Saturday, April 30, 2022

The “Systematic” War in Ukraine

The war in Ukraine and the geopolitical interests of Russia, the USA and the EU.

The war in Ukraine is viewed from different angles, including cultural and theological.  Stefano Fontana, Director of the International Observatory Cardinal Van Thuan for the Social Doctrine of the Church and Editor-in-Chief of the Church Newspaper of the Archdiocese of Trieste, spoke with Gianfranco Battisti, Professor of Economic Geography at the University of Trieste, focusing on the financial geography and geopolitics, on geopolitical aspects of Ukraine- conflict.

Stefano Fontana: The countries that are opposed to Russia - I don't call them Western, because Russia is historically and culturally part of the West, that is, European - because they seem to consider it unworthy to take into account Russia's geopolitical motives.  I ask myself: how can you start peace negotiations if you don't even consider the reasons and interests of the country you want to negotiate with – whatever those may be?

Gianfranco Battisti: Since it is a fact that geopolitics is neither a branch of ethics nor a journalistic exercise, but a thorough and unvarnished analysis of reality, I would say that the question already implies the answer.

Across the West, the authorities - and 95 percent of the media - assume a priori that Russia is wrong.  That can't be true, because good and bad cannot be separated by a political boundary.  It follows that beyond lip service there is no intention to negotiate.  It must also be said that this is a conflict that has caught almost all governments on the wrong foot, leaving them unable to respond rationally.  In reality, it is not so much about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine: we are approaching the final phase of the East-West conflict, which we thought ended in 1990.

The only difference from before is that Russia now seems alone against the offensive of the entire Western coalition, with all the risks involved in plunging a nuclear power into crisis.  It also seems clear that this is indeed a US-Russia showdown.  As for the others, Ukraine "offers itself" as a battlefield, while the rest of NATO members turn out to be satellite states, mostly involved without much conviction.  Their leaders try to give the appearance of political initiative, both domestic and continental, but in reality fall into masochistic behavior.

Stefano Fontana: Any war that is not only local - and the one in Ukraine cannot be considered only local - leads to major changes in societies, in culture and in the global order of economic and political systems.  Let's think about what the two world wars did in this sense.  In your opinion, will this war also have far-reaching effects?  Will it be an opportunity for a Great Reset, which by the way is already underway?


Professor Gianfranco Battisti

Gianfranco Battisti: It is undoubtedly a systemic war: it will mark the transition from the world as we have known it to a very different and probably worse world.  The forces that knowingly pushed Russia into an adventure that is proving to be a trap are the same ones that want to implement the Great Reset, at least across the OECD area.  Behind it, however, is the redefinition of global hegemony.  A project that represents the last resort to guarantee minimal survival for the United States, a military superpower that no longer has any economy behind it and, it seems, not even a society that can be called civilized.

At the local level, in the logic of other times, it could be the “founding war” of a finally independent state community for Ukraine.  Unfortunately, times are no longer such that this would be possible.  The mechanism that has been set in motion cannot be stopped – and one does not want it to be stopped.  What is so tragically moving about the whole thing is the Ukrainian people, who have been maliciously promised a bright future, when in reality they are getting a field of rubble, which is why they will have an emigration fate, as is the case with the Syrians.

From a military point of view, it is a preventive war that essentially pursues two goals:

1. To permanently prevent the establishment of normal relations between the EU countries and the Russian Federation, thereby reaffirming the Anglo-American logic codified in 1904 by Sir Halford Mackinder, the 'father' of British geopolitics.

2. To deal a mortal blow to Russia and weaken her in view of the crucial confrontation with China.  It is clearly in the interests of the two Atlantic powers - and here we can understand the real reasons behind Britain's otherwise incomprehensible exit from the EU - because an EU without raw materials and without the Russian market will inevitably turn into a huge colony that is fully subject to the "care" of the Atlantic multinationals.  Those who believe that this could mark the birth of a 'real' European state would do well not to drink too much wine.

