Showing posts with label Bergogliade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bergogliade. Show all posts

Monday, April 17, 2017

Evil Austrian Cardinal: He Who Doesn't Accept Invasion Should Not Receive Communion

The Viennese archbishop washed feet during the feast of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday - "Nobody leaves his homeland voluntarily!"

Vienna ( KAP) The concern for the poor and the distressed is a prerequisite for believers to receive the Communion. Cardinal Christoph Schönborn recalled the feast of the Lord's Supper in the St. Stephen's Cathedral on Holy Thursday. "We meet Jesus when we help the poor and when we receive Him in the Communion - but both are inseparable," stressed the Cardial. What Catholics perform with receiving Communion, they must also prove in their lives.

"If we do not serve one another, the Communion is unworthy," said Schönborn, in the context of the ritual of washing the feet, which is part of the Liturgy of Holy Thursday in memory of Christ's humiliation at the Last Supper. Jesus had given an example to all Christians with foot washing. "If we do not serve one another, bow down to each other as Jesus has bowed down to his disciples, when we meet one another arrogantly, despise each other, how shall we receive the Eucharist?" Asked the Cardinal.

The washing of the feet illustrates the inner attitude of believers to the altar. If those who went to the Communion refused to serve the poor or the suffering, or if the forms of contempt, separation, and injustice were well received, they could not receive the Communion in a worthy manner, said the Cardinal quoting Pope Francis.

Footwashing was once slavery

The Viennese Archbishop washed the feet twelve young women and men at the worship service. Among them were four members of the family, as well as eight people who came to Austria as refugees and were "already baptized or on their way to baptism," as Schönborn explained.

The washing of the feet in the Orient at the time of Jesus was slavery, said the Cardinal in his homily, recalling that even today people are enslaved. Explicitly, Schönborn mentioned refugees from Africa "who are fleeing from hunger and then slavery." In Vienna, slavery and human trafficking were also carried out, the Cardinal pointed out. Women would be forced to prostitution and then held as slaves. "This is happening with us," the cardinal said, not to hide this reality.

"Thinking of refugees on Good Friday"

"On Good Friday, it is good to think of the many who have to leave their homes today." To this end, Cardinal Schönborn called for this in his free-time newspaper "Heute" in his Friday column. Their need should not leave us indifferent, "even if we can not alleviate all their need." We should at least remember this," wrote the Archbishop of Vienna.

Schoenborn quoted his 97-year-old mother (her birthday this time on Good Friday), who had been forced herself to flee during the war - for many, "Nobody leaves his home voluntarily". From her home in Bohemia, Eleonore Schönborn had fled with her four young children, who at that time had to start a new life in Vorarlberg as a single-parent and single-mother. The Cardinal in retrospect: "We found ourselves in a poor Austria after the war. I understand that my mother is thinking differently about refugee issues than many people in our country today."

Trans: Tancred

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Billy Goat and Gardener: Pedophile Friend as Lecturer at Pontifical Center for Child Protection

Patrick Degrieck as Lecturer for the Pontifical Center for Child Protection has spoken
on the topic of "Secondary Victims" in child sexual abuse.
In the picture above (from the right) Bischop Bonny (Antwerp) und Cardinal De Kesel (Mecheln-Brüssel)

By Ferdinand Boischot

In the last 50 years, the Catholic Church has been devastated by a huge wave of pedophile and ephebophilic abuse by Church employees and dignitaries.

For a long time, and very intensely, incredible abominations have been committed, which are in total contrast to the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Particularly deplorable is the embedding of the perpetrators into large networks and the protection of the perpetrators by obstruction on many levels of the Church hierarchy.

As early as 1995, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, then under the leadership of Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, had been very courageous and persistently prosecuted these atrocities and called for punishment.

After his election to the Papacy, Benedict XVI.  was not infrequently sabotaged in this line by well-known bishops, cardinals, and bishops' conferences.

Under Pope Francis, dealing with the problem of pedophile offenders in the Church has fundamentally changed:

-Few and resolute statements, on the one hand, and a very different approach to pedophile offenders, where Pope Francis, apparently, personally chooses to employ perpetrators in pastoral situations (Don Mercedes case), and intervenes with the personnel of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. He intervenes in such cases, if sympathetic shepherds are being prosecuted.

