Showing posts with label Freemasonry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freemasonry. Show all posts

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Bergoliata or Scalfariade -- Scalfari's New Editorial With Pope Francis' Pearls

Eugenio Scalfari and Pope Francis
(Rome) The "interviews" by atheist and Freemason Eugenio Scalfari with Pope Francis have become as famous as infamous. On the 15th of March it was time again. Eugenio Scalfari has published in his house journal La Repubblica,   an editorial about Pope Francis. He's cited actual or alleged statements  which Pope Francis is said to have expressed  in one of the conversations between the Catholic Church and head of the left, anti-clerical opinion makers. Scalfari would not be  Scalfari, if he did not present himself in his editorial as the main interpreter of the Argentine Pope's thoughts and actions. This is only one page. The others are homework assignments that Scalfari is giving the Pope on the way. Tasks that  the Pope would have to do in the atheist's terms. A new Bergogliata or new Scalfariada?

Scalfaris parallel magisterium with increased destructive power

The duo Scalfari-Bergoglio has appeared again on March 15 in the daily newspaper La Repubblica.  Whether virtual or real, who knows? It means it is difficult to distinguish which are reported as a direct playback of quotes  being in fact from Pope Francis and which are from  Scalfari in the role of a more or less accepted papal prompter. Above all  this says nothing about the broad impact.  It is at Scalfari's disposal and it's international. If he ascribes to the Pope something,  many readers will take it unquestioningly at face value. All the more so, the more clearly they are close to Scalfari's positions.Yet it also plays hardly any role to point out that such private opinions expressed are not from the Pope of the papal Magisterium when the "unofficial" teachings are much more widespread than the official one.
The fact is that Scalfari's Bergogliades promote a parallel magisterium, the ever deepening furrows in the sensus fideieats of the faithful. The following excerpts from the editorial require no comment. They are of a certain caliber, aimed at the Catholic doctrine and ecclesiastical discipline, whose destructive power has reached a new level.
If the allegations are put to the Pope in his mouth, not be immediately and unambiguously denied and corrected, by the Pope, or by those who are engaged to the Holy See, they will cast an even darker shadow on the Argentine Pope and  pontificate. It is a Pope, for the masses who are so prone to idolatry, who is becoming more and more a stumbling block and irritation for believers.

"That which Francis Can Tell the Europe of Non-believers"

Eugenio Scalfari
[...] Whoever has had the grace to meet Pope Francis knows that the egoism of the most dangerous enemy of our species.  The animal is selfish because it is only guided by his instincts, the most important thing is their own survival. Man is also driven by socializing and he therefore feels love towards the other, in addition to the survival of the species to which he belongs. If egoism wins the upper hand and the love for others is suffocated, it darkens the divine spark which is in him and condemns himself.
What happens to these extinct souls? Will they be punished? And how?
Francis' answer is unambiguous and clear: There is no penalty but the annihilation of that soul. All others live on to share the  the happiness in the presence of the Father. The extinguished souls have no part in this feast, with the death of the body is its end and this is the motivation of the missionary Church: to save the lost. This is also the reason why Francis is through and through, a Jesuit. [...] "

Francis: "There is no penalty. The souls are extinguished "

This "extinction" of  souls poses "a big problem," said Chiesa e postconcilio . "With the death of the body ends earthly existence, but immortality continues to participate in the glory of God (paradise) or eternal damnation as a result of rejection and rebellion against the Creator and Lord, universorum Rex.
 What more do you expect from Pope of Mercy, who has banished  justice and the sacrifice of Christ? Of which he does not speak and do not even celebrate? What else does  that "there is no going back" than its permanent reform?" asked the Roman Catholic blog.
"In any case, there are serious allegations that, even be they  distorted, will be publicly attributed to the Pope. For this reason it would be to deny a unique way to denounce it and that with maximum visibility. Just as serious  appears the inertia of that part of the clergy, which does not follow him without hesitation, as they have not done with any other pope  in the past 50 years,  but to actively wait for a solemn act of the Magisterium, that will never come. In the meantime, the confusion increases and with it, gives "darkness" free reign,  because certain Church leaders break down the Church equity entrusted to defend the mystical body. This is absolutely serious and really dramatic. It is useless to wait for formal acts of government. The dissolution has  become a part of the practice and the words of permission," said Chiesa e postconcilio .

Scalfari's "Homework" for the Pope I: abolish the Priesthood

The actual or alleged statements by Pope Francis are remarkable. You also remember the refusal of Francis to correct statements made ​​once before, let alone such as Scalfaris. Instead, the previous interviews, although Scalfari was revealed to have formulated the answers of the Pope himself,   have however kept faithful in content to the Pope's statements, which  the Vatican publishing company published in book form.
Also noteworthy is Scalfari's addition with which he publicly issued the Pope homework. As tasks "Francis needs to address now," said Eugenio Scalfari,  "very difficult problems, which have rarely been addressed." The first problem  the atheist described, "that nobody has asked, even though it is obvious", implying something fundamental: "the presbyters, that is, the priests, who administer the sacraments and have the power to absolve or punish those who are judged to be sinners." Scalfari then claims that priests and a priestly hierarchy "is the only one prohibited marriage,  in the Catholic Church."
Scalfari continues: "In no other religion are there  priests called to celibacy and no other religion's doctrine was converted into a codex. The Jews have their writings and their rules, but the rabbis are teachers, they have neither a sacrament nor celibacy obligations. They represent and interpret the Scriptures. That's their job, nothing more.
The Muslims have their writings and their teachings, but no trace of priests. But beware: the different Muslim sects have teachers who interpret the Koran, but also oppressive laws, because they have named the  infidel an enemy. Potentially, these are theocracies, sometimes direct, as in Iran, sometimes indirect, so that the temptation of fundamentalism is strong and often destructive. And not otherwise, although they are Christians, in the various Protestant denominations, where there is no priest, but pastors. [...] "

Scalfari's "Homework" for the Pope II: abolish the personal God

The second point Scalfari asks is for "contact to modern culture, which has its roots in the Enlightenment. This intellectual movement that had its greatest development in England and France in the 18th century and in Diderot, Voltaire, Hume, and Kant found its highest representatives, did not believe in absolute truth, but a relative, which excluded the existence of God or saw him as  a motor of the creation of life, who is the means of an autonomous evolution and determined by autonomous laws.
The God of theists did not have any attribute that is similar to the Christian God: he was neither merciful nor vindictive, neither generous nor did he intervene in history and destiny, he did not interpose in the question of good and evil. He was a motor, a cosmic force that had kindled the light of life in some places of the universe and then withdrew, is asleep or busy with the creation of another life.

