Showing posts with label Summorum Pontificum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Summorum Pontificum. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New Clarifications Make Immemorial Mass Required Reading in Seminaries

Wow, when you're right you/re right.  Paulo Rodari was right about Summorum Pontificum not being anything for "Traditionalists" to fear, as reported here by Rorate Caeli., and Messa in Ladino.

The Immemorial Mass of All Ages, founded and celebrated by the Pope Gregory the Great, will now be required reading for Modern Seminarians as reported in Messa in Latino and translated by Hans Coessens.

All seminaries will have to celebrate the extraordinary form according to a future Motu Proprio to be released by the Curia and all dioceses will have to acknowledge any regulations on Summorum Pontificum as null and void.

This will mean that Seminary Rectors won't be technically able to undercut the Immemorial with petty concerns and dissembling.  It's an explicit order and it starts to make Cardinal Ranjith's ominous prediction more encouraging, prophetic and even clear.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Seminarians: Summorum Pontificum to extend to the Ambrosian Rite -- Call for the Old Rite

(Mailand)A group of seminarians of the ecclesiastical province of Milan have asked Pope Benedict to extend the Motu Prorprio Summorum Pontificum with the generous reinstatement of the Tridentine Rite as the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite, to the Ambrosian Rite as well.  This was reported by the Italian blog, Messa in latino.  The seminarians are asking that in the upcoming rules of implementation for the Motu Proprio that it be specifically mentioned that it is valid for all Latin Rites, and not just forthe Roman.  The Ambrosian Rite, like the Braga [once celebrated in Portugal] or the independent "old" Rites of the various religious orders, as they were celebrated up until the Liturgical reform.

The Ambrosian Rite, which dates from St. Ambrose (339-397), Bishop of Milan and some neighboring areas, as also in parts of the Diocese of Lugano in the Swiss Canton of Tessin.  The Archbishop of Milan is numerically the largest Diocese in the world.  Only some parishes of the Diocese celebrate in the Roman Rite.

The reigning Archbishop, Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi, has refused up until now the implementation of the Motu Propio Summorum Pontificum with the reason that the Ambrosian Rite isn't effected by it.

The same position  has been used by the Bishops of other Rites in the Latin Church,, like the Archdiocese of Braga in Portugal.

Because of this various internet blogs of Tradition have expressed the "concern" that the rules of implementation for the Motu Proprio will not bring the hoped for spread of the use of the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite.  Much worse, it will bring feared "limitations" .  For this reason the call "Request for the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, [English] in the event of the Instruction/Clarification of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum" has been called to life.  The text is in seven languages (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese und Dutch) and published on the internet for signatures.

 (Giuseppe Nardi, Bild: The Pope Benedict Forum)

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Coming Decree on the Liturgy is Authentic [Not Watered Down]

Editor: Basically, Paulo Rodari is contradicting some of the big boys in town. Some editing with google-translate:

It is writen here , here and here that the Vatican is trying to water down the implementing decree of the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum.
In essence, the blogs mentioned above [Rorate, Messalatino, Summorum Pontificum]  instead of giving a greater impetus to the decree Motu Proprio, showing how it will explain the implementation of the Old Mass to the bishops in the best way; they are saying instead that the Old Liturgy is just a concession to the "traditionalists" in recognition of their particular sensitivity. Even still the bloggers write that the originator of this dilution would be Monsignor Charles Scicluna, promoter for  justice in Malta under the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and Cardinal Antonio Canizares Llovera, prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship.
 I have personally made the necessary checks and I can say that, according to sources inside the Vatican, the information given above "is entirely without foundation." The implementation of the decree is not being watered down. Cardinals Canizares and Scicluna among others  are not working in that direction.
The Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, which is now chaired by the prefect of the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal William Joseph Levada, has already prepared the text of the decree, is waiting for the difficult work of translation to finish, and expects to publish all (provided that the translations do not suffer delays) before Easter.
Original at Apostolic 

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cardinal Ranjith is Talking about the "Elimination" of the New Mass

In Old Liberal Vienna, a Pius-Priest may not enter any ecclesiastical buildings. Thirty Diocesan Priests from Catholic Italy have spoken against this.

