Thursday, August 4, 2022

Please Support Katholisches

 Edit: I was in the process of lifting some articles from and the end of the month hit. Now the content is behind  a wall till he gets  €2000. Please consider donating monthly.

I’m asking you to support Mr. Nardi because in contrast to other online personalities, he is actually in tune with the sensus catolicus.

Only €300 to go!



Persecuting doctors for not being Covidiots

EMJ & Bishop Williamson sit down for a chat

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Karl Keating’s Protestant Magisterium

 Edit: Steve Skojec has a problem believing in an eternal Hell for the wicked…but it’s for people like Steve and Karl that make it so believable.

We’ve seen a lot of these internet apologists who come on the scene from Protestant backgrounds. One of the most successful has been Karl Keating, whose prolific Catholic Answers offered a watered down milquetoast version of Catholicism that was supposed to avoid offending public opinion. He hated Angelqueen, which was totally free and Catholic, unlike his own commerce website, so much. His childish attacks on Feeneyism are particularly pathetic. Could he be the Glenn Beck of Catholicism?

He was always so worried about what the Lutheran and Presbyterian neighbors would think. But that didn’t stop him from engaging in the usual smarmy Neocatholic behavior by doxxing a former friend who lightly ridiculed him on Angelqueen.  

Keating has routinely attacked traditionalists for decades, whether he’s arguing for the superiority of the evil King James Version of the Bible over the Douay-Rheims, or trying to gatekeep what types of traditionalists he approves. Apparently, he never really liked Catholicism, but saw a business opportunity in attacking it from within. As ever, like many other professional Catholics, he got some real straw dummies set up to represent the traditionalists who were the classic bad guys. But it was pure projection. 

Now that Karl has retired, he can appear on people’s Facebook pages to gatekeep the miracles and apparitions they believe in. Karl thinks the miraculous staircase of Loretto  isn’t a real miracle and to believe in it is credulity.   Here’s Karl attacking someone’s “credulity” on Facebook, but what’s credulous are Karl’s paypigs who’ve been paying this smug popinjay to deceive them.

Karl doesn’t believe in miracles. He’s a skeptical Protestant who doesn’t think these will fit in his Catholic business plan.


Coincidences are the leading causes of death for people under 35

Any nation that rejects Jesus will be ruled by Jews

Sunday, July 31, 2022

"Silence! I'm Cutting Your Throat!"

Catholic doctor and family man Alban Gervaise was buried on June 7 after an Islamist stabbed 
him in front of his children's school.

Islamic Violence is part of daily life in France

(Paris) A magazine denounced the "epidemic of stabbings" sweeping France without the media taking any notice.  The “new normal” is migration-related violence.  However, “political correctness” prohibits reporting and speaking about it.  Anyone who does it will be pilloried.  Along with the “stabbing epidemic” comes an epidemic of political hypocrisy.  The latter made the former possible.  The post-war construct called "Western Europe" is stuck in a vicious circle from which it apparently does not know how to free itself.

 In its current issue, the monthly magazine Causeur laments the great fear of “insulting Muslims” when denouncing jihadism and jihadists.  This fear is not a natural phenomenon, but a screw clamp in the head that is attached by ideologues.

"Silence, on égorge" is the shocking headline.  Causeur wants to break the media silence that envelops Islamist attacks as if with anesthesia so that he does not have to face the reality of radical Islam.

It's about "prioritizing".  The alliance of left-liberal establishment and left-wing infantry that followed the collapse of the Iron Curtain in Western Europe is also pursuing its goals at the price of endangering internal security and social peace in the European states.  The migration, climate, corona and sanctions policies show it.

 "Alban Gervaise has died twice"

 Front page of the current issue of Causeur

Causeur's editor, Élisabeth Lévy, recalls the tragedy of the Catholic doctor and family man who, just 40 years old, was killed "in the name of Allah" in front of his children's school last May and forgotten by "dedicated" columnists.  The death of Alban Gervaise, which occurred in hospital after weeks of agony, is one of the "unspoken Islamist killings," Causeur said.

 "Alban Gervaise has died twice: his throat slashed by his killer's knife and buried by his country's silence."

 "If we have decided to dedicate the cover to him, it is because we want to right an injustice, but also because his death occurred at the crossroads of two French tragedies: the first is the war that has declared us invisible enemies  ;  the second is the startling denial of the first,” says Élisabeth Lévy.

Islamist terrorism swept to Europe in 2004, when bombings killed 192 people in Madrid, leading to the fall of the conservative government.  In Europe, it is a phenomenon that cannot be classified in the previously known theories of terrorism.  References to Islamist terrorist organizations such as al-Qaeda and the Islamic State (IS) were misleading from the start.  The Islamic State (IS), as it became known in the media for its military operations in the Middle East, was a product of the Obama administration and some Middle Eastern potentates.  It was eliminated because Donald Trump ended US support after his election and Putin's Russian forces defeated it militarily.

