Monday, March 6, 2017

Cardinal Müller: "End with the Cliche of a Reforming Pope and Anti-Reform Resistance"

(Rome) Cardinal Gerhard Mueller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine and the Faith, is visibly angry. He had had several occasions to do this in recent times. It is not always possible for him to react. He does not accept everything silently. Now he has reacted to the resignation of Marie Collins.

The resignation of the Irish citizen, Marie Collins as a memeber of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors was reproached by some of the media in an accusation against the Congregation for the Faith, led by Cardinal Prefect Müller. That was astonishing. Müller is known for a practice of zero tolerance. It was a hard indictment that he had hindered the work of the anti-pedophile commission. It is an accusation that does not want to match the facts.

"Fake News" from and about the Vatican

The presentation by the media, out of agency reports, however, was one-sided. The resignation had been properly exploited in order to put the position of Cardinal Müller and his Congregation in a bad light on such a delicate subject. The "evil Congregation of the Faith" is a stereotype, which not a few frequently want to willingly believe. The context of the "evil Congregation of Doctrine and the Faith" and the hindrance of the persecution of pedophile clerics and anti-pedophile prevention are all the more a scandalous mixture. Only, this is just not right. They are a lame media, or in other words, fake news, as they are so fond of saying. Coincidence, bad research, disinformation, attempted influence in inner-church affairs?

The line of zero tolerance, which Cardinal Müller pursues in terms of sexual child abuse, is authentic. It is different with the course of Pope Francis. Those who have good contacts with close papal-dignitaries or the pope himself are treated more gently than those who do not have these contacts. The key word Don Mercedes should suffice to name this line Of double standard. The dismissal of three members of the Congregation of the Congregation of the Congregation, which the Pope himself ordered, and which was enforced against the will of Cardinal Mueller, is also connected with the subject. Two of the three dismissed were concerned with the prosecution of clerical offenders, and their dismissal was not because they had a double standard. They represented the null-tolerance line of Cardinal Mueller, still holding to that which had been issued  by Pope Benedict XVI.

Cardinal Müller's Defense - The Case of the Chilean Bishop

Cardinal Müller can not publicly argue a series of connections to his own justification and the protection of his dicastery, because they could appear as a criticism of Pope Francis. Nevertheless, he did not want to take the attacks sitting down and formulated a defense. He criticized the criticism of the resigned Marie Collins, who had been chastised by the media for the Congregation, with the remark that the "Anti-Abuse Commission had so far only asked the Congregation for the dispatch of letters." In plain words, what impediment should have taken place if the Commission did not want anything from the Congregation, and therefore nothing could have been rejected.

The concrete reason for Collins's resignation, who herself had even been abused as a child, is the case of the Chilean bishop who had himself demanded Collins' resignation. Since this was not done after repeated requests, she took her own step to protest according to this threat. However, the bishop's benefactor is not the Congregation of Faith, but  Pope Francis himself.  The bishop concerned is Juan de la Cruz Barros Madrid, the Bishop of the Chilean diocese. Francis himself had appointed him Bishop of Osorno in 2015. Immediately, victim organizations were indignant at the appointment. However, Francis stood by Bishop Barroso Madrid, and in Rome, he even assured the Chilean faithful who wanted to bring to this to his attention (see The Bishop of Osorno has a super lawyer, Pope Francis, including a video of the correction). The bishop is not accused of sexual abuse, but a priest, Fernando Karadima, who is very well known in Chile.

Cardinal Müller's more fundamental criticism: "end with the stereotype"

The defense of Müller is thus made clearer in a further sentence, when he attacks a common stereotype: "With this stereotype that the pope stands on one side and the resistors on the other." Thus, the Cardinal already cited Matteo Matzuzzi in the Sunday edition of Il Foglio  in its title.

The fact that Cardinal Müller mingled his statement by no means only in the matter of the anti-pedophile commission is evident from his choice of words. The quotation goes back to an interview of the Cardinal Prefect with Gian Guido Vecchi of the Corriere della Sera. Müller had said:

"I think that this stereotype should be brought to an end, the idea that on the one hand is a pope who wants reform, and on the other a group of adversaries who want to block it."

The words could also be translated so as to recognize their explosive nature. It is probably due to the conflict over the anti-pedophile commission, but it can also be read in a general context. "End with the stereotype that this pope is on the side of the good and the resistance is on the side of the evil."

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: MiL
Trans: Tancred

Sunday, March 5, 2017

The Invisible Last Super Under Pope Francis -- Footwashing: The All-Purpose Social Gesture