(kreuz, Paris) Dated, 13. January 2011: A very large part of the post-Conciliar love-Church "hates" the Society of Pius X.  The Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X., Msgr Bernard Fellay, said this the Sunday before last in Paris.

He explained that in the current discussions with Rome, discretion is very important.

The Society will go very intelligently with the negotiations.  They must make no false concessions.

The Bishop is pleased that Rome is generally prepared to discuss the non-dogmatic Pastoral Council.

Longing for the Catholic Teaching

In the lecture he mentioned that he was able to speak with almost thirty Italian Diocesan priests in the Diocese of Albano near Rome.

He is said to have asked the priests what they expect from the SSPX and figured they would say "the Mass".

Actually, the priests wanted "the Doctrine" from the Society.

Msgr Fellay is convinced that priests  who return to the Immemorial Mass of All Ages, will also come back to the Catholic doctrine -- but "from far away".

For they knew despite years of academic study nothing of God.

The "New Mass" has Outlived Itself

In Rome Bishop Fellay also met "very good people" -- priests, even Bishops and apparently Cardinals.

The Bishop named none.

Msgr Fellay cited however a word from Cardinal Malcom Ranjith of Sri Lanka.  He said to him: "one can not eliminate the New Mass with one stroke."

It takes more levels and will require twenty years, a whole generation.

As a step in the direction of improvement Bishop Fellay indicated the Motu Proprio, 'Summorum Pontificum'.

Not all is good with that, already: "But, a beginning has been made."


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Africans Want The Gregorian -- Not The Forced Hulahula

In the Old Mass one doesn't have to work at getting the faithful to be meditative.  That comes from himself -- the Bishop explained.

Bishop N’Koué celebrtes the Old Mass in St. Peter's

(, Benin)  Bishop Pascal N’Koué (51) of Natitingou in Benin has led his old Mass already since October 2003 in his Diocese.

That can be read in his report on the third anniversary of the historical Motu Proprio 'Summorum Pontificum'.

Msgr N'’Koué studied at the Vatican Diplomatic Academy in Rome in the early nineties.  Finally, he was active till his appointment as Diocesean Bishop, as the Secretary of the Nuntiatur of Panama.

The 76.000 population city Natitingou is located in northwestern Beenin -- not far from the boarder of Togo.

The Pope has asked all of the Bishops of the World for a report about the Old Liturgy in all of the Diocese.

The author of the report for the Dicoee Natitingou who hales from France is Fr. Denis Le Pivain.

He belongs to the Bi-Ritual Priestly Society 'Totus Tuus'.

The report was published in the weekly of the Diocese of Natitingou.

Enemies of the Old Mass have Poisonous Hearts

The report explains that the Old rite and the New Mass can peacefully exist together and
supposedly enrich one another.

Conflicts occurred from sick and poisonous hearts" and from narrow-minded ideologies.

In the wake of the Motu Proprio there was no turbulence in the Dicoese of Natitingou.

The Old Rite Moves the Faithful by Itself

The report explained that the Old Mass is an opportunity, especially for the young clerics of the Diocese.

The traditional Rite allows the priest, the altar, the holy silence, the mystery, the various making of the sign of the cross and kneelings to be held with greater worth.

Also the priest would better understand the celebration to God that the celebrant and the faithhful will face together to the cross.

The Old Mass enables also a better understanding of the New Eucharist.

Without every pressure of the Bishops many priests came themselves to learn the Old Mass.

Where the rubrics of the Mass are internalized, the Liturgy itself touches the faithful with its beauty and depth.

Then one doesn't have to fight any more for the Mystery, the Holy, the Piety, the Majesty of God and the active participation in the Liturgy.

The Old Rite Corresponds to the African Mentality

The Roman Canon and the liturgical gestures in the Old Rite stand closer to African religiosity and African feeling -- and here is what the report said, further;

"It is my wish that one day every priest will be able to celebrate both forms" -- explained the Bishop within.

He named further examples for the enrichment of a New Mass.

Immediately in Advent and in the time of Fast the priest could celebrate everything for the Lord.

That draws the attention on the Mystery of the Cross. The celebrant and the choir should disappear before God.

Msg N'Koué explains that the Offertory Rite is not in the rubrics of the New Rite and not celebrated in the face of the faithful.

He wishes also more latin in the Mass and would like to avoid profane instruments and music.

