Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Covid Death in New Zealand


Either Liberalism or Catholicism

Catholicism or Liberalism.  The book with the pastoral letters and circulars of St. Bishop Ezequiel Moreno (1848–1906) helps to gain clarity.

Discussion by Wolfram Schrems *

As announced in the introduction to the biography of Ezequiel Moreno (1848–1906), here is a brief look at the strong and wise pastoral letters and circulars of the holy bishop, who was extremely popular among his diocesans.  A selection of these letters was translated this year by Konstantin Stäbler and published by Books on Demand on July 16, that is, on the same day as the hateful motu proprio to destroy the Mass.

Bishop Moreno put it clearly, memorably and “crisply”.  One reads the texts with great profit.  They are suitable as spiritual readings as well as objects of theological and historical studies.  As stated in the biography, Ezequiel was a man of pure intentions, a high level of education and exemplary fortitude.

Background: civil war and liberal uprisings

The translator explains the starting point for Bishop Moreno's work:

 “While the situation in Ecuador remained relatively calm until the 1890s, even after the murder of the great Catholic statesman Gabriel García Moreno, the founder of the Conservative Party of Ecuador, armed conflicts and civil wars between the two sides smoldered in Colombia as early as the 1850s  which culminated in the so-called Guerra de las Soberanías in 1860, when the Liberals successfully seized power under General Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera.  Years of persecution of the Church followed ”(11).

Msgr. Moreno was appointed Vicar of Casanare in 1894 and Bishop of Pasto in 1895.  His greatest concern was the eternal fate of souls, which is why he was also a “pastor” in the true sense of the word.

Pastoral letter in Casanare

In the present volume, a pastoral letter from May 1, 1894 from his time in Casanare is first printed:

The basic message is, according to the everlasting teaching of the Church, which was then adopted by Pope Pius XI in 1925.  It should be confirmed that not only individuals but also peoples must submit to Christ (17).

The following passage will be particularly interesting for the present.  It is well known that some super-rich men can be called “philanthropists”, ie “people friends” or “people loving” (or also “benefactors”, Lk 22.25).  The holy bishop makes it clear that the Catholic missionaries are true friends of people and are willing to endure hardship and death for people:

 "Those who call themselves friends of mankind, Phi ... lan ... thro..pen (cymbalum tinniens [" ringing bell ", based on the words of St. Paul in first letter to the Corinthians]) never thought of it, just one step, to do for the good of the savages, and it cannot be reported, according to a wise writer, that even one of them shed a drop of blood in Japan or China to bring them out of their barbarism.  The Catholic Church, on the other hand, draws them to her heart;  at the price of the toil, the sacrifice, and even the life of her missionaries, she tries to instill in them the faith, civilization and heaven itself. Oh!  No denomination, no sect, no society does this, however philanthropic it may call itself ”(29).

First Pasto Epistle: Faith, Grace, Philosophy and Morality

As the newly appointed Bishop of Pasto, Fray Ezequiel impressed on his diocesans that "faith is necessary to obtain eternal salvation, for Jesus Christ made it clear that he who does not believe is condemned" (41).

The bishop notes the obvious, true faith drives out the dictatorship of demons:

Either Catholicism or Liberalism: The Book with Circular Letters [A quick search doesn’t offer an English translation] 

“To understand some of the enlightenment that faith has given the human mind, one need only remember the times preceding the preaching of the gospel to see the monstrous errors it dispelled with its brilliant and beautiful light  “(42).

 The “monstrous errors” are precisely those pagan atrocities and pachamamas that were, as it were, revived by the “Amazon Synod”.  As is well known, the council took place between the synod and the work of Bishop Moreno, which in Dignitatis humanae granted a certain legitimacy to the “monstrous errors” of human dignity.

 The evaluation of the ancient philosophers and sages by the bishop is extremely interesting and astute.  He traces the pagan debauchery, excesses and barbarism back to the false gods and notes the practical ineffectiveness of well-meaning and wise people:

 “Before the gospel was preached, there were men who are still called wise men today;  there were already men who are still called great philosophers today.  Yet despite their wisdom, the world remained in the same darkness with regard to God and morality.  She was still idolatrous and vicious, and sank deeper every day into the abyss of ignorance, superstition, immorality and barbarism.  People, even the wisest, showed themselves incapable of illuminating the peoples and bringing them out of the darkness and humiliation in which they found themselves ”(44).

