Sunday, June 16, 2019

We Demand! Open Letter of German Religious Instructors

Homosexualization of the public space - and the religious teachers are at the forefront (or guiding zeitgeist?).

By a Catholic woman.

While in May Catholic sexual morality, women's priesthood, and celibacy were the central arguments by the Church strike activists of Mary 2.0., Catholic religious teachers with similar demands for reform of the Church now appear on the scene. The Federal Association of Catholic Religious Teachers at College Preparatory Schools [Gymnasia] has sent an open letter to the German bishops on 3 June. In a 10-point catalog, they call for "structural changes in the Church.”

The religious teachers emphasize that they act out of responsibility for the future viability of the Church as a "credible community of believers.” They could no longer offer students a sense of credibility in the face of abuse scandals, "religious power source of a clerical priestly self-image", "demonization of sexuality," "taboo of homosexuality and alternative forms of love and life" and "exclusion of remarried divorced".

However, given these questionable catchphrases, one can not help feeling that teachers are formulating their own agenda for the decatholicization of the Church under the guise of concern for our "pupils" who "in these contexts are an opaque, dishonest, power-oriented official Church who respect the protection of the sacrality of her institution more than the people who entrust themselves to her.”

In their letter the religious teachers urge among other
things, represent a "rethinking in questions of sexuality especially of homosexuality", the "end of a repressive dealing with innovative (sic!) thinking theologians" and a courageous ecumenism by the "dismantling of all barriers, which are based in the Catholic understanding of office.”

The religious educators are very self-confident. They see the fulfillment of their demands as a presupposition that "the Church and faith probabaly have future." Yet the human presumption that links the survival of the Church to autonomous contemporary operations in the body of the Church of Christ, denies the revelation of the Lord.

Superbia? The wording of the letter is at least very autocratic: we are ready to engage in the reform process with our theological and pedagogical expertise as soon as the first clear steps are taken with regard to the implementation of these demands. Participation in the "synodal path", which was decided upon at the spring meeting of the German bishops, is the conditio sine qua non.

It remains to be hoped that the theological expertise of at least these teachers of religion will be spared us, who, after reading the open letter, can only be assessed as "unsatisfactory". (A rating on the same scale, unfortunately does not yield a better result for many shepherds and pastors.)

Under these circumstances, perhaps it would be time to not only question religious education as a proper subject within the framework of the state mission of schools, but to think about its abolition. Too great is the danger to our children that they will not meet religious teachers who are faithful to Catholic doctrine and understand Catholic sexual morality as the foundation of moral life. [Orthodox instructors tend not to survive long in any level of Catholic education, whereas this was once only the case at in German Universities like Tübingen, which have been nurseries of Modernism at least since 1814 when it began its Catholic department.]

But the Episcopal Conference is not likely to refrain from having parts of religious education as an extended arm. Moreover, without religious education in the classroom, it would be openly recognizable in the pastoral duty to offer catechism lessons, as it is known, for example. happening in secular France outside the school on its own initiative by the Church. And it would certainly be harder to catechize the same mislabelling as is the case with "Catholic" religious education. Because that's the point, according to the teachers' words, "primarily about value communication, not about value eradication.” In fact, the departure from catechesis had begun with the decisions of the Würzburg Synod of Bishops (1971-1975).

There are hopefully many more religious teachers who are not behind the open letter, but unfortunately obviously too many who are no longer on the ground of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Image: VaticanNews (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Saturday, June 15, 2019

New Institute of Female Religious Blooms in Vocations Desert

For the tradition-steeped Institut du Bon Pasteur (IBP), six candidates in the traditional rite will be consecrated to priests and deacons on June 29th.

(Paris) In Bordeaux, where the closing of the Archbishop's seminary has just been announced, this year's higher consecrations of the traditional Institut du Bon Pasteur will take place on the 29th of June. Recently, the Institute also started female branch.

Cardinal Jean-Pierre Ricard, the Archbishop of Bordeaux, announced a few days ago that the Archdiocesan seminary, which has been serving as an inter-diocesan seminary for several years, will be closed at the end of the current academic year. The reason for the drastic measure is the persistent lack of appeal.

