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Eugenio Scalfari and Pope Francis |
(Rome) The "interviews" by atheist and Freemason Eugenio Scalfari with Pope Francis have become as famous as infamous. On the 15th of March it was time again. Eugenio Scalfari has published in his house journal La Repubblica, an editorial about Pope Francis. He's cited actual or alleged statements which Pope Francis is said to have expressed in one of the conversations between the Catholic Church and head of the left, anti-clerical opinion makers. Scalfari would not be Scalfari, if he did not present himself in his editorial as the main interpreter of the Argentine Pope's thoughts and actions. This is only one page. The others are homework assignments that Scalfari is giving the Pope on the way. Tasks that the Pope would have to do in the atheist's terms. A new Bergogliata or new Scalfariada?
Scalfaris parallel magisterium with increased destructive power
The duo Scalfari-Bergoglio has appeared again on March 15 in the daily newspaper La Repubblica. Whether virtual or real, who knows? It means it is difficult to distinguish which are reported as a direct playback of quotes being in fact from Pope Francis and which are from Scalfari in the role of a more or less accepted papal prompter. Above all this says nothing about the broad impact. It is at Scalfari's disposal and it's international. If he ascribes to the Pope something, many readers will take it unquestioningly at face value. All the more so, the more clearly they are close to Scalfari's positions.Yet it also plays hardly any role to point out that such private opinions expressed are not from the Pope of the papal Magisterium when the "unofficial" teachings are much more widespread than the official one.
The fact is that Scalfari's Bergogliades promote a parallel magisterium, the ever deepening furrows in the sensus fideieats of the faithful. The following excerpts from the editorial require no comment. They are of a certain caliber, aimed at the Catholic doctrine and ecclesiastical discipline, whose destructive power has reached a new level.
If the allegations are put to the Pope in his mouth, not be immediately and unambiguously denied and corrected, by the Pope, or by those who are engaged to the Holy See, they will cast an even darker shadow on the Argentine Pope and pontificate. It is a Pope, for the masses who are so prone to idolatry, who is becoming more and more a stumbling block and irritation for believers.
"That which Francis Can Tell the Europe of Non-believers"
Eugenio Scalfari
[...] Whoever has had the grace to meet Pope Francis knows that the egoism of the most dangerous enemy of our species. The animal is selfish because it is only guided by his instincts, the most important thing is their own survival. Man is also driven by socializing and he therefore feels love towards the other, in addition to the survival of the species to which he belongs. If egoism wins the upper hand and the love for others is suffocated, it darkens the divine spark which is in him and condemns himself.
What happens to these extinct souls? Will they be punished? And how?
Francis' answer is unambiguous and clear: There is no penalty but the annihilation of that soul. All others live on to share the the happiness in the presence of the Father. The extinguished souls have no part in this feast, with the death of the body is its end and this is the motivation of the missionary Church: to save the lost. This is also the reason why Francis is through and through, a Jesuit. [...] "
Francis: "There is no penalty. The souls are extinguished "
This "extinction" of souls poses "a big problem," said Chiesa e postconcilio . "With the death of the body ends earthly existence, but immortality continues to participate in the glory of God (paradise) or eternal damnation as a result of rejection and rebellion against the Creator and Lord, universorum Rex.
What more do you expect from Pope of Mercy, who has banished justice and the sacrifice of Christ? Of which he does not speak and do not even celebrate? What else does that "there is no going back" than its permanent reform?" asked the Roman Catholic blog.
"In any case, there are serious allegations that, even be they distorted, will be publicly attributed to the Pope. For this reason it would be to deny a unique way to denounce it and that with maximum visibility. Just as serious appears the inertia of that part of the clergy, which does not follow him without hesitation, as they have not done with any other pope in the past 50 years, but to actively wait for a solemn act of the Magisterium, that will never come. In the meantime, the confusion increases and with it, gives "darkness" free reign, because certain Church leaders break down the Church equity entrusted to defend the mystical body. This is absolutely serious and really dramatic. It is useless to wait for formal acts of government. The dissolution has become a part of the practice and the words of permission," said Chiesa e postconcilio .
Scalfari's "Homework" for the Pope I: abolish the Priesthood
The actual or alleged statements by Pope Francis are remarkable. You also remember the refusal of Francis to correct statements made once before, let alone such as Scalfaris. Instead, the previous interviews, although Scalfari was revealed to have formulated the answers of the Pope himself, have however kept faithful in content to the Pope's statements, which the Vatican publishing company published in book form.
