Wednesday, April 22, 2020

"They Are Trying to Establish a 'Neo-Church'" -- New Interview of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

In a new interview, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano criticizes the fact that a connubium of modernists and Freemasonry wants to create a "neo-church".

(Rome) Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has been one of the most internationally renowned Church representatives since his sharp criticism of Pope Francis in the McCarrick case. In an interview published yesterday, he spoke about the attempt to replace the Church of Jesus Christ with a "neo-church" and about the Third Mystery of Fatima.

Cardinal McCarrick had risen to become the most influential cardinal in the United States under Pope Francis. Although in June 2013, in his capacity as Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Vigano had informed the Pope in detail about Cardinal McCarrick's homosexual double life and his corruption of priests and seminarians, Francis remained inactive.

It wasn't until the New York Times published McCarrick's legacy in July 2018 that Francis stripped him of cardinalship. But when the head of the church declared that he knew nothing of all that he had otherwise acted earlier, it was too much for Archbishop Vigano. He accused Francis of in fact covering up McCarrick's machinations for more than five years and making him his adviser. The archbishop accused Francis not only of cover-up and omission, but also of lying, and called on him to resign. Francis declined to comment.

Archbishop Vigano, on the other hand, has been living in secret "for fear of retribution" ever since and only goes public in writing. An exception was the Acies ordinata against the "Synodal Way" of the German Episcopal Conference, which took place in Munich last January. Archbishop Vigano surprisingly mingled with the participants.

Yesterday he gave an interview to the Portuguese newspaper Dies Irae in which he also commented on the Third Secret of Fatima.

DIes Irae: Excellency, thank you for giving us this interview. We are in the midst of the COVID-19 epidemic that has affected the lives of millions of people in recent months and has even caused the deaths of many of them. In view of this situation, the Church, through the Episcopal Conferences, has decided to close virtually all churches and to deprive the faithful of access to the sacraments. On March 27, In front of an empty St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis led a hypothetical prayer for humanity in an apparently media-friendly manner. There have been many reactions to the way in which the Pope carried out this moment, one of which tried to link the lonely presence of Francis with the message of Fatima, that is, with the Third Mystery. Do you agree?

Archbishop Vigano: First of all, allow me to say that it is a pleasure for me to give this interview to the faithful of Portugal, to whom the Blessed Virgin has promised to keep it in the Faith even in these times of great trial. You are a people with great responsibility, because you may soon have to preserve the holy fire of religion, while other nations refuse to recognize Christ as their king and the blessed Mary as their queen.

The third part of the message, which Our Lady entrusted to the shepherd children of Fatima so that they may deliver it to the Holy Father, is still secret. Our Lady asked for it to be revealed in 1960, but John XXIII issued a press release on 8 February of that year declaring that the Church "does not want to assume the responsibility of guaranteeing the truthfulness of the words which the shepherd children say the Virgin Mary addressed to them." With this distancing from the message of the Queen of Heaven, a cover-up operation began, apparently because the content of the message would have revealed the terrible conspiracy against the Church of Christ by its enemies. Until a few decades ago, it would have seemed unthinkable that one would go so far as to silence even Our Lady. In recent years, however, we have even experienced attempts to censor the Gospel, the word of her divine Son.

In 2000, during the pontificate of John Paul II, the Secretary of State, Cardinal Sodano [1990–2006], presented his own version as the Third Secret, which, due to some elements, clearly seemed incomplete. It is not surprising that the new Secretary of State, Cardinal Bertone [2006–2013], tried to draw attention to an event from the past, only to make the people of God believe that the words of the Virgin had nothing to do with the Church crisis and with the interaction of modernists and Freemasonry behind the scenes of the Second Vatican Council. Antonio Socci, who has carefully examined the Third Secret, exposed this deliberate behaviour of Cardinal Bertone. At the same time, it was Bertone himself who strongly discredited and censored the tears of Tears of Our Lady of Civitavecchia, whose message perfectly matches what she had said in Fatima.

Let us not forget the unnoticed appeal of Our Lady to the Pope encouraging all bishops to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart in order to defeat Communism and atheist materialism: not to consecrate "the world, not that nation that you want us to consecrate to you ", but "Russia". Did it cost too much to do that?

Obviously yes for those who have no view of the supernatural. One preferred the path of détente with the Soviet regime that Roncalli had taken, without understanding that peace is not possible without God. 

Today, with a President of the Russian Federation who is certainly a Christian, this request of the Virgin could be fulfilled in order to avert further catastrophes for the Church and the world.

Benedict XVI also confirmed the topicality of the message of the Virgin Mary, although according to the interpretation spread by the Vatican, it is to be regarded as complete. Those who have read the Third Secret said in all clarity that it concerns the apostasy of the Church, which began at the very beginning of the 1960s and has now reached such an obvious stage that it is recognized even by inexperienced observers. This almost compulsive insistence on issues that the Church has always condemned, such as relativism and religious indifferentism, false ecumenism, Malthusian ecology, homoheresy and mass immigration, has found in the Abu Dhabi Declaration the fulfilment of a plan conceived by secret sects for more than two centuries.

DIes Irae: In the middle of Holy Week and after the Synod of Amazons, the Pope decided to set up a commission to discuss and study the women's diaconate in the Catholic Church. Do you think that this has the purpose of paving the way for the clericalization of women, or, in other words, an attempt to manipulate the priesthood that our Lord Jesus Christ instituted on Holy Thursday?