Not directly related to the closure, but symbolic, is that this year's rise in ordinations will be credited to the traditional Institut du Bon Pasteur (Institute of the Good Shepherd) in Bordeaux.

On June 29, Msgr. François Bacqué will consecrate six candidates of the Institute to priests or deacons.

Msgr. Bacqué, born in 1936 like Pope Francis, is titular archbishop of Gradisca and until his retirement in 2011, he was Apostolic Nuncio in the diplomatic service of the Holy See. He himself comes from Bordeaux and was ordained a priest in 1966 for this archdiocese.

The consecrations take place in the church of Saint-Eloi beginning at 9 o'clock. It is the main church of the Institute. At the same time as the consecrations, the 40th priestly jubilee of the founder and Superior General Philippe Laguérie is celebrated.

P. Laguérie emerged from the Fraternity of St. Pius X (FSSPX). The quarrel came when he began to represent sedevacant positions. He gave these up later, founded his own religious community and approached Rome again. In 2006, a year before the Motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, the Institut du Bon Pasteur was legally recognized as the Institute of the Apostolic Life of the Pontifical Right and returned to full unity with Rome. Since then, it has been under the authority of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, which was recently incorporated by Pope Francis as a section of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

Last April 6, five candidates from the Institute were ordained as sub-deacons, while eleven candidates received the lower orders. Archbishop Emery Kabongo Kaumdowi, Archbishop Emeritus of Ludo and canon of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, consecrated the ordinations.

Ordination of Subdeacons last April in Courtalaine

On March 19, 2019, the feast of St. Joseph, a new branch was canonically established by the Institute in Warsaw. In Poland there are six priests of the Institute in Bialystok, Czestochowa and Warsaw.

On March 25, the first three novices of the still very young female branch of the Institute made their solemn vows. The Servantes Réparatrices de la Sainte Famille were established in Bogota in Colombia and recognized by the Archbishop there. Their charism includes tradition and the traditional form of the Roman Rite. They support the priests of the Institute through their prayer. In a special way they devote themselves to the sanctification of the family, both in prayer and in the apostolate.

On March 25, 2019, the first novices of the new female branch made solemn vows

The International Seminary Saint Vincent de Paul of the Institut du Bon Pasteur is located in Courtalain near Chartres. The female branch can be contacted via the branch of the Institute in Bogota.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Institut du Bon Pasteur (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred

Friday, June 14, 2019

Francis Actually Reads Blogs He Fears For His “Mental Hygiene”

 Pope Francis yesterday warned the apostolic nuncios (ambassadors) with an unusual footnote.

(Rome) "Because of the mental health", so Pope Francis assured, he does not read internet pages and blogs that criticize his administration. Yesterday, he warned the apostolic nuncios from "blogging" or "even joining groups," who are critical of him. In the same speech, however, Francis quoted just one of those websites that he says he does not read at all. Such as?

On January 16, 2018, Pope Francis met in Santiago de Chile with the Jesuits of that South American country. The main reason for the trip to Chile and Peru was the imminent Amazon Synod  as his confidant, Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, explained. That was only a few days before the storm of homosexual abuse scandal in the Church began to break over Francis.

Francis also approached his confreres of the Society of Jesus SJ) about heresy allegations that had been made to him indirectly a short time before in connection with the controversial post-synodal letter Amoris laetitia. Contentwise, he did not respond to the criticism, but demanded “not to read” such websites and blogs for reasons of "mental hygiene.”

Yesterday, the Pope received in audience all the Apostolic Nuncios who are doing their diplomatic service in different countries worldwide. Their meeting, to which he called them to Rome, ends tomorrow.

In his speech  which was published only in Italian, Francis warned the ambassadors of the Holy See against criticism of his person. The head of the Church said:

"It is therefore incompatible to be a Pontifical Representative and to criticize the Pope behind his back, to have a blog or even to join groups hostile to Him, the Curia and the Church of Rome." 
The third person in which Francis spoke of himself is capitalized in the original Vatican publication. The speech was published on the official website of the Holy See and in today's edition of Osservatore Romano. It should not be forgotten that Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, a retired apostolic nuncio, criticized the current pontificate with the greatest publicity so far and called for the resignation of Francis.

