Rome (kath.net/RV/red) Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle (photo), Archbishop of Manila, criticized the Western media in sharp tones for their one-sided reporting of the Family Synod in favor of the "rich countries". This report from "Vatican Radio" from the presentation of the Asian Catholic news agency Misna. The problems of poorer countries and developing countries were little discussed in the media. "Some people have the feeling that the only subjects discussed were divorce and homosexuality during the Synod," said the Archbishop of Manila as one of the three Synod Presidents to the Philippine media. Among other important questions discussed by the Synod Fathers the Cardinal mentioned were domestic violence, pornography, poverty or immigration.
About the report, he said that the media's reporting was "fair", but he was extremely disappointed that the journalists focused exclusively on "Western" focused, namely, divorced and civilly remarried, and homosexuals. Tagle commented on this as an unconstructive practice. He also denounced the fact that the press is clearly dominated by the West, because there was not "a single Asian or African journalist among the hundreds of journalists present," said the Cardinal.
Link to Kath.net...
Cardinal Tagle underestimates the power of the internet, and Catholics are not as stupid as he implies.
The secular media does not influence practicing Catholics.
The facts are these:
This is what was approved by the Synod on Oct 18. 2014.
Relatio Synodi - http://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/en/bollettino/pubblico/2014/10/18/0770/03044.html
3 paragraphs # 52, 53, 55 did not get the 2/3 vote, but because they are the Pope's agenda remain in the document.
The SYNOD completely FAILED to politely chastise Diocese Cardinals and Bishops for not teaching the Faith to ALL Catholics in support of ALL Families and persons of Faith.
They said NOTHING about actively encouraging the literate to read the Bible and Catechism of the Catholic Church - at home on a regular basis.
Therefore, children will continue to leave the faith because parents can not accurately teach them.
The Synod was a failure, and further the good things in the Synod document are already in the Bible and CCC.
Waste of time and money.
If the Cardinal paid attention to the CCC he would know that immigration, pornography, and all other social issues that are part of the Doctrine of the Faith are already included in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
No need for a Synod to repeat existing Doctrine of the Faith.
Does Cardinal Tagle. teach the literate in Manila to read the Bible and CCC at home?
Or does he shirk his responsibility to teach accurately and completely as well ?
Why does this Cardinal think what is already in the Bible and CCC would be of interest to the Press in any Country ?
The possibility of the Church abandoning some of the teachings of God and the Church is news.
Cardinal, as a fellow Filipino, I have to say that you are being disingeuous. Don't you know anything about what's happening to your own country, to the Philippines? The recent decade has seen an influx of westerners "helping" the Filipinos with "Family Planning" which is to say, the campaign to spread abortion and contraception in the Philippines. In fact, many of the lapdog "intellectuals" of that country, the ones who ape whatever the American liberal elite does and thinks, are the first to go against the Filipino clergy. This was unthinkable 50 years ago.
And then the Cardinal would come out and say "I am disappointed" well, Cardinal! Where have you been hiding for the last decade? In fact, aren't you guilty of neglect in allowing the conditions for horrible things to happen, no thanks to irrational optimism?
But then again, what can anyone expect from an adherent of the School of Bologna?
Or is that baloney?
This is utterly disingenuous. He is playing games. I've seen this game played by so many priests and bishops all of my life.
Does anyone actually take Cardinal Tagle seriously?
No one takes Tagle seriously. He is a member of the Pope Francis inner circle, so no one trusts him.
Pope Francis and his people are worthless. What Francis did to the great Cardinal Burke is scandalous, pathetic, sick, and unforgivable.
I hope more and more...millions, or faithful Catholics come to know who this Jesuit loser is and turn away from both Pope Francis and his agenda.
It would be good riddance to Pope Francis if people started booing him instead of applauding him. He doesn't deserve any applause as Pope.
and who published the Relatio Disceptationem? the media? or the Bishops?
Assuming your comment is rhetorical, sometimes it's nice to have someone discuss what happened: http://rorate-caeli.blogspot.com/2014/11/cardinal-burkes-full-interview-with.html#more
Nope. He cries at the drop of a hat.
it was rhetorical
What an ugly and obvious maneuver. Tagle distances himself from the scandal that happened at the Synod, pauses to toss a bone to the conservatives, and at the same time tries to stay within the liberal agenda. That man wants to be pope so badly he tries to please everybody.
Cardinal Tagle doesn't want division in the Church. He knows already the deep division I think he doesn't want to add to that. And besides they have vow of obedience to the pope. I follow his preachings and interviews that's why I know he is not liberal. In one of his interviews, he was told that he is the Asian Pope Francis but he said he is not, because he worked longer with Cardinal Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI. Pope Francis called the Synod and not Cardinal Tagle so don't blame him.
11,000,000 pesos buys a lot.
What's this!? The spectacle of a rat jumping a sinking ship!?
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