(Rome) The Holy See announced the papal celebrations for the Holy Week, together with the Feast of Easter. As in previous years, the calendar is devoid of the day of the Holy Thursday.
On the morning of the 13th of April, the Pope will be celebrating the Chrism Mass as usual in St. Peter's. The Mass of the Last Supper is not mentioned,  the evening of Holy Thursday, with which liturgically, the Triduum Sacrum begins.
Pope Francis will not celebrate the Last Supper of the Lord in the Lateran Basilica, the Episcopal Church of Rome and the "Mother of All Churches", but in a place not yet known. In the fifth year, a central liturgical moment, which is of paramount importance to the Universal Church, disappears from the field of vision.
As in previous years, a "spectacular" foot wash can be expected in 2017 as well. The speculation among Vaticanists is currently looking at whose feet the Pope will wash this year, excluding the public and the Church.
The Mass on the evening of the Holy Thursday is a liturgy of constitutive importance for the Catholic Church and of great concentration. The washing of the feet recalls the sign the Lord made to the apostles. It's a sign that the apostolic succession must always be a humble service. To express this, Popes, Cardinals and Bishops wash feet as direct followers and direct subordinates.
This is just one element. On the same evening, the establishment of the Blessed Sacrament of the Most Holy Sacrament was conceived by Jesus Christ, and inseparably, the establishment of the consecrated priesthood. This dual institution forms the center of the liturgical liturgy and is closely connected with the Church as a sacred sacred space. This really requires that the Holy Mass in Cœna Domini be celebrated by the leaders in their bishop's church with the faithful.
In other words, the establishment of the sacrament of the priesthood and of the altar's Sacrament (Eucharist) are again behind the gesture of footwashing, which appears above all as a social gesture, through the papal visit to an unknown, closed place.  It's an aspect emphasized by the circumstance that Pope Francis has also washed the feet of Muslims.
Since the visits to prisons and the refugee home, the question has also been raised as to whether Pope Francis gave Communion to those others than believers. Corresponding inquiries were not answered either by the Vatican or by the chaplains of the institutions visited.
In 2014 an initiative of Catholic media called on the bishops not to leave their cathedrals this evening to celebrate in other places. The absence of the bishop from his bishop's church is an "anomaly". This initiative, however, had to fallen into the void, since it was the Pope himself who left his bishop's church, the Lateran Basilica. Pope Francis has made the central Liturgy of Holy Thursday "invisible", according to Messa in Latino. The Holy Mass in the Lateran Basilica was open to all the faithful and was broadcast on television.
The Missa in Coena Domini by Pope Francis, which exclude the public:
2013: Visit to the Youth Prison
2014: visit to a disabled facility
2015: visit to prison
2016: visit to refugee home
2017 :?
Text. Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: (Screenshot)

Friday, March 3, 2017

Cardinal Müller on Medjugorje: "Some Exaggerate the Importance of These Phenomena"

(Rome) "Some exaggerate the importance of these phenomena as if they were almost a dogma," said Cardinal Gerhard Müller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Congregation, who responded yesterday to the questions by the ANSA Press Agency on Medjugorje.

"Even if the Church has spoken out for events of this kind, no Catholic is obliged to go there or believe in it," Cardinal Müller continued.

Since 1981, The Mother of God, is said to appear for "six seers" in the Herzegovinian mountain village of Medjugorje. In the 1980s and 1990s, the bishops declared that they were unable to establish any "supernatural origin" of the phenomenon. Nevertheless, for more than 36 years, pilgrimages of pious and lukewarm Catholics, but also unbelievers and the curious  have been pilgrimaging  to the Balkan village. Recently, the Kinofilm Mary's Land by Juan Manuel Cotelo showed a cross-section of people who say that they have found faith or believed again in Medjugorje, and who have founded apostolic, missionary, or charitable works.

At the request of Pope Benedict XVI. 2010-2012 an international commission investigated the phenomenon. The final report was handed over to Pope Francis in 2014. In February, he appointed a special envoy for Medjugorje, who was to submit proposals for "pastoral solutions" to the Church. The mission of Bishop Henryk Hoser is to be completed in summer 2017.

On the question of whether a decision on Medjugorje should be expected soon, Cardinal Miiller said:

"It takes time. At this moment, it is more important to regulate pastoral care, confession ... "

And further:

"The future of the Church does not depend on either Medjugorje or the recognized pilgrimage places such as Fatima or Lourdes: they are helpful, they can help to convey the message of the repentance of today's world."

Faith, however, is the one "laid down in daily life, in the family, at work, in the parish."

Responding to the "seers" of Medjugorje, the prefect of faith said:

"As for the role of the seers, I must say as a Catholic that we should concentrate on Jesus Christ. There may be some private revelations, but they do not replace the only revelation of God through Jesus Christ. "

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: MiL
Trans: Tancred

Ad Orientem Mass Returns to San Francisco Parish

SAN FRANCISCO ( - Starting Ash Wednesday, a parish priest in San Francisco is offering all Masses ad orientem — facing the altar.
Father Joseph Illo — pastor at Star of the Sea in Abp. Salvatore Cordileone's archdiocese of San Francisco — told Church Militant the inspiration behind this change in orientation came from Cdl. Robert Sarah, prefect of the Congregation for Divine Liturgy. Referencing Cdl. Sarah's talk at the 2016 Sacra Liturgia conference and Cdl. Sarah's book — God or Nothing — Fr. Illo related, "It was Cdl. Sarah's suggestion that we requested permission to implement; but Abp. Cordileone gave his approval."

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Roberto Mattei: After the latest scandals, we demand the resignation of Archbishop Paglia and Bishop Sanchez Sorondo

Vincenzo Paglia (left), President of the Pontifical Academy for Life (Formerly Family Minister of the Holy See), gave a lecture on the politician Marco Pannella, one of the most disgraceful church enemies; Curia bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo (right) invited Paul Ehrlich, an overpopulation and abortionist ideologist, to the Vatican. What is going on in the Catholic Church when the most intimate confidants of the Pope celebrate abortion ideologues, and when Ehrlich himself says he is "electrified" by the direction Pope Francis is taking the Church?