Patrick Degrieck as a speaker at the Center for Child Protection in Rome [Photo]

In December 2014, the CCP (Center for Child Protection) was established on the personal initiative of Pope Francis at the Pontifical University of the Gregoriana to study this problem. The director was the Austrian Jesuit and psychologist Hans Zollner SJ.

On March 9, 2017 the Gregoriana reported on two lectures held a few days earlier by Prof. Karlijn Demasure from the University of Louvain and F (ather) Patrick Degrieck from the Diocese of Bruges and a member of the Belgian Research Commission Bishops.

Belgium, and particularly the Flemish North, suffered particularly severely from pedophile atrocities.

The so-called "Catholic" University of Leuven has not done anything for decades, but has supported the pedophile-tolerating line of Cardinal Danneels (until 2010 Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels), produced totally dissipated catechesis and religious studies books, and a broad and loud campaign against Pope Benedict XVI. And Archbishop Monsignor Léonard (the successor of Danneels, was appointed by Benedict XVI).

In the end of 2014, the Religious Science Department stupidly had a lot of sermons and statements from the pedophile bishop of Bruges, Roger Vangheluwe, on their website, Thomas (which was still present more than four and a half years after his unmasking).

With the priest Patrick Degrieck, a noted pedophile friend and supporter has managed to speak before a large public at the Child Protection Center CCP.

Patrick Degrieck and  Tom Flavez

On October 27, 2014, the Kerknet site, which belongs to the bishops of north Belgium, reported that the then Bishop of Bruges, Jozef De Kesel, assigned Tom Flavez as a pastor in the West Flemish coastal community of Middelkerke.

Immediately a tremendous turmoil ensued. The population protested massively, the (liberal) mayoress and the council unleashed the storm and the restaurant and hotel sector and went to the barricades: it was apparent that T.F. was a convicted pedophile.

However, Bishop De Kesel remained stubborn. He said that "... everyone deserves a second chance ... He [De Kesel] made this decision after careful consideration and with the support of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The bishop will not change his decision." The latter is extremely rare for the otherwise not very brave De Kesel).

Within 48 hours it was discovered that T.F. had repeatedly relapsed. Despite all the conditions, he had always had dealings with children, liked to be photographed and posed everywhere in churches' websites.

On the 31st of October, in the morning, Kerknet was informed that "... the bishop (De Kesel) has to withdraw the applicant from nomination."

Vangheluwe's shadow

In the following weeks, the bomb detonated of a number of uncovered pedophile rapists in the Diocese of Bruges. The bishops De Kesel and Bonny (Antwerp) were summoned before Parliament and "grilled".

It soon became apparent that both Tom Flavez and Patrick Degrieck had been ordained priests by the pedophile Bishop of Bruges, Roger Vangheluwe, and knew this very well. Tom Flavez was the only one tohelp Vangheluwe move from the episcopal palace in Bruges in 2010. According to reliable testimonies, Flavez and Degrieck never missed his birthday without a visit and a small present.

Patrick Degrieck studied 1986-1989 theology and canon law in the University of Leuven. From 1989 to 1997 he was a priest-teacher at H. Hartcollege in Waregem (which was also A school affected by abuse). Since then he has been a Church jurist in Bruges (now also in Antwerp with Bishop Bonny) and professor of Holy Scripture at the priestly seminary in Bruges.

Degrieck was very practical and clever as a church jurist in 2013-2014, responsible for the case of his pedophile friend T.F., apparently supplying incomplete documents to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in order to get a favorable assessment.

The fact that Bishop De Kesel tried to unload his own serious mistakes on the back of Cardinal Prefect Gerhard Müller made the case even more shabby.

As a result, Tom Flavez had to vacate his apartment in the Ordinariat and continued "with an unknown occupation." He was caught up by his old comrade Patrick Degrieck in the convent of Our Lady of Sorrows in Ruiselede, not far from Bruges, where Degrieck (not laughing) became a "spiritual director."

Patrick Degriek in the CCP
Degrieck's "Awareness Training"

Degrieck, incidentally, was in the immediate phase after the break-up of the Vangheluwe affair and the (hesitant)investigator of the sex scandal of the Church jurist and the bishops' expert in the inner-Church "Andriessen's Investigation Commission."

In November 2010 an interview with Degrieck, deeply disturbing by the oily tone and the hypocritical content, was published in the magazine Het Teken, 83rd edition, no.5 (Nov. 2010) - notabene interviewed by Doenja van Belleghem, then director of a "Roger Vangheluwe support group".