If an atheist Masonic coincides with the Pope - which in any case he claims

"Europe has the Enlightenment as the basis of the modern age. The theme of the Second Vatican Council, that Pope Francis has close to his heart, is that,  to understand its wavelength, which can be spoken of with a Europe that is  becoming  de-Christianized and therefore the mission area (Including North America). It is very likely that the Holy Year  desired by Francis will be  the beginning of this missionary action, with all its implications, terribly current storm of terrorism, wars and local conflicts, increasing violence, family breakdown and desperate children and the worst of all sins, overlooking inequality, poverty, the supremacy of power and war  instead of love and peace. The theme of mercy is therefore not only religious, but also socially and economically appropriate in order to regain the peace, love and hope in the face of power, war and despair. "
 Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Chiesa e postconcilio
Trans: Tancred

Monday, February 9, 2015

“The Gnosis to Power” -- Small Handbook, to “Survive” Historical Half-Truths in the Meantime

Masonic Lodge in Pavia
Edit: we have no idea when the book will be translated to English, and surprisingly she is a disciple of the Neocatechumenate, but this nevertheless looks like an impressive treatise.

(Rome) A new book "The Gnosis in Power. Why history seems to be a conspiracy against the truth"  (original title:" La gnosi al potere ") tries to bring through a series of brief but accurate and documented essays, to light  some dark spots in recent European history. Since this is a book published in Italy, the focus is on the history of Italy, but extends its bandwidth from the Italian unification in the 19th century to the European Union in the 21st century from Pope Pius IX. to Francis, from Count Camillo Cavour to Angela Merkel.
Angela Pellicciari  "Gnosis in power,"  has collected her essays in the book,  published in recent years by various media. She skillfully combines the reliability of a historian with the direct and understandable language of journalism. Released in a 304-page book in Fede & Cultura in Verona, is one of the foremost Catholic publishers, as Volume 42 of the Historical Series .
In the vintage  of 1948, Pellicciari was a 68er when she came to faith in Christ.  After graduating, she taught history and philosophy until 2008 at Universities.   In the 70s and 80s she was a freelancer for RAI, and studied early childhood neuropsychology at the University La Sapienza and in 1995 received her doctorate from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Church History. Pellicciari is one of those authors who does not hide her catholicity. In addition to its specialization in the 19th century, they dedicated their work, especially the correction of historical half-truths and false stereotypes, particularly for church history and history of Italy.
Over the years, Pellicciari has specialized in the topics of Risorgimento, Papal Hstory and Freemasonry. In her new book, the author reveals immediately that there is a common thread in the recent history of Italy, "since the mid-19th century, Freemasonry came to power." Behind it, says the historian, the ideals of the French Revolution, which came with Napoleon into Italy and were preserved by the supporters of the Italian unification movement as a seed that had been allowed to flower decades later.

The Gnosis and its  Claim to Be the Driver of the Nation

The Gnosis to Power
The author describes the historical facts without any politically correct embellishment. As a result, she exposes the red thread in the presence of Gnostic machinations of those who brazenly and boldly lay claim to want to control the fate of the nation, because they are of better, superior, higher quality and feeling as a jealous support for a higher truth and a special enlightenment. Common to the volume of  assembled  essays that have to do with the 'gnosis', is that philosophical-political mindset that masquerades as the charioteer of nations. Their most powerful instrument, however, the non or semi knowledge of the masses.
The Catholic Church, the Pope and Christianity in general are seen by Gnosticism as an irritating obstacle on the path to power. The Church with its authentic image of man, Her doctrine of human salvation through Christ, free will, human dignity, the sanctity of life, the equality of man and woman in their diversity, in defense of the family and of life from conception to natural death, the condemnation of a false nature of sex, is a wall against the Gnostic propaganda, over which they continuously attempt to deceive the masses by feeding them with false information, misleading from the essential to sideshows and  tries to tempt by a single way of thinking.

Masons of Italy unification project - "One Cubic Meter of Shit"

Pellicciari begins her journey with Pope Pius IX. (1846-1878), the Italian "national hero", who cursed the high degree Freemason, Giuseppe Garibaldi, as "one cubic meter of shit."  Pius IX. was the biggest obstacle to the Masonic project to unite the Italian peninsula under the banner of Savoy into a state. The charge against the Church  was that she impeded progress. Garibaldi, where his lodge brothers erected an equestrian statue on the Gianicolo Rome, which makes him look imperious and threatening to St. Peter's Basilica, accused the Pope of being "the most pernicious of all creatures" because he was "an obstacle to human progress and the brotherhood among individuals and peoples."
Freemasonry is the central protagonist of the Risorgimento , the "real inspirer and engine," said Pellicciari. The Risorgimento in turn is a fundamentally anti-Catholic movement. Not only because it would eliminate the temporal power of the Pope in the Papal States, but radically and definitely would blot the Catholicism most deeply rooted in the Italian people. For this reason, Protestant States provided generous financial, propaganda and military support. The paradox of the Italian national movement was that they calculated to combat the only real common denominator of the various parts of the Apennine Peninsula, the Catholic religion.