 In doing so, he expresses what a secular historian has to state: Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were the greatest pioneers of philosophy, indeed the inventors of it, but they played practically no role in their own time.  Only within the framework of the church did the best of Greek philosophy find its way into itself, so to speak, and could be made fruitful for the faith and actions of Christians.

 In addition, true faith makes everyone a "philosopher" in a certain sense:

“With the teaching of the gospel, people came into possession of knowledge through faith that they could never have known of themselves, even if they had extraordinary talent and had all devoted themselves to study without doing anything else.  And the most admirable part of it is that this lofty knowledge, this glorious science, this wisdom so far beyond that possessed by the few men who were called wise in ancient times, extended to all walks of life, even to them  most unfortunate and humble, and the people were more enlightened by faith than the most distinguished pagan philosophers.  That is why Minucius Felix exclaims: "It seems that all Christians were real philosophers, or that all philosophers had become Christians" "(46).

 Using a rhetorical device, the bishop points out that the moral-forming power of the gospel has been recognized even by one of its most determined enemies, and quotes this:

 “The divine book of the Gospel,” says one of them, “is the only thing necessary for a Christian, and it is the most useful even for those who are not Christians.  One only has to ponder it in order to feel love in one's soul for one's author and awaken in her the desire to fulfill his commandments.  Virtue has never been expressed in such a lovely and seductive language, nor has the deepest wisdom ever spoken with such admirable energy and simplicity ”” (48).

 It is a quote from the Pensées by J. J. Rousseau (!).

After a statement on the positive power of the Catholic faith for welfare and solicitude and for the containment of barbarism, contempt for women and cruelty, Ezequiel Moreno turns to the enemies of the Church.  These are "sons of the father of lies" and "messengers of the angel des non serviam".  They boastfully propagate “progress, riches, good fortune and all conceivable goods”.  But that never works in practice (57ff).

Lenten shepherd's letter 1897: Warning of secret societies and state interference

The destruction of morals is a conscious means which secret societies use to destroy the Catholic faith in the hearts of men and peoples (77).  The bishop therefore warns against any “dialogue” with unbelievers and enemies of the Church.  The state often interferes in church affairs and too many Catholics believe that they have to ingratiate themselves with the authorities, but no one can serve two masters, as Pope Pius IX in this context took note. (81).


The fifth pastoral letter is a call to atonement for a terrible desecration of the Blessed Sacrament by revolutionaries in Riobamba, Ecuador.  There are beautiful reflections on the Eucharist and real presence in the sacrament of the altar.  In the words of his religious father Augustine, he says that God could not have given more than Christ in the Eucharist (95ff).

The constant theme: liberalism as a gateway to arbitrariness, evil, anarchy, hostility to God

The circular that gives this volume the title: Catholicism or Liberalism (109) is particularly important.  (It is also already printed in the biography.) This is a profound analysis of liberalism following Donoso Cortés and Pope Leo XIII.  The bishop warns against any fraternization.  The occasion is a treatise by the priest Baltasar Vélem, who calls for reconciliation with liberalism.

In the other pastoral letters, the bishop points out God's approach: If people sin despite the warnings, God leaves them and they have to live with the consequences.  This is also relevant in times of the Corona dictatorship.  Sin is then the humiliation of the sinner.  At the political level, anarchism is the legitimate consequence of liberalism.  The consequences are murder, robbery, arson, and disaster (174).  Inner conformity with God also creates inner peace in situations of punishment (179).

Ezequiel is extremely critical of the sins of the press with their many lies and blasphemies, as well as the sins in the educational system, "which cry out to heaven because they turn against the children whom the divine Redeemer loves so much" (197).

If it is necessary to take up arms in defense of faith and the fatherland, one must do so; pacifism is inappropriate here (201).

The collective self-criticism expressed by the bishop, so to speak, is impressive and very worthy of heed for today:

"We are all more or less responsible for the evils we suffer as a nation, for we have all been more or less accomplices, if not the originators, of the sins that evoke the wrath of God" (203).