Also noteworthy is Scalfari's addition with which he publicly issued the Pope homework. As tasks "Francis needs to address now," said Eugenio Scalfari, "very difficult problems, which have rarely been addressed." The first problem the atheist described, "that nobody has asked, even though it is obvious", implying something fundamental: "the presbyters, that is, the priests, who administer the sacraments and have the power to absolve or punish those who are judged to be sinners." Scalfari then claims that priests and a priestly hierarchy "is the only one prohibited marriage, in the Catholic Church."
Scalfari continues: "In no other religion are there priests called to celibacy and no other religion's doctrine was converted into a codex. The Jews have their writings and their rules, but the rabbis are teachers, they have neither a sacrament nor celibacy obligations. They represent and interpret the Scriptures. That's their job, nothing more.
The Muslims have their writings and their teachings, but no trace of priests. But beware: the different Muslim sects have teachers who interpret the Koran, but also oppressive laws, because they have named the infidel an enemy. Potentially, these are theocracies, sometimes direct, as in Iran, sometimes indirect, so that the temptation of fundamentalism is strong and often destructive. And not otherwise, although they are Christians, in the various Protestant denominations, where there is no priest, but pastors. [...] "
Scalfari's "Homework" for the Pope II: abolish the personal God
The second point Scalfari asks is for "contact to modern culture, which has its roots in the Enlightenment. This intellectual movement that had its greatest development in England and France in the 18th century and in Diderot, Voltaire, Hume, and Kant found its highest representatives, did not believe in absolute truth, but a relative, which excluded the existence of God or saw him as a motor of the creation of life, who is the means of an autonomous evolution and determined by autonomous laws.
The God of theists did not have any attribute that is similar to the Christian God: he was neither merciful nor vindictive, neither generous nor did he intervene in history and destiny, he did not interpose in the question of good and evil. He was a motor, a cosmic force that had kindled the light of life in some places of the universe and then withdrew, is asleep or busy with the creation of another life.
If an atheist Masonic coincides with the Pope - which in any case he claims
"Europe has the Enlightenment as the basis of the modern age. The theme of the Second Vatican Council, that Pope Francis has close to his heart, is that, to understand its wavelength, which can be spoken of with a Europe that is becoming de-Christianized and therefore the mission area (Including North America). It is very likely that the Holy Year desired by Francis will be the beginning of this missionary action, with all its implications, terribly current storm of terrorism, wars and local conflicts, increasing violence, family breakdown and desperate children and the worst of all sins, overlooking inequality, poverty, the supremacy of power and war instead of love and peace. The theme of mercy is therefore not only religious, but also socially and economically appropriate in order to regain the peace, love and hope in the face of power, war and despair. "
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Chiesa e postconcilio
image: Chiesa e postconcilio
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
The Scalafari interview granted by Francis proves the old adage: "When you lie down with dogs you get up with fleas."
The sad thing is, considering the Bishop of Rome's many disturbing and heterodox utterances, one cannot immediately dismiss Scalafari's imputations regarding what Francis said or intimated in earlier discussions.
Curiously though, if "There is no penalty but the annihilation of that soul" then, of course there can be no Satan as the Adversary would have been annihilated immediately after he declared his "Non serviam!". So there are no 'fallen angels' either.
Interesting thought as Francis trots out the Devil on the odd occasion to make a rhetorical (if not theological) point for the masses.
Pray for Francis.
Diabolical. Lord, help us.
Look at the eyes of both. One looks insane. It is not the one on left.
If I had to use one of these photos as the image for a saint whose holy, Catholic life was lived before photography, it would not be the one on the right.
If I needed a face for a psycho, ax murderer in my next a la Jack Nicholason flick...it WOULD be the one on the right.
Opinion, gratuitous assertion with a large dose of projection. You seem to know a great deal about identifying psyhos, ax murderers etc.
You have the advantage.
I do.
I don't understand what he means. Is Francis saying that there is no afterlife?
He is! Francis is conveniently using Scalafari as his unofficial mouthpiece to say things he himself cannot for obvious reasons say....not for the time being anyway. He is preparing the ground so the psychological shock will be less disturbing.
If he doesn't believe in an afterlife, he mustn't believe in God. If he doesn't believe in God, why did he accept the job of being the vicar of someone he doesn't believe ever existed?
Is this all a nightmare, or is this really happening?
