Saturday, January 7, 2017

Silence in The Liturgy

Edit: we're not sure what's going on in a nave where there's a lot of idle chit chat before and after Mass, but it's probabaly not holy. The Sisters of St. Joseph Crandolet, even as they were declining in the seventies used to whack us and give us severe looks for talking before and after Mass. This is probabaly before Father Whackadoodle had instilled a sense of celebration and secular merriment in their minds. This article is long overdue:

[Liturgy Guy] I remember the general quiet and stillness associated with test taking back when I was in school. Everyone understood the necessity of maintaining silence in order to allow for each student to achieve his or her best possible results. Teachers for their part facilitated this by establishing an atmosphere conducive to learning through limiting noise and movement.
Schools of Prayer
What do you experience when you participate in the Holy Mass each Sunday? Do you enter into the sacred, thereby experiencing the same comparable stillness that you would expect to have in a classroom at school? Is noise and motion minimized so that concentration and silence can be maximized? Does your parish allow for the necessary environment that is conducive to deep prayer?
In his 2001 Apostolic Letter Novo Millennio Inuente Pope St. John Paul called for our christian communities to become “genuine schools of prayer”. He continued:
Learning this Trinitarian shape of Christian prayer and living it fully, above all in the liturgy, the summit and source of the Church’s life…is the secret of a truly vital Christianity, which has no reason to fear the future, because it returns continually to the sources and finds in them new life. (NMI, 32)


Friday, January 6, 2017

Vox Populi: "This Isn't a Crisis, but The Ruin of The Church"

(Brussels / Amsterdam) Since Advent, the Dutch and the Flemings have been praying the same "Our Father". The new prayer taught by Jesus Christ himself not only unifies the Dutch language, but also is being presented in controversial new formulations.
So far, two different versions of the "Our Father" were prayed in the two countries in which Dutch is spoken. If, for example, the Flemings were to say the "debts",  "guilt" was given in the Dutch.
Not against this unification, but against new developments, faithful Catholics are protesting in the Netherlands and Flanders. The Dutch newspaper Trouw described the changes in November 2016 as a "kleine liturgische revolutie" (small liturgical revolution). The Catholic lay initiative Vox Populi speaks of an "ideologically" motivated reformulation. With a petition, the initiative protested against the revision. The prayer "and lead us not into temptation" (lat. Temptationem ) has been translated with "bekoring" (temptation), while the new version "Beproeving" is means "testing, testing, visitation, test." In essence, it says, "and do not put us to the test."
Hugo Bos, chairman of the Dutch pro-life movement Stirezo Pro Life , sees the new Lord's Prayer "in line with the trend of the bishops,  to ignore sin and temptation to sin". This trend is a continuation of the Dutch Catechism 1965, which systematically eliminated any reference to the supernatural from the Church's teaching.
Vox Populi is convinced that this "initiative of the Belgian and Dutch bishops will lead to the confusion in the Church and, consequently, only increase the crisis of faith." The Catechism of the Catholic Church says clearly that the last sentence of the "Our Father" is an appeal to Christ, to help resist the temptation to sin and evil. It was therefore not a question of man's request to God to save him from pain and material suffering.
"The current situation is no longer a crisis, but the ruin of the Catholic Church in the Netherlands. 600-700 churches are to be closed down by the end of 2018," said Vox Populi .
Cardinal Willem Jacobus Eijk, Archbishop of Utrecht, recently recalled that before the Second Vatican Council, 90 per cent of the Dutch Catholics visited Holy Mass on Sunday. Today, it is only six percent.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
picture: FQ (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Thursday, January 5, 2017

300 Years of Freemasonry in 2017 -- Bishop Schneider: Freemasonry is "the Work of Satan"

(Rome) On 11 December, Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider, one of the most remarkable and outstanding bishops of the Catholic Church, held a lecture before in Seville, Spain. The theme was "Mary, vencedora de todas las hierjias" (Maria, Conqueror of All Heresies).

