Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bill Buckley Was Secretly Contemptuous of his Irish Catholic Readership

From Peter Brimlow's essay at Vdare there's some interesting and possibly unnecessary details about Sobran's personal life and habits, which were not too scathing anyway, but what was interesting was his mention of how Bill Buckley, his employer at Natinoal Review, had fired him for outing his contempt for conservative Irish Catholics.

I don't particularly like Irish-American Catholics either, it's a mixed bag. What I particularly hate is their knee-jerk Americanism and hypocritical embrace of the Catholic Church without embracing Her doctrines and moral imperatives, largely due to the vicious tutelage of the Irish-American Bishops who were generally more interested in building an American Empire than they were in saving souls.

Sean Hannity himself is a wonderful example of this as he was hounded out by Father Eutener for his immoral beliefs about birth control, so perhaps we understand Buckley's discomfort with the Irish Catholics, but read Sobran's essay anyway.

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