A good question but at the pinnacle of power in politics, business, and religion the question of belief or disbelief in a particular system doesn't really matter. Francis has public relations job to do which he is doing with less finesse than his predecessor. Pope Benedict during his days as a theologian and Cardinal also wrote some pretty controversial stuff but it was dressed up in very elaborate prose and philosophy so that only PhD's could figure what he really meant....no use upsetting us simple folk.
I think there's a language barrier here. Is this article saying Scalfari has told Bergoglio to do these things or that Bergoglio has told Scalfari he will do these things? Or is the answer to both questions "yes"?
Because the RCC is nothing today but a tool of the NWO. The pope is doing the job that the NWO shadow government bribed the cardinals to elect him to do: create a New World Religion that brings all of the false religions of the world into one under his umbrella, a religion that will teach evolution and that immorality is Ok because all are saved or there's no need for salvation one or the other or both.
"In no other religion are there priests called to celibacy"
Patently false assertion by Scalfari, rather astoundingly so.
To pick just one example: Eastern Orthodox monastic orders require vows of celibacy; and to become a bishop in an Orthodox Church requires of that priest such a vow, which is why their bishops are all monastic.
Or a second example: even Buddhist monks undertake perpetual celibacy.
It's pretty clear that the Freemason is assigning the Pope homework.
"I don't understand what he means. Is Francis saying that there is no afterlife?"
Scalfari is suggesting that the Pope doesn't seem to believe in hell, since damned souls are annihilated. As for the saved, "All others live on to share the the happiness in the presence of the Father." So heaven seems to exist and, therefore, an afterlife, at least for the saved. I guess Purgatory doesn't get a look in.
Given his track record and methods, we cannot rule out that Scalfari is misrepresenting or misremembering what Francis said. Then again, given Papa Bergoglio's record, we cannot rule out that he has represented him reasonably well, either. For all of Francis's (welcome) reminders of the devil, "hell" seems to be an awkward reality for the thrust of his theology.
Are you sure about Buddhist monks? I thought I read that some are married, and that sexual congress is ok.
I think this moment in time is parallel with destruction of Jerusalem 80 AD
that picture of the raven attacking the dove, o Rome are you next
You mean the Romans didn't finish the job in 70 AD?
Re Anon 9:31, that appears to be the plan and we are being pushed in that direction at ever greater speed. It isn't only the Vatican saying these things, we are being primed by all media outlets to accept the one-world-religion as inevitable. It even appears in science fiction, not just Star Trek stuff or the kiddies but semi-serious novelettes such as Hold Back This Day.
If he does not believe in the eternal existence of a soul and therefore the afterlife, he is an apostate and an antipope, and the fear of the late Fr Malachi Martin has been realized. "Then they have the prize, and everything goes underground."
Although I am no fan of Francis, I can't believe he actually said or believes this. That would be blatant heresy.
To Scalfari, other "religions" are irrelevant because they are all false.
I guess VII "ecumenism" would prevent a "modern" Pope from saying something as succinct and true.
It is essentially the eschatological position of the Jehovah Witnesses. Jehovah's also believe that only 144,000 go to Heaven, the remainder of those who are saved live on a new Earth.
This is the reason why he was elected for, as Hummels said '4 years of bergoglio are enough to do the job' Scalfari is a damn commie, but a renowned journalist, and fr.Lombardi didn't deny, so.....and the worse is yet to come. P.S. The Romans finished their job, but some others didn't. God bless+
Whenever there's a new Conclave, we're likely to get a Francis follower as Pope. If, however, we luck out and don't get someone like Tagle, the next Pope should have the courage to reject all that has been said during this period of darkness.
Why has this story not gone viral? If it is true, surely it is one of the most heretical utterances ever by a pope.
He's said much that is blatant heresy...this is just a double down; and the MS "c"atholic press will just go along with the agenda.
If this is accurate, and there is no 'clarification' or denunciation by the vatican....yeah, he's an anti-pope. October is gonna suck. But then again, everyday waking up to what francis is doing, pretty much sucks...this has been a Lent for the books. I feel everyday that I'm in Gethsemane with Our Lord.
I, for one, am eagerly awaiting how they are going to spin this one. It has been my experience that the worse the utterance, the longer it takes to develop a damage control plan.
"Are you sure about Buddhist monks? I thought I read that some are married, and that sexual congress is ok. "
Buddhist monks vow the same 3 vows as Catholic monks and nuns do....poverty, chastity(celibacy), and obedience.