In any case, the seismic movement that was triggered will take many years to stabilize.

Stefano Fontana: Italy took a rather “reckless” stance in the war in Ukraine.  Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi's speech to Parliament on March 1, 2022 was quite "belligerent" and in stark contrast to Italy's traditional foreign policy.  Does that mean that at the moment there is no Italian foreign policy and that Italy adopts a position that is determined by others?

Gianfranco Battisti: Like Monti, Draghi is not a prime minister elected by the Italians, but primarily a banker linked to international financial interests.  He is a man of the apparatus, a skilful manager whose scope of action is severely restricted by the instructions given to him from above and which he then drops like boulders on a disordered, i.e. not really capable of acting, parliament.  To think that he could pursue an "Italian" foreign policy, even if he wanted to, would be to be guilty of naivety.  Worse still, no Italian politician currently seems to have the sine qua non to lead the country.  The only hope is that, in the best Italian tradition, Draghi's words are just words.  But it seems to me that words must be followed by deeds, especially since increasing military spending to 2% of GDP is a mantra that the US has been teasing Europeans for years.

Stefano Fontana: As a "European" response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, there is constant talk of EU countries increasing military spending and creating an EU military force.  What do you think of this disturbing prospect?

Gianfranco Battisti: In the face of an economic crisis that is proving to be frightening in terms of its gravity and its extent in space and time, the mere thought of increasing military spending carries a very negative connotation.  One thing is certain: when something goes wrong, the political class responsible for the economic and social collapse of their countries jumps enthusiastically into the arms race.  They delude themselves that they are doing something to restart the economy while they look forward to the bribes that will come with it.  In reality, it's a road that leads straight to Hell, since weapons, once at hand, are inevitably used.  The state of war is also attractive to failed politicians so that they can silence any form of protest.  In any case, buying guns when budgets are deep in the red means preventing any serious discussion about sanitation.

As for the ambition of an EU military power, this is yet another scam that the politicians in Brussels are dishing out to our peoples.  Everyone knows, and they are the first to know, that the US will never allow the emergence of a European military apparatus independent of its control.

Finally, why should we arm ourselves?  The Ukrainian tragedy proves ad abundantiam that Russia poses no threat to Europe.  Not only because its main interest is in continuing to sell us its raw materials, which it does despite everything, but simply because it has no military apparatus to worry us.  That's why it doesn't even think about attacking us.  We are experiencing a colossal mystification that we inherited from the “Cold War” and of which the “ruling class” in Kyiv today is one of the architects.  On the contrary, has one of the many philistines in circulation ever noticed that the EU is nibbling away at a piece of Russia every day?  And isn't that always peaceful?

In the logic across the Atlantic, the short-term goal is to make money selling obsolete weapons, while the long-term goal is to fight WWIII in Europe and Asia, not the US.  We're talking nuclear war because that's what the F‑35s -1 we're all so interested in are for.  The fact that no one is able to convey these elemental truths says a lot about the leaden cloak that has settled over our media - and partly to blame is a pandemic that was announced in advance...

 Stefano Fontana: What do you think of the plan to equate the European Union with Europe?

Gianfranco Battisti: It's a short-sighted vision that comes from the minds of politicians who don't generally belong to the category of great thinkers.  It's also geographically, historically, and culturally incorrect.  If we then look at Russia, at least at the so-called European part of Russia (which is no small matter), we have to realize with no small concern that, despite everything, today it represents something of the idea of ​​Europe that we have nurtured so hopefully up to now, is left.  In this vast country, Europe is still a myth, while we have a cupio dissolvi, a desire for dissolution that we imported, who knows how spontaneously, from America.

An all too quickly forgotten warning resurfaces: "Europe will be Christian or it will not be".  Weapons will certainly not unite us, but rather destroy us.  From this point of view, the persistent effort to erect a wall of hatred that helps separate Christians in the East from those in the West is a crime that cries out for vengeance to God.  And on this point, the Christians in Europe unfortunately do not always have a clear conscience.  The reaction in Ukraine to the message of peace proclaimed during the Via Crucis in Rome is emblematic.