Blessed Pope Pius IX. had pronounced the Blessed Mother in his bull Singulari quadam December 9 in 1854 as "Virgo Beatissima, quae interemit ac perdidit universas haeresas" which means: "Mary, Conquerer and Destroyer of All Heresies". On the day after the proclamation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, Pius IX. gathered all cardinals and bishops who had come for the occasion to Rome again to comply with its specific task to "strengthen brothers in the faith," and presented them with Singulari quadam an authentic interpretation of the announced Marie dogma.
In his lecture, Bishop Schneider spoke of Freemasonry and its work, with a view to their anniversary. In 2017, several commemorations will be held. In the German-speaking world, with a certain amount of media, the commemoration of "500 years of the Reformation" by Martin Luther will take place. Thus, other events of historical importance are covered. These include two major events that took place 100 years ago. There is the Bolshevik October Revolution in Russia with the spread of Communism, which still dominates one-fifth of the world's population. And, on the other hand, the recent Marian apparition in Fatima, Portugal, where Maria a few days before the outbreak of the October revolution had already directed the view to Russia.
In 2017, however, an event of the utmost importance is still on the agenda. 300 years ago, in 1717, the first Grand Lodge was established in London, to which the entire Freemasonry refers. 2017 is, in fact, a "memorable" year.
Bishop Schneider is known above all for his promotion of the restoration of the sacredness in the Holy Liturgy and the reverence for the Most Holy Eucharist. On the subject of Communion he published several works. In this, he advocates the worthy reception of Communion and recommends receiving Communion on the tongue while kneeling, as Pope Benedict XVI. required in papal masses. Because of the special attention to Holy Communion, Bishop Schneider is one of the decisive defenders of  marriage and penance. To Synod of Bishops on the Family, he published a publication with 100 questions and answers with which the aspirations of a new doctrine were rejected, allowing the divorced and remarried to the sacraments.
In Seville, Bishop Schneider spoke of the secret society of Freemasonry, which in 2017 looked back on a 300-year long, turbulent and obscure existence, as well as its revolutionary as well as subversive ambition. Bishop Schneider described Freemasonry as a "tool of Satan", since daylight has largely shied away from it.
The Auxiliary Bishop of Astana recalled in his remarks to St. Maximilian Kolbe and his portrayals of the aggressive appearance of Freemasons in Rome during the First World War. In 1917, in the middle of the war, the Freemasons in Rome celebrated their 200th anniversary. The Freemasons had openly declared war on the Church. They had littered Rome with posters, and with the black flag of the Giordano Bruno which were demonstratively moving up to the Vatican. On the posters and the flags "was a representation of Archangel Michael, who was defeated before the triumphant Lucifer laying on the ground", according to Bishop Schneider.
Because of these experiences the young Maximilian Kolbe, who was then at the Gregoriana, studying theology,  created the Militia Immaculatae (Knighthood of the Immaculate), to "counter the actions of Lucifer".
The goal of Freemasonry is, according to Bishop Schneider, "to eliminate the entire doctrine of God, especially Catholic doctrine." To achieve this goal, Freemasonry has been using "numerous societies". "They want the dissolution of morality" for a very specific reason. They are convinced of the principle that "catholicity, without corrupting morality, can not be defeated with logical arguments." Masonic action on this principle is currently "very topical", according to the auxiliary bishop of Kazakhstan.
"Undoubtedly, however, the virgin Mary, who has been immaculately conceived, will in the end, crush the greatest heresy of all time: the heresy of the Antichrist," said the auxiliary bishop.
Bishop Athanasius Schneider is the son of Black Sea Germans. His family had been deported by Stalin to Siberia and Central Asia with more than a million Russian Germans, so Schneider was born in Kyrgyz Tokmok in 1961. In 1973 the family was able to resettle in the Federal Republic of Germany, where he grew up and in 1982 entered the Order of Canons Regular of the Holy Cross. This order already belonged to Saint Anthony of Padua, before he joined the Order of Saint Francis of Assisi. Since 2001, Schneider has been a pastor in Kazakhstan. In 2006 Pope Benedict XVI appointed him as the titular bishop. As such he was first auxiliary bishop of the Karaganda diocese. Since 2011 he is auxiliary bishop of the Archbishopric of Astana.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: InfoVaticana
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

One of Pope's Intimates Reveals an Evil Mind

January 3, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — Just over a year ago, a reader had a revealing and candid conversation with a Vatican official close to Pope Francis’ inner circle.
They were traveling on the same flight to Rome; the official was on his way back from the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, just before the 2015 Ordinary Synod on the Family.
What he said was remarkable for its rejection of orthodoxy and contempt for the core teachings of the Catholic faith.

Migrants Take Social Workers Hostage in Italy

3 January 2017

Cona: After the margins in an asylum seeker shelter, the police had to free 25 employees Photo: picture alliance / ROPI

VENICE. Asylum seekers were detained after the death of an African on Monday when they held about 25 employees of an Italian reception center hostage for several hours. They blamed the death of the woman on the requested emergency physician as well as for the bad conditions in their accommodation.

After the twenty-five-year-old from the ivory coast was found dead in the shower, the inhabitants of the former barracks in the northern Italian city of Cona turned off the electricity and lit wooden pallets, reports Corriere della Sera. They accused the emergency doctor of having come too late. The employees of the Ecofficina cooperative team were then forced into their offices and were only released after midnight by the police.

Lega Nord denounced the government's inactivity

The Lega-North politician and deputy chairman of the Europe of Nations and Freedom Group in the EU Parliament, Matteo Salvini, lamented the inaction of the Italian government in a contribution to Facebook. In Bulgaria, in a similar case, the  foreigners concerned were expelled while "nothing like this will happen to this scum in Italy". Salvini announced that he would enact "mass expulsions" and close down detention centers as well as end naval operations in the Mediterranean.

Italy has received over 180,000 immigrants last year, most of them from Nigeria, Eritrea, Guinea, the Ivory Coast or Gambia. In the 3,000-inhabitant municipality of Cona, about 1,400 asylum seekers are currently being accommodated. The rescue workers rejected the allegations that they had arrived late. The prosecutor of Venice has ordered an autopsy of the Ivorian. (Vi)

Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Two Recidivist Migrants Released After New Year's Rioting

BERLIN. Two Berlin rioters, who were supposed to have torched a car on New Years in Berlin-Neukölln, are free again. The responsible judge sees no reason to issue arrest warrant, but is to assess further, confirmed the General State Prosecutor.

The 19 and 22-year-old men with a migration background allegedly belong to a group that rolled a Chevrolet to the crossroads of Emser Strasse, Hermannstraße at around 1:30 am, bouncing on it,    smashing the windows, destroying the doors and throwing fireworks into the interior. The 19-year-old chief suspect is a repeat offender many times over, according to police.