The many crimes, deceptions and cover-ups, embedded in a pedophile, ephebo, and homophilic swamp of the local clergy, were extensively documented and analyzed at (keyword: Crisis in de Kerk ... hoezo?).

The press reported in part very thoroughly.

De Kesel, Flavez and Degrieck were badly burned.

Patrick Degrieck at the CCP

Bishop De Kesel's position in Bruges had become untenable. Not more than a year later he was called to take over the Archdiocese of Mechelen-Brussels.

It took a very long time for a new bishop to be appointed, by the way, from East Flanders (Ghent), which is not involved in the West Flemish problems.

Pope Francis, known for his personal preferences, appointed Jozef De Kesel as Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels in spite of all the mistakes and concealments, and made him a cardinal (which he denied to the dedicated advocate for the right to life and to combat abuse in the Church, Bishop Léonard).

Billy Goat and Gardner

Since the end of 2014 Degrieck has hardly been able to do anything in Belgium.

To this end, he gave a lecture in Rome in 2017 before the Pontifical Center for the Protection of Children, and the topic "Secondary Victims".

He is a well-known specialist in the field of cover-up and embodiment of these vile deeds, and as a highlight also of the victims' offenses: considering the perpetrators as "also victims" (sic Danneels), and probably their own impulses.

Psychiatrically this is well known: denial - displacement - sublimation by association with the victims - absorption.

The perpetrators themselves give themselves absolution.

Widely and well known. Zero Consequences.

And now also with access to the highest channels of the Church in Rome.

Miserere Dei

Text: Ferdinand Boischot
Image: CCPBlog (Screenshots)

Friday, March 10, 2017

Lenten Exercise 2017 for Pope and Roman Curia --- Why Can't He Just Kneel?

All kneel, only the pope stands. Eucharistic Adoration during the Fifth Exercise 2017 for the Pope and the Roman Curia.

Marginal remarks by Gerd Varga
In the Vatican, the Lenten Exercises for the Roman Curia are taking place. Even Pope Francis takes part. As in previous years, the Pope and the Curia have retreated on Sunday to the Casa Divin Maestro Retreat House in Ariccia, just outside the gates of Rome. The Retreat House and the Holy See have published photos on their pages, which have not gone unnoticed. Two marginal remarks:

Marginal Remark 1

The Church of Jesus Magister 1

During the eucharistic adoration in the church of the retreat house, all the cardinals and archbishops who lead the curia offices were kneeling before the exposed Sacrament. Pope Francis stood in the middle of the church.
The picture recalls an unexplained question, which is somewhat polemical, as follows: Why did Pope Francis kneel at the annual foot-washing on Holy Thursday, but not before the Most Blessed Sacrament?
To be fair, it should be added that Pope Francis was kneeling on a photo taken on Tuesday for a Eucharistic blessing. A rarity in view of his practice on Corpus Christi. This is precisely why it is to be pointed out.

Marginal Remark 2

The Church of Jesus Magister, Via Veritas et Vita Retreat House, next to which there are still several smaller chapels, has an extraordinary seating arrangement: no church benches but cushioned single armchairs. The seating has, however, has kneelers, which is not necessarily self-evident in new buildings or after conversions of churches. The "mature Christian" is familiar with God, he drones in the head, with which we would again refer to observation 1.

The Church of Jesus Magister 2

The first comment may sound presumptuous, but the Holy See would not let a stone fall out of the never used tiara, if it declared the papal weakness of knee briefly and concisely but officially. Who would not understand if there was a physical affliction for it? The physical presence before the Blessed Sacrament is, in any case, is no triviality, and can therefore not be dismissed as the private affair of a pope.
The latter remark may seem irrelevant. Is it, though? I admit: I'm also irritated by Swiss churches, which are heated up to room temperature in the winter. The visit to the church should not be too pleasant and comfortable.
Image: Casadivinmaestro /

Link to Katholisches...
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

+Cocco is a No-Show -- Cardinal Chickens Out!

[Mahound's Paradiso] This morning there was to have been an eagerly anticipated press conference featuring Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, president of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, answering questions about his recently published pamphlet endorsing the "liberal" interpretation of Amoris Laetitia.

However, Cardinal Coccopalmerio failed to show up, pleading a "diary clash." This was later explained as a conflict with a meeting at the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.

