Friday, September 18, 2020

Black Parishoners Stop Whacko Neo-Catechumenate From Wreckovation Scheme — Diocese Can’t Afford to Put it Right


Edit: it looks like they tried to make the interior of the church extremely gay by covering up the marble floor and pushing the altar out of the sanctuary and removing the communion rails.  I didn’t realize Neo-Cat was interested in Gathering Spaces. 

The parishioners hated the changes which were accomplished without them being informed, much less their approval. 

I guess the Neo-Cats, who the parishioners claim are more interested in their cult group than in taking care of the parish, have met their match and will have to repair the uglification of this historic black church.

[Philadelphia Inquirer] Promised restorations to an Olde Kensington church, which was altered during its coronavirus shutdown without the consent of its parishioners, will have to wait until the sale of another church to pay for them, an Archdiocese representative told church members Sunday.

The Rev. Dennis Gill, director of the Office for Divine Worship for the Archdiocese, told parishioners of St. Michael Roman Catholic Church that its original plan to move artifacts from Immaculate Conception, which closed last year, to replace what their parochial administrator, the Rev. Arturo Chagala, removed, was cost prohibitive.

Instead, Gill said, the parish would first have to sell Immaculate Conception in Northern Liberties, and then move religious artifacts to St. Michael.

Donna Panno, whose family has been at St. Michael for four generations, said Gill made the five-minute announcement and left the church before the 9:30 Mass began.



Italian Bishops Enthusiastic About Pedo Film Cuties

Edit: Avenirre is the official mouthpiece of the Italian Bishops' Conference.  They saw fit to write a rather spirited defense of pedo film, Cuties.  Like Marx Shea, they're enthusiastic about it, although they don't attack detractors of the film on the basis of their political alignment, taking an ideological position, as Marx Shea does. It's almost as if all these talking heads are reading and writing from scripts.

Interestingly enough, what this apologia for Cuties won't tell you is that the woman who directed the film is a mere figurehead.  The real director is a Jewish pedophile who has been campaigning since the 70s for such media.  I'm in the process of discovering his name and some of the details about his "work", but this film is clearly intended to justify certain things and it's unsurprising to see the Italian Bishops' Conference, which is made up of the kinds of men who enjoy certain fare and style themselves as post-modern intellectuals, defending this piece of excrement.

You people should be ashamed of yourselves for cancelling your Netflix subscriptions!  Listen to your betters!

[Avenirre] Users who were outraged at Netflix by launching a sabotage campaign against the online platform for the film Mignonnes, known by the international title Cuties, either have not seen it or have really limited themselves to the poster.  Otherwise they have not understood it or have looked at it with the wrong eyes.  The film by the Franco-Senegalese director Maïmouna Doucouré does not revolve around a "scandalous sexualization of adolescents" nor obviously "encourages pedophilia", as some of the more than 600,000 signatories of a petition against the giant in the distribution of films and  tv series via internet.  However, as Massimo Calvi pointed out on Sunday in a comment on 'Avvenire'

the suspicion is that the work was promoted by Netflix by playing ambiguously on some specific content.  Mignonnes is indeed a tough film, very tough.  It is an insight into a reality, that of 11-12 year olds that even parents sometimes do not realize or do not want to realize.  A reflection inserted in a much more complex context through the story of Amy, an eleven-year-old native of Senegal, who lives with her mother, aunt and brother in a suburb of Paris awaiting the return of her father who, in the meantime, has become  polygamist marrying another woman.

 Amy witnesses her mother's suffering and herself suffers from the absence of her father and from the strict rules imposed by the Islamic religion and family traditions.  She finds it difficult to fit into the school environment and in relationships with her peers, until she becomes friends with Angelica, a neighbor who is part of a modern dance group made up of four girls.  Amy will become the leader pushing the group towards an ever more daring dance.  And here lies the controversial point because the director absolutely does not force her hand on the sensual aspect, on the contrary: she tries to highlight, albeit in a contradictory picture, their innocence, the fact that they are little girls (one is ugly, one is  fat, one has pimples ...) who do things out of their reach, which never manage to get to the extreme.

