Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Well, he does think Francis is Catholic, so how big a leap is this?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He’d be more hard-pressed to find Catholicism at Catholic Answers Inc. and EWTN!

Anonymous said...

That was 10 minutes that I will never get back.

Dave Schroeder said...

Jimmy would rather be co-hosting In Search of with Leonard Nimoy than doing serious apologetics at this point in Church history.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he’d rather go on Toe Rogan than go to heaven?

Mary-Beth Lewis said...

This is part of a bigger problem of trying to make a living as a lay apologist.
His old buddy Mark Sashay has crashed and burned. He’s not smart enough to play X-Files Catholic style. He just regurgitates anti-trump bile and his sycophants lap it up.

Joe Quinn said...

It's no wonder the North American 'Catholic' reactionary cult is finished. It cannot sustain the wholesale cannibalism that is going on. It's not the 'Liberals' but reactionary tribalism that is devastating them.

Samuel Jackson said...


Thanks for the Nimoy video. I haven’t seen that since l was a kid.
And, I disagree with the BFRO; we must kill one.

Anonymous said...

Kill them ALL!

JQ said...

It's worse than I thought.

Anonymous said...

i.e. real reason for the prolife opus judei prayer is to re-elect joe baby-murderer biden -- how gaybriel is that?

Paul Conrads said...

One of the great ideological 'resets' in modern times is for loud, narrow-minded bigots and moralizers to call themselves 'pro-life' when their selective advocacy is limited to the nine months from conception to birth and no longer than that. Money it the big factor after birth so the moralizers lose interest very quickly. The span of outrage is controlled by the wallet.

The same goes with capital punishment. The great moral retro-fit the 'pro-lifers; undergo involves devolving from the teaching of Jesus to the laws of pre-Christian 'eye-for-eye,' 'tooth for tooth' tribalism.

Anonymous said...

Fakin Akin has taken a page from the Skojack playbooks and gone to the next level of ghey by doing the weird and whacky sci-fi stuff.

Anonymous said...

I like watching the cannibalism going on Life of Brian Style among the Judeos since Israel started wholesale massacring Arabs in Gaza.

PC said...

"Fakin Akin has taken a page from the Skojack playbooks and gone to the next level of ghey by doing the weird and whacky sci-fi stuff."

That's a pretty accurate indicator of the cultural and religious range of interest, inquiry and imagination that is typical of the reactionaries. How shallow, fickle, so Bonker and so American.

Bill Tyson said...

Has Skojec weighed in?

Anonymous said...

Skojec should be all over this. Alien abductions , 411s, and BF sightings tend to be reported in the same areas.

Anonymous said...

Trying to pull readers back from Soyjack, are we?

Fred Phillips said...


You rock!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No se que, de vez en quando de. Te tan valme Quiza coñol.

Rory O'Driscoll said...

"But what else can you say about people who advocate for 'choice' (i.e. legalization), tax payer funding and employee requirements to abort pregnancies and 'assist' with "suicide"/"mercy killing" while falling all over themselves to abolish the death penalty in order to please God? What can you say about people who spend money they don't have? What can you say about bishops who put out a letter calling for prayer to end abortion that has nothing to do with ending abortion (they even say that in the letter), but is really meant to re-elect the baby murdering democrat politicians who fork tax payer money to these same bishops to spread the Jewish belief that Jesus Christ was a bastard criminal who deserved the death penalty for violating their man-made, money worshiping law?"

Motor mouth Nemo 6:37 PM, while impressing with the ability to talk non-stop fifty feet under water, is long on assertion but short on any kind of evidence.

Room for improvement Aquaman!

Anonymous said...

The Annuciation prayer is not asking the intercession of BVM. It's addressed to "St." Joseph, but Jesus is not called "Christ" nor Mary ever called the Mother of God/Virgin. The Angel Gabriel is ignored also. From the beginning it's inverting and perverting the Word of God and the teachings of the Catholic Church (making it accessible to modern man). If you read this prayer you will have a false idea of the Feast of the Annunciation and the events that transpired.