The vehicle burned completely. It was reported as stolen in October 2016, the number plate actually belongs to a different BMW  reported as stolen back in May 2015. Possible witnesses are asked to report to the Berlin police (Kriminalkommissariat Dir 5 K 32: 030/4664 - 573200). (Gb)
Trans: Tancred

A Child Abuse Scandal is Coming for Pope Francis?

Edit: we've pointed out that contrary to what this Pope has said, that there are sexual abuse cases that arose during his tenure in Buenos Aires.  We've also pointed out that Cardinal Marx, who lives luxuriously in Rome, has appointed a priest convicted of having thousands of child porn images on his computer tomparish work. Let's take a moment to reflect on the obvious double standard. Now Francis and his clique are trying to invalidate the CDF's hard line against these deviants.

[The Week]The Catholic Church has long been plagued by sickening scandals involving priests abusing children. And there is reportedly another scandal coming — this one of the pope's own making.

Two people with direct ties to the Vatican tell me that Pope Francis, following the advice of his clubby group of allies in the curia, is pressing to undo the reforms that were instituted by his predecessors John Paul II and Benedict XVI in handling the cases of abuser priests. Francis is pushing ahead with this plan even though the curial officials and cardinals who favor it have already brought more scandal to his papacy by urging him toward lenient treatment of abusers.

In 2001, the Vatican instituted a massive reform in how it handled the cases of priests who abused children. The power to deal with these cases was taken away from the Congregation of the Clergy and the Roman Rota (the Vatican's Court), and placed in the office of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF). Subsequently, the volume and speed with which the Catholic Church.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Papal Commission Ecclesia Dei: Private Masses Allowed in Immemorial Rite Without Permission

(Rome) On 18 October 2016 one of the faithful presented ECCLESIA DEI with a Dubium (doubt). The question was whether a priest with a regular permission could celebrate a private Mass in the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite according to the Motu proprio Summorum Pontificum (Articles 2 and 5.4) in a validly built private chapel without further permission.

On 3 November, the Pontifical Commission gave its affirmative Responsum (answer). The Commission confirmed that such an event was permitted. At the same time, the Commission reaffirmed that the faithful can of course participate in a private Mass. Anyone who wishes to participate and spontaneously participate in the celebration of the  Mass has the right to do so within the meaning of Article 4 of Summorum Pontificum. The number of participants is irrelevant. The priest can also exclude believers from attending.

The reply of the Pontifical Commission, Ecclesia Dei, also states that a private Mass in a private chapel does not require any authorization, for example, by the local priest or local bishop.

In the liturgical form of Pope Paul VI., the term Missa sine populo (Mass without people)
is used for private Mass, but it is confusing, as the term "private Mass" was an occasion for misunderstandings. The term private Mass does not mean a "private" Mass (a priest or a group), excluding third parties. It simply means the difference from a "community Mass" in the sense of Church law, ie the mass of a parish or a convent.

Inquiry to the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei

Private Masses may not be publicly announced by the priest. As the Church jurist Gero Weishaupt explained on, however, the priest can provide information to the faithful on request. The faithful, on the other hand, can also publicly call for a private Mass and invite people to participate.

Therefore, the phrase "private Mass" does not refer to the number of participants. Thousands of faithful could attend a private Mass. The phrase "Missa sine populo" (which has replaced the term "private Mass" in the Novus Ordo), on the contrary, means that the priest is permitted to say Mass even if no faithful are present.

Prior to the form of Paul VI. in 1969, a priest required a papal indult to celebrate a Holy Mass without without an altar server. Holy Mass is always an expression of ecclesial communion and of the benefit of the entire Church, which is why at least an altar server or the faithful had to be present.  

There was no "solitary" mass in Church history. A celebration without a ministrant was "not inadmissible", only in emergencies, in order to be able to offer the last rites to a dying man. It is only since 1970 that the Church has regularly allowed a priest to celebrate alone.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Messa in Latino
Trans: Tancred

Numerous Attacks on New Years in Hamburg

Junge Freiheit] HAMBURG. Despite a large police presence, Hamburg has again suffered several sexual assaults during the New Year's Night. By Monday afternoon, the police had charged 14 wuth crimes for these offenses. Ten suspects had been identified. According to Bild-Zeitung, there were "three Syrians, three Iraqis, two Afghans, an Eritrean and a German-Russian".

The remaining perpetrators are not described as being from southern countries, Arabs or North Africans. The main locations were the Grosse Freiheit the Jungfernstieg. As on New Year's Eve 2015, women were sought out by groups and groped.

Many suspects were described as North Africans

At the beginning of the winter, there were a number of incidents, which according to police, "involved people with an immigration background, who were dealt with on the spot by police officers."

Police in other cities also reported several sexual assaults, harassment and insults from the New Year's night. For example, in Freiburg, Trier, Wiesbaden, Flensburg, Glücksburg, Hanover, Berlin, Mönchengladbach, Düsseldorf and Frankfurt am Main. In many cases, the perpetrators or suspects are described as North Africans or South-Americans. (Krk)


Saturday, December 31, 2016

New York Times Horrified That Steve Bannon is a Militant Catholic

“Catholicism is necessarily an adversary faith and culture in an America where a triumphant secularism has captured the heights, from Hollywood to the media, the arts and the academy, and relishes nothing more than insults to and blasphemous mockery of the Church of Rome.” ~Pat Buchanan

 Edit: the fake news site New York Times looks in horror at what it's weasels have uncovered. This, and they rush to cite talking heads in fake Catholic institutions to give what they insist is a more accurate view of what the Catholic Church teaches. They use Michael Voris and his Church Militant as a negative example. There is nothing particularly controversial about what Church Militant or Steve Bannon are proposing according to the Times, but one could see that it might spell an end to the oppressive regime of secularism and deviance if allowed to take shape and come to fruition in the renewal of the Social Reign of Christ the King.