Archbishop Vigano: The Sacrament of Holy Orders can and will never be changed in its nature. The attack on the priesthood has always been at the heart of the actions of the heretics and their inspirer, and it is understandable that attacking the priesthood means destroying Holy Mass and the Most holy Eucharist, as well as the entire sacramental structure. Among the conspiratorial enemies of the Sacrament of Holy Orders, there was, of course, no shortage of modernists who, since the 19th century, have theorized a Church without priests or with priests and priestesses. These delusions, anticipated by some representatives of modernism in France, subtly resurfaced at the Second Vatican Council in an attempt to imply a certain equivalence between the official priesthood resulting from the Sacrament of Holy Orders and the general priesthood of the faithful emerging from baptism. It is significant that it is precisely through the play with this deliberate misunderstanding, the reformed liturgy [Novus Ordo] is also affected by the doctrinal error of Lumen gentium, going so far as to reduce the consecration to mere presiding in a meeting of [general] priests. The priest is in reality an old Christ, not because the people appoint him, but through the ontological alignment with the high priest Jesus Christ, whom he has to imitate in the holiness of life and in the absolute devotion, which is also represented by celibacy.

The next step therefore had to be necessarily followed, if not by the extinguishing of the priesthood, then at least by making it ineffective by extending it to women who cannot be consecrated. It is precisely what has happened in the Protestant and Anglican sects, which today are also experiencing the embarrassing situation of having lesbian bishops in the so-called Church of England. It is obvious that the ecumenical "pretext" – that is, the approach to deviating communities, even by accepting the latest errors – is based on Satan's hatred of the priesthood and would inevitably ruin the Church of Christ. At the same time,  ecclesiastical celibacy is also the target of the same attacks, because it belongs unmistakably to the Catholic Church and is a valuable protection for the priesthood, which tradition it has kept vigorously throughout the centuries.

The attempt to introduce a form of consecrated women's ministry in the Church, despite the repeated declarations of the Magisterium, is not new. John Paul II, too, clearly defined, with all the canonical requirements of an infallible ex-Cathedra declaration, that it is absolutely impossible to question the doctrine on this subject. But just as one has put one's hand on the Catechism to declare the death penalty "not in conformity with the Gospel", which is unprecedented and heretical, so today one tries ex novo to invent some form of female diaconate – propaedeutic, of course, for the future introduction of the women's priesthood.

The first Commission set up by Bergoglio years ago issued a negative opinion and confirmed what could not even have been discussed. Because a commission was unwilling to obey Francis' wishes, this does not mean that another commission whose members he chooses could not be more "docile" and more willing to destroy another pillar of the Catholic faith. I have no doubt that Bergoglio has convincing methods and that he can put pressure on the Theological Commission. But I am equally sure that in the unfortunate event that this consultative body should give a favourable opinion, it will not necessarily need an official statement by the Pope to see the introduction of deaconesses in the dioceses of Germany or Holland – while Rome is silent on this. This method is well known and makes it possible, on the one hand, to attack the priesthood and, on the other hand, to provide a pleasant alibi for those within the ecclesial structures who thus claim at all times that "the Pope has not allowed anything new". This is exactly what they have done by authorizing the Episcopal Conferences to allow autonomous hand-Communion, which was enacted by abuse and has now become a worldwide practice.

We should remember that this approach to the dogmas of the Church confirms an undeniable fact: Bergoglio has adopted the so-called situation theology, whose loci theologici, theological places, random facts or themes are: the world, nature, the feminine, young people... This is a theology which does not focus on the immutable and eternal truth of God, but on the contrary starts from observing the imperative urgency of phenomena in order to give answers that correspond to the expectations of today's world.

Dies Irae: According to renowned historians, the Second Vatican Council was a break between the Church and tradition. Hence the appearance of ways of thinking, which they want to transform into a mere humanitarian association that embraces the world and embraces its globalist utopia. How do you see this serious problem?

Archbishop Vigano: A church that presents itself as new in contrast to the Church of Christ is simply not the Church of Christ! The Mosaic religion, that is, the "Church of the Old Law", which was wanted by God to lead His people to the coming of the Messiah, has found its fulfillment and completion in the New Covenant and was finally revoked on Calvary by the sacrifice of Christ. From his open side came the New and Eternal Covenant, which replaced the synagogue. It seems that the post-Conciliar, modernist and Freemason Church also aims to transform, overcome, and replace the Church of Christ with a "neo-church", a disfigured and monstrous creature that does not come from God.

The purpose of this neo-church is not to get the chosen people to recognize the Messiah, just as it is not the purpose for the synagogue to convert and save all peoples from the second coming of Christ, which is the purpose of the Catholic Church. Its purpose is rather to constitute itself as the spiritual arm of the New World Order and to promote the One World Religion. In this sense, the Council Revolution first had to destroy the heritage of the Church, its thousand-year-old tradition from which it drew its vitality and authority as the mystical body of Christ. Then it was a matter of getting rid of the representative of the old hierarchy, and only recently she began to show herself to be what she wants to be, without pretense or camouflage.

What you call utopia is in fact a dystopia, because it represents the concreteization of the plan of Freemasonry and prepares the appearance of the Antichrist.

I am also convinced that the majority of my confreres, and especially almost all priests and believers, are not fully aware of this hellish plan, and that recent events have opened the eyes of many. Their faith will enable our Lord to gather the pusillus grex, the small flock, before the final confrontation around the true shepherd.

Dies Irae: In order to restore the ancient splendour of the Church, it will be necessary to question many aspects of the Council's teaching. What points of the Second Vatican Council would you question?

Archbishop Vigano: I believe that there is no shortage of important personalities who have already expressed the critical points of the Council better than I have. There are those who believe that it would be less complicated and certainly wiser to follow the practice of the Church and the Popes as it was used in the Synod of Pistoia. It also contained good things, but the errors it claimed were considered sufficient to make them forgotten.