In his short work, published by the official Vatican publishing house on February 8, Coccopalmeriohad argued that all the sacraments including communion should be open to those "living in situations not in line with traditional matrimonial canons" including the divorced and remarried and even cohabiting couples.

See also:


The Next Attack Against Cardinal Burke -- "The Pope will not let himself be stopped by populists, but will go full speed ahead."

(Lisbon) A concerted action seems to be taking place against Cardinal Raymond Burke. After the attacks of New York Times, Washington Post and La Nacion, yesterday followed the attack of the Portuguese daily, Publico.

There is hardly any chance of coincidence, especially since the tone and direction of leading media are the same in different countries.

"Burke. Orosto dos conservadores na luta contra o papa. "

"Burke, the Conservative's face in the struggle against the Pope," is the title of a detailed article which Cardinal Burke is not portrayed as a legitimate opponent in important questions concerning the office of the incumbent Pope, but as a dangerous enemy of Francis, whose attempts to "modernize" has been hindered by "conservatives."

Jason Horowitz threw the stone into the water in the New York Times when he created a connection between Cardinal Burke and the new US President Donald Trump. The connection exists only indirectly via Trump's chief strategist Steve Bannon, nevertheless the intention of the NYTimes article seems to be, namely, to form fronts.

Donald Trump is so hateful in left circles that anyone who has to address Trump is motivated by the same hatred. According to this logic, Pope Francis is on the side of the "good". The Wallstreet Journal of 24 December saw him as the new leader of the global left after the leftist electoral defeat in the USA. Cardinal Burke, for whom Trump's current chief strategist Bannon, as head of Breitbart News found a word of praise for him in 2014, must accordingly belong to the "axis of evil" with Trump. In this way, Horowitz has extended the anti-Trump struggle to the Catholic Church. An interest in this may be the United States, where Catholics are by far the largest religious community. Since the US is a world power and the Catholic Church is a world Church, Horowitz's interference in internal church affairs leads to worldwide shocks.

Publico quoted the US-American Vaticanist John Thavis as saying:

"The Vatican is based on tradition, and when the different parts of this tradition begin to conflict, it is a dangerous sign."

The article is very Francis-friendly, whether it is Amoris laetitia or the Order of Malta, the blame is always pushed onto Cardinal Burke. The fact that Maltese internationally distributed contraception in emergency areas, including the abortion pill, is only known to the Portuguese daily, that a Vatican's examination commission had declared that there was nothing to it. That the attacks against Cardinal Burke are not a coincidence due to a connection with US President Trump, was apparent in the first press conference of Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager, reappointed by Pope Francis as Grand Chancellor of the Order of Malta (see Boeselager Press Conference or How I educate the international press I attack Trump).

The concluding speech was given by Father Antonio Spadaro (2 + 2 = 5), Pope's confidant, and the head of the Jesuit journal Civiltà Cattolica, who saw Pope Francis as a guard against populism, whose chief exponent was Donald Trump. Pope Francis will not be stopped by the populists (whether Trump or Burke, is the context) in his reforms: "He goes forward, and fast forward," says Spadaro.

In the context of the Pope, some consultants seem to have taken an opportunity to see new alliances between the "Argentine" Church leadership and the mainstream of the Left.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Publico (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

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Friday, February 3, 2017

Condom Knight Boeselager Triumphs Over Good With Pope's Help

Edit: the Order of Malta's condom distributing Grand Chancellor, Albrecht Boeselager, has given a public address wherein he avoids any explanations of the totals capitulation of the Order's sovereignty and praises Pope Bergoglio's autocratic takeover. If you listen to this public sinner's address, he offers no contrition for distributing condoms, and even expresses his own disapproval of the increasing border security in the face of Islamic invasion. Unlike his predecessors, he is surely a friend of Islam, and an enemy of Christ.

He virtue signals thusly:

We are alarmed and concerned by the proliferation of discriminatory positions towards immigrants, not least, based on their national origin. History has already provided us with plenty of examples showing the dramatic and monstrous consequences of policies based on origin and race. Likewise, the Government takes a strong stance against the increasing disregard for the humanitarian laws encoded in the Geneva Conventions ratified by the family of nations.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Pope: "Fundamentalist Catholics Do Great Harm"

Edit: they're not content to strike quietistic poses, stay out politics and gaze at their navels, they really believe that religion should correspond somehow to the real world, and this terrifies these ecclesiastical wolves and their Masonic masters.