[New York Times] A week after Stephen K. Bannon helped engineer the populist revolt that led to Donald J. Trump’s election, Buzzfeed unearthed a recording of him speaking to a Vatican conference of conservative Catholics in 2014.

 In his presentation, Mr. Bannon, then the head of the hard-right website Breitbart News and now Mr. Trump’s chief strategist, called on the “church militant” to fight a global war against a “new barbarity” of “Islamic fascism” and international financial elites, with 2,500 years of Western civilization at risk.

 While most listeners probably overlooked the term “church militant,” knowledgeable Catholics would have recognized it as a concept deeply embedded in the church’s teaching. Moreover, they would have noticed that Mr. Bannon had taken the term out of context, invoking it in a call for cultural and military conflict rather than for spiritual warfare, particularly within one’s soul, its longstanding connotation. AMDG

Friday, December 30, 2016

Trump isn't racist.

All of EF's readers should read the following article written by a secular Jew who does not support President-elect Trump:

Any news outlet that calls Trump a "racist" is now, by definition, spewing fake news. Disown them.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Feast of St. Thomas Becket: A Possible Response to Non-Response to the Dubia

Edit: could this scene be enacted someplace near Rome against no less a figure than the Pope himself? Imagine the journalists showing up for it, tens of thousands of the laity thronging a Church somewhere near Rome...

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Germany: Foreigner Brutally Attacks Old Married Couple

Edit: who else is going to roam your streets and attack your country's grandmothers? This is the welcome culture.

[Focus] A couple in Hanau have been victims of a brutal assault. In the night on Sunday, the couple came out of the jazz cellar and went towards the castle to their car. Shortly before the Kinzigbrücke it was about 12:50 when they were approached from behind the attacker.

The stranger spoke or stammered  in a foreign language, the police reported. When he was on the same level with the couple, the perpetrator, asked the woman in broken German. When the 65-year-old confirmed this, the man hit her in the face without warning.

Her husband intervened - and was now attacked. The attacker struck him several times about his head. When he lay on the ground, the perpetrator stomped him repeatedly.
The 63-year-old had to be treated at the hospital. The police are now searching for the brutal attacker: he is about 25 years old and about 1.90 meters tall. The perpetrator had black curly hair, dark eyes and a three-day beard. He was slim and clothed with a black jacket, light gray jogging pants, and white sneakers. The police asked witnesses, who were also on their way to the beginning of Sunday, to report under the number 06181 100-611.O

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Spiegel: Now Even Pope Supporters Are Distancing Themselves

"Spiegel" is criticizing Francis: "The Bergoglio, which they elected in 2013, many do not  recognize again in the year 2016" - Cardinal Brandmüller: remarried divorced "were very casually handled". [Its an idiomatic reference to sausage.]

Rome ( "Francis is increasingly lonely, weakened by resistance in the curia and the loss of courage to change in undermining the foundation." The "Spiegel" in a Christmas article describes the appearance of Pope Francis critically. "Bergoglio, whom they elected in 2013, they do not recognize many in the Francis of 2016", the magazine speaks to a confidant of the Pope. "Spiegel" - Rome correspondent, Walter Mayr then declares that even pope-followers are now distancing themselves. According to the magazine, the past Holy Year in Rome also fell far short of expectations, the conversion of the curia is only progressing slowly.  Of individual offices it is said there is, "pure chaos". According to the magazine, the Pope's unbroken obedience is critical in the Vatican, especially because he has recently charged the media and their audience with  a "tendency to coprophagia" which means eating excrement. This has even frightened away followers of Francis.

According to the "Spiegel," Francis did not have much time to change, because the maximum time he had prescribed himself will soon have expired. To his most intimate circle, Francis himself had already declared himself self-critically: "It's not excluded that I will enter as the one who will split the Catholic Church."

Cardinal Brandmüller also speaks to the "Spiegel". In the theme of "remarried divorced people", the careless approach of the letter is criticized for the fact that the Pope and Cardinal Kasper tended to weaken the central commandments of the Catholic faith and the interpretation of the "The Holy Scriptures," according to Brandmüller, are not a self-service shop: According to the apostle Paul, we are administrators of the Holy Spirit of the mysteries of God, but not the persons who
have the right  of disposal. "

Trans: Tancred

The Pope and the Order of Malta -- Here Comes Another Commissar

by Roberto de Mattei

Has the Pope appointed an external commissioner to the Order of Malta? Pope Francis undeniably likes the strategy of appointing external commissioners as he has already adopted this draconian measure against two religious communities considered too “traditional”: the Franciscans of the Immaculate and the religious of the Incarnate Word.  Further, it is not by chance that the announcement of a commission to “gather suitable elements to inform the Holy See thoroughly and swiftly with regard to the matter which has recently involved the Grand Chancellor of the Order of Malta, Mr. Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager”, was given by the Vatican Press Office on December 22nd, precisely while Pope Bergoglio was transforming his traditional Christmas greetings to the Curia into a bitter chiding against those who are resistant to his project of radical change in the Church, with implicit reference to Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, Patron of the Order of Malta. However, in this case, the appointing of an external commissioner is not at all possible. - 


Update in Switzerland: Attacker Still at Large?