Gnosis, a "Master of Fraud"

So how could the Catholic masses be obtained for the idea of national unification, which aimed at the establishment of a new, previously unknown Liberal, Republican, but anti-Catholic fatherland? As "Masters of Fraud"   the actors of the Risorgimento fought their battle by disguising themselves as "meek and pious lambs," says the historian. So Pius IX describes the members of the secret society of the "Carbonari"  in a bull of excommunication. An accusation which applies to Mazzini, Cavour, Garibaldi and King Carlo Alberto of Savoy and the other revolutionary elites. They speak as believers and their speeches seem pious. Giuseppe Mazzini claimed that   "progress" was an "Act of God". God wants the new ideas. In reality, hidden behind the religious language, was the desire that all would lose the Christian faith and cease to be Christians. Behind it stands, says the author, the real goal of Freemasonry, "to collect all the free people in a big family" which will take the place of "all the churches founded on blind faith and theocratic authority, all superstitious, with cults warring against each other, to build the true and only Church of Humanity."
The Italian unity was therefore part of a larger project that went far beyond the constitutional question. The people should be "freed from the Church" and the masses are to be "removed from the influence of religion" to make them subject to a system of controlled freedom and training to a new awareness. This is a goal that is easier to achieve in an organized central government, through a unified state-run school and the army. The new indoctrination is, however, camouflaged by the same exuberant emphasis on "freedom" and "future orthodoxy."  Christianity is officially the state religion, but the Jesuits are persecuted and all the monasteries dissolved on the grounds that they are "harmful because useless." Of course the new state  failed as it could not to seize the property of the church  and enrich the  unjust state. "Freedom" is the motto of the new state, but the Catholic press is subjected to strict government censorship. The Christian holidays are abolished, so that the people will not be distracted from work and "surrender to idleness." "Progress" is the new religion,  to which all enlightened and liberal governments are committed.

US history as a Story of a Masonic Oligarchy

The book also describes our time. It tells of the 20th century, "the left and right were made into the playground of Gnosticism in power." Pellicciari outlines the long reign of Freemasonry in the United States by a small oligarchy that made ​​their symbols into symbols of the state, just as on the dollar bill and the Catholics persecuted in the US within itself and outside, for example in Mexico under the rule of Elias Calles. The tragic story of Cristeros tells of the struggle.
The book covers also the totalitarian ideologies and their similarities, despite their differences. Both Marxism and Nazism presented their utopia as a healing idea. Christianity an avowed opponent of the  two ideologies who was openly fought, or at best just tolerated. Both Communist and Nazi bigwigs sought the Church in vain. Pellicciari refers to the methods by which the one and the other, the Church, the priests and religious, and the Pope were discredited in public.

UN: New "Rights" and New Language

The author also writes about the UN, whose activities are governed by the new "rights" that are based on the "general consensus" and  moral relativism. Thus, the UN acted in international conferences in Cairo in 1994, in Beijing in 1995 and 2000 in New York created the the new "rights" of abortion, euthanasia and homosexuality  and created a new language  with birth control, reproductive health and gender identity. The underlying goal is a change in mentality in preparation for a one-world culture to be enforced, especially, in developing countries. This includes the implementation of a neo-Malthusian policy that aims to stop  "overpopulation", by in fact decimating humanity. This falls into the category which includes the promotion of homosexuality, due to infertility, to  spread a hedonistic and materialistic way of life, which closes the transmission of life directly or indirectly.
Pellicciari also highlights the work of non-governmental organizations as an extended arm of the UN, which has shed its "Christian roots" and attempts just such for  international mergers, including the European Union. The EU envisions the idea of ​​creating a super-state, which is to serve the economic interests of a few, who themselves are also hardly at home on the European mainland.

Gender Theory and Communication Control

The author also discusses the gender theory to be imposed from above as well, and finance laws that resemble more a gigantic redistribution mechanism. Through state health and education programs disseminate the gender ideology.  The international institutions constitute the political and economic sponsors and there are also the substantial funds of the LGBT lobby. The aim is the struggle against the family and the natural law as outdated facilities.
If this all so easily finds dissemination and seems generally accepted, then it is recognizable behind  "enormous communication control of power circle.” In the extensive access  to control opinion-forming media,   there has been no real competition of opinion. The rest is accomplished  by technically studied marketing campaigns.The subliminal, often unconscious, positive message conveyed is firmly established in minds. This attractive language emphasizes individual rights and is based on the key words "freedom" and "tolerance". The individual will be flattered, so that  there will be no resistance to  the desired development and does not notice that it  strips away the larger bonds,  such as nation, community and family, and is powerless and defenseless, even only an uninfluential individual among billions.
Tthe “red thread” Pelliacciari exposes leaves the reader a rather oppressive feeling. However, the author recalls at the end of her book that history also teaches that in  long struggle with Gnosticism, that whenever the truth is attacked someone gets up, ready to defend the truth and even for them to die for it. This is why ultimately nothing is lost.
Angela Pellicciari: La gnosi al potere. Why the story seems to be a conspiracy against the truth (collana storica 42), Fede & Cultura, Verona 2014 304 pages, € 18, -
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Publisher / Paviaon
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches…

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Is the Lodge Behind the Commissariat Over the Franciscans of the Immaculate?