 Translation: Giuseppe Nardi


 1 US stealth multirole fighter aircraft of the fifth generation from the company Lockheed Martin.

Trans: Tancred


Tuesday, April 26, 2022

The ADL Was Founded to Defend Child Murdering Rapist

Edit: Mary Fagan was murdered by Leo Frank 109 years ago today, and as Coach notes, the ADL was founded to defend him and help him escape justice.



Italian Bishops' Conference Grooming Children with Aberrosexual Spectacle

"Italy sends queer duet" to the Eurovision Song Contest, and the German gay scene is also pleased. This refers to Blanco & Mahmood. On Easter Monday, Blanco was even allowed to perform in St. Peter's Square, as a "prelude" for Pope Francis.

By Cristina Siccardi*

Instead of explaining to parents how to regain the dimension of father and mother according to Christian principles and to reconnect the torn thread to the sense of the holiness of the family, the Italian Bishops' Conference for Easter Monday, when the Church commemorates the angelic apparition at the empty tomb of Jesus (Mk 16:1-7), has invited the 19-year-old Generation Z rapper Blanco (Riccardo Fabbriconi), winner of the anti-Christian and blasphemous Sanremo Festival 2022 with "Brividi" ("Goosebumps"), a song that puts aberrosexuality and heterosexuality on the same level, to perform in front of 57,000 young people "on pilgrimage" before the Pope's arrival for the prayer vigil at 6 pm. So, in order to attract the attention of the youth who suffer from social networks, sex and broken families, the Church needs witnesses who lead even the young people light years away from God? Is that the purpose of the Church?

Don Michele Falabretti, head of the Office for Youth Pastoral Care of the Italian Bishops' Conference, said: "We thought we were giving a gift to boys and girls", because the context must be taken into account: "Woe betide you if you underestimate him! You run the risk of not being on the same wavelength." For the prelate, it is unthinkable "to talk to them, to convince them with arguments or words, if one is not first willing to listen to them without giving the appearance of wiping away their world with a swipe, judging it as dirty and unsuitable." The method developed by Saint John Bosco, not to draw attention to himself, but to save souls, was that of preventing evils and Christian joy, without the need to scrape together the perversions of the world and the artists who contradict the laws of God.

"The Church has always promoted art to lift up the spirit, while in this way approving vulgarity," said Msgr. Antonio Suetta, bishop of Ventimiglia, who spoke out against the decision of the Episcopal Conference. "I have heard this news with great negative surprise, for two reasons: firstly, I do not believe that this figure is a suitable model for a Catholic initiative aimed at young people, and secondly, I do not know the person, which is why I cannot comment on him. It is clear that the message conveyed during Blanco's performances does not fit into a Catholic context. I find it shameful that a figure who, especially after her victory at the festival together with Mahmood, has clearly become an icon of a certain conception of life, freedom, affectivity, etc., is performing in St. Peter's Square."

The attempt to attract the attention of young people, most of whom are engulfed by a cynical, irreverent, misanthropic and even violent culture (think of the actions of the baby gangs), is not only a pleasure for the LGBTQ movements, but a real blasphemy: in the forecourt of St. Peter's Basilica, it is not permissible to give space to those who speak words full of nausea, Shamefulness, profanity and swear words. The nightmare that the generation of children of the infernal contemporary "candle wick" consciously lives is also lived, but unconsciously, by the Church, overwhelmed by the fashion, chaos and masochism of an unreasonable and desecratory time. In the meantime, the connection to the reality of the Gospel and thus to what Jesus really taught has been lost. An example: the good shepherd seeks and finds the lost sheep; it is not the sheep that misleads the other 99. There is also an incontrovertible fact: just as you cannot serve two masters (God and the world), you cannot give paradise and Hell as the end goal at the same time.