"Dearest St. Joseph, at the word of an angel, you lovingly took Mary into your home. As God’s humble servant, you guided the Holy Family on the road to Bethlehem, welcomed Jesus as your own son in the shelter of a manger, and fled far from your homeland for the safety of both Mother and Child. We praise God that as their faithful protector, you never hesitated to sacrifice for those entrusted to you. May your example inspire us also to welcome, cherish, and safeguard God’s most precious gift of life. Help us to faithfully commit ourselves to the service and defense of human life —especially where it is vulnerable or threatened. Obtain for us the grace to do the will of God in all things. Amen."

Let's focus on this line: "faithfully commit ourselves to the... defense of human life —especially where it is vulnerable or threatened."

What does it mean to defend Israel? What does it mean to defend Ukraine? What does it mean to opus judei VCII bishops to defend human life? Are they leading a Catholic army/crusade to defend babies from murder at local abortion clinics and to remove all the abortion products from drugstores? God forbid! They will probably have to amend this pansy grooming joke prayer of theirs that mocks God and nowhere addresses or mentions the role of women in abortion, or contraception, or lust, immodesty and greed, or the corruption of political and church leaders or beseeches God anywhere to end this bloodbath slaughtering our own family members. Sure these harlots can pray this prayer on the one hand and give Joe Biden holy communion/vote for Joe Biden with the other.

Opie said...


You just need to get your own blog pal

Opie of Mayberry said...

Opus Devil gets wackier and wackier. I never deliberately deleted any post, no matter how whackadoodle or off topic.

Kingfish said...

What does the Catholic Church teach about Sasquatch? I know the LDS church teaches that he is Cain.

Anonymous said...

In a decree dated March 19, 2024, the Prelate of Opus Dei has established the new Region of the United States and Canada. ...project involves reducing the number of organizational and governmental structures, to foster greater efficiency, agility, and fruitfulness in the apostolic work and more attention to caring for people.

"To this end, the Prelate issued a decree on March 19, 2024, reorganizing the circumscriptions of the United States and Canada by merging the two into one new region and by closing the Delegation of Central United States and the Delegation of California. The territories originally comprising the two delegations as well as all operations previously managed by them are now integrated and centralized under the regional headquarters....The principal headquarters of the Region of the United States and Canada is in New York. The Regional Advisory has a second office in Montreal, where the headquarters of the Advisory of Canada was located until now.

But they still always have 90,000+ members

Sid said...

What does Opus Dei have to do with Bigfoot?

Anonymous said...


Ed Shields said...

"But they still always have 90,000+ members"

What are their names, Nemo 11:07 AM?

Deirdre Fields said...

Why don’t you focus on Jesus and His bible?

Deirdre Field

Gordon Duffey said...

I’m not a psychiatrist, but I like to play one in com-boxes.
It’s my opinion that this dabbling in the paranormal is a coping method for dealing with the Francis papacy and all the things we’re being told we have to believe in.

Anonymous said...

Weekly World News: the ONLY newspaper you can believe today.

Anonymous said...

3/22 @ 12:45pm

" Opus Dei" is Latin for "Big Foot".

Ivan Cymbalak said...

Nemo 6:20 PM bleeped: "Weekly World News: the ONLY newspaper you can believe today."

Who's "you"?

Anonymous said...

People in the know like Jimmy.
Jimmy know…

IC said...

"Jimmy know…"

Is he Chinese or Korean?

Anonymous said...

Does he die his beard 🧔‍♀️?

Anonymous said...


Maureen Cousins said...

Has George Weigel ever said anything about BF?

Tom Kirton said...

"Has George Weigel ever said anything about BF?"

He's always talking about himself.

Meagan Morgan said...

Charles Coulombe believes in Minotaurs and Bigfoot. Personally, I’m waiting for Fr. Ripperger to weigh in as I don’t care Sasquatch’ scat what Weigel thinks!

Anonymous said...

If BF isn’t a Freemason, none of this
makes any sense.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous Nemo at 6:37:
Brilliant post.
Too bad there are some jealous ad hominists here.
Trolls gonna troll, what can you do?

Seamus Axelrod said...

Bigfoot never took the Fauci Ouchie. That’s why he is held in such contempt.

ES said...

Tucker the Lard and his follower have had the full course of COVID 19 shots plus several boosters.

The denials are window dressing and face savers of compliant followers not independent minds.
This is the dominant culture of the conspiracy theory brigade.