(Rome)  Is the hand of the Grand Lodge hidden behind  the provisional administration of the Franciscans of the Immaculate (FI)?  Another spotlight on a controversial measure of Roman Congregation for Religious, with the approval of Pope Francis.
Storied Florence, destination of aesthetes and art lovers, is the Italian capital of Freemasonry. In the city on the Arno, there is no quarter and no district in which a Temple  of a lodge can not be found. The late Florentine Father Florido Giant Ulli SJ (1906-1974), one of the foremost Catholic experts on Freemasonry said: "There is no association, whether secular or Catholic, into which the long arm of the Lodge does not reach." The Jesuit wrote, among others, the fundamental work: " L'Essenza della Massoneria italiana: il naturalismo "(The Essence of Italian Freemasonry:  Naturalism), in 1973, shortly before his death, it was published in the same place with  a double imprimatur of the Jesuit Order and the Archbishop of Florence. Father Giantulli paid for his studies on the "Masonic sect" (Pius IX.) with that price which is reserved especially for anti-Masonic authors: After his death he was slandered with the rumor that he was a "secret lodge brother".

Since the 60s, the Church has become quiet on Freemasonry

In the 60s of the last century, the Catholic Church ceased almost entirely from talking about Freemasonry. It seemed suddenly that a secret peace agreement entered into force. A mutual "acceptance" in the sign of pluralism. A few Catholic writers, priests and laity, continued the study and observation of this secret society. In the German speaking world it was Alfons Maria Cardinal Stickler (1910-2007); Bishop Rudolf Graber (1903-1992) of Regensburg; his pupil, the priest Manfred Adler (1928-2005) and the Austrian lay theologian and political scientist Robert Prantner (1931-2010). All four were heavily attacked. The latter two were chosen for their publications and lectures as the targets of violent media campaigns that demanded considerable personal sacrifice. Adler was removed from the Diocese of Speyer schools and removed from  his order, the Missionaries of St. John the Baptist (MSJ). Prantner was deprived of his post in the Department of Ethics and Christian Social Teaching at the Philosophical-Theological College of Heiligenkreuz near Vienna in what has been euphemistically  referred to ever since as retirement. Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger as Faith Prefect  braced himself in November 1983 against the assertion of parts of the Church that the cross and Lodge had become compatible. Quite a few Church leaders ignored the interjection of the Cardinal and later, and the Pope despised by the Lodge. This includes the Vienna Cathedral Rector, Toni Faber, to name just one example.

Fides Catholica , a Magazine Challenging Freemasonry

In other European countries west of the former Iron Curtain, things are no different, so also in Italy. There, the issue was marginalized in its extent  and was surrounded by a media taboo, that the few ecclesiastical writers (not sensational journalists) who still dealt with it, could easily be dismissed as marginal "story tellers". Until 2006, when in that year the new journal was published by the Franciscans of the Immaculate, Fides Catholica . The editors were Father Serafino Lanzetta Maria, a lecturer in moral theology at the convent's Seminary of the Immaculate Mediatrix. Already, in the first issue the  magazine  the point was addressed and published by Father Paolo Maria Siano FI, the recognized experts on Freemasonry in the Order, perhaps even the currently most important Catholic Freemason expert, with the article entitled "A Study on the Incompatibility Between Freemasonry and the Catholic Church."  In it, he pointed out that the "modern Freemasonry, since its inception in 1717,  was characterized by an enlightening and a magical-esoteric component, with the goal to "overcome  dogmatic fundamentalism"  with the reason for division and the absolute, bring out the truth, inn order to bring people together in a broad, natural religion, to leave  the way they realize God left to the subjectivity of the individual, but follows a cultus all the same.
Numerous other publications in Fides Catholica on Freemasonry followed. But Father Siano went beyond mere statements and publicly crossed swords with the Masonic brethren,  as the usual mixture of ridicule and irrationality was  applied to him.

Masonic Satanic Cult and Attacks by the Lodge

Loge Har Tzion Rome
"In the context of a 2009 Conference  held in Florence held by Fides Catholica, my confrere Father Serafino Maria Lanzetta had words with some Masons present in the audience, including Vittorio Vanni from the Lodge Stella del Mattino (No. 1031 -. Florence, Grand Orient of Italy). He accused me in a genteel way of seeing in Freemasonry something that does not exist there, a Masonic satanic cult ... Those responsible for the website of the Roman Lodge Har Tzion Monte Sion (No. 705 -. Rome, Grand Orient of Italy), published on 16 July 2009 an esoteric praise of the Devil,  and one of  his lodge brothers, the psychoanalyst and high degree Freemason, Emilio Servadio (33rd Degree of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite) wrote in 1974: 'The devil is as a friend with whom you can talk.  The devil  is as an instrument that transforms us, perfects us, and  as we reach the one, the liberation of duality ... It is necessary to reconvert Lucifer back into the devil ... '". Thus Father  Siano wrote in his "Handbook" about Freemasonry. There is also the suggestion that Vittorio Vanni published  "an essay on the Devil of the Tarot,"  in which he praised him as, 'principle or positive energy and as a necessary way to get to the light ... good and evil are the only light."

Commissariat Because of the Opposition to Freemasonry?

"In light of recent events, since the beginning of the provisional administration in July 2013, many things seem to confirm what many suspected immediately. The Franciscans of the Immaculate are paying now for their opposition to Freemasonry. This includes the emergence and role of Professor 'Mario Castellano, who is regarded as an instigator of the "rebels" -  to which belongs Brother Alfonso Bruno. Father Bruno has been the new "strong" man since the overthrow in the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, or what's left of it," said Christiana Riscossa . The particularly active convent of Ognissanti, which was heavily involved in exposing Freemasonry, was dissolved and reorganized by the Apostolic Commissioner. Father Lanzetta was exiled to Austria and Father Siano to Africa.
That the provisional administration has had to do with the fact that the Franciscans of Father Manelli hindered the "dialogue" of part of the Church with Freemasonry, of this the historian and former Christian Democrat vice-mayor of Florence, Giovanni Pallanti is convinced. The columnist of the daily newspaper La Nazione wrote recently:
"When, on March 1, 2013 [at the Church of Ognissanti in Florence, managed by the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate] this Order presented two books by Father Paolo Maria Siano  (the " Manual "to Freemasonry and" Freemasonry Between Mysticism, Rituals and Symbolism "), which had appeared in 2012 at the convent's publisher, that is also given by the journal Fides Catholica, I thought that this is an historic event. 
Never yet, so far as I know, was the Freemasonry criticized for their secrecy and their hostility to the Church before so many attendees in Florence. Father Lanzetta chaired. Father Siano spoke.
Could it be a coincidence? After that day, the problems for the Franciscans of the Immaculate and their Florentine monastery of Ognissanti began. It may be a pure coincidence ... Personally, I do not believe in  such coincidences. "