"This is the world," headlined Vanity Fair magazine with Mahmood & Blanco on its front page. Italy is experiencing what the German-speaking world has already done with Conchita Wurst: an aggressive aberrsexualization of public space. The Eurovision Song Contest is once again the vehicle.

*Cristina Siccardi, historian and publicist, her recent book publications include "L'inverno della Chiesa dopo il Concilio Vaticano II" (The Winter of the Church after the Second Vatican Council. Changes and Causes, 2013); "San Pio X" (Saint Pius X. The Life of the Pope Who Ordered and Reformed the Church, 2014); "San Francesco" (Saint Francis. One of the most distorted figures in history, 2019).

Last published by the author:

Translation: Giuseppe Nardi

Image: Corrispondenza Romana/Twitter (Screenshots)

Trans: Tancred


Pope Francis and a dialectically constructed contrast

Which variant does Pope Francis prefer: on the left Cardinal Marx with a gay flag in a church, on the right the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the traditional rite?

(Rome) Francis, the "politician on the papal throne", is considered a master of dialectics. He constructs opposites that do not exist in this way, i.e. represent a contradiction in terms. The intention is to strengthen and scold. But who and what does Francis want to strengthen, but whom and what does he want to scold? The Bergoglian dialectic has an unpleasant aftertaste. It is not entirely wrong, but leaves the listener with the intuitive feeling of being pulled over the wrong table. The most recent example is yesterday's speech at Regina Caeli in St. Peter's Square.

Francis said to those gathered in Rome:

"Dear brothers and sisters, an imperfect but humble faith that always returns to Jesus is better than a strong but presumptuous faith that makes us proud and arrogant. Woe to them, woe!"

Imperfect faith is humble, strong faith is arrogant and presumptuous? Francis doesn't quite say it that way, but he does. The papal sympathies are distributed.

But who does Francis mean by those who are imperfect? Who with those who are strong? According to Francis' judgment, who has a positive connotation, who has a negative connotation?

Second edition of the clerical gay initiative in the German-speaking world

For the second week of May, aberrosexual church circles blow to the second halali on Catholic moral teaching and church obedience. The initiative #liebegewinnt is experiencing its second edition. Once again, homosexual couples are to be blessed in various parishes in the German-speaking world. The initiative is readily supported by the official church media.

In the front row is again the Munich parish vicar Wolfgang Rothe, who had already been suspected years ago of being aberrosexual [And child predator] himself and having favored more than just a parallel aberrosexual climate within the seminary of the diocese of Sankt Pölten. Since the seminary was considered a stronghold of a conservative education, the scandal was exposed by left-liberal mass media. The goal was to overthrow the unsuspecting Bishop Kurt Krenn, which finally succeeded.

Rothe vehemently denied at the time but found acceptance in the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising, of all places, which caused some astonishment. After plenty of whisky tasting, he has been at the forefront of the homo front since last year, which explains a lot.

Around May 10, 2021, the first gay offensive of German clerics took place in order to protest – in the style of political correctness of a permanent outrage over alleged discrimination – against a document of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith of March 15, 2021, with which gay blessings were rejected. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith states that God neither blesses nor blesses sin. That would be a paradox.

Unmoved by this, more than a hundred Church employees in the Federal Republic of Germany "came out" as homosexual last January. No, according to gender theory, this would be too little inclusive, which is why Church media speak in politically correct terms of a confession to be "non-heterosexual".

Pope Francis is said to have been quite angry about the document and has since reinforced the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Just a few months after his election, he had begun to initiate a paradigm shift to change the Church's attitude to aberrosexuality.

The official website currently lists forty churches throughout the German-speaking world participating in this year's Gay Initiative. In 2021, there were still 110.

But which variant does Francis prefer: imperfect and humble or strong and presumptuous?

Gay Blessing 2021 on Left, sponsored by official church media. Right-wing believers bound to tradition.

Text: Giuseppe NardiImage
: Domradio/Kirche+Leben/NLM/Traditional Catholic Feminity (Screenshots/Montage)

Trans: Tancred


The Friderician Templars between Church and Gnosis?