By Roberto de Mattei *
Among the most recent events, which have caused upset among Catholics, two make for special attention.The first incident is the immense praise for Marco Pannella by the Archbishop of Verona, Vincenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Academy for Life . The occasion was the posthumous presentation of Pannella autobiography at the headquarters of the Radical Party in Rome: "Lo Spirito di Marco ci aiuti a vivere in quella stessa direzione " (The Spirit of Marco help us to live in the same way).
The second incident is the presentation by Dr. Paul Ehrlich, a well-known representative of today's "culture of death", which he was able to hold at the invitation of the Roman Catholic, Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, in the Vatican. The American biologist is connected with Marco Pannella,  and both the deceased leader of the Radical Party like Ehrlich, is an abortion advocate and a declared enemy of the Catholic Church. While Mgr. Paglia more or less gave spontaneous explanations as in delirium, Sanchez Sorondo, in his capacity as chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, made an official invitation to Ehrlich.
Sanchez Sorondo, like Paglia, is a confidant of Pope Francis, and although "thousands of people have asked Francis to end this scandal, it goes on," complained Maria Madise of Voice of the Family. More than 10,000 signatures had been sent by the Catholic Organization of the United States to Pope Francis, with a request to prevent the participation of Ehrlich in the Vatican.
In a joint press release, the Voice of Family , LifeSiteNews , the Lepanto Foundation and Famiglia Domani have emphasized that Ehrlich is one of the most famous Neo-Malthusian abortion representatives. In 1968 he published the bestseller The Population Bomb. He prophesied to mankind a cataclysmic future dominated by overpopulation and demanded compulsory measures for birth control in order to avert them.
Although his predictions did not occur and had even colossally disregarded the facts, Ehrlich continues to assiduously demand selective abortion and mass sterilization as a legitimate means of population control. Ehrlich's ideas have been implemented in the People's Republic of China, India, Kenya and other states with governmental authority, making him responsible for the millions of deaths of those unborn.
In an interview by Mara Hvistendahl of 2011, Ehrlich defended selective abortion by saying, "It would be a good idea to leave the people the right to make decisions so that they have only a few children and only those who want them." The determination of the sex of the born children by abortion and even the killing born children is better for women, says Ehrlich, than the fate that she would expect in an overpopulated world.
In an article published in 2015, Ehrlich attacked the Catholic faith as "dangerous", because it opposes the contraceptive mentality. In the same year, he openly criticized the encyclical of Laudato si by Pope Francis, because he made passages against the birth control.
In 2014 he said:
"The Pope and many bishops represent a real evil and are part of the backward forces of the planet, which I believe are primarily interested in preserving their power."
John Henry Westen, the editor-in-chief of LifeSiteNews , wrote that Pope Francis, by not attacking Ehrlich, "does not follow his duty to protect the faith entrusted to the Church by Christ." Westen added:
"In an interview, Ehrlich told us that he was 'electrified' by the direction that Pope Francis is giving to the Catholic Church."
The invitation of Ehrlich to the Vatican, therefore, represents a scandal which increases the already existing confusion in the Church. Perhaps Monsignor Sanchez Sorondo thinks of Ehrlich what Msgr. Paglia said about Marco Pannella:
"He is a man of great spirituality (...) His death is a great loss to our country (...) His mind blows on ... He was the stimulus of a more beautiful life, not only for Italy, but for our whole world, the more Because every man needs to know how to speak (...) I wish that the spirit of Marco might help us live in the same way. "
All quotes can be checked on Youtube.
Some Catholic associations and media have rightly demanded the resignation of Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia from his office as President of the Pontifical Academy for Life and as Grand Chancellor of the Pontifical Institute John Paul II for Studies on Marriage and the Family. For the same reasons, we also demand the resignation of Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo from his office as Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences .
* Roberto de Mattei , historian, father of five children, professor of modern history and history of Christianity at the European University of Rome, President of the Lepanto Foundation, author of numerous books.
Image: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred
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Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Please support Katholisches

Update:  now they have met their goal, but their paypal link is here. Thanks to those who are helping with prayers and their hard earned money.

Edit: Please donate to  They have a deficit of 272 euro.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Two New Benedictine Orders of Tradition Are Recognized

(Rome) On March 21, the Order of the Benedictines of the Immaculate will be canonically erected  by the Bishop of Albenga-Imperia. The Benedictines of the Immaculata are a religious order of strict observance, founded in Liguria in 2008. Its charism includes Benedictine spirituality, tradition and the traditional form of the Roman Rite.