People were complaining about the translation, disbelieving that the Pope would say this, but here it is, Lifesite's video and translation:

Friday, November 18, 2016

Pope Rages at Catholic Cardinals

[Vox] In an interview with Raymond Arroyo on EWTN's The World Over, Edward Pentin stated that his sources have confirmed with him that "Pope Francis not happy at all," with the letter of the four Cardinals on the matter of heretical clauses and sacrilegious actions in Amoris Laetitia. Pentin continued that he, the Pope, is "boiling with rage." He had been "given two months," to respond to the four, and has refused.

"Boiling with rage."

How very sad.

To you priests and bishops in Rome who are faithful to the Church and know first hand what is happening there, whom do you really serve by your silence?

Do you serve Christ and through Him, His flock for their salvation?

What are you afraid of?

 Your priesthood is worth nothing if you allow this to continue.

Read further at Vox...


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Hit List Against "Anti-Bergoglians"? -- Misericordina for Pope Critics

(Rome) In yesterday's Sunday edition of the Turin daily La Stampa that also operates the news site Vatican Insider, two Vaticanists, Giacomo Galeazzi and Andrea Tornielli, published a list of alleged "Francis opponents" in the Catholic Church with great ceremony.  Just as meticulous as arbitrary, the formation resembles a proscription list for future purges. In coming to an end of the Holy Year of mercy a healthy portion of Misericordina will again be leveled against alleged enemies of Pope Francis.

The Progressives and the Conservatives 

The learned political scientist Giacomo Galeazzi (born 1972) worked for six years for the newsroom TG1 of the public service broadcaster RAI 1 (departments abroad and religion). Since 2001 he is an editor of the daily newspaper La Stampa, for which he was described as Vaticanist in 2008. Galeazzi never made a secret of his progressive sympathies.
The learned classical scholar, Andrea Tornielli (born in 1964), began his journalistic career with the publications for  Communion and Liberation (CL) community. From 1992-1996 he was one of the editors of the monthly magazine 30Giorni (English Edition: 30days). This was followed for 15 years as Vatican expert at the rightwing daily newspaper Il Giornale . Since 2011 he is, next to Galeazzi, Vaticanist at the liberal daily La Stampa and coordinator of Vatican Insider .

Giacomo Galeazzi and Andrea Tornielli

In 2005 or 2010 had observers would have said that Galeazzi and Tornielli represented very different positions. Since 2013 they have both been partisans of Pope Francis. While the progressive Galeazzi personally keeps his distance from  the "progressive" Pope, the conservative Tornielli was promoted under Francis even as the house vaticanist  with direct access to the Pope.
In January 2015 Galeazzi and Tornielli submitted their first joint book: "Pope Francis. This economy kills."

Proscription list in the style communist publications of the 70s

Both jointly published yesterday, in the style of communist and neo-Marxist newspapers of the 70s, in two whole newspaper pages,  a list of Catholic publications, organizations and initiatives, which are "dangerous to the unity of the Church and the Pope's health." The headline read: "The anti-Francis-Catholics who are attracted to Putin's power."  "Their aversion to Francis keeps them together," say the authors in the first sentence.
It is "especially shabby," remarked Messa in Latino, that the item appeared at the same time on the Internet site La Nuova Europa (New Europe), published by the Christian Russia Foundation (Christian Russia), a media initiative which was first established, to give the Christians persecuted by communists a voice in Russia.
Ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant, wrote Tacitus. In this specific context, freely translated, you might say. You make a desert and call it peace. Messa in Latino speaks of a "grotesque and slanderous attack".

There has been an assertion of an "assinational plot" made several times as criticism against conservative Catholics in the past three years. The prelude was made by the Austrian pastoral theologian and former dean of the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Vienna. In September 2013 Paul Zulehner was on camera as the inventor of a rumor . The pastoral theologian showed up in an ORF interview,  impressed by the "reforming zeal" of the pope and also "worried" that Francis could be killed. Zulehner knew at once to name the potential offenders, namely "conservative Catholics," for whom the reforms would be "too much". He is still guilty of the malicious, politically motivated insinuation.