Edit:  several people were stabbed along the way to Mass, which is a strong indication, including alleged eyewitness accounts that the attacker was Muslim.  There is no confirmation yet as to any religious motivation for the attack.

[Gates of Vienna] More information is trickling in on the stabbing of people on their way to church on Christmas Day in the Valais canton of Switzerland. (See the previous reports from yesterday and earlier today.)

The original assertion that the perpetrator was a Muslim cannot be confirmed, but it has not yet been definitively ruled out. The latest reports say that the dead man may not in fact be the one who carried out the stabbings, and thus the perpetrator may still be at large.

I still don’t know where the original source ( obtained the information that the attacker or attackers were alleged to be Muslim.

Many thanks to Ava Lon for translating this article from the French-language Catholic news portal

Valais: One death and three assaults on the route to the hermitage at Longeborgne

by Raphaël Zbinden December 26, 2016

On December 25, 2016, several people were stabbed on the way to the hermitage of Longeborgne in Valais. One person was found dead. This death is probably related to the attacks.

A heavy police deployment was set up in Bramois on the morning of December 25, in the Borgne gorges, reports the Valais daily Le Nouvelliste. Three people were injured. A dead body was found in the bed of the Borgne in the afternoon. The attacks took place as the faithful went to Christmas Mass.

Link to Gates of Vienna...

Monday, December 26, 2016

Islamist Invaders Murder Man Going to Midnight Mass in Switzerland

Edit: we picked this up initially at Gates of Vienna. Now one of the victims has died as reported in  Le Temps, although the leftists at that newspaper still can't or won't admit the Islamic nature of the attacks.

Switzerland: Anti-Christian attack in Longeborgne: three wounded, including one seriously
by Christian Larnet
December 25, 2016
Christians were attacked with cold steel — always the weapon of Islam — for going to Mass this Sunday morning at Our Lady of Longeborgne, Brumous.
On the social networks, eyewitness reports speak of a knife attack against three faithful of the Hermitage of Longeborgne — one of which was seriously wounded — who were on their way there.
One of them succeeded in crossing the roadblock made by the aggressors, and arrived in Longeborgne with his face covered in blood. He was taken to the hospital as soon as the police arrived. According to the priest, his condition was not worrisome, but another victim was reportedly found by the policemen on the ground and seriously wounded.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Bishop Ousts Another Traditional Friendly Order From His Diocese

Edit: got this the other day from our correspondent in Oklahoma, the Okie Traditionalist.  This is the same Bishop who's acted to remove Father Ripperger's order from his diocese. Bergoglio's man Konderla  has decided to oust the Daughters of Mary, a Catholic female religious order, from his diocese:

From their recent Advent/Christmas 2016 Newsletter (emphasis his) LINK

The new bishop of Tulsa told us earlier this month that he does not see a way forward for our community in the Diocese of Tulsa, Oklahoma. In a memo to Diocesan priests and staff, the bishop wrote: “After careful consideration and prayerful discernment, the Diocese of Tulsa has elected to end its affiliation with the Daughters of Mary, Mother of Israel’s Hope and allow the community to continue their apostolic exploration in another diocese.”
This is a great sadness to us and to many families and individuals in the Diocese of Tulsa and beyond who have worked so hard and given so much to establish our Priory and renovate the guest house that was donated to us. Yet, we are at peace...
It's also discussed on the Hirsch Files...

Who says, you'd better not complain, or it will get worse.

Let him know what you think of him:

Pope Francis Makes a Surprise Call to Italy's National Broadcaster, RAI for Christmas

(Rome) On Thursday, a telephone call from Pope Franziskus came "surprisingly" at the dawn to the Italian state broadcaster, RAI1: "Hello? I'm Pope Francis ". The pontiff was switched to broadcast live and he congratulated the morning show Unomattina to its 30th anniversary.
The Pope congratulated "all employees, presenters, journalists, directors and technicians" and praised the program.
The moderators were delighted and congratulated the Pope on his 80th birthday, which he had celebrated on 17 December. They asked Francis "to wish all the spectators" Merry Christmas, among whom "are also many sick and old people".
"Yes, I wish you all a Christian Christmas, as it was the first time when God wanted to turn the world's values ​​upside down and made himself small in a barn, with the little ones, with the poor, with the excluded.  
The smallness, the insignificance: in this world where the god of money is promoted so much, may Christmas help us to look at the smallness of this God, who has turned the secular values ​​upside down."
Francis then wished everyone, employees and spectators, Merry Christmas: "I wish you a holy and happy, very Merry Christmas. A hug to everyone."
Presenter Franco Di Mare then described how moved he had been. "I thought I could not stand it, I was so excited." He and his colleague Francesca Fialdini would have held each other "like children". The director had told us before the show that something like this might happen. But then everything seemed incredible to us."
It was not the first time a Pope had called in to a direct broadcast of RAI. In 1998, it was John Paul II who called in the main evening program, during a program dedicated to the 20th anniversary of his pontificate.
Personally, the Pope deals differently with television: Francis told the Argentine daily newspaper La Voz del Pueblo (The voice of the people) on 25 May 2015, during one of his interviews now routinely granted. In it, he said, he completely ceased to watch TV in 1990.
"I have not seen TV since 1990. This is a promise I gave to Our Lady of Mount Carmel on the night of July 15, 1990," the Pope said.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: RAIUno (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Pope: "Fundamentalist Catholics Do Great Harm"

Edit: they're not content to strike quietistic poses, stay out politics and gaze at their navels, they really believe that religion should correspond somehow to the real world, and this terrifies these ecclesiastical wolves and their Masonic masters.