 They talk, even in foul language, but then show that they know nothing about sex or that they care if they are considered wrong.  Moreover, Amy finds herself in the middle of two completely different cultures, undergoing very strong opposing pressures in a particularly complicated moment of life such as the transition from childhood to adolescence.  She even senses a contrast to the ideal of female beauty.  For Amy, everything she does, without being fully aware of it, is a form of redemption towards her family, her culture and towards those who discriminate against her for forms of racism or bullying.  However, she is always terribly fought, until the beautiful finale in which, with the game of jumping rope, she rediscovers herself for what she is: still a child.

 The problem, therefore, is not these kids who grow up too fast for certain things without having sufficient maturity or the necessary immune defenses.  [That makes them perfect prey for men, or women who do such things.] The problem is the world that we have created around it, with absent parents (all the girls have complicated families behind them), with social networks that push you to believe that you exist and that you are someone only for the number of likes you receive, with the  ease with which he can access forms (in that case yes) of wrong sexuality on the internet and with the mobile phone which becomes the only means to create equality.  All this the director makes it clear, even if the film cannot be fed to everyone.  But when read correctly and presented well, Mignonnes can become an educational film. [Or a film subtly endorsing pedophilia and sex between adults and children.]

Photo: Netflix


Holy Skojec in Tizzy Condemns Catholic Church

 Edit: if he feels he has to sell the Catholic Faith, did he really have it in the first place? 

What do you expect from a petty narcissist who identifies with Tyrian Lannister, a vicious dwarf who betrays and murders his family for power and revenge in the famous Game of Thrones series. (Another source of his vanity is his inordinate interest in fantasy and science fiction crap.)

Well, now His Steveness has finally realized (or is positioning himself to reveal to the world) that Bergoglio probably isn’t Pope and is looking desperately for a life preserver, or at least that’s the impression he’s attempting to give.

I’ve always thought Holy Steve was a smug, self-important ignoramus since I first read one of his early blogs circa early 2000s. He’s spent much of his Internet career journaling about his feelings, how things seem to him as if it should be important to you, his reader and customer. This is another one of those situations. 

Right now he’s “asking the hard questions,” or having a temper tantrum, like a larva, agonizingly transforming into an even more loathsome cockroach, we’re likely to be shown his final form.  Steve feels completely incapable of restoring tradition, he’s so over the Church, and getting attention from another huckster, Rod Dreher. Perhaps Holy Steve will become Deacon Steve, in the Orthodox Church of America? Then he can shill for Orthodoxy.

Quo Vadis, Stu?   Who cares, as long as he calls himself something else besides Catholic.

I saw this this morning. Would you rather go to Hell than have Ann Barnhardt be Right?

Of course, Holy Steve never stops grifting.  I can't sit around all day playing video games and watching the Scifi channel without your help folks!  My wife just lost a load of cash playing penny stocks!

And... all of this is having an effect.


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Effeminates Bishop of Lexington Kentucky Campaigning for Green Causes

Edit: the oft misused and misapplied separation clause should be imposed here. 

Imagine, an NGO that claims to be the Catholic Church but is really just a platform to promote Socialism! 

LEXINGTON, Kentucky, September 16, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Bishop John Stowe suggested last Thursday that the environment is the preeminent issues for Catholic voters to consider, not abortion. “They are both critical issues,” the pro-homosexual bishop of Lexington, Kentucky, admitted. “I think an argument could be made that … creation is the preeminent issue, because without the environment to sustain human life, you can’t have human life.”

The bishop of Lexington, Kentucky, made his remarks during a webinar hosted by Catholic Climate Covenant.

“We have to look at what office are we voting people into – what office are we electing for and what is their role in that office,” Stowe continued. “We’ve seen what the icurrent President can do by withdrawing from an international treaty about protecting the environment, and the effect that that has had immediately.”