This Irae: Is the current pontificate the culmination of a process that begins with the Second Vatican Council and was longed for in the so-called "Catacomb Pact", or is it still an intermediate phase?

Archbishop Vigano: As with any revolution, the heroes of the first hour often fall victim to their own system, as was the case with Robespierre. Those who were regarded yesterday as the flag bearers of the Council Spirit now appear almost as conservatives: the examples of this are visible before all eyes. There are already those who, in the intellectual circles of progressivism (such as those frequented by a haughty Massimo Faggioli), begin to dispel doubts here and there about Bergoglio's real abilities, to make "courageous decisions" – for example, to abolish celibacy, to allow women to the priesthood, or to legitimize the Communicatio in sacris with heretics – almost as if he were hoping that he would step down in order to elect a pope who was even more obedient to the elites who had their most unscrupulous and determined followers in the Catacomb Pact and in the Mafia of St. Gallen.

This Irae: Our Excellency, we Catholics today often feel isolated from the Church and almost abandoned by our shepherds. What can you say to the hierarchs and believers who, despite the confusion and error that are spreading in the Church, are trying to persevere in this tough struggle to maintain the integrity of our faith?

Archbishop Vigano: My words would certainly be inadequate. I confine myself to repeating the words of our Lord, the eternal word of the Father: "Be sure, I am with you all the days until the end of the world." Of course, we feel isolated: but did the Apostles not feel that way, and all Christians? Didn't even Our Lord feel abandoned in Gethsemane? These are times of trial, perhaps of the last trial: we must drink the bitter cup, and even if it is human emanating from the Lord to let him pass by us, we must repeat with confidence: "But not as I will, but as you will" and remember His words of consolation: "In the world you are in affliction; but have courage: I have conquered the world."

After trial, however hard and painful it may be, the eternal reward will be prepared for us that no one can take away from us. The Church will once again radiate the glory of her Lord after this terrible and long-lasting Easter triduum.

Although prayer is undoubtedly indispensable, we must not relent on fighting the good struggle, but should make everyone witnesses of a courageous spirit of struggle under the banner of the Cross of Christ. Let us not allow the finger to be pointed at us, as the maid did in the court of the high priest with Saint Peter: "You also were one of his disciples," and then he denied Christ. Let us not be intimidated! Let us not allow the gag of tolerance to be applied to those who wish to proclaim the truth! Let us ask the Blessed Virgin and Our Lady Mary that our tongue can courageously proclaim the kingdom of God and Hs righteousness. May the miracle of Lapa be renewed, where the blessed Mary gave back the voice to little Joana, who was born dumb. May she also give us a voice, her children, who have remained silent for too long.

Our Lady of Fatima, Queen of Victories, ora pro nobis.

Introduction/translation: Giuseppe
Nardi Picture: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred


Monday, April 20, 2020

Trump Should Take the Lead in Freeing America from COVID-19 Crisis

The present decentralization of the federal government and transfer of power to state and local government is not good, since several of the governors are acting as communists in a dictatorial attempt to shut down society and church.
For example, Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer has banned home gardening during the COVID-19 lockdown while allowing abortion clinics to continue their heinous work of murdering the unborn. Several other governors have imposed similar iron-clad rulings, so keeping the power at the executive level is what would serve the best interests of the people.

If Obama was still president, it indeed would be better that governors and state leaders assumed more power, but since President Trump is in office he should wrest the power from the hands of irresponsible pro-death tyrants like governors Whitmer, Cuomo and Newsom, and use his position to free up society and the church.

For this whole COVID-19 crisis was sprung on us by globalists to tank the economy and place us on lockdown, with emphasis on closing down the Catholic Church. Bill Gates in conjunction with the infamous WHO and the Chinese government cultured this coronavirus for our ruin, so Trump should oppose them and get America opened again lest we lock into permanent slavery as planned by these globalists.

Specifically, Trump should issue an executive order forbidding any states, counties, or cities of America from ordering the closure of Christian churches. Closing the Church during crisis makes as much sense as shutting off a fire hydrant during a fire.

But too, it is a blatant violation of Separation of Church and State. The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment never meant that the state was supposed to be separate from God (as today's communists would have us think) but simply meant that the state cannot infringe on the Church.

As such, government should not be allowed to boss the Church lest we confess by our consent that government may boss Jesus Christ. What is needed right now is God's mercy and guiding hand, so we need to place the horse before the buggy and give rein to God in this crisis while also observing due precautions and social distancing.

Those touting the present delegation of powers to the governors should remember that "United we will stand, divided we will fall," so the executive branch should not hasten America's disunity by empowering the agents of the socialist deep-state.

Let these political "deities" remember that the state may not boss the Church because the state was founded on precepts of the Church. For we are "A Christian Nation" in which "All of our laws and institutions must necessarily be based upon and embody the teachings of the Redeemer of mankind." (Supreme Court Declaration, 1892)

Let our leaders not forget this.

The Vatican Censors Video -- Two Episodes -- "I'm a Freemason and Bergoglio Too"

(Rome) Francis sometimes speaks more like Jorge Mario Bergoglio than the Pope. Some people find it funny, but is it? Two examples: one direct and one indirect. Once a joking pope. The other time someone who "jokes" about the Pope?

A documentary was made about the Pontifical Scottish College in Rome. The Scottish College, together with the National Church of Scotland and a hospice, is part of the Scottish National Foundation in Rome, which was founded in 1600. The idea for this came to Pope Gregory XIII (1572-1585) and was supported by Queen Mary Stuart. By that time, the unity of faith in Scotland had already been broken and the state was shattered by radical Protestant tendencies (in 1560, the Scottish Parliament had introduced Calvinism against the will of the Queen). Rome sought ways to support Scottish Catholics and the Catholic faith in Scotland. The documentary was broadcast on Easter Sunday. It also showed footage of a meeting between the Scottish seminarians and Pope Francis. However, some of this video footage was removed from the film at the intervention of the Holy See. Vatican censorship concerns a scene, as reported by the Daily Record, where the Scottish seminarians presented the Pope with a bottle of Scotch whisky. Not what can be seen addressed by the censors, but what could have been heard: Francis said at the presentation of the whisky:

"That's the real holy water".

