Friday, October 20, 2017

Pope Sends Letter to Family of Murdered Journalist Who'd Exposed Clintons

Pope Francis has sent a rare letter of condolence to Malta following the murder of the investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, amid calls from her sons for the island’s prime minister to resign and mounting pressure for an international investigation.

In a highly unusual gesture from the Vatican after the death of a private citizen, Francis wrote on Friday to the archbishop of Malta to say he was praying for the journalist’s family and the Maltese people “at this difficult moment” and was “saddened by the tragic death”.
Five days after Caruana Galizia’s death in a powerful car bomb yards from her home in the rural north of the island, an autopsy was being carried out on her body, but police have warned it could take several weeks before the evidence gathered from the site was fully assessed.

[The Conservative Fighters] As The Free Thought Project reported in April 2016, the Panama Papers had a direct effect on the United States by revealing both elite and criminal donors who helped to finance the careers of Hillary and Bill Clinton through unethical offshore tax shelters.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Vatican Announces Photo of Pope Benedict XVI.

(Rome) Yesterday evening Vatican spokesman Greg Burke published a photo of Benedict XVI on Twitter.
He did not mention a reason for the publication. Burke wrote simply:
"The emeritus pope, today at 5 pm."

H/t Katholisches...


Monday, October 16, 2017

900 Year Old Cistercian Abbey Closes in Trier

The only remaining six monks will move to another monastery of their choice.

Trier ( After almost 900 years the Cistercian abbey Himmerod is dissolved. The decision to dissolve came from the Mehrerauer Congregation to which the abbey belonged. The only remaining six monks will move to another monastery of their choice. The abbey property will be passed on to the Diocese of Trier.

The abbey was founded in 1134 by Bernard of Clairvaux. In secularization, the Abbey was abolished and rebuilt at the beginning of the 20th century and in Baroque style. The Abbey church is currently not renovated after a fire under the organ and therefore can not be used at the moment, has reported

The Heiligenkreuz Abbey - a Cistercian Abbey in the Vienna Woods - commented on their Facebook page with this message "very, very sad". The Heiligenkreuz monk continued to write: "We are thinking in prayer of the remaining confreres of Himmerod, whose convent is now being dissolved because there were simply too few new vocations. Please pray with us together for many new spiritual vocations and for a renewal of the faith in us in Europe, so that more monasteries will not have to be closed, but on the contrary, new ones can be founded and revived! May God, through such sad news, move our hearts, so that we may be more energetic and courageous in our faith and in the Church!" 

Trans: Tancred

Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Marie Antoinette

Marie Antoinette, the most beautiful flower of the Hapsburg family was cruelly abused by her Republican jailers before she surmounted the platform to the jeering of a multitude with wavering steps, slightly trembling, as Hillaire Belloc describes her for posterity. Her once beautiful auburn hair disheveled and matted, yet she walked with the pitable dignity of a woman who'd been cruelly beaten but was not defeated. The Republican organs of propaganda had whipped the crowd into a frenzy of hate for this woman and she was condemned to die without proof, stripped of her children who'd later be murdered and preceeded in death by her beloved husband, the King.

The youthful courage of this gentle and sweet woman will be remembered in eternity and her noble death will be remembered long after the lies told about her have receeded like a bad dream.


Sunday, October 15, 2017

The Last: Faithful Auxiliary Bishop Laun Dismissed on 75th Birthday

Auxiliary Bishop Andreas Laun at the "Demo for All". On October
he became 75 and was retired by Pope Francis on the same day.
(Vienna) Pope Francis accepted the resignation of Auxiliary Bishop Andreas Laun of Salzburg yesterday, the 100th anniversary of the last Marian Apparition in Fatima. Thus, in the German-speaking world, an outstanding figure holding the bishop's office has lost his office, who dared to raise his voice against the prevailing Zeitgeist. Above all, he is the last of a remarkable attempt at a course correction in the Church of Austria.
The Moral Theologian belongs to the Order of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales (OSFS). In 1995, Pope John Paul II appointed the son of an atheist who had converted to the Catholic faith as titular bishop of Libertina and auxiliary bishop of Salzburg. Libertina is a vanished bishopric of the Roman province of Africa Proconsularis, which belonged to the church province of Carthage and was located in present-day Tunisia. By the Islamic conquest of North Africa it vanished and is what could be seen as a reminder with regard to today's Islamization of Western Europe. Recently the City Council of the Austrian capital Vienna published figures showing that the Muslims in the age group 0 - 10 years already account for almost 30 percent.
On the very day of his 75th birthday, Monsignor Laun was dismissed from office. You could say someone was in a hurry. In fact, Laun was the last remaining representative of a series of episcopal appointments with which Pope John Paul II wanted to achieve a renewal of the Catholic Church in Austria through a change of course. The fact that he would never be anything more in the Austrian Church was established in the second half of the 1990s.