The "Anti-Bergoglio-Catholics"

The "unity of the Church" and the "health of the Pope" have been threatened by the "Anti-Francis-Catholics". These are called "Anti-Bergoglio-Catholics" and "Para-Sedevacantists" referring to the characteristics of which they are a part, who "worship" Russia's President Putin and sympathize with the "Islamic and anti-European", "populist" Lega Nord.
The pattern of indictment that applies with respect to Italy by the two Vaticanists, can be transferred to other countries without much imagination.
 Galeazzi and Tornielli wrote:
"The galaxy of dissidence against Bergoglio, ranging from Lefebvrians who have decided to wait for a traditional Pope 'to return to the union with Rome, to the Lega-Catholics put Francis in contrast to his predecessor Ratzinger and have launched a campaign: 'My Pope Benedict.'"

Daring criticism of Pope Francis

The compilation is in reality a motley list of very different Catholic initiatives which, however, have two elements in common with  each other: they are not progressive and have publicly dared to criticize certain actions of Pope Francis.


The authors eagerly seek to throw all initiatives into the same pot, that they are more or less outside the Church. Who does not fit into your picture, must be put in the corner. They have designated the Society of St. Pius X., and this is followed by entities such as the Internet newspaper, La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana or estimable personalities like the editor Riccardo Cascioli, of the Lepanto Foundation and Corrispondenza Romana by the renowned historian Roberto de Mattei, the blog Settimo Cielo of veteran Vaticanist Sandro Magister, the Forum Libertá e Persona ( Freedom and Person).These are all initiatives who stay far away from any cheap polemics.
The list continues with tradition related news sites like Messa in Latino , Chiesa e Concilio post and Riscossa Cristiana and the monthly magazine Il Timone .
Galeazzi and Tornielli point fingers at Cardinals Raymond Burke and Carlo Caffarra, at Archbishop Luigi Negri and Bishop Athanasius Schneider, the liturgist Nicola Bux, Prof. Roberto de Mattei, Antonio Socci and many other more. The reason? They have all been guilty of defending the unchanging doctrine of the Church publicly and draw attention to pieces of evidence pointing in an opposite direction.

Politically Correct Gauntlet

The authors do not skimp on topics where those listed will be struck with clubs of political correctness before the audience: "Para-Sedevacantists", "Lefebvrian," "Islamophobic", "anti-European" and finally - they want to play it safe - even "Putin admirers". Already it is apparent in the title that the whole "galaxy" is assumed to be financed through murky channels issuing from Moscow.
The page Messa in Latino took it with humor: "We need to improve our internal secret service, because we have not even been noticed yet by the cash flows from Moscow. We will give you the account numbers and accept the benevolent euros and rubles."
At the same time they called upon Canon 212, paragraph 3 of the Code of Canon Law  that holds explicitly that each Catholic has the right, where it is necessary, to criticize the ecclesiastical authority, and the Pope.
Galeazzi and Tornielli see in the listed other hand, "revolutionaries", "coup plotters" and "Putin Cronies."
One should notice: If a close papal confidant like Tornielli swings into such a sweeping attack, it means that there is a rough wind coming to Rome from Pope Francis.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: MiL / La Stampa (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Pope Francis and the Left Option for Brazil -- "Political" Blessing of a Marian Statue of Aparecida in Vatican

Pope Francis: Blessing of a representation of Our Lady of
Aparecida with a hint of political engagement
(Rome) Last Saturday the daily bulletin of the Vatican announced that Pope Francis in the Vatican Gardens has blessed a bronze statue of Our Lady of Aparecida. It's a religious act mingled in a "strange" way with a policy that is related to the dismissal of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff.
The previous day, the Cuban press agency Prensa Latina reported that Rousseff's predecessor, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Brazil's president from 2003-2011, wrote the Pope a letter about the "serious" political situation "in Brazil and in the world". Rousseff and Lula belong to the same party, the Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT), the left "Workers' Party".

Cuba published Lula's letter upon the impeachment of Brazil's President

Prensa Latina is a press agency controlled by the communist regime in Cuba. The fact that they published the Lula-letter in full, recognizes the regular connections between the PT and the island state of the Castro brothers.