The final version of the documentary about Scots College, which aired on Sunday, lacked the above-mentioned scene, according to the Scottish Daily Record, which is close to the Labour Party. Actor and TV presenter Tony Kearney, a member of BBC Alba, the Gaelic-language broadcaster of BBC Scotland, was the documentary's production director. He confirmed the incident to the newspaper:

"He was really down-to-earth with everyone, and when they gave him the bottle, he took it and said 'questa' la vera Acqua Santa' instead of simply giving it to his assistant, as he would normally do with a gift. It means, 'That's the real holy water.'"

The pope then "laughed loudly."

Pope Francis on the Whisky offered to him as a gift: "That is the real Holy Water“

Pope Francis on the whisky he was presented with: "This is the real holy water"

The "joke," Kearney says, served to break the ice with the seminarians. All footage relating to the pope had to be approved by the documentary filmmakers from the Vatican's Communications Department, which was set up by Francis in 2015. Upon its intervention, the scene was deleted.

"I am a Freemason, and Bergoglio too"

Tony Kearney called it a "joke." There have been several similarly joking, ambiguous scenes with Pope Francis. Is this also the basis of the following episode?

Roberto Garcia is a well-known journalist in Argentina. From 1970 to 1972 he was Programme Director of Canal 9, 1983-2008 editor-in-chief of the business daily Ambito Financiero. Today, he is a sought-after columnist. Since 2009, a permanent column by him has appeared in the daily newspaper Perfil. On the private channel Canal 26 he hosts his own talk show La Mirada – de Roberto Garcia.

On November 27, 2017, he hosted journalist Edgar Mainhard of the Argentine online news platform Urgente 24 and Juan Bautista Yofre is called "Tata" on his show. In order to better understand the connections, the attendees must first be introduced.

Yofre alias "Tata" was under Argentina's Head of State and Government of Carlos Menem (1989–1999) Secretary of State and head of the SIDE (Secretaria de Inteligencia del Estado), the most important Argentine secret service. He then represented Argentina as ambassador to Panama and Portugal and held the position of Secretary of State in the Presidential Chancellery from 1993 to 1998.

(from left) Former Ambassador and Secretary of State Juan Bautista Yofre, Edgar Mainhard and Roberto Garcia

Since 2000 he has appeared mainly as the author of books on Argentine contemporary history. One focus is on state terrorism and the "deep state." For Argentina, he describes the two-demon theory. It equates the terror of left-wing guerrilla organizations during democracy until 1976 with the terror of the military during the military dictatorship from 1976 and analyzes action and backlash.

Garcia and Yofre have known each other since the early 1980s, when Yofre was a columnist for the newspaper Ambito Financiero, which was run by Garcia.

Along with others, Yofre, Garcia, and Maainhard were accused of treason during the tenure of President Cristina Fernandez Kirchner (2007–2015). Prosecutors were investigating an alleged "spy ring" that allegedly hacked the president's email access. The former SIDE boss "Tata" Yofre was brought to justice as the head of the "gang", Garcia, Mainhard and others as accessories  and contributors. The defendants, on the other hand, spoke of a political maneuver by the left-Peronist leadership, which wanted to stifle their unwelcome journalists and journalistic voices. In 2016, all defendants were acquitted because, as the judges found, there was no criminal offence.

In the above-mentioned broadcast of 27 November 2017, former Secretary of State Yofre spoke of a telephone conversation that had been intercepted by the secret service as part of the investigation into Iranian influence in Argentina. The investigation took place after the bombing of the headquarters of the Jewish community in Argentina on 18 July 1994. 85 people were killed and more than 300 injured. It was the worst attack in Argentina's history.

In the broadcast, Roberto Garcia asked his guest about "the impossible ones from Argentina who surround the Pope".

Yofre then revealed the intercepted telephone conversation between "Yusuf and Karim," which can be found under the transcripts of 40,000 telephone conversations that are part of Special Prosecutor Alberto Nisman's investigative files. Nisman, himself a Jew, has been leading the investigation into the 1994 terrorist attack since 2005. In 2013, he indicted six people linked to Iran and Hezbollah. He accused the Iranian government of commissioning the attack and Hezbollah for carrying it out. In 2015, there was a bang. Nisman issued an arrest warrant for President Cristina Fernandez Kirchner for obstructing the prosecution of the assassins and their masterminds. He was then summoned to a hearing before Parliament because the Members of Parliament wanted to receive information. A few hours later, he was found dead. President Kirchner spoke of suicide. The Argentine prosecutor's office, and with it many Argentines, assume that he was murdered.

Back to the phone call that Yofre revealed.

The daily newspaper La Nacion had published on its website the recording of the intercepted phone call between "Yusuf and Karim" for a short time, but then quickly deleted it.

"They could have listened to it. I listened to it to be able to judge it," Yofre said.