Covid Scam said...

Easy Sex:

You can tell yourself that all you want but we won’t believe it here.

ES said...

QED: An entire of supine witted and blindly compliant disciples have hooks driven through their noses by the dumb ass Nowicki and herded along the conspiracy theory track.
Wake up to yourselves, twits. No wonder America is stuffed.

Anonymous said...

remember RFK too.

Dustin said...

My son got myocarditist he can live with but at least hee didn't die from Covid. Thank you Francis for shaming these anti-vacs idiots in your book. They belong dead with Burke waiting OUTSIDE the hospital.

ES said...

Just as America has defined its national identity in terms of gun ownership, so the denialist's personal identity with COVID-19 vaccine. What a pathetic scene.

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about?

ES said...

"What are you talking about?"

According to the American writer Harlon Ellison The two most common things in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity.

The second applies to you, Nemo 4:24 PM

Anonymous said...

Baltimore collapsed decades ago, what a dump!

Hugo DeValera said...

"Baltimore collapsed decades ago, what a dump!"

Zero attention span for the thick 7:07 PM.
Get help

Anonymous said...

Why do you keep deleting my novel about CVH?

Anonymous said...

The best Purim Schpiel ever:

yfr purim shpiel 2011 "the bridge" YFR does not condone any of the activities in this video.Please watch responsibly.

P.S. So why? The guy deserves a medal.

Mr Wilson said...

The Jews used Bigfoot to take out the bridge?

Karen Littleton said...

Get help immediately

Rich Funk said...

How can he be so impartial and respectful on this issue but if you brought up the St. Gallen mafia or the lab leak theory, he’d call you a kook?

JP2 Rocks! said...

Because that would make you a kook.

Did you hear that Bridge 7 collapsed and it wasn’t even hit by a ship?

Ignace Metz said...

"Why do you keep deleting my novel about CVH?"

a) it is written in no known language

b) because Tucker hates you.

Anonymous said...

Vigano said that the Baltimore bridge collapse was a Masonic "Globalist" (don't you dare say "Jewish" ) action, using Sri Lankan terrorists that no one ever heard of, designed to re-elect Obama after Big Foot assassinates Biden, and hauls Kamala Harris off to the "Stupid Farm".
It must be true. Vigano said that God told him so.
He is absolutely reliable. He is still going to dump all the salacious goods on the Vatican that he promised to do in 2018. Just waiting for the right moment.

Michael Lobo said...

Nemo 11:14 PM said:

"Vigano said that the Baltimore bridge collapse was a Masonic "Globalist" (don't you dare say "Jewish" ) action, using Sri Lankan terrorists that no one ever heard of, designed to re-elect Obama after Big Foot assassinates Biden, and hauls Kamala Harris off to the "Stupid Farm".
It must be true. Vigano said that God told him so.
He is absolutely reliable. He is still going to dump all the salacious goods on the Vatican that he promised to do in 2018. Just waiting for the right moment."

Nemo is so loaded up on conspiracy rated jungle juice, they/them is a walking explosive device.

Anonymous said...

We pure bloods will live and your son can't run a block to the hospital that's horrible your angry out of your inability to educate yourself before you sacrificed your child. Your a bad parent and person we will still be here to bury y'all. While we will be running the hospitals trying to save your wretched life. Getcha booster fun fact: Japan stopped all mRNA COVID vaccines due to high sudden deaths so.... There's your vaccinated with a 2 to 5 yr life span kiss your son everyday cuz it might be the last.see ya on the outside of tje hospital

Anonymous said...

With your command of the English language, you should found a Youtube Ministry.
It could be named, "Figure out what I am saying within one hour and remove 1 year of Purgatory".

ML said...

"... Japan stopped all mRNA COVID vaccines due to high sudden deaths so.... "

Prove it. Assertions don't count in a court of law.

gm said...


Frank said...

BF is BS

Anonymous said...

Says who?

Anonymous said...

Why is disgraced faggot Voris allowed to post his homo “Pink Sheepdog” website links on Eponymous Flower?? Please block him.

Don’t be a fag said...

Please remove the Pink Sheepdog website links that Voris keeps posting in your Blogs of Note. If you want to “Stop Voris” remove his access to your website.