Benedictines of the Immaculate

The young order was founded by two monks from the old-rite Benedictine abbey of Le Barroux in France, which, in the diocese, were established at the request of the then Bishop of Albenga-Imperia, Monsignor Mario Oliveri.
Bishop Oliveri was unjustly forced out of office by Pope Francis and replaced by Bishop Borghetti. The canonical recognition of the young order had already been provided for by Bishop Oliveri, but had been restored by the change at the head of the diocese. The Franciscans of Immaculata, a Franciscan order of tradition, had three branches in the diocese and was also called for by Bishop Oliveri. After the Order had been placed under a commisar's administration by the Vatican in July 2013 and Bishop Oliveri had publicly defended the Order, the Apostolic Commissioner dissolved all three branches.
According to a statement by the Benedictines of Immaculata, the new bishop only had only to get to know his diocese. On March 12, 2016, he paid the first visit to the young Benedictine community. On several occasions, Monsignor Borghetti emphasized, the statement goes on to say that, although there is no personal sensitivity to tradition, be he respects the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum by Benedict XVI.
The numerous Mass locations of tradition in the diocese were left by the new bishop. "On March 21, he will be able to erect our Order canonically and accept our vows."

Benedictine of the Eternal Worship of the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar 

The Benedictines of the Eternal Worship of the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar were erected canonically on 25 February, 2017.

Last Saturday, another Order of Tradition was canonically recognized in Ireland. In the Irish Diocese of Meath, theBenedictines of the Eternal Worship of the Most Holy Altar were erected according to the Church law.
The first monks came from Tulsa in the USA in 2012. According to the press release by the Order, this was the first foundation of the Order in the Diocese of Meath since the abolition of the Order in 1536 by King Henry VIII.

The Prior of the order is Dom Mark Kirby.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: Il Timone / Diocese of Meath (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred
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Pope Francis Lampooned at Huge Viagreggio Carneval Parade as "Papa Communista"

Che Pope with Hammer and Sickle
(Rome) Rose Monday is a traditionally cheerful day celebrated in the Rhineland and the Alemanic areas with large carnival parades. Four years ago, on this day, the Catholic Church was struck by the unexpected announcement of Pope Benedict XVI. Surprising, as he was the first head of the Church in history to step down from his office because of old age and weakness. In 2017, Pope Francis was the main figure of the largest Italian Carnival parade - in a very special way.
At Carnevale di Viareggio, Italy's most famous carnival parade, to which more than 300,000 people came to the Tuscan city this year, were met by a float dedicated to Pope Francis.

Fidel Castro, one of the four Communist "godfathers" of the "Papa Comunista".

The Catholic Church's chief was portrayed with a radiant face, Che Guevara cap and red star. His shepherd's staff in his right hand was not decorated by a cross, but by hammer and sickle. Apparently it was a homage to the hammer and sickle cross, which Bolivian President Evo Morales had given to the pope in 2015. The left hand was clenched to the fist, the battle salute of the workers' movement, which is still practiced by left-wing groups. The pope was surrounded by putti-like gold figures depicting Marx, Lenin, Mao and Fidel Castro.
In short, Pope Francis was shown as "Papa Comunista", "Communist Pope".The laughing expression of the face of the carnival figure testified that the authors did not mean this representation negatively in any way.
The Carnival parade of Viareggio, a town in deeply political Tuscany, was founded in 1873, when some rich citizens disguised themselves to demonstrate incognito against excessive taxes. Since then, the move has served as a "valve" to let go of displeasure in current circumstances or to express things that are otherwise might not be said.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: InfoVaticana
Trans: Tancred
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Cardinal Müller: "Small Left and Right Factions" -- "Announce the Gospel Without Betraying"

(Rome) There have been rumors for weeks that Cardinal Gerhard Müller could be replaced by Pope Francis as Prefect of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith. The former bishop of Regensburg was appointed by Benedict XVI. eight months before his unexpected resignation, to Rome. He still tries to form a counterpoise to the Pope's line by means of written and oral statements,  at present mainly on the question of the admission of remarried divorced persons to the sacraments.

Personally, the cardinal vehemently denies this, as in the interview published yesterday by La Repubblica.

The balancing act between the task of guarding the faith, on the one hand, and the fact that he exercises  this task only as an employee and an assistant on behalf of the pope.

"Let there be no hesitation to bring sexual abuse to the authorities"

In yesterday's Sunday edition, Paolo Rodari published a detailed interview with Cardinal Müller. As Vaticanist of the daily Il Foglio, Rodari accompanied the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI. With the election of Pope Franziskus, he moved to La Repubblica in 2013, the "only" daily newspaper, which Francis regularly reads according to his own statement. Since then it has been quieter for the journalist.

In the opening credits of the conversation, Rodari writes that Cardinal Müller "denies the vernacular, which wants to see him as a  'right' guardian against the 'left' openings of Francis. The occasion for the interview was the publication of the Italian edition of Cardinal Müller's book "The Message of Hope", according to English title. The book was originally published in the spring of 2016 in Spanish.

The Cardinal reaffirmed the "zero tolerance" for pedophile priests. He urged the bishops to urge such priests to self-report and to bring the offenders to the authorities themselves. He also called minors themselves to bring cases to the public authorities.

"Priests are citizens like everyone else. If they commit a crime, they are to be held responsible for civil and criminal law. This is the only way to avoid a repeat of the abuse. "

Is there opposition to Pope Francis in the Roman Curia?

Rodari: Does Francis have adversaries in the Roman Curia?