By "Yusuf and Karim" are Jorge Alejandro "Yusuf" Khalil and Abdul Karim Paz, two senior representatives of Iran and the Shiite community in Argentina. Khalil was General Secretary of the At-Tauhid Mosque in Buenos Aires at the time of Nisman's death, Paz was born Santiago Ricardo Paz Zuberbühler Bullrich and comes from the Argentine upper class. His cousin Patricia Bullrich was Argentina's Minister of Security until 10 December 2019, while his cousin Esteban Bullrich was Argentina's minister of education until 2017. The Catholic converted to Islam, which he studied in its Shia form at Iran's Al-Mustafa University. He was given the rank of Shiite Sheikh and became an Imam of the At-Tauhid Mosque. At the same time, he is Iran's "informal ambassador" to Argentina. Argentina severed diplomatic relations with Iran after the attack. Paz is seen as a hub for Iranian recruitment among the country's radicalized Shiites. Although the conversation was intercepted for very different reasons, Yofre described it because of a detail contained therein. Yusuf told Karim about meeting Bergoglio's "intelligence chief" in Argentina. Yofre confirmed the existence of such a "intelligence service", which Jorge Mario Bergoglio had already built up as archbishop of Buenos Aires and Primate of Argentina. He had known the head of the service personally, but did not mention his name on the show. Only so much did he say that it was a layman. Yusuf told Karim that the head of the Bergoglian intelligence service told him at the meeting that he was a Freemason "and Bergoglio too." Former Secretary of State Yofre followed the description with a reference to "Marcelito", Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, the political arm of Pope Francis.

The topic was undoubtedly discussed by an illustrious panel in the 2017 TV show. Yofre reported facts.

      -- Fact is, the intercepted telephone conversation exists
      -- Fact is, what Yusuf told his co-conspirator Karim

But this ends with the verifiable parts. The rest can be noted, but not confirmed. Yusuf reports that an unnamed head of the Vatican secret service in Argentina revealed to him something about Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Pope Francis, during a face-to-face meeting. The credibility of Jorge Alejandro "Yusuf" Khalil, and even less that of the great unknown, the actual source, cannot be verified. The Catholic publicist Maurizio Blondet, until 2015 editor-in-chief of the Italian press service Effedieffe, published the video of the show already in 2017 with the note:

"I think it is a testimony that should not be underestimated."

The corresponding position in the show La Mirada – de Roberto Garcia can be found from minute 20:45.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Youtube/La Mirada/ (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Pope Dreams of a Communist World

Edit: if there was any doubt.

ROME (AP) — Pope Francis is urging the faithful to use the coronavirus pandemic’s “time of trial” to prepare for a future where inequalities are abolished and the poorest are no longer left behind.

“This is not some ideology,” Francis said. “It is Christianity.”

Francis traveled a few blocks outside the Vatican walls on Sunday to celebrate Mass at a nearby church to mark a special feast day dedicated to mercy. Only a few priests were in the pews given Italy’s strict virus lockdown.

In his homily, Francis said the grave, global toll of the pandemic has reminded the world that there are no borders between those who suffer, no differences in nationalities among those who are struck or spared.


Photo is the public domain, fyi.


Is the Divine Mercy Really Catholic?

[catholictruthblog] As we approach Divine Mercy Sunday, it might be a good idea to reflect on this relatively new devotion and Feast Day in the Church. Personally, I’ve never been attracted to it at all. I dislike the image which compares very unfavourably, in my view, to the traditional image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and I’m taken aback by some of the things Our Lord allegedly said to Sister Faustina. However, I realise a lot of faithful Catholics do like the image and pray the Divine Mercy devotions sincerely. This thread is not, in any way, intended to be a criticism of them.

Two articles are offered here to encourage discussion. The first is a very honest enquiry on an American blog, entitled Criticisms and Responses to the Divine Mercy Devotion and the second is the article below, by Fr Peter Scott, a priest of the Society of St Pius X (SSPX) which is thought provoking. After reading the articles, please feel free to share your thoughts on the topic proposed for discussion: Is the Divine Mercy Devotion Catholic?


What are we to think of the Divine Mercy devotion?

Many people have certainly received graces from the devotion to Divine Mercy propagated by St. Faustina, and her personal piety was certainly most exemplary. However, this does not necessarily mean that this devotion is from God. It is true that Pope John Paul II promoted this devotion, that it was through his efforts that the prohibition was lifted on April 15, 1978, and that he even introduced a feast of Divine Mercy into the Novus Ordo. However, the fact that good and pious people receive graces and that Sister Faustina was pious do not necessarily means that it is from heaven. In fact, it was not only not approved before Vatican II. It was condemned, and this despite the fact that the prayers themselves of the chaplet of Divine Mercy are orthodox.

Link.... AMDG

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Covid-19 Uprising

Edit: Jones takes Worst Things commentator, Father Joseph White on his A-historical Thomism.  While reading his contribution, I thought Father White sounded a lot like our very own resident Satanist, Gaybrielle, referring to those who are skeptical about the measures being taken during this "epidemic" as "religious narcissists". 

It was especially hilarious the way he criticized lesbian Attorney General, Dana Nessel as an ineffective leader because she lacks the prudence necessary so that her decisions are unnecessarily draconian.


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

A United Crusade of Public Prayer to Reopen America, the Church

By David Martin

While there appears to be some light at the end of the tunnel with the coronavirus crisis, we shouldn't let down our guard too quickly.

In December, it was reported that Bill Gates in league with other globalists had put $4 billion into launching a "pandemic experiment" using COVID-19. Given the internationalist hatred against President Trump, we shouldn't rule out that the objective of this experiment was to first see how society would respond to government orders to shut down businesses and churches before moving on to the crux of their plan—an attempted presidential assassination—since foreknowledge of the public's response would be essential in enabling them to successfully carry out such a plan. Based on our response, the globalists now know that America would all too easily buckle under government pressure to close down shop in such a crisis.

We should note that it is deep-state radicals like Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama and Andy Cuomo who are adamantly pushing the national lockdown over coronavirus and who are viciously attacking Trump over his attempts to reopen America. This in itself is a dead give-away as to the diabolical nature of the lockdown.    Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti has even said he will pay people to report on businesses that violate the Safer at Home order.