Coincidence or Not: Today "Deathly Quiet" Prevails in the Ognissanti Monastery

The words of former Vice-Mayor originate not from the "usual" circles, the "traditionalists", "Pelagians" and "Crypto-Lefebvrians" or whatever they are  "kindly" entitled with, but by a well-known representative of the Left Wing of the former Christian Democrat party, which one can not be dismissed by  the new Sanhedrin class as "reactionary", without having to enter into a discussion.
"What now of the rescued 'dialogue' between clericals and Freemasons going forward? Can they now sleep peacefully?  In Ognissanti in Florence, peace prevails under the provisional administration  - the peace of the graveyard," said Christiana Riscossa .
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Traditio Catholica
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Was Karl Rahner a Freemason?

Father Paolo Maria Siano of the Order of Franciscans of the Immaculate and excellent connoisseur of Freemasonry addresses the question as to whether the well-known Jesuit and theologian of the 20th century was a Freemason.  "Freemasons not, but Masonic minded" 

Father Siano wrote on the subject in 2007 an essay: Karl Rahner, massonico '? Il pensiero di Karl Rahner e la Cultura Massonica a confronto (The "Masonic" Karl Rahner Karl Rahner's Thought and the Masonic culture in comparison?), In: Fides Catholica 2 (2007) 2, pp. 315-360 . An English translation is not yet available. Could this be but one reason why the Order is being broken today?

Link to Katholisches....

Edit: it doesn't seem to be available on Amazon, either.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sufi Rituals in Salzburg's Kollegiekirche

(Salzburg) on Sunday, 20 July, in the context of the Salzburg Festival, there is a  profanation of the famous Collegiate Church scheduled on the program.
One focus of the festival, the "Spiritual Ouverture" is in 2014 under the slogan "Christianity and Islam."  On Sunday, the appearance of the Sufi is to start at 9 O'clock of the Islamic Order of al-Gazoulia (al-Dschazuliya al-Husayniya al-Schadhiliya) from Cairo provided, who will perform  for the "his rites and ceremonies for the first time in a public space with us in the Collegiate Church,"  as the outgoing Festival Director Alexander Pereira thrilled to the Kleine Zeitung. "We are all incredibly excited" about the Sufi appearance. A Catholic church and the public space are obviously all the same for the Austrians Pereira. The "Ouverture Spiritual" is one of the inventions of director Pereira and is the prelude to the festival. After the 2012 Christianity and Buddhism in 2013, the focus in 2014 is on Islam.

Four Sufi Events WIth the  Slogan "Christianity and Islam"

Sufis from Egypt, result in Salzburg Kollegienkirche "rituals and ceremonies" 
In all the  four points of the  program will be focused upon the slogan "Christianity and Islam."  in the Collegiate Church.  July 24, will begin with Sufi chants 1 after which the Sufi chants 2 will follow.  On the 22nd and 26th of July, a Sufi choir sings lyrics from Sufi mystic Mansur al-Hallag (858-922), by a commission by the Festival of Hossam Mahmoud  and set to music by Samir Odeh-Tamim.
"Religion is like a river that flows through many countries. Each country gives this river a different name and claims this possibly also for itself. Here, the flow is independent of the countries and springs also from one source,"  it reads according to the performances on the website of the Salzburg Festival . Even the obligatory reference is not missing, that  the offer of "dialogue"  [Inevitably as it always does] follows.

Sufi Rituals "About Mohammed Connected to the Divine Source of Knowledge"

"At the heart of their teaching, love stands as the only way to God, whose name Allah is composed of four Arabic letters", insist the organizers of the festival in their announcement. And further: "Each of their rituals, as it rises in  silence, with the invocation of his name, rising in singing and with the gradually interjecting oriental musical instruments to a music that serves to connect with the Divine. These rituals are led by the Master (Sheikh) of the respective order (tariqa), where the Sheikh is connected by a chain of narration from the Prophet Muhammad with the divine source of knowledge. The rituals, of which not one is like the other, mostly take place at memorials of a late Sufi master. "

Church Confused with "Public Space" 

Salzburg's Creepy New Altar
The Sufi Order has  "spontaneously declared themselves immediately prepared," the rituals for the "first time" in order to  carry them out in a "public space". For the festival management a Catholic Church is obviously indistinct from a "public space" like a concert hall or the Grosses Festspielhaus.
The Kollegienkirche of Salzburg, consecrated in 1707, is not only a historical monument and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, but is primarily and exclusively a Catholic church. As such, it was built by Prince Archbishop Johann Ernst von Thun-Hohenstein for the University  in 1622 and consecrated to the Holy Trinity. During the war the church was desecrated by Napoleonic troops and served the French occupation  as a stable and magazine. After the university was abolished in 1810 by Bavaria and re-consecrated under Austria, it found a new job as a garrison church. Since 1922,  it has been used as the venue for the Salzburg Festival. 
With the re-establishment of the University in 1962, the Collegiate Church was again a University Church and in 2008 made a parish a personal parish established for the University. The baroque church, built by Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach is considered, next to the cathedral, as one of the most important churches of Salzburg.
The Collegiate Church is the seat of the University Church Catholic Student Community. Recent renovation work completed after the orphaning of the high altar, being displaced,  and the establishment of a "people's altar"" in the nave underlined  the final loss of the importance of the presbytery. The new "community" gathers in a circle around the altar, while the presbytery, was reduced to a meaningless relic of past times in the church building. 
The Catholic Church categorically rejects the   use of a church for the rites of other religions. Their enactment leads to the desecration of the church and requires its own rite of purification in order to be used  again for the Catholic liturgy.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Muslim in Egypt
Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