Cardinal Müller: All Cardinals have studied theology, they all know the doctrine of the papacy and the episcopate. We are competent priests who know the mission of the Pope and its importance for all. We live with Francis an affective and effective collegiality. Unfortunately, some media are more aware of the legitimate differences of opinion and not the great harmony. The pope is the 266th successor of Peter, and everyone, including him, has his own history. This individuality is the form in which everyone fulfills their mission. Francis has the peculiarity of coming from an outside European continent. This difference is precious to us.

Rodari: Especially in the Internet, there is no lack of those who are able to oppose what you say about the doctrine of the faith ...

Cardinal Müller: These are small right and left-wing factions, which use me and the pope to argue among themselves. These are ideological positions that I do not share. By the way, soon a book of mine will be published about the pope and the papacy. [The German original edition was published on 20 February ] We all serve the work of the Pope. We work together to serve its mission.

Rodari: Do you think that with regards Communion, Francis is taking a new step for the remarried divorced?

Cardinal Müller: We have the message of Jesus and the Bible, which speaks clear words to the foundation of marriage in God's salvation. The sociological conditions are changing, but one must also bear in mind that there are different anthropologies which ours, based on the Word of God, do not accept. The Gospel is to be proclaimed without betraying it. With the sermon and testimony of Christian life, Francis wants the people of God to feel the closeness of the Good Shepherd.

Rodari: What does it mean that Mercy lives?

Cardinal Müller: God is not a cold lawgiver, but a present, near God. Already in the Old Testament, God had proved his closeness to his people by freeing them from slavery and giving them milk and honey. Jesus was merciful towards the needy, the sick ... Living mercy means to live the Gospel all the way.

Rodari: Is there the danger that the insistence on love forces the circumstance into the background that the truth has a name for the faithful: Jesus Christ?

Cardinal Müller: There is no contradiction. God is the creator of all men and loves all. Everyone has an identity and is to be respected. Jesus is not pushed into the background. The insistence on love is rather to speak the language of Jesus. Recently, Francis has met the representatives of other cultures. He said to them, "Even if we do not speak the same language, we can understand each other because we speak the language of the Holy Spirit, love."

Text / translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: La Repubblica (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Pope Bergoglio's Double Standard in Pederasty Cases

(Rome) What does Pope Francis mean in the sexual abuse of minors by priests: zero tolerance or double standards?

Cardinal Gerhard Mueller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Congregation of the Faith, called for a clear line in an interview published yesterday by La Repubblica: "Zero tolerance for pedophile priests. The bishops are to force them to self-report. "

Only the day before, Nicole Winfield, associate press correspondent from the Vatican, reported that Pope Francis, on the other hand, had a double standard  in the matter of pedophile priests.

Officially zero tolerance, in fact "the exact opposite"?

Officially "zero tolerance" is demanded and thus spread by the media. "Quite apart from the radar, things are diametrically opposed," says Secretum meum mihi. Whoever among the pederasts has "friends" among the Roman Curia, who are close to the Pope, has good prospects to get off easily.

The key to the two dimensions that Pope Francis uses is "mercy." In this context, Nicole Winfield refers to the dismissal of Cardinal Müller's three close associates at the CDF. Two of these were directly concerned with the cases of pedophile priests and their punishment. An accident? If one follows the statements of Winfield, then not.

According to the Vatican, Pope Francis "quietly reduced the punishments against a number of priests" who had been condemned by the Congregation for Religious responsible for serious offenses for the sexual abuse of minors. The Pope turned to "his vision of a merciful Church," according to Winfield.

"Don Mercedes" and the friends of the pope

The correspondent mentions the case of Don Mercedes. The Italian priest had been found guilty by the Congregation of Doctrine and the Faith, but had been pardoned by Pope Francis. Don Mercedes, aka Mauro Inzoli, found a new young victim in this way, and was now condemned by an Italian criminal court. As AP reported, a new Church law procedure is already pending against Don Mercedes.

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith considered the suspension of his priesthood. He should be condemned to a life of repentance, prayer, and silence and no longer be allowed to exercise his priesthood. Don Mercedes, however, had good relations with the Roman Curia, those who were close to the Pope.

Pope Francis is known to persecute opponents, but not to let friends fall, nor the friends of his friends. Under Pope Benedict XVI, there was actual zero tolerance. Between 2005 and 2013, 800 priests were sentenced and deprived of their ministry. Petitions for pardon were only granted in the rarest cases and after careful examination.

Were Dismissed Figures in the Congregation in the Way?

Winfield cited the removal of the three members of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, two of whom had to return to their home diocese at the end of 2016, who were directly linked to the sanctions against pedophile priests. The employees were directly involved in the prosecution of pedophile priests. Was the "zero tolerance" undermined by their removal because they were not receptive to "friendships"? Their dismissal had been ordered directly by Pope Francis. Cardinal Müller tried to defend them against it. The Pope told him Directly: Who has the say! The third dismissed must vacate his Office as of 31 March.

Pope John Paul II was criticized for being too slow in the prosecution of pedophile priests. However, it was at that time the necessary sensitivity for the subject arose. Today, the Church is a pioneer among all institutions in the fight against sexual abuse. Pope Benedict XVI, who was serious about zero tolerance, was nevertheless heavily beaten by mainstream media. Towards the end of his term, church-factional groups wanted to drag him to an international court because of pedophile priests. At the same time, the Church under his leadership made serious, more than any secular association, than left-wing experimental education projects and secular sports clubs have shown. Even then, observers spoke of a mere pretext for damaging a displeased pope.