The holy bishop often deals with the same topics, so some things are repeated: repetitio docet.  The reader quickly gets used to the style of the bishop (which is of course somewhat foreign to us today) and likes to pick up the book.  Whether layman, priest or bishop, everyone can find inspiration and stimulation in this publication.  Thanks to the translator and editor for the excellent work.  There are a few more prescriptions than in the biography, but they are not worth mentioning.

 Our thanks go especially to the holy bishop, who offers his contemporaries and now us light and orientation.

Deo gratias.

Either Catholicism or liberalism, pastoral letters and circulars from Saint Ezequiel Moreno y Díaz, translated from Spanish by Konstantin Stäbler, production and publisher: BoD - Books on Demand, Norderstedt, 2021, 285 p., Distributed by, in Austria also

 * Wolfram Schrems, Mag. Theol., Mag. Phil., Catechist, Pro Lifer, heeded the advice of C. S. Lewis to consult literature from bygone eras in order to avoid the one-sidedness of the respective fashion.


Full Interview With Doctor Robert Malone

Edit: this is a fairly comprehensive discussion on the internet censorship, benefits if ivermectin, hydrochloroquine, dishonest journalism in an attempt to destroy the doctor, as well as the potentially fatal results of getting the jab, and the role of spike proteins. Particularly scary is the way it attacks the ovaries and the brain.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Vatican tightens catalog of fines for disregarding the corona measures

 In the Vatican, the corona measures were tightened without a plausible factual basis. Repression and patronage should continue.

(Rome) These days, Pope Francis, in addition to his usual vaccination propaganda, has for the first time in a year and a half also sounded something different. At the same time, however, he tightened the sanctions for "disregarding" his Corona measures.

The head of the Church has been active as a global vaccine advocate for 18 monthsFrancis follows the worldly guidelines. The genetically manipulating Covid active substances, which have received conditional approval from the EMA in the EU, are propagated without any facts. Anyone who disagrees is verbally attacked by the pope as a “suicidal denier” and his existence threatened.  The moral cudgel is waved in an inappropriate way.

Francis made vaccination compulsory for the Vatican as the first country in the world. Employees who do not comply are threatened with dismissal. He repeated the same about the third Covid injection, the so-called “booster”.

On Monday, Francis spoke, and these are decidedly new tones, for the first time that there should be other methods of combating Corona in addition to vaccination. The reference in his speech to the diplomatic corps referred to the drug treatment that critical doctors have been demanding since spring 2020, but has been rejected by governments that are dependent on Big Pharma. The treatment methods are there and they are very successful. However, big business cannot be made with it and the dependencies that are sought cannot be created. Francis said:

"Vaccines are not magical healing tools, but they represented as the most reasonable solution to prevent the disease, in addition to the therapies that need to be developed."

 In view of the blatant ineffectiveness of the Covid preparations, Pope Francis is misleading his listeners, the governments of the world. No one is pushing him to make such statements. Or are they? 

Is Pope Francis changing his position late, but is he? Doubts are warranted. The sudden opening up to drug treatments has come with new Pfizer products that, as far as we know, do exactly what the much-maligned ivermectin does and are safer than the Pfizer product. Above all, however, treatment with Ivermectin costs just 12 euros, while that with the new Pfizer product costs many hundreds of euros.

However, the fact that Pope Francis tightened the penalties for disregarding the Corona measures he imposed, contradicts a serious reading. As head and sovereign, Francis presides over two subjects of international law, the Holy See and the Vatican City State. As head of state, he is responsible for the Corona measures that apply in his territory, to its residents, employees and visitors.

So far, Francis has given up the unique opportunity as head of the Church to set different accents than the corona-fanatical governments of the Republic of Italy. Instead, in the Vatican he follows exactly the Italian path and even exacerbates it in some cases.

Parallel to the Italian government, the Vatican also ordered the wearing of FFP2 masks a few days ago In addition, "business trips" by his employees were suspended until February 28. A corresponding decree was issued on January 5 by the Pontifical Commission for the State of the Vatican State, as the government of the Papal States is somewhat awkwardly called. It is signed by Curial Archbishop Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, a Legionnaire of Christ who has been head of government of the Papal States since October 1, 2021.

Since October 1, the Vatican can only be entered on presentation of the Green Pass or an equivalent. This applies to both employees and visitors. Only those who can show a valid vaccination status or who have been officially tested and isolated for Corona in the past maximum six months are allowed to enter the Vatican.