Some of the perpetrators operating in Europe may have taken their cues from the terrorist groups mentioned, but a direct connection could not be proven.  It was the phenomenon of “lone wolves”.  Islam's inherent willingness to use violence called jihad made it possible.  This willingness to use violence, which nobody recognized and described more accurately than G. K. Chesterton at the beginning of the 20th century, also produces the Islamist everyday violence that has afflicted Western Europe for several years.  This brutal everyday violence had never existed in Europe before.  Their return is a direct product of unrestrained mass immigration, which in turn is the ideological product of that alliance.  The cities are becoming less safe, the streets more and more dangerous.  Women in particular pay the price.  But you hardly talk about it anymore, because you are not allowed to talk about it anymore.  The Corona muzzle is the defining symbol of this mental and moral distortion of public discourse.  It is not the migration-related violence that causes public unrest, but those who draw attention to it, claim the deniers of reality and impose bans on speaking.

The slitting of the throat while shouting "Allahu Akbar" is no longer a headline in France, at best a small notice.  The writer and journalist Éric Zemmour tried to rebel and ran for president.  With this he caused quite a stir.  In polls, he immediately reached third place.  At the polls, however, he only received seven percent.  They symbolize the successful containment of his advance.

The long list of secret violence

The Gervaise case is particularly spectacular, but one has only to flip through the pages of, which reports weekly on Islamist-motivated attacks, to realize how oppressive the cloak of silence is.

On June 20, in Rodez, Aveyron department, a man armed with two knives tried to enter a police station and attack officers.  Unsuccessful, he changed his target and stabbed the manager of the pizzeria next door in the jugular.

On July 5, an Afghan national beat police officers in Rennes and tried to cut the throat of the man who tried to stop him.

In Trappes, on July 10, a pensioner was attacked and stabbed in the neck and chest: he died the next day.

On July 11, an Eritrean who found refuge in France as a "refugee" tried to stab two women in the center of the southern French city of Montpellier.

So that's a small excerpt of the "stabbing epidemic" that is spreading in France and is becoming more and more worrying, even if the state and left-wing opinion controllers pretend not to see it.  As in other areas, they have come up with a language rule: the attacker is simply labeled as a "madman", although, as in the Gervaise case, he invokes Allah, a Koran was found in his backpack and videos on his computer were found that pay homage to jihad.  The anti-terror prosecutor's office did not initiate any investigations into Mohamed L. either.

So many Muslims now live in France that politicians have long had to compete for their votes and are simply afraid of them.  In most cases, the fear may be unfounded.  But it is there and determines their decisions.  The Corona years have shown what fear can do.  These are not the prerequisites that should be the basis for the community of a free constitutional state.  In addition: This state was brought about by someone.  In 1950 around 120,000 Muslims (0.3 percent) lived in France; today their number is estimated at nine million (15 percent).  Their number has more than doubled in the past 25 years.

 The denial of Islamism

 The Editor-in-Chief of Causeur writes:

 “We are well aware of the reason for this silence: Muslims should not be stigmatized.  But isn't refusing to talk about jihadism as if they're all a part of it the best way to stigmatize them?  Are they children from whom we must hide the truth in order not to offend them?  Should we exclude them from contemplating a phenomenon that comes from Islam without being confused with it?  If the attack takes place on the eve of elections, it is also said that one should not 'stoke fears'.  Heaven save us from the voters making an informed choice.”

The denial of the reality of everyday Islamism, which Gilles Kepel calls "atmospheric jihadism," is one of the greatest ills of French society.  [It's holocaust culture that creates this problem in the first place.] A serious symptom of the real problem.

 Text: Andreas Becker

 Image: Tempi

Trans: Tancred


Friday, July 29, 2022

No Investigation of “Mass Graves”

Edit: Bergoglio apologized in support of a Marxist agitprop campaign designed to discredit West. No Vatican representative is reported as having investigated these claims. 
Where did Bergoglio get that plains Indian chiefs war bonnet? Is he going to scalp some trads? I’ll bet he got that at a gift shop in Ottawa.

CWN Editor's Note: More than a year after sensational stories broke about mass graves at a residential school in British Columbia, no human remains have been found at the site.

Initial reports, which suggested that hundreds of children had been buried at the Kamloops Indian school, have never been verified. The ground has not been excavated, and there is a lively debate over whether the site holds any graves at all. 

The stories of unmarked mass graves helped to prompt demands for an apology from the Church, leading to the current “penitential pilgrimage” by Pope Francis.


Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Abortion and the Holocaust Narrative

Bergoglio Attacks Tradition in Ottawa

Edit: after another pointless gesture, apologizing for the plagues and hard years of past, the Pope of mercy points an accusing finger at Traditionalism.