People were complaining about the translation, disbelieving that the Pope would say this, but here it is, Lifesite's video and translation:

The Attack on Berlin: Donald Trump Speaks Where German Politicians Are Silent Out of Indifference, Cowardice or Evil

(Berlin) Nice is Berlin, Berlin is Nice. The balance of twelve deaths and 49, some of them severely injured, of the Islamic attack attempt on the Christmas market on the Breitscheidplatz near the Berlin Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche brings the multicultural and interreligious back to reality. The civil society compulsion of self-abandonment and self-expulsion, which was raised to state-rebelliousism, had suffered shipwreck, as was foreseen. The assassination attempt of Berlin is only the terrible epilogue of this failure.
In Ankara the Russian ambassador was recently shot. The assassin was precise and ice cold. He acted professionally because he had been trained as a policeman. In Berlin, on the model of Nice, a truck raced into a peaceful crowd. Whoever should fall beneath the wheels would be killed.  But the intended were Germans,  Christians, Europeans. The assassin had the target in his visor with his hand on the steering wheel and  foot on the accelerator. 
The assassin was a "refugee" from Pakistan or Afghanistan, according to the Federal Ministry of the Interior. But not even now, politicians and the media lack the courage and the decency to put the word "refugee" in quotes. The Polish driver of the truck had previously been shot by the assassin.
The "nightmare," which has come true, now speaks of those who have hitherto done little to prevent it. The new migration of peoples must be accepted, there is no deviation from that, the mantra of insistent brainwashing, which is accompanied by thought-control and verbal prohibitions, in order not to miss the desired effect. Within such a narrow framework, the state contented itself with the attempted maintenance of internal and external security, which is more than justified, as Berlin proves. And as other attacks have already cruelly proven, even in Germany.
The politics and the exclusive opinion makers do not want this. This has a name and it is called denial. Germans, the Austrians, the Europeans are going to have to accept the "challenges of a multicultural society". Terror attacks, murder and manslaughter have been regrettable but inevitable collateral damage for the "big project". This is not a random joke or an verbal gaffe, but a deliberate plan in which a heterodox alliance has emerged at an early stage, which, although acting for various reasons, with  different interests, dissolves European peoples, deprives European states of their sovereignty, undermining the rule of law and jeopardizing security, in short, undermining the community. What is meant is the policy that redefines the German people to the population, eradicates the word nation from their language habits, makes the family defenseless, and wants to reduce Christianity to a social union. The statement is freely transferable to all other "Western" European peoples and states.
In the face of such a coo-coo idea like the "big project", citizens are increasingly wondering how their European homelands could exist so far without "diverse colorfulness". And yet, they have existed, and without exception, without fear of the women and girls venturing out into the street, without fear of the family fathers visiting with their children in a lively place like a Christmas Market, without giving whole zones over to the police and state. Why all this? Why are we doing this, Mrs. Merkel? This question is also addressed to the Greens, the "Immigration Party" par excellence, to the columnists of the editorialists, the leading representatives of the economy, and the state-acclaimed cultural blinders, whose independence goes, at best, only as far as the edge of their own bed. "Is this fun to you?" Wrote a Syrian Christian, after hearing of the terror attack in Berlin, referring to the Berliners, the Germans, the Europeans in general. His words are an accusation and an expression of disappointment at the same time. He had to flee from Syria, but did not strike out on the road to Europe, and could not understand how Europe opens the doors to those who are to blame for his fate.
The coming Christmas festival is now overshadowed by the bloody terror attack on Berlin. Even more unbearable will be the cloying speeches of the politicians and the media commentators who will explain to us in their devilish way that the tragedy is "irreversible", that we should "endure" (for what?), and this will all be garnished with the words of a farcical language such as "civil society" (the "axis of the good" will at least hopefully be sought out), "tolerance", "kuntibunti [color culture]", and "inclusion". False because the premisses are wrong, because the overall project for which these words are used is absurd and has always been absurd.
The fact is that Germany is importing the problems and conflicts of the world through its immigration policy. No one can credibly explain the reason why a state and a nation were to do such a thing. The people were never asked, and the state was usurped by those who were merely representatives of the people and not self-sovereign state proprietors. People were presented with beautifully wallpapered ideologues. The media company made it possible, the Internet has restored a free space. The wallpaper has long since blown off, revealing the cheap decoration of a movie theater, a fake. But who wants to live in a Potemkin village, who always wants to think about reality?
US President Donald Trump said in his reaction to the Berlin assassination something that Germany's politicians hide from saying out of cowardice, indifference, ignorance or wickedness: "The Islamists constantly kill Christians in their communities and prayer places as part of their worldwide jihad." This is simply the reality. But for German ears, however, this sounds already like a bold assertion. In order to  hear a voice of the persecuted Christians in the Middle East,  one has to look far and wide in the Bundesrepublik in the search and will only find it in  the second rank among the so-called established
parties. Trump says what the facts are: the murder of Christians is a certain aim of the Jihad. In Nigeria was in Nice as in Berlin.
Text: Andreas Becker
Image: Asianews (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Scottish Priest Being Persecuted by Corrupt Scottish Catholic Church

Edit: here's an article from November 27th. The persecution continues.