Since December 13, employees who do not have a valid vaccination card are no longer allowed to work. For most of those affected, this means that they must also have the third Covid injection.

"According to the express will of the Holy Father"

The only exception to this are believers who attend Masses. Since March 2021, these have been limited to two morning hours in St. Peter's Basilica. This also applies to the papal parish of St. Anne in the Vatican on weekdays, which, however, is not known to many. And the exception also applies, in an acrobatic construction, to the Wednesday general audiences of the Pope. In order not to have to relax the Corona regulations, but also to allow access for healthy people who do not submit to the absurd Corona dictate, the general audiences were put on an equal footing with the liturgical celebrations of the Pope .

No wonder, then, that there is considerable confusion in the face of such measures. Exceptions apply to the liturgical celebrations, but on Monday a group of pilgrims were refused entry to a mass in St. Peter's Basilica because they were not wearing the "right" masks. The faithful had the usual mouth and nose protection, but no FFP2 masks, which are otherwise generally required.

Also in the new decree, Curial Archbishop Fernando Vérgez Alzaga LC noted in Article 7 that the tightening was issued "according to the express will of the Holy Father".

The Vatican Museums published the new catalog of fines for violations of corona measures. It is aimed at employees and visitors. The 3G rule has also applied to the Vatican Museums since autumn 2021. Violations are punished with:

  • a) Gatherings in public places or places open to the public: 25 to 160 euros.
  • b) If the mask is not worn or not worn correctly: 25 to 50 euros.
  • c) If the distance to other people is not maintained: 25 to 50 euros.
  • d) Failure to comply with the prescribed rules of conduct in public places or places open to the public: 25 to 160 euros.
  • e) Failure to comply with the provisions on access restrictions, movements within the national territory, entry and exit: 80 to 160 euros.
  • f) If the imposed quarantine or restriction of freedom of movement is not observed: 200 to 1500 euros.

However, the supreme ruler of the Papal States, Pope Francis, is the first to not follow the rules, namely none. The regulations do not provide for such an exception, which means that Francis sees himself above the enacted law, which only applies to the subordinates, the infantry, the "popolino", as Italian ironically disparagingly calls the common people.

The new catalog of fines for violating the corona measures in the Vatican.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image : (Screenshots)

Trans: Tancred


Horrific New Settings by Oregon Catholic Press



Sunday, January 16, 2022

Gary the Fairy Sues Catholic Layman

 Edit: this is a new low even for Gary the Fairy. These are the tactics employed by Jewish organizations like the ADL and ACLU. 

The video is from earlier this month.

Please contribute to his legal defense fund and Defeat the evil Gary and Madame Budgie of Saigon!

Friday, January 14, 2022

Let's just stand back and watch..

This is a lot like the pot calling the kettle African American. Sure, a lot of what Gary says about Bill is true.   We at EF have known for a long time that the divorced windbag is a fraud. 
We've also known that Gary has his own puppet masters.   Opus Deli?  He has his own sugar daddies and has a dark past that makes him easily blackmailable.   One of the reasons Budgie hasn't threatened to sue us like Mike Parrott is because we are hot on a story about Gary's old "husband" and have people offering relatively recent photos of the couple.

Stamping out the tyranny of the Covidiots.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Like Porn?

How to win the war against tyranny

+++Pell Calls Out Disgraced Becciu’s Financial Scamming

Cardinal Pell and Cardinal Becciu had a poisonous exchange of blows before Christmas.  What's behind it?

(Rome) The year 2021 ended with a violent exchange of blows between Cardinals Angelo Becciu and George Pell.  The Australian Pell, who was Prefect of the Vatican's Economic Secretariat until 2017, before falling victim to what was perhaps the greatest anti-church justice scandal, voiced serious suspicions against his cardinal brother, the Sardinian Becciu, in several interviews. [+++Pell is the best Darwinian the trad-con party has, I guess. I remain convinced he’s a sexual predator who protected others of his kind while he was an ordinary. The Church would be better off without him.]  He was a substitute for the Vatican State Secretariat until 2018 and then Prefect of the Congregation for Canonization until 2020.  Because of his involvement in another, possibly related, scandal, Becciu declared at the end of 2020 that he was renouncing his rights, but not his dignity as a cardinal.  While the media do not report the exchange of blows without enjoyment, the question of truth needs to be clarified, as was the case in the Pell case.