When the pope quotes what he does not read out of "mental hygiene"

Remarkably, Francis quoted yesterday for the nuncios, just one of those websites, of which he - as a directive to the Jesuits (and not just them) - said not to read them. The reference can be found in footnote 14. The source quoted by Pope Francis is Corrispondenza Romana, whose founder and editor, Professor Roberto de Mattei, is one of the intellectual critics of the current pontificate.

Footnote 14: an essay by Prof. Roberto de Mattei on Corrispondenza Romana.

The Bergoglians tried to correct this  "embarrassment" immediately, first of all Il Sismografo, the digital press review hosted somewhere between the Vatican Secretariat of State and the Communications Dicastery, led by Luis Badilla, a former Chilean Minister of Popular Front Government of Salvador Allende. There, in tortuous form, an apology is sought,  cited in Santa Marta for what was considered there a scandalous "Faupax", from such an illustrious and honorable, intellectually outstanding and deeply traditional source as the historian Roberto de Mattei:
"After numerous checks and verifications, we have come to a conclusion and present it to our readers, just as this conviction has formed in our editorial staff in these hours: in all probability the Pope was not adequately informed, without complete information and not consciously aware of the very nature of the source used in footnote 14 of his speech.” 
Luis Badilla must have swept aside this formulation like the  beads of sweat on his forehead. There were "so many" references to this source that Il Sismografo felt compelled to respond in order to protect the image of the Pope. Prof. de Mattei is presented by Badilla as an "anti-Bergoglian Italian intellectual" who "in those years did not spare Pope Francis allegations, epithets, adjectives and criticisms, often morally aggressive and not very polite to the Bishop of Rome.”

Il Sismografo: semi-official press review of the Vatican.

But what did Pope Francis quote from Corrispondenza Romana? At first glance "only" the litany of humility of Cardinal Secretary of State Rafael Merry del Val (1865-1930). Francis recommends it to the apostolic nuncios, stating that it comes from a "colleague," Merry del Val, son of a Spanish diplomat, himself serving many years as a diplomat in the service of the Holy See.

However, the essay by Roberto de Mattei on the Spanish-Irish cardinal cited in the source not only includes the litany, but a tribute to the "true aristocrat" whom St. Pius X, though only 38 years old, made Vatican secretary of state.

The red cape for the close circle of Francis, however, is Roberto de Mattei, the quoted author himself: historian, university professor, like his father and grandfather, descendant of the Sicilian nobility and one of the leading figures in Catholic tradition. It was about them he wrote under the title "Defense of Tradition," a book that was published in 2017 in translation by the theologian and philosopher Wolfram Schrems and with a foreword by the writer Martin Mosebach in German and is to be regarded as a standard reference work in German. 

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred

Book is available in English.


Thursday, June 13, 2019

Eucharistic Smorgasbord Blasphemy

Edit: from Adoration e Liberacio blog.  This priest would phone it in if he could.

This happened yesterday at a mass in Iquique, in northern Chile.

The priest sits down; and the "faithful" freely serve the Eucharistic species. "Open bar"

Here we are. AMDG

Pride Month: Lesbians Stab Child to Death

Edit: the monstrousness of the Devil is eclipsed by the beauty, innocence and holiness of His martyrs, like a Charles Lwanga and his Companions who resisted the advances of their wicked King. We can also consider this in the light of the stories about Noa Pothoven who had her life destroyed by Mohamedan mairauders and the innocent children of Belgium who were groomed and preyed upon by the St. Galen Mafia.  Also, witness the fury launched against the  their own ideological ally, Pope Francis.

[Summit News] A lesbian couple in Brazil who tried to force transgender surgery on a 9-year-old boy have been arrested after stabbing him to death.

Rhuan Maycon was murdered by his mother, Rosana da Silva Candido, and her partner Kacyla Damasceno Pessao on May 31st.
Maycon had been suffering for a year as a result of a botched gender re-assignment operation performed by the pair with no medical supervision after his mother decided he should be a girl.
Brazil’s child protection agency said the women had attempted to perform a “Kind of a sex-change surgery. After removing the penis, they sewed the mutilated region and improvised a version of a female genital organ, making a cut in the groin.”


Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Cardinals' New Declaration Corrects Rampant Confusion in the Church

This is a must-view for any concerned Catholic of today. Cardinal Raymond Burke and Bishop Athanasius Schneider, in league with other concerned bishops have issued a historic declaration of truths refuting the many errors presently misleading the Church—errors that have been professed by Pope Francis. These include the false teaching that God wills other religions, that we should not attempt to convert Jews and members of other religions, that Jews do not need Christ, that God's mercy is unconditional, that God blesses adultery and homosexuality, that no sin can condemn us, that there exists no eternal damnation or hell, that the souls of those who die in mortal sin are simply "annhiliated," and much more.

The Sinister Thread That Links Fake Patriots

By David Martin

A sad commentary of our time is that we see loyal American conservatives turning to fake patriots for their “enlightenment,” the absurdity being that the sinister connection of these “patriots” is clearly manifest.

Glen Beck a Freemason?

For instance, people look to radio host Glen Beck as a champion of patriotism when in fact he bears the marks of Freemasonry. He has been photographed many times wearing Masonic jewelry and emblems, not to mention that he betrayed his Catholic Faith to join the Mormon sect. The Mormons as we know are tied to the communistic-one-world takeover which works conjointly with Freemasonry.

What Beck advocates is that Catholics leave the Catholic Church, which is what Freemasons advocate. Their objective is to drive loyal Catholics from the Church, and knowing the mindset of tradition-minded Catholics they’ll use the avant-garde changes since Vatican II—the very changes they generatedto try to drive good Catholics from their parishes.

Consider this clip from Glen Beck’s Fox News' radio program in which he urges Christians to leave their churches if they proclaim concerns for social justice.

"I’m begging you, your right to religion and freedom to exercise religion and read all of the passages of the Bible as you want to read them and as your church wants to preach them . . . are going to come under the ropes in the next year. If it lasts that long it will be the next year. I beg you, look for the words ‘social justice’ or ‘economic justice’ on your church Web site. If you find it, run as fast as you can. Social justice and economic justice, they are code words. Now, am I advising people to leave their church? Yes!"
Beck here is pretending to oppose the communistic teaching on "social justice," thus concealing his support for it, but what he is really doing is getting Christians—especially traditional Roman Catholicsto leave their institutionalized Church. Beck’s ploy is to ring the ears of conservatives by telling them what they want to hear. He knows that any true Catholic loathes this fake ‘social justice’ so he uses it as a lever to try to pry Catholics from the Church.

St. Paul spoke of "the operation of error to believe lying" (2 Thess. 2:10) that would bewitch the world in the last times and these fake whistle-blowers of the New World Order play a key part in this deception. Their assignment is to play the patriot in keeping with Lenin's strategy: "The best way to fight the [anti-communist] opposition is to lead it." Their trick is to gain the confidence of patriots through "conservative" rhetoric and then break their fight against the infernal powers that be.

Unfortunately, there are many such "whistle-blowers" waging these info-wars against our mind under the pretext of exposing them, and while they can be crafty, there is a common thread among them that clearly exposes their NWO agenda: they are libertarian, they relish hard-rock, they support LGBT rights, and they preach there is no such thing as secret societies. 

Alex Jones says he is “Real Illuminati”

For instance, pseudo patriot Alex Jones stated in his video post of January 10, 2016, that he is of the Freemasons, a satanic secret society committed to destroying the Roman Catholic Church. He emphatically states, “I come out of a classical enlightenment family of what you would call ‘real Illuminati,”’ and then breaks into a rant in which he tries to conceal the conspiratorial doings of the cult, saying, “There’s no secret society! There’s no secret messages! There’s no secret handshakes!” According to Jones, the Illuminati is all about building “a new civilization” and “a new system for all humanity,” i.e. a New World Order.