This presumption seems to be a new affirmation: Pope Francis, who, in contrast to his two predecessors, who appears to have a double standard, has so far been treated with velvet gloves in the case of pedophile priests.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: MiL
Trans: Tancred

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Four Months of Prison for Vatican Bank Executives Accused of Money Laundering

Director Cipriani and his deputy found guilty of money laundering.

Rome (  Two former executives of the Vatican Bank IOR have been condemned by an Italian court for violation of anti-money laundering regulations. A Roman court imposed on the former director Paolo Cipriani and his deputy Massimo Tulli imprisonment of four months and ten days, as Italian media reported on Friday. Thus, for the first time, important employees of the IOR were convicted of violating anti-money laundering laws. The defenders announced their appeal.

Cipriani and his deputy were sentenced for three transfers of 48,000, 100,000 and 120,000 euros, which were without the proper communication. The defenders stressed that both were released for two much higher transfers of a total of 23 million euros in 2010, that was not held against them. The sum was to have been transferred under dubious circumstances from a branch of the Italian bank Credito Artigiano to the Banca del Fucino and the Frankfurt branch of JP Morgan. The prosecutor had frozen the money in June 2011.

Cipriani and his deputy had resigned from their offices in July 2013. The Vatican said at the time that this move was in the interests of the financial institution. As director, Cipriani headed the IOR's daily business. 

Trans: Tancred

Friday, February 24, 2017

Society of Saint Pius X "On Their Way Home " - the Prelature Headquarters to be on Esquiline Hill?

(Rome) The agreement between the Holy See and the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X is final. The role of Pope Francis is decisive. This is reported by the Vaticanist Matteo Matzuzzi in today's edition of Il Foglio.

"The rift between the Priestly Society of St. Pius X (Lefebvrian) and the Holy See is immediately about to be repaired," says Matzuzzi. Evidence that the "complex negotiations" are moving towards a "positive solution" are the intentions of the Society to buy the Santa Maria Immacolata building complex on the Esquiline, one of the seven hills of Rome. The complex is located close to the Lateran. The large neo-gothic church was built for an order at the end of the 19th century. This included other buildings that were used as a school in recent years.

The study center is to be built near the Lateran

According to Il Foglio, there will be a study center of the Society and additionally the General House of Personal Prelature, as soon as the Society is recognized as such by the Holy See.

The approach by Pope Francis himself has accelerated. In January on the 17-20 Bernard Fellay, the Superior General of the Society, was quartered in Santa Marta in the Vatican. With him, Monsignor Alfonso de Galarreta and the Assistant General, Father Alain Nely, had come to Rome. At the talks, the Superior of the Sisters of the Society also took part. Father Nely is commissioned to complete the purchase at Esquiline.

The Society has had contacts, as Monsignor Fellay confirms, in Argentina with the then primate, Jorge Mario Bergoglio. "He has known us for a long time." If there were problems with a local bishop, one had turned to the primate. He said: "You are, of course, Catholic and not schismatic. I'll help you." He did.

That has to do with the laws of Argentina. The Latin country gives Catholic priests a residence permit only if there is an official confirmation from local church representatives that the priests are officially recognized. In this respect, in a single case (individual cases), there were interventions by Archbishop Bergoglio, who issued this confirmation for the Argentine state.

The fact that things had not already come to an agreement with Rome in 2012 led Matzuzzi to the resistance of the French part in the Society. Had it been up to the German District, the Society would already have "returned to communion with Rome".

"Fellay now seems ready to go to end the standoff, even at the cost of painful losses among his faithful and priests," says Matzuzzi.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Trans: Tancred

Cardinal Burke Defends Himself Against "Slander" -- Whoever Wants to Understand What Happens in the Vatican Must Read Between the Lines, Must Look Behind the Curtains

Cardinal Burke with the Knights Malta

(Rome) Cardinal Raymond Burke, a brilliant jurist and the highest judge of the Holy See until the end of 2014, is a patient man with a great deal of suffering. But he can not just stand by for everything. Anyone who currently wants to understand what is happening in the Vatican and in the Church must listen carefully, look behind the scenes, read between the lines and, above all, question what the "information disinformation channels" are rumoring in the Vatican,  says Marco Tosatti. In other words, anyone who wants to see through this, is called to be an observer. This is exhausting but necessary in the service of the Church.
In November 2014 Pope Francis dismissed him, away from the Vatican, to become Cardinal Patronus of the Order of Malta, to which he only said of this humiliation, where the Pope says to go, I go. When Pope Francis sent him to Guam, he said he did not see it as exile.

Cardinal Burke does not want to be the scapegoat

However, he does not want to be a scapegoat for the dirty laundry of others in the Order of Malta. In the Order, which is at the same time a sovereign state in international law, a severe power struggle had spread in December / January. With Vatican support, the first rank of the professed knights was in fact deprived of power by some members of the second class. Burke, the jurist, had to stand idly by to the legally unclean activity. The best laws are only as much in effect  as people are found to ensure their compliance. In the Vatican, the Constitution was overthrown. Interpretation?
Journalists approaching the "magical circle" around Pope Francis, as Tosatti commented, gave the astonished public a certain reading of the events in the Order that had little to do with reality. Cardinal Burke did not speak, did not correct this. He was the Pope's ambassador to the Order. Ambassadors do not have to express their opinion, but to speak publicly only in the interest of their client.