The attempted course correction by John Paul II

When John Paul II became pope, the revival of Modernism in the German-speaking world was already in front of everyone's eyes. Parallel to the Second Vatican Council, an unprecedented decline of the Catholic Church took place. John Paul II wanted to counter this erosion process. It is known from the history of the Church that real renewal, owing to the hierarchical composition of the Church, takes place only through a traditionally coherent action from below and above.
For this reason, John Paul II wanted to give a new episcopate to Austria. Bishop's appointments are the only, really substantial possibility for the Pope to intervene in a local church. Since appointments are rare, however, this path takes a lot of time, which is not always sufficient.
In the Apostolic Nunciature in Vienna, especially Titular Archbishop Michele Checchini it was rumored that the main driving force in the background was the Austrian Curial Cardinal Alfons Maria Stickler.
In the middle of the eighties, Monsignor Egon Kapellari, Bishop of Gurk-Klagenfurt, was appointed a "conservative" or "best" Bishop of Austria in 1982 by John Paul II. His appointment had still prepared Cecchini's predecessors.

The Cecchini era ...

With Nuntius Cecchini then it happened in one fell swoop from 1985 on. The most important personnel decision in the Church of Austria, the appointment of the Archbishop of Vienna, was the prelude to the day, when Cardinal Franz König, who was still omnipresent at that time, was sitting. He was followed by the Benedictine Hans Hermann Groër from Göttweig Abbey. The consequence was an outcry of the "modern". The Church is threatening a "reactionary turnaround," a "return to the past." From the first day onwards irreconcilable barriers were set up against the new Archbishop whom John Paul II had raised to the rank of Cardinal.
In 1987, he was assigned an auxiliary bishop, the professor of systematic theology, Msgr. Kurz Krenn.
In 1988, with an official appointment at the beginning of 1989, Msgr George Eder was appointed Archbishop of Salzburg and with that two of Archbishop seats of Austria were held by newly appointed men. As Primas Germaniae, Eder was allowed the purple.
In the same year, the appointment of Monsignor Klaus Küng, the first Opus Dei representative on a bishop's chair in the German-speaking world, followed the Bishop of Feldkirch. Each appointment triggered violent counter-campaigns by the left-wing Church circles, which found reflexive support for Church-hostile media.
In the same year the already over 79 year old Cecchini was replaced as nuncio. He was followed by Donato Squicciarini and a first toning down of the original line. Auxiliary Bishop Kurt Krenn was removed from Vienna in 1991, where he hoped to be one of the future Archbishops, and was appointed Bishop of St. Pölten. On the same day, the Dominican scholar, Christoph Schönborn, was appointed an auxiliary bishop for Vienna. The other appointments were listed under the keyword "moderate conservatives" and remained rather colorless. Only in Salzburg, at the request of Archbishop Eder, with the appointment of Andreas Laun, was there an appointment in the Cecchini line.