We know of course that the Illuminati is the satanic internationalist network committed to destroying Christianity and enslaving man under the tyranny of a borderless one-world government under the control of Grand Masters. This is the “new system” that Jones advocates, yet, like Beck, he comes off as a champion of American liberty. He calls himself a “libertarian,” but what he advocates are the Masonic freedoms, i.e. the freedom to be gay, the freedom to take dope, the freedom to bring down the government, etc. According to Jones, the very people he purports to expose—including Hillary and Obama—have every right to do what they do.  
Illuminati and Freemasons Work Together

It’s important to point out that the Illuminati and Freemasons work conjointly. Both have Talmudic roots and both labor for Lucifer under the pain of death, for which reason the Grand Masters of these secret societies call themselves “Luciferians.” Their work is to murder and enslave humanity for Lucifer,    whom they call God.

The testimony of Albert Pike (1809-1891) says it all and is typical of what classical Freemasons believe. He was the American high priest of Freemasonry elected in 1859 as Sovereign Grand Commander of the Southern Supreme Council, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, and who later became Provincial Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the Royal Order of Scotland in the United States. He addressed fellow initiates with the following:

"To the crowd we must say: we worship a God, but it is the God one adores without superstition. To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors, we say this, that you may repeat it to the brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees: all of us initiates of the high degrees should maintain the Masonic religion in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay, the God of the Christians [Jesus Christ], whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy and hatred of man, his barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and his priests calumniate him? Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also God. Religious philosophy in its purity and truth consists in the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay.” (Albert Pike, as quoted in A. C. de la Rive: La Femme et l’Enfant dans la Franc-Maconnerie Universelle, page 588.)

A Brief history

The cult of these Grand Masters goes back to the Pharisees with their practice of sorcery and their murder of the Christ. The written form of the Pharisaic tradition is the Talmud, penned by the descendants of the Pharisees, which forms the backbone of Judaism AD and which hurls the most hateful and pornographic insults against Jesus Christ, even condemning Him to hell to boil in His own excrement.

The Talmudic cult has come up through the ages as the key persecutor of religion, though in early times it wasn’t known by any particular name other than "pagan" or "infidel." The name “Illuminati,” signifying “light bearer,” was first used by a 15th century German sect that claimed to possess the “light” of Lucifer. 

The movement then assumed a more structured form in 1776 with the founding of the Illuminati in Germany by Adam Weishaupt, a Jewish philosopher and Talmudist. He supposedly converted and became a priest of the Jesuit order, but after being expelled from the ranks he harbored a vicious hatred against God and the Roman Catholic Church, and thence he was committed to founding a global system that would war against Christ and subjugate the world’s peoples to the authority of a world government run by a small financial elite. 

Meanwhile, Mayer Amschal of the Rothschild banking dynasty was in search of a way to establish world control through his financial empire, being a Talmudist himself. He knew that in order for his dark empire to succeed, the Catholic Church with its illuminating force would have to be destroyed. In 1773 he met with Weishaupt, and seeing his sinister ambitions he commissioned him to formulate a system that would advance his own aspirations, and in turn he vowed to financially support Weishaupt's war against religion. 

Hence we saw the birth of the Illuminati, which from that point, would labor incessantly to replace the institutionalized Order of God with its own. The Illuminati would be the foundation of all anarchist movements to follow, including the French Revolution of 1789 and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia (1917), which was funded by Jacob Schiff and the Rothschilds in New York.

Their Success Hinges on Secrecy

The Illuminati banks on its secrecy for its success. When certain people started growing wise to their secret plotting in the 1800s, members found it necessary to camouflage their existence in order to keep the public in the dark, so they began operating under different names in different parts of the globe. 

The Council on Foreign Relations 

Hence was born the Council on Foreign Relations. Founded in 1921, the CFR is nothing more than the North American branch of the Illuminati. Their plan is to crumble the U.S. so that we will eventually be forced to merge with their new-world government, whereby our nation’s sovereignty is nullified. 

Admiral Chester Ward, a former Judge Advocate of the U.S. Navy, was a CFR member for sixteen years before resigning in disgust. He said: “The main purpose of the Council on Foreign Relations is promoting the disarmament of U.S. sovereignty and national independence, and submergence into an all-powerful one-world government.”