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Mark Shea Enthusiastic About Pedo Netflix Special

Edit: we all know that Marx Shea has a nuanced position, far more nuanced than the Gospels or the Saints and Church Fathers on a host of issues, but perhaps if he weren’t so ENTHUSED about this pedo film, he’d see that it’s not just the white-bread conservatives from flyover country, who he hates, but it’s people of all different stripes who are reviling this film and the people who made it.

Maybe we’ll get a more balanced view about this abomination from Shea’s gay buddies at NCR in a bit?

 Edit: like his friend Stephen Graydanus who enthused about the grooming and pederasty going on in the award winning film, “Call Me by Your Name”.  Shea is crazy about  the pedo groomer film, “Cuties”.

There’s a lot of this kind of thing going on in Neocatholic circles.

Maybe it’s one of those, “watch kiddie porn to own the right,”  moments?


Monday, September 14, 2020

COVID "Scamdemic," Biden Campaign, Leading to Mark of the Beast

By David Martin

The COVID "pandemic" can perhaps best be described as the shackling of America in the name of public health and safety. It's a political tool to lock down on our liberties and cut off the power of prayer through the closing of churches. There is no denying the close correlation between the closing of churches and the outbreak of racial violence in America. The enemy played its cards when orchestrating this scheme, known by many as the "Scamdemic."  

The CDC now reports that only 9200 people in America have died of COVID-19 alone, a mere 6% of the 182,779 previously claimed. 94% of the deaths had other "health conditions and contributing causes" and many if not most of the now deceased "COVID" patients had no COVID-19 symptoms.  New CDC report shows 94% of COVID-19 deaths in US had contributing conditions 

Based on the testimony of doctors, nurses, and other reliable sources, many who are diagnosed as having tested positive for COVID-19 were never tested for COVID-19 but someone's 'educated guess' was responsible for these "test results." Doctors have testified to how the government has pressured them into falsifying COVID-19 death and case figures. Death certificates have become as fraudulent as the rigged Democratic votes. 

Global Agenda 

A key objective in springing COVID-19 on us was to bring about the great "global reset" planned by global architects. This is the "new normal" touted by globalists, a society ruled by "essential" despots where race-riots, revolution, and satanic corporate giants like Walmart can flourish while Christian patriots and the private business man are stripped of their freedoms and placed on lock-down.  

The fact is that Communism has come to America and is operating through the Democratic platform. Slavery is at our door, and if Biden is elected it will quickly come about that American patriots will be dragged off and quarantined in COVID detention centers. It's already happening! Only those who follow the party-line and become "essential" socialist workers to save their skin — like George Soros who turned over thousands of innocent people in Nazi Germany to save his skin — will be allowed to go free 'without a mask.' The psychological conditioning for this new normal is already in motion.  

Mark of the Beast 

However, globalists are hinging on a Biden victory in November to lock this plan into place so they can move forward with their design to enslave America under a communistic one-world government under 666.  

The key objective in bringing about COVID-19 was to provide an excuse to impose jinxed vaccines that alter our DNA and kill people. Bill Gates, in conjunction with other globalists and the World Health Organization (WHO) has developed the Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System and they plan to vaccinate the world's peoples with this to ensure that COVID "doesn't spread."  

What is crucial to this plan is that every vaccination administered is verified so that world "health" officials know exactly who has and hasn't received the vaccine. To this end, Gates and his team of Luciferians have developed a chemical enzyme called "Luciferase" that makes the vaccination readable through a special mobile device app. When the vaccinated person is scanned, this Luciferase enzyme lights up and makes the vaccination readable long after it has been injected. The number 060606 will appear on the bar-code.

Hence we see the connection between COVID-19 and the prophesied Mark of the Beast. COVID-19 stands for "Certification Of Vaccination ID," a plan that was finalized in 2019. The mobile app will verify your vaccination, without which you have no ticket to ride in society — can't ride a bus, can't buy a house, can't have medical insurance or care. Through this blackmail, globalists will arrange "that no man might buy or sell, but he that hath the character, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." (Apocalypse 13: 17)  

The enzymatic name "Luciferase" clearly marks the COVID-19 vaccine as Lucifer's project, which obligates Christians to have no part with it. Globalists deliberately arranged that the vaccine would openly be identified with Lucifer so that it would incur eternal damnation on those who receive it. For God does not hold one accountable if he has been tricked, i.e. if he is innocent, therefore the enemy made sure that all will know that this COVID vaccine is from Lucifer. The time will come — if Biden is elected — when they will say, 'This is from the devil, reject Jesus and your Christian-patriot ideas and be marked with Lucifer.' 