When Cardinal Pell was acquitted in Australia in April 2019, he had been innocent [not really, but OK]  in prison for more than a year.  At that time, his lawyer expressed serious allegations in the direction of the Vatican.  The suspicion had already made the rounds in 2017: The criminal proceedings wrongly carried out against Cardinal Pell in Australia could have come from the Vatican.  From circles who wanted to get rid of the Australian financial supervisor in order to be able to continue their dubious business or to cover up their exposure?

 Becciu’s open letter that annoyed Pell

In any case, Cardinal Becciu felt struck by the suspicions and wrote an open letter on December 23rd.  In it he called on Pell to “no longer include him in public discourse” and to show him the respect “which is due to a brother - a man - who is in an uphill battle, which I especially as a Christian, then  only as a defendent, without hesitation, describe it as a struggle for truth and justice ”.

Cardinal Pell reacted angrily and sent word through his spokesman that he was "impatiently" waiting for Becciu to "answer many questions".

In one of his most recent interviews with the National Catholic Register on December 16, the Australian cardinal repeated the main question to which the Australian cardinal would like his confreere to answer: What is behind the transfer of $ 2.23 million from the Vatican to Australia when  Becciu was a substitute in the State Secretariat and the criminal case against Pell started in Australia?

Cardinal Pell, whom Pope Francis dropped during the criminal proceedings, last stated on December 17 in the Italian daily Il Foglio that he was not ruling out the possibility that there was a connection between the unjust criminal proceedings against him in his home country and the opposition he faced  encountered during his tenure as Prefect of the Economic Secretariat in the Roman Curia.  Pell had already voiced this suspicion in his first post-release interview with Andrew Bolt for Sky.

Beccius' fall and the initiation of criminal proceedings against him because of the London property scandal seem to have reinforced this conviction in Pell.  It is even assumed that the scandal surrounding Cardinal Becciu, less than six months after Pell's acquittal, also broke out through his testimony.

Beccius' deep fall

On September 24, 2020, Becciu was received by Pope Francis.  According to the official language, Francis on this occasion accepted Beccius' resignation as Prefect of the Congregation for Canonization and noted his renunciation of his rights as a cardinal.  A few days later, Cardinal Pell issued a statement showing his satisfaction with Beccius' fall.  Pell has reiterated his allegations several times over the past few months, as if he feared the Vatican investigative authorities would not be able to pursue the matter with sufficient force.  He also stressed that Pope Francis felt betrayed by Beccu and wanted to get to the bottom of the matter.  In contrast to Pell, however, Francis has not yet completely dropped Becciu.

Pell's allegations received international attention in the fall of 2020 when the Australian financial regulator Austrac, in response to a request from Australian Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, stated that in the six years that Becciu was a substitute for the State Secretariat, an unbelievable $ 2.3 million had been paid from the Vatican that had been transferred to Australia.  The number was, in fact, too incredible to be true, so the Austrac corrected itself a few days later and put the total at $ 9.5 million.  At the same time, the authority announced that "so far no criminal behavior in connection with payments from the Vatican to Australia have been found.” The media vortex was already created.  Since then, Becciu sees himself as a victim of unjustified allegations.  However, this does not change the fact that light is to be brought into the darkness.  This applies to Beccius' real estate business in London, but also to Pell's suspicion that money from the Vatican may have flowed to his disadvantage in Australia “to buy the accusers in the pedophilia trial”.

Cardinal Pell specifically requests information from Becciu about the payment of a total of 2.23 million dollars, which was made in 2017/2018.  The money is said to have flowed into an account with the computer security company Neustar in Melbourne.  In a statement dated January 13, 2021, the Vatican announced on the total transfers for the years 2011 to 2018 that these were "contractual obligations".  He did not specifically address the two transfers mentioned.  Cardinal Becciu announced that he would answer Pell's question, not to the media, but to the court in due course.