Friderician Templars lay claim to a dubious "Templar heritage".

By Father Paolo M. Siano*

In 2012, Corrado Maria Armeri founded in Gerace (province of Reggio Calabria) the "Sovereign Monastic (Knight) Order of the Friderician Templars", called Friderician Templars for short. The Order presents itself as a Catholic brotherhood and takes a stand on current issues in Sicilian and Calabrian radio and television stations. They call themselves Friderician because they are also based on the Hohenstaufen Frederick II (1194–1250), King of Sicily, Duke of Swabia, Roman-German King, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and King of Jerusalem.

As far as I know, the Order does not currently have its own website on the Internet. There is an old, no longer updated page from 2014, but a Facebook page of the Friderician Templars of the group or the Priory of Teramo is active. Photos and online articles show the presence of the Friderician Templars in churches for religious gatherings or for ceremonies of investiture or "elevation" to knight or queen (e.B. in Teramo, in 2020 and in 2021). The Order also accepts women.

In June 2021, the Friderician Templars took part in the Corpus Christi Mass in the Cathedral of Teramo, which was led by the Bishop. Among the knights present were the Grand Master of the Order Corrado Armeri and his International Vicar, Melinda Miceli, who then presented her book "Templaris Compendium". During the Mass, General Domenico Trozzi was appointed Prior of Teramo. Trozzi was commander of the Air Squadron of the State Police in Palermo for 20 years.

"Templaris Compendium" by Melinda Miceli

In 2020, the Grand Master of the Friderician Templars, Corrado Armeri, appointed Dr. Melinda Miceli (born in 1974) as Vicar of the Grand Master of the Grand Master's Seat of Art and International Culture.

Miceli is an art critic, writer, novelist and is also interested in esoteric topics.

I hold the book "Templaris Compendium. The whole wisdom of the Templars in one volume1 by Melinda Miceli for very interesting. I will highlight important terms.

Like other New Templar realities, I have already described, Miceli attributes esoteric, Gnostic knowledge, teachings, and practices to the Templars. It is an official text with a praising "preface" (p. 3f) by Grand Master Corrado Maria Armeri.

In the appendix of the Miceli's book, on p. 170, there is a paragraph by Grand Master Armeri ("The New Era of the Templars"), then the "Catholic Creed" of the Friderician Templars, proclaimed on 8 December 2012 (pp. 170–174), their "Disciplinary Order" (pp. 177–182), their "Prayer" (p. 183), "The Spiritual Way of the Friderician Templars" (pp. 184–186), outlined in 2014 by her spiritual director Msgr. Giuseppe Greco (Archdiocese of Syracuse), "The Defense of the Faith" (p. 186f), "The Friderician Culture" (p. 187f), "The Testimony of Msgr. Vincenzo Filice" (pp. 189–192), "The Secret Alphabet of the Knights Templar" (pp. 193–195).

In the Catholic Creed of the Friderician Templars we find a well-sounding profession of faith that invokes the whole paradise: the Holy Trinity, the Immaculate Conception, the angels, the saints, from St. Francis to St. Ignatius of Loyola... Wonderful. The fundamental problem is that this profession of faith contradicts various contents of Melinda Miceli's text, a text approved and introduced by Grand Master Armeri: while the Friderician Templars call themselves Catholic and believe that they "belong to the friars of the Temple of Jerusalem, whose immortal faith we guard and protect" (p. 171), the vicar of the Grand Master attributes Gnosis and esotericism to the Templars.

Melinda Miceli claims the existence of "affinities in doctrine and organization" between the Templars and the "Ismailis" of the "Old Man of the Mountain" [meaning the Ismaili Assassins], i.e. the "most developed Islamic circles", which also include "Sufis" and "dervishes" (cf. p. 15). Miceli goes on to claim that the Templars had "a double hierarchy," "an accessible hierarchy," and "an occult, superordinate hierarchy" (cf. p. 19).