Those who would make excuses for accepting this infernal vaccine by saying, 'I need to be well to take care of my baby, my husband, etc.,’ had best consider the admonition of Holy Scripture to those who sell out to save their skin.  

"If any man shall adore the beast and his image, and receive his character in his forehead, or in his hand; He also shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is mingled with pure wine in the cup of his wrath, and shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the sight of the holy angels, and in the sight of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torments shall ascend up for ever and ever: neither have they rest day nor night, who have adored the beast, and his image, and whoever receiveth the character of his name." (Apocalypse 14: 9-11) 

Christ’s injunction to renounce all would especially apply at this time. "If any man come to me, and despise not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:26) 

We have arrived at a historic crossroads when it will be necessary for Americans to make two essential moves to preserve our liberty. First, we should quickly scrap this COVID fuss and get back to work and Church because this obsession with masks and distancing is fueling the enemy plan against our country.

Trump Victory Needed to Save America 

Especially, it is imperative that America vote for Donald Trump in the November election because God has raised him up to deliver America from the New World Order. A Trump victory will keep America free, which in turn will keep the western world free, because without America, there is no free world.

One thing is for certain: if America votes for Joe Biden, we are finished as a nation because he will hand this country over to the one-world Luciferians as fast as you can say sleepy Joe. If we, like babies and wimps vote for Biden, it will empower his plan to place ‘face-diapers’ on every American, to force Americans to fund abortion, and will empower the globalist plan to impose diabolical vaccines under the penalty of losing everything, even our lives. 

Save America through the Rosary 

Between now and election day, Rosary rallies and novenas are being organized throughout our country to recruit Americans into the most powerful form of prayer outside of Holy Mass — the Rosary. Join our daily worldwide rosary HERE  It was for reason that the saintly Padre Pio referred to the Rosary as "the weapon."  

Let us not forget how it was the Rosary that miraculously expelled and overturned enemy attempts to invade Christian Europe in 1571 (Battle of Lepanto) and in 1683 (Battle of Vienna), and also in 1955 when the Soviets invaded Austria. To date there has never been an explanation offered for these victories other than to say they were due to the crushing power of the Rosary.  

Let America utilize this Heavenly weapon to keep Trump in the Oval Office for another term.



Communists Posing as Catholics Write Petition Attacking Trump on Seamless Garment

Edit: here they are defending their false religion and hypocritically attacking a political figure on the badly tailored and tacky Seamless Garment from the 60s. Evil Pedophile Cardinal Bernardin would be so proud! You don’t need to imagine that Fishwrap, US Catholic, Commonweal, Patheos and other Communist publications that mis-represent Catholic teachings and attack Catholic ones, would be authoring a screed demanding the separation of Church and State if another group of actually Catholic theologians and religious signed a similar petition opposing Biden for advocating the murder of the innocent unborn, which he does.

 Perhaps they should?

 (RNS) — A group of Catholic theologians, activists and nuns has signed an open letter to Catholic voters urging them to oppose President Donald Trump, who they argue “flouts core values at the heart of Catholic social teaching.”

More than 150 Catholics, including former staffers at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, signed the letter, which was organized by Faith in Public Life Action, a faith-based liberal advocacy group.

“While neither political party or candidate reflects the fullness of Catholic teaching on every issue,” the letter said, “President Trump’s character, policy decisions and cruelty toward anyone who challenges him demonstrates a fundamental contempt for what it means to be a Christian.” [As if they’d know.] 


Sunday, September 13, 2020

SSPX Fined For Proselytism in Russia — Who Else is Going to Do It?

Edit: since Bergoglio and company isn’t going to do it, and probably couldn’t if they wanted to, the SSPX will he to step in.