 The new book on the Pelll case

 The new book: The Indictment Against Pell stood on feet of clay from the start

 Last November 30th, Gerard Henderson's book, Cardinal Pell, the Media Pile-On & Collective Guilt, hit bookshops in Australia.  The author shows what clayey feet the indictment against Pell had from the beginning.  The real "indictment" against the purple bearer, according to Henderson, came from the media, which, with the power of their opinion machinery, had turned the cardinal into a "monster" that was already prejudiced at the start of the trial.  Based on the facts, it seems unbelievable that Pell could even be convicted in the first instance.  The way through the three court instances, from the first conviction to the complete acquittal, was a battle of retreat by the judiciary in order to gradually evade this publiclie generated pressure to which the first instance succumbed.  In the end there was an acquittal.  Henderson points out the negative role the media played in the criminal case of suspicions without producing evidence.

 Now it is Cardinal Becciu, in his open letter asking Cardinal Pell to stop the public allegations against him, who recalls that experience, "the pain of an unjust indictment and the agony of an innocent person during a trial"  .

 It is Beccius' responsibility to clarify the matter with the Vatican judges.  This concerns first of all his involvement in the purchase of Londun luxury real estate, but also a possible influence on the Australian criminal case against Pell.  Beccius' warning is to be taken seriously, however, to the effect that in his case, too, accusations without concrete evidence should not be asserted as facts, just because one knows that the media are only too happy to jump on a bandwagon that promises the headline "Scandal in the Vatican".  This accusation hits the media, not Cardinal Pell, who has a legitimate interest in clarification.  Nevertheless, it cannot be overlooked that the reporting on Cardinal Becciu in autumn 2020 also had something of what shaped the media campaign against Cardinal Pelll in the years 2016 to 2019.

Cardinal Pell recorded his imprisonment in a prison diary, the first volume of which, “Innocent Accused and Condemned”, and it was also published in German last spring.

 Text: Giuseppe Nardi

 Image: MiL / Youtube (screenshot)

Trans: Tancred


Project Veritas is Still on The Case


  • Military documents state that EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA in March 2018 seeking funding to conduct gain of function research of bat borne coronaviruses. The proposal, named Project Defuse, was rejected by DARPA over safety concerns and the notion that it violates the gain of function research moratorium.

  • The main report regarding the EcoHealth Alliance proposal leaked on the internet a couple of months ago, it has remained unverified until now. Project Veritas has obtained a separate report to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, written by U.S. Marine Corp Major, Joseph Murphy, a former DARPA Fellow.

  • “The proposal does not mention or assess potential risks of Gain of Function (GoF) research,” a direct quote from the DARPA rejection letter.

  • Project Veritas reached out to DARPA for comment regarding the hidden documents and spoke with the Chief of Communications, Jared Adams, who said, “It doesn’t sound normal to me,” when asked about the way the documents were buried.

    [WASHINGTON, D.C. – Jan. 10, 2022] Project Veritas has obtained startling never-before-seen documents regarding the origins of COVID-19, gain of function research, vaccines, potential treatments which have been suppressed, and the government’s effort to conceal all of this.

    The documents in question stem from a report at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, better known as DARPA, which were hidden in a top secret shared drive.

    DARPA is an agency under the U.S. Department of Defense in charge of facilitating research in technology with potential military applications.


286% More Deaths of Vaccinated Than Unvaccinated Says UK Government Data

Fully Vaccinated *And Boosted* West Virginia Governor “Extremely Unwell” After Positive Covid Test

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

The Cardinal Wasn’t Killed by Gunfire but Had “Some Sniffles”

Vaccinated Cardinal Arizmendi wasn't killed in a shootout but had "some sniffles".  A strange message?  As a matter of fact.  But see for yourself, because something is strange at the moment.

(Mexico City) Cardinal Felipe Arizmendi Esquivel, bishop emeritus of the Chiapas diocese of San Cristobal de las Casas, announced that he had “tested positive for Covid-19”.  The cardinal is "fully immunized".  The example shows how the Corona policy and Covid fear are changing behavior.  The Chiapas diocese is a special laboratory for a "married indigenous clergy".

Cardinal Arizmendi, who headed the diocese of San Cristobal de las Casas from 2000 to 2017, was created cardinal by Pope Francis in 2020.  With this clear sign, the head of the Church signaled his appreciation for the Chiapas experiment.  Francis did this personally on February 16, 2016, when he visited San Cristobal de las Casas to pray at the grave of Samuel Ruiz García, who was well-respected in left-wing Catholic and liberation theological circles, who was bishop of the diocese from 1959 to 2000 and is credited as the inventor of the "  Autonomous Church”.