UNfortunatly, chastity js sometimes violated by monks....either with women, but often with each other and the very young novices who enter the temple to be monks.
Not all of them do these perverted things, only a small minority, but the Budhist monasteries of monks have had the same sexual abuse claims and lawsuits as Catholics, the issues being that we never hear of it!
I'm sorry, I wish I could believe you. A quick Wiki search for Buddhist monks gives me a result that reports Buddhist monks are not bound by obedience, which I have no reason to disbelieve. They are bound to chastity. Since you broached the delicate subject of sexual abuse, I seem to recall reading that Potala among others kept a stable of boys, and I don't get the idea the practice is condemned like it would be in Christianity or Judaism. Then again, I would have no idea how widespread the practice is, or isn't.
You know we're in deep trouble when the atheist looks saner than the pope.
Maybe no other religion still around, but the priests of Cybelle had to be castrated. Actually that would solve the sex abuse problem and help the priests keep their vows of celibacy, wouldn't it?
oops its Cybele with one l. "The Galli's voluntary emasculation in service of the goddess was thought to give them powers of prophecy." Francis could use some of that. And if he had it chopped off, he couldn't be "who am I to judging" with it anymore. That'd solve his homosexuality problem right quick.
Yep, Francis needs to follow Origen's lead and get the snip. Then all the priests need to follow suit. Maybe then they'll stop raping little boys in their rectories.
Well there are different kinds of Budhists just like there are different kinds of Romans Catholics. Do VII monks really make a vow of celibacy? Merton seems to have gotten away with quite a bit of tomfoolery and he's held up as the monk par excellence. He also was a sort of exchange monk between VII Catholicism and Budhism....
Visitors to Madrid will know this, there is a prominent statue of Cybele complete with her chariot pulled by lions, at a large intersection with the Gran Via. The statue and adjoining fountain have always intrigued me. Why did the Masonic elite of Madrid approve the building of that 'artwork'? There must be some hidden significance known only to the cognoscenti?
The hidden meaning is probably their secret desire to persecute Christians and feed us to the lions.
Are not many questioning the Canonical election of Pope Francis? I believe they should do a rush job on this one. Too much damage has been done to the Church which no human being can fix. Only God can do it.
no, not the existence of hell,
it's a waaaaaaay more subtle deception than that:
he implies that nobody goes to hell,
because those who don't make it to heaven
just disappear, anniillated in a puff of mercy.
so there is no suffering, no consequences for sin.
what a wonderful merciful pope,
he washes away eternal suffering as well as the word of God.
so hell exists but it is empty, except for the devils.
Re Anon 4:53, Malachi Martin was a 'genuine phoney'. Read what Maurice Pinay and Michael Hoffman have to say about him.
This annihilation business sounds like a pretty good deal! Be a Stalin or Hitler without consequences.
The true catholic church has been underground for decades.I am not being not being rude.
CNA Lisbon, Portugal, May 14, 2013 - "At the Holy Father’s personal request, Cardinal Jose Polycarp, the Patriarch of Lisbon, consecrated the pontificate of Pope Francis to Our Lady of Fatima on her feast day."
Recall the words of Sister Lucia (Fatima) [quoted in part below]:
"She opened Her hands once more, as She had done the two previous months. The rays [of light] appeared to penetrate the earth, and we saw, as it were, a vast sea of fire. Plunged in this fire, we saw the demons and the souls [of the damned]. The latter were like transparent burning embers, all blackened or burnished bronze, having human forms. They were floating about in that conflagration, now raised into the air by the flames which issued from within themselves, together with great clouds of smoke. Now they fell back on every side like sparks in huge fires, without weight or equilibrium, amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair, which horrified us and made us tremble with fright (it must have been this sight which caused me to cry out, as people say they heard me). The demons were distinguished [from the souls of the damned] by their terrifying and repellent likeness to frightful and unknown animals, black and transparent like burning coals. That vision only lasted for a moment, thanks to our good Heavenly Mother, Who at the first apparition had promised to take us to Heaven. Without that, I think that we would have died of terror and fear."
Our Lady said to the children: "You have seen Hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to My Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace..."When you pray the Rosary, say after each mystery: ‘O my Jesus, forgive us, save us from the fire of Hell. Lead all souls to heaven, especially those who are most in need.’"
Scalfari had admitted he doesn't record the interviews..and yes of course pope Francis believes in hell. He told the Mafia if they didn't change their lifestyle they were going to hell.
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