The power struggle in the Order of Malta

Finally the letter became known to Burke on 1 December 2016 by Pope Francis. A letter containing clear instructions for action against certain power centers in the Order. As the Ambassador of the Pope, Burke also held on to the wasps' nest. He could not know this. The Cardinal Secretary suddenly interfered, stood up against him, and declared that with the Pope's letter everything had been quite different and misunderstood.
The Knight of the Second Estate, Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager, as Major Chancellor in the Order, had been deposed by the Grand Master of the Order and reinstated by the Vatican, with Papal authority. The centuries-old hierarchical structures in the Order had been overridden by a papal fiat. Scarcely again in office, and now as the real ruler in the Order, Boeselager entered the press at the beginning of February, declaring that he no longer had any use for Cardinal Burke in the Order. A few days later, the Vatican sent the Cardinal to the South Seas, far from Rome.

"I regard this as libel"

Boeselager's attack was too brazen for the Cardinal. He came to the public to clarify that he had never called for the resignation of Boeselager. The accusation was piquantly repeated by Ludwig Hoffmann of Rumerstein, an Austrian knight, ie, a member of the old guard. Hoffmann von Rumerstein, according to the Order's Constitution, heads the Order until the election of a new Grand Master, but he has only to say as much about Vatican interference as the Vatican will allow. The unilateral representation of a certain Fronde has found numerous adepts, followers, and naive followers.
After Cardinal Burke's speech, Cardinal Burke then became clear: the assertion that he and not Grand Master Fra Matthew Festing had demanded Boeselager's head, "I regard as defamation." Grandmaster Festing, the subordinate in the internal power struggle, returned on January 24 after a conversation with Pope Francis, disappointed and unnerved. Hoffmann von Rumerstein may have thought of using the viewpoint of the Order's new representation in this critical situation. After all, the professed knights, like him, have to reckon with the fact that Pope Francis completely deprives them of power. The papal announcements to "reform" the Order were felt as a threat by parts of the Order.

"Anyone who allows distribution of contraception should also take responsibility for it"

After a reconstruction of the facts, the resignation request to Boeselager was not planned at all. Grandmaster Festing, with the written request of the Pope of December 1, wanted to create clarity. To this end, he invited Boeselager on 6 December and confronted him with allegations which had come to light independently by means of two investigation reports. It was only when the Grand Chancellor showed himself inscrutable that the confrontation escalated. The Grand Master demanded Boeselager's resignation. When this refused, Festing dismissed him. The rest is known .
Cardinal Burke on the clash of 6 December:
"I had no authority to demand the resignation of the Grand Chancellor. I have merely pointed out that a person consciously admitting the distribution of contraception in the works of the Order should also assume responsibility for it. The Grand Master then asked the Grand Chancellor to resign, which he refused. Then the Grand Master proceeded to his dismissal without me being involved in any way. "
Now the Pope had sent him to Guam to conduct proceedings against an emeritus archbishop. He sees this as a task, not as an exile from Rome.
"The Pope has never personally spoken to me about this mission."

Two operations and the proven information disinformation channels

The actual nomination was made by the Congregation for the Congo. Marco Tosatti wrote:
"In fact, in this rather mournful story two different, interrelated operations can be distinguished. The first operation concerns internal power struggles in the Maltese Order, which are probably also about money. It is unfortunate that the figure of the Pope was so obviously involved in this operation: he was the one who forced the Grand Master to retreat. We do not know what means he used to do."
Another aspect, according to Tosatti,
" the intervention of the Vatican Secretariat of State: It is known that the family of the Grand Chancellor who has been deposed and been rejoined after the Anschluss of the Order, by the Vatican has excellent relations with the Terza Loggia [Third floor, Secretary of State]; But they have substituted him for the task of spiritual renewal of the order ... "
The Swiss journalist Giuseppe Rusconi spoke of the Anschluss, referring to the "Anschluss" of Austria to the German Reich in 1938, in order to say that at the end of January, the Vatican was doing the same with the Maltese Order. The "Terza Loggia" means the third floor in the Apostolic Palace and is synonymous to say that the Boeselager family has "excellent relations" with the Pope.
Tosatti continues:
"The second operation, on the other hand, appears to be an opportunistic action. There is an opportunity to attack, discredit Burke, who is a nuisance in other areas, and, at the same time, to confuse the real maneuvers by smoke candles. It is enough to make the rumors that  [Burke] is guilty of all the guilt, friendships, informational channels ... Always this Burke! How much patience can the Pope muster with him! ... "
If you want to understand what is happening in the Vatican and in the Church, you must take the trouble to read between the lines, to look behind the scenes, and to look closely at who says what and what he says, especially when it is supposedly neutral, "in the newspaper stands".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: Ordine di Malta Sicilia (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Thursday, February 23, 2017

After the Priestly Society, Daneels' Protege Also Casts Out Communities of Jerusalem

The Communities of Jerusalem Leave Belgium (photo of their establishment
in Great St. Martin Church in Cologne)
(Brussels) An icy wind is blowing now under the new Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels. After throwing out the Priestly Society of the Holy Apostles from his diocese, the Communities of the Brothers and Sisters of Jerusalem must now pack their bags.