It was coined by a modernist Orthodox theologian who authored a book at Vatican II. He said, “Tradition is the living faith of the dead, but traditionalism is the dead faith of the living.   

Perhaps it is Bergoglio whose faith in big government and Marxism that is dead?   

On the third day of his stay in Canada, Francis again dished out against tradition

 (Ottawa) On the third day of his visit to Canada, Pope Francis preached against the "dead faith of the living" at Mass at Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton.  He did not mean pagan religions, but turned again against "traditionalism".

Through the neologisms "indietrism" (backward looking) and "indietrists" (backward looking) coined by Francis, he gives his criticism a clear addressee.  What is meant are priests and laymen who are linked to tradition, as Francis recently clarified.

The renewed scolding of tradition came while in the neighboring United States, leading Bergoglians among the bishops, invoking Pope Francis' motu proprio Traditionis custodes, are suppressing the traditional rite and restricting communities associated with tradition.

In his sermon Francis said (in the video of the transmission of the Mass from around minute 48:20):

 “And let us not forget that this life-giving movement extends from the roots to the branches, leaves, flowers and fruit of the tree.  True tradition is expressed in this vertical dimension: from bottom to top.  Let us be careful not to fall into the caricature of tradition, which does not move in a vertical line - from the roots to the fruits - but in a horizontal line - forwards/backwards - that leads us to the culture of "Indietrism"[  backwardness] as a selfish haven;  and which does nothing else than encapsulate the present and keep it in the logic of 'it's always been done that way'.

In the Gospel that we have heard, Jesus tells the disciples that they are blessed because they can see and hear what so many prophets and righteous could only wish for (cf. Mt 13:16-17).  Many had believed in God's promise of the Messiah, preparing the way for him and announcing his coming.  But now that the Messiah has come, those who can see and hear him are called to welcome and proclaim him.

Brothers and sisters, this also applies to us.  Those who have gone before us have passed on to us a passion, a strength and a desire, a fire that we must rekindle;  it's not about preserving ashes, but about rekindling the fire they started.  Our grandparents and elders wished for a more just, brotherly and solidary world and fought for us to have a future.  Now it's up to us not to disappoint them.  It is up to us to take up this tradition that we have received, because tradition is the living faith of our dead.  Please, let's not go into traditionalism, which, as one thinker said, is the dead faith of the living.  Leaning on them, on our fathers who are our roots, it is up to us to bear fruit.  We are the branches that must flourish in history and sow new seeds.  So let us ask ourselves a specific question: what am I doing in the light of the history of salvation to which I belong and of those who have gone before me and loved me?  I have a unique and irreplaceable role in history: what mark do I leave, what do I do, what do I leave to those who follow me, what do I give of myself?  So often we measure life by the money we make, the careers we make, the success and recognition we receive from others.  However, these are not generative criteria.  The question is: am I creating something?  Am I creating life?  Am I bringing a new and renewed love to the story?  Am I preaching the gospel where I live, ministering freely as my predecessors did to me?  What am I doing for my church, my city and my society?  Brothers and sisters, it is easy to criticize, but the Lord not only wants us to be critics of the system, he does not want us to be closed, he does not want us to be "indietrists" who withdraw like him  Hebrews says (cf. 10:39), but wants us to be artisans of a new history, weavers of hope, builders of the future, peacemakers.”


German government & the Covid Jab

Monday, July 25, 2022

Stunt Pope Jumps on Another Agitprop Campaign to Attack Western Civilization

Edit: what a shameless scam artist.

 MASKWACIS, Alberta (AP) — Pope Francis arrived Monday at the site of a former Indigenous residential school to deliver long-awaited apology for the Catholic Church’s role in Canada’s policy of forcibly assimilating Native peoples into Christian society that led to generations of trauma and abuse.

Clasping his hands under his chin, Francis prayed at a the cemetery near the site of the former Ermineskin Indian Residential School, now largely torn down, before being escorted by four chiefs to a gathering of thousands of Indigenous peoples. After traditional Indigenous hand drummer played and sang to welcome Francis, the pope prayed in silence and the sun peeked out after a morning of rain.

One of the hosts of the event, Chief Randy Ermineskin of the Ermineskin Cree Nation, waited for the pope in a nearby parking lot and took stock of the historic import of the day.


Sunday, July 24, 2022

Trans people are boring...

Israel’s surrender to the global predators


Israeli Professor Josh Guetzkow, through a Freedom of Information (FOIA) request, received an admission from the CDC that they had not evaluated any “signals” from its vaccine data system called VAERS even though it is their own system and they write on their website about how they make use of it.  On a broader scope, this reconfirms what I have written, along with my wife Ginger, in our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey. 