With the following statements, Miceli shows little knowledge of the history and theology of the Christian Liturgy and Mass: "The Mass, which comes from the ancient and oriental world in the narrower sense, did not exist before the supreme regulator, Innocent III. In the East, it was originally a magical and apotropaic instrument of worship adopted from Hinduism and Buddhism. This archaic aura has never faded and is manifested in the Liturgy of the Mass, which is sung Gregorian and spoken in Latin" (p. 55).

Miceli believes that the spirituality of St. Francis of Assisi, who was "close to Brother Elias, alchemist and political advisor to Emperor Frederick II," was "connected to the Templars" (cf. p. 80). I do not know on what basis Miceli claims: "Francis' mother was a Cathar, and it is no coincidence that Franciscan spirituality was much closer to Catholicism than to the Catholic Church, at least in its external forms" (p. 80).

The author also makes St. Francis an esoteric and Gnostic: "Francis was a disciple of John, i.e. he belonged to that spiritual current to which the Cathars, Albigensians, Bogomils, Patarenians, Dolzinians, Faithful of Love, Rosicrucians and Templars also belonged, who in their faith and thought completely agreed with the Sufis, Kabbalists, but also Buddhists and Hindus" (p. 81).

Melinda Miceli (right) in the sacristy of Teramo Cathedral

According to Miceli, the Castel del Monte in Puglia belonged to the Templars and they had "their idol Baphomet" (cf. p. 115). Castel del Monte: a place where "the occult science of alchemy" was practiced (p. 115), a place that symbolizes "the highest synthesis of the esoteric culture of that time" (p. 116).

The seal of the Templars, which depicts two knights on a horse, stands "for the dualism and balance of opposites to which their ideal refers" (p. 117); "in each of us" there is the "masculine" and the "feminine" (cf. p. 117).

Miceli connects the Templars "with the Mother Goddess" (p. 122), with the "holy feminine" (p. 122), with "places of energetic worship, of harmony of the two energies, of the masculine descending from heaven, and of the feminine rising from the earth" (p. 122).

According to Miceli, the "dragon" (or "Satan") defeated by St. Michael is "a symbol of evil that can be subjugated, but never completely extinguished, because it is functional for evolution" (p. 124). So evil is necessary?

Together with the esoteric and alchemist Fulcanelli, Miceli sees the cathedrals as stone books with magical and alchemical symbols (cf. p. 132), symbols of the cosmic action of "two opposing principles, light and dark" (cf. p. 133).

Miceli mentions the "Great Mother, the Earth, whose cult was embodied in Isis up to Mary Magdalene, depending on the historical epoch" (p. 135f).

According to Melinda Miceli, an important symbol of the Templar Order in France is "the Templar Thorn" (p. 145, emphasis added). The Vicar of the Grand Master ascribes an esoteric meaning to the Templar thorn and to the Templars certain practices towards the "thorn":

"According to the Hindus, the human body consists of two poles: a lower one, which corresponds to the sacrum, and an upper one, which corresponds to the skull. Certain yoga techniques cause a certain energy present at the base of the spine to rise above it to the crown. This path is synonymous with enlightenment. The energy is compared to that of a coiled snake that has to unroll. This practice is called Kundalini and is the principle of yoga. The biblical serpent and the Uraeus serpent on Pharaoh's forehead are the same images of kundalini" (p. 145f).

Miceli continues: "During the trial of the Templars, they also had to reveal the existence of a practice in their chapels: the Master kissed the sacrum, i.e. the lower part of the spine, to stimulate the 'revival of the serpent' so that this energy could rise in an exact and controlled way. According to Hindus, awakening can actually be dangerous, to the point of madness and even death" (p. 146).

Miceli describes Mary Magdalene as a woman who devotes herself to "sacred studies with the Essenes or the priesthood of Isis," then follows Jesus and will live in France in a cave where "she feeds only on angelic energies" (p. 147).