... and their end

In the same year, however, the attempt of John Paul II experienced a severe setback, which was soon to turn out to be an end. In March, one person made vague accusations of sexual abuse against Cardinal Groër. The background is still highly opaque. The media fell with pleasure on the matter, and the progressive Church circles sniffed out a unique opportunity. From this an efficient, albeit rather unholy alliance was formed, which successfully blew death on the prince of the Church.
On the 13th of April of that year, Auxiliary Bishop Schönborn was appointed Archbishop-Coadjutor. It was clear at the latest that he and not Bishop Krenn would be next Archbishop of Vienna. With the effect that Cardinal Groër was made archbishop emeritus on 14 September, the Feast of the Crucifixion. In 2004 Bishop Krenn was struck down with a few other ingredients under the pressure of a staged campaign. The two main phrases of the course correction, which John Paul II had tried, had been chased out of office with shame and disgrace. Groër because of his rank and Krenn due to his outstanding intellect and his pugnacity, were feared by their opponents.
The Church referendum and the 500,000 signatures had caused fear. Squicciarini was not Cecchini. From then on, Vienna's new Archbishop, Schönborn, had a weighty word to say, also in the case of episcopal appointments.
When Alois Kothgasser was appointed Bishop of Innsbruck in 1997, Laun's career as the Auxiliary Bishop in Salzburg had already reached its final destination. The wind had turned. With the appointment of Kothgasser in November 2002 as the successor of Archbishop Eder, it was firmly established.

Voice against the Zeitgeist

Particularly active in matrimonial and family pastoral care, Auxiliary Bishop Laun, for more than 20 years as a bishop, defended the Catholic morality and natural law in an area which is receiving an ever more dangerous bombardment of a de-Christianizing the world and under the pontificate of Pope Francis within the Church, is sometimes called into question by the highest authority. That even brought Laun in 2017 a criminal complaint by homophilic SPD deputies. The Catholic doctrine has become so intolerable to many.
Laun has referred to the affliction of many faithful priest as an "inner-Christian persecution by Christians."
He also courageously raised his voice for unborn children as an auxiliary bishop. This is a theme that the dominant Zeitgeist has forced under a bell of silence. In the German-speaking world, the Catholic Church has also largely adhered to this taboo since the 1980s. Laun always consciously broke this wall of silence. Whoever has heard him speak about the unborn and the natural order knows what a weighty voice the Church has in him and yet instead of helping him gave him a muzzle.
This last happened in October 2016 when he had to cancel his participation, including a speech to the Congress Defender of Europe in Linz, "at the insistence" of the new Archbishop of Salzburg, Franz Lackner OFM. As a new initiative, the Congress attempted to articulate a counter-position to the impending loss of identity through mass immigration, multiculturalism, Islamization and genderization. The political left saw this as a threat to their cultural hegemony, which had to be immediately stifled. Laun's recall is symptomatic of the new timidity of the Church towards the temporal spirit, which some already see as a complete capitulation, clearly like Goethe's fisherman: "Half he drew them, half he put them back."

Guardians for marriage, family and life

Laun himself formulated it a few days ago against the Salzburg Church newspaper Rupertusblatt as follows:
"He regards the guardianship as an order to the bishops to pay attention to what Catholics, theologians, religious instructors represent as the doctrine of the Church," as Laun says; 'And if necessary, they should also intervene to correct: lovingly, argumentatively, but also with courage and firmness'. Some people would have 'scolded' him if he had defended "delicate positions of the church", for example, in the area of Pro-​​life. 'I am truly sad about those defeats which people have added to my own Church.' Even with his criticism of the provisions allowing abortion in the first three months, he had encountered contradictions in Church circles - even among people who at that time had signed the popular move against this law. In short, when I was a bishop as guardian, I was not infrequently defamed and attacked."
The church has to talk "about God and not primarily about the climate and other fashionable themes", says Laun. It is always about "God or nothing," said the auxiliary bishop, referring to the title of a book by Cardinal Robert Sarah.
"Jesus has not brought eternal peace, not the healing of all the sick, not the overcoming of all famines or the prevention of natural catastrophes, but He has brought God."
As the publisher of the monthly Kirche Heute and his lectures, Laun goes beyond the borders of Austria and will certainly do so in the future as far as his health permits.

The last of a remarkable experiment

22 years ago, his appointment was part of a remarkable attempt to stop the decline of catholicity in Austria by changing the course of bishop's appointments. That his appointment was the last shows how long it has already been, that this attempt has failed. When Pope Benedict XVI In 2009, attempted to appoint the dogmatic theologian and country pastor, Gerhard Maria Wagner as auxiliary bishop of Linz, the alarm was sounded from the relevant side that the attempt to recover what had happened from 1985-1995 was imminent. It was immediately stifled in the bud. In Rome, cold feet were given to the published reaction. Even before Pastor Wagner could be ordained as a bishop and his office could be established, the appointment was again dropped. Five years later, Wagner described the state of the church in Austria with the words, "a pig stye which stinks".
As an auxiliary bishop, Laun could not change much, and he was not allowed to be more.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi 
Image: Demo for all
Trans: Tancred

Friday, October 13, 2017

Anglican Church Hosts Satanic Fashion Show

Can You Say Spirit Cooking?