A Catholic priest at the centre of a gay mafia row is being pressurised to resign as parish priest after a three-year battle with the church.
Father Matthew Despard was sent a three-page letter from Bishop of Motherwell, Joseph Toal, calling for him to quit his post at St John Ogilvie’s Parish in Blantyre.
Father Despard wrote a book claiming that a “powerful gay mafia” was operating at the top of the Catholic Church in Scotland and was responsible for sexual bullying.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Scottish Priest is Being Dismissed from Clerical State Because of Book Critical of Sodomites in the Catholic Church

Update: just for the sake of people who've raised questions about the title we'd like to clarify.  Without consulting the canon law, and not having any real accreditation in it, we understand that it's necessary for a suspended priest to submit himself for laicization of his own free will.  We know of cases where clergy have refused to submit to it, but they are effectively inactive.  In any case, he's been thrown out of his parish into the street and can't act as a priest.   So, as far as we know, he hasn't been laicized yet, but regardless, whether he submits himself for it or not, he's not going to get a parish in this diocese, or legitimately offer Mass probably anywhere in the Church unless it's in private that he does so.  At this point, we're just wondering if Father has been offered a stipend, or the opportunity to live in a monastery someplace, as sometimes happens.  Naturally, we hope this courageous priest finds another diocese with a sympathetic bishop, or joins the Society of Saint Pius X. We hope he finds some way to continue through this.

Does the Saint Benedict Center still need a priest?

Edit: in tomorrow's news, Bishop rewrites bible so as not to offend victim classes. Who cares if some people were offended. Are the claims true or not? Does anyone have a copy of this book?  Never mind, here it is...

Father Matthew Despard had already been suspended in 2013 because of his book. After unsuccessfully appealing it, he must now leave his parish. The book was removed again from the market after complaints.

Blantyre ( Father Matthew Despard, priest of the parish of St. John Ogilvie in Blantyre (Scotland) must leave his parish on instructions from the competent bishop. Despard was suspended in 2013 after publishing a book on the great influence of aberrosexuals in the Church of Scotland.

Joseph Toal, the bishop of the Motherwell diocese, has justified Despard's suspension by insisting that his book damaged the reputation of a whole range of persons, both laymen and clerics. Despard has challenged the suspension, albeit unsuccessfully. While his proceedings were ongoing, he remained in the parish. After all the possibilities of appeal had been exhausted, Bishop Toal has now instructed him to leave the parish.

In his book "Priesthood in Crisis," Despard claimed that a powerful gay mafia exerted great influence in the Catholic Church in Scotland. The book appeared shortly after the resignation of Keith Cardinal O'Brien, the Archbishop of Edinburgh. O'Brien had been forced to resign because of allegedly sexually molesting priestly candidates. Despard's book had  been withdrawn from the market after some of the persons named in the book had threatened with complaints.

Trans: Tancred

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Pope Francis Is Going to Be 80 -- The Possibility of a Resignation