According to Miceli, the Black Madonna is "Isis", the Egyptian goddess of wisdom, "the Gnosis" (cf. p. 148). And also: "The Creed of the Templars is therefore a Gnostic Christianity, spread by Mary Magdalene and her disciples in the south of France and practiced, hidden from the clergy. The initiation cult of the female Isidic principle of divine wisdom was disguised as The Marian deification and devotion to the Black Madonna. According to this confession, which is similar to that of the Cathars, every man and woman is a son and daughter of God, capable of attaining their own spiritual enlightenment and ascending to higher heavens without intermediaries. [...] According to the Templars, the teachings of the Catholic Church would lead the devotee into oppression by a vengeful God. The Catholic Church persecuted Gnosticism like never before, and the enlightened knowledge of the divinity of the self was persecuted [...]" (p. 148).

Investiture of a Frederick Templar by Grand Master Armeri (with sword)

Later, the author also associates Mary Magdalene with Gnostic and magical culture (cf. p. 154). She is "Divine Teacher of Heavenly Wisdom and Gnosis" (p. 157).

Miceli thus confirms the accusations made against the Templars. They were credited with "blasphemous acts such as spitting on the cross three times and cursing Christ at the institution" (p. 161). According to Miceli, with this gesture the Templars denied and sacrificed the most sacred only in order to free it in its redemptive action... (see p. 161).

Then follows the accusation of worship "of a bearded head, Baphomet, for whom," Miceli is convinced, "the entire Order showed a special reverence" (p. 161).

Miceli continues: "The Baphomet, who was called the head of the devil or Muhammad by the Inquisitors, had a much deeper esoteric meaning than the simple accusations made against the Templars" (p. 161).

Miceli later wrote: "The worship of Baphomet must also be studied with the help of the hermetic tradition; in many depictions, the Baphomet is depicted as Janus with two faces, that is, he has two faces, one white and one black, in the same colors as the Baussant, the flag that the Templars led in battle. This leads the Templar researchers to adopt the ideological principle of dualism, that is, that of the union of opposites, as the basis of the entire spiritual and philosophical wisdom of ancient cultures" (p. 162).

Miceli continues about the Templars: "Their relations with Islam and Sufism, its most spiritual part, were aimed at finding points of contact with Christianity and creating a single religion that would put an end to all wars hidden under the seal of faith. The knights were convinced that God is the 'One', but was declined by men into various entities who, in the union of religious opposites, would have to find that cohesion that alone would be able to reach the true God" (p. 162).

In reality, Melinda Miceli turns the Templars into Gnostics and Esoterics and contradicts herself when she describes the accusations that the Templars are an "esoteric sect" as "dishonest" (cf. p. 164).

Let's also check out the video "The Discovery of templar Secrets with writer Melinda Miceli" 2 (minute 11:28), which was posted on YouTube on May 8, 2021. Gotha Tv World interviews the author of "Templaris Compendium". Let's listen to some of Melinda Miceli's statements.

The Templars are "custodians of a knowledge as old as the earth" (min. 1:30–1:36), "commissioned by the Church to discover the mysteries of other religions" (1:40–1:44). "Their research had also led to the erection of an idol, which was the end of [the Templar Order] (1:46–1:53). The book was written at the request of Grand Master Corrado Armeri (cf. 1:53–1:57). The Templars are a "mystical, ascetic, and mysterious order" (3:20–3–25). Miceli wonders how an order like the Templars, who fought for the Church, could be called "heretical" (cf. 4:36–4:53). Miceli explains that the accusations of heresy did not take into account the "symbolic and very hermetic vision that belongs to the ancient Christian tradition of hermetism" (4:53–5:13), and therefore with this book she wants to restore the truth about the Templars (cf. 5:20–5:22) ...

Commenting on the "myth" of the Templars, Miceli states: "This myth is more relevant than ever, because the slogan that connects all the hermetic knowledge of the Templars is the conjugation of opposites, that is, the fusion of opposites. This was never understood" (6:00–6:17).