Armin Schwibach is the editor of where this report originated. He's not a friend of the Society, but then he's a friend of Tradition. 

An illicit hotel room Mass was the basis for first known charge against a Catholic for violating 2016 law.

For the first time, Russia has prosecuted a Catholic leader for “illegal missionary activity.”.

Forum 18, a religious freedom monitoring organization, reported that Nikita Glazunov was fined 5,000 rubles (about $67) by a court in Kazan in the Russian Republic of Tatarstan. Glazunov, a member of a traditionalist Catholic religious group, the Society of St. Pius X, was charged for organizing a Latin Mass in a hotel conference hall. According to the charge, he invited a “foreign preacher” to celebrate the Mass, but the priest did not have written authorization to perform missionary activity. A witness testified that the preacher had “spoken of the truth of Catholicism in comparison with Orthodox Christianity, and that, after the religious service, [the defendant and another person] approached him and invited him to take printed materials to familiarize himself with their religious views.”

The Society of St. Pius X is in an irregular relationship with the Vatican.

Glazunov appealed his conviction on June 5, but was unsuccessful.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Cardinal Says Archbishop Lefebvre Will be Doctor of the Church

September 11, 2020 (Catholic Family News) — Professor Armin Schwibach, a teacher of philosophy and Rome correspondent for the Austrian website, has reported on Twitter that a cardinal has recently made to him some supportive comments about Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the deceased founder of the Society of St. Pius X.

On August 21, Schwibach wrote: “As a cardinal recently stated: Archbishop Lefebvre will one day recognized as a Doctor of the Church. Therefore, ‘others’ have to measure up to him.” Catholic Family News reached out to Professor Schwibach, and he confirmed that indeed these words have only recently been spoken to him by a cardinal of the Catholic Church. On another occasion, according to Schwibach, this same cardinal added that Lefebvre was “prophetic.” However, the cardinal spoke these words privately and does not wish to say so in public.

This reliable fact, as revealed by Schwibach, is of great importance for the Catholic Church since it shows that there are other high-ranking prelates besides Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò and Bishop Athanasius Schneider who are seeing the validity of Archbishop Lefebvre’s own sustained criticism of the Second Vatican Council, of aspects of the post-conciliar Magisterium, and of the Novus Ordo Mass.


Friday, September 11, 2020

Sacrilege — Sleep Workshop for Sleepy Normie Catholics — Pornokardinal Schönborn


Edit: Cux thinks it’s so cute that Catholics on line are angry their places of worship are being abused for such trivial purposes, while Schönborn’s resignation hasn’t been accepted and Bergoglio talks about food and sex like some elderly Italian gossip columnist. 

Maybe he’s trying to keep regular churchgoers in slumber as their church continues to decline?

[Cux] Given everything going in the world today, you would think Catholics could find better things to argue about than “mattress-gate,” but nonetheless believers in the small southern Italian city of Cirò Marina recently have devoted an extraordinary amount of energy to debating the wisdom of opening the Church of St. Cataldo the Bishop to a mattress display.

A picture from the event, which showed a mattress on the floor in front of the church with someone lying on it as another person spoke into a microphone, generated a tidal wave of commentary on social media and saturation coverage in the local press. Most people seemed to assume that the church was hosting a mattress sale, which triggered endless references to the Gospel story of Jesus tossing the moneylenders out of the temple.

Aggravating the situation is that the event took place inside the church, was has been condemned for various structural defects. The pastor has been compelled to celebrate Mass outside ever since Italy permitted the resumption of public liturgies in June, leading people to charge that the pastor was also placing people’s safety at risk.

In reality, the pastor told local media outlets, there was no sales pitch going on. The event was intended to help people manage common maladies by focusing on their sleep habits and patterns, and it was presented by a doctor and a pharmacist rather than a furniture company. Moreover, he said, the relatively small size of the gathering permitted it to take place safely indoors.


Thursday, September 10, 2020

A Closer Look at Francis' Revision of the Lord's Prayer, the Gloria

By David Martin

As reported in late August, a new Italian missal featuring a revised Gloria and changes to the Lord's Prayer will be mandatory for Italian celebrations of the Mass from Easter (April 4) 2021.