Monsignor Arizmendi had been appointed by Pope John Paul II to succeed Monsignor Ruiz in order to bring the Chiapas Experiment under control.  He fulfilled this task as desired, but without inner conviction, as he showed from the beginning of Pope Francis' pontificate.  Today, Cardinal Arizmendi is a sought-after columnist in Mexico's media, who is a mouthpiece for Pope Francis in the most populous country in Central America, also in defense of the Pachamama in 2019.

The Corona policy, the staged theater

On the basis of the College of Cardinals, undesirable developments in Corona politics can be shown.  Cardinals like Arizmendi and Wilton Gregory are testing positive for Corona despite being double-vaccinated and “boosted” because the Covid active ingredients aren’t delivering what governments are boldly promising.  In general, cardinals have only died “of Corona” since they were vaccinated.  While in the allegedly so critical Corona year 2020 - critical because there was no "vaccination" against the viral disease - no member of the Church senate died "with or from" Corona, there have been several since the beginning of the vaccination campaign.  All were vaccinated.  Cardinal Arizmendi is also vaccinated.  His initial vaccination in early March 2021 with the Pfizer/Biontech active ingredient was disseminated in words and pictures by the Centro Católico Multimedial (CCM) of the Mexican Bishops' Conference for propaganda purposes.

Another aspect is the worrying corona unrest that has been brought to the attention of the population by governments and the media.  News spread on social media that Cardinal Arizmendi had died in “a shootout.”  The cardinal then issued a statement to the media:

“Yesterday I started with a slight sore throat and a little runny nose.  An hour ago I tested positive for COVID, if only with these symptoms, thank goodness.  I am already taking medication along with those that are at my house as the virus is spreading very quickly.  We commend ourselves to your prayers and let's take care of ourselves because we don't know how the virus will reach us.  Let us pray." 

The cardinal is staying in his private house in the city of Toluca in the state of Mexico, where, in contrast to the people in the German-speaking area who, after a positive corona test by the authorities without medical care, they are subject to punishment and monitored by the police in quarantine  being forced to be “medically cared for”.

Since January 1st, 2022, the CDC, the US Robert Koch Institute, has no longer recognized PCR tests to determine a Corona infection.  This test was introduced into Corona politics by Christian Drosten at the beginning of 2020.  It remains to be clarified how exactly the introduction of this PCR test and its all-dominant but misleading position could have come about.  Without these tests, nobody in the world would have noticed a Corona epidemic, as Franz Allerberger, then head of AGES (Austrian Robert Koch Institute), said in June 2021.

In the Federal Republic of Germany, two years after the start of the pseudopandemic, people now want to move on to carrying out a maximum of 30 replication cycles (CTs) to evaluate PCR tests.  The WHO issued such a recommendation a year ago, but it was ignored by the governments of the German-speaking area and other European countries.  Critical experts had already pointed out this misleading use of PCR tests in spring 2020, as they are expressly not approved for diagnostic purposes.

The Corona governments have therefore used instruments from the beginning that exaggerated, distorted and thus misled the overall situation.  PCR tests are also useless because they cannot distinguish between different Corona viruses and not even Corona viruses from influenza viruses.  And last but not least, the error rate of false positive tests is at least one percent, but also with peak values ​​of at least one and up to five percent.  Anyone can use the daily published numbers of the tests carried out and the "positives" determined in the process to calculate how suitable or unsuitable these daily "case numbers" are, which are misused by the media to scaremonger and by governments to justify repressive measures.

Premises for equalizing the perception of reality

This must be said in advance in order to make it clear that Cardinal Arizmendi's positive Corona test is initially worthless without a clinical diagnosis.

In the next step, a concrete example can be used to show how much the deliberately generated fear changes people: Whenever before would a cardinal have gone into quarantine because of “a slight sore throat and a bit of a cold” or addressed the public with a press statement and asked for prayer  he seeks?  In this specific case, the intention was certainly to dispel the rumors of his death.  In the past two years, however, countless cardinals and bishops have addressed the public with similar press releases in order to present their positive Corona tests as if in a show.  As a rule, the test result, which was useless on its own, was misleadingly claimed as a "Corona infection".  That's what the Corona governments want.

If you compare the Corona policy to the Corona facts, a completely different, far more worrying pattern can be seen: the targeted, planned and organized staging of a “pandemic” that never existed.  This raises the question of the purpose of this staging and the chain of command that made such a global choreography possible.