The Templars "believed in the duplicity of the cosmic principle" (6:45–6:48), that is, in spirit and matter, which must be kept in "perfect balance" (6:54–6:55) in order to "achieve evolution" (7:01–7:02). Then the author notes that "even the symbol of Baphomet, which has been claimed to be satanic, is not satanic, but a code for deciphering what could be a kind of totem to ward off evil. Solve et Coagula. The same star that is on the forehead of this idol, the Jewish star, has its tip not directed downwards, like the satanic ones, but upwards. This means that it is a positive idol, not a satanic one" (7:05–7, 35).

Miceli finally says that "the book is also initiatic" (8:23–8:24). The first nine Templars possessed "superior initiate knowledge" (9:24–9:26), "they were initiated beings who were already predisposed and predestined for knowledge" (9:34–9:40). Miceli points out that "the book belongs to the Order" (9:55–9:57), of which she is "the International Vicar for Culture and art" (10:04–10:06). And she declares, "Our goal is to spread the new era of the Templars" (11:13–11:17).

I will conclude with a few questions:

Grand Master Armeri (3rd from left), symbol of the Frederick Templars and Melinda Miceli. Armeri is accused by other New Templars of being Freemasons.

Do the Friderician Templars share the Templar wisdom (Gnosis, Esotericism, Baphomet – Union of Opposites, Kundalini, Kissing the Sacrum, etc.), presented by the International Vicar with a praising preface by the Grand Master, and to what extent?

What do the Monsignori and clerics, who act as protectors and spiritual directors of the Friderician Templars, say about all this? Will their investitures continue to take place in the churches?

Is it fair to say that there are also those among the Friderician Templars who try to unite opposites such as church and gnosis?

*Father Paolo Maria Siano belongs to the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate (FFI); the doctor of church history is considered one of the best Catholic connoisseurs of Freemasonry, to whom he has dedicated several standard works and numerous essays. Von has so far been published by him:

In the series Esotericism and Gnosis:

Translation: Giuseppe Nardi

Image: Corrispondenza Romana/Twitter/Facebook/Wikicommons (Screenshots)

Trans: Tancred

1 Original title: Templaris Compendium. Tutta la Sapienza Templare in un grande compendio, Santocono Editore, Rosolini 2021.

2 Original title: "Alla Scoperta dei Segreti Templari con la Scrittrice Melinda Miceli".


Remember when the MAGA-jab was bad?

I'll bet they could've easily got Mark Shea to say he wouldn't take it.


Sunday, April 24, 2022

Synods & Evolution

The Worldwide battle against representative government

Probably Another Muslim Attempts to Murder Priest and Nun in Nice

Edit: just in time for the French election. It seems that French knights fought hard to protect Europe from these animals. Once they were mostly in Algeria (and from North Africa in general), now they’re multiplying in French suburbs.

[RT] An assailant stabbed a priest and a nun inside the Saint-Pierre-d’Arene church in the southern French city of Nice on Sunday, Mayor Christian Estrosi said.

The suspect was quickly detained by police. Estrosi said the victims were being treated for their wounds.

The mayor added that the suspect was a French national born in Frejus, a town near Nice, who was suffering from a mental condition. The head of the Alpes-Maritimes Region, Bernard Gonzalez, said that the suspect had been repeatedly admitted to a hospital for psychiatric treatment in the past. He ruled out that the incident was a terrorist attack.

The attack took place on the day of the presidential election and a week after Catholics celebrated Easter.

France has seen an increase in stabbing attacks after an Islamic radical beheaded schoolteacher Samuel Paty in a Paris suburb in October 2020. This was followed a week later by an Islamic terrorist stabbing three people to death in a Catholic church in Nice.


Friday, April 22, 2022

Gonzalo Lira is Still Alive

 Edit: he was detained by the SBU but seems alright, if a bit shaken. He is not permitted to leave Kharkov.

Here’s a long chat on The Duran.