Edit: Retired Anglican Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali condemned the show saying it was, "not acceptable" and could lead people "to areas where we don't want them to go."

"Christians will be outraged. This was not necessary to do. In the sense that Christ's name is being dishonoured, it is blasphemous."

[NZ Herald] A bitter row has erupted after a fashion show featuring satanic designs was held at a historic church.

Leading clerics branded the event "blasphemous" after models dressed as devils and vampires sashayed in front of the altar, reported the Daily Mail.

The show, part of London Fashion Week, was highlighting the work of controversial Turkish designer Dilara Findikoglu, whose creations have been worn by celebrities including singer Rihanna.

The runway inside St Andrew Holborn Church. Photo / Getty Images (They turned the inside of the church into a satanic temple, or rather, Masonic Lodge. What's the diff?)
Peter Hitchens recently blocked us on Twitter for accusing faithful Catholics like Eccles of being Pharisees for living out the Greaf Commission in asking him why he won't leave the "Church" founded by an adulterous despot. We were a little surprised he would use a term of abuse like that since it's so often unjustly leveled at him.


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Another Traditional Bishop Resigns Prematurely Because Local Lefties Don't Like Him

Vatican City-Paris, 12.10.2017 (CHAP / KNA) Pope Francis has accepted the premature retirement of the Bishop of Lucon, Alain Castet. This was announced by the Vatican and the French Bishops' Conference on Thursday. The 67-year-old has headed the Loire diocese in western France since 2008. Reasons for the resignation were not officially named.

The French radio station "Franceinfo" reports of several conflicts between members of the rural diocese and the bishop who worked 33 years in Paris. One reason was his participation in a meeting of the traditionalist of the Priestly Society of St. Peter in Wigratzbad. In addition, the broadcaster reports that the bishop celebrates the Mass mostly according to the pre-conciliar rite and basically without women at the altar. His communication behavior is described as difficult.
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Koran is a Call to Violence

"The Koran is nothing more than a call to violence, a guide to war and oppression"

Andreas Thiel

Andreas Thiel (1971) was a German satirist. He saw himself as an anarchistically oriented satirist. He represented libertarian views. He describes social-democrats as "socialists" who aspire to power, he calls himself a freedom-loving "anarchist" and critically opposes government subsidies from the cultural industry.

Since his ideas have been disturbed for three years by Muslims and leftist extremists, visitors and theater houses are threatened, he does not appear any more. "The audience gets scared. No one can imagine a cozy entertainment evening with police service. "

Image: Tobias Neuhold

Trans: Tancred


English Pop Star Receives Sacrilegious Communion in Colombia

The English pop star, Paul David Hewson, more popularly known as Bono, received sacrilegious Communion in the Hand, despite not being a professed Catholic.

He was at a concert in Colombia and attended Mass at a boy's school there.


Blessing and Resettlement of a New Benedictine Cloister Reichenstein

The Monastery of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Reichenstein: Saturday will see the re-settlement of a former cloister by a Society of Tradition
On the following Saturday, October 14, the consecration and settlement of the monastery of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will take place in Reichenstein. While monasteries are being closed elsewhere because of the lack of vocations, a new monastery is being moved into Monschau by traditional Benedictine monks.
Monschau is located in the Eifel south of Aachen and borders directly on the territory of the German-speaking community in Belgium (Eupen).
In 2007, the German District Superior of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X, Father Franz Schmidberger, announced the intention to found a traditional Benedictine monastery on German soil in which the sacred liturgy will be celebrated in the Immemorial Mass of All Ages. In 2008, after the purchase of the historical monastery by the St. Benedict Society, the key handover of Reichenstein to the Benedictine monks took place.