Avvenire, a Milan-based Catholic newspaper owned by the Italian bishops, reported on August 28 that the new translation was promulgated by Pope Francis in 2019. Avvenire also reported that the Italian Episcopal Conference presented Pope Francis with the new missal containing the changes he had approved.

The revision of the Gloria warrants concern since the opening of the Gloria was first sung by the angels the night that Christ was born in Bethlehem, as recorded in the Latin Vulgate: Gloria in altissimis Deo, et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis.” (Luke 2:14) The English translation reads: "Glory be to God On High and on earth peace to men of good will." 

The change to the Gloria replaces the words "of good will" with "loved by the Lord," thus rendering the Italian translation “pace in terra agli uomini di buona volontà” (“on earth peace to men of good will”) to the new “pace in terra agli uomini, amati dal Signore” (“peace on earth to men, loved by the Lord”).  

This revision of the Gloria not only corrupts the original text but places a new spin on it. All men are loved by the Lord, since they were created by Him, but not all men receive the peace and blessing of the Lord. Peace is a special gift from God that is given only to "men of good will," not just to anyone.

 Replacing "of good will" with "loved by the Lord" is an apparent attempt to establish the fallacy that God's peace and mercy are unconditionally granted to all men, regardless if they are living in sin and adultery. It is in keeping with the presumptuous error of Luther, whose statue Francis erected at the Vatican on October 13, 2016. 

Francis: The Lord’s Prayer “Induces Temptation” 

The changes to the Lord’s Prayer have been more controversial. The key change concerns the rewording of the phrase “lead us not into temptation” so that it now reads “abandon us not into temptation.” 

In the centuries-old recited prayer, the world’s Catholics call upon God to “lead us not into temptation, but delver us from evil.” 

In a December 2017 interview on the official television network of the Italian bishops, Francis said that this translation used for centuries in many parts of the world, including the Italian and English versions, was "not good” and should be changed. He argued that it was incorrect, saying, “It is not a good translation because it speaks of a God who induces temptation.”

“It’s not God who throws me into temptation, in order to then see how I’ve fallen,” Francis told Italian broadcasters. “No, a father doesn’t do that… The one who leads us into temptation is Satan. That’s Satan’s task," he said. 

So Christ taught us to invoke a God who leads us into temptation? To think that the Messiah’s instruction to mankind on how to pray—as penned by the Evangelists as the infallible Word of God and followed for 2000 years by all the Saints and members of Christis now incorrect! 

The Faith Called into Question 

To say that the proposed “reform” of the Our Father warrants respect is to say that Catholics for 2000 years have been misled by the Our Father. Moreover, it instigates doubts about the whole of revelation, i.e. the Bible and Sacred Tradition, and the centuries-old guidance of the Church. It appears that it is Pope Francis who is leading us into temptation. 

Francis purports to criticize the English and Italian translations of the Our Father, when he knows full well that it is the original manuscript he is criticizing. The text from the Lord’s Prayer, as taken from the Latin Vulgate (which comes from the original Greek: καὶ μὴ εἰσενέγκῃς ἡμᾶς εἰς πειρασμόν, ἀλλὰ ῥῦσαι ἡμᾶς ἀπὸ τοῦ πονηροῦ), reads: et ne nos induces in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo, which translated is: “lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” (Matthew 6:13). 

Hence this is not a translation issue but a scriptural issue. The English translations of the Our Father as recited today are correct because they are taken from the Vulgate, which is the official version of Holy Scripture, the source from which all authentic translations must directly or indirectly be taken. It appears that Francis does not agree with what the evangelists penned in Holy Scripture.  

Watered Down 

The change to “abandon us not into temptation” suggests that it is alright to be around temptation as long as we’re not abandoned by God, which is contrary to God’s design in the Our Father. The idea is that we flee all occasion of sin and not go anywhere near temptation, i.e. that we not test ourselves against it, lest we dignify it and offend God and consequently lose the grace of being “delivered from evil.” 