 This is reminiscent of how people in Hitler's time were paid to report friends and neighbors who went against the Nazi regime.
Public Reparation and Prayer Needed

With socialist tyranny fast encroaching upon our nation, we should console ourselves in knowing that a united crusade of public prayer will foil this plan to take our country from us. If there was ever a time to set into motion a national crusade of prayer for our country and the president, it is now! Already, there is legal motion underway to try to get the churches opened again, so now is the time to fan the fire and open those churches so that Masses can be said everywhere. It is high time that priests and laity stop worrying about what bishops and governors will think. "Face fear and it will disappear."  Note that it was the interruption of Masses that strengthened this globalist plan to close down our country, so the opposite would contribute mightily to opening things back up for us.

In the meantime, Catholics everywhere should say the Rosary daily for the protection of President Trump because the danger to our country has not abated. Prayer is powerful against Satan and with Satan having generated this plan to bring down America we should take confidence in knowing that united prayer will bring the Blessed Virgin's heel upon the head of the global serpent.

A Chastisement from God

While we know that this year's Lenten crisis was permitted as a chastisement from God, let this chastisement bear fruit by our resolving never to take the Church for granted but by increasing our fever in the practice of our Catholic Faith. What the Lord expects is that we go upon our knees and make public reparation in the churches for the many crimes against Faith, e.g. Communion in the hand, ecumenism, socializing in Church, allowing women on the altar, the promotion of humanism and modernism through which the Church in our time has been profaned. If such reparation is made, there is no question that victory will be ours.

Freemasons of France: "Notre Dame Should be Deconsecrated (Profaned) and Made Into a Cultural Temple"

France's Freemasons want to take advantage of the devastating fire of Notre-Dame de Paris to profane the cathedral and to win it over to the state.

(Paris) It's 2019. In Cameroon, politics and business are secretly controlled by Freemasonry. In France, Freemasons are increasing the pressure to take the ruined Notre-Dame cathedral from the Church and rebuild it into a "laicized" (Secular) cultural temple.

The state's bishops' conference complained about this condition in a public appeal. The first signatory is the President of  the Bishops' Conference, Monsignor Abraham Boualo Kome, Bishop of Bafang and Apostolic Administrator of Bafia.

The bishops' appeal expressly contains an invitation to stop the beaproned lodge brothers, rosicrucians and witches.

“Right now, in some parishes in our diocese, in parish councils and even in some diocesan bodies, there are more and more people with increasing responsibility who are Freemasons and Rosicrucians or who are devoted to witchcraft. Such a situation requires clarification."

The bishops emphasize not only "wanting to recall the basic lines of the Magisterium" through such more or less secret and occult groups, but "wanting to give precise, pastoral directives" ... "to proclaim and defend the faith in Jesus Christ who has died, buried and rose again.”

Freemasonry controls politics and business in Cameroon

Only last July 5 the United Grand Lodge of Cameroon wrote to the Prime Minister of the country with the requirement to appoint Lodge Brother Desiré Mama Ndjikam in charge of the important Lake Monound Project.

The Masonic Ndjikam has already held numerous, influential positions, the circulation of amounts of money, including Conaroute, the National Council for Road Construction .

The bishops are concerned about the increasing influence of Freemasons in the African country and the ever new and ever unabashed demands.

The Grand Lodge of Kamerung was formed in 2001 out of four lodges, which at that time were consolidated in the District Grand Lodge of Cameroon under the Grand Lodge of France.

With their appeal, the bishops recall that “the Christian religion is not our invention, but the religion revealed to God by Moses himself, which was fulfilled in and through Jesus Christ and brought to a consummation. Our faith is based on the truths revealed by the Lord. The truths are called dogmas. No Catholic can contradict them without denying their faith. It is about the dogmas of the Most Holy Trinity, Incarnation, Resurrection, Ascension, Immaculate Conception and the Assumption of Mary.”

The bishops also affirm that Catholics are strictly forbidden from belonging to the Rosicrucians and similar groups because their teachings contradict the truth of the Gospels. The Rosicrucians, according to the bishops for explanation, see no person in God, but only as a kind of spiritual energy, the source of all material vibrations. The path to declared pantheism is no longer far away.

The bishops call for a solid instruction of the faithful in the truths of the faith, which should be free from ambiguities. The reason, according to the bishops, is that ignorance is the most common reason that people fall victim to sects and Gnostic associations.

The bishops call on the faithful to "ceaselessly" confess their own faith in Jesus Christ who died and rose.
The call of the bishops knows no false compromises. Such an attitude is unfortunately very rare to find among Europe's bishops, which is why they hardly oppose the Freemasons anymore.

Fire as an excuse to turn Norte-Dame into a cultural temple

On June 17, the French daily L'Opinion published an interview with Jean-Philippe Hubsch, Grand Master of the Greater Orient of France, the country's most influential Freemasonry.

In the interview, Hubsch suggests nothing less than to deconsecrate (profane) the Cathedral Notre-Dame de Paris, which fell victim to a fire on April 14, from an as yet unexplained cause, and to transform it into a public cultural temple.

The beaproned lodge brothers in France immediately plunged into activism to raise funds for the reconstruction of the cathedral, which is the country's best-known national landmark. The Freemasons speak of a “gesture of republican solidarity,” but they do not mean this with unselfishness.

The Archdiocesan Press Office of the Archdiocese of Paris and even Archbishop Michel Aupetit of Paris have personally spoken repeatedly since the fire to emphasize the inescapable importance of the church as a place of cultus (worship).