After 200 years of revival of an old monastery

Church with new monastery buildings and cloister

In the 11th century, the counts of Limburg had erected Richwinstein Castle on a hill on the upper Rur. Having ascended to dukes, they donated the castle in 1131 to the Premonstratensian Order, which had just been founded by St. Norbert of Xanten. The castle was converted into a double monastery, as was customary in the early days of the Order. When this practice was abandoned, the Premonstratensians, Choir Nuns, remained in Reichenstein. Since 1487 it was then a principal choir house. The buildings, including the monastery church, originated in their present form in the late 17th century.
When in 1794, the French revolutionaries occupied Germany on the left bank of the Rhine, the conquest of the Premonstratensian monastery also began its decline. In 1802 Napoleon Bonaparte, in the course of secularization, abolished the monastery together with many other monasteries.
After several changes of ownership, the lawyer Ernst Wilhelm Handschumacher, the Grand Officer of the Order of the Holy Sepulcher, bought the former monastery together with his wife Helma in 1973 and renovated the complex in the 1970s. It was the couple's endeavor that the buildings be returned to their original purpose.
The twelve monks who will settle the monastery next Saturday, come from the Benedictine monastery of Notre-Dame de Bellaigue, built in 2001, connected to the Society of St. Pius XThe monks speak of the "reawakening of the monastery". In 2009, Dom Matthäus Haynos, the priest of the convent in Bellaigue, was given the name of the monastery church and celebrated the first Holy Mass by a new priest of the monastery. To this end, it had been re-established with a neo-Gothic high-altar with a statue of the Immaculate.
Bellaigue is a subsidiary of the Benedictine monastery Santa Cruz in Brazil. The first four monks came to France in 1999. After ten years, 25 monks were already living in the Auvergne, so a daughter-foundation could be established. For several years, a Benedictine convent has been built, a few kilometers from Bellaigue.
For years there have been urgently needed renovations in Reichenstein, as well as modifications and new buildings. The monks will supply their own heating with 36 hectares of forest belonging to them. The construction of the new cloister was started in 2015. 2017 saw establishment of a provisional central chapel. It will serve the monastic community in the coming four years for the liturgy "in order to be able to reconstruct the monastery church into the central, worthy and sacred space of the entire monastery."
This coming Saturday, Reichenstein will be officially established as a subsidiary of the monastery of Bellaique and be populated by a monastic community.

The program

At 9.45 o'clock Terce and then consecration of the monastery.
At 10:30 am Solemn High Mass in honor of the patroness of the monastery, the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
At 12.30 pm, Sext with welcome and luncheon for the faithful gathering to celebrate this memorable day with the Benedictines.
At 2.30 pm None and then coffee and cake.
At 4 pm Vespers and Sacraments.
At 5 pm, is the establishment of the cloister with the main gate closed.
The Society of St. Benedictwhich is legally responsible for the repair of the buildings, regularly informs about the developments and the progress of the construction work with the "Monastery News." They will be occupied with the young monastic community for several years, as the actual monastery with cloister must be rebuilt (see plan).
"We want to build a school for the Lord's ministry. Everything without exception is to be done in this monastery for the glory of God, so that in all God God may be glorified."
This is how Br. Bernhard OSB writes in the latest edition of the "Klosternnachrichten."
Since 1 October 2017 Holy Mass in Reichenstein has been celebrated every day on workdays, Feast Days, Saturdays and Sundays at 7:20 am and 11:15 am in the Immemorial Roman Rite.
All of the faithful are invited to blessing and settlement of the monastery on 14 October.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi 
Image: (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches....

Monday, October 9, 2017

Old Rite Dominicans Have Elected New Prior

(Paris) The Fraternité Saint-Vincent Ferrier (Fraternitas Sancti Vincentii Ferrerii), an old-ritual, traditional Dominican community, has chosen a new Prior on the 22nd September.

Père Louis-Marie de Blignières

Père Louis-Marie de Blignières, the founder and first successor to the Order, has been elected Prior for the next six years. Pater de Blignières has already led the community of Dominicans, who cultivate the ritual of the Order, from its founding in 1979 to 2011. This long term of office was only possible with special permission from the Holy See to consolidate the still young foundation in continuity. The Dominican tradition does not provide for a direct re-election. A new election can only take place after the end of the mandate of another superior. The Père Dominique-Marie de Saint Laumer, who had been a member since the founding of the Society and was ordained a priest in 1988, was elected the second Prior of the Community, which is located in the Monastery of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Chémeré-le-Roi in Mayenne.
With the end of his term of office, a re-election of Père Louis-Marie de Blignières became possible.