If God in His permissive will wishes to try us with temptation to test our valor, then such temptation is all gain and no loss, provided we turn away from it; but we of our own volition should never abide in its presence but should always beg God that He would “lead us not into temptation.” Francis’ revision guts the Lord’s Prayer of this key essential element, thus opening the faithful up to danger. 

The obvious problem with making changes, aside from sowing error, is that it brings into question what was done before. If nothing else, it is change for the sake of change. 

On that note, the new missal includes yet another change to the Lord’s Prayer, which is the insertion of the word “anche” (also) into the phrase “as we forgive those who trespass against us, i.e. “come [anche] noi li rimettiamo ai debiti(as we [also] forgive those who trespass against us).  

Uncalled For 

The revision of the Lord’s Prayer indeed is uncalled for. Never in the 2000-year history of the Church has it occurred to any pope or saint that the Lord’s Prayer stood in need of change, so why is Francis calling into question something so central to the Faith—the “perfect prayer” given to us by Christ Himself on the Mount—and at a time when the Church is undergoing the worst debacle of its 2000-year history? What is needed today is that rock-solid stability of old to offset the new order of change that has misled the Church since Vatican II, so why is Francis leading us into the temptation of change? 

It appears he is upset over the idea of being led away from temptation, since he is led by the temptation of globalism and change. The Bible threatens him to give up his change, so instead of humbly admitting that Scripture is correct he judges that it is “incorrect,” in the same way he has denied the miracle of the loaves and has judged that Catholic evangelization is “solemn nonsense.”  

The Church’s mission is precisely to evangelize and lead us away from the temptation of this world that we may arrive at the shores of everlasting peace. God in His mercy wants us all to know that this world is not our common home, but rather a quagmire of temptation, and that our true home is in Heaven with God and the Saints who said the un-revised Our Father during their lives.  

Therefore, as children of God who obey the Father’s commands, we take the Father’s hand and ask Him to lead us not into temptation, but away from all evil, because if we chase after temptation—especially the temptation to change the Bible and the doctrines of the Faith—God will let go of our hand, and in His permissive will He will allow us to fall, not only into temptation, but into the very fires of hell. And by the way, Papa, this condemnation is forever. 

Christ warns of the dire consequences of changing but one word of Holy Scripture. He says to St. John in the Apocalypse: “If any man shall add to these things, God shall add unto him the plagues written in this book.” (Apoc. 22:18) The plagues of COVID-19 and Socialism indeed have been ‘added unto us’ for our having dared to change the Catholic Church. 

Let us therefore reverence the words of Christ in the Gospel, remembering that all Scripture is “inspired of God.” (2 Timothy 3:16) “Neither let us tempt Christ: as some of them tempted, and perished by the serpents.” (1 Cor. 10:9)












Father Cekeda is Very Ill ~ Update: Let is Pray for His Poor Soul

Update from Sept 11th: Father will have a wake on Weds, the day that Cicadas will be coming out. It probably doesn’t mean anything, but these sorts of coincidences are interesting to me. Thanks to a reader for letting me know.

Edit: I just heard this now. It’s an opportunity to offer prayers for the good of his soul and if God wills, his recovery.

Fr. Cekada Celebrating Mass

Born in 1951, Anthony Cekada studied at De Sales Preparatory Seminary and St. Francis Seminary College in Milwaukee, graduating with a Bachelor's degree in Theology in 1973. He also studied organ and composition at the Wisconsin Conservatory of Music. Already discontent with the Vatican II changes, he entered the Cistercians of the Common Observance, a conservative monastic order.

In 1975 he entered St. Pius X Seminary in Ecêne, Switzerland, completed his studies, and was ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in 1977.

Following his ordination, Father Cekada taught seminarians at St. Joseph's House of Studies Armada, Michigan, and St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary, Ridgefield, Connecticut.