Jozef De Kesel was appointed Archbishop of Brussels and Primate of Belgium at the end of 2015 by Pope Francis. His appointment ended a five-year-old plan begun by Pope Benedict XVI. in an attempt to correct the progressive course of the Belgian Church. With the appointment of De Kesel, the old squad of Cardinal Godfried Danneels returned. De Kesel had already been Danneel's chosen successor in 2010. In November 2016 De Kesel was elevated to the rank of Cardinal by Francis. A dignity denied to his predecessor, Léonard.

Priestly Society of the Holy Apostles

De Kesel's predecessor and Danneel's successor, Archbishop André-Joseph Léonard had brought the Fraternité des Saints Apetres / Broederschap van de Saint Apostles of the French priest, Michel-Marie Zanotti, into the country. The Society took over the care of two parishes in the Brussels region and founded a seminary. Archbishop Léonard insisted on this parallel priestly training, hoping to train a new clergy.  Three years after the foundation, 21 young men were already preparing for the priesthood. The new foundation was "too successful," as it was described behind the scenes. De Kesel, only a few months in office, blocked the priestly seminary and threw the priestly brotherhood "from solidarity with France's bishops" out of his archdiocese. At the same time, he made sure that they were not included in any other Belgian diocese. "France also needs priests", was the well-founded reasoning.

In reality, De Kesel strives to make a tabula rasa of the "restorative" phase of his predecessor. The Church understanding of the Priestly Society of the Holy Apostles was "miles" away from that Danneels, as it was said in Brussels. The traditional priesthood of the Society and the numerous priestly confreres, which were attracted to the Society were considered undesirable in progressive circles. De Kesel himself promoted the abolition of priestly celibacy shortly after his inauguration.

Brothers and Sisters of the Communities of Jerusalem

Now the brothers and sisters of the Communities of Jerusalem must also pack their bags. The Fraternités Monastiques de Jérusalem 2001, founded in France in 1975, were brought to Brussels by Cardinal Danneels. The monastic communities have two offices in Rome in Trinità dei Monti and in San Sebastiano al Palatino. Their charism is, among other things, to live in monastic isolation in the midst of large cities. Communities have been settled in the famous abbey of Mont Saint Michel in Normandy and also the abbey with the famous cathedral of St. Mary Magdalene of Vezelay. In the German-speaking world, there are branches in Greater St. Martin in Cologne and in Strasbourg.

The Belgian branch is located in Saint-Gilles, Flemish Sint Gillis, in the Brussels region, a highly multicultural area with social problems. In the parish there are adult catechumenates, numerous missionary and apostolic initiatives, bible circles and a community of Eucharistic worship.

The reason for the expulsion is in this case: reform of the pastoral units. Churches are abandoned and parishes are united. The Sint-Gilliskerk is to become the center of a larger pastoral unit, but the presence of the monastic communities, although they have revitalized the parish, is no longer desired.

Their Presence Not Desired by the Archdiocese

At the suggestion of the Archdiocese, the Community agreed to seek a new place of action. "We have complete confidence and are ready to work together," quotes Nuova Bussola Quotidiana (NBQ) Soeur Violaine and Frere Jean-Christophe, who are responsible for the Brussels branch. A new site has also been found, but the Archdiocese is only prepared to issue a guarantee for two years. This is too little for a community. When the community pressed for a longer time, the Archdiocese was opposed. After a discussion with the Archbishop and the delegates for consecrated life, "we have decided to withdraw," as the two leaders of the communities write. There was no room left.
The explanation bears a bitter undertone, which makes the disappointment of being forced out of the archdiocese after fifteen years. The leaders ask for prayer: "The future belongs to God. If He wants our Communities to return to Brussels one day, we will be very pleased."
The ouster of the Priestly Society of the Holy Apostles and now of the monastic Communities of Jerusalem raises questions. Can an archdiocese like Brussels afford to set aside two of its most fruitful communities?
"These are episodes that show that the Church in Brussels, or at least some of its high-ranking representatives, has a tendency to self-mutilation and an urge to centralize power," NBQ said.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Vigil for John Vennari

Edit: John Vennari has just announced on his Facebook that he doesn't have long to live.

Vatican Wants to Protect Image of the Pope

Edit: they're just begging for people to do something.
(Vatican Radio) The Secretariat of State of the Holy See issued a press release on Wednesday, detailing the steps being taken to protect the image of the Holy Father. Below, please find the full text of the communiqué, in unofficial English translation.
The Secretariat of State, among its tasks, has also that of protecting the image of the Holy Father, so that his message can reach the faithful intact and that his person not be exploited.
It is in view of these same purposes, that the Secretary of State protects the symbols and coats of arms of the Holy See, through appropriate regulatory instruments provided for on an international level.
In order to make its protective action more effective with respect to stated purposes, and to halt situations of illegality that arise, the Secretariat of State will effect systematic surveillance activities apt to monitor the ways in which the image of the Holy Father and the coats of arms of the Holy See are used, [and] if necessary intervene with appropriate action.