Lula letter to Pope Francis

Lula informed Pope Francis in the letter that "conservative" political forces at work are on the "edge of legality" - wanting  to "prevent" a "continuity and progressive projects  and social development and free inclusion" by the Workers Party (PT).
In another letter Lula praised the "achievements" of the Workers' Party and sharply condemns the attacks against Dilma Rousseff. In order to take steps to  "criminalize" Rousseff and the "social movements", especially the PT.
Lula demands that can the people must be able choose its President "freely" by which he implied that free elections by the "conservative" forces are under threat. , The Lula wrote:  the "conservative" forces "fear that the people will choose me in 2018," and would therefore make him president again. The Brazilian constitution allows only two consecutive terms of a head of state. Meanwhile, Lula could run again.

Same letter from Venezuelan President Maduro

On Saturday it was announced that Pope Francis had received the exact same letter from Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. In addition to the Cuban contacts, the common action of Lula and the "Bolivarian" President Maduro, reveals a political landscape that is situated with varying shades of social-democratic and communist, clearly left.
Observers doubt that it was an "accident". The letters and the cooperation of the Brazilian-Venezuelan-Cuban Left and the blessing of the statue of the Virgin of Aparecida, a Brazilian Marian shrine, "may be a coincidence, but it does not look like one," said Secretum meum mihi .
Pope Francis used the blessing to take a position on the situation in Brazil and did this by mixing religious and political aspects. The  pontiff said that Brazil is experiencing "sad moments."  That gesture and words as partisanship for Dilma Rousseff and the Workers' Party are to be understood,  which the "Pope-Girlfriend" and Pope's biographer, Elisabetta Piqué assures with an article in the Argentine newspaper La Nacion.

"May the Blessed Mother sustain left governments and keep 'conservative' forces back?"

With the blessing of the statue of Mary, Francis announced differently than initially indicated, that he would not travel to Brazil in 2017  to take part in 300-year celebrations of the Marian shrine of Aparecida.

Piqué's articles in "La Nacion" on Pope Francis and his "Brazil-option" crisis

Francis asked Our Lady of Aparecida on Saturday,  "to protect the Brazilian people in this sad moment and the poor, the marginalized, the abandoned elderly, to protect the street children; to save her people with social justice in the love of Jesus."
Piqué's article leaves no doubt that a certain political option is meant to be protected by the Mother of God. To say it in the sense of Lula and Maduro: "May the Mother of God sustain the left-wing government in power and keep the 'conservative' forces them away," said Francisco Fernandez de la Cigoña.
Already in the course of the presidential campaign in Argentina, Pope Francis had chosen the left option and preferred the Peronist candidate, but the people elected the "conservative" opposition candidate, which has since led to a series of tensions in relations.
The same signaling by the Catholic Church leader took place on his Latin American visit in 2015. During the meetings with the leftist president of Ecuador and Bolivia were demonstratively friendly, Francis showed the "conservative" president of Paraguay the cold shoulder, to put it cautiously. In fact, he attacked him openly and completely without foundation.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: Prensa Latina / La Nacion / / Wikicommons (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Sunday, September 4, 2016

The Pope Likes Hermann Hesse

Kretschmann described the pope as a "thoroughly impressive personality." Francis had a "watchful eye" and a "watchful heart".

Rome ( KNA) Pope Francis appreciates German literature: Hermann Hesse's story "Beneath the Wheel" has been read several times by the head of the Catholic Church, according to Baden-Württemberg's Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann. Francis had met the Green politician and avowed Catholic Francis on Friday at a private audience and brought him a copy of this book. After the meeting, reported Kretschmann, Francis received the gift by saying, "I've already read this three times".

The Pope and Kretschmann had at the 30-minute conversation for which an interpreter was also present, discussing in particular the environment and the refugee problem.

The Catholic Church itself "could happily praise to have such an alert, attentive Pope who follows everything that happens in the contemporary world so closely, "Kretschmann praised Francis after the encounter. He described the pope as a "thoroughly impressive personality." Francis had a "watchful eye" and a "watchful heart". Link... Trans: Tancred AMDG

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

"Culture of Fornication": Argentina's Bergoglian Bishops -- Case Macri to Case Aguer

 (Buenos Aires) The bergoglian Argentine bishops, the greater the confusion seems to be (see The contradictions of the Church "the open doors": Argentine President Must not be Godfather ). The Archbishop of La Plata, the historic opponent of Jorge Mario Bergoglio in Argentine episcopate, criticized in a column the widespread "culture of fornication." His brother bishops distanced themselves from him.