By Roberto de Mattei *
Pope Francis is crossing the threshold of 80: Ingravescentem aetatem (advanced age), as the motu proprio of 21 November 1970 by Paul VI declared, which, by reaching this age, requires all cardinals to put their tasks to an end, and deprives them of the right to participate in the conclave. Paul VI. established this rule to create a new "Montinian" curia. Moreover, he introduced a fundamental contradiction in the Church's more than a thousand years of practice.
If the advanced age is an impediment to the direction of a diocese or a dicastery, and even prevents a cardinal from choosing a pope, how can we imagine that a cardinal who has become a pope, even after the age of eighty? Can he bear the burden of the world church?
It was not, however, such considerations that urged Pope Francis on 12 March 2015 to say:
"I have the feeling that my pontificate will be short, 4, 5 years. Perhaps it is not so, but I have the feeling that the Lord has set me up for a brief cause. But it is a feeling, so I leave all possibilities open. "
The real reason for a possible abdication does not seem to be a decline in capability, but Pope Bergoglio's awareness, not two years after his election, to be penetrated into what Antonio Socci in the newspaper on November 20, 2016 Libero describes as the relentless "decline of a pontificate."
The project of Pope Francis to "reform" the Church with the help of the bishop's synod and various collaborators, is well in place, and the record of the Holy Year is more than disappointing. On November 21, 2016 Marco Politi wrote in the daily Il Fatto quotidiano :
"Pope Francis closed the Holy Door, but his message is accompanied by the rumbling of a subterranean crisis. There is a civil war in the Church. "
The dispute was whether consciously or unconsciously, unleashed by Pope Francis himself, especially after the Apostolic Letter Amoris laetitia, the Church no longer moves forward, but is sinking into a terrain riddled with deep crevices.
The failure of the pontificate of Pope Francis has already been compared to that of Barack Hussein Obama. In three years in Rome, what has taken place in Washington in eight years: the transition from an initial euphoria to a final depression, because the set goals were completely missed. It would be wrong, however, to read the pontificate of Pope Francis only from a political point of view. Pope Francis could never have pronounced Obama's "yes, we can".
For a pope, as opposed to a politician, everything is not possible. The Pope has a supreme, full, immediate, and universal authority, but can not alter the Divine Law that Jesus Christ gave to the Church, nor change the natural law which God has imprinted in the heart of every man. He is the vicar of Christ, but not his successor. The Pope can not alter either the Holy Scriptures or the tradition which form the far-reaching rule of the Church's faith, but must submit to them.
This is the impasse in which Pope Bergoglio is today. The Dubia that four cardinals (Brandmüller, Burke, Caffarra and Meisner) have laid before the CDF  have forced him upon a dead track. The Cardinals expect a clear response from the Pope on the Apostolic Letter Amoris laetitia with a yes or a no to the following questions:
Can divorced persons who have once again married once and who do not want to give up their objectively sinful situation in which they find themselves, rightfully receive the sacrament of the Eucharist? And more generally: Do the Divine Law and Natural Law still have absolute validity, or do they tolerate exceptions in some cases?
The answer concerns the foundations of morality and the Catholic faith. If what was valid yesterday is no longer valid today, then what is valid today, will not be valid tomorrow. If, however, morality can change according to time and circumstances, the Church is destined to perish in the relativism of today's fluid society. If this is not the case, Cardinal Vallini must be exempted from his office, who stated in his speech at the pastoral meeting of the diocese of Rome last September 19 that newly married divorced persons may be admitted to the communion in accordance with an "assessment which is appropriate case by case." His position set out on 2 December in the daily newspaper Avvenire, a media organ of the Italian Bishops' Conference as his own, that according to the Amoris laetitia contains "very clear words" upon which "the Pope has set his imprimatur".
But can the Pope confer on the shepherds' "judgment" the authority to transcend the law of God and the right of nature, the preserve of which is the Church? When a pope tries to change the faith of the Church, he explicitly or implicitly renounces his mandate as vicar of Christ, and sooner or later he will be compelled to renounce his pontificate. The possibility of such an explosive result can not be ruled out in 2017. The self-imposed abdication would allow Pope Francis to abandon the field as a misunderstood reformer, and to attribute to the responsibility for his failure upon the "severity" of the curia.  If this is to happen, it will be more likely to happen after the next consistory, which allows Pope Francis to once again plant a new group of cardinals near him to influence the Holy College, thereby influencing the choice of his successor. The other possibility is the fraternal reprimand by the Cardinals, which, as soon as it becomes publicly known, corresponds to a determination of errors and heresies.
Nothing is more erroneous than the sentence of Cardinal Hummes, in reference to the total number of cardinals: "They are only four, we are 200". Apart from not counting on numbers to demonstrate the fidelity to the Gospel, what are the 200 Cardinals, who are 227 to be exact, to whom Hummes has referred, who have distanced themselves from their four confreres. Have they actually distanced themselves by their silence from Pope Francis?  The first observations in support of the Dubia by Cardinal Paul Josef Cordes, President emeritus of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum , and Cardinal George Pell, Prefect of the Economic Secretariat, are meaningful. Some are beginning to break their silence. There are not 200, but certainly more than four.
Roberto de Mattei , historian, father of five children, Professor of Modern History and History of Christianity at the European University of Rome, president of Lepanto Foundation, author of numerous books, most recently appeared: Vicario di Cristo. Il primato di Pietro tra normalità ed eccezione (Vicar of Christ. The Primacy of Peter Between Normality and Exception), Verona 2013; In German translation at last: The Second Vatican Council - a hitherto unwritten story, Ruppichteroth 2011.
Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: MiL (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Charges Dropped Against True Head of Franciscans of Immaculate

[Rorate] The charges against Father Stefano Manelli, founder of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate have been dropped. After about a year of investigations, the Deputy State Prosecutor at the Court of Avellino, Doctor A. Del Bene, has asked for the closing of the proceedings against the religious, whose Order is still under commissioning without a valid reason having ever been given by the Congregation for Religious. 

Father Stefano Manelli had recently been the subject of a particularly virulent press campaign – which seems in reality to have been promoted and inspired by someone within his own religious order – with wild allegations, scandalmongering statements of ex-sisters, and even the suspicion of murder. The saga of the Franciscans of the Immaculate has left nothing untouched, and there have been those in the mass media who have followed the flood of biased allegations with perhaps too much enthusiasm and without much critical evaluation.

Now that the legal authorities – with the motion to dismiss the case – bring justice to this campaign, which could be considered defamatory, it emerges that the founder of the Institute of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate was unjustly accused of having harmed the physical and moral integrity of the Sisters at the convent of Frigento, carrying out acts of sexual violence and abuse against them.


Monday, December 12, 2016

Bishop James Conor Offers Clarity on Amoris Laetitia

LINCOLN - Clarity and renewal can be the fruit of disputes and disagreements, Bishop James Conley of Lincoln has said to his priests, trying to reassure them in the face of confusion regarding Amoris laetitia.
At the same time, Conley offered his own firm stand on the meaning of Pope Francis’s widely discussed document on marriage, stating clearly that in his diocese, giving Communion to divorced and civilly remarried Catholics who are living as man and wife is not on the table.
“Sexual relationships outside the bonds of marriage constitute circumstances of grave sin,”  Conley wrote.