The search for the truth and the founding of the Society

Prior de Blignières was born in 1949, Olivier Marquis Le Barbier de Blignières, son of a French officer, in Madrid. In Paris he completed a diploma thesis in mathematics and physics with a specialization in astrophysics. While studying, he returned to the Church after a departure from the faith and entered a Benedictine monastery in the Swiss canton of Valais. Shortly thereafter, he went to the Priestly Society of St. Pius Xin Econe. In 1977 he was ordained priest by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. At that time he was close to sedisprivationist positions.

Plan of monastery and church

Committed to religious life and committed to Saint Thomas Aquinas, he founded the Society of Saint Vincent Ferrer in 1979 Since 1981, the Society had published the theological quarterly Sedes SapientiaeThe Community is dedicated to studying the great Dominican Saint Thomas Aquinas and scholasticism. In 1981 the first brother made the vow.
An approach to Rome took place in 1986, so that in 1987 the first brothers were able to begin their thomistic studies at the papal universities in Rome.
In 1988, the Society was incorporated into full unity with Rome and canonically established by the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei as a community of papal law. The bishop of Laval in France confirmed his establishment in his diocese. After the final approval of their statutes by the Holy See in 1995, Bishop Armand Maillard of Laval blessed the monastery. In 1998, the first election of the priory took place according to the statutes approved by Rome.

The family de Blignières

Louis-Marie de Blignière's younger brother, Arnaud, after graduating from a military academy, joined a Benedictine congregation and was ordained a priest in 1979 by Archbishop Lefebvre. Because of the legal but unauthorized ordination by Archbishop Lefebvre, he joined the Priestly Society of St. Peter in 1988, which entered into full unity with Rome and was canonically recognized by the Holy See in the same year.

The construction work is now more advanced (see video)

Another brother is the well-known Catholic publicist Hugues Le Barbier de Blignières, better known by the mother's family name as Hugues Kéraly. One year after his death, he devoted a book to his father entitled, "Hervé de Blignières: A Fighter in the Troubles of the Century."
Their father, Hervé Marquis Le Barbier de Blignieres, was a professional officer. He fought in the Second World War and spent five years as a German  prisoner of war. As he was liberated in 1945, he entered the Foreign Legion in 1947 and fought in Indochina. Returned from Southeast Asia in 1956, he contributed to the reform of the École Supérieure de Guerre military collegeAs a lieutenant, he took part in the Algerian war from 1958 on, and was promoted to colonel, chief of staff of the secret underground forces, OAS, formed in 1961. In 1963 he was sentenced to six months' imprisonment in France. After his release he was president of the interest group of families and children abducted by the FLN in Algeria. In 1970, he himself barely escaped an abduction. In 1989, he died at La Haichois Castle in his homeland Bretagne.
The great-grandfather, Ernest Marquis, Le Barbier de Blignières, a lawyer, was the General Inspector of Finances under Emperor Napoleon III. and after the Franco-German war, Prefect in the Vosges and the Loire. He then became Minister of Public Works in Egypt under the Prime Minister of Armenia, Boghos Nubar Pasha.

Construction of the monastery church of Our Lady of the Rosary

The old rite Dominican community is building a monastery and a monastic church in Chémeré-le-Roi in Mayenne. The shell of the church was finished this year. It is to be consecrated to Our Lady of the Rosary.
The blessing of the new guest house of the monastery took place at today's Rosary Festival.
One year ago, a priest of the Society, Père Augustine-Marie Aubry, celebrated a Holy Mass for the first time in 745 years in the most famous crossroads of the Orient, the Krak des Chevaliers (now Syria).