The United Nations Drafted by the CFR 

It was the Council on Foreign Relations that drafted the United Nations in 1945. A group of CFR members in the State Department calling themselves the Informal Agenda Group conceived the idea of the U.N. They played their advantage knowing that the proposal of a “world peace-keeping organization" would go over big in the wake of all the heartbreaks of World War II. They drafted the original plan and secured the approval of President Roosevelt, a secret society initiate himself, who then made establishing the U.N. his highest postwar priority. At the UN’s founding meeting in San Francisco in 1945, forty-seven of the American delegates were CFR members. 

David Rockefeller, the long-time Chairman of the CFR had this to say in 2002 about his aspirations: “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” (Memoirs, pg. 405)

Ted Cruz a Freemason?

Fake conservatives share in Rockefeller’s vision of a one-world utopia run by an all-powerful  elite, and this would include people like Ted Cruz. His professional aspirations were foreshadowed in a 1988 interview in which he was asked what his aspirations in life were.

"Well my aspiration is to, oh I don’t know, be in a teen tit film…. Well, other than that, take over the world, world domination, you know, rule everything, rich, powerful, that sort of stuff." (Huffington Post, 1-24-16)

Given his support for open borders and Islamic “refugee” migrants, it should come as no surprise that Cruz was filmed displaying the Masonic "hidden hand" gesture in public.

This is not to mention the "April Fools" tattoo that Cruz unveiled on Fox News on April 1, 2014, which is telling, since the tattoo was of Winston Churchill who was initiated into Freemasonry at Studholme Lodge #1591, London, in 1902.

What is especially telling is Cruz’s affiliation with the CFR. Ted Cruz even hired convicted CFR senior Elliot Abrams to help craft his own foreign policy, who in turn said of Cruz: "I would not hesitate to back Cruz as the [presidential] nominee."

Cruz Family tied to JFK Assassination

We’ve heard the story of how Rafael Cruz, the father of Ted Cruz “fled” communist oppression in Cuba seeking “asylum” in the United States, when in fact Rafael was sent to the U.S. by Fidel Castro to assist in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.  And why? Because Kennedy had exposed the conspiratorial doings of the CFR and was in the process of placing this private interest group under U.S. jurisdiction, which the communists resented. 

What is noteworthy is that Ted Cruz’s wife Heidi is a former a five-year CFR member and VIP who co-authored the infamous blueprint for the North American Union, entitled, Building a North American Community, which outlines the internationalist plan for dissolving America’s sovereignty and placing it under U.N. jurisdiction. Like Castro and the globalists, Heidi is about dissolving our borders, and there is Ted assisting her work.

Trump Haters
Another common thread among fake conservatives is that they hate Donald Trump, despite their feigned allegiance to him. For instance, Ted Cruz went on a blistering rant against Trump on the day of the 2016 Indiana Primary, calling him a “pathological liar,” a “serial philanderer,” and a “narcissist,” and he even echoed Hillary’s accusation that Trump likes to “bully” women.

This came just hours after Trump had repeated a report tying Cruz’s father to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Clearly, Trump was on key about this. Were it otherwise, Cruz would have refuted him with no problem, but the best he could do was to resort to irrational name calling.

Beck Supports Trump Assassination?

And we all remember Glen Beck’s statement about “stabbing” Donald Trump. During a TV monologue about Trump’s debate performance on March 3, 2016, Beck expressed his disappointment that conservatives across the country weren’t up in arms over Trump.

“I don’t know what I would have done if I was sitting in Cruz or Rubio’s shoes,” Beck stated. “I can’t say it that way. If I were on the stage, I would have said, ‘have you been listening to him tonight? Have you been listening to what I say about him? I believe these things.'”

Beck went on: “If I was close enough and had a knife, the stabbing just wouldn’t stop.”

Glen Beck was suspended by SiriusXM satellite radio in June 2016 for agreeing with one of his radio guests that someone should stop Donald Trump via assassination. During an interview with author Brad Thor on June 1, Thor asked hypothetically "what patriot will step up" to forcibly remove Trump from office if he was elected president and overstepped his authority.

"And I don't think there is a legal means available. I think it will be a terrible, terrible position the American people will be in to get Trump out of office, because you won't be able to do it through Congress."

Beck responded, "I would agree with you on that … we've been talking about this off-air for a while."