With the Second Scalfari Interview, The First Interview Reappears on Vatican Webpage

(Vatican) "Another interview of Pope Francis - and a correction by the Vatican" was the headline at Riposte Catholique in France. "New Interview by Eugenio Scalfari with the Pope. New manipulation. New denial by Lombardi” wrote Religion en Liberdad  in Spain. Catholic journalists can only shake their heads these days only  in disbelief about papal "press relations". The recent "interview" with Eugenio Scalfari, the known written  interviews itself, is an elusive sense of déjà vu, you do not want a priori to assume that these media "slips" of Pope Francis  are planned and are intended to be.
The Catholic website La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana (NBQ) wrote in Italy: "Scalfari has relapsed. For the second time he has published a fake interview with Pope Francis. This raises the question of why the journalist chamber which is so eager in other cases, has not yet intervened to condemn this kind of journalism. "But this is at best a side of the coin. What NBQ from inappropriate respect not ventured to ask: How is it that Pope Francis granted an interview for a second time after the experience of the previous year Scalfari? Obviously, Francis was quite satisfied with the “fake” Scalfari  statements attributed to him. Anyway, he is so happy to accept the same "fake" one more time.

What is the True Teaching of Pope Francis?

What actually corresponds to the actual teaching of the Argentine Pope? The officially published statements by the Vatican statements or the published interviews and phone calls in which the former Archbishop of Buenos Aires seems to feel far more in his element?
The first unconventional, rather irresponsible Interview of Francis with the Pope Eugenio was with atheist Scalfari, which was published on October 1, 2013, and printed in Osservatore Romano from full content. Without comment, it was first published on the website of the Holy See, which had  given the impression that it was part of the ordinary magisterium of the Pope. Only after one and a half months and severe irritation was it finally deleted in mid-November.

The Vatican Spokesman is Forced Into Egg Dance

Last Sunday Scalfari published a new "interview" with Pope Francis.  Even without knowing the content, not a few prelates in Rome were pulling their hair at the news.  And with good reason. The interview came into being in the same unusual and irresponsible manner as the first. This time, though, the Vatican responded promptly with a corrective statement. However, Vatican spokesman Lombardi had a breathtaking limbo between different degrees of confirmation and denial, partial acknowledgments and partial denial, accomplishing to simply amplify what the interview already had created: to cause more confusion.

First Interview Has Resurfaced on Vatican Page

Suddenly with the publication of the second interview, the first interview has appeared again and finds itself eight months after its deletion from the website of the Vatican yet again, being  put down under the "speeches" of the Pope. Who would not believe it, you can see for yourself ( here ). In the next few days of the release  will the new interviews  be put there  with the doctrinal statements of the head of the Church? Are the papal interviews ultimately part of the official Magisterium? What is  official reality, and what is real reality? The papal confusion shows its quirky side. Above all, there are creeping circles in the Vatican that support the papal reconstruction of the Church, its practice and thus insidiously, also its doctrine of belief.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Mother of God Against Freemasonry -- Church Crisis Prophesied 400 Years Ago

(Quito) Between 1582 and 1634, the Mother of God and Virgin Mary appeared to  Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, a cloistered in Quito, located in today's Ecuador. The Blessed Virgin foretold to the nun, the devastation caused by the Freemasonry in the 20th century.
The present capital of Ecuador, San Francisco de Quito, where Mother Mariana de Jesus lived and had the visions, was founded in 1534 by the Spanish. Ecuador made at the time of Mother Mariana de Jesus founded its  own Audiencia (Provincial administration) in 1563   within the Spanish Viceroyalty of New Castile (Peru).
1577 brought five Spanish Sisters of 1484 by the Holy Beatrix da Silva Meneses in Toledo, founded in 1511 and recognized by Rome as the Order of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, better known as Conceptionists to San Francisco de Quito on to found the first convent in America.  Mariana de Jesus Torres was one of the young religious women. In the apparition of January 16, 1599 the Mother of God urged her to create a statue exactly in their own image, which was finally consecrated by the Bishop of Quito on February 2, 1611. The statue has since been revered as "Our Lady of the Good Success of Purity."  Mary is holding the infant Jesus in her left arm and her right a crosier.

The Mother of God Prophesied a Great Apostasy in the 20th Century

The Mother of God prophesied to Mother Mariana de Jesus that the Catholic Church would haunted by the influences of the devil and described these future events in all their details. For the 20th century, she announced to her a great apostasy and many heresies that would obscure faith. But Mary also predicted that those who remain faithful to the faith and honor with contrite hearts  the Mother of God, would receive grace and forgiveness for all sins.   Our Lady said: "The consoling name, 'Mother of Good Success' will strengthen the faith and  protect it against all kinds of heresies and errors, lurking around in the 20th century."
In Ecuador and Spain, the Feast of Our Lady of Good Success is celebrated on February 2. On this day, the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, better known as "Candlemas", was the Mother of God appeared  Mother Mariana de Jesus, accompanied by the Archangel and St. Francis of Assisi.