 There is a global predatory coalition that includes billionaires like Bill Gates and socialists like Klaus Schwab, who work with both the wealthiest Western industries, trusts, universities, and health systems, in collaboration with the Chinese Communists using COVID-19 and the vaccines to increase their wealth and their power over previously sovereign nations.  Professor Guetzkow, an American and an Israeli citizen, trained at Princeton and Harvard, describes the iron grip that Pfizer has imposed upon his country making it into a giant laboratory for vaccines.  My drawing attention to the Chinese Communist connection to Pfizer and other globalists led Professor Guetzkow to report dreadful news that I have confirmed with a report from the Times of Israel, “Has Israel made a huge mistake letting a Chinese firm run part of Haifa port?” Apparently, Israel has many other such dependencies on the Chinese Communists that are at least being reconsidered. 

            If you want to learn more about Israel’s surrender to the global predators and more about the power of globalism over nations, which grows as the nations are more centralized and authoritarian, this is a very valuable hour. 

Saturday, July 23, 2022

CDC Identifies Threat Posed to Children from Aberrosexual Subcultures

 Edit: were these children being sexually abused by being adjacent  to these “communities”.

[Washington Post] The first two U.S. cases of monkeypox in children have been confirmed as part of a record outbreak of more than 2,800 infections nationwide, a top health official said Friday.

“While both children have monkeypox symptoms, they are in good health,” and receiving an antiviral treatment for the disease, the CDC said.

Since the outbreak began in May, the vast majority of monkeypox cases have occurred among men who are gay, bisexual, or who have sex with men. Officials emphasize that the pathogen can affect anyone who has close contact with people who have monkeypox, including children. However, they say they have not yet seen evidence of sustained transmission outside of networks of men who have sex with men.


Thursday, July 21, 2022

Spike Proteins in Blood Transfusions, Global Deaths SURGE

New Archbishop of Paris: "I feel good in this pontificate"

The new Archbishop of Paris feels "at ease" in the current pontificate, which is why he would also give Communion to Nancy Pelosi and other politicians supporting infanticide.

(Paris) The confessions of a prelate: "I feel good in this pontificate," the new archbishop of Paris explained to a left-wing daily newspaper - and also why he would also give Holy Communion to Nancy Pelosi.

In today's issue, July 20, 2022, of the French daily newspaper Libération, the French mouthpiece of the '68 movement, there is a "portrait" of the new Archbishop of Paris, Monsignor Laurent Ulrich.

The "portrait" includes some quotes in quotation marks from the journalists' conversation with Msgr. Ulrich, including his explanation of why he would also give Holy Communion to pro-abortionist Nancy Pelosi, who recently gave Holy Communion at a mass attended by Pope Francis at St. Peter's Basilica received Holy Communion, even though her local bishop, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco, had recently barred her from receiving Communion because of her abortion supportLiberation writes:

"We dare ask him if he would give Communion to Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic Speaker of the US House of Representatives, who has been banned from receiving the Host during Mass by Bishop Salvatore Cordilone of San Francisco. In the eyes of the American prelate, it is wrong for this Catholic woman to defend abortion rights. Since the election of Joe Biden, Catholic circles in the United States have debated whether or not to give Communion to elected officials who support access to abortion. Pope Francis' Vatican has distanced itself from these radical positions. On June 29, Pelosi received Communion at St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. 'If she comes and says:I'm Catholic and I want to receive communion, isn't the attitude of the shepherd [the priest who takes care of his faithful, Libération's note] to say: Go away, I don't want to see you' , Ulrich claims, in the spirit of the conciliatory attitude of the Pope. 'I feel comfortable in this pontificate,' the Archbishop nods. But he suddenly compensates by admitting that he 'gained his theology from reading the books of Ratzinger [Benedict XVI]'.”


Since the retirement of Cardinal André Vingt-Trois, whom Pope Francis immediately relieved as Archbishop of Paris in 2017 at the age of 75, things have been turbulent on the Seine. Msgr. Michel Aupetit succeeded as the new archbishop, who was the first archbishop in recent times not to receive the grace of cardinalatial dignity. On April 15, 2019, the devastating fire that destroyed Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral broke out. In 2021, Archbishop Aupetitt worked hard to implement the motu proprio Traditionis custodes by eliminating the traditional Rite's Mass sites and banning the Society of St. Peter from the archdiocese. Shortly thereafter, he tripped over allegations that concerned his personal lifestyle.

On April 26, Pope Francis appointed the Archbishop of Lille, Monsignor Laurent Ulrich, as the new Archbishop of Paris. His inauguration took place on May 23rd in the Saint-Sulpice church in Paris, as the reconstruction of Notre-Dame is still in progress.

Archbishop Ulrich's confession that he feels "at ease" in the current pontificate is reminiscent of the legal philosopher Mario Palmaro, who formulated the opposite statement back in October 2013: "Why we don't like this Pope ."

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image : Liberation (screenshot)