Fake Jesuit Squeals Like Stuck Pig

[Complicit Clergy] First up, the ever-whining Fr. James “I’ve never met a doctrine I disagree with that I won’t hide from the faithful” Martin, SJ. Unlike his usual M.O., the half-truth, he’s simply resorted to lying in this case. I’ve always considered him in the evil-genius category. He’s got the sly like the serpent (without the gentle as the dove thing) down, so I was a little shocked when he posted this to Facebook the other day with a link to the article I deal with below (emphasis mine):

From Chris White at NCR: Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, has endorsed a video that includes anti-immigrant remarks and homophobic slurs by a priest of Wisconsin in which the priest claims “you cannot be Catholic and be a Democrat.” (Full disclosure: the video praised by the bishop also attacks me in rather harsh and homophobic terms.)


Link to Complicit Clergy....

Meanwhile, this popular priest has his Bishop tone policing him. 


Queensland Government Wants Priests to Break Seal of Confessional — Or Else

 .- The legislature of the Australian state of Queensland on Tuesday passed a law requiring priests to violate the seal of confession to report known or suspected child sex abuse.

Failure to do so will be punished with three years in prison.

The law passed the Legislative Assembly of Queensland Sept. 8, with the support of the opposition Liberal National Party of Queensland.


Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Corona Hemorrhage : Minus 50-60 Percent for Mass Attendance

The Church's corona measures with the month-long suspension of mass and numerous restrictions that continue to this day have led to an enormous bloodletting of believers in some countries. 
After the re-admission of public masses, only some returned to the churches. Many have stayed away from them to this day and will probably remain so in the long term.

The Church paid a huge price for their servility with which they followed the governments in the Corona crisis while Pope Francis, who issued the most radical measures, was still cheered.

At the beginning of the Corona crisis, voices could still be saying that people in need were making their way through to the Church. However, they hadn't counted on bishops who would prevent that.

In some countries, after the reopening of the churches, half of the pews and the seats were removed from the houses of worship or locked with all sorts of ribbons and cords and made inaccessible. At best, every second space can be used according to the post-corona openings. But although the capacity has been halved in this way, in many places not even the remaining spaces are filled.

Many pastors have to be happy when they reach this 50 percent church attendance, say reports from Italy and Spain alike. It doesn't look any better in other countries. The fear of infection is only one reason for this. No less decisive is the failure of the shepherds in the corona crisis. They sealed off the church so that it could no longer hold many people. The shepherds also didn't seem interested at all because they were too busy obeying the state guidelines and at the same time denying every spiritual dimension of the virus epidemic. So there was no Mass, funerals only as an emergency measure, no weddings, no confirmations: the total clear cutting of the Sacraments.

The sick have pilgrimaged for more than 160 years to Lourdes to receive grace as a means to recover or to endure the suffering with God's help. However, with Corona, Lourdes has been locked and the pools are today as well. The Church has withheld aid for those in needWorse still: it gives the impression that what brings salvation and blessings is a threat and makes you sick.

No, Lourdes doesn't make you sick, it helps. And no, Holy Communion does not make you sick, it heals.

A Church whose highest representatives convey the opposite cannot expect to be taken seriously by the people. It deprives itself of its credibility by denying its supernatural nature and only presenting itself as a human organization - one among many.

The bloodletting to be recorded is enormous, because the shaking of the salvific reality of the Church is enormous. The Church has closed its gates and locked out the believers. She has given them to understand that the virus is more powerful than God, which is why it is more important to isolate, isolate and barricade oneself. The implicit consequence: Mass and the Holy Eucharist are not so important. Health is more important. The Mass can also be seen on the Internet and on television, if you want.

In California, as LifeSiteNews reported, numerous Protestant church pastors have opposed the Corona measures of California's left-wing government and not kept it. They feel confirmed today. The Catholic bishops, on the other hand, were doggedly trying, like model students, to meet every state requirement. They even forgot to speak out against unacceptable government projects in other areas.

The consequences have been evident since the public services were re-admitted, but the bishops remain shyly silent about it. Church media does not address this bloodletting. They are not talking about the massive gaps that the Corona craze has torn in God's people.

A new autumn has begun for the Church, and once again it is her bishops' fault. And winter is getting closer.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: InfoVaticana

Trans: Tancred

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