In June, Archbishop Aupetit said in a sermon:

“Separating culture and cultus is the result of ignorance or ideology. A culture without a cultus becomes an unculture. This shows the abysmal religious ignorance of our contemporaries: by excluding the term "divine" and the name of God from the public sphere, by referring to a laity that excludes any visible, spiritual dimension."

But the beaproned brothers in the Masonic lodges do not give up. Notre-Dame Cathedral is to be taken from the Church and converted into a "secular" temple of culture. Not cultus, but culture, the motto can be summarized with the small difference of just one letter, which is, however, decisive.

Do you hear about it in the big media?

Were there any public voices heard in the major media that support the Church in France and Cameroon?
There is nothing more to say.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi 
Image: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred

SSPX Continues to Minister to the People of God Despite the Plague -- Taylor Marshall Comes to Mass With SSPX!

Edit: we've heard reports that the SSPX has continued Mass at his locations, but has instituted precautions like spreading people out and decontaminating the chapel after each Mass. It seems like these spiritual inheritors of Archbishop Lefebvre's Holy Ghost Fathers are no stranger to carrying on with their duties as priests through great plagues, if great plague this is.  Any further input by you, dear reader, would be much appreciated.

Meanwhile, Taylor Marshall, not exactly a friend of the SSPX in the past has exhibited interest in going to these wonderful SSPX Liturgies and apparently attended one on Easter

[SSPX]  The District of the United States for the Society of Saint Pius X is saying Mass at its chapels each day "for protection and deliverance."

As Father Wegner stated in his letter of March 14, 2020, the first measures the U.S. District will take against this malady are of a spiritual nature.

In these times, not only do we want to take the precautions to prevent the spread of disease, but we must redouble our prayers and penance, begging for God’s mercy. We will offer a Continuous Mass. This Mass will be the Mass of the day of Lent and the intention is “for protection and deliverance”. We will assign each priest of the District a day where he will say his Mass for this intention and will let you know which priest will say the Mass and where.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Soros News Outlet: Coronavirus is Perfect Time to 'Abolish The Family'

[RMX] A news outlet backed by financier George Soros in the United Kingdom is using people's increased sensitivity during the coronavirus pandemic to push an anti-family agenda and call for families to be abolished.

The news outlet openDemocracy published an article entitled "The coronavirus crisis shows it's time to abolish the family" on its website where the author, Sophie Lewis, argues against the nuclear family's perceived shortcomings, which supposedly the crisis has only exacerbated.

Writing for openDemocracy, she says that the crisis is the right time for people to "liberate" themselves from "the nuclear household."

The article claims that homes are unsafe environments and the coronavirus will lead to a rise in abuse, making strong claims that private households feature "child rape" and "queer bashing".

The author asserts that "queer and feminized" people are not safe inside homes.

Queer and feminized people, especially very old and very young ones, are definitionally not safe there: their flourishing in the capitalist home is the exception, not the rule."

The article goes on to claim families are fraught with patriarchal parenting and family environments are unsafe due to “the mystification of the couple-form; the romanticisation of kinship; and the sanitization of the fundamentally unsafe space that is private property.”

H/T: Constantine


Sunday, April 12, 2020

Trump Should Maintain "Social Distancing" from Fauci, Globalists

By David Martin

While Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the federal government’s top infectious disease expert is accusing President Trump of contributing to the spread of COVID-19 by his “slow response” to the crisis, it is Fauci and his global cronies that are thwarting Trump's good efforts to rid America of COVID-19.

President Trump has continually expressed great confidence in the promise of a new COVID-19 therapy involving two drugs—Azithromycin and Hydroxychloroquine—ignoring experts’ ongoing insistence that there isn't enough evidence to recommend the treatment.

"What do you have to lose? Take it," Trump said in a White House briefing on April 4. "I really think they should take it. But it’s their choice. And it’s their doctor’s choice or the doctors in the hospital. But hydroxychloroquine. Try it, if you’d like."

The President is all for administering *Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin to those with COVID-19, but Dr. Fauci has stood against Trump on this, saying that we have “to prove, definitively, from a scientific standpoint, that they do work.”

If that be the case, why doesn't his team go to work and prove it? Why are they stalling? And what are they afraid of? The combination of Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin is already used on patients with Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis with no known serious side effects, so why is Fauci trying to dissuade the President from promoting this remedy?

Clearly, Fauci is opposed to Trump. On February 29, Fauci was saying that COVID-19 posed no threat to America and that there was nothing to worry about, and now he is blaming Trump’s initial slow response to the pandemic for the increasing coronavirus deaths in the U.S.

Fauci’s Sinister Connection

The mystery of Fauci’s antagonism becomes clear when we consider that he endorses the infamous World Health Organization (WHO), known for its rampant promotion of abortion, contraception, and homosexuality. On March 27, Fauci announced his longtime friendship with WHO Director General, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who is connected with the terrorist Clinton Foundation. Ghebrevesus and the Clinton Foundation are all about bringing down the West and apparently Fauci shares in their war against the West.

The fact is that Fauci praises the national lockdown over the Coronavirus, insisting on more “social distancing” and cancelled flights, and with Bill Gates he has expressed enthusiasm over a vaccine being developed to “cure” COVID-19, the same that many suspect is being developed to poison people. Gates put $4 billion into springing the Coronavirus pandemic upon us, and it appears a key reason for this was to provide an excuse to inject us with poison vaccines, the same that would be monitored with a chip. 666 anyone?

Suffice it to say, the President should distance himself from Dr. Fauci or anyone connected with the World Health Organization, since they cannot be trusted, no more than Planned Parenthood can be. 

The internationalist WHO—working in cahoots with Bill Gates and U.N. globalists—cultured this COVID-19 pandemic and is using it as their tool to bring down America and the West. Globalists are notorious for first creating the problem (Coronavirus) and then proposing a "solution" for it, and the solution they're proposing is to place America on permanent lockdown so as to enslave us under a communistic one-world government.

