Burke would criticize Cardinal Kasper within the context of the meeting.  Well, our sources now tell us that it certainly did not happen, for although Cardinal Kasper was not mentioned specifically, Cardinal Burke still condemned  those who refer to the "ecumenism of return" with contempt; so they were criticized all the same and in their number would certainly be included Cardinal Kasper, whose career was built upon false ecumenism and in preventing moments like the return of the Anglicans from taking place.

 Unfortunately, as with the implementation of Sumorum Pontificum, the Motu Proprio freeing up the Immemorial Latin Mass to be said without the interference of liberal Bishops, there are old Liberal Bishops who are blocking the way.  Most notable among them is Archbishop Thomas Collins of Toronto, who wants to appoint an existing Roman Bishop to head the Ordinariate, rather than have him be elected from a bi-cameral lay-clerical arrangement.  There is also Bishop Peter Elliot of Australia, who wishes to implement changes which basically amount to an oversimplification of the Anglican Liturgy which is, in the words of Maximilian Hanlon, going to make it like a Novus Ordo Liturgy with some Anglican prayers tacked on.  We're a little puzzled by this characterization because Bishop Elliot actually seems pretty conservative as illustrated by his article in New Liturgical Movement, as he writes here:

Next year a new ICEL translation of the Mass of the Roman Rite will come into effect. More gracious poetic English will mean that the beauty of the language used in the Ordinariates will not clash with the banal and inaccurate old ICEL “translation” we currently endure.

Ultimately, what these liberal Bishops, like those who Damian Thompson calls the "Magic Circle" in England,  intend upon doing is to delay and create impediments to the entrance of Anglicans into full communion with Rome. For like Cardinal Kasper, they would prefer to "dialogue" with Archbishop Rowan and his female clergy, and their assortment of liturgical chipmunks.[Video forthcoming]

It would be a good time to pray, do penance, fast and keep vigil for the good intentions of the Bishops, laity and priests of the incoming members of the Anglican Communion.

Photo from: St. Louis Catholic, here.

The Pope here talks about how pressing is the need to resuscitate Ecumenism.