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: FSVF
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Don Alfredo: "It Can Not be Ruled out, That Pope Francis is Surrounded by People, Who Are in Heresy"

(Rome) Don Alfredo Morselli, a priest in the archdiocese of Bologna, well-known in Italy, has just explained in an interview why he signed the Correctio filialis because of the spread of heresiesPope Francis visited Bologna last SundayDon Morselli is one of the first signatories who sent the correction to the Pope on the 11th of August. 
Born in Bologna in 1958, he became an apprentice during his studies and joined the priest's seminary in 1980. He was ordained a priest in the diocese of Massa in 1986 and celebrated in the traditional form of the Roman Rite, although there was no Motu proprio Ecclesia Dei and certainly not Summorum Pontificum. On the Silver Jubilee of his Priesthood, he said:
"When I came to serve in the parish, the priests immediately protested even to the bishop."
He was then sent to Rome for study. Back in his diocese, he was "banished" to two "remote and very poor mountain parishes with dilapidated churches." "Saint Joseph made it possible for both churches and the two bell towers to be renovated and a nursery to be built." There, too, he celebrated Holy Mass every Sunday in the traditional rite and built a church choir. 

In parallel he taught fundamental theology, exegetics and Greek. After the Motu proprio, Ecclesia Dei, he sought to be admitted to the newly founded Priestly Society of St. Peter, but was refused "illegitimately" by a superior authority. He was made to understand that he was denied an appeal in Rome, in order not to impose an additional burden on the Society of Saint Peter, which was already in the crossfire. Instead, he was "gracefully" dismissed from teaching activities.

Don Morselli

Then the situation in his diocese became increasingly oppressive, in 2001 he moved to the Archdiocese of Bologna under Cardinal Giacomo Biffi. The parishes entrusted to him were indebted and the churches were in a miserable condition. Here too, St. Joseph had conceded to him the reconstruction of the church and the coffers. Every day, on Sundays and Labor Day, he celebrates the Holy Mass in the traditional form. He also sought an official place for Mass in the traditional rite in the Archdiocese and was able to win three young priests. At least five priestly and religious orders have emerged from the church. According to the Motu proprio Summorum Pontificum , his new Archbishop, Carlo Cardinal Caffarra, was the first resident Cardinal of Italy to celebrate Holy Mass in the traditional rite. 

"For all of this, the Archbishopric of Bologna, the diocese of Lercaro and Dossetti is not the most favorable environment," as Don Morselli said in the 25th anniversary of the priesthood in 2011. Don Morselli is author of several books.
The interview was conducted by Bruno Volpe of La Fede quotidiana (FQ)

"There is an objective confusion"

Q: Don Morselli, what motivated you to sign?
Don Morselli: The confusion that prevails in the Church, in which false and also heretical ideas and ideas are circulating and spread. To make it clear, as anyone who can read our document unreservedly and unconditionally, the object of the Correctio filialis is not the person of the pope whom no one accuses of heresy.
Q. What are you complaining about?
Don Morselli: The problem has arisen because the Dubia of the four Cardinals to Amoris laetitia did not receive the answer they deserved, as did our letter of August 11th. Because the silence continues, we have made it public. We think that a final clarification is urgently necessary for Amoris laetitia, considering you can see what is happening.
Q. What happens now?
Don Morselli: There is an objective confusion. It is the Church that experiences this confusion both in pastoral care and in teaching. What happens to Amoris laetitia is proof of this. I myself have said in a previous interview that the Church is experiencing her Hell, as the Mother of God announced in Fatima. But I remain an optimist because the Church will endure. The powers of darkness will not overcome Her.
Q: Amoris laetitia spreads heresies?
Don Morselli: The document is against the magisterium and the tradition of the Church and it contradicts what John Paul II has said. This is the concern of our Correctio filialis: to avoid that this document spreads ideas that are objectively heretical. To give Communion once again to married divorced persons is a serious sin. It is heretical. This yielding to situational ethics and circumstances seems to me dangerous. On the contrary, it is rather to be reminded that there are acts which in themselves are bad which can not make any circumstance good. To allow one to the sacraments, who is in the state of serious sin, destroys the Catholic doctrine of Marriage, the Eucharist, and Confession. It is possible that I can not exclude the fact that the pope is surrounded by collaborators who are in heresy and who do not want to be well, but are actually his enemies. I think he's badly advised. I repeat, however, that we are not against the person of the pope whom we do not accuse. It is not an action hostile to him.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi 
Photo: MiL
Trans: Tancred