The Case Macri and Political Antipathies

The newborn son from a Catholic  family with many children was denied baptism in Bergoglio's Archdiocese of Buenos Aires because - according to an Argentine tradition, the sponsor for the seventh child is the President -  who since December 2015, is the incumbent president Mauricio Macri, a remarried divorcee, who had been rejected as godfather.

Macri, who displaced the previously ruling (left) Peronist from power last fall, has ever since been the validly declared main enemy. It's a conflict that seems to have been transferred to the Church. That Pope Francis would have preferred the Left-Peronist candidate in the presidential palace, is an open secret.  A donation of the new president to the Pontifical University Foundation Scholas Occurrentes was returned in April's return mail to the donor. In other words: The donation came from the wrong (political) area, with which one would not even have anything to do in terms of good works. It was a veritable papal disavowal of a head of state.
The same had happened already in July 2015 at the Pope's visit to Latin America. While the Catholic Church leader met with the left presidents of Ecuador and Bolivia, dazzling the mind and   also expressed this in front of the photographer, Francis went against the conservative President of Paraguay on a collision course. He made unheard of public criticisms of ​​the head of state to thousands citizens and the highest dignitaries of the country and they were also completely groundless allegations . It would be difficult to express (political) sympathies and antipathies more outwardly.
No wonder then that Argentina's bishops and pastors, at least those who want to be particularly bergoglian, follow the example of the Pope, and in turn disavow President Macri. The reel of rejection of Macri as godfather was opened at the Cathedral of Buenos Aires, the long-term "domestic church" of the current Pope, where he made his successor Msgr. Mario Aurelio Poli, a close friend and even created him a cardinal.

The Case of Archbishop Aguer

There isn't just friction between  the Pope and President.  There had been friction long before the papal election between the Archbishop of Buenos Aires and the "conservative" Archbishop of La Plata, Msgr. Héctor Aguer.  Jorge Mario Bergoglio in the Argentine Bishops' Conference was like a leader of the "doves", while Archbishop Héctor Aguer was the spokesman of the "hawks".

Archbishop Aguer: culture of fornication

Since Cardinal Bergoglio had become Pope, he has been undermining the "hawks" by his new appointments, stripping feathers. But still the pugnacious archbishop of La Plata is in his office. In May 2018 he completes his 75th year.
In the daily newspaper El Día of La Plata Archbishop Aguer writes a regular column in which he knows how to swim against the current, as well as in his most recent column of August 23. Under the title "La Fornicación" to English "Fornication," where he raised his voice against "lewd culture", sexuality and love "trivialized".
What does he mean by a "culture of fornication," the archbishop explained with a practical example. He cited the Brazilian press, which had calculated that in just 17 days an average of 42 condoms were used by each participant at the Summer Olympics. Sexual intercourse with multiple partners, who are often perfect strangers, is a behavior that are in themselves, "animalistic," said the Archbishop. He used a popular Latin American gutter expression.
Among other things, Msgr. Aguer criticized the gender ideology and "other unnatural relationships." The Archbishop took up the cudgel for lifelong marriage in mutual love and respect between a man and a woman, and for the ability to bond, which sees destroyed contra naturam  through the fornication.
In this context, the archbishop engaged clear criticism of aberrosexual relationships and the possibility for them to adopt children.

The "trouble of the Church"

Archbishop Héctor Aguer drew with this column not only the wrath of liberals and the aberro-associations, but also his brother bishops.
In the issue from August 28 the newspaper La Nacion, the Argentine "house organ" of Pope Francis, published the article "Trouble in the Church on the Nature and Language of Msgr. Hector Aguer". The article "reflects," says the author, the "reaction of the Church" (!) to the column by Archbishop Aguer.
The article quotes three bishops who take a position against the Archbishop of La Plata  but remain anonymous.
"The same bishops who insisted in a conservative position in the case of Macri, represented in case Aguer the exact opposite, and therefore a liberal position," said Secretum meum mihi .
The distancing from Archbishop Aguer is established by the first anonymous bishops with "his language" and "his method."
The second anonymous bishop is quoted as saying that the column of Msgr. Aguer "is not representing the concerns of the Church, especially in a moment like this, with its much more important problems."
A third anonymous bishop reiterates the statement that it is indeed important that the people to know what the Church teaches on sexual morality and marriage, "but now tries to mediate teaching in a context of respect for individual freedom of believers."

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons / El Dia
Trans: Tancred
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