Some Excerpts From the Visions of the Nun Mariana de Jesus Torres:

"Because in this poor country there will be a  lack of Christian spirit, the Sacrament of Extreme Unction will be hardly noticed. Many people will die without receiving it, either through the negligence of their families or because of their false feelings because they want to protect the patient from seeing the true seriousness of their situation, or because they are driven by the malice of the devil, rebelling against the spirit of the Catholic Church. So many souls of countless graces and consolations will be deprived and the force they need to make the great leap from time to eternity. "
Conceptionist Cloister in Quito
"The sacrament of marriage, which symbolizes the union of Christ and His Church is attacked and profaned in the fullest sense of the word.  Freemasonry, which will be at that time in power, will enact evil laws with a view to abolishing this sacrament in that it is made ​​easy for everyone to live in sin and the procreation of illegitimate children will be encouraged without the blessing of the Church. The Christian spirit will rapidly fade as the precious light of faith goes so far that it almost comes to a complete and general decline of morals. "
"The effects of secular education will increase, which will be one of the reasons for the lack of priestly and religious vocations."
"The Sacred Sacrament of Holy Orders will be ridiculed, oppressed and despised."
"The devil will follow the priests of the Lord in every possible way and will proceed with cruel and subtle ruses to dissuade them from the spirit of their vocation, and many of them will perish. These corrupt priests who will be a scandal to Christians, will cause the hatred of the bad Christians and the enemies of the Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church will fall upon all the priests."
"This supposed triumph of Satan will bring the good shepherd of the Church great suffering."
"There will be almost no more innocence in the children, nor shame in women and in this moment of great need for the Church, those who should speak will remain silent.  
"But you should know, beloved daughter, if your name is made known in the 20th century, many will not believe and affirm that this devotion is not desired by God. 
"The secular clergy will leave much to be desired because priests will be careless in their sacred duties. Without the divine compass, they will depart from the path marked out by God  for the priesthood and depend on the goods and riches."
"The Church will have to suffer a lot in this dark night! In the absence of a Prelate and Father to guide them with paternal love, gentleness, strength, wisdom and prudence, many priests will lose their spirit and bring their own souls in great danger. This will show the hour of My coming. "
"By gaining control of all social classes, the sects will try with great cunning to invade  the heart of the families  and destroy even the children. The devil will boast to feed with insidiousness on the hearts of the children. The innocence of childhood will almost completely disappear. Thus, the religious vocations will be lost. And that will be a real disaster.The religious will give up their sacred duties and leave the way God has marked for them. "
"Satan will gain by the errors of the faithless people in control of this earth, which will darken the sky like a black cloud on the Res Publica consecrated to  the Sacred Heart of My Divine Son."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Regis saeculorim immortalis / Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Freemasons and Catholic Bishops Meet in Belfast

Edit: speaks for itself, no?  Of course, you would expect the Bishops' Conference not to offer any objections to this questionable meeting.

[Irish Bishops' Conference] Senior representatives of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland met today (Tuesday) with a delegation of Catholic clergy in Belfast, including Bishop of Down and Connor, Most Reverend Noel Treanor.
It is the second time this year the Loyal Order has met formally with Catholic Church representatives in the city, having previously held preliminary discussions along with the Royal Black Institution in February.

Among the attendees at the meeting were the Grand Master of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland, Edward Stevenson.

Issues discussed included the Haass proposals, parading, and shared concerns regarding child poverty and educational underachievement in the Province.

Both parties agreed the two-hour meeting was beneficial in terms of developing mutual respect and understanding for both traditions, and committed themselves to further engagement.

Bishop Treanor was accompanied by Reverend Timothy Bartlett, Secretary to the Northern Bishops and Reverend Michael Sheehan, Administrator of Saint Patrick’s Parish, Donegall Street, Belfast.

Other senior Orange representatives included Deputy Grand Master, Reverend Alistair Smyth; Grand Secretary Drew Nelson; Grand Master of the County Grand Orange Lodge of Belfast, George Chittick; and Director of Services, Dr David Hume.

Link to story from Irish Bishops' Conference...

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Secret Council -- Second Vatican Council and Freemasonry

(Rome)  Freemasons will also address  the Second Vatican Council on its 50th anniversary. In Rome, no less than the official Grand Orient of Italy has offered a book presentation on June 12, entitled "The Secret Council “. The book of the same name  was presented by journalist Ignazio Ingrao, employee of  Italian state television RAI and a Vaticanist for the weekly magazine Panorama . The subtitle of the book reads: "mystery, intrigue and power games of the event that has changed the face of the Church”.  The book is published by the Catholic publishing house Piemme  of the Pauline  Sisters.

Illustrious Masonic Progressive Roundtable

The Grand Orient, which  is very sensitive to the topic Second Vatican Council, gathered an illustrious progressive roundtable. The "secret council” which is so important  to the most influential Italian obedience   that the Grand Master personally went into action. A separate chapter ("Freemasons at the Council") is dedicated to the aproned brothers. Neither book nor chapters are an indictment, but more of a "home game" as the Grand Master said.  Next  to the author, Ignazio Ingrao, sat Stefano Bisi the new Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy,  Alberto Melloni is head of the progressive "school of Bologna", which still holds, not least with the help of the German Bishops Conference, a near monopoly in the official interpretation of the Council and propagated the thesis of a positive break from the preconciliar period. The gender theologian, Marinella Perroni, a New Testament Scholar at the Pontifical Benedictine University of  Saint Anselm in Rome has an affinity to this camp. The presentation was in the hands of the left-Catholic journalist Marco Polite. A remarkable dialogical networking existed between progressive parts of the Catholic Church and Freemasonry.

“Anticipate” the Church of Tomorrow 

The Grand Orient of Italy, writes on its website about the book: "To understand a so innovative and paradigmatic event as the Second Vatican Council was, and not to do that through an official version, but by testimonies and previously unpublished documents, offers the possibility to go to the roots of what is happening today in the Catholic Church.  To study the Council of yesterday  will help us anticipate the church of tomorrow. Pope Francis has picked up the testimony of his predecessors [Pope John XXIII. and Paul VI.]  and taken the strong and determined commitment to implement the Council. The church in  dialogue, which is aligned to the margins, as the Argentine Pope wants it, is the model that the Council Fathers wanted to carry out. "

The Secret Council of Ignazio IngraoCouncil Almost a “Home Game" for Freemasons?