 Text: Giuseppe Nardi

 Image: (Screenshot)q

Trans: Tancred


Holy Steve’s 13 Year Old Girl Response to Catholicism

 Edit: the Cure was “psycho” indeed.   Holy Steve claims to have read a lot of the 800 page biography of Saint John Vianney, but so much of it, like Catholicism in general, has left him feeling alone and dissatisfied. 

Holy Steve had formerly been single-handedly trying to save the Catholic Church with 1Peter5, which he recently sold off to someone else, but he still takes time off from hiding out from Covid, playing computer games, savoring Macanudo cigars and boozing expensive single malts to post on his Twitter, the usual fare and his posts full of his observations of things and people he disapproves, and girlish idioms like, “whipping yourself till you bleed all over the walls?? GROSS!!! I CAN’T EVEN!!”   

He’s even mad at his FSSP parish priest, apparently. Just not mature and wholesome enough for Holy Steve!

When he’s not attacking his parish priest, and other Catholics in his parish for being “neurotic” and “mentally ill”, having noisy kids, he’s talking about his own deep understanding  and emotional outbursts at Catholicism and how much it pains him that the Church Suffering falls short of what he thinks is authentic and “rational”. 

I can’t wait till he becomes Orthodox so he can micromanage their spiritual patrimony.

Of course, Vaxxtard Holy Steve is "fed up" with Trads! How dare you challenge the government!


Bulgarians Protesting Ridiculous Covid Restrictions Pushed Back by Police


Edit: they’ll need to do better than that if they want to stop this. They’ll need to unseat their government like they did in 1989.

SOFIA, Bulgaria

[Miami Herald] Protesters opposing COVID-19 restrictions in Bulgaria clashed Wednesday with police as they tried to storm the Parliament in the capital of Sofia. 

A heavy police presence prevented protesters from entering the building and some were detained. Several people, including police officers, were injured during the clashes. Eventually, the protesters were pushed back and police cordoned off the building. 

The violence erupted at a protest rally against mask and vaccine mandates organized by a nationalist group that is fiercely opposing the Bulgarian government's anti-epidemic measures.


‘The Vaccines Are Designed to Kill and Depopulate the Planet’

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Fake Catholics and Fakeservative News Media — Jim Hoft is a Cuckoo

“Conservative” Pundit and his boy “husband”, which he scored in the Philippines. The Duterte government should protect its citizens from vile predators like Jim Hoft.

 Edit: anyone can put up a website and post clickbait articles to distract a particular political group from what’s going on. This has particularly been the case with aberrosexual Michael Voris, whose venom has been leveled at the SSPX and now at the Mystic Monk Coffee guys.  He’s been showing an improved aptitude for attacking Catholics beyond calling them out for not being loyal to Bergoglio, or supporting the SSPX.  Doxing and revealing embarrassing distorted or untrue information to the public eye is something he’s been perfecting in his new alliance with Bannon disciple, Milo Yiannopoulos. 

Like Cuckoos, these aberrosexuals mimic conservative points of view, but lay their ideological eggs in the nests of true conservatives in hopes that others will nurture, protect and develop their false ideas. By the time the Cuckoo chick has hatched, it attacks its nest mates.

Another such fraud is the sodomite Jim Hoft who runs the Gayway Pundit.  We’ve cited a lot of his articles, just as we’ve defending Voris and even applauded some of Voris’ investigative journalism against evil aberroclergy.  Yet Voris spends a lot more time doxing online traditionalists engaging in citizen journalism by exposing them to real-life hardships for their troubles, like being fired from jobs.  The same is the case with Jim Hoft, who is attacking Patriot Front and engaging in a lol-suit against a conservative content creator, Stew Peters. 

Having said this, I think it’s in the public interest to expose Voris and Hoft if they are a viable threat to minors.  Anyone with information about Voris, please contact the police, and then send the information to this blog. 

Voris has been attending Mass in the Detroit area for years with a man at his side. Is this man his “boyfriend” or “husband”? Voris says he hasn’t had sexual intercourse for a decade, but he’s lied about other things. Still, it’s interesting that even this admission places his aberrosexual activity in the midst of his ministry as he was hosting cruises and ramping up Church Militant.