In their place Gregorian Choirs should be singing.

The bishop has asked the priests to say the Roman Canon on Sundays and Feast days. It will facilitate inculcation more easily.

Before giving Communion the Celebrant must make the sign of the cross with the Host.

Read original at auf Deutsch.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Numbers Briefing: TLM Locations in Central Europe


View Hl. Messen in Österreich in a larger map


Hl. Messen auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

Netherlands and Belgium:

Mislocaties weergeven op een grotere kaart

H/t: SummorumPontificium,de, here. and Pro Missa Tridentina, here.

Related, Forty Four Percent of Germans Would Attend the Old Mass

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Motu Proprio Regulations Before Christmas?

The Mass of All Ages
The Traditionalists have been waiting for three years for the regulations for the implementation of the Motu Proprio 'Summuorum Pontificum'.  Is it still really necessary?

(, Vatikan)  The publication of the regulations for the implementation of the Motu Proprio 'Summorum Pontificum" of July 2007 is almost here.

This is according to the news site ''.  The page cites "high Vatican sources".

Finally Here After Three Years?

Already in  2007 it was known that the regulations for the implementation of the Motu Proprio 'Summorum Pontificum' would appear.

Since then many publication deadlines have been announced and gone.

The site 'kathnews' knows why:  "The document was already completely revised, but then had to be reworked and corrected on certain points."

A corrected version of the text by the Pope will be produced in the coming days. 

The website figures that the regulations for implementation will be ready still before Christmas.

There will supposedly be clarified any "open questions in relation to the handling" of the old Mass.

Read original at auf Deutsch...

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Three Year Odyssey in Bonn: At Most the Old Mass in Cologne is Tolerated

The Neo-Conservative, muzzled, Cardinal Joachim Meisner of Cologne is probably a Pap-idolater but no friend of the old Mass. He doesn't care much for the numerous Traditionalists in his Diocese.

[, Bonn] For more than three years already, a group of Traditionalists in the south of the 320,000 population city of Bonn have been fighting for Old Mass.

This Odyssey has been recounted by Friederike Weigmann on the website ''.

Frau Weigmann speaks of a "blocked wall" against the old Literugy of the Church, which the engaged laity can hardly break through.

Bonn belongs to the Archdiocese of Cologne. The current Cardinal Joachim Meisner appears as an enemy of the Old Mass, although he appears at them and has ordained priests using it.

In Bonn there is only one Old Mass every fourteen days, which happens at 5 O'clock.

Bonn needs no Old Mass

Already on 17th November 2007 eighteen Traditionalists from southern Bonn approached Cardinal Meisner for an Old Mass.

They form today the 'Society for the Promotion of Summorum Pontificum Bonn e.V.'.

Shortly before Christmas in 2007 the request bit the dust. There is in the "Cologne Church" -- what is meant is the giant Archdiocese of Cologne -- already at four locations which have a regular Old Mass -- according to the Archdiocese.

In Bonn the qualifications for one regular Sunday Mass according to the so-called guidelines of the German Bishops Conference are not fulfilled -- decreed the Archdiocese.

In the same time frame the Archdiocese advertised a calendar of events of countless Carnival Masses in local Dialect.

The Cry For Help That Was Run in Circles

On December 29th 2007 'The Association for the Promotion of Summorum Pontificum in Bonn' descried its situation in distant Germany for Traditionalists to 'Pro Sancta Ecclesia'.

There the Traditionalists received further requests, which had likewise requested an Old Mass in Bonn.

Furthermore, the Society sent "the rejected request to Pro Sancta Ecclesia' to the Papal commission 'Ecclesia Dei"

Local Negotiations

On the 19th of December 2008 the Society spoke with a priest in the south of Bonn, Father John Nampiaparambil. He was newly established in his office.

The minister engaged in more discussions in the priests council, than he should have.

In summer 2009 he was surprised with an alleged sabbatical year in India.

After a reorganization came the new Pastor, Fr. Josey Thamarassery.

In this June the Society spoke also with him.

There he was also informed, that the number of those interested in the Old Mass had grown in the last three years.

Actually Fr. Thamarassery wanted to be informed over the applicants.

On the 20th of June he put off an invitation to a unique and privately organized gathering him reference to other obligations.

Another discussion date is not presently forthcoming.

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