At the end of the book presentation, Grandmaster Bisi said: "It would be really happy to know what Pope Francis thinks of Freemasonry". In his speech, the Grand Master was pleased about the "open dialogue" of parts of the Church on issues such as "human rights". "The Council” has  here "extraordinary achievements”.  Sometimes the dialogue about the Council appeared to him as a "home game", "I am deeply convinced that there can be fruitful contacts between the Catholic Church and other faiths in the field of human rights and freedom. I think it's time to one more than to separate and I am convinced that a valuable point of encounter and dialogue can be found. "Alluding to the 20th September, in which Freemasonry celebrates its annual victory of the state over the Church, the Grand Master said: "The next September 20th is to be celebrated because of another breach, a breach that is used to break down walls that separate the different worlds, who would like to meet. There is a great need for connections. That was also the message of the Second Vatican Council, which has opened a new era in the Catholic world 50 years ago. A message that is now charged by the pontificate of Bergoglio with a new and very strong innovative thrust that comes from the will of the church to model in their physiognomy new, a review of the pastoral care of interpersonal relationships, an appreciation of the methods that were initiated by those extraordinary meetings, which took place from 1962 to 1965 under Popes John XXIII. and Paul VI.  in an open and democratic debate and intense listening to the society. "
The journalist Stefano Bisi has been since April 6, 2014, the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy , and thus succeeds Gustavo Raffi. Bisi comes from the Socialist-Masonic milieu of Tuscany and Umbria. The Grand Orient of Italy, founded in Milan in 1805 goes back to Napoleon's stepson, Eugene Beauharnais, the first Grand Master who was  vice-king of Italy, that was a vassal state of France.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Grande Oriente d’Italia
Trans: Tancred

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Has Cardinal Schönborn Left the Catholic Church in Pectore Already

In an interview with "Die Presse" journalist Nowak Cardinal Schönborn has replaced the cross by a seven-branched candle holder of the Jewish B'nai B'rith lodge.

Has the Archbishop of Vienna, Schoenborn "caught" the false confession?

The Cross

The Catholic Church has a strong sense of the setting of symbols, gestures and actions. In the Holy Mass, they stand pars pro toto , hints describe the whole, the unspoken. In particular, in the liturgy before its denaturing by the evil spirit of Vatican II, the individual acts and gestures have been thought important.
Not coincidentally  "simple" clerics (and certainly bishops and cardinals) attend the cross that is just perceptible in the public pictures of them, which is seen as a guide in the best sense of the word.

Schönborn's Seven-branched Candlestick of the Jewish B'nai B'rith lodge

Not so with Cardinal Schönborn: In a conversation with the editor of the Viennese daily "Die Presse" of 25 March 2014 for the ORF   “someone” had chosen as an image background something other than the expected cross, but a sparkling seven-branched candle holder.
The number seven, however, does not point out that it is seven spirits before the throne of God (Rev 1,4), rather it is here referring to the seven-branched candlestick, which the Archbishop, himself the son of a Freemason, received  as a "special appreciation" from the Jewish Loge B’nai Brith   in late October 2013.
“As luck would have it" Cardinal Schönborn wanted to curry favor even when "Press" editor in chief Nowak, who refused military service and had done instead performed civil service at the extreme left-wing "Documentation Archive of the Austrian Resistance”.  He's likely me much less brave representatives of the Church.

Schönborn: Christ had "deserved the death penalty ..."

The partisanship for Jewish interests is also evident in his essay "Judaism and Christianity" in "The Jewish Echo", Vol 46, pp. 15 ff here represents Cardinal Schönborn the right positivist view that it was "undeniable" that Christ has "by the applicable laws deserved the death penalty ... [for blasphemy] ."
Eminence, have your interpretation by then - in an analog to legal positivist thinking - maybe  the Jews had "earned"  the legal consequences of legal validity as subsisting in Nuremberg Race Laws  or here is perhaps  a logical fallacy on your part?

"Excessively" Evil Christians and the “Terrible" Question of Who is Christ

Cardinal Schönborn mentioned in this article, there was indeed a persecution of Christians by Jews, only they were "rewarded in abundance" by the Christians:
"The more it broke [the question of who Jesus was] from the outside in, booming, full of terror, spreading fear  and often death. In the memoirs of the rabbi's son David Tulman I read,” writes Cardinal Schönborn, that for his own - and for how many Jews over how many generations! - Good Friday was a terrible day. To him it came with pogroms, they were the 'murderers of God', who were the 'perfidious' Jews who crucified Jesus, who were persecuted by the riotous Christians."

Hands-on anti-Catholicism: "perfidious" instead of "faithless"?

The Archbishop of Vienna, used here not by chance the name, 'perfide Juden', mixing Latin with German and gives here the pejorative smell of perfidy to the  traditional Good Friday prayers for the conversion of the "perfidious Jews" ("Oremus et pro perfidis Judaeis") that just means something completely different than infidelity.

Weird - No Blessing by Christianity?

“It is not infrequently encountered  by Christians on the seriously flawed statement that Jesus proclaimed a loving Father God instead of the Old Testament God of wrath - a sign of how deeply the anti-Jewish furrows are dug in Christian soil,”  Cardinal Schönborn would have gone further.
The Archbishop of Vienna "dared" "the statement ..., Christianity is reminded by Judaism of its  order to be a bearer of blessings  for all peoples," and ". Anti-Judaism is therefore infidelity to God."
Only one must ask why the theocracy of Israel locks out  parts of the Muslim population on Jewish high holidays by the "blessing" of access restrictions.


- Is Cardinal Schoenborn Really an Apron Chaser? [English]

Trans: Tancred