It didn't happen overnight but has been in the works for many years. In the name of 'public health and safety,' the plan was to use fear to tank the market and stir nationwide riots so that UN troops could eventually move in with internationalist martial law. If America continues to listen to globalists like Fauci, American liberty may soon be a thing of the past.

Fortunately, the president on Easter Sunday signaled his frustration over Fauci by retweeting the following message from former Republican congressional candidate, DeAnna Lorraine.

“Fauci is now saying that had Trump listened to the medical experts earlier he could’ve saved more lives. Fauci was telling people on February 29th that there was nothing to worry about and it posed no threat to the US at large. Time to #Fire Fauci.”

Fauci is not about stopping the spread of COVID-19 but about using it to shackle America, therefore the president should ignore Fauci and put into action a plan to liberate America from this COVID-19 crisis. For starters, he might issue an executive order forbidding any state of the union from ordering a shutdown of businesses and farming.

Churches Need to Open Again

Especially, the president should issue an executive order forbidding any states, counties, or cities from ordering the closure of Christian churches. The enemy knows full well that organized prayer in the Church is what will foil their plan, therefore Trump should foil it.

The real emergency that exists right now is not COVID-19, but this internationalist plot to place America under globalist jurisdiction. As Commander in Chief of this great nation, it is imperative that Trump is on to this plan and that he counteract it.

On this solemn Feast of Easter 2020, we pray he will do just that.


*Lab studies of hydroxychloroquine suggest that cells in the respiratory tract engulf coronaviruses within a tiny pouch. The virus needs to puncture this pouch in order to release its genetic material into the cell and turn it into a viral copying machine to pump out more virus. To do that, SARS-CoV-2—the virus that causes COVID-19—requires an acidic environment. Hydroxychloroquine is an alkaline compound that raises the pH levels of the host environment, thus preventing the virus from releasing its genes for copying. The end result is that the coronavirus is bumped out of cells so that it can’t infect them.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

To the Catholic Bishops: Open the Churches and Make Amends - NOW!

By David Martin

The recent closure of Catholic churches over the coronavirus is pathetic and absurd, since it works against our public health and safety. It is an indictment of our times that supermarkets, liquor stores, abortion mills and transportation lines are allowed to operate while churches have been forced to shut down, thanks to the pope and bishops who are taking orders from the state, not from God.

Attending Mass is every bit as "essential" as these busy-body activities, so why have the bishops ordered the churches locked? To please a bureaucratic body of atheists who are using COVID-19 to shut down religion?

The bishops need to open the churches to give the Church a fighting chance to offset the diabolical darkness that is fast closing in. They must not allow the Antichrist-state to shut down the Church, wherein is contained the only source for our victory—the Mass and Eucharist—but must open the doors and let the Church's light shine that it might dispel the darkness.

Pope Gregory Ended the Plague in Rome

Let them follow the lead of St. Gregory the Great, who in 591 ended the plague in Rome by carrying in procession a picture of the Virgin Mary painted by St. Luke the Apostle. The Abbot Orsini wrote: "On this day, in the year 591 (April 25), St. Gregory the Great, having had the picture of Our Lady, which was painted by St. Luke, carried in procession, the plague ceased at Rome."

The pope understood that the plague was a chastisement from God, and encouraged the faithful to repent of their sins and pray for deliverance, while he and the religious cared for the people of Rome. Finally, the saint called for a procession to take place at dawn on April 25th. On that day the faithful first assembled in their groups throughout Rome and then walked through the streets of the city praying and singing as they approached the church of Saint Mary Major. The plague was so potent at that time that eighty people collapsed and died as they walked toward the meeting place.

Pope Gregory met them upon their arrival, joining them in prayer as he took his place with them holding aloft the miraculous image of Our Lady painted by Saint Luke the Evangelist. As the procession neared the Vatican, the participants all saw Saint Michael the Archangel standing upon the cupola of Hadrian’s Mausoleum as he sheathed his flaming sword. It was a sign that the chastisement had come to an end, and at once the heaviness in the air abated and the air itself seemed to freshen and clear. The plague indeed had ended as the faithful rejoiced and lifted up their voices to thank the Mother of God. "Regina Coeli laetare, Alleluia! (Queen of heaven, rejoice, Alleluia!) Quia quem meruisti portare, Alleluia! (Son whom you merited to bear, Alleluia!) Resurrexit sicut dixit, Alleluia! (He has risen as He said, Alleluia!)

Why hasn't Pope Francis and his cardinals shown this same humility? The COVID-19 crisis is a punishment for sin, especially the sins in the Church, but unfortunately the Church is not responding to this chastisement.

Clerical Repentance Needed

What God expects is for the pope and bishops to open up the churches and go upon their knees, acknowledging sincerely that their manifold sins against the Faith—Communion in the hand, ecumenism, socializing in church, bowing to Pachamama, colluding with U.N. pro-abortion advocates, allowing women on the altar, appointing homosexuals to clerical positions—have brought this plague upon us. According to Bishop Schneider, the Eucharist has been trampled underfoot for the past fifty years through the pestilent practice of Communion in the hand. Is it any wonder that we're being punished?

Now is the time to make amends, so a healthy amendment is for clergy and laity to make public reparation in the churches, confessing sincerely that they have offended by their modern-day attempts to change the Catholic Church. The present crisis is a wake-up call to either cleanse the Church of modernism or suffer a just punishment in the form of communist oppression and slavery.

Already, the storm clouds of socialism are gathering, so this is no time to close the churches but to bring the people into the Church that they may be on their knees in reparation to God who is "much offended."

The choice is ours!